
Construction of buildings in dense urban areas. Methods for the construction of foundations in a dense urban development. Features of engineering surveys

The set of rules applies to the design of new, reconstructed and overhauled permanent bridge structures, including overpasses of any type, viaducts, flyovers, pedestrian and combined bridges on highways and streets of cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more (with a building density coefficient of at least 2.0).

Designation: SP 259.1325800.2016
Russian name: Bridges in dense urban areas. Design rules
Status: acts
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.02.2017
Effective date: 21.04.2017
Approved by: 20.10.2016 Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services Russian Federation(723 / pr)
Published: From site: (2017)
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On the approval of the set of rules "Bridges in conditions
dense urban development. Design rules "

In accordance with the Rules for the development, approval, publication, amendment and cancellation of sets of rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 624 dated July 1, 2016, subparagraph 5.2.9 of paragraph 5 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by decree Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1038, paragraph 124 of the Plan for the development and approval of sets of rules and updating previously approved sets of rules, building codes and regulations for 2015 and the planning period until 2017, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing public utilities of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2015 No. 470 / pr as amended by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation No. 659 / pr dated September 14, 2015, I order:

1. To approve and put into effect in 6 months from the date of publication of this order the set of rules “Bridges in conditions of dense urban development. Design rules ", according to the appendix.

2. The Department of Urban Planning and Architecture shall, within 15 days from the date of issuance of the order, send the approved set of rules “Bridges in conditions of dense urban development. Design rules "for registration with the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

3. The Department of Urban Development and Architecture shall ensure the publication on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" of the text of the approved set of rules "Bridges in conditions of dense urban development. Design rules "in electronic digital form within 10 days from the date of registration of the set of rules by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Kh.D. Mavliyarova.

And about. Minister


E.O. Sierra



SP 259.1325800.2016


Moscow 2016


About the set of rules


2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia).

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation No. 723 / pr dated October 20, 2016 and put into effect on April 21, 2017.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notification will be published in accordance with the established procedure. The relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet.


This set of rules has been prepared to increase the level of safety of people in buildings and structures and the safety of material assets in accordance with the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", taking into account the design features of bridge structures in dense urban development.

Application of this set of rules ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Requirements fire safety»And sets of rules for the fire protection system.

The work was carried out by the team of authors of ZAO Institute IMIDIS: Dr. Tech. sciences, professor A.I. Vasiliev, Cand. tech. sciences A.S. Beyvel, Cand. tech. sciences B.I. Krishman, Cand. tech. sciences E.V. Falkovsky, Ing. T.V. Medvedev with the participation of JSC "MOSINZHPROEKT" and FGU VNII PO - A.S. Chirko, D.V. Ushakov, I'M IN. Gurinovich.



Bridges in dense urban areas. Design rules

Introduction date 2017-04-21

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules applies to the design of new, reconstructed and overhauled permanent bridge structures, including overpasses of any type, viaducts, overpasses, pedestrian and combined bridges on highways and streets of cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more (with a building density coefficient not less than 2.0).

2 Normative references

SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits (with change No. 1)

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. The system of warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements

SP 4.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at the objects of protection. Requirements for space-planning and structural solutions

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and extinguishing installations. Norms and rules of design (with amendment No. 1)

SP 6.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements

SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of outdoor fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements (with amendment No. 1)

SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Internal fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements (with amendment No. 1)

SP 12.13130.2009 Determination of the category of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazard (with amendment No. 1)

SP 22.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures"

SP 34.13330.2010 SNiP 2.05.02-85 * Highways

SP 35.13330.2011 SNiP 2.05.03-84 * Bridges and pipes

SP 42.13330.2011 SNiP 2.07.01-89 * Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "

SP 48.13330.2011 "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction"

SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003 Protection against noise"

SP 59.13330. 2011 "SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 98.13330.2012 SNiP 2.05.09-90 Tram and trolleybus lines

SP 122.13330.2012 SNiP 32-04-97 Railway and road tunnels

GOST 12.1.044-89 (ISO 4589-84) Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods of their determination

GOST 12.1.046-2014 Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Construction site lighting standards

GOST 9238-2013 Dimensions of railway rolling stock and approaching buildings

GOST 23961-80 Subways. Dimensions of the approximation of buildings, equipment and rolling stock

GOST 26600-98 Navigational signs for inland waterways

GOST 30244-94 Building materials. Flammability test methods

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Flammability test methods

GOST 30247.1-94 Building structures. Fire test methods

GOST 30402-96 Building materials. Flammability test method

GOST 31937-2011 Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition

GOST 33119-2014 Polymer composite structures for pedestrian bridges and overpasses. Technical conditions

GOST 33127-2014 Motor roads for general use. Road fencing. Classification

GOST R 52289-2004 Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices

GOST R 52607-2006 Technical means of traffic management. Retaining lateral fences for cars. General technical requirements

GOST R 52892-2007 Vibration and shock. Vibration of buildings. Measurement of vibration and assessment of its impact on the structure

GOST R 53964-2010 Vibration. Vibration measurements of structures

Note- When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference documents in the public information system - on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of standardization on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the referenced document to which the undated link is given is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of this document be used, taking into account all changes made to this version. If the referenced document to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this document with the above year of approval (acceptance). If, after the approval of this set of rules, a change is made to the referenced document to which the dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this link. It is advisable to check the information on the validity of the sets of rules in the Federal Information Fund of Standards.

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are used with appropriate definitions:

3.1 urban density coefficient: The ratio of the area of ​​all floors of buildings and structures located in an urban area (or part of it) to the area of ​​this area (or part of it).

3.2 dense urban development: Building up an urban area or its part with a coefficient of urban building density not less than 2.0.

3.3 urban density: A characteristic showing the efficiency of using the area of ​​an urban area (or part of it) is determined by the coefficient of the density of urban development.

3.4 right of way: Land plots (regardless of the category of land), which are intended for the placement of structural elements of the road, road structures and on which road service objects are located or may be located.

3.5 functional differentiation of streets and city roads: Classification of streets and city roads by purpose, composition and mode of movement of vehicles.

4 General instructions

4.1 Urban planning and architectural requirements. Terms of service

4.1.1 Bridge structures should be designed according to SP 35.13330, taking into account SP 42.13330 and this set of rules.

4.1.2 When designing bridge structures for the passage of road transport and trams, it is necessary to take into account the prospects for the development of the road network and transport systems in accordance with the General Plan of the city, documentation on the planning of territories, schemes for the integrated development of transport of all types.

4.1.3 Basis planning solutions bridge structures should be the boundaries of the corresponding functional and territorial zones according to the general plan and the rules of land use and urban development.

4.1.4 During the reconstruction of bridge structures that are architectural monuments, or during the construction of new bridge structures next to them, architectural planning and Constructive decisions must be defined in the design assignment by a permitting letter from the city administration, which is in charge of the protection of monuments,

4.1.5 The life cycle (estimated service life) of the designed bridge structures for road traffic and rail transport, subject to the fulfillment of the requirements for their operation, should be at least 100 years, the minimum design service life of parts and elements of structures is recommended to be taken according to the appendix.

4.1.6 Design documentation for a bridge structure should contain separate sections for operation (operation design) and fire safety.

4.2 Location of bridge structures in plan and profile

4.2.1 Bridge structures are allowed to be located on sections with any plan parameters established for a street of a specific category.

4.2.2 The angle of intersection of the axis of the bridge structure with the course of the river should be determined by the conditions for tracing the highway on which this bridge structure is located, by the conditions of navigation.

4.2.3 Bridge structures and approaches to them are designed in accordance with the parameters of the plan and profile of the road, street, interchange on which they are located.

Longitudinal slopes and radii of convex curves on bridge structures and approaches to them should be taken in conjunction with the speed limits on them in accordance with the requirements of SP 34.13330.2012 (5.4, Table 5.3), but not more than 80 ‰.

In this case, the conditions for ensuring visibility distances and permissible centrifugal accelerations corresponding to the set speed, as well as the required surface roughness (adhesion coefficient - not less than 0.5) must be met.

4.3 Deformations and movements of bridge structures

4.3.1 Vertical elastic deflections of girder and arched superstructures of urban road bridges, calculated under the action of a movable temporary vertical load (with a load safety factor γ n = 1 and dynamic coefficient 1 + μ = 1), should not exceed 1/600 of the calculated span.

4.3.2 Vertical elastic deflections of span structures of cable-stayed and suspended bridges, road bridges on technological roads and roads of industrial enterprises, pedestrian bridge structures should not exceed 1/400 of a span.

4.3.3 The construction lifting of continuous span structures of road bridge structures should be taken equal to the sum of elastic deflection from 40% of the uniformly distributed part of the movable vertical load of class A (with a load safety factor γ t = 1 and dynamic coefficient 1 + μ = 1) when loading the entire span structure with it, and deflection from the standard constant load.

4.3.4 In spans of urban and pedestrian bridges, the calculated periods of natural oscillations (in an unloaded state) for the two lower forms (beam split systems - for one lower form) should not be in the range from 0.45 to 0.60 s - in vertical and from 0.9 to 1.2 s - in horizontal planes.

For spans of pedestrian bridge structures, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of loading them with a crowd, creating a load of 0.50 kPa.

4.4 Traffic interchanges

4.4.1 When designing intersections at different levels, it is necessary to take into account the prospective development of urban transport highways, separate tram lines, railways passing under bridge structures, in accordance with long-term plans for the development of transport infrastructure, as well as territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of territories.

4.4.2 At traffic intersections, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of movement of vehicles and pedestrians and, if necessary, the device of bicycle paths and separate structures for the passage of pedestrians.

At the same time, sidewalks and service aisles are allowed not to be arranged at the ramps.

4.4.3 The parameters of the plan and profile of exits connecting different-level streets at traffic intersections should be taken depending on the estimated speed of vehicles at the exit, which is determined by the type of intersection and the density of turning flows.

4.4.4 The number of traffic lanes at exits should be assigned according to the calculation based on the prospective traffic intensity and the capacity of one traffic lane.

With a common roadbed of ramps, a dividing strip should be provided between opposite directions of movement, marked by fences placed on it. In cramped conditions, it is allowed to arrange a common carriageway for opposite directions, with a dividing strip at least 1.2 m wide at the pavement level.

In all cases, the elevation of the dividing strip above the level of the top of the carriageway should be no more than 15 cm.

4.4.5 When designing ramps and junctions from bridge structures across navigable rivers, it is allowed, in agreement with the shipping services, to locate the beginning of ramps within the river bed, provided that the safety of the passage of the bridge structure by ships is ensured.

4.4.6 To illuminate traffic intersections at different levels, it is allowed to use high-mast lamps, with their location outside the envelope of the structure.

4.4.7 At traffic intersections at different levels, in the places where the ramps adjoin the carriageways of the main directions of traffic, visibility zones should be created within which the placement of any structures with a height of more than 1.2 m is prohibited. the main direction, at a distance determined in accordance with SP 34.13330.2012 (clause 5.15), but not less than 40 m from the vehicle causing the interference.

4.5 Dimensions of structures

4.5.1 Dimensions of bridge structures in width The width of the bridge bed of bridge structures should be assigned depending on the category of the street on which the bridge structure is located and on the basis of the number of traffic lanes determined by the calculation, but not less than that provided for by the projected transverse profile on the sections of the road network adjacent to the structure.

The width of the roadbed of bridge structures at transport interchanges should be determined based on the design of interchanges with the adjustment of the width of the traffic lanes, taking into account the safety lanes and the necessary widening of the lanes when located on a curve. The width of the traffic lanes on bridge structures should be the same dimensions as on adjacent streets in accordance with SP 42.13330. The width of the safety strips must be at least:

1.5 m - for city roads and streets of continuous traffic;

1.0 m - for city roads and streets with controlled traffic;

1.0 m - for local streets and driveways of production, industrial and communal storage areas;

1.0 m - for local streets of residential, shopping, public and business areas, mixed traffic streets, streets for public passenger transport and pedestrians. There are no safety lanes on park roads and pedestrian paths. Under tunnel-type overpasses designed exclusively for passing light traffic, the width of the traffic lane should be 3.5 m, the width of the safety lane - 0.5 m. The width of sidewalks on bridge structures located on streets of continuous traffic and local streets, on passages of production, industrial and communal storage areas and under tunnel-type overpasses should be set equal to 1.5 m;

The width of sidewalks on bridge structures located on regulated streets is established by calculation, but must be at least 1.5 m.

In pedestrian and park areas, pedestrian traffic is allowed along the entire width of the bridge structure. The width of pedestrian bridge structures and tunnel-type structures should be determined depending on the estimated prospective traffic intensity of pedestrians at rush hour and should be taken at least 3.0 m in the clear between the handrails. Dimensions of bridge structures for tram tracks should be taken according to SP 98.13330.

The dimensions of bridge structures for the separate movement of a high-speed tram or metro track should be taken in accordance with GOST 23961.

