
How to register in the tax online cashier. In tax authorities

The new version of Law No. 54-FZ provides for two ways to register the CCT in the tax inspectorate. But here, how can I use to go to online cash offices?

Learn the accurate order of registration of your online box office from us!

How can I register CCT

On the this moment Legislatively approved 2 methods for setting control and cash registers to record:

1. New order

It is registered in Article 4.2 of the Law No. 54-FZ (a new edition of July 15, 2016) and provides for:

  • or filling out an application on paper and its submission to any territorial tax authority. At the same time, the card registration card will be issued in their tax inspection - at the place of registration of the enterprise;
  • either submitting an application through the CCT personal account. At the same time duplicate on paper submitted through this resource the statement is not necessary. Personal CCB Cabinet is located on the website of the FTS RF. In fact, it is integrated into the personal account of the taxpayer, and access to it is carried out automatically - when authorizing an organization or entrepreneur on the site. However, to perform registrations will be needed (CEP). Without it, no documents will not be accepted.

Video Instructions - How to connect online cash register for 5 steps:

2. Old procedure is possible until January 31, 2017

The former order, which is registered in the Law No. 54-FZ (as amended until July 15, 2016). This procedure is allowed by paragraph 3 of Article 7 of Law No. 290-FZ and is valid until January 31, 2017 inclusive. These rules were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 470 of July 23, 2007.

However, as declared in territorial tax authorities:

  • register for the old order, which acted until July 15, 2016, you can exclusively cash registers of an old sample (non-online cash register). And this can be done only until January 31, 2017 inclusive;
  • online cashiers and upgraded CCT models are subject to registration by new order. But it is worth remembering that from February 1, 2017, an agreement with the OPD operator (clause 4 of Article 7 of Law No. 290-ФЗ) is already required to register the cash register. Up to this point, as approved by the tax authority itself and Law No. 290-FZ, registration of the CCP can be carried out and without such a contract. Moreover, OPD operator services are paid. And while their cost is approximately 3 thousand rubles per year.

On August 21, 2017, the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia was entered into force of 29.05.2017 No. MMB-7-20 / [Email Protected] "On approval of forms of statements on registration (re-registration) of cash registers and removal of cash register from registration, registration of control and cash registers and cards for removing control and cash registers from registration accounting, as well as the procedure for filling out the forms of these documents and The order of the direction and receipt of the specified documents on paper "(link).

Get acquainted with the applications to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 29.05.2017 No. MMB-7-20 / [Email Protected] You can (file Word).

Application form for registration (re-registration) of cash register equipment (form for CBD 1110061) is given in Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The form of an application for removing control and cash registers from the registration accounting (form on the CBD 1110062) is given in Appendix No. 2 to the order of the FTS of the Russian Federation.

The CCT registration card (form by CBD 1110066) is indicated in Appendix No. 3.

CCT card removal from registration accounting (Form for CBD 1110065) is annex number 4.

The procedure for filling out the registration statement (re-registration) of cash registers is scheduled in Appendix No. 5.

The procedure for filling out the declaration of cash register from the registration account is given in Appendix No. 6.

With the order of filling in the form of the Card Registration Card Card can be found in Appendix No. 7.

The procedure for filling the form of a card on the removal of cash registers from registration accounting is listed in Appendix No. 8.

The procedure for the direction and obtaining a form of an application for registration (re-registration) of cash registers and the form of an application for removing control and cash registers from registration accounting on paper is given in Appendix No. 9.

Taking into account the fact that the real deadlines for the delivery of fiscal drives to the end user range from 30 or more, entrepreneurs will be useful to know the following information.

"... At the same time, the Federal Tax Service of Russia reports that in the presence of circumstances indicating that organizations and individual entrepreneurs All measures taken to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of the CCP (for example, concluded a contract with the manufacturer of fiscal drives on the supply of a fiscal drive), they are not attracted to responsibility. (Interconnections of the provisions of parts 1 and 4 of Article 1.5, part 1 of article 2.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses).

The corresponding explanations are given by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation by letter of 30.05.2017 No. 03-01-15 / 33121. "

Online registration of the ticket online (through the personal account) - step-by-step instructions

To make a CCT on accounting through the personal account of one only the presence of reinforced qualified electronic signature Not enough. Additionally, certain information is required about the cash register itself and on the order of its operation. If there is no time or desire to understand this, you can.

You can download step-by-step instructions for the registration of cash registers on the tax service site nalog.ru in the mode of transmitting the fiscal data software (PDF file).

