
Snip 2.04 03 85 Table 16. External networks and structures. Sewage. Outdoor networks and facilities

Sewage. External networks and facilities

SNIP 2.04.03-85

1. General instructions

2. Estimated wastewater costs. Hydraulic calculation of sewage networks

3. Schemes and sewage systems

4. Sewer networks and structures on them

5. Pump and blower stations

6. Claimed facilities

7. Electrical equipment, technological control, automation and system of operational management

8. Requirements for building solutions and structures of buildings and structures

9. Additional requirements for sewage systems in special natural and climatic conditions


Developed by the Soymadioctional Project (M. Mironchik - Head of the topic; D. A. Berdichevsky. A. E. Height, L. V. Yaroslavsky) with the participation of Vnia Vygoo, Donetsk PromstroyProject and NIRP them. N. M. Gersevanova State Building of the USSR, the Research Institute of Municipal Water Supply and Water Cleaning the Academy of Communal Services. K. D. Pamfilova and Higrockommumunvodokanal Mingelomhoz GFSR, TsNIIIEP Engineering Equipment Equipment Statement, MosjorovokanniaPrect and Mosginzprint Mosgorpol Compact, Research and Design and Technological Institute of Urban Economic and UkrcommunniaPrection of the Maintenance Goes for the Ukrainian SSR, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance to them. M. T. Urazbayeva Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. V. V. Kuibyshev Minwayus of the USSR, Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute of the Ministry of Activities of the RSFSR.

Made by the allocation of the USSR State Building.

Prepared for approval by the head of the USSR State Building (B. V. Tamboviev).

Consistent with the Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter from 24.10.83 No. 121-12 / 1502-14), Ministry of Flowphoz of the USSR (letter from 15.04.85 No. 13-3-05 / 366), USSR Minerbkhoz (letter from 260485 No. 30-11-9) .

With the introduction of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Loses the power of SNIP II-32-74 "Sewage. External networks and structures".

When using a regulatory document, approved changes in building standards and rules and government standards published in the Journal of the Construction Technology Bulletin magazine. "Collection of changes to the construction standards and rules" of the USSR State Constitution and Information Index "State Standards of the USSR" State Standard.

Change No. 1 introduced by the Resolution of the USSR State Building of 28 May 1986 No. 70. The term of introduction was established from July 1, 1986

State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy USSR)

Construction rates and regulations Sewer. External networks and facilities

SNiP 2.04.03-85 instead of SNIP II-32-74

Made by the allocation of the USSR State Building

Approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of May 21, 1985 N "71

These norms and rules must be respected when designing newly under construction and reconstructed systems outdoor sewage Permanent purpose for settlements and objects national economy.

In the development of sewage projects, it is necessary to be guided by "the foundations of water legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics", to comply with the "Rules for the protection of surface water from pollution" and "Rules of sanitary protection of coastal waters of the seas" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the requirements "Regulations on Water protection and coastal stripes of small rivers of the country "and" Instructions on the procedure for coordination and issuing permits for special water use "Minovikhoz USSR, as well as the instructions of other regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Building.

Extracts from SNIPOV

Sewage. Outdoor networks and facilities


1 General instructions

1.1. Sewage of objects should be designed on the basis of approved development and placement schemes and industrial sectors, development and placement of productive forces on economical areas and allied republics, general, basin and territorial schemes for complex use and protection of water, schemes and projects of district planning and building of cities and other settlements, general plans of industrial assemblies.

When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating systems of sewage systems, regardless of their departmental affiliation, as well as take into account the technical, economic and sanitary assessment of existing structures, provide for the possibility of their use and intensification of their work.

Object sewage projects need to be developed, as a rule, simultaneously with water supply projects with mandatory analysis of the balance of water consumption and wastewater. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the possibility of using peeled waste and rainwater for industrial water supply and irrigation.

1.2. In the rain sewage system, cleaning of the most contaminated part of the surface runoff formed during the rain period, snow melting and car wash, i.e., at least 70% of the annual flow for residential territories and sites of enterprises close to them for pollution, And the entire flow rate for the sites of enterprises whose territory can be contaminated with specific substances with toxic properties or a significant amount of organic matter.

1.3. The main technical solutions taken in projects and the order of their implementation must be substantiated by comparison. possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be carried out on those options, the advantages and disadvantages of which cannot be established without calculations.

The optimal option should be determined by the smallest value of the current costs, taking into account the reduction of labor costs, the consumption of material resources, electricity and fuel, as well as based on sanitary and hygienic and fisheries.

1.4. When designing networks and sewage facilities, progressive technical solutions must be provided, the mechanization of labor-intensive works, automation technological processes and the maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and typical products and parts manufactured at factories and in the procurement workshops.

Sanitary zones

5. The sanitary protection zone from underground filtering fields with a capacity of less than 15 m 3 / day should be taken 15m.

6. The sanitary protection zone from filter trenches and sandy-gravel filters should be taken 25 m, from septic and filtering wells - respectively, 5 and 8 m, from aeration plants for complete oxidation with aerobic stabilization of the ral with the performance of up m 3 / day - 50 m.

8. The sanitary protection zone from surface water treatment plants from residential territories should be taken 100 m, from pumping stations - 15 m, from sewage treatment plants industrial enterprises - in coordination with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

2. Estimated wastewater costs. Hydraulic calculation of sewage networks

Specific costs, non-uniformity coefficients and estimated wastewater

2.1. When designing systems of sepulsion of settlements, the estimated specifications (per year), the drainage of household wastewater from residential buildings should be taken equal to the calculated specific average daily (per year) water consumption in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84 without taking into account the water consumption for watering territories and green spaces.

