
Best books on economics and finance for beginners and professionals. Finance and their functions are all about finance and economics

What direction to choose? In which area of \u200b\u200bthe economy work? What happens today in the field of economics and finance? How promising work in the financial sector? What competencies need to develop future finance specialists?

What is the financial sector?
Financial sector - This is an economy area that is responsible for capital management. In the movement of finances, all sectors of the economy are involved, economic condition Each industry has been talking about the effectiveness of its work and the utility of the industry for the state.

The financial sector employs approximately 2% of the working-age population. The sector includes Activity of banks, central bank, non-banking financial organizations, insurance companies, stock exchanges, financial investment institutions, pension funds, etc. Primary activity sector enterprises - redistribution of free finance (obtained from physical and legal entities) In loans for other individuals and legal entities in order to receive income. The presence of a developed banking network in the country makes it possible to get a loan for the opening and development of your business. The ability to get a loan to develop a small business for starting, large enterprises for current activities and the opening of new directions. And even the state - to implement infrastructure projects or in the case of financial difficulties. The distribution of finance and organization of monetary relations is engaged in the financial system.

What is included: Banking, Accounting, Financial Analytics, Lending, Insurance, Audit
Examples of professions: banker, analyst, investor, risk manager, underwriter, financial Consultant, auditor, accountant, currency cashier, bank employee, credit expert, tax inspector, customs inspector, tax consultant, Treasurer, Manager of Leasing Projects, Financial Controller, Budgeting Specialist

Russian economy Constrained in the early 90s. It is distinguished by youth, instability, dependence on commodity prices in the global market. Everyone economic crisis It is reflected in Russian financial institutions, therefore the economy and finance scope is subject to constant jumps and changes. Specialists working in this industry have to constantly keep the hand on the pulse, control the risks and make quick decisions.

Economy and Financedespite its risks and tensions, attractive as a direction professional activity: It is distinguished by a high level of wages (4th place among industries according to Rosstat for 2017), intellectual labor and office work (as opposed, for example, from mining and recycling of minerals). Economic and financial education provides a person with good career growth prospects not only in the financial sector, but also in other industries, and also help with the development of their own business.

Future of the financial sector
The appearance of the financial sector, as well as all other industries, is changed under the influence of automation and achievements of the IT-sphere: for the convenience of users and optimizing banking expenses, banks are implementing mobile technologies and online services. In Russia, there are already banks that have no service offices - all operations are held online. The virtualization of cash relations leads to the fact that banking personnel who communicates with customers becomes not needed: the number of operators, cashiers, consultants are reduced, but the need for specialists in information security and technical support specialists.

Thanks to the introduction of technology blockChain. - Method of checking the payment using a chain of remote computers - the existence of a bank as an institution is questioned. A person will be able to translate any amounts of money to any country without the participation of the Bank, without currency exchange and in seconds (now for currency transfers takes several days). And crowdfunding (collecting money for projects) will become faster and easier than lending to a bank: money for a startup can be taken not at the same bank, but in the entire world community - on the principle "with the world on the thread".

Professions of the future:

    ✔ An appraiser of intellectual property (consults on the value of business ideas, inventions, new technologies)
    ✔ Crowdfunding Platform Manager (advises authors of business ideas to receive crowdfunding financing)
    ✔ Developer of personal pension plans (helps effectively use retirement finance throughout life)

How to develop in the field of economics and finance
People choosing professions in this area are successful in managing finance. They have the necessary financial literacy, dealt in banking products, know how to plan the budget to gradually increase their own income. Work in the financial sector allows not only to achieve financial well-being and build a career, but also to bear the meaningful benefits. The specialists of the financial sector create such financial instruments (Loans, deposits, mortgages, insurance, shares), which give every resident of the country opportunities for financial growth and improving the quality of life.

If among school items You are interested in mathematics, economics and social studies, and you beat everyone in the "monopoly", it is likely to try yourself in the professions of the financial and economic profile.

