
Tax authorities of the Russian Federation. Tax inspection What is the FTS

Tax authorities The Russian Federation is a combined system that controls the execution of fiscal legislation, the main document regulating the work - the Tax Code.

Systematics division

The main executive body in tax Sphere Speakers the Federal Tax Service submitting directly to the Ministry of Finance. The head of the latter presents the government of the candidacy for the post of head of the FTS. IP and Jurlitz register here, they are carried out on bankruptcy, establish tax rates. To improve the efficiency of functioning, the organization is built on a hierarchical scheme:

  • After the FTS, interregional inspections, controlling the most significant taxpayers, are underway to the "table of ranks", and each branch is engaged only by a particular industry.
  • For them are the UFNS, presented at the regional level coordinating and controlling the lower instances.
  • In submission at the UFNS are interdistrict inspectionswhich is charged with major taxpayers by region.
  • Controls to the areas of the city and a small indivisible village conducts territorial inspection.

A similar embodiment of the worship division corresponds to the classic separation of the state, repeating its main levels.

Tax Service

To achieve the goals set, the FTS conducts the following complex of work:

  • Organizes the functionality of controlled instances.
  • Performs verification of financial documentation and directly correctly carrying out tax accounting payers.
  • Evaluates property seized during arrest or other situations, organizes its sale.
  • Through credit institutions, it is returned to the error of money.
  • Analyzes statistical data and on the basis of the results obtained issues recommendations to improve control.

Tax Service Rights

According to russian legislation The country's tax authorities have a number of rights that can be divided into several groups:

  • organizational. According to the existing organizational rights, tax authorities can, if necessary, can cause witnesses of those persons who have information about the specifics of tax accounting in a checked firm. Also, the FTS and its instances may require explanations from those citizens who are responsible for filing information for tax accounting;
  • information. Representatives of the tax service may require financial organizations Documents confirming the availability and legitimacy of payment orders. In addition, this category can also be made to the right to calculate the amount of tax on the basis of the information received from other sources;
  • control. For test work PNS representatives have the right to organize and conduct planned and extraordinary checks. If this necessity arises, the removal of the necessary documents may be carried out;
  • legal. The FNS bodies can determine a fine and (or) penalty in violations, arrest documents and property, as well as submit applications for recovery in the arbitration court.

Responsibilities of FTS.

In addition to the rights of tax services and its representatives there are a number of responsibilities.

Recently, all taxpayers of the Russian Federation were used to use the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru, which is officially designed for the Federal Tax Service and contains a huge amount necessary for different species economic activity, information and legislative acts.

The site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru is designed to simplify customer communication system with tax inspectorate, thereby save time of users and the tax service itself.


Registration of the site

Visit the official resource of the tax service can absolutely every interested user or an extraneous person to familiarize yourself with the new service. By clicking on the link to the site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru, the client will enter the main page, which includes all the basic information about the tax service and its activities.

To accuracy data, the user will need to choose its region of accommodation from the granted city list. At the top of the page, the client will also be able to:

  • go to the pages of the organs that control FTS;
  • open a video complex, a kind of guide on the site;
  • view Legislative Inspection Documents;
  • navalize the display of information;
  • switch languages \u200b\u200bfrom Russian into English or vice versa;
  • visit the official community of service in social networks;
  • open a section with information about the Federal Tax Service;
  • view contacts and circulation.

What a site looks like

The site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru is also given the opportunity to view news in this area and fill out a questionnaire on the quality of service on this resource.

How to like the site?

Access to the resource www.nalog.ru FTS of Russia is absolutely free, free and accessible to everyone according to the address. When a user goes on the link, he will see the main service page that is immediately impressive with its dynamic and design.

For the convenience of customers in the top ribbon, you can choose a region of accommodation, change the scale of displaying information on the page, select between Russian and English. It is possible to go to higher organs, revise the legislative documents and visit the official community of the resource www.nalog.ru FTS of Russia in such social networks:

  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • in contact with.

