
How to open a cafe, where to start? Business plan cafe. Required documents for the start. How to open and equip your own diner: instruction

Some think where it would have a snack, others think about how Open eaterialso that the society is satisfied and in your pocket is nice.

Pay attention to such a nuance that interests of the eighty population today cannot take advantage of full-fledged restaurants, due to the transcendental pricing policy compared with their income. And many because of the dense work schedule there is no time for calm eating. And this does not depend on the place of the person's position and the situation in which it is located. IN countryside, question of the opening of the diner Not so global, as in urban conditions.

The audience, in such common food places, may be the most diverse. From schoolchildren, because, today, not every general educational institution can provide the nutrition of his students. Especially, this is the middle and older school. Immediately, administrative staff of enterprises, that is, office plankton. Workers with production facilities, technical staff of the same offices and just random passer.

In order to start your own business, in this direction, you must clearly understand which contingent will be serviced, what kind of association you will pop up.

Do not forget about the difference between cafes and fast food institutions. They prepare only fast food dishes.

Snack bars can be divided into two types:

total nutrition

- specialized

Establishment total nutrition message a large range of products. Here, in principle, you can make alcoholic and tobacco products

Specialized establishments can be profiled on a specific dish or several, such as; Skeluts, dumplings, dumplings.

Before as Open eaterial You decide whether to build a new building, or rent an existing room. Is there a sewage and water supply, whether the electromatherapist is far from. Deal with maximum number Visitors who can accommodate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal space of your diner. The area should be at least 30 m 2, but in principle it is an optional requirement for this type Power points. To do this, conduct marketing studies of similar chharcheng in that area where you plan to start your business, that is, your competitors.

That would not be today, this can not be. So, pay attention to such aspects:

- Whether they manage to serve the entire stream of customers and determine how much you can get a potentially needed to eat contingent.

- explore the Competition menu and determine which dishes are popular

- Also examine the quality of products and customer service in competing establishments.

- To spend a small survey on the street under the cover of sociological, to find out what, people like more, which they are missing.

Next, you need to take care of a good advertising campaign that will also help open the eater . This is a bright colorful signboard, with an appetizingly selected name for the establishment, which will be viewed from different sides of the street. You also need to install a pointer on the sidewalk near the road, it is also called the pillar. Print a certain number of advertising flyers to distribute people. In this way, you will inform many people direct and indirect ways.

If near, there are enterprises state institutions, schools, hostels, offices, if possible on the watch, checkpoints, reception your advertising leaflets, or at least a business card.

Also ensure the comfort and good mood for your client. The comfort depends on proper design Interior environment. The originality of the interior refinement is another step towards the successful implementation of your business project. If you have a creative imagination problem, hire a specialist designer, provided that this can allow your financial limit. As an option, you can find an art school graduate, or a technical school. Guys with pleasure and interest you will develop design - project and much cheaper.

Seat and tables must be comfortable, not to cause discomfort from the client. The color gamut of the room will build on the basis of nuissary tones, no sharp, contrasting transitions, very bright or dark colors. Visitor, wants to calmly eat and relax a little, and not twist head different sides And think that he is annoying.

For Harchevni, which will only be specialized on some Chebureca or hot dogs enough and tables - racks.

Now let's go to K. production equipmentthat you need to work. If possible, never buy a bag, often getting rid of it from the fact that it does not longer withstand any criticism. Today there are high-quality products of domestic producers, it is much cheaper imported, but not inferior to her. You can of course and rent, if your budget is not very large. Rent looks more reliable than buying a used

We give a preliminary list of equipment. This does not mean that you will all need to buy, the need for one or another depends on the type of your share item:

- brass cabinets;

- Microwaves;

- Fryers;

- donuts;

- electro or gas plates;

- showcases;

- coffee makers;

- Pinnitsy;

- refrigerators and freezers;

- mixers;

- juicers;

- racks;

- Chairs;

Cash machine;

- Kitchen tools;

- Dishes;

- overalls;

And now about employees. For your public catering will be required from one to five employees. This number can be taped depending on the type of Harchevni, as well as popularity and your greed. Standard employee set consists of:

- Seller - Cashier (he is an accountant);

- dishwasher;

- waiter;

- Cleaner;

Fast cooking showcase must excite appetite only from one look at them. Go to the development of the menu tight, do not forget about your marketing research and a small sociological survey. Consider all the shortcomings of your competitors, wishes your potential customers so that they want not only to see, but also to eat. But do not forget that you open a diner installation of fast food, where all dishes are prepared quickly and eat, also quickly, or at all on the go. Pick up dishes for the menu that can be prepared quickly at the same time. Because, uncle Sasha is unlikely - a welder of OJSC "Kui Iron, RVI Metal" will wait for you to borrow a chicken, bring it to the state of cooking and weld your favorite chicken broth, also itself and Vasil Vasylich from the bank statistics department "Money Your Money , our happiness. "

Theoretically, your menu should have this kind:

- soup (preferably several varieties);

- second (several species);

- Salad.

- sandwiches and different rapid snacks;

- tea, coffee, juices ... - In short, all sorts of drinks.

As we all understand, foodstuffs in these harchers are semi-finished products, but at the same time you should always pay attention to their quality, because the popularity of your Harchevni depends on this.