Video - Instructions for registration of the ticket office online on the official website of the tax service:

The process of registration of the online cash register through the personal account consists of several stages, which are already known as the following:

This requires installing software components or an electronic signature. You can download the software component by reference http://www.cryptopro.ru/products/cades/plugin/get_2_0

However, the service for providing the EDS key is paid. And on average, the price of such a service fluctuates from 2-3 thousand rubles per year. And you need to seek your service to a special certifying center (for example, SCB contour).

2 . After assigning an electronic signature taxpayer, he gets the opportunity log in your personal account.

It is worth noting that another person can register the cashier, and not only the taxpayer himself. The main thing in this case is the provision by the taxpayer its identifying data (passwords, etc.).

3 . IN personal Cabinet application for online registration.

To do this, in the "My Cassians" section, click on the link "Register an CCT"

Be especially careful when filling out all the statements fields (we advise you to scrupulously recheck all the entered data)

Tell how to connect the cashier for 1 day!

Leave the phone number, we will call you back and answer questions!

For registration in obligatory It will take knowledge:

  • installation addresses (applications) of the cash register;
  • the name of the place where it will be installed;
  • factory number;
  • cCT models;
  • factory number of the fiscal drive;
  • models of the fiscal drive;
  • cCT application order for working offline (this is for remote from the local area), to work as part of an automatic device for calculations, for calculations via the Internet, etc. It is possible to specify everything in the most electronic form Applications where an exhaustive list of cash management conditions is given.

4 . After filling out the application sign up electronic signature And immediately is transmitted to the tax authority.

Video - step-by-step instruction On the registration of online cash register in the Personal Account of Tax Service and the OFD:

5 . Thereafter registration report is formed.

And it makes it the owner of the cash register in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4.2. new edition Law No. 54-FZ. The report, in particular, the registration number of the CCT is made (it is assigned to the tax authority after submitting an application for registration of the online cash register), the full name of the cash desk holder (its proprietary name, and for entrepreneurs - completely full name). The formed report is transmitted either in paperOr its content is transmitted through the personal account or through the OPD operator.

It is worth noting that after submitting an application (and not a report) to the tax authority for the registration of the CCT, the registration number of this box office is assigned, which remains unchanged during the entire period of its operation.

6 . Registration report must be submitted to the tax authority Not later than the next working day after the day of receipt of the registration number of the Cass (paragraph 3 of Article 4.2 of the new revision of the Law No. 54-FZ).

7 . After receiving the registration report the tax authority checks all dataAnd by its results gives the CCT registration card. After receiving this card, the cash technology can be used.

Video - Step-by-step instructions for registration of online cash registers on the website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation through the personal account:

Registration of the cash register, which was upgraded, is carried out in almost the same manner. The only thing - the process of removing such an apparatus from accounting is added..

And this can be done until January 31, 2017 inclusive (this term insists the tax authority itself) to the old order.

The old procedure was registered by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in order No. 94n dated June 29, 2012 "On Approval Administrative regulations Providing the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of the State CCT Registration Service used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. "

But you need to register the upgraded cash register in any case for the new rules!

By the way, make online cash offices to the tax authority for their registration!

How to install new tickets.

You can apply a cashier only after the CCT registration card is received from the FTS. At the same time, the cash register itself, as it was before, is not needed.

When and who needs a "new" rules to register a cash register?

According to the new edition of the Main Law on the use of CASS No. 54-FZ, registering Cassia IP will have to be in two cases:

    Entrepreneur opens a business, plans to receive cash, and the law No. 54-ФЗ, its activities are not exempted from the application of the box office, it was to the "cash reform". Register the cashier must be checked before receiving cash.

    Do I need to register a cash register for IP if the "new" sample box is installed? Need to. As before, the entrepreneur can only use a cash desk, which is registered with the FTS. This also applies to the online ticket office, but the registration procedure itself has become easier (about this in the next section of the article).

    Entrepreneur earlier was released from the application of the cashier, but now the benefit is canceled. This applies to the IP on the UNVD, the patent system of taxation, the PI, performing the work providing services to the population and writing the shampors of strict reporting instead of the cash register, as well as using vending machines. Register and start using the cashier it is necessary until 01.07.2018 and special categories IP - until 01.07.2019.

* Until 01.07.2017, it was necessary to finalize the CCT or change the new (online cash register) entrepreneurs who had previously used the cashier. At the same time, a new or revised cash register also passed a new registration.

