
Unpossy of high-quality repair on the CTP. Features and procedure for registration of repair on the OSAGU from an authorized dealer Repair from Rosgosstrakh

10 years after chanting Rosgosstrakh's company, all this time without insurance cases in which I would be guilty. Accordingly, I bring the company only profit. The last policy of her number 1005576308.
In February of this year, an insured event occurred, I am not a culprit of the accident. From damage: the front bumper and the left headlight - to replace, the bumper is painted + possible hidden damage. He turned into his insurance company with a request to give a referral for repairs: February 27, the vehicle was examined by the appraiser from Rosgosstrakh, a couple of days I received a list of STA. The choice, to be honest, was not, because Only one station from my city of Kolomna, the rest - at a distance of 120-300 km. Chose the station to Kolomna (IP Lartsev D.S.). On March 6, I received a direction from the insurance company for repairs and a telephone for communication with the representative of STA. So, from March 6 to April 13, I am trying to repair my car: Phone of the organization IP Lartsev D.S. It is steadily turned off for 3 days every week, that is, to quickly solve the Org. moments did not work; there was a case when I was appointed a meeting, but the manager forgot, there was no question on the spot, other people could not solve (but it works in this "organization" one person, and it is not even Lars D.S., which will appear later - for settlement jurid. moments). After a couple of weeks, my car was examined, it was proposed to repair non-original zap. PARTS (because I refused to pay the difference). Waiting. Morally tuned to put the car in Staa for a couple of days at the time of repair, but I was "delighted" that all the repair would last 2 hours: they will paint a new bumper in advance, I will fit the car on a designated day, an employee will insert a bumper and a headlight - and you can take it. "What about" possibly hidden defects? "I asked. - "How will you agree with the insurance company for these 2 hours if add-on. work on their placement? "" I'm sure there is no hidden defects, "replied" man "Ip Lartseva D.S., throwing a quick look at the bumper (as you understand, the broken bumper at the station so no one has been removed, for presence / No hidden defects nobody checked).
April 13, on the last day from the allocated for the repair of time (according to the "Law on CTP"), i.e. On the 30th day after I signed the documents from IP Lartseva D.S., and this happened 2 weeks later than the day when I sent an insurance company to them, I brought a car for repairs. It is worth noting that the employee of Staa repeatedly asked to make repairs well, not to buy the cheapest of non-original bumpers (allocated by the insurance company of the amount for repairs I know, prices for original and non-original zap. Parts know, good / bad firms of manufacturers. Parts know - Everything voiced "man"). The manager replied: "Yes, it is not in price, you can and put bad well." They did not work. On my question, what we will do if I do not satisfy the result of repair, he could not answer anything.
After 3 hours, I take a car - repaired badly: the shade of the flavor was picked up badly, the difference is visible with a naked eye. The headlight does not correspond to the configuration of my car (there is no automatic adjustment of the headlight level), now one headlight shines above, the other is adjustable. Also, the headlight setting itself was made so that the new headlight is always lit and never turns off. The gaps and cracks on the bumper can, of course, write off to non-original zap. Part, however, it was installed in such a way that everything threatens, even on a flat road, not to mention the stony and bumpy ... Act of acceptance, I did not sign, I asked to remake. The manager replied: "And if the second time does not like, then what? We can not do well. " I was also suggested to choose the kel on my own and bring them to them - repain. Everything else refused to correct.
On April 17, I was written a claim to IP LARTSEVA D.S. By the way, the manager was not aware of the situation, and saw the car at the moment when I came with a claim. Signed.
On the same day I made a claim in Rosgosstrakh. The first complaint - to IP Lartsev D.S. - attached. A few days later, the Insurance Company had an oral answer that the claim was taken, give me a new direction for repairs to another STA. When I came after the stale list, with whom the company Rosgostrath works, drew attention that it declined significantly. There were literally 5 stations: one in Moscow, the rest - in the near and far near Moscow, but in the opposite direction from my city. That is the nearest station - 120 km, which contradicts the "law on CTP", according to which the station should be located at a distance of no more than 50 km from the residence of the victim.
Having studied the legislation, I wrote a statement to Rosgosstrakh and proposed to give me a direction on Sta in my city, with which my insurance company did not conclude an agreement (the law is provided by the law). I chose Staa (then the place where I more than once revenge the car and the result was satisfied), requested their details and a preliminary account of work. All documents attached to the application. Sent on April 27th. Almost 3 weeks from Rosgosstrach was silence. Then the insurance company was a call with the requirement to make a 3-sided inspection: I, representative of Rosgosstrakh and IP Lartsev D.S. I agreed, appointed a day and time. An hour later, aggressive calls from Lartseva DS, who shouted that I was to blame for everything, I was pulling time, I did not provide a car for repairs, could not all the time - and what am I now achieving? Also there were calls to my husband with the requirement of explanations.
A tripartite inspection took place on the appointed day, the representative of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh carried out inspection, the assessment and confirmed the unsatisfactory quality of repair work. The act was drawn up. After a few days, the representative of the Kolomna branch of Rosgosstrakh called me and asked if I agreed to go to such a station to Moscow. I say: "No, because more than 50 km."
Next, I updated the status of my payment on the Rosgosstrakh's website - he changed daily with "you are given a referral to repair" before "your case is calculated by damage." All ended with the status: "You are denied the payment of insurance compensation."
I was denied what I did not ask, Karl! I did not ask for money payments, I demanded to repair a car spoiled by a bad contractor elsewhere. And I was refused to pay funds.
Now I ride on the lumbering car, the headlight of which shines in the "non-stop" mode and the market value of which, after such a "repair" descended by several tens of thousand rubles, because the defects are visible to the naked look!