Procurement of products is better to produce on the food database in terms of pricing and profitability of business. And one more nuance, the longer the shipping path, the more expensive it is. So, you need to look for databases or shops that will provide you with food, the closer to your catering.

But there is another nuance, probably the most time-consuming and extinguishing, before open eaterial, This is the execution of documents and registration of a private enterprise. Consider these stages:

Step number 1 - Register your business activities.

Step number 2 - Select the tax system and register the cash register.

Step number 4 - Tight communication with SanEpidemstancy and obtaining permission to activities.

Step number 5 - Also tight communication with civil service emergency situations and getting permission.

Step number 5 - Hike to local administration (urban, district) and register a trading point.

Step number 6 - This step is if you plan to implement tobacco products and alcohol, must make a license for sale.

Step number 7. - Registration of trademark, provided that you have at this desire.

Now let's consider a complete list of all documents that you need to have after the execution of all stages of registration and registration of PE:

- production control program;

- an agreement on disinsection and deratization;

- Sanitary epidemiological conclusion;

- contract for waste disposal;

- book reviews and complaints;

- contracts with dry cleaning and laundry;

- contract of purchase - sales or lease;

- permissions from GMCH and Ces;

- License for the right to trade alcohol and tobacco products.

- Certificate of registration of private entrepreneurship.

- registration of the outlet;

- Sanitary - epidemiological books of your employees.

- Charter of the enterprise and instructions with safety (general and official).

To implement your project, you will need from 10,000 to 15,000 conventional units.

There is another option, it is a snack bar on wheels. For this you need to convert the car - a small truck, a van, a minibus trailer. To begin with, buy a supported car.

Install kitchen and refrigeration equipment, cylinders with propane. Distribute internally space around zones:

- cooking zone;

- dishes feed zone;

- Product storage area.

Documents and registration in principle are the same as for stationary items, of course, there are some differences;

- Registration of vehicles;

- Insurance.

All other documents and the design system of your case are addressed above.

Otherwise, the principle of organization and development of the diner is the same and described above in the article.

Business - Snack Plan

An important aspect in business endeavors, this is a business plan. We will reveal this concept wider. He is an instruction of phased actions and the development of your little private case. It is provided to investors and authorities at the Registration of PE and not only.

The main tasks:

- building strategy and development tactics;

- determination of optimal goals in commercial activities enterprises;

- development of marketing policies;

- Creation and sale of products.

Consider common business - Snack Plan


Includes product information, which will be made, the specifics of the enterprise, attracting financial investments

Item Description of the institution, private enterprise

Form of ownership, menu, legal and actual address,

Production point

Includes a project of a capital or non-vacant structure, which will place an institution, design project. Kitchen equipment, client hall, the number of employees and cost information on all this.

Point of financial calculations

The costs are indicated here;

- Procurement and purchase of equipment, products;

- rental of premises or construction new;

- Expenditures on wages employees;

- General result on the expenditure part of all points.

This is a short-estate business - a diner plan.

Well, here is still all, all the nuances do not specify, because there are a lot of their, foreseen and not foreseen. Theory we are, future and novice entrepreneurs opened simple words. We hope that our article will very help in the opening of your business. The main thing is that there would be a goal to which you need to strive.

Business based on the satisfaction of the basic human needs is always advantageous. Considering the pyramid of the butter, it can be understood that the most popular human need is a need for food. That is why novice businessmen are asked: how to open a diner. With the right approach, customers will be not difficult to find, especially if you organize business correctly. In this material we will tell you how to do it.

The first steps

How to open the diner and where to start? As in any other business, you need to start with the decision legal issues. Since business is associated with food, there will be many them.

First of all, you should register as an oct if you plan to implement alcohol in the diner, if not, you can open the PI, which is much more profitable and easier.

  • Production control program;
  • Deratization agreement;
  • Disinsection agreement;
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Assortment of food sold;
  • Contract for garbage collection;
  • The disposal of luminescent lamps;
  • Book of complaints;
  • Treaty for the use of laundry and dry cleaning.

Also, before applying, it is necessary to place a rental or acquire a room where your diner will be located.

Select room

Opening the dnore, you need to carefully attribute to the question of choosing the premises. The level of competition and the need for a similar institution of the region should be analyzed, where you plan to carry out entrepreneurial activities.

It is advantageous to place snack bars near the markets, universities, train stations and office centers, subway exits and public transport stops.


The main cost of expenses when opening a diner is to buy equipment and furniture. From the equipment you need: refrigerators, counters, cabinets, shop windows, grill, pancake, hot-dog cooking devices, microwave, kettle, fryer, punching apparatus, coffee makers.

Of course, the choice of equipment directly depends on the range. When making a menu, it is necessary to analyze the proposals of competitors and choose what they have and what is in the greatest demand. In these issues, intuition plays a considerable role.

As a rule, the snacks prepare dishes from semi-finished products. Nevertheless, do not forget about the quality of cooking.

There must be several types of first and second dishes, sandwiches, meat and vegetable salads, hot and cold drinks.

Personnel search

The number of employees depends on the type of diner. If you intend to trade hot dogs and burghers with a fit, then you can do with one employee.

