
Estimated standards ter. What is the teres? Watch what is "federal single rates in construction" in other dictionaries

Information about what ter is relevant for the estimators. Read it. Decrave reduction as "territorial single rates" The estimates are in ter, far, geene. Territorial developed for each subject individually. The introduction into force is organized by the local administration. Registration of ter to Rosstroe is required, after which the rates are included in the list of regulatory documents.

Ter: where and how applied

Territorial unit rates are valid until cancellation occurs. Make it can Gosstroy, making a decree, decree. The current collection is currently necessary to form the estimate to the object under construction. If construction is associated with government agencies, Territory account is required. For non-state structures Rates are recommended, but they will have to be taken into account.

Working on yourself, the company has the right to establish its own prices. Participation in state auctions requires compliance ter. Since the standards are accepted in accordance with the prices operating at the time of approval in order to obtain a current amount of expenses, an index is used. The list of indices acting in the near future is published monthly. Knowing what ter, owning the reissued of the 25th day of the next month by the index, make up a correct, accurate estimate for any construction.

Practical use

Know how estimates are made in the terates, it is necessary if it is necessary:

  • government order;
  • commissioning works;
  • building;
  • participation in the tender;
  • installation;
  • design and express work.

The ability to use terti is appreciated by the contractor.

Estimation: Theory and Practice

When building a building without a estimate can not do. As follows from 743 articles acting Code, key documents for anyone erected object:

  • work agreement;
  • base for payment;
  • estimation.

Knowing what ter, the estimate is correct.

The estimate fixes:

  • marginality;
  • cost price;
  • price of materials;
  • cost of equipment;
  • construction time;
  • equipment costs.

Appropriate estimate of the nuances:

  • region specificity;
  • name of work;
  • composition of work;
  • the correctness of the coefficients (season, constraints and others);
  • acting index.

The estimate is based on:

  • defective statement;
  • list of works;
  • works.

With a properly formed design statement, data on the composition and scope of work is given to the estimator in advance. Repairing the building, the estimate can be made without attracting professionals.

Working with the municipal, the federal client, the contracting organization uses the terminal region of the customer. Even if the company is based in another area, and work will be carried out in the third region, indices and coefficients of the area are taken into account, where the organization in need of services is registered.

In the case when the work is funded from federal budget, but construction site Located in Moscow, the appointment index is used. This indicator was created only on construction, repair in the capital. When the developer works on the territory of Moscow to the finance allocated by the municipal budget, the estimation is developed taking into account TSN-2001.

Single rates

Regulatory framework - single rates arranged for ease of use in reference collections.

Single rates - pronounced financial resources, mandatory for the success of planned work.

The ter is drawn up for the following directories:

  • construction
  • repair;
  • installation;
  • commissioning;
  • improvement;
  • technical support.

Computers to help rescuits

It is not easy to master the estimate, even knowing the terms of this area and having a sample before your eyes. Computing complexes have been developed, helping objects to examine objects. Using them, still have to know what ter, but the process is greatly simplified. The program already contains standard amounts, there is a function of updating the index, the finished document is formed on the adopted form, taking into account the Gosstandarts.

"On the knee" construction in the terates will be able to calculate both in Excele, but the use of special software guarantees the accuracy of the figures received. The estimated program will save time, on the basis of the data entered, it will be able to quickly form documents of several samples. Daily automatic update ensures relevance, the correctness of the result.

Summing up

So, we can safely say, the concept of the teres is necessary for any respectful repetition. This helps to correctly compile the accompanying documentation. The use of ter is expanding the capabilities of the company, allowing you to participate in the auctions.

Having hired to the work of the estate, in the interests of the employer to test a specialist. Territory use skills, ability to distinguish rates territorial from federal, ability to master new software complexes For the CCTM, the key skills of a skilled worker are key skills.

Available about terats

Under the tertors (territorial estimated standards) imply estimated standards that contain rates for construction work within the territory of the subjects Russian Federation. Teres make it possible to determine the necessary amounts of material costs, or other working resources necessary to perform a particular type of work. These standards allow you to find the most optimal design solutions From the point of view of savings. Thus, the turns are mainly designed for savings and optimization of construction work.

Why territorial rates?

Territorial estimated rates received their name due to the fact that they can only be applied on a certain territory and only there may have their own legal and actual force.

When and where exactly are federal single rates apply?

Territorial estimated standards are designed for use in a certain region of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, it may seem that such a separation is meaningless, however, from an economic point of view of a particular region, a look at the same construction can be completely different. Factors such as the cost of materials, deadlines and delivery rates, wage builders, etc. Ultimately affect the final cost. Accordingly, in the south of Russia, rates can differ significantly from rates in the north. It is with the aim of intelligent price distinction and territorial indentible prices were created. In the event that the region in which work is performed, the rates for certain types of work are not defined, feces are used. It is possible an option to apply contractual rates, that is, by mutual coordination of the customer and contractor.

