
The limited economic resources and the problems it generates presentation for the lesson on the topic. Resource constraints The production possibilities curve displays

economics, 10, basic level

Lesson #2

TOPIC 1. The main issues of the economy

Limited economic resources and the problems it creates

D.Z.: § 2, dictionary, table

Ed. A.I. Kolmakov

Lesson Objectives

  • promote understanding what the economy is;
  • form the ability to receive and critically comprehend economic information, analyze, systematize the data obtained
  • develop economic way of thinking;
  • bring up responsibility for economic decisions

Universal learning activities

  • Know and understand the main problems of the economy;
  • Be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to obtain and evaluate economic information

Concepts, terms

  • economy;
  • need;
  • factors of production;
  • good;
  • household;
  • labor, land, capital;
  • specialization and exchange;
  • entrepreneurial ability;
  • product;
  • service;
  • trade

Control questions

  • What is an economy?
  • What are the main problems of economic science? Name and describe them.
  • What is necessary for the objects of nature to be transformed into commodities?
  • What is the role of economic activity in this process?
  • What are the ways to increase the volume of production with the limited resources available?

Knowledge check

  • What are economic benefits and how do they differ from free goods? ?
  • What are the main advantages of specialization ?





- created


- created


Knowledge check

The benefits of specialization are

  • increase in the number of produced blessings
  • increase in the range of goods
  • the rate at which these goods are produced.

Learning new material

  • Need and need.
  • Limitation.
  • Profit.
  • Problem of choice.
  • Choice price.

Need and need.

What is the main task of economic activity ?

Satisfaction needs

- the main task of economic activity.

"Any person engaged in economic activity thinks only about satisfying his own needs, and does not think about the benefits that he brings to society."

Adam Smith

Basic needs.

What are the basic human needs?

  • In food
  • in clothes
  • In housing
  • In treatment
  • In safety

All these needs are necessary for simple survival.

Need in




Pyramid needs A. Maslow




in respect

Need in

belongings and love

The Need for Security

Physiological Needs

Can a person satisfy all his needs?

What is the relationship between human needs and available resources?

amount of available resources

human needs

The task of the economic mechanism is to satisfy all human needs!!!




What resources are more limited?

Limited resources – insufficient amount of resources already available .

Stocks of natural resources are found on planet Earth more often than economic ones, but not all of them are available to people.

Remember what economic resources (factors of production) do you know?

How limited are economic resources?

The volume of nature resources


Existing Resources

Amount of resources needed by people

Economic limitation of natural resources.


14 -9 thousand years BC

Limited economic resources.




The number of able-bodied citizens, human abilities.


The geographical position of the country, the presence of minerals.


The economic situation in the country, the level of development of scientific and technical progress.


Lack of ability, talent.


Human abilities, resource availability.

Ways to overcome limitations.


Ways to overcome


Invitation of workers from abroad, retraining or retraining of "own" workers


"Ennoblement" of the earth, the search for minerals in new places.


Construction of new capital structures.


Develop entrepreneurial talent, issuing laws aimed at protecting entrepreneurship.


Staff training, search for new ways of obtaining information.

The emergence of the first property.

The scarcity of resources prompted people to secure economic resources in property.

people have the right to sovereignly:

  • Own
  • enjoy
  • Manage resources.

Other people must respect this right.

Types of income from the use of economic resources.

Resource (factor of production)


1. Labor


2. Earth

Rent is income from the use of land.

3. Capital

  • Part of the profit.
  • Interest

4. Entrepreneurship


5. Information



name goods



price, rub.



Revenue, rub.


Costs, rub.

Profit, rub.


Profit - the excess of proceeds from the sale of goods over the total cost of production of these goods.

Profit = Revenue - Costs


Determine the profit from the sale of goods if:

name goods




price, rub.

Revenue, rub.



Costs, rub.


Profit, rub.

Problem of choice.

What to produce?

In which


This is the main problem of the modern manufacturer.

Limited resources puts a person before a choice.


Interest is part of the cost


Choice price - the value of those goods and services that a person is forced to give up, acquiring more necessary ..

It is impossible to simultaneously make a washing machine and a refrigerator from the same piece of metal.

Washing machine


I choose a washing machine, i.e., a refrigerator - that good that I refuse in favor of a washing machine


Insert missing words.

………………… .. needs and ……………….. resources.

  • It makes people do

and determine …………… ………………….

  • and determine …………… ………………….


Insert missing words.

  • The main economic problem is -

infinity needs and limitation resources.


