
How to find money at home. How to find money: ways. Cash signs. Simple monetary well-being

Money is a way to live in prosperity and tool to meet the needs of a person. Since ancient times, everyone was concerned about their material situation. Many years ago, when there was no coin, people were engaged in barter, exchanging goods to the goods. But later, when they still realized that it would be more convenient to use currencies, they were interested in how to find money. After all, we will be honest, even the most hardworking representatives of the human race sometimes wish to earn a lot without applying to this special effort.

Talk about the development of money

Money is one of the most brilliant inventions of humanity. In ancient times, about the eighth-seventh century BC, as payment, people used cattle, cigars, sinks, metal pieces and other things that were in surplus. They could be exchanged for the desired product, which was also in an excess of another person, and everyone was satisfied. All substances, goods that are used to exchange for other things, and are money.

The very first paper bills arose in China. They appeared because they lacked materials for the manufacture of metal money. Paper bills burned on the grave in order to make the life of the dead man richer.

Money for our time has passed four stages of development:

  • appearance;
  • the formation of gold as the basic form of payment (this stage was the longest);
  • gradual transition to paper bills;
  • With which you can make all sorts of purchases on the Internet, pay in stores, pay for an apartment and other services.

Much attention is worth paying origin paper money. After the gold and silver became the main form of payment, the sellers were inconvenient to weigh and check gold, so they gave money to keeping masters, and they took special receipts. After some time, the receipt and became the main means of calculation, as they exactly correspond to the gold stored in the chambers. Soon those who had gold stored, became the prototype of a modern banker.

How with the help of witchcraft?

Of course, each of us at least sometimes thought: how to find money? But it is worth paying attention: witchcraft never leads to nothing! Yes, there may be at first wealth and a lot, but then all sorts of problems may be followed from which it will be difficult to get rid of. This article is a familiarization, we do not call anyone to engage in witchcraft, and even more so black magic.

Before the start of any ritual it is worth putting a clear goal - what and how much you want to achieve as a result. Money has the strongest energy that must be involved, so that it attracts, it is like the law of attraction in physics. Next, it is necessary to inspire that it is you worthy that your dream will be implemented. If you are not confident in yourself, then the money is hardly wanting to you. Also, as it is surprising, you should not think much about how you get money. Believe me, the universe will find many ways to make you happy.

Rite "Monetary Bank"

For this rite, you need to take the jar of square shape with a lid, pen, paper (one sheet), seven yellow coins and laurel leaf. Then (carefully!) On a piece of paper, write the amount of money that you really Need to which you need. In no case can you overestimate or underestimate the amount, just write what you think necessary. Then this paper should be placed in the jar, and the main hand that you write, put one seven coins there. During this rite, it is necessary to represent how these coins turn into big billshow you become richer. Then write your name on the laurel sheet and place it in the bank. Then hide it into a secluded place where no one will find, and every day throw a coin there, representing how they turn into big money. When the right amount will be with you, just jump a piece of paper from the jar in a garden or a pot for flowers. More you will not torment the question how to put money.

The first advice that will affect the attraction of wealth and good luck, says: Enjoy what you are doing. If you do not like your job, you will never be happy, and the money does not like unfortunate people. Your work can even become a hobby - in our time, many make a business on their favorite activities.

Second Tip: Believe in what you have more than necessary. The more think about what you miss something, it is better to thank the fate for the fact that she already gave you, and then she will give even more to show that this is not all that she can. And those who are forever complains, she gives tests to show what can be worse.

Third Council: So that fate threw you the attraction of money, enjoy the world around you. Love, no matter how sounds, the strongest feeling. It can heal, bring happiness and good luck, help in all difficulties. Love all around you, and your life will smile.

Fourth Tip: Pay attention to the predominance of good in your life. Notice how many products in the store, like a lot of trees in the forest and things in the supermarket. Your brain will automatically react to it, creating a picture of the future, and attract money to your life.

Monetary magic

Magic money is very strong if you believe in it. Sometimes people face money problems, how without it? We all want to work less and relax more, but you need to overcome our laziness and make yourself do something. If, with all your efforts, nothing does not turn out, then the magic of money can help. Here, actually, the ritual himself.

The method is very simple, but it is necessary to do everything extremely clearly. It is available to each person if it attaches certain efforts. To start buy a broom. Ordinary broom, the easiest. Then get a twist from it and take a job. When anyone is not nearby, take your papers and documents with this twig, outline around the workplace. Upon returning home, write on paper such text:

  • "My forces are my will, achievement and glory, I can do everything, there are no obstacles, from the eye, my God is with me."

Wrap a broom twist of the broom and hide the broom under the bed, tightly wrapped it with a wire. Try to not see him. It is impossible to sweep it. Everything, on this ritual finished. Quietly go to work, there will be awaiting or salary.

Money attraction

Monetary signs - These are the signs that people produced for many years to know what to do to attract money. Gradually, what people noticed, began to work, so it became signs. Below you can read themselves that will affect the attraction of wealth.

  1. Never buy wallets of the lowest cost - they will bring poverty. If there is an opportunity, it is better not to skimp, and buy a normal wallet in which you will be pleased to put your savings.
  2. Do not store old, unnecessary checks in the wallet. If you are sure that you no longer need them, then it is better to get rid of them.
  3. There is a monetary sign that on the day of paying it is impossible to spend a single penny - the whole amount should fly one night at home.
  4. If you sit on the table, the family will be poor.
  5. Scatter a trifle at the corners of the house, saying: "Let in my house arrive."
  6. Try not to give a debt on Sundays - money may not return to the owner.
  7. Do not pick a trifle on the street or somewhere else, especially at the crossroads of roads. This will bring illness. Without trifles, you can somehow live, but no one needs diseases.
  8. In the northern corner of the apartment, place a turtle - it will bring wealth.
  9. Also, people believe that the monetary tree will bring a lot of savings if the coins should be burned into the land or put them under the pot.

