
ZOS - order of receipt, main problems and decision methods. Instruments for accounting used energy resources Conclusion On the conformity of the constructed object of the project

Providing municipal
services "issuing permits for commissioning of facilities
when carrying out construction, reconstruction of objects
capital construction located in the territory
municipal formation of the city district city of Surgut "

confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed object of capital construction of project documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of capital construction facilities of the accounting instruments of energy resources used

Name of the property: __________________________________________________________________

(in line with construction permission)

Developer ____________________________________________________________________

(Name of the organization, INN for legal entities; FF, Inn - for individuals)

Project documentation Developed _________________________________________________

(Name of the project organization, INN)

Address of the object: _____________________________________________________________________

(It is indicated by the full address: the subject of the Russian Federation, Municipal Education, Settlement, Street, House, Corps, Building,

guidelining document on the assignment of postal address)

Construction was carried out:

(Contracting organizations by types of work, in case of work under the contract)

General Contractor: _________________________________________________________

(Name of the organization, TIN)

Followed by the executor of work to acceptance: ___________________________________

(object name in accordance with project documentation)

____________________________________________________________________ _____________

Option A (for all objects, except for residential buildings)

it has the following main indicators of power, performance, production area, length, capacity, volume, bandwidth, sustainable ability, number of jobs and so on.


unit of measurement

By project


general, taking into account previously accepted

general, taking into account previously accepted

including start-up complex or queue

Building volume of the building, including the above-ground part

Total area of \u200b\u200bthe building

Square of non-residential premises

Square for built-in and attached premises

Trading area

Extension of engineering networks

Elevators, escalators, wheelchairs

Number of floors, including underground

Number of parking lots, shifts, beds and so on

Foundation materials

Materials of walls

Overlapping materials

Roof materials

Option b (for residential buildings)

A residential building submitted to acceptance has the following indicators:


unit of measurement

By project

Total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (with the exception of balconies, loggias, veranda and terraces)

The total area of \u200b\u200bnon-residential premises, including the area of \u200b\u200bcommon property in an apartment building

Number of floors

Including underground

Number of sections

Number of apartments / total area, total






more than 4-room

Total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (including balconies, loggias, veranda and terraces)

Networks and engineering systems

Length (route / pipeline, cable):


Disabled lifts

Foundation materials

Materials of walls

Overlapping materials

Roof materials

Commissioning of economic class housing

(required to fill for residential buildings according to the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of 14.11.2016 N 800 / PR)

Name of the indicator

total area

Number of residential houses

Number of apartments in residential buildings

total residential premises

residential premises of the economic class

in which all residential premises are related to the housing of the economic class

which are attributed to the housing of the economic class

Housing of economic class


In apartment buildings

In individual residential buildings

In the houses of blocked building

Types of engineering equipment: _________________________________________________

(specify connection points (equipment), including existing networks)

____________________________________________________________________ ______________


I confirm that the parameters of the constructed object "________________________________________________________" correspond to the project documentation, including the requirements of the energy efficiency and the requirements of the object of capital construction of the accounting devices used by energy resources:

____________________________________________________________________ ______________

(Full information is indicated about the results of the studies, see Part 3.1 of Art. 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)


unit of measurement

By project


Energy Efficiency Class Building (for residential buildings)

Specific consumption of thermal energy per 1 square meter. Meter Square

Materials insulation outdoor enclosing structures

Filling light openings

Energy resource accounting devices

(Construction person (signature) (signature decoding)

"____" ____________ 20__g.

___________________________________ ______________ ___________ _______________

(Developer) (Signature) (Signature Decoding)

"____" ____________ 20__g.

Note: * The data is specified according to the technical plan.

Good afternoon friends! We were discussed in past articles about notifications. But here's the result of all, about the end, what is?

Of course, we all ultimately want to obtain from the GSN authorities about the conference of the established, reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of the capital construction of the accounting devices used by energy resources.

Here is such a long name for this document, but briefly just zos.

What it is?

