
societe generale group. The banks of the Societe Generale group in Russia are preparing for consolidation. Agreement with OTP Bank Plc. on the sale of the majority share of Mobiasbanca and cooperation

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My sister went to a branch in Tolyatti to get a bank card. The time was about half past 6 pm and, unfortunately, the manager, with whom she had already worked, was absent from the department. Catherine was the only manager present. And this manager could not competently provide information about policy conditions, about using the card and other issues. The cashier who issued the card knows more than the manager! The manager printed out a hard-to-read piece of paper, gave it to her sister, and, since someone was already waiting for her, sent it to the teller! And she left. I understand that staying at work for 5 minutes is fatal for BSGV employees. But you have to have at least some decency!

Result: an impression of an unskilled manager who cannot properly provide information to the client both orally and in writing. The manager does not want to stay even for a minute after the end of the working day and sends a power of attorney to the teller. And this is SUPER manager Ekaterina. It's hard to find words...

But I think that it is necessary to write not only about the bad, but also about the good. So - everything was decided in the department on Altufevskoe Highway in Moscow. My sister and I went to the department and got what I could not get in Togliatti from the SUPER manager Ekaterina. We received the policy conditions and all the necessary information. thank you operators. But this review is not about that. This message is about Hope.

The cashier Nadezhda works in the branch. And I want to say a big thank you to this bright man. It's always a pleasure to talk to her. Nadezhda is an educated and intelligent person. I am sure that this is how an employee should be good bank. Please pass this review on to the BSGV.

Portal administrator 14.06.2011 16:27

Unfortunately, this is not personal experience, so only "Unrated".

13.06.2011 13:28

Rating: 1

I opened an account with this bank in Vladivostok for the first time in 2010. Then, in principle, I was satisfied with the polite staff and the bank's capabilities (it is almost impossible to open an account in Vladivostok without local registration, and BSZhV arranged only registration in another city). A few months later, the bank closed its branch in Vladivostok, where I was served. I had to close the account very urgently, look for another bank, spend money and time ordering a new card, etc.

After moving to St. Petersburg, I asked the bank if there would be similar troubles here. We were assured that nothing of the sort was to be expected. Now it turns out that they lied. Again, the account details are urgently changed, and there is not even an announcement about this on the bank's website. This makes my life very difficult. Extremely dissatisfied with the position of the bank, infuriates that they hide information. The contact address indicated by me in the contract has not yet received a notification of changes, but for some reason they send letters to the registration address, which is in another city and, of course, is not relevant for me to receive information.

Unfortunately, personal experience says that this bank cannot be trusted.

From administrator: Did you notify the bank in writing about the change of address for bank correspondence? Which branch in St. Petersburg do you mean?

yaksvda: I specifically came to the branch and it was in writing that I indicated the address for bank correspondence. Branch on Prosveshcheniya Avenue.

But yesterday, when I asked why they sent a letter to the registration address and why they didn’t send it to my current address, the bank answered me that this is their INTERNAL BANKING business and it has nothing to do with me, when necessary, they will notify me by phone . It seems that they didn’t get nasty, but the feeling that they sent it. It's a pity, I was satisfied with this bank.

12.06.2011 13:29

Rating: 1

I have always been satisfied with the cooperation with BSZhV - both the operators are excellent, and everything is clear in the department quickly and without queues. But then the problems began ... At first you couldn’t get through to the call center, but now it’s not even clear what is happening with the accounts.

I have been a bank card holder for several years now. It used to be a salary project, but then our employer canceled the salary project. But I was satisfied with the service, so I decided to keep the card. And until recently, she received a salary for it and successfully used the card. Why until recently? Because the salary transferred yesterday (June 7 at 11.00) was not credited to the account. Neither me nor my other colleagues, "happy" holders of the BSZhV card.

But instead of a salary on the card yesterday, a notification letter about the change of details from July 1 fell into the mailbox. I thought that my favorite bank was going to congratulate me on my birthday, which I have tomorrow ... but no! Okay, let the letter be on the case, but the details change on July 1, and the money is no longer coming! At the same time, the call center does not comment on anything, saying that these things are not connected and our accounting department, which made a mistake, is to blame for everything.

