
Position on the technical safety of buildings and structures. President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev

At the heart of this phenomenon - disrespect for professionals. Today, the professional is often perceived as a white crow. He cannot work "according to the concepts", scares risks, accidents, says something to explore something. It is boring to listen, it is necessary to strain amewin to understand what he is broadcasting about. And most importantly, he most often does not promise a momentary benefit.

It is more convenient to use obedient performers who do not have their own opinions, forgetting about the law of the conversion "to rely only on what resists". But violation of the laws of nature never passes without sad consequences. The satellites began to fall, the power units are collapped, much more often than before, they began to crack at home, even recently erected. So, gradually, we are approaching a dangerous feature - the period of technogenic catastrophes. The reliability of project decisions is reduced, the durability of buildings under construction decreases, the resource of previously erected structures operated on wear without preventive repair and monitoring for their condition is exhausted.

What can be opposed to this negative trend? Only support on professionals. This is designed to promote the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities" (384-ФЗ). It applies to the entire life cycle of the building - engineering surveys, design, construction, operation - up to the demolition of the structure. The main importance is that it puts a barrier to non-professionalism and incompetence, which is not always and not convenient. It can be argued that today in order to bring order in the field of construction, it is enough to fulfill this law.

1. The law committed to speculation recent years On the optional performance construction norms.

The Law 384-FZ establishes clear requirements for the obligation of provisions, standards and arrangements of the rules affecting safety. Currently, the process of updating the construction norms is being completed, in which the authors of this publication take the most active part, working in the Technical Commission of the Ministry of Regional Development. Despite the extremely short time, the norms that have not been revised for several decades have been able to update the introduction of current current requirements.

2. The principle of limit states is the basis for ensuring security.

The concept of ensuring the mechanical safety of the building or the structure is well acquainted with designers and has long been adopted as in our country and abroad. It is based on the condition for preventing the limit state for strength and stability in building structures and in the grounds of the base both in the construction process and during the operation of the building or structure.

Nevertheless, the fact that this concept has made fundamental to federal law, it is difficult to overestimate. This will bring to the responsibility of those designers who are volunteer or involuntarily, by virtue of their weak competence, are engaged in the "theft of reliability" at the object. It will improve the situation in the design and clean it from adventurers, whose activities are becoming more dangerous every year.

Some grief designers seem to be a little bit, to break the requirements of the norms for a while, and everything will cost everything. However, allowing the emergence of the limit state is in disabilities even for five minutes, as it is impossible to steal in a million in a bank for five minutes. Both are a crime. The root cause of any accident facility is a violation of the norms either when designing or in construction and operation.

3. The law introduces the requirement of three-dimensional nonlinear calculations of the interaction of buildings and grounds.

For the first time at the level of the federal law, the requirements for settlement models, calculation schemes, the main prerequisite prerequisites are prescribed. First of all, they should reflect the actual working conditions of the building or facilities that meet the construction situation under consideration. It is necessary to take into account the spatial work of building structures, geometric and physical nonlinearity and even plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils. Especially stipulates the need to calculate buildings and grounds, taking into account their interaction.

Russian specialists have a recognized priority in this subject. Professor V. M. Ulitsky, Head of the St. Petersburg Geotechnical School, is the chairman of the International Technical Committee No. 207 "The interaction of buildings and grounds. The retaining walls of the World Association of Issmge Geotechnics, which employs leading experts from 22 countries.

In order to fulfill the requirements of the law, you need the most modern design apparatus, effective models of the work of the soil and structures, the program of joint calculation of buildings and grounds in the three-dimensional formulation.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of project firms do not own the basics of joint calculations, does not have verified programs for base calculations. Urgent measures need to improve the qualifications of designers in the field of nonlinear settlements of the interaction of buildings and grounds, to master the perfect tools of nonlinear three-dimensional joint settlements.

4. The law introduces the requirement to ensure the safety of the environment.

The negative impact of building construction should be minimal. It is not allowed to create a threat to the life and health of citizens, for the preservation of property. Such a requirement was kept in Moscow and St. Petersburg geotechnical standards. Now it acquires high status of the federal law. In this capacity, it will significantly improve the situation with construction in the conditions of a dense urban environment, which has recently been characterized as follows: "One house is built - two whore".

The importance and timeliness of this requirement is easier to realize when a collision with a very common situation today, when a non-professional designer accepts such decisions that lead to damage to the neighboring development. But instead of the fundamental revision of the project solution, in the direction of increasing its safety, an increase in the neighboring building is proposed in extensive zones (sometimes up to 50 m from the object!).

According to the law B. project documentation Measures that prevent or reducing the effects of man-made impacts should be provided. Maintenance construction work Must be carried out by methods that are not leading to the dispersion of weak clay soils common in St. Petersburg.

5. The law welcomes the application of research results.

Before builders, modernity puts new challenges: high-rise buildings, the development of underground space, the complex reconstruction of the urban buildings in the weak soils of St. Petersburg. Without scientific research, without a generalization of the achievements of modern geotechnics, the solution of these tasks is absolutely impossible. The law introduced a requirement for scientific accompanies of surveys and design for objects of increased level of responsibility.

For complex objects, projected security measures must be justified by the results of research, calculations, testing, modeling of scenarios of dangerous man-made impacts, the risk assessment of their occurrence. If the designer sees the lack of rules, it must fill the gap, attracting research, calculations and tests. Unfortunately, only the teams of the most qualified designers actively involved in scientific research are capable of it. It is very gratifying that the law contributes to the involvement of research in the practice of design, which will lead to progress in the entire construction industry.

6. The law has established new requirements for monitoring.

Analyzing the set of interconnected claims of the law, one can note the following:

· Monitoring becomes mandatory for any building under construction or structure and applies to its entire life cycle;

· Monitoring should monitor the state of the base, structures and engineering communications and control its compliance with the project;

· The project should provide for monitoring the state of the surrounding buildings and structures falling into the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of the construction and operation of the facility;

· Monitoring should monitor the change in the parameters characterizing the safety of objects and the geological environment not only during the construction, but also during the operation of the building.

The basis for monitoring the limit parameters is the results of joint calculations of buildings and their grounds.

7. The law establishes strict examinations requirements.

According to the law an important element Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures is the examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation. It must establish their compliance with the requirements of the law before starting construction, including mechanical safety requirements. Key for modern project practices are the requirements for settlement models.

Unfortunately, not all bodies of state and non-state examination today are able to estimate the accuracy of the calculations and the models used. Some do not even put such a goal.

To help experts, we have developed a guide to express evaluation of the accuracy of computer calculations. It will help identify rude calculated errors without resorting to duplication of calculations.

Thus, the introduction of the new Federal Law encourages experts to improve the qualifications for mastering knowledge in the field of modern settlement models, methods of numerical modeling and methods for express evaluation of complex computer calculations.

In international practice, insurance firms and government instances in the examination of projects applies the "four-eye examination": one pair belongs to the author's author, as a rule, a world-class specialist, and the second - expert, also has international fame and armed necessary tools for rechecking all calculations and projects solutions. It is this expertise that today is needed today.

1. Performing mechanical safety requirements in the design documentation of the building or structure must be substantiated by the calculations and other methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Lawconfirming that in the process of construction and operation of the building or building, its building structures and the base have not reached the limiting state for strength and stability at the premises of the simultaneous operation of loads and influences taken into account in accordance with parts 5 and 6.

2. For the ultimate state of building structures and reasons for strength and stability, a condition should be taken, characterized by:

    the destruction of any character;

    loss of stability of the form;

    loss of sustainability of the situation;

    impairment of production suitability and other phenomena associated with the threat of causing harm and health of people, the property of physical or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

3. In the calculations of building structures and bases, all types of loads appropriate must be taken into account functional purpose and a constructive solution of the building or structure, climatic, and in the necessary cases, technological impacts, as well as efforts caused by the deformation of building structures and grounds. For elements of building structures, whose characteristics, taken into account in the strength and stability of the building or structure, may change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive factors of the outer and internal environment, including under the influence technological processeswhich can cause fatigue phenomena in the material of building structures, the project documentation should additionally indicate the parameters characterizing resistance to such impacts, or protection measures from them.

    the established situation that has the duration of the same order as the service life of a building or structure, including the operation between the two capital repairs or changes in the technological process;

    a transitional situation with a small compared to the service life of a building or structure duration, including construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the building or facilities.

6. When designing a building or building an increased level of responsibility, an emergency estimated situation that has a small probability of occurrence and a small duration, but being important from the point of view of the consequences of achieving limit states that may arise in this situation (including limit states when Situations arising in connection with an explosion, a collision, with an accident, fire, as well as immediately after the failure of one of the supporting structures).

7. Calculations, justifying the safety of the structural solutions of the building or facilities, should be carried out taking into account the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure. For this purpose, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof efforts in the elements of building structures and the foundation of the building or structure should be determined taking into account the reliability coefficient by responsibility, the value of which should not be below:

    1.1 - in relation to the building and facilities of an increased level of responsibility;

    1.0 - in relation to the building and building a normal level of responsibility;

    0.8 - in relation to the building and building a reduced level of responsibility.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The purpose of the adoption of this Federal Law

This Federal Law is assumed to:

1) the protection of the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

2) environmental protection, life and health of animals and plants;

3) preventing actions that are misleading purchases;

4) ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings and structures.

Article 2. Basic concepts

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts established by the legislation are used Russian Federation On technical regulation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the Grado construction activities and the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety.

2. The following basic concepts are also used for the purposes of this Federal Law:

1) emergency lighting - lighting on evacuation paths having power supply from autonomous sources functioning in case of fire, accidents and other emergency situations, automatically included when the corresponding alarm is triggered or manually, if there is no signaling or it does not work;

2) an accident - a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to the life and health of people on the facility, a certain territory or water area and leading to the destruction or damage to buildings, structures, equipment and vehicle, impaired production or transport process, damage to the environment;

4) Impact - a phenomenon that causes a change in the stress-strain state of building structures and (or) base of the building or structure;

5) the life cycle of the building or structure - the period during which engineering surveys are carried out, design, construction (including conservation), operation (including current repairs), reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of a building or structure;

6) The building is the result of construction, which is a bulk construction system having an overhead and (or) underground part, which includes premises, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems and intended for living and (or) people's activities, placement production, storage of products or animal content;

7) engineering protection - a complex of structures aimed at protecting people, buildings or structures, territory on which construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impact, threats of terrorist nature, as well as warning and (or) reducing the effects of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impact, threats of terrorist nature;

8) mechanical safety - the state of building structures and bases of a building or structure, in which there is no invalid risk associated with the causing harm to life or health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants due to destruction or loss of stability of the building, structures or their parts;

9) Room microclimate - climatic conditions the inner medium of the room, which are determined by the human body, humidity and air velocity by the human body;

10) load - mechanical force attached to building structures and (or) base of the building or structure and defining their stress-strain state;

11) normal operating conditions - a state of building or structure taken into account when designing, in which there are no factors that prevent the implementation of functional or technological processes;

12) Dangerous natural processes and phenomena - earthquakes, villages, landslides, avalanche, flooding of territory, hurricanes, tornadoes, soil erosion and other similar processes and phenomena that have negative or destructive impacts on buildings and structures;

13) the base of the building or structure (hereinafter also - the basis) is an array of soil, perceiving loads and exposure to a building or structure and transmitting to the building or structure of the impact on natural and technogenic processes occurring in the ground array;

14) the room is part of the volume of a building or structure that has a certain purpose and limited by construction structures;

15) the room with a permanent stay of people - a room in which people stay continuously for more than two hours;

16) the limit state of building structures - the state of building structures of the building or structure, outside of which the further exploitation of the building or the construction is dangerous, is unacceptable, it is difficult or inappropriate or the restoration of the working state of the building or construction is impossible or inexpedient;

17) anti-emergency protection of engineering systems - a complex of devices providing protection, warning and (or) reduction of hazardous consequences of emergency situations in the operation of engineering and technical support systems and an increase in the work resource (service life) of these systems;

18) the estimated situation - taken into account in the calculation of the complex of possible conditions that determine the calculated requirements for building structures, engineering systems and parts of these structures and systems;

19) the rheological property of materials - the manifestation of irreversible residual deformations and fluidity or creep under the influence of the load and (or) impact;

20) Engineering and technical support network - a set of pipelines, communications and other structures intended for engineering and technical support of buildings and structures;

21) Engineering and technical support system - one of the systems of a building or structure, intended for the functions of water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, power supply, communications, informatization, dispatching, sebuming, vertical transport (elevators, escalators) or security functions;

22) Sophisticated natural conditions - the presence of specific in the composition and condition of the soils and (or) risk of the emergence (development) of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts on the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

23) Construction - the result of construction, which is a bulk, plane or linear construction system, having a terrestrial, overhead and (or) underground part, consisting of carriers, and in some cases and enclosing building structures and intended for the performance of production processes of various types, storage products, temporary stay of people, moving people and cargo;

24) Building construction - part of a building or structure that performs certain bears, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions;

25) Technological impacts - hazardous impacts that are a consequence of accidents in buildings, structures or transport, fires, explosions or release different species energy, as well as impacts that are a consequence of construction activities in the adjacent territory;

26) the level of responsibility - the characteristics of the building or structure, determined in accordance with the volume of economic, social and environmental consequences of its destruction;

27) fatigue phenomena in the material - a change in the mechanical and physical properties of the material under the prolonged action of cyclically changing stresses and deformations;

28) Characteristics of the security of the building or facilities - quantitative and qualitative indicators of the properties of building structures, grounds, materials, elements of engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems, by compliance with the compliance of the building or building safety requirements.

