
Preliminary (visual) inspection of buildings. Visual inspection and examination of buildings and structures Visual technical inspection of buildings and structures

Survey building structures, including buildings, is carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​characterizing, at this stage, the operational state of buildings. The need for such a survey is associated with determining the possibility of continuing operation, without making any changes to the structure, or with recommendations for the restoration or strengthening of the existing structure.

In modern construction, a mandatory justification for a visual inspection is required

Inspection of building structures, including buildings, is carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​characterizing, at this stage, the operational state of buildings. The need for such a survey is associated with determining the possibility of continuing operation, without making any changes to the structure, or with recommendations for the restoration or strengthening of the existing structure. The main directions that are guided during the preliminary survey are:

    Identification of possible defects and damage arising after exposure to man-made (fires, soil subsidence) or natural (flooding) influences on the building structure.

    Increased loads associated with redevelopment or an increase in the number of floors.

    Proposed or ongoing reconstruction.

    Renewal construction works at the facility, after long-term conservation.

Survey process

Preliminary (visual) inspection of buildings provides for a set of works related to the inspection appearance... In this case, ordinary measuring instruments (tape measures, probes) and devices are used that allow a detailed examination of the appearance of buildings (binoculars, a camera, a level). The survey is carried out by qualified specialists. In this case, the following are subject to visual inspection:



    Pillars, columns, walls.

    Beams, trusses.

    Connecting elements and stiffening structures.

    All available for inspection, joints, connections, nodes.

All found defective areas are subject to careful measurement, description, photographing, followed by drawing up diagrams of their location. A statement is drawn up, which indicates the technical parameters of the damage. A preliminary (visual) inspection of buildings is also carried out to identify deformation of the entire building structure (roll, deflections, faults) and its individual structures. A reconnaissance survey of the facility is underway. Based on the obtained results of the survey, a preliminary conclusion of the technical condition of the inspected object is drawn up. Based on this conclusion, a decision is made to eliminate the existing shortcomings, without additional research. Or, a decision is made on the need for a more thorough instrumental examination.

Ask questions to our geologists

The cost of the work carried out directly depends on the technical condition of the object itself, its location, the purpose of the survey of buildings. You can order such work in companies licensed to conduct such research. Price for given view the work is quite high, but the estimate is made taking into account the full cycle of the survey, which includes geodetic survey of the object. Upon completion of the work, the customer is issued an act of technical inspection of the object.

Contacting qualified specialists will protect your project for many years and will allow you to implement any project. We recommend that you turn your attention to the company leader in the field of geodetic research - LLC "Geologist". The fact that specialists work in many regions and cities of our country is very favorable: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Yaroslavl region, Tula region, Tver region, Kaluga region, Ryazan region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Voronezh region, Kursk region, Tambov region, Belgorod region, Penza region, Krasnodar region, Leningrad region, Pskov region.

Building survey- this is a specific list of operations, the purpose of which is to check the condition and defects of both the buildings themselves and any of its structural elements.

There are several main objectives of the survey:

  1. Checking and research before putting buildings into operation;

The main task is to check the compliance of the constructed building with the design documentation, as well as to identify violations.

  1. Inspection and research of buildings that have already been built.

Determination of the deterioration of the building, the possible load-bearing structure of the building elements, the removal of parameters for the reconstruction of the building. Scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

  1. Various laboratory tests of structural elements;

There are basic requirements for buildings and structures that cannot be violated:

  1. All buildings and structures must be strong and stable.
  2. Cracks and damages lagging behind the building.

All other deviations from the normal state of objects should be investigated by trained engineers with experience in the relevant objects, with specialized equipment available.

Any survey consists of several elements:

  1. Primary. Study of design documentation, familiarization with the repair work carried out.

In this case, it is possible to determine the weak areas of the design schemes, as well as the places of maximum load and the theoretical degree of deterioration.

  1. Visual inspection. Engineer examines the conformity of the object working documentation, searches for defects, draws up a plan for a more detailed examination. All surveys are carried out using non-destructive methods.

Important. Non-destructive methods - any types of surveys that do not require the direct disabling of operating facilities, without physical sampling of materials.

The visual examination includes:

  • Real estate measurements and subsequent manufacturing.
  • Drawing up a list of defects with photographs.
  • Assessment of the reliability of building elements.

At the end of the visual examination, the customer is provided with

  • List of defects, with a description of their nature, location on the diagrams;
  • Photo fixation with the class and characteristics of defects;
  • Description of possible deformations of the building or its individual elements (deflections, rolls, bends, distortions, faults, etc.);
  • Identification of emergency areas;
  • Renovation and diagrams of sections of the building;
  • Definition of load-bearing walls and structures with their location in the drawings;
  • Preliminary analysis of the state of the supporting structures, engineering networks;
  • Recommendations, estimates for eliminating the identified deviations;
  1. Complete analysis with testing of structural elements and development possible ways solving the tasks.

Definition design features parts of the building, assessment of the technical condition of the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building to calculate the loads on the floor floors. Structural elements are subject to technical inspection: foundations, floors, walls.

