
Austrian theory. Austrian school. Methodological subjectivism of the Austrian school

    When determining the characteristics of Utility and Good, Menger receives two items in one shell. It seems to me more familiar and corresponding to the sense of perception of these words their meaning:
    A good is an object or relation that is a carrier of utility as a property to satisfy human needs, both directly and through the processes of natural development, social and economic interaction. From this it is clear that not all goods can come into direct and immediate contact with an individual person, but at the same time, in their meaning, they act as good.

    It is customary to consider the Law of Cause and Effect in sequence from cause to effect, and life shows that the effect is the search for a cause. If we take into account that human life itself is created and built from the microlevel and this happens to a certain extent spontaneously, then not everything will look unambiguously defined. The mass of causes can be established only when there is some event, action, result, and the name of the cause becomes a formalized explanation of the effect. She will always be found. If any event or state is taken as the Consequence, then everything that preceded it is a mass of conditions, circumstances and states, and so it is proposed as the Cause, then wouldn't such an approach be too "sweeping"?
    The very process of interacting with the good or using it allows you to reveal and accept its usefulness. It is not the simultaneous occurrence of the conditions listed by Menger that allows the object to act as a good, but the process of using it causes the emergence of concomitant meanings and circumstances.

    About the time.
    Time is a process of transformation, and the perception of this process acts as a sense of time. For Menger, the opposite is true: "Each process of transformation consists of emergence and development and is only thinkable in time."

    If we take into account the nature of the establishment of the relationship between persons and goods, then it is possible to expand the above classification by introducing definitions of captured (power and organizational type) and legal goods.

    I believe that it is completely senseless to link the value of goods with their quantity available for disposal. And we can also say that there are no benefits that could be obtained without difficulty. Of course, until some time it can be assumed that they include air, sometimes warm, like habitat and sunlight. It is possible to argue about the basic conditions for the existence of life and assert about the absence of the value of these benefits, if, only, do not take into account the will and work of the creator of this world. These are products of "another economy", to the level of understanding of which our consciousness has not risen. But the air has already turned into a natural material, the consumption of which has already begun to be deliberately limited, since the limit of use is already visible. It is better not to talk about water and fruits in the same sense. This is one argument for decoupling the question of the relationship between the value of goods and their rarity.

    In order to understand this issue more fully, it is necessary, initially, to proceed from the conditions and circumstances of the preservation and reproduction (expanded in the qualitative and qualitative dimensions) of life, of an individual life, because value acts as a subjective attitude and not a measurable quantity for different persons. Value is a manifestation of an individual attitude towards a particular good in their general structure. It has no direct connection with need and its satisfaction, as well as with use and exchange value, price and value. The value manifests itself only in the formed consumption structure. Many newly emerging goods have a high value in comparison with others in the general structure of goods, they often become the subject of demand, amplified by psychological effects, but they do not have a corresponding value proportional to the value.

    A high concentration of a certain good in an individual are for him the basis of commercial interaction with other persons and obtaining material rights. In fact, any excess of the quantity of goods over immediate physical need always turns into material rights (sometimes into their loss). Apparently, at first, there was a spontaneous deviation, and then its place is taken by specialization in deviation for the production of material rights as economic type needs.

    Having written the above, I did not expect to find Menger's definition like this:
    "Utility is the suitability of an object to serve the satisfaction of human needs and therefore (precisely as a cognized utility) is a general condition for the nature of goods. And not economic benefits are useful to the same extent as economic ones, due to their suitability to satisfy human needs, and this suitability of them must also be cognized by people, since otherwise they could not become goods at all "
    I can no longer agree with this definition.

    Menger is looking for stable relationships between value and value, but these are categories of a completely different plan: value is a more psychological category, value is economic. There is only one connection here - everything, one way or another, is closed on the subject of these relations. He tries to deduce and show the relationship between value and price, but these are just similar words, moreover, the latter is an economic declaration.

    Initially, the basis of economic exchange was the deviation of the actual availability of goods from physical needs and the transformation of this deviation into material rights, followed by specialization in this deviation. In the future, however, the vital activity of the subjects of economic relations was planned and carried out on the basis of the intention to obtain material rights on the basis of specialization on deviation.

    It should not be overlooked that the basis of economic interaction is not just exchange, but a set of acts of purchase and sale, presented on the market separately. Always in each of these acts, on the one hand, substantive rights appear.

    The use of the category "Usefulness" to find grounds for economic interaction does not seem to make any sense to me. This is a subjective economic characteristic. Value and utility are manifested in economic interaction not directly, but as figurative foundations of demand and as one of the engines of socio-economic progress.

    Price is just a declaration of the amount of value. Derive from declarations economic laws hard enough. For some designation of the procedure and environment for setting prices, one could proceed from several influencing circumstances:
    1 - Prices are set and exist only in the economic environment;
    2 - Prices are set by the subjects of the relationship;
    3 - The understanding of the position of the subject in relation to setting the price is carried out by a person .. (Example of this chapter)
    4 -Pricing is one of the manifestations of economic freedom;
    5 - Price setting acts as an intention to create value.

    > Menger seeks strong relationships between value and value, but
    > these are categories of a completely different plan: the value is more
    funny as it may seem, the terms "value" and
    "cost" came into Russian as translations
    of the same English word - value
    When translating "Capital" into Russian, value was deliberately and for ideological reasons translated as "value", because "value" in Russian has a somewhat more objectivist connotation. Thus, the objective nature of value was emphasized, which is quite consistent with the labor theory of value, with which Marx's materialism is consistent.
    If you don't take my word for it, refer to any classic English text on value theory. You will not find a distinction (even at the level of designation in different words) of value and value. Only the word value is used. Even in "Capital".

    As a matter of fact, I will not object to the remark. I will only note that no matter how the terms “value” and “value” relate to each other for an economic good, none of these characteristics is objectively specified, i.e. regardless of the evaluating subject.
    Many authors have already criticized the objective (including labor) theory of value and came to a subjective theory. The later (and one of the best) exposition can be found in Mises' Human Action.

    > Price is just a declaration of the amount of value.
    Prices are the ratios of the values ​​of economic goods, expressed in money, at which really there is an exchange of these benefits. Whether they are declarative or not (I do not understand what this means) - the exchange is taking place, which means that prices determine the conditions of human activity. And then, whether we like it or not, we are obliged to determine the patterns of exchange, taking into account prices.

    > Price setting acts as an intention to create value.
    Pointless delirium.

    > substantive rights
    And I, naive, for some reason have always been convinced that rights are intangible by definition ...

    > lies not just an exchange, but a set of acts
    > purchases and sales presented on the market separately
    ... which economists call exchange in general sense this word
    The expression "there is an exchange in the market" means that a certain number of "acts of purchase and sale, presented on the market separately", take place.

    The market is not an exchange, but an exchange. Super objection by God!

    Menger really has a rather vague definition of the ratio of the usefulness of the good and the good itself. Therefore, misunderstandings are possible here.

    I would advise starting the study of the foundations of subjectivist theory with a different interpretation - with Mises's work "Human Activity" - there, in principle, the same thing, but much less room for confusion in the head. And judging by your subsequent comments, there is confusion and it is quite serious.

    Incidentally, when presenting the doctrine of economic good, Mises does not refer to the term "utility" at all.

    I do not see any basis for representing value as a use and exchange value, as well as the transition from these phrases to the concept of price. I think that, in this case, in fact, the development of concepts is not going from value to price, but rather unconvincing justification is being adapted to the latter. This justification is similar to a systemic fallacy, the use of which distorts the structure of economic interaction.

    A commodity is a (tangible) value carrier intended for sale.
    We can say that the initial moment in the appearance and existence of a product is the intention to obtain material rights in monetary form as a result of the sale of an existing or manufactured product. Not the other way around, as is often thought.

    I really like the trick with replacing the history of money with the history of the monetary device, which for some reason is usually called monetary circulation. The whole history of money consists of the facts of their creation (production) and use. Money always has a complete cycle: production - use. Therefore, one can speak of money circulation only as a non-existent phenomenon .. But on the other hand, you can always say something about the circulation of money carriers - about their transfer from account to account or from pocket to pocket together with the emergence and use of money. What is passed off as the history of monetary circulation is obviously the history of the monetary system.

    I think that such a widespread fairy tale "about the white bull" is not able to explain the nature of the origin of money. "Goby" gave value to the bearer of money, not money. When moving "Goby" could gain weight and lose weight. And it does not matter at all whether he acted in this case either in the role of cattle, or in the role precious metal... Never and not a single commodity, regardless of its value, was money, but, of course, some of them were carriers of money.

    Yes, you are driving yourself into a terrible jungle. And metaphysicians never dreamed of separating the concepts of themselves from themselves "money was never money", congratulations.
    I'm stupid to understand this, to return it with a simple Spinoza.

    Sergey, hello!
    Personally, you can write off all that has been said on my eccentricity, but, meanwhile, pay attention to the fact that we are talking on the margins of a work called "Foundations of Political Economy." In addition, it is presented as the foundation of political economy. To me, these foundations appear as a parachute of political economy, which began to take shape in flight. It is already impossible not to notice this. I must also say that I attach due importance to this work and the role of the author in highlighting the issue.
    Actually, what did I say? It may be that a certain sheet in political economy is clean again.

    Speaking of Ludwig von Mises, here are his words:
    "The struggle for freedom is ultimately not resistance to despots or oligarchs, but resistance to despotism of public opinion. It is not a struggle of many against a few, but a struggle of a minority - sometimes a minority consisting of one person - against the majority."

    "The dissenting minority is undemocratic because it refuses to accept the opinion of the majority as the truth. All means of" liquidating "these rebellious scoundrels are" democratic "and therefore moral."

