
Tax 11 Working Mode

Helpline, Unlike hot line phone Trust

helpline, telephone hot line It does not work or changed its number, write to the site support service



hot line

hot line: 8 495 913-08-34.

helpline: 8 495 913-08-03

helpline: 8 495 913-24-78

phone confidence or hotline phone, write to the site support service

Network of beer establishments.

Helpline, Unlike hot lineBy definition, is anonymous. Have it in mind when you, talking on phone TrustThey will be asked to introduce themselves, and you would not want it.

Phones Trust and reference phones of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

Dear site visitors if you notice a mistake or some helpline, telephone hot line It does not work or changed its number, write to the site support service

Helpline UFNS of Russia: 8 495 400-63-67.

Helpline Central Apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia: 8 495 913-00-70 (around the clock).

The appeals of citizens who come to the following numbers are strictly anonymous.

According to these phones, citizens and representatives of organizations may report the facts of corruption in tax authorities.

Address: 127381, Moscow, Neglinnaya ul., D. 23.

On this phone, you can get information reference information about the procedure for conducting personal admission to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, on the course of consideration of the appeals received by the Central Apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Phones of the confidence of interregional inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Federal Districts

Central Federal District: 8 495 688-78-36.

Northwest Federal District: 8 812 337-54-06.

Southern Federal District: 8 863 232-82-74.

Volga Federal District: 8 831 434-45-09 (round-the-clock); telephone hot line: 8 831 433-15- TELEPHONES OF CONSURRENT OF CONSURRENT OF RATE: 8 831 433-15-93 (24-hour).

Ural Federal District: 8 343 371-40-41 (round-the-clock).

Siberian Federal District: 8 383 347-84-79 (round-the-clock).

Far Eastern Federal District: 8 4212 22-12-24 (around the clock).

North Caucasus Federal District: 8 87934 6-35-67.

Crimean Federal District: +38 0692 55-03-55 (receiving chief).

Phones of the confidence of interregional inspections on the largest taxpayers

Inspection No. 1: 8 495 913-10-68.

Inspection No. 2: 8 495 913-08-72 (around the clock).

Inspection No. 3: 8 495 747-32-25.

Inspection No. 4: 8 495 913-11-17.

Inspection No. 5: 8 495 913-09-99.

Inspection No. 6: 8 495 982-59-04 (around the clock).

Inspection No. 7: 8 495 913-10-91 (round-the-clock); hot line: 8 495 913-08-34.

Inspection No. 8: 8 812 272-62-61.

Inspection No. 9: 8 812 610-01-69 (round-the-clock).

Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing - helpline: 8 495 913-08-03

Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for pricing for tax purposes - helpline: 8 495 913-24-78

Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Catchy Control - Phone: 8 499 999-5500

Dear site visitors if you think it is necessary to add a new number to the site phone confidence or hotline phone, write to the site support service

Network of beer establishments.

Alcohol use harms your health.

  • take your extract from the register;
  • take your discharge from EGRN;
  • initiate the reconciliation of their settlements with the budget and send requests to this;
  • take data on the results of consideration of your applications or requests.

In order to be able to use the Internet - Service " Personal Area The taxpayer needs to receive a registration card in which the login and password will be indicated. You can get the card in any regional inspection. Obtaining another way of access - with the help of ESIA operators, attending personally (post office, MFC and others).

If you have any questions about taxation, work tax inspections, the order of receiving citizens at your service is a hotline of the tax service of Russia for free - 8 800 2222-222.

The Tax Service of the Russian Federation begins to give free advice on the phone for everyone!

Good afternoon, dear entrepreneurs!

Excellent news for all doubters IP :) FTS of Russia launches a hot telephone line for all those who want on taxation.

Let's study this question a little more:

Which telephone? Where to call for free tax consultation?

Call from regions of the Russian Federation is free.

It is clear that this line is not intended to be filled with a declaration and no one will consider your taxes. But be sure that you will be answered by short questions on taxes and laws.

I know how similar services work and can assume that every appeal will be allocated for a maximum of 2-3 minutes. Therefore, clearly formulate your question.

In short, do not abuse the new service \u003d) everything should be in moderation)

In which regions is the hotline already running?

On the this moment The service is not introduced in all regions of the Russian Federation:

Already connected UFNS of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • FTS of Russia in Moscow
  • FTS of Russia in St. Petersburg
  • FTS of Russia in the Volgograd region
  • FTS of Russia in the Kemerovo region
  • FTS of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Udmurtia

But other regions of the Russian Federation will already connect according to the schedule. Learn and look for your FTS.