Article 3. Scope of Application of this Federal Law

1. The object of technical regulation in this Federal Law is the buildings and structures of any destination (including those included in their composition of the network of engineering and technical support and engineering systems), as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys) , construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition).

2. This federal law applies to all stages of the life cycle of the building or structure.

3. This federal law does not apply to the safety of technological processes corresponding to the functional purpose of buildings and structures. Only possible dangerous effects of these processes on the state of the building, structures or their parts are subject to accounting.

4. With regard to the facilities of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, facilities, information about which is the state secret, objects of production, processing, storage of radioactive and explosives and materials, objects for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons and explosion means, other objects for which Requirements related to the provision of nuclear and radiation safety in the field of use of atomic energy, as well as in relation to the designated objects of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition), along with compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law The requirements established by state customers, federal executive authorities authorized in the field of security, defense, external intelligence, counteracting technical intelligence and technical protection of information, must be respected government controlled using atomic energy, state regulation Safety when using atomic energy, and (or) government contracts (contracts).

5. Additional safety requirements for buildings and facilities (including those included in their composition of engineering and technical support systems and engineering and technical support systems), as well as to the designs associated with buildings and structures (including research), construction, installation , adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) can be established by other technical regulations. At the same time, these requirements cannot contradict the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. This Federal Law establishes the minimum required requirements to buildings and structures (including those included in their composition of engineering and engineering systems and engineering systems), as well as to the designs associated with buildings and structures (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and Recycling (demolition), including requirements:

1) mechanical safety;

2) fire safety;

3) safety with hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technogenic effects;

4) the conditions of residence and stay in buildings and facilities;

5) security for users buildings and structures;

6) the availability of buildings and structures for disabled people and other groups of the population with limited features movement;

7) energy efficiency of buildings and structures;

8) a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment.

Article 4. Identification of buildings and structures

1. To apply this Federal Law, buildings and structures are identified in the manner established by this article, according to the following features:

1) appointment;

2) belonging to the facilities of the transport infrastructure and to other objects, the functional technological features of which affect their safety;

3) the possibility of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts on the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

4) belonging to hazardous production facilities;

5) fire and explosion hazard;

6) premises with a permanent stay of people;

7) level of responsibility.

2. The identification of the building or facility on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. If there is no legislation of the Russian Federation of all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic and social information The developer (Customer) has the right to identify a building or structure on the specified features to use the classifiers included in the regulatory legal acts approved by the federal executive bodies.

3. The identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of the risk of natural processes and phenomena approved by an authorized federal executive body given by long-term observations of natural processes and phenomena, Conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the results of engineering research in the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of the building or the construction will be carried out.

4. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

5. Identification of a building or structure on the features provided for in paragraph 5 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety.

6. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the developer (customer).

7. As a result of the identification of a building or structure on the basis of paragraph 7 of Part 1 of this article, a building or structure should be assigned to one of the following levels of responsibility:

1) elevated;

2) normal;

3) low.

8. The buildings and structures of the increased level of responsibility include buildings and structures related to the city planning code of the Russian Federation to particularly dangerous, technically complex or unique objects.

9. The buildings and structures of the normal level of responsibility include all buildings and structures, with the exception of buildings and structures of increased and reduced levels of responsibility.

10. The buildings and structures of the reduced level of responsibility include buildings and structures of temporary (seasonal) appointment, as well as buildings and structures auxiliary userelated to the implementation of the construction or reconstruction of the building or facilities or land plotsprovided for individual housing construction.

11. Identification features stipulated by Part 1 of this article are indicated:

1) the developer (Customer) - in the task to perform engineering surveys for the construction of a building or structure and in the design task;

2) The person who prepares project documentation is in text materials as part of the project documentation transmitted at the end of the construction to store the owner of the building or facilities.

Article 5. Ensuring the conformity of the security of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures for design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) requirements of this Federal Law

1. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as related buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is ensured by establishing relevant safety requirements for the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of buildings and structures and qualitative characteristics Throughout the life cycle of the building or facilities, the implementation of the specified values \u200b\u200band characteristics in the construction process, reconstruction, overhaul (hereinafter also - construction) and maintaining the state of such parameters and characteristics at the required level during operation, conservation and demolition.

2. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is ensured by complying with the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements of standards and arrangements of the Rules included in Specified in parts 1 and 7 of Article 6 of this Federal Law of Lists, or the requirements of special technical conditions.

Article 6. Documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which the requirements of this Federal Law are compliance

1. The Government of the Russian Federation approves a list of national standards and rules arrangements (parts of such standards and drafts of rules), as a result of the application of which the requirements of this Federal Law are compliance with the requirements.

2. The list of national standards and arrangements of the Rules specified in paragraph 1 of this article may include national standards and reasons (parts of such standards and arrets of rules) containing the minimum necessary requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures (including those included in their The composition of engineering and technical support and engineering systems), as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition).

3. The list of national standards and arrangements of the Rules specified in paragraph 1 of this article may include national standards and arrears of rules containing various requirements for buildings and structures, as well as to building related to buildings and structures (including surveys), construction , installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) one subject, to one section of project documentation, various approaches to ensuring the safety of buildings and structures. At the same time, in the indicated list of national standards and rules, the rules should be indicated about the possibility of compliance with such requirements, approaches on an alternative basis. In this case, the developer (Customer) has the right to independently determine, in accordance with which of these requirements, the approaches will be carried out (including engineering surveys), construction, reconstruction, overhaul and demolition (disassembly) of a building or structure.

4. National standards and vaults of rules included in paragraph 1 of this article list are mandatory for use, except in cases of design and construction in accordance with special specifications.

5. The National Body of the Russian Federation for Standardization provides information system common use Access free of charge to national standards and arrangements of the rules included in the list specified in paragraph 1 of this article.

6. National standards and reasons included in the list specified in paragraph 1 of this article are subject to revisions and in the necessary cases of revision and (or) actualization at least every five years.

7. The National Body of the Russian Federation on standardization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation is approved, published in the printed publication of the federal executive authority for technical regulation and is placed in the general use information system in a digital form of a list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result Applications of which on voluntary basis Compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

8. In the event that the preparation of project documentation requires a retreat from the requirements set by the list of national standards and crops specified in paragraph 1 of this article, insufficient requirements for the reliability and safety specified by the specified standards and crops, or such requirements are not established. The preparation of project documentation and the construction of a building or structure are carried out in accordance with the special specifications developed and coordinated in the manner established by the authorized federal executive authority.

9. Special technical conditions agreed in accordance with the established procedure may be the basis for the inclusion of requirements for buildings and structures contained in such special technical conditions, as well as to the designs associated with buildings and structures (including research), construction, installation, commissioning to national standards And the arrears of the rules whose application ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Chapter 2. General requirements for the safety of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

Article 7. Mechanical safety requirements

Building structures and foundations of the building or structures should have such strength and sustainability so that in the process of construction and exploitation there is no threat to causing harm or health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants. As a result:

1) the destruction of individual carrying construction structures or their parts;

2) the destruction of the whole building, structures or their parts;

3) deformations of an invalid magnitude of building structures, bases of the building or structure and geological arrays of the adjacent territory;

4) damage to the part of the building or structure, engineering and engineering networks or engineering and technical support systems as a result of deformation, movements or loss of stability of carrying construction structures, including deviations from verticality.

Article 8. Fire safety requirements

The building or construction should be designed and built in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or structure, the possibility of fire has been excluded, it was possible to prevent or restricting the risk of building a building or factor in the fire and the effects of dangerous factors of fire and property, people and property were protected from The effects of dangerous factors of fire and (or) restriction of the effects of dangerous factors of a fire on a building or structure, as well as in the event of a fire, the following requirements were followed:

1) preserving the stability of the building or structure, as well as the strength of the supporting construction structures during the time required for the evacuation of people and the fulfillment of other actions aimed at reduced fire damage;

2) restriction of the formation and distribution of dangerous fire factors within the fire focus;

3) non-proliferation of fire on neighboring buildings and structures;

4) the evacuation of people (taking into account the peculiarities of persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities) to the safe area before harming their life and health due to the impact of dangerous fire factors;

5) the possibility of accessing the personnel of the units of fire protection and delivery of fire extinguishing facilities to any room of the building or facilities;

6) the possibility of supplying fire extinguishes into a fire center;

7) the ability to conduct measures to save people and reduce the damage to the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 9. Safety requirements for hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts

Building or structure on the territory, on which the manifestation of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts are possible, should be designed and constructed in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or construction, hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts did not cause The consequences referred to in Article 7 of this Federal Law, and (or) other events that make a threat to causing harm to life or the health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 10. Requirements safe for human health conditions of residence and stay in buildings and facilities

1. The building or construction should be designed and built in such a way that, when living and staying a person in a building or building, there has been no harmful effect on a person as a result of physical, biological, chemical, radiation and other effects.

2. The building or construction must be designed and built in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or structure, safe conditions for residence and residence of a person in buildings and structures in the following indicators are ensured:

1) air quality in the production, residential and other premises of buildings and structures and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures;

2) water quality used as drinking and for household needs;

3) insolation and sunscreen of premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

4) Natural and artificial lighting premises;

5) protection against noise in residential premises and public buildings and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures;

6) the microclimate of the premises;

7) regulation of humidity on the surface and inside building structures;

8) the level of vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings and the level of technological vibration in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures;

9) the level of tension of the electromagnetic field in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the surrounding territories;

10) The level of ionizing radiation in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the surrounding territories.

Article 11.

The building or construction should be designed and built, and the territory needed to use the building or structure should be landscaped in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or structure there is no threat to the occurrence of accidents and injury to people - users of buildings and structures as a result of sliding , drops, collisions, burn, electric shock, as well as due to explosion.

Article 12. Requirements for the availability of buildings and facilities for persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities

1. Residential buildings, objects of engineering, transport and social infrastructures should be designed and constructed in such a way that their accessibility is provided for disabled people and other population groups with disabilities.

2. The facilities of the transport infrastructure must be equipped with special devices that allow people with disabilities and other groups with disabilities with disabilities to freely use the services provided at the transport infrastructure facilities.

Article 13. Energy efficiency requirements of buildings and structures

Buildings and structures should be designed and built in such a way that in the process of their operation it is ensured by efficient use. energy resources and excluded the inertial consumption of such resources.

Article 14. Requirements for the safe level of environmental structures and environmental structures

Buildings and structures should be designed in such a way that in the process of their construction and exploitation, the threat of negative impact on the environment has occurred.

Chapter 3. Requirements for the results of engineering surveys and project documentation in order to ensure the safety of buildings and structures

Article 15. General requirements for engineering surveys and project documentation

1. The results of engineering surveys should be reliable and sufficient to establish the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or structure, as well as designed measures to ensure its safety. Estimated data as part of the results of engineering surveys must be justified by the person performing engineering surveys, and keep the forecast for changing their values \u200b\u200bin the construction and operation of the building or structure.

2. In the design documentation of the building or facility by the person who prepare project documentation should be taken into account the initial data transmitted by the developer (Customer) in accordance with the law on urban planning activities. The composition of the initial data for the design should include the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure, established in accordance with the parts of 7-10 of Article 4 of this Federal Law.