A lot of space on the page also occupies a news block in which there are news from the federal tax service itself, and information on the inspection in the media is presented.


At the top of the page, the user can go to a tab with information about the Federal Tax Service, as well as the section of contacts and appeals.

Interestingly, the fact that the developers of the site offer official users and guests of the site to pass the survey by clicking on the "Your Option" button and filling out such fields:

  • the status to which the visitor belongs is whether it is FL or Yul, a private entrepreneur, a journalist or a client who is connected with the tax inspectorate;
  • the purpose of the appeal to the site nalog.ru FTS of Russia is to find a solution to the problem, use the service you need, view news and site, other goal;
  • the client is offered to evaluate the design of the site nalog.ru of the Federal Tax Service of Russia - on a scale from good to very bad;
  • determine the ease of information on the resource - by a similar system;
  • will the client find a solution to the problem;
  • formulate a problem that interested the user;
  • submit wishes and recommendations for the work of the site;
  • optionally, provide a phone or email feedback;
  • enter the security code and send a questionnaire.
Questions on the site

In general, the main page of the site www.nalog.ru FTS of Russia is multifunctional, contains a huge amount of information. The portal is understandable and easy to use.

Site functionality

Of course, most of the visitors of the site FTS of Russia www.nalog.ru is interested, that is, clients of the tax service that regularly use the services of the resource. Among such users are allocated:

  • legal entities (Yul);
  • individual entrepreneurs (IP);
  • individuals (FL).
Information for IP, FL, Yul

For these categories of customers, personal accounts provide access to which you can pass the registration procedure. Also, all types of taxpayers can study in detail the features of the kind of activity and legislative documents that operate in this area.

From the main resource page, the user can switch to any part of it that interests it by simply pressing the button.

Any citizen who wants to just familiarize himself with the resource or find the necessary legislative document can also go to the site and solve its problem.


All types of taxpayers can register on the site and get a personal account with advanced features that will significantly simplify the work of the user and the process of communication with the Federal Tax Service of the country.

Website www.nalog.ru FTS Russia provides an opportunity to use electronic services:

  • register an IP or Yul - to pass the registration process by filling out the requested data;
  • read the risks for the business - to receive a certificate of the organization of interest;
  • A single register of small and medium businesses - to visit the database;
  • frequently asked questions - familiarize yourself with the most common issues and answers to them;
  • bringing Inn - Check your individual number;
  • pay taxes - pay tax or debt via the Internet;
  • sign up for the official reception in the service;
  • decisions on complaints.

Electronic services

Electronic services

In addition, the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru employs electronic services, which greatly simplify the work of customers and inspection:

  • the registration process of Yul and IP;
  • familiarize yourself with the risks of your own business;
  • visit the register of subjects of medium and small business;
  • revise popular questions and answers to them;
  • order or remind your INN;
  • pay tax bills;
  • make an appointment of tax service;
  • view the inspection solutions on certain complaints.

Information Taxes

A user who is interested in taxes can also be viewed on main page Point of taxation in the Russian Federation, which includes the following active links:

  • gain fees and taxes;
  • legislative inspection basis;
  • real estate tax according to cadastral value;
  • regulation of disputes in pre-trial mode;
  • judicial disputes;
  • insurance;
  • providing reports;
  • inspection control;
  • tax debts;
  • bankruptcy process;
  • pricing process;
  • bankruptcy cases;
  • group of consolidated tax payers;
  • taxes for those who work abroad;
  • disposal tax;
  • trade tax;
  • the process of marking goods.

Nalumption in the Russian Federation

For all the items provided, the user can receive detailed information by clicking on the question of interest.

Personal Cabinet Registration for Individual Entrepreneur

In order for the individual entrepreneur to use the huge functionality, which is provided by the tax service, it needs to go through the registration process on the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru, after which he will become the full owner of his own profile.