According to Part 3 of Art. 55 GRK of the RF for facilities It is necessary to submit a list of documents, including the conclusion of conformity issued by the GSN authorities.

If anyone gives you permission to enter in the absence of this document, it will be attracted to administrative responsibility under Part 4 of Art. 9.5 Administrative Code. Also can appeal your permission to enter and cancel it.

This document is issued by the GOS bodies on the results of the implementation during construction. Reconstruction of the State Construction Supervision in accordance with the requirements of Art. 54 GRK RF. If you did not dismiss the GSN bodies on the start of construction and the Gosstroynadzor did not exercise on your facility, then the conclusion of compliance with you will not be issued. You will have to introduce an object into operation in court by appointing a forensic examination of the work performed, etc.

What a conclusion looks like

To enlarge click on the picture

Usually, the conclusion is attached to the act of the final audit and the order for approving the conclusion. The form of conclusion is given in the RD 11-04-2006.

How to get it

To get this document, the developer must draw the following steps

  • submit to the GOS organs
  • when needed to feed subject to verification
  • present on time
  • upon completion of construction submit to the GSN bodies
  • after receiving the act of the final check without comments to apply for the issuance of a conclusion ()

Also, the procedure for obtaining this document is described in detail in the RD 11-04-2006.

If you have any questions, then feel free to ask them in the comments. See you soon.

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the question is solved


Lawyers Answers (3)

1.1. The construction supervision service and housing control of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (hereinafter - the service) is the executive authority of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (hereinafter - the Edge), which implements the regional state construction supervision, regional state housing supervision and state control and supervision in the field of the equity construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects on the basis and pursuant to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regional charter, the laws of the region, the legal acts of the regional governor and the government of the region.
1.2. Full official service name: construction supervision service and housing control of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

And in accordance with the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of December 26, 2006 N 1129 "On Approval and Enforcement of the Procedure for conducting inspections in the implementation of the State Construction Supervision and issuing conclusions on the confonses of constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facilities Requirements for technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts, project documentation "

27. According to the results of the verification, the act of verification is issued in the manner determined by the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ, the software established by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2009 N 141 "On the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law" On Protection of rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 13, 2009, registration N 13915). In the absence of detected violations, the ACT inspection results are the basis for circulation of a developer or a technical customer for issuing a conclusion about the convened, reconstructed capital construction facility requirements, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of capital construction Accounting devices used energy resources.
28. The state-building supervision body within 10 working days after receiving the appeal of the developer or the technical customer specified in this Procedure issues the compliance of the established, reconstructed object of capital construction, the requirements of technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, including the requirements of the Energy The effectiveness and requirements of the equipment of the capital construction of the accounting devices used by energy resources (hereinafter referred to as compliance), and in the absence of grounds for issuing a conclusion, it takes refusal to issue such a conclusion in compliance with the requirements of the implementation of the State Construction Supervision in the Russian Federation and this Procedure.
V. The procedure for issuing conclusions on the conformity of constructed, reconstructed capital construction facilities with the requirements of technical regulations, project documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of the capital construction of the instruments of accounting energy resources used
29. Conclusion of compliance (to this Procedure), or the decision to refuse to issue such a conclusion (to this Procedure), is issued by an official of the state building supervision authority to the developer or technical customer within 10 working days from the date of the appropriate appeal for issuing a conclusion.
30. On confidence or refusal to issue such a conclusion is made up in 2 copies, each of which is signed by an official (persons) of the body of the State Construction Supervision, who carried out the verification of the construction of the object of capital construction, and is approved by the order (order) of the head (Deputy Head) of the Authority State construction supervision.

Good luck to you

fee 100%

Hello. The courts come from the following:

From the Resolution of the Fourth Arbitration Court of Appeal of 07.02.2014 in case No. A19-5453 / 2013

Clause 7 of Part 3 of Article 55 of the GCC of the Russian Federation established that to make a decision on issuing permission to commission the Object situation, including documents confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction facility, and signed by representatives of organizations engaged in the operation of engineering networks technical support.
The form of a document confirming the compliance of the subject with the technical conditions and the procedure for its issuance is determined by organizations issued technical conditions.

