
What are the powers of the BTI today. What it is? What is BTI

We work in Moscow, so the information is relevant for Moscow. In other regions, an inventory is usually engaged in an inventory.

What is BTI and why is it needed?

BTI is a technical inventory bureau, usually under the BTI suggest a technical passport of the BTI to the room. Since 1998, in the city of Moscow, the Housing Fund is sent. BTI is a state institution. If briefly, the BTI leads technical accounting of real estate. Based on the available data, the technical inventory bureau provides various documents. These documents are needed when selling apartments, coordination of redevelopment, design of land and house, registration of property rights to real estate and privatization of real estate.

Example of the Passport BTI on the apartment (clickable):

How to get BTI

All documents can be obtained by submitting an application to the technical inventory bureau personally. Some documents can be issued on the MOS.ru website or through MFC.

ThroughMOS.rU You can get:

  • floor plan;

Ready documents can be picked up in MFC or territorial BTI.

Through MFC you can get:

  • an extract from the technical passport of the BTI (form 1b);
  • an extract from the technical passport to the building (structure) (form 1a);
  • floor plan;
  • help of the BTI about the state of the building / room (form 5);
  • certificate of address identification (without graphifest);
  • certificate of the inventory value of objects
  • certificate in form number 4 (about the Combined Square in the residential buildings of households with central and branch);
  • technical passport of residential premises (apartments);
  • explication to a floor plan for forms 22 or 25.

Territorial affiliation within Moscow nevazna.

Documents in the BTI itself

In addition to the above.

  • conclusion on the compliance of non-residential premises, which makes it possible to residential premises;
  • project redevelopment and reorganization of residential / non-lifetime;
  • technical conclusion about the admissibility and safety of redevelopment and reorganization of residential / non-residential premises.

What documents are needed to obtain BTI?

  • Statement.
  • Personality document (usually passport).
  • Expanding documents (usually extract from EGR).
  • Power of Attorney and Additional Documents (if necessary).

How much does BTI act?

The main direction of the work of the Bureau is the collection and storage of reliable data on capital sites in the general directory. The general accounting system eliminates errors and inaccuracies in carrying out any real estate market operations.

Based on the data collected, the state structure provides services:

βœ… issues technical passports, plans, extracts and references that are necessary for the registration of the owner, as well as certificates about the estimated value;

βœ… periodically, once every 5 years or with a greater frequency, conducts an assessment of the state of objects to establish the cost and value of taxation and registers changes in the database;

βœ… consults and provides discharge from the base.

Important! BTI does not register the right of ownership, but only brings data on the current owner to its base. To transfer property rights when buying or receiving inheritance, you need to contact Rosreestr.

The total volume of the organization was established by Resolution No. 1301.

Visual examples of the work of the Bureau

πŸ”Ή Refirmation Registration. If you decide to redecessing the apartment, the changes made must be reflected in the serviceport and drawings. To do this, they write a request to local BTI, employees of the organization adjust the data in the database and reissue the documents.

Important! If you do not register redevelopment, you can not, if necessary, sell housing.

πŸ”Ή Guarantees of security of real estate transactions and its operation. Periodic checks and BTI controls guarantee, for example, that all residents of an apartment building comply with technical standards and standards when they make repairs and reorganization of apartments. Due to this, the entire building is protected from premature wear. From a technical database based on data from a common base, a property buyer can get reliable information about the object. Help from BTI becomes a guarantee that real estate is not given as a deposit on a loan and property is not arrested.

πŸ”Ή General control of the state of residential and non-residential foundation. Based on real estate data, the municipality may plan the removal of residents from emergency houses and the construction of the necessary housing. The information collected information shows the urban authorities, which objects need to be renovated, demolished, re-equip.

What documents and for what purpose is the organization

The technical inventory bureau issues and issues documents:

πŸ“‹ Explanation in form β„–22 and β„–25;

πŸ“‹ Typesports, technologists of buildings, individual floors, plots;

πŸ“‹ certificates that confirm the territorial location of the object.

These documents and other discharge from the general state base are necessary for:

πŸ”Έ transfer of property rights;

πŸ”Έ commissioning of new houses and buildings;

πŸ”Έ accounting reporting;

πŸ”Έ calculating the value of taxation;

πŸ”Έ Monitoring the condition of the residential foundation.

Passport BTI - What is it? A passport for an object that is issued to the Inventory Bureau contains the main characteristics of real estate and information about its condition. The document indicates the layout of the structure or location of the room on the floor, the area, layout and purpose of the object, the type of communications and other important characteristics, on the basis of which real estate can be assessed. To arrange a vehicle of a new object or make changes to it, you can contact directly in the district branch of the inventory, or apply through a multifunctional center or through the Public Services portal.