    The words are simple, but the thought is wonderful. It's Mises! ("Theory and History")

    70s of the XIX century. in the history of the world
    economic thought was marked by
    called the marginalist revolution. IN
    there is a large proportion of such dating
    conventions; for example, guidelines
    marginal utility theories were
    formulated by G.G. Gossen for a long time
    all forgotten work of 1844, and the beginning
    massive penetration
    marginalist ideas into economic
    literature should only be attributed to
    mid-1880s. Proceeded differently
    marginalist revolution in different countries.
    But the fact remains: publications in 1871.
    "Theories of Political Economy" by W. St.
    Jevons and The Foundations of the Political
    economy "K. Menger, and in 1874" Elements
    pure political economy "L.
    Walras laid new foundations for the western
    economic theory, on which it has since
    since then and is developing. Relevance
    the book offered to the reader is,
    therefore, in the fact that for the first time he [nor
    one of the works of the founders
    marginalism (L. Walras, W. St. Jevons, K.
    Menger) was not published in the USSR. From works,
    published in this collection, were published
    only "Fundamentals of the theory of value
    economic benefits "E. Boehm-Bawerk (1929)]
    the opportunity is given to get acquainted with
    one of the origins of modern Western
    economic thought - by the Austrian school
    political economy.

    within this introductory article, we
    let's try to consider the characteristic features,
    distinguishing the Austrian school as a whole from
    other areas of marginalism:
    Lausanne school (L. Walras, V. Pareto),
    works of W. Art. Jevons and A. Marshall, as well as
    give an individual characterization
    to each of its three founders,
    presented by their works in this
    book. But first, apparently, I must say
    a few words about the marginalist revolution
    generally. That three people (Jevons,
    Menger and Walras), working independently
    from a friend and relying on completely different
    national scientific traditions - and in the 19th century.
    national peculiarities of English,
    German and French political
    savings were very bright [I. G. Blumin.
    Subjective school in political economy.
    T. I. M .: Publishing house Kom. Academy, 1931], - came to
    very close conclusions, it could not be
    coincidence. Revolution as we are
    we know, gives rise to a revolutionary situation.
    What was the pre-marginalist
    the situation in Western economic theory, and
    more precisely in the theory of value (value), since
    the revolution took place here?

    in this area, the paradigm was based on
    achievements of the English classical school in
    interpretation of J.S. Mill, who in 1848
    inadvertently stated that "fortunately, in
    the laws of value have nothing left
    to find out modern or anyone
    future author; theory of this subject
    is complete "[Mill JS Fundamentals
    political economy. T. 2.M .: Progress, 1986.
    P. 172].

    unshakable "laws of value"
    boiled down to the following:

    1. cost of a thing
      there are temporary (market) and permanent (natural).
      The latter is the center around
      which hesitates and strives for
    2. market value is determined by demand and
      proposal. At the same time, demand, in turn
      depends on the market value;
    3. natural value in different ways
      defined for non-reproducible and
      freely reproducible goods. In the first
      case (this also includes monopoly
      situation) it depends on the rarity of the thing, in
      the second (predominant) - on the value of costs
      production of goods and their delivery to the market;
    4. production costs consist of
      wages and return on capital and
      are ultimately determined by the number
      labor expended [Mill JS, Decree. op. T.
      2. P. 222-224].

    Thus, in the classical model, the average
    price level (natural value)
    is determined in the field of production and
    given by costs. Offer of the same product
    is determined by the demand arising at
    given the price.

    Such is
    objective production theory
    cost in the most compressed form. Should
    note that on the European continent this
    the theory existed in a slightly different form.
    On the one hand, the tradition was strong there,
    going back to Galiani and Condillac and
    connecting the value of a thing with its utility.
    On the other hand, the German economic
    literature influenced by powerful
    German philosophy of that time, devoted
    a lot of attention to the meaning of the word "value"
    (Wert), correlated it with other human
    values, etc. However, the theory of value on
    continent usually included those described by J.
    S. Mill "laws", although this is how
    rule led to contradictions [Example
    can serve as the famous "Tutorial
    political economy "A. Wagner (Wagner A.,
    Nasse A. Lehrbuch der Politischen Okonomie. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1875)]. But from
    flaws was not free herself
    classical theory in her millew
    option. First, for anyone, even the most
    highly developed and wealthy society (and for
    him in particular) the possibility
    unlimited increase in production, from
    which the "theory of costs" is based on,
    is the exception rather than the rule.
    Secondly, the objective theory interpreted
    demand for a product as a "black box". Then
    little has been said about defining
    its factors, it boiled down to a banal
    logical circle: demand affects prices, and
    prices affect demand. Third, dualism
    classical theory of value (completely
    different explanations for freely
    of reproducible and non-reproducible goods)
    haunted scientists seeking to create
    a coherent and comprehensive theory,
    revealing the essence of value (value).
    (Namely, such goals were set before any
    science in those pre-positivist times.) ["We
    we need just such a theory that all
    value phenomena would be derived from one and
    the same beginning, and, moreover, would give them
    an exhaustive explanation, "wrote Boehm-Bawerk].

    these weaknesses drew criticism from the classic
    theory from a variety of positions. If a
    German history school criticized her
    overly abstract, unhistorical
    character, then K. Marx, on the contrary, decisively
    cleared the labor value hypothesis from
    hesitations and reservations that arose in A. Smith,
    D. Ricardo and J.S. Mill, since they
    wanted to reconcile this abstraction with
    realities of life.

    The third
    the path was chosen by the marginalists. They tried
    create a monistic general theory
    values ​​based on prerequisites, absolutely
    contrary to the premises of the classical

    as an initial elementary phenomenon
    economic life they chose the attitude
    person to thing, manifested in the field
    personal consumption [classical school is not
    included personal consumption in the item
    political economy, since the influence
    habits, traditions, prejudices and other
    manifestations of irrationality prevail
    here over the impact of competition and
    economic calculation and makes
    human behavior in a given area
    unpredictable. Therefore, to
    create a theory of value based on
    the attitude of a person to a thing, marginalists
    it took this attitude
    rational. Man in the ultimate theory
    usefulness knows the hierarchy of its
    needs and, satisfying them, seeks
    to achieve the greatest
    welfare]. As K. Menger wrote, "a person
    with their needs and their power over
    means of satisfying the latter
    makes up the starting and ending point
    any human economy "(p. 89).
    From this relationship between needs and
    means of satisfaction, or, speaking
    more familiar language, between usefulness and
    a rarity, marginalists just withdraw
    the phenomenon of the value of economic benefits.

    knowledge of the subjective value of goods,
    economic actors start up if they
    it is profitable, exchange or even production.
    And if for a classical school
    the essence of the exchange should be sought in the sphere
    production, then for marginalists,
    on the contrary, production itself is
    a kind of indirect type of exchange. The purpose of production and exchange for
    each of their participants is the best
    satisfaction of their needs - direct
    or mediated.

    thus, marginalists are radically
    reformed the cost problem:
    black box content (consumer
    estimates and consumer choice) has become
    the main subject of analysis, and causal
    links between production, exchange and
    consumption changed their direction to
    the opposite - the basis of value was not
    past costs, and future utility, etc.

    Of course
    perceived motivation by marginalists
    any economic activity - maximum satisfaction
    individual needs - looks
    extreme anachronism in a developed
    capitalism of the late 19th century. However, from our point
    view, this premise, taken by itself,
    no more artificial than the postulate
    classical (and Marxist) theory
    cost about limitless possibilities
    expansion of production. How fair
    emphasizes Yu. B. Kochevrin, "the fruitfulness
    abstraction should be determined not from
    the absence of certain realities in it, not by
    this or that psychological or
    behavioral assumptions, and from the explanation
    real economic process or his
    essential side "[Kochevrin Yu. B.
    Neoclassical theory of production and
    distribution // World economy and
    international relationships. 1987. "10. S. 45].
    The question of the applicability of the classical and
    marginalist abstractions to various
    areas of modern pricing,
    certainly deserves a separate
    conversation and goes beyond the scope of this

    time the Austrian school was considered in
    Western economic literature only as
    one of the driving forces of marginalist
    revolution that has reached smaller
    success than the rest, since not
    owned a mathematical apparatus. Such
    the assessment was formed in the mid-30s of the XX century,
    when different directions of marginalism,
    seemed to merge forever into a single
    neoclassical flow and, moreover, were
    relegated to the background as a result
    the next revolution in economics -
    Keynesian. But in the early 70s during
    weakening Keynesianism and revival
    keen interest in microeconomic
    analysis revealed that the Mohicans
    Austrian school L. Mises and F. Hayek (last
    received in 1974 Nobel Prize) carried
    over the years, some of the most important
    features of the Austrian school that did not give it
    merge completely with neoclassical

    way, compared with Lausanne and
    Cambridge (Anglo-American) schools
    marginalism, the Austrian school turned out to be
    most clearly defined and durable.
    It is possible with a great degree of confidence
    name well-known economists,
    belonging to different generations
    Austrian schools, including our
    contemporaries. This is its founder K.
    Menger, his students E. Boehm-Bawerk and F. Wieser (although
    listen to K. Menger's lectures in Vienna
    University they did not have a chance, both graduated
    him shortly before the author of "Foundations
    political economy "got there
    professorial department), students of E. Böhm-Bawerk
    L. Mises and J. Schumpeter, student of L. Mises F.
    Hayek and his peers G. Haberler, F. Machlup,
    O. Morgenstern (one of the founders of the theory
    games), followers of L. Mises and F. Hayek I.
    Kirzner, L. Lachmann, E. Streisler and others.

    influenced by various ideas of the Austrian school
    had on the British L. Robbins, J. Hicks and
    J. Shackle, Swede K. Wicksell, Dutch
    Pearson, Italian M. Pantaleoni,
    Americans R. Eli, S. Patten and others.
    Of course, the Austrian research
    tradition among its various representatives
    manifested itself in different forms and in different
    degree, but in all cases trace it
    influence is possible.

