
Presentation on the theme of the Japanese economic miracle. History presentation on the topic: "Japanese economic miracle". The acceleration of economic growth was facilitated by

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"Japanese economic miracle"
Presentation prepared by: Daniil Burlutsky, Nikita Kudryavtsev

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Japan business card
Flag, coat of arms of Japan
Country area - 372 thousand km² Population - 127 million people Capital - Tokyo State language - Japanese Monetary unit - yen

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Japan after World War II
On September 2, 1945, on the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japan signed a surrender pact.

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In 1947, Japan adopted a new pacifist constitution that emphasized liberal democracy. The Allied occupation of Japan ended with the adoption of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which came into force in 1952, and in 1956 Japan joined the UN.

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After the war in 1945, devastation reigned in Japan. However, since 1950, the country began to develop rapidly.
Mainly, the state government has focused on education and high technology. The Japanese began to buy advanced developments around the world and introduce them into their own production.

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The phenomenon of the Japanese economy
The economic development of Japan is based on four principles:
1. Strict state regulation, i.e. mobilization of all resources to solve priority tasks;
2. Pronounced export orientation of the economy to create a powerful savings and investment fund
3. Widespread attraction of foreign capital;
4. Creation of large national monopolies

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The acceleration of economic growth was facilitated by:
1.Wide upgrade of worn out and obsolete factory equipment. Now in Japan 2/3 of the equipment is the latest of the achievements of scientific and technical progress. The country is expanding its own scientific and technical research.
2. The most severe exploitation of the working class.
3. State-monopoly capitalism contributed in every possible way to the restructuring of Japanese industry: the reconstruction and new construction of enterprises.
4. Revival of the military-industrial complex.

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The Japanese economy of that period was characterized by such features as: intensive investment process, construction boom, technical modernization of production; rapid development of metallurgy and mechanical engineering; focus on export raw materials in raw form (oil, iron ores, etc.); energy-material- and labor-intensive production.
Oil shock 1973 - 1974 showed the country's vulnerability to the supply of imported energy resources. The economic model of the country's development has been revised.

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An important role in the economic development of the country was played by its national specificity. Japan was isolated from Europe, and the ancient eastern civilizations of China and Korea had the greatest influence on it.

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The overall growth of the real economy from the 1960s to the 1980s has been called the "Japanese economic miracle": averaging 10% per year in the 1960s, 5% in the 1970s, and 4% in the 1980s. Growth slowed down substantially in the 1990s, largely due to the effects of overinvestment in the late 1980s and domestic policies to drive excess speculative capital out of the stock and real estate markets. Government attempts to revive economic growth met with limited success, and in 2000 and 2001. were further hampered by the global economic slowdown. However, after 2005 the economy showed strong signs of recovery. GDP growth for this year was 2.8%, and for the fourth quarter at an annualized rate of 5.5%, which exceeded the growth rates of the United States and European Union countries over the same period.

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The system of "lifetime employment" of workers and employees
Unlike Europe and America, where jobs are easily changed in search of higher wages and better working conditions, Japan is known for its “lifetime employment” system that creates an atmosphere of company loyalty.
Employees of Japanese companies must demonstrate team spirit, even if nothing useful is being done during these overtime hours in the evening The slogan of this people is: "Japanese live to work

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Even without being a doctor, it is hard not to guess that after some time the human body may not be able to withstand such a heavy load. And so it happens.
Karoshi (過労死 karo:shi) is a sudden death in the workplace caused by fatigue and overwork. In Russian, this word corresponds to the stable expression "burned out at work

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The first case of sudden death from overwork was recorded in 1969 in a 29-year-old employee of a Japanese newspaper company. In the 1980s, when several high-ranking Japanese officials died from overwork during work, the media began to regularly report such cases, and since 1987, the Japanese Ministry of Labor began to keep statistics on karoshi deaths. Every year, karoshi claims hundreds of lives (only 250-350 cases are officially recorded).

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The era of power in Japan
High technologies (electronics and robotics) are developed. Transport engineering is also developed, including automotive and shipbuilding, machine tool building. The fishing fleet is 15% of the world. Agriculture is subsidized by the state, but 55% of food (calorie equivalent) is imported. There is a network of Shinkansen high-speed railways and expressways. Export structure: transport vehicles, cars, motorcycles, electronics, electrical engineering, chemicals. Import structure: machinery and equipment, fuel, food, chemicals, raw materials. The main sectors of the national economy: Services 72% Industry 26.5% Agriculture 1.4%

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Japan has high economic freedom, close cooperation between the government and manufacturers for economic growth, an emphasis on science and technology, and a strong work ethic. All this contributes to the development of the Japanese economy. The Japanese economy is characterized by the grouping of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and banks into tight groups called "keiretsu" and relatively weak international competition in domestic markets. There are also many social rather than industrial arrangements, such as the guarantee of lifetime employment in large corporations. Not so long ago, Japanese politicians approved reforms that allowed companies to deviate from some norms in an attempt to increase profits.
Japan is a country dominated by private enterprise and low taxes. The total amount of taxes is lower than in other large Western countries, in 2007 it amounted to 26.4% of GDP. Only some Japanese employers pay income taxes, VAT is very low at 5%, while corporate taxes are high.

