
Instruction 244 N dated 28.12. Legislative base of the Russian Federation. I. Rules for the design of the title leaf and partitions of a technical passport

Appendix No. 1.
1. General
1.1. Previously assigned (reference)
2. Composition of the object
3. Information on copyright holders of the object
4. Situational Plan
4.1. Coordinates of buildings, structures
5. Improvement of the object of individual housing construction
6. Floor plan
7. Explication to the floor plan of a residential building
8. Surveys marks
Appendix No. 2 Procedure for Registration of the Technical Passport of Individual Housing Object
I. Regulations title leaf and technical passport sections
II. Rules for entering the technical passport of parameters and inventory value of the object of individual housing construction
Appendix No. 1 to the procedure for calculating the squares and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary buildings, structures
Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure Technical Description of the structural elements and the determination of the physical wear of the main buildings heated for the housing
Appendix No. 3 to the Procedure Technical Description and the Determination of the Physical Wear of the Unheated Adhesives of the residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
MPRIEC No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of the residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures
Appendix No. 4 to the order Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures

Act Editorial 17.08.2006

Name DocumentOrder of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 17.08.2006 N 244 "On approval of the form of a technical passport of an individual housing construction and the order of its design organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects"
Document typeorder, order
Accepted byministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Document Number244
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of editorial17.08.2006
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice8182
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice30.08.2006
  • "Russian Gazeta", N 192, 31.08.2006
  • "Bulletin of regulatory acts", N 36, 09/04/2006

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 17.08.2006 N 244 "On approval of the form of a technical passport of an individual housing construction and the order of its design organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects"


In pursuance of subparagraph b) of paragraph 5) of Article 3 Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 N 93-FZ "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of registration in the simplified procedure for citizens' rights to individual objects real Estate"(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 27, Art. 2881) I order:

Approve the accompanying:

the form of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction;

the procedure for issuing a technical passport of the object of individual housing construction by the organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects.


Appendix N 1.

Form of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction
The subject of the Russian Federation
Administrative region (district)
City (pos.)
District of the city
Street (per.)
House N. Building (body)
State Technical Accounting Headband
on the introduction of information into the Unified State Register
objects capital construction
N p / nName of the section of the accompanying documentsN p.
1 General
2 Object composition
3 Object rights information
4 Situational plan
5 Improvement of the object of individual housing construction
6 Floor planParameter
7 Explication to a floor plan of a residential building
8 Survey marks

1. General

1.1. Previously assigned (reference):

Inventory number
Cadastral number

2. Composition of the object

N on the plan (letter)Name of buildings, structuresYear of commissioning / starting constructionMaterial wallParameterBuilding area, square. M.Height, M.Volume, cube. M.Inventory value in prices for the date of the passport, rub.
name of parameterunittotal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3. Information on copyright holders of the object

4. Situational Plan

Situation plan of the object of individual housing construction
HeadFull namedateAddress of the objectSheet ___
(authorized person) _____________ Sheets __
signature_____________ Scale 1: __

4.1. Coordinates of buildings, structures

(Filled after the publication of the corresponding regulations establishing the procedure for determining the coordinates of buildings, structures)

LiteN PointsCoordinatesDescriptionSpecial marks
1 2 3 4 5 6

5. Improvement of the object of individual housing construction

Water pipe (sq. M)Sewerage (sq. M)Heating (sq. M)Hot water supply (sq. M)Gas supply (sq. M)Power supply (sq. M)Other elements of landscaping
N on the plan (letter)centralautonomouscentralautonomousCentralAutonomousCentralAutonomousCentralAutonomous
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

6. Floor plan

OTI NAME _______________________________________
Floor plan of the object of individual housing construction
HeadFull namedateAddress of the objectSheet ___
(authorized person) _____________ Sheets __
signature_____________ Scale 1: __

7. Explication to the floor plan of a residential building

Literature on planFloorPlanning roomPlan RoomPurpose of the room (living room, kitchen, etc.)The area of \u200b\u200ball parts of the building (rooms and premises of the auxiliary use), sq. M.Including (sq. M)Area of \u200b\u200bpremises of auxiliary use (loggias, balconies, veranda, terraces), sq. M.HeightSelf-opposite or redeveloped area, square. M.Note
total area residential premises from her
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

8. Surveys marks

Appendix N 2.

The procedure for issuing a technical passport of an individual housing facility I. Rules for the design of the title leaf and partitions of a technical passport

1. Registration of the title page

When making the title sheet of technical passport, the corresponding lines are filled as follows:

"OTI" - indicates the full name of the organization of technical accounting and technical inventory capital construction objects;

"Address" - the postal code is indicated, the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the name of the administrative district (district), the name and type of settlement (city, village), the city district, the name and type of street (alley), the house number, the structure (body) or other officially assigned address of the object;

"The passport is drawn up as of" - indicates the date of examination of the object of individual housing construction.

2. Filling in the section 1. "General Information"

When filling out the section 1. "General information" corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

actual use - indicated "for the appointment" or "not intended";

year of construction - the year of commissioning is indicated;

the total and living area of \u200b\u200bthe residential building - indicate the area in accordance with the explication to the floor plan of the residential building;

the number of floors of the above-ground / underground part - indicates a numerical value according to the results of an object survey in accordance with the current construction and technical standards;

note - is filled in if there is information about the violation of urban planning and construction norms and the rules, there is no building permit or other information has a significant value to account for objects.

Filling out the section 1.1 "Previously assigned (reference)" necessarily if earlier the object of individual housing construction was assigned to the inventory, cadastral number by the organization of technical accounting and technical inventory of capital construction facilities.

The address of the object is indicated, previously assigned numbers (inventory, cadastral), the object of the object.

3. Filling out the section 2 "Composition of the object"

When filling in partition 2 "Composition of the object", the corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

count 1 - indicates the letter designation (literature) or digital designation<*>assigned to parts of the object of individual housing or auxiliary buildings, facilities (accessories of the object of individual housing construction) on the plan;

<*> Arabic or Roman numbers.

count 2 - indicates the name of the parts of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structures, structures (residential house, living extension, veranda, shed, etc.);

graphs 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 - indicate the measurement data of the main parameter (name of the parameter, unit of measure, the number of units of measurement):

For buildings - the total area;

For structures:

length (for linearly extended structures);

volume (for bulk structures);

area (for square facilities);

count 8 - indicates the construction area in square meters for all parts of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structures, structures;

count 9 - indicates the height in meters, for mixing and underground structures is not specified;

count 10 - indicates the volume in cubic meters, for mixing and linear-extended structures is not specified.