3. The task for the implementation of engineering surveys for the construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures of an increased level of responsibility and the task of designing such buildings and structures may include the need for scientific support of engineering research and (or) design and construction of a building or building. In the design documentation of hazardous production facilities related in accordance with Part 8 of Article 4 of this Federal Law to buildings or structures of an increased level of responsibility, constructive and organizational and technical measures to protect the life and health of people and the environment from the dangerous consequences of accidents in the process construction, operation, conservation and demolition (dismantling) of such objects.

4. The design documentation of the building or structure may provide for the need to monitor the components of the environment, the state of the foundation, construction structures and systems of engineering and technical support in the construction and (or) operation of the building or construction.

5. In the project documentation, the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or facilities, as well as the design activities to ensure its safety must be established in such a way that the building or construction or construction is safe for the life and health of citizens (including people with disabilities and Other population groups with disabilities), property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

6. Compliance of the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or building safety requirements, as well as the design activities to ensure its security must be substantiated by references to the requirements of this Federal Law and references to the requirements of standards and arrangements of the rules included in those specified in Parts 1 and 7 Article 6 of this Federal Law of the List, or on the requirements of special technical conditions. In the absence of these requirements, the compliance of the design values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the building or the structure of security requirements, as well as the design activities to ensure its security must be substantiated in one or several methods from the following ways:

1) research results;

2) calculations and (or) tests made according to a certified or tested other method of methods;

3) modeling scenarios of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technogenic effects, including with an unfavorable combination of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts;

4) Risk assessment of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts.

7. When justifying the provisions of this article, the initial data for design should be taken into account, including the results of engineering surveys.

8. The project documentation should be provided in the amount required to ensure the safety of the building or structure, the availability of elements of building structures, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems to determine the actual values \u200b\u200bof their parameters and other characteristics, as well as material parameters, Products and devices affecting the safety of a building or structure in the process of its construction and operation.

9. In the project documentation, the person who prepares project documentation should be provided:

1) the possibility of safe operation of the designed building or structure and requirements for methods for carrying out maintenance activities, during which there is no threat of disruption of the security of building structures, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems or unacceptable deterioration of people's habitat parameters;

2) the minimum frequency of the implementation of inspections, inspections and examinations of the state of building structures, grounds, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems of a building or structure and (or) the need to monitor environmental components, the state of the foundation, construction structures and engineering systems technical support in the process of operation of a building or structure;

3) information for users and operational services on the values \u200b\u200bof operational loads on building structures, engineering networks and engineering systems that are unacceptably higher in the process of operation of a building or structure;

4) information on the placement of hidden electrical wiring, pipelines and other devices, the damage of which can lead to the threat of causing harm to the life and health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

10. The design documentation of the building or facilities should be used as a basic document when making decisions on ensuring the security of a building or structure at all subsequent stages of the life cycle of the building or structure.

Article 16. Requirements for Mechanical Safety Building or Construction

1. The fulfillment of mechanical safety requirements in the design documentation of the building or structure should be substantiated by the calculations and other methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law, confirming that in the process of construction and operation of the building or building its building structures and the foundation has not reached the limit state. According to strength and stability at this article, the variants of the simultaneous operation of loads and influences are taken into account in accordance with parts 5 and 6.

2. For the ultimate state of building structures and reasons for strength and stability, a condition should be taken, characterized by:

1) the destruction of any nature;

2) loss of stability of the form;

3) loss of sustainability;

4) impaired operational suitability and other phenomena associated with the threat of causing harm and health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

3. In the calculations of building structures and the grounds, all types of loads corresponding to the functional purpose and the constructive solution of the building or structure, climatic, and in the necessary cases, technological impacts, as well as the efforts caused by the deformation of building structures and grounds, should be taken into account. For elements of building structures, the characteristics of which, taken into account in the strength and stability of the building or structure, can change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive factors of the outer and internal environment, including under the influence of technological processes that may cause fatigue phenomena in the material Construction structures, in project documentation, parameters characterizing resistance to such impacts should be additionally indicated, or protection measures from them.

4. The calculated models (including the calculated schemes, the main prerequisites for the calculation) of building structures and the grounds should reflect the actual conditions of the building or facilities that meet the estimated settlement. At the same time should be taken into account:

1) factors defining a stress-strain state;

2) features of the interaction of elements of building structures between themselves and based on;

3) spatial work of building structures;

4) geometric and physical nonlinearity;

5) plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils;

6) the possibility of cracking;

7) Possible deviations geometric parameters From their nominal values.

5. In the process of justifying the implementation of mechanical safety requirements, the following settlement situations must be taken into account:

1) the established situation that has the duration of the same order as the service life of a building or structure, including the operation between the two capital repairs or changes in the technological process;

2) a transitional situation that has a small compared to the service life of a building or structure duration, including construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the building or facilities.

6. When designing a building or building an increased level of responsibility, an emergency estimated situation that has a small probability of occurrence and a small duration, but being important from the point of view of the consequences of achieving limit states that may arise in this situation (including limit states when Situations arising in connection with an explosion, a collision, with an accident, fire, as well as immediately after the failure of one of the supporting structures).

7. Calculations, justifying the safety of the structural solutions of the building or facilities, should be carried out taking into account the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure. For this purpose, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof efforts in the elements of building structures and the foundation of the building or structure should be determined taking into account the reliability coefficient by responsibility, the value of which should not be below:

1) 1.1 - in relation to the building and the construction of an increased level of responsibility;

2) 1.0 - in relation to the building and the construction of a normal level of responsibility;

3) 0.8 - in relation to the building and the construction of a reduced level of responsibility.

Article 17. Requirements for fire safety buildings or facilities

To ensure fire safety of the building or facilities in project documentation, in one of the methods specified in paragraph 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law, should be justified:

1) fire gap or distance from the designed building or facility to the nearest building, facilities or outdoor installation (for linear structures - distance from the trace axis to settlements, industrial and agricultural objects, forest arrays, the distance between parallel to each other by the tracks of linear structures, the size of the security zones);

2) the adopted values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of fire resistance and the fire hazard of elements of building structures and engineering systems;

3) the adopted separation of a building or facility for fire compartments;

4) location, dimensions and length of ways to evacuate people (including disabled people and other population groups with disabilities) when the fire occurs, ensuring the modern protection of ways to evacuation, the characteristics of the fire hazard of the materials of the walls, floors and ceilings on the evacuation paths, the number location and dimensions of evacuation outputs;

5) characteristics or parameters of fire detection systems, alerts and control of the evacuation of people in a fire (taking into account the peculiarities of persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities), as well as automatic fire extinguishing and anti-refinery systems;

6) measures to ensure the possibility of travel and the entrance of fire equipment, the safety of the personnel of the personnel of fire protection and filing fire extinguishing equipment to the fire fire, the parameters of fire extinguishing systems, including outdoor and internal fire supply water supply;

7) Organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety of the building or facilities in the process of their construction and operation.

Article 18. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures with hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts

1. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the construction and operation of which are planned in difficult conditions, in cases provided for in the task of designing a building or structure, in project documentation should be provided:

1) measures aimed at protecting people, buildings or structures, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reduction of the effects of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and technogenic effects;

2) constructive measures that reduce the sensitivity of building structures and the grounds for the effects of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts;

3) measures to improve the properties of ground fitness;

4) management of construction work in ways that do not lead to the manifestation of new and (or) intensification of existing hazardous natural processes and phenomena.

2. In cases where measures aimed at protecting people, buildings or structures, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reducing the effects of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, including the engineering protection device, and the construction of a building or structure can lead to the intensification of hazardous natural processes and phenomena in adjacent territories, the corresponding compensation should be provided in the project documentation Recovery activities.

3. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the project documentation should provide for anti-emergency protection of engineering systems.

4. When justifying the project decisions adopted, the level of responsibility of engineering and emergency protection structures should be adopted in accordance with the level of responsibility of protected buildings or structures.

5. Project documentation of the building or structure, including engineering protection structures, should contain the limits of permissible changes in the parameters characterizing the safety of objects and the geological environment in the construction and operation process. The design documentation may provide for the need for the construction and operation of the designed building or the construction of monitoring of environmental components (including the state of the surrounding buildings and structures that fall into the area of \u200b\u200bthe impact of the construction and operation of the designed building or structure), the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering and technical support systems of the designed building or structure, engineering protection structures.

6. In the project documentation of residential buildings, equipment such buildings should be provided for technical devices to automatically disconnect the water supply during emergency situations.

Article 19. Requirements for ensuring the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements

To ensure the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the design documentation of buildings and facilities with premises with the constant stay of people, with the exception of objects of individual housing construction, a device for water supply systems, sewage, heating, ventilation, power supply should be provided.

Article 20. Air quality assurance requirements

1. In the design documentation of buildings and structures, equipment of buildings and structures of the ventilation system should be provided. In the design documentation of buildings and structures, equipment can be provided for air conditioning system. The ventilation and air conditioning systems should ensure that air can be supplied with the content of harmful substances that do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations for such premises or for the working area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises.

2. In the design documentation of the building and facilities with premises with the stay of people, measures should be provided for:

1) restricting the penetration of dust, moisture, harmful and unpleasant substances from atmospheric air;

2) ensuring air exchange sufficient for timely removal of harmful substances from the air and maintaining the chemical composition of air in proportions favorable for human activity;

3) preventing penetration into rooms with a constant stay of people of harmful and unpleasant smelling substances from pipelines of systems and devices of sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, from air ducts and technological pipelines, as well as exhaust gases from built-in car parkings;

4) prevention of the penetration of soil gases (radon, methane) in the premises, if, in the process of engineering research, their presence on the territory on which will be built and operating a building or structure will be carried out.

Article 21. Requirements to ensure water quality used as drinking and for household needs

In the design documentation of external and internal networks for the supply of buildings and structures with water used as drinking and (or) for household needs, measures should be provided to ensure the submission of the required amount of water and prevent its pollution.

Article 22. Insolation and sunscreen requirements

1. Buildings should be designed in such a way that in residential premises is provided with sufficient duration of insolation or sunscreen in order to create safe living conditions regardless of its term.

2. The fulfillment of the requirements provided for by part 1 of this article should be provided with orientation measures residential premises On the sides of the world, as well as measures of a constructive and planning nature, including the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Article 23. Requirements for Lighting

1. In the aboveground floors of buildings and structures, premises with a permanent stay of people should be provided with natural or combined, as well as artificial lighting, and in underground floors - artificial lighting, sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to the health of people.

2. In the aboveground floors of buildings and structures of rooms, in which, under the conditions of technological processes, the possibility of the device is excluded natural lightingArtificial lighting should be provided, sufficient to prevent the threat of causing harm to the health of people.

3. In the cases provided for in the design task, the building or construction project documentation should provide devices for outdoor lighting.

Article 24. Noise protection requirements

1. Placement of the building or facilities on the ground, the design values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of building structures, the characteristics of the types of engineering equipment adopted in the design documentation provided for in the design documentation of the improvement activities of the adjacent territory must ensure the protection of people from:

1) air noise created by external sources (outside the building);

2) air noise created in other premises of the building or facilities;

3) shock noise;

4) noise generated by equipment;

5) excessive reversing noise indoors.

2. In a building or structure that may be a source of noise leading to an unacceptable overestimation of the level of air noise in the territory on which the construction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, measures should be provided to reduce the noise level, the source of which is the designed building or Construction.

3. Noise protection must be provided:

1) in the premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

2) within the territory of the territory on which the construction and operation of the building or construction will be carried out.

4. Indoors and on open areas, where the safety of people being created by the sound of the sound, the safety of people may depend on ensuring the optimal volume and sensibility of sound.

Article 25. Requirements for ensuring moisture protection

1. In the project documentation, building and structures should be provided constructive decisionsproviding:

1) drainage from the outer surfaces of the enclosing building structures, including roof, and from underground building structures of the building and facilities;

2) waterproof of the roof, exterior walls, floors, as well as the walls of underground floors and floors on the soil;

3) preventing condensate formation on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures, with the exception of translucent parts of windows and stained glass windows.

2. In the event that this is established in the design task, the project documentation should also provide for measures to prevent the flooding of premises and building structures during accidents on water supply systems.

Article 26. Requirements for Protection against Vibration

In the project documentation, building and structures should provide measures to ensure that the vibration in the building and building does not harm the health of people.

Article 27. Electromagnetic Field Protection Requirements

In the design documentation of the building and facilities, the construction of which is planned in the territory where the level of electromagnetic field strength created by the industrial frequency and (or) transmitting power transmission lines and (or) transmitting radio engineering objects exceeds the maximum allowable, measures should be provided to reduce this level in the premises with stay. People and in the adjacent territory by complying with the requirements for sanitary protection zones and shielding from the electromagnetic field.

