
Registration of a cash register. How to register an online cash register

July 1, 2017 is the deadline for the transition of most entrepreneurs from conventional cash registers to cash registers that transmit information to the Federal Tax Service online. Since the beginning of February, tax inspectorates have stopped registering old-style cash registers, it is impossible (control tape).

In this regard, for entrepreneurs and heads of organizations, the issue of registering online cash desks is very relevant. We will analyze in detail how to go through this procedure step by step.

Benefits of an early transition to online cash registers

Despite the fact that businessmen still have time during which they are allowed to use the usual cash registers, they will have to obey the Federal Law of July 03, 2016 No. 290-FZ, which introduced significant innovations in the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54- Federal Law governing the use of cash registers.

Why is it better to take care of this issue in advance? Entrepreneurs who decide to modernize cash accounting in advance receive the following advantages compared to their less agile counterparts:

  • the "voluntary" period of innovation allows you to get a temporary head start for the preparation, implementation and establishment of new systems and operations;
  • there is still no hype in the issue of acquiring the necessary models of devices;
  • if the service life of the next ECLZ is coming to an end, it makes no sense to buy new tapes, because they will soon no longer be used.

Modify or replace cash registers

Before proceeding to the general modernization cash accounting, the entrepreneur needs to decide whether to purchase new models of cash registers or invest in the modernization of existing ones.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to consider the existing models for their possible modernization. To do this, it is necessary to check whether these models are included in the register of equipment that can be upgraded, and also to clarify until what year their use will be legal. Based on the data obtained, a decision can be made on the feasibility of modernization.

What to look for when choosing a cash register model

If management decides to replace cash registers, then it is necessary to consciously choose models that will be as convenient as possible and meet the requirements of a particular organization. Important Factors that may influence the choice:

  • "patency"- parameter of the device, which is influenced by the number of operations performed (for example, a supermarket cash register needs high traffic, but for a company that sells services, this parameter does not matter);
  • the maximum number of knocked out checks per day- each model has its own recommended norm, the factor is associated with the characteristics of the organization's activities;
  • receipt printing speed- depends on the required pace of customer service;
  • the possibility of auto-cutting a check- it is important at high throughput and speed of printing, it practically does not matter at low load of the device;
  • cash register connection port- for some models, the port connector is not suitable for all computers, it is better to choose cash registers equipped with a USB port and a cord;
  • mobility or stationarity- sometimes mobile models are very practical when you need, for example, to go to an important customer to conclude a deal, while it is more convenient to have a stationary model in the office in case another client arrives;
  • availability of the model from the supplier- ceteris paribus, it is better to choose a more affordable model, the delivery of which will not have to wait long.

How to register an online cash register

The procedure for registering a new type of cash registers is regulated in article 4.2. aforementioned federal law. The procedure was "run in" by the Federal Tax Service and fiscal data operators. The law allows you to choose one of the ways convenient for the entrepreneur.

  1. Fill out an application for registration of a CCP in a paper version, submit a document to any tax authority, and receive a registration card at the place of registration of the company (in "your" territorial tax office).
  2. Apply to electronic form through the personal account of the CCP on the official website of the Federal Tax Service Russian Federation. To do this, entrepreneurs need an improved electronic signature - CES, without which no electronic documents are accepted for consideration. One way or another, this CEP will need to be formalized.

Is it possible to use the usual registration rules

The law allows the use of the former procedure registration of cash registers prescribed in the old version of the Federal Law No. 290 until the end of 2017. However, this procedure will be valid with some serious reservations, which are not directly indicated in the legislation, but tax authorities pay attention to them:

  • only outdated cash desks can be registered before the designated time, new models are not accepted for registration according to the old scheme;
  • CCP models upgraded for online operation, as well as new models, will have to be registered according to the updated regulations.

NOTE! From February 1, 2017, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 290, in order to register a new CCP device for fiscal accounting, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a fiscal data operator (OFD), whose services will be paid. You can choose one of several providers of such services on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for registering an online cash register

What you need to start registration

Successful fiscalization of a new or modernized cash control apparatus in a tax authority provides for the presence of three mandatory components:

  • cash desk of the corresponding sample with an active fiscal drive (you need to know their numbers);
  • concluded agreement with the operator of fiscal data;
  • KEP (qualified electronic signature): UEP (enhanced electronic signature) - for individual entrepreneurs and KSKPEP (qualified electronic signature verification key certificate) for legal entities.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If you find it difficult to determine the numbers of the cash register and fiscal drive, this information is contained in the passports of these devices, and is also displayed on the diagnostic check stamped on the cash register.

Preliminary procedures before registering a cash register

  1. CEP. Checking the availability or issuing an electronic signature (CES). A qualified electronic signature of the head of the organization is necessary for the legalization of the cash register, and not only. If you have already received it before, for example, with a licensed package of 1C accounting, it is quite suitable. If there was no signature, it must be issued.
  2. Conclusion of an agreement with OFD. It is necessary to choose 1 company providing the services of a fiscal data operator, out of 5 recommended ones, the list of which is contained on the website of the Federal Tax Service, and conclude an agreement on the provision of services.