4. Filling in section 3. "Information about the right holders of the object"

Information on the copyright holders of the object of individual housing construction is filled with regard to the available information in the OTI and submitted by the owner (or its representative) of documents.

When filling out the section 3. "Information on the object holders of the object" the corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

count 4 - indicates the right of ownership or other real rights, as well as the details of the privileges, tribal documents. These details include the name of the document, its series and the number, the date of issue and the name of the institution that issued a document;

graph 5 - indicates the proportion of the right in the form of the correct simple fraction (in the case of common property), an integer (in the case of one owner) or the letter (s) of the part of the building registered by the owner.

5. Filling in the section 4. "Situational Plan"

With the presence of a cadastral plan land plotwhere the object of individual housing construction is located, the training of the situational plan is carried out by OTI in terms of missing measurements. external sizes Capital construction facilities.

Not allowed in the presence of a cadastral plan of the land plot Conducting OTI of repeated measurements of the land plot, on which an object of individual housing construction is located.

The training of the situational plan is conducted according to measurements in kind, with the application of all available buildings, structures and boundaries of types of land (courtyard, garden, garden, green plantings, etc.).

Section 4.1 is subject to filling after the publication of the corresponding regulations establishing the procedure for determining the coordinates of buildings, structures.

6. Filling in section 5. "Improvement of the object of individual housing construction"

All lines are filled separately by residential house, auxiliary buildings, facilities. The graph indicates the area of \u200b\u200bpremises equipped with each type of improvement.

7. Filling in section 6. "Floor plan"

Compiled according to measurements of the object of individual housing construction in the prescribed manner<*>.

<*> Instructions for the accounting of the Housing Fund in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Mindation of Russia of 04.08.1998 N 37 "On approval of the Instructions on the accounting of the Housing Fund in the Russian Federation" (does not need state registration, Letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of September 11, 1998 N 6135-WE).

8. Filling in Section 7. "Explanation to the floor plan of a residential building"

In the exploration to the floor plan of the residential building, a description of the premises, rooms and the calculation of the square are made.

In the explication lines, all rooms and premises of the auxiliary use of a residential building are made.

Rooms and accessories of auxiliary use are indicated in the following sequence: ordering on a liter (in alphabetical order), an increase in the floor, room rooms, rooms.

When filling in Section 7. "Explanation to a residential building plan" The corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

count 1 - indicates the object of the object of individual housing construction, in which the room or the premises of the auxiliary use is located;

count 2 - indicates the number of the floor in which the room or the premises of the auxiliary use is located. In the absence of floor numbering (mezzanine, basement, ground floor) in the column indicates the name of the floor;

count 3 - indicates the number of the room along the floor plan, in which the room is located or the premises of the auxiliary use;

count 4 - indicates the number of the room or the premises of the auxiliary use on the floor plan;

count 5 - indicates the purpose of the room or the premises of the auxiliary use;

count 6 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or the premises of the auxiliary use, regardless of their type;

count 7 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or the premises of the auxiliary use, if they enter the total area;

count 8 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe residential room;

count 9 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or the premises of the auxiliary use, if they enter the subsidiary area of \u200b\u200bthe room;

count 10 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of the auxiliary use, not included in the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (balconies, loggias, terraces, veranda);

count 12 - indicates the height of the room or the premises of the auxiliary use on the internal robe;

count 13 - indicates the mark of the presence of an unimpressed rebuilt or redeveloped area;

count 14 - Indicates additional necessary information about the room or the premises of the auxiliary use.

As a result, the floor is calculated: the area of \u200b\u200ball floor premises (amount by column 6), the total area of \u200b\u200bthe floor (amount by column 7), the living area of \u200b\u200bthe floor (amount by column 8).

As a result, the area of \u200b\u200ball buildings of the building is calculated on the building (in terms of the building) (sum of column 6), the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building (amount by column 7), the living area of \u200b\u200bthe building (amount by column 8) is calculated.

9. Filling in Section 8. "Surveillance Marks"

Indicate the date of inventory, name and signature of the artist; Full name and signature of the person who carried out control.

II. Rules for entering the technical passport of parameters and inventory value of the object of individual housing construction

To enter the technical passport of the parameters and the inventory value of the object of individual housing construction, a settlement and inventory statement is drawn up.

The estimated inventory statement consists of three forms:

form 1. The calculation of the areas and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary structures, structures (Appendix N 1);

form 2. Technical description and determination of physical wear (Appendix N 2, 3);

form 3. Calculation of the inventory value of the residential building and auxiliary structures, structures (Appendix N 4).

10. Filling outform 1. "The calculation of the areas and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary structures, structures"

Count 1. The letter denotation (literature) or a digital designation assigned to the parts of the object of individual housing or auxiliary buildings, structures.

Count 2. It is indicated by the name of the parts of the object of individual housing or auxiliary structures, structures.

Counts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Fill according to measurement data, taking into account current construction and technical standards.

11. Fill form 2. "Technical description and determination of physical wear"

For each part of the object of individual housing or auxiliary structure, the structure indicates the letter, a group of capital parties in accordance with the current construction and technical standards.

For the main buildings heated forces additionally indicate the year of construction, the number of underground, terrestrial floors, the year of reconstruction (overhaul)<*>.

<*> See the sections to sections 1, 2 of the procedure for designing the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction.

The column 2 shows the standard<*> A list of basic structural elements for individual housing facilities, formed taking into account the methodology for conducting a rehabilitation cost of integrated indicators in accordance with the current construction and technical standards.

<*> In case, for individual unique types of buildings, structures, other structures, a grouping of its basic structural elements has been missing in the prescribed manner, such a grouping is developed by the Contractor of Inventory Works on Also on the basis of the project, construction, executive, land management and other documentation provided by the customer.

The list of basic structural elements of the object of individual housing construction is established during the examination. In the presence of a structural element, all graphs are filled (from the 3rd to 9th); In the absence, the columns 3, 4 are not filled, the columns 6 - 9 are filled with a stress of zeros in the corresponding lines.

Count 3. The description of the structural elements (material, design, finishing, etc.) is indicated.

Count 4. Indicates the characteristics of the technical condition<*> The structural element of the object of individual housing construction is the list of defects (damage, deformations) with their quantitative assessment, which allows to determine the degree of its physical wear in percentage according to the current methodological and instructive standards.

<*> It is performed simultaneously with the technical description.

Count 5. The proportion of the structural element is indicated.