  • It makes people do

and determine selection price .

  • and determine selection price .

Which then have to pay.

? For self control

1. Name the main types of economic resources.

2. List the types of income received as a result of the use of resources.

3. What problem does a person face as a result of their activities?

1. A resource is not:

1. Economics studies:

  • land;
  • pesticide;
  • water;
  • there is no correct answer.
  • how the family spends its income;
  • how the firm chooses factors of production;
  • why the state introduces taxes and subsidies;
  • all of the above.

Test. The main questions of the economy

2. Economic theory is a science:

2. A person in our society is a participant in economic life:

  • about society;
  • about nature, since nature gives all blessings;
  • equally about nature and about society;
  • about nature, since all resources are found in nature.
  • always;
  • when he becomes unemployed;
  • when he becomes a private entrepreneur;
  • when working in the public service.

Test. The main questions of the economy

3. The main participant in the economic life of the company is:

3. The state receives the resources it needs through

  • firm;
  • state;
  • family;
  • banks.
  • goods market;
  • resource market;
  • directly, bypassing any markets;
  • true (b) and (c).

Test. The main questions of the economy

4. An example of a gift good is:

4. The government makes decisions on the regulation of the economy based on:

  • travel in the subway;
  • air;
  • present;
  • hamburger.
  • microeconomic theory;
  • macroeconomic theory;
  • true (a) and (b);
  • own considerations.

Test. The main questions of the economy

5. An economic good is:

5. The volume of free goods:

  • any good that is available in the economy;
  • a good, the amount of which can be increased without spending resources;
  • a good that needs to be distributed;
  • for example, a walk in the fresh air.
  • fewer needs of the people;
  • meets people's needs
  • more needs of the people;
  • out of proportion to the needs.

Test. The main questions of the economy

6. Indicate which of the following is not a factor of production:

6. Division of labor and specialization occurred:

  • land;
  • coal quarry;
  • promotion;
  • Lake.
  • in the 19th century;
  • in the Middle Ages;
  • under the slave system;
  • under the primitive communal system.

Test. The main questions of the economy

7. Labor productivity shows:

7. Productivity growth is due to:

  • how many people must work to complete a given amount of work;
  • how many products the whole team can produce;
  • how many people must be employed to produce a unit of output per hour;
  • how many products will be made by one worker per unit of time.
  • increased consumption of goods;
  • trade improvements;
  • labor specialization;
  • population growth.

Test. The main questions of the economy

8. The basic needs of people do not include the need to:

8. Which of the following is not limited:

  • in watching a movie;
  • in food;
  • in housing;
  • in medical care.
  • ground transportation;
  • visiting the theater
  • air;
  • (a) and (c) are correct.

Test. The main questions of the economy

9. The profit of the company is:

9. The income of the land owner is called:

  • proceeds from the sale of manufactured products;
  • sales revenue less taxes on production;
  • the difference between sales revenue and production costs;
  • there is no correct answer.
  • profit;
  • rent;
  • revenue;
  • percent.

Test. The main questions of the economy

10. The production possibilities curve displays:

a) a combination of possible resources;

b) a combination of two goods that consumers would like to receive;

c) the dependence of the maximum output of one good on the given production of another good;

d) the dependence of the output of the good on the given resources.

10. In the economy, a combination of goods can be produced if the corresponding point is:

a) above the production possibilities curve

b) below the production possibilities curve;

c) on the production possibilities curve itself;

d) both (b) and (c) are true.

Test. The main questions of the economy

11. If benefits are distributed according to the "right of the strong", then:

a) there will be justice in society;

b) the richest people will be wise men;

c) capitalism will come into society;

d) people will lose interest in work.

11. The basic human need is the need to:

  • in a visit to the museum;
  • at dinner in a restaurant;
  • in reading a book;
  • in housing.

Test. The main questions of the economy

12. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) The gift good is limited, but the economic good is not limited;

b) the free good is not limited, but the economic good is limited;

c) free and economic benefits are limited;

d) free and economic benefits are not limited.

12. Reclamation of desert lands:

a) reduces the limitation of the land;

b) increases the limitedness of the land;

c) does not affect the limitedness of the land;

d) increase capital in the country.

Test. The main questions of the economy

13. The concept of "use a resource" means that:

a) the user can use the resource at his own discretion;

b) the user can sell the resource;

c) the user is the owner of the resource;

d) both (a) and (b) are true.

13. If an entrepreneur has leased his car, then his income from this transaction is called:

a) profit;

b) rent;

c) percentage;

d) revenue.