That is the answer to the question:

Do we ourselves or power supplying organization prepare such a document?


Such a document is preparing the ECO, and each may have its own form - a certificate, an act, conclusion. That is why in the GRK of the RF, its name is not specified, but simply indicated - the document.

Conclusion about reporting

Galtsov Dmitry Aleksandrovich

After completing the construction of the property (OX), reconstruction or overhaul, it is possible to put it into operation only after receiving the appropriate permission, which is directly referred to as the article 55 of the Town Planning Code.

Part 3 of this article requires to provide a package of certain documents for this, among which, conclusion of conformity.

Conclusion of compliance (IOS) - a document issued by the authority of the State Construction Supervision (if such a type of control is envisaged), and indicating the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed object of capital construction, the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and requirements Equipment of the object of capital construction of taking into account the energy resources used.

The issuance of the ZOS is included in the list of public services provided (taking into account the accessories that the object has) federal or the authorities of the subject of the Federation. The foundation is the RF GK. Parts of the 3rd and 4th Article.54.

This conclusion is issued by the regional authority of the State Speed \u200b\u200b(GHN), is the final document and indicates that the completed object fully meets the requirements of technical regulations existing project documentation. Including those that regulate the requirements for the energy efficiency of the facility (OCC) and its equipment to devices that allow you to organize the consumption of energy consumption.

It should be remembered that, according to the provisions of the current legislation, the regional GSN proceeds to the organization of state supervision at the facility, starting from the start of its construction (as the relevant body is obliged to prevent the technical customer or the developer himself, by submitting written notice). Foundation: GRK of the Russian Federation, Ch.5 52th article. And completes this work at the time of issuing ZOS.

In a situation where, according to the fault of the developer, such supervision was not organized at the facility, the GPN has the right to refuse to design the required document, as it cannot guarantee all the work performed in accordance with the provisions of the current standards and rules.

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When the construction of partially (at a separate stage) was carried out by the developer without notifying the PSN representatives, introduce such an object into operation will be much more complicated.

To legitimize the unauthorized construction, it will be necessary to conduct an independent examination with the involvement of a licensed organization. Its results are transmitted to GSN.

In such situations, the decision on issuing a conclusion about conformation, or refusal to consider the application, is made by the representative of the SPM independently. The standard that bindsing to take these documents for consideration (as a legitimate estimated base) in Russia does not exist.

Normative base

The design and issuance of the IOS on the completed object occurs according to the requirements of the following legislative and departmental regulatory documents:

  • Town Planning Code. The text of the document is approved by the 190-FZ law dated December 29, 2004 (as amended on 04.23.18);
  • Federal Law 384-FZ, dated December 30, 2009. Actual version dated 07/02/13;
  • Government decree dated 01.02.06 registered under No. 54 (as amended as of 02.28.18);
  • "The procedure for making inspections at the facility" (RD-11-04-2006), approved by Order No. 1129, published by Rostechnadzor on December 26, 2006 (as amended on 07/12/15);
  • "Requirements for executive documentation" (RD-11-02-2006), approved by Order No. 1128, published by Rostekhnadzor 26.12.06 (as amended on 09.11.17);
  • "The procedure for doing business" (RD-11-03-2006), approved by Order No. 1130, published by Rostekhnadzor 26.12.06 (as amended at 21.10.15).

In addition to these documents, in each subject of the Federation, their own regulations are developed, the provisions of which are taken into account by issuing the conclusion that the object meets all the requirements.

Sequence of obtaining conclusion

This question is considered in detail in the RD-11-04.2006.

1. The technical customer or the developer submits to the Regional Office of Gosstroyadzor the notice of completed construction (reconstruction) of the object. This requirement of p.25 RD-11-04-2006.

Notification is given only after the following items are fulfilled:

  • The end of the construction of the object (its reconstruction or overhaul);
  • Elimination of disorders identified at the object;
  • Preparation of a package of executive documentation that leads all the construction time.

Their list is shown in RD-11-02-2006.

