
Presentation on social science "the role of the state in the economy". Presentation on the topic "the role of the state in the economy" Securities market

The intro to the program "Let Them Talk" sounds

The leader enters the class. Greetings.

Teacher's word:Dear friends, today we are attending the Let Them Talk program.

Who is absent from our studio? (mark absent)

Thank you!

We are discussing non-fictional stories about which it is impossible to remain silent. So, the topic of our meeting today"The role of the state in the economy" ... Please mark the topic in your notebooks.(Notebooks for students)

I... Motivation for learning activities

Statement of the problem of the lesson

“Contrary to the desire of people,

Words in the country differ from deeds

They take two, three prices

Both a democrat and a former leftist "

Consistently for program participantsquestions are asked:

What are these words about?

Who is needed in the market?

What are we going to talk about today?

(Lesson goal setting)

At our previous meetings, we talked about such important economic phenomena as demand, supply and entrepreneurship. Many economists consider the state as the main concept of economics. Therefore, the state acts not only as a political, but also as an economic entity.The purpose of our meeting today is to prove or disprove that the state is the main concept of the economy .

So, A few tips:

  • Try not to close your mouth with your thoughts.
  • When the discussion takes place in pairsor in fours it is important to hear what your neighbor is saying.
  • Be nice to each other.

Form of work: individual and group

II... Knowledge update

Leading:And what is a state?

Guests: Answer(The state is a political organization of a country that has its own territory, sovereignty, issues laws, collects taxes and protects its citizens )

Leading:Well done! The state is the sameis the main participant in the economic sphere. It seeks to maintain an economic order to meet our needs with you. And which ones?

Guests: Answer (biological, social, etc.)

III... Learning new material

Leading:The economic policy of the state has its own specific goals. And which ones, now we will consider.

Economical purpose: (writing in notebooks)

  1. The economic growth
  2. Employment regulation
  3. Maintaining a stable price level
  4. Export support

The economic goals of the state are: (general, prospective, current) explanation:

  1. Are common(ensuring economic security and efficiency, taking care of ensuring full employment.)
  2. Promising(formation of a socially oriented market economy option)
  3. Current(reducing inflation, ensuring stabilization, fighting poverty, reducing business taxes)

Leading:But in order to maintain the economic order in the country, what does the state need to create?

Guests:Answers (conditions)

Dear friends, there is a special correspondent of our program in our studio who will introduce you to these conditions. I give the floor to Alexander Krinitsa.

Leading:Your task during Alexander's speech is to record in your notebooks the conditions that, in your opinion, could preserve the economic order in the country.

Guests: the answers

Leading: Alexander, is it correct or not, in your opinion, that the guests of our studio named the conditions for maintaining the economic order in the country? Summarize.

Alexander (speech): the main conditions are:

  1. The laws;
  2. Personal interests priority guarantee;
  3. Limiting monopoly trends in the economy.

Leading:The role of the state in the economy is manifested through the functions of the state. I suggest opening the tutorials on page 116.

Leading:In the economy, the state often protects entrepreneurship. But it understands that only 10-30% of the population helps. But the rest, the most significant part of the population - children, unemployed old people, low-income, employees - need help from the state.

Many issues in the economy can be resolved only by the state. What do you think might happen if schools, hospitals, and the police are handed over to private hands - an entrepreneur?

Guests: the answers

Leading:Another main task of the state is to protect the environment.

Dear friends, there are experts in our studio who will introduce you to this problem. I give the floor to _______________________________________________

Several students come to the blackboard who can prove different points of view.

Leading: With whom of our experts do you agree (disagree), why?

Guests: answers

Leading: So I would like to say today that there are mechanisms of state regulation of the market economy.

Leading:The main toolsstate regulation is: direct and indirect interferencein the processes of a market economy. Diagram on the slide. (explanation)

The class is divided into three groups.

Leading: You have handouts on your tables. Your task is to answer the question: How do the mechanisms of state regulation work, what methods for this use?

1gr. Legal regulation

2gr. Fiscal policy

3 gr. Monetary policy

Time to complete the work is 5 minutes.