What will help now develop in this direction:

    The best way become a financier to learn to plan own revenues and expenses. If you give pocket money, try to record spending and set yourself ambitious financial goals, that is, save for something expensive.
    Work and your own business. It's no secret that now 12-year-old adolescents can open their startup and earn millions. If you have not found a brilliant idea for business, then, in any case, you can try to work in the summer. About ideas for legal summer earnings, read our articles: here and here.
    Play strategic games (Desktop or Computer): Various Analogues of "Monopoly", modeling monetary relations of owners, and games forcing you to generate ideas in the conditions of limited resources.
    Read scientific and popular books (For example, Nial Ferguson "Climbing Money") and subscribe to interesting Internet resources about the economy and finance (for example, IloveEConomics.ru).
    Visit profile mugs and courses at universities: "School of the Young Economist Enterprise", "School of the Young Entrepreneur", "Economics and Mathematical School" (at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov), "School of Economics" (HSE).
    Participate in profile Olympics: "Moscow Olympiad schoolchildren in economics" (Mintophruki), "Young economist" (NIU HSE), Lomonosov Olympiad in economics (Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov).
    ✔ To try the various professions of the financial and economic profile, come to our career guidance "Future Professionals" on the .

If you want to know how much your profession is in economics and finance, go through our free test financial and economic profile. It will help you to evaluate your capabilities in the professions of the financial sector.

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What is finance ?

Finance -under this term is understood as the totality of all material resources ( in cash - Modern interpretation!), Which are in possession of the subject of the economy: individual, organization, business or state.

Finance and money - closely interrelated concepts. There would be no money - the concept of finance would not exist. Thus, the term "financing" means "to provide money". The "Finance" is often used in everyday life as synonymous with the word "money".

Finance- generalizing economic term, meaning both 1) cash, financial resources considered in their creation and movement, distribution and redistribution, use and 2) economic relations due to mutual settlements between economic entities, movement money, cash circulation, use of money. " (Raysberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B.Sremenny Economic Dictionary. 5th ed., Pererab. And add. - M.: Infra-M.2007. - 495 s)

Finance - economic categoryreflecting the economic relations of funds funds. " "Big Economic Dictionary" N.N.Azrilyna (Publisher: Institute of New Economics, Omega-l, groupComp Angy, Int-t new, ek., Instit. New, eq., In-t new ek., 2004) -

Finance (from lat. financia. - Cash, income) - a set of economic relations arising in the process of formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized cash flow funds. Usually we are talking about the target funds of the state or economic entities (enterprises). The most important concept in the field of finance is budget.

There is also the eponymous economic science - finance.

Finance like science

Scientific discipline finance He studies money and socio-economic efficiency related to the formation, distribution and use of material resources. Finance is an applied to the economic Discipline.

Traditionally, finances are divided into public involved. The first group includes: state finance authorities (local finances). In the second group allocate:

    personal Financial Finance Finance;

    finance of small businesses, corporate finance (finance of enterprises, business finance), finance banks (banking), finance non-Profit Organizations.

For public finances, expenses are primary, since funding is made clearly regulated problems and functions of public education. For private finances, incomes are primary, all activities are aimed at receiving the receipt, which is subsequently used at the discretion of the person.

General skill (and perhaps even art) to manage finance studies science financial management. Financial Management Basis - Science banking. Financial markets Learn science financial economy. Financial statistics It is studied within the framework of a small selection of statistics. Processing Methods Financial INFORMATION Effects Applied Matter financial mathematics. Control over financial flows is studied within the framework of the discipline financial control.

Subject of financial theory

Financial theory(FinanceTheory.) in a broad sense - This is the science of how people manage spending and the receipt of limited monetary resources (i.e. make financial decisions) over a certain period of time.

Financial solutions (FinancialSolutions) are characterized by the fact that the costs and receipts of cash resources: 1) are separated in time and 2) as a rule, they cannot be accurately predicted by neither those who make decisions none else.

Financial solutions are implemented using the financial system.

Financial system(FinancialSystem) is a totality of markets and other institutions used to conclude financial transactions, the exchange of assets and risks.

This system includes:

    markets of money, shares, bonds and other financial instruments;

    financial intermediaries (such as banks and insurance companies), firms offering financial services (for example, financial and consulting companies);

    authorities governing all financial institutions.