4.5.2 Underbridge height dimensions The underbridge dimensions of the overpasses, as well as the height dimensions under the tunnel-type overpasses, should be taken in accordance with GOST 9238, GOST 23961, SP 35.13330, SP 98.13330.

The height clearance from the top of the carriageway of the streets under the tunnel-type overpasses, intended exclusively for the passage of light vehicles - 4.00 m.

4.6 Bridge deck

4.6.1 Expansion joints should allow temperature movements of the span structures both along and, if necessary, across the axis of the bridge structure. It is prohibited to use expansion joints with metal sheets that produce noise when passing vehicles.

4.6.2 The design and design of fences, railings, outdoor lighting poles must be agreed with the architecture and urban planning authorities.

4.6.3 Supports intended for outdoor lighting and (or) suspension of the contact network on bridge structures should be located on the outside of the structure outside the walkway of sidewalks and service passages.

If there is an axial dividing strip on the bridge structures with a width of at least 3.0 m, with a fence, or tram tracks located on a separate track, it is allowed to place supports for the suspension of the contact network along the longitudinal axis of the bridge or in the tramway track. It is allowed to combine the supports of the contact network with the lighting supports.

The dimensions of the supports must be the same along the entire length of the bridge structure.

4.6.4 Drainage of rainwater and drainage water from carriageways and walkways should be carried out only into the storm sewer or treatment facilities.

4.7 Railings and barriers

4.7.1 The design of the fence, its holding capacity and height are taken depending on the category of the road or street, the complexity of the road conditions, the presence or absence of sidewalks or service passages on the bridge structure in accordance with GOST R 52289, GOST 33127, GOST R 52607.

4.7.2 When designing urban bridge structures in the central planning zone and zones of historical buildings, in agreement with the traffic police, it is possible to use a parapet fence with a height of 600 mm (including those with decorative trim).

4.7.3 The design of barrier fences on adapter plates should be adopted in accordance with SP 35.13330.

4.7.4 Fences under bridge structures should be installed:

on the main streets of city-wide significance;

4.7.5 Handrails of sidewalks and service passages on bridge structures may be combined with noise protection screens.

4.8 Noise protection (acoustic) screens

4.8.1 Where bridge structures are located at a distance that does not provide noise protection for residential, civil or office premises, they should be fitted with noise barriers as required. The screen must provide the required noise reduction level specified by the project documentation for the protected object.

In areas of historical development, burdened with urban planning restrictions related to the regulation of the height of buildings, the preservation of the appearance or species perception of architectural monuments and cultural heritage sites, to reduce noise pollution to standard sanitary and hygienic parameters, the use of acoustic screens is not allowed.

4.8.2 The length, height, shape of the upper boundary and the material of the soundproof screens providing the required acoustic performance of the screen are given in.

4.8.3 Requirements for sound insulation and sound absorption of the screen material are established based on the results of acoustic calculations. The sound insulation provided by the screen panel must be at least 10 dB higher than the required acoustic efficiency of the screen (AE) to prevent the passage of direct sound penetrating to the protected object directly through the screen structure.

If it is necessary to provide visualization of objects protected from noise in accordance with the requirements of urban planning regulations, compliance with the requirements of insolation when residential buildings are located close to the bridge structure, reduce the monotony of perception of extended noise protection screens, adherence to the architectural solution and a favorable perception of screens by road users and residents, screens are recommended to be made from light-transmitting panels. Architectural solution AE must be taken taking into account the unified architectural concept of the bridge structure and the architectural appearance of the existing surrounding buildings.

4.8.4 When placing noise protection screens, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for ensuring the safety and visibility of vehicles and pedestrians in accordance with SP 42.13330.

4.8.5 To minimize the effect of sound amplification due to multiple reflections in the presence of residential buildings on both sides of the bridge structure, the noise shield should be reflective-absorbing.

4.8.6 The screen and its elements must retain their properties in the entire range of air temperatures from the climatic minimum to the maximum.

4.8.7 The posts of the noise barriers should be fixed to the structures of the superstructures with the help of embedded parts, which should be provided for in the design documentation.

4.8.8 The guaranteed service life of soundproof screens must be at least 12 years.

4.9 Engineering communications

4.9.1 Laying over bridge structures and retaining walls engineering Communication should not be located on the side of the facade surfaces of structures. If it is necessary to lay communications along the facade, they must be closed with a decorative cornice.

4.9.2 For the laid engineering communications on bridge structures, the following should be provided:

special structural elements, including special walkways or brackets for cables;

general (through or semi-through) collectors of underground utilities;

telephone sewer collectors;

availability of pipelines and cable lines for their inspection and repair.

Structural elements for engineering communications should not interfere with the performance of work on the current maintenance and repair of bridge structures.

4.9.3 The laying of high-voltage power lines (voltage over 1000 V) is allowed in exceptional cases when no other solution is possible and provided the necessary protection measures are observed.

The laying of high-voltage power lines with a voltage exceeding 10,000 V is not allowed.

4.9.4 Structural solutions of communications and devices for their laying should take into account the movements, deformations and vibrations of the span structures of bridge structures, ensure the safety of the structure, as well as the continuity and safety of movement along the bridge structure. At the same time, the operation and repair of communications should not lead to disassembly, removal or damage to the structures of bridge structures.

4.9.5 It is prohibited to lay pipelines inside box spans, between the extreme and adjacent beams in multi-girder spans, inside hollow slab spans, in sidewalks, as well as along the facade of spans and supports.

When the number of beams in the beam spans is equal to 2 or 3, the laying of pipelines between the beams is allowed by agreement with the Customer and the operating organization.

The clear distance between the pipelines and the elements of the supporting structures of the span structures and supports (with the exception of the elements supporting the pipeline) must be at least 0.5 m.

The laying of pipelines for heating mains and water supply is allowed only on bridge structures over water obstacles.

4.9.6 Laying telephone and electrical cables in sidewalks and inside hollow slab superstructures is allowed in especially cramped conditions with special equipment - economic justification and in agreement with the operating organization.

4.9.7 In the design of support-chambers with pipelines filled with heat-transfer agents (steam or water), windows should be provided to create natural ventilation and reduce the air temperature inside the support-chambers to the outside air temperature. The dimensions and location of the ventilation openings are set in agreement with the operating organization.

4.9.8 When laying high-voltage DC cables on bridge structures, protection of bridge structures and pipelines from the effects of stray currents should be provided.

4.10 Underbridge (understage) space

4.10.1 The underbridge space can be used for the passage of vehicles, placement of operational services, parking lots, retail and domestic premises.

In the structures of the under-stage space, it is allowed to provide for the storage of road equipment located near enterprises for minor repair and maintenance of cars. The design of these areas should be carried out in accordance with applicable regulatory documents.

It is not allowed to place production and storage facilities of explosion and fire hazard categories A, B, B1 in the structures of the under-stage space.

4.10.2 The functional purpose of the scaffold space should be determined by the Customer in agreement with the executive authorities and the operating organization.

4.10.3 The capacity or design capacity of objects in the underbridge space should be established based on checking the influence of the conditions of transport services of the object (entrances, approaches, parking lots, loading and unloading areas) on the throughput and traffic safety on city passages.

4.10.4 The clearance between the bottom of the bridge structures and the top of the premises or the upper dimensions of vehicles in parking lots must be at least 2 m.

4.10.6 When designing bridge structures through industrial-production or communication-warehouse zones of the city, it is allowed to place auxiliary, warehouse and similar production premises of land users in the bridge space, over the territories of which these structures pass.

4.11 Requirements for fire protection of the scaffold space

4.11.1 A bridge structure belongs to the 1st degree of fire resistance, if the fire resistance limit of the supports is at least R 180, and the fire resistance limit of the spans is at least REI 60.

A bridge structure belongs to the II degree of fire resistance, if the fire resistance limit of the supports is at least R 180, and the fire resistance limit of the spans is at least REI 45.

Bridge structures made of reinforced concrete and steel structural elements should be classified as structural fire hazard class C0 (in accordance with).

4.11.2 The location of buildings and structures relative to the boundary of the bridge space of the bridge structure must correspond to the fire distances regulated by table 1 of SP 4.13130.2013.

4.11.3 For bridge structures of I and II degrees of fire resistance (provided that the required driveways and entrances for fire fighting equipment are provided), fire distances to buildings and structures regulated by table 1 of SP 4.13130.2013 may be reduced:

To the distances between the bridge structure and the building, ensuring their operation, if the building is completed with I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, the height of the building, determined in accordance with SP 1.13130, exceeds the height of the carriageway level by at least 2 m and the wall of the building facing the bridge structure is type 1 fire protection;

By 25%, if the building is completed with I or II degree of fire resistance of the class of constructive fire hazard C0, equipped with automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing installations, the spans and the roadway of the bridge structure are protected by fire screens with a fire resistance limit of at least EI 60.

4.11.4 The design of buildings and structures for various purposes in the underbridge space should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

4.11.5 On sections of bridge structures, in the bridge spaces of which structures, buildings and premises or maneuvering and layover tracks of railroad trains are fully or partially located, the fire resistance limit of the supports must be at least R 180, the fire resistance limit of the supporting structures of the span structures is within the horizontal boundaries of the specified objects, as well as at a distance of at least 20 m from the horizontal boundaries of these objects - not less than the values ​​given in Table 1.

Table 1

Height of superstructure structures location, m

Fire resistance limit of superstructure structures

20 and more

REI 45

from 15 to 20

REI 60

from 10 to 15

REI 90

less than 10

REI 120


1 The height of the superstructure structures is the unbuilt clear height between the lower level of the superstructure structures of the bridge structure and the upper level of the structures of buildings or structures located under the bridge structure. For parking lots, the height should be taken as the minimum vertical distance from the vehicle storage level to the lower level of the superstructure structures.

2 For sections of intersection with railway tracks in places of maneuvering and parking of trains, the height should be taken as the minimum vertical distance from the upper structures of the train to the lower level of the superstructure structures.

4.11.6 On sections of bridge structures with passing under them by road, the requirements for the fire resistance limits of the supporting structures of the span structures must meet the requirements and be at least REI 45.

4.11.7 It is not allowed to locate in the bridge space in whole or in part buildings and structures with a degree of fire resistance below II and a class of constructive fire hazard above C0 (in accordance with), as well as buildings of categories A, B and C with the presence of premises of category B1 and outdoor installations of categories A H, B N, V ​​N (in accordance with SP 12.13130).

4.11.8 The characteristics of the wood and polymer composite materials used must comply with the requirements of GOST 30247.0, GOST 30247.1, GOST 30244, GOST 30402, GOST 12.1.044.

4.11.9 For structures in the area of ​​the underbridge space of a bridge structure, every 300 m, through passages with a width of at least 3.5 m, a height of at least 4.5 m for fire trucks should be provided, and between the nearest passages - at least one through passage with a width of at least less than 1.2 m.

4.11.10 Areas of various functional fire hazards of the operated scaffold space should be allocated to fire compartments with fire walls and type 1 ceilings in accordance with.

4.11.11 For a complex of buildings, structures and premises of various functional purposes located in the under-bridge space of a bridge structure or intersecting with the under-bridge space of a bridge structure, a dispatching point should be provided, equipped with city telephone communications and a fire signal output via a radio channel to the console of the State Fire Service.

4.11.12 On bridge structures with a length of more than 200 m at the level of the carriageway, it is necessary to provide for the device of two dry pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm with half-nuts for connecting fire trucks, as well as half-nuts with diameters of 50 and 89 mm for connecting fire nozzles.

If there is a possibility of access for fire fighting equipment, it is allowed to carry out the outputs of dry pipes to the ground level at the supports. In this case, it is advisable to provide for the fastening of the vertical sections of dry pipes to the structures of the supports.

It is allowed not to equip sections of bridge structures with dry pipes with a carriageway height relative to the ground level of no more than 10 m, provided with the possibility of a two-way approach to the bridge structure for fire trucks.

4.11.13 Structures, buildings and premises located in the bridge spaces of bridge structures or intersecting with the bridge spaces of bridge structures must be provided with an internal fire-fighting water supply in accordance with the requirements of SP 10.13130.

4.11.14 Structures, buildings and premises located in the bridge spaces of bridge structures or intersecting with the bridge spaces of bridge structures must be provided with sources of external fire-fighting water supply in accordance with the requirements of SP 8.13130.

Water consumption for external fire extinguishing, as well as internal fire-fighting water supply should be provided based on the need to extinguish a fire in these buildings and structures.

Regardless of the presence or absence of bridge structures, buildings and structures in the underbridge spaces, it is allowed not to provide for an external fire-fighting water supply system for external fire extinguishing of bridge structures.

4.11.15 Structures, buildings and premises located in the underbridge spaces of bridge structures or intersecting with the underbridge spaces of bridge structures, including parking lots, with the exception of automatic anti-icing complexes and other structures and technological installations intended for servicing bridge structures, should be protected with automatic sprinkler installations fire extinguishing in accordance with the requirements of SP 5.13130.