Guests:carry out the task.Let's sum up

IV... Primary comprehension and consolidation of the studied material

Leading:You are all great! All that remains for us is to conduct an interactive vote on our topic.

To each of you, I will distribute expression forms on our topic. You need to mark which one is correct and which is not.

After completion, switch forms with your neighbor and check each other.

You can see the correct answers on the screen.

Return your forms after the end of the transfer.

And at the very end of our program, I would like to mark with valuable gifts, today these are marks for the program “Let them talk”.(Grading)

Leading:And I will remind you that at the very beginning of our program, you and I said thatthe state is the main concept of the economy. I ask you to express your opinion!

Our program is coming to an end, but in order for our next meeting to be as active as possible, I will ask you to complete a small task. Write an essay - reasoning ____________________________________________________

V... Lesson summary. Reflection.

If there are no questions, this is the end of our program. Goodbye! Thanks to all!

The role of the state in the economy

8th grade. Social science

The role of the state in the economy

Depends on the type of economic system!

Traditional system

Command system

Market system

Traditional system

  • The dominance of the subsistence economy.
  • Commitment to tradition.
  • There is no commodity-money exchange.
  • Lack of technical progress.
  • Land and capital are in common ownership.

Command system

  • The state strictly regulates production, exchange and distribution.
  • Planning.
  • Land and capital are predominantly owned by the state.

Market system

  • The manufacturer decides for himself what, how and for whom to produce.
  • Land and capital are in private hands.
  • The state ensures order in society within the framework of the law.

“... In order to close any loophole through which products could go out of state control, in March 1933. In the USSR, a decree was issued according to which, until the region fulfills the grain procurement plan, 90% of the harvested grain was given to the state, and the remaining 10% was distributed among collective farmers as an advance payment for work. "

What type of system does the text characterize?

“... In October 1922. In our country, a new Land Code was adopted, according to which the peasants received the right ... to choose forms of land use. Strict centralization ... has been abolished. The factories independently solved the issues of procurement of raw materials and the sale of finished products. "

Functions of the state

  • Control over the use of natural resources, environmental protection.
  • Helping the poor, solving social problems.
  • Protection of the interests of consumers and entrepreneurs.
  • Property protection.
  • Creation of laws on economic issues.
  • Regulation of the money supply in the country.
  • Preventing economic crises.






In connection with the increase in the price of bread, residents of the N region began to stock up on food for future use. Such a rush for goods has led to a shortage of many products.

Which method will be successful in this situation and why?

The country's car manufacturers began to go bankrupt due to the fact that citizens buy only foreign cars, since they are cheaper and more practical to operate.

Tax- mandatory fees charged

from the population in favor of the state.



Table: Types of taxes


Direct taxes


Indirect taxes

Read the text on page 94 in the textbook and fill in the table.

Social politics

Social politics - a set of measures taken by the government in the social sphere.

  • Pensions.
  • Organization of employment policy, assistance to the unemployed.
  • Scholarships.
  • Helping the family.
  • Free medical assistance.


  • Read § 14.
  • Learn: Traditional System, Market System, Command System, Taxes, Direct Taxes, Indirect Taxes, Social Policy.

Slide 2

"To foresee is to rule." Pascal Blaise

Slide 3

Lesson plan

1.Economic functions of the state 2.Taxes, taxation, types of taxes 3.State budget 4.State debt

Slide 4

Functions of the state in the economy

1. Development of economic legislation 2. Support of competition 3. Reallocation of expenses 4. Provision of social guarantees 5. Regulation of resource allocation 6. Stabilization of the economy 7. Entrepreneurial activity (support) 8. Organization of money circulation 9. Support of optimal employment level 10. Implementation of national economic interests in the global economy

Slide 5


Keynes's theory is a theory of effective demand, with active government intervention in economic life. Keynes's idea is to influence the production and supply of goods and services through the activation and stimulation of aggregate demand (total purchasing power). Keynesian theory attaches critical importance to investment.