IMPORTANT! It is convenient to interact with operators using electronic service"1C-OFD", which is included in the set of official contract services. Then the responsibility for the connection will be shared by the Competence Centers, which are official partners of the 1C system.

Registration using a paper application

The complexity of this method of registration lies in the fact that the application form has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Finance, and therefore is mandatory for use. However, some tax authorities recommend using the form and procedure proposed in the form of a draft in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. If the entrepreneur decides to use this particular method, he will need to follow the following steps in sequence:

  1. Fill out the CCP registration application form in 2 copies. This is a rather complicated process, involving the correct filling of data in several sections of the card. This must be done:
    • by hand in blue or black ink or printed on a printer;
    • without gaps in any sections;
    • without correction, corrections;
    • on one side of a paper sheet;
    • separately for each unit of CCP.
  2. The completed application is sent to the tax authority:
    • personally by a representative of an organization or individual entrepreneur (with you to have a document confirming such authority);
    • by mail (with description);
  3. The tax authority registers the received application, returning one copy with the appropriate marks to the submitter.
  4. Verification of the data specified in the application by a tax specialist (in case of unreliability of the information provided, registration will be denied).
  5. The tax authority will issue a registration number assigned to the CCP.
  6. The received digits of the number must be entered into the cash register in accordance with the manufacturer's algorithm, after which the cash register will be able to print a registration report.
  7. After completing the registration steps, you can ask the tax authority in writing to issue a registration card (it will be printed out and handed over to the applicant marked “Copy is correct”).

Registration of cash registers using a personal account online

It is more convenient for many users to register a new type of cash register equipment via the Internet than through a personal visit. As mentioned above, for this you need to have an extended version of the CES (electronic signature). It is not very difficult to register a CCP on the corresponding page of the Personal Account of the Federal Tax Service website. This can be done not by the manager himself, but by any person on his behalf, who will have all the completeness of the relevant data to fill in the required fields.

  1. Authorization of the account user on the website of the Federal Tax Service. The first service of providing an electronic key is paid, it must be ordered at a special certification center. The electronic key will be valid for 1 year.
  2. First you need to go to the page where you can register. For this on home page select "Accounting for cash registers".
  3. Click "Register CCP", and then select the item that provides for manual entry of the parameters of the registered CCP, namely:
    • checkout address;
    • the place where it will be installed (office, shop, etc.);
    • model of the cash register (you need to choose from the proposed list, you must indicate the serial number);
    • model of the fiscal drive and its number;
    • appointment of cash registers (for offline mode, for mobile trading, forms of strict accountability, payment for Internet services, etc.);
  4. Selection from the list of fiscal data operator with whom the organization has an agreement.
  5. Check the entered information, put an electronic signature and send the generated application.
  6. Click the link "Information about the document sent to the tax authority", select the registration number of your application (RNM) and then the button "Complete registration".
  7. Having received the registration number, you need to enter it into the cash register, as required by the manufacturer's instructions, and print the Registration Report.
  8. Enter the data from the printed report no later than the next day after receiving the number in the appropriate fields:
    • date and time of receipt of the fiscal sign (printed receipt-report);
    • number of the received document;
    • fiscal attribute (a unique registration number that will remain unchanged during the entire operation of the cash register).
  9. IMPORTANT! If the entrepreneur was unable to complete fiscalization on his own (print a check report), you need to contact technical support CCT manufacturer.

  10. The registration card can be printed out by opening the "List of documents sent to the tax authority" tab.

Features of registration on the cash register itself

We are talking about paragraph 7 - the formation of a "registration report", the data from which must be entered in the registration field no later than 1 day after receiving the fiscal sign - the registration number. The procedure may vary slightly depending on the CCP model, in case of difficulties, it is better to consult the manufacturer and follow his instructions. The usual procedure for printing a registration report is as follows.

  1. On the cash register, select the "Settings" item in the menu.
  2. Follow the items "OFD", and then "Registration".
  3. In the "Registration" section, enter the following information:
    • Full name of the individual entrepreneur or the name of the organization (exactly the same as the registration data in tax office);
    • place of settlement (address);
    • TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
    • registration number of the cash register.
  4. Specify the system by which the taxation of the organization is carried out.
  5. Select from the proposed list the fiscal data operator with whom the contract was concluded.
  6. Check that all fields are filled in and click the "Register" button.
  7. The cash desk will print out a receipt report, the data from which should complete the fiscalization of the cash register.

Registration of the modernized CCP apparatus

To register not a new, but an upgraded CCP model, you need to act according to any of the above schemes - “paper” or “electronic”. But before starting the procedure, one more preliminary step must be completed - to remove this device from the register on which it was previously registered (this must be done strictly before the end of 2017).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! The presentation of the cash registers themselves during registration and / or deregistration is not required.