If you want to open the eater, in which the first and second meals are offered, a cook, a cashier, a waiter (if there are many orders, then there may be several chefs and waiters). For an additional fee on the main staff, you can assign the work of the cleaner.

According to the law, all employees must have a sanitary book and to pass medical examinations in a timely manner.

Business promotion

Little to open a cafe dnore, you should still provide an institution with a constant influx by the client. Speaking of promotion, first of all, you should take care of a bright sign, which will be seen from different angles from afar.

Specifying the rules of the city regarding the placement and installation of outdoor advertising, it will not be superfluous to put a pillar along the road. In the event that your diner is near the office center, you can agree on the passing or reception about the placement of business cards.

Cafe on wheels

Many businessmen are asked: how to open a snack-born on the wheels. Such a format is quite interesting, as it allows you to move to the places of cluster of the people, attracts attention due to the original appearance. In addition, in this case, the issue of rental or purchase of the room disappears, which is a cost-effective solution.

Remember that your bus should attract attention. It should be built, equip comfortable furniture. Create a fee's feeling allows you to have a pleasant music, caring from the windows.

The target visitors of such cafes, as a rule, are students, youth and parents with children. The image of such institutions is close to bistro, respectively, the pricing policy should be democratic, and the dishes are appropriate. In addition to the main purpose, the bus can be used for corporate events, youth and children's holidays.

We make a proper menu

Since it will not be able to cook on the bus, it is necessary to stop on semi-finished products that can be heated: hot dogs, hamburgers, hot sandwiches and baking. In the event that you plan to make food, you should take care of the source of power supply. This may be a small power station or diesel generator. Snack bar on wheels - business, subjected to strict criticism of inspection organs. In the field, it is impossible to use reusable dishes, you have to stop on one-time, although it is much more expensive.

Interior and route

The number of visitors directly directly from these factors. If you plan to work in winter, take care of the insulation and heating of seats. The route should be laid on the sights, places of crowds of people and beautiful landscapes.


Take care of an experienced driver. Also required a bartender-waiter, cook. Since your institution will not have strict coordinates, you should hire a person who will convene through the loudspeaker of people.

Possible problems

First of all, problems are associated with regulatory authorities, since by law any establishment of the catering should be connected to water supply and drainage systems. Next complexity - Russian roads. Their imperfect condition is poorly contributes to making food.

Restaurant business is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Now you can open a cafe or bar of exactly the species that you always dreamed about. It can be a mini-cafe or diner fast food. You may want to open the interior-pastry shop or make the first in the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's cafe.

There are a lot of options, but what are the first steps to do to open a cafe? How to start a business plan and what to draw attention when is the first project?

We choose the room for a successful institution

First key moment In creating a place where you can eat - this is a choice of premises. Success or failure of the project will depend on it. You can make chic renovation, create a unique atmosphere and hire a brilliant chef. But if an inappropriate area is chosen, then visitors will not: in the cafe and cash desk will be empty day after day. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples among those who think

The business plan begins with the search for the square. When choosing a bridgehead, pay attention to the state of the main communication systems. Pay attention to the presence of sewage, water supply and heating. A good option will redeem the old dining room, where there is already a kitchen. Heavier and more expensive to build a new cafe from non-adapted to cooking, but cheaper rooms: hangars and warehouses.

Most snack bars and bars open in residential premises.
If there was a dining room, pub or restaurant already in this place, then everything is in order, you can open a cafe in a residential building. But if you decide to open a cafe for the first time, where to start the process to avoid the mass of pitfalls? If the sounds of music and the aromas of the kitchen will become non-crushed guests of residents of tenants, then problems can begin very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the good zoning of the room, sound insulation and extractor. In case the tenants find the neighborhood uncomfortable, cafe can just close.

Shoot or buy?

Rent not very the best way. Especially when it comes to a large cafe. The rent has a property of growing, and not from a good economic situation in the country. If you suddenly decide to move, then repair and clientele will remain the owner. Most of the masts, held restaurants opened their business from the repurchase of the premises to the property. After that, the institution can be advertised with a big sweep, realizing that PR costs are a contribution to the future. In addition, if the project for some reason does not take place, it is always possible to rent its area, and with sublease more difficult.

Before discovery, it is worth contacting the specialists in order to find out whether it is profitable to open a cafe, take into account all the regulations of legislation and guest requirements. Based on these recommendations, a project plan is drawn up. After a cafe business plan has been received, an example must be passed to Rospotrebnadzor. After coordinating the project with state structures, you can proceed to repair and redevelopment.

A meal with a good taste

It is very important to choose a single concept and style of a restaurant or cafe. For what public do you want to work? Who do you want to see among the guests? Answers to these questions will help to understand the values \u200b\u200bof your potential visitors and develop a suitable image. Do not forget to take into account your ideas, because your personal dream is now being implemented.

It doesn't matter what level the restaurant you plan to open - it is important to find your "highlight" around which the concept will be constructed. Think what is this criterion that will distinguish your shop from all others? This question will help to successfully open a cafe.

How to implement a business plan?

The first step will be segmentation and risk assessment. Enthusiasts often skip these stages, underestimating the weaknesses of the enterprise and strengths competitors. In addition, at this stage it is worth calculating cash costs, find out

Working business plan Cafe is an example of good training. It is impossible to make it without an accurate portrait of a potential client, his social income, tastes, lifestyle.