Does it be necessary to register the CCM for SP on the USN?It depends on the type of activity. The use of HSN does not give the right to work without a cash register. But earlier entrepreneurs providing services (and this, as a rule, IP on the USN) could not use the CCT. According to the new rules with the services of the population without a cash register, it is possible to do only until 07/01/2019, and in some cases - until July 01, 2018.

According to the law 54-FZ (in the new edition), entrepreneurs involved in the following activities can work without cash regulations:

  • delivery of IP for rent (hiring) residential premisesbelonging to this individual entrepreneur on the right of ownership;
  • selling newspapers and magazines, as well as related goods in kiosks (the share of sales of newspapers and magazines at least 50% of trade turnover, the range of goods should be approved at the region level);
  • sale of securities;
  • sale of travel tickets / tickets in public transport;
  • nutrition services during training sessions in general education institutions;
  • trade in retail markets, fairs, exhibition complexes, as well as in other territories allocated to trade, except in these places shopping stores, pavilions, kiosks, tents, autolars, auto-shops, automotive, container-type premises and other similarly equipped and ensuring the display and safety of goods of commercial sites (premises and vehicles, including trailers and semi-trailers), open counters inside indoor market premises during the trade in non-food goods, except for trade in non-food goods, which are defined in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • different trade in food and non-food products (with the exception of technically complex goods and food products requiring certain storage and sales conditions) in passenger train cars, with manual carts, bicycles, baskets, trays (including those protected from atmospheric precipitation frames, covered with polymer film , sail, tarpaulter);
  • trade in the kiosks ice cream, non-alcoholic drinks into bottling;
  • trade from tankers by kvass, milk, vegetable oil, living fish, kerosene, seasonal trade was raised by vegetables, including potatoes, fruits and mesh cultures;
  • reception from the Popular Population and Utilsier, with the exception of scrap metal, precious metals and precious stones;
  • repair and coloring of shoes;
  • manufacture and repair of metal haberdashea and keys;
  • bind and care for children, sick, elderly and disabled;
  • implementation by the manufacturer of products of folk art fishers;
  • plowing of vegetable gardening and sawing of firewood;
  • portrait services at train stations, bus stations, airports, airports, sea, river ports;
  • iP activities in remote or hard-to-reach areas (with the exception of cities, district centers, urban-type settlements), a list of such localities is approved by the region.

On the patent system of taxation;


Performing work providing services to the population (when issuing strict reporting blanks);

- "trading" using vending machines.

If the entrepreneur had the right to not apply the CCT on the "old" law (i.e., 54-ФЗ in the wording until 07/15/2016), he has the right to work without the cashier until July 01, 2018.

Instructions, how to register a cashier for IP on the new rules: 3 simple steps

To record the cashier, you need to apply to the FTS. This can be done in two ways:

  • in in electronic format:
    • through the service of the fiscal data operator (OFD - an organization that will ensure the transfer of data from the cash register to the tax, often provides the online registration service);
    • through the "Personal Account" on the website of the FTS (Nalog.ru);
  • in paper form: to any tax inspection (it used to be applied only to its FTS, now - in any) personally, through a representative or by mail.

With any of the options, registration takes place in 3 simple stages. But it is pre-buy a cashier or upgrade available.

Step 0. Buy a new cashier or modify the one that is.

If the cash desk has previously been used and its refinement is planned, the CCP must be upgraded and then put pressure on.

Step 1 . Conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator.

Fiscal data operator (OFD / Operator) is an authorized organization that transmits data to the FTS. The whole point of application of new CASS is the transfer of information about cash operations in the tax in real time, i.e. online. This will provide the operator. There is a FTS website.

Step 2. Submit applications for registration of KKM

The application can be filled and transferred to the tax inspectorate in paper (personally), in electronic form - on the site OFD or on the FTS website.

Prepare new blank Statements on registration (re-registration) of cash registers, the draft document can be found in the link http://regulation.gov.ru/. Until the form approved in 2017.

Application for registration of the CCT is a simple document from the title and 3 sections, below the form and illustration.

The law of 03.07.2016 No. 290-FZ introduced new rules for the registration procedure of the CCM in the tax: a step-by-step instruction now contains a requirement for compulsory participation in the procedure for setting equipment for the equipment of the fiscal data operator (OFD). Perform this norm through the conclusion of the contract for the maintenance of cash registers with a specialized organization (before applying!). The list of such companies is given on the website FTS.

Transitional period

In February 2017, the tax authorities stopped the registration and renewal of old CCT models, which cannot provide the daily transmission of fiscal data on the revenue received into their control bodies.