Financial intermediaries They call firms whose main role is to provide financial services and the sale of financial products. These include banks, investment and insurance companies. The number of financial services includes the opening of check accounts, issuing commercial loans, mortgage loans, providing access to a wide range of insurance contracts and participation in mutual funds.

The modern financial system is global. Financial markets and intermediaries are interconnected with each other through a comprehensive international telecommunications network, thanks to which payments and securities trade are made almost around the clock. Thus, if a large corporation, located, say, in Germany, decides to finance a new project, then it considers any investment opportunities, including, for example, the release and sale of shares on London or New York stock exchanges or receiving a loan in any Japanese Pension Fund. And in the latter case, the loan can be represented both in German stamps and in japanese yen or in US dollars.

Briefly we can say that finance science studies Movement of cash flows in the economy and the formation of funds funds from various economic entities. Depending on their species, allocate:

    macrofinance, i.e. The cash flows of the state, which in turn are divided into blocks: balance of payments, budget Balance, bank balance;

    microfinance, i.e. Cash flows of enterprises (corporate finance), non-profit organizations (public finances), banks (bank management).

In widesense to the theoryfinance Believe:

    Theory of money, monetary policy, the doctrine of central banks (according to the International Classifier Journal (JournalConomicLiterature) - section in the group E - Macroeconomics and monetary policy;

    The theory of taxes and budget (JEL is sections in the group N - public sector public sector in PublicConomics),

    Investment theory portfolio theoryTheory corporate finance (by jel these are partitions of the group G - financial economy)

    Banking, Financial Institutions, Pension Funds, Financial Markets, Financial Accounting (FINANCIALACCOUNTINTINTINTINTING) (JEL - Group M - Business - Administration)

    International Finance (by Jel - section in the group A International Economics).

Subject of modern finance theory

If until the XIX century the theory of finance developed as the theory state finance, then in the XX century. She became the theory of capital markets, since their significance for the development of the economy increased sharply.

For example, in the "Money and Finance dictionary" McMillana says that the main focus of analysis in the modern theory of finance is the work of capital markets and the cost of financial assets. " The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money & Finance. ED. NEWMAN P. Milgate M. Eatwell J. 1-3. Macmillan. 1992.

Tools of modern theory of finance - Actuar Mathematics (financial mathematics), financial (V.T.C. banking) statistics, financial law, financial programming.

The reason is two trends.

    Mathematicalization of the economy, i.e. The description of its laws in the model form requires an accurate determination of its parameters, which, as a rule, have a value of money form.

    The use of theoretical results in the practice of management economic processes (business administration) and in economic Policy It requires an increase in the accuracy of the model description of cash flows and assessing the risks of the theoretical models.

Evolution of financial theory

A complex of economic relations arising during the formation and application of currency funds. The emergence of finance is formed with the constant inventive currency circulation of the state and its necessities in production resources. A country through the organization of finance (government state budget, district income, incomes of companies) redistributes an element of state earnings in accordance with the goals of financial and public policy.

The region of the origin and functioning of finance seems to be the second stage of the reproduction move, which takes place the division of the price of social product according to the target destination and business entities. Each of them is obliged to purchase its own part in the product produced. As a result, a significant indicator of finance, as well as the financial group, it seems the distribution orientation of economic relations. Finance is equally needed by primary links - companies, inter-farmetic societies (associations, concerns), the national organization of the management of nationwide.

One of the main features of finance is their currency model of formulation and an expression of economic relations with the current movement of currency funds.

Revenues - This is a mandatory element of currency relationships, their significance and role are depending on the situation of the currency relationship occupy in financial transactions.

Finance varies from funds, both in the area of \u200b\u200bcontent and in the field of functions. Finance is a common equivalent, with the support of which initially only the costs of the work of associate manufacturers are initially measured, and the income is the financial mechanism for the distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product (GDP) and national income (ND), means of controlling the formation and application of currency funds. Their main direction is that through the creation of currency profits and funds, to ensure not only the need for a country and companies in currency funds, but also to control the expenditure of economic resources.

Today, finance is an impartial economic sphere, reflecting the concept of development, distribution, redistribution and application of currency funds of the community entities. On the one hand, this sphere is presented financial group, and with another - individual value tool of work.

