
The economy of Mongolia today. Examination Analysis of the economy of Mongolia. Administrative division of the state

Mongolia is a state that is located in East Asia, borders with Russia, China and does not have access to the sea. Extensive territories of the country, some of which are little suitable for life, are unevenly populated. At the same time, Mongolia boasts the rapid rates of economic development and a rather high standard of living of the population. In most international organizations, Mongolia has observer status.

Brief history of state

The first attempts to form the Mongolian state were undertaken by disassembled tribes that settled the territory of modern Mongolia another 850 thousand years ago, in the 4th century to our era. Hunny then united to combat Chinese tribes and ruled in the Mongolian steppe to 93 to our era. Later, the Hong Empire was changed by several Kyrgyz, Turkic and Mongolian Khoneys. No one of them managed to consolidate the Mongolian lands for a long time: a nomadic lifestyle, warlikeness and not enough authoritative power - all this was the cause of disunity.

A more stable union tribes entered the story called Hamag Mongol and became the basis of the future Mongolian Empire led by Genghis Khan. But since the end of the XIII century, cultural differences, the death of the strongest ruler, the endless redistribution of power and the heterogeneity of the state population was the reason for the start of the decay of the Golden Horde.

The following few centuries Mongol Steppes occupied various rulers, empires and nationalities: Empire Yuan, Dynasty North Yuan, Chinese Empire Qing, managed by the Manchurian dynasty - until 1911. When the Xinhajian revolution thundered in China, which put the end of the empire, and in Mongolia herself a national revolution rose, in the territory of modern Mongolia statehood as such did not exist.

New Mongolia in 1915 was recognized as an autonomous part of the Republic of China, and in nine years re-(for the first time in 1911), the independence of the state was proclaimed. However, until the end of World War II, the independence of Mongolia was recognized unless the USSR.

Some features of Soviet power were characteristic of the Mongolian People's Republic: repression, collectivization, destruction of monasteries, and later restructuring. Japan's aggression was reflected in joint actions of the USSR and Mongolia. The modern history of Mongolia began with the adoption of the new Constitution in 1992 and a change in the political course.

State Device and Politics

Mongolia, whose population is distinguished by a variety, is the parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president, the executive power is represented by the government, the legislative - parliament, which is referred to as the Great State Huhral. In places, power remains in the hands of local governments, which are elected for a period of four years.

In 2008, in Mongolia, an internal political crisis occurred, which provoked mass riots in the capital of the state (Ulan-Bator) and caused the change of government and re-election of the president. Currently, the President of the state is Tsakiagine Elbegdorzh, the ruling party - Mongolian People's Party (MNP).

Geography of Mongolia

On the territory of the state occupies a nineteenth place in the world, being quite large. Mongolia Square is 1,564,16 km², which is commensurate, for example, half of Yakutia. Most of the country (by geographical features) occupies a plain with several towering ridges and mountain arrays. In the southern part of Mongolia is the Gobi Desert.

All sources of fresh water take start in the mountains and feed on several large tributaries. Mongolia has a large number of lakes, many of which are temporary, i.e. they are formed during the rain period and disappear during drought.

Mongolia Square and the location of the state make the climate sharply continental. The average temperature in the winter season fluctuates from -25 to -35 degrees, in the summer is within the same values \u200b\u200bwith a plus sign. The amount of precipitation decreases from the North-West to the south.

Administrative division of the state

Mongolia, the population of which is unevenly resettled in the territory of the state, is divided into 21 aimaks, which have a total of 329 somon, and the capital of Ulaan Bator. The largest city is expected to be the capital, which has one and a half million permanent residents. The administrative center in the population is followed by Aimak Huversgel (114 thousand people), Dornogov (109 thousand people) and Kresthangai (100 thousand people).

A characteristic feature of Mongolia is the presence of temporary settlements, and therefore be used different from the standard address system. So, in Mongolia there is no usual names of cities, streets, rooms of houses and apartments, and addresses are replaced by digital codes that allow the location of the object on the ground with an accuracy of one meter. At the same time, the longer the code, the more accurately the location of the object can be located. The system is suitable for use globally, is actively used in digital cartography and navigation systems.

Economy Mongolia

The economy of Mongolia is developing unusually dynamically, and the state itself is the largest market market in the entire Asia-Pacific region. According to the latest forecasts, the state economy will grow at least 15% per year in the short term.

The main industries of Mongolia are presented:

  • mining of minerals (20% of GDP) and mineral resources;
  • agriculture (16% of GDP);
  • transport (13%);
  • trade (also 13%).

Considering the employment of the population, it can be noted that most of the working bodies are employed in agriculture (41%), a little less in the service sector(29%) and trade (14%).

Mongolia imports (the population is ensured by everything necessary) sends petroleum products, equipment (both industrial and industrial) and widespread goods. The main partners of B. international Trade Are Russia, China, Japan and South Korea.

Financial sector

central bank There are the same functions as such institutions in other states. Mongolia's currency is Mongolian Tugric, which was introduced back in 1925. To date, the exchange rate on average is: 2405 Tugrics \u003d 1 US dollar. Despite the fact that there is a national currency of Mongolia, the American dollar is also in circulation (used in almost all areas, in addition to paying public services) and the Russian ruble or euro, which is taken in small stores (mainly in the capital) and markets.

By the way, the prices in Mongolia are pleasantly surprised by tourists. Purchase memorable souvenirs, natural wool and leather products, carpets in the capital can be in price lower than in Russia. For food prices are moderate. So, lunch will cost an average of 6-7 dollars.

State population: general characteristics

The population of Mongolia is characterized by mono ethnicity, the predominant number of urban population (even despite large employment in agriculture), a positive natural increase, a large number of dialects in the language affiliation of the population and a variety of religious composition.

The population of the state

The population of Mongolia according to 2015 is 3 million 57 thousand people. The inhabitants of the capital account for one third of the total number of citizens. More The nature of the settlement of citizens in the state of the state will be discussed below.

Natural population growth is 28 people per 1000 citizens per year. This fact made it possible to increase the population of Mongolia four times in the period from 1950 to 2007. Back in 1918, the population of Mongolia was only 647 thousand people, and by 1969 already twice as much. Some faithful data on the number of residents until 1918 was not preserved due to the difficult history of the formation of statehood, when the territories of Mongolia were part of other countries, and the indigenous population was oppressed.