Scope of services in case of a full technical survey:

  1. The list of works when examining base and foundation soils with
  2. excavation of 4 pits per building:
  3. Analysis of engineering and geological conditions of the site ( land plot under the building);
  4. Execution of exploration pits to clarify the parameters
  5. foundation;
  6. Selection of soil samples from under the soles of the foundation to clarify the properties
  7. soils;
  8. Performance laboratory research base soils.
  9. Foundation material testing;
  10. Dynamic sounding to a certain depth (depends on the size and height of the building);
  11. Performing verification calculations to determine the design resistance, ultimate ground pressure.
  12. Inspection of the technical condition of engineering networks.
  13. Installation of deformation marks on the main structures of the building. (on average 20 pieces)
  14. Installation of geodetic marks
  15. Leveling class II (building settlement) (depends on the number of corners of the building)

List of works for visual and instrumental examination of the aboveground part of the building:

  1. Inspection of the technical condition of the building.
  2. Inspection of building structures with a sketch of defects and damages, photographing of defects and drawing up a defective statement;
  3. Determination of the strength of walls by non-destructive methods;
  4. Carrying out openings of floors to clarify its composition and
  5. determination of bearing capacity.
  6. Sampling from structures for mycological research - the number of samples for the laboratory is specified according to the results of autopsies.
  7. Measurement work required for the survey
  8. Analysis of archival materials.
  9. Necessary calculations of supporting structures (floors, walls).
  10. Determination of the building category by the technical condition of structures according to TSN 50-302-204, GOST R53778-2010.

Sample estimate for the survey of buildings

The estimate is made in prices for the III-rd quarter of 2015. The prices are given for 100 m3 of the building.

The estimate is based on the Guide base prices for measuring work and inspection of buildings and structures, State Enterprise "Tsentrinvestproekt", M., 1998

The total volume of the building is 74,940 sq. m.

Sample terms of reference(for drawing up tender documents):

In case of visual examination:

Option 1

Technical task

  1. Place, conditions and terms of work

1.1. Work place: __________________________

1.2. Turnaround time: __________________________

1.3. The contractor is obliged to carry out a visual inspection of the main supporting structures of the building with photographs, drawing up a report with conclusions and recommendations, developing lists and diagrams of defects non-residential building at the address: st. Millionnaya, 30 letter A.

1.4. The main technical and economic indicators of the surveyed building:

Year of construction - _____, year cap. repair - _____

Total area - ____

Appointment - __________________

2. Requirements for the description of the work performed

2.1. The name of the work performed: visual inspection of the main load-bearing structures of a non-residential building in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31937-2011.

2.2. Requirements for the work performed:

2.2.1. An organization that meets established by law Russian Federation requirements for design organizations, having a valid Certificate of admission to perform this type of work.

2.2.2. The Contractor transfers to the Customer the developed by him project documentation in 3 copies on paper and 1 copy on electronic media.

2.3. List of structures to be inspected and scope of work:

2.3.1. Inspection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures (in accordance with clause 5.3.1. And Appendix E of GOST, without opening)

2.3.2. Survey stone structures (without opening and probing)

2.3.3. Survey steel structures(according to clause 5.3.3. and Appendix Ж GOST, without opening)

2.3.4. Inspection of wooden structures (clause 5.3.4., without opening and drilling)

2.3.5. Inspection of building elements of balconies, bay windows, loggias - clause 5.3.5., without opening

2.3.6. Examination of stairs - clause 5.3.5. without opening

2.4. The result of the performed visual inspection is the development of a report on the technical condition of the main load-bearing structures of the building with:

- an indication of the structural diagram of the building and a description of the load-bearing structures of the building by floors;

- drawing up lists of defects and damages by external signs with their measurements and fixation on the diagrams;

- description of emergency areas (if any);

- development of conclusions about the condition of the building;

After conducting a survey of the technical condition of the building, the information in the developed report should be sufficient to make an informed decision about the possibility of its further trouble-free operation.

The report is transferred to the Customer under the Acceptance Certificate.

Sample terms of reference Option 2

Technical task

Price guide for the survey of buildings and structures

Reference book of base prices for measurement work and inspection of buildings and structures, State Enterprise "Tsentrinvestproekt", M., 1998

The final cost of the work is determined using the coefficient approved in the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia. Latest revision letters and the required coefficient can be found on the Internet.

The result of a technical survey of buildings and structures

In the request for a commercial offer, we need only a few characteristics: the address of the property, the area of ​​the property, the number of storeys, as well as the required type of survey.

Visual examination in the company "CPI" SA " are carried out by experienced engineers who undergo timely advanced training. LLC "CPI" SA "is a member of the NP SRO" Association of Design Engineers "and has a certificate of admission to work on the inspection of buildings and structures.

Visual inspection of the building- This is a building survey, during which the condition of the supporting building structures of the building is assessed by external signs.