Cash conspiracy at home

To attract money, you can also use at home. One of them read below.

Conspiracy for money at home is pronounced only during the growing moon. According to the advice of specialists, it is necessary to do this in the morning or until noon, but so that no one has seen. Take two deep buckets. In one pour water, and to another lower the coin. Pour water from one bucket to another seven times, saying:

  • "The river flow is wide, deep, the circle of the field is clean, the circle of Alatyr-stone, carries the river water mighty, cycling, every beast, every traveler on living, so I would have a slave (s) of God (name), Zlato- Silver the river flowed, the thresholds washed, the corners filled, the digests on the oxpope, old men on the belongings, people at the arrivals. The words of my gland are robbed, do not choke the knife, do not choke with a knife, and to be an ax. "

If the water shed, blot it with a rag and wipe the threshold with this cloth. Then we get a coin and place it in your wallet. Wearing with you, but never waste, otherwise the plot will not work.

The strongest plot (how to find money), which is not removed. Performed with a growing moon. In the full moon stand in front of the window, holding a bill in hand. The value has not a nominal, but the state of this bill: it should be new and the whole. Fold it in the form of a triangle and read the following:

  • "As the moon attracts day and night, so let this talisman attract money, wealth and gold to me. I will save everything, I will not spend on trifles, increase and put in business. Let the power of the moon helps me in this. "

Now you constantly wear this bill in your wallet.

Kiss Fortune

Good luck for money is not all people, but you can attract it. To each person she "clings" in different ways. We will tell you how to make luck to attract money has always been on your side.

Each suitable different methods Attracting money: Someone plots, someone prayer, someone white magic or amulets. But luck is what attracts money, no matter what faith or nationality you are. For luck to be on your side, it is necessary to believe in it. Money does not like unbelievers. You must be confident in yourself, in your abilities, and that you deserve to get this money - and then you will succeed.

White magic as a way to attract money

To attract money flows, people often call up the highest strength. White magic for money is great way Get the desired. For this there are many rituals. Here is one of them. It is held at any time as it is convenient for you. For example, you can do it before going shopping or before entering into an important contract. Say this line in my head:

  • "In our wallet, your money, your treasure is my treasury. Amen".

This will greatly affect the attraction of money, but if you don't believe it, you can even try to make any rituals.

Signs to make money in the house

There are many signs, some of them we wrote above, but now a couple will accept that will not be superfluous.

  1. It is believed that it is correct to sweep the floor from the entrance door - so you will not get all the htorated years.
  2. Money loves when they are recalculated. Do it at the end of the week, at the end of the month, at the end of the year - and then they will always be in your family.
  3. Do not put money on the table, and also do not recount them on it - this will lead to losses.
  4. Debts give up in the morning or day, but not in the evening and at night.


So that money has always been in your house and never ended, we must treat them carefully, and also not neglected folk signs, because the fact that people noticed such a long time, still worked and brought their fruits!

Money is not always able to make a man happy. But they are exactly able to make it free. It is difficult to imagine that with the possibility of choice there would be a person who refused a chance to travel and engage in a favorite creative business. And instead, it would have chosen a routine, daily work from nine in the morning to six in the evening. And existence of salary to salary. Magic spells for money is a means that will help embody dreams into reality.

Not all people at birth receive equal opportunities. Strong personalities, despite the obstacles, achieve their goals. And weak - humble with their fate. Yes, not everyone is given an iron will and a persistent character. But not even possessing extraordinary abilities, you can achieve money success.

Quite often people who, according to the majority, are constantly lucky. Then they will get the inheritance, it is profitable to check some financial operationAnd sometimes you will win the lottery. In this case, they do not shine a special mind. In spite of this, permanent profit follows them on the heels. No wonder they say that money goes to money.

The secret of these people in proper use Magical care. Of course, they do not conduct daily bloody rituals of black magic to attract money. From time to time, it is necessary to carry out that are necessary to attract cash and good luck, uncomplicated witchcraft rites.

Such actions will allow the energy of wealth and success to flow to a person, and not from him. Most rituals can be carried out independently at home. It is important to carefully prepare and perform all actions correctly. Only then can count on obtaining the desired result.

Fundamental rules

All rites at attraction of wealth combines several rules.who need to be clearly followed. Even a minor violation may not be reduced every effort. Therefore, when preparing for rites, it is important to remember the following nuances:

  • all rites to attract wealth are carried out during the growth period of the Moon;
  • candles that are used in witchcraft must be green, brown, blue or gold. The exception is made only for church candles;
  • the most effective day for money witchcraft is Thursday;
  • all rituals are performed in an empty room after turning off all electrical appliances;
  • regardless of the result, it is impossible to talk about the ritual;
  • it is forbidden to treat witchcraft frivolous. If there is no firm faith in magic and the desire to get the result, it is better not to start anything;
  • effect the action of rituals can be used with essential oils. Outcomes attracts patchouli, cinnamon, Mirra;
  • after the witchcraft begins to bear fruit, part of the profits must be given to those in need. It can be shelters for animals, nursing homes. Thus, the inflow of money will not be interrupted.

Turning for help to the forces of natureIt is important to distinguish really working techniques from stupid superstitions. For example, some advisers recommend not to submit poorly alms. In their opinion, this contributes to ruin. What is in the root incorrect. This, on the contrary, is in the abnormal anger of the Higher Forces.