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Monetarism is a school of economic thought that assigns money to a decisive role in the oscillatory movement of the economy. Monetary means money (money - money, monetary - money). The representatives of this school see the main reason for the instability of the economy in the instability of monetary parameters.

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Tax is a mandatory, individually free payment levied from organizations and individuals in the form of alienation of funds belonging to them by right of ownership, economic management or operational management in order to financially support the activities of the state and (or) municipalities.

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Fee - a compulsory fee levied from organizations and individuals, the payment of which is one of the conditions for the performance of levies by state bodies, local governments, other authorized bodies and officials of legally significant actions, including the granting of certain rights or the issuance of permits (licenses) ...

Slide 9

Characteristic features of tax as payment:

obligation; individual gratuitousness; alienation of funds belonging to organizations and individuals on the basis of the right of ownership, economic management or operational management; focus on financing the activities of the state or municipalities.

Slide 10

Characteristic features of collection as a contribution:

obligation; one of the conditions for the performance of legally significant actions by state and other bodies in the interests of the payers of fees.

Slide 11

Functions of taxes:

fiscal function, which consists in providing the state with the financial resources necessary to carry out its activities (source of state revenue); a regulatory function due to which taxes either stimulate or restrain one or another economic activity (regulator of the economic system).

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Types of taxes by the nature of taxation:

proportional (the share of tax in income, or the average tax rate with income growth); progressive (the share of tax in income increases with income); regressive (the share of tax in income falls with income growth).

Slide 13

Types of taxes for the object:

direct; indirect.

Slide 14

Types of taxes by subject:

central; local.

Slide 15

Types of taxes based on the target use principle:

marked; unmarked.

Slide 16

Labeled taxes

Marking refers to the linking of a tax to a specific direction of spending. If the tax has a targeted nature and the corresponding receipts for any other purpose, except for the one for which it was introduced, is not used, then such a tax is called marked. Examples of labeled taxes are payments to the pension fund, compulsory health insurance fund, road fund, etc. All other taxes are considered unmarked. The advantage of unmarked taxes is that they provide flexibility in fiscal policy - they can be spent at the discretion of the government body in the areas that it considers necessary.

Slide 18

The state budget

from English budget - a bag, a wallet is an estimate of the income and expenditure of the state for a certain period of time, compiled with an indication of the sources of receipt of state revenues and directions, channels for spending money.

Slide 19

State debt

The total amount of the government's obligations on issued and outstanding government loans, loans received and interest on them, guarantees issued by the government.

View all slides

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Social Studies Grade 11 Basic Level
Social Science Codifier Chapter 2. Economics. Topic 2.13
The presentation was prepared by Olga Ulyeva, teacher of history and social studies, GBOU School number 1353

Slide 2

TWO VIEWS ON THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN THE ECONOMY: the classical (liberal) school of Keynesianism 2. ECONOMIC FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE: legislative regulation of the economy provision of public goods and services provision of economic growth implementation of social policy stabilization of the economy METHODS OF STATE REGULATION OF THE ECONOMY: indirect (administrative) 4 MONETARY (MONETARY) POLICY BUDGET AND TAX (FISCAL) POLICY LEGAL REGULATION OF THE ECONOMY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Slide 3

Name the types of economic systems known to you.
Name the types of economic systems with active government intervention in the economy.
The active role of the state in the economy.

Slide 4

William Petty (1623 - 1687) English statistician and economist, one of the founders of classical political economy in England.
"Labor is the father and the most active principle of wealth, and the earth is its mother." W. Petty. Treatise on taxes and fees. 1662
If society is able to independently solve economic problems, is it necessary for the state to intervene in the economy?
Formulate the main problem of the lesson.

Slide 5

Adam Smith (1723 - 1790) Scottish economist, one of the founders of modern economic theory.
Classical (liberal) school
A market based on free competition can exist and regulate itself. The state is a "night watchman", i.e. establishes laws, monitors their implementation, but is not an independent subject of the market.

The market does not affect some important areas (health care, education, basic science), therefore, they must be regulated by the state. In the conditions of the economic crisis, in order to increase the aggregate demand (market capacity), the state must create jobs by its own efforts.