From an economic point of view, finance express cash relations according to the manufacturing, distribution and application of gross domestic product and state income. These relationships are detected in the formation and application of currency trust funds with various financial entities (countries that are employed by entities, interstate organizations, individuals).

The object of finance is the economic funds showing a set of funds for currency funds who are at the disposal of economic entities, countries, household farms. Finance reflects the degree of the formation of useful forces in separate states and the ability of their influence on macroeconomic movements in economic life.

We present to your attention the Book of the fur of a la oil! It is easy to guess that the main theme of this work will be the so-called "black gold". Fortunately or, unfortunately, many economists underestimate the role of oil in the modern economy and if you are still not aware of the role of this resource in politics, we recommend right now to start reading this book right now. The author in an elegant manner sets out that simple fact that all governments that have gained access to oil possess almost unlimited authorities and have a huge impact on the rest of the world.

In the Book of the Shero Oil, the importance of controlling the production of petroleum products and victory in the competition for possession of a hydrocarbon is described. This struggle has become the main leitmotif of games in the political arena. Many large powers are just covered by slogans on the similarity of "Democracy - the best state system" or "Freedom of speech in the masses." In fact, such a policy is needed only to capture oil tower control, and "black gold" has long been the most important energy resource. Perhaps you noticed that the events in the "oil world" are rarely written in newspapers or broadcast from television screens. For ordinary people Information about transactions and war for oil dots is presented in a more "rainbow" light.

Sean Flynn "Economics for Doodles"

Usually books by economic theory Contain a huge number of incomprehensible parts, but the work of the economy for dummies is deprived of this significant drawback. Author Flynn Sean Masaki somehow found a way to tell about difficult things simple language. On the pages of this book, the reader will be able to find many economic theories, assumptions and serious discoveries. It should be noted that the work is also deprived of outdated examples and difficult to perceive mathematical evidence. Despite the fact that the main theme of this work is the economic theory, on the pages of the book you can find a discussion of such topics such as unemployment, the crisis and their connection with the monetary and fiscal policy.

The economy for the teapots will tell the truth about how the government is struggling with the crisis through a unique strategy of monetary and fiscal policy. You can also answer for yourself for many questions and find out the benefits. international Trade. Many of us know that the not well-developed ownership is harmful to the economy of any country and in this case Even those who are not aware of this suffer. The author of this wonderful book is even a connection between the worsening of ecology and copyright infringement. Also, the reader will be able to learn how the level of profit helps the company make the necessary goods and services and for what reason competing firms create a more favorable economic situation than monopolists.

R. Brelie, S. Myers "Principles of Corporate Finance"

You are now looking at the book of the principles of corporate finance, which is a qualitative benefit for anyone interested modern economy. Note that this edition remains relevant for 10 years. The book also is a practical manual for financial management. On the this moment The second edition of this unique textbook was released, which was subjected to radical changes and updates, both in terms of content and the style of the presentation of ideas.

It does not matter whether you are a professional in the field of finance, or just begin to study such complex and interesting science as an economy - the Book of Corporate Finance Principles has absorbed a conceptual database for finance. The reader will get acquainted with such concepts as cash flowgiven the cost and financial risks. Also, every owner of the publication will be able to learn how actually works financial market And how to benefit, applying investment tools such as options, warrants and convertible paper.

John Bates Clark "Distribution of Wealth"

We present to your attention a book the distribution of wealth, where the American economist B. Clark speaks with its distribution theory financial means. According to the author of this book, his theory became relevant since the class struggle began in the USA, which entailed the so-called labor problem. Perhaps many of you remember that in 1885 the Economic Association of the United States unanimously decided to start the struggle against the problem of labor clashes and capital. This conflict has a lot of problems that demanded immediate resolution. Book The distribution of wealth from the ideological inspirer B. Clark was a real salvation for the US economy.

We believe that this material will be useful for studying the economist of any level. The level of distribution of Marxism in the territory of America was low, and this caused a sharper "influx" of apologetics in the works of US economists. Mr. Clark fell into that very group of economists who believed that to organize a full-fight struggle with the influence of Marxism, it was enough to just criticize this theory. In the book Distribution of wealth, the author writes that many accuse society in excessive exploitation of labor. But in fact, Clark wants to refute this accusation and to defend capitalism. In fact, capitalism is devoid of contradictions and income that the population receives is equally distributed.

