
Stages of construction of a wooden house from a rounded log. Phased construction of the house from the bar. Device of storm sewage

Wooden houses today are at the peak of popularity, and all because people understand the enormous importance of environmental housing. The company "Russian choirs" offers country construction wooden houses According to typical and individual projects. Here are some tips for the future owners of a tree house.

Choosing a place for construction

It is important to choose the right place for home.

In order not to be confused when choosing, it is clearly forming your wishes: the price of land, ecological stop, the presence of a water branch or forest, the location on the plain or in the mountains, the proximity of the points of civilization.

What breed of wood is better to build?

In the first place of merit is cedar. The amazing smell, the healing effect and beauty of cedar logs make it very popular.

Wooden houses from larch are also quite durable. After the processing of the logs have a beautiful texture and aesthetic appearance that does not require additional finishes.

Pine, although it is softer wood than cedar or larch, is also great for creating strong and reliable housing.

What kind of forest is better?

Almost everyone who just began to learn information about wooden houses, hears that it is best to use the winter forest to build.

The company "Russian choirs" uses winter wood cut down in the Kirov forests, which are famous for their eating and pines.

In addition, the geography of wood growing is considerable importance. In the northern latitudes, where the forests of the Kirov region are located, trees grow slowly and therefore they have rather narrow annual rings, which gives very high strength incomparable with the wood of southern regions.

Types of hand logging

In modern housekeeping, two types of hand logging are used. Both types of technology were borrowed from Russian architects, which successfully applied their many centuries.

Build a house: Crown behind the crown

At the first stage of construction wooden house The logs are stacked in a log house. At the same time, the logs are fastened with "locks" - special compounds that can be different species. One row is called a crown.

The lowest row is called bold lining under it. On the lower crown, the lower strapping is mounted, into which transverse beams are cut - lags. It is lagows become the basis for flooring.

Special attention should be paid to the lower crown, because it is precisely most often subjected to rotting.

Roofing of a wooden house

Here the choice is simply huge, ranging from a wooden roof (shingle), which is made of natural wood of larch or cedar and ending in an inexpensive soft roof.

The construction of wooden houses in the last decade is increasingly popular. Build buildings for permanent residence, country buildings, baths.

Wood used is an environmentally friendly material. He creates a healthy microclimate in the house, and also favorably affects human health.

Wooden houses are warm in winter, and in the summer heat - cool, as the walls do not spend heat. By itself, the material is beautiful and does not require additional decoration, but this does not exclude the facade finish to give the house of individuality.

Select the project and selection of the site

The two main interrelated tasks that are solved before the construction of the house is the choice of the project and the selection of the site. The construction of the structure depends on the terrain on which it will be located. At smooth areas, the construction of the house is easier, but hilly terrain is attractive in that it will be a good base for a multi-level architecture and creating a unique design of the preservation area.

In the selected area, geologists are obliged to find out the depth of groundwater and the physical properties of the soil. The type and size of the foundation depends on these indicators. This issue is found at the stage of preparing a project for the construction of the house.

The factor also affects the selection of the site is the presence of infrastructure. It is desirable to be nearby shopping centers, children's I. medical institutions. Mandatory are stable telephone communications and public transport. Near the site or nearby, it is desirable for communications: electricity, water, gas, sewage.

The creation of a technical project becomes a responsible stage of construction. The area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment and the number of residential rooms depends on the number of permanent tenants. Together with the house creates projects of additional structures: garages, baths, economic structures. The project involves the external attractiveness of the construction, comfort and convenience of its service in the future.

Popular projects on our site

Cleaning and preparation of a plot to construction

The territory is placed before the delivery of materials. Cleaning and preparation of the plot to construction includes the elimination of plantations: bushes, trees, weeds and other vegetation. If there are stones or old buildings, they also need to be removed. If there are significant unevenness of the soil on a plot that impede work should be smoothed out the platform.

Before the construction of the house is carried out a device drainage system. If the groundwater is suitable close to the surface, they violate the integrity of the structure over time. Drainage project is made on the basis of geological studies.

Foundation, home box and roof

The form of the foundation is chosen depending on the type of soil, intimacy of groundwater, the depths of the freezing and the relief of the site. In the construction of wooden houses apply:
Tape, columnar and pile. The choice of suitable species is seriously suitable, since it is the most important entry element of the structure.

More often used pile, since they are economical and suitable for all types of soil, as well as tapes, but they require the use of earthworks.