Test. The main questions of the economy

14. The main issues of the economy do not include:

a) what to produce;

b) how to produce;

c) how much to produce;

d) there is no correct answer.

14. If the number of factors of production increases in the economy, then the production possibilities curve:

a) will move to the origin of coordinates (left-down);

c) will not change

Test. The main questions of the economy

15. The production possibilities curve allows you to answer the question:

a) how much goods can be produced;

b) how goods can be produced;

c) how benefits are distributed in the economy;

d) (a), (b) and (c) are true.

15. The introduction of the "principle of equalization" In the economy:

a) will allow the distribution of benefits equitably;

b) increase the country's productive capacity;

c) reduce the country's productive capacity;

d) will lead to an increase in the well-being of each person.



  • What have you learned?
  • How?
  • What have you learned?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?

Sections: Economy

A flurry of concepts related to the market type of economy falls upon children. Every modern person must understand a large number of new terms and concepts, be able to navigate the information that comes to us from various sources and use it.
The lesson uses various forms and methods of work, such as work in groups, game elements, individual tasks, work with a graph and table, test tasks.
Students consolidate the skills of working with additional material, the ability to extract basic information from the text and draw conclusions.
When doing homework, a direction is given for conducting an independent mini-research.


  • To bring students to an understanding of the basic problem of the economy, the limited resources and the boundlessness of human needs.
  • Continue the formation of skills to analyze additional literature for the lesson, draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships between people's actions and relationships.
  • Introduce students to new terms and concepts

Equipment: tables, cards, documents, presentations.

Concepts: economic sphere, market, market economy, factors of production, non-economic and economic goods, resources, individual, limited resources, compromise choice.


I. Organizational moment: communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Repetition of the material covered. Knowledge update

1. Preparation of an oral answer on the cards. ( Annex 1 )

Individual task: Recall the classification of needs according to A. Maslow and draw a hierarchy diagram on the board, explaining to the whole class

2. Work with the class. Game "Continue the phrase"

  • All mankind in its history, present and perspective -
  • A person within society enters into ......
  • The main areas of social life are…
  • The stages of development of society are ...
  • In the modern world, Japan and the United States have reached the level of ...
  • In these countries, the production of goods is dominated by ...
  • If labor is the father of wealth, then its mother...
  • The secrets of technology have received an official name ...

Answers: society; public relations; economic, social, political and spiritual; agricultural, industrial and post-industrial; post-industrial society; services sector; land; "know-how".

Listen to the answers on the cards.

III. Exploring a new topic


  1. Needs and resources: the problem of choice.
  2. factors of production.
  3. The "invisible hand" of the market.

Write in your notebook a list of 10 things that you would like to buy, now cross out 5 of them that you can do without at the moment.
Question to the class:
– And now, think, can we satisfy all desires? And why?
Students' responses are heard. We draw conclusions:
Russian poet of the 18th century Mikhail Matveevich Kheraskov wrote,
We never moderate our desires;
Having something, we wish the best.
Since ancient times, people have wanted comfort, entertainment, travel and much more. But to meet all these needs, many more resources are needed than have always been available to mankind.
The ability to have everything on this list is limited by limited funds, resources, free labor. The problem of choice helps to use the available resources most independently, economically. When choosing, a person refuses those goods and services that do not play the role of priority for him at the moment.

Work with the schedule (the graph “Causes of the economic scarcity of natural resources” is drawn on the board)

Limitation- the insufficiency of the volume of available resources of all kinds for the production of the volume of goods that people would like to receive.
Next, the teacher puts real good goods on the table: a bottle of lemonade, a bar of chocolate, a book, and asks everyone to choose what they want to get more now. During the survey, attention is focused on the differences in children's desires, on the desire of each to receive a more valuable good for him, on what kind of need a particular good satisfies. After a preliminary conversation, you can introduce concepts.

Individual- a person with unique needs (thirst, hunger ...)

Good- everything that satisfies our needs. Benefits are divided into:

  • non-economic - created by nature
  • economic - created by human labor.

To consolidate and correct, students come up with 2-3 examples of economic and non-economic benefits. (For example: the ship grove that inspired the artist for the picture is a non-economic benefit, and the trunks of this grove, cut down for the construction of ships, are already an economic benefit. An essential sign is the work of a person invested in a good.)

Economy - a science that describes the relationship between an individual and a good, since the main part of the good is created in the process of managing a person, it is customary to define economics as the science of rational housekeeping.

