
Experts on the Strategy "2030": This is a "jump leap", which will bring Tatarstan to a new level. "It will be or a good strategy, or a good book"

Tatarstan started a discussion of the social and economic Development, whose first edition was published a week ago. Director of the Resource Center for Strategic Planning at the Leontief Center Boris Zhikharevich began a series of presentations of the document for representatives of executive and legislative power, and yesterday evening took part in the Internet conference with the readers of the newspaper "Business Online". According to him, for the implementation of the strategy after its adoption will be the permanent expert council led by the Ex-Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin.

"The thought born together by joint efforts is much more valuable"

At the beginning of the online conference Boris Zhikharevichi reminded why it all began. According to him, in the summer of 2012, the term of the implementation of the development strategy of Kazan was approached by an end, the development of Leontiev Center was carried out. And the specialists of the Center offered to develop a new version of the program for the next period. However, the President of the RT Rustam Minnikhanov Made a counter offer - to develop a republican document already. After that, almost 9 months later the parties looked at each other. "We immediately stated that such work is not done in your way, it will take a year on its preparation, and even better one and a half. This time will be needed to activate leading experts and local business community, "said Zhikharevich.

He stressed that Leontyevsky Center examines this work as a special process of communications, during which people exchange ideas increase their level of education, grow mentally and together think about the future. "If a uncle thought about the future for them, although the smartest, then the effect will not be the effect. It will be someone else's. The thought born together by joint efforts is much more valuable. I am proud that the strategy has traces of thoughts born together in search conferences, ideas that were branded, "said the Director of the Resource Center for Strategic Planning.

It is noteworthy that the Leontyevsky Center is not "Schapal" all the money allocated to the development of the strategy, but invited to cooperate on this project leading experts from different spheres. "As a result, we have created a consortium out of 9 very powerful organizations. In addition to the Leontief Center, the Higher School of Economics entered it, the Center for Independent Sociological Research. Spatial aspects were engaged in "Laboratory of Urban Planning", economic part The investment-consulting company "AV", Institute of Social Policy, Japan Research Institute Nomura, EY (former Ernst & Young). An analytical center "Expert-Ural" was attracted to individual operations, "Zhikharevich said.

"This is a document of public consent"

The tricky question of our readers on how relevant is now, against the background of the devaluation of the ruble and the growing crisis, developed by the document, did not embarrass the head of the author's team of the strategy, although he acknowledged that experts are always preparing for the previous "war". "We know what was, we know how things are now, but what will happen in the future, we can only assume. However, it is necessary to understand that the strategy is not about the numbers. The numbers "float", the circumstances change. The purpose of the strategy is to create a set of ideas under which most of the elite and the population will be signed, will understand that this right ideas And in this direction will begin to move. This is a document of public harmony and widespread popular discussion. In conditions of limited resources, the strategy will help preserve what will be important in the future, "Zhikharevich explained.

He explained in detail the provisions of the developed document, noting that competition is competing for human capital. Therefore, Tatarstan by 2030 should become a magnet for the best, more talented, creative young people.

"For the republic, we have developed the model Tatarstan: 7 + 5 + 3 - 7 areas of competition, which compete regions and enterprises with each other, 5 basic economic complexes and 3 economic zones around three agglomerations - Kazan, Kama and Almetyevskaya. The program provides for the formation on their base of the Volga-Kama metropolis, which will create the synergy of all three agglomerations through the creation of high-speed transport corridors, "he told.

"We are not worse than Asian tigers"

Readers "Business Online" asked Zhikharevich in two words describe main thought Tatarstan's development strategies, which should be a Minnikhanov program for the next presidential term. They recalled that Khrushchev had a slogan "catch up and run America", at Shaimiev, first "soft entry into the market", then "life after oil." Medvedev - "Modernization and Innovation".

We thought about this slogan and still continue to argue. I offered two options. First option: "16 years of growing up." Since we are repelled from human capital, then people who are now 16 years old, by the time of completion of the program will be 32 years old. This period, when a person forms himself, it becomes clear who he became, all his potential reveals. And Tatarstan for this period should grow from a Russian leader of a Russian scale to a world-scale leader, competitive in the global market. Stand up in one row with those regions that are points of growth of the global economy. The second idea of \u200b\u200ba brief slogan "Jump for the hell" is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for Tatarstan to jump over a certain orange line from the existing large-tonnage industrial economy in the "intelligent", innovative economy, where the world's leading countries are already located. This is a customer-oriented low-tonnage economy, encouraging innovations and the creation of new products with high added value.