Density and settlement of residents

The average population density of Mongolia is almost 2 people per square kilometer. This indicator caused the placement of the state in the last place (195th line) in the list of population density of the countries of the world. The most tight (5-6 people per square kilometer) in Mongolia populated the valley of the Orkhon River and the mountainous districts of Hangai are the most suitable territory of the capital.

Extensive territories (40%) of States are unsuitable for comfortable life Due to natural features. The density of the population is a record one by 10-15 square kilometers, some of the territories and remains uncomplicated at all.

Ethnic and national composition

Mongolia (the population is predominantly representatives of the Mongolian Group) - a mono-ethnic state. The dominant ethnic group is divided into several clans of Turkic origin, subethnos and close ethnographic groups.

In addition to the indigenous population, a total of a constituent of a little more than 82%, Turks, Russians and Chinese live in the country. Russians in Mongolia numbered only one and a half thousand people, whereas in the late 80s lived as many as 20 thousand. They fled to the neighboring state predominantly old workers who saved from religious persecution at home. The Chinese at the moment live in Mongolia a few hundred, in the 60s, the number of immigrants from China in Mongolia reached up to 25 thousand people.

Language and writing in Mongolia

A variety of close-friendly ethnic groups predetermines minor, but still pronounced linguistic differences. State (Mongolian) includes several dialects:

  • ohirat;
  • directly Mongolian;
  • buryat;
  • hamnigan.

Turkic dialects are common:

  • kazakh;
  • tuvinsky;
  • tsaatanian-Soyotsky.

Teaching in the capital of the state is also conducted in Kazakh.

In 1945, Mongolian was translated into Cyrillic with the addition of two more different letters. Staromongolsky today is not used, although the attempts of the restoration of the language have repeatedly been undertaken. In religious practices to this day, Tibetan is widely used, in which artworks, religious and scientific treatises were written in past centuries.

Religious affiliation of the population

The main religion in Mongolia is modified Buddhism (53%). At the same time, in the capital, most Christian, and not Buddhist temples (197 against 63). Most of the population is atheists (38%). Religious diversity is also represented by Islam, Shamanism, Christianity and some other religions.

Standards of living

Mongolia, the standard of living of the population of which in most sources remains beyond the edge of the story, is a rather developed state with a stable economy. Until now, people leading a nomadic lifestyle remained in the country, but their existence facilitates numerous benefits of civilization. The capital is similar to most modern cities. So, today Mongolia confidently discovers the "window in the big world".

In 2019, launched a new Credit Card "120 days without payments." A commercial organization is included in the top 35 of Russia's largest institutions and the top 5 financial sector leaders. The Bank issued the first credit card on honest conditions without minimal payments, but with a large interest-free loan period and the possibility of removing money around the world.

Credit cards of competitors have a big grace period, but they need to make monthly minimal contributions. Therefore, customers often admit delay and they have high percentages. In the review, consider all the conditions for the new product "120 days" from the bank "Opening" and learn about the nuances of using a credit card.

Credit card "120 days" is produced in the VISA payment system with the status of "Golden". Let's get acquainted with the tariffs and conditions to make a complete picture of the financial product.

Card tariffs "120 days without payments"

Consider the main credit card rates from the bank "Opening":

Number of major cards1
Number of additional cards5
Maximum limit (p.)500000
Grace period120 days
Caps of cards for any reasonswithout commission
Account currencyruble
Duration of credit card4 years
Privilege● round-the-clock support in Russia and abroad;
● Legal and medical assistance on trips;
● Discounts from partners.
SMS informs59 p. per month

Credit limit: how to calculate?

Under the conditions of the Opening Bank, the client may receive a renewable loan from 20,000 to 500,000 rubles. Calculations are carried out individually in many respects. The final factors affect the final amount:

  1. Credit history of the client and the rating in the BKA.
  2. Employment. The bank does not require certificates of income, but their presence may affect the maximum amount. As well as the position and experience both in the last place and the general one.
  3. The presence of existing loans.
  4. Personal data: education, age and gender.
  5. Is the opening bank "Opening" applied.

Important! When making a banknote "120 days without payments" it is worth considering that up to 100 000 r. The limit is established if you only present a passport of a Russian citizen or passport. And from 100 000 r. You can get upon presentation additionally inventory certificates.

Service cost

Under the terms of the credit card "120 days without payments", the commercial organization "Opening" established annual service in the amount of 1200 p. Cost per year is written off immediately after activation. But for proper use Its cards can be returned.

If a month you spent at least 5000 p. borrowed money, the bank will return to you 100 r. At the expense. Thus, during monthly spending, you can return the full annual service cost or part of it.

Grace period

From the name of the credit card, it is clear that the grace period is 120 days. The following data is used to calculate:

  • A settlement period is 90 days and considered by the first calculation of the card. It starts in the tight date when the map was received. At the end of each calculated period, the Opening Bank summarizes the costs of expenses, enrollments and interest if they were.
  • Payment period. Its duration is 30 days and occurs immediately at the end of the three estimated periods.

Thus, it turns out that 120 days consist of 3 settlement time without payments and minimal contributions, as well as the payment period.

In the diagram it looks like this:

From the example, it can be seen that on January 5, you received a card and took advantage of it when calculating, paying for a purchase by 8 000 r. From this day, you have a grace period. Then you spent 4 February 5,000 r. and March 4, 12 000 r.

At the end of the estimated period on April 4, the 90 days of the Bank "Opening" formed a debt in the amount of 25,000 rubles. For payment, you were given 30 days, that is, until March 4, this amount should be fully made.

In the first three months you can use money within the established limit without payments.

If you use the "120 days" card for the implementation of operations on which Grace is not provided, then the consumer lending rule is valid:

  1. Percentages are charged from the first day of removal or translation, payment.
  2. The bet is established individually by the Bank "Opening" and indicated in your loan agreement. It ranges from 13.9 to 29.9% per annum.
  3. It is necessary to make a minimum payment once a month in the amount of 3% of the amount, but at least 300 p. If you do not make a fee, you will not be able to use borrowed money on credit card as non-cash payment.