Article 28. Requirements for protection against ionizing radiation

1. In the design documentation of the building and facilities, the construction of which is planned in the territory, which, in accordance with the results of engineering research, it is rare-hazardous, measures should be provided for the deactivation of the territory and to ensure the ventilation of the premises whose designs are in contact with the soil.

2. The project documentation should be used in the construction of materials and products with an indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, not exceeding the limit value established on the basis of the need to ensure the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation.

Article 29. Requirements for the microclimate of the room

1. The design documentation of the building or structure should define the values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the enclosing structures and constructive solutions that ensure the compliance of the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the following heat engineering characteristics in the required values \u200b\u200bestablished on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises are

1) the heat transfer resistance of the enclosing building structures of the building or facilities;

2) the temperature difference on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures and air temperature inside the building or facility during the heating period;

3) the heat resistance of the enclosing building structures during the warm period of the year and the premises of the building or facilities during the cold period of the year;

4) resistance to air permeation of enclosing building structures;

5) resistance to vapor permeation of enclosing building structures;

6) the heat of the surface of the floors.

2. Along with the requirements provided for by part 1 of this article, in the design documentation of the building or structure, measures should be provided to prevent the conjunction of the enhancement building structures, the accumulation of moisture on their surface and to ensure the durability of these structures.

3. Systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning and installed in the project documentation Requirements for their functioning should provide with the requirements taken, taking into account the requirements of article 30 of this federal law of the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the heat engineering characteristics of protective building structures. Compliance with the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the following parameters of the microclimate of the premises required values \u200b\u200bfor warm, Cold I. transition periods The year established on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions:

1) air temperature inside a building or structure;

2) the resulting temperature;

3) air movement speed;

4) relative humidity.

4. Calculated values Must be determined taking into account the purpose of buildings or structures, the conditions of residence or activities of people in the premises. Accounting is also subject to excess heat in industrial premises.

5. In the technical solutions of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, the possibility of autonomous regulation of the parameters of the microclimate of the premises should be provided.

6. The design documentation of the building or structure should also provide technical solutions to ensure the thermal and hydraulic sustainability of heating systems with changes in the external and internal conditions of operation of a building or structure during all periods of the year.

Article 30. Security requirements for users buildings and structures

1. The parameters of the elements of building structures, the values \u200b\u200bof which in the project documentation should be provided in such a way that the likelihood of accidents on the occurrence of accidents and injury to people (taking into account persons with disabilities and other populations with disabilities) when moving on a building or construction and adjacent territory as a result of sliding, falling or collision, are:

1) The height of the roofs, balconies, loggias, terraces, outdoor galleries, staircase marches, platforms and open pit from a building or structures, open pedestrian crossings, including over bridges and overpass, as well as drops in the floor level or level of land on the adjacent territory;

2) The slope of stairs and ramps, the width of the emergence and height of the stairs on the stairs, the height of the lift along one continuous staircase march and ramp. It is unacceptable to use steps of different heights within one staircase march. Railings and handrails for fencing stairs, ramps and staircases must be continuous;

3) the height of the thresholds, door and unlocked openings in the walls on the paths of moving people, the height of the passage along the stairs, the basement, exploited by the attic, the height of the passages under the protruding and on the sides of the way of moving people by elements of building structures or equipment.

2. The design of fences in accordance with the requirements provided for in this article should limit the possibility of random fall from the height (including from the roofs of buildings) of items that may be injured by people under a fired structural element.

3. To ensure the free movement of people, as well as the possibility of evacuation of patients on stretchers, disabled people using wheelchairs, and other population groups with disabilities, a sufficient width of door and unscrewed openings in the walls, staircase marches and platforms, ramps should be provided. Rotary sites, corridors, passes between stationary elements technological equipment production buildings and elements of equipping public buildings.

4. On the paths of moving vehicles within a building or structure and in the adjacent territory, measures should be provided to ensure the safety of people's movement.

5. In the design documentation of buildings and structures should be provided:

1) devices for preventing the random movement of mobile elements of the building or structure (including in case of refusal of automatic braking devices), which can lead to accidents on the occurrence of accidents and injury to people;

2) the design of windows, ensuring their safe operation, including washing and cleaning outdoor surfaces;

3) devices to prevent accidental loss of people from window openings (in cases where the bottom of the opening below the height of the center of gravity of most adults);

4) sufficient lighting of ways to move people and vehicles;

5) Placing well-distinguishable warning signs on transparent door canvases and partitions.

6. In the pedestrian zones of buildings and structures, more than forty-meter facilities should provide protective devices to ensure the safety of people's stay in these areas under the action of wind.

7. Design decisions of buildings and structures in order to ensure the availability of buildings and structures for disabled people and other population groups with disabilities must provide:

1) reach visiting sites and the unhindered movement of displacement inside buildings and structures;

2) Security of ways of movement (including evacuation), as well as accommodation places, places of service and places of employment of the specified population groups.

8. The parameters of the pathways, equipping by special devices and the size of the premises for the groups specified in paragraph 7 of this article, provided for in project documentation, should be justified in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

9. To prevent burns from obtaining burns when using elements of engineering and engineering systems or engineering systems in project documentation, it should be provided:

1) limiting the temperature of the surfaces of the available parts of heating devices and feeding heating pipelines or the device of fences that impede the contact of people with these parts;

2) restriction of hot air temperature from the outlet of air heating devices;

3) Restriction of hot water temperature in the hot water supply system.

10. To prevent the lesion of people with electric shock design solutions There should be measures to ensure the safety of electrical installations.

11. Project documentation should provide measures to prevent accidents and injury to people as a result of explosions, including:

1) compliance with the safety rules of the device of heating systems, hot water supply, gas - spreading equipment, chimneys, chimneys, tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids and gases;

2) compliance with the rules for the safe installation of heat generators and installations for liquefied gases;

3) regulation of heating and pressure temperature in hot water and heating systems;

4) Preventing excessive accumulation of explosive substances in air of premises, including by using gas control devices.

12. Emergency coverage should be provided for security in emergency situations in project documentation.

13. To ensure protection against unauthorized invasion of buildings and structures, compliance with the following requirements:

1) in buildings with a large number of visitors (viewers), as well as in the buildings of educational, medical, banking institutions, measures to reduce the possibility of criminal manifestations and their consequences should be provided at the facilities of transport infrastructure.

2) Systems and facilities provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, television observation systems, alarm systems and other systems, aimed at ensuring protection against threats of terrorist nature and unauthorized invasion, should be arranged.

14. In the design documentation of residential buildings, facilities of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, measures should be provided for ensuring the unimpeded access of persons with disabilities and other populations with disabilities of movement to such objects.

Article 31. Requirement for energy efficiency of buildings and structures

1. In the event that this is provided for in the design task, the project documentation should provide for decisions on individual elements, building structures of buildings and structures, properties of such elements and building structures, as well as devices, and materials used in buildings and structures allowing to eliminate the inertial consumption of energy resources during the operation of buildings and structures.

2. In the event that this is provided for in the design task, the design documentation should provide for the equipment of buildings and structures to the instruments of accounting for energy resources used.

3. Compliance of buildings and structures with the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements of the equipment of buildings and structures to the instruments of accounting used energy resources should be provided by choosing in the design documentation of optimal architectural, functional and technological, constructive and engineering solutions.

Article 32. Environmental Protection Requirements

Environmental protection activities provided for in the design documentation of the building or structure in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation should prevent or minimize the provision of negative impact on the environment.

Article 33. Requirements for the prevention of actions introducing acquisitions

In order to prevent actions that are misleading acquirers, the project documentation of the building or structure must contain the following information:

1) identification signs of a building or structure in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4 of this Federal Law;

2) the service life of the building or structures and their parts;

3) indicators of energy efficiency of a building or structure;

4) The degree of fire resistance of a building or structure.

Chapter 4. Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures in the construction process, reconstruction, capital and current repairs

Article 34. Requirements for building materials and products used in the construction process of buildings and structures

1. The construction of a building or structure should be carried out using building materials and products that ensure the compliance of the building or building the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

2. Building materials and products must comply with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

3. A person engaged in building a building or structure, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, should monitor the compliance of the construction materials and products used, including building materials produced on the territory on which construction, the requirements of the project documentation during the entire process Construction.

Article 35. Requirements for the construction of buildings and structures, conservation of the object, the construction of which is not completed

Construction, reconstruction, capital and current repair of a building or structure, the conservation of the object, the construction of which is not completed, should be carried out in such a way that the negative impact on the environment is minimal and did not arise a threat to the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, life and health of animals and plants.

Chapter 5. Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during operation, when operating operation and in the demolition process (dismantling)

Article 36. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during operation

1. The safety of the building or structure during operation should be provided by maintenance, periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering systems, as well as current repairs Buildings or facilities.

2. Parameters and other characteristics of building structures and engineering systems during the operation of the building or facilities must comply with the requirements of the project documentation. The specified compliance should be maintained by maintenance and confirm during periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring the state of the foundation, building structures and systems of engineering and technical support conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The operation of buildings and structures should be organized in such a way that the compliance of buildings and structures was ensured by the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements of the equipment of buildings and structures for taking into account the energy resources used during the entire service life of buildings and structures.

Article 37. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during the termination of operation and in the demolition process (dismantling)

1. With the termination of the operation of the building or structure, the owner of the building or facilities should take measures to cause harm to the population and the environment, including measures that prevent the unauthorized access of people in a building or structure, as well as carry out measures for the disposal of construction trash.

2. Safety of technical solutions for demolition (dismantling) Buildings or structures using explosions, combustion or other hazardous methods should be justified by one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

Chapter 6. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

Article 38. General provisions on assessing the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures for design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

1. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is carried out in order to:

1) certifying the compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) certificates of conformity of the characteristics of the building or the structure established in the project documentation, the requirements of this Federal Law before the construction of a building or structure;

3) certificates of conformity of the characteristics of the building or structure, the construction of which is completed, the requirements of this Federal Law before entering a building or structure to operation;

4) a periodic certificate of compliance of the characteristics of the building operated or the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation to confirm the possibility of further operation of the building or structure.

2. Assessment of compliance with the results of engineering surveys should be determined by the compliance of such results with the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Assessment of the compliance of project documentation should be determined by the compliance of the project documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law and the results of engineering surveys.

4. Assessment of the compliance of the building or structure in the construction process and when it is completed, the compliance of the work performed in the construction process, the results of their implementation and the applied building materials and products of the requirements of this Federal Law and the project documentation should be determined.

5. The assessment of the compliance of the building or structure during operation should be determined by the compliance of the building or the requirements of the requirements of this Federal Law and the project documentation.

Article 39. Rules of mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning and disposal (demolition)

1. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, setup and disposal (demolition) is carried out in the form:

1) statements on the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) the state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation;

3) construction control;

4) state construction supervision;

5) statements on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or the construction of project documentation;

6) statements on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or building the requirements of this Federal Law;

7) commissioning object.

2. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys) in the form specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who prepared project documentation by drawing up the certification that the project Documentation is designed in accordance with the design task and requirements of this Federal Law.

3. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including research), construction, installation, setup and disposal (demolition) in the forms specified in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out only In cases stipulated by law on urban planning activities.

4. Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction processes, installation, setup in the form provided by clause 5 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out by the face of construction (by the face that implemented construction, and the developer (Customer) In the case of construction on the basis of the contract), by signing the document confirming the compliance of the built, reconstructed or repaired building or the construction of project documentation. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction processes, installation, setup in this form is not carried out in respect of individual housing construction facilities.

5. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction processes, installation, setup in the form provided for in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out by the face that has implemented construction by signing a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or A renovated building or facilities to the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. An assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys) in the form specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out until the project documentation approval in accordance with the law on urban planning activities.

7. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, setup and disposal (demolition) in the forms specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 and 7 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out In accordance with the rules and on time, which are established by law on urban planning activities.

8. An assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction, installation, commissioning and disposal (demolition) in the forms specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out after the construction, reconstruction, overhaul. Buildings or structures before entering a building or structure to operation.

Article 40. Rules of mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes

1. Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes, the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements established in project documentation are carried out in shape:

1) operational control;

2) state control (supervision).

2. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes in the form of operational control, is carried out by the person responsible for the operation of a building or structure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes in the form of state control (supervision) is carried out by authorized federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in cases and in the manner established by federal laws.