The box of the house is erected from wood materials of several forms:
The rounded log has the same diameter over the entire length. This allows in a short time to build the desired design without the involvement of heavy equipment. The gaps close up with a sealant.
The profiled timber is processed to give it a suitable form. It is quickly mounted, and the presence of an accurate connection does not require constant after shrinkage.
The glued timber is made of wooden lamellas connected under high pressure and shaped to the necessary form. In the course of operation, it does not change geometry, does not dry, has high strength.
Wooden structures before use are treated with antiseptics for stability to the aggressive environment.

Roof installation is a serious moment. She decorates and reliably protects the building, comfort in the house depends on it. Install different types And the shape of the roofs. In geometric forms, they are:

  • Diple symmetric or characterized angles of inclination.
  • Walm with two large and two small (triangular) slopes.
  • Semi-degrees in two variations, with different types of fronton.
  • Tent, as a variety of holm with four identical slopes.
  • Multi-line - complex structures, but create unique varieties.
  • Loars, they are also called the attic, increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.
  • Combined make up Mix from a variety of species.

Shrinkage at home

For one to one and a half years, the log house stands and shrinkage at home. Only then proceed to the outer and interior decoration, install windows, doors. During this time, wooden structures dry out, and additional sealing of the seams and the encodes arising are performed.

Modern technologies allow you to check in the built house immediately after the end of the construction and finishes. Using the casing system helps the building to transfer shrinkage without prejudice to the designs.


When choosing a site, the issue of communications is sharp, the vitality of the estate depends on it. The main thing is electricity and power secreted. Ideally, a connection to the central highways would be solving problems.

Suitable heating option serve modern systemsregulating temperature. Water supply and sewage, in the absence of centralized, are equipped individually. Using a well or well, pumping water into the house. For autonomous sewage, a system is arranged from two wells or if necessary - claiming facilities. This increases the cost of construction, so it is taken into account when looking for a suitable area.

Final finishing works

At the time of buying land plot Immediately arises the question of the construction of a wooden house, but first of all, it is necessary to consider an architectural project.

Development of project documentation

With the help of the project for the construction of the house, the estimate of construction materials is prepared, the timing of the work and the approximate cost is be charged.

Construction of the foundation under the house

Since the durability of the walls and the roof depends on the strength of the foundation, then it is necessary to take responsibly to this stage. Before filling the foundation of the wooden house, you should find out the type of soil and the level of groundwater. At this stage, all zero work. Gasket outdoor sewage, Entering water under the house and other construction and installation work. If these works are later to do, then it will spend more time and financial costs.

Manufacturing a log on the construction site

The installation of a church (the construction of walls) is done according to the developed project from a glued timber or a rounded log.

Stages of installation of roofing

Cutting device, rafters, roofing without insulation inside. The roof can be covered with metal tile, ceramic, bituminous or sandy-cement tiles. When building a wooden house, it should be borne in mind that you need to install on the sliding mount so that the inner lining can also slide.

Shrink Siruba

After assembling the walls and installation of the roof, you need to give the house to stand a little, because it was in the first month that shrinkage houses at home by almost 80%. For a good shrinkage, ventilation is also needed, so the most suitable year of the year for the construction of the house is spring, since during this period the optimal ventilation mode is ensured. During the shrinkage of the house it is impossible to build vertical scarves, pipes, rails, install windows and doors without gaps and shrinking propils.

Closing of an external road circuit

At this stage, the foundation and roofing is insulated, installation of windows and entrance doors. Installation of ceilings of all floors and engineering part of the house. Installation of plumbing systems, water pipes, electrics, boiler rooms and heating.

Grinding and painting at home

The inner walls are separated when heating into the house, and outdoor - in the warm season.

Installation of floors and stairs

All stages of construction of wooden houses should be observed, because non-compliance with the order will entail unwanted consequences, for example: if the external outline of the house will be closed until the logs are dried, they can bloom and be covered with blue.

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House building is a responsible task that needs to trust professionals. But the future owner is useful to know what the main stages of the construction of a private house and the sequence of actions. This is necessary for an adequate estimate of the final estimate and deadlines, monitoring the progress of work.

Stages of construction are identical to houses from a rounded log, profiled and glued timber.

We offer to consider the stages of the construction of the house from the log on the example of our project at home and its implementation.

1. Design

You can download « » In PDF format and familiarize yourself with the layouts.