2.2. Specific drainage to determine the estimated wastewater costs from individual residential and public buildings if necessary

accounting for concentrated expenses should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2.3. The estimated average daily costs of industrial wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises and the coefficients of the unevenness of their inflow should be determined on the basis of technological data. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for rational use of water through the use of low-water technological processes, water turnover of water reuse, etc.

2.4. Specific drainage in non-channeled areas should be taken 25 l / day per resident.

2.5. The estimated average daily sewage consumption in the village should be determined as the amount of expenses established by PP. 2.1-2.4.

The amount of wastewater from the enterprises of the local industry serving the population, as well as unaccounted costs is allowed to be taken in addition in the amount of 5% of the total average daily drainage of the settlement.


2. With average wastewater costs less than 5 l / s calculated costs should be determined according to SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2.9. When developing the schemes listed in paragraph 1.1, the specific term-term (per year) drainage is allowed to be taken on Table 3.

The volume of wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises should be determined on the basis of enlarged norms or existing analog projects.

Table 3.

Channel Objects

Specific average daily (per year) Water dispatch per resident in settlements, l / day

Rural settlements


    Specific periodic drainage is allowed to be changed by 10-20% depending on the climatic and other local conditions and the degree of improvement.

Rainwater regulation

2.26. Regulation of the flow of rainwood should be provided for the aim of reducing and equalizing the flow rate entering the sewage facilities or pumping stations. Stream control should also be applied to high-length rejected manifolds to reduce pipe diameters.

To regulate the flow of rainwater, it is necessary to organize ponds or reservoirs, as well as using reinforced ravines and existing ponds that are not sources of drinking water supply, unsuitable for swimming and sports and not used in fishery.

2.27. In regulatory ponds and tanks, as a rule, it should be directed through the separation chambers only rainwater when high flow costs occur. At the same time, all the melting waters and the stock from frequent rains must be skipping the pond.

In the case of the expediency of using the regulating pond as a sewage treatment plant, all surface runoff should be sent to it, while special equipment should be provided for removing the sediment, garbage and petroleum products.

2.28. The period of one-time exceeding the estimated rain intensity for water supply and releases in the ponds should be installed for each object, taking into account local conditions and possible consequences In the event of rainfall with the intensity above the calculated one.

Estimated velocity and filling pipes and channels

2.40. The calculated filling of pipelines and channels with a cross section of any form should take no more than 0.7 heights.

Slopes of pipelines, canals and trays

2.41. The smallest biases of pipelines and channels should be taken depending on the permissible minimum rates of wastewater.

The smallest biases of pipelines for all sewage systems should be taken for pipes with diameters: 150 mm - 0.008, 200 mm - 0.007.

Depending on the local conditions, with the appropriate substantiation for individual sections of the network, it is allowed to take biases for pipes with diameters: 200 mm - 0.005, 150 mm - 0.007.

The slope of the connection from rain-seekers should be taken 0.02.

2.43. The smallest sizes of the cuvettes and the trapezoidal ditch can be taken: the width along the bottom of 0.3 m, the depth of 0.4 m.

3. Schemes and sewage systems

Schemes and system sewage systems

3.1. Sewage of settlements should be provided on systems: separate - complete or incomplete, semi-part, as well as combined.

Overlooking water open system The drains are allowed with appropriate substantiation and coordination with the authorities of the sanitary and epidemiological service, on the regulation and protection of water, as well as with the bodies of fish reserves.

3.2. Selection of the sewage system should be made taking into account the requirements for cleaning surface sewage, climatic conditions, terrain and other factors.

In areas with rain intensity Q 20 less than 90 l / s per 1 ha should be considered the possibility of applying a semi-part sewage system.

System sewage systems of small settlements (up to 5000 people "and separate buildings

3.3. Sewage of small settlements should be provided, as a rule, according to an incomplete separate system.

3.4. For small settlements, the centralized seasalization schemes for one or several settlements, individual groups of buildings and production zones should be envisaged.

Centralized sewage schemes should be designed by combined for residential and industrial zones, excluding dull-containing wastewater, while the union of industrial wastewater with household should be carried out with regard to clause 3.18.

The device of centralized circuits separately for residential and production areas Allowed in a feasibility study.

3.5. Decentralized sewage schemes allowed:

in the absence of danger of pollution used for water supply of aquifers;

in the absence of centralized sewage in existing or reconstructed settlements for objects, which should be sealing primarily (hospitals, schools, kindergartens and nursery, administrative and economic buildings, individual residential buildings, industrial enterprises, etc.), as well as For the first stage of construction of settlements at the location of the sewage objects at a distance of at least 500 m;

if you need to sewerage groups or individual buildings.

3.6. Constructions should be used to clean wastewater with a centralized sequence of sewage:

natural biological purification (field of filtration, biological ponds);

artificial biological purification (aerotanks and biofilters different types, circulating oxidative channels);

physico-chemical cleaning for watch settlements with temporary stay of personnel and for other objects with periodic stay of people.

3.7. For wastewater treatment with a decentralized sequence scheme, filtering wells should be used, underground filtration fields, sandy-gravel filters, filtering trenches, aerotanes for complete oxidation, physico-chemical treatment facilities for periodic operating facilities (pioneer camps, tourist bases, etc. ).

3.8. To clean the wastewater of small settlements, it is advisable to apply the installation of factory manufacturers according to GOST 25298-82.

3.9. For detached buildings at domestic wastewater consumption of up to 1 m 3 / day, a device of play-closets or grazers is allowed.

3.10. Treatment of wastewater laundries contaminated with synthetic surfactants (spawn) is allowed to be performed in conjunction with domestic wastewater with ratio of their amounts 1: 9. For bath laundry wastewater, this attitude should be taken 1: 4, for baths - 1: 1. When justifying, the use of regulating tanks is allowed.

With a large number of bath-laundry wastewater, it should be provided to be processed to ensure a permissible SVAV concentration.