2. The representative of the Regional Office of the State Speaker, the Representative of the Regional Department of the State Speaker, is made to conduct a summary check of the facility. The decision time of the decision is seven working days, considering from the date of registration of the appropriate notice.

On the check time, the official of the State Sadzor notifies the developer according to the requirement of paragraph 9 of the RD-11-04-2006. Duration of testing, up to 30 days.

Until its start, the following types of work are carried out at the facility (usually performed at the final stage of the SMR):

  • Provided tests of mounted equipment (available engineering systems). Their control starts in the presence of a representative of the customer;
  • Registration of an act of reception (when performing work under the order), signed by the customer and a representative of the contractor. The foundation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 753 Item 4.

The form of the Act "KS-11" was approved and improved in accordance with the decisions of the GKSRF for No. 71a (dated 30.10.97) and No. 100, from 11/11/99.

As part of the inspection, additional discharge blocks are:

  • checking the presence of the necessary references from third parties that are interested bodies (for example: compliance with PUE and fire safety requirements);
  • implementing integrated verification launches of equipment installed on the object (up to 72 hours of continuous operation in normal mode under nominal loads).

For the period of checking the facility, all the necessary documentation is provided by the developer to the Regional Office of Gosstroyadzor. The basis, paragraph 4 of the RD-11-02-2006.

The list of necessary documents that must be transmitted is defined in the existing project documentation (clause 3 of RD-11-04-2006).

3. The results of the final check of the facility are issued "act of verification of the capital construction object".

This document serves as a legally legitimate basis of the right of the Customer to apply for a conclusion (paragraph 27 of RD-11-04-2006).

4. After receiving an act of checking the completed construction of the OX, the technical customer addresses the regional department of Gosstroyadzor (in writing, in an arbitrary form) with a request to design an IOS (paragraph 2 of RD-11-04-2006).

To the application you need to attach:

  • "ACT", signed by the GSN representative;
  • The act of receiving the object (when the latter is built according to the concluded contract).

5. The regional representation of the Gosstroynadzor issues the applicant the required conclusion of compliance (IOS). Time, ten working days, counting from the moment of registration of the received appeal.

If there are legally provided reasons, then a motivated refusal is sent to the applicant's address on the issuance of a document of compliance with the requirements of buildings and structures that are presented to them by applicable documents.

When you can get a refusal

There are only two reasons to refuse to the applicant in the issuance of the conclusion necessary for him.

  1. When working on the construction of the facility there was a number of violations (an example, non-compliance with the requirements of existing tr, joint ventures and standards), and they were not eliminated at the date of issuing a document.
  2. After completion of the work, the "Act of the Check" was not issued.

There are no other grounds for law.

What you need to pay attention during the work

For guaranteed to obtain a conclusion of compliance required:

  • Compliance of all work performed by the provisions of existing standards;
  • Compliance of project documentation. This item is often omitted when in the construction process promptly needs to be adjusted to this or another design solution, or change the materials used.

It all depends on the nature of the changes made to the PD during construction, in some cases it is necessary to re-under the expertise of the project documentation before the delivery of the facility.

Works are required to be coordinated with designers who perform the author's supervision (be sure to document).


Obtaining a document is possible if in the construction of the object managed to properly organize and coordinate all types of work carried out.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, these are the obligations of the technical customer.

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Department of Construction and Architecture


On the form of documents attached to the application for issuing permits for commissioning

(as amended by the orders of the Department of Construction and Architecture of the Administration of the Vladimir Region dated 29.05.2009 N 51-A, from 05/17/2010 N 41-A, from 08.11.2012 No. 106/1)

In order to establish uniform requirements for the form of documents attached by the developer to the application for issuing a permit for commissioning in accordance with Article 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation,


1. To approve the forms of documents:

1.1. On the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired object of capital construction, the requirements of the project documentation in accordance with Appendix N 1.

1.2. On the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility, the requirements of technical regulations in accordance with Appendix N 2.

1.3. On the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction object with technical conditions according to Appendix N 3.