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The largest Japanese companies include Toyota Motor (“Toyota Motor”), NTT DoCoMo (“Entity DoCoMo”), Canon (“Canon”), Honda (“Honda”), Takeda Pharmaceutical (“Takeda Pharmaceutical”), Sony (“ Sony), Nippon Steel, Tepco, Mitsubishi Estate, and Seven & I Holding. This is the birthplace of the largest bank in the world in terms of assets - Japan Post Bank ("Jepan Post Bank") (3.2 trillion US dollars), as well as other banks
for example, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (US$1.2 trillion), Mizuho Financial Group (US$1.4 trillion), and Sumitomo Mitsui.
Financial Group ("Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group") ($1.3 trillion). As of December 2006, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, with a market capitalization of over 549.7 trillion yen, is the second largest in the world

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Since only 15% of Japanese land is suitable for agricultural cultivation, a system of terraced farming is applied in small areas. The result is one of the highest yields per unit area in the world, with large agricultural subsidies and protective duties. Japan imports about 50% of its grains and fodder crops other than rice, as well as most of the meat it consumes. In fisheries, Japan ranks second in the world after China in terms of tonnage of fish caught. Japan maintains one of the world's largest fishing fleets, accounting for about 15% of the world's fish catch. Japan imports almost all of its oil and food from other countries.

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Japan's transport infrastructure is extremely well developed. In 2004, it consisted of 1,177,278 kilometers of paved roads, 173 airports and 23,577 kilometers of railways. Private toll road builders face many competitors, while railroad companies compete for popularity in regional and local markets. Among them, 7 large enterprises stand out: JR (Japan Railway Group), Kintetsu Corporation (Kintetsu Corporation), Seibu Railway (Seibu Railway) and Keio Corporation (Keyo Corporation).
Narita Airport (Narita City)
Transportation Highway (Osaka City)

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Among the largest aviation companies are All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines (JAL), while Yokohama and Nagoya are considered the country's largest ports. Energy in the country is produced from oil, natural gas and coal. Nuclear power accounts for one third of all electricity generation; the Japanese plan to double these figures in the coming decades.

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The Role of Japan in the World Economy
Japan's economy is highly dependent on foreign trade. The country imports 100% of the cotton it needs, wool, bauxite, 99.9% copper ore, 99.8% oil, 99.7% iron ore, 81.8% coal. Japan ranks third after the US and Germany in international trade. It accounts for 6.3% of imports and 8.9% of world exports (1999). The leading place in its exports is occupied by machinery and equipment (74.7%), metal products (7.8%), and in imports - fuel (20.4%), food (14.7%), raw materials (8.5%). ). The country is 70% self-sufficient in food. The main suppliers of food products to Japan are the USA, Australia and Canada. Japan ranks first in the world in terms of seafood production (about 12 million tons).

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Japan also ranks first in the world in terms of gold and foreign exchange reserves, accounting for 40% of world banking assets. Six Japanese banks are among the top ten largest banks in the world. The volume of its direct foreign investments exceeds 311 billion dollars (1999), which is 11.7% of world investments.

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The main export partners of Japan are the USA - 22.8%, the EU - 14.5%, China - 14.3%, South Korea - 7.8%, Taiwan - 6.8% and Hong Kong - 5.6% (data for 2006). The main export commodities are transport equipment, automobiles, electronics, electrical equipment and chemicals.

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In 2008-2009, the trade surplus increased 6 times: in September 2008 it was 90 billion yen ($1 billion) in September 2009 - 529.6 billion yen ($5.7 billion). Compared to September 2008, in 2009 the surplus in trade with Russia turned into a deficit and amounted to 52.65 billion yen ($580 million).

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Russian-Japanese relations in the field of economy
With the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Government placed certain hopes on Japan's economic support for the course of reforms. Sympathizing in principle with market reforms in Russia, Tokyo, in turn, expected territorial and political concessions from Moscow (the return of the “northern territories”) and a favorable investment climate for business. Since none of these wishes of the Japanese side is fulfilled, the political relations of the two countries remain restrained.

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The people of Japan have accumulated huge financial assets, which at the end of March 2017 amounted to 1,809 trillion yen - 16,283 billion dollars. The Japanese keep about half of their personal savings in the form of bank deposits and insurance policies. The population's money makes up 43-44% of the deposit base of banks. These resources finance the circulation of government securities. They play the role of a "safety cushion" on which the state budget of Japan rests.