3.11. For wastewater supply to wastewater treatment facilities, the calculation of the sewage facilities of small settlements should be made to consumption equal to the performance of pumping installations.

4. Sewer networks and facilities on them Tracing the networks and gaskets of pipelines

4.1. Location of networks on the directorists, as well as the minimum distances in the plan and with intersections from the outer surface of the pipes to structures and engineering communications must be taken according to SNiP II-89-80.

Turns, compounds and depth of pipeline

4.5. The angle between the attached and discharge pipes should be at least 90 °.

Note. Any angle between the connections and the discharge pipelines is allowed when the device in the deck well in the form of the riser and the attachment of rain-seekers with a drop.

4.8. The smallest depth of the setting of sewer pipelines must be taken on the basis of the operating experience of networks in the area. In the absence of data on operation, the minimum depth of the pipeline tray is allowed to be taken: for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - by 0.3 m; For larger diameter pipes - by 0.5 m less greater depth of penetration into the soil temperature ground, not less than 0.7 m to the top of the pipe, counting from the surface marks or layout. The smallest depth of the setting of collectors with constant (low-glance) wastewater consumption is necessary to determine the heat engineering and static calculations.

The minimum depth of the depth of collectors laid down by the panel penetration must be taken at least 3 m from the surface marks or layout to the top of the shield.

Pipelines stacked at a depth of 0.7 m and less, considering from the top of the pipe, must be protected from freezing and damage to ground transport.

4.12. The slope of pressure pipelines in the direction of release should be taken at least 0.001.

Watching wells

4.14. Watching wells on sewage networks of all systems should be provided for:

in the places of attachments;

in places to change the direction, bias and diameters of pipelines;

in direct areas at distances depending on the diameter of pipes: 150 mm - 35 m, 200 - 450 mm -50 m, 500-600 mm - 75 m, 700-900 mm - 100 m, 1000-1400 mm - 150 m, 1500 -2000 mm - 200 m, over 2000 mm - 250-300 m.

4.15. Dimensions in terms of wells or household and industrial sewage chambers should be taken depending on the pipe of the largest diameter D:

on pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm - length and width of 1000 mm;

on pipelines with a diameter of 700 mm and more - the length D + 400 mm, the width D + 500 mm.

The diameters of round wells should be taken on pipelines with diameters: up to 600 mm - 1000 mm; 700 mm - 1250 mm; 800-1000 mm -1500mm; 1200 mm - 2000 mm.

Notes:! Dimensions in terms of wells on turns must be determined from the condition for placing the turning trays in them.

2. On pipelines with a diameter of no more than 150 mm with a depth of up to 1.2 m, the device of the wells with a diameter of 700 mm is allowed.

3. With the depth of the embedding, over 3 m, the diameter of the wells should be taken at least 1500 mm.

4,16. The height of the working part of the wells (from the shelf or platform to the coating), as a rule, must be taken 1800 mm; With the height of the working part of the wells less than 1200 mm, their width is allowed to be taken equal to D + 300 mm, but not less than 1000 mm.

4.17. In the working part of the wells should be provided for:

installation of steel brackets or hinged stairs for descent to the observation well;

on pipelines with a diameter of more than 1200 mm at the height of the working part, over 1500 mm - limit-junction of the working platform with a height of 1000 mm.

4.18. Shelves of tray viewing wells must be located at the level of the top of the pipe larger diameter.

In the wells on pipelines with a diameter of 700 mm and is more allowed to provide for the workplace on one side of the tray and the shelf with a width of at least 100 mm on the other. On pipelines with a diameter of over 2000 mm, a working platform device is allowed on consoles, while the size of the open part of the tray should be made at least 2,000 x 2000 mm.

4.19. Dimensions in terms of rain sewage wells should be taken: on pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm included. -Diameter 1000 mm;

on pipelines with a diameter of 700 mm and more - round or rectangular with a tray part of 1000 mm long and a width equal to the diameter of the largest pipe.

The height of the working part of the wells on pipelines with a diameter of 700 to 1400 mm included. It should be taken from the pipe pipe of the largest diameter;

on pipelines with a diameter of 1500 mm and more working parts are not envisaged.

The shelves of the threads of the wells must be provided only on pipelines with a diameter of up to 900 mm. At half the diameter of the largest pipe.

4.20. The throats of the wells on the sewage networks of all systems should be taken with a diameter of 700mm;

the size of the neck and working part of the wells on turns, as well as on direct areas of pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm and more distances after 300-500 m, should be provided sufficient to lower the tools for cleaning the network.

4.21. The installation of hatches must be provided: in the same level with the surface of the carriageway of roads with an improved coating;

50-70 mm above the surface of the earth in the green zone and 200 mm above the surface of the Earth-on unanoxided territory. If necessary, it should be provided for hatches with locking devices.

4.22. In the presence of groundwater with the estimated level above the bottom of the well, it is necessary to provide for waterproofing the bottom and walls of the well 0.5 m above the level of groundwater.

Drenutian wells

4.25. Drops should be provided:


And Rules Water Supply OutdoorNetwork AND ConstructionsSNIP 2.04 .02-84 * Approved by the Resolution ... Economic and Drinking Water Supplies with networkssewer03 6 85 , 5¾91,8 softening with ...

  • Construction standards and rules Water supply Outdoor networks and structures Snip 2 04 02-84 * (2)


    And Rules Water Supply OutdoorNetwork AND ConstructionsSNIP 2.04 .02-84 * Approved ... Economic and Drinking Water Supplies with networkssewer; When laying pipelines by ... Waters processed by coagulant 0, 03 6 85 , 591.8 softening with magnesium ...