4.11.16 The electrical equipment of fire protection systems must comply with the requirements of SP 5.13130 ​​and SP 6.13130.

The reliability of power supply to consumers of security systems and fire protection systems must correspond to the I category of reliability in accordance with.

4.11.17 The design of lightning protection elements is given in.

4.11.18 For the structures of the bridge space, a warning and evacuation control system (SOUE) of at least type 3 should be provided in accordance with SP 3.13130.

It is necessary to provide for the automatic activation of the SOUE in the compartment of its occurrence when the fire automatics are triggered.

The decision to turn on the SOUE in the event of a fire on the roadway of the bridge structure, as well as in the sections of the bridge spaces, with the exception of the fire section, is made by the dispatcher on the basis of the approved instructions.

4.11.19 Along the dividing strip, if there is a building envelope on it, a continuous curb with a height of at least 15 cm should be provided.

4.11.20 On sections of bridge structures passing over highways, railways, as well as in the bridge spaces of which structures, buildings and premises are located, or the bridge spaces of which intersect with structures, buildings and premises, it is necessary to provide for an organized drainage of spilled oil products through closed trays and pipes into the drainage system after preliminary treatment at local treatment facilities

4.12 Environmental requirements

4.12.1 At all stages of design and construction, it is necessary to assess the impact of bridge structures on the environment. At the same time, design decisions should be made to reduce this impact.

4.12.2 The main types of impacts of bridge structures on the urban environment should be taken according to the appendix. The composition and content of the EIA (environmental impact assessment) and EP (environmental protection) sections are recommended to be adopted, respectively, according to appendices and.

4.12.3 On bridge structures, in case of exceeding the maximum permissible levels of air pollution and surface runoff from the bridge, as well as the noise level, it is necessary to use special structures and materials that reduce these effects. Such structures and materials include: screens, water treatment devices, asphalt concrete pavements with noise-absorbing elements, special filters or drains.

4.12.4 In the right-of-way of the bridge structure, in order to reduce these impacts, in addition, it is necessary to provide for the planting of green spaces and additional glazing of the windows of adjacent buildings. If necessary, determined by the calculation, to reduce the impact of vibration, special screens should be arranged in the ground.

4.12.5 Constructive and technological solutions to reduce the level of environmental impacts during the construction process should be made taking into account the requirements of SP 48.13330.

4.12.6 Calculations of atmospheric pollution with exhaust gases when vehicles move along a bridge structure, noise impact of the highway, pollution of surface runoff from a bridge structure, as well as calculations to determine the effects of vibration and zones of excess lead content in the soil adjacent to the bridge structure are recommended carry out according to the norms and methods given in the appendix.

4.12.7 Maximum permissible concentrations and approximate safe levels of exposure to pollutants in the air are given -.

4.12.8 Normalized transport parameters - equivalent (in terms of energy) and maximum sound levels. The maximum permissible noise levels (MPL) established for the residential area are given in.

Table A.1

Construction and structural element

Design service life, years

1 Bridge deck:

1.1 Traveling clothing (excluding coverage):

1.2 Coating asphalt concrete

1.3 Sidewalks

1.4 Railings:

1.5 Barrier

1.6 Expansion joints

1.7 Drainage

2 Spans:

Metal, steel-reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete



3 Support parts:


Rubber and rubber-metal

Fluoroplastic rubber

4 Supports:


Bridge (as an engineering structure)

Traffic on the bridge of vehicles

On nature

Modifying the landscape

Implementation in geomorphological structure (landslides, talus, etc.)

Violation of surface runoff conditions

Violation of the natural level of leakage groundwater(drainage, waterlogging)

Violation of the hydrological regime and cross-section of the river (change in the coastline, activation of channel processes, etc.)

Violation of the conditions of the habitat of plants, animals and fish

Pollution and dusting of the air and soil, noise exposure, vibration from the flow of vehicles

Pollution of water bodies by surface runoff from a bridge structure

Pollution and dusting of the air, soil, surface and ground waters from different types construction works, machines and mechanisms at construction sites

Pollution and narrowing of the river bed during the construction of towers

On objects economic activity

Disruption of the functioning of communications

To the social environment

Demolition of buildings, resettlement associated with the allocation of land for construction

Damage to monuments of history, culture and archaeological sites


"+" - types of impacts taken into account when carrying out an environmental feasibility study at the stages of construction and operation of the bridge.

B.1 Evaluation state of the art environment:

Assessment of the current state of the natural environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, geological and soil environment, flora and fauna);

Assessment of the existing technogenic load on environmental components;

Assessment of the current social environment.

B.2 Rough quantitative assessment of the impact of the bridge structure on the environment for each location option:

Characteristics of the bridge crossing;

Assessment of the impact on the components of the natural environment, social conditions;

Assessment of the possibility of the development of hazardous technogenic processes and emergencies;

Assessment of possible measures to prevent (minimize) impacts;

Development of a local monitoring system.

C.3 Environmental and economic assessment of investments in the construction of a bridge crossing:

Assessment of ecological and economic damage to the natural environment in case of different variants of the placement of the bridge crossing;

An alternative assessment of the cost of environmental protection measures to ensure the ecological safety of the environment and the population.

B.4 Selecting the option for placing the bridge from an ecological point of view.

D.1 Brief analysis of the state of the environment on the territory of the proposed construction:

D.1.1 Natural conditions:

climatic characteristics: type of climate, meteorological indicators that determine the conditions for dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere: temperature regime, average maximum temperature of the hottest month, temperature inversions, their frequency and duration, average annual precipitation, their distribution throughout the year, wind regime, the average wind speed in directions, the frequency of calm, the wind speed according to the average long-term data, the frequency of which is 5%.

landscape characteristics of the territory;

geomorphological conditions: relief type, absolute marks and relative heights;

geological structure and hydrogeology of the area:

hydrological conditions: the levels of water bodies are minimum, maximum of the calculated supply; ice regime, ice thickness, time of freezing and opening of the reservoir, hydraulic flow elements: width, depth, average flow velocity at the intersection, hydraulic radius, channel roughness, slope, tortuosity coefficient, nature of the channel process, characteristics of existing water use in the area of ​​the bridge structure , the size and boundaries of coastal strips and water protection zones;

soil and plant conditions: soil type, water permeability, porosity, granulometric composition of soils, erosion of the soil cover, degraded lands, state of vegetation, composition of rocks, age, fullness, bonitet;

the state of the animal world, including ichthyofauna.

D.1.2 Economic aspects of using the territory:

the nature of the anthropogenic load: the presence of industrial enterprises, the existing transport network, the general impact of economic activity on the components of the natural environment;

background values ​​of indicators of pollution of natural components: atmosphere, including existing noise levels; water bodies, including the coefficient of bottom accumulation of substances; soil, etc.

D.1.3 Social environment:

the population of the gravitational area, the quality of the habitat;

data on the presence of monuments of history, culture, archeology.

D.2 Characteristics of the planned activity:

data on the current level and prospective traffic intensity and composition of the traffic flow;

determination of the types and nature of the likely impacts of the bridge structure on the environment - construction impacts (temporary); operational impacts associated with the operation of the facility as an engineering structure; impacts from mobile sources (transport).

D.3. Forecast of changes in the state of the environment during the construction and operation of the bridge structure:

the level of pollution of the atmosphere with exhaust gases during the movement of vehicles on the bridge structure and the accumulation of equipment during construction and installation work; the same for dustiness;

the level of noise impact of the highway and noise from technological processes on the main territory;

the same for vibration - mainly for reconstructed structures;

the level of pollution of surface runoff from the bridge structure and from construction sites with the determination of the maximum permissible discharge (MPD) into the water body;

assessment of the impact of the construction of a bridge structure on groundwater and geological environment;

the zone of excess lead content over the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the soil of the main highway area;

predicted assessment of changes in vegetation cover, vegetation, fauna, including ichthyofauna;

aesthetic aspects of landscape changes after the construction of a bridge structure;

issues of ensuring transport accessibility and preserving local communication routes after the construction of a bridge structure; preservation of monuments of history, culture, objects of archeology (if any).

D.4 Environmental protection measures, selection of design solutions and measures to reduce the negative impact of the bridge crossing on the environment:

planting a protective strip of green spaces, the device of noise protection screens, shafts, treatment facilities within the water protection zones of water bodies, etc .;

measures for the preservation and protection of monuments of history, culture, archeology;

proposals for compensation for damage caused during construction and operation to the population and the environment, including alienation of land, demolition of buildings, etc .;

proposals for compensation for damage to fish stocks;

proposals for compensation for damage to green spaces.

D.5 Possibility of emergency situations and assessment of environmental risk.

D.6 Ensuring the organization of local environmental monitoring.

Note - Initial data in the form of tables, maps, plans, certificates, specifications and approvals are drawn up in annexes to the explanatory note on environmental justification. The plans (or maps) include graphic documents: a schematic situational plan of a bridge structure with drawing the boundaries of industrial and residential areas, protective and protective zones, zones of recreational use; construction plan of the facility indicating the location of pollution sources; a situational plan with the application of the main planned design measures for the protection of the environment and zones of negative influence within the limits of the maximum permissible values.

E.1 Calculations of the level of atmospheric pollution by exhaust gases when vehicles move along a bridge structure and from the operation of equipment during construction and installation work

In this case, they perform:

calculations of the mass emission of pollutants into the atmosphere for four main impurities - carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides (in terms of NO 2), total CH hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide SO 2;

calculations of dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere;

E.2 Calculations of the level of noise impact and the impact of vibration of the route on the adjacent territory and noise and vibration from technological processes of construction (if there is a tone of the influence of the bridge structure of residential buildings).

In this case, they perform:

Acceptable noise levels in the room;

Calculation of the predicted noise level, the required reduction, and calculation of shielding structures;

Acceptable levels of noise, vibration and sound insulation requirements in residential and public buildings.

E.3 Calculation of the zone of excess lead content

E.4 Calculation of the maximum permissible discharge (MPD) into a water body, determination of the level of pollution of surface runoff from a bridge structure and from construction sites

In this case, they perform:

calculation of the volume of annual runoff (storm, melt, washing) from a bridge structure or a construction site;

calculation of the amount of pollutants contained in the effluent;

calculation of PDS.

GN Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of pollutants in the air of populated areas



V.A. Sidyakov


Deputy science director


L.A. Andreeva


Department head
standardization and logistics
project support


I.P. Potapov


Head of the developer organization

CJSC "Research and Design Institute" IMIDIS "

General manager


S.V. Bykov

Development Manager:

Director for Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof.


A.I. Vasiliev


Chief specialist, Ph.D.


General Provisions

When erecting buildings and structures in a dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only the directly erected objects, but also the structures surrounding them:

The need to ensure the maintenance of the operational properties of objects located in the immediate vicinity of the building spot;
the impossibility of locating a full complex of household and engineering structures, machines and mechanisms on the construction site;
development of special design and technological measures aimed at optimizing the construction processes of the facility;
development of technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the ecological environment of the facility and existing buildings.

The peculiarity of the above factors is that for many of them today there is no regulatory framework that comprehensively considers them in relation to the processes of building construction.

Problems arising in the very first months of construction, associated with the formation of cracks on the walls, floors and ceilings of existing buildings, can entail not only financial losses, but also lead to the closure of construction. The same consequences can arise from the impossibility of providing engineering and sanitary requirements on arrangement construction site... To develop solutions that allow not only high-quality construction of a building, but also ensure a stable balance of both nearby buildings and the urban environment as a whole, we will consider in more detail the problems that arise during the construction of buildings in dense urban areas.

Specific features of the construction plan

The limited area allocated for the building site hinders the full deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory measures, without which the construction will be immediately suspended by the regulatory authorities. These include fire and safety measures. It is mandatory to have evacuation passages (exits) on the construction site, prepared for the use of fire hydrants, emergency fire extinguishing means; restrictive rags or fencing around the excavation, markers for work areas on the construction site, awnings over pedestrian areas along the construction site.

In cases of a limited area of ​​the building site outside the construction site, the following may be located:

Administrative premises;
canteens and sanitary facilities;
reinforcement, carpentry and locksmith shops and workshops;
open and closed warehouses;
cranes, concrete pumps and other construction machines.

Administrative and utility rooms, warehouses, production shops and workshops(fig. 26.1). The location within the construction site of certain premises can be difficult due to the lack of areas required by the standards, and attempts to find technical solutions for the placement of temporary structures, such as increasing their number of storeys, complicating the configuration in accordance with the configuration of the building site, lead to significant technical difficulties and the rise in the cost of the project.