It is now that the question of whether the cafe will receive the main profit: due to a large turnover or high cheating? If, suppose your typical guest is a young student who likes to spend time with friends, consuming chips and light beer, it is unlikely that expensive exquisite dishes will be assessed. It will not understand the fabulous prices for the cream of 30 ingredients and the liver of the goose cooked according to a special recipe. This option of business planning is likely to end in deplorable, despite the fact that you will be able to open a cafe.

Where to start: Documentation and registration

This will require a package of documents.

First, only an entrepreneur can do business in our country. You must first open up LLC or IP.

Secondly, collect the following package of documentation:

  • permission to place the establishment issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission obtained from fire safety organs;
  • confirmation of the compliance with the premises of sanitary standards (lease agreement, staff medical contracts, certificate of state registration, raw materials permit and trade products);
  • licenses for the sale of retail, alcohol and tobacco;
  • patent by trade activities in this area (issued by local self-government bodies);
  • notification of the start of activity.

Federal Law No. 294-FZ dated December 26, 2008 "On Protection of Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs With the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control, "regulates this activity.

A legal entity (entrepreneur) provides the necessary documentation to Rospotrebnadzor on the actual location. The completed notification is complemented by a copy-discharge from the Unified State Register of Yurlitz (entrepreneurs), as well as a copy of the certificate of registration in tax authorities. These documents are enough to open a cafe.

We start work

The work of even the smallest catering is unthinkable without equipment. In order to cook a cup of coffee or cook ice cream, a technical base is needed. Cropped up all the details are necessary at the design stage of the room.

The whole technique should be as functional as possible and practical in use, durable, meet the requirements for bars, restaurants and cafes. Otherwise, the technique simply will not pay off.

Modern devices allow you to quickly prepare high-quality dishes. But high performance is not only the result of a powerful technical base establishments, but also the ability to work on it. It is very important to spend for employees master class after buying a new car.

Properly chosen technique will increase the profitability of the business, while unsuitable cars will lead to losses.

Furnishing and furnishings

This is another important question that should devote his attention before opening a cafe. How to start to build a situation? A favorable solution will be a set of furniture, designed in a single design. However, this is an exclusive version - it is always more expensive. You can purchase finished furniture. If the cafe is the first such enterprise, then cheap furniture will serve as a sample, so that it is better to see the needs of the institution. The next time you can order suitable furniture easier.

Human Factor: We select Talented Staff

The number of employees will depend on the sales volume of the institution. All roads in the "ednal" are reduced to the cook. He is like a captain on the ship. The cook should not only be delicious to cook dishes, but also beautifully draw them. Very well, if you know your future chef in advance, even at the stage, when you develop a business plan for a cafe.

An example when it opens under a well-known master, definitely not remain unnoticed in the city.

The ideal composition of the kitchen is a chef, the required number of cooks and dishwashers. There should be two such compositions - for seamable work schedule. The right hand of the owner is a chef - must cook quickly, while not reducing the quality of dishes, since in such places there are quite often visitor influx.

If the chef is a soul of the institution, then the next group of workers is his face. Bartenders, waiters, administrators personally refer to the client. The impression that the manager will produce, meeting the guests, can become a turning point in further relations.

If you do not have experience in hiring workers, then try to take advantage of the following advice. Remember your favorite place and try to chat with its owner on the theme of personnel choices. Find out of his details of how to open a cafe. The business plan of his idea already lives in the walls of the institution, and, perhaps, his advice will be removed from financial and emotional catastrophes. The successful experience of colleagues is always invaluable for the one who knows how to learn.

Any owner will tell you that you should not choose workers based on just a pleasant appearance. Sometimes administrators, as well as waiters, have to be provided very in delicate situations where the institution is needed and to defend the institution, and the client is not losing. Here, of course, you need awareness, resourcefulness, such a person can make mistakes, but should not let the owner. The ability to solve conflicts peacefully is a precious talent, so when charging salaries pay your employees for it.

A good waiter is also an excellent seller who will be able to offer exactly what the client wants or does not know what he wants.

In order for the cafe inexpensively, it is possible to invite there already the emerging team or at least the back of the team that worked together for quite a long time. This will help make the work process rapid and harmonious. This is an important nuance that disadvantageously distinguishes new institutions from mastty networks.

"Delicious" day

So, when the basic procedures are completed, and you can invite guests, the purchase of food purchases occurs. Of course, if you are not inserted into advertising and do not expect the first day of the influx of visitors, you can gradually improve the menu, modifying the kitchen. And yet you have done this way for the sake of success, and the success of the institution is his own shaggy. Products are a perishable goods, but better stock in excess to remain with the full hall and empty refrigerators, explaining that you just could open a cafe.

Where to start purchases? This question is quite well worked in network coffee houses. They are debugged with the best suppliers for the network, and when opening a new point, the owner of the franchise will already have an approximate estimate, telephones for procurement coordination. This experience can be used independently, especially if you are going to open where experience is where to fond.

"Edible" budget

A good advantage of large cities like Moscow is the ability to borrow or take into free use of part of the equipment.