The first stage (starting from 05/18/2015):

  • FTS of Russia in the Moscow region
  • FTS of Russia in the Tula region
  • FTS of Russia in the Bryansk region
  • FNS of Russia in the Kursk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Kaluga region
  • FTS of Russia in the Smolensk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Kostroma region

Second line (starting from 06/15/2015):

  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Bashkortostan
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan
  • FTS of Russia in Saratov region
  • FTS of Russia in the Voronezh region
  • FTS of Russia in the Belgorod region
  • FTS of Russia in the Vladimir region
  • FTS of Russia in the Ivanovo region
  • FTS of Russia in the Oryol region
  • FTS of Russia in the Pskov region

Third queue (starting from 07/15/2015):

  • FTS of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Novosibirsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Perm region
  • FTS of Russia in the Altai Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Omsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Primorsky Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Penza region
  • FTS of Russia in the Kirov region
  • FTS of Russia in the Ulyanovsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Chuvash Republic
  • FTS of Russia in the Lipetsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Ryazan region
  • FTS of Russia in the Tambov region
  • FTS of Russia in the Kurgan region
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Mordovia
  • FTS of Russia in the Murmansk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Mari El
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Karelia
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Kalmykia
  • FTS of Russia for Jewish JSC
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Crimea
  • FTS of Russia in Sevastopol

Fourth of line (starting from 08/15/2015):

  • FTS of Russia in the Rostov region
  • FTS of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Stavropol Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Irkutsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Orenburg region
  • FTS of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory
  • FNS of Russia in the Yaroslavl region
  • FTS of Russia in the Arkhangelsk region and Nenets
  • FTS of Russia in the Vologda region
  • FTS of Russia in the Trans-Baikal Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Astrakhan region
  • FTS of Russia in the Tomsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Buryatia
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • FTS of Russia in the Kaliningrad region
  • FTS of Russia in the Komi Republic
  • FTS of Russia in the Amur region
  • FTS of Russia in the Altai Republic
  • FTS of Russia in the Leningrad Region
  • FNS of Russia in the Novgorod region

Fifth ago (starting from 09/01/2015):

  • FTS of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region
  • FTS of Russia in the Tyumen region
  • FTS of Russia in the Samara region
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Dagestan
  • FTS of Russia in the Tver region
  • FNS of Russia in the Chechen Republic
  • FTS of Russia in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Khakassia
  • FTS of Russia in Yamalo - Nenetsom
  • FTS of Russia in the Sakhalin region
  • FTS of Russia in Karachay-Cherkess Republic
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Adygea
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Ingushetia
  • FTS of Russia in Kamchatka Territory
  • FTS of Russia in the Republic of Tyva
  • FTS of Russia in the Magadan region
  • FTS of Russia for Chukotka JSC
  • FTS of Russia in Khanty-Mansiysk JSC

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Most fAQ Hot line Tax Service

Tax authorities of Russia are carried out primarily control over accurate observance tax legislation and obligatory payments, correctness and timely transfer of payments to the budget of the Russian Federation. In addition, every citizen of Russia may contact the Tax Services on a free telephone. What are the most frequent issues of the hotline of the tax service? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to disassemble what the Federal Tax Service of Russia is being done.

The hotline of the Federal Tax Service is available to everyone. In the form, in which it exists today, was transformed from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and fees, in 2004.

The main tasks and functions that are fulfilling the tax authorities is:

  • ensuring strict compliance with tax laws and fees;
  • control over the execution by taxpayers of its obligations to pay taxes;
  • decrease in administrative load and the development of simplified procedures;
  • preparation and improvement of the qualification level of personnel;
  • accounting for physical I. legal entities;

Tax authorities Registration, created legal and individual enterprises. All their further activities (reporting, timely accrual and tax deductions, a change in the type of taxation, the closure of the enterprise, the design of the bankruptcy procedure) undergoes a thorough monitoring by the controlling tax authorities.

The federal tax service is carried out by the Federal Tax Service itself, as well as through its bodies in the territories, directly cooperating with other executive authorities.

In order to ask your questions created a free hotline of the tax service. Phone Hotline Tax Service 8 800 2222-222.