Question to connoisseurs: Why do I need an insurance policy, if I pay money for creating more problems? Without the policy of Osago, we could agree with the culprit of the accident, which would pay for me to repair. And now I can not force the culprit to pay for repair, I can not force IP LARTSEVA D.S. voluntarily and efficiently eliminate the disadvantages of repair. And with the insurance company to communicate now only through the judge. And what is interesting, before September 18, I have been related to contractual relations with this unscrupulous insurance company. And if there is an accident in which I will not be blamed again, I will again be forced to be "beyond" with Rosgosstrach, spend his time and nerves!

The specifics of the insurance company with independent stations lies in the fact that, unlike the services of official dealers, the universal hundred is mainly engaged only by repair, and not all of them offer car sales services. "Independent" earn technical service and related services, and therefore those stations that are partnership with insurance companies depends on the volume of the repair resource, the main "supplier" of which the insurers are acting.

If we are talking about the company "Rosgosstrakh", then the selection of stations that are obtained for repair cars for insured events are given close attention. In this case, several criteria are put at the same time, which Sergey Vasilyevich Dukhanin, director of the Department of Losses of Rosgosstrakh company, said.

- Sergey Vasilyevich, tell me what criteria should a hundred should be to become your partner?

- In Rosgosstrakh, a list of 23 criteria has been developed, which are defining both with the initial selection of new maintenance stations of cars and in the process of maintaining their work. These criteria include: the presence of first-class service equipment, a spacious and properly organized repair shop, a client zone, high quality of repair, compliance with the timing of the work of work, the lack of acts of disagreements in working with insurance companies.

I also add that in the list of requirements, a special emphasis is made to ensure that the auto service has a complete set of equipment and tools for conducting plumbing and bodywork. There are no requirements for installing specific manufacturers. After all, it is more important not brands, but the result of work, quality and efficiency.

The requirements for technical personnel of the station are also made. Of course, we cannot check the professional level of each employee, and they are not obliged. We have one entrance point: TECHNICAL TERMS. And it is from him that we ask the quality of work, which, in turn, directly depends on the professionalism of all employees of the service personnel, because, as is well known, a low qualification specialist will not be able to fulfill the work.

I note that there are requirements and software. To optimize our work it is necessary that the station worked on the official software. In Rosgosstrakh, they work in all programs that are common in the field of IT solutions for coordinating the repair of insured cars, there are also programs for verification.

- What if the station at a stage of work does not match the settings?

- At the initial stage of collaboration, all stations comply with our requirements. If there are any problems in the process of work, then this issue is solved at the leadership level. Some time is given to the continuation of which the auto service can correct the shortcomings without stopping their work. If, after this period, the shortcomings remain, we stop working with such a hundred. However, for the whole long period of my work in Rosgosstrakh, I can only recall a few such cases. At the regional level, Rosgosstrakh's interests are represented by our branches, and we, the company's central office, coordinate the repairs, check the stations selection criteria, carry out work monitoring, process the information obtained in the form of feedback with our insureders. If a large number of complaints are accumulated on a certain hundred, we deal with this case and make a decision, continue with work with it or not. In the latter case, the search for a new station is carried out by the regional branch.