1.4. On the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed linear object, the requirements of the project documentation in accordance with Appendix N 4.

1.5. On the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed linear object, the requirements of technical regulations in accordance with Appendix N 5.

1.6. Act of acceptance of the completed construction of an object according to Appendix N 6.

(p. 1.6 introduced by order of the Department of Construction and Architecture of the Administration of the Vladimir Region dated 29.05.2009 N 51 - a)

2. Department of architecture and urban planning:

Administration of the Vladimir region of 05/17/2010 N 41 - a)

2.1. To be guided by paragraph 1 of this order when checking the availability and correctness of the execution of documents attached by the developer to the application for the issuance of permission to commission the Objects in operation, if the issuance of permits for the commissioning of the facility is assigned by the current legislation to the competence of the Department of Construction and the Architecture of the Region administration.

2.2. Within ten days from the date of signing this order, send a copy to local governments to the issuance of permits for commissioning objects.

2.3. Place applications to this order on the official website of the Construction Department and Architecture of the Region administration on the Internet.

(p. 2.3 introduced by order of the Department of Construction and Architecture of the Administration of the Vladimir Region dated 29.05.2009 N 51 - a)

3. Recommend local governments to be guided by paragraph 1 of this order when checking the availability and correctness of the execution of documents attached by the developer to the application for issuing permission to commission the objects into operation.

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Director of the Department, the Chief Architect of the region.

Director Department
construction and architecture
S.A. Bokov

Appendix N 1. Document on the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction object with the requirements of project documentation

Appendix N 1.
to the order of the Department
construction and architecture
administration of the Vladimir region
from 03/13/2007 N 37

(as amended by the order of the Department of Construction and Architecture
administration of the Vladimir region of 05/17/2010 N 41 - a)

Document on the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction object with the requirements of project documentation

Location of the object ___________________________________________________.


Conclusion of state examination on project documentation ****

N _____________________________ From "____" _______________ _______ Issued

(the name of the organization conducted by the state expertise of the project

List of buildings and structures included in the object

Name of the building, facilities

Type of work (new construction, reconstruction, overhaul)

Name of parameter

unit of measurement

Constructed object

Total area of \u200b\u200bthe object

Number of floors above ground

Number of floors underground

Building volume, incl. underground part

The height of floors above ground

The height of the floors of the underground

Underground Blooming Mark

The height of the object, the highest point of the building, facilities

Step of bearing walls, columns

Building area building area

Other parameters

Types of engineering facilities:

1. Engineering equipment internal


Constructed object

Power supply

Water supply

Gas supply




2. External networks

Length, M.

According to the approved project documentation

Constructed object

Power supply

Water supply

Gas supply

Heat supply


Constructions and materials

Constructive element

Constructive solution and material

according to the approved project documentation

constructed object


Exterior walls

Interior walls, partitions


Main indicators of the power of the object ***

Name of the indicator

According to the approved project documentation

Constructed object

Number of sections

Number of apartments, incl.
4 and more room

Number of workplaces



Other indicators:

Energy efficiency indicators of the object

Name of the indicator

Regulatory value

Actual value

the specific amount of energy resources consumption, including:

Thermal energy, gkal

Electrical energy, kW

Gas, cube. M.

The presence of accounting devices, including:

Thermal energy, gkal

Electrical energy, kW

Gas, cube. M.

Other indicators:

Parameters of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired object
capital construction (unnecessary cross) __________________________
(Name and location of the object *)

comply with the approved project documentation, including the requirements
energy efficiency and requirements of facilities
accounting used energy resources.

Placing objects on the land plot complies with the scheme
planning organization of the land plot approved in the composition
project documentation.

_______________________________________________ __________ ________________

"_____" _____________ 200__

______________________________________ __________ ________________
(Posted by a responsible representative (signature) (Full name)
customer or developer)

"_____" _____________ 20__ years


approved project.

*** Indicators of the facility of the object are indicated depending on its

**** In case, in accordance with urban planning
legislation carrying out state expertise project
the documentation is not required, the words "not required" fit into the graph.