Interest and fines

If on the map "120 days without payments" you allow delay, then the consequences will be as follows:

  1. In the base credit stories You will have a negative rating.
  2. Blocking a grace period and the inability to use borrowed money before making full repayment By debt and fines.
  3. For the balance of debt interest and penalties are accrued.

Consider the conditions for overdue payments:

In order to clearly imagine how duty can grow with a late repayment, I propose to get acquainted with the calculation. Suppose you paid on the map "120 days without payments" purchase on total In 25 000 r., and also removed cash in the amount of 20 000 r.

It is not valid for the mastering grace period, so you need to make a minimum payment within 30 days or pay off the debt completely.

Minimum contribution: 20 000 r. * 3% \u003d 600 p.

It will also be necessary to make a percentage for the use of money for the operating period. The rate is established individually. You can clarify the amount for payment in the Personal Account "Opening".

If you for any reason have not made a fee, then from the first day there are penalties for the entire amount of debt:

  • (20 000 r. + 25 000 r.) * 0.05% \u003d 22.5 p. per day.

it small sumsBut they will grow with every day, and also blocked access to borrowed money until the debt repayment. It is also worth considering that a percentage of loan will be calculated every day. It is installed individually. Suppose you have it 29.9%:

  • recalculation of the annual rate in the daily: 29.9% / 365 days \u003d 0.08% per day;
  • accrual percent for one day of delay: (20 000 + 25 000) * 0.08% \u003d 36 p. in a day.

Is it possible to make a credit card refinancing?

Bank "Opening" offers refinancing services only on loans issued in cash, car loans and mortgages. On the map "120 days without payments" this service is not available.

Cacheback on the map "120 days without payments"

For this payment, there is no loyalty program and cachek. It is due to the fact that the Bank "Opening" gives a great grace period of 4 months, which is valid without minimal payments.

But periodically the bank launches shares. For example, until December 31, 2019, the program "New Year 100" is valid. It defines the following prizes:

  1. Guaranteed. Full cachek when calculating the card "120 days without payments" for traveling to the subway or ground transport, but not more than 50 rubles. for every. Total B. settlement period You can return to thousands of rubles.
  2. Main. Certificate from the company "RD-Trevel" in the amount of 330 000 r.

In order not to miss new share With the return cachekee on a banknote "120 days without payments" you can track topical information on our website.

Bonuses on the map

On the map "120 days without payments" provides a bonus in 100 p. Provided that the owner of the credit card spends at least 5000 rubles in the reporting month. In this case, the encouragement bonus is charged on his account.

Thus, if you follow these conditions monthly, you can completely return the cost of annual service.

But it should be borne in mind that the following operations are not taken into account:

  1. Cash.
  2. Money transfers.
  3. Brokerage.
  4. Payment of utilities, fines, taxes, telecommunication services, quasi-cache (electronic money), buying securities and brokerage service, Casino and gambling.

With complete conditions for bonus program You can find in the document "Opening".

Requirements for borrowers

In order to become the owner of a credit card, you need to meet the requirements for borrowers put forward by the "Opening" bank:

  1. Age from 21 to 75 years.
  2. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  3. Registration in one of the regions of the presence of the bank.
  4. Monthly income from 15 000 r.
  5. The minimum experience at the last employer is at least 3 months.

Attention! You will not be able to get a "120 days without payments" credit card, if your name is made up. This payment facility It is issued only to those who work for hire.

List of necessary documents for credit card

Get a credit card is quite simple. The list of documents necessary for the presentation directly depends on the desired limit:

  • up to 100 000 r. It is enough to imagine only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or passport;
  • from 100 000 r. up to 500 000 r. It will be necessary to additionally show an income certificate.

Online application for a "120 days without payments" card: how to arrange a map?

For registration of the map "120 days without payments" is enough to submit an online application. You can do it at any time convenient for you.

At the fifth step, it is necessary:

  • choose a compartment in which the finished credit card will receive in your name;
  • check the correctness of writing your behalf and the name in the Latin version;
  • set the code word that will be required when contacting the hotline.

Below, repeat the address of your email, We indicate your marital status and number of dependents, that is, children under 18. In this part of the questionnaire there are questions. By default, for all of them it is worth the answer "No". Check out them and, if necessary, change the answer.

In the last step, you will need to give additional contact to which a relative or a close person can be. Specify the income of the spouse (s), if in the questionnaire you noted that married / married. And also make information on additional income if it is.

This decoration of a banknote "120 days without payments" completed. You have left to wait for the final approval within a few minutes and get SMS on the card readiness.

Pros and cons cards

Summing up on the map "120 days without payments" you can allocate pluses and cons of its use.


  • big Grace-period on non-cash transaction operations;
  • lack of minimum payments with cashless pay for goods and services;
  • free cashing;
  • periodic shares with 100% CacheBack;
  • ability to receive 100 p. per month for the calculations of more than 5000 r.;
  • low fines and penalties with overdue payments.


  • on the navigation, the grace period does not apply;
  • lack of permanent cachek;
  • there are no insurance when leaving abroad;
  • paid SMS informing.

Cash Removing

On the map "120 days without payments" provides for cash withdrawal to 200,000 p. per day and no more than 1 million per month. Cashibling is possible in any ATMs "Opening" and third-party partner banks without commission.

But it is worth considering the nuance that this operation The grace period does not apply. Therefore, money is issued under an annual percentage established by the contract and components from 13.9 to 29.9%. If you do not have time to pay off debt over the estimated month, then it is necessary to make a minimum payment in the amount of 3% of the debt amount, but not less than 300 rubles before it expires. and accrued percentage.

Reference! In the case when you decide to make cash at the bank's cash desks without using the card, you will have to pay a commission of 3.9% of the amount and plus 390 p.