The transition to online cash offices involves updating cash technology by:

  • upgrades of already operated by KKM;
  • purchases approved by tax films.

It is temporarily allowed not to introduce cash registers of a new sample to payers of the imputed tax and patent - they may be discharged by the formation of strict reporting (except for trade in retail and catering).

Cash Registration Nuances

Before purchasing new equipment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the CCT list, which tax authorities are considered optimal for the conduct of relevant activities and on topical standards.

Under the law, the registration of KKM is produced only with respect to devices that are equipped with a fiscal drive and have the ability to transmit data via the Internet.

To put the apparatus for accounting in the tax authority, the management entity should:

  • to notify the intention to register the CCT - for this apply for a tax (written or electronic via personal account);
  • in the fiscal drive, enter information on the cash apparatus and its users;
  • to form a registration report with its subsequent direction in the FTS.

Detailed instructions for CCT users

The application that the taxpayer initiates the procedure for registration of cash equipment can be drawn up in a personal account on the website of the IFTS. The template is approved by order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMB-7-20 / 484 dated 05/29/2017.

In this document, you must specify such a set of information:

  • identification of the user of the device indicating the name of the enterprise and its INN;
  • address details with a designation of the place where the CCT is installed (online stores prescribe the electronic address of the site);
  • reference information on the cash register, including its model and assigned to the factory cipher;
  • model and number of the built-in fiscal drive;
  • if in the process of service of buyers, an automatic device for calculating is used, it is necessary to provide tax authorities on the number of such a device;
  • with the planned operation of the equipment without connecting it to the Internet, it is necessary to indicate that the CCM on objective reasons will be used without transmitting information about the checks carried out in the FTS through the operator;
  • if the equipment will provide settlements with buyers only by electronic money on the Internet, it must be mentioned in the application.

The application is sent to the registering authority in writing or electronic form. In the first case, the content of the document is assured by the company's own signature and the company's seal. The transfer of the filled form by a specialist of the fiscal structure is personally implemented by the director of the company or his trustee.

If a personal visit is impossible, it is allowed to send the form by a registered letter with the obligatory investment in it.

The risks of the postal notification are related to the fact that the date of handling the application will be considered the day of receipt tax Inspectorate Letters with him, not the day of his dispatch.

An electronic application can be framed if the taxpayer has an up-to-date digital signature.

When the payer's application was adopted by the tax service, the cash register, which is registered, is registered under an individual number. This code with a complete set of information about the device must be entered into the fiscal drive.

To implement this operation, 1 working day was retracted from the date of application.

So, registration of the cash register in the tax for LLC occurs with the drive of such data into the drive:

  • registration cipher assigned to the cash register tax authorities;
  • the name of the company;
  • background information about the model of the CCM and the built-in accumulator.

PI When filling the memory card by identifying information instead of the name of the enterprise, the name and name with the patronymic of the entrepreneur are indicated. As mentioned, the next step is to compile a registration report. This document must be filed in the FTS within 1 working day from the date of receipt of the CCT number.

The report guide to the tax authorities:

  • on paper carriers - with a personal visit;
  • electronically - through the operator or through the "Accounting of the CCT" of the personal account on the FTS website.

In the latter case, the reporting date of the reporting form will coincide with the moment of receiving the document by the fiscal data operator or the placement of the filled form in the CCT office.

It should be noted that the differences in the procedure for registering the cash register in the tax for the IP and the algorithm of the actions of legal entities are insignificant. In both cases, it is saved:

The differences are enclosed in the specified information identifying the user to the CCM: companies prescribe the name legal entityAnd entrepreneurs do not have such requisites. SP indicate their Full name. According to a civil passport.

All registration operations are carried out for free. Costs may be associated with the execution of powers of trusted persons - you will have to pay for the services of the notary on the assurance of signatures in the power of attorney.

With independent registration of the cash register or its re-registration, no additional costs arise.

How best to act

The easiest way is to fill and load all documents in electronic form through the personal account of the taxpayer.

To register in this service, contact IFTS. Each user is given a unique login and password to access the resource.

It is important that when designing registration forms through a personal account, transportation of the cash register in the IFTS is not required to inspect it. Just enter enough necessary information About equipment and user online.

Since this year, companies and other business entities should be used when taking cash monetary turnover on the sale of goods, services, special equipment. The legislation defines a list of subjects to apply these devices, as well as how to register an online cashier. This event is important, since the violation of the established algorithm will not allow you to register the CCT.

It became possible to use this technique since 2016. By established rules From February 1, 2017, all new devices that are registered must be online cash registers.