The procedure for working with cash registers has changed markedly, as has the process of registering cash registers with the tax office. Entire categories of entrepreneurs who were previously exempted from using cash registers will have to register the cash register with the tax authority in 2018 or next year. It's not as difficult as it seems. Below we will tell how to register an online cash desk in the tax office, and we will give step-by-step instructions for registering a CCP for those who have been affected by a change in the law or who are opening their own business for the first time.

Innovations must be taken into account already when choosing a cash desk. Since 2017, modern technology is needed - with a fiscal drive and the ability to transfer data online. Suitable models are included in the State Register of CCPs maintained by the Federal Tax Service. Check if it has the cash register you have chosen to purchase.

The requirements of the law now include a new obligatory link in the data transmission chain - the fiscal data operator (FDO). It is through him that information will be sent to the Federal Tax Service. From July 1, 2017, the use of cash registers without OFD is impossible (except for the list of exceptions). Therefore, immediately after the purchase new technology connect to one of the OFD list approved by the Federal Tax Service.

So, you have purchased a cash register and have chosen an operator. Now you can start registering an online cash register with the tax office.

It can be done different ways: upload documents via the Internet or submit to the tax office "the old fashioned way" - bring it personally, transfer it through a representative by a notarized power of attorney or send it by mail.

Registration of a cash register with the tax office is mandatory and free of charge - no one has the right to take money from you for registration as such, only for intermediary services. Representatives of the CTO or OFD can become intermediaries: their employees will do everything for you for a fee. But if you do not plan to seek help from specialists, then you can handle it yourself.

The easiest way is to register an online cash register via the Internet: the whole process takes place in personal account taxpayer on the site nalog.ru. There is no need to collect and fill out paper documents, or take the cash register to the tax office for inspection and fiscalization: you simply enter the necessary data into the web form.

Registration of an online cash desk in the tax office: step by step instructions

Here's what it looked like before step-by-step instruction for registration of CCP in the tax office:
Step 1. Conclusion of an agreement with the CTO.
Step 2. Preparation of the necessary documents.
Step 3. Submission of documents to the IFTS.
Step 4. Inspection and fiscalization of the cash desk at the IFTS.
Step 5. Obtaining a KKM registration card.

If you wish, you can act according to this scenario, but compare how much easier it is if you register a cash register online. The preliminary conclusion of an agreement with the TsTO is no longer required by law, the steps have been simplified, and most importantly, everything can be done remotely. Previously, the procedure stretched for several days, but now it takes minutes, and you do not need to come to the IFTS and bring the cashier there.

As a result, we get new order registering a cash register online in the Federal Tax Service and OFD:
Step 1. Submitting an application for registering a cash desk with the IFTS through the taxpayer's personal account online at nalog.ru. And immediately - obtaining the registration number of the CCP.
Step 2. Self-fiscalization. (In our example, the utility for registering CCP ATOL was used.)
Step 3. Obtaining a CCP registration card from the Federal Tax Service.
Step 4. Registration of the cash desk in the OFD personal account.

Scenario 1. Registering a cash desk with the IFTS through a personal account

Registration of cash registers is carried out through the personal account of the taxpayer on the tax website nalog.ru. To do this, you will need a valid electronic signature (CES) issued in the name of an individual entrepreneur or CEO LTD. And do not forget to select the OFD in advance - during the registration process you are required to indicate it.

Step 1. Submission of an application for registration of a cash register and obtaining a registration number of a cash register.

On the main page of your personal account, open the tab.

This page contains all the information about all cash registers that are registered to this legal entity with this CEP. To register a new CCP, click the button Register CCP and choose Fill in the application parameters manually.

Here you can also download a self-filled application for registration of CCP (form according to KND-1110061) (download the form). Then you don't have to fill out an online form.

First of all, you need to fill in the address of the direct installation. Click the Select address button. Fill out the opened form. The index will be filled in automatically. In field Name of the CCP installation site describe the place in more detail. Then enter information about your CCP model. Click the button Select CCP model and select a model from the list.

After selecting the model, a field for entering the serial number of the CCP will appear. This number can be found in the CCP passport, as well as on the nameplate, which is located on the CCP body. Enter the number in the field and click the Select button.

When entering the serial number and the number of the fiscal registrar in the taxpayer's office, automatic check for inclusion in the State Register of CCPs. If the number is entered incorrectly (or if the device is not included in the registry), an error message will be displayed.

Then select the model of the fiscal drive and enter its serial number, which is indicated in its passport. There is also an automatic check.

The next stage is the choice of a fiscal data operator. If your activity does not match the activities listed in the fields, leave the fields blank and select the OFD from the drop-down list. TIN OFD will be filled in automatically.

Click the button Sign and send. A warning will appear stating that it will be used digital signature.

To find out information about the status of the application for registration, follow the link or open the section. All documents that were sent with this QEP are displayed here. Check Document Status Registration Application.

When the application is processed, on the main page of the taxpayer's office, again enter the section Accounting for cash registers.

Here there was a record that the CCP was assigned a registration number. To view the CCP parameters, click on the assigned number.

To view and download the registration number assignment notification, go to the tab Statement History and download the PDF document.