Payment methods cards

There are several ways to pay cards. You can choose the most convenient score replenishment option:

  1. In the Personal Account on the "Opening" web resource or in the same name mobile application way monetary transformation On the system from the card on the card.
  2. In the Self-Service Devices "Opening" and Bank Partners. Here you need to pay attention to the limits set by third parties. commercial organizations. For example, Alpha Bank will take from you for one operation no more than 90,000 r., And a day to 300,000 rubles, and Promsvyazbank, the limit for one operation is 300,000 rubles, but not more than 6 operations per day.
  3. Translation through the bank of the bank "Opening" on the passport and upon presentation of a banknote "120 days without payments." In this case, with a commission of 500 p. The amounts of up to 200,000 p are accepted. Over 200 thousand - no payment collection.

Comparison of a credit card from the bank "Opening" with other credit cards

Compare the conditions on the credit card "120 days" from the bank "Opening" with similar financial products other commercial organizations:

Annual maintenance1200 p. in year199 r. per month590 r. in year
Possibility of free maintenanceWhen purchases from 5 000 r. per month Return 100 p. at the expenseWith non-cash calculations per month more than 40 000 r.Not provided.
Limitfrom 20,000 to 500 000 r. Up to 299,999 p.up to 300 000 r.
Grace period120 days120 days● 55 days with cashless calculation;
● 120 days when repaying a third-party loan.
Minimum payment when calculating non-cashabsent3% of the debt amount8% of the amount of debt, but not less than 600 p.
Annual bet if you did not have time to gracefrom 13.9 to 29.9%0.305 ● from 12 to 29.9% with cashless calculations;
● from 30 to 49.9% when cash withdrawing and non-payment of minimum pay.
CashWithout commission within the limitup to 30 000 r. per month without commission, over - 5.99% from the difference, but at least 500 rubles.within a limit with a commission of 2.9% plus 290 p.
Grace period when doingnotnotnot
CashbackOnly during the sharesup to 10% in certain categories● 1% guaranteed;
guaranteed 1%● For special offers up to 30%.

Mongolia is an agrarian-industrial country. Mongolia today leads trade with more than 80 countries of the world. The turnover is more than 2 billion US dollars. If, until the 1990s in the foreign trade, Mongolia 90% held trade from the USSR, today more than 40% is trading with the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, and the remaining part occupies trade with such a high developed countrieslike Japan, USA, South Korea, Switzerland.

Although the larger number of people live in cities, the Mongolia economy is still concentrated in industries such as agriculture and mining. Such mineral resourceslike copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten and gold make up a significant part industrial production countries.

In the period from 1924 to 1991 MNR received major financial and economic assistance from the USSR. The peak of providing this aid accounts for one third of its GDP. In the early 1990s and next decade, the Mongolia economy experienced a strong decline with subsequent stagnation. Extensive droughts in the summer and in the winter of 2001 and 2002 had a serious impact on agriculture and led to a noticeable slowdown in growth. GDP Countries. In Mongolia, a high level of inflation. The global financial crisis caused a decline in many industries, depending on exports and investments from abroad.

Due to the harsh continental climate of Mongolia, agriculture remains vulnerable to natural disasters in the form of severe drought and cold. The country consists of small arable land, but about 80% of the territory is used as pastures. Most rural population Busy cattle grazing, consisting of sheep, goats, cattle, horses and camels. Mongolia has a greater amount of cattle per capita than any other country in the world. Wheat, potatoes and other vegetables are also grown, moreover, tomatoes and watermelons. PPP GDP: 9.48 billion dollars (2008). GDP per capita for PPS (2008): 3200 dollars. Unemployment level: 2.8% (2008).

Industry Mongolia

Industrial growth - 4.1% in 2002. Electricity production in 2005 - 3.24 billion kWh. Electricity consumption - 3.37 billion kWh. Electricity exports - 18 million kWh. Import of electricity - 130 million kWh.

Statistical indicators of Mongolia
(as of 2012)

Mining industry. Despite the abundance of mineral deposits, their development is still limited. In Mongolia, there are 4 deposits of brown coal (Nalyaha, Charengol, Darhan, Baganur). In the south of the country, stone coal was found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain range, the geological reserves of which are calculated billions of tons. It has long been known and medium in the reserves of the Tungsten and Platical Ploves deposit are developed. Copper-molybdenum ore, found in Mount Treasure (Erdeentine Ovoo) led to the creation of a mining and processing plant, around which the city of Erdenet was built around. Oil in Mongolia was discovered in 1951, after which it was built in Sayn-Chanda to southeast from Ulan Bator, near the border with China, an oil refinery was built (in the 1970s, oil production stopped). Hubantic deposits of phosphorites were found near Lake Houbsguil and their mining began, but soon, due to the consideration of ecology, all the works were minimized. Even before the start of reforms in Mongolia, with the help of the USSR, the search for zeolites - minerals of an aluminosilicate group, which find use in animal husbandry and agriculture as adsorbents and biostimulants.

Currently, the main sector of the mining industry is coal (mostly browning). Most of the coal mining focuses on the coal section of the Sharyn-goal (annual production of over 1 million tons)., Near the city of Darhan, as well as at the Main of the Nalaya (more than 600 million tons). There are a number of smaller cuts in the Onder-Khan area and others. Electricity production - on thermal power plants (the largest CHP in Darkhan). Manufacturing industry. The share of the sectoral light and food industry has more than one second gross industrial products, over one second busy workers. The largest enterprises: the industrial plant with 8 factories and plants in Ulan-Bataror, Choibalsanei, etc. In the industry of building materials among enterprises, an important place is occupied by the house-building plant in Ulan-Bator, cement and brick factories in Darkhan.

Initially, the local industry was at the heart of the local industry, and the main types of products were woolen fabrics, felt, leather goods, food products. Many new industrial enterprises It appeared in Mongolia after the end of the Second World War - especially in the 1950s and early 1960s, when the country received significant financial assistance from the Soviet Union and China. In the 1980s, the local industry provided approximately 1/3 of the National Product of Mongolia, whereas in 1940 are only 17%. After the end of World War II, the total industry has increased significantly in the total volume of industrial production. Cities with enterprises of nationwide significance there are over two tens: in addition to the already named Ulan-Batar and Darkhan, the largest - Erdenet, Suke Batar, Bahagan, Choibalsan. Mongolia produces more than a thousand items of industrial and agricultural products, most of which are consumed within the country, for exports are fur, wool, leather, leather and fur products, livestock and animal husbandry products, phosphorites, fluorites, molybdenum ore.