To begin with, the client is necessary on the main page of the site. Go to the registration link. legal entities and individual entrepreneurswhich is in the section electronic services. Next, the page will feature registration options for IP and Yul, after the client chooses a tab for entrepreneurs, a window will open for this type of customers with such capabilities:

Registration of an individual entrepreneur
  • primary registration of IP;
  • amendments about entrepreneur;
  • termination of the functioning of the enterprise.

Of course, the last two points are provided for the already authorized clients of the system on the website of the FTS of Russia www.nalog.ru.

After the user opens the registration window, it will be necessary to make the following data from it:

  • email address;
  • re-entering the address;
  • secret password;
  • repeat password;
  • surname;
  • patronymic;
  • code with protective pictures.

Next, the user will have to carefully check the correctness of the entered data and click the button to continue the registration. At the same time, the client will receive an email containing a reference to activate the account by clicking on which it will complete the registration process.

Each individual entrepreneur who has passed the registration procedure on the site www.nalog.ru, the Federal Tax Service of Russia will also receive their own account, to enter into account in such ways:

  • when entering the INN and password;
  • with the help of a signature key in in electronic format;
  • through Ructen EDS 2.0;
  • using Jacarta.

Personal Cabinet IP Log in Cabinet

An individual entrepreneur can exercise such actions on the site www.nalog.ru of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the presence of your own account:

  • receive electronic discharge from the USGR;
  • make changes to your own business;
  • send requests, applications for tax service;
  • send complaints against violations or inaction of officials;
  • receive information about the data sent to the inspection;
  • watch payments, debts and overpays for taxes;
  • clarify information on controversial payments;
  • receive information on individual taxation systems taxes;
  • choose the desired taxation system;
  • look estimated operations with the state budget;
  • request and receive estimated statements and acts;
  • use the resource "SME Corporation" for IP;
  • choose a business view, make a business plan, find the room and organize other necessary questions.

Entrance to your personal profile

The official owner of the personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru can go to it any minute and take advantage of its functions. To do this, on the main resource page, the client needs to press the login button in the Personal Cabinet in the section for individual entrepreneurs. To enter, the user will need to fill out:

  • way of entry - via e-mail and password, personal account for FL, certificate, or through the Public Services portal;
  • email address;
  • secret password.

Authorization on the site

When you press the entrance button, the individual entrepreneur falls on its profile. To the system of authorization in the system did not occupy a lot of time, the client can put a check mark so that its email address is filled.

Restoring lost data

In the event that a private entrepreneur for some reason lost a protective password from the office, he can resume it. To do this, you need to click the client in the authorization field to click on the forgotten password and fill the fields:

  • email address specified during registration;
  • figures from a secret picture.

Remember password

If the postal address is entered correctly, a letter from the support service with further instructions will come to it to resume access to the account.

Own profile for individuals

Any tax payer, which is FL, can register on the site www.nalog.ru FTS of Russia and have an entrance to a personal profile that gives the user such opportunities:

  • carry out control over accounts;
  • own reliable information about vehicles, amounts of existing taxes, their payment, the amount of overpayment and debts before the state;
  • through affiliate banks to pay taxes or debts;
  • receive messages from inspection and receipts, as well as print them;
  • the possibility of contacting the service without visiting it;
  • download Software for submitting a declaration;
  • monitor the status of the declaration check.

An individual can access personal Account and its functionality only in three cases:

  • through the profile in the ESIA - according to the details of the access of this system. The authorization process is possible exclusively for customers who appeal about receiving data;
  • according to the registration card, which contains a password and login - to become the owner of the map is real in any department of service. The client must have a passport, and if he does not have 14, the procedure is performed with legal representatives in the presence of a birth certificate;
  • with the help of a signature in electronic form, which is qualified and issued by a special body. The signature can be stored on any carrier and use only through a special program.

Cabinet for legal entities


All legal entities who have gained access to the personal account on www.nalog.ru FTS of Russia can:

  • find out information about debts, amount of debt, overpayments, the following payments;
  • send requests for taxes, debts, fines, percentages;
  • get an electronic statement about yourself from EGRN;
  • send the necessary reports, documentation;
  • send documents to register jurid. License or making changes to the register.