In addition, the people go to the belief that to attract money in the wallet you need to pour a little scales, which remained from the carp cooked for Christmas. Nothing but unpleasant odor, this method will not give. On the contrary, he promises spending on the purchase of a new wallet. Old, because of the smell, wearing will be impossible.

Black magic for money and wealth, no doubt, stronger than white. This does not mean that evil is stronger than good. The case in the methodology of rituals.

White magic rituals Supplement to the use of the power of the person himself, its energy. During the witchcraft, a person visualizes what he wants, and sends his energy promise to the universe. Magic attributes and conspiracy words contribute to strengthening human energy. This helps to achieve the desired one. However, the result is not always manifested quickly. But after a white witchcraft negative consequences For the magician will not be.

Spells for money that acts surely - it is always rituals from black magic. During their holding, otherworldly forces are called. Sometimes even demonic. For such strong entities there is nothing impossible in the human world. With their help, you can not only get a very fast result, but also really tremendous wealth.

The disadvantage of this method is the feewhich will require otherworldly forces. They can pick up health, love, to deprive the offspring, and sometimes the souls. Some people manage to avoid such terrible consequences using a properly perfect sputter or strong protection.

Another disadvantage of black spells is that most of them are conducted in the cemetery or in abandoned, deserted places. It is necessary to possess great courage to visit a similar place on their own, also at night.

White ritual

In the case when a person wants to fix his financial condition without negative consequences it is worth using white magic. It offers many working ways. What to choose, depends only on the sorcerer.

It is important to understand that money will not come a few minutes after the completion of the ritual. The forces of the Universe need time. But white rites can be repeated during each growing moon. Use the same way if it works well. You can try others. This is no dangerous consequences.

Rite with a bank

This rite is quite old. Checked by many generations. To carry out it should be prepared:

  • grass of the Hypericum bought in the pharmacy;
  • glass jar for three liters;
  • four any coins;
  • church candle (either a candle of green from natural wax. Paraffin is not suitable).

The ritual himself is held in complete loneliness, at any time of the day. It is only important that the witchcraft makes during the growth of the Moon. Priority of actions:

Black ritual

Black magic will help to get rich. A conspiracy for money that guarantees an immediate profit profit must be carried out using sacrifice. But you should not worry, cut the throat of the unfortunate chicken or the kitten will not need.

Magic books of black magicians are hundreds of different spells. The most effective are those that are conducted in the cemetery. There are those that are held at home. But energy energetics and the entities that live there, allow you to get the desired faster.

Bloody sacrifice

Very powerful ritual due to the sacrificial offer to dark forces. As already mentioned above, you should not kill anyone yourself. To do this, it is enough to visit the market. There you need to buy a liter of any blood (pork or cow). In addition, a whole rabbit carcass and pork or calf head.

In addition to the sacrifices purchased in the market, prepare:

After midnight, in the cemetery, find the grave on which the name of the deceased coincides with the name of the sorcerer. Candles light in two rows around the edges of the grave of six pieces. One establish in the middle of the grave. Disseminate the red fabric and put on it acquired head and carcass.

Pour all blood for victims. Take a knife, cut your finger or hand and on top of the animal blood pour 13 drops of your blood. During this process, such words say: "Velzevul and Asmodem! Gate Adovs Open me. Sacrifice my accept. Give me wealth! Let all the treasures of the world raw to my legs. And my portoroneta is always full of Zlata! May it be so!"

Pig's head (cow) Leave on the grave. Candles also leave, they must burn themselves. On the carcass of the rabbit, political blood, put the bay leaf and the coins brought. Wrap to the cloth on which the carcass lay. And bury her next to the grave.

After completing the rite, not turning around. It is very important. Perfume or demons try to experience the magician for strength. Therefore, different exclamations are possible, sighs, someone will call by name. There will be a feeling that someone goes from behind. If you do not withstand and turn around, respect for dark entities will be lost. And someone from the demons can take such behavior for the invitation and go for the sorcerer to him home. It does not foreshadow anything good neither Magu nor his family.

Magic Voodoo.

Many people believe that Voodoo is black magic. She received such a gloomy reputation mainly due to Hollywood films. Actually, voodoo is the traditional religion of many African countries. In some, it even has the status of state.

It can be said that Voodoo is a mixture of various anomistic cults with Christian religious traditions. In Voodoo, as in Christianity, there are priests. They can be both sexes. The priest is a man called "Hungan", and the woman is "Mambo." The activities of these ministers are always aimed at good. They healed people, help in difficult situations, protect from evil and hostile spirits.

That person who uses Voodoo magic professionally, but exclusively for dark cases is called "Bokor". He is not recognized as official priests of this religion. However, it is precisely to him people who need the help of dark forces.

Candle ritual

Unrecoverable people are confident that Voodoo magic to attract money always uses Volt. Volt is a doll that is used for witchcraft.. With it, it establishes a connection with a specific person and can influence its actions, health and well-being. Volta can be made independently even on yourself.

But the doll is far from the only way that can offer voodoo to enrich. A very good result gives a ritual in which 80 candles are used. Candles will need church. In addition to the candles to prepare:

  • saucer with any coins of the same color;
  • a small cut of natural fabric;
  • thin rope.

For a ritual, a room with natural parquet is required. At midnight draw a chalk circle. Pre-40 candles to tie in one big one. The remaining 40 is placed on the edges of the drawn circle. Welcome all the candles.

Sign in the middle of the circle and sit down. To have a burning bundle of 40 candles, a saucer with coins and fabric. Place with the trifle to put in front of you and say: "Yam, Lathyhet, Wishez, Mamham, Vasales, Tututs. Ravis, Kulla, Obakam, Abrahma.