The specific gravity of the basic structural elements in the restoration cost of the capital construction object is accepted according to the estimated tables of the enlarged indicators of the reducing cost (OPVS) for the corresponding object-analogue using the necessary correction coefficients are either determined by the estimated pathway on the basis of the project, construction, executive, land management and other documentation provided by the Customer .

Count 8. The quantitative value of the deterioration is indicated corresponding to the characteristic of the technical condition.

Note: The determination of the percentage of the physical wear of the building is calculated with the use of specific scales of the structural elements of this building specified in the appropriate estimated standard. The percentage of physical wear on each constructive element selected from the tables mentioned above is multiplied by the proportion of this element (after applying the amendment or value coefficient). As a result, we obtain physical wear of individual structural elements with respect to the whole building. The summation of the results obtained determines the physical wear of the entire building.

If corrections or value coefficients were applied in the calculations and as a result of this, the sum of the updated specific scales of the structural elements is not 100, the resulting percentage of physical wear on the entire building should be clarified (divided into the amount of refined specific scales and to obtain a percentage of physical wear to multiply by 100).

The physical wear of cold attacks, auxiliary structures and structures of the technical inventory object is allowed to determine in general throughout the structure or construction without taking into account the specific scales of their individual structural elements.

12. Fill form 3. "Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures"

Filling is made for each part of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structure, construction in accordance with current construction and technical standards.

Count 1. The letter designation (literature) or a digital designation, assigned to the part of the object of individual housing or auxiliary structure, construction on the plan is indicated.

Count 2. It is indicated by the name of the part of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structure, facilities.

Counts 3, 4, 5, 6. Fill in taking into account data on the object-analogue based on the methodology for calculating the rehabilitation cost according to integrated indicators in accordance with the current construction and technical standards.

Count 7. Filled with the results (the final result of the graph "The proportion of the amendment" is divided by 100).

Graphs 8, 9, 10. The amendments are indicated by the difference of the estimated object from the analog object.

Count 12. The measurement data is specified according to the estimated object in units of measurement of an analogue object.

Count 14. Filled taking into account the percentage of wear.

Graph 16. Index is indicated<*> Calculate base value in the current price level.

<*> One common or product of several indices (coefficients).


Appendix N 1.

Appendix N 1. calculation of the squares and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary buildings, structures

Appendix N 2.

Annex N 2. Technical Description of the structural elements and determination of the physical wear of the main buildings heated for a housing house
Lite Year of Construction Number of floors
Year of reconstruction
Group of capital
N p / nName of a constructive elementDescription of structural elements (material, design, finishing and other)Technical conditionSpecified TableValue coefficientSpecific consist. element After applying prices. coefficientWear%% depreciation to the structure (gr. 7 x gr. 8) / 100Current changes
elementto the structure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Foundations
2 a) walls and their outer decoration
b) partitions
3 overlappingincotional
4 roof
5 floors
6 emmerswindow
7 finishinternal
8 san. and electrical devicesheating
water pipes
mountains water supply
gas supply
power supply
a television
9 Other works

Appendix N 3.

Appendix N 3. Technical description and determination of the physical wear of unheated attachments of residential houses and auxiliary structures, structures
Name of structural elementsLetter ____specified TableamendmentsamendmentLetter ____specified TableamendmentsamendmentLetter ____specified Tableamendmentsamendment
Group capital. __Group capital. __Group capital. __
Material, constructionMaterial, constructionMaterial, construction
Walls and partitions
Finishing work
Electric lighting
Other works
TOTAL 100 X. 100 X. 100 X.

Order of the Ministry economic Development and trade of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2006 N 244
"On approval of the form of a technical passport of the object of individual housing construction and the order of its design of the organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects"

In pursuance of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of June 30, 2006, N 93-FZ "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on registration in the simplified procedure for citizens' rights to individual objects of real estate" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 27, Art. 2881) I order:

Approve the accompanying:

the form of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction;

the procedure for issuing a technical passport of the object of individual housing construction by the organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects.

G. O. Gref

Registration N 8182.

The form of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction is approved, as well as the procedure for its design by the organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects, which establish the rules for the design of the title leaf and partitions of a technical passport. The specified document is necessary for the implementation of the "Country Amnesty Act" (Federal Law of June 30, 2006 N 93-FZ "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of registration in the simplified manner of the rights of citizens to individual objects of real estate").

In the presence of a cadastral plan of a land plot, which is located an object of individual housing construction, the training of the situational plan is carried out by OTI in terms of missing measurements of the external dimensions of capital construction facilities. Not allowed in the presence of a cadastral plan of the land plot Conducting OTI of repeated measurements of the land plot, on which an object of individual housing construction is located. The training of the situational plan is conducted according to measurements in kind, with the application of all available buildings, structures and boundaries of types of land (courtyard, garden, garden, green plantings, etc.).

To enter the technical passport of the parameters and the inventory value of the object of individual housing construction, a settlement and inventory statement is drawn up.



Branch "West-Siberian Railway"

Order z-sib № 244

November 2015.

On the strengthening of security and mutual control of employees of the road when trains

novosibirsk city


Order Zap Sib. № 244 dated November 24, 2015

On strengthening the safety of trains and mutual control of employees railway When moving trains

In order to unconditional execution by railway employees, the requirements of the regulations of the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010 No. 286, instructions and orders aimed at ensuring the safety of trains during the transport of passengers and goods to enhance safety and mutual Controls of employees of territorial units of functional branches of Russian Railways, operating in the boundaries of the railway, order:

1. Approve the accompanying:

General provisions to maintain the regulations of negotiations between the driver and the driver's assistant, on duty at the station, train compiler and other participants in the transportation process, interaction to ensure the safety of trains traffic;

The regulations of the negotiations and the procedure for the actions of the locomotive brigade (brigades of special self-propelled rolling stock) when shipped from the railway station;

Negotiation regulations and the procedure for actions of the locomotive brigade (brigades of special self-propelled rolling stock) in the following way;

The regulations of the negotiations and the procedure for the actions of the locomotive brigade of a single train locomotive (brigades of a special self-propelled rolling stock), on duty at the station in the production of maneuver movements at the station (without a compilation brigade);

Rules of negotiations of the driver, on duty at the station, trains compiler when performing operations to consolidate railway rolling stock at station railways;

Rules of negotiations of the driver, on duty at the station and the compiler of trains during maneuverinary work;

Regulation of negotiations on train radio communications.

2. All leaders of the territorial units of the functional branches of Russian Railways, operating in the borders of the railway, their structural units, employees of the main auditor for the safety of the railway trains of the railway, to ensure unconditional fulfillment of the requirements of this order, with each exit to the line to carry out control over Its fulfillment.