Maybe it's more correct to call the "leap of leopard"? - Offered correspondents "Business Online".

By analogy with the jump of the Asian Tiger fast-growing economies South-East Asia?

Yes, we are not worse than Asian tigers. Our Tatarstan Bars is ready to jump into an innovative economy, pushing out from oil production, "Zhikharevich agreed.

Council of Mudretsov

He said that the former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudrinwho oversaw the project of developing the Strategy "Tatarstan-2030", agreed to lead the Expert Council on Strategy under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is now being created in the republic. According to Zhikhevich, this Council included such leading domestic economists as the rector of the Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Mau., Rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov, Mikhail Dmitrievwho had previously headed the Center for Strategic Developments, as well as former Deputy Minister of Economics of the Russian Federation Andrey Klepach. "They will fulfill the function of the Board of Trustees, with whom the president will be able to consult in the course of the implementation of the strategy," he explained.

Zhikharevich also shared his judgments about the effectiveness of the power vertical existing in Tatarstan. "Now in Tatarstan, a formally effective management system has been created. There is a grand work within the ministries. People work for 16 hours. But a significant part of this work is the current bustle. Moreover, often the ministries are engaged in what, in my opinion, they should not be engaged. But the strategic vision of the ministry does not have time to do from behind the teaching, - he noted. - Our output offer from this situation is to create a cluster activation institution. This organization would be engaged in strategic issues of the development of the economy of Tatarstan, obeying the president and coordinating activities with the Strategy Expert Council. " At the same time, Zhikharevich noted that the decision to create the institute by the leadership of the republic was not yet accepted.

"It will be or a good strategy, or a good book"

Readers "Business Online" expressed surprise that such a lot of work with a serious content that would become the main document of the republic more than three five-year plans was modestly published on the project website, and the most unsuccessful time was chosen - on Friday evening. There was no public resonance around it. There was no large corrupt, pompous speeches, cut ribbons and launching balloons.

"Public resonance has yet to be created," said Zhikhevich. Now published the first edition of the strategy, it is sent to the ministries and departments, they are studying it there. And public initiation will occur through such interviews as he now gives "Business Online".

According to him, on February 14, the Search youth conference "Strategy of Tatarstan is my strategy" will be held in Kazan, then the month will be on the refinement of projects, that content that would like to see in the strategy. On March 15, the official approval process will begin - the ministries will begin to visit the document, and in a month, April 15, the document falls into the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan. It is assumed that in the area of \u200b\u200bMay 15, the strategy will be submitted for approval in the State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan as a republican law.

"The deputies we have asked: how do you guarantee that the strategy will be implemented? A strange question, because they themselves must adopt the laws on the basis of which the strategy should be implemented. I believe that if it is possible to implement it, then this is a very good strategy. And if you do not succeed, we turned out very good book. You can return, re-read smart thoughts, "said Zhikharevich.

He also spoke about the role of the personality of Minnikhanov in the emergence of this document, about the need for successful implementation of the strategy to achieve an internal contract with the elite of the republic, whether Tatarstan can break out of the historically closed circle "Thaw - twisting of the nuts" in which many centuries have been There is Russia.

Read more about this and many other things in full transcript interview, which will soon be published on the Business Online website.

strategy of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period up to 2030.

The document consists of three chapters in which the competitive positions and potential of the region, the development goals and priority areas of socio- economic Policy.


The strategy of the socio-economic development of Tatarstan until 2030 was developed on the instructions of the President of the Republic in 2012-2015. Regulatory frameworkthe federal law № 172 "On strategic planning in Russian Federation"From 28.06.14 (FZ-172) and the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan" On Strategic Planning in the Republic of Tatarstan ". The document was preparing the International Center for Socio-Economic Research "Leontiev Center".

For a year and a half, more than 40 events were held in which 2500 people participated. Since the development was carried out back since 2012, then some points of the document in the modern realities of the economy in the country still require corrections for the crisis. That she and the first edition.

There are features in the analyzing model - Tatarstan 7 + 5 + 3. It combines two levels of consideration of the region: external, reflecting the competitive position of Tatarstan regarding other regions in the context seven directions of interregional competition, and internal describing structure five basic economic complexes(with allocations in each clusters and development projects) in the context three economic zonesForming around three urban agglomerations.