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The demographic situation and the state of the labor market limit the potential rate of economic growth. The Bank of Japan estimates a potential pace of 0.24% per annum. Acceleration would be possible if the decline in the working-age population were offset by an increase in labor productivity based on new production and management technologies.

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The unemployment rate of 2.8 - 3.2% of the economically active population is actually equivalent to full employment. The country lacks medical personnel and social workers, drivers of heavy vehicles, construction workers and trade employees. Due to a shortage of construction workers and qualified engineers, tenders for public infrastructure projects planned for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games are being delayed.

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Japan is deservedly considered a recognized world leader in the production of civil applied technologies. Of particular note is the development of technologies that improve the environmental situation.

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The Japanese economic miracle is a historical phenomenon of record growth for the Japanese economy, which began in the mid-1950s and continued until the 1973 oil crisis. The growth of the economy during the period of the economic miracle was almost 10% annually, it was the highest growth rate among the developed countries of that time. Among the reasons for the “miracle” are low taxes and the intensive development of new technologies by Japanese science, information about which was almost never received in Japan before the Second World War due to the isolation policy of the authorities. The rapid growth rates in the shortest possible time allowed Japan not only to fully recover after the defeat in the war, but also to take second place in terms of economic power (nominal value), consistently surpassing France, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, the USSR and second only to the United States. Japan was listed as the second economy in the world for more than 40 years: since 1968, yielding to China only in 2010

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identify the geographical specifics of one of the leading centers of the world economy on the basis of questions and answers compiled by students; consider the "Japanese model" of economic development.

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On islands in salty waters An ancient country lay. It was so different from states and other regions. The tsunami destroyed the coast, And every year many times the Earth suddenly shuddered, That people died at the same hour. Culture developed there, houses were built for centuries. And what was born here for the first time never died. The country of the Rising Sun was called by its neighbors. Here the sun rises from behind the sea, It sets behind the mountains.

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Origin of country name

One of the interpretations of the ancient name of this country is "Yamato", which means "the path of the mountains." Japan is, first of all, a country of mountains. You always see them on the horizon, even being in the middle of the largest plain. For most Japanese, the sun always rises over the sea and sets behind the mountains. For the smaller part - on the contrary.

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Island state

The arcuate string of the Japanese islands now and then sways, shakes due to earthquakes. But the country of fire-breathing mountains is better known as the land of the rising sun - this is how Japan was called by its neighbors.

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- What associations do you have with the word "Japan"?

Rising Sun Dragon Ikebana Geisha Kimono Chopsticks Sakura Mount Fuji

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What is the place of Japan in the modern world?

Japan is one of the leaders of the modern world. In the production of a number of industrial goods, this country occupies a leading position in the world.

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EGP and GGP of the country

Japan is a relatively small country, located on 4 large and about a thousand small islands. Japan is a country of mountains, a country that is poor in minerals, and numerous rivers are unsuitable for navigation due to rapids and short lengths. The Japanese islands lie within the typhoon movement that occurs during the autumn monsoon shift.

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What caused the Japanese "economic miracle"

The reasons cover all spheres of life: economic, political, social and others. At the "start" a huge role was played by the development of a carefully thought-out national strategy for economic development, taking into account local conditions.

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What is the "Japanese model" of economic development?

At the first stage of the development of their economy, in order not to waste time on research and development and on the introduction of new discoveries into production, Japanese entrepreneurs relied on the import of foreign thought, on the massive borrowing of advanced equipment and technology from other countries.

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science cities

Later, the Land of the Rising Sun creates 29 technopolises - new cities of science, develops science-intensive industries.

"Civilization of Japan" - Theme: Civilization of Japan. Major events in the history of Japan in the Middle Ages. Own and alien in the civilization of Japan East and West in the history of Japan.

"Lesson Japan" - Teacher Artemova O.V. Ikebana. Japanese-99% Ainu-1% The official language is Japanese. The structure of exports and imports. Lesson progress: Mariculture is developed (shrimps, lobsters, crabs, oysters are bred). National composition of the population of Japan. Plant growing is more widely developed. Fish farming and fishing are well developed.

"Japan" - The Japanese language has always been an important part of Japanese culture. Japanese is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. There are no beds, they sleep on a mat, they put not a pillow under their heads, but a plank. The ban on Christianity was lifted after the Meiji Restoration. The art of calligraphy was brought to Japan along with Chinese writing.

"Country Japan" - Japanese cuisine. The volcanic nature of the islands provides a mild climate and a huge variety of vegetation. Japan. The Japanese pay special attention to seafood. Japanese is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. In the forests there are monkeys and wild boars, bears and foxes. Japan is a small country with a huge number of high-tech industries and overcrowded cities.