3. Head of the West Siberian Directorate Akhmadeev S.B., Head of the West Siberian Directorate of Motion Management Rakhimzhanov D.M., Head of the West Siberian Infrastructure Directorate Malozhon I.M., Head of the West Siberian Directorate for Path Repair Penimov A. I., Head of the Directorate for Operation and Repair of Travel Machines of the West Siberian Directorate of Infrastructure Serenko N.V., Head of the West Siberian Directorate of the Motorwag Motable Makeup Sankina Yu.A., Head of the West Siberian Directorate of the Infrastructure Directory, P. A., The head of the automation and telemechanics service of the West Siberian Infrastructure Directorate Shain P.E., Head of the Electrification and Power Supplies Service of the West Siberian Directorate of Infrastructure Kurgowzov K.A., Head of the Carriage Service of the West Siberian Directorate of Infrastructure Kireev N.V. Ensure the study of this order with all involved employees.

4. Recognize the inclusion of the railway order from September 27, 2010 No. 377-N "On the strengthening of the safety of trains and mutual control of railway workers when trains movement."

5. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the deputy head of the railway - the main auditor on the safety of trains of Kalashnikov V.A.

Head of the railway A.A. Reper


order of West Siberian


General provisions on the conduct of negotiation regulations between the driver and the driver's assistant, on duty at the station, the trains and other participants in the transportation process, the interaction to ensure the safety of trains movement.

1. on duty at stations, shooting posts and moves, travel and bridge, operators of defectoscope carts, pathways, employees of control posts and security posts, signal systems, electricity supply workers, alarm and communications, employees who are at the workplace work, when approaching Electric trains, trains, single locomotive and special self-propelled rolling stock feed the sign of waking up a hand with a signal with a signal set for a meeting, after which it is closely monitored for the state of the rolling stock, the location and fastening of the cargo on the open rolling stock, the presence of installed signals on the tail carriage car. When a malfunction of rolling stock, violations of the rules of loading, dimensions and other disorders, threatening security Train movements - to immediately file a locomotive brigade to stop the existing means. If for any reason the locomotive brigade will not perceive the stop signal - immediately report this to the duty at the nearest station, moving or train dispatcher of the site using any means of communication, including cellular communication, To take action to the immediate stop of the train.

2. Station duty:

1) When the train appears on the first section of the approximation, and the passenger in the second section of the radio approach to transfer information about the features of trains to the railway station in cases:

receiving the train serviced in the "one person";

the presence of a prohibitive input signal of the traffic light or overlap of the traffic light signal;

malfunctions of the repeated traffic light;

receiving trains with a non-grief stop;

changes in the established procedure for admission;

receiving the train on the side path (in all cases deviations from the order of reception and passing the train along the railway station established by the schedule of movement, the traffic of the station or the instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing movement on the tract of common use);

admission to train station from counter directions, when the continuation of their routes have intersections, duty at the station (hereinafter - chipboard) is obliged to call the machinists of both trains and inform them about the features of receiving at the railway station, make sure that the information is correcting the information on both machinists. If radio communications with one of these trains did not take place, stop the train from the input signal with a prohibiting indication, with the driver of which communication took place;

2) it is forbidden to send passenger trains from the railway station in the event of a forced stop in front of the running train on the distance;

3) It is allowed to send freight trains only in cases of information transfer by the driver about the location of the stopping train and receiving from the driver of the shipment of confirmation of its correctness, and passenger trains after the start of the train who had a forced parking on the distillation;

4) When sending locomotives, a special self-propelled rolling stock (hereinafter - CSPS), trains with non-corrected paths, from paths equipped with group output traffic lights, as well as paths from which the departure of trains is not provided for by the technical and administrative act of the station - to warn the radio telecommunication driver on the order of departure and following the railway station;

5) if it is necessary to stop the train, a maneuver composition, a single locomotive or CSPS, as well as an additional (not provided by a schedule) delay at the railway station of the passenger (suburban) train with the allowance of the route, weekend, maneuver traffic light - call the radio driver, inform him the reason stops and make sure that the information perception by the driver;

6) Before opening signals for receiving and sending a train, stop maneuver movements with access to the path and reception route (departure), as well as on ways that cannot be excluded from the output of the rolling line on the train route by installing the shooter to the security position. Warning the head of the maneuver and driver of the maneuver locomotive (SSSP) on the upcoming reception (departure) of the train in the manner prescribed in the technical executive acting act. Report to the driver of the maneuver movement on the railway station and to which signal is prepared by the route;

7) In the event of a change in the testimony of a warning (premature) traffic light to an input traffic light from green on a yellow chipboard, a driver should cause a driver and explain the cause. In the absence of a call chipboard, the driver is obliged to call a chipboard to clarify the cause in shape: "Station duty ... (station name) I, train driver ... (number), ... (surname) Warning signal ... (number) overlapped with green on yellow. Explain the reason. " DSP immediately after calling by a driver should give an answer about the reason for the lighting of the traffic light to lessly resolve in the form: "The train driver ... (number) at the direction of the dispatcher will be accepted on ... (number) side path station ... (station name) With stop. Entrance ... (Liter) You are open to two yellow. Station duty ... (surname). " (The text varies depending on the cause of the lighting of the traffic light at a less resolution).

3. Machiners and assistants of a locomotive driver, a motor-auditing rolling stock (hereinafter - MVPS), SSSP:

1) When conducting a train in response to a wake-up employee, a wake-up sign feed a transmitting signal through an open side window of the control cabin (in compliance with safety), with the exception of the IPPS or a rearview mirror from the side of this employee, follow the filtered signals within the train length ( visibility of the signal);

2) After the employee who meets the train, the driver and the driver's assistant are obliged to report to each other about the absence (presence) of the stop signals. In the dark, when approaching the safety posts, moving, serviced by duty officers, and when following the railway station, feed a transition signal and a sign of wakefulness by incorporating the lighting of the heading parts and the short-term shutdown of the buffer fire of the locomotive (CSPS) with the exception of the MVPS. When following the railway station, employees of locomotive brigades are required to observe the submitted signals from the railway station workers, the duties of which include an inspection of the train composition through an open side window or a rearview mirror for its part along the movement;

3) When approaching the oncoming train on the distillation or railway station, an assistant to the driver briefly turn on (at night - turn off) buffer lights of the locomotive (CSPS), to move away to the workplace of the driver and carefully monitor the status of the oncoming train, the presence of signals on the tail carriage, reversing special attention On the state of the moved parts and the location of the cargo on the open rolling lineup. At night for 400-500 meters to the counter train, switch the spotlight to the dim light. Immediately after the office office of the oncoming train, turn on the bright light;

4) In the case of misuse of the locomotive brigade of the oncoming train sign (launching signal, finding an assistant driver, standing at the control panel of the driver, turn on / off the buffer lights, at night - switching the searchlight) to call the oncoming train to the head of the oncoming train and find out the reason for the non-fulfillment of the above requirements , but in the absence of an answer, report this on the station, limiting the station, or a train dispatcher for taking measures to clarify the cause of the lack of waking sign;

5) when the opposite of the oncoming train, the travel economy, the contact network and other devices that threaten the safety of trains will immediately inform the route of a locomotive train brigade, which detected a malfunction or a dangerous location and duty at the station limiting distillation (train dispatcher). "The driver of a well-minded (odd) train on ... km, immediately stop the train." After receiving the answer: "I am a train driver ... (number), (surname) on ... km I stop.", Provide information about the detected fault. The driver who received information about the immediate stop of the train produces a complete service braking at one reception.