I want to note that every time we take a weighted and thoughtful decision. Obviously, starting to work with a new service station, and we, and the management of the station you need a certain time to establish the relationship and what is called "torture". There is also such a nuance: as part of the insurance policy, the Insured is getting used to any station and upon the occurrence of another insurance case, ask to send it precisely to the usual one hundred. It is also important to take into account, carrying out support for the station.

- How much is the stations actively react to your requirements?

- Independent stations that work with us are very susceptible. After all, they largely depend on the insurer who gives them a repair resource. And therefore, car service leaders most often correct mistakes and errors that identify an independent verification. They seek to avoid disagreements, and we, in turn, welcome those who have corrected, because, as you know, the "old friend is better than new two." From the side it may look like blackmail, but this is true: if you are to blame, then fix it and keep working with us. In addition, Rosgosstrakh is difficult and meaningless to suspect intentional bias in working with independent hundred. Thanks to the rigorous compliance with our requirements, the car service is capable not only to ensure itself by constant loading, but also improve the quality of its work, which will agree, is beneficial to any station. Let us recall the beginning of the 2000s, when the segment of independent technors in Russia was presented mainly by handicraft stations and garages. With the arrival of insurance companies, this sector of the market began to grow efficiently. And Rosgosstrakh, who began work in 2005 with stations, accepted and takes directly participation in the establishment of the independent service market, in improving the quality of their work and raising the level of customer service.

In addition to directly work on insurance cases, what other interaction points is the company with independent hundred?

- We offer car services to place on their territory the sale of insurance policies. We do not forcing anyone to such interaction. But it is obvious that for the bus station, such a format of work with the insurer is also a contribution to its own development, the ability to increase its customer-oriented and offer customers the most complete offer on repair and insurance services.

- What is the point of investing in the concept of a qualitative "client service"?

- Under the client service in working with the station in Rosgosstrakh, it means high quality of service of insureders, a qualitative, fulfilled repair, the transparency of the station with respect to the client and friendly mood. As often happens: an insured event occurs, the motorist calls to the insurer, on whose shoulders to some extent the process of repairing the repair. At a certain stage of settlement, the client "forgets" about the insurance company and interacts only with a hundred. And in these relationships, we interfere with only if the car enthusiast, displeasing the quality of repair or terms of repair work, again turns to the insurance. This time with a complaint. Then we will organize an inspection in place, attract an independent expert to such work and find the perpetrators with it. We strive to improve client service. And that is why "Rosgosstric" there are no insurance payments in their hands to the client. Reimbursement is carried out by repair work. Thus, we exclude the possibility of any fraud and guarantee that the insured will receive a renovated car.

- There is an opinion that insurance companies complicate the life of auto services and at the same time they are less strict to official dealers? Do you think such points of view are valid?

- Problems that arise between an insurance company and a hundred must be considered in each particular case. Often, such problems also gives rise to the insurer himself. And here the company's work level is of great importance, the availability of cash resources for payments on bills and its internal regulations, that is, the goals that the insurer pursues in working with car services. If in front of the insurer, due to his money deficit, it is worth the task of holding payments by order-outfits, then a hundred can delay repair work and the issuance of the car to the client. But often such insurance choose the stations of low quality, which simply have nowhere to go and in pursuit of volumes they agree to knowingly disadvantageous working conditions.

The format of interaction with dealership car services is different. The dealer never works with one insurance company, he has several of them. Insurance companies compete and rarely agree among themselves, in order to make a united front in the dialogue with the dealer. And therefore, the dealers most often affect the insurers individually and dictate their rules. However, this is true to a greater degree in relation to the second echelon companies, this does not pass this with the status insurers. I note that Rosgosstrakh, competing with their colleagues from the auto insurance sector, is with them in good relations. We try to adhere to the established tariffs, enter into a dialogue with dealers in order to agree on the volume of work on insurance cases, and, of course, we go to meet customers who wish to repair cars in the car dealership, where it was purchased.

Rosgosstrakh has been working in Russia from 2000 bus station, in Moscow - about 50-60 independent hundred and over 200 auto services of official dealers.