Rice. 26.1. Placement of the community camp outside the construction site:
1 - construction site; 2 - open and closed storage facilities; 3 - administrative premises

In some cases, the site has such limited dimensions that no technical solutions allow placing auxiliary premises within its boundaries. At the same time, there are organizational and technological solutions that make it possible to place these premises outside the building area without significant damage to the building construction process. In this case, the economic, organizational and technological feasibility of placing certain premises on the territory of the construction site and outside it is considered.

Administrative and amenity premises, taken out of the construction site, can be located in existing buildings or in newly erected amenity townships. Prior to the start of construction, a search is carried out for buildings in which it is possible to place household premises during the construction period, or a plot of land on which a household town can be erected. Requirements for search objects are as follows:

Location as close as possible to the construction site;
availability of the facility to connect to urban infrastructure networks - heat supply, electricity, water supply and sewerage;
minimum cost lease of premises or land.

Having chosen a room or a plot of land, an administrative and amenity town is placed there, as close as possible in size to the requirements of sanitary standards. If the camp is located in the immediate vicinity of the construction site, then the staff independently travels to their workplaces and back. In some cases, if it is impossible to locate the town in the immediate vicinity of the site, the personnel are transported to and from the site by buses.

Removal from the site of canteens and sanitary facilities is associated not only with the lack of the necessary space, but also with the difficulties arising at the first stages of construction with joining the city networks. Nevertheless, the presence of toilets is necessary from the first day of construction, therefore, from the very beginning of the deployment of the construction site, biological toilet cubicles for personnel should be installed there. Premises for dining rooms, showers and toilets must be provided in leased areas and buildings deployed near the object.

Delivery of products and equipment on time. The absence of reinforcement, carpentry and locksmith shops and workshops makes it difficult to manufacture products and elements of building structures, such as fittings prepared in size, reinforcing cages, elements of load-bearing metal structures, joinery and metalwork elements. To solve this problem, all the elements listed above are brought to the construction site in a form prepared for use. They are manufactured at our own production facilities located outside the construction site, or at specialized factories for special orders. They are delivered to the site in accordance with delivery schedules, on precisely specified days and hours. At the construction site, they are unloaded and delivered to the place of work, that is, their installation is carried out directly "from the wheels." Failure to meet the delivery time of any product may lead to a disruption in the construction schedule of the entire structure. Therefore, when working "on wheels", the role of dispatching services of construction and installation organizations that control the development of delivery schedules and their subsequent implementation increases.

The impossibility of placing open and closed storage facilities on the territory of the construction site leads to the need, firstly, to carry out a large amount of installation work "from wheels", and secondly, especially for expensive imported equipment, to create intermediate storage facilities. Plumbing, electrical and elevator equipment, sometimes window blocks, doors, and various finishing materials are usually delivered directly from the supplier to such premises located on the territory of their own production bases or rented in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. As they are required at the construction site, products and materials are delivered from the warehouse and assembled directly from vehicles.
In some cases, the supplier undertakes to deliver the requested equipment directly to the construction site within the agreed time frame in the same way as the suppliers of products and structures. Some problems in the supply of imported equipment are related to the fact that delivery from abroad and the implementation of customs procedures are rather difficult to standardize in time and it is almost impossible to specify the exact day and hour when the equipment will be delivered to the site. In this case, the equipment is ordered in advance, 2 ... 3 weeks before the required date and before installation, it is stored in the supplier's warehouse. In the presence of a large number of such suppliers, there is no need for intermediate storage facilities, but at the same time all participants in the construction process are in very strict time limits set by the schedules for the production of work and the supply of equipment.

Location of cranes and large construction machines. A big problem in conditions of dense urban development is the placement of large-sized construction machines and cranes directly on the site. Cranes and concrete pumps must be located on or in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. This is due to the technical capabilities of the equipment - the maximum outreach of the boom of the crane or the feeding body of the concrete pump. However, in most cases, previously built buildings and structures are located around the construction site and large tower cranes are located next to them, installation of crane runways is impossible. In this case, easily-mounted tower cranes without crane runways are used, which require a crane area of ​​up to 9 m2, heavy-duty mobile cranes or self-lifting cranes installed directly in the building spot.

The foundation slab is mounted using a mobile crane, then a tower crane is installed on it. As the structures located above the foundation slab are being erected, the crane can be lifted and installed on the mounted floors. Sometimes the crane remains on the foundation slab until the end of the construction of the building, therefore, unconcrete sections with reinforcement outlets remain in the ceilings around the crane. The dimensions of these sections are determined based on the dimensions of the most horizontally extended part of the crane. After the end of the work, the crane is dismantled by removing it in sections. Non-concreted floor areas, reaching 10 ... 20 m2 each, are concreted, starting from the bottom. The concrete is laid using self-propelled heavy-duty cranes.

V.A.Usanov, General Director;
A.L. Khlopotin, chief engineer;
R.M. Yunusov, ex-director,
JSC "Lyubertsy Heating System", Lyubertsy


Lyuberetskaya Teploset was founded on October 1, 1969. At that time, the enterprise included 20 boiler houses with an installed capacity of 121.6 Gcal / h, which were served by only 152 people. Today JSC "Lyuberetskaya Teploset" is an organization employing more than 500 people. On its balance sheet there are 28 boiler houses with an installed capacity of 325 Gcal / h, 64 central heating stations, 6 ITPs and about 170 km of networks in 2-pipe calculation. Heating networks operate according to temperature schedules: 150-70 ° C, with a cut-off of 130 ° C, and 95-70 ° C. The annual volume of heat sales is more than one million Gcal.

Lyubertsy, being the fifth most populated and the first most densely populated city in the Moscow region, is located so close to Moscow that it is sometimes difficult to understand where one city ends and another begins. Such a neighborhood with a multimillion-dollar capital imposes a number of peculiarities in terms of the work and interaction of all engineering services, and difficulties cannot be avoided. Several large ground transport hubs of intercity communication pass here (including the railway that divided the city into two parts), and local engineering communications are adjacent to the capital, which, being laid almost in the center of Lyubertsy, provide heat, water and electricity to remote areas of Moscow ( an example of this is the main heating pipeline DN 400, owned by the Moscow Heating Network Company). Naturally, the production strategy of the enterprise OJSC "Lyuberetskaya Teploset" must be built taking into account these factors.

Back in the mid-eighties, when the demand for heat in the city increased, the possibility of reconstructing the heat supply system of some areas with their connection to the Moscow central heating system was considered. In 1986, an agreement was concluded with OJSC Mosenergo, OJSC MOEK, and others on the allocation of heat capacity for the enterprise, and for almost 20 years now we have been working under an agreement on mutual cooperation with the prefecture of the South-Eastern District of the capital. This turned out to be the most economically rational solution in comparison with the construction of new sources. The possibility of obtaining heat energy from Moscow power generating enterprises helped to liquidate a number of small, unprofitable boiler houses: during this period, 26 morally and physically obsolete objects were decommissioned, which have worked for 40-50 years. Since 2009, another 15 central heating stations and ITPs have been switched to the Moscow SCT, it is planned to hold such events in the future.

This does not mean that their own sources are completely closed. On a citywide scale, the share of purchased heat energy is only 25%, therefore the systematic reconstruction of boiler houses and central heating stations is integral part enterprise development programs.

Organizational activities

In any case, before developing programs for the development of an enterprise, you need to see where this development will go. At the end of the 1990s, the deterioration of heating networks was more than 60%, of equipment - more than 40%, and the deterioration of a vehicle fleet of special equipment - 100%. In addition, they had to work in difficult financial conditions, when, due to accumulated debts, the gas was turned off for the entire summer period, and the salary had to wait for several months.

As a preventive measure, in 2006 the first investment program was adopted, which was supported by the Lyubertsy regional administration, an energy saving plan was developed and leasing schemes for the supply of equipment were used, according to which equipment was first purchased, and then mutual settlements were made. The plan included the installation of metering devices, replacement of gas meters with new ones with an electronic corrector, a diagnostic service was organized to conduct an express analysis of gas combustion modes in boilers; in 2009, thermal aerial photography of heating networks was carried out.

At about the same time, as part of the implementation of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving", a system for accounting for the coolant was organized both at its own facilities - boiler houses, central heating stations, and the problem of providing metering devices to budgetary organizations was solved - about 70 facilities social sphere... To equip their facilities with metering devices, they used their own capabilities, and social facilities were equipped with the help of budget funds. This made it possible to monitor: the fulfillment of temperature schedules, the hydraulic regime of the networks, to check the quantity and quality of the supplied heat energy. The introduction of metering devices gives a very good economic effect, and the dispatch accounting system allows not only collecting, storing and processing data from metering devices, but also monitoring their condition in real time.

Work was also carried out to install metering devices for cold water for the needs of hot water supply (about 100 objects), and a metering system was organized jointly with OJSC "Lyubertsy Vodokanal" to maintain the regulatory requirements for the temperature regime of hot water supply.

The installation of meters made it possible to solve the problems with the hydraulic regime through the secondary networks, because if on our part the hydraulics are observed by means of the installed pumping groups, then the management companies (MCs) wondered: why in typical houses there is different heat consumption, and residents are pushing MCs to perform repairs. adjustment measures in houses.

Again, the meters played a double role: on the one hand, it is good that the consumer himself saw that his system was not working properly and made the Criminal Code move, and on the other hand, the talk of the town - the notorious heating up of water and an increase in the company's expenses.

The fact is that at one time a number of houses and networks were designed taking into account overheated water with the operation of an elevator. When new sanitary standards came into effect, a problem arose with the heat supply of buildings where elevator units were installed, because in order to maintain the temperature of hot water at the draw-off point at the level of 60 ° C, it was necessary to raise the lower temperature of the supplied heat carrier above 70 ° C, and, consequently, to revise all the schedules, but at the same time there were colossal overheating in the off-season. I wanted to get away from such a scheme where the technical capabilities allowed, by “closing” the network circuit.

To switch to an independent system and a single hydraulic regime, taking into account heating networks, risers in houses that were laid with a reduced diameter for superheated water, an accurate hydraulic calculation of the throughput of heating systems in buildings was required. This was done by our specialists, after which the elevator units were dismantled and the transition to an independent heating scheme for buildings through the central heating station was made. Thus, the operation of heating networks throughout the northern part of the city was optimized.

In 2010, the company introduced an internal energy audit system. It started with an energy survey conducted by a third party, which identified bottlenecks and gaps in the work. Of course, this survey was not a panacea for solving all the accumulated technical and organizational problems, but it became a launching pad for the beginning of the effective management of technological processes for the production and distribution of heat energy.

The first step was to identify unprofitable objects, ineffective heating equipment, which does not allow to properly use the incoming resources. Again, a clear understanding of the depth of this loss was needed: which boiler houses are completely unpromising, and which ones can still be done to make it profitable: increase capacity, carry out some kind of reconstruction, train personnel competently (a paradox, but sometimes this was enough). Here, promising and profitable areas were identified.

Generally speaking, such an integrated approach allowed us only in 2010 to reduce gas consumption by 4.7% and reduce electricity consumption by 7%.

The results of the energy survey at the first stage did not offer ready-made solutions, but made it possible to really look at those things that were done incorrectly at one time.

First of all, we drew attention to the main sources of thermal energy, such as a large quarterly boiler house No. 201 on the northern side of the city, operating since 1978. In 2000, at the expense of the regional budget, its reconstruction was carried out with an increase in capacity, in connection with the upcoming construction a sports complex with a swimming pool and a huge shopping and entertainment center. In the boiler house, with an installed capacity of 62 Gcal / h, initially there were three KVGM-20 hot water boilers (to cover the heating load and hot water supply) and two steam boilers E 1.0 / 0.9 for their own needs (deaeration and reserve fuel oil facilities).

A municipal contract for the reconstruction, concluded with a certain military organization, provided for the complete dismantling of the steam group and the installation of two DE-16/24 boilers with its own deaerator and steam pipeline. In addition, the project envisaged the installation of three steam turbine generators with a capacity of 600 kW each to generate electricity.

This project, despite a number of our comments, passed all the approvals, a building permit was received. In technical terms, this was implemented as follows: according to the project, steam with a pressure of 11 kgf / cm 2 at the outlet of the boiler enters the turbine, expanding, performs work and, with residual pressure, is sent to the heat exchanger for heating the heating system water.

It also implied synchronization with city power grids, because the boilers were fired up on the city's electricity, and then, when the boiler house entered the generation mode, it had to completely switch to self-sufficiency with a power load. Synchronization of the generator with the network was provided by a specialized automation system, the control unit of which was located in a separate panel.

At the same time, the power consumption of the boiler house is on average about 400 kW. The power reserve was based on the maximum energy consumption, for example, the short-term operation of two parallel-connected fans when changing from one to another, or a similar need to change from one pump to another. Unfortunately, at full load, these steam generators could not reach even 360 kW, possibly due to technical flaws - the serial numbers on them were 001, 002, 003.