Cabinet features

Technical Support Service

Through the main page of the Site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru, the user can go to the section with contacts and appeals in which there is a tab with the most common issues. This section contains a list of popular issues and problems, as well as answers to them.

The client will have to choose from the list the subject matter of the question, the subcategory to which he belongs to specify the region of the enterprise's stay, formulate the text of the appeal. Next, the system will find the right question among the already existing and issuing solutions to the problem. If the environment of the centered points is not interested in the client's question, he can write a detailed letter and send to the tax inspectorate. Technical service after resolving the issue will provide its response to the specified email. The user can also sign up for a personal reception in the inspection to solve its problem.

Frequently asked Questions

Absolutely all taxpayers appreciated the appearance of the official website www.nalog.ru FTS, which offers the user a wide range of services and information about the types of activities of various types and all existing state taxes. With the advent of this resource, customers have many new opportunities, and the time for communicating with the tax inspectorate has decreased significantly.

Key document

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.09.2004 No. 506 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Federal Tax Service"


Federal tax Service (FTS of Russia) - the federal executive body, performing functions to control and oversight compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, for the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of the application to the appropriate budget of taxes and fees, and in addition, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - For the correctness of calculation, the completeness and timeliness of the application to the relevant budget of other mandatory payments, as well as for the production and turnover of tobacco products and for compliance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation within the competence of tax authorities.

Federal Tax Service of Russia is an authorized federal executive authority, carrying out state registration of legal entities, individuals as individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farmer) farms, as well as an authorized federal executive body, providing submission to bankruptcy cases and in the bankruptcy procedures for the requirements of payment of mandatory payments and requirements of the Russian Federation on monetary obligations.

FTS operates directly and through its territorial bodies in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and state extrabudgetary funds, public associations and other organizations.

The head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia from April 6, 2010 - Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin, who replaced Mikhail Pavlovich Moking on this post.

The total number of employees of the Federal Tax Service of Russia as of the end of 2010 amounted to approximately 170 thousand people. However, in 2011, the Federal Tax Service of Russia planned to reduce the number of their employees by 5 percent, and by 2013 - by 15 percent.

Professional holiday "Day of employees of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation" - November 21.

Cool ranks in the federal tax service

According to Art. eleven Federal Law From 27.07.2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the following class officials of the civil service (to which the service of the Federal Tax Service refer to the Federal Tax Service of Russia) are established in Russia.

Higher Group

  • valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 1 class;
  • valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 2;
  • valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 3 of Class;
Home Group
  • state Counselor of the Russian Federation 1 class;
  • state Counselor of the Russian Federation 2;
  • state Counselor of the Russian Federation 3;
Leading group
  • advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1 class;
  • advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 2 class;
  • advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 3 of Class;
Senior group
  • referent State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1 class;
  • referent State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 2 class;
  • referent State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 3 of Class;
Junior group
  • secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation of Grade 1;
  • secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 2;
  • secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 3 of Class.

As the signs of distinction on class officials for civil servants of the Federal Tax Service, the Shoulder Signs are established and removable. A shown sign is an elongated rectangle with parallel side sides and a rounded upper edge, a metal buttons at the top. Shoulder signs have the edging of dark-cherry color on all sides, except for the bottom. The size of the shoulder sign: length in the middle - 140-160 mm (for women - 120-140 mm), the width is 45 mm (for higher and main positions - 50 mm).

The ratio of the ranks and ranks was established by decree of the President of Russia dated February 1, 2005 No. 113 "On the procedure for assigning and preserving the class officials of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation by the Federal State Civil Service" and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2011 No. 38 "Questions of the Investigative Committee Of the Russian Federation "(set out in the wording according to the decree of the President of Russia of September 30, 2013 No. 744).