Suppliers can provide free of charge from deep pockets to attract customers offer free souvenir accessories. Mugs for bar, ashtray and even furniture with logos. All this will be an invaluable contribution to those who crave to open cafes inexpensive. Part of the equipment, such as microwave or kettle, can be made from home.

In case you open a cafe in the Middle Russian city, the pros will be others. No need to invest in the interior design and diversify the menu every week. Do not need a fabulous advertising and glamor image of the institution. This may even scare away visitors who are the word "buzz" understand otherwise than "metropolitan things."

The first major expenses will be advertising, salary payment and product costs. The first months are usually unprofitable, but you should not despair if you have already managed to open a cafe. Where to start in this situation - so it is with the bombings of the "financial pillow". This is the amount that is initially laid in the budget for a similar period. After the company becomes a smooth course, expenses will relate mainly to repair and update equipment.

On Smell Spoon: How to open a fast food cafe?

If you decide the question about the type of cafe, then it is worth noting that the demand for fast food is very large.

The fact is that this type of nutrition is suitable for poor population groups due to the low cost of lunch and office workers who are snacking on the go. This creates a certain blur in the client portrait, but displays other project criteria to the fore.

Fast cafe must be in a place with high traffic. Need to add from a competitor. To do this, it is enough to open a mini-cafe at least around the corner from shopping centerwhere the opponent is: the main thing is that the flows of people do not intersect.

From a legal point of view, in order to open a chic restaurant, you will need as much work as to open a fast food cafe. But investments in the second will be ten times less. The owner of this business mostly invests in primitive equipment for the kitchen and rental of the premises.

The smallest gourmets

Kids are also connoisseurs of exquisite cooking. But they appreciate, rather, somewhat different. How to open a children's cafe in your city and not guess? It is worth noting that this is still unfilled niche in Russia, while in the west children's cafe is in every crowded place, and the children's menu - in every self-respecting restaurant.

Here, of course special attention It is necessary to pay the design of the room so that the kids feel comfortable. It is better to invite a designer and consult with the animators, because they will arrange holidays and events here. Perhaps it is worth choosing some one stylistic line, a fairy tale, era. The entourage should cause children a feeling of comfort and recognition, and their parents are fabulous.

A good place for a children's restaurant will be where a kindergarten is located nearby, a toddler clinic or a playground. It is enough to make a hall at 60 seats and fill the menu with pastry molds, sues and delicious porridge - with such a base can already be opened with cafes.

Confectionery business

This is the most fertile soil for investment. To open a snack bar with one furnace, 100 thousand dollars are quite enough. Therefore, open cafes-confectionery is quite simple.

This institution will completely please guests with fresh pastries and a hot drink. By the way, then why come to confectionery - these are delicious bakery productsAnd they are only good fresh. Therefore, for this type of cafe is not a cook, but the baker.

The profitability of the business comes to 30% when investing 400 thousand dollars.

Confectionery are very different. It can be art trams at the metro stations, where you can buy Muffin and tea from the bag. But it can also be a confectionery house with a century-old history, where the real works of art do. And for delicious and beautiful carbohydrates, people are ready to pay.

  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • Search for investment
  • How much money is needed to open the diner
  • Search for premises
  • Registration of activities
  • What taxation system to choose
  • Product range, conclusion of contracts
  • What equipment to choose for a diner
  • Personnel search
  • Advertising
  • How much can earn money
  • What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business
  • What are the documents for the opening of the diner
  • Do I need permission to open the diner
  • Business technology: menu features

How to open the eater? Consider step by step guide on the opening of this business.

Step-by-step opening plan

The first thing to do is to decide on the overall concept of the future institution. What will be similar to your institution, which is the product range in it, where it will be located, who will be the main consumer and so on.

It should also be understood that the snack bar differs from the same cafe in that it sells no complicated dishes, and which can be consumed literally "on the go." At the same time, the size of the room does not play an important role, the main thing is that there are several tables and chairs in it, you can even plastic, followed by a quickly "snack".

In general, the snack bars are divided into two types: specialized and general type. Specialized imply the sale of a certain range of products, so they are briefly called: dumplings, pie, cheburen, donutic, skewed, etc. The general type, it is clear, sells a large range of different products.

What type of institution is better? It depends on the set of factors such as the location of the object, the size of the existing funds for opening a business, a potential range of visitors, the availability of competitors and much more.

Search for investment

And so, we decided on the concept and style of the establishment - then you should take care of the search for sources of project financing.

Possible sources of financing can be:

  1. Bank loan;
  2. Participation in programs state support business;
  3. Search for a private investor based on a competently compiled business plan of your business;
  4. Personal savings.

How much money is needed to open the diner

In general, it will take investments from 450 thousand rubles to open a small diner in the rented premises:

  1. Repair of the premises - 100 thousand rubles (if necessary);
  2. Trade equipment, Mick. furnace, grill, etc. - 90 thousand rubles;
  3. Tables, chairs - 30 thousand rubles;
  4. Permits and organizational costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  5. Creating an initial range - 150 thousand rubles;
  6. Other expenses, incl. Creating design, advertising, transportation costs - 50 thousand rubles.