In addition, the disadvantage of the project was the installation of a VFD on the network pumps in front of the boiler. The idea of ​​the designers was to use the soft starter and the frequency converter of the mains pump to set the hydraulic mode. But when designing, it was not taken into account that the process of adjusting the boiler operating mode depends not only on its operating pressure, but also on the water flow rate, and the safety automation is set to a critical decrease in these parameters. Therefore, with the declared scheme, as soon as the frequency converter starts to lower the output frequency (voltage), the boiler's AB is triggered. Subsequently, we abandoned the use of a frequency converter according to the project, but left a soft start on all four pumps.

The way out of this situation was understandable, but this meant another change in the technological scheme of the boiler house, for which documentary confirmation is necessary. When the energy audit carried out officially showed the direction of development of the technological re-equipment of the boiler house, we legally began to prepare for a new reconstruction and the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary steam generators.

As a result of the dismantling of the turbine generators and the reconstruction of the automated process control system of steam boilers, the possibility of their simultaneous operation was realized and the heating capacity was increased.

In 2006, it was decided to gradually change the water heating group for the budget allocated at that time. Replacement of boilers KVGM-20 was justified by the fact that, since the standard period of their operation has ended, it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion and permission for further operation annually, because experts, being reinsured, set a minimum period of 1 year. Considering the annual costs of repairs and expertise, this decision was justified. At the same time, no reconstruction of the building was required: the equipment was chosen similar, with installation at the same sites. The first two boilers were brought in dismantled, so there were no problems during installation: the pipe part, the replacement of the collectors was carried out right on the spot, after which the brickwork was made. All work was carried out only in the summer, the boiler room remained in operation.

But a year later I had to tinker with the third boiler. It was brought assembled. They did not dare to cut, because later, during assembly, the dimensions could be violated. I had to measure with tape measures all the distances of the building structures of the boiler shop up to a millimeter literally. It turned out that the boiler can go through the window opening, if the brickwork is slightly disassembled from the bottom, but "back to back". We made a flooring like a railway skating rink and early in the morning, as soon as dawn (so that the boiler would not be swayed by the wind), they neatly pulled it up and rolled it inside with a winch. The rest was a matter of technique.

The next stage was the reconstruction of the reserve fuel economy (RTX) with the replacement of fuel oil with diesel fuel. The fact is that a dead-end scheme of the fuel oil pipeline was originally designed in the boiler house, which did not provide for a system for collecting and returning condensate formed when it was heated by steam, there was no storm sewer on the territory of the boiler house, and a system for cleaning condensate from fuel oil impurities. Therefore, the extremely laborious and dirty process of switching to liquid fuel, coupled with the listed disadvantages of the fuel supply scheme, led to significant costs for maintaining the RTX and large losses of thermal energy and coolant. A few more important points in favor of diesel fuel influenced the choice - its longer shelf life and the problem of utilizing viscous residues of fuel oil. As a result, after receiving all the relevant permits for the re-equipment of the RTX, a new container with a volume of 400 m 3 for diesel fuel was delivered on the territory of the boiler house (Fig. 1), where overheated water is used as a coolant if it is necessary to heat it. Accordingly, for this, the boiler equipment was modernized by replacing the burners.

Rice. 1. Reserve fuel facilities of boiler house No. 201.

As soon as steam began to be used only on deaerators, we came to the main thing - transferring steam boilers to hot water mode. This was done to simplify the heating scheme of the boiler house and get rid of steam-water heat exchangers, which made it possible to increase the available head at the distant central heating station from 0.4 to 12 m while maintaining the existing pumping group.

Rice. 2. Accumulator tank (former atmospheric deaerator).

Due to the fact that the old atmospheric deaerator ceased to function due to the lack of steam, a new, vacuum, storage type with a volume of 25 m 3 was installed, but the atmospheric deaerator was retained as a storage tank (Fig. 2). In case of leakage above normative value there is a possibility of replenishing the losses of the network water before the location of the damage is found. While the vacuum deaerator is under warranty service, therefore, in the event of disturbances or malfunctions, service team specialists are called in to debug. So there are no problems with the operation of the equipment at the moment. The CVP system remains the same - 2-stage Na-cationization.

Of course, all these activities were not completed in one year, but based on financial capabilities and in a fairly planned manner.

After the reconstruction, the available capacity of the boiler house increased to 84 Gcal / h. The changes being made in this boiler house are legal in nature, all the necessary permits from Rostekhnadzor have been received.

I would like to note that the replacement of equipment, the modernization of sources is almost always carried out without the withdrawal of boiler houses from production - the reconstruction takes place at the existing facility.

Rice. 3. Boiler room No. 203 after reconstruction.

So it was at a small boiler house No. 203, in the area of ​​operation of which spot construction was planned residential complex... The calculated load presented by the developer showed that the capacity of the boiler house is insufficient (9 boilers ZIO-60, with a capacity of 0.8 Gcal / h). The layout of the district did not allow the new boiler house to be located in the building area; it was also impossible to attach an additional room for new boilers in the old one, because the object is located on a federal site. Then it was decided to reconstruct, which began with the dismantling of part of the boilers and auxiliary equipment, leaving it at the minimum possible - for the needs of hot water supply during the inter-heating period. At the same time, the dismantling of the old equipment, the demolition of the boilers, the installation of a new multilateral chimney was carried out during the normal operation of the boiler house. As a result, nevertheless, it was necessary to make a small extension, where a central heating station with plate heaters, as well as premises for personnel, were located. And in the main building, next to the four remaining old boilers, which were kept in reserve, there are three Russian-made fire-tube boilers (Fig. 3), with imported burners, each with a capacity of 4.3 Gcal; network pumps with optimized flow path, with VFD; installation of continuous air-pressure heating with a productivity of 7 m 3 / h. All equipment operates in automatic mode, depending on the specified parameters. Results:

■ the installed capacity was increased from 7.2 to 12.9 Gcal / h - without increasing the gas limit (+3.2 Gcal / h - reserve);

■ an independent heat supply scheme was implemented;

■ efficiency was increased from 82 to 92%;

■ fuel consumption was optimized: specific gas consumption decreased from 176.97 to 155.28 kg / Gcal;

■ specific power consumption has been reduced by 5%;

■ costs for TOVP have been reduced;

■ reduced operating costs by 20%;

■ improved working conditions for service personnel.

The project was implemented on terms of co-financing with the developer.

And although at this stage the capacity of the boiler house is calculated with a good margin, it is planned to change the remaining boilers and the old pipe as well - the city continues to expand.

Circuit solutions

In addition to ongoing renovation works, in 2013, using an electronic model of the heat supply system, a project was developed in such a promising direction as the looping of boiler houses. The difficulty lies in the fact that Lyubertsy is a very scattered and scattered city, and most importantly, it is divided by a railroad track, therefore, large district boiler houses with an installed capacity of about 80-90 Gcal / h, there is no way to loop among themselves, although it would be ideal option. But it is possible to loop small boiler houses (with an installed capacity of 6-9 Gcal / h) with these large sources for the summer period. As a result of the justification and calculation performed by our specialists, it turned out that some boiler houses can be left in the CHP operation mode all year round. At these boiler houses, heat exchange equipment was installed for the heating load, separately for the hot water supply, all the necessary pipelines were laid, and some of the ones that were already in operation were also involved.

The purpose of the activities:

■ stabilization of the heat supply regime;

■ elimination of emergency situations;

■ maintaining the DHW load during a 2-week shutdown of boiler houses for the period of repair;

■ significant fuel savings with good loading of large sources;

■ the economic effect of reducing the number of service personnel (if we take into account that the change of operator lasts 12 hours, in a small boiler house 1 person / day and 2 people / night are involved in the summer period. in the central heating station mode, then two options are considered: either 1 person works in three days (as a rule, these are seasonal workers who are comfortable

com schedule), or the boiler room, as an object, is included in the central heating bypass system and then the operation of the equipment is monitored in accordance with the bypass schedule);

■ reduction of electricity consumption;

■ optimization of the boiler room space: during the reconstruction, old shell-and-tube heaters are replaced by plate heaters, other pumping groups are installed, mainly of vertical type, more compact equipment of the HVP.

Of course, there is a lot of work to be done in the implementation of these projects, but the effect is worth it!

Over the past 1.5 years, 5 objects have looped in this way. In the future, it is planned to transfer all small boiler houses to the central heating station mode, and transfer their load to large boiler houses, having previously unloaded them again, for example, by transferring a number of facilities to the central heating station in Moscow.

With regard to new sources, the construction of which is necessary in remote areas, now it is most often carried out by the developer. Since the Lyubertsy heating network is a UTO, based on the issued technical conditions for connection, the boiler houses built for the new regions are transferred to municipal ownership. By the way, representatives of construction organizations are also interested in this, as they understand the difficulties they will have to face when owning and operating such unprofitable objects. This became especially relevant in recent times, when, firstly, the collection of payments fell sharply, secondly, the supply of heat energy decreased due to warm winters, and thirdly, experience shows that in the first few years only a small part of the population settles in, which means paying for all the energy 5-6 years will have to be done by ourselves, and after this period, depreciation will already go and, therefore, it is necessary to produce some financial investments... We, of course, do not mind at all, so the construction of new facilities is carried out only under our control. To this end, the company has created a technical supervision group that maintains the facility until it is put into operation.

Based on the accumulated experience, we try to issue technical conditions for connection to heating networks with a perspective on the source: taking into account a certain reserve of projected capacity, so that there is variability. Here we also lay the reconstruction of heating networks (if necessary) and also taking into account the possible future load.

Attention - TSC

In addition to sources, one should not forget about heating points, which are extremely important to maintain in proper technical condition.

Funding for such work is carried out mainly within the framework of investment programs. For example, the implementation of such a program in 2011-2014. allowed to repair a number of objects in different parts of the city.

V mandatory dispatching of the central heating station is also carried out according to the following scheme: equipment operation - technological mode - operation parameters - emergency situations. Everything is brought together in a single emergency dispatch center, which carries out control and management, which currently covers the central and southern parts of the city. Unfortunately, the creation of a unified city dispatch service is problematic due to the railway that separated the north side. The search for a solution is still underway on how to implement this stage in a complex.

But still, the presence of a control system does not replace visual observation, since it does not record the cause of the malfunction, but only the final result, therefore it is impossible to completely abandon the bypass system. For example, with a small leak, when there is no sharp drop in pressure in the network, the control device remains in operation and continues to take readings, but after a day the pump will be in the water and stand up. Of course, the work of a lineman is hard, especially for older workers - on average, they “run” about 6 km a day, but now young people are involved, who can quite cope with the task with the help of a bicycle.

In addition to standard solutions for the replacement of equipment, investors have recently appeared who are interested in our CHP from a commercial point of view. This applies to those objects, the land under which is registered in the ownership of the organization, and the size of the site allows you to build some not very large social and domestic object there: a store, a laundry reception point or a workshop (1-2 floors and an attic - so as not to go to Ministry of Construction). When drawing up the contract, it is stipulated that the investor dismantles this central heating station (under the control of the Heating Network, of course) together with the building. A new building is being built in the vacant space, which houses the renovated central heating station. But the most important thing is that all this is done without shutting down: sometimes the building itself is not yet, and the equipment has already been installed, practically in the open air (Fig. 4). Last year, according to the described scheme, two central heating stations were reconstructed, now the third is being completed (finishing work is underway).

Rice. 4. Central heating center "in the open air".

As for the pumps, in terms of price-quality ratio, of course, preference is given to well-known brands, the production of which has already been established in Russia. Although today there is an alternative to this equipment - Chinese pumps, similar in their characteristics and much cheaper. From German, for example, they differ only in the inter-flange distance (for the Chinese it is less). For approbation, such pumps were installed at several sites, where they have proven themselves well. Vertical type pumps are a good layout solution - they fit optimally in size, especially in old walls, where space is limited.

Energy-saving measures such as the installation of frequency-pulse converters, which have already become classical, are also being carried out. But here, again, you need to understand that this requires interconnection with the operation of safety automation, as mentioned above. In large district boiler houses, VFDs are installed on all equipment: smoke exhausters, fans, network groups. In smaller VFDs, they are installed: for cold water - 100% (this is due to the need for guaranteed pressure support, especially during periods of max and min water intake), also on smoke exhausters and fans - they work very well and allow you to get away from mechanical control of gates and dampers; on network pumps - as required. In the central heating station - on the pumping groups (depending on the capacity), because this also stabilizes the pressure in hot water, avoiding unnecessary hydraulic loads and shocks.

Thermal networks: modeling and reality

Replacing dilapidated heating networks is a priority: the organization relocates 10-12 km of pipelines annually with the involvement of contractors. At the moment, the share of dilapidated heating networks in JSC Lyuberetskaya Teploset has decreased to 30-32%. In the last five years alone, about 70 km of pipelines have been replaced with pipes with polyurethane foam insulation and an UEC system, and now the reconstruction of secondary networks is under way.