Step 2. Fiscalization. Utility for registering cash registers (ATOL)

After assigning a registration number, the cash desk must undergo fiscalization. When registering online, you can do it yourself. To do this, you will need the data that was present in the application, therefore, in advance, in separate windows, open detailed information on the cash register and a notification of the assignment of a registration number.

Launch the fiscalization utility. It is provided by the manufacturer of the fiscal registrar: in the example, the utility for registering CCP ATOL is used.

If KKM is connected via USB, then it will be determined by itself. If under a different interface, go to the settings and specify the connection parameters. Click Register.

Check the date and time. If they differ from the time on the computer, then synchronize. If they match, click Next to go to the tab for entering parameters.

Now you will need the documents mentioned above: information on the cash register and notification of the assignment of a registration number. For the data to match exactly, copy it from the documents and paste it into the appropriate fields.

Enter the parameters of your OFD. Click Next.

On the next tab, specify the taxation system. You can select multiple options at once. Click Next.

Check the correctness of the entered information. If there is an error, click Back and make corrections. If everything is ok, click Run.

KKT is registered. The registration report will be printed on the receipt.

Return to the taxpayer's personal account on the nalog.ru website. Click the button Complete registration. Fill out the opened form CCP registration report. Use the data of the report printed on the check when fiscalizing the cash register.

Attention! The law gives only one day to enter a fiscal sign into the taxpayer's personal account after fiscalization. The time and date on the form must exactly match the receipt.

Check the data and click the buttonSign and send.

After registration, the CCP card will be available in the taxpayer's personal account in the section "Information on the passage of documents sent to the tax authority".

Step 3. CCP registration card

After registering the cash desk in the personal account of the taxpayer in the section Information on the passage of documents sent to the tax authority, in front of your checkout will appear electronic card registration of KKT. Since that moment, the cash desk has been legalized, and work with it is legal. The date of registration with the Federal Tax Service is the date of issue of the card.

The card is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. Changes are made to it when the parameters specified during registration are changed, as well as when the fiscal drive is replaced. When buying a used cash register, the CCP registration card is transferred to the new owner.

If necessary, a paper copy can be obtained from the IFTS. If the card is damaged or lost, a duplicate is issued. In this case, no penalties are imposed.

Step 4. Registration of the cash desk in the OFD

After receiving the registration card, working with the cash desk is already legal, but not yet possible: it does not yet transfer data to the OFD (the agreement with the OFD that you have already concluded does not contain registration information about a particular cash desk). To start online data transfer, you need to register the cash desk in the OFD. This is the final step and it's very simple.

Log in to your OFD personal account.

Open the CCP tab, select Connect CCP.

Fill in all the fields in the Register CCP window that opens.

Take all the information from the registration report that was printed in the previous step.

In field Internal name of cash register you can assign an arbitrary name to the FR.

Scenario 2. How to register a cash desk with the IFTS

Although doing everything online is much easier and more convenient, registering a CCP with the tax office "the old fashioned way", through the FTS branch, is still possible and legal.

Attention! Use the printed application form in the form KND-1110061 (download the form). The application in the form KND-1110021 (old model) does not contain the fields required to enter complete information about the online cash register (for example, models and FN numbers). Therefore, it is not suitable for registration of CCP.

Download the application form in the form KND-1110061

Download a sample of filling out an application in the form KND-1110061

If you are going to register a cash desk through a branch of the Federal Tax Service, do not forget to take your CCP and FN passports with you, as well as a document confirming your authority in the organization. The law does not oblige to provide these documents, but they may be needed for correct design registration of a cash register in the tax office.

To date, the law provides common system registration of cash registers. Previously, registration of a cash register in the tax office for an LLC was carried out at the place where the cash register was installed, for individual entrepreneurs - at the place of registration of the entrepreneur. And now you can apply to any IFTS. Registration of a cash register for individual entrepreneurs and organizations is the same: you can apply to any tax authority.

The term for registering KKM with the IFTS from the date of application is 5 working days: in accordance with paragraphs. 7 and 11 st. 4.2 of Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003, a CCP registration card is issued by the tax authority after this period has elapsed from the date of filing an application for registration.

The old method of registration - when you bring documents to the IFTS and then on the day appointed by the employees bring the cash desk there for inspection and fiscalization - is still valid, it has not been canceled. But registering a cash register is much more convenient via the Internet. The possibility of remote registration is one of the notable advantages new system application of CCT.

All organizations and individual entrepreneurs selling retail for cash are required to use cash registers. According to Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003, any cash register (KKM) is subject to mandatory registration with the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service. Responsibility for violation of this rule is borne by: legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the form of a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles, as well as directly by the head of the organization within 3-4 thousand.

You need to understand that a cash register is not just a machine that knocks out checks. KKM also conducts fiscal accounting, and the entire cash discipline of trade enterprises is completely and completely regulated, starting from the moment the equipment is purchased. It is with this that the process of registering KKM begins for the entrepreneur.