It is impossible to just change the ECLZ. Therefore, organizations that ended the term of use should take from the account of the old cashier and buy and apply a new one with the function online.

Currently, such control techniques must be at organizations that apply OST or USN, that is, companies that take into account the actually received income.

For firms and IPs, which are at the ENVD or a patent for PSNs, the use of such cash registers will become necessarily only from the first of July 2018.

Since March 31, 2017, new amendments have introduced the obligation of alcohol merchants when implementing this product to apply cash desks with online transmitters. It does not matter what kind of taxation regime they use. It means that, online cashier In this case, the economic entities applying the preferential systems of ENVD and PSNs should be.

What is needed to register online cash registers?

First of all, to register online cash register, you must choose and purchase directly the device itself. Existing online cash offices that can be applied are available for viewing on the FNS website.

By choosing, the business entity should be based on the capabilities of the cash register, as well as the number of goods or services in its nomenclature. In addition, there are special devices for online stores that do not printed a paper check check.

This technique must transmit information to the Internet, so it is also necessary to determine how this connection will be implemented.

Most tax authorities insist that the registration of online cash offices takes place through the payer's personal account on the FTS website. Therefore, a business entity may require a qualified EDS. It can be obtained from a specialized operator. It will take several days.

Attention! For use on the computer should be a specialized cryptopro encryption program. The license for it will also need to be purchased and installed on the computer. The actual version of Internet Explorer browser should also be on the machine.

How to register online cashier - Step-by-step instructions

FTS requires that the online cash register is made only in electronic form through the personal account. Such a procedure for an additional fee produced service centers or dealers selling cash regulations. But you can register and independently.

Registration on the site of the fiscal data operator

Before starting to start an online ticket office register, you need to choose an OFD company that will send checks to the tax. The OFD should be accredited from the tax service, that is, to be eligible for the processing of PD clients. The tax service website has a registry, which contains a list of all similar companies.

Attention! Download Operators Register on the Tax Site www.nalog.ru/rn77/related_activities/registries/fiscaloperators/ . As of April 2017, five operators were submitted to the registry.

The registration process, in its essence, is not different from each other. However, the personal account of each operator can provide various functionality and data access. If there is such an opportunity, then before registering it is better to test the cabinet of each OFD in the demo mode and choose the one that will like the most.

When registering in a personal office of the ICD, you must specify the name of the company, the Codes of Inn and OGRN, FI. and phone contact person. Sometimes when registering, you need to provide access to the EDS, from which the site receives all the necessary information.

Conclusion of the contract with the

After registering the cash desk, it is necessary to consider an agreement with the OFD. To do this, you need to find a button or item in the "Conclude Agreement" menu.

Basic information will be loaded from EDS - Company Name, Her Inn and OGRN, Fm.o. Director. In addition, some data will have to be administered manually. In particular, it will be necessary to indicate on the basis of which document the manager is valid, introduce legal and mail address. The latter is especially important, because in the future copies of documents in paper form will be sent in the future - contracts, acts of work performed, etc.

Attention! After making all the information, the contract can be sent by the system to test the specialists of the OTD, and only after that will be invited to sign it, or the action is performed immediately. The contract can only be linked with a qualified electronic signature.

Get Access to Personal Cabinet OFD

After registration of the contract with the OFD, you can go to your personal account. Currently, it is still empty - the data will appear only after connecting the cash register and no work.

As a rule, the Personal Cabinet of the ICD provides access to the following information:

  • Information about punched checks, while each document can see its contents, and even download;
  • Reports on the opening and closing shift;
  • List of registered cash registers;
  • Various kinds of reports - by the number of punched checks, average sums for the period of time, etc.;
  • Employees with the right to access the Personal Cabinet OFD;
  • Document circulation between user and OFD - contracts, accounts, acts of work performed, etc.

Attention!List of functions that are available from a personal account may vary from different ICD.

Registration on the site Tax RU.

In order to check the online ticket office in the FTS, it is necessary to access the personal account on the FTS website. This is done using a qualified electronic signature.
If the personal account on the site nalog.ru is not yet open, it is necessary to pre-make it. For each type of taxpayers - companies and entrepreneurs, there is a personal account, a link to the entrance to which is located on main page Portal tax.

After logging in to your personal account, you need to go to the "Inspectorate" section, where you want to click on the "Register CCT" button.