    What are
    the same characteristic features of the Austrian
    schools of political economy? First of all it is
    consistent monistic
    subjectivity: all categories of economic
    sciences Austrians strive to derive only

    from attitude to things economic
    subject, his preferences, expectations,
    knowledge. As insistently emphasizes
    Menger, any good by itself, from a point
    economist's view, are deprived of any
    objective properties, and above all
    values. These properties are given to them only
    appropriate attitude of one or another

    the essence of interest is different
    the subject's assessment of present and future benefits,
    production costs - in lost profit,
    which is expected to be productive
    benefits could bring if there were
    not used as in reality, but
    otherwise, etc. In this case, the subject of the Austrians
    not guaranteed against errors (he may, by
    for example, misjudge your future
    needs and means of meeting them),
    and these mistakes will not be "discarded"
    market, but will play a role by participating
    along with more correct estimates, in
    determining the price of this good.

    the emphasis that the Austrians put on
    uncertainties of the future and opportunities
    mistakes, the great importance attached to them,
    especially Menger, knowledge of the economic
    subject at his disposal
    information, sharply distinguish them from the background
    other marginalists and make their theories
    especially important these days when the problem
    search and processing of information is located on
    foreground of economic research.

    boldly assert that the degree
    rationality required from
    economic entity located in
    theories of the Austrians are an order of magnitude lower than in
    models of Jevons and Walras. it
    manifests itself, in particular, in another
    features of the Austrian school, namely in
    the fact that the Austrians do not use not only
    mathematical research methods, but
    even geometric illustrations of their
    theoretical positions (like Jevons and
    Marshall). This feature of the Austrian school
    catches the eye of everyone who leafs through
    this book - you will not find in it not only
    differential equations, but also the usual
    supply and demand curves.
    Of course, this can also be explained by the fact that
    founders of the Austrian school,
    law graduates simply
    did not know the technique of mathematical
    analysis [although the same K. Menger, if desired
    could well have acquired the necessary skills from
    his brother, an outstanding mathematician].
    However, the main reason is completely different.
    The point is that the application in the theory of value
    differential calculus requires
    for the researcher to accept some
    additional assumptions. Firstly,
    the valued good must be infinite
    divisible, or, equivalently, the function
    utility should be continuous, not
    discrete. This function should be, secondly,
    differentiable, i.e., have a tangent at
    each point, and, thirdly, convex, for
    so that the derivative at each point is
    ultimate [See an interesting article from my son
    Menger - Karl Menger Jr., mathematician
    by profession: Menger K. Austrian marginalism and mathematical
    economics. In: Carl Menger and the Austrian School ... P. 38-44].

    three additional conditions are introduced for
    convenience of calculation and narrow the range of phenomena,
    explained by marginal theory. what
    as for infinite divisibility, it is
    the property is so uncharacteristic for
    most of the benefits that Jevons and Marshall
    we have to make a reservation that the function
    usefulness refers rather to all of their
    aggregate, and not to one subject (for example,
    to residents of Liverpool or Manchester). But
    lose their meaning for the aggregate of consumers

    subjective ratings and preferences! Besides
    addition, the mathematical version of the theory
    marginal utility assumes that
    business entity unmistakably finds
    the best option for yourself that
    contradicts the above provisions
    Austrians (especially Menger) about
    uncertainties and errors. Insofar as
    Austrians avoid
    mathematical analysis, it allows them
    not only cover more
    a wide range of phenomena, but also keep it
    consistency and stay within
    slightly more realistic model
    human behavior [according to the exact
    E. Streisler's remark, for the Austrian
    schools (as opposed to mathematics) in
    the phrase "marginal utility"
    more important noun than adjective
    (Streissler E. That what Extent was the Austrian School marginalist? History of
    Political Economy. Vol .. 4. N 2. P. 426-461)].

    we come to the next distinctive
    traits of the Austrian school - methodological individualism. Everything
    economic problems Austrians
    consider and decide at the micro level, at
    the level of the individual. They do not take into account that the whole,
    that is, society is always more than the sum of its
    parts, do not recognize specific
    macroeconomic phenomena irreducible
    to a simple resultant of individual
    preferences and decisions. From our point
    view, this is due to the desire
    Austrians to reveal the essence of phenomena,
    causal relationships and their
    distrust of functional dependencies [cf.
    the very first phrase that Menger begins
    their "Foundations ..." (p. 38). To that
    it should be added that the German term
    "Grenznutzen" can be more accurately translated as "boundary"
    utility, i.e., an assessment of the value of a thing
    a buyer at the "border"
    between those who manage to acquire the thing, and
    those who will be ousted from the market; no
    a hint of a "limit" in mathematical
    sense of the word is not here]. In this sense
    Austrians are closer to K. Marx than to
    most economists-mathematicians,
    who adhered to positivist

    links with methodological individualism
    there is also a notable absence in
    works of Austrian marginalists
    developed ideas of balance. It is clear that
    Walrasian general equilibrium concept
    was too much for the Austrians
    supra-individual, requiring excessive
    rationality and optimality of decisions.
    Much more interesting is that in Menger's theory
    the concept of partial
    equilibrium, the only equilibrium price.

    An important
    role in Austrian theory is played by the factor
    time. Least of all other marginalists
    the Austrians deserve a reproach for the clean
    static point of view. They didn't forget
    emphasize that value judgments
    people directly depend on
    what time period can they calculate
    satisfaction of their needs ("period
    prudence "). It is the factor
    time and associated uncertainty
    lead to errors of exchange participants and not
    allow the general equilibrium to be established,
    inherent in the timeless Walras system,
    where all prices and quantities of goods are determined
    at the same time.

    we have to give a group portrait of three
    founders of the Austrian school, works
    which are presented in this book. In their
    biographies have a lot in common: all three
    come from noble families, studied at
    Faculty of Law, Vienna
    university, entered the state
    service, then alternated teaching in
    university with important positions in
    Austrian state (Böhm-Bawerk three times
    was Minister of Finance, Chairman
    The Supreme Court of Appeal and
    President of the Academy of Sciences, Wieser - Minister of Commerce), were
    life members of the upper house
    parliament. They were tied by friends, and Böhm-Bawerka
    and Wieser - even a family relationship.

    the fields of economic theory are all too,
    certainly were close ideological
    associates. However, history intended
    each of them has its own role, and it is this "specialization"
    in our opinion, the Austrian school is obliged
    early flowering and noticeable influence.

    Austrian limit theorists
    usefulness deserves the name of the school
    primarily because she had a teacher with
    indisputable scientific authority - Karl
    Menger (1840-1921). When, being little known
    young (31 years old) civil servants and
    journalist, he decided to become an assistant professor
    University of Vienna and as
    recommendations just presented
    published book "Foundations of political
    saving ", of course, no one could have thought
    that this work for more than a hundred years
    will be the main source of ideas for economists
    Austrian school. Menger has practically no
    there were teachers, although there were predecessors:
    relying mainly on German literature,
    he was nevertheless not familiar with the compositions
    Gossen and Thünen, in which the ideas of the ultimate
    usefulness and marginal
    performance found their most
    early incarnation. At the same time, almost
    it is impossible to find any idea or
    the concept of Boehm-Bawerk, Wieser and their
    followers who were not anticipated
    separate provisions and even footnotes from the "Foundations
    political economy. "
    speaking, everything that was said above about
    characteristic features of the Austrian
    schools in general, primarily and in
    most related to a masterpiece
    Menger. It is all the more surprising that this
    the book had a very difficult fate. The first
    the publication went almost unnoticed [if,
    certainly not to consider such attentive
    readers like Boehm-Bawerk, Wieser and Marshall!].
    The second edition of "Foundations ..." is out
    only in 1923, after the death of the author, when
    the main ideas of the Austrian school have already become
    widely known in more accessible
    interpretations of Böhm-Bawerk and Wieser. On the
    the international language of economists is English
    - the book was only translated
    80 years after writing.

    the result for almost a century after
    publication of "Foundations ..." Menger
    remained revered rather than read
    by the author. Rebirth of widespread interest
    economists since the 70s of the XX century. to ideas
    Menger, we owe F. Hayek, who did not
    only gave many of them further
    development, but also did an enormous amount for
    their propaganda and memorialization
    founder of the Austrian school.

    (correctly Eugen) von Boehm-Bawerk (1851-1914)
    played in the history of the Austrian school different
    role. Unlike Menger, he was in the first
    turn of the statesman of the highest
    rank (the list of his positions is given above),
    giving the remaining free time
    teaching. As for the deep and
    unhurried research work, then on
    there was practically no time left for her. Not
    by chance all significant works of Böhm-Bawerk
    were written by him for the first, relatively
    quiet ten years of his career (1880-1889),
    when he taught at Innsbruck
    university: in 1881 he published his dissertation
    "Rights and relationships in terms of learning
    on national economic benefits "; in 1884 - the first part of the main work" Capital and
    profit "criticized
    previous theories of capital and
    percent; in 1886 - published in our
    collection of work "Fundamentals of the theory of value
    economic benefits "; in 1889 - the second part
    "Capital and Profit" - "Positive
    theory of capital "; in 1890 - the book" K
    completion of the Marxist system ", in
    which Böhm-Bawerk was one of the first
    criticized Marx's theory of value, citing
    on the contradiction between volumes I and III of "Capital".
    The pace taken by Boehm-Bawerk during these years
    impressive, but he undoubtedly should have
    bad for depth, thoughtfulness and
    completeness of his works. Not
    by accident it was Boehm-Bawerk, not Menger
    was (and still is) the main
    the target of criticism of the Austrian school as a whole.
    But inadequate finishing of their own
    theoretical research (especially tangible
    in "Capital and Profit") did not prevent Böhm-Bawerk
    perform another important function:
    an eloquent propagandist of ideas
    Austrian school (primarily Menger),
    as well as skillful and temperamental
    a polemicist defending them in the fight against
    competing theories. It is in this
    Boehm-Bawerk acquired a wide
    fame in the scientific world (it is no coincidence that
    in our literature, starting with the "Political
    savings rentier "N. I. Bukharin, it was he
    proclaimed the head of the Austrian school [see.
    See also: Encyclopedia of Economics.
    Political Economy. T. 1.M .: Soviet
    encyclopedia, 1972. S. 152]). Selected for
    publications in our collection work
    allows the reader to compose the most
    a complete picture of Böhm-Bawerk as
    popularizer and polemicist [the most
    significant research by Böhm-Bawerk in
    areas of theory ("Capital and Profit")
    currently preparing for release in
    one of the publishers]. Boehm-Bawerk was
    a lawyer not only by education, but also by
    mentality and style of presentation. It
    strove for clarity, persuasiveness and
    clarity of argumentation and was not inclined
    to careful and comprehensive deliberation
    every definition in the spirit of Menger, who
    brought laconicism and elegance of style to
    sacrifice to the precision of meaning. This distinction is good
    transmitted in Russian translation. Reader,
    who wants to compose the initial
    idea of ​​the main ideas
    Austrian school, can, in principle, start
    precisely from the work of Böhm-Bawerk.