Mongolia agriculture

Agriculture has always been the basis of the Mongolian economy. Under the transition to the market, its value has increased. It employs 50% of the country's population (in 1950 - about 80%), it gives more than 40% of GDP. According to the population of the population, we occupy the 3rd place in the world, yielding only Australia and New Zealand. Until the early 40s, when the industry was formed in an independent sphere, agriculture was the only industry in the country. Back in 1950, it produced 60% of national income. Further, his share was reduced: in 1970 - up to 25%, in 1975 - to 22.4%. It is currently somewhat grew - almost up to 30%. At the same time, over 50% of export products accounted for agricultural raw materials, and taking into account products from it - over 70%.

The level and pace of agricultural development largely determine the most important national economic proportions. The traditional industries such as light and food industry are completely dependent on its condition, since the costs of agricultural raw materials constitute the bulk of their production costs. Pasture animal husbandry remains the main type of economic activity. Today, Mongolia is among the leading countries of the world on the population of livestock in terms of per capita (approximately 12 heads per person).

Based on the law on foreign investment adopted in 1990, citizens of other states were able to own shares of various types of enterprises - from 100% firms foreign capital to joint companies. New laws relating to taxation and banking operations, loan and debt obligations. In May 1991, a privatization law entered into force, according to which state property could move into the hands of "law-abiding" citizens (that is, those who have previously committed serious crimes) permanently residing in the country. Each citizen was issued a special investment coupon, which could be bought, sell or handing any other person. Holders of such coupons became active participants in special auctions, with the help of which civil ownership was privatized. Later in 1991, state-facilities were eliminated and cooperative livestock associations, the transfer of land and livestock began to be transferred to the private property.

Foreign trade Mongolia

Mongolia as a member of the World Trade Organization in March 2005 presented its trade policy to the members of this organization, which is rather liberal. In 2002, the Government of Mongolia established uniform five percent customs rates on most imported goods. For further development foreign trade Mongolia is important to the decision of the European Union on the inclusion of Mongolia, as developing country With a vulnerable economy and as a country that does not go to the sea in the GSP + program. Thus, from July 1, 2005, Mongol products began to be imported into the European market without customs duties.

Common trade in foreign trade in the first half of 2008 amounted to $ 2,971.3 million, including exports 1,276.3 million dollars, imports - 1,695.0 million dollars. The deficit amounted to 418.7 million US dollars, which, compared to the same period last year, more than 386.5 million USDLARES. The total trade in comparison with the same period of 2007 increased by 74.3%, exports - by 52.6%, import - by 95.2%. The negative balance of foreign trade significantly affected the growth of imports, which is more than 42.6 points from the volume of exports.

Imports mainly make up petroleum products, equipment and spare parts, vehicles, metals, chemicals, building materials, food and consumption. In 2004, imports amounted to $ 1 billion.

In 2005 imported goods Compared from: Russia - 34.5%, China - 27.4%, Japan - 7.1%, South Korea - 5.3%. In the total import volume, mineral products increased by 196.4 million dollars, cellulose, paper, cardboard and products from them - by 189.2 million dollars, vehicles - at 133.7 million dollars, cars, electrical equipment, televisions, spare parts - by 92.3 million. Dollars, metallurgical products - by 68.1 million dollars, food products - by 37.2 million dollars.

Mongolian exports make up: minerals (copper, molybdenum, tin, padded concentrate), raw materials of animal origin (wool, cashmere, leather, fur), consumption goods (leather, sheepskin, leather products, carpets, cashmere, camel knitwear, wool blankets and cashmere). The country's subsoil is rich in mineral resources, including extensive coal deposits, iron ore, tin, copper, uranium, oil, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, tungsten, gold, fluorite and semi-precious stones.

Export: ($ 2.5 billion in 2008) - copper, molybdenum concentrate, meat, live cattle, animal husbandry products, fluff of goat, wool, skins, stone coal. Major buyers in 2008 - China (76%), Canada (9%), Russia (3%). Imports: ($ 3.6 billion) - fuel, machinery, cars, food, industrial consumer goods, chemicals, building materials, sugar, tea. Main suppliers in 2008 - Russia (35%), China (29%), Japan (8%). External debt - 1.6 billion dollars (in 2008).

Mongolia is a member of the World Trade Organization (since 1997). The main trading partners of the country are China and Russia and the economy of Mongolia largely depends on these countries. In 2006, 68.4% of the export of Mongolia was carried out in China, while imports accounted for only 29.8%. Mongolia imports about 95% of petroleum products, and a significant proportion of electricity from Russia, which makes the country extremely dependent in economic terms.

Transportation Mongolia

The main modes of transport in Mongolia are: rail, automotive, air, water. Mongol Railway - Railway on the territory of Mongolia. Official Name - Russian-Mongolian joint-stock company "Ulan-Battle's Railway". Railway transport It takes a fraction of 80% of all freight and 30% of all passenger traffic in Mongolia. After a democratic revolution in the 1990s in Mongolia there was a reduction in the volume of freight and passenger traffic. But in 2001, passenger traffic indicators recovered to the previous level and amounted to 4.1 million passengers per year. By 2005, the volume of freight traffic was restored.

Train of the Transmongol Railway in the Mongol Railway Desert today is one of the leading sectors of the Mongolia economy, the economic development of the whole country largely depends on the work of which largely depends on. In early 2005, the technology of operational work of the Mongol Railway was radically changed, as a result of which high-quality and quantitative road indicators were improved: twice the turnover of the wagons and increased the average weight of trains. The total length of railways for 2004 is 1810 km.

Automobile transport. Roads in Mongolia 75 thousand km, according to the state, but they are almost completely soaked, that is, in any direction, Paul dozen rolled out, some of them lead on the egg, on the waterway, in somon or settlement, while not yet revealed from these places And as a result, it is impossible to travel without a conductor! Cattlers know only directions. Where any of these roads will not be interested. Truck driver, Jeep UAZ, a minibus-SUV guide to their roads in the signs. No pointers. Road culture in the dirty period. Map is sore a source of disinformation. Mountain rivers demolished bridges, now there is no one to restore, they rolled new roads on the plain in the desert, where you can force the River Vzhod.