How are the terries make up?

These collections, as well as some expensive, are developed by the RCCC specialists (regional pricing centers in the construction) of the territorial entities of the Russian Federation, then the rates are approved, the federal center for pricing in the construction and industry of building materials (FTCS) is registered and are entered into action in the FSU. After that, the terries are included in the list of existing regulatory documents. Accordingly estrase TER. It can be compiled by the incomplete bodies.

In the terats, as other rates, there are tables with rates for those, or other types of work, as well as the heads of "rules for the calculation of work volumes" and "General guidelines".

Tyov types

Territorial unit rates can be grouped by aggregation (association), types of construction, as well as types of work.

By types of construction: General construction, special

According to the degree of aggregation: Special design elements, separate types of work

For appointment: For the production of work in winter, on certain types of work, the directorate of industrial enterprises under construction.

Depending on the types of construction: hydrotechnical, agricultural, industrial, housing and civilian.

You can view the estimates made in the techs.

Federal single rates in construction

Fer (federal single rates) - These are estimated standards containing rates for the implementation of single construction work. These estimated standards are regulated in the natural form of individual elements of direct costs per unit volume of construction work and structural elements: 1. Consumption of building materials, 2. The labor costs of construction workers, 3. The construction of construction machines.

The norms implies the most progressive, cost-effective design solutions for the production of work. Estimated norms serve as a base for determining the estimated value of a separate type of work, structures and buildings.

Estimated norms are grouped by types of work, degrees of aggregation, for appointment and types of construction. By types of construction, they are divided into general construction and special; According to the degree of aggregation - on certain types of work and special structural elements, integrated system norms on the structural parts of the building and individual structures; for the appointment - on certain types of work, for temporary buildings and structures, on the production of work in the winter, on the maintenance of the directorate of enterprises under construction, etc.; By types of construction - for housing and civil, industrial, hydraulic, energy, rural, etc.

Construction standards of federal significance develops and establishes only the FTCS (the federal center of pricing in the construction and industry of building materials). The use of certain estimated standards depends primarily on the requirements for used regulations from the customer's customer, repair and construction, mounting work. In the particular case, the Parties (Customer and the Contractor) may agree on the contractual prices and then calculate the cost of work on the basis of this. Most often, the customer is desirable to use either federal or territorial standards (if any in this region). More frequently apply industry norms (for example, in the oil producing energy industry) and even less often the standards developed by a specific organization are used.

Fade contain a complete set of rates by types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation. They are developed at the price level for the 1st Basic District (Moscow region), the Federal Center for Pricing Materials in the construction and industry of building materials (FTCS) is approved and put into effect. Fer is used in all sectors of the national economy.

Fer together with government elemental estimates form a unified state estimated regulatory framework for developing a system of enlarged estimated standards.


Single rates, including foods, are reduced to the tables and contain the following indicators on the design meter adopted in them:

  • the cost of paying for labor workers (except for the cost of labor taken into account in the cost of the construction of construction machines) as of 01.01.00;

the cost of operation of construction machines, including the remuneration of workers serving machines;

  • the cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, whose characteristics in the preparation of the estimate is taken according to project data);

the rate of consumption of materials (in natural indicators), the value of which is not taken into account in a single rated price;

  • the names and, as a rule, the rate of consumption of materials, products and structures, whose characteristics are taken in the preparation of estimates according to project data.

Types of Fer.

  • Fer to construction and special construction works
  • Fer for equipment installation (farms)
  • Far for commissioning (FERP)
  • Fer N. repair work (Ferr)

Types of collections Fer.

  • General instructions
  • Excavation
  • Gornovsky work
  • Drill-belly works
  • Well
  • Pile work. Fixing soils. Sleep wells
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete structures monolithic
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Constructions of brick and blocks
  • Construction metal structures
  • Wooden designs
  • Roofing
  • Protection building structures and corrosion equipment
  • Construction in rural construction
  • Finishing work
  • Pipelines internal
  • Water pipe and sewage - Internal devices
  • Heating - Internal Devices
  • Gas supply - internal devices
  • Ventilation and air conditioning
  • Temporary collapsible buildings and structures
  • Water supply - external networks
  • Sewerage - external networks
  • Heat supply and gas pipelines
  • Main and Fishing Pipelines
  • Heat insulation work
  • Car roads
  • Railways
  • Tunnels and metro
  • Bridges and pipes
  • Airfields
  • Tram rails
  • Power lines
  • Construction of communication, broadcasting and television
  • Mining work
  • Earth structures of hydraulic structures
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures
  • Stone structures of hydraulic structures
  • Metal structures of hydraulic structures
  • Wooden designs of hydraulic structures
  • Waterproofing work in hydraulic structures
  • Beregoppy work
  • Ship Ways of Stapelles and Slipov
  • Submarine (diving) work
  • Industrial furnaces and pipes
  • Works on the reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • Landscaping. Protective frisms.
  • Well and gas wells
  • Wells on oil and gas in marine conditions