    The third
    from the authors presented in our collection
    is Baron Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926). It
    more than two of his colleagues contributed
    the design of the Austrian school in
    school - being the most capable of them
    teacher, he devoted 42 years of his life
    presentation of Austrian theory with
    professorship (first in Prague in 1884-1902, and then in Vienna, where he inherited
    Menger's chair), and also wrote the first
    systematized textbook
    Austrian school - "Theory
    public economy "(1914). Contribution
    Wieser into Austrian theory is very
    peculiar. First, he became famous for
    which gave bright names and memorable
    formulating many ideas of marginalism.
    It was he who first used the terms "limiting
    utility "(Grenznutzen)," imputation "
    (Zurechnung), "Gossen's laws".

    it was Wieser who was the first to succeed [in the works
    "On the origin and basic laws
    economic value "(1884) and" Natural
    value "(1889)] to formulate the principle
    lost profits giving purely
    subjective explanation of costs, and
    develop the theory in the most detail
    imputation inferring value
    productive goods from the value of their
    a consumable product, and for the first time
    formulate a central principle
    equality of marginal products,
    produced by this productive
    good in all its applications [as B.
    Seligman, Wieser's task was
    spreading Menger's ideas to spheres
    production and distribution. (Seligman B.
    The main currents of modern
    economic thought. M .: Progress, 1968. S. 168)].

    from the early representatives of the Austrian school
    only Wieser tried to connect ideas
    marginal utility with possibilities
    the most appropriate organization
    society as a whole. Wieser can be called
    least "analytical" and most
    prone to synthesis, descriptive and
    sociological approach by
    Austrian school. In this sense, he
    closest to German historical
    school. Unlike Menger and Böhm-Bawerk,
    former staunch liberals, Wieser
    tried to justify the need
    government intervention and
    central planning (the term "planning"
    he again used it for the first time in a Western
    economic theory) in order to
    translate the principles of marginal utility into
    life and ensure optimal
    the functioning of the economy (its youthful
    adherence to the ideas of socialism, as well as
    passion for fascism in old age,
    obviously cannot be considered an accident).

    Let's move on
    to a more detailed description
    published in the collection of works.

    Menger. Foundations of Political Economy
    (Grundsatze der Volkswirtschaftslehre) [this title, as we
    seems to be really more accurate
    conveys the content of the book than the literal
    translation: "Fundamentals of the doctrine of folk
    farm "].

    the above is the "revered-unreadable" paradox
    this book, in our opinion, is not accidental, his
    the reasons are rooted in some peculiarities
    Menger work, for which you want
    draw the attention of the reader.

    in total, it should be noted that the book has
    subtitle: "General part". it
    means that we are dealing with an introductory part
    to a much more extensive work, Menger, so
    just like Marx, he was essentially a man
    one book that was supposed to contain
    a coherent and comprehensive system of categories
    economy. Working on this (never
    written) with a treatise, he devoted a large
    part of his life (from 1903 he even left for the sake of
    this his professorial department in
    university). Menger did not consent to
    reprinting and translation of "Foundations ..." before
    as long as they are carefully processed
    and supplemented, will not take their place in it
    general theoretical system.

    addition, faced with misunderstanding and
    the hostile reaction of German economists,
    who at that time were under strong
    influence of anti-theoretical
    the new history school and its head Schmoller,
    Menger was forced to join him in
    single combat on the methodological front.
    His second major work "Research
    on the method of social sciences and political
    savings in particular "(1833) not only
    contained controversy with the inductive
    methodology of the historical school, but also
    disclosed the main methodological
    the principles of Menger himself [chief among them
    is that economics
    should identify the simplest, typical
    elements of reality and ascend from them to
    more complex phenomena, where the action of precise
    the laws of theory are difficult to recognize due to
    influence of non-economic motives]. Unfolded thereafter
    fierce controversy with Schmoller,
    entered the history of economic science as
    "method dispute" [cf. about this dispute and
    his various assessments: Bostaph S. The Methodological Debate
    Between Carl Menger and the German Historicists (Atlantic Economic Journal.
    1978. V. VI. No. 3. P. 3-16)], Menger gave enough
    a lot of strength to write
    the alleged treatise.

    the above does not allow
    Menger's "grounds ..."
    which a complete
    theoretical system, for example
    criticize them for a very narrow circle
    raised issues: values, prices,
    the origin and essence of money. Moreover,
    the style itself is important, in which
    written "Foundations ...". Trying
    outline the most general foundations of your
    theory, Menger studiously avoids
    excessive detail and categoricality,
    leaving an explanation of many specific
    questions for later [judging by the preparatory
    materials, Menger was going to devote
    the second part of his treatise to research
    interest, wages, rent, credit and
    paper money; the third part is "applied"
    industrial production theory and
    trade; fourth - criticism of modern
    his economic system and suggestions
    on its reform. (Hayek F. von Carl Menger. In: Menger C. Principles of
    Economics. N. Y.-L. 1981. P. 16)]. This creates
    the impression that he foresaw those
    contradictions that can get confused
    his theory in a more coarse, popular
    interpretation. It's somewhere deep
    thoughtful, and somewhere, maybe
    intuitive foresight combined with
    impressive internal logic and
    sequence led to
    what is against Menger's "Foundations ..."
    impossible to nominate a majority
    critical arguments that are usually
    speak out against his "inconsistent
    followers "- Böhm-Bawerk and Wieser. Not
    accidentally building a new Austrian theory
    Mises, Hayek and others built chiefly
    image on Menger's foundation,
    abandoning many concepts of it
    students. We will now make a short
    a journey through the Foundations of Political
    savings ", dwelling only on those
    moments that distinguish Menger from his
    predecessors or contemporaries or
    had a significant impact on his
    followers. As for the
    logical connection of arguments, then it
    stated by the author so clearly and clearly
    which, in our opinion, does not need special

    "Foundations ..."
    consist of three large sections. The first of
    them (chapters one through three) are devoted to
    the cornerstone of Austrian theory is the doctrine of subjective value. But
    wondering what the third chapter, where,
    in fact, contains the theory of value,
    the author prefaces two preparatory
    chapters (about 1/4 of the entire book!) devoted to
    the doctrine of benefits in general, and economic
    benefits in particular. In defining the first
    Menger stresses the importance of cognition
    man of their useful properties.
    A feature of the latter is their
    rare, but curious that Menger avoids
    pronounce this term because
    economic benefits are not made by absolute
    rarity, and the excess of the planned
    need for a good or "necessary
    quantity "(specifically Menger's
    quantitative category
    a certain need of the individual for
    some foreseeable period) over
    the amount of this good, which, as
    the individual expects, will be available to him. So,
    already in the first definitions one can see
    Menger's general style of research: the rejection of
    the use of short but ambiguous
    terms, the desire to give as much
    adequate, albeit verbose, presentation
    thoughts. Some of the most famous ideas
    the first section concerns the division of all goods
    for the benefits of higher and lower orders, as well as
    the principle of complementarity (additionality)
    productive goods. Consistently
    climbing up the river of time from its
    starting point - satisfaction
    needs, Menger first explained
    value of productive goods by value
    produced with their help consumer
    blessings, and not vice versa, as was the case with the authors,
    attributing value to costs
    production. For Menger, costs are only valuable
    in the event that with their help it will be
    a valuable product has been produced.
    Recall, by the way, that the same problem
    consumer appraisal of the
    costs through product value - socially necessary costs
    - saw and
    K. Marx tried to solve in the III volume of Capital,
    in the chapter on market price and market
    cost. (An interesting example of how
    authors coming from completely different
    prerequisites, often come to extremely
    similar conclusions!) Principle
    complementarity enriches the picture
    new colors: it turns out that
    productive goods may be devalued
    and even stop being good if
    at least one necessary "component" is missing
    element from that set of productive
    goods that are necessary for a certain
    production process (conclusion,
    unthinkable for cost theory). Development of
    Menger problems of complementarity, and
    also (later) changing proportions, in
    which can connect
    production goods, testifies to
    the fact that the founder of the Austrian school
    much deeper Jevons and Walras reflected
    in its theory, the sphere of production and,
    therefore, his theory is in no way
    earned the title of "political economy
    rentier "for which" production,
    labor expended in obtaining
    material goods, lies out of sight "
    [Bukharin NI The political economy of the rentier.
    M .: Orbita, 1988. S. 19-20].

    attention to yourself "4 of the first chapter, entirely
    dedicated to the significance of the time factor and
    the uncertainty it generates for
    economic activities of people.
    Focused in this paragraph as well as
    the statements scattered in the book are not
    leave doubt that the approach
    Menger to the economy cannot be called
    static and timeless (as opposed to
    approach of Jevons or Walras). If
    Menger's conceived treatise was written, we
    most likely would have received a non-static
    equilibrium model, and the theory of economic
    activity as a process taking place during
    time and space.

    the second chapter we want to draw attention to
    reader for a vivid example of Menger's
    methodological monism: from
    relative rarity of goods (see explanation
    above) Menger deduced human selfishness, and
    also a property phenomenon! (see pp. 78, 82).
    The analysis of the transfer of goods from
    economic to non-economic, and
    vice versa (pp. 82-87). Here, as in some
    subsequent places, there is a tendency
    Menger to Historical Research
    economic institutions. Really,
    uncompromising fight against "vices
    historicism ", the absolutization of descriptive
    and inductive methods did not exclude any
    Menger, nor his followers
    respect for economic
    stories (about this can, in particular,
    testify to the dedication of the "Foundations ..."
    W. Rocher - the head of the German historical
    schools). This also distinguishes the Austrian
    school from other areas of marginalism (for
    excluding Marshall).

    the third is central in the whole book, it
    contains the theory of subjective value. IN
    contrast to other Menger marginalists
    determined the value of goods not by quantity
    the benefits they bring, and by the importance
    the needs they meet. It,
    seemingly insignificant difference on
    actually plays an important role. It
    indicates that Menger: 1)
    develops a theory that later
    received the name of the ordinal version
    marginalism: the need for every good is not
    has an absolute value, and is expressed
    only in comparison with the usefulness of the other
    goods (the numbers in his tables are conditional
    character and express not magnitude, but hierarchy
    needs - see note. on p. 156); 2) not
    connects, unlike Jevons, his theory
    hedonistic values
    nature of man, ascending to Bentham (for
    this is for the marginalists applying for
    explanation of "psychology"
    business entity, badly got
    from contemporaries psychologists [See. in more detail:
    Avtonomov V.S. The search for new ways // Origins.
    1990. "2. S. 187-188]). I must say that Menger
    I did not use it at all when building my
    theory of the term "utility".