  • Approved and enacted
    Order of the Ministry
    regional Development
    Russian Federation
    (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia)
    dated December 29, 2011 N 635/11


    Sewage. External networks and facilities

    Actualized editorial office
    SNIP 2.04.03-85

    Sewerage. PipeLines and Wastewater Treatment Plants

    SP 32.13330.2012


    Objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established Federal law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the Development Rules - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 "On the procedure for the development and approval of rules."

    Information about the rules

    1. Performers - LLC "Rosektroy", OJSC "NIC" Construction ".
    2. Made by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction".
    3. Prepared for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Planning Policy.
    4. Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) of December 29, 2011 N 635/11 and put into action from January 1, 2013.
    5. Registered Federal Agency on technical regulation and metrology (ROSSTAND). Revision SP 32.13330.2010 "SNIP 2.04.03-85. Sewer. External networks and structures."

    Information on changes to this Sport of Rules is published in the "National Standards" information index published annually, and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly issues of the Information Pointers "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Code of Rules, the appropriate notification will be published in the "National Standards" information index published. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development) on the Internet.


    Actualization has been implemented by 000 "RosEksostroy" and OJSC NIC Construction, responsible performers: G.M. Mironchik, A.O. Dustchko, L.L. Menkov, E.N. Fat, S.A. Kudryavtsev (LLC "RosEksostroy"), M.I. Alekseev (SPBGASU), D.A. Danilovich (OJSC "MoshodokanalniaProekt"), R.Sh. Neparidze (LLC "Giprombommunvodokanal"), M.N. Orphan (OJSC "TNIIEP engineering equipment"), V.N. Schvetsov (OJSC "Research Institute Vodgeo").

    1 area of \u200b\u200buse

    This set of rules establishes the design standards for newly under construction and reconstructed systems of external sewage to the permanent purpose of urban and close to them in the composition of industrial wastewater, as well as rain sewage.
    This set of rules does not apply to the system of sewerage of greater power (more than 300 thousand m3 / day).

    In this Code of Rules, references to the following regulatory documents are given:
    SP 5.13130.2009. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules
    SP 12.13130.2009. Determination of the category of premises, buildings and external installations in the explosion and fire hazard
    SP 14.13330.2011 "SNiP II-7-81 *. Construction in seismic areas"
    SP 21.13330.2012 "Snip 2.01.09-91. Buildings and structures in the territories worked by territories and sedentary soils"
    SP 25.13330.2012 "SNIP 2.02.04-88. Grounds and foundations on perpetrators of soils"
    SP 28.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.03.11-85. Protection building structures from corrosion "
    SP 30.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.01-85 *. Internal water supply and sewage system"
    SP 31.13330.2012 "SNIP 2.04.02-84 *. Water supply. External networks and structures"
    SP 38.13330.2012 "Snip 2.06.04-82 *. Loads and exposure to hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)"
    SP 42.13330.2011 "Snip 2.07.01-89 *. Urban planning. Planning and building of urban and rural settlements"
    SP 43.13330.2012 "SNIP 2.09.03-85. The buildings of industrial enterprises"
    SP 44.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.09.04-87 *. Administrative and household buildings"
    SP 62.13330.2011 "Snip 42-01-2002. Gas distribution systems"
    SP 72.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.04.03-85. Protection of building structures and corrosion structures"
    SP 104.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.06.15-85. Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding"

    ConsultantPlus: Note.
    The SP 131.13330.2011 mentioned in this document was subsequently approved and published with the number SP 131.13330.2012.

    SP 131.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-01-99 *. Construction climatology"
    GOST R 50571.1-2009. Low-voltage electrical installations
    GOST R 50571.13-96. Electrical installations of buildings. Part 7. Requirements for special electrical installations. Section 706. Standable rooms with conductive floor, walls and ceiling
    GOST R 50571.15-97. Electrical installations of buildings. Part 5. Selection and installation of electrical equipment. Chapter 52. Wiring
    GOST 12.1.005-88. System of labor safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area
    GOST Protection of Nature. Hydrosphere. Use and protect water. Basic Terms and Definitions
    GOST 14254-96. Degree of protection provided by shells (IP code)
    GOST 15150-69 *. Machines, appliances and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of exposure to climatic factors of the external environment
    GOST 19179-73. Sushi hydrology. Terms and Definitions
    GOST 25150-82. Sewage. Terms and Definitions.
    Note. When using this Code of Rules, it is advisable to check the action of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the National Body of the Russian Federation on the standardization on the Internet or on the National Standards annually published information indicator, which is published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indicators published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this Code of Rules should be guided by a replaced (modified) document. If reference material is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a part that does not affect this link.

    3. Terms and definitions

    In this audition, the rules used terms and definitions according to GOST, GOST 25150, GOST 19179, as well as terms with the corresponding definitions given in Appendix A.