Gin Callahan "Economics for ordinary people"

Book name The economy for ordinary people speaks for itself - in front of you one of the best editions aimed at learning newcomers in such an extensive area as an economy. We can say that it was written for "non-economicists" who want to plunge into the world of finance. Also, this publication can be considered as an introduction to general economic theory and all the information presented on the pages of this textbook will benefit those who are only starting to open the door to the world of the economy. The book is written by alive and interesting language - it will be understood by the reader of any level. Agree that some modern books about the economy are quite complex for perception, but the economy for ordinary people differs from other modern analogues.

The author managed to create a special style of material presentation and even uses memorable metaphors and practical examples from real life. Such concepts as value, financial resources, capital, interest, the cycle of the economy and the harm from the state intervention in the economy are presented simply and without any unnecessary addition. Note that you are insertion into economic theory austrian schoolwhich is not studying the perfection of an abstract rational egoistic mechanism, or the so-called "human economist", and explores the activity of real people. It is for this reason that the book of the economy for ordinary people is suitable for reading.

Oleg Platonov "Why America will die"

What associations do you have when you hear the words of the United States of America? Someone immediately recalls Poppy Donaldz, someone thinks about currency that has become the most popular in the world, and others dreamily remember the skyscrapers of New York and the best life in Manhattan. However, in the book why America will die this country is considered in a negative aspect. More precisely, the country is not herself, but those actions that individual organizations perform. Because of their illegal frauds, the United States is very often identified with the evil empire. The author of this interesting and scandalous book writes that people who were born in this era are not to blame that they became a victim of a hidden dictatorship.

Samuel Huntington "Collision of Civilizations"

What is the meaning of modern society invest in the concept of "civilization"? After all, this word has long acquired a new meaning, and the author of the book Huntington Collision of civilizations decided to try to explain this concept from a different point of view. The century of technological progress dictates its conditions, although before the adjective "civilized" was opposed to the word "barbaric" and did not have such an extensive value as today. Recall that the generally accepted meaning of this word led to the appearance of the pretext, which used Europeans to expand its territory. They wanted to show these "Varvaram" as needed to live correctly, without taking into account their opinion and the centuries who have emerged by life.

Fortunately, the second World War He taught humanity that the binary opposition "Civilization-barbarism" does not have a logical basis. Huntington's book Collision of civilizations says that after the Great War, the British Empire was fully collapsed and the classical definition of the word "civilization" lost its original meaning. As a result of progress and incessant anthropological studies, two German scientists, Mr. Kebyube and Klucheon created labor entitled "Culture: a critical review of concepts and concepts."

Gregory Muck "Principles of Economics"

The study of the global economy is a very fascinating occupation and the book by Manky principles of the Economics will help to better understand this complex, but very interesting science. During his life, the talented economist Alfred Marshall believed that the economy studies the daily life of a person. Since then, the century has passed and the knowledge of people in the field of economic theory expanded, but the meaning of Mr. Marshall's statement still has a basis.

Perhaps many of us wondered about their financial state. If you have already decided to become rich, then this book can help better understand the "monetary mechanism". But why the person who has already entered the 21st century should read boring books about economic science? But we allow ourselves to note that the book of Muck Principles of the Economics is not boring at all. The economy is very closely related to everyday lifeAnd her research will help the reader better understand the principle of the realities of the surrounding world. If you want to answer the question about why apartments in New York are so expensive or why are the airlines make discounts on tickets to both ends if the client stays on the night from Saturday to Sunday? From where the famous actor Brad Pete took so much money, and for what reason the population of one country bends against ever-growing inflation, and other states have stable prices?

Tim Harford "Economist under cover"

We present to your attention a book economist under cover from a talented writer Tim Harford. If you want to learn more about such interesting and useful science as an economy, then welcome to the pages of this wonderful work. The author is confident that the main subject of study of economic theory is knowledge of who receives money, and for what reason it happens. Mr. Harford managed to implement several revelations and even it turned out to create a guide to the reader about the work of funds in modern world. It should be noted that the author of this wonderful book is also called the "insightful communist" - it was he who managed to open the curtain of the mystery of one of the most desired resources, namely about money.