The asphalt road cover starts from Erdena, which is 72 km in East of Ulan-Batar, asphalt road and the first capital of Genghis Khan Harhorin and lasts 300 km to the Aymaichna center of Arwayer. Soils in Mongolia are stony, in the mountains the road from a large rubble and a small cobblestone, and in the desert from a large sand and small gravel. The transitional form from one state of the road to another "washing board" wave wheel modulation of soil with heavy machines.

Air Transport. As of 2006, 44 airport was in Mongolia. Of these, 12 had a runway strip with an artificial coating. Ten of these lanes had a length in the region from 2438 to 3047 meters, and the other two were between 1524-2437 meters.

Genghis Khan International Airport, located in the suburb of Ulan-Bator - the only international airport of Mongolia. Direct flights are carried out in Berlin, Moscow, Beijing, Hukho, Seoul, Ekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and Tokyo.

The remaining 32 airports have groundwalls. On two of them, the runway is over 3047 meters, on three - between 2438-3047 meters, twenty-four - between 1524-2437 meters, another two - between 914-1523 meters, and one airport, WPP of which has a length less than 914 meters. In Mongolia there is also one heliport.

According to the information for June 2007, the airlines operating in Mongolia are: Miath (Mongolyn Irgei Agaaryn TEEVER), Aero Mongolia, and Isinis Eirview. They are carried out both domestic and international flights. Water transport. In Mongolia, 580 km of rivers and lakes are available for shipping, but more or less water transport is developed only on Lake Hubsugul. Selenga and Orkhon are also shipping (length of shipping sections 270 and 175 km, respectively), but the water transport is developed slightly, although the Border Boat on the Selenga River patrols the Russian-Mongol border. Lakes and rivers freeze in winter; Navigation usually opens in May and ends in September.

Sea fleet. Mongolia is the second (after Kazakhstan) in the territory of the country in the world that does not have a way out to anyone. However, this did not prevent her in February 2003 to register his ship registry (The Mongolia Ship Registry PTE LTD). Starting from the moment of registration, Mongolia is systematically increasing the number of ships under its flag. And for 2003, revenues in the treasury amounted to about $ 20,000,000.

Banking system of Mongolia

Even in the early 1990s began to restructure banking systemAs a result, it became a bunk - the Central Bank stopped engaged in ordinary banking activities, while banks with private and public capital were able to work. The prerequisites for such a transition were created only with adoption in the mid-1991 of the Law on Banks and the Law on Mongolbank (about the Central Bank). The main direction of the transformation was to refuse to state monopoly, the formation of a banking system that meets the requirements of market relations and relevant to generally accepted standards and standards.

Currently, the main factors that determine the place of the Central Bank in the Mongolian economy are the system of existing laws, the relationship of the measures carried out by them economic politics, principles of interaction with the banking system. The law on the Central Bank recorded its full independence in the field of direct activity.

So, in a short period, a new monetary system has been created in the country, which is one of the key elements of the economic mechanism and the driving force of a market economy. Commercial banks have become major lenders and investment entities. Today, 16 commercial banks are functioning in Mongolia, their cumulative announced share capital as of January 1, 1999 amounted to 24.4 billion tugres, i.e. It is 40% more than in 1994. Naturally, the Central Bank (Mongolbank) takes a leading place in the country's banking system. He develops the main directions monetary policy And determines those specific tasks to be resolved in the coming year.

During the entire period of transition to a market economy, financial stabilization is a priority of monetary policy. If until 1996, the achievement of this goal was associated mainly with anti-inflationary measures, then at the present stage, the problems of maintaining economic growth and creating conditions for investment activity are put forward to the fore. At the same time, due to the implementation of a relatively stiff monetary and budget Policy It was possible to reverse the negative trends in the field of economy and to keep inflation and exchange rate under control. As a result, after a sharp decline in production, which lasted four years, the rise resumed in 1994. In particular, the increase in GDP began, which in 1995 amounted to 6.3%, in 1996 - 2.6, in 1997 - 3.3, in 1998 - 3.5%. At the same time there was a tendency to reduce the growth rates. If in 1992, in the most inflation peak, its index reached 325%, then in the following years this sphere was able to take control, and in 1998 it was only 6%.

Despite the positive nature of economic development, in Mongolia still exists, in my opinion, the threat of inflation bursts due to the decline in production in some industries, depending on imports, large budget deficit, as well as increasing in society of unsolved social problems. By virtue of this, Mongolbank continues to be tasks to ensure the stability of the national currency, restructuring the banking system and maintain macroeconomic sustainability.

The most complex elements of reform were the reorganization of the currency system and liberalization of foreign trade. Small size and excessive importance from imports made the Mongolian economy particularly sensitive to changes in the course of the Tugric. In this area, the central bank and the government came across a dilemma: to accept a flexible or fixed course.

Source - http://www.legendtour.ru/

Today, Mongolia's economy develops very dynamically, the country is one of the most promising markets throughout the Asia-Pacific region. According to the experts of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other authoritative organizations, this country is among those in which economic development rates will soon be among the highest. In particular, World Bank specialists believe that within ten subsequent years economic indicators Will grow on average by 15% each year.

Main industries

The economy of Mongolia is concentrated in several industries, it is agriculture and mining. It even despite the fact that most people live in cities. A significant part of the industrial production of the country is: coal, copper, tin, molybdenum, gold and tungsten.

At the same time, a few years ago there was a huge number of poor. Even in early 2010, almost 40% of the population lived below the poverty level. IN last years This indicator is reduced by an active pace.

In the structure of the GDP of the Mongolian economy, the mining of minerals takes up almost 20%. Forestry, agriculture and fishing occupy approximately 17%, more than 10% brings retail wholesale and the sphere of transport. Its share in GDP is also cultivating, real estate, communications and information technologies.

Most of the working-age population focuses in agriculture (more than 40%), about a third works in the service sector, almost 15% in trade. The rest of people work in production, in the private sector, mining industry.