"Japan - the land of the rising sun" - The origin of the name of the country. Culture developed there, houses were built for centuries. What is the place of Japan in the modern world? Goals: Equipment: mobile classroom Technology: ICT. On islands in salty waters An ancient country lay. Island state. What caused the Japanese "economic miracle".

"Japan as a country" - Capital - Tokyo. Transport. In Japan, all types of transport have been developed, with the exception of river and pipeline transport. The industry of Japan at first developed mainly along an evolutionary path. Electric car. Shinto temple. In terms of fish catch, Japan occupies one of the first places in the world. Hence the allegorical name of Japan, as the land of the rising sun.

Sections: Geography


  • to acquaint with the main features of the EGP, the national composition, the distribution of the population, the economic development of the country;
  • develop the ability to draw up an economic and geographical description of the country, using various sources of information;
  • to form moral values ​​and aesthetic attitude to the culture of the Japanese people.

Equipment: map of Japan, multimedia, atlases, c/c, presentation ( Annex 1 ), tests, messages ( Annex 2 ), on the stands are placed: a dictionary ( Appendix 4 ), models of economic development of Japan in the 50s and 90s. Description of the nature of Japan with pictures.


I Introduction

A) class organization

Epigraph to the lesson:

On islands in salt waters
An ancient country lay.
From states, other areas
She was so different.

The tsunami destroyed the coast,
And many times every year
The earth suddenly shook
And people died at the same time.

There developed a culture
Houses have been built for centuries.
And what was born here for the first time -
Never died.

land of the rising sun
Named by her neighbors.
The sun rises from behind the sea,
It sits behind the mountains.

Introductory speech of the teacher: Today I invite you to an amazing country. I would call it "country - on the contrary." Everything is so unusual for us there. Cats there without tails, rock gardens. A coat is given by a woman, shoes are left at the doorstep, poems have no rhyme. Writing is inseparable from drawing and is written from top to bottom. The national kimono costume does not depend on the season, or on fashion, or even on the height and build of a person. They sleep on the floor, and the white color is mourning. The Shinto religion claims that everything in the world is animated. It was the Shinto faith that instilled in the people of this country sensitivity to nature, the ability to enjoy its endless changeability.
What country are we talking about today?
- What associations do you have with the word "Japan"?

B) Setting the objectives of the lesson

- In today's lesson, we will try to add associations to those that you had. Learn more about the peculiarities of the EGP of the country, the population, its customs and traditions, the "Japanese economic miracle", and the place of Japan in the world economy.

II. Learning new material:

1) Land of the Rising Sun (general information, history of the name) - message

2) EGP of Japan (work with the map)

  • insular position
  • Distance from other regions
  • Washed…
  • Neighborhood with China, NIS, Russia
  • At the center of the Asia-Pacific region


Favorable conditions:

  • access to the seas and the ocean;
  • proximity to East Asian countries and Russia.

Unfavourable conditions:

  • isolation (island country);
  • remoteness from the markets of raw materials and sales.

The islands are located in the center of the Asia-Pacific region. Such a neighborly position opens up great opportunities for the country's participation in the MGRT, including with Russia. However, the development of relations with Russia is hampered by territorial claims to part of the Kuril Islands. (message "Northern Territories problem")

3) State structure

Japan is a constitutional monarchy. In 1947, a new constitution was adopted in Japan, according to which Japan was declared a constitutional monarchy, an empire. At present, the emperor of the country is a symbol of the state and the unity of the nation, because. all legislative and executive power is vested in the Parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers. According to the state system, Japan is a unitary state. It has 46 prefectures and the governorate of Hokkaido.

4) The population of its characteristics, way of life and standard of living.

A) In terms of population, Japan ranks 8th in the world, 127 million people. Currently, natural population growth is decreasing. Japan became the first Asian state to switch from type II to type I. Japan is a nation of healthy people with the lowest child mortality rate of 4 per thousand inhabitants and the highest life expectancy of 79 years (men - 76 years, women - 82 g .). The natural population growth has decreased from 15% to 4.5%.
The marked decline in the birth rate is due primarily to the desire of the Japanese to improve the standard of living, as well as the state policy of birth control. Classes on the basics of family planning are already held in high school. Later marriages by agreement of the parents are promoted.

- We have to decide why the Japanese nation is the healthiest in the world? How does this affect the economic life of the country? (answer on slide)
– What should we think about?
Why can't we live like this, because 4 out of 5 principles depend only on ourselves.
We know perfectly well that 50% of life expectancy depends on lifestyle. And all these principles are easy to implement, just make a little effort and diligence.
Japan is a country of high culture and continuous literacy, where much attention is paid to the education and upbringing of children from early childhood.