In preparation for repairs, an analysis of work in the winter period is carried out annually, based on the results of which plans for capital and maintenance, replacement of equipment.

When planning the reconstruction of pipelines of heating networks, an approach based on systems analysis is also used. The overhaul plan includes not only those heating networks, the relocation of which is due to their unsatisfactory condition. Sometimes it becomes necessary to shift a section, taking into account the promising steps required to solve an urgent task, for example, in the case of loopback of networks of sources.

The electronic model of the heat supply system provides a huge help in this, which allows you to solve many specific issues. Not only heating networks belonging to OJSC Lyuberetskaya Teploset are plotted on the map, but also other engineering communications of all sizes, so it is possible to track all intersections with third-party services, road beds, etc.

The rest of the characteristics and dates of input-output can be found in the PTO, where a specially trained group has been created for technical support and database support. Access to the program is opened from any PC of the enterprise for each employee. Using the electronic map, you can determine the coverage area in the event of emergency situations of a different nature, localize emergency areas, switch over and work further to eliminate the accident. In addition, the program allows you to simulate the creation of networks of various configurations, for example, loopback or transfer to a closed circuit. And although there is a passport for each site, where all changes are necessarily entered, electronic card is the ideal tool for simulating heat distribution, hydraulic conditions, performing all kinds of calculations and planning repairs.

If the electronic model shows that the throughput of the calculated section is insufficient or the hydraulics are broken, then the replacement of pipes is included in the repair plan. If software modeling is not enough, if there is a lack of data, a portable instrument complex-flow meter is used, with which specialists go to the site, install sensors in a heat chamber or in a section of a heating network (with preliminary drilling) and measure speed, water flow rates, etc. parameters required to refine the calculations.

When re-laying pipelines, control is inevitable at all stages of work with the maintenance of all necessary documentation. Even at the time of the tender, when choosing a contractor, a strict selection policy is being carried out. Despite the information they provide or letters of recommendation, the company carries out an additional check - one cannot be trusted with securities. The technical supervision engineer is responsible for this, he monitors all the actions of the contractor. Current control at the work sites is carried out by the head of the operational section - he signs all acts of hidden work, from him and all the demand. Members of the commission for the acceptance of work under the contract are also: a specialist of the Operations Department, an engineer of thermal supervision, a chief engineer and a deputy general director... Much attention is paid to keeping a work log.

As for the technical part, here, firstly, the incoming control is obligatory: if, for example, you are not satisfied with the quality of the pipeline, the delivery is simply canceled. Secondly, until recently, the company has never purchased ready-made pre-insulated pipes. Instead, a solid-drawn steel pipe with an increased wall thickness was purchased, which, after passing the incoming inspection, was sent to one of the plants near Moscow to apply an insulating layer. This increases the service life, because even 1 mm of excess pipe thickness plays a significant role. Even taking into account the increased cost of such pipes, the solution is economically justified, because significantly increases the service life (up to 5 years).

We stopped using welded pipes since the perestroika period, when we encountered poor-quality products, and the steel pipe began to break into sharp fragments during operation, like cast iron. Since then, despite a single such case, a thorough incoming inspection of the metal and 100% flaw detection of welds have been carried out.

As soon as the company began to use pre-insulated pipes, the organization of the UEC system immediately began, which made it possible to reduce the number of inspectors and optimize the operation of heating networks. If all the advantages are clear with the dispatching and automation of boiler houses and central heating stations, then the installation of an UEC system on pipelines is considered a bit of a luxury. Although here it is not only a matter of determining the location of the leak. In our case, in the presence of SODK, Moscow heat supply companies do not require hydraulic tests, they only need to take readings from the system. However, with all our desires, we cannot make a single dispatching service, a single control system: firstly, not all networks have yet been transferred, and secondly, as indicated earlier, it interferes Railway... Therefore, the coverage area is still a district.

If with the help of contractors, main pipelines are being repaired, then our own overhaul team works along the secondary networks (intra-quarter wiring). For obvious reasons, so that the brigade does not stand idle during the winter period, its workers are involved in the repairs of central heating stations, in boiler rooms, on re-laying cold water supply pipelines, etc.

Unfortunately, this year we had to cut the amount of funding due to the strong rise in the cost of materials. In 2014 overhaul was executed for 160 million rubles. Of course, I would like to do even more, but based on the tariff possibilities, only the most basic is taken.

Organization of water chemistry regime

Due to the poor quality of the source water, chemical water control is very seriously organized at the enterprise: in addition to the fact that each boiler house has its own chemical laboratory and responsible workers who carry out all the necessary measures to maintain the appropriate water regime, there is a Control Service for technological and water-chemical modes where there is a laboratory. Once a week, the specialists of this service visit all objects, take analyzes and check the compliance of the entries in the operational log for the maintenance of the TOVP. The need for this is confirmed by the fact that iron removal stations are not installed everywhere in the city and the water contains a large amount of iron, therefore the convective surfaces of the boilers “knock out” decently, which means that these surfaces have to be periodically either washed with “chemistry” or changed.

The Na-cationization system is mainly used as water treatment in boiler houses. All filters are transferred from plastic caps to stainless steel. Plastic, with all its advantages of working in an aggressive environment, turned out to be extremely inconvenient in operation: on the plastic caps, after all, the thread is also plastic - during operation it often breaks off even with small pressure drops, after which the cation exchanger is in the boiler water, then you have to stop filter, open and clean. Naturally, these are additional costs, and the consumption of the reagent increases significantly.

Complexones are used at new facilities for stabilization of water treatment (as a measure to prevent the formation of deposits of scale formation and corrosion products). Anti-scale and anti-corrosive water treatment equipment is also installed at the central heating station.

Rice. 5. Result of cleaning the DHW plate heaters.

But, unfortunately, in some areas, problems still arise with equipment and hot water pipelines due to the inadequate quality of raw water: literally 2-3 months after the start of operation of a new heater, both its surfaces and polyethylene pipes for hot water supply are completely clogged with deposits ( fig. 5). The examination showed that the main contaminants are iron and silt inclusions. Moreover, before the introduction of new requirements for the DHW temperature, when it was heated to 55 ° C, there were fewer such contaminants. When the temperature rises to 60 ° C, these fractions are immediately sealed. Therefore, if earlier, according to the PPR schedule, the maintenance was cleaned once a year, now it has to be opened once a quarter. Moreover, testing of cold tap water at the water points of the population did not reveal such inclusions.

The supposed reason is that not all suppliers have a deferrization station, and therefore cold water supplied through a 2-pipe system goes purified for cold water supply, but not for hot water supply. And the second problem is dead-end cold water networks, when a loop is provided in the circuit, the equipment is clogged less often.

Now, since according to SanPiN hot water is equated by standards to drinking water, there is a real chance to compete with water supply organizations for quality. Therefore, the enterprise prepares a preparatory and accumulative documentation base (with all the analyzes, sediment samples and examinations) for the possibility of putting forward reasonable requirements for the water supply organization.


In the new economic crisis when many enterprises curtail their activities, show caution, taking a wait-and-see attitude, we do not have such an opportunity - after all, the entire city and its inhabitants depend on our actions. We must work for the future, i.e. prevent incidents, maintain correct hydraulic and temperature conditions. Therefore, a new Investment Program for 2015-2018 has now been approved, there are certain plans in terms of ongoing measures for the repair and modernization of equipment and networks, which are awaiting implementation in the coming years.

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foundation engineering survey

With a wide variety of engineering and geological conditions of construction sites, in many cases the construction of new buildings on sites with dense development leads to deformations and sometimes destruction of nearby existing buildings. Therefore, the main goal when performing work is to ensure the reliability of existing buildings during the construction of new buildings of any design on built-up areas with various engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions. The design features of the foundations and foundations of new buildings and the development of measures to maintain the reliability of existing buildings in a densely built environment require careful consideration and consideration of the characteristics of the designed buildings and possible structures of their foundations, as well as the technical characteristics and state of the structures of existing buildings.

To ensure the safety and the possibility of normal operation of objects located in the zone of influence of new construction, it is necessary, in addition to making reliable design design decisions, to provide for the implementation of special technological measures.

When erecting buildings near existing ones in dense urban development, it is necessary to monitor the state of the building being erected and the surrounding buildings and the environment both during the construction period and during the operation period.

The implementation of these decisions and measures does not exclude the possibility of damage to the structural elements of existing buildings, in connection with which additional work may be required with the inclusion of the cost of these work in actual volumes in the estimate for the construction of a new or reconstructed building.

Basic concepts and classification of foundations

A foundation (lat. Fundamentum) is a supporting structure, a part of a building, a structure that receives all the loads from the overlying structures and distributes them along the base.

Foundations are classified:

By material: from natural materials (wood, rubble stone) and from artificial materials (rubble concrete, prefabricated or monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete);

In shape: the optimal shape of the cross-section of rigid foundations is a trapezoid, where the pressure distribution angle is usually taken: for rubble and rubble concrete - 27-33 °, concrete - 45 °. In practice, these foundations, taking into account the needs of the estimated width of the sole, can be rectangular and stepped. Pillow blocks are rectangular or trapezoidal;

According to the method of construction, foundations are prefabricated and monolithic;

According to the design solution - tape, columnar, pile, solid;

By the nature of static work, foundations are: rigid, working only in compression, and flexible, the structures of which are designed to absorb tensile forces. The first type includes all foundations, except for reinforced concrete. Flexible reinforced concrete foundations able to perceive tensile forces;

By depth: shallow foundations (up to 5 m) and deep foundations (more than 5 m). The minimum depth of the foundations for heated buildings is taken under the outer walls not less than the freezing depth plus 100-200 mm and not less than 0.7 m; under the inner walls at least 0.5 m.

Features of engineering surveys

Engineering surveys for the design of new buildings next to existing ones provide not only the study of the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site of a new building, but also obtaining the necessary data to check the effect of a new building on the settlements of existing ones, to design measures to reduce the effect of a new building on the deformations of existing ones, as well as to design, if necessary, reinforce the foundations and foundations of existing buildings.

The terms of reference for surveys are drawn up after a representative of the design organization has examined the existing buildings located next to the new one, in order to visually assess the state of the supporting structures of buildings (both outside and inside) and clarify the requirements for surveys.

In the terms of reference for the survey, the characteristics of the new building and the characteristics of nearby operated buildings (number of storeys, structure, type of foundation, type and depth of foundations, year of construction, level of responsibility, geotechnical category, etc.) are given. Information on the available survey materials for these buildings (survey organization, year of survey, numbers of archival files) and information on the technical condition of buildings' structures based on the results of previous surveys, as well as preliminary visual inspection are indicated. The tasks of surveys are given, expanded due to the presence of nearby buildings.

The scope and composition of the technical survey of aboveground and underground structures of existing buildings are established taking into account preliminary examination building.

The collection and analysis of archival materials from the surveys of specialized organizations is carried out not only for the new construction site, but also for adjacent existing buildings. They also collect information on planning, engineering preparation and improvement of the site, documents for the production of earthworks. In the conditions of existing buildings, special attention is paid to identifying underground structures and engineering networks (collectors, communications, etc.).

Based on the comparison of new survey materials with archival data, changes in engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions that have occurred during the operation of existing buildings are established.

Mine workings and sounding points are located not only within the new site, but also in the immediate vicinity of existing buildings. Pits are provided near the foundations of existing buildings for examining the structures of the foundations and soils of the base.

In areas of historical development, the presence and location of existing and existing underground structures, basements, foundations of demolished buildings, wells, reservoirs, underground workings, etc. are revealed.

The depth of drilling and sounding is assigned not only on the basis of the type and depth of the foundations of the new building, but also taking into account the type and depth of the foundations of the existing buildings. When choosing a sounding method in a dense residential area, preference is given to static sounding.

The program of engineering and geological surveys in areas of development of unfavorable processes and phenomena provides for the implementation of stationary observations by specialized organizations in order to study the dynamics of their development, as well as the establishment of areas of their manifestation and depths of intensive development, confinement to geomorphological elements, landforms and lithological types of soils, conditions and the causes of occurrence, forms of manifestation and development.

Special studies of soils are carried out to assess possible changes in their properties as a result of these processes.

During the construction of unique structures, structures of increased economic, social and environmental risk (I level of responsibility), as well as in the presence of complex engineering-geological conditions (geotechnical category III), it is economically expedient to increase the volume of engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys by 40-60%, against recommended by regulatory documents, and this increase is carried out mainly due to mine workings and the determination of soil characteristics by field methods. When performing these works, specialized organizations are involved.

For structures with a higher level of responsibility, precipitation observations are organized from the moment their foundations were laid.

A technical report (conclusion) on engineering surveys is drawn up in accordance with SNiP 11-02-96. Additionally lead:

- information about archival survey materials for nearby buildings and analysis of the correspondence of new survey materials to archival data;

- characteristics of engineering and geological layers, physical and mechanical properties of soils and hydrogeological conditions of the foundations of existing buildings;

- forecast of the possible impact of the construction of a new building on the deformations of existing ones;

- information about the presence and condition of underground water-bearing and other communications.