Additional questions:

  • How does a person try to solve the problem of limitation?
  • What resources on earth are virtually limitless?
  • What types of goods can a person refuse in the first place? Why?
  • What are essential goods? Why?

The table "Factors of production" is displayed on the screen.

Students, together with the teacher, complete the second part.

The completed table appears on the screen.

Factors of production

Arable land, place under production facilities, minerals, forest, water, air, flora and fauna
Labor force, a person with his skills and abilities, health, education, qualifications.
Man-made factor of production: buildings, machines and machines, tools, money.


The willingness and ability of the entrepreneur to take risks, to make the best use of available resources in order to achieve profit.


Knowledge, information, messages, data used in the production process, in production management, planning further business activities

The class is divided into 5 groups of 4-5 people, each group gets a name in accordance with a resource. The groups will have to discuss what is the limitation of the resource "inherited to them" and what can be done to correct the situation with its depletion.
Speakers make their presentations.
The teacher, together with the children, draws a conclusion about what limitations lead to:

  • People began to assign resources to property, i.e. own, use and dispose of resources in order to make a profit.

Profit - the excess of revenue from the sale of goods over the total cost of their manufacture and sale

Working with handouts - a table of types of economic systems. ( Annex 2 )

The poem “Song about the Fair” is heard (advance task).

Students must answer the questions:

  • What is sold on the market?
  • What type of economic system is described in the poem?

"Song of the Fair"

Leonid Filatov (with changes)

Whether you're a sheriff or a cowboy, here every product is needed
Or a gold digger, - And it is not difficult to sell him,
Let's go with you, even smoke is sold here
To the fair, mate! From the fire of Giordano Bruno.

Although it happens coins Here you can easily find -
Here is a quick leak, Though this product is expensive!
But there was not and is not in the world Not only bird's milk,
Nicer place. But even bird curd.

It's sold by auction Well, in a word, whoever you are,
Whatever you want - Even if the Creator himself -
For example, Spartak's hat is harmless for you to look
And Nefertiti's shoes. To the fair, mate!

Bring at least a broken chest of drawers,
Even a dead hyena -
There will always be that weirdo
Who will ask the price.

IV. Consolidation.(Running Tests)

1. Which of the following cannot be characterized as natural resources?

A) oil
B) natural gas
B) coal
D) gasoline

2. The place where buyers and sellers exchange goods and services in the economy is called:

A) market
B) fair
B) the market
D) store

3. What knowledge did people call "know-how"?

A) knowledge about the production of the subject
B) knowledge about nature
C) scientific knowledge about the world
D) information about recent events

4. Everything that a person's labor activity is aimed at -

A) object of work
B) means of labor
B) tools
D) technique

5. What is the main problem that the economy allows to solve?

A) cheap labor
B) limited resources
B) social consequences
D) environmental pollution

6. If the majority of the country's population is employed in agriculture and leads it in "old-fashioned ways", then this is most likely:

A) traditional system
B) planned system
B) market system
D) mixed system

7. If prices for confectionery products are raised on the market, then the consequences of this are likely to be:

A) a decrease in the supply of confectionery products
B) an increase in demand for confectionery
C) a drop in demand for confectionery
D) people will stop consuming confectionery

8. If prices for fruits rise in the market, then:

A) there will be more people who want to buy them
B) there will be fewer people willing to sell them
C) there will be more people who want to sell them
D) nothing will change

9. Which of the following would not be a consequence of competition:

A) lower market prices
B) improving the quality of goods sold
C) the range of products on the market will expand
D) the state will prohibit the expansion of competition

10. An increase in competition among buyers will arise if:

A) prices will go down
B) the quality of manufactured goods will increase
B) there will be a shortage of goods
D) the production of goods will increase

The key to the test: 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - a, 5 - b, 6 - a, 7 - c, 8 - c, 9 - d, 10 - c.

V. The results of the lesson. Homework

  • Gather media coverage of our government's activities in a resource-limited area.
  • Learn terms.
  • Answer the questions after the paragraph.

"Principles of Economics" - An economic problem. The production possibilities frontier. Principles of Economics. Economics is a science that studies ways to meet needs. Production. economic process. Good. Basic questions of economics. The law of increasing opportunity cost. factors of production. needs and resources.

"Man and Economy" - Production: costs, revenues, profits. The golden hands of the worker. Production is the process of creating various types of economic product. The skill of an employee consists of special knowledge and skills. What do you know about. Total production costs. Business types. Profit. Salary (salary) - labor monetary remuneration.

