
Snip 2.04 03 85 Table 4. Construction standards and regulations Sewer. External networks and facilities. Schemes and System Systems


External networks and facilities

SNIP 2.04.03-85

State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs

Moscow 1986.

Developed by the allocation cornel project ( G. M. Mironchik - head of the topic; YES. Berdichevsky, A. E. Height, L. V. Yaroslavsky) With the participation of Vnia Vodgeo, Donetsk PromstroyProject and Nino. N. M. Gersevanova Gosstroy USSR, Research Institute of Municipal Water Supply and Water Cleaning Academy municipal economy them. K. D. PAMFILOVA AND HIGHROOMMUNOVOKANAANIA MINZHILOMOZHTA RSFSR, CNIIEP Engineering ON6 Equipment of the State Guide, MosjorovokanniaPrect and Mosginzproject of the Moscow State University, Research and Design and Technological Institute of Urban Economic and UkrcommunniaPrece of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ussr, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance to them. M. T. Urazbayeva Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. V. V. Kuibyshev Minwayus of the USSR, Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute of the Ministry of Activities of the RSFSR.

Made by the allocation of the USSR State Building.

Prepared for the approval of the GlavTechnation State Building of the USSR (B.V. Tambovtsev).

Coordinated by the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter from 24.10.83 No. 121-12 / 1502-14), the Ministry of Activation of the USSR (letter from 15.04.85 No. 13-3-05 / 366), the USSR Ministry of Lights (letter from 26.04.85 No. 30-11- nine).

With the introduction of SNIP 2.04.03-85 "Sewage. Outdoor networks and facilities »Loses powerII. -32-74 "Sewage. External networks and facilities. "

When using the regulatory document, approved changes in the construction standards and rules and state standards, published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Equipment", "Collection of Changes to Construction Conditions and Rules" State Structure of the USSR and Information Index "State Standards of the USSR" of the State Standard.

These norms and rules must be respected when designing newly under construction and reconstructed systems outdoor sewage Permanent purpose for settlements and objects national economy.

In the development of sewage projects, it is necessary to be guided by "the foundations of water legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics", to comply with the "Rules for the protection of surface water from wastewater pollution" and "Rules of Sanitary Protection of Coastal Water Seas" of the Ministry of Economic Development of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Health and the USSR Ministry of Health, the requirements of the "Regulations on water protection and coastal stripes of small rivers of the country "and" Instructions on the procedure for coordination and issuing permits for special water use "of the USSR Minovikhoz, as well as the instructions of others regulatory documents, approved or agreed by the USSR State Building.

Title of the documentSNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewage. External networks and facilities
Date of starting action01.01.1986
Date of adoption21.05.1985
Date of cancellation of action01.01.2014
new documentDBN B.2.5-75: 2013
To replaceSNIP II-G.2-62, SNIP II-G.6-62, SNIP II-32-74, CH 337-65, CH 392-69
Approving documentRESOLUTION of 21.05.1985 № 71
Document typeSNiP (building standards and rules)
Cipher document2.04.03-85
Accepted bySoyuzodproekt

This document has no references to other regulatory documents.



External networks and facilities

SNIP 2.04.03-85

Date of administration 1986-01-01

Developed by the Soymadioctional Project (M. M.Mironchik - Head of the topic; D.A. Berdichevsky, A.E. High, L.V. Yaroslavsky) with the participation of VNIAVDGEO, Donetsk PromstroyProject and NIIPI. N.M.Gersevanova Gosstroy the USSR, Research Institute of Communal Water Supply and Water Purification of the Academy of Communal Services. KD Panfilova and Higrockommumvodokanal Foreign Ministry of RSFSR, CNIIEP Engineering Equipment Equipment Statement, MosjorovokanniaProject and Mosginzproject Mosgorpolitsky, Research and Design and Technological Institute of Urban Economic and UkrcommunniaPrece of the Maintenance Goshoz Gassre, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance to them. M.T.Urazbayev Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Vladimir Kuybysheva Minwayus of the USSR, Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute of the Minuzness of the RSFSR.

Made by the allocation of the USSR State Building.