Characteristics of the designed buildings

For construction in conditions of dense development, the design of buildings and structures for housing and civil and industrial purposes, aboveground and underground complexes is carried out. These buildings and structures can be designed with or without buried premises.

The conditions for placing a projected building or structure determine not only its architectural and national economic significance, but also the technical characteristics and methods of work.

The main technical characteristics of the designed buildings are shown in Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. Approximate scope of foundations different types depending on the loads transferred to the foundation soils, as well as on the characteristics of the sites allocated for construction, and the specifics of the construction object, are given in Tables 3.4 and 3.5.

Depending on the existing historical development, the projected buildings may be directly adjacent to the existing building or be located at some distance from it.

The height (number of storeys) of the projected building is dictated by:

The architecture of the existing buildings;

Mutual influence with existing buildings;

Operational requirements.

Specifications load-bearing structures of the designed buildings (according to the available experience in design and construction) are given in Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

Table 3.1 Main characteristics of residential buildings




Residential buildings

Number of storeys, fl.

Type of supporting structures

Reinforced concrete. panels, frame, brick walls

reinforced concrete panels, frame

Spacing of load-bearing structures, m


usually available

The presence of underground premises

may have

Foundations type

tape, pile

tape, slab, pile

tape, slab, pile, combined slab-pile

SNiP 2.02.01-83 *)

Relates. sediment difference

average draft, cm

Table 3.2 Main characteristics of public buildings




Public buildings

Number of storeys, fl.

Type of supporting structures

frameless from monolithic or precast concrete

frame made of monolithic reinforced concrete

mixed frame made of monolithic reinforced concrete

Spacing of load-bearing structures, m


usually available

The presence of underground premises

usually available

Quantity floors of the underground room, fl.

Foundations type

tape, pile, slab

tape, slab, pile, combined, slab-pile

Limiting deformations of the bases (according to Appendix 4

SNiP 2.02.01-83 *)

relative sediment difference

average draft, cm

Table 3.3 Main characteristics of industrial buildings



Number of storeys, fl

underground up to 4 floors

Approximate level of loads on foundations, kN

Type of supporting structures

monolithic reinforced concrete or steel columns

monolithic reinforced concrete walls or frame

Spacing of load-bearing structures, m


may be

usually available

The presence of underground premises

may be

the whole structure is underground

Number of floors in the underground room, fl.

Foundations type

monolithic columnar, pile

monolithic columnar, slab, pile

monolithic tape, slab, pile

Limiting deformations of the bases (according to Appendix 4

SNiP 2.02.01-83 *)

relative sediment difference

average draft, cm


Floor. in builds. for 1996-2000

Percentage acc. Building to the floor.

Approx. lvl. pressure under fund., kPa

Foundations type

On natural. the basis

Pile foundations

Reinforced concrete foundations

Sand piles. seal. mixes

Piles are drilled.

Burozavinch piles.

Driving piles.

Bouronab piles.

Combiner. Swineop.

Features of the sites allocated for

construction, the specifics of the construction object

Foundations type

On natures. the basis

Pile foundations

Iron. fundamental

Sand piles .. compaction .. mixture

Buroin piles.

Burozav piles ..

Driven piles

Bouronab piles.

Combiner. Swineop.

Builds. in the newly allocated territories

Builds. on the territory. after their pre .. engineer. prepare

Construction on free or vacant. territories in the area of ​​existing buildings

Recon. buildings with rev. (part. or complete) of his const.

Reconstruction of architectural monuments

Underground premises of projected buildings are classified:

By number of storeys and depth (from 1 to 4 floors, depth 3-12 m and more);

By dimensions in the plan (under the entire building, under a part of the building, larger than the dimensions of the building);

By technological purpose;

By the method of the device (in an open pit, in a temporary or permanent fence, using enclosing structures as load-bearing structures).

With a variety of engineering and geological conditions of sites, as well as differences in the structures and structures used, as a rule, columnar, strip and slab foundations are used on a natural or artificially fixed base and pile foundations from bored, screwed, crushed, driven, bored, etc. piles ...

The choice of the type of foundations is carried out depending on the engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site, the location of the projected building, the depth of the underground room, on the state of structures and foundations of existing buildings, near which construction is planned.

Characteristics of protected buildings and foundations

Protection of existing buildings (including foundations and foundations) during the construction of new ones is carried out in the following cases:

The location of the existing building in the area of ​​influence of the new building;

Erection of recessed rooms affecting the deformations of the existing building;

When installing foundations using special types of work (freezing, injections, etc.);

If necessary, perform construction dewatering.

Protected buildings are characterized by:

Historical significance;

Technological purpose;

Sizes (dimensions);

Age (service life);

The type and condition of the supporting structures;

The type and dimensions of underground premises;

The type and condition of the foundations;

Geological and hydrogeological conditions of the foundations.

By age, protected buildings are subdivided into:

Historical (over 100 years old);

Architectural monuments regardless of age;

Old (50-100 years old);

Modern (age 10-50 years).

The general technical characteristics of buildings near which construction works are carried out and which are subject to preliminary protection are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Technical characteristics of existing buildings to be protected



Age of construction

XIX century. and earlier

late XIX - mid XX century

end of XX century


Residential and civil buildings

Number of storeys, fl

Approximate pressure level under foundations, kPa

Type of supporting structures

wooden, stone, brick walls

brick, reinforced concrete walls, columns, steel structures

Spacing of load-bearing structures, m


cellars, cellars

cellars, technical undergrounds

The presence of underground premises

were in commercial buildings

were in various buildings

Quantity underground floors

Foundations type

rubble, rubble concrete, brick, pile, from wooden piles

rubble, rubble concrete, brick, pile, from wooden piles, reinforced concrete, strip and freestanding, slab, pile from reinforced concrete driven and bored piles

reinforced concrete, tape and separate, cast, reinforced concrete piles. hammered and bored. piles, "slotted", method "wall in the ground"

Prev deformation of the bases for adj. 4 SNiP 2.02.01-83 ")

relative sediment difference

Wednesday draft, cm

Assessment of protected buildings is carried out on the basis of consideration:

Archival design and survey materials and executive delivery documentation;

Field survey results.

To ensure the serviceability of existing buildings and structures, near which new construction is planned, it is advisable to use the following basic methods of their protection and work, including:

Foundations on a natural foundation: reinforcement of the foundations, increase in the support area, arrangement of cross belts or foundation slabs, strengthening of the foundation slab, reinforcement with various types of piles (bore injection, bored, composite pressed, driven);

Pile foundations: reinforcement (repair) of piles, installation of additional piles with broadening of grillages, change in the design of the pile foundation by transplanting load-bearing structures onto additional piles with a significantly higher bearing capacity, installation of cross belts or a solid reinforced concrete slab on pile foundations, broadening of grillages, reinforcement of the body grillage;

Fencing structures (pick-up, sheet piling, walls in the ground of various structures and methods of their manufacture);

Preliminary consolidation of soils in various ways (cementation, resinization, drilling-mixing method, etc.) in the conjugation zones of the reconstructed and new structure;

The use of design solutions that do not create additional impacts on existing structures (cantilever-type solutions with piles, the use of pressed and screwed pile structures).

Methods for assessing the impact of the construction of new buildings on nearby buildings and structures

The main causes of deformations of existing buildings and structures during construction near them may be:

Changes in hydrogeological conditions, including flooding associated with the barrage effect during underground construction, or a decrease in the level of groundwater;

An increase in vertical stresses at the base under the foundations of existing buildings caused by construction near them;

Construction of foundation pits or change of planning marks;

Technological factors, such as dynamic effects, the influence of the device of all types of piles, deep foundations and enclosing structures of pits, the influence of the device of injection anchors, the influence of special types of work (freezing, injection, etc.);

Negative processes in the soil mass associated with the performance of geotechnical works (suffusion processes, the formation of quicksands, etc.).

The degree of influence of the construction of new buildings on nearby buildings and structures, as a rule, is largely determined by the technology of work and the quality of construction.

Methods for assessing the impact of construction on nearby buildings and structures are focused on strict adherence to all technological requirements production of works. Technological deviations can lead to a significantly greater impact of construction on existing development.

When calculating the foundations of existing buildings and structures exposed to the influence of new construction, changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils and hydrogeological conditions in the process of neighboring construction are taken into account, including taking into account the seasonal freezing and thawing of the soil mass.

The calculation of the foundations and foundations of existing buildings according to the I group of limiting states is performed in the following cases:

Arrangements of foundation pits near buildings;

Devices of workings and trenches (including those protected by thixotropic solutions) near buildings;

Decrease in planning marks near the outer walls of buildings;

Changes in pore pressures in the soil mass with an incomplete consolidation process;

Transfer of additional loads and impacts to existing foundations.

The purpose of the calculation for the I group of limiting states is to ensure the strength and stability of the foundations, to prevent the shift or overturning of existing foundations.

In the case of using piles or sheet piling during construction, driving and vibrating piles or sheet piles are tested for the dynamic strength of the bearing structures of an existing building closest to the submerged elements.

The calculation of the foundations of existing buildings or structures according to the II group of limiting states is performed in all cases if they are in the zone of influence of new construction.

The calculation of additional deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures exposed to the influence of new construction is carried out from the conditions of joint work of the structure and the foundation.

Choosing a method for arranging the foundations and foundations of a new building

When erecting a new building, adjacent to an existing one, the minimum distance between the edges of the new and existing foundation is set during design, depending on the method of excavation and the depth of the pit, the structure of the foundations and the dividing wall.

The design, dimensions and mutual placement of foundations of a new building, arranged near existing buildings, are assigned taking into account the development of additional uneven deformations of the foundations of existing buildings and the formation of distortions of the supporting structures of these buildings (foundations, walls, floors, etc.) caused by additional settlement.

If the design of a new building does not provide for the support of its structures on the structures of the existing building, arrange a sedimentary joint between the new building and the existing one.

Sedimentary seams are designed and executed so that the seam width ensures the separate movement of new and old buildings during the entire period of their operation.

If it is necessary to lay the foundations of a new building in an unsecured excavation below the elevation of the foundations of the existing one, the permissible difference in elevations is determined.

Rice. Location of adjacent foundations at different depths

If the deformations of the existing building from the influence of the new building exceed the maximum permissible values, then measures are taken to reduce the effect of subsidence of the new building on the existing one. These measures include:

The use of pit fasteners;

Separating wall device;

Transfer of pressure from a new building to layers of dense subsoil through the use of deep supports or piles of various structures;

Strengthening the soils of the foundations of buildings by various technological means (chemical consolidation, reinforcement, ramming crushed stone, etc.).

The following can be used as a dividing wall:

Sheet pile row;

A series of screwed steel pipes with wire wound (screw-screwed pile);

Wall of piles, including bored piles, bore-injection and pressed piles;

A row of driven piles;

- "wall in the ground".

The question of the type of wall is decided on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of the options or capabilities of the contractor.

The rigidity and depth of embedment of the dividing wall, and if it also serves as a fence for the excavation, determined by calculation, or structural measures (installation of anchors, struts, spacers with an emphasis on previously erected structures of a new building, etc.) must ensure the limitation of horizontal displacements in the base of an existing building.

The calculation of the depth of embedment of the dividing wall into more durable soil layers or into soil layers located below the compressible thickness of the base of the projected foundation is performed.

Scheme for the calculation of the dividing wall

The dividing wall runs along the entire line of abutment of the foundation of the new building to the existing one and on each side extends beyond the limits of the existing building in terms of at least 1/4 of the compressible thickness.

The project for the production of earthworks (PM) and work on the construction of foundations for new buildings erected next to the existing ones is being developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations".

In the case of direct abutment of the pit to the foundations of existing buildings, the methods of excavation and dismantling of old foundations, if any on the site, are selected in accordance with the stress state of the foundation of the existing foundations. This does not apply:

A ball or wedge - a hammer for crushing frozen soil and old foundations to be dismantled;

Explosive way;

Dragline bucket excavator;

Powerful hydraulic impact mechanisms.

When constructing foundations near existing buildings:

Reduce the terms of work in construction pits as much as possible;

Do not allow storage of building materials in the immediate vicinity of existing foundations and on the edge of the excavation;

When a metal or wooden sheet pile is immersed in order to reduce friction forces, the sheet piles are filled with crumpled plastic clay, a solution of thixotropic bentonite clay, polymer and other lubricants.

The permissibility of using driven piles near existing buildings should be established only based on the results of instrumental measurements of vibrations during test pile driving with the participation of specialized organizations to determine the level of vibration exposure and its compliance with regulatory restrictions. Particular attention is paid to the dangers of dynamic effects during pile driving in the following cases:

Buildings, the deformations of the foundations of which are in the process of stabilization;

There are cracks in the load-bearing structures of buildings with an opening of more than 3 mm;

At the base of the foundations lie weak soils (silts, organo-mineral and organic soils, water-saturated loose sands, etc.);

Unique buildings, including architectural and historical monuments, for which, according to the operating conditions, increased requirements for limiting the level of vibration effects are established.