Techplan BTI - This is a drawing of an apartment, room, floor, the whole building with the size and communications. The technical plan is necessary for setting any object of real estate on cadastral records, as well as when transferring and registering property rights when selling or another transaction.

Extract from BTI - what is it? To find out the official parameters of the object, you can order an extract from the BTI base in which the requested data will be indicated. Often, the extract is necessary when selling real estate to confirm the value of the object and comply with its technical standards. So, in BTI, you can request information about:

πŸ” Technical condition of the object on the basis of a regular state technical expertise;

πŸ” General properties of real estate;

πŸ” owner;

πŸ” Evaluation cost.

Archival Help from BTI - What is it? A certificate from the state institution is ordered to confirm one real estate information. For example, you can get a certificate from the archive that the object does not impose a debt or encumbrance.

Example:what is a warranty letter for BTI?

What you need to order documents to the Inventory Bureau

To get an extract, a certificate from BTI, order a passport or tachet of the facility, it is necessary to submit an established sample to the nearest branch of the state organization and provide documents:

πŸ“˜ certificate, which confirms the ownership of the applicant to the object;

πŸ“˜ The applicant's passport if a trustee is drawn with the request - his passport and notarized power of attorney.

BTI structure

The bureau includes municipal and federalbTI who received state accreditation and work throughout the country. The largest enterprise of this structure is Rostekhinventarization JSC. The structure of the Bureau includes both commercial enterprises and departments that work on state subsidies.

In each branch, there is a linear form of organization: the Chief Guide - the director - the heads and staff of the Accounting and Technical Department are subject. Lawyers are working at the bureau, licensed cadastral engineers, geodesists and other specialists.

Interesting! In BTI branches, the number of personnel can vary from several dozen to several hundred employees. Such inequality is explained by various scope of work, which must be carried out by the Bureau in small cities, and, for example, in the capital. In large district centers, the Inventory Bureau is organized as a municipal enterprise.

In the process of work, the Bureau cooperates and provides the necessary documents to other state and commercial organizations:

🏦 Managing housing and utilities companies;

🏦 committees for land management;

🏦 Rosreestra organs;

🏦 urban planning and architectural commissions;

🏦 organs of the judiciary;

🏦 Insurance companies, banks, notaries.

To whom the BTI is subordinate

The Federal BTI of Rostechinventarization provides collected information about real estate objects in the USRP - a single state register of rights, which forms a single state register of real estate.

Cost of services organization

BTI branches provide their services - certificates and consultations - on a commercial basis. The cost of services is set separately in each compartment and may differ even within one city.

Prices depend on the type of documentation and the deadlines established by the customer: the faster the answer is needed, the more expensive the service.

Citizens, visiting the technical inventory bureau, sometimes have only an approximate and incomplete idea of \u200b\u200bwhat BTI is. Meanwhile, its functions are quite numerous.

How to decipher BTI

This is referred to as a state organization, leading technical accounting, examination, as well as registration of documents of real estate owners.

According to sectoral instructions, real estate is understood:

  • housing (including service);
  • social buildings (hotels, boarding schools, hostels, shelters, etc.);
  • other objects not related to housing.

In the 1990s of the XX century, the breakdown of the socio-state system led to the destruction of the state system of technical inventory of the residential fund, it is currently restored and developing

What does it do

Visit in BTI is needed in the case of:

  • compiling reportative reference materials on housing;
  • registration of rights to real estate and operations with it;
  • definitions of its technical and physical wear;
  • commissioning of structures and premises;
  • implementation of tax activities;
  • assigning cadastral numbers;
  • lessoning condominiums.

As the object surveys are examined, the current changes are reflected in the relevant sections of the technical documentation.

In accordance with the Government Decree of 13.10.97 No. 1301, the Functions of the Technical Inventory Bureau following:

  • technoventarization and certification of housing and other real estate objects;
  • control over their technical show;
  • their assessment and revaluation;
  • consulting and informational support related to real estate.

The results of technizantarization are necessary to replenish the Unified State Wealth of Real Estate (EGRN, Rosreestra), registration of the State Registration of the rights to property and transactions with it. In parallel, they can be used to calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the property tax and for the statue.

The result of the technizantarization of the object is a separate vehicle, where its presence in kind, address, master, borders and other characteristics, as well as cost, physical condition, assigned numbers of various categories and, finally, mark on the registry.

The technical support with applications created on the basis of surveys form an inventory with a special number stored in the archive.