    4. General provisions

    4.1. The choice of schemes and sewage systems of objects should be made taking into account the requirements for wastewater treatment, climatic conditions, terrain, geological and hydrological conditions that exists in the system of drainage and other factors.
    4.2. When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating the sewage systems of objects, take into account the economic and sanitary assessment of the existing structures, provide for the possibility of their use and intensification of their work.
    4.3. The purification of industrial and urban wastewater is allowed to be performed together or separately depending on their nature and subject to maximum reuse.
    4.4. Projects of sewing objects, as a rule, should be linked to the water supply scheme, with compulsory consideration of the possibility of using purified waste and rainwater for industrial water supply and irrigation.
    4.5. When choosing a seasalization scheme of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to consider:
    the possibility of reducing the volume of polluted wastewater generated in technological processes due to the introduction of waste-free and anhydrous industries, devices of closed water management systems, the use of air cooling methods, etc.;
    the possibility of local wastewater fluxe fluxes in order to extract individual components;
    the possibility of consistent use of water in various technological processes with various requirements for its quality;
    conditions of descent of production wastewater into water bodies or to the system of sewage system of the settlement or other water user;
    the conditions for removing and using precipitation and waste generated during wastewater treatment.
    4.6. Combining production wastewater flows with different pollutants is allowed at the appropriateness of their joint cleaning.
    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of leaking in the communications of chemical processes to form gaseous or solid products.
    4.7. When connecting sewage networks of subscribers who are not related to the residential fund, the networks of the settlement should include issues with control wells placed outside the territory of subscribers.
    It is necessary to provide devices for measuring the flow of discharged wastewater from each enterprise if the subscriber has a significantly open water balance, at a minimum, in the following cases:
    if the subscriber is not connected to a centralized water supply system either (or may have) water supply from several sources;
    if during the production process is added or over 5% of water consumption consumed from the water supply system is added.
    The combination of production wastewater of several enterprises is allowed after the control well of each enterprise.
    4.8. Production waste water to be jointly and cleaning with household waste waters of the settlement should meet the current requirements for the composition and properties of wastewater adopted in the system of sewage system.
    Production wastewater that do not meet the specified requirements should be pre-clean. The degree of such cleaning should be coordinated with the organization (organizations) operating the sewage system and the treatment facilities of the settlement (or, in the absence of such - with the organization designing this sewage system).
    4.9. It is forbidden to reset into water objects of crude to established standards for rain, melting and watering waters, organized with residential areas and platforms of enterprises.
    4.10. When designing sewage treatment plants of global and semi-increasing sewage systems, carrying out a joint discharge to clean all types of wastewater, including surface drain from residential territories and enterprises, should be guided by the instructions of this Code of Rules, as well as other regulatory documents regulating the work of these systems, including including regional.
    4.11. The most contaminated part of the surface runoff should be given to the treatment facilities, which is formed during periods of rain falling, snow melting and from the sink of road surfaces, in the amount of at least 70% of the annual flow rate for residential territories and enterprises sitting close to them for pollution, and all The volume of flow from the sites of enterprises whose territory can be contaminated with specific substances with toxic properties or a significant amount of organic matter.
    For most settlements of the Russian Federation, these conditions are carried out when calculating the treatment facilities on the reception of the flow from low-probable, often repeated rains with a period of one-time exceeding the calculated rain intensity of 0.05 - 0.1 years.
    4.12. Surface wastewater from the territories of industrial zones, construction sites, warehouse farms, autoships, as well as specially polluted areas located in residential territories of cities and settlements (petrol stations, car parks, bus stations, shopping centers), Before resetting into a rain sewer or a centralized system of municipal sewage system must be cleaned on local sewage treatment facilities.
    4.13. In determining the conditions for the release of surface runoff from residential areas and platforms of enterprises in water bodies, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations of the Russian Federation for the conditions for the discharge of urban wastewater.
    The choice of the scheme of the leading and cleaning of the surface drain, as well as the design of wastewater treatment plants, is determined by its high-quality and quantitative characteristics, the terms of the lead and carried out on the basis of the assessment of the technical ability to implement one or another and comparison of technical and economic indicators.
    4.14. When designing the rain sewage conservation facilities and industrial sites, it is necessary to consider the use of purified wastewater for industrial water supply, flooding or irrigation.
    4.15. The main technical solutions applied in projects, the order of their implementation must be substantiated by the technical and economic comparison of possible options, taking into account sanitary and hygienic and environmental requirements.
    4.16. When designing networks and sewage structures, progressive technical solutions should be provided, the mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes, industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of structures, structures and products of factory manufacturer, etc.
    It should also include energy saving activities, as well as to the maximum possible use of secondary energy sewage treatment stations, recycling of purified water and precipitate.
    It is necessary to ensure relevant safety and sanitary and hygienic working conditions during operation and implementation of preventive and repair work.
    4.17. The location of the sewage objects and the passage of communications, as well as the conditions and places of the release of purified wastewater and surface runoff in the water bodies, must be coordinated with local authorities, organizations carrying out the state sanitary supervision and protection of fish stocks, as well as with other bodies, in accordance with The legislation of the Russian Federation, and the place of release in shipping aquatic facilities and the sea - with the relevant controls of the River and Marine Fleet.
    4.18. The reliability of the system of the sewage system is characterized by the preservation of the necessary calculation capacity and the degree of wastewater treatment with the change in (under certain limits) of wastewater costs and the composition of pollutants, the conditions for resetting them into water objects, in the conditions of conversion in power supply, possible accidents on communications, equipment and facilities, production planned repair work, related situations natural conditions (Seismic, the sedelment of soils, "Eternal Merzlota", etc.).
    4.19. To ensure uninterrupted, the system of the sewage system should include the following activities:
    appropriate reliability of electricity supply of sewage objects (two independent sources, backup autonomous power plant, batteries, etc.);
    duplication of communication, device of waterfront lines and bypass, switching on parallel pipelines, etc.;
    device of emergency (buffer) containers with subsequent pumping of them in normal mode;
    partitioning of parallel working structures, with the number of sections that provide the necessary and sufficient efficiency of action when one of them is disabled for repairs or prevention;
    reservation of work equipment of one destination;
    ensuring the necessary power supply, bandwidth, capacity, strength, etc. equipment and structures (determined by technical and economic calculations);
    determination of the allowed reduction in the bandwidth of the system or the effectiveness of wastewater treatment in emergency situations (in coordination with the supervisory authorities).
    The application of the above activities should be carried out during the design, taking into account the responsibility of the object.
    4.20. Sanitary protection zones from sewage facilities to the boundaries of residential buildings, sections of public buildings and food industry enterprises, taking into account their prospective expansion, should be taken in accordance with sanitary standards, and the deviations from them should be coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological supervisory authorities.