Officers of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation

Home State Tax Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics State Tax Service of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic State Tax Service of the Russian Federation Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Clauses The Federal Tax Service

see also

  • Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation
  • Employee Day of the Tax Body of the Russian Federation

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  1. . Checked on December 20, 2013.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR of 21.02.1990 № 12-A "On the establishment of the State Tax Service"
  3. "On the State Tax Service of the RSFSR"
  4. "On the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation"
  5. "About Lazarev I. N."
  6. "On the head of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation"
  7. "On the head of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation"
  8. "About Arthukhov V. G."
  9. "On the head of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation"
  10. "On the repair of A. P."
  11. "On the Minister of the Russian Federation - the head of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation"
  12. "Oh Fedorov B. G."
  13. "Oh Fedorov B. G."
  14. "On the head of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation"
  15. "On the Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Claims"
  16. "On the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation"
  17. "On the Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Claims"
  18. "On the continuation of the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation after joining the position of President of the Russian Federation"
  19. "On the Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Claims"
  20. "On the Government of the Russian Federation"
  21. The decision of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.03.2004 No. IF-P17-2258
  22. "On the head of the Federal Tax Service"
  23. "About Serdyukov A. E."
  24. "On the head of the Federal Tax Service"
  25. "On the Mocretsov M. P."
  26. "On the head of the Federal Tax Service"