In the absence of an answer on the radio link from the driver of the approaching train and the appearance of it within the limits of direct visibility, turn on the red lights of the buffer lights and feed the searchlight (light telegraph and whistle of high volume) the signal of the overall alarm (one long, three short), and in the necessary cases stop their train and protect the dangerous place according to the signaling instructions on rail transport Of the Russian Federation approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of June 4, 2012 No. 162;

6) When reconnaissal the "Gas" and "oil" signal signs, indicating the place of crossing the railway tracks with gas pipelines, the driver and an assistant driver are required to open the locomotive cabin window and follow the intersection of the intersection with high vigilance, whenever possible without the use of auto motors. In case of detecting a specific smell or spill, the oil-gas production machine is obliged to immediately inform the train dispatcher or chipboard;

7) with non-grief sites at railway stations and distillations:

assistant driver (standing trains) When approaching the train is obliged to descend from the locomotive and observe the state of rolling stock, observing personal security measures. When identifying faults that make a threat to the safety of trains, immediately report to the machine, which in turn is obliged to report on the identified malfunction by the driver of the next train, as well as on duty at a station that limits the distillation or a train dispatcher;

in the absence of an assistant driver on the locomotive or, if there is it in the engine room at the time of the train pass, the driver is obliged to open the side window and observe the passing rolling stock;

lokomotive brigades of the maneuver movement when parking without work control over the state of passing trains to carry out by inspection through an open side window;

8) All the rules of the Railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010, the instructions for the movement of trains and maneuver work on the railway transport of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia on June 4 2012 No. 162, signaling instructions at the railway transport of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 4, 2012 No. 162, safety regulations, orders and guidelines for the organization of the safety of trains movement, including the absence of The location of the railway workers on which the responsibilities of the meeting and inspection of trains are entrusted to immediately report on the nearest station and train dispatcher of the site, make sure that the information perception is correct, and upon returning to the depot of the register to record in the book of the driver's remarks;

9) Immediately after the forced stop of the train on the distance to declare the radio communications to the machinists following the trains about the place and the reasons for the stop. In the absence of a response from the driver, following the compensation of information on the perception of information, cause duty officers on stations limiting the distillation, or a train dispatcher, and in the absence of an answer and from them on a two-step plot, transfer this information through an oncoming train driver, to transfer information to a one-stop area before receiving a response;

10) After stopping on the distillation by spontaneous triggering of the trains:

immediately turn on the red lights of the buffer lights and on the radio to declare the machinists following the walking and counter trains on the prescribed form "Attention, everything! I, the driver (surname) of the train number ..., stopped at the drop in the pressure in the brake line on ... a kilometer of an even (odd) path of distillation ..., I have no information about the violation of the dimension. Be carefull!". Announcement to repeat before receiving an answer from the machinists of even and odd trains or duty officers in stations that limit the distillation, and during dispatching centralization - a train dispatcher;

red lights of buffer lamps standing on the distance of the train are for the driver of the oncoming train signal stop;

when the oncoming train approaches, within the limits of direct visibility and non-receipt of the radio response response from the driver of this train, feed the searchlight (light telegraph) and the high volume signal is a common alarm (one long and three short signals);

machine's assistant to check the status of the train composition (when inspecting the composition with herself there are 2 brake shoes, an extract from the bathroom with the number of the tail car). Set the cause of the triggering of the brakes. Check the train trunk car number with the number specified in the statement from the field. Ensure that the signal disk and the closed position of the end crane on the tail carriage car. If you have a wearable radio, call the driver and report on the results of the inspection and the number of the tail car. With the open position of the end crane, the absence of the tail fencing of the train, which is not suspended by the end sleeve, but, according to the numbers on the tail carriage number, the number specified in the statement from the seafront of the train sheet, eliminate these comments. If the number is inconsistent on the tail carriage number indicated in the statement from the field sheet, take measures to detect the depressed cars and their fixation in the prescribed manner. Upon returning to the locomotive management cabin, the driver's assistant is obliged to report to the driver about the results of inspection and adopted measures;

11) If the wagons or other causes that prevent the further movement of the train are discovered from the rails, immediately on the radiocommunication at the station (train dispatcher), indicating the following information:

about the place of departure: on a one-section stretch - the name of the limiting railway stations, a kilometer and picket, the support number of the contact network (on an electrified area). On both paths of two-bundle driving - the name of the limiting railway stations, a kilometer and picket, the support number of the contact network (on an electrified area). At the railway station - the station name, path number, arrogant number;

in which train is allowed to take place - in cargo, passenger or cargo-passenger;

on the presence or absence of injured people; On the presence or absence of dimensions on the next way;

on the type and quantity of the fog-out composition; On the location of the conceded rolling stock relative to the rail track (gathering with one wheel pair, both wheel pairs, rolling stock on the side and so on);

about terrain landscape (ravine, swamp, mound and so on); On the possibility of an entry of vehicles (on the one hand, on both sides, there is no entry);

on damage to infrastructure devices;

on the need to request auxiliary locomotive, restorative or fire train;

12) Train machinists after receiving a message to stop the oncoming train on the triggering of auto motors to lead their train in such a way as to ensure approach to the locomotive of the stopping train at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. Within the stopped train, follow at the speed that stops at a possible obstacle, but not more than 20 km / h and only after conviction in the presence of a dimension in the area of \u200b\u200bstopped trains take measures to further follow the set speed. In conditions of limited visibility or inability to reduce the speed of up to 20 km / h due to insufficient distance, apply emergency braking. After the brake leaves, continue moving at a speed that provides a stop at a possible obstacle, but not more than 20 km / h. After proceeding with the stopping train on the radio, to report to the driver who has stopped the faults and the presence of a dimension for the passage of the trains following the adjacent path;