A paradoxical situation: the accounting department made a mistake, transferring the salary to the same details to which it has been transferring it for many years. But the most paradoxical thing is that the accounting department made a mistake several thousand times on all BSGV clients ...

I was curious about how many calls come in with such questions, to which the answer was: "A lot."
Here is the paradox: instead of understanding ourselves and answering everything as it is: we have problems, we cannot accept money, etc. we are being fed lies...

And now where to look for your money???

Thank you dear BSZhV for the birthday present...

08.06.2011 17:41

Score: 2

In the spring of 2007, I took a loan from the BSZhV for repairs new apartment in the amount of 25,000 euros. All these years regularly repaid the amounts due. There were only three times when the next payment was delayed due to business trips, but no more than 3 days. A year ago, some free money appeared, and I closed part of the remaining amount ahead of schedule. Used periodically debit card by depositing available funds into the account.

Problems with the bank began a year later. In the summer of 2008, they called me from the bank and said that they had stolen bank card numbers and my number, possibly as well. They strongly advised to replace the card at the expense of the bank. At that time I was going to leave for England in a couple of weeks, and on the account I kept a stash for this trip. The bank assured me that the card would be replaced for me the day before my departure at the central office. The old one was taken away new card Unfortunately, they didn't do it on time. I have not been able to withdraw money from my account. There was an attempt at the London branch of the BSGV to try to withdraw money, but nothing came of it. Before leaving, I called the bank and asked to send the card to the BSZhV branch closest to the house. The girl assured that everything would be tip-top. Three times I drove up to this branch, but the card was not there, and in last time I was told that I still need to go to the Central Organ for it, where I was pleased - the card was canceled, because. the client did not pick it up for more than 3 months, and I will have to draw up a new one for my own money. Here is such nonsense.

Now about credit.
Somehow, at the beginning of this year, the girl at the counter made a mistake in calculating the amount in rubles, which I have to add to the euro account for the next payment, and I paid 8 euros less. First, I got a call about the debt, which, as I thought, did not exist at all, and then a letter came with a warning about the possibility of transferring me into the hands of collectors. Well done!

As of April 2011, I had about 250,000 rubles to close on the loan. To reduce monthly amount payments (about 700 euros), I applied to the bank two weeks ago to refinance, i.e. take new loan on the amount of the remaining debt, and pay monthly half as much. The bank manager said that they could give a loan, but for an amount greater than the debt, and began to offer me to take 500,000 rubles. I thought: why not? The summer season begins, there are plans to rebuild the house ... And I applied for 450,000 for 5 years, indicating that 250,000 of them will go to close the old loan, and I will invest 200,000 in the dacha. I was dreaming ... Thoughts that I would be refused absolutely - my financial situation has not changed, I always paid the bank regularly, repaid part of the loan ahead of schedule, the previous credit history good (once I took loans and repaid them on time in 2 more banks), and most of the requested money is returned immediately back to the BSZhV.

Long story short, they didn't give me money. There is no great trouble in this, but one asks: why did it take 4 years to build relationships with this bank? Why fool people with bank cards? We messed up, so apologize to begin with and correct the oversight without inconvenience to the client. Why offer regular customers loans that are then not issued?


Owners and management


Société Générale in Russian Federation


Societe Generale East

History Bank Societe Generale in Russian Federation

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Société Générale(pronounced Société générale) (Euronext: GLE, Pink sheets: SCGLY, ISE:GLE) is one of the largest French banks. The headquarters is in Paris.

Founded in 1864 under the name Société Générale pour favoriser le développement du commerce et de l'industrie en France.

Owners and management

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer - Frederic Oudea.

BSGV accompanies export-import transactions, carrying out documentary transactions, drawing up transaction passports, and advising clients on currency regulation issues.

BSGV treasury staff keeps clients informed about latest changes in the stock, financial and money markets, carry out conversion operations, provide risk hedging, and offer custody services.

For corporate clients of the bank large companies and dynamically developing medium and small enterprises are provided loans in various forms and for various purposes (lending working capital and capital investments, short and medium term loans, credit lines, one-time loans and overdraft, etc.)