Model "Tatarstan 7 + 5 + 3"

Five economic complexes - the fuel and energy complex, the complex manufacturing industry, agro industrial complex, infrastructure complex and a range of services that are detailed to 64 subcompletes and industries. Three Economic Zones: Kazan, Kamskaya and Almetyevskaya.

Experts predict that by 2018 Russia will rise to sixth place in the list of the world's largest economies, and by 2028 Russia will return to the eighth position. By this time, China will overtake the United States, India will become the third economy of the world, and Brazil is the fifth.

The key task of Tatarstan in 2030 developers see "ensuring the global competitiveness of the regional economy in a constantly changing world." One of the competitiveness indicators is the GRP per capita in purchasing power parity.

"Exceptional" competitive advantages of Tatarstan in the document are called hydrocarbon reserves, the central Eurasian position and the "reputation of an advanced region with high economic independence", the "national rod" and "high level of manageability".

The strategy states about the premises of the "Dutch Disease" in Tatarstan - reduced incentives for innovation due to oil, dependence on federal decisions and insufficient quality of financial infrastructure. In addition, experts focus on the average quality of human capital, low investment efficiency and weak interaction with neighborhood regions.

The main strategic goal is deployed in two projections: human capital, space, economics and management; Seven directions of interregional competition. There are also quantitative forecasts for several main indicators.

If we consider the maximum projected values, then by 2030, the VRP of Tatarstan will increase more than twice to 7 trillion rubles, the share of SME in the value added will reach 40%, the life expectancy is stretching up to 78 years, and the average salary will conquer an incredible mark - 129 thousand . rubles.

Qualitative expectations from the implementation of the strategy are also given. So, black
yez 15 years Focus will be focusing on a person - "Leader, Creator, Talent", Tatarstan will become the leader of the "smart economy", and the Republic of the Republic will be decentralized - "President of the Republic of Tajikistan delegates responsibility and controls the achievement of results within reliable system strategic management "(on this moment Experts call the head of the republic the only decision-making center).

Leontyevsky Center is counting on the self-development of municipalities, the inclusion of business into the strategic process on the rights of partners and the institutions of cluster activation.


" IN modern world most effective mechanism Stimulating Competitiveness Growth Recognized Cluster Approach: Today in developed countries As part of the clusters, more than 50% of the economy is formed and more than 40% of the employed labor force, "the document says. At the same time, the competitiveness of clusters ensures the interaction of large, medium and small businesses. The most effective form of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) experts consider professional service companies.

At the first stage of cluster activation, the experience of the Kama cluster will be developed. In the second and third stages, clusters of the "smart economy" will be a priority, which, unlike clusters of the "modern economy", should produce not only competitive, but also radically new products, materials and technologies.

In relation to the business ecosystem in Strategy-2030, a little has been said - all the same decline in the decline in the administrative barrier, strengthening cooperation, an increase in the share of innovative entrepreneurship, improving financing. It is also planned to diagnose the development of large, medium and small businesses quarterly, create a portal "House of the Entrepreneur" and teach business management in educational institutions.

The document criticizes the work of the Agency for Investment Development. According to experts, it "does not fully implement the existing authority to work with priority investment projects." Problems such as the imbalance of the investment portfolio, the absence of a unified regional database investment projects And insufficient level financial literacy population. It is planned to solve them by attracting "world stars", as well as the creation of three new institutions - the direct investment fund, the warranty Fund of exports and the Institute of Investment Development.

Also in the republic is planned to create an institution of innovative development. It will coordinate the work of the profile centers aimed at solving the specific tasks of building an innovative ecosystem, as well as to interact with relevant ministries and departments on the implementation of innovative development programs.


Clusters will develop in parallel with economic zones - Kazan, Kamak and Almetyevskaya.

Kazan - Territory of Development of "Smart Economics", Kamskaya Zone - the territory of "New Industrialization" and development high technologies, Almetyevskaya is the territory of diversification of the economy and modernization of the oil and gas complex.

In all three zones, it is planned to improve the transport paths: in plans to build a bridge over the Volga in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Comb, and near P. Sokolki, bypass railways near Kazan, the introduction of the East to the Europe - West China's highway, as well as to implement industrial areas.