13) the train driver who stopped the triggering of the brakes, after returning and the report of the driver's assistant about the causes of triggering the brakes and in the absence of an obstacle to the further movement turn off the red lights of the buffer lights, bring the train into motion and report the DSP on the resumption of movement and the reasons for stopping;

14) with the sudden appearance of white fire on the locomotive traffic light in areas where the railway crossing is located to apply full official braking before stopping the train;

15) On all cases of the appearance of white fire on the locomotive traffic light or an indication that does not correspond to the indication of the travel traffic light, report on the radio station by the station, or a train dispatcher (with a control room of centralization), indicating the letter of travel traffic light, kilometer, picket, character ( occurrence) Violations in the operation of safety devices (ajich, club, block and other) and the same information about the place of restoration of normal operation AJICH, club, block and others;

16) with the sudden appearance of white fire on the locomotive traffic light when driving on the distillation or by station paths, equipped with ALSN's travel devices, leading the train to the first travel traffic light (or before the allowing reading on the locomotive traffic lighting) with special vigilance and speed providing the possibility of timely stopping If an obstacle is on the way for further movement, but not more than 40 km / h. When the normal action of safety devices (ALSN, Club, Block and Others) is not restored and white fire remains on the locomotive traffic light after preying the first travel traffic lights are guided by the requirements of existing regulatory documents;

17) produce landing and disembarking of railway workers who have the right to travel in a locomotive cabin, with a mandatory record in section 5 route of the driver and service certificate;

18) Employees of locomotive brigades:

in the case of stopping the train in front of the traffic light with red fire (if the driver does not know about finding ahead of the underlying train block, other obstacles) to continue moving at a speed of no more than 20 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to stop;

in the case of a clear malfunction of the rail track, to act in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3 of the RZD Lokomotive Brigades' interaction regulations with involved employees, whose activities are directly related to the movement of trains, in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the infrastructure of Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 30, 2012 No. 2817R;

in the absence of a proper malfunction of the rail cloth after changing the signal readings on the locomotive traffic light to a more resolving applying braking, to stop the train. After stopping the composition of the driver's assistant to make an inspection of the rail track from the head part of the composition along the train for the detection of the rails of the rail or the rails of a deserted path on both threads at a distance of at least 150 meters on both sides of the train. After the return of the driver's assistant to the Lokomotiv Machinist on Radiocommunication, to report chipboard and train dispatcher (hereinafter referred to as the DNH) on the integrity of the rail track, pointing to a kilometer and a picket, where the operation of security devices (ALSN, club, block and others) was restored. In the event of a malfunction of the rail track, to act in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3 of the regulations for the interaction of Locomotive Brigades with involved in employees of Russian Railways, whose activities are directly related to the movement of trains, in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the infrastructure of Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC " Railways "dated December 30, 2012 No. 2817R.

4. Locomotive brigades are prohibited from the supply of sand on shooting transfers and radiating sites within the Gorlowin railway stations.

In cases of the need to apply the supply of sand on shooting transfers when follows from plots with a complex path profile, in complex meteo conditions, the locomotive brigade should immediately report chipboard or DNC (during the dispatching centralization) on the use of sand with an indication of the arrow-translation number or the shooting section.

Chipboard or DNC (during dispatching centralization) When obtaining from the locomotive brigades of information on the use of sand on shooting transfers should be immediately informed of the path distance, alarm distance, centralization and blocking, with registration of the entry in the DR-46 form log.


order of West Siberian



"On approval of the form of a technical passport of the object of individual housing construction and the order of its design of the organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects"

In pursuance of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 93-ФЗ "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on registration in the simplified procedure of citizens' rights to certain objects of real estate" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, № 27, Art. 2881) I order:

Approve the accompanying:

the form of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction;

the procedure for issuing a technical passport of the object of individual housing construction by the organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects.

Minister G.O. Gref

Registration No. 8182.

Appendix No. 1.

1. General

1.1. Previously assigned (reference)

2. Composition of the object

3. Information on copyright holders of the object

4. Situational Plan

4.1. Coordinates of buildings, structures

5. Improvement of the object of individual housing construction

6. Floor plan

7. Explication to the floor plan of a residential building

8. Surveys marks

Appendix No. 2. The order of registration of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction

I. Rules for the design of the title leaf and partitions of a technical passport

II. Rules for entering the technical passport of parameters and inventory value of the object of individual housing construction

Appendix number 1 to order Calculation of the squares and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary buildings, structures

Appendix number 2 to order Technical description of the structural elements and the determination of the physical wear of the main buildings heated for the housing

Appendix number 3 to order Technical description and determination of the physical wear of unheated supplies of residential buildings and auxiliary structures, structures

Appendix number 4 to order Calculation of the inventory value of residential house and auxiliary buildings, structures

Appendix No. 1.

(OTI name)



(Type of accounting object)

individual Housing Object

(Object name)

Address (location) of the object

The subject of the Russian Federation

Administrative region (district)

City (pos.)

District of the city

Street (per.)

Building (body)

Stamp of the body of state technical accounting on the introduction of information into the Unified State Register of Capital Construction Objects

Name of the accounting authority

Inventory number

Cadastral number

Date of registration in the registry

Passport is compiled as of "__" ________________ 200_

Head _________________ (___________________)

1. General

1.1. Previously assigned (reference)

Inventory number

Cadastral number

2. Object composition

№ on the plan (literary)

Name of buildings, structures

Year of commissioning / starting construction

Material wall


Building area, square. M.

Height, M.

Volume. cube M.

Inventory value in prices for the date of the passport, rub.

name of parameter


3. Object rights information

Record Date

Subject of law: - for individuals - surname, name, patronymic, passport data;
- for legal entities - Name in accordance with the Charter

Type of rights noteworthy, Mental Thinking Documents

Share (part, literary)

F. I. O. Persons who made an entry

Signature of the person who has recorded


4.1. Coordinates of buildings, structures

(Filled after the publication of the corresponding regulations establishing the procedure for determining the coordinates of buildings, structures)



Special marks


5. Improvement of the object of individual housing construction

№ on the plan (literary)

Water pipe (sq. M)

Sewerage (sq.m)

Heating (sq. M)

Hot water supply (sq. M)

Gas supply (sq. M)

Power supply (sq.m)

Other elements of landscaping












7. Explication to a floor plan of a residential building

Literature on plan

Planning room

Plan Room

Purpose of the room (living room, kitchen, etc.)