The expansion of the scope of the bank's activities provided an opportunity for large-scale use of the advantages of leasing and factoring.

Societe Generale Vostok provides structured finance services to companies in the commodity sector and trade finance. This area is a recognized specialization of the Banque Societe Generale group in the world.

The range of services for private clients of the bank includes opening and maintaining current and deposit accounts in rubles, dollars, Euro; urgent and savings deposits in various currencies.

The Bank offers its customers packages of banking services, which are based on the advantages of plastic cards: "Tradition", "Trend", "Prestige", "Youth".

BSGV provides a wide range of private lending services, providing different kinds consumer loans (loans for holidays, repairs), loans for the purchase of a car or motorcycle, mortgages.

The Youth Bank program was developed specifically for the youth audience. Current Package banking products includes Youth checking account, cards visa Electron and visa Classic, Youth term deposit, Education Loan, and Master of Business Administration (MBA) study loan.

For 15 years of successful work, BSGV has taken a strong place in the Russian market, having won the trust of numerous customers who have appreciated the professionalism and quality of the services provided by the bank. Today, BSGV employs about 2,300 employees. The bank is represented in 19 cities of the Russian Federation and has 67 branches.

History of Bank Societe Generale in the Russian Federation

The history of Bank Societe Generale in the Russian Federation began in late XIX century. This period includes the first financial and investment operations carried out by the group here. In 1880-90, Banque Societe Generale was one of the banks that issued the famous Russian loan bonds in France, while the group accounted for about 15% of the French syndicate quota. In parallel, Banque Societe Generale pursued an active policy of financial partnership in the Russian Federation: it provided patronage to newly emerging companies, taking on some of their initial risk, and made significant investments in mining and metallurgical enterprises, which were developing at a rapid pace.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the group could rightfully be proud of its investment activity in united Russia. But the main achievements of Banque Societe Generale in the Russian Federation are associated with the name of the Russian-Asian Bank. Until the beginning of the 20th century, Bank Societe Generale, being active in the market, did not have a representative office in the Russian Federation. In an effort to expand its presence in country, in 1901 the group opened a subsidiary in St. Petersburg company - north bank. Nine years later, as a result of a merger with the Russian-Chinese Bank, it was transformed into the Russian-Asian Bank.

Russian-Asian Bank, having the largest network of branches in the Russian Federation, using effective management methods and professional skills transferred from France, as well as having a fairly wide clientele of the Northern and Russian-Chinese banks, already in 1912 it was among the leaders of the banking market of the Russian Federation, and two years later, in all respects, it became the number 1 bank in country. At the beginning of 1914, the resources of the Russian-Asiatic Bank amounted to 629 million rubles, which was about 14% of the total resources of all Russian private banks.

In the 1910s Russian-Asian Bank becomes a bridge between Europe and Asia: thanks to its activities between the two continents, it significantly revived, turnover began to increase, and Russia gradually began to conquer its niche in the Asian markets. The Russian-Asian Bank was engaged not only in banking, but also in large commodity transactions on a commission basis. With the participation of the bank, bread and silk were exported from the Russian Federation, tea was imported to the Russian Federation from the People's Republic of China, trade silver between European and Asian countries. The bank financed large industrial enterprises, plants, factories, participated in release state and city loans. The leading place in the operations of the bank was occupied by the financing of the military, oil and tobacco industries.

Assessing the performance of the Russian-Asian Bank, Banque Societe Generale could be proud that the bank created on her initiative in the Russian Federation in just 12 years reached 4/5 of its own weight, despite the fact that the group itself already had a half-century history by that time. So, in December 1913 annual balance The Russian-Asian Bank accounted for 84% of the balance of the Banque Societe Generale. The volume of deposits attracted and loans issued by the Russian-Asian Bank exceeded 81% of the total volume of deposits and loans issued by the Banking Group. Thus, for all indicators, the development strategy banking Banque Societe Generale in the Russian Federation has been more than successful.

The Russian-Asian Bank was at the same time a symbol of dynamic development Russian economy beginning of the last century and promising international cooperation, which was suspended as a result of a change in the political situation in the Russian Federation in 1917.