Type of economy

To understand the financial structure of this state, it is important to understand which economy in Mongolia. It is in the transition stage from one socio-economic state to another, while occupying a certain intermediate situation between developing and economically developed countries. Currently, Mongolia refers to countries with economies in transition.

At the same time, during the transformation process, the structure of production, property relations, management tools occurs.

Mongolia's economy is an example of a transitional economy. The disintegration of the socialist system at the end of the 20th century also touched this state. In all countries that have previously included in the social value, the transition began to market relations. The need for urgent reforms in the country was ripe back in the 80s. Perestroika, which began in the Soviet Union, only accelerated this process. Large-scale socio-economic transformations began to be carried out after 1991.

Mongolia is a country with a transition economy that is actively developing lately. There are all major criteria for the state in the transitional stage of their socio-economic development. This is privatization and reorganization, macroeconomic stabilization, liberalization. Building a market economy in Mongolia - the ultimate goal, which can be considered partially achieved today.

Natural resources

For the economic development of Mongolia natural resources They are of great importance, there are really many of them here.

In particular, in the country, three large deposits of brown coal, a stone coal of high quality was found in the south, the geological reserves of which, according to preliminary estimates, constitute several billion tons. For a long time, deposits and tungsten are successfully developed, which are considered average by the number of reserves.

In the mountain, treasures mined copper-molybdenum ore. The opening of this mineral has led to the construction of a large mining and processing plant, around which the whole city has grown. Today, almost one hundred thousand people live in Erdenet.

An important place in the economic development of Mongolia occupies one of the world's largest gold ore deposits having the name of Ouu-Tolga. Recently, investors' interest in this country has increased, since most of the lands have not yet been studied here, it means that many minerals have so far and not found.

Industry and Mechanical Engineering

Main in the economy of Mongolia is textile, cloth, woolen, leather, sheepskin-fur coat, meat processing, production of building materials. The country ranks second in the world in the production of cashmere wool.

Mechanical engineering appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to take a certain place in the economy of Mongolia. In the country in 2006, the first trolleybus released by Mongolian engineers was released. Since 2009, the release of Dubuses has begun - this vehiclewhich combined the bus and trolleybus, which can be used both on routes with a contact network, and without it.

In 2012, the first aircraft in the country for the national carrier was assembled by Mongolian engineers. In 2013, together with Belarus, it was possible to agree on the joint production of tractors, enterprises for the production of delttreads and autogyros also operate. Now it is planned to launch the company for the production of trams on rubber wheels. It will be a principle the new kind Public transport, which can at once transport from 300 to 450 passengers.


Describing the brief economy of Mongolia, it is necessary to pay attention to agriculture. In the country a harsh continental climate, so this industry It remains vulnerable to cold, drought and other natural disasters. There are few arable land in the country, and about 80% of territories are used under pastures.

Most of the rural population is occupied by grazing livestock. Preferably, goats, sheep, camels, horses, cattle are bred here. It is worth noting that this is the only one modern state In the world in which there is still nomadic animal husbandry among the main sectors of the economy.

By the number of cattle per capita, Mongolia ranks first in the world. Potatoes, wheat, watermelons, tomatoes, various vegetables are grown here. In general, there are few arable land, mostly, they are concentrated around large cities in the north of the country.

Recently, most livestock concentrated in the hands of several influential families. Since 1990, a law on foreign investment has been operating, which allows them to own shares of various Mongolian enterprises to citizens of other states. New laws related to banking operations and taxation, debt obligations and loans were also adopted.


Railway, automotive, air and water transport are developed in the country. The decision on the construction of the railway was made in 1915. Now in the country there are two main highways for trains.

The Mongol Railway connects the country with China, it is the shortest path between Europe and Asia. The total length of the roads is approaching two thousand kilometers.

The total length of water tract in the country is only about 600 kilometers. The rivers of Orkhon and Selenga, Lake Houbsugul are considered navigable. Mongolia The second country in the world in the area (after Kazakhstan), which does not have a direct exit to any ocean.

But this fact did not prevent her in 2003 to register his own ship register. Today, approximately 400 vessels runs under the Mongol flag, their number is rapidly increased.

Car roads

Most roads are soil or gravel. Most roads with solid asphalt plated are located in the Ulan Bator area, they lead to the Chinese and Russian borders.

The total length of roads in the country is almost 50 thousand kilometers. Of these, less than 10 thousand kilometers are the roads with a solid coating. Currently, new highways are actively building in the country and modernize the old ones.


In the Policy of Mongolia in the economy important role It occupies aviation transport. In total, there are 80 airports in the country, while only 11 have planting strips with solid coating.

In this case, the schedule of departures is extremely unstable. Due to strong winds, the flights are constantly canceled or transferred. Ten airlines are officially registered in Mongolia, which own 30 helicopters and approximately 60 aircraft.

There is a air taxis - special tool Public transport that transports passengers for a fixed fee. From charter and other commercial flights, air taxi is distinguished by its simplicity. For example, there is no long-term registration procedure, the laundering time is minimal. As a rule, it is enough to arrive at the airport for a quarter of an hour before departure to go through all the abbreviated procedures. customs control and design.

There are no stewardess, kitchens and toilets on such aircraft. In most cases, small-calm aircraft are used as such a taxi, as well as helicopters of medium and low load capacity.


Mongolia actively seeks to develop tourism. There are many hotels, travelers who want to come to this exotic country are built in the country, becomes more and more. There are two ski resorts, to the large number of historical monuments of Buddhist monasteries, untouched nature.

Most guests from Russia, China, South Korea, the United States of America come from foreign tourists to Mongolia. You can also find enough travelers from Germany, France and Australia.

Approximately 650 tour operators operate in the country, ready to provide about one million tourists per year.


An important place in the economic development of the state plays exports. The main goods that are sent abroad is molybdenum concentrate and copper, cashmere, fluorite, leather, wool, clothing, meat. The country's subsoil is rich in mineral resources. In particular, there are many reserves of tin, iron ore, coal, uranium, copper, zinc, oil, phosphorus, molybdenum, gold, tungsten, semi-precious stones.

At the same time, more than 80% of Mongol exports go to the territory of China. In second place - Canada. From 1 to 4% of the share of exports falls on countries European Union, Russia, South Korea.