Article 41. Rules of voluntary assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

1. A voluntary assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is carried out in the form of a non-state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation, author's supervisory , surveys of buildings and structures, the state of their grounds, building structures and engineering systems and in other forms stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. A voluntary assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 7. Final Provisions

Article 42. Final provisions

1. Requirements for buildings and facilities, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition), established by this Federal Law, are not applied up to reconstruction or overhaul. Buildings or facilities to the following buildings and facilities:

1) to buildings and structures commissioned before the entry into force of such requirements;

2) to buildings and structures, construction, reconstruction and overhaul of which are carried out in accordance with project documentation approved or aimed at state expertise prior to entry into force of such requirements;

3) to buildings and structures whose design documentation is not subject to state Examination And the application for issuing permits for the construction of which was submitted before the entry into force of such requirements.

2. For the purposes of this Federal Law, construction standards and rules approved until the day of the entry into force of this Federal Law are recognized by the crops.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation no later than thirty days before the day of entry into force of this Federal Law approves a list of national standards and rules arrangements, as a result of the application of which the requirements of this Federal Law are compliance with the compliance.

4. The national authority of the Russian Federation on standardization no later than thirty days before the day of entry into force of this Federal Law approves, publishes and places a list of documents in the field of standardization of this Federal Law in accordance with Part 7 of Article 6, as a result of the use of which on a voluntary basis Compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

5. The Commissioner of the Federal Executive Authority is no later.

On July 1, 2012, it actuals to the construction standards and rules recognized in accordance with this Federal Law of the Rules and included in the assembled Government of the Russian Federation and specified in paragraph 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law of the National Standards and Code of Rules.

Article 43. On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"

Chapter 1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 52, Art. 5140; 2007, N 19, Art. 2293; N 49, Art. 6070; 2009 , N 29, Art. 3626) Supplement Article 5 1 of the following content:

"Article 5 1. Features of technical regulation in the safety of buildings and structures

Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are established by the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures". ".

Article 44. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law comes into force on the expiration of six months from the date of its official publication, with the exception of Article 43 of this Federal Law.

2. Article 43 of this Federal Law enters into force on the date of the official publication of this Federal Law.

President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev

The technical regulation is made in order to: protect the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property; Environmental protection, life and health of animals and plants; preventing actions that are misleading purchases; providing energy efficiency of buildings and structures

Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ
"Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities"

Chapter 1. General

Article 1. Objectives of the adoption of this Federal Law

This Federal Law is assumed to:

1) the protection of the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

2) environmental protection, life and health of animals and plants;

3) preventing actions that are misleading purchases;

4) Security energy efficiency of buildings and structures.

Article 2. Basic concepts

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities and the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety are used.

2. The following basic concepts are also used for the purposes of this Federal Law:

1) emergency lighting - lighting on evacuation paths having a power supply from autonomous sources that function in fire, accidents and other emergencies, including automatically when the corresponding alarm is triggered or manually, if there is no signaling or it does not work;

2) an accident - a dangerous man-made incident, creating a threat to the life and health of people on the facility, a certain territory or water area and leading to the destruction or damage to buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, impaired production or transport process, damage to the environment;

4) Impact - a phenomenon that causes a change in the stress-strain state of building structures and (or) base of the building or structure;

5) the life cycle of the building or structure - the period during which engineering surveys are carried out, design, construction (including conservation), operation (including current repairs), reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of a building or structure;

6) The building is the result of construction, which is a bulk construction system having an overhead and (or) underground part, which includes premises, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems and intended for living and (or) people's activities, placement production, storage of products or animal content;

7) engineering protection - a complex of structures aimed at protecting people, buildings or structures, territory on which construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impact, threats of terrorist nature, as well as warning and (or) reducing the effects of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impact, threats of terrorist nature;

8) mechanical safety - the state of building structures and bases of a building or structure, in which there is no invalid risk associated with the causing harm to life or health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants due to destruction or loss of stability of the building, structures or their parts;

9) microclimate of the room - the climatic conditions of the indoor interior, which are determined by the human body, humidity and air velocity by the human body;

10) load - mechanical force attached to building structures and (or) base of the building or structure and defining their stress-strain state;

11) normal operating conditions - a state of building or structure taken into account when designing, in which there are no factors that prevent the implementation of functional or technological processes;

12) Dangerous natural processes and phenomena - earthquakes, villages, landslides, avalanche, flooding of territory, hurricanes, tornadoes, soil erosion and other similar processes and phenomena that have negative or destructive impacts on buildings and structures;

13) the base of the building or structure (hereinafter also - the basis) is an array of soil, perceiving loads and exposure to a building or structure and transmitting to the building or structure of the impact on natural and technogenic processes occurring in the ground array;

14) the room is part of the volume of a building or structure that has a certain purpose and limited by construction structures;

15) the room with a permanent stay of people - a room in which people stay continuously for more than two hours;

16) the limit state of building structures - the state of building structures of the building or structure, outside of which the further exploitation of the building or the construction is dangerous, is unacceptable, it is difficult or inappropriate or the restoration of the working state of the building or construction is impossible or inexpedient;

17) anti-emergency protection of engineering systems - a complex of devices providing protection, warning and (or) reduction of hazardous consequences of emergency situations in the operation of engineering and technical support systems and an increase in the work resource (service life) of these systems;

18) the estimated situation - taken into account in the calculation of the complex of possible conditions that determine the calculated requirements for building structures, engineering systems and parts of these structures and systems;

19) the rheological property of materials - the manifestation of irreversible residual deformations and fluidity or creep under the influence of the load and (or) impact;

20) Engineering and technical support network - a set of pipelines, communications and other structures intended for engineering and technical support of buildings and structures;

21) Engineering and technical support system - one of the systems of a building or structure, intended for the functions of water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, power supply, communications, informatization, dispatching, sebuming, vertical transport (elevators, escalators) or security functions;

22) complex natural conditions - the presence of the composition of the composition and condition of soils and (or) risk of (development) of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts on the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of the building or construction will be carried out;

23) Construction - the result of construction, which is a bulk, plane or linear construction system, having a terrestrial, overhead and (or) underground part, consisting of carriers, and in some cases and enclosing building structures and intended for the performance of production processes of various types, storage products, temporary stay of people, moving people and cargo;

24) Building construction - part of a building or structure that performs certain bears, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions;

25) technogenic impacts - hazardous impacts that are a consequence of accidents in buildings, structures or transport, fires, explosions or release of various types of energy, as well as impacts that are a consequence of construction activities in the adjacent territory;

26) the level of responsibility - the characteristics of the building or structure, determined in accordance with the volume of economic, social and environmental consequences of its destruction;

27) fatigue phenomena in the material - a change in the mechanical and physical properties of the material under the prolonged action of cyclically changing stresses and deformations;

28) Characteristics of the security of the building or facilities - quantitative and qualitative indicators of the properties of building structures, grounds, materials, elements of engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems, by compliance with the compliance of the building or building safety requirements.

Article 3. Scope of Application of this Federal Law

1. The object of technical regulation in this Federal Law is the buildings and structures of any destination (including those included in their composition of the network of engineering and technical support and engineering systems), as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys) , construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition).

2. This federal law applies to all stages of the life cycle of the building or structure.

3. This federal law does not apply to the safety of technological processes corresponding to the functional purpose of buildings and structures. Only possible dangerous effects of these processes on the state of the building, structures or their parts are subject to accounting.

4. With regard to the facilities of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, facilities, information about which is the state secret, objects of production, processing, storage of radioactive and explosives and materials, objects for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons and explosion means, other objects for which Requirements related to the provision of nuclear and radiation safety in the field of use of atomic energy, as well as in relation to the designated objects of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition), along with compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law The requirements established by state customers, federal executive authorities authorized in the field of security, defense, external intelligence, counteracting technical intelligence and technical protection of information, public administration using atomic energy, government security regulation when using atomic energy, and (or) government contracts (agreements).

5. Additional safety requirements for buildings and facilities (including those included in their composition of engineering and technical support systems and engineering and technical support systems), as well as to the designs associated with buildings and structures (including research), construction, installation , adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) can be established by other technical regulations. At the same time, these requirements cannot contradict the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. This Federal Law establishes the minimum necessary requirements for buildings and facilities (including those included in their composition of engineering and technical support systems and engineering and technical support systems), as well as to building related to buildings and structures (including surveys) , construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition), including requirements:

1) mechanical safety;

2) fire safety;

3) safety with hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technogenic effects;

4) the conditions of residence and stay in buildings and facilities;

5) security for users buildings and structures;

6) the availability of buildings and structures for persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities;

7) energy efficiency of buildings and structures;

8) a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment.

Article 4. Identification of buildings and structures

1. To apply this Federal Law, buildings and structures are identified in the manner established by this article, according to the following features:

1) appointment;

2) belonging to the facilities of the transport infrastructure and to other objects, the functional technological features of which affect their safety;

3) the possibility of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts on the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

4) belonging to hazardous production facilities;

5) fire and explosion hazard;

6) premises with a permanent stay of people;

7) level of responsibility.

2. The identification of the building or facility on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of all-Russian classifiers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the developer (Customer) is entitled to identify a building or structure under the specified signs to use classifiers included in regulatory legal acts approved by the federal executive bodies.

3. The identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of the risk of natural processes and phenomena approved by an authorized federal executive body given by long-term observations of natural processes and phenomena, Conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the results of engineering research in the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of the building or the construction will be carried out.

4. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

5. Identification of a building or structure on the features provided for in paragraph 5 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety.

6. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of this article should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the developer (customer).

7. As a result of the identification of a building or structure on the basis of paragraph 7 of Part 1 of this article, a building or structure should be assigned to one of the following levels of responsibility:

1) elevated;

2) normal;

3) low.

8. The buildings and structures of the increased level of responsibility include buildings and structures related in accordance with Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation To particularly dangerous, technically difficult or unique objects.

9. The buildings and structures of the normal level of responsibility include all buildings and structures, with the exception of buildings and structures of increased and reduced levels of responsibility.

10. The buildings and structures of the reduced level of responsibility include buildings and facilities of temporary (seasonal) appointment, as well as buildings and facilities of the auxiliary use related to the implementation of construction or reconstruction of a building or structure or located on land provided for individual housing construction.

11. Identification features stipulated by Part 1 of this article are indicated:

1) the developer (Customer) - in the task to perform engineering surveys for the construction of a building or structure and in the design task;

2) The person who prepares project documentation is in text materials as part of the project documentation transmitted at the end of the construction to store the owner of the building or facilities.

Article 5. Ensuring the conformity of the security of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures for design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) requirements of this Federal Law

1. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as related buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is ensured by establishing relevant safety requirements for the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of buildings and structures and qualitative characteristics in The entire life cycle of the building or facilities, the implementation of the specified values \u200b\u200band characteristics in the construction, reconstruction, overhaul (further construction) and maintaining the state of such parameters and characteristics in the required level during operation, conservation and demolition.

2. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is ensured by complying with the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements of standards and arrangements of the Rules included in Articles specified in parts 1 and 7 of this federal law of lists, or requirements of special technical conditions.

Article 6. Documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which the requirements of this Federal Law are compliance

1. The Government of the Russian Federation approves a list of national standards and rules arrangements (parts of such standards and drafts of rules), as a result of the application of which the requirements of this Federal Law are compliance with the requirements.

2. The list of national standards and arrangements of the Rules specified in paragraph 1 of this article may include national standards and reasons (parts of such standards and arrets of rules) containing the minimum necessary requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures (including those included in their The composition of engineering and technical support and engineering systems), as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition).

3. The list of national standards and arrangements of the Rules specified in paragraph 1 of this article may include national standards and arrears of rules containing various requirements for buildings and structures, as well as to building related to buildings and structures (including surveys), construction , installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) one subject, to one section of project documentation, various approaches to ensuring the safety of buildings and structures. At the same time, in the indicated list of national standards and rules, the rules should be indicated about the possibility of compliance with such requirements, approaches on an alternative basis. In this case, the developer (Customer) has the right to independently determine, in accordance with which of these requirements, the approaches will be carried out (including engineering surveys), construction, reconstruction, overhaul and demolition (disassembly) of a building or structure.

4. National standards and vaults of rules included in paragraph 1 of this article list are mandatory for use, except in cases of design and construction in accordance with special specifications.

5. The National Body of the Russian Federation for Standardization provides access to the national standards and arrangements of the rules included in the information system of general use included in the list of this article.