In 1973, the Banque Societe Generale group resumed its activities in the Russian Federation by opening a representative office in Moscow. Liberalization of foreign economic relations in the early 1990s. allowed the banking group to create a subsidiary structure in the Russian Federation - Societe Generale Vostok (BSGV), which began its activities in 1993, becoming one of the first foreign banks to receive a general license from the Russian Central Bank.

Since 1993, BSGV has operated as investment bank and served corporate clients, which included representative offices, joint ventures of French and other European companies operating in the Russian Federation, as well as large international corporations. During his work in the Russian Federation, BSGV has significantly expanded its client portfolio by establishing close cooperation with the largest Russian exporters.

In 2003, BSGV began serving private clients, thus becoming universal bank. In the same years, the subsidiary BSGV Leasing was created.

Expanding its presence in the Russian Federation, Bank Societe Generale in 2004 opened subsidiaries Rusfinance and ALD Automotive, in 2005 DeltaCredit Bank was acquired. In 2006, two transactions took place, the result of which was the acquisition by the group of 20% minus 1 share of Rosbank. It was concluded for the acquisition of another 30% plus 2 shares of Rosbank before the end of 2008, which was sold in February 2008.

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On January 24, 2008, the bank reported losses as a result of fraudulent trader. Trader Jerome Kerviel, cheating the security system, opened over-the-limit positions in futures contracts for European indices in late 2007 and early 2008. As a result, he lost 4.9 billion Euro($7.2 billion). On the same day, January 24, international rating agency Moody's downgraded the rating financial stability bank to B- from B, and long-term debt and deposit ratings to Aa2 from Aa1. Bank Daniel Bouton submitted his resignation, but the board of directors rejected it. Then Buton and his deputy abandoned the semi-annual salaries and premiums.

Trader Bank Societe Generale surpassed the most notorious offender, Nick Leeson of the British bank Barings. In the early 1990s, Leeson lost 830 million pounds ($1.4 billion) on futures contracts into Japanese Nikkei. This led to the collapse of the bank that held the accounts of the royal family. The bank was sold to the Dutch ING for a symbolic pound sterling.

Additional facts

In 2002, a Parisian court found George Soros guilty of obtaining confidential information for profit and sentenced him to a fine of 2.2 million euros. According to the court, thanks to this information future billionaire in 1988, he earned about $2 million from shares in the French bank Bank Societe Generale.


en.wikipedia.org - The free encyclopedia Wikipedia

bsgv.ru - Official website of Bank Societe Generale Vostok

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .

See what "Societe Generale" is in other dictionaries:

    Societe Generale- Société generale Pour l'article homonyme, voir Société generale de Belgique. Logo de la Société générale ... Wikipedia en Français

» Bank Societe Generale Vostok» (« BSZhV”) was registered as a bank with 100% foreign capital in April 1993 in Moscow on the basis of a representative office opened back in 1973. The first shareholders of the bank were the French Genebank JSC, Genefinance JSC and Societe Generale JSC. Currently operates in the form of a closed joint stock company.

BSZhV has 9 branches (St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Vladivostok), 57 branches and mini-offices, including 22 branches and 77 ATMs in Moscow . Until 2003, the bank concentrated on servicing representative offices, joint ventures of French and other European companies operating in Russia, as well as large international corporations. During its work in Russia, BSGV has significantly expanded its client portfolio by establishing close cooperation with the largest Russian exporting enterprises. In 2003, he began to serve private clients, including actively attracting funds from individuals (mostly wealthy) persons in deposits. More than 2,000 employees serve nearly 7,000 companies and 300,000 individuals. Among the bank's customers on card payroll projects: international construction company Buigstroy, Poliplast Chemical Concern, major distributor of Magnat Trade Enterprise, manufacturer of power distribution equipment AREVA T&D, official dealer Toyota and Lexus brand cars Auto Plus Company LLC, as well as TechnoSystemGroup, a software developer for energy companies, and others. ATM network - 322 devices. Issued banks of plastic cards in circulation - 208 thousand pieces. He was noted in 2008 by a chikhard with the published and submitted to the Bank of Russia and counterparties financial reporting allegedly due to the transition to a new automated banking system. At the same time, one of the few banks with 100% foreign capital with an almost full-fledged Russian-speaking representation on the Internet.