B) About raising children

The demographic policy pursued by the government due to the overpopulation of the state does not allow each family to have more than 1 child. The child in the family is the king and god. But such education lasts up to 5 years. Restraint, accuracy and commitment are brought up in each child. Children are treated gently, they are never punished, they are given great freedom, but the rules of etiquette are instilled from the first years of life. Not a single prank or negligence is left without attention and silent censure. Children grow up restrained and disciplined At the age of six, a child comes to school so collected and organized that it is not difficult for a teacher to work with a class of 40-50 children.

C) Education - message

D) National composition, population density

The national composition is homogeneous, 99% of the population are Japanese.

The Japanese language is specific and does not belong to any of the language families. A very complex writing system. Even in ancient times, the Japanese borrowed it from China. Studying in a 9-year Japanese school gives knowledge of 1200 hieroglyphs, and in total you need to know about 2000. Japanese texts are read from top to bottom and from right to left.
In terms of population density, Japan occupies one of the 1st places in the world - 336 people. per km sq. In fact, the population density is higher, since the entire population of the country is concentrated in the coastal lowlands and in the river valleys. Japan is characterized by a high level of urbanization - 76% of the population lives in cities. There are more than 200 large cities in the country, 12 of them are millionaire cities. The largest: Tokyo, Kyota, Osaka, Yokohama, Sapporo.

D) Religion in Japan

The main religion of Japan is Shinto. It closely coexists with other religions, including Buddhism. Shinto is mainly worshiped on holidays (wedding), while Buddhism caters for mourning ceremonies (burial). THOSE. both religions exist side by side. In addition to these religions, there are Muslims and Christians.

E) Rites and traditions of Japan

(Student messages and teacher's addition with slideshow)

  • Bows.
  • Tea drinking.
  • Traditional cuisine of Japan.
  • Ikebana.
  • Bonsai is a miniature tree or miniature garden.
  • Kimono.
  • Geisha - who is it?
  • Japanese mentality.
  • Poetry of Japan.
  • Samurai.
  • Origami.

5) Assessment of the natural potential of Japan

Analyze the tables and draw a conclusion:

Own resources:

Japan's dependence on imports of certain types of minerals (in %)

Conclusion: Japan imports almost all the raw materials and fuel necessary for its economy, enriching these raw materials with their labor and intelligence, the Japanese increase its value by 10 times. The export of finished products gives a significant profit than the country spends on the purchase of minerals. The climate is relatively favorable for agriculture, but there are few suitable lands (mountains). Agriculture provides the country with 50%.

6) Japanese economic miracle

Under "Japanese economic miracle" understand a sharp increase in the scale of production in the country, progressive shifts in the structure of its economy, as well as a significant strengthening of the country's role in international economic relations.
In the 1950s and 1970s, the Japanese economy developed at a faster rate than the economies of other countries in the world. Thanks to this, the share of Japan in world production over the same period increased from 3.5 to 9.3%.

The economic model of Japan 50-70 years of the 20th century.

What factors determined the choice of this model of economic development?

  • Minor raw materials
  • Features of the Japanese mentality (mentality - worldview, mindset)
  • Minor spending on armaments after World War 2
  • Purchase of licenses, patents for flexible response to market demands
  • The quality of the country's labor resources.

After the economic crisis of 1973-1974. in Japan, a deep restructuring of the economy begins in the direction of creating a science-intensive structure with low energy and material intensity, i.e. the technological and information revolution begins

7) The role of Japan in the world economy ( table on slide)

Japan is one of the leaders of the modern world. In the production of a number of industrial goods (cars, ships, video recorders, industrial robots, metalworking machines), the country occupies a leading position in the world. Japan is the largest financial center in the world; its banks Tokyo-Mitsubishi and Mitsui are among the ten largest banks in the world. It is the only country that spends more than 3% of GDP on research and development. In terms of national income per capita, Japan ranked 3rd in the world after Switzerland and Luxembourg. There are 20 nuclear power plants in the country. Although the level of wages of a Japanese worker is 4 times lower than in developed countries. Today, the Japanese worker is one of the most “expensive” workers in the world, the Japanese lifestyle is characterized by the widespread penetration of electronic and computer technology into everyday life, as well as a high degree of motorization.

8) Sectoral and territorial structure of the economy

The sectoral structure of the economy is connected with the Japanese model of economic development, and its involvement in international economic relations determined the territorial structure. Japan is called a country with "two faces".

Branches of specialization:

  • Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
  • Mechanical engineering: household appliances, automobiles, shipbuilding, electronics, robotics, computer technology, diagnostic equipment, video game industry.
  • Chemical industry: perfumery and cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, oil refining
  • Light industry: clothing
  • Fish industry

Features of the territorial structure of the economy.