Prepared for the approval of the head of the USSR (B.V. Tambovtsev).

Approved by Decree of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of May 21, 1985 N 71.

Coordinated by the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter from 24.10-83 No. 121-12 / 1502-14), the Ministry of Activation of the USSR (letter of 15.04.85 No. 13-3-05 / 366), the USSR Minerbkhoz (letter from 26.04.85 No. 30-11- nine).

With the introduction of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Loses the power of SNIP II-32-74 "Sewage. External networks and structures".

In SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Amendment No. 1 was submitted, approved by the decision of the USSR State Building of 28 May 1986 No. 70 and the imposed on July 1, 1986. Points, tables in which change , marked in these construction norms and the rules sign (K).

Changes made by the LEGAL BUREAU "Codex" on the official publication of the Ministry of Construction of Russia - M.: GUP CPP, 1996.

These norms and rules should be respected in the design of newly under construction and reconstructed external sewage systems of continuous appointment for settlements and objects of the national economy.

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(as amended Changes N 1, approved. Resolution of the USSR State

from 28.05.1986 N 70)


Developed by the Soymadioctional Project (G.M. Mironchik - Head of the topic; D.A. Berdichevsky, A.E. Height, L.V. Yaroslavsky) with the participation of VNIIsjvodgio, Donetsk PromstroyProekt and NIRP them. N.M. Gersevanov State Building of the USSR, the Research Institute of Municipal Water Supply and Water Purification of the Academy of Communal Services. K.D. Pamfilov and Giprombommunvodokanal of the Minzhilcomh Arrival of the RSFSR, TsNIIEP of Engineering Equipment Government Agency, MosgorodokannylniaPrect and Mosginzproject of the Mosgorpol Committee, Research and Design and Technological Institute of Urban Economic and UkrcommunniaPrece of the Maintenance Goes for the Ukrainian SSR, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance to them. M.T. Urazbayeva Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. V.V. Kuibyshev Minwayus of the USSR, Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute of the Ministry of Activities of the RSFSR.

Made by the allocation of the USSR State Building.

Prepared for the approval of the head of the USSR (B.V. Tambovtsev).

Consistent with the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter dated 10/24/1983, N 121-12 / 1502-14), Minboven of the USSR (letter dated 04/15/1985 N 13-3-05 / 366), USSR Minerbkhoz (letter from 26.04.1985 . N 30-11-9).

With the introduction of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Loses the power of SNIP II-32-74 "Sewage. External networks and structures".

These norms and rules should be respected in the design of newly under construction and reconstructed external sewage systems of continuous appointment for settlements and objects of the national economy.

In the development of sewage projects, it is necessary to be guided by "the foundations of water legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics", to comply with the "Rules for the protection of surface water from pollution" and "Rules of sanitary protection of coastal waters of the seas" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the requirements "Regulations on Water protection and coastal stripes of small rivers of the country "and" Instructions on the procedure for coordination and issuing permits for special water use "Minovikhoz USSR, as well as the instructions of other regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Building.

1. General instructions

1.1. Sewage of objects should be designed on the basis of approved development and placement schemes and industrial sectors, development and placement of productive forces on economical areas and the Union republics, general, basin and territorial schemes for the integrated use and protection of water, schemes and projects of district planning and building cities and other settlements, general Plans industrial nodes.

When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating systems of sewage systems, regardless of their departmental affiliation, as well as take into account the technical, economic and sanitary assessment of existing structures, provide for the possibility of their use and intensification of their work.

Object sewage projects need to be developed, as a rule, simultaneously with water supply projects with mandatory analysis of the balance of water consumption and wastewater. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the possibility of using peeled waste and rainwater for industrial water supply and irrigation.

1.2. In the rain sewage system, cleaning of the most contaminated part of the surface runoff, which is formed during the rain period, the melting of snow and the sink of road surfaces, i.e. At least 70% of the annual flow for residential areas and platforms of enterprises close to them for pollution, and all the volume of flow for enterprises' sites, the territory of which can be contaminated with specific substances with toxic properties or a significant amount of organic matter.