Step 1. Purchase of KKM

Before buying a cash register, it is worth visiting your tax office. The fact is that only KKM can be registered from the list entered in the State Register of KKT. The purchased device must be equipped with ECLZ (protected electronic control tape). To make sure that your choice is correct, it is better to check the list of brands and models of cash registers allowed for use at the tax office at the location of the company.

Where can I get KKM? The simplest solution is to contact the CTO (certified center Maintenance cash registers). Employees of such centers are usually aware of all the nuances and requirements of local tax authorities. They will prepare the cash desk for registration:

  • install fiscal memory;
  • they will issue a seal in the form of a holographic sticker;
  • sign a contract for the maintenance of the apparatus and its commissioning;
  • fill in the necessary paperwork (technical documentation for KKM).

You can purchase equipment directly from the manufacturer and draw up a maintenance agreement with him, but then you will have to be serviced there. It is not forbidden to buy KKM from third-party companies and even from hands, but in this case it is necessary to go to the Central Technical Service with a registration certificate to register the device and sign a contract for services. When taking a used cash register from the previous owner, it is important not to forget to get a copy of the registration card from him with a record of deregistration of the cash register.

Step 2. Document preparation

When the cash register is prepared for registration, it is necessary to draw up a package of documents for registering cash registers.

1. A correctly completed application in the prescribed form (a sample must be requested from the tax office).

2. Documents for individual entrepreneur or legal entity:

  • original TIN certificate and photocopy;
  • OGRN (certificate and its copy);
  • documents confirming the rights to the premises where the device will be located.

3. Contracts with TsTO:

  • for service;
  • for commissioning;
  • Stitched and numbered maintenance mechanic's call log in KM-8 form.

4. Documentation for CCP:

  • registration certificate (filled out by a CTO specialist);
  • instruction;
  • passport version of KKM and doplist to it;
  • passport for ECLZ;
  • holographic service mark (a means of visual control, pasted in the central heating center);
  • sealing stamps (4 pcs., issued at the service center);
  • waybills, receipts, etc., which confirms the fact of the acquisition of KKM (this is not necessary, but may be requested).

Prepare all of the above documents in original and copies.

5. Set for the cashier:

  • appointment order;
  • cash book(according to the KM-4 form, numbered, stitched, with an attestation of the chief accountant and a seal).

6. You will also need with you:

  • applicant's passport;
  • seal (for a legal entity);
  • a power of attorney, if not the head of the company, but his representative is sent to the IFTS.

Since the rules in territorial inspections may vary, it is possible that the inspector will request a copy of the last balance sheet or a certificate of no debts to the state. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to clarify the list of all these documents in advance.

Step 3. Visit to the tax office

Before you go to the tax authorities, you need to find out about the procedures prevailing in a particular inspection. Registration of cash registers with the tax authorities can be carried out both on a first-come, first-served basis (live or electronic), and on certain weekdays, and even strictly by appointment. The visit also needs to be coordinated with the CTO, since the presence of its representative will be necessary at the fiscalization procedure.

WITH complete set documents, the head of the organization or his substitute applies to the CCP registration department. The inspector, having studied the papers, sets the date for fiscalization cash register(no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the application).

Step 4. Fiscalization

On the appointed day, the cash register filled with tape, with a power supply and cords is delivered to the tax office by the agreed time. Fiscalization is carried out in a tripartite composition: an inspector, a CTO employee, a company representative.

The technical engineer checks the integrity of the cash register and programs it: enters the company data (TIN, name), serial number of the device. The inspector sets a security code against hacking, then the TsTO specialist seals the case, fills in the KM-8 log and the technical passport.

To check the settings, specialists punch a test check for 1 ruble 11 kopecks and print a Z-report. Based on the results of fiscalization, the following documents:

  • marks are made in the register of KKM about the assignment to the machine identification number;
  • the act of resetting the counters of the machine in the form of KM-1;
  • trial check;
  • Z-report and fiscal report for 1.11 rubles;
  • ECLZ report for the same amount.

If not KKM is registered, but stationary payment terminal, field fiscalization is carried out at the location of the equipment.

Step 5. Getting a KKM card

After fiscalization, the inspector takes time (up to 3 days) to issue a registration card. Both the applicant and his authorized representative can receive the card and all previously submitted original documents.

How many days it will eventually take to register KKM with the tax office depends on the rules of a particular inspection. The registration itself is a matter of 15-20 minutes, the rest of the time is taken up by queues and paperwork by a tax specialist. The official deadlines for issuing a KKM registration card are 5 days from the date of receipt of the application and fiscalization. In practice, this period can be either 1-2 days or 10-14 (if the registration department works only 2 times a week or accepts by appointment). On average, at least one working week should be allocated to resolve the issue with the cash desk.

In case of urgent need, registration can be accelerated through the CTO: usually technical centers provide a service for urgent registration of cash registers. As for the cost of registering KKM, the main costs are the purchase of the device itself (from 10,000 rubles). The contract with the central heating center will cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles, which includes training technical documentation and magazines, a set of holographic stickers and a specialist visit to the tax office. If you entrust the registration of KKM to the engineers of the technical center (without the presence of a representative of the company), the basic cost of the service can be safely multiplied by 2.