The Book Economist undercover will tell about the reasons for the formation of prices for a cup of tea in the Chinese restaurant, and will also offer the reader to think about why heightened efficiency does not always help the creation of a fair society. Of course, it is very good when the state is trying to fight corks and improve the quality of treatment in hospitals - however, the author believes that these are just tricks of the ruling top. Tim Harford managed to expose the actions of the authorities and demonstrate their true face. In no case does he scold the president or Congress, but it tries to point out that you can change for the better.

K. R. McConnell, S. L. Bruk "Economics"

Dear friends, you are in front of you the unique book of Macconnell Bruk Economics, which will help learn more about such interesting and useful science as an economy. The textbook is one of the most popular on the territory of the United States and today the material was reissued as much as 16 times. This means that the book was constantly complemented and improved. In 1992, it was transferred to Russian that the Slavic reader could appreciate the writer's talent of the authors. Of course, this publication is tutorialBut never the main aspects of the economy were not filed with such a living and interesting language.

Today, the book McConnell and Bruk Economics is used in most Russian textbooks as a compulsory manual. Note that the sixteenth edition was recommended by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation For students higher educational institutions. One of the authors of this wonderful book, Professor R. McConnell works by Professor of the University of Economics in the United States. For the entire period of his teaching activity, he not only trained a great many students, but also became a co-author of some benefits in economics. Professor McConnell also participated in the creation of the book "Method of Course on Economics". However, his best work was the book of McConnell Bruk Economics.

S. Reed, A. Laju "Art of Mergers and Acquisitions"

The art of mergers and acquisitions tells about how the right and timely merger of companies can save not only the leadership of a company, but also to keep jobs for many employees. Sometimes it happens that the company can no longer exist and produce goods, however, with properly organized absorption, it is possible to resume the full work of the company and even achieve joint prosperity. Also, each of us should understand that the poorly planned cooperation of two organizations can cause the decline of both partners.

The book The art of mergers and acquisitions will help better understand these processes. Before you, dear reader, there is a unique edition, which is written in a simple and understandable language. The author managed to cover a lot important aspects This topic and even affect some issues related to the company's repurchase. The world of business constantly presents surprises and if the company is flourishing today, tomorrow the same company suffers losses and is forced to pay off debts. This book can be for the head of the organization's organization at least because this publication is a guide, consultant and assistant in the world of mergers and acquisitions.

Zbignev Brzezinsky "Great Chess Board"

Before you is the book Brzezinsky Great Chess Board, but the author of this work is not a professional chess player. But he has some knowledge of politics, and he invites you to the world arena to watch several world powers.

Let's start with the fact that the population different countries Began to establish political ties 500 years ago, only then they did not call this process with a sonorous word of Greek origin. Approximately five centuries ago, the continent of Eurasia was at the peak of his development and was the center of global power. The peoples that lived then in this vast terrain, mainly in the Western European part, were tested to seize the territories of nearby states. Brzezinsky Great Chess Board hints that there are different communities of people, some of which are prone to seizure and prosperity at the expense of resources, while others prefer to conduct a passive lifestyle, using the privileges of the leading countries of the world.

Zvi Bodi, Robert Merton "Finance"

To study financial literacy It is necessary since childhood and the book of Body Merton Finance is a textbook on the basic course of finance. The material set forth in this edition is usually studied in the first year of the university if students decided to pass the MBA program (Master of Business Administration). On the pages of this wonderful study manual, each of us can learn a lot of new things and get acquainted with modern financial science. The authors of the book made professors of the university ZVI Bodi and Robert Mörton. Note that Mr. Mörton in 1997 received award Nobel Prize. Both author attached maximum effort to undergo a thorough analysis of the problem with which each of us is facing day after day.

In the book of Bodi, Merton Finance is considering the case when the presentation of important issues of corporate finance depends on the analysis of such basic concepts as money, time, assets and risk. All these aspects are considered with of different sidethat allows the student to understand these deeper conceptual basics. To date, several dozen finance textbooks have been published and it can hardly surprise this fact - people are in dire need of money, especially when they are missing. But it is worth noting that it is difficult to find a really good tutorial, which would give the student all the necessary knowledge.