Something mistakenly considers BTI structure with double subordination - territorial and departmental. In fact, this is a purely unitary enterprise transferred to local authorities (it may exist in the form of service, management, center or a bureau itself). The municipality is its founder, the Ministry of Justice exercises exclusively the normative and methodological support of the work of the Bureau, which concerns the registration of property rights to immovable property.

The paradox is that BTI, actually being a communal commercial institution, formally acts on behalf of the state and represents its interests, and not the population living in this territory. In addition, each peripheral BTI is a separate division of regional (regional, republican) inventory management and real estate assessment.

The technical inventory (BTI) bureau provides the organization of technical audit of residential, trade, industrial real estate of all forms of ownership in Russia. BTI is the full register of periodically updated legitimate data and information about the actual state of real estate and planning features with the ability to obtain information and the necessary references in the shortest possible time. The main objective of the activities of the BTI is a technical description of the premises, apartments, buildings and structures for the formation of data for entering into the USRP.

What is engaged in BTI

BTI fulfills an inventory and constant monitoring of the actual state of real estate throughout the territory of the Russian Federation through its federal offices in the form of state and municipal organizations. The BTI database contains information:

  • on the location of the object;
  • his physical condition;
  • about the inventory cost of housing or non-residential real estate;
  • on fixing the facts of changing the technical condition of the room, for example, redevelopment.

The criteria for the assignment of buildings, buildings and structures to real estate is:

  • their erection on a specially created foundation;
  • summing up of stationary communications;
  • the fact of capital construction work for the construction of the structure.

Thus, the popular self-construction in the household sections of baths, household buildings, garages does not give the right to their possession without registration in BTI. Until recently, the BTI functions included and records and registration of property rights. At the moment, it is possible to obtain exhaustive information about ownership in Russia. In addition to maintaining and organizing technical accounting of all types of real estate, BTI is engaged in:

  • technical expertise of individual apartments, premises, structures, buildings;
  • address registration of newly entered facilities;
  • providing documents required for various transactions, including alienation, sale, rent, exchange, donation, depreciation of the collateral;
  • drafting the exploitations of premises, technical plans, passports, floor and apartment plans;
  • registration of privatization.

Translation of premises from a residential in a non-residential fund also refers to the competence of the Bureau.

Main powers and functions

The powers of the territorial branch offices for the implementation of technical monitoring of real estate objects were regulated in Resolution No. 921 of 04.12.2000 Government of the Russian Federation. Documents drawn up by BTI contain legal undeniable real estate data that reveal the technical essence and content of the object: apartments, buildings, premises. Help from BTI, extracts, passports and plans, other documents issued by the Bureau are made by all organizations and authorities and are legal.

Inventory function

When entering a new object or as a result of changes in the physical parameters of the building (capital or current repairs, renovation with redevelopment), there is a need to inventory for tax purposes. Objects are also subject to mandatory inventory:

  • erected by unauthorized, without registration of the necessary permits;
  • unfinished construction, "long-term", located on conservation;
  • controversial or mischievous.

Territorial bureau of technical inventory also records the fact of demolition of the structure. According to the results of the examination, a technical passport is formed.

Real Estate Assessment Function

Currently, there are three types of assessments of an apartment or structure: inventory, cadastral and market. Inventory real estate assessment performs BTI with the issuance of relevant documents. The feature of the inventory assessment of the real estate object is that it takes into account only:

  • the total area of \u200b\u200bpremises with division by targets;
  • year of building a building;
  • building materials used to masonry walls and overlap device;
  • the presence / absence of alterations and deviations from the initial BTI Plan.

The advantages of the geographical location of the apartment or the BTI build does not appreciate. This parameter is taken into account in cadastral value. The inventory value is much lower than the market, taking into account all factors, including: repair, proximity to the main veins of transport, favorable location. The purpose of receiving an inventory value is the creation of a base for tax deductions for real estate transactions, as well as legalization of information for issuing contracts for joint share construction and mortgage lending.


In the process of holding the overhaul of the premises with the expansion, the creation of new outdoor and internal openings, the demolition of partitions will require a project for which not only a technical passport is needed, but also a package plan with the explication of residential premises. The issuance of such documents is engaged in BTI. After the end of the repair of the technician, the technical inventory bureau will record changes in fact, followed by the issuance of a new serviceport and the necessary references.

Issuance of certificates and other technical documents

Any real estate transactions or a change in the technical parameters of the apartment or house are impossible without the right-ending documents and technical examination. The duty of registration and issuance of this kind of documents is also entrusted to the BTI at the location of the property.