The immersion of prefabricated reinforced concrete piles and metal sheet piles next to existing buildings is carried out with heavy hammers with a low drop height of the impact part according to the instructions of VSN 490-87. It is preferable that the ratio of the hammer striking part to the swan mass is not less than 5: 1 and the use of leader holes. On the adjoining site, the one row of piles closest to the existing building, which is the screen, should be immersed first.

When carrying out work on the construction of a new building next to an existing one, as well as in cases of dismantling old buildings, the following is not allowed:

Violations of the structure of the bearing layers of the base and loss of stability of slopes during the extraction of pits, trenches, etc.;

Filtration destruction of the base;

Technological vibration impact;

Freezing of the soils of the base of the existing building from the side of the open pit.

Development of projects for the protection of surrounding buildings

Measures to protect the surrounding buildings, their design solutions, methods of work and their volumes are directly related to the decisions made on the newly constructed building. Design solutions for the construction of a new building and the protection of surrounding buildings are taken on the basis of an analysis of their interaction. To achieve an optimal solution, the development of projects for the protection of buildings located in the zone of influence of a newly constructed building is carried out as part of a project for a newly constructed building. The project for the protection of the surrounding buildings is part of this project.

The project for the protection of the surrounding buildings is carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate licenses to carry out such work.

The zone of influence of a newly constructed building on the existing development is established by the general designer with the involvement of specialized and scientific organizations and is determined taking into account:

Stock materials of engineering and geological surveys in the construction area;

The results of the survey of the existing development before the start of construction;

Geotechnical survey report for new construction;

The presence of negative geological processes (karst, suffusion processes, gas evolution, landslide processes, etc.), predicted data on changes in the groundwater level.

Foundations of the new building and the magnitude of the loads on the foundations under them;

Methods of performing work on the construction of a newly constructed building: the use of lowering the level of groundwater, driving piles, sheet piles, device of a deep pit, construction of fastening the walls (slopes) of the pit, anchors, etc.

The project for the protection of the surrounding buildings is carried out on the basis of the following initial data:

Design assignments issued by the customer in agreement with the general designer;

Report on engineering-geological, engineering-geodetic surveys;

Report on the results of the survey of existing buildings located in the zone of influence of the newly erected building;

The results of the analysis of the adopted method for the construction of a new building and an assessment of its impact on possible deformations of buildings of the surrounding development during the construction period and the subsequent period of operation.

Influence of factors negative impact new construction on existing buildings of the surrounding development is expressed in the appearance of additional uneven deformations of the foundations and foundations of existing buildings.

The appearance of these deformations is due to the following main reasons:

Change in the stress-strain state of the soil in the zone of influence of new foundations on the surrounding buildings;

Changes in the hydrogeological regime on the construction site;

Leaks and other negative phenomena in case of damage to underground water-carrying networks.

The factors listed above should be taken into account when designing and constructing a new building.

Monitoring during the construction of buildings near existing

Monitoring at sites where new buildings are being erected close to existing ones in a densely built environment is an integrated system designed to ensure the reliability of both the building under construction and the surrounding development, as well as preserve the environment.

The purpose of monitoring is: to assess the impact of new construction on surrounding buildings and structures, to ensure reliable construction of a new building, to prevent negative environmental changes, to develop technical solutions to prevent and eliminate deviations exceeding those envisaged in the project, as well as to monitor the implementation of these decisions.

Methods and technical means for monitoring new construction and surrounding development are assigned depending on the level of responsibility of structures, their design features and condition, engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the site, method of construction of a new building, density of surrounding buildings, operation requirements and in accordance with the results of geotechnical forecast ...

Monitoring is carried out according to a specially developed project. The composition, methods and scope of monitoring are established depending on the geotechnical category of objects in accordance with MGSN 2.07-97 by a joint decision of the customer of the new construction and the general designer.

Features of the production of work near existing buildings

To ensure the safety and the possibility of normal operation of the objects surrounding the construction site, in addition to making constructive decisions when performing work near existing buildings, they provide for the implementation of special technological measures, as well as the prevention of violation of existing drainage systems, waterproofing, etc.

Before starting the work, a thorough examination of all buildings and structures located in the zone of influence of the planned construction work should be carried out.

For the production of geotechnical works near existing buildings, technological regulations are developed for their implementation and strict control over compliance with all requirements of the project and technological regulations is imposed. Control over the implementation of the technological regulations and the quality of the work performed is carried out by the engineering and technical service of the manufacturer of the work, checked by the representative of the field supervision and technical supervision of the customer.


When carrying out work on the design and construction of foundations and foundations during the construction of buildings near existing ones in conditions of dense development, control methods are provided in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-83 and GOST 18321-73 and 16504-81.

List of used literature

1.Telichenko, V.I. Technology of erection of buildings and structures ". Textbook. For building, universities. V.I. 2004 .-- 446 s; silt;

2. Government of Moscow. Moskomarkhitektura. "Recommendations for the design and construction of foundations and foundations for the construction of buildings near existing in conditions of dense development in the city of Moscow" dated 01.13.99;

3. Wikipedia is a consolidated encyclopedia [Electronic resource] // http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundament.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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General Provisions. When erecting buildings and structures in a dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only the directly erected objects, but also the structures surrounding them:

The need to ensure the maintenance of the operational properties of objects located in the immediate vicinity of the building spot;

The impossibility of locating a full complex of household and engineering structures, machines and mechanisms at the construction site;

Development of special constructive and technological measures aimed at optimizing the construction processes of the facility;

Development of technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the ecological environment of the facility and existing buildings.

Specific features of the construction plan. The limited area allocated for the building site hinders the full deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory measures, without which the construction will be immediately suspended by the regulatory authorities. These include fire and safety measures. It is mandatory to have evacuation passages (exits) on the construction site, prepared for the use of fire hydrants, emergency fire extinguishing means; restrictive rags or fencing around the excavation, markers for work areas on the construction site, awnings over pedestrian areas along the construction site.

In cases of a limited area of ​​the building site outside the construction site, the following may be located:

Administrative premises;

Canteens and sanitary facilities;

Rebar, joinery and locksmith shops and workshops;

Open and closed storage facilities;

Cranes, concrete pumps and other construction machines.

Maintaining the operational properties of the existing development. Buildings located in the immediate vicinity of the building site can be exposed to a number of influences that arise during the construction of a new building. It:

An excerpt in the immediate vicinity of the building of a foundation pit for new construction;

Vibration from construction machines and mechanisms located in the immediate vicinity.

Their reduction to permissible levels is achieved by the implementation of special engineering measures.

Strengthening foundations and foundations. Before starting excavation, it is necessary to

to strengthen the foundations and foundations of existing structures and urban

infrastructure located in close proximity to the construction site.

Strengthening the structures of the foundations and foundations should ensure the static balance of the building for the period of the open pit before the erection of the load-bearing structures of the underground part of the new building.

Measures to strengthen bases and foundations are subdivided, depending on the effect on the supporting frame and adjacent bases, into permanent and temporary. Permanent solutions include those solutions in the implementation of which the reinforcement of the structure becomes an integral part of the structure under construction.

Before the start of excavation work, a sheet pile fence is arranged around the entire perimeter of the pit (Fig. 26.2). Target

sheet piling to prevent slipping and collapse of soil massifs outside the construction site.

In areas where existing structures are directly adjacent to the border of the construction site, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen their underground structures. For this, boreholes are drilled through the body, their characteristics are length, diameter, class of the existing foundation, and concrete is injected into them under pressure. The number of piles, mesbeton - is determined by calculation.

At the end of the construction of the underground part of the building, the sheet piling, as a rule, is removed from the ground, it can be reused. Therefore, the device of sheet piling can be attributed to temporary measures to strengthen the foundations. Unlike sheet piles, bored piles remain in the body of reinforced foundations even after the completion of new construction. Permanent measures include the construction of the underground part of the building by performing the previously discussed "wall in the ground" in detail. However, as noted, the “wall in the ground” is a rather complex and expensive engineering structure, and its construction is economically feasible only in cases of large-scale or unique construction.

Specific measures aimed at maintaining the operational properties of the existing development are developed in the projects for the production of works. These include:

Strengthening of foundations and foundations, which should ensure the static balance of the building for the period of the open pit before the erection of the supporting structures of the basement of the new building and backfilling of the sinuses of the pit. The most frequently used constructive solutions are: “wall in the ground”, sheet piling, reinforcement of foundations and basement walls of existing buildings, strengthening of foundation soils by injection methods;

Development of pits and construction of foundations in turns - this allows you to reduce the consumption of temporary retaining structures;

Selection of machines and mechanisms with minimal dynamic characteristics;

Vibration isolation of soil mass adjacent to existing buildings and structures.

Protection of the ecological environment. The impacts of the facility under construction on the surrounding buildings and infrastructure are mainly as follows:

Noise effect accompanying any construction process;

Dynamic impact of working machines and mechanisms;

Emission into the atmosphere of a large amount of dust particles of small and medium fractions;

Generation of a huge amount of construction and household waste;

Increased discharge of wastewater into existing and reconstructed city networks, as well as onto the soil;

Violation of the usual transport schemes due to the restriction, and sometimes even a complete ban on traffic on the streets on which construction is carried out.

To reduce the noise level at the construction site, the contractors are instructed to use noise-reducing techniques and equipment at the stage of passing the state examination, that is, in the process of agreeing on the main technical and technological solutions. For example, when carrying out pile and sheet piling works, a mandatory requirement is the use of screwed piles or the immersion of piles into drilled wells. As lifting and concrete feeding machines, we recommend equipment with lower noise characteristics with general equal technical capabilities. Pneumatic breakers, which cause a special noise effect, are replaced by electro-mechanical ones. A temporary restriction is introduced on the conduct of all types of work at the construction site, with a special emphasis on the permitted period for the most noisy work, such as assembly, welding, concrete, etc.

Approximately in the same vein, measures are taken to reduce the dynamic impact of working machines and mechanisms. In addition to the introduction of restrictions on the use of certain means of mechanization, measures are being developed for the device technical facilities aimed at reducing dynamic loads on soils and foundations. For this, in the areas of installation of cranes, concrete feeding and other machines that cause dynamic effects, damping (forced damping vibrations) engineering structures are mounted, significantly reducing the propagation of dynamic vibrations to the surrounding foundations and soils, and, consequently, to the existing buildings.

The emission of fine and medium-sized dust particles into the atmosphere is the most difficult parameter to control. Maximum amount dust particles are thrown into

atmosphere mainly during finishing works such as putty and painting. Therefore, by ensuring the delivery of the largest number of pre-painted products and equipment to the construction site, it is possible to minimize the implementation of these processes under construction conditions, and, consequently, reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, in the processes associated with mechanical stress on the erected reinforced concrete and stone structures, such as drilling, gouging, adjusting dimensions, etc., it is recommended to wet the surfaces to be treated with abundant water before starting and during work. This leads to the deposition of dusty particles on horizontal surfaces, followed by their removal from the site along with construction waste.

From the very beginning of the construction of the facility, a huge amount of construction and household waste has accumulated, which can lead to pollution of the nearby territories. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a clear system for the collection and removal of construction and household waste from the facility. On the territory of the construction site, separate containers are installed for construction waste, including for handed over waste, such as scrap metal, broken glass, and household waste. As it fills

containers are taken to city dumps or collection points.

The increase in the discharge of water effluents, storm and faecal sewerage during the construction process is a serious environmental problem, since at the time of the start of work, the existing capacities of city networks are insufficient, as a result of which there is an unauthorized discharge of associated effluents into the environment. To prevent this, it is necessary to ensure an organized flow from the construction site at the stage of preparatory work; to reconstruct, in accordance with the issued technical conditions for the periods of construction and operation of the constructed building, the existing city networks; tie wheel washing zones to nets storm sewer; establish areas on the construction site in which it is permitted

use water, sewerage for domestic and industrial needs. During the work process, prohibit any discharge of water at the construction site outside the designated areas.

In conditions of dense urban development, new construction is carried out, as a rule, along existing transport routes, and sometimes even crossing them, thereby violating the existing system of usual transport schemes. This leads not only to the complication of traffic, but also to the formation of truncated traffic flows, traffic jams, additional exhaust of harmful gases from vehicles, and, consequently, to a deterioration of the ecological situation in the city. Therefore, when coordinating the construction plan, together with the road safety authorities, they develop schemes for the rational movement of transport around the construction site for the period of construction. Standard road signs are installed around the building site, instructing road users to pass, detours and stopping zones, and, if necessary, the device of additional pedestrian crossings - traffic lights.

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