"Introduction to Economics" - Agriculture. economic needs. Introduction to economics. Economic systems. Basic concepts. Substitutes. economic choice. Production Possibility Curve. Personal interest. Market economy. Entrepreneurial ability. economic freedom. Good. Modern economic systems.

"Economics: science and economy" - Exchange. Supermacroeconomics. Measures of economic activity. The exercise. Economy. Economy and economic activity. Human needs. Production costs. Essence of economic activity. Why study economics. Limited arable land. Obligatory payments. Skill.

"Economic culture of society" - Private entrepreneurship. economic behavior. Leading place. The totality of instrumental and scientific-theoretical knowledge. The level of economic culture. Economic culture. Scientific and instrumental knowledge. set of social norms. world religions. The concept of the economic culture of society.

"Economics and economic science" - Factors of production. The amount of capital is measured both in physical and monetary terms. Economic science combines features of exact and descriptive sciences. Economists call the income of entrepreneurs profit. Economic science. It is customary to include the production infrastructure as capital. And the production and consumption of services cannot be separated in time.

There are 25 presentations in total in the topic

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Slides captions:

Theme 2. Limited economic resources and the problems it generates

Plan: Basic needs of people. Maslow's pyramid of needs. Reasons for the emergence of economic scarcity of natural resources. Limited factors of production and the problems it generates. Property and its main types. Legal rights to property. Factor income. Choice price. Choice determination methods.

1. Basic needs of people. Maslow's pyramid of needs. The first task of the economy is to satisfy basic needs. They are the main formation of the specific needs of people.

Basic vital needs of people: Food; Cloth; housing; Treatment; Safety. All of them are necessary for simple survival.

Maslow's pyramid of needs.

2. Causes of the economic scarcity of natural resources. The economy faces a difficult task: The range of people's needs is wider than the set of physiological conditions of existence.

Humanity has faced limited resources since the dawn of history.

4. Scarcity of factors of production and the problems it generates Scarcity is the insufficiency of the amount of available resources of all kinds to produce the amount of goods that people would like to receive. Limitation is an all-encompassing phenomenon.

The limitation of the factors of production and the goods produced with their help is the main problem of the economy.

Labor Limitation: The number of able-bodied inhabitants is strictly fixed at any given moment. In terms of physical and mental abilities, available skills, only a part of citizens is suitable for performing specific work.

Limitation of land: Determined by the geography of the country; The number of mineral deposits in its depths.

Limited capital: Determined by the previous development of the country, by how much production potential it has accumulated.

Limitations in Entrepreneurial Ability: Not all of us can be entrepreneurs.

Limited resources gives rise to: Emergence of property rights; The problem of choice.

4. Property and its main types. Legal rights to property Property can be classified according to various criteria: According to the form of appropriation Individual (private farm); Collective (cooperatives, joint-stock production); State (national, municipal)

2. By form of ownership: Private (legal entities, enterprises, organizations); joint; State (federal republics, municipal).

3. By subjects and objects: By objects (products, labor force, houses); By subjects (individual citizens, groups, families).

Private property All rights and possessions are assigned by law to one person. For profit or convenience, individual entrepreneurs can combine their properties. Private property may include houses, land, personal property of families, various enterprises.

Municipal property Property on the right of ownership belongs to urban and rural settlements, as well as other municipalities. Here, on behalf of the municipality, the implementation of property rights is carried out by local governments.

State property All objects are not only cities, but also countries available to all residents. Medical centers, buildings of state bodies, etc. These objects are fixed in state ownership, and they are managed by state employees who are appointed to these positions by the president.

Legal rights to property Right of possession; Right of use; The right to manage; The right to income; The right to the "capital value" of a thing; The right to safety; The right to transfer things by inheritance; Perpetuity; Prohibition of harmful use; Liability in the form of recovery (on account of debt) Residual nature.

5. Factor income Factor income is the remuneration received by the owners of factors of production for the fact that they provide them for use for organizing the current production of goods. Labor is wages; Land owner - rent; Owner of capital (buildings, structures) - part of the profit; The owner of capital is interest.

6. Choice price. Choice determination methods. The scarcity of resources gives rise to the problem of choice. People always choose what to spend resources on.

Any choice has its own price, which is called: Either opportunity costs; Or lost profits; Or the price of choice.

The price of choice is the value for a person of the most preferable of the benefits, the receipt of which becomes impossible with the chosen method of using limited resources.

People always answer the three main questions in the economy: What and how much to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?