Nikolai old people "crisis. How it is done"

We present to your attention a book crisis. How it's done. To date, the topic of the financial crisis has already managed to bother everyone and everyone began to live, as they have. However, few people think about what the cause of financial decline and how to overcome this "money defense". Of course, you can simply wait for the crisis and wages will grow, but we have one and if you do not take any action and "live by means", then most of your youth or maturity can be lived in relative poverty.

The author of this wonderful book wants to discuss this difficult topic and help the reader to work out his own opinion on the current financial situation in his country. Work crisis. How it will tell about those who are behind the organization of the financial crisis and on the pages of the book the reader will find the answers to many questions. What do you think, who is primarily responsible for "Cash Deadense"? Of course, this is the American government. Few of us know that in the United States the release of dollars does not deal with the state, but a private organization of relatively small sizes. Also, few people know that it was Americans who managed to share the prices of oil and earn on it.

If you do not know what benefit can bring a loan, in which bank to invest high percentWhen it is profitable to buy currency or how to play the stock exchange correctly, your financial knowledge needs to be developed. Especially for you, we made a selection of popular resources on the Internet, which will help increase financial IQ.


1. - Travel Guides on deposits, loans and insurance, from which you can learn about the favorable choice, savings and receiving additional income from the use of various financial products.

2. - The site where you can explore the basics of financial literacy, pass tests and receive gifts for the right answers.

3. - Smart Journal of Personal Finance Simple Language.

4. - Articles and advice on finance.

5. - section on the site Central Bank With money information, their history and use.

6. - Tips on the use of international payment cards.

7. - Publications about banks, currencies, pensions, savings, real estate, etc.

8. - Tips on how to get insurance from the bank, who has withdrawn the license.

9. - Large library with brochures, memos and financial literacy lessons.

10. - Articles with answers to the most popular financial issues.

11. - Training programs in economics.

12. - A game that allows you to expand your knowledge in financial matters.

13. - A series of lessons from the East Express Bank.

14. - Useful articles on finance.

15. – interesting articles About finance for every day.

16. - A project to increase financial literacy from Komsomolsk Pravda.

17. - Articles on financial products.

18. - All about pensions available.

19. - Serious analysis of economic topics from scientists from HSE.

20. - Articles on bank deposits.

21. - Answers to the most popular questions about the Bank's products: deposits, loans, mortgages and bank cards.

22. - Daily comments by analysts of the company "Opening a broker" on the most important events on shopping markets Russia and the world.

23. – detailed instructions Federal tax Service On receiving TIN, paying tax debt, receipt tax deduction, creating your own business, etc.

24. - Alpha insurance explains the rules for the use of insurance protection for cars, property and real estate of citizens.

25. - Professional magazine about financial accountwhere you can find clarifications throughout what is associated with accounting.

26. - The Internet version of the popular magazine, in which the stories of financial success are collected.

27. - Financial portal with quotes, news, technical analysis, Economic calendar and other options that are needed to work on the stock exchange.

28. - Mortgage portal: how to choose a loan, how to prepare documents, how to return debt, which alternatives have a mortgage.

29. – simple pagewhere the dollar, euro and the price of oil is shown in real time. You can choose live wallpaper, sound and observe how the indicators change.

30. - A selection of money on money, which are published on other resources.

31. – the financial analysis Banks, central bank reporting, comparison of financial organizations in various indicators.

32. - Independent Analytical Agency, where you can ask a question to analysts or representatives of financial companies.


33. - Free video courses, lessons, master classes and instructions, learning the game of the stock exchange.

34. - Videoov about finance from Constantine White.

35. - Video tutorials about business.

36. - Channel with explanations about the rules of use banking products and services.

37. - Financial adviser Natalia Smirnova talks about the rules of the family budget.

38. - Explanatory video about loans, debts, manifolds, mortgage, stock exchanges, personal finance, etc.

39. - Articles and video tutorials on trade in the financial platforms.

40. - Interview with successful businessmen.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state