  • The main industrial regions of Japan are located in the Pacific belt, which is the core of the country, but there are the most acute environmental problems, an environmental crisis.
  • The presence of a peripheral zone, including trade and forest areas, where timber harvesting, animal husbandry, mining, hydropower and tourism have been developed.


Branches of the economy are oriented towards non-material-intensive industries, resource-saving technologies, export-oriented, and environmentally friendly.
In the future, the unloading of technopolises, the development of an environmentally friendly peripheral zone.

III. Consolidation of the studied material

A task is offered to choose from depending on the time (ex. r for a c / c or a test) ( Annex 3 )

IV. Homework

Compose 20 questions for the Japan Blitz Tournament

V. Reflection

What is the significance of the knowledge gained in the lesson today for you?

Lesson self-assessment:

  • Learned a lot
  • learned a little
  • Learned nothing new
  • Liked the lesson
  • So-so
  • These lessons are not needed.

Literature :

  1. Lesson plans for the economic and social geography of the world. part 2 Anufrieva O.I., Volgograd, "Teacher", 2004.
  2. Non-standard lessons 9-10 cells. Geography. Publishing house "Teacher-Ast", Volgograd, 2004.
  3. Non-standard lessons. Geography. "Japan is our guest." Author-compiler Romanova A.F. Volgograd "Teacher", 2001.
  4. Smirnova.M.S., Gorokhov S.A., Liozner V.L.. Master Class. Geography lessons in 10th grade. Moscow "bustard", 2005.
  5. Internet resources. (Pictures, presentations, lessons)
  6. Zhizina E.A.., "Lesson plans for geography grade 10" M, "Business bust", 2007.
"Japanese economic miracle"
Presentation prepared by: III-year student Valeria Belinskaya

Japan business card

Japan business card
Flag, coat of arms of Japan
Country area-372
thousand km²
.million people
language - Japanese

Japan after World War II
09/2/1945 on the battleship
Missouri in Tokyo
Gulf of Japan signed
surrender pact.

In 1947, Japan adopted a new pacifist constitution,
which focuses on liberal
democracy. Allied occupation of Japan
troops ended with the adoption of the San Francisco peace
treaty, which entered into force in 1952 and in 1956
Japan joined the UN.

After the war in 1945 in
Japan was in ruins. but
since 1950, the country began
develop rapidly
Mainly government state
emphasized education and high
technologies. The Japanese began to buy up everything
world advanced developments and implement them in
own production

The phenomenon of the Japanese economy

The phenomenon of the Japanese economy
The economic development of Japan is based
on four principles:
1. Rigid state regulation, i.e. mobilization
all resources to address priority issues;
2. A pronounced export orientation of the economy for
creating a powerful savings and investment fund
3. Widespread attraction of foreign capital;
4. Creation of large national monopolies

The acceleration of economic growth was facilitated by:

1.Wide upgrade of worn and obsolete factory
equipment. Now in Japan 2/3 of the equipment is the latest
achievements of the NTP. The country is expanding its own scientific -
technical research.
2. The most severe exploitation of the working class.
3. State-monopoly capitalism in every possible way
contributed to the restructuring of Japanese industry:

Reconstruction and new construction of enterprises.
4. Revival of the military-industrial complex.

For the Japanese economy
period were characterized by such
traits like:
investment process,
construction boom, technical
modernization of production;
rapid development
metallurgy and mechanical engineering;
export orientation
raw material in raw form
(oil, iron ores, etc.);
labor intensive production.
Oil shock 1973 - 1974 showed vulnerability
from the supply of imported
energy resources.
The economic model of the country's development has undergone
I will review.

important role in economic development
country played its national specificity. Japan
was isolated from Europe, and the greatest influence
it was rendered by ancient eastern civilizations
China and Korea

Japan's economy in the new period
The Japanese economy is one of
developed economies of the world. By
the size of GDP at PPP takes
4th in the world after China,
USA and India. By volume
made in Japan
t 5th place among the countries of the world
after China (1st), USA (2nd), India (3rd)
and RF (4th place).

Comprehensive growth of the real economy from the 1960s to the 1980s
years was called the "Japanese economic miracle": on average
10% per year in the 1960s, 5% in the 1970s and 4% in the 1980s. Growth
slowed down significantly in the 1990s, mainly due to
consequences of overinvestment in the late 1980s and
domestic policy aimed at ousting
excess speculative capital from the stock market and
real estate market. Government attempts to revive
economic growth has been marginal, and
2000 and 2001 were further hampered by
slowdown in the global economy. However, after 2005
The economy showed strong signs of recovery. Growth
GDP for this year was 2.8%, and for the fourth quarter in
year on year - 5.5%, which surpassed the growth rate of the United States and
countries of the European Union during the same period.