    Along the way
    Menger solves the long-existing
    economic theory paradox: the most
    good for human life
    are not always the most
    valuable. He does this by noting that
    value is given by people only
    economic, i.e. relatively rare,

    pay attention to the categoricalness with which
    Menger advocates a purely subjective
    the nature of value (p. 101) that does not exist outside
    people (recall that for supporters
    objective theories, including Marx,
    "values" or "costs" are often
    used as a synonym for goods
    regardless of the availability of needing them

    its formulation of the principles of diminishing
    the importance of the benefits satisfied and
    equal importance to all satisfied
    needs (correspond to I and II laws
    Gossen), Menger places the second of them in
    footnote as a special case of the first (p. 109). For
    of all general equilibrium theorists, this
    the principle, on the other hand, is decisive.

    Menger's argument looks tense,
    consistently from satisfaction
    needs, where this motive is obviously
    does not play a predominant role. Indicative in
    in this sense, the paragraph "On productivity
    capital ", where Menger passes
    abstract as a motive for accumulation
    capital, and from specifically
    entrepreneurial motives,
    investigated later by I. Schumpeter in "Theory
    economic development "[Schumpeter J.
    The theory of economic development. M .:
    Progress, 1982. S. 193].

    this chapter Menger for the first time in economic
    literature accepts the assumption that
    that a certain amount of a product can
    be produced using various
    combinations of productive goods (pp. 139-140).
    This idea of ​​substitution of productive goods
    (abandoned by Menger's successors
    Böhm-Bawerk and Wieser) later received in
    Western economic thought significant
    development, and in particular underlies the theory
    production functions.

    his theory of the value of productive
    Blag Menger takes another bold step - refuses to distinguish between three
    main factors of production: land,
    labor and capital. This long tradition he
    violates on the grounds that the value
    all kinds of goods, including land and labor,
    determined based on the same
    the principle formulated by him - the values ​​of their
    products. At the same time, Menger again shows
    their anti-hedonistic orientation and
    criticizes popular theory (e.g.
    Jevons), according to which a person
    spending labor receives compensation for
    unpleasant sensations associated with it (p. 146).

    perhaps the most important from the point of view
    further development of western
    economic theory was the following contribution
    Menger. Talking about the factors that determine
    value of goods of higher orders, Menger (on.
    140-141) sets out an idea that later
    Wieser developed the most thoroughly. it
    the principle of "loss of profits" ("opportunity
    cost "), which entered the arsenal of the most
    important tools of modern
    microeconomic theory. According to
    Menger the value of a productive good
    determined by the difference between the value
    the product that is planned with its help
    to produce, and by the value of others,
    satisfying less important needs
    benefits that could be produced with
    alternative use of this
    productive good.

    the "Foundations ..." section includes chapters
    fourth and fifth. Its content is a transition
    from subjective value to price, i.e. to
    exchange proportion of goods. The relationship between
    the second and first sections is the relation
    phenomena to the entity ["Prices are the only
    sensuously perceived elements of everything
    process ... "(p. 163)]. Menger
    consistently displays prices from
    individual, subjective values, but
    takes into account the objective influence
    environments - different types of exchange. First step,
    which Menger requires him
    subjectivist approach - refusal
    prerequisites for equivalent exchange. After all
    this premise assumes equality
    benefits for some objective inherent in them
    the indicator itself. Menger takes this step
    declaring that the exchange cannot be
    equivalent because it is always beneficial
    to both of its participants: after him, their
    needs are better satisfied,
    than before him (pp. 150-151). Note that this conclusion
    absolutely inevitably follows from the chosen
    the author of the initial premises:
    meet needs like
    the only motive of any economic
    activities. (In Marx's Capital in
    exchange analysis is implicitly laid down
    the prerequisite for the existence of capital and
    the dominant role of the motive of accumulation
    capital that breaks out into
    Chapter 4 of Volume I. One for all capitalists
    accumulation motive by its very nature
    assumes the commensurability of goods. Have
    Menger's benefits are objectively incommensurable:
    how many people, so many values
    given amount of goods.)

    this premise manifests itself in
    determining the boundaries of exchange: if further
    sharing will stop improving satisfaction
    the needs of its participants, he
    will stop (see pp. 155-156). (For comparison: y
    Marx's border of exchange are the borders
    production, and not vice versa, and the latter in
    turn set only by the possibility
    continuation and acceleration of the process
    accumulation, the very motive of accumulation by
    nature is limitless. As for
    possibilities of accumulation, then they are given
    effective demand, and
    the only factor affecting
    the last one is income.)
    notice that the needs-based approach
    completely rehabilitates such an important area
    economic activity like trade.
    The classics and Marxists are known to
    denied the productive nature of labor in
    this industry, leaving behind him only
    redistribution of the produced.
    Some provisions read today as
    a burning argument in defense of trade
    intermediaries relevant to our current
    parliamentary debates.

    I want to
    also note two modest, but not
    by value, fragment. The first is about "economic
    victims who require exchange operations "
    (p. 161). Here, if you wish, you can see
    the beginnings of the concept of "transactional
    costs ", playing in modern
    western neo-institutionalist
    literature the outstanding role [Kapelyushnikov R.
    I. Economic theory of property rights.
    M .: IMEMO, 1990. S. 28-37]. The other is the first in
    theoretical economic literature
    distinction between bid prices and prices
    proposals (20 years before Marshall) that,
    undoubtedly it was suggested to Menger his
    the practice of the stock exchange observer.

    The main
    part of chapter five is devoted to education
    prices in different conditions - at
    isolated exchange, seller monopoly and
    competition of buyers and, finally, with
    bilateral competition. Draws on itself
    attention to the order of analysis in which
    the logical transition does not come from free
    competition to monopoly (as in all
    modern Western textbooks), but vice versa.
    This, of course, did not mean that Menger
    proceeded from the existence of real
    capitalist giant monopolies
    late XIX - early XX century. This
    the sequence is dictated to the author: 1)
    the research methodology chosen by him - from
    the simplest cases to more and more complex ones; 2)
    a tendency to historical parallels (a
    historically relatively free
    competition is definitely
    late product
    commodity exchange) (see pp. 183-184) and 3) the same
    pervasive subjectivism: the simplest
    for Menger is the case when we have
    dealing with the value judgments of one
    a buyer and one seller; more difficult if
    several buyers participate in the exchange;
    even more difficult if sellers too
    somewhat, because the theorist needs
    "get into the soul" of each of the participants
    exchange and ferret out his subjective
    preferences. I wonder what the price
    determined by Menger in both monopoly and
    competitive situation the same laws
    subjective value, but these laws
    manifest themselves under monopoly and under
    competition in completely different
    the seller's policy: when competing
    it is unprofitable to hold the goods and resort to
    price discrimination of buyers.
    Menger's theory of price from all others
    options for marginalism
    the absence of a concept in it is unambiguous
    determined equilibrium price: market
    Menger's price can fluctuate between
    estimates of the unit of the good the least strong of
    competitors who entered the exchange and the most
    the strong one who never did it
    do (pp. 175-176). The more competitors, the
    there is already room for price fluctuations, but all
    equal to some part of the price in each case
    is not explained by the factor of subjective
    values, but the ability to bargain.

    mediating link in the transition from
    the original abstraction of the individual
    economy aimed at direct
    consumption, to a developed exchange
    economy characteristic of
    capitalist economy, is
    Menger's doctrine of consumption and exchange
    the value of the good. Both are purely for him
    subjective values ​​(exchange value
    goods are the value of other goods that
    can be obtained in exchange for it). If the exchange
    the value of a person's good
    more consumer, exchange can
    happen if the opposite is not true. Ratio
    the same use and exchange value
    is determined by the amount of good,
    at the disposal of this person.
    Thus, for large owners,
    for example manufacturers, predominant, or
    "economic", as Menger put it,
    invariably there should be an exchange, and not
    the use value of the
    goods. So, Menger corrects the adopted
    them for the prevailing consumer motive
    economic activity, without violating the
    the same time of their initial premises.

    the last section of the book (chapters seven and
    eighth) is devoted to the essence of money and their
    origin. These questions are always
    worried Menger as in theory (among his
    few works included two
    articles (1892 and 1900) about money for the "Handbook
    on state sciences ", and for
    of the second edition of the handbook, the article was
    completely revised), and in practice
    (in the same 1892 Menger was part of the Imperial
    commission on monetary reform and played in it
    the main role). Menger's Approach to Essence
    money is also peculiar - he takes her out of
    different "sales ability of goods"
    (Absatzfahigkeit). Here we are dealing with purely
    Menger category, which can
    it would be most accurate to translate into
    modern language as "liquidity".
    Menger is referring to the ability of a commodity
    always find a sale in any quantity, in
    as a last resort with a small loss in value (p.
    213). The most liquid product becomes

    sales ability has so much
    meaning that the exchange may not be started
    for better satisfaction of needs,
    but for the sake of obtaining a more exchangeable good.
    It is easy to see that Menger is here
    rises to the next level
    concretizing the motives of economic
    activities, taking into account the realities of monetary