Sleep trifle from plates on fabric. Wrap and tie a rope in the form of a small bag. This bundle should be stored in the house for at least a year. It is necessary to hide so that no one finds. In a year, witchcraft will stop and the ritual will need to repeat.

ATTENTION, only today!

People always wanted to be owners of wealth, money, fame. Look at the history of our civilization - this is an infinite struggle for survival, and, after the possession of the material benefits and power, with the presence of which it becomes easier to live. Nowadays, conspiracies for attracting money are very popular and modern. White magic for money and wealth: which really helped: in this article you can learn about rituals, rites in this area. You have to learn how to attract wealth and abundance. In order to get power over financial streams, you need to draw the right picture - from which everything consists and how it works.

White magic. Spells for money and wealth.

The strongest white magic spell for money

What to do to attract to the house cash streams? For all those who have been looking for answers to this question for a long time, will be just right. One of the simplest rites includes:

always when you go to the store or shopping on the market, make a financial deal and get money after that (perhaps payment or delivery), pronounce mentally:

"In my wallet, your money, your treasure is my treasury. Amen".

This spell for the inflow of money will not only be constantly reminding you that you are in cash flow, but it will indeed affect the influx of money in your home.

There is another great tool that there was a lot of money, which is done on a new moon. In the first lunar day, exactly at 12 o'clock you need to go out, stand on the road, take 12 coins, send the moon light on them and say out loud 7 times:

"Everything that germs and comes to life

Deposited from the light of the sun,

And the money - from the light of the moon.

Grow, my money.

Lit, my money.

Adjust my money.

To me (your name) come,

Enrich me. May it be so!".

After that, the money must be tightly clamped in his hand and, coming home, immediately fold them in a wallet, with whom you go shopping. This and other conspiracies for money conducted in the new moon are very and very effective.

To return with profit, it is necessary to set yourself at the beginning of the way with a cross, take a chip of road dust, throw it back through the left shoulder and say:

Wait for those road at the expense

My slaves of God (name)

Returns with the profits and the hotel.

Tooth crawl sutu. Amen.

After it is necessary to quit the "Spump" road - minor coins.

In order for you always do not stop the money, take a money in your hand, clamp in the fist, go outside and go to the young ate. Let's knock on the tree and tell me out loud three times:

"How young needles grow up,

So my money will grow up

Not on sugar cake

Not on a lime mednel

Not on the Verev, not on steam,

On the Zlata-silver and copper.

Save the money under the tree and sprinkle so that no one does not find.

White magic rites for wealth: examples and features

For a long time, everyone knows that even a person is hardworking and decent, he can also exist all his life without a single penny. To do this, you need to attract magic rituals to your side so that such a person was luck. How to achieve in order to become a magnet for money. There are simple magical rituals for attracting wealth, the main requirement of which is, of course, faith in success.

Ancient ritual to attract money:

  1. Buy the pharmaceutical grass of the Hypericum (it is expelled out of unclean strength). Put a few inflorescences and twigs on a small siter from the kettle, google, and "whisk" with smoke water tank (glass jar for 3 liters, for example).
  2. Turn over the jar and on the center in the center of the wax drop from the candle, then drip on the edges, as if making a square with a drip in the middle. When the wax dries - turn over.
  3. "Hug" the capacitance as wishes - and hands, and legs. Close your eyes and start thinking about what you will soon get rich. So you will pass your desire to the bank.
  4. Take four coins, put your last name, name, patronymic, and tell the phrase in a whisper

    « i want to (here your full name appears) money arrived! ".

  5. After that, it is necessary to repeat the name of the stone that corresponds to you on the sign of the zodiac, or just the one you like. Throw the coin into the jar.
  6. The second coin is the same, just now name the fur of your beloved animal.
  7. The third is to repeat the favorite brand of the car three times, the fourth - your innermost desire.
  8. Throw into the bank the remains of burnt herbs, on the coins.
  9. Cover the neck of the banks with hands and labelish about rich life.
  10. Overbill the candle again, make a square from the wax drops on the neck of the cans, and the fifth dripping into the cans. Remove the jar into the buffet.
  11. Throw into this jar every day on a coin and say: "I want money to come to me", and then one of the phrases with the name, the name of the stone, the favorite fur, the car brand or inextric desire.
  12. After the bank becomes complete, seal it and store it in a secluded place.

In the treasures of people's conspiracies and to this day there are signs and actions that are aimed at attracting money in life:

  • Paying paper money is always in folded form (it is necessary that the edges are turned to the man who give these money);
  • At the time of receipt of salary or bonuses (the so-called "successful money"),
  • Go with money home and do not waste them one day and one night so your home will be filled with energy money and then could attract them;
  • To give money to someone right hand, take money from someone only with your left hand;
  • Wear a small mirror in the wallet, mint leaf and a little cinnamon powder. Such talismans also attract money to you.

How to become rich

What do you do when suddenly urgently need to find a large amount of money? In this case, the new moon is made a conspiracy to receive money using a green candle, on which you write with a stick or toothpick your full name and a specific amount of money. Then lubricate the candle with vegetable oil, cut break in the basil, erased into the powder and burn it, saying:

"Money come, money will fall,

Money road in my pocket will find ".

The pronouncement of such words conspiracy is bait and invisible, but an effective pointer, suggest where to rushing them.

What needs to be done if you need to return your blood money that lean someone? How to return this debt? After all, it happens that for a long time you do not return to your money debugged to you. Simple, but an effective conspiracy to return such money is as follows:

"I send to the servant of God (the name of the debtor) what is:

Let this well burn and the bake, chasing the corners,

The bones breaks, does not eat, not sleeping, does not drink,

Peace (the name of the debtor) does not give, while that debt will not return to me. "

These words are read, over your home broom, to whom you in your thoughts then beat your debtor.