This provision began to change after 2012, when Mongolia ceased to arrange export dependence on China. The government began to suspend individual cooperation projects with the Middle Kingdom. It is believed that one of the reasons for this was attempts to get a large Chinese aluminum company to get controlling package Shares of one of the largest Mongol coal suppliers to the territory of the People's Republic of China.


First of all, industrial and industrial equipment, petroleum products, consumer goods import are imported into the country.

Approximately a third of imports fall on deliveries from the Russian Federation, second place is firmly occupied by China. Also massively in Mongolia supply goods from South Korea and Japan.

Mongolia seeks to constantly get rid of import dependence. In particular, it is planned to open the first oil refinery in the state in the near future.

Financial sector

Official currency unit Mongolia is called Mongolian Tugric. Currently, for one Russian ruble you can buy 38 tugres. Own currency in the country appeared only in 1925. Moreover, monetary marks were originally manufactured in the Soviet Union.

You can use credit cards to most banks, exchange items in all countries of the country. Also as payment, traveler checks are taken here without problems.

In 1991, the Mongolian Stock Exchange was opened.

Income population

For 2017, the average salary in the country amounted to 240 thousand tugres per month, that is, less than six and a half thousand rubles.

At the same time in the country introduced minimum size wage. The lowest hourly or monthly remuneration of labor is established by the government. In 2017, the minimum wage was just 240 thousand tugres per month. At the same time, in Mongolia, only 7% of the population gets minimal wages. Compared to 2013, the minimum wage increased by a quarter.

Features of the Mongolian economy

Mongolia is an agricultural and industrial state, which today leads trade with more than 80 world states.

Note 1.

Until the nineties of the 20th century in Mongolia, 90% of trade was held by trade with the Soviet Union, today more than 40% is trading with the Russian Federation and China, the rest of the trade with highly developed countries: Japan, Switzerland, South Korea and the United States.

A greater number of people - city inhabitants, however, the Mongolia economy is currently concentrated in such industries as mining minerals and agriculture. A significant part of the country's industrial production is mineral resources, including copper, tin, molybdenum, coal, tungsten and gold.

Due to the severe continental climate, the country has agriculture, which is vulnerable due to natural disasters during periods of strong cold and drought. The country includes small arable land, about 80% of the territory is used as pastures. Most of the rural population is engaged in the release of livestock, which consists of sheep, cattle, goats, camels and horses. Mongolia has more than another country in the world, the number of cattle per capita.

The specificity of the Mongolia industry

The Mongolian industry is quite extensive, in this country there are opportunities for the development of a large number of manufacturing industries, the products of which are exported to other states, and also enjoys enormous demand.

Note 2.

Initially, agriculture, food production, fabric and leather products were developed in the country. After World War II, the state receives considerable financial assistance from the USSR and China, which contributes to a significant expansion of industry.

In the conditions of modernity in Mongolia, enterprises are present:

  • steel
  • cast-iron
  • coal mining industry.

The placement of industrial enterprises is concentrated in more than 20 cities, while the bulk of the products are consumed inside in the state. Today in Mongolia, more than 1000 names of agriculture products are offered: products made of fur, skin, wool, and fur and leather are on sale. These products are exported, and also used by the country's population. To a large extent, Mongolia works on itself, while it has everything you need.

Mining industry Mongolia

In Mongolia, the extractive industry is widely developed. But, despite the abundant mineral deposits, they are characterized by limited their development. Mongolia has four deposits of brown coal, focused on Nalesha, Charengol, Darkhan, Baganur. The southern part of the country in the region of the mountain massif Taba-Taggi is characterized by the presence of coal, the geological reserves of coal in this place can be calculated by billions of tons.

For a long time, the Tungsframa and Platelovaya Ploves are being developed and the medium in stocks are also being developed. In a mountain treasure, a copper-molybdenum deposit was found. This deposit leads to the creation of a mining and processing plant, around which the city of Erdenet is built.

In 1951, oil was discovered in Mongolia, after that, in the city of Sayn-Chanda (city southeast of Ulan-Batar), which is located near the border with the Republic of China, is rejected by an oil refinery. The plant has existed for 20 years, in 1970 oil mining stops. Also near Lake Hubsugul, large deposits of phosphorites were found, while their prey began. But soon, for reasons, all work is reduced to zero.

Prior to the implementation of reforms in the country, with the help of the Soviet Union, the search for zeolite, the mineral of the aluminosilicate group, which are used in animal husbandry and agriculture, as adsorbents and biostimulants, were discussed.

To date, the main branch of the mining industry of Mongolia is the coal industry, with the advantage of brown coal production. The main part of coal mining focuses in the coal section of the Sharawngol, the annual production of which is more than 1 million tons. It is located near the city of Darhan, and in the Mine of Naila (power is more than 600 million tons). Smaller cuts are present in the Under Khan area and other areas.

The production of electrical energy is produced on thermal power plants, the largest of which is located in Darhan.

Processing industry

Mongolia manufacturing industry includes industry light and food industry. These industries account for more than 1/2 of the gross industrial products of the state and more than 1/2 of the working workers in the state.

Larger enterprises are represented by an industrial plant with eight factories and factories in Ulan Bator, Choibalsanei.

The building materials industry includes a house-building plant in Ulan Bator, as well as a brick and cement plant in Darkhan.

First of all, the basis of the local industry was the processing of livestock raw materials, as well as the main types of products were fabrics, leather products, food products and felt.

A large number of new industrial companies appear in Mongolia after the completion of World War II. The growth period was characteristic of the fiftieth, sixties, at that time the state receives greater financial assistance from China and the USSR.

Since the eighties, the local industry provides about a third of the gross national product of the whole country. After the completion of the Second World War, the share of heavy industry is significantly increasing in the total volume of industrial production. There are more than 2 dozen cities with enterprises of nationwide in the country. In addition to Ulan Bator and Darkhan, the most large cities Is Erdette, Suke Bator, Baganur Choibalsan.

Mongolia produces a large number of items of industrial and agricultural products, a large proportion of which is consumed in the country. Fur, leather and fur products, leather and wool, cattle and animal products, and molybdenum ore, phosphorites and fluorites are intended for exports.

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