What services bureaus provide the population

All citizens of the Russian Federation, legal entities - residents and non-residents, non-profit organizations and charitable foundations, individual entrepreneurs have the right to use the services of BTI in terms of the territorial location of the real estate. The most popular services are references from BTI and discharge with information about / about:

  • lack of / presence of property;
  • floor plan of an apartment building;
  • plane of the apartment with an indication of the square;
  • explication (form N 22, 25);
  • the actual state of the real estate object.

Also in demand is the service for obtaining an extract from the BTI technical plan (form 1a), the PTI statements for the conversion of attics, basements, mansard, semi-oiled areas under the exploited premises. For all documents, there is a form recommended by the Ministry of Justice, a certificate of BTI about the absence / availability of property is performed on the form of strict reporting, as it is the basis of obtaining state and municipal monetary subsidies.

How to get documentation from BTI and how much it costs

To appeal to BTI in order to obtain the necessary documents, certificates and extracts will require a statement, passport, individual code, the right-pointing documents or notarial power of attorney for the right to submit the interests of the owner, the receipt of payment of state duty. BTI failure to provide the necessary documents can be caused only:

  • incomplete information filed;
  • unreliability of documents, for example, submitting an application on behalf of another person without a certified power of attorney;
  • non-payment of state duty.

All BTI services for paperwork are paid. The cost is determined by local municipalities on the basis of legal acts of territorial self-government. The duration of the documents issued by the Bureau is different. Usually, the validity of the statement of BTI is a year, a certificate of inventory value is valid for a month, a certificate for the re-equipment of attic, semi-oidvalov, attic to the private ownership of -10 days.

Requirements for the preparation of the technical plan of premises

With the entry into force from 01.01.2017 of the Federal Law No. 218 "On State Registration Registration Registration", which regulates the introduction of data to the USRP, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation updated the list of necessary data to compile the technical plan, listing them in its order No. 953 of 18.12.2015 . The main difference between the new regulations is that it contains a number of requirements not only to information about apartments, buildings, structures, uniform property complexes, but about car places for personal transport parking placed within the stain of the building.

Differences affected the requirements for Tekhlalan. Now it is necessary to provide a bti plans for all floors with geodesic binding. The technical plan is obliged to maintain comprehensive information for registering and taking into account all residential, non-residential, technical premises and premises with joint ownership: basements, attics, underground parking lots with parking lots, with the possibility of identifying the boundaries of individual premises, passing to the property of individuals or legal entities.

Information is drawn up on the basis of sheets of certified project documentation containing information included in the technical plan. In the absence of a project, for example, on private households up to 3 floors, owned by one family and erected in stages for a long time, Tekhplan is issued on the basis of a technical passport certified by the cadastral engineer or on the basis of a declaration drawn up by the owner.

The technical plan consists of two parts: textual and graphic, on several sheets of A4 format and is drawn up on electronic media or, on demand, on sheets of paper, in a minimum number - 2 copies. In this case, all sheets are stitched and assigned to personal printing and signature of the cadastral engineer.

The technical inventory bureau (deciphering the BTI abbreviation) is an important instance, without which no real estate operations are possible.

Why do you need a BTI?

Suppose you decided to sell your apartment or make redevelopment in it. Accordingly, you need permits for the technical condition of the residential premises. In order to get them, you go to BTI. This organization relates to state institutions that are engaged in the collection and systematization of information on where the object is located, its quality, cost and technical condition of the structure.

Employees of the Technical Inventory Bureau have a database in which information is stored about all real estate regardless of its purpose. This can a residential building, factory, restaurant, country cottage or land. The database is also recorded changes that occurred with the object for a certain period of time.

Regulate the activities of the BTI laws and regulatory acts, as well as different standards and standardization rules. Without documents from BTI, it is impossible to register, or to record real estate. Almost all operations with objects occur accompanied by documentation from this state organization.

When not to do without it?

There are different situations when without appealing to BTI will not work out.

  • Feeding papers to privatize the apartment;
  • Sales, exchange, inheritance transmission, donation;
  • Entry into account of hereditary real estate;
  • Transfer of real estate secured;
  • Property valuation.

Of course, there are situations where documents from the technical inventory bureau are not required, but each real estate operation has its own characteristics.

Who draws?

Physical and legal entities are also treated in BTI. Without documents from this organization, it is impossible to register the rights of the owner. Often, the certificate of those citizens who stand on line for obtaining municipal housing are required. When applying for real estate claims, a number of references and documents from the Bureau also requires a number of references.

The laws of jurisprudence are often addressed, if necessary, to obtain real estate assessment. At the moment there are about 31 types of documents. The terms of manufacture and cost them are different. Often, the Department of the BTI officer is required to decorate this or that document.

The type of document issued is determined by its targeted purpose. This may be a cadastral passport, for example, to submit an application for state registration.

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