It is especially possible to distinguish such a kind of magical conspiracy as to attract good luck and luck in financial affairs. To implement, for example, one of them, you need to take three candles: green, white and brown. Each candle wears a symbolic meaning: a white candle is you yourself, brown - this is your work, a green candle is the money you are dealing in your financial activities.

Set candles in the form of an equilateral triangle so that the white candle stood in front of you, green - on the left, brown - right. Light candles starting with white. Take this way:

"Flame as a soul, soul as a flame."

Gilt brown candle, tell me: "Cases in affairs, paths in the paths, all on the brains" Tell the following green: "Profit in profits, money in money." Look at the fire of the whole three candles, then in one sharp movement, twist them together, but see that they do not go out. Above this figure from the candles will say the following words:

"In my strength, my power, in my power - my power, I - with my strength and with my authority."

Leave this com store. Collect the residues with your help credit card, cool and put yourself in your pocket. Now it is your money talisman. Important condition - do it only on a young moon.

Video: "The ritual of white magic to attract money and wealth"

Comments from site visitors

    By the way, all rich people use the services of white magicians, then Fen Shui is something else mystical. Why would I. simple people Do not increase your finance a bit? Thanks for the article, I will definitely use advice, I will make a plot. I believe it, I am sure that everything will turn out and my finances will grow up. I advise you and others do not wait for the weather from the sea and act

    How well?

    I helped the advice in this article, the first time I did something like another 10 years ago, after the university, then there were problems with finance, and I remember that I was almost immediately taken to a good position. And the second time was recently, went to the decret, earnings decreased and I decided to try my own. True, the Sale decided to hold the rite to make sure, and everything was fluttered!

    Constantly there were problems with money. That was not enough, then on it. But I wanted more! And in the evening I came across this site. I decided to make a rite of white magic for wealth. After a couple of days, I won a large amount of money in the lottery! I decided not to stop and do more. After a couple of days I was raised at work! I began to get significantly more. Now I advise this site to all who have the same problems as I have. Thank you!

    During study at the University of Money constantly lacked. We had to constantly work out, but this was not enough. One friend told me about white magic and I decided to read about her on the Internet. Stumbled upon this site. I decided to try a conspiracy for money. After a couple of days I managed to find excellent work with salary higher than I could imagine! They said that they quit the employee, they urgently need a replacement, and I was very lucky. But I know that this is not luck! Thanks to this article that I helped me! Recomend for everybody!

    And these conspiracies are not harmful to man? I want to try a few, but I'm wonderful just worse. I liked the rite of white magic on wealth, I will probably spend it and see the result. It is like a piggy bank. And who has improved financial position, are you doing what conspiracy? And immediately improved or after a certain time?

    These fortune tellivations are very useful and relevant to me, once I have tried similarly when the financial difficulties were, I remember that I had the opportunity to quickly earn good sum. I believe that and now it turns out, especially the word white in the title of divination is a positive motive.

    The article seemed very useful and interesting. I have always thought about why some bathe in the money, while others on a piece of bread with difficulty scruting can be starving, refuse themselves in everything. I have a dream to live in wealth, do not deny myself and children in anything, but the work of 50 hours a week does not allow me to be so. I will try to make a plot, I hope it will help.

    I read on the expanses of the boarding school about such a plot, and the most effective - herself from a friend, which I recently met in the store. In my memory, she was from the poor family, never allowed her luxury. And then I saw her in the fur coat, with an expensive phone, in corporate clothes .. I did not even know first. In secret told me about this conspiracy, she had no hope of not hope, turned to your site. Himself was convinced, I also perform a plot.

    After the divorce with her husband, it became much more difficult with finances, as he was the main capital in our family. Time for another job just did not remain, so I had to choose to do in favor of children. I came across a plot, did. I am writing because there is a result that I was pleased. No need for another job, I raised me on my current and increased wages Almost 2 times!

    I hide from my wife and daughter, but I am a very gambling man and last month a large amount lost in the casino and on slot machines. It was ashamed to confess, still did not tell the girls, but they did not feel like. I came across your site, asked advice to a familiar fortuneteller from the village where I would have grown, I will definitely do. I hope after a conspiracy in my hobbies will be only luck to accompany.

    These conspiracies are quite famous and popular. I know exactly what our politicians and stars enjoy them. They strengthen the effect of your work and effort. Yes, yes, and you thought it was just luck and good luck? Do not make me laugh) I also use them and do not complain about loans and lack of money. Work on your destiny and everything will be fine.

    I was still a great-grandmother taught me that "in my wallet is your money, your treasure is my treasury. Amen". I read in this article that this is a white magic spell for money. I thought just as defense. She also told me always to wear a mirror in his pocket. I'm doing everything. Here, this conspiracy, I looked at this plot "Money comes, money will find money, my money in my pocket will find." I will also use

    Help me advice how to get rid of debts. Two years ago, I was fond of slot machines and since then I can not get out of the debt pits. I work, but my salary is missing for anything. What these conspiractions are the strongest and bring an instant result? White magic rites for wealth already spent.

    I also went to the pipe too. I began to be interested in conspiracies and spells. This site has already reread along and across. I do not know what exactly worked out, but my financial situation is gradually improving. While I will continue to repeat everything that I do. I regret that I had never started helping myself white magic.