Search for premises

The next step is to search for a suitable room. The best places To accommodate such objects are:

  • auto and railway stations;
  • student towns;
  • track with large truckers traffic (roadside service);
  • central streets where many office buildings are located.

To open a small place, it is enough to find the room from 30m2. It is desirable, of course, that the rent corresponded to the location of the diner. That is, if the rental is high, then the traffic of visitors to your institution should also be high, otherwise you will work at a loss. Therefore, before you take a room for rent, at least a small marketing study should be carried out, determine the range of potential customers and the estimated capacity of the market.

It is important to take into account that the premises must comply with all the standards of the SES and is equipped with a fire safety system.

Registration of activities

After the investment and premises are found, you can proceed to registration of activities.

As an organizational and legal form can be both individually entrepreneurship and limited Liability Company (entity).

In general, for a small diner, it is enough to open an IP, since the cost of registration is significantly less than on LLC, and the discovery procedure will take a maximum of 7 days. You can get acquainted with the instructions for the opening of IP and LLC you can on our website in the section articles about business.

What taxation system to choose

After registration of the IP, within 5 days, it is necessary to apply for the transition to a special tax regime, USN, UTII or buy a patent. If this is not done during, then you will remain on the classic tax system and will pay all taxes, including VAT, income tax, etc. What mode is better to choose? Read in the article: choosing a tax system.

Product range, conclusion of contracts

An important point is the conclusion of contracts for the supply of products in establishment. Since the premises in most cases will not be greater and not adapted for cooking and baking pies, it is necessary to supply this products from local producers. Some products can be supplied in the form of semi-finished products, such as dumplings, pastries, puff pastries. The rest of the accompanying goods (chocolate, drinks, etc.) can be supplied from local wholesale suppliers of your city. The markup range in the diner on average is 30%.

You should also consider the question of the protection of your institution and conclude an agreement with the security company, as well as set the "alarm button" and the alarm in the room.

What equipment to choose for a diner

After the activities are registered and all contracts concluded possible to acquire equipment and recruitment. The main equipment includes:

  • Racks;
  • Showcases;
  • Refrigeration equipment;
  • Furnaces;
  • Toasters, juicers;
  • Mixers, fryers, coffee makers;
  • Trading furniture;
  • Kkm (not necessarily);
  • Kitchen inventory, special. Clothing for personnel and so on.

Personnel search

Next, you need to choose future workers of your institution. The main staff of the diner includes cooks, vendors waiters and administrator. At the initial stage of business opening, the administrator function usually performs an entrepreneur or a trustee itself. Other personnel includes an accountant and a cleaner, which can be taken by 0.5 rates on a civil contract or generally take these services for outsourcing.

In order to motivate your employees, you should establish a salary + award for good revenues and established institutions.


Equipment bought, the goods are brought, the staff is selected - we make a beautiful sign: "We opened." We start working ...

Do not forget that after the start of the business, you must notify the local separation of Rospotrebnadzor on the start of your activity.

How much can earn money

Let's try to calculate how much you can earn on the diner. The income will depend on attendance. With a well-set business per month, you can earn 250-270 thousand rubles. Net profit will be 20-25% of income. Business should pay off during the year.

What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business

When registering a business, you must specify the OKVED code. For the diner, I need code OKVED - 55.30 - "Activities of restaurants and cafes." This code is suitable for almost any institution that works in a cafe format, including for a diner.

What are the documents for the opening of the diner

It will be necessary to prepare a package of documents for business registration. Mandatory permits of GPI and SES. Without them, it is impossible to open the eaterial. The lease agreement will be required, the contract with utilities and the contract with product suppliers.

Do I need permission to open the diner

License is needed only if alcohol products are sold. If their sale is not planned, no special permissions need. Sufficient permits from Rospotrebnadzor.

Business technology: menu features

Despite the fact that the diner belongs to the speeds of fast food, you should think about the menu well. It should include the first and second dishes, snacks, desserts, various drinks. To increase the revenue, you can enable alcoholic beverage trafficking, at least beer. But this will require a license for which you need additional package documents.

In this material:

Snack bar - institution cateringcharacterized by inexpensive and delicious food. People in the Soviet "hardening" snack bars are associated with the mandatory use of alcohol and asocial contingent. In the 21st century, everything has changed, since restaurants and brand cafes are far from everyone. Many former Pety places changed the names, conducted rebranding and became affordable catering sides, designed for broad layers of the population. Despite the simple menus and the standard business format, a business plan for a diner with accurate calculations of investments, phased organizational actions and a calculation of potential profits are required.

Snacking as a business: features and relevance

The main feature of the diner is the possibility of fast and inexpensive snack. Based on this, a daily menu is created from inexpensive products, it is possible to design the order "with you" and even a comfortable holiday by a friendly company.

The modern snack bar is similar to the cafe, but the service is available for each person, ranging from the student and ending with office workers. Procurement often offers comprehensive dinners at prices, which are cheaper than promotional business lines in well-known restaurants and cafeteria.

The relevance of the diner largely depends on the location. Wanting to save time and money, people prefer quick and inexpensive meals instead of a trip home for lunch. In this regard, the establishment of catering is popular in the zone industrial enterprises, Auto and railway stations, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shopping center, attractions, parks and squares.