1.3. The main technical solutions taken in projects and the order of their implementation must be substantiated by comparison. possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be carried out on those options, the advantages and disadvantages of which cannot be established without calculations.

The optimal option should be determined by the smallest value of the current costs, taking into account the reduction of labor costs, the consumption of material resources, electricity and fuel, as well as based on sanitary and hygienic and fisheries.

1.4. When designing networks and sewage facilities, progressive technical solutions must be provided, the mechanization of labor-intensive works, automation technological processes and the maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and typical products and parts manufactured at factories and in the procurement workshops.

1.5. The sewage treatment plants of production and rain sewage should, as a rule, be placed on the territory industrial enterprises.

1.6. With the accession of sewage networks of industrial enterprises to a street or intra-quarter network of the settlement, it should be provided with reference wells placed outside the enterprises.

It is necessary to provide devices for measuring the flow of wastewater discharged from each enterprise.

The combination of production wastewater of several enterprises is allowed after the control well of each enterprise.

1.7. Conditions and places of release of peeled wastewater and surface runoff in water objects It should be coordinated with the authorities to regulate the use and protection of water, the executive committees of local councils of people's deputies, organs that carry out state sanitary supervision, the protection of fish stocks, and other bodies in accordance with the legislation of the SSR and Union and Union republics, and the place of issue in shipping reservoirs, watercourses And the sea is also with the controls of the River Fleet of the Union republics and the Ministry of Marine Fleet.

1.8. In determining the reliability of the system of the sewage system and its individual elements, technological, sanitary and hygienic and water protection requirements must be taken into account.

In case of inadmissibility of interruptions in the operation of the sewage system or its individual elements, measures should be provided to ensure the smoothness of their work.

1.9. When the accident or repair of one structure, the overload of other structures of this destination should not exceed 8 - 17% of the calculated productivity without reducing the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

1.10. Sanitary protection zones from sewage facilities to the borders of residential buildings, plots public buildings and the food industry enterprises, taking into account their prospective expansion, should be taken:

from structures and pumping stations sewage settlements - on table. one;

ConsultantPlus: Note.

CH 245-71 was raised in connection with the publication of the decision of the USSR State Building of 10.05.1990 N 39. By the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2003 No. 88 from June 25, 2003, SP "Hygienic requirements for Designing newly under construction and reconstructed industrial enterprises. "

from claimed facilities and pumping stations of industrial sewage systems that are not located on the territory of industrial enterprises, both with independent cleaning and pumping of industrial wastewater, and when they are collapsed with household - in accordance with CH 245-71, as for the production, from which the waste is coming Waters, but not less specified in Table. one.

Table 1


Structures │ sanitary protection zone, m, when

│ Estimated productivity

│ structures, thousand m3 / day.


│ up to 0.2 │ SV.0.2 │ SV.5 │ ST.50

│ │ up to 5 │ up to 50 │ up to 280


Mechanical constructions and │ 150 │ 200 │ 400 │ 500

biological purification with ilo- │ │ │ │

by the vessels for exchanging- │ │ │ │

precipitation, as well as separately - │ │ │

but located ilic │ │ │ │

places │ │ │ │

Mechanical constructions and │ 100 │ 150 │ 300 │ 400

biological cleaning with │ │ │ │

thermomechanical processing │ │ │ │

precipitation in closed rooms│ │ │ │

Filtering fields │ 200 │ 300 │ 500 │ -

Agricultural fields irrigation│ 150 │ 200 │ 400 │ -

Biological ponds │ 200 │ 200 │ 300 │ 300

Constructions with circulation │ 150 │ - │ - │ -

oxidative channels │ │ │ │

Pumping stations │ 15 │ 20 │ 20 │ 30

Notes. 1. Sanitary zones of sewer

facilities with a capacity of over 280 thousand m3 / day. as well as

during the retreat from the accepted wastewater treatment technology and

the processing of the sediment is established by coordination with the main

sanitary and epidemiological governments of ministries

health of the Union republics.

2. Sanitary and protective zones indicated in Table. 1, allowed

increase but not more than 2 times in the case of location

residential building with a leeward side relative to the cleaning

facilities or reduce no more than 25% in the presence of

favorable wind roses.