In the window that appears, the following data is indicated:

  • The full address on which the cash register will be used is most of the information (city names, district, streets, etc. are chosen from reference books);
  • Title of use - in arbitrary form The name of the store or territory where the device will be (for example, "store products", or "cash desk");
  • The CCT model and its factory number is selected from the directory. If there is no needed in the window that opens, then the search is made with an error or this model is not included in the register of devices allowed for use;
  • Model of the fiscal drive and its number;
  • The special mode of installation of the device is for example, an online store or a discrepan trade. If the box is simply used in an ordinary store, not need to put anything;
  • The selected OFD is selected from the list, which includes only accredited ICD. Inn website will substitute himself.

After that, all the information is checked again, after which the "Sign and Send" button is pressed. In a response letter from the tax receive a notification of the design of the device, which contains a registration number. It must be used when connecting the cash register in the personal office of the OFD.

Attention!The obtained number must also be added to the cash register, after which it will print a special check with fiscal data. Next, in the PNC personal account, click the "Complete Registration" button, and in the window that appears, specify information from the printed check - the exact date and time, the number of the fiscal document (FD line) and the fiscal feature (String of FN). After that, the ticket office is ready to work.

Register the cashier from the OFD

In order to connect the cash register in the PFD personal account, you need to go to it and click the "Add CCT" button or "Register the CCT". It is necessary to do this only after the online cash register in the personal account of the taxpayer was carried out, and the number was assigned to it.

In the open window, you need to make specific data:

  • Cash registration number assigned to it tax;
  • Factory cashier number from passport or other documentation;
  • Name of the cash register (from the passport);
  • The number of the fiscal drive assigned to it at the factory (from the PN passport).

Some OFDs are also offered at registration with some additional features. For example, they can remind that the service life of the cash register ends, or they have not used it for a long time. Often it is possible for convenience to specify the short name of the KKM, under which it will be shown in the reports.

If, for example, the company has several outlets, and each installed online cash register, they can be assigned names at the location (name of the store, the name of the street, where it is located, etc.).

Attention!After registering the office, it is necessary to create an account for the payment of the chosen tariff plan. After enrollment of funds, the device will be activated and can be used to break through the checks. After the paid period of time, the procedure for creating and paying bills will need to be repeated.

How to register online cashier - video with registration example

Do I need to keep a cashier-operator magazine for online box office?

According to the old Act on the use of the CCT, each company that uses the cashier, was obliged to keep a cashier-operator magazine and use others mandatory forms Blanks.

However, if in internal documents The organization has established the obligation of this register, a company or entrepreneur can use it at their own request.

Important! Mandatory applications are only forms established by the new law. These include, for example, reports on the opening and closing of the change, the statement of the state of settlements, etc.

In the following year, the innovation of their activities will be the binding of online cash offices for many business entities. Online cash registers What it is and who will apply them - Consider here in more detail. Under them are referred to as cash registers that will be transmitted through the ICD in real time to tax all information from these machines.

In a voluntary way to go to a new technique was possible in 2016. But since the beginning of February 2017, it is impossible to re-register or put pressure on the old Cass.

Also, it is also impossible to continue the work simply by changing the ECLZ. In this regard, entrepreneurs and companies that have approached the deregistration of existing devices, are obliged to remove them from accounting and acquire a new online cashier.

Currently, a new type apparatuses are required to use taxpayers who are on general mode Or simplified - that is, those who need to consider the income to calculate the tax.

All those who have at the moment have been released from fixing revenue at the cash register - using UCND or bought a patent, should begin to apply it since July 2018 is mandatory.

Attention! Also, from March 31, 2017, they introduced trading beer and alcoholic beverages, regardless of the tax system. This means that if UTII is used and alcoholic beverages are sold, the cash desk must be used. At the same time, the new apparatus should also be able to work with the EGAIS system.

In what cases can not apply online cash offices?

Application of online cash registers must, but in some cases they may not be carried out, but this list is strictly limited and is not subject to a timeline expansion. There will be several factors - from the lack of possibility of connecting to the Internet, to a subjective assessment of trade relations.

These cash registers may not apply the following categories:

  • Church organizations.
  • Credit organizations that are used by ATMs in their work.
  • Magazine and newspapers.
  • Porters at airports and train stations.
  • Persons who carry out a variety trading.
  • Subjects carrying out the trade in ice cream and spill soft drinks.
  • Drivers and conductors who implement travel tickets.
  • Sellers at retail fairs and markets.
  • Emitters of securities.

In addition to this CCP, individual entrepreneurs who carry out care and care for patients and children carrying out the repair of shoes can not be applied.