    5. Estimated costs of urban wastewater.
    Hydraulic calculation of sewage networks.
    Specific costs, non-uniformity coefficients
    and estimated wastewater costs

    5.1. General instructions

    5.1.1. When designing systems of sepulsion of settlements, the estimated specifications (per year) drainage of household wastewater from residential buildings should be taken equal to the calculated specific average daily (per year) water consumption in accordance with SP 31.13330 without taking into account water consumption for watering territories and green plantings.
    5.1.2. Specific drainage to determine the estimated wastewater costs from individual residential and public buildings, if necessary, accounting for concentrated expenses should be taken according to SP 30.13330.
    5.1.3. The amount of waste water of industrial enterprises and the coefficients of the unevenness of their inflow should be determined by technological data with an analysis of the water balance in terms of possible water turnover and reuse of wastewater, in the absence of data - according to the integrined water consumption standards per unit of products or raw materials or according to similar enterprises.
    Of the total wastewater of enterprises, expenses taken in the sewage system of the settlement or other water users should be allocated.
    5.1.4. Specific drainage in non-banknized areas should be taken 25 l / day per resident.
    5.1.5. The estimated average daily wastewater consumption in the village should be determined as the amount of expenses set by 5.1.1 - 5.1.4.
    The amount of wastewater from the enterprises of the local industry serving the population, as well as unaccounted costs is allowed (under justification) to be taken in addition in the amount of 6 - 12% and 4%, respectively, of total average daily liquidation of the settlement (with the relevant justification).
    5.1.6. The estimated daily wastewater costs should be taken as a product of the average daily (per year) of costs of 5.1.5 on the coefficients of the daily unevenness, received according to SP 31.13330.
    5.1.7. The estimated total maximum and minimum wastewater costs, taking into account the daily, hour and intra-domestic non-uniformity, should be determined by the results of modeling on the system of drainage systems that take into account the charts of wastewater inflows from buildings, residential arrays, industrial enterprises, length and configuration of networks, the presence of pumping stations, etc. either, either according to the actual schedule of water supply when operating similar objects.
    In the absence of these data, it is allowed to take general coefficients (maximum and minimum) on Table 1.

    Table 1

    Estimated total maximum and minimum costs
    wastewater taking into account daily, hour
    and intra-darling unevenness

    General coefficient
    Uneven inflows
    Waste water average wastewater consumption, l / s
    5 10 20 50 100 300 500 1000 5000
    and more
    Maximum at 1%
    property 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.75 1.7 1.6
    Minimum at 1%
    security 0.2 0.23 0.26 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.51 0.56
    Maximum at 5%
    property 2.5 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.55 1.5 1.47 1.44
    Minimum at 5%
    property 0.38 0.46 0.5 0.55 0.59 0.62 0.66 0.69 0.71
    Notes. 1. Common coefficients of wastewater inflows listed in
    table, allowed to take with the number of production waste
    waters not exceeding 45% of the total flow.
    2. With average wastewater costs less than 5 l / s maximum
    the non-uniformity coefficient is accepted 3.
    3. 5% security involves a possible increase in
    (reduction) of consumption on average 1 time during the day, 1% - 1 time per
    flow 5 - 6 days.

    5.1.8. Estimated costs for networks and structures When supplying wastewater pumps should be equal to the performance of pumping stations.
    5.1.9. When designing drainage communications and structures for wastewater treatment, the technical and economic feasibility and sanitary and hygienic possibility of averaging the estimated wastewater costs should be considered.
    5.1.10. Calicizing structures should be calculated for skipping the total estimated maximum flow rate (defined by 5.1.7) and the additional inflow of surface and groundwater, which is inorganized into the samotane sewage networks through the looseness of the wells and at the expense of groundwater infiltration.
    The magnitude of the additional tributary, L / C is determined on the basis of special surveys or data operation of similar objects, and in their absence - by the formula

    where L is the total length of samotane pipelines to the calculated structure (pipeline stem), km;
    - the magnitude of the maximum daily amount of precipitation, mm (according to SP 131.13330).
    The verification calculation of the samotane pipelines and channels of the cross section of any form to skip the enlarged flow should be carried out when filling 0.95 heights.

    5.2. Hydraulic calculation of sewage networks

    5.2.1. Hydraulic calculation of sewage samotane pipelines (trays, channels) should be performed on the calculated maximum second wastewater consumption according to tables, graphs and nomograms. The main requirement in the design of sampling collectors is the passing of estimated costs in self-cleaning speeds of transportable wastewater.
    5.2.2. The hydraulic calculation of pressure sewer pipelines should be made according to SP 31.13330.
    5.2.3. Hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines transporting raw and fermented precipitation, as well as active IL, should be made according to the mode of movement, physical properties and features of precipitation composition. With a humidity of 99% and more precipitate is subject to the laws of the movement of the waste fluid.
    5.2.4. Hydraulic bias I in calculating pressure flashes with a diameter of 150 - 400 mm to determine by the formula

    where - the humidity of the sediment,%;
    V is the speed of the sediment, m / s;
    D is the diameter of the pipeline, m;
    - pipeline diameter, cm;
    - coefficient of resistance to friction in length, determined by the formula

    For pipelines with a diameter of 150 mm, the value should be increased by 0.01.

    5.3. The smallest diameters of the pipe

    5.3.1. The smallest diameters of the pipes of samotane networks should be taken, mm:
    for a street network - 200, in-country network, household and industrial sewage network - 150;
    for the rain street network - 250, intra-quarted - 200.
    The smallest diameter of the pressure icon is 150 mm.
    Notes. 1. In settlements with wastewater consumption of up to 300 m3 / day for a street network, the use of pipes with a diameter of 150 mm is allowed.
    2. For the production network, with the appropriate substantiation, the use of pipes with a diameter of less than 150 mm is allowed.