The hotline of the Tax Service of Russia works on working days from Monday to Friday from 9 am. On Mondays and Wednesdays until 18 o'clock, on Tuesdays and Thursdays - up to 20 hours, on Fridays - until 16:45.

If you want to know the reference information you are interested in, call 8 800 2222-222 by the free telephone number.

What is a free hot tax service line? This means that any taxpayer can call a hotline for free or from a cell phone or stationary.

Approximate list of questions that you will receive an answer by phone:

  • addresses and regulations of the work of the central and territorial tax authorities;
  • clock reception of citizens and its order;
  • how, and in what time frames are considered statements or complaints of citizens;
  • if you have requested to any division of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, then you can get the registration number of your letter, where they apply, or the territorial body, where it is redirected for consideration;
  • addresses or reference phones services that directly consider statements;
  • information that do not need to collect, analyze or summarize.

If you have questions about corruption in tax authorities, the phone (trust) is provided for such a case: +7 495 913-0070.

If you have any questions in the field of taxation, visit the Internet of the Federal Tax Service at www.nalog.ru.

Here you can find phone numbers of reference services.

The necessary and useful service is available on the Internet site, namely: "Personal Account Taxpayer". Such a service is provided by three sections:

  1. individuals, it makes it possible:
  • see topical information about taxes, deductions that have exisions of payments or misunderstanding, about all your property;
  • check your tax accruals;
  • form and print receipts or notifications;
  • to form a request to the tax, not leaving personally.
  1. individual entrepreneurs;
  2. legal entities, it makes it possible:
  • take operational information about the existing debts to the budget, about overpayments, unexplained payments, fines;
  • take your extract from the register;
  • take your discharge from EGRN;
  • send requests for receipt of accomplice acts on taxes or fees, certificates of tax calculations;
  • send requests for the details of the calculations, be it unclear or erroneous payments;

Appeal to the tax authorities for solving minor issues is not always convenient for citizens. After all, it happens that there is no needed worker in place, and the situation remains unresolved.

In order to relieve the load with tax inspectors and help the population, a hotline telephone number was entered.

The Federal Tax Service has created its contact with the Center, which solves the problems of taxpayers in the telephone mode. There is a separate room for this. Calls on it are free - 8-800-222-22-22. Muscovites can already try the service, and the residents of the rest of the regions will join a little later.

By calling at the specified number, it is possible to obtain comprehensive information on emerging issues in the tax area.

If you call from another country, you need to use the number +7-495-276-22-22 .

In the tax inspection you can get by number 8-495-913-00-70 .

When contact

In contact with the center, you can contact the list of such questions:

Call center operators take information from one federal base. It contains a huge number of answers to a variety of questions. There are more than 120,000. From practice such statistics follows:

  • 40% of the calls will learn information on the rules of registration of companies or IP;
  • 25% find out the rules for filling out the tax declaration;
  • 20% of taxpayers will learn how to pay property taxes correctly, and for how long;
  • the remaining 15% will learn organizational issues on the work of tax authorities.

Taxpayers can call the center at any time, but dialogue with the operator is possible only in strictly installed time frames. If you call after the end of the working day, the information will provide an answering machine.

The center management constantly monitors the statistics of the work:

  • the number of calls is checked;
  • employee employment monitoring is carried out;
  • the optimal conversation time with the client is calculated.

The head of the Federal Tax Service is confident that contact center, this is a wonderful help in the field of receipt relevant information. Taxpayers will not have to additionally spend time on visiting the tax authority. After all, you can get answers by phone to the majority of questions.

If the taxpayer wants to figure out how many taxes or fines need to pay, then it is better to do this with the help of a personal office on the FTS website. There are also invoices for payment and its documentary confirmation. Easy to create a request for the topic of interest, you can quickly get the answer.

To solve operational issues, the hotline will be more suitable. Talking with the operator, the taxpayer will receive answers to the topics:

  • pretrial decision of tax disputes;
  • bankruptcy;
  • debts;
  • transfer pricing;
  • how taxes are charged on the Crimean Peninsula;
  • deciphering legislation;
  • tax reporting questions.

With the help of the operator's tips, you can checkout the registration card for the personal account, and also learn about its basic functions and appointments.

If, for example, the taxpayer forgot the password from his LC, he can call the center. And, following the prompts of the operator, restore everything.

It should be understood that employees contact the center provide information, but customer issues do not solve. In case of urgent situations, a person needs to go to the tax authority. And on the hot line it can only get advisory information.

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