From February 1, 2017, the INFS stopped registering old-style cash registers. The rules for registering new cash registers have now changed. Registration of cash desk 2018 , at present, it is produced according to other rules, the regulations of which are determined by law. You can apply for registration of a kkt from any of its producing companies. In particular, registration comes from ATOL, Mercury, Evotor and Shtrikh, as they are popular manufacturers.

In order for our clients to understand how a cash register is registered with the tax office, we tried to describe this process. So, you have a new cash register or fiscal registrar with online data transfer mode. In order to start working at the checkout, you need to register it. For this you need:

  • register in the taxpayer's personal account on the IFTS website using an EDS key (electronic digital signature);
  • enter information about the cash register in the LC so that the registration of the cash register through the personal account of the IFTS is successful;
  • provide an agreement concluded with OFD;
  • get a registration number at the checkout;
  • enter the data of the registration number directly at the cash desk, thereby entering the code of the tax inspector into the cash register with fiscal long-term memory;
  • send a registration check to the tax office;
  • get access to the CCP registration card in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service;
  • set up data transfer from the cash register to the OFD using the online data transfer mode.

Especially for you, in order to make life easier and not suspend your business, we offer a choice of several options for cash register registration packages, as well as a number of additional services, allowing to carry out the registration procedure as correctly and quickly as possible:

The service package "Registration of cash registers in the tax office" includes:

Putting the cash register into operation: commissioning, checking the serviceability and functioning of cash registers, sealing, drawing up a commissioning certificate

Registration of a cash register with the tax office through the taxpayer's personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service using the client's digital signature. Next, fill out and submit an application for registration. Numbers indicating the name of the OFD, obtaining a registration number

Setting up a cash register for connecting to the Internet via WiFi, GSM, Ethernet, USB channels

Fiscalization of cash registers (the procedure for putting a fiscal registrar or cash register with a fiscal drive into operation, indicating OFD)

Obtaining a CCP registration card

Programming receipt parameters

Service package "Connection to OFD" includes:

Creation and activation of the OFD personal account (conclusion of an agreement with the selected OFD)

Connecting the cash register to the OFD

Checking data transfer to OFD, test sale

Also, necessary condition for registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service under the new procedure, it is the presence of an EDS and the presence of a valid agreement with the OFD (fiscal data operator).

Obtaining an electronic digital signature is possible through the service on our website by clicking on the link: "Issuing an EDS"

You can order the service of connecting to the OFD on our website by clicking on the link: "Agreement with the OFD"

When is the registration of the cash register in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service considered completed?

Registration is considered completed when a CCP registration card is received from the IFTS.

But is it possible to immediately work at the checkout after receiving the registration card?
When the registration card is received, it is necessary to connect the CCP to the Fiscal Data Operator.

To do this, the cash register is first connected to the PC. Data ports are configured. The first check is broken through, information about which is sent through the OFD to the IFTS.
In fact, the registration of the cash register took place earlier, but it is only now possible to work for cash registers under the new law.
If the connection between the cash register and the OFD is configured incorrectly, the data is not transferred to the OFD. So, after 30 calendar days, if the configuration error is not eliminated, the fiscal accumulator is automatically blocked, respectively, the cash register is also blocked. To restore the operation of the FN, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of blocking.

As can be seen from the above, registering a cash register is far from the last step towards working with a cash register according to 54-FZ.


In 2019, the following documents will be required to register a cash desk with the tax office:

  • Passport (form) to the registered cash desk.
  • Passport to the fiscal accumulator (FN).
  • Organization card (IP) with the obligatory indication of the phone number of the responsible person, who can be contacted promptly to clarify the data and a valid e-mail, to which the Agreement and the invoice from the OFD will be sent.
  • Lease agreement (or document of ownership) for the premises where the online cash register will be installed. If you - individual entrepreneur and are engaged in traveling trade, registration of a cash desk for individual entrepreneurs is carried out at the home address (original and copy).
  • Certificate of registration of a legal entity (original and copy).
  • Certificate of tax registration (original and copy).

After all documents for registration of cash registers with the Federal Tax Service have been submitted, tax inspector sends the registration number to the cash register.
This number is entered into the cash machine. After that, a registration check is punched at the checkout, which is subsequently sent to the IFTS to confirm that the checkout has passed the fiscalization procedure. After that, a registration card for CCP is formed in the taxpayer's personal account, which can be downloaded online from the website.
Registration of the cash desk in the tax office via the Internet is considered successfully completed.
Refusal to register a cash register , mainly occurs when there are data entry errors in the fiscalization process.


Is not different. The procedure for registering a cash register for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is the same, although, as it becomes clear from the above, an electronic digital signature is required to register a cash register with the tax office, the list of documents for issuing which is different for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.


Registration of a cash desk for individual entrepreneurs, as well as those who work on UTII and USN, is mandatory procedure. This condition for registering a CCP is valid from July 1, 2018. In 2019, the condition for the need for a cash register for IP on a patent is added. They also need to register.