    E. Boehm-Bawerka "Fundamentals of the theory of value
    economic benefits "was for the first time
    published in 1886 in a German journal
    "Conrads Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik". it
    first appeal from a representative
    Austrian school directly to
    German readers (remember what exactly in
    this time the "method dispute" raged,
    which ended with "organizational conclusions" - the supporters of the Austrian school were
    it is forbidden to occupy professorial departments in
    Germany). In this work, as noted
    Soviet researcher I. G. Blyumin, "Böhm-Bawerk
    gave it to the utmost clarity
    exposition of the theory of value of the Austrians ...
    with good reason the "Austrians" could
    say: "Die, but it's better not Böhm-Bawerk
    what about the theory of marginal utility ""
    [Böhm-Bawerk E. Foundations of the theory of value
    economic benefits. M.-L. 1929. S. IV].

    avoid repetitions, we'll stop here
    only at those moments where Boehm-Bawerk introduces
    something new compared to Menger's theory.

    the first pages are clearly visible
    the desire of Böhm-Bawerk to bring more
    strong bridges between the theory of subjective
    Menger-Wieser values ​​and objective
    price proportions, adding up to
    market. For this, Böhm-Bawerk calls
    exchange value is an objective value,
    inherent in the material goods themselves (p. 249).
    Recall that Menger did not consider the exchange
    value is an objective property of the goods themselves:
    in his interpretation, exchange value is
    the subjective value of the goods that can be
    get in return for the existing one. Hard
    separation of subjective and objective
    values ​​will affect Böhm-Bawerk and
    later. It is enough to point out the structure
    a book in which the author distinguishes two parts:
    subjective value theory and theory
    objective exchange value.

    the first part of the innovations introduced by Boehm-Bawerk,
    are like that. Talking about the hierarchical scale
    needs (p. 274), he strengthens it
    the realism of what the table does
    omissions as some needs
    can only be satisfied entirely, and not
    parts (this is the next step after Menger,
    removing Austrian value theory from
    mathematical version of marginalism). Boehm-Bawerk
    gives a clear definition of subjective
    the value of goods through its marginal benefit (p.
    285). It should be noted that this translation
    more accurately than the generally accepted one conveys the meaning
    teachings of the Austrian school. Usefulness
    (Nutzlichkeit) Austrians call characteristic
    this kind of benefits in general, benefit (Nutzen)
    - characteristic of a certain amount

    this good.

    Boehm-Bawerk's contribution is his attempt
    find a quantitative relationship between
    the total value of these goods and the marginal
    usefulness (pp. 286-287). Boehm-Bawerk believes that
    marginal utilities of individual units
    this good have the property
    additivity, but not multiplicativity.
    The marginal utility of units of a given
    stock (of the same quality) in case
    summation will not be the same, since
    they are meant to satisfy
    needs of different importance. (Happening,
    when the goods are originally intended for
    sales, Böhm-Bawerk considers separately
    and multiplicativity is allowed there.)
    It should be noted that the forward-looking
    Menger bypassed this problem altogether.
    He examines the concepts of wealth and property
    before determining the value of goods and not
    returns to them afterwards. Wherein
    Menger insisted on relative, not on
    the absolute nature of the value and not
    assumed the possibility of measuring it in
    any units. Boehm-Bawerk is trying
    quantify the total value,
    is forced to proceed without due reason from
    measurability of value, i.e. go to
    more vulnerable to criticism of the cardinalist
    version of marginalism [deep criticism
    Boehm-Bawerk's teachings on measurability
    cost was given by an outstanding Russian economist
    E. E. Slutsky (Slutsky E. Zur Kritik des Bohm-Baverkschen Wertbegriffs
    und seiner Lehre von der Messbarkeit des Wertes // Schmollers Jahrbuch. V. LI. N
    4. S. 37-52)].

    this is clearly stated in chapter three,
    where Boehm-Bawerk asks himself the question: "We can
    whether we determine the magnitude of this difference (between
    sensations), more precisely, can we express it in
    figures? "(p. 303) and gives him
    yes answer.

    in this he refers to the fact that we have to
    countless times to choose between
    one large and many small
    enjoyment, although this is obviously not at all
    proves measurability of value in
    absolute values. Postulating such
    way "digital determination of the quantity
    pleasures and hardships "(p. 304), Böhm-Bawerk
    is much closer to Jevons and even
    Bentham with his "arithmetic of happiness",
    than to Menger [Avtonomov V.S. Model
    person in bourgeois political
    savings from Smith to Marshall // Origins. 1989. "
    1.P. 204--219. This is evidenced by
    Boehm-Bawerk's use of hedonistic
    terminology that Menger avoided].

    bring the theory of subjective value closer to
    conditions of "developed exchange relations",
    Boehm-Bawerk invites for explanation
    individual difficult cases concept
    substitutional marginal benefit. Author
    comes to the conclusion that the value for
    man's lost winter coat in
    in most cases it is not measured
    marginal utility, and marginal
    the usefulness of other benefits that will have
    not buy or sell to buy
    coat in return for the lost one. She is in her
    the queue depends on the price of the coat on the market (what
    it is more expensive, the greater the loss of other goods).
    So ultimately
    subjective value of a given product
    is determined by its own price. This logical
    the circle has long been
    primary target for Marxist critics
    Austrian theory (starting with Hilferding
    and Bukharin). To Menger, the same criticism
    is inapplicable, since it has the value of goods
    determined only by intensity
    needs and the presence of good and in no way
    depends on the price.

    the same can be said about Boehm-Bawerk's addiction
    values ​​from "the relationship between demand and
    supply, "wealth or poverty
    human (p. 294-295).

    Boehm-Bawerk's contribution to world science - the idea of
    the fact that the constantly existing difference
    between the value of the product and its determined
    total production costs (i.e.
    i.e. profit) depends on the duration
    production period (pp. 327-328). On this
    thesis built by Boehm-Bawerk theory
    capital, profit and interest in his work
    "Capital and Profit" (Part II).

    also of interest is the Boehm-Bawerk attempt
    combine the law of subjective value with
    the law of production costs (p. 333). Author
    recognizes the statute of costs
    rules by which in private
    case of unlimited possibilities
    increase production really
    you can measure the value of the "highly useful"
    product, although the costs themselves are ultimately
    account are determined by the value of the least
    useful (marginal) product.

    value for justifying not only Boehm-Bawerk,
    but the whole marginalist theory of value
    has a small chapter seven. Here Boehm-Bawerk
    responds to accusations of unrealism
    the marginalist model of man,
    doing a huge amount
    cumbersome calculations in order to
    determine the value of goods (especially "distant
    order "). The author's counter-arguments (which
    repeat with slight variations
    supporters of the marginalist - neoclassical theory to this day)
    are as follows:

    1. due to habit and skill, most
      calculations of this kind are done almost
      instantly, albeit approximately.
      Excessive prudence is even unprofitable.
      - it requires unnecessary investment of time and effort
      [at this point is clearly manifested
      superiority of the Austrian school, not
      requiring absolute rationality and
      optimal choice, over mathematical
      version of marginalism. Representatives
      the latter were able to embed this conclusion into their
      theory only over 70 years after
      of this work by Stigler G. The economics of
      information // Journal of Political Economy. 1961. V. 69. P. 213-245)];
    2. in most cases, the new calculation does
      do not have to do, because the information
      the value of a given thing is already laid down
      in our memory [curious what exactly
      the same considerations Marx in the III volume of "Capital"
      explained the price determination by producers with
      taking into account compensation for the conditions of production,
      different from the average (K. Marx, F.
      Op. 2nd ed. T. 25. Part I. S. 221-236)];
    3. finally, a developed system of division of labor
      allows the producer or owner of the goods
      distant order, take into account only the exchange

    the value of your good, leaving everything
    other stages of production and evaluation at
    share of the following entrepreneurs.

    The second
    part of the book - "The theory of objective exchange
    cost "differs from the statement of those
    Menger's same questions are as follows.
    Above all Boehm-Bawerk from the start
    brings theoretical analysis closer to
    modern reality and expresses
    subjective values ​​of goods in money (he
    has the right to do so, as previously announced
    on the measurability of value). Problems
    monopoly and imperfect competition in
    teachers are written much deeper than
    student: buyers, according to Menger, can
    buy yourself not one horse, but several:
    examines the impact of changes
    offers not only for the price, but also for
    the number of those who bought (from Böhm-Bawerk
    the latter is fixed), etc.

    the same time the case of bilateral
    competition at Böhm-Bawerk dismantled
    much more thoroughly (chapter four
    second part).

    in general, it should be noted that since Böhm-Bawerk
    unlike Menger considers
    a situation of developed commodity exchange,
    mediated by money, it includes
    consideration of the subjective value of money
    for buyers of different levels
    consistency (relative to the existing
    their needs). Interestingly, using
    this argument he tries to refute (p.
    388-391) the optimality of the competitive
    balance from the point of view of the whole society (this
    the idea is central to the theory
    general equilibrium starting with Walras).
    Thus, we have every right to
    call Böhm-Bawerk a fighter against the "bourgeois
    apologetics "!