    5.4. Estimated velocity and filling pipes and channels

    5.4.1. In order to avoid drilling sewage networks, the estimated wastewater movements should be taken depending on the degree of filling of pipes and channels and the lavetyness of the suspended substances contained in wastewater.
    The minimum rates of wastewater movement in household and rain sewage networks with the highest computational filling of pipes should be taken in Table 2.

    table 2

    Estimated minimum wastewater speeds
    depending on the greatest degree of pipe filling
    on the household and rain sewage network

    │ diameter, mm │ Speed \u200b\u200bV, m / s, when filling H / D │
    │ │ min │
    │ ├───────────┬───────────┬───────────┬───────────┤
    │ │ 0,6 │ 0,7 │ 0,75 │ 0,8 │

    │150 - 250 │ 0,7 │ - │ - │ - │
    │300 - 400 │ - │ 0,8 │ - │ - │
    │450 - 500 │ - │ - │ 0,9 │ - │
    │600 - 800 │ - │ - │ 1,0 │ - │
    │900 │ - │ - │ 1,10 │ - │
    │1000 - 1200 │ - │ - │ - │ 1,20 │
    │1500 │ - │ - │ - │ 1,30 │
    │СВ. 1500 │ - │ - │ - │ 1.50 │
    │ Notes. 1. For industrial wastewater, the smallest speeds
    │ in accordance with the instructions on building design
    │ enterprises of individual industries or on operational
    " │
    │ 2. For industrial wastewater, close by the nature of suspended
    │ Decisions to domestic, the smallest speeds take as for household waste
    │ │
    │ 3. For rain sewage at p \u003d 0.33 years, the smallest speed
    │ When taking 0.6 m / s. │

    5.4.2. The minimum estimated speed of movement of the clarified or biologically purified wastewater in trays and pipes is allowed to receive 0.4 m / s.
    The greatest estimated velocity of wastewater movement should be taken, m / s: for metal and plastic pipes - 8 m / s, for non-metallic (concrete, reinforced concrete and chrysotile) - 4 m / s, for rain sewage - respectively 10 and 7 m / s .
    5.4.3. The estimated speed of movement of the unlikely wastewater in dukeers must be taken at least 1 m / s, while in the places of wastewater approach to the dumer speed should be no more velocities in the ducker.
    5.4.4. The smallest estimated velocities of the movement of raw and fermented precipitation, as well as a compacted active sludge in the pressure siltrods, should be taken in Table 3.

    Table 3.

    Calculated minimum raw speed
    and fermented precipitation, as well as compacted
    active il in pressure siltrants

    │ Humidity of the sediment,% │ V, m / s, at │
    │ │ min │
    │ ├───────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤
    │ │ d \u003d 150 - 200 mm │ d \u003d 250 - 400 mm │

    │ 98 │ 0,8 │ 0,9 │
    │ 97 │ 0,9 │ 1,0 │
    │ 96 │ 1,0 │ 1,1 │
    │ 95 │ 1,1 │ 1,2 │
    │ 94 │ 1,2 │ 1,3 │
    │ 93 │ 1,3 │ 1,4 │
    │ 92 │ 1,4 │ 1,5 │
    │ 91 │ 1,7 │ 1,8 │
    │ 90 │ 1,9 │ 2,1 │

    5.4.5. The largest speeds of the rain and allowed to descend in the water bodies of industrial wastewater in the channels should be taken according to Table 4.

    Table 4.

    The highest speeds of the rain and allowed
    to the descent in the water bodies of industrial wastewater in the canals

    │ Soil or channel fastening type │Alit movement speed in channels, │
    │ │ m / s, with a flow depth from 0.4 to 1 m.

    │ Running concrete slabs │ 4 │
    │ Decalers, sandstones Average │ 4 \u200b\u200b│
    Used: │ │
    │ plastics │ 1 │
    │ on the wall │ 1.6 │
    │ Power: │ │
    │ single │ 2 │
    │ double │ 3 - 3.5 │
    │ Note. With the depth of the stream less than 0.4 m speed values│
    │ wastewater excavation to take with a coefficient of 0.85; With a depth of over
    │1 M - with a coefficient of 1.24. │

    5.4.6. The calculated filling of pipelines and channels of any section (except for rectangular) should be taken no more than 0.7 diameter (height).
    The calculated filling of the channels of the rectangular cross section is allowed to receive no more than 0.75 heights.
    For pipelines of rain sewage, it is allowed to take full filling, including in short wastewater discharges.

    5.5. Slopes of pipelines, canals and trays

    5.5.1. The smallest biases of pipelines and channels should be taken depending on the permissible minimum rates of wastewater.
    The smallest biases of pipelines for all sewage systems should be taken for pipes with diameters: 150 mm - 0.008; 200 mm - 0.007.
    Depending on the local conditions, with the appropriate justification, for certain sections of the network it is allowed to take biases for pipes with diameters: 200 mm - 0.005; 150 mm - 0.007.
    The slope of the connection from rain-seekers should be taken 0.02.
    5.5.2. In an open rain net, the smallest slopes of trays of the roadway, cuvettes and drainage canvas should be taken in Table 5.

    Table 5.

    The smallest slopes of trays of the roadway,
    cuvettes and drainage channels

    Name the smallest slope
    Trays covered with asphalt concrete 0.003
    Trays covered with a paving or rubble coated 0.004
    Cobblestone bridge 0.005
    Separate trays and cuvettes 0,006
    Divine ditch 0.003.
    Polymer, polymer concrete trays 0,001 - 0.005

    5.5.3. The smallest sizes of cuvettes and trapezoidal section canvas take: width along the bottom - 0.3 m; Depth - 0.4 m.