Rosgosstrakh is open to cooperation, but it is necessary to understand that we have a limit: We cannot take a large number of hundred in partners. It is precisely because we are redeemed for the result and provide a full support station and put partnerships with it in chapter angle.

We have an institute of curators whose tasks are accompanied by working with the village: maintaining the register of accounts, work with acts of disagreements, with complaints from insurers. Through the curator in the region, feedback is carried out, and if an even more serious question arises, it goes to the level of discussion with the leadership.

Back in April 2016, the Russian President entrusted the Central Bank (it is he who regulates the OSAGO system in Russia) and the government to prepare its proposals concerning the restructuring of the current OSAGO system. In June 2016, the State Duma addressed the draft law on the replacement of payments on the OSAGO policy on the reimbursement of an accommodation resulting as a result of an accident.

Important changes in the OSAGO system

The new bill suggests that since its signing, insurance firms will be able to choose one of the following ways to compensume:

  • - This option for damages remains unchanged. The insurance company assesses the damage and gives money to the repair of the car by the victim.
  • Repairs at the OSAO in 2020 on a STR who belong to the insurance company. In this case, the insurer estimates the damage and directs the car to the service station, with which the insurer signed an agreement.
  • Repair on the OSAGO from the official deervogenous can then when the car is not older than two years. The insurance company at the request of the victim should direct the car for repairs to the official dealer. A corresponding contract must be concluded between the dealer and the insurance company.

In order for the insurance company to offer the owner of the polysiosago repair, instead of releasing the car on the maintenance station, it is important to comply with certain conditions. So, one hundred should be not further than 10 kilometers from the border of the city (more than 500,000 people)where the driver lives. Compensation for spare parts is paid taking into account their wear. If the insurance company sends a car for repair, then parts are paid without taking into account wear. The draft law is not settled by the delivery of a damaged car to a hundred.

At the moment, the bill allows insurance firms to send a car to "their" hundred. This can be done only after coordination with the owner of a damaged car.

Car repair after applying for compensation

When submitting an application for damages to the insurance company, the affected party will be able to receive funds for repair and restoration work or the development of the dealership center or a service station for repair. Repair is possible only in cases where it is still possible to produce restoration work. If the car fails to restore, then it is sent to disposal. The driver receives compensation for all losses.

To get the maximum amount for the restoration of a car or direction to a hundred, the driver needs to contact the insurance company with the appropriate statement. Motorist should be received as follows:

  1. inform the insurance company about the accident;
  2. make and submit an insurer a written application for damages during the period, which is registered in the OSAGO policy;
  3. attach documents confirming the fact of an accident to the finished application.

After filing the application, the driver remains to wait for the decision of the insurance company. Before this, a specialist company who has appropriate qualifications will evaluate and denotes the amount needed to repair a damaged vehicle. If the driver agrees with the indicated amount, he will be able to receive monetary compensation and repair with someone's help or independently. The maximum payment on the CTP, which the driver will be able to get from the insurance company under the CTP policy, is 400 thousand rubles. This option of compensation for damage to the policy of OSAGO is known to drivers from the first days of the existence of the OSAGO system. According to a new bill, after the assessment of the car damage, the insurance company will offer the driver three options for solving the problem:

  1. The driver agrees with the amount to reimburse the damage appointed by the expert, and receives money to his account for further carrying out the restoration of the car.
  2. The driver agrees at the Machines on the CTP, which the Insurance Company proposes to hold a hundred in "his" service and receives a referral for repair work. At the expense of the car service translates the amount required for the repair of the car.
  3. The driver himself chooses one of the options to resolve the problem and reports this insurance company that is not entitled to the PSEA repair.

Free repair

If the driver chooses the mining repair on the CTP, the insurance company gives the direction to the car service partner. There are several insurers such workshops, so the driver will be able to select the most suitable option from the list.

When the owner of the car makes consent, instead of money on the CTP, between the auto repair shop, the owner and the insurance company is a contract. It is necessarily prescribed the following items:

  1. the term for which the car will be repaired;
  2. calculation of the value of all works that will be required;
  3. list of work on repair and restoration of the damaged car.

If the driver, taking a repaired car for a hundred, notes that the work is made poorly, then it should not be signed by the act of acceptance of the vehicle until the repair work is carried out qualitatively.

Repair on OSAGO RESO, to which the driver agreed, signing an agreement with an insurance company, is carried out absolutely free.

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