6. National standards and reasons included in the list specified in paragraph 1 of this article are subject to revisions and in the necessary cases of revision and (or) actualization at least every five years.

7. The National Body of the Russian Federation on standardization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation is approved, published in the printed publication of the federal executive authority for technical regulation and is placed in the general use information system in a digital form of a list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result The applications of which are compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law on a voluntary basis.

8. In the event that the preparation of project documentation requires a retreat from the requirements set by the list of national standards and crops specified in paragraph 1 of this article, insufficient requirements for the reliability and safety specified by the specified standards and crops, or such requirements are not established. The preparation of project documentation and the construction of a building or structure are carried out in accordance with the special specifications developed and coordinated in the manner established by the authorized federal executive authority.

9. Special technical conditions agreed in accordance with the established procedure may be the basis for the inclusion of requirements for buildings and structures contained in such special technical conditions, as well as to the designs associated with buildings and structures (including research), construction, installation, commissioning to national standards And the arrears of the rules whose application ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Chapter 2. General requirements for the safety of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

Article 7. Mechanical Safety Requirements

Building structures and foundations of the building or structures should have such strength and sustainability so that in the process of construction and exploitation there is no threat to causing harm or health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants. As a result:

1) the destruction of individual carrying construction structures or their parts;

2) the destruction of the whole building, structures or their parts;

3) deformations of an invalid magnitude of building structures, bases of the building or structure and geological arrays of the adjacent territory;

4) damage to the part of the building or structure, engineering and engineering networks or engineering and technical support systems as a result of deformation, movements or loss of stability of carrying construction structures, including deviations from verticality.

Article 8. Fire safety requirements

The building or construction should be designed and built in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or structure, the possibility of fire has been excluded, it was possible to prevent or restricting the risk of building a building or factor in the fire and the effects of dangerous factors of fire and property, people and property were protected from The effects of dangerous factors of fire and (or) restriction of the effects of dangerous factors of a fire on a building or structure, as well as in the event of a fire, the following requirements were followed:

1) preserving the stability of the building or structure, as well as the strength of the supporting construction structures during the time required for the evacuation of people and the fulfillment of other actions aimed at reduced fire damage;

2) restriction of the formation and distribution of dangerous fire factors within the fire focus;

3) non-proliferation of fire on neighboring buildings and structures;

4) the evacuation of people (taking into account the peculiarities of persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities) to the safe area before harming their life and health due to the impact of dangerous fire factors;

5) the possibility of accessing the personnel of the units of fire protection and delivery of fire extinguishing facilities to any room of the building or facilities;

6) the possibility of supplying fire extinguishes into a fire center;

7) the ability to conduct measures to save people and reduce the damage to the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 9. Security Requirements for Hazardous Natural Processes and Phenomena and (or) Technogenic Studies

Building or structure on the territory, on which the manifestation of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts are possible, should be designed and constructed in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or construction, hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts did not cause The consequences referred to in Article 7 of this Federal Law, and (or) other events that make a threat to causing harm to life or the health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 10. Requirements safe for human health conditions of residence and stay in buildings and structures

1. The building or construction should be designed and built in such a way that, when living and staying a person in a building or building, there has been no harmful effect on a person as a result of physical, biological, chemical, radiation and other effects.

2. The building or construction must be designed and built in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or structure, safe conditions for residence and residence of a person in buildings and structures in the following indicators are ensured:

1) air quality in the production, residential and other premises of buildings and structures and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures;

2) water quality used as drinking and for household needs;

3) insolation and sunscreen of premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

4) natural and artificial lighting of premises;

5) protection against noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures;

6) the microclimate of the premises;

7) regulation of humidity on the surface and inside building structures;

8) the level of vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings and the level of technological vibration in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures;

9) the level of tension of the electromagnetic field in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the surrounding territories;

10) The level of ionizing radiation in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the work areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the surrounding territories.

Article 11. Security requirements for users buildings and structures

The building or construction should be designed and built, and the territory needed to use the building or structure should be landscaped in such a way that in the process of operation of the building or structure there is no threat to the occurrence of accidents and injury to people - users of buildings and structures as a result of sliding , drops, collisions, burn, electric shock, as well as due to explosion.

Article 12. Requirements for the availability of buildings and facilities for persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities

1. Residential buildings, objects of engineering, transport and social infrastructures should be designed and constructed in such a way that their accessibility is provided for disabled people and other population groups with disabilities.

2. The facilities of the transport infrastructure must be equipped with special devices that allow people with disabilities and other groups with disabilities with disabilities to freely use the services provided at the transport infrastructure facilities.

Article 13. Energy Efficiency Requirements for Buildings and structures

Buildings and facilities should be designed and constructed in such a way that in the process of their operation, the effective use of energy resources has been ensured and the inertial consumption of such resources is excluded.

Article 14. Requirements for the safe level of the impact of buildings and structures on the environment

Buildings and structures should be designed in such a way that in the process of their construction and exploitation, the threat of negative impact on the environment has occurred.

Chapter 3. Requirements for the results of engineering surveys and project documentation in order to ensure the safety of buildings and structures

Article 15. General requirements for engineering surveys and project documentation

1. The results of engineering surveys should be reliable and sufficient to establish the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or structure, as well as designed measures to ensure its safety. Estimated data as part of the results of engineering surveys must be justified by the person performing engineering surveys, and keep the forecast for changing their values \u200b\u200bin the construction and operation of the building or structure.

2. In the design documentation of the building or facility by the person who prepare project documentation should be taken into account the initial data transmitted by the developer (Customer) in accordance with the law on urban planning activities. The initial data for the design should indicate the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure, established in accordance with the part 7 - 10 of the article of this Federal Law.

3. The task for the implementation of engineering surveys for the construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures of an increased level of responsibility and the task of designing such buildings and structures may include the need for scientific support of engineering research and (or) design and construction of a building or building. In the design documentation of hazardous production facilities belonging to part 8 of this federal law to buildings or structures of an increased level of responsibility, constructive and organizational and technical measures to protect the life and health of people and the environment from the dangerous consequences of accidents in the construction process should be provided , operation, conservation and demolition (dismantling) of such objects.

4. The design documentation of the building or structure may provide for the need to monitor the components of the environment, the state of the foundation, construction structures and systems of engineering and technical support in the construction and (or) operation of the building or construction.

5. In the project documentation, the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or facilities, as well as the design activities to ensure its safety must be established in such a way that the building or construction or construction is safe for the life and health of citizens (including people with disabilities and Other population groups with disabilities), property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

6. Compliance of the design values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or building safety requirements, as well as the design activities to ensure its security must be substantiated by references to the requirements of this Federal Law and references to the requirements of standards and arrangements of the rules included in those specified in Parts 1 and 7 Articles of this federal law of lists, or on the requirements of special technical conditions. In the absence of these requirements, the compliance of the design values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the building or the structure of security requirements, as well as the design activities to ensure its security must be substantiated in one or several methods from the following ways:

1) research results;

2) calculations and (or) tests made according to a certified or tested other method of methods;

3) modeling scenarios of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technogenic effects, including with an unfavorable combination of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts;

4) Risk assessment of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technological impacts.

7. When justifying the provisions of this article, the initial data for design should be taken into account, including the results of engineering surveys.

8. The project documentation should be provided in the amount required to ensure the safety of the building or structure, the availability of elements of building structures, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems to determine the actual values \u200b\u200bof their parameters and other characteristics, as well as material parameters, Products and devices affecting the safety of a building or structure in the process of its construction and operation.

9. In the project documentation, the person who prepares project documentation should be provided:

1) the possibility of safe operation of the designed building or structure and requirements for methods for carrying out maintenance activities, during which there is no threat of disruption of the security of building structures, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems or unacceptable deterioration of people's habitat parameters;

2) the minimum frequency of the implementation of inspections, inspections and examinations of the state of building structures, grounds, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems of a building or structure and (or) the need to monitor environmental components, the state of the foundation, construction structures and engineering systems technical support in the process of operation of a building or structure;

3) information for users and operational services on the values \u200b\u200bof operational loads on building structures, engineering networks and engineering systems that are unacceptably higher in the process of operation of a building or structure;

4) information on the placement of hidden electrical wiring, pipelines and other devices, the damage of which can lead to the threat of causing harm to the life and health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

10. The design documentation of the building or facilities should be used as a basic document when making decisions on ensuring the security of a building or structure at all subsequent stages of the life cycle of the building or structure.

Article 16. Requirements for the mechanical safety of the building or facilities

1. The fulfillment of mechanical safety requirements in the design documentation of the building or structure must be substantiated by the calculations and other methods specified in part 6 of the article of this Federal Law, confirming that in the construction and operation of the building or building its building structures and the foundation has not reached the limit state of Strength and stability at this article by the variants of the simultaneous operation of loads and impacts taken into account in accordance with pieces 5 and 6.

2. For the ultimate state of building structures and reasons for strength and stability, a condition should be taken, characterized by:

1) the destruction of any nature;

2) loss of stability of the form;

3) loss of sustainability;

4) impaired operational suitability and other phenomena associated with the threat of causing harm and health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

3. In the calculations of building structures and the grounds, all types of loads corresponding to the functional purpose and the constructive solution of the building or structure, climatic, and in the necessary cases, technological impacts, as well as the efforts caused by the deformation of building structures and grounds, should be taken into account. For elements of building structures, the characteristics of which, taken into account in the strength and stability of the building or structure, can change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive factors of the outer and internal environment, including under the influence of technological processes that may cause fatigue phenomena in the material Construction structures, in project documentation, parameters characterizing resistance to such impacts should be additionally indicated, or protection measures from them.

4. The calculated models (including the calculated schemes, the main prerequisites for the calculation) of building structures and the grounds should reflect the actual conditions of the building or facilities that meet the estimated settlement. At the same time should be taken into account:

1) factors defining a stress-strain state;

2) features of the interaction of elements of building structures between themselves and based on;

3) spatial work of building structures;

4) geometric and physical nonlinearity;

5) plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils;

6) the possibility of cracking;

7) Possible deviations of geometric parameters from their nominal values.

5. In the process of justifying the implementation of mechanical safety requirements, the following settlement situations must be taken into account:

1) the established situation that has the duration of the same order as the service life of a building or structure, including the operation between the two capital repairs or changes in the technological process;

2) a transitional situation that has a small compared to the service life of a building or structure duration, including construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the building or facilities.

6. When designing a building or building an increased level of responsibility, an emergency estimated situation that has a small probability of occurrence and a small duration, but being important from the point of view of the consequences of achieving limit states that may arise in this situation (including limit states when Situations arising in connection with an explosion, a collision, with an accident, fire, as well as immediately after the failure of one of the supporting structures).

7. Calculations, justifying the safety of the structural solutions of the building or facilities, should be carried out taking into account the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure. For this purpose, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof efforts in the elements of building structures and the foundation of the building or structure should be determined taking into account the reliability coefficient by responsibility, the value of which should not be below:

1) 1.1 - in relation to the building and the construction of an increased level of responsibility;

2) 1.0 - in relation to the building and the construction of a normal level of responsibility;

3) 0.8 - in relation to the building and the construction of a reduced level of responsibility.

Article 17. Requirements to ensure fire safety of a building or facilities

To ensure fire safety of the building or facilities in project documentation, in one of the methods specified in Part 6 of this federal law, should be justified:

1) Fire gap or distance from the designed building or facilities to the nearest building, facilities or an outdoor installation (for linear structures - the distance from the axis of the track to settlements, industrial and agricultural facilities, forest arrays, the distance between the linear structures parallel to each other, sizes of security zones);

2) the adopted values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of fire resistance and the fire hazard of elements of building structures and engineering systems;

3) the adopted separation of a building or facility for fire compartments;

4) location, dimensions and length of ways to evacuate people (including disabled people and other population groups with disabilities) when the fire occurs, ensuring the modern protection of ways to evacuation, the characteristics of the fire hazard of the materials of the walls, floors and ceilings on the evacuation paths, the number location and dimensions of evacuation outputs;

5) characteristics or parameters of fire detection systems, alerts and control of the evacuation of people in a fire (taking into account the peculiarities of persons with disabilities and other population groups with disabilities), as well as automatic fire extinguishing and anti-refinery systems;

6) measures to ensure the possibility of travel and the entrance of fire equipment, the safety of the personnel of the personnel of fire protection and filing fire extinguishing equipment to the fire fire, the parameters of fire extinguishing systems, including outdoor and internal fire supply water supply;

7) Organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety of the building or facilities in the process of their construction and operation.