However, in conjunction with the rest of the districts, these three zones should be the Volga-Kama Metropolis.

"The simultaneous and coordinated use of the potentials of three agglomerations will lead to a qualitative leap of the development of Tatarstan on the basis of a synergistic effect, increase its competitiveness, increase the agglomeration effects. The development of the Volga-Kama metropolis will make it possible to more actively develop to municipal regions of the central part of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The formation of the Volga-Kama Metropolis is important, if not decisive, prerequisite
Achievements of the Republic of Tatarstan Success in global competition and marketing. The single metropolis will be in the 3rd place in terms of population among the agglomerations of the Russian Federation and will be noticeable on a global scale, "the document says.

The Strategy is also mentioned by the program "Seven Strategic Bridges of Tatarstan", the construction of high-speed roads and the Moscow-Kazan station. In total, in terms of "minimum" 13 infrastructure projects with a total cost of more than 400 billion rubles, including railway Around Kazan, ferry crushing Tetyushi - Bulgarian and the "Alavage" project - Nizhnekamsk roads - Naberezhnye Chelny and Airport Begyshevo - Elabuga - SEZ "Alabuga" and a bridge over Kama.

Human capital

The accumulation of human capital - starting from raising the birth rate to the profile training of personnel - can hardly be traced in each item "Strategy-2030". "Social destinations are key: migration and demographic policy; Education of all levels (pre-school, general average, primary and secondary professional, higher). These areas are directly related to the strict concept of human capital, the processes of its formation. A number of other areas - health care, culture, labor market, employment policy and social protection - create additional conditions To hold human capital in the region. "

Some goals and objectives of the "Strategy" on the accumulation of human capital

- creation of conditions for reducing outflow from the republic of the young population, qualified specialists;

- increase the addressing of material support measures with children;

- Creating a system for escorting the early development of children in families and nursery;

- coordination of "children's services" in preschool education at the level of municipalities;

- the republican program to achieve leadership in education in mathematics and information technologies; - withdrawing regulatory barriers to the development of non-state additional education of children;

- implementation of the dual training system for the enterprises of high-tech sectors of the economy;

- optimization / reduction of professional network educational organizations;

- Republican program for promoting the image of Kazan as a university center;

- development of various forms of health insurance, the introduction of the patient's individual responsibility mechanism for the preservation of its biological potential;

- increase in the overall culture of communication and behavior;

- the creation of sectoral employment facilities;

Flaving projects experts named the Migration Program Tatarstan - the Center for attraction of the population in the Volga region, "" Social support of innovators ", forming a network of business incubators for creative industries, a system of continuous education of adults, as well as other educational and social programs.

How will the strategy will be implemented

The strategy is determined for 15 years (2016-2030) and implies four stages (three three year old and one six year old). At the same time, once every three years will be adjusted, and once in six years - updating the strategy. Stages of implementation differ in terms of conditions, factors, risks of socio-economic development and priorities of the economic policy of the republic.

At the first stage - the structuring of the system of state programs and import substitution. In 2019-2021 The economy will begin to "smart", at the third stage, clusters will come to the fore.

"In 2025-2033 A jerk will occur in increasing the competitiveness of the economy, the conditions for achieving the global competitiveness of the Republic of Tatarstan as part of a number of key areas will be created. The Republic of Tatarstan will be able to take the position of the Global Subject - the leader of the Growth of the Growth of the Volga-Kama, which ensures the development of partner subjects and the Russian Federation as a whole. "

As it is customary, three scenarios are considered - inertial, basic and optimistic. With the first - the resource restrictions are not overcome and there is no acceleration of the growth rate of the economy, with the last - the sector of the "smart economy" is created.

The implementation of the optimistic scenario will require 18 trillion rubles.

A system of strategic management of the development of the RT will be created as a strategy development system. Its core will become ICART - the Institute of Cluster Activation of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the project website published text of the first edition Strategy and explanatory materials. In January-March of this year, the document will be discussed and adjusted. Remarks and suggestions can be sent to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tajikistan and the General Development Consultant - Leontiev Center, as well as in the section " Discussions».