3. In the absence of slot sites in the territory

claim facilities with a capacity of over 0.2 thousand m3 / day.

the zone size should be reduced by 30%.

4. Sanitary protection zone from filtering fields

0.5 hectares and from structures of mechanical and biological cleaning on

biofilters with a capacity of up to 50 m3 / day. Become

5. Sanitary protection zone from underground filtering fields

performance less than 15 m3 / day. You should take 15 m.

6. Sanitary protective zone from filter trenches and sand

gravel filters should be taken 25 m, from septic and

filtering wells - respectively 5 and 8 m, from aeration

installations for complete oxidation with aerobic stabilization

performance up to 700 m3 / day. - 50 m.

7. Sanitary protection zone from drain stations follows

take 300 m.

8. Sanitary protection zone from sewage treatment plants

surface water from residential territories should be taken

100 m, from pumping stations - 15 m, from sewage treatment plants

industrial enterprises - in coordination with the authorities

sanitary and epidemiological service.

9. Sanitary and protective zones from the sluries

depending on the composition and properties of the sludge in coordination

with sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.


SNIP 2.04.03-85



External networks and facilities

Date of introduction 1986-01-01

Developed by the Soymadioctional Project (G.M.Mironchik - Head of Topics; D.A. Berdichevsky, A.E. Vysota, L.V. Yaroslavsky) with the participation of VNIIsjvodgeo, Donetsk PromstroyProekt and NIRP them. N.M.Gersevanova Gosstroy the USSR, Research Institute of Communal Water Supply and Water Purification of the Academy of Communal Services. KD Panfilova and Higrockommumvodokanal Foreign Ministry of RSFSR, CNIIEP Engineering Equipment Equipment Statement, MosjorovokanniaProject and Mosginzproject Mosgorpolitsky, Research and Design and Technological Institute of Urban Economic and UkrcommunniaPrece of the Maintenance Goshoz Gassre, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance to them. M.T.Urazbayev Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Vladimir Kuybysheva Minwayus of the USSR, Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute of the Minuzness of the RSFSR.

Made by the allocation of the USSR State Building.

Prepared for the approval of the head of the USSR (B.V. Tambovtsev).

Approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs of May 21, 1985 No. 71.

Coordinated by the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter from 24.10.83 No. 121-12 / 1502-14), the Ministry of Activation of the USSR (letter from 15.04.85 No. 13-3-05 / 366), the USSR Ministry of Lights (letter from 26.04.85 No. 30-11- nine).

With the introduction of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Loses the power of SNIP II-32-74 "Sewage. External networks and structures".

In SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Amendment No. 1 was submitted, approved by the decision of the USSR State Building of 28 May 1986 No. 70 and the imposed on July 1, 1986. Points, tables in which change , marked in these construction norms and the rules sign (K).

Changes made by the LEGAL BUREAU "Codex" on the official publication of the Ministry of Construction of Russia - M.: GUP CPP, 1996

These norms and rules should be respected in the design of newly under construction and reconstructed external sewage systems of continuous appointment for settlements and objects of the national economy.

In the development of sewage projects, it is necessary to be guided by "the foundations of water legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics", to comply with the "Rules for the protection of surface water from pollution" and "Rules of sanitary protection of coastal waters of the seas" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the requirements "Regulations on Water protection and coastal stripes of small rivers of the country "and" Instructions on the procedure for coordination and issuing permits for special water use "Minovikhoz USSR, as well as the instructions of other regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Building.

1. General instructions

1.1. Sewage of objects should be designed on the basis of approved schemes for the development and placement of sectors of the national economy and industry, development and placement schemes for the economic districts and allied republics, general, basin and territorial schemes for the integrated use and protection of water, schemes and projects of district planning and building construction and other settlements, general plans of industrial assemblies.

When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating systems of sewage systems, regardless of their departmental affiliation, as well as take into account the technical, economic and sanitary assessment of existing structures, provide for the possibility of their use and intensification of their work.

Object sewage projects need to be developed, as a rule, simultaneously with water supply projects with mandatory analysis of the balance of water consumption and wastewater. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the possibility of using peeled waste and rainwater for industrial water supply and irrigation.