Dynamics of real GDP 2002 - 2004

The system of "lifetime employment" of workers and
Unlike Europe and America, where work
easily change in search of more
high salary and better conditions
labor, Japan is known for its system
"lifetime employment", forming
atmosphere of loyalty to the company.
Employees of Japanese companies should
demonstrate team spirit, even
if during these overtime evening hours
nothing useful is being done Slogan
of this people: “The Japanese live to

Even without being
doctor, it's hard not to
guess that
through some
time is human
the body may not
so strong
loads. So and
Karoosi (jap. 過労死 karo: si) - sudden death
in the workplace due to fatigue and
overwork. In Russian, this word
corresponds to the stable expression "burned out on

The first case of sudden death from
overwork was recorded in
1969 for a 29-year-old employee
Japanese newspaper company.
In the 1980s, when
fatigue at work
several have died
high-ranking Japanese
officials, the media began to regularly
report such incidents, and
1987 Department of Labor
Japan began to keep statistics
deathcaroshi. Every year the karoshi takes away
hundreds of lives (only officially
250-350 cases are recorded).

The era of power in Japan

The era of power in Japan
High technologies are developed (electronics and
robotics). Transportation is also well developed.
mechanical engineering, including
automotive and shipbuilding,
machine tool building. The fishing fleet is
15% of the world. Agriculture
subsidized by the state, but 55%
food (in equivalent
calories) is imported. There is a network
Shinkansen high-speed railways and
expressways. Structure
exports: transport vehicles, cars,
motorcycles, electronics, electrical engineering,
Import structure: machinery and equipment,
fuel, food, chemicals, raw materials.
The main sectors of the national economy:
Services 72%
Industry 26.5%
Agriculture 1.4%

In Japan, there is high economic freedom, close
cooperation between the government and manufacturers to
economic growth, emphasis on science and technology, and
strict work ethic. All this contributes to the development of the economy.
Japan. The Japanese economy is characterized by consolidation
manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and banks in close
group called "keiretsu" and relatively weak
international competition in domestic markets. Also
there are many social rather than industrial
arrangements such as a lifetime guarantee
employment in large corporations. Not so long ago, Japanese
politicians approved reforms that allowed companies to move away from
some rules in an attempt to increase profits.
Japan is a country dominated by private enterprise
and low taxes. The total amount of taxes is lower than in others
large Western countries, in 2007 it amounted to 26.4% of
GDP. Only some Japanese employers pay taxes on
profit, VAT is very low at 5%, while
corporate taxes are high.

Among the largest Japanese companies
includes Toyota Motor ("Toyota Motor"),
NTT DoCoMo ("Entity DoCoMo"), Canon
(Canon), Honda (Honda), Takeda
Pharmaceutical (Takeda
Pharmaceutical), Sony (Sony), Nippon
Steel ("Nippon Steel"), Tepco ("Tepko"),
Mitsubishi Estate ("Mitsubishi Estate"),
and Seven & I Holding (Seven & Ai
holding"). It is the home of the largest
bank assets in the world - Japan Post
Bank ("Jepan Post Bank") (3.2 trillion
US dollars), as well as other
e.g. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial
Group ("Mitsubishi UFIJay financial
group") (1.2 trillion US dollars),
Mizuho Financial Group ("Mizuho
financial group") ($1.4 trillion) and
Sumitomo Mitsui.
Financial Group ("Sumitomo Mitsui
financial group") ($1.3 trillion).
As of December 2006 Tokyo
market cap stock exchange
over 549.7 trillion yen is the second
largest in the world

Since only 15% of Japanese land is suitable for
agricultural processing, the system is applied
terraced farming in small areas. result
this is one of the highest yields in the world with
units of area with large agricultural subsidies and
protective duties. Japan imports about 50% of grain and
fodder crops other than rice, as well as most
consumed meat. Japan ranks second in fisheries
second place in the world after China in terms of tonnage of fish caught. Japan
contains one of the largest fishing fleets in the world,
fish makes up about 15% of the world. Japan
imports almost all oil and products from other countries

Japan's transport infrastructure is extremely well developed.
In 2004, it totaled 1,177,278 kilometers
paved roads, 173 airports and 23,577 kilometers
railway tracks. For private companies involved in
construction of toll roads, many competitors, and
railway companies are fighting for popularity on
regional and local markets. 7 stand out among them.
large enterprises: JR (Japan Railway Group), Kintetsu
Corporation (“Kintetsu Corporation”), Seibu Railway (“Seibu
Railway") and Keio Corporation ("Keyo Corporation").
Narita Airport (Narita City)
Transportation Highway (Osaka City)

Among the largest aviation companies
can be called All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan
Airlines (JAL), and the largest ports of the country
Yokohama and Nagoya are considered. energy in the country
produced from oil, natural gases and coal.
Nuclear power accounts for one third of all
electricity generation; the Japanese plan to double these figures in the coming