Appendix N 2. Document on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired object of capital construction requirements of technical regulations

Appendix N 2.
to the order of the Department
construction and architecture
administration of the Vladimir region
from 03/13/2007 N 37

Name of the property * ________________________________________________________


Developer ____________________________________________________________
(Organization name, Fm.o. individual)

Customer ______________________________________________________________

Project documentation Developed ________________________________________

(Name of the project organization)

Construction was carried out:

General construction contractor _______________________________________




The main characteristics of the constructed, reconstructed,
repaired object:

Total object area, square. m __________________________________________

Building volume, cube. m _____________, incl. underground part __________

Number of floors aboveground ___________________, underground ________________

The height of the floors aboveground _________________ m, underground _______________ m

The height of the object (the mark of the roof of the roof), m __________________________________

List of constructed (reconstructed) objects auxiliary
appointments ____________________________________________________________

(garage, boiler room, TP, GRP, etc.)

Building area building (buildings), square. m __________________________________

Types of engineering facilities: _____________________________________


water supply, sewage, power supply, gas supply, heat supply,

communication, centralized or individual

Built (reconstructed, repaired) Capital object

construction _________________________________________________________
(Object name *)

and its placement on the land plot complies with the requirements of technical

(position of a person engaged in construction) (signature) (Full name)

"___" ____________ 200__



Appendix N 3. Compliance document constructed, reconstructed, repaired object with specifications

Appendix N 3.
to the order of the Department
construction and architecture
administration of the Vladimir region
from 03/13/2007 N 37

on the ________________________________________________________________________
(Engineering type name: Water supply,
power supply, etc.)

An object: ___________________________________________________________________


Address of the object _____________________________________________________________

Developer (Customer) _____________________________________________________
(Organization name, Fm.o. individual)


Construction (reconstruction, overhaul) was carried out in

accordance with the technical specifications N _____________ from _______________,

issued _____________________________________________________________

(Name of the organization issued by that)

Project documentation Developed ________________________________________

(Name of the person who fulfilled the corresponding section of the project)


Works were produced __________________________________________________

(Name of the organization that fulfilled the corresponding type of work)


As a result of an inspection of the object __________________________________________________________________

(Name of the object in accordance with the approved project)
it has been established that the work is fully implemented in accordance with
specifications and allow to provide uninterrupted and safe
operating an object that meets the current requirements

regulatory and technical documents, technical regulations.

(Name of engineering networks and structures)

adopted in the procedure established by law on balance, maintenance

(Name of the organization adopting the network for balance or service)

________________________________________ __________ _____________________

operating organization) (signature) (Full name)

"___" ________________ 200__

Appendix N 4. Document on the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed linear object with the requirements of project documentation

Appendix N 4.
to the order of the Department
construction and architecture
administration of the Vladimir region
from 03/13/2007 N 37

Name of the property * ________________________________________________________


Address of the object _____________________________________________________________

Developer ____________________________________________________________
(Organization name, Fm.o. individual)

Customer ______________________________________________________________

Project documentation Developed ________________________________________

The conclusion of state examination on project documentation issued

(Name of the State Examination Organ of Project Documentation)

___________________________ "___" ______________ ___ year N _______________

Construction was carried out ** ___________________________________________

the basis of the contract from "___" _______________ 20_____ N _____________________

(unnecessary cross)

The main parameters of the construction object

Name of parameter

unit of measurement

According to the approval. Project documentation

Constructed object

Total length

Power (pressure, voltage, bandwidth, category, etc.)

For pipelines:

Method of strip
(terrestrial, above-ground, underground)

Diameter of pipe

Height pads
(with an overnight way)

Shining depth
(with underground gasket)

Support (with overhead laying)

For roads:

Road width within the border of the outlet strip

Strip Width (King) Movement

Number of traffic strips

Estimated speed

Parameters of the built (reconstructed) linear object

(Object name*)

comply with the approved project documentation

Placing a linear object on the land plot matches the scheme
its placement approved as part of the project documentation.