    The greatest
    theoretical interest, from our point of view,
    presents a logical circle analysis,
    arising when explaining the price
    subjective value, while
    the latter "in the existence of an open
    market "is determined by the market price (pp. 394-400). Here we see that Böhm-Bawerk
    was aware of the existence of this
    problems and tried to solve it. He thought,
    that the market price is the price at which
    the buyer only hopes to purchase the product
    in the future, but since this is the future
    rather uncertain, the assessment of the good is still
    may be revised. Moreover, in all
    cases, the boundary of its price will still be "immediate
    the ultimate benefit of a given thing "(p. 397).
    It cannot be said that the Boehm-Bawerk solution
    really unleashed this gordian
    node. After all, the market price turns into "hope"
    only in very specific markets.
    For example, on commodity or stock exchanges,
    where there are constant price fluctuations,
    or in the market for productive goods,
    whose value really depends on
    how much will be in demand
    make use of the
    product. (We are reasoning here from the standpoint
    the most Austrian theory of value.) On those
    the same consumer "open" markets,
    where is the price in each this moment may be
    quite stable benchmark for
    consumer, marginal utility theory
    really "slips" with this
    that's that.

    concluding chapters of Boehm-Bawerk's work
    are devoted to highly ingenious attempts
    build into the Austrian theory of subjective
    values ​​other, alternative explanations
    the same phenomenon: "the law of supply and
    demand "and" the law of production costs ".
    From our point of view, Böhm-Bawerk brings
    useful clarifications on the concept of demand and
    sentences: classical theory understood
    them as simple quantities of goods, aka
    considers it necessary to adjust these
    quantity, taking into account the intensity of desire
    buy a product even for a high price and desires

    sell it even at a low price.

    the reader should also pay attention to the fact that
    subjective value theory as opposed to
    "objective" theories explains such
    phenomena like markdowns, cheap
    sales, etc. in which goods
    sold out below production costs (p.

    public economy "F. von Wieser
    (1914) ranked in the history of the Austrian school
    about the same place as Basics
    political economy "J. S. Mill in
    history of English classical
    political economy. This is "system shutdown"
    ordering different ideas of different
    authors, an eclectic desire for
    compromises, maximum expansion
    object of research, sometimes at the expense of
    less depth of research (especially on
    comparison with Menger's "Foundations").

    of this collection, we have selected two fragments
    from Wieser's voluminous treatise. The first of
    them continues and develops the theory of value
    Menger-Böhm-Bawerk and allows the reader
    get a complete idea of
    Austrian theory of value in general. Second
    the fragment, on the other hand, finds no
    parallels in Menger and Böhm-Bawerk and
    introduces Wieser to us as a thinker,
    most intensively engaged
    institutional and sociological

    the first fragment we published ("16-25)
    contains all the main
    improvements that Wieser made to
    Austrian theory of value. Wherein
    attention is drawn to the fact that all
    Wieser's achievements go down the line
    approximation of abstract Menger's
    analysis to business practice. So,
    it is from these considerations that Wieser
    strongly rejects the additive way
    determining the total utility of a given
    stock of goods, when each unit has
    different marginal utility, and
    advocates a multiplicative way when
    marginal utility is simply multiplied by
    the amount of homogeneous goods. Further, converts
    attention to yourself detailed study
    relationship between its own limiting
    the usefulness of the product and the costs of its
    production (understood as the greatest
    the usefulness of other benefits that could be
    produced with these funds
    production). Wieser proves that in
    in most cases, these values
    close enough and interchangeable,
    however, there are times when a sharp
    a change in the stock of goods available or
    the need for them can lead to their
    sharp discrepancy. In these cases
    value is not determined by costs, but
    own marginal utility of the good. ...

    and perhaps the most significant contribution
    Wieser into Austrian economic theory
    school is his solution to the problem
    distribution of income. In order to
    to solve this problem, Wieser creates
    the theory of imputation presented in "20-23. Menger
    tries to determine the contribution of each
    means of production into final income from
    thought experiment: he
    assessed how income would decrease due to
    loss of this productive good,
    when other complementary goods will be
    found another application. Wieser thinks
    this technique is artificial and ns
    appropriate to economic practice (to
    moreover, in this case, the total income,
    attributable to all factors of production,
    there will be less product value). His
    the solution is, perhaps, closer to Walrasian: we
    have to find some kindred
    products (i.e. produced with the help of
    the same productive goods),
    assessed in the market by the marginal
    utility, and build a system of equations
    value, in which the number of equations (products)
    will be equal to the number of unknowns
    factors of production. Solving this system,
    the observer theoretically (and the manufacturer -
    practically) will be able to determine
    comparative marginal
    productivity of factors of production.

    Wieser also pays attention to the separation
    productive goods for general and
    specific and different rules
    imputation in each of these cases:
    specific productive good
    income is imputed on a residual basis.

    Wieser's idea was further developed in
    modern theories of property rights, in
    which the concept of ownership
    enterprise and, accordingly, the rights to
    residual income is associated with
    the right to dispose of specific
    means of production.

    only in the section dedicated to Wieser, but also
    in our entire collection stands apart
    the last fragment ("75, 76). We have entered
    the habit of accusing marginalists of excessive
    abstractness of analysis, its abstraction
    from such important public institutions,
    as property, power, etc. Meanwhile
    representatives of the Austrian school
    undoubtedly showed great interest in
    historical and sociological problems.
    The tradition goes back to Menger and his
    analysis of the history of money, but here too
    it was Wieser who made the greatest contribution. His
    ideas about the origin, evolution and
    contradictions between private and
    economic order, perhaps especially
    interesting at the current stage of development
    our society.

    far from the optimism of the English
    classics, and above all Smith,
    which assumed harmonious
    reconciliation of private and public
    interests with the help of the "invisible hand"
    free competition, and from
    unconditional condemnation
    private selfishness in
    socialist and communist
    literature. He emphasizes that the private
    property is inextricably linked with
    economic activity. But private
    property is unthinkable without the powerful
    relationship, domination and submission.
    Property and power are concentrated in
    the hands of economic leaders in which
    you can easily recognize the prototype of the "entrepreneur" figure
    - the main character of the famous theory
    economic development I. Schumpeter,
    pupil Wieser [see. Schumpeter J.A. Theory
    economic development. M .: Progress, 1982].

    expansion of private capital, of course,
    deduces capitalist domination for
    limits of economic feasibility and
    entails unwanted public

    for such a small passage, the reader can
    get an idea of ​​balance and
    depth of Wieser analysis not only
    economic, but also social phenomena.


    But isn't there inconsistency in Menger's reasoning about the ordinance of goods? Maybe the point is not that goods of different orders satisfy a certain final need (for example, the need to eat), but that different goods satisfy fundamentally different, albeit interrelated needs? The presence of flour, water, fire, etc. satisfies the need to bake bread, which arose as a result of the realization of the fact that bread can satisfy hunger. The reasoning about sowing wheat, for growing crops and getting flour is analogous. Then the final conclusion should be the recognition of the object (phenomenon) as a good, only with its direct connection with the satisfaction of the need.

History economic doctrines: lecture notes Eliseeva Elena Leonidovna

LECTURE No. 10. Austrian school

1. Austrian school: the theory of marginal utility as a theory of pricing

The Austrian school appeared in the 70s. XIX century. Its most prominent representatives are Karl Menger (1840 - 1921), Eugen (Eugene) Böhm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851 - 1926). They were the founders of a completely new trend, which began to be called "marginalism", that is, "marginal" Later, marginalism was called a revolution in economics and appropriated the name "marginalist revolution".

Representatives of the classical school believed that the value of a product is the amount of labor expended on its production. Accordingly, the price is the value in monetary terms.

Representatives of the Austrian school held a completely opposite opinion: the value of any product or service is the subjective attitude of a potential consumer towards them. The product itself is devoid of any economic properties.

Consequently, the main thing is the end result, which is assessed by the consumer himself, based on his needs and tastes, and not on the volume of costs for the production of this product. In addition, according to the Austrians, the usefulness of each subsequent unit does not remain in one place, but is constantly decreasing. (On a hot day, a person really wants to drink. He is ready to give 10 or 20 rubles for a glass of mineral water, but he does not agree to pay the same for a second glass, because he does not want to drink so much. On a cold day, he will not agree to pay for this water is even 2 rubles, since he does not want to drink at all.)

Between “usefulness” and “value” you cannot put an equal sign. Not every good is valuable, although it can be useful. Only that which is limited in comparison with the demand for it has value. (Snow for children is useful, but of no value, since its amount is almost limitless in winter.)

Marginalists divided all goods into economic (rare) and free ones. Basically, a person is surrounded by economic goods.

The price of economic goods depends on the human need for them, and not on the costs of their production.

The Austrians completely rejected the theory of labor value, which Karl Marx put forward in his time. They also believed that the price had no objective basis.

The theory of marginal utility has been constantly criticized. Perhaps the theory itself is mistaken in many ways, but it became a strong impetus for further research in economic area, for example, to develop the concept of "marginal values" (marginal cost, marginal revenue, etc.).

Now this theory is used in microeconomics, showing the formation of costs and prices, consumer behavior, the behavior of a firm in conditions of limited resources, etc.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Business Cycle: An Analysis of the Austrian School the author Kuryaev Alexander V

Ludwig von Mises Austrian theory of the economic cycle Today in economics it is customary to talk about the Austrian theory of the economic cycle. Such a characterization is extremely flattering for us Austrian economists, and we highly appreciate the

From the book Money, Bank Loan and Economic Cycles the author Huerta de Soto Jesus

4 Marxist tradition and the Austrian theory of the economic cycle. The Neo-Ricardian Revolution and the Technology Switching Controversy Karl Marx's critique of capitalism proceeded from the objectivist conception of the classical school, according to which there is

the author Huerta de Soto Jesus

3 Consequences of Bank Credit Expansion Unsupported by Increased Savings: Austrian or Cycle Theory Based on Fiduciary Credit In this section, we examine the impact of banks on the production structure,

From the book Money, Bank Loan and Business Cycles the author Huerta de Soto Jesus

4 Marxist tradition and the Austrian theory of the economic cycle. The Neo-Ricardian Revolution and the Technology Switching Controversy Karl Marx's critique of capitalism proceeded from the objectivist conception of the classical school, according to which there is

the author Eliseeva Elena Leonidovna

LECTURE № 5. The classical school of political economy 1. The classical school The ideas of the representatives of the classical school are relevant to this day, and at one time they had a huge impact on the formation of economic science. This trend developed from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century.

From the book History of Economic Doctrines: Lecture Notes the author Eliseeva Elena Leonidovna

LECTURE № 6. Classical school after Smith and Riccardo 1. Teachings of Jean-Baptiste Say Jean-Baptiste Say (Se) (1762 - 1832) - French representative of the classical school, one of the followers of Adam Smith. Born into a merchant's family, he devoted a lot of time to his self-education.