The area of \u200b\u200ball parts of the building (rooms and the premises of the auxiliary use) of the KV. M.

Including (sq.m)

Self-opposite or redeveloped square sq. M.


Total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises

area of \u200b\u200bpremises of auxiliary use (loggias, balconies, veranda, terraces), sq. M.


8. Survey marks

Appendix No. 2.

The order of registration of the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction

I. Rules for the design of the title leaf and partitions of a technical passport

1. Registration of the title page

When making the title sheet of technical passport, the corresponding lines are filled as follows:

"NAMI" - indicates the full name of the organization of technical accounting and technical inventory of capital construction facilities;

"Address" - the postal code is indicated, the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the name of the administrative district (district), the name and type of settlement (city, village), the city district, the name and type of street (alley), the house number, the structure (body) or other officially assigned address of the object;

"The passport is drawn up as of" - indicates the date of examination of the object of individual housing construction.

2. Filling in the section 1. "General Information"

When filling out the section 1. "General information" corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

actual use - indicated "for the appointment" or "not intended";

year of construction - the year of commissioning is indicated;

the total and living area of \u200b\u200bthe residential building - indicate the area in accordance with the explication to the floor plan of the residential building;

the number of floors of the above-ground / underground part - indicates a numerical value according to the results of an object survey in accordance with the current construction and technical standards;

note - Filled if there is information on violation of urban planning and building rules and rules, there is no construction permit or other information has a significant value for accounting objects.

Filling section 1.1. "Previously assigned (reference)" necessarily if earlier the object of individual housing construction was assigned to the inventory, cadastral number by the organization of technical accounting and technical inventory of capital construction facilities.

The address of the object is indicated, previously assigned numbers (inventory, cadastral), the object of the object.

3. Filling in section 2. "Composition of the object"

When filling in section 2, the "object composition" corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

count 1 - indicates the letter designation (literature) or digital designation * (1) assigned to parts of the object of individual housing or auxiliary buildings, structures (accessories of the object of individual housing construction) on the plan;

count 2 - indicates the name of the parts of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structures, structures (residential house, living extension, veranda, shed, etc.);

graphs 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 - indicate the measurement data of the main parameter (name of the parameter, unit of measure, the number of units of measurement):

For buildings - the total area;

For structures:

length (for linearly extended structures);

volume (for bulk structures);

area (for square facilities);

count 8 - indicates the construction area in square meters for all parts of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structures, structures;

count 9 - indicates the height in meters, for mixing and underground structures is not specified;

count 10 - indicates the volume in cubic meters, for mixing and linear-extended structures is not specified.

4. Filling out the section 3 "Information about the object holders of the object"

Information on the copyright holders of the object of individual housing construction is filled with regard to the available information in the OTI and submitted by the owner (or its representative) of documents.

When filling out the section 3 "Information on the object holders of the object" the corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

count 4 - indicates the right of ownership or other real rights, as well as the details of the privileges, tribal documents. These details include the name of the document, its series and the number, the date of issue and the name of the institution that issued a document;

count 5 - indicates the proportion in the right in the form of a proper simple fraction (in the case of a common property), an integer (in the case of one owner) or the literature (s) of the part of the building registered with the owner.

5. Filling in the section 4 "Situational Plan"

In the presence of a cadastral plan of a land plot, which is located an object of individual housing construction, the training of the situational plan is carried out by OTI in terms of missing measurements of the external dimensions of capital construction facilities. Not allowed in the presence of a cadastral plan of the land plot Conducting OTI of repeated measurements of the land plot, on which an object of individual housing construction is located.

The training of the situational plan is conducted according to measurement data in kind with the application of all available buildings, structures and boundaries of types of land (courtyard, garden, garden, green plantings, etc.).

Section 4.1 is subject to filling after the publication of the corresponding regulations establishing the procedure for determining the coordinates of buildings, structures.

6. Filling in section 5 "Improvement of an object of individual housing construction"

All lines are filled separately along the residential house, auxiliary buildings, structures. The graph indicates the area of \u200b\u200bpremises equipped with each type of improvement.

7. Filling in section 6 "Floor Plan"

Compiled according to the measurements of the object of individual housing construction in the prescribed manner * (2).

8. Filling in section 7 "Explanation to a floor plan of a residential building"

In the exploration to the floor plan of the residential building, a description of the premises, rooms and the calculation of the square are made.

In the explication lines, all rooms and premises of the auxiliary use of a residential building are made.

Rooms and accessories of auxiliary use are indicated in the following sequence: ordering on a liter (in alphabetical order), an increase in the floor, room rooms, rooms.

When filling in the section 7 "Explanation to the floor plan of a residential building", the corresponding graphs are filled as follows:

count 1 - indicates the object of the object of individual housing construction, in which the room or the premises of the auxiliary use is located;

count 2 - indicates the number of the floor in which the room or the premises of the auxiliary use is located. In the absence of floor numbering (mezzanine, basement, ground floor) in the column indicates the name of the floor;

count 3 - indicates the number of the room along the floor plan, in which the room is located or the premises of the auxiliary use;

count 4 - indicates the number of the room or the premises of the auxiliary use on the floor plan;

count 5 - indicates the purpose of the room or the premises of the auxiliary use;

count 6 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or the premises of the auxiliary use, regardless of their type;

count 7 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or the premises of the auxiliary use, if they enter the total area;

count 8 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe residential room;

count 9 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or the premises of the auxiliary use, if they enter the subsidiary area of \u200b\u200bthe room;

count 10 - indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of the auxiliary use, not included in the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (balconies, loggias, terraces, veranda);

count 12 - indicates the height of the room or the premises of the auxiliary use on the internal robe;

count 13 - indicates the mark of the presence of an unimpressed rebuilt or redeveloped area;

count 14 - Indicates additional necessary information about the room or the premises of the auxiliary use.

As a result, the floor is calculated: the area of \u200b\u200ball floor premises (amount by column 6), the total area of \u200b\u200bthe floor (amount by column 7), the living area of \u200b\u200bthe floor (amount by column 8).

As a result, the area of \u200b\u200ball buildings of the building is calculated on the building (in terms of the building) (sum of column 6), the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building (amount by column 7), the living area of \u200b\u200bthe building (amount by column 8) is calculated.

9. Filling in the section 8 "Surveys marks"

The date of inventory is indicated, F. I. O. and the signature of the artist; F. I. O. and the signature of the person who carried out control.

II. Rules for entering the technical passport of parameters and inventory value of the object of individual housing construction

To enter the technical passport of the parameters and the inventory value of the object of individual housing construction, a settlement and inventory statement is drawn up.