Methods for determining choice: Traditional - distribution is made on the basis of traditions existing in society; Centralized - distribution is made from the central body of management of the economy; Market - distribution based on the market mechanism. In most countries, the market mechanism prevails.

Thank you for your attention The presentation was prepared by an economics teacher - MBOU secondary school No. 5, Kashin Danilchuk Anzhelika Alexandrovna

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Slides captions:

The limited economic resources and the problems it generates Boarding School No. 19 Markacheva Tatyana Alexandrovna, teacher of computer science and economics

Demand Plan Resource Scarcity Production Possibility Curve (CPV) Opportunity Cost Law of Diminishing Returns

What economic concept most accurately characterizes the thought of W. Shakespeare: "... things in themselves are neither good nor bad, but only in our assessment"? Profit Utility Money Needs

Specialization, as a rule, causes: An increase in prices for manufactured products; Reducing the volume of production per unit of time; Increasing the professional-territorial mobility of the labor force; Restriction of production functions of workers

At the Lakomka bakery, the production of cakes increased from 4,000 to 4,800 pieces per day. At the same time, the number of employed workers increased by 20%, and the prices of cakes increased by 40%. How has labor productivity changed? No change Increased by 20% Increased by 40% Decreased by 20%

Maslow's Pyramid of Needs A need is a person's inherent need or lack of something necessary to maintain his body's vital functions, ensure safety or enjoyment.

The range of human needs is much wider than the set of physiological conditions of existence. The emergence of a gap between the material desires of people and the possibilities of satisfying them.

Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs

Petya Sidorov decided to play tennis. Court visits are expensive. With limited funds, Petya will obviously have to give up the cost of meeting other needs. What in this case can act as an alternative cost: - the cost of visiting theaters; - the cost of learning Japanese; - the cost of food and clothing; - the cost of riding?

The Law of Diminishing Returns The continuous increase in the use of one resource in combination with the same amount of other resources at a certain stage leads to the cessation of the growth of returns from it, and then to its reduction.

Factors of production should be used by the enterprise in compliance with a certain proportionality between constant and variable factors. In accordance with this law, a continuous increase in the use of one variable resource in combination with an unchanged amount of other resources at a certain stage leads to the cessation of the growth of returns from it, and then to its reduction.

Which of the following illustrates the law of diminishing returns? Decrease in output as additional resources are involved; Rising unemployment; Crowding out of small firms by large ones; Deceleration of production growth rates as additional resources are involved.

Having the opportunity to get to your place of work either by bus or by train, you prefer the train. The bus company brought new, more comfortable cars to the line, while increasing fares. How will the opportunity cost of your decision to use the train change?

The parents suggested that their son choose a birthday present: either a tape recorder, or skis, or a denim suit. The son chose a tape recorder, but in case of difficulties with his purchase, he agreed to a denim suit; he was the least enthusiastic about the idea of ​​giving him skis. What is the opportunity cost of choosing a tape recorder?

Parents gave their son some money for his birthday. The son considered the possibility of buying with this money either a tape recorder, or skis, or a denim suit. He did not have to spend all the money he was given on each of these goods, but of the three most attractive things to him, he could only afford to buy one. The son decided that he needed a denim suit more than skis, but he wanted to have a tape recorder more than anything. The tape recorder was eventually bought. What is the opportunity cost of choosing a tape recorder.

In a hypothetical country, only two goods are produced - computers and juicers, and all available factors of production are fully used. Alternative variants of production possibilities are given in the table: Selection options Computers, pcs. Juicers, pcs. A 150 0 B 130 1000 C 100 2000 D 60 3000 E 0 4000 It can be argued that the opportunity cost of producing 3 thousand juicers is:

Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov, having spent the day before in a restaurant, could not pay 30 rubles. Commission fee, as a result of which he was expelled from the auction in disgrace and deprived of the opportunity to buy chairs. What is the opportunity cost of Ippolit Matveyevich's decision to spend money in a restaurant?

If the total amount of the expenditure part of the state budget has already been approved and cannot be changed, then the opportunity cost of increasing public spending on the maintenance of the administrative apparatus may be ...

After graduating from high school, you entered the university, where you studied for free. Which of the following could be the opportunity cost of your decision to go to university?

In a hypothetical country, only two goods are produced - industrial robots and food processors, and all available factors of production are fully used. Alternative production options are shown in the table: Options Robots, pcs. Food processors, pcs. A 80 0 B 65 100 C 40 200 D 0 300 It can be argued that the opportunity cost of producing 300 food processors is equal.

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