Despite the fact that today the design of wooden houses is most often reduced to the choice of the depot and balanced option from the contractor's catalog, any project needs adaptation. It is necessary to determine the planning and purpose of the premises and make, if necessary, changes to the package.

An important stage of adaptation is the choice of foundation. In order to determine his type and make accurate calculationsIt is desirable to conduct preliminary geodesic monitoring of the site, since some foundation parameters depend on the depth of groundwater, the type of soil, the presence of floors.

On this example, the most suitable foundation due to the large distribution of the site was chosen - Sailo screw foundation. According to the facade part of the length of the piles more than 9 meters. Pile 133 mm., Pile wall thickness 6 mm;

2. Preparation of a plot to development

After the compilation and approval of the adapted project, a log house is made from a rounded log. While it is manufactured, you need to prepare construction site. Our specialists will carry out the geodesic binding and marking of the axes, will bring the necessary materials, tools and equipment to the construction site.

If autonomous communications are planned at the facility (well, septic, Gazgolder), we recommend planning them in advance or at least approve their location. Otherwise, situations are not excluded when equipment is subsequently mounted for technical reasons completely differently, and inputs into the house are already arranged in accordance with the original plans.

It is important to organize the conditions for builders (cabins, hygiene, food), take care of fire safety, equip the place to ship the materials and for warehousing garbage.

3. Fundam and loving communications

Installation of modern pile foundations It happens quickly, with the involvement of special equipment. In the installed piles by technology, sand concrete mixture is poured and welded headplains. Next follows welding work. The upper points of the pipes are aligned, additional ribs are welded to them, covers are closed with plugs.

On the finished metallic frame, it is satisfied with a strapping from a bar of 200x200 mm. According to the top of the pile head, which is needed for the uniform distribution of the carrier load and the additional reliability of the geometry. At the end of the stage, in the places provided by the project lay the pipes of communications and bring them to the level of the future floor of the first floor.

4. Domocomplekt.

The finished factory set is brought to a construction site consistently folded and numbered. According to the prefabricated drawings, referring to the marking, the domicile complex from the rounded log is mounted on the foundation. At the floor level of all floors and the attic laid lags - carrying horizontal support of floors and roofs.

5. rafters and roofing

When the entire set of logs are installed, on the upper lags, the roof frame is equipped with a rafter system from a 50x200 mm board, on sliding supports with a step of 0.58 mm. and the possibility of insulation in 200 mm. The finishing roofing material is put on the rafyl. You can immediately mount the finish roof, as is done on our example.

6. Wood processing and shrinkage

An important stage of construction country house - Shrinkage Domocomplekt. The rounded log gives a shrinkage of 6-9% so that this process occurs correctly and evenly, you need to perform not difficult, but very important events for the protection of wood and the ends of the collected house.

In all openings (doors, windows, arches), leave one or two non-emitted logs - dressing. Vertical bearing supports are supplied with compensators - adjustable supports, usually metallic. They are placed in gaps in the upper, support part of the poles.

Shrinkage - long process. To wood in natural climatic conditions It did not dry and not raw, all the logs and bars need to be carefully treated ..

All the ends of the house must be covered with protective compositions from cracking and cover the outer walls of the house with antiseptic coatings. When contacting our company, we will recommend, explain and show what different protective compounds differ from each other and how to use it correctly.

As a rule, such treatment is combined with flame retardant.

7. Closing contour

After completing the main, the most significant shrinkage, you can start closing an external circuit. This stage of building a house of a log consists of the following sub-phates:

  • facing and insulation of the foundation, the device in it produced (ventilation holes);
  • arrangement and insulation of the breakfast around the foundation;
  • warming of a church (crossing, insulation of interventic spaces);
  • window device I. door openings, installation of windows and entrance doors;
  • berval of roofing outside, insulation roofing, floral insulation, caustic ventilation device, engineering layout

8. Paul, ceiling and partitions after 6 months shrinkage

In the closed loop of the house you can already begin to the ceiling binder, laying the floor (at least black). If the project provides additional partitions, the frameworks for them are usually erected immediately through the draft floor.

When the internal volumes are obtained and all rooms are delimited, refine the location and dimensions of interroom and inter-storey openings. At the same time, ventilation mines are built, furnaces and fireplaces are arranged, chimneys.

If the house was originally covered under the shrinkage, after this stage of the construction of a private house, you can proceed to the finishing roof and equipping the roof with snowstores and the drainage system.