    6. Sewer networks and structures on them

    6.1. General instructions

    6.1.1. Challenges (non-per) sewage network are designed, as a rule, in one line.
    Notes. 1. With a parallel laying of samotane sewage collectors, a device of bypass pipelines should be considered in separate areas (where possible) to ensure their repair in emergency situations.
    2. The bypass is allowed in emergency tanks (followed by pumping) or, when coordinating with sanitary-podezor, in rain collectors, equipped with claimed facilities On issues. Upon crossing in rain collectors, the valves should be provided to be sewn.

    6.1.2. The reliability of the operation of non-pressure networks (collectors) of sewage is determined by the corrosion resistance of the material of the pipes (channels) and the butt compounds both to the transported wastewater and the gas medium in the surface space.
    6.1.3. The location of networks on the directorists, as well as the minimum distances in terms of and with intersections from the outer surface of the pipes to structures and engineering communications, should be taken according to SP 42.13330.
    6.1.4. The pressure pipelines of the sewage should be designed, taking into account the characteristics of the transported waste fluid (aggressiveness, an increased content of suspended particles, etc.). Additional activities and constructive solutions must be provided, providing operational repairs or replacement of pipelines during operation, as well as the use of appropriate uncomfortable pipe fittings.
    The removal of wastewater from a empty area during repair should be provided without resetting water object - in a special container, followed by pumping into a sewer or export of tank truck.
    6.1.5. Designing of deep downtop collectors laid down by the shield or mountain method, it is necessary to perform according to SP 43.13330.
    6.1.6. The ground and above-ground gasket of sewage pipelines on the territory of settlements is not allowed.
    When laying sewage pipelines outside the settlements and at the site of industrial enterprises, ground or above-ground gasket of pipelines with provision is allowed required requirements reliability of operation and safety, taking into account the strength characteristics of the pipe when exposed to its supports of wind loads, etc.
    6.1.7. The material of pipes and channels used in sewage systems must be resistant to the influence of both the transported waste fluid and gas corrosion at the top of the collectors.
    In order to prevent gas corrosion, it should be provided for appropriate protection of pipes and measures to prevent the formation of aggressive media (ventilation of the network, the exclusion of stagnant zones, etc.).
    6.1.8. The type of pipe base must be taken depending on the bearing capacity of soils and loads, as well as the strength characteristics of the pipe. Reverse filing of pipelines should take into account the carrying capacity and deformation of the pipe.

    6.2. Turns, compounds and depth of pipeline

    6.2.1. Attachments and turns on collectors should be provided in wells.
    The radius of the tray turn curve must be taken at least the diameter of the pipe, on the collectors with a diameter of 1200 mm and more - at least five diameters with the installation of viewing wells at the beginning and end of the curve.
    6.2.2. The angle between the attached and the discharge tube should be at least 90 °.
    Note. When connecting with the drop, any angle between the connected and discharge pipelines is allowed.

    6.2.3. Compounds of pipelines of different diameters in wells should be provided for pipe shells. When justifying, the connection of pipes on the calculated water level is allowed.
    6.2.4. The smallest depth of the setting of sewer pipelines must be determined heat engineering Or take on the basis of operating experience of networks in this area.
    In the absence of data, the minimum depth of the pipeline tray is allowed to be taken for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - 0.3 m, and for pipes of larger diameter - 0.5 m less greater depth of penetration into the soil temperature ground, but not less than 0.7 m to the top Pipes, counting from the surface of the Earth or layout (in order to avoid damage to ground transport).
    6.2.5. The maximum depth of the downstream of pipes is determined by calculation depending on the material of the pipes, their diameter, ground conditions, the method of production of work.


    SNIP 2.04.03-85



    External networks and facilities

    Date of introduction 1986-01-01

    Developed SoyuzodocanalProject (G.M.Mironchik - Head of the topic; D.A. Berdichevsky, A.E. High, L.V. Yaroslavsky) with the participation of VNI) N.M.Gersevanova Gosstroy the USSR, Research Institute of Communal Water Supply and Water Purification of the Academy of Communal Services. KD Panfilova and Higrockommumvodokanal Foreign Ministry of RSFSR, CNIIEP Engineering Equipment Equipment Statement, MosjorovokanniaProject and Mosginzproject Mosgorpolitsky, Research and Design and Technological Institute of Urban Economic and UkrcommunniaPrece of the Maintenance Goshoz Gassre, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance to them. M.T.Urazbayev Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Vladimir Kuybysheva Minwayus of the USSR, Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute of the Minuzness of the RSFSR.

    Made SoyuagodochanalPrect of the USSR State Building.

    Prepared for approval Chief Toweling of the USSR State Building (B.V. Tambovtsev).

    Approved Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs of May 21, 1985 No. 71.

    Agreed Ministry of Health of the USSR (letter from 24.10.83 No. 121-12 / 1502-14), Ministry of Flowchoz of the USSR (letter from 15.04.85 No. 13-3-05 / 366), Minerbkhoz of the USSR (letter from 26.04.85 No. 30-11-9 ).

    With the introduction of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Loses the power of SNIP II-32-74 "Sewage. External networks and structures".

    In SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. Outdoor networks and structures" Amendment No. 1 was submitted, approved by the decision of the USSR State Building of 28 May 1986 No. 70 and the imposed on July 1, 1986. Points, tables in which change , marked in real Construction standards and the rules sign (k).

    These norms and rules should be respected in the design of newly under construction and reconstructed external sewage systems of continuous appointment for settlements and objects of the national economy.

    In the development of sewage projects, it is necessary to be guided by "the foundations of water legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics", to comply with the "Rules for the protection of surface water from pollution" and "Rules of sanitary protection of coastal waters of the seas" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the requirements "Regulations on Water protection and coastal stripes of small rivers of the country "and" Instructions on the procedure for coordination and issuing permits for special water use "Minovikhoz USSR, as well as the instructions of other regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Building.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state