In February 2010, it was announced that the Societe Generale group and Interros had agreed to merge Rosbank and BSZhV into a single structure while maintaining independent brands. In the combined bank, the French will own 81.5% of the shares. At present, Rosbank and BSZhV have already merged ATM networks and are engaged in building the business structure of the merged bank, as well as integrating technology platforms. To size loan portfolio the combined structure expects to take 5th place in the Russian ranking table.

In the meantime, loans (more than 67% of net assets), including loans to individuals - 35% of the portfolio (25% of assets) dominate in the assets of the BSGV. Actively working on domestic market interbank loans, acting in Lately as a net donor. Funds form the basis of the resource base parent bank(35% of liabilities). Deposits and current accounts of individuals form 15% of liabilities.

With net assets of more than 151 billion rubles in the ranking of Russian banks, it rose to 28th place next to NB Trust and MBRD.

Board of Directors Cast: Jean-Louis Matei, Marc-Emmanuel Vives, Alain Conus, Maria Bogorad, Jean-Didier Renier, Serge Eweis.

Governing body People: Pierre-Yves Grimaud (Chairman, General Director), Andrey Kudryavtsev, Shaikhina Perizat.

*- Maternal for BSZhV financial group Societe Generale was founded in 1864 in France. According to The Banker'2009, it ranked 13th in the world in terms of assets and 23rd in terms of Tier 1 capital. At the end of 2009, assets amounted to €1,023.7 billion, capital - €42.2 billion, profit - €678 million. With the help of 163,000 employees, the Group serves 30 million customers. The bulk of business is in France and other European countries. Included in the "big three" of the leading banks in France. In Russia, the interests of the group, in addition to BSZhV, are represented by the Samara retail lending-oriented Rusfinancebank (No. 1792, formerly Promek-bank), the Moscow mortgage DeltaCredit (No. 3338), OJSC Bank Capital Credit Partnership (No. 435) and, more recently, time "Rosbank" (No. 2272, 50% + 3 shares).

The Group adheres to a diversified universal banking model that allows to combine financial stability And sustainable development. The Bank is a recognized leader in the markets where it operates and values ​​relationships with customers who choose it for the quality of services and the interest of employees in the results of their work. For March, 2014 in group 154 ​​thousand employees who serve more than 32 million clients in 76 countries of the world work.

Societe Generale provides services to private and to corporative clients, as well as business structures in three main areas:

  • Retail Banking services at the branches of Societe Generale in France, at Credit du Nord and Boursorama banks. The Group offers a full range of financial services using many modern channels of interaction with clients at a high technological level;
  • International retail banking services, financial services and insurance including presence in countries with developing economy and strong positions in the markets for specialized financial services;
  • Corporate and investment banking, private banking, asset management and custody services. The Group offers comprehensive financial solutions, a recognized quality level of expertise, confirmed by international ratings.

Societe Generale has the FTSE4Good and ASPI socially responsible investment indices.



Hungarian OTP Bank Plc bought a 99.73% stake in Slovenian SKB Banka

On May 7, 2019, it became known that the Hungarian OTP Bank agreed to buy the Slovenian SKB Banka. Read more.

Sale of Societe Generale Albania OTP Bank (Hungary)

On April 3, 2019, it became known that OTP Bank (Hungary) became a 100% owner of Societe Generale Albania, the Albanian subsidiary of Societe Generale Group. Read more.

Sale of Societe Generale banka Montenegro to the Montenegrin subsidiary of OTP Bank

On March 18, 2019, it became known that the Montenegrin subsidiary of OTP Bank Crnogorska Komercijalna Banka signed an agreement to acquire a controlling stake in Societe Generale banka Montenegro, a branch of Societe Generale Group in Montenegro. Read more.