  • - Official site FTS

Excerpt that characterizes the Federal Tax Service

He chased the tired horse, to speed these crowds rather, but the farther he was fused, the crowds became upset. On the big road, on which he left, crowded strollers, the crews of all varieties, Russian and Austrian soldiers, all kinds of troops, wounded and unreasonable. All this buzzed and mixedly kept on the gloomy sound of flying nuclei from the French batteries set on the pratsky altitudes.
- Where is the sovereign? Where is Kutuzov? - He asked Rostov from everyone who could stop, and could not get a response from anyone.
Finally, grasping a soldier's collar, he forced him to answer himself.
- e! brother! For a long time, everything is there, forward twitched! - said Rostov soldiers, laughing with something and pulling out.
Leaving this soldier, who, obviously, was drunk, Rostov stopped the horse of the twin or Beretor of an important person and began to ask him. The Rentman declared Rostov that the sovereign from his hour ago was taken to the whole spirit in a carriage on this very road, and that the sovereign was dangerous.
"Can't be," said Rostov, "right, another who."
"I saw himself," said the Bunker with a self-confident smile. "It's time for me to know the sovereign: it seems how many times in St. Petersburg it seems that way. Pale, the earliest in the carriage sits. The fourth of the crow as it will sweep, my father, by us thundered: it's time, it seems, and royal horses and Ilya Ivanycha to know; It seems with the other as with the king of Ilya Kucher does not go.
Rostov allowed his horse and wanted to go on. The walking past the wounded officer appealed to him.
- Yes, who do you need? - asked an officer. - Commander-in-Chief? So killed the core, killed in the chest at our shelf.
"Not killed, wounded," the other officer corrected.
- Who? Kutuzov? - asked Rostov.
"Not Kutuzov, but how do you mean him," well, yes, all one, there is not much alive. Won go there, won to the village, there all the bosses gathered, "said this officer, pointing to the village of the hotel, and passed by.
Rostov drove a step, not knowing why and to whom he will go now. The sovereign is injured, the battle is lost. It was impossible not to believe it now. Rostov was driving by the direction that he specified and on which the tower and church were visible in the distance. Where did he hurry? What was he now to speak sovereign or Kutuzov, if even they were alive and not injured?
"This expensive, your welfare, go, and then they will kill it right," the soldiers shouted him. - It will be killed!
- ABOUT! What you say! Said another. - Where will he go? Here closer.
Rostov thought and went precisely by the direction where he was told that they would kill.
"Now it's all the same: if the sovereign is injured, did you really care about yourself?" He thought. He entered the space on which people running from Puzzen died most. The French have not yet occupied this place, and the Russians, those who were alive or injured, have long left him. On the field, like a shock on a good pasha, lay ten people, fifteen killed, wounded at every tithing place. The wounded clutched two, three together, and they were heard unpleasant, sometimes pretending, as it seemed to be Rostov, their screams and moans. Rostov launched a trot's horse so as not to see all these suffering people, and it became scary. He was afraid not for his life, and for the courage that he needed and which he knew would not stand the appearance of these unfortunate.
The French, who stopped shooting along this, destroyed dead and wounded, the field, because no one was already living on it, seeing the adjutant on him, they brought the gun on him and threw several cores. The feeling of these whistles, terrible sounds and the surrounding dead merged for Rostov in one impression of horror and regret to themselves. He remembered the last letter of his mother. "Whatever she felt, he thought," he would have seen me now here, on this field and sent to me to the guns. "
In the village of the hotel there were though confused, but more Russian troops, walking away from the battlefield. There were no French kernels here, and shooting sounds seemed distant. Everyone has already been clearly seen and said that the battle was lost. Rostov applied to anyone, no one could tell him or where there was a sovereign, no where Kutuzov was. Some said that the rumor about the head of the sovereign is fair, others said that no, and explained this false spread of the rumor by what, indeed, in the head of the sovereign, she slipped back from the battlefield pale and frightened Ober Gofamarsal Count Tolstoy, left with others in the emperor retinue On the battlefield. One officer told Rostov, that behind the village, left, he saw someone from the top supervision, and Rostov went there, no longer hoping to find someone, but in order to clean their conscience before himself. After passing the versts, three and passed by the last Russian troops, near the garden, the oked ditch, Rostov saw two riders stood against the ditches. One, with a white sultan on the hat, seemed for some reason familiar Rostov; Another, unfamiliar rider, on a beautiful red horse (this horse seemed familiar Rostov) drove up to the ditch, pushed the horse to spurs and, having released the reins, easily jumped over a ditch of garden. Only the earth sat down from the mound from the rear hooves of the horse. Cool turning the horse, he again jumped a ditch again and respectfully turned to the rider with a white sultan, obviously, offering him to do the same. The rider whom the figure seemed familiar to Rostov and for some reason involuntarily chained his attention, made a negative gesture of his head and hand, and on this gesture of Rostov instantly recognized his mourne, adored the sovereign.
"But it could not be, one in the midst of this empty field," Rostov thought. At this time, Alexander turned his head, and Rostov saw her favorite traits cracked into his memory. The sovereign was pale, his cheeks fell and their eyes fell; But the more charms, the meekness was in his features. Rostov was happy, making sure that hearing about the wound of the sovereign was unfair. He was happy that he saw him. He knew that he could have even had to directly turn to him and convey what was ordered to transfer to him from Dolgorrukova.
But as the in love, the young man shakes and goes, without daring to tell what he dreams about the night, and frightened looking around, looking for help or the possibility of a delay and flight, when the desired minute came, and he stands alone with her and Rostov now, reaching that What he wanted most in the world, did not know how to go to the sovereign, and thousands of considerations were presented, why it was uncomfortable, indecent and impossible.