However, the Advisor of the Rector, the head of the CFU Public Information Center Yuri Alaev Doubts that sentences will be heard. "To take into account the opinion of the public, it is necessary that this opinion is. While I do not see him. " Alayev himself took part in the discussion of the strategy and in a conversation with the portal correspondent, the site said that "the document impressed some convergence from real life":

"There were some positions that are incomprehensible than motivated. Some tourist and recreational cluster was offered a length of one and a half hundred kilometers along the kama. What is the idea? You never know what we have beautiful. And from a practical point of view, is it booze, not payable? It is about as an aeroexpress to the airport.

In Tatarstan there is a problem territorial placement Productive forces and capacity. It would be solved by one high-speed thread between the southeast and Kazan, would be much more labor. But it was not offered. And this is vital. "

Yuri Alaev believes that "it is not necessary to invent a bike", but it is worth paying attention to the material production.

"I do not see any vital need to form a strategy, radically different from the one that has been implemented and 30 years ago, and now. We have our competitive advantages: a folded base of oil production and oil refining and the preserved industrial complex. These benefits must be developed. No need to reinvent the bike, it seems to me. It is necessary to develop natural competitive advantages by all possible methods. This will be a real development strategy.

I would really like to change ( in the second edition compared with the first - ed.) were. So far it seems that the concept proposed by the respected gentlemen from the Leontyevsky center looks beautiful, but not very conjugate with real needs and opportunities, "said Alaev.

However, the project requires high costs - only 1.4 trillion rubles are planned to be upgraded to the modernization of the transport infrastructure. So is it worth the game of the candle? The answer to the question was looking for "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the first version of the Tatarstan -2030 strategy.


The purpose of the strategy is to bring the republic's economy to a qualitatively new level. Moreover, we will grow jumps. Until 2025, "Sleep", accumulating investment Capital In five manufacturing clusters, and then ... "We give the country of coal."

Literally in 15 years, the VRP of the Republic will grow 4.3 times in comparison with 2014 and will be 6,996 trillion rubles in absolute values. This is the so-called optimistic script. There are others - inertial, with increasing VRPs up to 4.2 trillion rubles, and basic - growth to 5.5 trillion rubles. Positions will pass in the event that you cannot assemble the required amount of investment.

All the power of the economy of Tatarstan will be enclosed in five clusters:

To achieve the best indicators for 15 years in Tatarstan, it is necessary to invest 18,223 trillion rubles. We have to get these funds from investors, including overseas.

Metropolis on the whole Tatarstan and "fast train" to Moscow

Perhaps the most interesting part of the strategy for the final consumer - we are with you - is the plan for the modernization of the infrastructure of Tatarstan. Three parts of our republic - Kazan, Kama and Almetyevskaya will unite transport corridors, the basis of the Volga-Kama Metropolis of the Republic. And this metropolis will be so convenient that before each of the zones we can get within 1.5 - 2 hours. Record time - imagine, a little more than an hour to get from Kazan to Naberezhnye Chelny or from Elabugi to Bavlov. Today this path takes at least 3 hours. Moreover, Tatarstan should be treated in Moscow and St. Petersburg for 4 and 8 hours, respectively.

In the framework of the transport project "AlabEg" will build a road with a bridge through Kama - it will connect special economic zone "Alabuga" and the airport "Begashevo". From the point of view of economic development, the bridge connecting the Volga and Kama will become the most powerful investment.

Already today it is obvious the need to increase the coast of the coast of Volga and Kama. This is what draws a new level of socio-economic development, - emphasizes the head of the department of architecture and urban planning of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Public Utilities Nikolai Vasilyev. - In the absence of these links, the development of the region in general is lagging. And it is very important, overlapping the remaining factors.

Another important project for the Tatarstan will be the construction of a bridge near the village of Sokolka Mamadysh district. The road will allow you to redirect the bulk of transit cargo to the embankment of Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk and will reduce the distance between Kazan and Nizhnekamsky by 70 kilometers! In addition, the bridge will appear in the Elabugi area and the village of Comb. Construction of all these facilities The developers of the strategy are estimated at 1.4 trillion rubles. Money must be investing portion until 2030.

Basis Fundamentals - People

Treasure of Tatarstan was, there will be human capital. And so it is clear that we are like no one are interested in the development of the region, but this fact decided to consolidate on paper. From the thesis "Tatarstan - a place where I live" by 2030 we will move to the personal "Tatarstan - this is me." To achieve such positioning, you need to create better conditions Life. It will be necessary to modernize everyone without exception. social spheres. This is the education, and the preservation of health, the extension of longevity, employment, culture finally. Under each of the blocks have developed their development plans.