Article 18. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures with hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts

1. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the construction and operation of which are planned in difficult conditions, in cases provided for in the task of designing a building or structure, in project documentation should be provided:

1) measures aimed at protecting people, buildings or structures, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reduction of the effects of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and technogenic effects;

2) constructive measures that reduce the sensitivity of building structures and the grounds for the effects of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts;

3) measures to improve the properties of ground fitness;

4) management of construction work in ways that do not lead to the manifestation of new and (or) intensification of existing hazardous natural processes and phenomena.

2. In cases where measures aimed at protecting people, buildings or structures, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and technological impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reducing the effects of dangerous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, including the engineering protection device, and the construction of a building or structure can lead to the intensification of hazardous natural processes and phenomena in adjacent territories, the corresponding compensation should be provided in the project documentation Recovery activities.

3. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the project documentation should provide for anti-emergency protection of engineering systems.

4. When justifying the project decisions adopted, the level of responsibility of engineering and emergency protection structures should be adopted in accordance with the level of responsibility of protected buildings or structures.

5. Project documentation of the building or structure, including engineering protection structures, should contain the limits of permissible changes in the parameters characterizing the safety of objects and the geological environment in the construction and operation process. The design documentation may provide for the need for the construction and operation of the designed building or the construction of monitoring of environmental components (including the state of the surrounding buildings and structures that fall into the area of \u200b\u200bthe impact of the construction and operation of the designed building or structure), the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering and technical support systems of the designed building or structure, engineering protection structures.

6. In the project documentation of residential buildings, equipment such buildings should be provided for technical devices to automatically disconnect the water supply during emergency situations.

Article 19. Requirements for ensuring the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements

To ensure the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the design documentation of buildings and facilities with premises with the constant stay of people, with the exception of objects of individual housing construction, a device for water supply systems, sewage, heating, ventilation, power supply should be provided.

Article 20. Requirements for air quality

1. In the design documentation of buildings and structures, equipment of buildings and structures of the ventilation system should be provided. In the design documentation of buildings and structures, equipment can be provided for air conditioning system. The ventilation and air conditioning systems should ensure that air can be supplied with the content of harmful substances that do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations for such premises or for the working area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises.

2. In the design documentation of the building and facilities with premises with the stay of people, measures should be provided for:

1) restricting the penetration of dust, moisture, harmful and unpleasant substances from atmospheric air;

2) ensuring air exchange sufficient for timely removal of harmful substances from the air and maintaining the chemical composition of air in proportions favorable for human activity;

3) preventing penetration into rooms with a constant stay of people of harmful and unpleasant smelling substances from pipelines of systems and devices of sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, from air ducts and technological pipelines, as well as exhaust gases from built-in car parkings;

4) prevention of the penetration of soil gases (radon, methane) in the premises, if, in the process of engineering research, their presence on the territory on which will be built and operating a building or structure will be carried out.

Article 21. Requirements to ensure water quality used as drinking and for household needs

In the design documentation of external and internal networks for the supply of buildings and structures with water used as drinking and (or) for household needs, measures should be provided to ensure the submission of the required amount of water and prevent its pollution.

Article 22. Requirements for the provision of insolation and sunscreens

1. Buildings should be designed in such a way that in residential premises is provided with sufficient duration of insolation or sunscreen in order to create safe living conditions regardless of its term.

2. The fulfillment of the requirements provided for by part 1 of this article should be provided with measures for the orientation of residential premises on the parties of light, as well as measures of a constructive and planning nature, including the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Article 23. Requirements for Lighting

1. In the aboveground floors of buildings and structures, premises with a permanent stay of people should be provided with natural or combined, as well as artificial lighting, and in underground floors - artificial lighting, sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to the health of people.

2. In the rooms located in the above-ground floors and facilities, in which, according to the conditions of technological processes, the possibility of natural lighting is excluded, artificial lighting should be provided sufficient to prevent the threat of causing human health.

3. In the cases provided for in the design task, the building or construction project documentation should provide devices for outdoor lighting.

Article 24. Requirements for protection against noise

1. Placement of the building or facilities on the ground, the design values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of building structures, the characteristics of the types of engineering equipment adopted in the design documentation provided for in the design documentation of the improvement activities of the adjacent territory must ensure the protection of people from:

1) air noise created by external sources (outside the building);

2) air noise created in other premises of the building or facilities;

3) shock noise;

4) noise generated by equipment;

5) excessive reversing noise indoors.

2. In a building or structure that may be a source of noise leading to an unacceptable overestimation of the level of air noise in the territory on which the construction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, measures should be provided to reduce the noise level, the source of which is the designed building or Construction.

3. Noise protection must be provided:

1) in the premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

2) within the territory of the territory on which the construction and operation of the building or construction will be carried out.

4. Indoors and on open areas, where the safety of people being created by the sound of the sound, the safety of people may depend on ensuring the optimal volume and sensibility of sound.

Article 25. Requirements for ensuring moisture protection

1. In the project documentation, building and structures should provide for design solutions, providing:

1) drainage from the outer surfaces of the enclosing building structures, including roof, and from underground building structures of the building and facilities;

2) waterproof of the roof, exterior walls, floors, as well as the walls of underground floors and floors on the soil;

3) preventing condensate formation on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures, with the exception of translucent parts of windows and stained glass windows.

2. In the event that this is established in the design task, the project documentation should also provide for measures to prevent the flooding of premises and building structures during accidents on water supply systems.

Article 26. Requirements for Protection against Vibration

In the project documentation, building and structures should provide measures to ensure that the vibration in the building and building does not harm the health of people.

Article 27. Requirements for protection against electromagnetic field

In the design documentation of the building and facilities, the construction of which is planned in the territory where the level of electromagnetic field strength created by the industrial frequency and (or) transmitting power transmission lines and (or) transmitting radio engineering objects exceeds the maximum allowable, measures should be provided to reduce this level in the premises with stay. People and in the adjacent territory by complying with the requirements for sanitary protection zones and shielding from the electromagnetic field.

Article 28. Requirements for protection against ionizing radiation

1. In the design documentation of the building and facilities, the construction of which is planned in the territory, which, in accordance with the results of engineering research, it is rare-hazardous, measures should be provided for the deactivation of the territory and to ensure the ventilation of the premises whose designs are in contact with the soil.

2. The project documentation should be used in the construction of materials and products with an indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, not exceeding the limit value established on the basis of the need to ensure the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation.

Article 29. Requirements for the microclimate of the room

1. The design documentation of the building or structure should define the values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the enclosing structures and constructive solutions that ensure the compliance of the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the following heat engineering characteristics in the required values \u200b\u200bestablished on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises are

1) the heat transfer resistance of the enclosing building structures of the building or facilities;

2) the temperature difference on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures and air temperature inside the building or facility during the heating period;

3) the heat resistance of the enclosing building structures during the warm period of the year and the premises of the building or facilities during the cold period of the year;

4) resistance to air permeation of enclosing building structures;

5) resistance to vapor permeation of enclosing building structures;

6) the heat of the surface of the floors.

2. Along with the requirements provided for by part 1 of this article, in the design documentation of the building or structure, measures should be provided to prevent the conjunction of the enhancement building structures, the accumulation of moisture on their surface and to ensure the durability of these structures.

3. The systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning and the requirements installed in the project documentation must ensure the requirements of the current federal law of the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the following parameters of the premises with the required values \u200b\u200bof the following parameters of the indoor microclimate and transitional periods of the year established on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions:

1) air temperature inside a building or structure;

2) the resulting temperature;

3) air movement speed;

4) relative humidity.

4. Estimated values \u200b\u200bmust be determined taking into account the appointment of buildings or structures, the conditions of residence or activities of people in the premises. Accounting is also subject to excess heat in industrial premises.

5. In the technical solutions of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, the possibility of autonomous regulation of the parameters of the microclimate of the premises should be provided.

6. The design documentation of the building or structure should also provide technical solutions to ensure the thermal and hydraulic sustainability of heating systems with changes in the external and internal conditions of operation of a building or structure during all periods of the year.

Article 30. Security requirements for users buildings and structures

1. The parameters of the elements of building structures, the values \u200b\u200bof which in the project documentation should be provided in such a way that the likelihood of accidents on the occurrence of accidents and injury to people (taking into account persons with disabilities and other populations with disabilities) when moving on a building or construction and adjacent territory as a result of sliding, falling or collision, are:

1) The height of the roofs, balconies, loggias, terraces, outdoor galleries, staircase marches, platforms and open pit from a building or structures, open pedestrian crossings, including over bridges and overpass, as well as drops in the floor level or level of land on the adjacent territory;

2) The slope of stairs and ramps, the width of the emergence and height of the stairs on the stairs, the height of the lift along one continuous staircase march and ramp. It is unacceptable to use steps of different heights within one staircase march. Railings and handrails for fencing stairs, ramps and staircases must be continuous;

3) the height of the thresholds, door and unlocked openings in the walls on the paths of moving people, the height of the passage along the stairs, the basement, exploited by the attic, the height of the passages under the protruding and on the sides of the way of moving people by elements of building structures or equipment.

2. The design of fences in accordance with the requirements provided for in this article should limit the possibility of random fall from the height (including from the roofs of buildings) of items that may be injured by people under a fired structural element.

3. To ensure the free movement of people, as well as the possibility of evacuation of patients on stretchers, disabled people using wheelchairs, and other population groups with disabilities, a sufficient width of door and unscrewed openings in the walls, staircase marches and platforms, ramps should be provided. Rotary sites, corridors, passes between stationary elements of technological equipment of industrial buildings and elements of equipping public buildings.

4. On the paths of moving vehicles within a building or structure and in the adjacent territory, measures should be provided to ensure the safety of people's movement.

5. In the design documentation of buildings and structures should be provided:

1) devices for preventing the random movement of mobile elements of the building or structure (including in case of refusal of automatic braking devices), which can lead to accidents on the occurrence of accidents and injury to people;

2) the design of windows, ensuring their safe operation, including washing and cleaning outdoor surfaces;

3) devices to prevent accidental loss of people from window openings (in cases where the bottom of the opening below the height of the center of gravity of most adults);

4) sufficient lighting of ways to move people and vehicles;

5) Placing well-distinguishable warning signs on transparent door canvases and partitions.

6. In the pedestrian zones of buildings and structures, more than forty-meter facilities should provide protective devices to ensure the safety of people's stay in these areas under the action of wind.

7. Design decisions of buildings and structures in order to ensure the availability of buildings and structures for disabled people and other population groups with disabilities must provide:

1) reach visiting sites and the unhindered movement of displacement inside buildings and structures;

2) Security of ways of movement (including evacuation), as well as accommodation places, places of service and places of employment of the specified population groups.

8. The parameters of the pathways, equipping special devices and the size of the premises for those specified in paragraph 7 of this article in the populations provided for in the project documentation should be justified in accordance with Part 6 of Article of this Federal Law.

9. To prevent burns from obtaining burns when using elements of engineering and engineering systems or engineering systems in project documentation, it should be provided:

1) limiting the temperature of the surfaces of the available parts of heating devices and feeding heating pipelines or the device of fences that impede the contact of people with these parts;

2) restriction of hot air temperature from the outlet of air heating devices;

3) Restriction of hot water temperature in the hot water supply system.

10. In order to prevent electric shock, the project decisions should include measures to ensure the safety of electrical installations.

11. Project documentation should provide measures to prevent accidents and injury to people as a result of explosions, including:

1) compliance with the safety rules of the device of heating systems, hot water supply, gas - spreading equipment, chimneys, chimneys, tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids and gases;

2) compliance with the rules for the safe installation of heat generators and installations for liquefied gases;

3) regulation of heating and pressure temperature in hot water and heating systems;

4) Preventing excessive accumulation of explosive substances in air of premises, including by using gas control devices.

12. Emergency coverage should be provided for security in emergency situations in project documentation.

13. To ensure protection against unauthorized invasion of buildings and structures, compliance with the following requirements:

1) in buildings with a large number of visitors (viewers), as well as in the buildings of educational, medical, banking organizationsThe facilities of the transport infrastructure should provide for measures aimed at reducing the possibility of criminal manifestations and their consequences;

2) Systems and facilities provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, television observation systems, alarm systems and other systems, aimed at ensuring protection against threats of terrorist nature and unauthorized invasion, should be arranged.

14. In the design documentation of residential buildings, facilities of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, measures should be provided for ensuring the unimpeded access of persons with disabilities and other populations with disabilities of movement to such objects.

