
Correct the data and repeat the automatic pc check. Checking the data of cbm, osago and car in rsa. PCA databases

Checking your OSAGO discount, do you find that there is no discount or is it less than it should be? gives an error message " 801 - KBM not found, standard class returned"? Perhaps everything is easier than you think - maybe you were participant in an accident? But if you are still sure that your KBM is wrong, check out the possible causes of the error, which are outlined in this article.

You are checking your CBM incorrectly

To begin with, make sure how correctly you evaluate your potential MSC.

  • For every year of accident-free driving the discount increases by 5%, and the class by one. Exactly for a YEAR! If you have only been away for six months, you are not entitled to a discount. For example, if you have entered a spouse or friend in the middle of your policy.
  • Discount valid for one year after the end of the OSAGO policy, and after that it burns out. If you have accumulated good discount, and then they took a break in insurance for more than a year, then they will have to save up the KBM again.
  • Maximum discount 50%, which corresponds to the 13th class of KBM. So don't be surprised if the previous class is 13 and the next one is the same.

The agent or manager specifically hides your discount

Naturally, it is more profitable for employees of the insurance company to sell you insurance at a higher price in order to receive an increased commission. Therefore, they take advantage of the financial illiteracy of customers and simply do not put the discount due to you, referring to lack of communication with the RSA base.

chose insurance company with the possibility of car insurance via the Internet. A friend advised me to contact VSK. When filling in the data, I passed all the checks, but when I tried to pay, I ran into a problem.
By pressing the button "Pay for the policy" there is an endless check and nothing happens. What can be checked if all data about the car, owner, drivers, even the phone number are confirmed.
In my opinion, even if the servers can’t stand it, why was it necessary to open a service and ruffle people’s nerves not only in offices, but also at home? If the equipment can't stand it, upgrade it.
It is not acceptable in modern realities to play with time like that.

I chose an insurance company with the possibility of auto insurance via the Internet. A friend advised me to contact VSK.

When filling in the data, I passed all the checks, but when I tried to pay, I ran into a problem. By pressing the button "Pay for the policy" there is an endless check and nothing happens. What can be checked if all data about the car, owner, drivers, even the phone number are confirmed. In my opinion, even if the servers can’t stand it, why was it necessary to open a service and ruffle people’s nerves not only in offices, but also at home? If the equipment can't stand it, upgrade it. It is not acceptable in modern realities to play with time like that.

Availability insurance policy is mandatory for absolutely all car owners Russian Federation. Since 2013, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers has created single base accounting, with the help of which the car owner can independently check information about his policy. In this article, you will learn how to correctly check a car in the PCA.

Access to the PCA database is possible for any Internet user

The purpose of checking the car in the PCA database

The PCA database contains information about clients of insurance organizations and their cars. The data is updated by employees of insurance companies, so the register contains up-to-date materials at the time of the consumer's request.

PCA is an organization founded in 2002 with the aim of protecting customers from fraudulent organizations that do not have a license and the right to provide auto insurance services. Absolutely all information about the car, arrests and accidents is entered into the database, which allows any subsidiary organization verify client data and provide relevant insurance guarantees consumer in each individual case.

The unified RSA database includes the following information:

  1. About the owner of the vehicle and the car itself, including the involvement of the car in the accident;
  2. Data on the contract of compulsory insurance;
  3. Materials about the conditions prescribed in the insurance contract;
  4. The relevance of insurance, its status, information about the organization with which the contract was concluded;
  5. The amount of payment under the contract in a situation of insurance accidents;
  6. Materials about CBM coefficient. Existing or increase in the cost of the policy in case of default by the consumer.

And also by the number of the certificate of the owner of the car, you can find out about the persons who have the right to drive a car.

The need for verification against the PCA database arises in cases where it is necessary to determine the authenticity of an insurance document or in the event of an insurance situation.

Checking the car in PCA

To check a car in the PCA, you only need access to the Internet and basic computer skills. On the official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, the user can find out all the data he needs by the insurance policy number, car number or VIN code.

To check the authenticity of the policy, and its conditions, you must have an insurance number. To obtain information, you only need to enter the policy number and its series in the special boxes. The consumer will open all the necessary information in a few seconds.

To check OSAGO, just enter the series and number of the policy

And also on the site there is a section "Information for victims and others about the existence of a valid OSAGO agreement in relation to a certain person or vehicle", in which any citizen of the Russian Federation can check the car of interest to him for the presence of an insurance policy by state registration numbers or the VIN code of the car . Most often, this service is used to determine the violator of the law, if the owner of the car fled the scene of an accident. And also this service is often used by potential car buyers to check it for involvement in an accident.

A single database has complete information about the car, its owners, thefts, the presence of traffic accidents involving cars. The database is updated daily, so the received report is always true.

And also today, customers are given the opportunity to renew the car insurance contract online. This can be done sixty days before the end of the current agreement between the company and the consumer. The client can independently enter all his data, the program will automatically check them with previously entered information and renew the contract with the insurance organization.

The data is not validated in the PCA

There are situations when the program gives an error when entering data. Such a problem can occur if the consumer made a mistake when filling out the fields or an employee of the insurance organization entered the data inaccurately when applying for the policy.

If such a problem occurs, you must try to fill in the fields again or enter data with an error that is in the insurance policy.

If it turns out that the information is not issued due to an error in the database, then you need to contact the insurance company and ask to correct the data on the policy. Making such a request makes sense only if it has not yet expired. The client has the right to be present when the specialist performs this procedure.

Errors in the database are corrected by insurance companies

Summing up

Checking a car in the PCA will not be difficult for a person who knows how to use the Internet. To do this, you just need to go to the PCA website and enter the required data about the car in the designated cells. The improved program will issue a full report on vehicle, its owner and a lot of additional useful information.

Before drawing up an agreement with an insurance organization, it can be checked for authenticity and the availability of a license for the services provided. In order not to have problems, it is better to take out insurance for your car in large ones, which will correctly calculate the cost of compensation and insurance, as well as fulfill their obligations in a guaranteed and timely manner in the event of an insurance accident.

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