Perfect values social Development The republic is pleasantly surprised. If you believe the optimistic forecast, the average wage Tatarstan residents will increase to 128.9 thousand rubles by 2030. The unemployment rate will decrease from today's 6% to 4%. And the life expectancy will be 78 years old. Note, today this indicator does not exceed 72 years.

By the way, each of us can take part in the development of a strategy. To do this, you need to register on the project site - Tatarstan2030.ru and leave your comment.

First of all

Candidate economic Sciences, Chairman of the Board of AV GROUP Alexey Krylovsky:

The success of interregional competition depends largely on the quality of management, the ability to foresee, detect long-term priorities, capture promising trends. This requires not only a strategy as a document, but also the future management system, which has a number of properties that we describe as the properties of the live system. Such a system that combines a set of long-term tools that will stimulate the development of the republic at a new qualitative level, is being worked out in the framework of the Tatarstan-2030 project.

Head of Service strategic planning OJSC KAMAZ Igor Savelyev:

There can be a globally competitive enterprise with the relevant development " ambient»For business: education, medicine, social infrastructure, transport logistics and energy, to better improve which in the region will help the implementation of the Kamsky Cluster Development Program in the framework of the Tatarstan-2030 strategy.

General Director of Laboratory of Grade Planning Mikhail Petrovich:

The developed strategy of the socio-economic development of Tatarstan should help consolidate the efforts of various generations, various social groups, representatives of different business areas in solving the problem of preserving and improving the favorable environment of vital activity.

What is Tatarstan-2030?

This is primarily a tool for strategic planning, insist in the Leontief Center of St. Petersburg - the victobin of developers.

For Tatarstan, which follows the best global practices, the appeal to the storage is quite natural, - emphasizes the deputy general Director Center, Scientific Director of the Development Strategy for Tatarstan-2030 Boris Zhikharevich. - planning in the republic is already well established. Nevertheless, a strategy is needed for a longer period and promotion-oriented to the most important to success in global competition areas.

Effective managers in the ministries of Tatarstan, unfortunately, do not always have time to solve global issues - immerse themselves in the "flower" and simply cannot "float" from it. Therefore, it was decided to establish the Institute of Cluster Activation - a powerful strategic planning tool. His specialists will actually be aimed at the development of the economy of Tatarstan. In detail, the work of the institute and is registered in a large-scale "action plan".

The institute will be submitted to the President, and the members of the Expert Council under the leadership of the Ex-Minister of Finance of Russia, Alexey Kudrin, will coordinate his work. By the way, it is believed that Tatarstan-2030 will form the basis of the election campaign Rustam Minnikhanov. Recall, the election of the head of the republic expects us in the fall of this year.

However, the project requires high costs - only 1.4 trillion rubles are planned to be upgraded to the modernization of the transport infrastructure. So is it worth the game of the candle? The answer to the question was looking for "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the first version of the Tatarstan -2030 strategy.


The purpose of the strategy is to bring the republic's economy to a qualitatively new level. Moreover, we will grow jumps. Until 2025, I "wear" accumulating investment capital in five manufacturing clusters, and then ... "We give the country of coal."

Literally in 15 years, the VRP of the Republic will grow 4.3 times in comparison with 2014 and will be 6,996 trillion rubles in absolute values. This is the so-called optimistic script. There are others - inertial, with increasing VRPs up to 4.2 trillion rubles, and basic - growth to 5.5 trillion rubles. Positions will pass in the event that you cannot assemble the required amount of investment.

All the power of the economy of Tatarstan will be enclosed in five clusters:

To achieve the best indicators for 15 years in Tatarstan, it is necessary to invest 18,223 trillion rubles. We have to get these funds from investors, including overseas.

Metropolis on the whole Tatarstan and "fast train" to Moscow

Perhaps the most interesting part of the strategy for the final consumer - we are with you - is the plan for the modernization of the infrastructure of Tatarstan. Three parts of our republic - Kazan, Kama and Almetyevskaya will unite transport corridors, the basis of the Volga-Kama Metropolis of the Republic. And this metropolis will be so convenient that before each of the zones we can get within 1.5 - 2 hours. Record time - imagine, a little more than an hour to get from Kazan to Naberezhnye Chelny or from Elabugi to Bavlov. Today this path takes at least 3 hours. Moreover, Tatarstan should be treated in Moscow and St. Petersburg for 4 and 8 hours, respectively.