The estimated inventory statement consists of three forms:

form 1 calculation of the squares and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary buildings, structures (Appendix No. 1);

form 2 Technical description and determination of physical wear (Appendix No. 2, 3);

form 3 Calculation of the inventory value of the residential building and auxiliary structures, structures (Appendix No. 4).

10. Filling outform 1 "The calculation of the squares and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary structures, structures"

Count 1. The letter denotation (literature) or a digital designation assigned to the parts of the object of individual housing or auxiliary buildings, structures.

Count 2. It is indicated by the name of the parts of the object of individual housing or auxiliary structures, structures. Counts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are filled with measurement data, taking into account the current construction and technical standards.

11. Filling out form 2 "Technical description and determination of physical wear"

For each part of the object of individual housing or auxiliary structure, the structure indicates the letter, a group of capital parties in accordance with the current construction and technical standards.

For major buildings heated forks additionally, the year of construction, the number of underground, terrestrial floors, the year of reconstruction (overhaul) * (3) is indicated.

The column 2 shows the standard * (4) list of basic structural elements for individual housing facilities,

formed taking into account the methodology for calculating the replacement cost according to the integrined indicators in accordance with the current construction and technical standards.

The list of basic structural elements of the object of individual housing construction is established during the examination. In the presence of a structural element, all graphs are filled (from 3 to 9); In the absence - columns 3, 4 are not filled, the columns 6-9 are filled with the stress of zeros in the corresponding lines.

Count 3, indicates the description of the structural elements (material, design, finishing, etc.).

Count 4. The characteristic of the technical condition * (5) of the structural element of the object of individual housing construction is a list of defects (damage, deformations) with their quantitative assessment, which allows to determine the degree of its physical wear in percentage according to the current methodological and instructive standards.

Count 5. The proportion of the structural element is indicated.

The specific gravity of the basic structural elements in the restoration cost of the capital construction object is accepted according to the estimated tables of the enlarged indicators of the reducing cost (OPVS) for the corresponding object-analogue using the necessary correction coefficients are either determined by the estimated pathway on the basis of the project, construction, executive, land management and other documentation provided by the Customer .

Count 8. The quantitative value of the deterioration is indicated corresponding to the characteristic of the technical condition.

Note: The definition of a percentage of physical wear of the building is calculated using the specific scales of the structural elements of this building specified in the appropriate estimated standard. The percentage of physical wear on each constructive element selected from the tables mentioned above is multiplied by the proportion of this element (after applying the amendment or value coefficient). As a result, we obtain physical wear of individual structural elements with respect to the whole building.

The summation of the results obtained determines the physical wear of the entire building.

If corrections or value coefficients were applied in the calculations and as a result, the sum of the updated specifications of the structural elements is not 100, the resulting percentage of physical wear to the entire building should be clarified (divided into the amount

refined specific scales and to obtain a percentage of physical wear to multiply by 100).

Physical wear of cold attacks, auxiliary buildings and structures of the technical inventory facility is allowed

determine in general throughout the structure or construction without taking into account the specific scales of their individual structural elements.

12. Filling out form 3 "Calculation of the inventory value of a residential building and auxiliary structures, structures.

Filling is made for each part of the object of individual housing and auxiliary structure, construction in accordance with current construction and technical standards.

Count 1 indicates the letter designation (literature) or digital designation assigned to the part of the object of the individual housing

construction or auxiliary structure, construction in terms of plan.

Count 2 indicates the name of the part of the object of individual housing or auxiliary structure, facilities.

Counts 3, 4, 5, 6 are filled with data on the data-analogue object based on the methodology for calculating the rehabilitation cost according to integrated indicators in accordance with the current construction and technical standards.

Count 7 is filled with the results of the results (the final result of the column "The share with amendment" is divided by 100).

Graphs 8, 9, 10 are amendments to the difference of the estimated object from the analog object.

Count 12 indicates the measurement data by the estimated object in units of measurement of an analog object.

Count 14 is filled with a percentage of wear.

Count 16 indicates the index * (6) of recalculating the base value in the current price level.

* (1) Arabic or Roman numbers.

* (2) Instructions on the accounting of the Housing Fund in the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Mindation of Russia from 08/04/1998

№ 37 "On approval of the Instruction on the accounting of the Housing Fund in the Russian Federation" (does not need state

registration, letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of September 11, 1998 No. 6135-WE).

* (3) See the instructions to sections 1, 2 of the procedure for designing the technical passport of the object of individual housing construction.

* (4) In case, for individual unique types of buildings, structures, other structures, the grouping of its basic structural elements is missing in the prescribed manner, such a group is developed by the Contractor of Inventory Works on Also on the basis of the project, construction, executive, land management and other documentation provided by the Customer .

* (5) is performed simultaneously with the technical description.

* (6) One common or product of several indices (coefficients).

Appendix number 1 to order

Calculation of the squares and volumes of residential buildings and auxiliary buildings, structures

№ on the plan (literary)

Name of the building, facilities

Formulas for counting areas for outdoor

Area, square. M.

Height, M.

Building volume, cube. M.

in terms of volume


Appendix number 2 to order

Technical description of the structural elements and the determination of the physical wear of the main buildings heated for the housing

Name of a constructive element

Description of structural elements (material, design, finishing and other)

Technical condition

Specified Table

Value coefficient

Specific consist. elevation after applying prices. coefficient

% depreciation to the structure (gr. 7 × gr. 8) / 100

Current changes


to the structure


a) walls and their outer decoration

b) partitions







San. and electrical devices


water pipes


mountains water supply

gas supply

power supply

a television


Other works

% wear reduced to 100 by the formula:

% wear (gr. 9) × 100

specific weight (gr. 7)

Appendix number 3 to order

Technical description and determination of the physical wear of unheated supplies of residential buildings and auxiliary structures, structures

Name of structural elements

Specified Table



Specified Table



Specified Table



Group Capital .____

Group Capital .____

Group Capital .____

Material, construction

Material, construction

Material, construction


Walls and partitions


Finishing work

Electric lighting

Other works

Appendix number 4 to order

Calculation of the inventory value of residential house and auxiliary buildings, structures

№ on the plan (literary)

Name of buildings. Constructions

Collection number

Table number


The cost of the meter in the table (1969), rub.

Value coefficient

Cost amendments

Cost of the meter after applying the value coefficient and amendments

Volume - cube. m, bad. - sq. m, number - pc.

Restored. Cost price in 1969, rub.

Inventory-Zinga cost at 1969 prices, rub.

Changes value

Inventories-zero cost A Date to draw up a passport, rub.

Group of capital

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