This preference can also receive pharmacy points and shops located in hard-to-reach places and distance. If they issue settlement documents to buyers, they have the right to not apply new KKM. This is due to the lack of Internet in such places. But shops located in the townships of urban-type and district centers will apply new techniques on general grounds.

If shops are located in areas where the Internet is completely absent - they will carry out their activities using conventional cash registers.

Is it possible not to apply the cash register liberated?

Entrepreneurs and firms, which at the time of the introduction of the new law did not use cash registers, can continue to be used until July 1, 2018. From this day they will need to be used in obligatory, even if the subjects were previously released before.

Thus, online cash offices for will be relevant only in two years. Similarly, there is no need to purchase online cash offices for, as well as those who write the BSO instead of piercing cash checks.

The cost of modernization of cash registers can be used as a deduction of tax, but not more than 18,000 rubles for each apparatus.

Cost online cash and maintenance

From July 1, 2017, it will be possible to use only those ticket provisions that can transmit information about punched checks. But this does not mean that this will have to buy a new online ticket office. Some models will simply improve by installing a fiscal drive and special software. Unfortunately, the cost of full replacement is currently difficult to estimate, but manufacturers of cash regulatory equipment assure that online devices will be comparable to the old.

However, benefits for organizations using new type devices will be apparent. First, there will be no more need to make a contract with the service company. In addition, to simplify the order of registration of the cashier in the tax.

At the same time, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the OPZ operator, which will be an intermediary between the company and the tax. Approximately, the cost of such services will be about 3,000 rubles per year. Also, the trading point will need to provide connection to the Internet.

The average cost of maintenance of cash registers is now 6000 rubles per year. Thus, saving from the transition to online cash desks since 2017 will be up to 3000 rubles annually.

What is needed to register online cash registers?

Before starting the procedure for producing a new cash register for accounting, it is necessary, of course, to choose and acquire the device itself. There is a register allowed for the use of cash registers, to familiarize themselves with which you can on the FTS website.

Making a choice of cash desk for work, it is necessary, first of all, to consider the planned nomenclature of goods, as well as the number of operations per day. Separately, it is worth highlighting special cash desks for online stores that do not print a paper check, but at the same time be sure to send it electronic version On customer mail.

By law, a new technique has a function of transmitting information about each check over the Internet to the tax. Therefore, you need to immediately choose exactly how communication will be executed - through the SIM card of the cellular operator, through a wired or wireless connection to the Internet.

Attention! Most tax services insist that the registration of new cash desks was performed only electronically using the Personal Account of the Taxpayer. In order for them to take advantage of, the organization or entrepreneur should have a qualified digital signature. It can be obtained from one of the operators with the relevant license. Digital signature is usually leaving for several days.

On the computer with which registration will be made, a special encryption program "Crypto-Pro" should be set. It is usually possible to purchase a license for its use in the same company where the EDS order was made.

Access to the tax of the tax should be carried out only with the Internet Explorer program not lower than version 7. However, it is recommended to immediately update it to the last available.

How to register online cashier - Step-by-step instructions

Tax requires that CASSA is put on account only with the help of a personal account. This can be done on your own, or for an additional fee at the dealer or in the center servicing the devices.

Registration on the site of the fiscal data operator

Before starting the cash register procedure, you need to select an intermediary, which will store information about punched checks and transmit them to tax service. At the same time, such a company must have appropriate accreditation - a permit from the tax to fulfill all these operations. The registry of such organizations is available on the tax site, which can see which everyone can. For April 2017, five companies are included in it.

Registration of each of the data of operators is not different in its essence. However, the personal account can provide various possibilities for viewing and processing punched checks. If possible, before registration, it is best to try each of the operators in the demo mode and then choose that it will be more convenient.

During registration it will be necessary to indicate the name of the company, legal address, Inn and OGRN codes, contact information. Sometimes registration is required to confirm the electronic signature, which should also be qualified.

Conclusion of the contract with the

After registering in the Personal Account, it is necessary to make an agreement with the OFD. To do this, you must click on the button or select the "Conclude Agreement" menu.

Primary information will be obtained from the electronic signature - the name of the company, TIN and OGRN. The rest will need to be improved manually. These, in particular, belongs to the document, which gives the authority to the head, legal and actual address of finding. It is important to specify the address correctly, since it will be further sent in paper all required documents - accounts, acts of work performed, etc.

After drawing up the contract is usually sent to coordination to the EDD employees, and after their approval it can be signed. You can make this action using a qualified EDS.

Get Access to Personal Cabinet OFD

After the contract between the user and the OFD signed, you can fully use the personal account. Currently, it does not contain any information - they will begin to accumulate only after registering and connecting the first cash register.