Agreement with OTP Bank Plc. on the sale of the majority share of Mobiasbanca and cooperation

In addition, OTP Group and Societe Generale Group signed a cooperation agreement, mainly to support services international companies in key areas such as international governance in cash and capital markets, financial structuring and investment banking management.


The Societe Generale group was privatized in June 1987. Its shares were successfully placed on the stock exchange and became available, including to its employees.

The group strengthened the French network by creating Fimatex in 1995, which was later renamed Bank Boursorama (a leading French Internet bank), and acquired Credit du Nord in 1997.

On an international scale, the Group began to operate in Central and Eastern Europe (banks KB and BRD) and Russia (Rosbank). Despite the difficult environment, characterized by a decrease in market value SG in 1988 and 1999, the crises of 2008 and 2011, the bank confirmed its own identity and demonstrated resilience.

1945-1987: Period of expansion

Societe Generale, like its main competitors, was nationalized by law of December 2, 1945 and made a significant contribution to the process of post-war economic recovery.

From 1945 to 1975 ("Glorious 30th Anniversary") the bank experienced a rapid rise. Thanks to the reforms banking sector following the Debret laws of 1966-1967, Societe Generale supported the growing consumer society by diversifying deposit and credit services for individuals. With the help of specialized subsidiaries, mostly leased, the bank continued to play a leading role in the business world.

In 1986, Societe Generale had 1,779 offices in France, while the process of international expansion was actively gaining momentum. The bank acquired new markets with high growth potential, expanded its European network and entered the markets of Africa, America and Oceania.

1864-1945: Establishment of a universal bank

On May 4, 1864, Napoleon III signed the decree that led to the creation of the Societe Generale. The bank was founded by a group of industrialists and entrepreneurs, driven by the idea of ​​entrepreneurship, in order to support the development of trade and industry in France. In order to modernize the economy, Societe Generale adopted the universal banking model, which then and in subsequent years was at the forefront financial innovation. The rapid penetration of government debt markets has spurred the growth of the Group. The bank subsequently demonstrated its viability and consolidated its branch network in France and, after establishing business in London in 1871, expanded international activities starting in Europe, Russia and North Africa.

During the First World War, the bank suffered heavy human and material losses. During the interwar period, the Societe Generale became the leading French deposit institution despite the influence of the Great Depression. During the Second World War, the bank experienced the same difficulties of the occupation as its partners.

The largest asset consolidation deal this year is being prepared on the Russian banking market - after MDM Bank and URSA-Bank, the merger process is about to be launched Russian banks Societe Generale group. The French group now includes four banking assets - Rosbank, Societe Generale Vostok (BSZhV), Delta-Credit Bank and Rusfinancebank. Such a blurred business structure in the post-crisis period is not optimal. And consolidation will allow French investors to optimize management financial assets by cutting costs.

“In the near future, a merger of banks will be announced, comparable in scale to the deal between MDM Bank and URSA Bank,” said on Tuesday at the round table “Financial Recovery banking system Russia” First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Gennady Melikyan, noting that we are talking about banks with the participation of non-residents. He categorically refused to explain any details of the upcoming deal. According to market participants, a deal of this magnitude can only take place within the Top 30 banks. According to Kommersant, we are talking about consolidation banking business in Russia of the French group Societe Generale: this issue will be discussed at the board of directors of the group in November. The press service of Societe General did not confirm or deny this information, noting only that "the upcoming meeting of the board of directors is devoted to summing up the results of the group's work for the third quarter." The press service of Rosbank yesterday failed to promptly respond to Kommersant's request for a possible reorganization; the head of Rosbank, Vladimir Golubkov, was not available by mobile phone.

In Russia, Societe Generale owns 64.68% of the universal Rosbank (another 30.38% of the bank's shares are owned by Interros through Pharanco Holdings Co. Ltd, the remaining shares are owned by minority shareholders) and its 100% subsidiary, Rosbank-Volga. In addition, Societe Generale is a 100% owner of Societe Generale Vostok (BSZhV) universal bank, Delta-credit mortgage bank (through DK Mortgage Financing B.V. Netherlands) and Rusfinancebank specializing in consumer and auto loans.