"How! I seem to be happy to take advantage of the fact that he is alone and in despondency. It is unpleasant to him and heavily may seem unknown person at this moment of sadness; Then, what can I tell him now, when at one glance at him, my heart flies and dries in my mouth? " None of those countless speeches, which he, reversing the sovereign, made it in his imagination, did not come to him in his head. Those speeches kept the part of the part at all other conditions, they stated the most part of the victories and celebrations and mostly on the deathbed of the received wounds, while the sovereign thanked him for the heroic acts, and he, dying, expressed him confirmed in fact His.
"Then, what will I ask the sovereign about his orders to the right flank, when now the 4th hour of the evening, and the battle is lost? No, I decisively should not approach him. Should not break his thoughtfulness. It is better to die a thousand times, than getting a bad look from him, a bad opinion, "Rostov decided and with sadness and with despair in the heart went away, indifferently looking at the sovereign who stood in the same position.
While Rostov did these considerations and sadly drove away from the sovereign, captain von Tol randomly hit the same place and, seeing the sovereign, directly drove up to him, offered him his services and helped go on foot through the ditch. The sovereign, wanting to relax and feeling unhealthy, sat down under the apple tree, and only stopped by him. Rostov from afar with envy and repentance saw the background for a long time for a long time and spoke with the heat, as a sovereign, apparently, closed, closed his eyes with his hand and shook the hand of Tol.
"And I could be in his place?" Rostov thought about himself and, barely holding tears of regret about the fate of the sovereign, in perfect despair went further, not knowing where and why he was now riding.
His despair was the stronger that he felt that his own weakness was the cause of his grief.
He could ... not only could, but he had to drive up to the sovereign. And it was the only case to show sovereign his dedication. And he did not take advantage of them ... "What did I do?" He thought. And he turned his horse and rocked back to the place where he saw the emperor; But no one was behind the ditch. Only drove wagons and crews. From one Furman Rostov found out that the Kutuzov headquarters is nearby in the village where there was an overview. Rostov drove them.
He was ahead of him Beretor Kutuzov, driving horses in his back. Behind the Beretor rose a wagon, and the old man was on the cart, in the carriage, serrated coat and curves.
- Tit, and tit! Said Breitor.
- What? - absently answered the old man.
- Tit! Go to thoroughly.
- E, Fool, Ugh! "I spit angrily, the old man said. It took several times of the silent movement, and again the same joke was repeated.
In the fifth hour of the evening, the battle was played at all points. More than one hundred guns were already in the power of the French.
Pretty with his body put a weapon. Other columns, after about half of the people, retreated with upset, mixed crowds.
The remnants of the troops of Langeron and Dohturova, Mixing, were crowded near the ponds on dams and shores at the village of Aritesta.
At 6 m hour, only the carnone cannona of some French, who built numerous batteries on the descent of Pratcensky heights and who beat our retreating troops were still heard at the auggest dam.
In the terrigard, the dohturov and others, collecting battalions, shot themselves from the French cavalry pursuing ours. It began to be frozen. On a narrow dam of the Augism, on which so many years peacefully satuned in the cap, the older Melnik with rods, while his grandson, having drove his shirt sleeves, moved silver trees in the watering can; On this dam, in which so many years peacefully passed on its paired warrens, loaded with wheat, in the shaggy hats and blue morale jackets and, stuffed with flour, with white valves were left on the same dam, - on this narrow dam now between wagons and cannons, Under the horses and between the wheels, people were crowded by fear of death, gone each other, dying, walking through dying and killing each other for just that, passing a few steps to be accurate. Also killed.
Every ten seconds, the bent air, slapped the kernel or burst into the garnet in the middle of this thick crowd, killing and sprinkling the blood of those who stood close. Shelokov, wounded in her hand, walking with a dozen soldier of his company (he was already an officer) and his regimental commander, riding, represented the remains of the entire regiment. The crowded crowded, they were tried to enter the dam and, compressed from all sides, stopped, because the horse fell in front of the gun, and the crowd pulled it out. One core killed someone from behind them, the other hit ahead and spattered by the blood of Dologov. The crowd launched desperately, squeezed, moved a few steps and stopped again.
To pass these hundred steps, and probably saved; Every another two minutes, and died, probably thought everyone. Shelokhov, who stood in the middle of the crowd, rushed to the edge of the dam, knocking off the legs of two soldiers, and escaped on slippery ice, covered the pond.
"Complete," he shouted, bouncing on the ice that cracked under him, turn together! He shouted on an instrument. - Holds! ...
The ice kept him, but got rushed and cracked, and obviously it was that not only under the gun or the crowd of the people, but he will collapse under him now. They looked at him and fed to the shore, not deciding still to stand on ice. The commander of the regiment, standing by the riding at the entrance, raised his hand and revealed his mouth, turning to Dolokhov. Suddenly one of the cores was so low of the crowd over the crowd that they all bent. Something slapped into the wet, and the general fell with a horse in a puddle of blood. No one looked at the general, did not think to raise it.
- went to the ice! Went on the ice! Went! Roman! Al do not hear! Went! "Suddenly, after the kernel, who had fallen into the general, countless voices were heard, not knowing what they screamed.
One of the rear tools, which joined the dam, piled on the ice. Crowds of soldiers from the dam began to run on the frozen pond. Under one of the front soldiers cracked the ice, and one leg went into the water; He wanted to recover and failed at the belt.