Slide 6

THE INDEX OF ECONOMIC FREEDOM is a combination of ten main components:
freedom of enterprise freedom of trade adequate tax system level of government regulation monetary freedom freedom of investment financial freedom property rights freedom from corruption freedom of labor

Slide 7

PROVISION OF PUBLIC GOODS (goods and services)
protection of property rights; support for competition (antimonopoly policy); small business support, environmental policy.
defense, health care, education, culture, media, etc.
fundamental science, energy, industry, construction, agriculture. infrastructure.
pensions, unemployment benefits, subsidies for the poor and large families.
overcoming inflation, ensuring full employment, balancing exports and imports, overcoming economic crises.

Slide 8

List the weaknesses of the market economy.

Slide 9

NEED - a person's need for something.
WELL-BEING - means for satisfying needs.
air, water, solar and wind energy.
food, housing, clothing, furniture, etc.

Slide 10

DIRECT (administrative)
INDIRECT (economic)
enactment of market-related laws (e.g. antitrust laws) expansion of the public sector in the economy
fiscal policy (fiscal policy) monetary policy (increase-decrease in the money supply in circulation) government orders lending to enterprises

Slide 11

Milton Friedman (1912 - 2006) American economist, 1976 Nobel laureate.
Free the economy from state control as much as possible. Reduce taxes and government spending. To enable the market itself to regulate the production of goods and their exchange.
John Keynes (1883 - 1946) English economist, founder of the Keynesian direction in economic theory.
Greater government intervention in the economy is needed. The state should regulate the economy through an active financial policy that stimulates demand, and hence the creation of new jobs.

Slide 12

Central Bank

Slide 13

MONETARY POLICY - control over the money supply in the economy to influence aggregate demand.
Change in the refinancing rate (reduction in price-rise in the cost of loans). Establishment of the rate of required reserves of commercial banks (increase-decrease in the number of loans issued). Sale and purchase of government securities.
Monetary policy is implemented by the Central Bank (CB)

Slide 14

emission monopoly in respect of banknotes (only the Central Bank carries out money emission); is a "bank of banks", that is, the settlement center of the banking system, provides loans to it, in some countries supervises the activities of banks; is a government bank; conducts monetary regulation; keeps the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves.
The CENTRAL BANK (CB) is the main regulator of the credit system of a country or a group of countries.
Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Bank of England
US Federal Reserve
Central Bank of the Russian Federation: is a state bank is federal property is accountable only to the State Duma is not subject to the Government of the Russian Federation

Slide 15

STATE BUDGET is the most important financial document of the country, a consolidated plan of state revenues and expenditures.

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Slide 18

Can the budget deficit be called a public debt?
Determine from the diagram: in which year was the budget of the Russian Federation surplus? in what year was the budget of the Russian Federation in deficit? In what year was the budget of the Russian Federation balanced?
SEQUESTER - "cutting" of the planned budget expenditures.
Determine from the diagram: in which year was the balance of the RF budget negative? in what year was the balance of the RF budget positive? in what year was the balance of the RF budget zero?

Slide 19

cost reduction (sequestration) search for additional sources of income (change in the taxation system) emission of money (additional issue of paper money) loans from the population and from other countries

Slide 20

The budget system of the Russian Federation includes budgets of the following levels: Federal budget budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional budgets) budgets of municipalities (local budgets)
What laws govern the fiscal policy in the Russian Federation?
Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 106. Federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the following issues are subject to mandatory consideration by the Federation Council: a) the federal budget; b) federal taxes and fees; c) financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue;

Slide 21


Slide 22

The government's economic views are extremely simple: “Tax everything that moves. If it continues to move after that - to regulate. And if it doesn’t move - subsidize ”. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th President of the United States.
An underdeveloped country is poor because it has no industry; and it has no industry because it is poor. Hans Wolfgang Singer (1910-2006), British economist.
Political problems are insoluble, and economic ones are incomprehensible. Alec Douglas-Hume (1903-1995), British Prime Minister 1963-1964
Anything the private sector can do, the government can do worse. Dixie Ray (1914-1994), American politician.