Article 31. Requirement for energy efficiency of buildings and structures

1. In the event that this is provided for in the design task, the project documentation should provide for decisions on individual elements, building structures of buildings and structures, properties of such elements and building structures, as well as devices, and materials used in buildings and structures allowing to eliminate the inertial consumption of energy resources during the operation of buildings and structures.

2. In the event that this is provided for in the design task, the design documentation should provide for the equipment of buildings and structures to the instruments of accounting for energy resources used.

3. Compliance of buildings and structures with the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements of the equipment of buildings and structures to the instruments of accounting used energy resources should be provided by choosing in the design documentation of optimal architectural, functional and technological, constructive and engineering solutions.

Article 32. Requirements for environmental protection

Environmental protection activities provided for in the design documentation of the building or structure in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation should prevent or minimize the provision of negative impact on the environment.

Article 33. Requirements for the prevention of actions that are misleading purchases

In order to prevent actions that are misleading acquirers, the project documentation of the building or structure must contain the following information:

1) identification signs of a building or structure in accordance with Part 1 of Article of this Federal Law;

2) the service life of the building or structures and their parts;

3) indicators of energy efficiency of a building or structure;

4) The degree of fire resistance of a building or structure.

Chapter 4. Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures in the construction process, reconstruction, capital and current repairs

Article 34. Requirements for building materials and products used in the construction process of buildings and structures

1. The construction of a building or structure should be carried out using building materials and products that ensure the compliance of the building or building the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

2. Building materials and products must comply with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

3. A person engaged in building a building or structure, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, should monitor the compliance of the construction materials and products used, including building materials produced on the territory on which construction, the requirements of the project documentation during the entire process Construction.

Article 35. Requirements for the construction of buildings and structures, conservation of the object, the construction of which is not completed

Construction, reconstruction, capital and current repair of a building or structure, the conservation of the object, the construction of which is not completed, should be carried out in such a way that the negative impact on the environment is minimal and did not arise a threat to the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, life and health of animals and plants.

Chapter 5. Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during operation, when operating operation and in the demolition process (dismantling)

Article 36. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during operation

1. The safety of the building or structure during operation should be provided through maintenance, periodic examinations and control checks and (or) monitoring the state of the base, construction structures and engineering systems, as well as through current repairs of a building or structure.

2. Parameters and other characteristics of building structures and engineering systems during the operation of the building or facilities must comply with the requirements of the project documentation. The specified compliance should be maintained by maintenance and confirm during periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring the state of the foundation, building structures and systems of engineering and technical support conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The operation of buildings and structures should be organized in such a way that the compliance of buildings and structures was ensured by the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements of the equipment of buildings and structures for taking into account the energy resources used during the entire service life of buildings and structures.

Article 37. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during the termination of operation and in the demolition process (dismantling)

1. With the termination of the operation of the building or structure, the owner of the building or facilities should take measures to cause harm to the population and the environment, including measures that prevent the unauthorized access of people in a building or structure, as well as carry out measures for the disposal of construction trash.

2. Safety of technical solutions for demolition (dismantling) Buildings or structures using explosions, combustion or other hazardous methods should be justified by one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article of this Federal Law.

Chapter 6. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

Article 38. General provisions on assessing the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures for design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

1. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is carried out in order to:

1) certifying the compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) certificates of conformity of the characteristics of the building or the structure established in the project documentation, the requirements of this Federal Law before the construction of a building or structure;

3) certificates of conformity of the characteristics of the building or structure, the construction of which is completed, the requirements of this Federal Law before entering a building or structure to operation;

4) a periodic certificate of compliance of the characteristics of the building operated or the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation to confirm the possibility of further operation of the building or structure.

2. Assessment of compliance with the results of engineering surveys should be determined by the compliance of such results with the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Assessment of the compliance of project documentation should be determined by the compliance of the project documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law and the results of engineering surveys.

4. Assessment of the compliance of the building or structure in the construction process and when it is completed, the compliance of the work performed in the construction process, the results of their implementation and the applied building materials and products of the requirements of this Federal Law and the project documentation should be determined.

5. The assessment of the compliance of the building or structure during operation should be determined by the compliance of the building or the requirements of the requirements of this Federal Law and the project documentation.

Article 39. Rules of mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning and disposal (demolition)

1. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, setup and disposal (demolition) is carried out in the form:

1) statements on the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) the state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation;

3) construction control;

4) state construction supervision;

5) statements on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or the construction of project documentation;

6) statements on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or building the requirements of this Federal Law;

7) commissioning object.

2. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys) in the form specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who prepared project documentation by drawing up the certification that the project Documentation is designed in accordance with the design task and requirements of this Federal Law.

3. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including research), construction, installation, setup and disposal (demolition) in the forms specified in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out only In cases stipulated by law on urban planning activities.

4. Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction processes, installation, setup in the form provided by clause 5 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out by the face of construction (by the face that implemented construction, and the developer (Customer) In the case of construction on the basis of the contract), by signing the document confirming the compliance of the built, reconstructed or repaired building or the construction of project documentation. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction processes, installation, setup in this form is not carried out in respect of individual housing construction facilities.

5. A mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction processes, installation, setup in the form provided for in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out by the face that has implemented construction by signing a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or A renovated building or facilities to the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. An assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys) in the form specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out until the project documentation approval in accordance with the law on urban planning activities.

7. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, setup and disposal (demolition) in the forms specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 and 7 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out In accordance with the rules and on time, which are established by law on urban planning activities.

8. An assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of construction, installation, commissioning and disposal (demolition) in the forms specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Part 1 of this article, is carried out after the construction, reconstruction, overhaul. Buildings or structures before entering a building or structure to operation.

Article 40. Rules of mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes

1. Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes, the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements established in project documentation are carried out in shape:

1) operational control;

2) state control (supervision).

2. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes in the form of operational control, is carried out by the person responsible for the operation of a building or structure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and with structures of operation processes in the form of state control (supervision) is carried out by authorized federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in cases and in the manner established by federal laws.

Article 41. Rules of voluntary assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition)

1. A voluntary assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is carried out in the form of a non-state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation, author's supervisory , surveys of buildings and structures, the state of their grounds, building structures and engineering systems and in other forms stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. A voluntary assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as related to buildings and structures of design processes (including research), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 7. Final Provisions

Article 42. Final provisions

1. Requirements for buildings and facilities, as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition), established by this Federal Law, are not applied up to reconstruction or overhaul. Buildings or facilities to the following buildings and facilities:

1) to buildings and structures commissioned before the entry into force of such requirements;

2) to buildings and structures, construction, reconstruction and overhaul of which are carried out in accordance with project documentation approved or aimed at state expertise prior to entry into force of such requirements;

3) to buildings and structures, the project documentation of which is not subject to state expertise and the application for the extradition of the construction permit of which is submitted before the entry into force of such requirements.

2. For the purposes of this Federal Law, construction standards and rules approved until the day of the entry into force of this Federal Law are recognized by the crops.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation no later than thirty days before the day of entry into force of this Federal Law approves a list of national standards and rules arrangements, as a result of the application of which the requirements of this Federal Law are compliance with the compliance.

4. The national authority of the Russian Federation on standardization no later than thirty days before the day of entry into force of this Federal Law approves, publishes and places a list of documents in the field of standardization of this Federal Law in accordance with Part 7, as a result of the application of which is provided on a voluntary basis. Compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

5. The authorized federal executive body no later than July 1, 2012 shall actualization of construction standards and rules recognized in accordance with this Federal Law of the Rules and Included in the Approved Government of the Russian Federation and the list of national standards and arches rules.

Article 43. On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"

Chapter 1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 52, Art. 5140; 2007, No. 19, Art. 2293; No. 49, Art. 6070; 2009 , No. 29, Art. 3626) Supplement Article 5.1 of the following content:

"Article 5.1. Features of technical regulation in the safety of buildings and structures

Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are established by the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures". ".

Article 44. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law comes into force on the expiration of six months from the date of its official publication, with the exception of Article 43 of this Federal Law.

2. Article 43 of this Federal Law enters into force on the date of the official publication of this Federal Law.

1. The parameters of the elements of building structures, the values \u200b\u200bof which in the project documentation should be provided in such a way that the likelihood of accidents on the occurrence of accidents and injury to people (taking into account persons with disabilities and other populations with disabilities) when moving on a building or construction and adjacent territory as a result of sliding, falling or collision, are:

1) The height of the roofs, balconies, loggias, terraces, outdoor galleries, staircase marches, platforms and open pit from a building or structures, open pedestrian crossings, including over bridges and overpass, as well as drops in the floor level or level of land on the adjacent territory;

2) The slope of stairs and ramps, the width of the emergence and height of the stairs on the stairs, the height of the lift along one continuous staircase march and ramp. It is unacceptable to use steps of different heights within one staircase march. Railings and handrails for fencing stairs, ramps and staircases must be continuous;

3) the height of the thresholds, door and unlocked openings in the walls on the paths of moving people, the height of the passage along the stairs, the basement, exploited by the attic, the height of the passages under the protruding and on the sides of the way of moving people by elements of building structures or equipment.

2. The design of fences in accordance with the requirements provided for in this article should limit the possibility of random fall from the height (including from the roofs of buildings) of items that may be injured by people under a fired structural element.

3. To ensure the free movement of people, as well as the possibility of evacuation of patients on stretchers, disabled people using wheelchairs, and other population groups with disabilities, a sufficient width of door and unscrewed openings in the walls, staircase marches and platforms, ramps should be provided. Rotary sites, corridors, passes between stationary elements of technological equipment of industrial buildings and elements of equipping public buildings.

4. On the paths of moving vehicles within a building or structure and in the adjacent territory, measures should be provided to ensure the safety of people's movement.

5. In the design documentation of buildings and structures should be provided:

1) devices for preventing the random movement of mobile elements of the building or structure (including in case of refusal of automatic braking devices), which can lead to accidents on the occurrence of accidents and injury to people;

2) the design of windows, ensuring their safe operation, including washing and cleaning outdoor surfaces;

3) devices to prevent accidental loss of people from window openings (in cases where the bottom of the opening below the height of the center of gravity of most adults);

4) sufficient lighting of ways to move people and vehicles;

5) Placing well-distinguishable warning signs on transparent door canvases and partitions.

6. In the pedestrian zones of buildings and structures, more than forty-meter facilities should provide protective devices to ensure the safety of people's stay in these areas under the action of wind.

7. Design decisions of buildings and structures in order to ensure the availability of buildings and structures for disabled people and other population groups with disabilities must provide:

1) reach visiting sites and the unhindered movement of displacement inside buildings and structures;

2) Security of ways of movement (including evacuation), as well as accommodation places, places of service and places of employment of the specified population groups.

8. The parameters of the pathways, equipping by special devices and the size of the premises for the groups specified in paragraph 7 of this article, provided for in project documentation, should be justified in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

9. To prevent burns from obtaining burns when using elements of engineering and engineering systems or engineering systems in project documentation, it should be provided:

1) limiting the temperature of the surfaces of the available parts of heating devices and feeding heating pipelines or the device of fences that impede the contact of people with these parts;

2) restriction of hot air temperature from the outlet of air heating devices;

3) Restriction of hot water temperature in the hot water supply system.

10. In order to prevent electric shock, the project decisions should include measures to ensure the safety of electrical installations.

11. Project documentation should provide measures to prevent accidents and injury to people as a result of explosions, including:

1) compliance with the safety rules of the device of heating systems, hot water supply, gas - spreading equipment, chimneys, chimneys, tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids and gases;

2) compliance with the rules for the safe installation of heat generators and installations for liquefied gases;

3) regulation of heating and pressure temperature in hot water and heating systems;

4) Preventing excessive accumulation of explosive substances in air of premises, including by using gas control devices.

12. Emergency coverage should be provided for security in emergency situations in project documentation.

13. To ensure protection against unauthorized invasion of buildings and structures, compliance with the following requirements:

1) in buildings with a large number of visitors (viewers), as well as in buildings of educational, medical, banking organizations, measures should be provided for reducing the possibility of criminal manifestations and their consequences at the facilities of the transport infrastructure.

2) Systems and facilities provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, television observation systems, alarm systems and other systems, aimed at ensuring protection against threats of terrorist nature and unauthorized invasion, should be arranged.

14. In the design documentation of residential buildings, facilities of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, measures should be provided for ensuring the unimpeded access of persons with disabilities and other populations with disabilities of movement to such objects.

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