The purchase and registration of a cash desk in 2019 is not required for those who conduct specific activities. For example, this includes the sale of live fish, vegetables, fruits, milk, butter, draft beer, the sale of newspapers and magazines ( complete list activities are set out in the law).

Many people ask themselves: do those who are engaged in vending and Internet business need to register a cash register with the tax in 2018? The law establishes a clear calculation procedure for online stores. Even in the case when the interaction between the buyer and the seller takes place remotely, a receipt is required. It is sent to the buyer e-mail or by courier in case of home delivery.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, when conducting activities related to cash settlements or accepting payment cards, are required to use cash registers. Before its operation, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure, which is carried out in the tax service.

Theoretical side of the issue

An untimely issued cash register or its absence can lead to penalties. All rules are regulated Russian legislation, where the need and rules for the design of technology are spelled out.

Why is it necessary to register KKM?

Registration of a cash register must be carried out in the tax service, according to the place of registration of the organization that applies to government bodies.

The procedure is mandatory.

Sales outlets are periodically inspected by inspection bodies for the operability of cash registers. In case of violations, the owners of the enterprise can receive heavy fines.

Registering a cash register is also a guarantee that a legal entity will use serviceable equipment that meets the accepted criteria. The process of issuing a CCP is associated with the conclusion of a maintenance contract with the central heating service. As a result, the device is serviceable and undergoes regular technical checks.

Legal requirements for the device itself and the registrar

According to the legislation, the tax authorities control the use of cash registers. All cash registers must be equipped with a fiscal memory that stores sales data.

The state has created a special register that lists cash registers that are allowed to be used. Each model belongs to a certain type and the scope of its application is indicated. Since changes are constantly made to the registry, the first step before registering a CCP is choosing the appropriate type and purchasing it.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, you can find the requirements that are put forward for a cash register.

They include the following items:

  1. The device must have a fiscal storage memory, a case, the ability to print checks and a control tape.
  2. Information passing through the device should not be corrected. Data must be stored for a long time regardless of power consumption.
  3. All information must be displayed unchanged on cash receipt and control tape, and be stored in the fiscal memory of the equipment.
  4. Be able to enter features of the regime, indicating the impossibility of correcting data carried out using payment cards or cash settlements.
  5. The ability to output data that is recorded on the control tape and in the fiscal memory of the cash register.
  6. Mandatory presence of a clock displaying real time on checks.
  7. It should be possible to enter data about the user into the fiscal memory of the device or change it when it is re-registered.
  8. The CCP must be in good working order, and in case of breakdowns, have an agreement with the organization providing maintenance.
  9. Provide the opportunity to work in a fiscal mode.
  10. Comply with a model that is authorized for use by the State Registry.
  11. The equipment should be endowed with a blocking function in the absence of information on the fiscal regime on the cash register.
  12. KKM must have a full package of documents and marks: passport, instructions, identification mark, service mark, seals.

The law allows the use of a new or used cash machine. It is most convenient to purchase it in the CTO. This makes it possible to speed up the procedure for registering a cash register with the tax office. An agreement is concluded with representatives of the center, which gives its employees the opportunity to prepare some of the necessary documents within a short period of time.

Registration of a cash register in the tax

The procedure for registration is regulated by legislation, which specifies the conditions for applying and the list of documents to be submitted. In practice, organizations are faced with the fact that tax authorities may require additional information. In order to properly prepare a package of documents, it is better to visit government agencies in advance, find out the work schedule and the conditions for registration.

For LLC and other legal entities

List of documents submitted to tax service, the same for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The difference lies in the order of appeal.

Organizations need to first decide where the cash register will stand.

If its location does not match legal address specified in the constituent documents, then it is necessary to register a separate subdivision.

For IP

Individual entrepreneurs prepare a set of documents in accordance with the current legislation.

When buying cash registers, an individual entrepreneur must provide the following data to the CTO:

  1. OGRN,
  2. Contact details.

The entrepreneur needs to register at the tax outlet where the device will be installed. These actions can be performed simultaneously with the registration of cash registers. CTO after the acquisition of KKM enters all the necessary data into the fiscal memory, and also prepares certificates for the tax.


Consider the most complete package of certificates that IFTS employees may request.

When buying equipment and magazines for maintaining a cash desk in the Central Technical Service, a part of the documents is prepared by the technical center:

  1. A contract certifying the provision of maintenance. It is concluded between the organization and the TsTO, issued in 2 copies. The inspector must provide the original agreement.
  2. Passport for KKT and EKLZ (protected electronic control tape).
  3. Accounting journals: KM-4 and KM-8 (for entering information by the cashier-operator and registering the calls of the master in case of breakdowns of the cash register). Books must be numbered and bound.
  4. Passport, additional sheet and stamps-seals related to the selected model of the cash register.

Also, when contacting the tax office, you need to have the equipment itself on hand.

In addition to the above documents, a legal entity should prepare:

  • certificate of OGRN or USRN, TIN;
  • an order from the personnel department of the company, indicating the appointment of a director, chief accountant and cashier;
  • lease agreement for the actual and legal address;
  • company seal;
  • application for registration of CCP;
  • power of attorney and personal passport of the applicant.