1.2. In the rain sewage system, cleaning of the most contaminated part of the surface runoff formed during the rain period, snow melting and car wash, i.e., at least 70% of the annual flow for residential territories and sites of enterprises close to them for pollution, And the entire flow rate for the sites of enterprises whose territory can be contaminated with specific substances with toxic properties or a significant amount of organic matter.

1.3. The main technical solutions taken in the projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by the comparison of possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be carried out on those options, the advantages and disadvantages of which cannot be established without calculations.

The optimal option should be determined by the smallest value of the current costs, taking into account the reduction of labor costs, the consumption of material resources, electricity and fuel, as well as based on sanitary and hygienic and fisheries.

1.4. When designing networks and climbing structures, progressive technical solutions should be provided, mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and typical products and parts manufactured at factories and in the procurement workshops.

1.5. The treatment facilities of industrial and rain sewage should, as a rule, be placed on the territory of industrial enterprises.

1.6. With the accession of sewage networks of industrial enterprises to a street or intra-quarter network of the settlement, it should be provided with reference wells placed outside the enterprises.

It is necessary to provide devices for measuring the flow of wastewater discharged from each enterprise.

The combination of production wastewater of several enterprises is allowed after the control well of each enterprise.

1.7. The conditions and places of the production of purified wastewater and surface runoff should be coordinated with the authorities for the use and protection of water, the executive committees of local councils of people's deputies, the authorities carrying out state sanitary supervision, the protection of fish stocks, and other bodies in accordance with the laws of the Union The SSR and the Union republics, and the place of issue in shipping reservoirs, watercourses and the sea - also with the controls of the river fleet of the Union Republic and the Ministry of the Marine Fleet.

1.8. In determining the reliability of the system of the sewage system and its individual elements, technological, sanitary and hygienic and water protection requirements must be taken into account.

In case of inadmissibility of interruptions in the operation of the sewage system or its individual elements, measures should be provided to ensure the smoothness of their work.

1.9. When the accident or repair of one facility, the overload of other structures of this purpose should not exceed 8-17% of the calculated productivity without reducing the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

1.10. Sanitary protection zones from sewage facilities to the boundaries of residential buildings, sections of public buildings and food industry enterprises, taking into account their prospective expansion, should be taken:

from structures and pumping stations sewage settlements - on table. one;

from sewage treatment plants and pumping stations of industrial sewage seats that are not located on the territory of industrial enterprises, both in the independent cleaning and pumping of industrial wastewater and when they are collapsed with household - in accordance with CH 245-71, as for production, from Which are sewed waters, but not less specified in Table. one.

Table 1


Sanitary protection zone, m, with calculated productivity of structures, thousandm / day

sv. 0.2 to 5.

sv. 50 to 280.

Facilities for mechanical and biological cleaning with slotted rainfalls, as well as separately located sludge sites

Construction of mechanical and biological cleaning with thermomechanical processing of precipitation in closed rooms

Filtering fields

Agricultural irrigation fields

Biological ponds

Constructions with circulating oxidative channels

Pumping stations


1. Sanitary protection zones of sewering facilities with a capacity of over 280 thousand m / days, as well as during the retreat from the accepted wastewater treatment and processing technology, are established in coordination with the main sanitary and epidemiological governments of the Ministry of Health of the Union republics.

2. Sanitary and protective zones indicated in Table. 1 is allowed to increase, but not more than 2 times in the case of a residential building from a leeward side relative to the treatment facilities or reduce no more than 25% in the presence of a favorable rose of winds.

3. In the absence of slot sites on the territory of sewage treatment facilities with a capacity of over 0.2 thousand meters / day, the size of the zone should be reduced by 30%.

4. The sanitary protection zone from filtering fields up to 0.5 hectares and from structures of mechanical and biological cleaning on biofilters with a capacity of up to 50 m / days should be taken 100 m.

5. The sanitary protection zone from underground filtration fields with a capacity of less than 15 m / days should be taken 15 m.

6. The sanitary protection zone from filter trenches and sandy-gravel filters should be taken 25 m, from septic and filtering wells - respectively, 5 and 8 m, from aeration plants for complete oxidation with aerobic stabilization of il at performance up to 700 m / day - 50 m.