  • Fisun V.A. Building economy. Tutorial - Moscow: RGOTUPZ, 2002.- 232 p. ISBN 5-7473-0103-9 BBK: 65 UDC: 69.003
  • Shunduldi A.I., Nagina N.V. Economics of the industry (construction). Tutorial - Kemerovo: Kuzgtu, 2006.- 119 p. ISBN 5-89070-473-7 UDC: 69.003
  • Tolmachev E.A., Monakhs B.E. Building economy. Tutorial - Moscow: Jurisprudence, 2003.- 224 p. ISBN 5-9516-0023-5 BBK: 65.31 UDC: 338.4; 69.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "federal single rates in construction" in other dictionaries:

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  • Features of determining costs in local estimated calculations (estimates). Practical manual, Ermolaev Evgeny Evgenievich, Zhuravlev Pavel Alexandrovich, Simanovich V. M., by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from April 1, 2014 new ones: state element estimates and federal unit rates; federal estimated prices on materials, ... Category: Scientific and Technical Literature Publisher:

Information about what ter is relevant for the estimators. Read it. Decreased reduction as "territorial unit rates". The estimates are in ter, far, geene. Territorial developed for each subject individually. The introduction into force is organized by the local administration. Registration of ter to Rosstroe is required, after which the rates are included in the list of regulatory documents.

Ter: where and how applied

Territorial unit rates are valid until cancellation occurs. Make it can Gosstroy, making a decree, decree. The current collection is currently necessary to form estimates on if construction is associated with government agencies, the maintenance of ter is obligatory. For non-state structures, rates are recommended, but they will have to be taken into account.

Working on yourself, the company has the right to establish its own prices. Participation in state auctions requires the compliance of ter. Since the standards are accepted in accordance with the prices operating at the time of approval in order to obtain a current amount of expenses, an index is used. The list of indices acting in the near future is published monthly. Knowing what ter, owning the reissued of the 25th day of the next month by the index, make up a correct, accurate estimate for any construction.

Practical use

Know how estimates are made in the terates, it is necessary if it is necessary:

  • government order;
  • building;
  • participation in the tender;
  • installation;
  • design and express work.

The ability to use terti is appreciated by the contractor.

Estimation: Theory and Practice

When building a building without a estimate can not do. As follows from 743 Articles of the current Code, key documents for anyone erected object:

  • work agreement;
  • base for payment;
  • estimation.

Knowing what ter, the estimate is correct.

The estimate fixes:

  • marginality;
  • cost price;
  • price of materials;
  • cost of equipment;
  • construction time;
  • equipment costs.

Appropriate estimate of the nuances:

  • region specificity;
  • name of work;
  • composition of work;
  • the correctness of the coefficients (season, constraints and others);
  • acting index.

The estimate is based on:

  • list of works;
  • works.

With a properly formed design statement, data on the composition and scope of work is given to the estimator in advance. Repairing the building, the estimate can be made without attracting professionals.

Working with the municipal, the federal client, the contracting organization uses the terminal region of the customer. Even if the company is based in another area, and work will be carried out in the third region, indices and coefficients of the area are taken into account, where the organization in need of services is registered.

In the case when the work is funded from the federal budget, and the construction site is located in Moscow, the appointment index is used. This indicator was created only on construction, repair in the capital. When the developer works on the territory of Moscow to the finance allocated by the municipal budget, taking into account TSN-2001.

Single rates

Regulatory framework - single rates arranged for ease of use in reference collections.

Single rates - pronounced financial resources, mandatory for the success of planned work.

The ter is drawn up for the following directories:

  • construction
  • repair;
  • installation;
  • commissioning;
  • improvement;
  • technical support.

Computers to help rescuits

Master not easy, even knowing the terms of this area and having a sample before your eyes. Computing complexes have been developed, helping objects to examine objects. Using them, still have to know what ter, but the process is greatly simplified. The program already contains standard amounts, there is a function of updating the index, the finished document is formed on the adopted form, taking into account the Gosstandarts.

"On the knee" construction in the terates will be able to calculate both in Excele, but the use of special software guarantees the accuracy of the figures received. The estimated program will save time, on the basis of the data entered, it will be able to quickly form documents of several samples. Daily automatic update ensures relevance, the correctness of the result.

Summing up

So, we can safely say, the concept of the teres is necessary for any respectful repetition. This helps to correctly compile the accompanying documentation. The use of ter is expanding the capabilities of the company, allowing you to participate in the auctions.

Having hired to the work of the estate, in the interests of the employer to test a specialist. Territory use skills, the ability to distinguish the rates are territorial from federal, the ability to master new software complexes for the construction system are key skills of a skilled worker.

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