Within the framework of the Alabag transport project, they will build a road with a bridge through Kama - it will connect the special economic zone of Alabuga and the Begashev airport. From the point of view of economic development, the bridge connecting the Volga and Kama will become the most powerful investment.

Already today it is obvious the need to increase the coast of the coast of Volga and Kama. This is what draws a new level of socio-economic development, - emphasizes the head of the department of architecture and urban planning of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Public Utilities Nikolai Vasilyev. - In the absence of these links, the development of the region in general is lagging. And it is very important, overlapping the remaining factors.

Another important project for the Tatarstan will be the construction of a bridge near the village of Sokolka Mamadysh district. The road will allow you to redirect the bulk of transit cargo to the embankment of Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk and will reduce the distance between Kazan and Nizhnekamsky by 70 kilometers! In addition, the bridge will appear in the Elabugi area and the village of Comb. Construction of all these facilities The developers of the strategy are estimated at 1.4 trillion rubles. Money must be investing portion until 2030.

Basis Fundamentals - People

Treasure of Tatarstan was, there will be human capital. And so it is clear that we are like no one are interested in the development of the region, but this fact decided to consolidate on paper. From the thesis "Tatarstan - a place where I live" by 2030 we will move to the personal "Tatarstan - this is me." To achieve such positioning, it is necessary to create better living conditions for people. It will be necessary to modernize everyone without the exception of social spheres. This is the education, and the preservation of health, the extension of longevity, employment, culture finally. Under each of the blocks have developed their development plans.

The ideal values \u200b\u200bof the social development of the republic are pleasantly surprised. If you believe the optimistic forecast, the average monthly salary of Tatarstan residents will increase to 128.9 thousand rubles by 2030. The unemployment rate will decrease from today's 6% to 4%. And the life expectancy will be 78 years old. Note, today this indicator does not exceed 72 years.

By the way, each of us can take part in the development of a strategy. To do this, you need to register on the project site - Tatarstan2030.ru and leave your comment.

First of all

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Chairman of the Board of AV GROUP Alexey Krylovsky:

The success of interregional competition depends largely on the quality of management, the ability to foresee, detect long-term priorities, capture promising trends. This requires not only a strategy as a document, but also the future management system, which has a number of properties that we describe as the properties of the live system. Such a system that combines a set of long-term tools that will stimulate the development of the republic at a new qualitative level, is being worked out in the framework of the Tatarstan-2030 project.

Head of Strategic Planning Service OJSC KAMAZ Igor Savelyev:

To be a globally competitive enterprise can only with the relevant development of the "environment" for business: education, medicine, social infrastructure, transport logistics and energy, to improve the implementation of the Kamsky Cluster Development Program in the framework of the Tatarstan-2030 strategy.

General Director of Laboratory of Grade Planning Mikhail Petrovich:

The developed strategy of the socio-economic development of Tatarstan should help consolidate the efforts of various generations, various social groups, representatives of different business areas in solving the problem of preserving and improving the favorable environment of vital activity.

What is Tatarstan-2030?

This is primarily a tool for strategic planning, insist in the Leontief Center of St. Petersburg - the victobin of developers.

For Tatarstan, which follows the best world practices, the appeal to the storage is quite natural, - emphasizes the Deputy General Director of the Center, Scientific Director of the Development Project of the Development Strategy of Tatarstan-2030 Boris Zhikharevich. - planning in the republic is already well established. Nevertheless, a strategy is needed for a longer period and promotion-oriented to the most important to success in global competition areas.

Effective managers in the ministries of Tatarstan, unfortunately, do not always have time to solve global issues - immerse themselves in the "flower" and simply cannot "float" from it. Therefore, it was decided to establish the Institute of Cluster Activation - a powerful strategic planning tool. His specialists will actually be aimed at the development of the economy of Tatarstan. In detail, the work of the institute and is registered in a large-scale "action plan".

The institute will be submitted to the President, and the members of the Expert Council under the leadership of the Ex-Minister of Finance of Russia, Alexey Kudrin, will coordinate his work. By the way, it is believed that Tatarstan-2030 will form the basis of the election campaign Rustam Minnikhanov. Recall, the election of the head of the republic expects us in the fall of this year.

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