7. The sanitary protection zone from the drain stations should be taken 300 m.

8. The sanitary protection zone from surface water treatment plants from residential territories should be taken 100 m, from pumping stations - 15 m, from sewage facilities of industrial enterprises - in coordination with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

9. Sanitary and protective zones from slurry accumulations should be made depending on the composition and properties of the sludge in coordination with the authorities of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

2. Estimated wastewater costs.

Hydraulic calculation of sewage networks

Specific costs, non-uniformity coefficients and

estimated wastewater costs

2.1. When designing systems of sepulsion of settlements, the estimated specifications (per year), the drainage of household wastewater from residential buildings should be taken equal to the calculated specific average daily (per year) water consumption in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84 without taking into account the water consumption for watering territories and green spaces.

2.2. Specific drainage to determine the estimated wastewater costs from individual residential and public buildings, if necessary, accounting for concentrated expenses should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2.3. The estimated average daily costs of industrial wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises and the coefficients of the unevenness of their inflow should be determined on the basis of technological data. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for rational use of water through the use of low-water technological processes, water turnover of water reuse, etc.

2.4. Specific drainage in non-banknized areas should be taken 25 l / day per resident.

2.5. The estimated average daily wastewater consumption in the village should be determined as the amount of expenses established by paragraphs.2.1-2.4.

The amount of wastewater from the enterprises of the local industry serving the population, as well as unaccounted costs is allowed to be taken in addition in the amount of 5% of the total average daily drainage of the settlement.

2.6. The estimated daily wastewater costs should be determined as the amount of products of the average daily (per year) of wastewater costs defined according to claim 2.5, on the coefficients of daily unevenness, adopted according to SNiP 2.04.02-84.

2.7. The calculated maximum and minimum wastewater costs should be determined as works of the average daily (per year) of wastewater costs defined according to claim 2.5, on the general non-uniformity coefficients shown in Table. 2.

table 2

General coefficient of unevenness of wastewater inflow

Average wastewater consumption, l / s

5000 or more



Notes: 1. General coefficients of unevenness of the wastewater inflows shown in Table. 2 is allowed to be taken with the number of industrial wastewater, not exceeding 45% of the total consumption. With the amount of industrial wastewater, over 45%, the total non-uniformity coefficients should be determined taking into account the unevenness of the diversion of household and industrial wastewater along the hours of day according to the data of the actual waste of wastewater and the operation of similar objects.

2. With average wastewater costs less than 5 l / s calculated costs should be determined according to SNiP 2.04.01-85.

3. At intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the average wastewater consumption, total non-uniformity coefficients should be determined by interpolation.

2.8. The estimated costs of industrial wastewater industrial enterprises should be taken:

for external collectors of the enterprise taking wastewater from workshops - at maximum time spending;

for the generals of the enterprise and off-site collectors of the enterprise - according to the combined hourly schedule;

for an off-site collector of a group of enterprises - according to the combined hourly graphics, taking into account the time of wastewater in the collector.

2.9. When developing the schemes listed in paragraph 1.1, the specificity (per year) drainage is allowed to be taken on Table. 3.

The volume of wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises should be determined on the basis of enlarged norms or existing analog projects.

Table 3.

Channel Objects

Specific average daily (per year) Water dispatch per resident in settlementsl / day

until 1990

until 2000.

Rural settlements

Notes: 1. Specific average daily drainage is allowed to be changed by 10-20% depending on climatic and other local conditions and degree of improvement.

2. In the absence of data on the development of the industry outside of 1990, it is allowed to accept additional wastewater consumption from enterprises in the amount of 25% of the flow rate defined in Table. 3.

2.10. Self-lines, collectors and channels, as well as pressure pipelines of household and industrial wastewater should be checked for skipping the total estimated maximum consumption on PP. 2.7 and 2.8 and the additional inflow of surface and groundwater during periods of rain and snowmage, which is inorganized in the network of sewers through the looseness of the hits of the wells and due to the infiltration of groundwater. The amount of additional tributary, l / s, should be determined on the basis of special surveys or data operation of similar objects, and in their absence - by the formula

, (1)

where is the total length of pipelines to the calculated structure (pipeline stem), km;

The magnitude of the maximum daily amount of precipitation, mm, determined according to SNiP 2.01.01-82.