9. Communication layout

Before proceeding with the interior decoration, all the necessary communications are bred by the house: suitable boiler and boiler rooms, electricity pulls, provide heating, water supply, sewage.

The finish finish stage is left only to end user equipment that can be spoiled during repair work - Lamps, switches, sockets, radiators.

10. Carpenter and finishing finish

At the initial stage of finishing works, immediately after the first floors, doors, stairs, window sills and slopes, cash of free doorways and arches. If necessary on the project - carpenter and log walls are toned.

The same, if necessary, is done outside. Facade finish (painting logs, platbands, decorative elements, fences of the veranda and balconies) can be performed in parallel with the inside, before it or after. The further decoration depends only on the budget, the imaging of the owners, the availability of the interior design project.

A common practice at the finish stage is the creation of logs (for example, from cutting lumps) of small forms for the garden, veranda, or even the interior.

The company "DELAD" wishes to all future homeowners to safely wait for this pleasant final stage of the construction of a country house. !

11. Video construction of the house "Flagship"

If someone else is thinking, from which material to build a house, perhaps our article will give food for reflection. Indeed, someone believes that traditional brick, the best material, for construction, someone is a supporter of a tree. Let's immediately say that both the tree and brick are suitable for building a house to the same extent. Simply, some believe that the brick is stronger and just like the century.

At the same time, technology now allow you to make wood as durable and durable as a brick. But the tree has such attractive parties as environmental friendliness, ease of installation, aesthetic. In general, disputes about what to build is likely to exist while there is a tree and brick. Therefore, let's consider this question as the main stages of the construction of a wooden house.

If you look at the literature on the construction of houses from a tree, you will see that there are two stages. Why two? This is caused by the physical properties of wood. As you know the tree, it has a lying property, in construction it is called a deck or shrinkage. Exhaustion is a decrease in the volume of wood, due to the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, precisely because of this property and you have to build from a tree in two stages.

First stage - production of a church

So, the first stage. A log house is manufactured and installed on the foundation. The foundation is satisfied with a ribbon or column. The log house is assembled from a bar or round. After installing the cut, you must wait until the tree gives the shrink.

When installing a log in the summer, the shrinkage period should be at least a year. With winter construction - six months.

However, the construction of wooden houses has its subtleties. Usually, it is even more profitable from the tree in the winter. Winter wood is denser than a tree fired in the summer. This is explained by the fact that by the winter of wood closes, and the moisture itself goes away. As a result, the "Winter House" will give a small shrinkage, and "sit down" smaller. Another plus - such brisms are less cracking.

Another important advantage - there are no different microorganisms in the winter tree that destroy the wood.

One remark - in the winter tree becomes fragile, so you need to work with it neatly.

Consider how many wood can give a shrinkage. We take the standard height of the cut of 2.5 m. Located, from a bar delivered in summer during the year will give a sediment 4 cm. From the rounder - 8 cm.

Condition during this period, it is necessary to close the roof and cover the rubberoid. At this, the first stage can be considered finished.

Thus, the first stage is the following operations.

  1. Filling the foundation.
  2. Manufacturing a log.
  3. Installing a log on the foundation.
  4. Roof Device and cutting cut Ruberoid.

Second Stage - Finishing House

At the second stage, windows, doors are installed, partitions are built, the floors are laid, the inner and outer decoration of the walls are carried out.

Many are trying for various reasons to meet in one stage. This desire is clear, I want to make it faster, and construction costs cheaper. However, the construction of a house of a tree in one stage is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Sawn will give a shrinkage, and your windows and doors are not. As a result, the log house will hang on them. Yes, and the cracks are formed.

However, there are tricks that allow you to build wooden house In one stage.

To do this, it is necessary to leave the cuts over the windows and doors approximately to the height of the shrinkage, i.e. 4 cm.

When shrinkage occurs, the loops will return to their places. To externally, put the house and close the propulsion must be put on platbands. After the shrinkage ends (about half a year), the platbands can be removed and seeded with mounting foam. This applies to all the gaps of the house.

After that, we proceed to finishing the house. You can sew walls by any panels, such as siding or clapboard. It is categorically impossible to sow walls immediately after the construction of a log. This is done in a year.

Such are the main stages of the construction of a wooden house from a bar or log. The profiled timber is finally preferable for construction. Thanks to its form after shrinkage, it does not have gaps. Successful construction!

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