Visual examination is most often done with the aim of

  • determining the accident rate of an object by external signs and assessing the need to take prompt measures to prevent an accident;
  • determining the need for a deeper instrumental examination.
  • assessing the feasibility of acquiring a real estate object (a preliminary understanding of the condition of the object allows the investor to predict the possible volume of investments Money to this property).

During the visual examination, the specialists of the “TsPI“ SA ”Company use measuring instruments and instruments (calipers, probes, laser and mechanical tape measures, photographic devices).

Types of work during a visual inspection of the building

  • analysis of design and technical documentation, results of engineering and geological surveys;
  • measurement work is carried out, geometric indicators of structures are specified,
  • the structural scheme of the building is determined;
  • reveals damage and defects; drawn up defective statement;
  • the state of structures is assessed by external signs.

Based on the results of the visual (preliminary) examination, a Technical Conclusion on the condition of the supporting structures of the building is drawn up with conclusions and recommendations.
In the Technical Conclusion, a conclusion can be made about the need for a detailed instrumental or comprehensive survey, including an assessment of the bearing capacity of the foundation soils, and in case of deep cracks in the walls of the building, distortions of parts of the building, it may be necessary to conduct engineering-geological surveys with an assessment of the deformation characteristics of the soil at the base of the building.

Time and cost of visual inspection of the building

Cost of work is calculated in each specific case and depends on the terms of reference and the purpose of the survey. The cost of survey work depends on the area of ​​the object, as well as on the geographical location of the object. To agree on the redevelopment, the focus of the work is on measuring work, clarifying the geometric indicators of structures, determining the structural scheme of the building. When planning a repair, damage and defects are identified, a defective statement is drawn up.

Deadlines The minimum period for completion of work can be approximately 10 days. work is calculated in each specific case and depends on the area of ​​the object, as well as on the geographical location of the object.

The company "TsPI" SA "conducts all types of surveys: visual, selective instrumental, full detailed survey and comprehensive survey of buildings and structures. The company has its own construction and soil laboratory, which allows you to do the whole range of works on the survey of real estate objects.

Order a visual inspection of buildings at the Design and Engineering Center.

Contact us!

The main advantage of such an inspection is that data on the current state of structures are obtained by a non-destructive method. In other words, fixation of cracks, deformations and destruction is carried out without opening reinforced concrete elements, damage to the decoration of premises and other measures, and can also be carried out without disrupting the working process taking place at the facility.

As a leading expert in the field construction control, "Controlium" offers qualified assistance in determining the technical condition of structures. Over the years of successful activity in the capital market, the experts of our company were able to inspect more than a hundred buildings, which made it possible to gain invaluable experience and develop effective strategies for interacting with new and regular customers!

Price list for visual inspection of buildings*
Square up to 70 up to 100 up to 150 up to 200 up to 300 over 300
One-time visit to the object (VIC) \ check or acceptance of the stage of work 8,000 RUB 8 600 RUB 9 800 RUB RUB 10,000 11,500 RUB by agreement
Audit of materials spent or work on engineering works on the project without visiting from 2 800 rub. from 4000 rub. from 5 700 rub. from RUB 7,500 from 8 600 rub. by agreement
Preparation of documents for forensic and pre-trial examination from 14,000 rub.
Participation in court as a plaintiff / defendant from 20 700 rub.
Escort installation works(4 exits) 28,700 RUB 32,200 RUB 34,500 RUB 38,000 RUB 40,000 RUB by agreement
Installation work support (8 visits) 42,500 RUB 46,000 RUB 48,000 RUB 51,000 RUB 57,500 RUB by agreement
* Rates are valid when a specialist leaves for the Moscow Ring Road. 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road costs 60 rubles
** We use an integrated approach to work, we work only with professional equipment, there are verification documents for the equipment
*** A report is sent to your mail after each check-out. Invoice payment can be made in cash or non-cash

Features of the visual inspection of premises from the "Controlium" company

Visual inspection of buildings and structures is carried out in order to determine the current technical condition of individual building structures or their parts, based on external signs. Based on the data obtained, the real estate owner decides on the need for a more detailed instrumental examination of the damaged elements in order to develop recommendations for eliminating the detected defects.

When ordering a visual inspection of structures from Controlium, customers can count on:

  • An integrated approach to conducting visual surveys;
  • Detailed report describing the identified problems;
  • Assistance in preparing documents for submission to official bodies and authorities;
  • Development of effective methods for eliminating detected defects;
  • Competent consultations from specialized specialists with colossal work experience;
  • Flexible and transparent cost of services provided.

Final price for visual technical inspection depends on a number of additional factors and is calculated taking into account:

  • The type of object you have;
  • The amount of work to be done;
  • Total area the checked premises;
  • The number of defects found.

It should be noted that the calculation of the cost of services is made on an individual basis. The data obtained during the survey can be used as an evidence base when initiating litigation since all reports are drawn up in full compliance with the main provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Do you have any questions? Would you like to discuss cooperation? Want to get Additional information about the services provided? Just give us a call! Managers "" are ready to advise you on any issue!

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