    I tried to input so many times to multiply the money ... well, the deposits in the banks are now quite unprofitable, and there is not enough money ... I want to eat and eat, and do it, and buy yourself something, and relax to go, and the car wants to eat ... I will try conspiracies, only before white !!! I love denyuzhki very, but they are not easy for them

    Regularly arise financial problems. I climbed on your site, now I missed everyone a link to conspiracies, I decided on a conspiracy of white magic on wealth. I was then lucky with a lottery ticket soon! I saw conspiracies for a lottery ticket, you also need to try.

    White envy envy people who do not know the problems of financial. Who can calmly want and buy who may not count the check when buying products in the store, to have enough and did not have to lay out at the checkout. We very economically live, already just tired, sick of work, from bills, from a lack of money. I will turn with this plot to a knowledgeable woman, let him help me exist in this matter

    Good day. I do not know how conspiracies will help, but legally I am worth it in this situation: a year and a half ago, my husband, not advancing with me, lent the money to friends. At that time they could afford it, lived in prosperity, and friends were financial difficulties just. It took here 1.5 years, the situation has changed a little. Yes, we do not disturb, but there are a number of problems related to money, they are needed very now. But friends all returned to be returned. But it seems that, together with the debt, the husband handed them out our financial well-being. Do I need to do something in this case? Thanks in advance for the answer.

    I believe that this kind of conspiracies, especially in terms of finance, you need to be engaged in an intelligent person who knows all the nuances and requirements well, and the conspiracles of the teeth themselves. Very risky business, because I myself am absolutely not a professional, I can express. It is always easier to lose than earn, especially, now, during the crisis of the endless.

    Attracts this because working in our country at the state service (I live in Belarus, the Mogilev region), it is not clear how you can postpone money or build housing. Salaries are kopeck, but I want to leave children something after yourself, and help them financially ... The question arose from me, what coins are better to take (in color, at face value, which country)?

    It happens so that you live in wealth and confidence in tomorrow, and then everything collapses literally at one moment, and you understand how much a prayer is now ... I have no confidence in my business, it all depends on the state every day With a good revenue I understand that it all happened and thank you for him. Conspuses help real? I would just like to save at least the current state of affairs so that it is not worse.

    A couple of weeks ago, I went to the interview to one office, left the bus and did not understand where to go, an unfamiliar area, I focus badly. Asked the passion of a woman how to walk. Told, said that I go there for an interview. She advised me to ask God for good luck and finance, to help. I do not know how it worked, but I was taken and the salary was labeled more than was indicated in the vacancy, I already work for the second week there, everything suits so far.

    All conspiracies, including money, work on the principle of faith in it, there is a self-impact of man, which is very cool. Many Films on self-development advise to think, visualize, lose in the imagination of their own (about love, about wealth). In general, without the power of thought and faith, all these conspiracies do not act, believe me.

    I once read on the Internet, that even scientists have proven that conspiracted water changes its structure. (Location of molecules, atoms there, some corners of their location, I am not a chemist and not a physicist, so it is not strong in the wording of these). So the power of the word is and acts, money, like water, needs to be discussed, the main thing is to configure the result.

    I personally really help prayers in life. Once he even appealed for help with a prayer for missing things. Somehow somehow helped the spell on the apple, found it on the Internet,
    It was written that he is not strong, but nevertheless has worked. I want to try for money now, I expect a growing moon.

    Conspiracy work 100%. Just need to be simple, faith, to approach them positive. Do everything clearly as knowledgeable people write, and even better to consult with an intelligent person, so as not to be mistaken and not contridate, because you can harm and something bad to bring to life, careful, do not move away from the instructions

    At one time I really helped a plot of work. It was harder, and with a good salary, after a conspiracy, everything happened about 2 weeks. He quit, though, after a couple of years, very tired of work, but the money managed to earn good. So conspiracy act, but if the question is long.

    Girls, I'm so in my childhood, I was interested in all, made a lot of conspiracies for happiness, money, children and much more, just at the grandmother found a notebook with a huge number of conspiracies (I wonder where they took them, there was no Internet). Is it possible to somehow clean yourself and make them anew? A familiar grandmother appeared, which could help, but before going to her, decided to ask him to go clean already from those children's pieces.

    A couple of years ago he was fond of all sorts of signs conspired. My husband called a witch in general and laughed at me at one time, but it did not stop me and still does not stop. Six months later, after the start of my hobbies, I was raised in position at work, increased the salary. You want to believe, you want no, but it works. Most likely, the matter is in our subconscious, of course.

    In difficult periods (in terms of finance) I take all coins from the wallet, at the crossroads (while I am waiting for the bus or the light light of the traffic light), I pour them into a fist in your pocket, firmly and mentally very much I save me from difficulties, bring in My life is more money. Then these money blessings and either to someone in the transition I give either the temple sacrificed in the store. I think, so I clean myself and let go of my problems, and do it in parallel for someone good.

    Hello. Made a ritual of three candles: white, green, brown. It was joined by them, the green candle was extinct. I did not stop at half the ritual, finished.
    How can you attract customers on the Internet (ad)?

    As I read that with any transactions with money, you need to prior to yourself the right thoughts, it became noticeably better in the financial plan. Especially I do not part with this phrase: "Your wallet is your money, your treasure is my treasury. Amen". It turns out acts, the cash flow is attracted.

    And I put a wallet on the windowsill put in the full moon so that he would still have a moon energy (full moon) and attracted money to him. And by the way, noticed, can write a premium, or what an additional task monetary remuneration Suggest, so it is even working.

    A very good exercise on the attraction of money is to take all your pay and go shopping and allowing all that wants to make your imagination. For example: I want a new bag or boots and you say myself, well, of course, I have money for it. The main thing for all my questions in thoughts to answer positively, not to say no and money will be attracted

In this article:

Financial well-being is important for each person, however, to one of the money as if "go" in hand themselves, and for other earnings - a painstaking business.