Individual entrepreneurs should also add a certificate of registration to this list individual as an IP. If the entrepreneur issued a seal, then it must be taken with you.

If the company is not new, then the tax office may require a certificate indicating that there is no debt. The last balance that was submitted to the INFS is also suitable, the document must be signed by the inspector.

When issuing a power of attorney, you must specify the passport data and full name of the contractor, list the list of actions and indicate the INFS number where the registration will take place.

The next step in the registration procedure is the verification by the tax officer of the submitted documents and certificates. If they comply, the applicant is invited to the INFS to carry out the fiscalization of the cash register. At the appointed time, it is necessary to appear at the tax office, where the process will take place with the participation of a master from the Central Technical Service.

You must also have with you:

  • an application with a request to register cash registers;
  • technical passport for CCP;
  • a log that records specialist calls.

The cash register itself is also needed; before fiscalization, the inspector must inspect it. If the representative of the organization does not appear at the appointed time, then the tax office has the right to refuse to register KKM.

Where does the procedure take place?

According to the law, the registration of a cash register is carried out only tax authorities. It is better to know the rules for accepting documents in advance. Many tax authorities have switched to electronic queue, which is a guarantee of visiting the office on the day of treatment. The inspectors involved in the registration of equipment work at certain hours, so it is better to know the work schedule in advance.

An individual entrepreneur applies to the tax service, which is located at the place of registration of the individual in whose name the enterprise is registered.

If it is impossible to be present in person, a power of attorney certified by a notary is prepared. The person who is instructed to issue a KKM must have a passport with him. Legal entities also apply to the tax office at the place of registration.

If it is necessary to prepare a cash register for a branch, then registration is carried out in the region where the outlet is located. Upon completion of the procedure, all data is sent to the department where the main organization is located. A power of attorney must be issued to the employee who is engaged in registration. It is signed by the head of the company and sealed with the seal of the company.

Terms and cost

The inspection procedure of the equipment by the inspector is the starting point in registration. If everything is in order, then information about KKM is entered in the ledger, which is maintained by the tax office. In the passport to the cash register, the inspector must make a note about the registration. At the final stage, all documents, the registration card, the equipment registration card and the certified book of the cashier-operator are returned to the applicant. If the documents are filled out correctly, the registration procedure takes no more than 5 business days.

As of today, there is no charge for registering cash registers.

In practice, registration can take up to 14 days. To speed up this process, there are organizations that, on a paid basis, undertake the obligation of urgent registration. When registering for 1-2 days, companies take the amount from 1 500 rub. with the participation of the customer and 2 500 rub. when applying independently to the INFS. The cost of the service is reduced when registering more cash registers. So, when registering 5 cash registers, the amount is halved.

What to do with a used KKM?

When buying used equipment or when changing organizations, the question arises, how to properly register a cash register?

The procedure includes several steps:

  1. Deregistration of CCP, which was issued to the previous owner. To do this, they turn to the tax office with the following package of documents: an application in accordance with the KND 1110021 form, the KKM itself and a passport for it, the KM-4 book, a card indicating registration, an agreement with the TsTO, the last Z-report and data on the absence debt.
  2. After deregistration of cash registers, you need to send it and all documents to the device in the central service center with which the company cooperates.

The further registration procedure does not differ from the registration of a new cash register.

When buying a used device, you should be aware that, according to the law, there is a certain period during which its operation is carried out. This period is 7 years from the date of registration of equipment.

Can I opt out of registration?

The legislation defines the categories that have the right to refuse to use the cash register. There are also organizations for which registration of equipment is mandatory. These include LLCs and individual entrepreneurs operating in the form of retail sales in densely populated regions or via the Internet. Also, the mandatory registration process is carried out by enterprises operating via the Internet and receiving cash profits for this.

Categories eliminated from the need

The latest innovations adopted in relation to work on the cash register indicate that banks and enterprises that have a patent can refuse to use CREs.

Instead of checks, it is allowed to issue forms of strict accountability.

Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs selling alcoholic beverages in remote places where there are power outages have the right to refuse to operate KKM, provided that they provide a UTII report.

Organizations operating under the simplified taxation regime or enterprises that started their activities in 2019 can also refuse CCP. But only if they provide services to the public that are not related to retail. It turns out that not only the INFS, but also the taxpayers themselves can make a decision on the use of cash registers.

Summing up, we can distinguish two categories that have the right not to apply CCP:

  • enterprises leading retail in problem regions;
  • when paying for services and goods that are purchased only by bank transfer.


When using an unregistered cash register, penalties are imposed on the owner of the organization and the cashier. The head of the enterprise can be fined from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles, the cashier - from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Registration of a cash register is a mandatory procedure, which is accompanied by the conclusion of an agreement with the CTO and the submission of documents to the INFS. The inspector has the right to refuse to register the CCP, in case of an incomplete set of documentation and the use of equipment not included in the state register.

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