Slide 23

LIBERAL ECONOMY - An economy characterized by minimal government intervention and a high degree of economic freedom. CENTRAL PLANNED ECONOMY (centrally planned economy) - an economic system in which the means of production are predominantly owned by the state, it also distributes the goods and services produced in accordance with the plan at regulated prices. STATE BUDGET (state budget) -financial plan of the expected income and expenditure of the state (for a year). BUDGET SURPLUS (budget surplus) - excess of income over expenses. BUDGET DEFICIT (budget deficit) - excess of expenses over income. TAXES (taxes) - compulsory payments levied on firms and individuals to finance the activities of the state. MONETARY POLICY - control over the money supply in the economy to influence aggregate demand.

Slide 24

Koroleva G.E. Economics: grades 10-11: a textbook for students of educational institutions. M, Ventana-Graf, 2013 Kireev A.P. Economics: Textbook for grades 10-11 of educational institutions (basic level). M. VITA-PRESS, 2012 Baranov P.A. Social Studies: Economics: express tutor to prepare for the exam. M. Astrel. 2013
http://www.ege.edu.ru/ - the official portal of the Unified State Exam (exam calendar; codifier, specification, demo version; scale for transferring points; personal account). http://fipi.ru - open bank of USE assignments. http://soc.reshuege.ru - Bank of Unified State Exam assignments, it is possible to check the answers, there are comments on all questions. http://stupinaoa.narod.ru/index/0-20 - here you can find detailed plans and assessment criteria on various topics of the social studies course.
http://interneturok.ru/ru/school/obshestvoznanie/11-klass/bchelovek-i-ekonomikab/gosudarstvo-i-ekonomika?seconds=0&chapter_id=350 - Internet Lesson "State and Economy" http://interneturok.ru/ ru / school / obshestvoznanie / 11-klass / bchelovek-i-ekonomikab / ekonomic news-reformy-v-rossii? seconds = 0 & chapter_id = 350 - InternetLesson "Economic reforms in Russia"
Makarov O.Yu. Social Studies: Complete course. Multimedia tutor. St. Petersburg, Peter, 2012 http://ru.wikipedia.org

Presentation on economics for grade 11 on the topic "The role of the state in the economy".

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"Presentation" The Role of the State in the Economy "

Presentation of the teacher VaSyagina I.A.

MBOU SOSH "No. 24"

Weaknesses of the market economy

  • Monopolization of markets
  • Economic crises
  • Unemployment
  • Inflation
  • Difficulties in creating public goods
  • Income inequality
  • The emergence of external effects
  • Economic instability
  • Economic crimes
  • Bankruptcy

The goal of the state is to jointly promote

to a high quality of life.


At the dawn of economic science, A. Smith put forward the idea of ​​non-interference of the state in the sphere of the economy. Indeed, the “mother” of wealth is nature, the “father” of wealth is labor.

And what does the state have to do with it?

Your Topic Goes Here

The role of the state in the economy

The state is an economic entity that seeks to preserve the economic order of which it itself is a political expression.

Functions of the state

1. Ensuring the legal framework:

  • granting legal status to enterprises
  • definition of property rights
  • guaranteeing compliance with contracts
  • establishing the "rules of the game" for the relationship between firms
  • acting as an arbiter

Functions of the state

2. Adjustment of resource allocation:

  • creation of public goods
  • government sector
  • neutralization (elimination) of negative externalities

Functions of the state

3. Protection of competition:

  • enactment of antitrust laws
  • regulation of prices and standards in natural monopolies using public commissions
  • application of financial sanctions

Functions of the state

4. Stabilization of the economy:

  • ensuring high employment
  • fighting inflation
  • stimulating economic growth
  • assistance to the private sector in solving problems

Functions of the state

5. Maintaining internal order in the country

6. Securing the country's monetary system

7. Uniform tax policy

8. Application of the system of standards

9. Ensuring social protection of the population

10 preserving and improving the environment

11. Realization of national interests

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state