Advantages and disadvantages of ideas

As with any direction of business, the project to open the diner has positive and negative sides.

  • caulter - the establishment of a catering regularly visits a large number of people, so you can earn decent money even on dishes of low cost;
  • investments - the opening of the diner does not provide for serious investments. Basic spending - Rent, repair of the premises and buying equipment. Purchase of products and ingredients occurs almost daily, so attachments at this stage pay off immediately;
  • employees - for restaurants, cafes and sushi bars require specialists with education and experience. In the diner, ordinary dishes are served, which people cook at home daily, so anyone who knows how to cook with the profession of the cook, will cope with the cook.
  • savings - the opening of the catering of this kind does not provide for expensive repair, exclusive interior, luxurious signboard.
  • long payback period - due to low-cost dishes and goods with a low margin of a diner profit will be significantly less than any other cafe status above;
  • difficulties in registration - any type of catering provides for compliance with a number of sanitary rules, as well as the mandatory availability of medical records from employees and regular passage of medical examinations;
  • the complexity in the search for places is to find a crowded place without competitors is quite problematic, and to open the diner on the outskirts of the city is unprofitable.

Reference: With the right approach to organizational issues, many negative points can be avoided, as, for example, searching for a profitable place. It is necessary to carry out a deep analysis of the market, learn competitors and build your own business direction.

Market analysis

Without analytical data, it is rapidly starting to organizational actions, guided only by intuition. Even with the confidence that the selected location will be profitable, and the traffic will bring stable incomeIn practice, an entrepreneur can go bankrupt in the first month.

Target audience

Who attends the diner - an unetebled man will mistakenly respond that only drunkards and the lower working class with the goal of Obermine. This is the biggest misconception, because modern eateries can give odds even famous cafes and popular catering sills.

Ticle depends on the location:

  • city Center - Office Employees;
  • TRC - buyers, employees;
  • station - People awaiting transport, or who arrived from other settlements;
  • park zone - vacationers.

All categories of visitors to the diner can be combined into one in the sign of a low level of income. These are people of ordinary professions and specialties receiving average wages and try to save on everything.

Based on this, the field of activity and the range of establishment is built - simple, low-cost dishes from ordinary products at an affordable price. Product quality - important factor. Customers must understand what small money Require supernatural stupid, but after the meal, they must be satisfied with food and service.

Evaluation of competition and risks

The main competitors of the diner - the institution of public catering of a similar type, referred to as pancakes, dumplings, piring. Even pavilions with fast food and hot tea can lure a part of visitors due to the favorable price and service speed.

The assessment of competitors is as follows:

  1. Determination of the place of opening a traffic point.
  2. Identifying all the closest competitors in the field of catering, ranging from tents with fast food and ending with cafeterias.
  3. Comparison of pricing policy.
  4. Definition of buyers traffic.
  5. Assessment of popular products or dishes.
  6. Definition of Central Asia.

Based on the data obtained, the prototype of the ideal diner corresponding to most consumer requests is drawn up.

  • low profit is a criterion characteristic of the initial stage, when there is no customer stream formed. If low profits are observed for a long time, it is necessary to revise the financial plan;
  • work in minus is a rare situation for catering. It occurs only with high competition and incorrectly selected location;
  • complaints on poor-quality products are characteristic of dishonest entrepreneurs who want to save on the health of their visitors. Such business management is doomed to bankruptcy;
  • penalties - regular checks concern all catering places. In order not to pay high penalties for the inconsistency of the working conditions, it is recommended to carry out all the prescriptions of Rospotrebnadzor and work according to the law.

The diner is a unique type of business that is not accompanied by high risks, as well as activities do not affect economic or political moods in the world. Fast food was always regardless of external factors.

How to open a diner: organizational plan

Registration of activities

Legal form of business management - IP or LLC. The choice is not so obvious as you can assume at first glance.

For example, it is planned to open a standard diner with food supply in the hall and selling, including drinks, sweets, sweets and other products. In this case, IP is quite suitable.

Another example is a snack bar with the realization of the spill and bottle beer, as well as strong alcoholic beverages. For activities, it is necessary to establish a limited liability company, because IP has no right to sell vodka, whiskey and other drinks with a fortress above 15%.

Registration of entrepreneurial activities in both cases does not represent difficulties - the entrepreneur addresses the FTS with the package of documents and is waiting for a decision for several days. The list of documentation can be found directly in tax Service or on the structure of the structure.

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • paid state duty (800 rubles).
  • decision on the establishment of the Company;
  • charter;
  • capital data;
  • personal information of the founder;
  • paid state duty (4 000 rubles).

In the process, the tax system is selected, which corresponds to the preferences of the entrepreneur (most often the UCN or UNVD is chosen).

OKVED codes:

  • 56.10.1 - activity of restaurants and cafes;
  • 56.10.21 - Implementation of ready-made swelling;
  • 56.3 - Feed beverages inside the institution.

Search for premises and repair

For a small snack bar, there is enough space 40-50 square meters. M, where 15-20 meters occupies the production and trading part, and 30-35 meters - a hall for visitors.

Requirements for the room:

  • communications;
  • ventilation;
  • fire safety system;
  • evacuation plan;
  • consumer corner.