Professions in any country a lot, and the holidays dedicated to them, no less. There is such a day and employees of one important structure of the state - tax service. They fulfill important obligations to the state, their task is to fill the budget of the country by collecting taxes, excise taxes and fees.

After the special decree of the President №1868, the specialists of this sphere celebrate their professional holiday annually on November 21.

history of the holiday

The state tax service was created over several years. The modern structure of the FNS is the result of significant changes and transformations. On January 24, 1990, the first inspections were formed, which were part of the Ministry of Finance. A little later formed an independent body called the State Tax Service.

It was created in Russia on November 21, 1991. This was the reason for a little later, on November 11, 2000 to establish a professional holiday for employees of the Tax Department. The order was officially certified by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Already in 2004, the body received the name of the Federal Tax Service in the Russian Federation. So refer to the department and to the present.

During Peter I, 12 colleges were formed, of which four were established by financial issues: cameras-college, heads-board-board, revision-board and commerce college. In 1780, Catherine II created an expedition on state income. In 1802, 8 ministries of ministries were formed by the Manifesto of Alexander I: military-land forces, naval forces, foreign affairs, justice, commerce, folk education, finance and internal affairs. The Ministry of Finance has conducted public income and expenses.

Tax inspectorate

Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the largest taxpayers No. 9, FTS of Russia; St. Petersburg, Potemkinskaya 2

Inspection of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS) - the territorial body of the federal executive body of the interdistrict, urban (district) level, accountable to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which monitors compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees, as well as the correctness of the calculation, the completeness and timeliness of tax payments, fees, and In cases established by law - and other payments to the relevant budget.

For state registration Legal entities Tax Inspectorate plays the role of the registering authority and controls the data provided by registries. Especially thoroughly tax inspectorate checks information on the legal address of the registered organization. If the registrant provides unreliable information or provides them, violating the procedure established by the regulations, the tax inspectorate has the right to refuse such a register in state registration or conducts an organized field inspection in order to identify the inconsistency of the relevant information.

The structure of tax authorities in the Russian Federation

Federal Tax Service (FTS) is the successor of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Claims. Currently, the FTS is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Structure of FTS:

  • Interregional inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Federal Districts (Central, Volga, South, Siberian, Far Eastern, Northwest and Urals);
  • Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing (MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation));
  • Interregional inspections on the largest taxpayers (MI FNS of Russia on KN):
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 1 (administer oil-producing enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN number 2 (administer gas producing enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 3 (administer payers of excise taxes)
    • MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 4 (administer energy enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 5 (administer metallurgical enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 6 (administer transport enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 7 (administer telecommunication enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 8 (administer engineering enterprises)
    • Mi of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 9 (administer banks)
    • MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 10 (administer enterprises of the military-industrial complex) - reorganized, by joining the Ministry of Foods of Russia for CN No. 8 from 01/01/2010.

Currently, the Federal Tax Service of Russia for CN No. 8 and No. 10 is united in one MI FTS of Russia for CN No. 8 (Mechanical Engineering and MIC)

  • Management of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (82 management)
  • Territorial inspections of the FTS.


  • Directory of tax inspections with real reviews about them

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Tax inspectorate - Local body of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation, created on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, city, district. In accordance with Tax Code (See Art. 31 35 parts of the first) N. and. endowed with broad rights and perform a number of responsibilities, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

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