The Role of Japan in the World Economy
Japan's economy is highly dependent on foreign trade.
The country imports 100% of the cotton, wool,
bauxite, 99.9% copper ore, 99.8% oil, 99.7% iron
ores, 81.8% coal. Japan ranks third
after the US and Germany in international trade. To her lot
accounts for 6.3% of imports and 8.9% of world exports (1999).
The leading place in its exports is occupied by cars and
equipment (74.7%), metal products (7.8%), and in imports
- fuel (20.4%), food (14.7%), raw materials (8.5%).
The country is 70% self-sufficient in food.
The main suppliers of food products to Japan
are the USA, Australia and Canada. Japan ranks first
place in the world in terms of seafood production (about 12
million tons).

Japan also ranks first in the world in terms of size.
gold-foreign exchange reserves, it accounts for 40%
world banking assets. Six Japanese banks
are among the top ten largest banks in the world. Its volume
foreign direct investment exceeds 311 billion dollars.
(1999), representing 11.7% of global investment.

Japan's main export partners
are USA - 22.8%, EU - 14.5%, China - 14.3%,
South Korea - 7.8%, Taiwan - 6.8% and Hong Kong -
5.6% (data for 2006). Main products on
export - transport equipment,
automobiles, electronics, electrical equipment
and chemicals.

For 2008-2009 trade surplus
increased 6 times: in September 2008 it was
90 billion yen ($1 billion) in September 2009 -
529.6 billion yen ($5.7 billion). Compared with
September 2008, in 2009 the surplus in
trade with Russia was replaced by a deficit and
amounted to 52.65 billion yen ($580 million).

Russian-Japanese relations in the field of economy

With the collapse of the USSR, Russian
The government has given certain
hopes for economic support
Japan's reform agenda.
Sympathizing in principle with the market
transformations in Russia, Tokyo in its
queue expected from Moscow
territorial and political concessions
(the return of the "northern territories") and
investment climate. Since neither
one of these wishes of the Japanese side
not fulfilled, political relations
the two countries remain low-key

08/10/13 Russian President Vladimir Putin
considers it possible to conclude a peace
agreements with Japan - in practice
level, this work has already been resumed.
“All this (economic
cooperation) creates conditions for
in order for us not only to dream, but also to
practical work on
conclusion of a peace treaty. For
to get to this we need
create not the image of an enemy, but the image of a friend.
It seems to me that with Japan it is quite
possible,” Putin said.
Russian and Japanese leaders Vladimir Putin
and Shinzo Abe discussed the topic of peaceful

Japan Today (2017-2018)

Japan Today (2017-2018)
Japan is
above her
their products
and products

The people of Japan have accumulated huge financial
assets that, as of the end of March 2017,
amounted to 1,809 trillion yen - 16,283 billion dollars.
The Japanese keep about half of their personal
savings in the form of bank deposits and
insurance policies. The money of the population makes up 4344% of the deposit base of banks. From these resources
the circulation of government securities is financed.
They play the role of a "airbag" on which
supported by the Japanese government budget.

Demographics and market conditions
labor limit the potential
economic growth. Bank of Japan evaluates
potential rate of 0.24% per year. Acceleration
would be possible if the reduction
working-age population
made up for by increased productivity
labor based on new production technologies and

Unemployment rate at 2.8 - 3.2%
economically active population
in fact equivalent to full
employment. The country lacks
medical staff and social
workers, truck drivers
machines, construction workers and
trade employees. Due to a shortage
construction workers and
qualified engineers
tenders are delayed
public infrastructure
projects planned for
hosting the 2020 Olympic Games in

Japan is deservedly considered a recognized world leader in the production of civil applied technologies. Especially

note the development
technologies that improve the environment.


The Japanese economic miracle is a historical record-breaking phenomenon.
growth of the Japanese economy, which began in the mid-1950s and
continued until the 1973 oil crisis. Economic growth during the period
economic miracle was almost 10% annually, it was the most
high growth rates among the developed countries of that time. Among the reasons
"miracle" - low taxes and intensive development of new Japanese science
technologies, information about which before World War II to Japan
almost did not act because of the isolation policy of the authorities.
Rapid growth in the shortest possible time allowed Japan not to
only to fully recover after the defeat in the war, but also to reach
second in economic power (nominal), consecutively
beating France, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, the USSR and losing
only the USA. Japan has been the second largest economy in the world for over 40 years: since 1968
years, yielding to China only in 2010


Druzhinin N.L. "Japanese economic miracle."
Vasiliev A. M. magazine "Asia and Africa Today"
Japan's Economic Miracle Article on the Reasons for the Soaring Growth
Japanese economy
"History of Japan" edited by Zhukov
Kuznetsov Yu.D. "History of Japan"

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state