Special spells for good luck in work and money - efficient, and most importantly, accessible to each tool, allowing to solve all problems with material benefits.

It is important to remember that money is not the most important thing in life, but without them to live in his pleasure.

Just belong to money can only one who does not have a serious need for them. Magic provides a person with a large number of opportunities to change his own life for the better, with its help you can solve financial and heart problems, attract good luck and the interest of other people. It is only important to be able to properly use such an effective means. Under the action of conspiracies for finance, the money as if they themselves will linger in your wallet, will love you and your hands, and therefore will "be found" in you in large quantities.

Money Magic: Black or White

Spells on wealth are difficult to attribute to dark magic, as they are not aimed at harm to other people. Moreover, with such conspiractions, a person will save its own vital energy that needs to be spent to make money.

In other words, the correct ritual will allow you to tune in to receive greater money And do not waste your own energy.

Therefore, there is no sin in such spells and can not be.

When it is worth using magic spells

There are many varieties of magical conspiracies aimed at solving monetary problems. Most often, people enjoy such rites in the following cases:

  • if, despite permanent employment, there is a strong lack of money in the house;
  • if you need to urgently return a certain amount taken into debt;
  • if you need money for urgent needs, for example, to surgery, for treatment, on education, etc.

These are only the most frequent cases when people are forced to seek help from otherworldly forces to solve the emergence of financial difficulties. In such situations, each of us may be, because even if at the moment you are not experiencing problems with money, it is better to have a special conspiracy at hand, just in case.

Money spell in new moon


There are many rites aimed at attracting money, and all of them should be carried out during the growing moon. It will suit you if your family urgently needed a major amount of money, and there is no other source of earnings. Best results This magic ritual shows in cases where a person is really in a very difficult position and he needs money on good needs, for example, for urgent treatment.

To get in the near future great amount Money, Open the window so that the lunar light is lit into the room, and read the words of the spell:

"Nadezhda and Support, Jesus Christ, with his reinstate - the Most Holy Mother of Mary, walked in the sky, carried the bags with money. Bags were opened by themselves, and money from heaven and fell. I, the slave of God (name), on the ground low, went, the money they found, gathered, but home suffered. I came home with money, the candles were lit, yes Zlatto called his relatives. Candles you, candles, faster burn, money in my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Before pronouncing the words of conspiracy, you also need to light five candles from natural wax (you can church). One of the most important conditions for this rite is that the performer should not extinguish the candles, you need to wait for themselves when they completely blown.

To increase the efficiency of the rite, the performer must sit before candles and watch their flame, concentrating on his desire to get money. When the candles are blocked, collect the wax that remains from them and put in your wallet, this wax will become a kind of talisman that brings financial well-being.

Simple ritual for money

Many magicians recommend this rite for beginners, as it is distinguished by simple execution, with a very good end result. From the artist really not required. It is only necessary every time after a hike to the store or market, when receiving money to vote the words:

"In my wallet there is your money. It will be your casual, the slaves of God (name), the treasury. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the one hand, there is nothing difficult in this, however, to raise the effectiveness of the ritual, you will need to concentrate every time on your desire of financial well-being. Set up a cash flow, and you will never know the shortage of money.

Strong Spell on Coins

it strong plot To attract money to be held in the new moon. Exactly at midnight, go to the nearest road, having 12 coins from yellow metal in your pocket (main color and not metal itself). Lay out the coins on the palm of your hand, lift them up, so that the moonlight lights them, and say the words of the spell:

"All that lives and grows - from sunlight the power is gaining momentum, and money and wealth - from the lunar light. You, my money, grow, in my pockets set, add in the wallet. You, money, me, slave God (name), enrich, come to me, and the relatives of their call. May come true, which is said. Amen".

After that firmly clam coins in the fist and go home with them. When you enter the house, immediately hide coins in the wallet.

What money spell is the most effective? What fast will it help? How dangerous is it? Read one spell for money and become rich! In order to become rich, you can work a lot and long work or play the lottery, waiting for a happy case.

However, the smartest goes the easiest way - use spell for money. Many belong to such a skeptical option. It would seem that Babkin's conspiracies will help the real financial situation of a person? Skeptics laughed and argue that the whispering of the spells loans will not pay off and will not pay them in the store. However, it is worth it to get better to get acquainted with the mechanism of action of monetary magic, as all skepticism immediately disappears.

How to become rich using spell on big money

If you dream to become rich without applying efforts, go down from the skies to the ground. Knowledge and use of magical rituals does not mean that you can challenge work and sit on the couch in anticipation of cash rain. The universe does not like static, so it worries and search for sources of earnings will still have to. However, the result of these searches will not be a life from salaries to salary, and a worthy existence, which will only be able to envy.

How Money Magic works

Languages, magicians, psychics - they all agree that human life is managed by energy flows. For example, even beauty and clever will be alone if she lacks attractive love energy. Externally, it may even better be a girlfriend, but men seek not see it and bypassing. Also with money. The person around which financial flows circulate will always be with money, regardless of the level of its income.

It often happens that the person works and even it seems not bad earn, but the money seems to go through the fingers. Admission to the budget entail unforeseen expenses that eat all the means. Regardless of the salary, such people live modestly and cannot get out of debts. It happens on the contrary: with a small level of income, a person does not refuse himself, and it is still managed to debug.

Money sticks to money. Have you heard this expression? Partly it is true. The potential obtained at birth causes the wealth and standard of living of a separate person. However, knowledgeable people know how to attract cash flows. Using special conspiracies, you can improve your financial situation and ensure that the money will linger in your wallet.