The verification calculation of the samotane pipelines and channels of the cross section of any form to skip the enlarged flow should be carried out when filling 0.95 heights.

Estimated rainwater costs

2.11. Rainwater expenses, L / s, should be determined by the method of limiting intensities by the formula

where is the average value of the coefficient characterizing the surface of the drain basin, determined according to paragraph 2.17;

Parameters defined in accordance with clause 2.12;

The calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe drain, ha, determined according to paragraph 2.14;

The estimated rain duration equal to the duration of surface water flow over the surface and pipes to the settlement section, min, and determined according to paragraph 2.15.

Estimated rainwater consumption for hydraulic calculation of rainsews, L / s, should be determined by the formula

where is the coefficient that takes into account the filling of the free capacitance of the network at the time of the pressure of the pressure and defined by table 11.

Notes: 1. With the value of the estimated duration of rainwater flow, less than 10 minutes, in formula (2), a correction factor should be administered equal to 0.8 at \u003d 5 min and 0.9 at \u003d 7 minutes.

2. With a large dust of the initial sections of rain sewage collectors, an increase in their throughput should be taken into account due to the pressure generated by the rise in the water level in the wells.

2.12. Parameters and should be determined by the results of processing perennial records of authentic rainers registered in this particular paragraph. In the absence of processed data, the parameter is allowed to determine by the formula

, (4)

where - the rain intensity, l / s per 1 hectare, for a given area lasting 20 min at \u003d 1 year, defined by damn. one;

Drawing 1. Rain intensity values

The indicator determined by the table. four;

The average rainy for the year taken on Table. four;

A period of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity, received by paragraph 2.13;

Extent rate taken in Table. four.

Table 4.

The value of N is

Coast of White and Barents Seas

North of the European part of the USSR and Western Siberia

Refine areas of the West and the Center of the European Part of the USSR

Plain areas of Ukraine

The elevation of the European part of the USSR, the western slope of the Ural

East of Ukraine, lower Volga and Don, South Crimea

Lower Volga

Harvested slopes of hills of the European part of the USSR and the Northern Pre-Bureau

Stavropol hill, northern foothills of the Grand Caucasus, the Northern Slope of the Big Caucasus

Southern part of Western Siberia, the average course of r. Or, the area of \u200b\u200bOz. Ale-Kul

Central and Northeast Kazakhstan, Altai Floor

Northern slopes of Western Sayan, Zailish Alatau

Dzhungarian Alatau, Kuznetsky Alatau, Altai

Northern Western Sayan

Medium Siberia

Hamar-Daban Range

Eastern Siberia

Pools Screws and Arguni, Middle Amur Valley

Kolyma pools and the rivers of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the northern part of the Nizhneyamur

Coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, Pools of the Bering River, Center and West Kamchatka

Eastern coast of Kamchatka south of 56 ° C. sh.

Coast of Tatar Strait

District Oz. Khanka

Japanese sea river pools, oh. Sakhalin, Kurilsky O-va

South of Kazakhstan, the plain of Central Asia and the slopes of the mountains to 1500 m, the basin of Oz. Issyk-Kul up to 2500 m

The slopes of the mountains of Central Asia at an altitude of 1500-3000 m

Southwestern Turkmenistan

Black Sea coast and the western slope of the Big Caucasus to Sukhumi

Coast of the Caspian Sea and Plain from Makhachkala to Baku

East Slope of the Big Caucasus, Kura-Araksinskaya Lowland up to 500 m

The southern slope of the Big Caucasus is higher than 1500 m, the southern slope above 500 m, Dagasr

Black Sea coast below Sukhumi, Catchida lowland, Caucasus slopes up to 2000 m

Chicken pool, Eastern part of the Small Caucasus, Talysh Ridge

North-West and Central Parts of Armenia


2.13. The period of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity must be chosen depending on the nature of the sewage object, the conditions of the collector, taking into account the consequences that may be caused by the rainfall exceeding the calculated, and accept the table. 5 and 6 or determine by calculation, depending on the conditions of the arrangement of the collector, the intensity of the rain, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool and the flow rate at the limit period of exceeding.