The fact that the issue of consolidating the Russian banking assets of the Societe Generale group is in the active phase of discussion is known to several Kommersant sources in Rosbank, Delta-Credit Bank, as well as a number of sources close to Rosbank. “For the last month and a half, the discussion on this topic has been very active,” says the interlocutor of Kommersant in Rosbank. According to him, before November 10, a meeting of the French shareholder with the heads of all Russian banks of the group should take place in order to discuss the further conduct of the joint business. To date, formal corporate procedures have not yet been launched, and the consolidation scheme has yet to be approved.

According to Kommersant's interlocutors, several options are being considered. In particular, one of them is the accession of BSZhV to Rosbank with the subsequent development of VIP-banking on the basis of BSZHV branches. At the same time, it is planned to concentrate the entire mortgage business of the Societe Generale group in Russia on the basis of Delta-Credit Bank, which is now being handled by Delta-Credit itself, Rosbank, and BSZhV. The fate of Rusfinancebank, according to Kommersant's interlocutors, has not yet been determined in this scheme.

According to another option, it is supposed to merge banks that exist in the form joint-stock companies(Rosbank, BSZhV and Delta-Credit) and maintaining as a separate legal entity Rusfinancebank (it exists in the form of an LLC, and in this form its accession is impossible), on the basis of which the direction of consumer lending will develop. Least possible variant, which is also being considered - the transfer of all banks to a single license. One of Kommersant's interlocutors also did not rule out that, based on the results of the discussion, a decision could be made to postpone the merger.

According to the interlocutors of "Kommersant", "Rosbank-Volga" under any of the schemes, most likely, will be attached to Rosbank. This is the most obvious option: given Rosbank's 100% ownership of the Nizhny Novgorod subsidiary, the merger will not require a conversion of shares and can be carried out fairly quickly. According to a Kommersant source close to Rosbank, in addition to the discussion about the specific scheme, there is also an active discussion regarding the share of Interros in the combined business of Societe Generale in Russia.

According to experts, the most effective and, as a result, realistic for Societe Generale is the scheme of merging two universal banks - Rosbank and BSZhV. “Given that both banks are in the Top 30 in terms of assets (10th and 20th respectively), the synergistic effect from such a transaction could be quite serious,” said Leonid Slipchenko, Senior Analyst at FC Uralsib. assets, such a united bank could reach the same level with Unicreditbank, Raiffeisenbank and even Alfa-bank” (9th, 8th and 7th positions in terms of assets in the Top 10, respectively). He notes that scaling up the business would give the bank significant funding advantages, as the recent example of MDM Bank proved. After merging with URSA-bank, it was the first among Russian commercial banks to attract a foreign syndicated loan since the beginning of the crisis. In addition, Rosbank has the largest branch network among private banks - more than 700 branches in 70 regions of the Russian Federation. For comparison: Uralsib Bank (444 branches) is in second place in this indicator, Alfa-Bank is in third place (341). Therefore, building a new united structure on the basis of Rosbank seems to be the most logical.

“Under the current conditions, such a merger would be useful, because it will help to significantly reduce costs, which is a priority for banks today,” says Oleg Ponomarev, director of corporate finance and M&A at Unicredit Securities. “In addition, in a year the number one task will be increase in market share, and it will be much easier for the combined bank to grow business in a competitive environment. The presence of four banks blurs the brand in the eyes of customers, and the merger will help both increase brand loyalty and strengthen the marketing policy.” “For the banking market, another deal to consolidate banks from the Top 30 is a positive signal, which means that state-owned banks will have serious private competitors,” adds Mr. Slipchenko.

According to lawyers, apart from the goodwill of the owners, there should be no special obstacles to the consolidation of the Russian business of Societe Generale. 19.28% of Rosbank's shares are pledged to VTB under a loan to Norilsk Nickel, but collectively Interros and Societe Generale own a 75.78% stake in the bank. “I don’t know all the details, but in theory this should be enough to make a decision on the reorganization, which requires a qualified majority of votes (75% plus one share), the partner points out. law firm"Yakovlev and partners" Igor Dubov. - In addition, the share pledge agreement usually does not provide for the right to vote on them.


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