_______________________________________________ _________ _______________
(position of a person engaged in construction) (signature) (Full name)

_______________________________________________ _________ _______________
(Position, Responsible Representative
Customer or developer) (signature) (Full name)

"___" _____________ 200__

For roads:

The width of the strip (gauges) of the movement, m ___________, the number of traffic strips _______

(Object name *)

___________________________________ ___________ ____________________


"___" _____________ 200__


* The name of the object is indicated in exact accordance with the approved

** indicates the name of the general contractor.

Annex N 5. A document on the constructed, reconstructed linear object requirements of technical regulations

Appendix N 5.
to the order of the Department
construction and architecture
administration of the Vladimir region
from 03/13/2007 N 37

Name of the property * ________________________________________________________


Address of the object _____________________________________________________________

Developer ____________________________________________________________
(Organization name, Fm.o. individual)

Customer ______________________________________________________________

Project documentation Developed ________________________________________


Construction was carried out (general construction contractor)


Construction Feature: New Construction, Reconstruction
(unnecessary cross)

The main parameters of the constructed (reconstructed) object:

Total length, m ____________________________________________________

Power (pressure, voltage, bandwidth, category, etc.) __


For pipelines:

Diameter of the pipe _____________________________________________________________

Method of laying: ground, overhead, underground (unnecessary cross)

The height of the gasket under the above-ground method, m __________________, the material support

Or the depth of the pipe, m _______________

For roads:

The total width of the road within the boundaries of the bandwidth, m ___________________________

The width of the strip (gauges) of the movement, m _______, the number of travel bands ___________

Estimated speed, km / h _________________________________________

Built (Reconstructed) Linear Object

(Object name *)

complies with the requirements of technical regulations.

________________________________________ ___________ __________________
(Position, Full name. Persons implementing (signature) (Full name)

"___" _______________ 200__


* The name of the object is indicated in exact accordance with
approved project.

Appendix N 6. Act of acceptance of the construction of the facility

Appendix N 6.
to the order of the Department
construction and architecture
administration of the Vladimir region
from 03/13/2007 N 37

(as amended by the order of the Department of Construction and Architecture
administration of the Vladimir region of 08.11.2012 N 106/1)

Act of acceptance of the completed construction of the facility

Compiled "____" ____________ 20__

As part of:

Representative (s) of the customer _______________________________________________
(F.I., position)


Contractor Representative (s) __________________________________________
(F.I., position)


Representative (s) of the subcontractor ___________________________________________
(F.I., position)



The performer of the work was presented to the Commission for acceptance Object: __________________


Name of the property *


located at: __________________________________________________

2. Construction was carried out in accordance with the permission to
construction N ________________, issued "___" ________ 20__ _________

(The name of the authorized body that issued a construction permit)

3. Construction carried out:

General Contractor _________________________________________________
(organization name, legal address)

(information about the availability of SRO tolerance)

Subcontracting organizations ______________________________________________
(Name of organizations and their legal address)



4. Project documentation Developed _____________________________________

(Name of organizations and their legal address, information on availability

admission SRO)

4.1. Project documentation approved ** on the basis of a positive
conclusions of state examination from "__" ______ 20__ years N ____________
state environmental examination N ______ from "___" ________ 20__

5. Construction and installation work was carried out in time:

beginning of work ________________
(month year)

end of work ________________
(month year)

6. The object presented by the Contractor corresponds to the indicators
power and characteristics set in project documentation, work
made in accordance with the contract (contract).

Resolution of the Acceptance Commission:

Subject to acceptance:

(name of the property*)


(location of the object)

made in accordance with the project, the requirements of technical regulations,
prepared for commissioning and adopted by the Acceptance Commission.

Signatures of the Commission members ***:

__________ ____________________ _____________________
(position) (signature) (Full name)

____________ ____________________ _____________________
(position) (signature) (Full name)


* The name of the object is indicated in exact accordance with the approved

** In case, in accordance with urban planning legislation
conducting state examination of project documentation,
state environmental impact assessment is not required, in the graph fit
the words "not required."

*** Signatures of the members of the Commission - legal entities are wrapped in print.

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