When designing rain sewage in special structures (metro, train stations, underground transitions, etc.), as well as for arid areas, where a value is less than 50 l / (C · ha), with P, equal to one, a period of one-time exceeding the rain intensity should be Determine only by calculation, taking into account the maximum period of exceeding the calculated rain intensity specified in Table. 7. At the same time, periods of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity determined by the calculation should not be less specified in Table. 5 and 6.

In determining the period of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity, the calculation should be taken into account that under the limit periods of one-time exceeding indicated in Table. 7, the rain sewer collector should pass only a part of the rain stock consumption, the rest of which temporarily floods the roadway of the streets and in the presence of a slope flows through her trads, while the height of the flooding of the streets should not cause flooding of basement and semi-linations; In addition, it should take into account the possible drain from the pools located outside the settlement.

Table 5.

Conditions of collectors

The period of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity P, years, for settlements at the values

on local roads

on trunk streets

Favorable and medium



Particularly unfavorable


Particularly unfavorable

Notes: 1. Favorable collectors' location conditions:

the pool with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 150 hectares has a flat relief with an average of 0.005 surface slope and less;

the collector takes place along the watershed or at the top of the slope at a distance from the watershed of not more than 400 m.

2. Average collectors location conditions:

the pool of over 150 hectares has a flat relief with a slope of 0.005 m and less;

the collector passes at the bottom of the slope on the talvega with a slope slope 0.02 m and less, while the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool does not exceed 150 hectares.

3. Adverse conditions for the location of the collectors:

the collector passes at the bottom of the slope, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool exceeds 150 hectares;

the collector passes through talvega with steep slopes with an average slope slope over 0.02.

4. Especially unfavorable conditions for the location of the collectors: the collector assigns water from a closed reduced place (brand).

Table 6.

The result of a short-term network overflow

Period of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity

do not violate


Note. For enterprises located in a closed hollow, a period of one-time exceeding the calculated rain intensity should be determined by the calculation or to make equal to at least 5 years.

Table 7.

The nature of the pool serviced by the collector

The value of the limit period of exceeding the rain intensity, years, depending on the conditions of the reservoir



particularly unfavorable

Territories and travel areas of local

Main Streets

2.14. The calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe drain for the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe network must be taken equal to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe drain or part of it, which gives the maximum flow flow.

In cases where the flow area of \u200b\u200bthe collector is 500 hectares and more, in formula (2) and (3), a correction coefficient should be administered, which takes into account the unevenness of rain falling around the area and acceptable. eight.

Table 8.

Stoke area, Ga0.90

Estimated rainwater expenditures from undeveloped area of \u200b\u200bhydrogenments over 1000 hectares that are not included in the territory of the settlement should be determined by the relevant standards of the drain for the calculation of artificial structures road roads According to the BP 63-76, the Ministry of Transport.

2.15. The estimated duration of rainwater flows over the surface and pipes, min, should be taken by the formula

, (5)

where is the duration of rainwater flowing to a street tray or in the presence of rain-seekers within the quarter to a street collector (surface concentration time), min, determined according to paragraph 2.16;

The same, according to street trays to a rain-seeker (in the absence of them within the quarter), determined by the formula (6);

The same, pipes to the calculated section, determined by the formula (7).

2.16. The time of the surface concentration of rain flow should be determined by calculation or taken in settlements in the absence of intra-quarterly closed rainseys to be 5-10 minutes or in the presence of them equal to 3-5 minutes.

When calculating the intra-quadse sewer network, the surface concentration time should be taken equal to 2-3 minutes.

Characterizing the surface and accepted by table. 9 and 10.

Table 9.



Roofing of buildings and structures, asphalt concrete coatings

Accepted on Table. 10

Barbed bridge and black rubble road coatings

Boomage bridges

Rubbed coatings not processed by knitting

Gravel Garden Park Tracks

Ground surfaces (planned)

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