Requirements that are placed by entrepreneurs:

  • high passability of people;
  • convenient location;
  • visibility from several angles;
  • direction of entering the roadway;
  • low rent.

In any case, it will have to make repairs if the room was not previously used under the publication. In addition to cosmetics, it is necessary to take care of the redevelopment of the hall - the demolition of partitions (except carriers), the installation of new glass windows, the equipment of the working area, kitchen, distribution lines, plumbing renewal.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

The list of equipment is designed for all types of snack bars. It is likely that you don't have to purchase everything, however, it is this kitchen utensils most often used in catering establishments:

  • showcase, including cooling;
  • refrigerator;
  • electrical or gas plates;
  • oven;
  • teapot;
  • coffee maker;
  • food processor;
  • grill;
  • cabinets;
  • dishes;
  • audio system for playing music or radio;
  • television;
  • racks;
  • cutting table;
  • fryer;
  • pancake;
  • mixer;
  • juicer;
  • microwave;
  • furniture for visitors;
  • hangers;
  • cash machine.

Drawing up a menu

Dishes in snack bars are the simplest and usual. Some of them are preparing in place, and something is purchased separately.

Exemplary menu:

  • first dishes - soup, borsch, pickle, harcho, soup;
  • second dishes - porridge, potatoes, pasta with side dish, meat, vegetables, fish;
  • drinks - juices, fruits, water, tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • fast Food - from sandwiches to pizza, including hot dogs, Chebureks, Pies;
  • skewers - if possible;
  • salads;
  • dumplings;
  • vareniki;
  • pancakes;
  • snacks - crackers, chips, nuts;
  • sweets;
  • fruits;
  • ice cream.

A variety of menus depends only on the format of the establishment and fantasy owner. You can cook the first and second dishes, including dumplings and kebabs, and the flour to order delivery.

On the other hand, in the production of hot dogs, Chebureks and Fastfud there is nothing complicated, but for buyers will always be fresh and hot delicacy.

Search for food suppliers

Given that all food for the diner is the usual ingredients, then there will be no problems with purchasing. It is necessary to contact wholesale bases for the purchase of crop and pasta in bulk; For meat - on the meat processing shop. The rest of the products also purchased wholesalers.

The huge plus is that all ingredients are in the field of operation of the trading point, so there will be no delivery interruptions.


For a diner with an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. m. Ready:

  • 1 cook;
  • 1 assistant;
  • 1 cashier.

Waiters, as a rule, does not happen in such institutions.

Basic requirements are presented to the cook. Education is welcome, but not necessarily. For example, if a woman has worked for 15 years in the dining room at the enterprise without a diploma, then in any case it understands cooking better than a young girl who only graduated from a culinary college.

We will not be able to hold a small casting and test several applicants.

Marketing and advertising

There is no general publicity for the diner, because the institution is designed to a narrow range of visitors who regularly (for work or other cases) are located in the catering area. The likelihood that someone specially from the other end of the city will eat a snack in the diner, is zero.

  • installation of signboard;
  • installation of pillars;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • 3-4 advertising shields in the installation area of \u200b\u200bthe institution.

Most the best way Customer attracting is the realization of delicious and inexpensive meals. After trying to eat once, people will definitely return, advise a new place familiar, which in turn will distribute the information on.

Financial calculations

Investing in the project

Tracts at the stage of preparation for the discovery (in rubles):

  • 15,000 - registration of entrepreneurship, collecting and issuing the necessary documentation;
  • 20,000 - market analysis (labor payment to people collecting information and conducting social support);
  • 35,000 - conclusion of the lease agreement, making an advance payment;
  • 60 000 - repair;
  • 150,000 - equipment;
  • 25,000 - advertising and signboard;
  • 15,000 - additional costs.

Outcome: 320 000 rubles.

Current expenses

Costs in the first month (in rubles):

  • 35 000 - Rent;
  • 100,000 - salary;
  • 12,000 - utilities;
  • 20,000 - unforeseen spending.

Outcome: 167 000 rubles.

In expenses, noigate costs are not indicated, because the value of the ingredients is extremely low, and the final products have an extraction of almost 500%, and sometimes more. That is why purchasing the first batch of goods by 10-15 thousand rubles, the entrepreneur sells ready-made dishes by 40-50 thousand. Allocation from this amount of funds for the purchase of new products will be invisible for total profits.

Revenues, profit and profitability of business

The number of people visiting the eaterial daily is equal to 60. The average check is 150 rubles. Income per month will be 270,000 rubles.

This is a dirty profit from which you need to subtract mandatory monthly spending.

270 000-167 000 \u003d 103 000 rubles.

Referring to the tax and costs for the supply of products, an entrepreneur remains 85,000 rubles for personal use.

Profitability - the ratio of pure income to the gross multiplied by 100%.

85 000/270 000*100=31%.

The project will pay off within 3-4 months.

Thinking about the organization of the speed of fast food, you should never discount cheap and affordable institutions. Increased demands are always charged to cafes and restaurants, so it is extremely difficult to unwind in hard competition. The opening of the diner provides for at least efforts and funds at all stages, but the business plan of the idea should be necessarily. Otherwise, even this case can go bankrupt.

Order Business Plan

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Investments: Investments 2 700 000 - 3,500 000 ₽

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