Usually, using a personal account you can get the following information:

  • Pested at the checkout checks, from the contents (in the quantity-sum expression). A check can usually not only be viewed, but also download in the electronic version;
  • Reports confirming the opening and closing shift;
  • List of cash registers connected to this OFD;
  • Reports of different content - about punched checks, average price check, the average number of checks for the length of time, etc.;
  • Workers who have access to personal account information. It is possible to indicate what functions one or another employee has the right to use;
  • Exchange of documents between the user and the OFD - contracts, acts, accounts, etc.

Functions that can be used in the Personal Account may be different from different ICD.

Registration on the site Tax RU.

Registration of online cash registers in FTS is carried out mainly through the personal account on the tax portal. To access it, you need to use a qualified one.

In the case when on the portal Nalog.ru, the private account is not open for the taxpayer, first it is necessary to carry out the procedure for opening. Access is carried out by a direct link from the site of the IFTS. It should be borne in mind that the personal account on the legal entity and the entrepreneur have differences.

Once the login is logged in to your personal account, you should click the "Inspectorate" tab, and then the button that has "register an CCT" on it.

After that, the window will fall out, in which the data is entered:

  • The address in which the online ticket office will be installed for use - it must be complete.
  • Names of use. It is selected in arbitrary form. You can call for example, store number 1, etc.
  • Model of online cash register, as well as its factory number. The brand of the device is selected from the drop-down list. If there is no CKA model, this means that the search for the list is incorrect or the company is not allowed to use.
  • Model of the fiscal drive and its number.
  • It should be noted if necessary, the special mode of application of the online cash register (online store, delivery or postal trade). When the usual mode of operation of the cash register is assumed, it is not necessary to put anything here.
  • The name of the FD operator - it also needs to be selected from the drop-down list of registered operators that have accreditation. Inn OIT will automatically fill.

Next, you need to check all the information entered and if everything is correct, clicks on "sign and send". At this request, the IFTS should send a response that, upon successful registration, will contain a number assigned to the online ticket office. This props will need to be used to use when registering the cash register at the OFD.

Attention! Received from tax number CKA must be made to the device. After that, a special check is printed on the online ticket office in which it will be specified. Next, in the personal account you need to click on "Complete Registration" and in the dropping window from the printed check, make the appropriate data: date and time, the number of the fiscal document (FD line) and the fiscal feature (string of the FN). After that, the cash desk will be ready for use.

Register the cashier from the OFD

Arrangement of online cash registers from the FD operator is carried out on its website. The representative of the company or IP needs to go to the personal account. Next, using the "Add Cassu" or "Register the apparatus" buttons. This action can be made only after the online cash register in the personal account of the taxpayer and the IFTS CKA has been assigned a number.

In the dropping window you need to fill out the following information:

  • The number of CKA, who was assigned to him in the tax when it was recorded.
  • The number of online cash register assigned to it by the manufacturer. It can be viewed in the passport of the device.
  • The online cash register model, it is also indicated in the passport.
  • The room that is on the fiscal drive. It must be fixed in the Passport of the Cass.

PD operator can also offer to use additional services. This in particular includes reminders of the approach of the end of the fiscal drive, or that the cash register has not been used for a long time.

In the system, each online cashier is allowed to call some kind of short and convenient name, so that it is convenient to identify it, and draw up reports on its work. It is proposed for enterprises with several trading places, assign named devices based on the location. It may coincide with the name of the store, streets, settlement etc.

After registering the cash register in the system, you need to make an account for payment of the operator's services, according to the selected tariff. It is formed in automatic mode.

Attention!Activation of the cash register after full payment of the account, only then the online cash desk will be able to transfer information and checks will be made on it.

As soon as the paid period ended, a business entity again will need to repeat the entire procedure for generating an account for payment.

Do I need to keep a cashier-operator magazine for online box office?

Application cash machines The old sample assumed the need to fill the special journal of the cashier-operator, which was drawn up for each CCA and fixed the cash revenue for each day or shift. For him, a separate form was approved.

Attention!In September 2016, the FTS issued an explanatory letter in which he admitted that the maintenance of the cashier-operator magazine is no longer obligatory. This is due to the fact that all the necessary data on the operations perfect on the online box office are transmitted to the FD operator server.

However, if an economic entity has such a need, for internal purposes, it can continue to maintain a cashier-operator magazine.

New legislation involves a number of mandatory documents, which should be issued when using online cash offices. Such blanks include reports on the status of calculations, on the opening or closing of shift.

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