Just reading the conspiracy for money, the person begins to open up new features that lead to wealth. Externally, a person's life seems to not change. However, special rituals contributes to the circulation of money energy, which entails improving material well-being. Some rituals help win the lottery, some - find valuable things, and some - guarantee a promotion. Ways of the emergence of money in a person's life are different. However, the main thing is the result: a stable financial situation.

Money Magic - Spells

Spell on money - white magic that does not need to be afraid. A special order of words causes certain vibrations, which transmit the universe signal about your monetary request. The effectiveness of conspiracy depends on the magical abilities of a person, the correctness of the ritual and faith in the result. If your desire to become rich is strong enough, then you can be taken for reading spells.

Tip! While reading spells, it is better to wear green shades clothes. This color contributes to the involvement of cash flows. Also break the hair and remove the ring from the hands - it will increase the effect of conspiracies.

1st spell for money and good luck

Stand in front of the mirror and say words:

"Call, urge. The forces of the earth and perfume celestial, help me.

Give good luck and money in addition to the slave of God (tell me your name).

Money, money, you do not translate. Set. Move.

I am joy, yes I'm on the new clothes. The key, castle, language! "

2nd strong money spell

This conspiracy calls for the help of the Divine Angels of Rafael, Anael, Gabriel. They carry light energy, so they should not be afraid. Select a moment when you are at home alone. Become in the middle of the room, run hands to the sky with palms up and say a strong voice:

"Sorry for the power of the heaven all my sins, younger than the sinful of my life created in all the days. I urge you to help. Go down and help me, I appeal to you.

Rafael, I will force my richness to me.

Anael, giving knowledge, enlighten me. Discovering me knowledge and show how to get the riches of the earth.

Gabriel, an angel of power, give me the strength of possession. Help to own and possess money, from their hands not to release them. Let my will obey the will and come to help me, for the cases of good.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

3rd spell of monetary bills

It is necessary to take bills into the left hand, with a par value of 1 ruble. Cover it with your right hand and say:

"The ruble paper, I speak to you, crucial, I call your help. You are my nerama, be always with me, yes friends of your older call. Rustly, ring, all go to me. Conspired, me attracted - to be borrowings and coins next to me forever and ever! Amen.".

Bill Put in your wallet.

4th spell on a growing moon

In the days of the growing moon, type a glass of pure water. It is better that the glass is transparent, without inscriptions and drawings. Take the glass with both hands. Let the fingers of one hand lie on the fingers of the second hand, forming a closed circle. Stand so that the light of the moon fell into the glass and say:

"There was a moon on a round lake.

Pacific Lake, the water is clean.

The moon grew, arrived, wealth to slave (tell me your name) called.

Come wealth to the slave (name), but do not leave it.

Give her a breeze full da purse tight.

Let the money be aki stars in a clear night, Aki Kohliyev in the field, aki water in the rivers.

May it be so. The key, castle, language! "

Water enhances the effect of the spell. Drink it, and until the next new moon will feel the improvement of financial well-being.

Black spells for money

Black magic is very effective in attracting money. With its help, you can become a truly rich man. However, in inept hands, black magic can bring more harm than good. Incorrect emotional mood and lack of protective amulets can lead to what the costs will increase with money. And the person will actually correct his financial situation.

Attention! Black magic may have serious consequences. If you have no experience in magging, then it is better to use white conspiracies to attract money.

Try to accurately fulfill all the requirements for rituals, not distracted and swaying the feeling of doubt and fear. Dark forces designed by spells should feel your inner power. If you are still confident in your intentions to resort to their help, you can proceed to dark rituals to attract money.

5th black spell for money

"Dark perfume, perfume perfume, come to me! Communicate me and make your lord's will.

Asmodell, Belial, Samael, bring me money, strength, power, wealth. You have a lot, I have even more. Give me your treasures, the slaves of your boars and stolen. To be a strongest musician of money. Let none of the bills pass by me. All all to me! Your name is to me rich. Today, tomorrow and forever and centuries. "

6th spell for finding money

Many dreams of quickly getting money, without doing anything. This method exists. You can, for example, find a lost wallet or a golden decoration. The question arises, how to find money on the street? Use this simple ritual, and within a few days you will get the desired.

Buy new scissors. Every day, before leaving the house, cut the air in front of them sentencing:

"Relative to cut, oblivion cut.

To see me all lost, from strange eyes hidden.

Someone loses, and I find. My word is hard, yes Lepko "

7th Voodoo Spell for Money

Voodoo magic refers to black. Conspiracy causes certain spirits, which attract money to human life.

"Exito, Piece

Esmires Human Mi Datras.

Cortem Asha Hedura,

Sisse Orim Plisser.

He blows Oro Sissyra! He blows Oro Sissyra! "

Is money magic dangerous

Monetary magic is the most harmless of all existing. Resorting to conspiracies, a person does not bring clear harm to anyone. He does not subordinate to someone else's will, as when using Pristorotov, and does not want anyone by anyone, as with damage. By improving your financial situation, it is not particularly worried about the consequences.

However, it is necessary to be neat with black magic rituals. Dark forces never help just so, therefore it is worth expecting payback for your actions. For example, by correcting your financial situation, you can lose health or love. In addition, dark essences love to subjugate a person, causing greed and passion for the unreasonable accumulation of wealth. Therefore, using such rituals, you need to take care of reliable protection.

How to prevent possible consequences

Using cash spells, people with weak energy can feel worsening health. Only a specialist can determine the level of energy potential of a person, so it is better to prevent possible consequences in advance.

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