From the book History of Economic Doctrines: Lecture Notes the author Eliseeva Elena Leonidovna

LECTURE No. 7. Historical school 1. Contribution of the historical school to the development of economic theory The development of economic thought in Germany is completely unique for many reasons. For example, at that time in Germany there were about forty states with their own closed

From the book History of Economic Doctrines: Lecture Notes the author Eliseeva Elena Leonidovna

1. Austrian school: marginal utility theory as a theory of pricing The Austrian school appeared in the 70s. XIX century. Its most prominent representatives are Karl Menger (1840 - 1921), Eugen (Eugene) Böhm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851 - 1926). They were the founders

From the book Economic Theory the author Vechkanova Galina Rostislavovna

Question 10 Austrian school

From the book Foundations of Political Economy author Menger Karl

V. S. Avtonomov. Austrian school and its representatives Early 1870s in the history of world economic thought was marked by the so-called marginalist revolution. There is a great deal of conventionality in this dating; for example, the main provisions of the theory of limiting

From the book Youth of Science the author Anikin Andrey Vladimirovich

From the book Youth of Science. The life and ideas of economic thinkers before Marx the author Anikin Andrey Vladimirovich

School In 1873, Marx wrote an afterword to the second edition of Capital (first volume), in which he gave a brief outline of the development of bourgeois political economy in the 19th century. Noting the achievements of the classical school at the beginning of the century and the heated discussions of the 20s, he said further: “In

the author Agapova Irina Ivanovna


From the book History of Economic Thought [Course of lectures] the author Agapova Irina Ivanovna

LECTURE 7. ANGLO-AMERICAN ECONOMIC SCHOOL 1. J. Clark's theory of marginal productivity In the theory of production costs of the Austrian school, within the framework of the concept of opportunity costs, the value of productive goods was equated to the value of

From the book History of Economic Thought [Course of lectures] the author Agapova Irina Ivanovna


From the book Hypnosis of Intelligence [Thinking and Civilization] the author Tsaplin Vladimir Sergeevich

"SCHOOL OF KNOWLEDGE" AND "SCHOOL OF COMPETENCIES" ........ TRADITIONAL AND AUTHENTIC EDUCATION ................ PERSONALIZATION OF POWER ....... Two cultures .. ..Conditions of merging ..... "Is the tail wagging the dog?" ... Thought and Power .... THE REALITY OF ANTIUTOPIA ......... Forceful Clash .... Elemental Riot

Austrian school(eng. Austrian School; See also Vienna School, School of Psychology) - a theoretical direction of economic science within the framework of marginalism, emphasizing the role of the self-organizing force of the market price mechanism. The basis this approach is the assertion that the complexity of human behavior and the constantly changing nature of markets make mathematical modeling in economics extremely difficult (if not impossible). In this situation, in the sphere of economic policy, the principles of a free economy (Laissez-faire) and economic liberalism become the main ones. The followers of the Austrian school advocate the protection of freedom of contracts concluded by market participants (economic agents), and minimal outside interference in transactions (especially from the state).

The emergence of the Austrian school

It originated in Austria in the 80s. XIX century. as a reaction to the appearance of the 1st volume of "Capital" by K. Marx, the spread of Marxist economics, teachings and the growth of the revolutionary workers' movement. The Austrian school sought to oppose Marxism, the system of bourgeois theoretical political economy, which meets the new tasks of bourgeois apologetics. The founder of the school was K. Menger. At the end. XIX and early. XX century The Austrian school was headed by K. Menger, F. von Wieser, O. Böhm-Bawerk, E. Sachs. In the 20s. its successor was the "young Austrian school" represented by L. von Mises, F. von Hayek, R. Stiegl, O. Morgenstern, P. Rosenstein-Rodan, and G. Haberler, who subsequently played a prominent role in the development of modern bourgeois political economy. At the same time, similar provisions were put forward and developed by US Jevons and A. Marshall in England, L. Walras in Switzerland and JB Clark and E. Seligman in the USA.

Methods and views of the Austrian school

The methodological principles of the Austrian school were formulated in the book by K. Menger « Research on social science method and political economy in particular» (1883) and in the pamphlet Errors of Historicism in German Political Economy (1884). The system of theoretical views of the Austrian school is described in the books of K. Menger "Foundations of Political Economy" (1871), E. Böhm-Bawerk - "Foundations of the Theory of the Value of Economic Benefits" (1886) and "Capital and Profit" (1884-1889), F. von Wieser - "On the origin and basic laws of economic value" (1884) and "Natural value" (1889).

The Austrian school vulgarized the concept of the subject of political economy: political economy should study not the economic relations of people, but the phenomena of economic life from the point of view of the consciousness of an economic entity. The entire capitalist society, according to the theorists of the Austrian school, is a mechanical set of "economic entities" connected only by market relations. Therefore, the task of political economy is to study the relations of purchase and sale and, on their basis, to discover the eternal, natural laws of the economic development of society. The theorists of the school used the anti-scientific idealistic subjective psychological method.

The Austrian school developed the theory of the marginal utility of goods - the subjective psychological theory of value and the theory of capital and interest based on it. The main theory of the Austrian school - marginal utility - is viewed as the subjective utility of a limiting instance that satisfies the least urgent need for a given kind of good. According to the school's teaching, the value of goods is determined by the marginal utility, which depends on the ratio of the stock of this good and the need for it. Supporters of the school argue that along with an increase in the supply for a given need, the marginal utility and, consequently, the value of the good decrease, and with a decrease in the supply, they increase. The value of a good supposedly depends on the degree of saturation of the need for it. The level of marginal utility of a thing also depends on its rarity. From the subjective value (marginal utility) the Austrian school deduces "objective exchange value", from it - the market price, which is interpreted as the resultant of subjective evaluations of goods by buyers and sellers. This transition from subjective assessments to the real price is the most vulnerable point of the theory of marginal utility due to the immeasurability of subjective feelings and their incomparability with objective value and monetary values. Neither the Austrian school nor other bourgeois schools have found a solution to this fundamental question.

The main model of marginal utility - the "Menger scale" - is an attempt to explain the place of each good in the scale of utility and the degree of saturation of the need for it. This model distinguishes between the abstract utility of various categories of goods (food items, clothing, shoes, fuel, jewelry, etc.) and the specific utility of each unit of a given kind of goods (for example, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and etc. kilogram of bread; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. pair of shoes), and the types of needs are arranged in descending order - from more important to less important; within each type of goods, the utilities of specific units of a given good are also arranged in descending order. This model is intended to illustrate the optimal consumer choice according to the principle of the equation of marginal utilities of various kinds of goods, but it does not reflect the true processes taking place in the capitalist market.

The inability of the Austrian school to deduce the market price as a resultant from the subjective value was also expressed in the Böhm-Bawerk pricing model, built on the principle of the formation of the resultant estimates of various pairs of buyers and sellers and showing that “the height of the market price is limited and determined by the height of subjective estimates of the goods by two marginal in pairs ". The model leaves open the main question - the conditionality of subjective assessments and their differences by the purchasing power of buyers and sellers' production costs, i.e. objective conditions of commodity production, in which the price is determined not by subjective assessments, but by the value of goods. At the same time, all buyers and sellers participate in market competition, which causes price deviations from value, as a result of which the price gravitates not towards the estimates of their "marginal pairs", but towards socially necessary labor costs. Only if the specified marginal estimates coincide with the level of socially necessary costs, they can correspond to the actual market prices. Like the Menger scale, the Boehm-Bawerk model can illustrate the individual motives of the behavior of individual market agents, but not the reasons that cause these motives. Both of these schemes cannot have any meaning for the theory of pricing.

Using a subjective psychological. theory of value, the Austrian school put forward the bourgeois-apologetic theory of interest and profit, directly opposed to the Marxist doctrine of surplus value. The source of interest is seen in the difference arising between a higher subjective assessment of consumer goods as goods of the present and a lower estimate of the means of production as goods of the future ("goods of a distant order"). Labor is seen as a good for the future and therefore at any given moment it must be paid below the value of its product. The existence of capitalist exploitation is also completely denied.

A subsequent modification of the theory of marginal utility, which was developed in England, the USA and other countries, was the doctrine of the marginal productivity of factors of production, which denies the creation of surplus value by labor and explains profit by the “marginal productivity of capital” (see Marginalism). The theory of welfare is put forward on the basis of marginal utility.

The Austrian school laid the foundation for the application of the theory of marginal utility also in the construction of bourgeois concepts of socialist economics and planning. F. von Wieser, J. Schumpeter, consider marginal utility as pure economic logic and considering it the basis for optimal resource allocation, tried to use it to build a theory of socialist economy. The Austrian professor A. Scheffle, who worked out the center of the planning body under socialism, considered it impossible to apply the labor theory of value in a socialist economy. These views were developed in the 60s. theorists of non-Marxist socialism (R. Campbell, A. Lerner, and others), who argue that the economic science of socialist countries should move to the position of marginalism.

LB Alter.

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The Austrian school appeared in the 70s. XIX century. The brightest of her representatives- Karl Menger (1840 - 1921), Eugen (Eugene) Böhm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851 - 1926). They were the founders of a completely new direction, which they began to call " marginalism", That is," marginal "Later, marginalism was called a coup in economics and appropriated the name "marginalist revolution".

This theory is now used in microeconomics showing the formation of costs and prices, consumer behavior, behavior firms in limited resources etc.

The economic views of Eugen Böhm-Bawerk

Eugen (Eugene) Böhm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) - nobleman and childhood friend of Friedrich von Wieser, a student of Karl Menger. He graduated from the law department of the University of Vienna, where he studied with his friend, although he was a senior statesman (minister finance, President of the Supreme Court of Appeal). And he was a teacher for a relatively short time (1880 - 1889). He wrote his famous works only at the beginning of his career. Böhm-Bawerk received a lifetime membership in the upper house of parliament. His work has had a tremendous impact on economics. These include " Rights and relations from the point of view of the doctrine of economic benefits "(1881), two-volume" Capital and interest "(first volume -" Capital and profit"(1884), and the second volume -" The positive theory of capital "(1889))," Foundations of the theory of values ​​of economic goods "(1886)," Towards the end of the Marxist system "(1890).

The main goal of the book "Fundamentals of the Theory of the Values ​​of Economic Benefits" is evidence the correctness of the "law of magnitude of value things". In this regard, Böhm-Bawerk writes:

"The value of a thing is measured by the magnitude of the marginal benefit of this thing."

Eugen Böhm-Bawerk, like Karl Menger, believed that the more a person has at his disposal of homogeneous goods, the less each individual piece is valued if all other conditions are the same. In his opinion, in practice, a person realized the benefits of marginal utility faster than science deduced this definition.

Böhm-Bawerk is not without reason considered one of the largest representatives of the "Austrian school". The theory of interest and capital - this is the main merit of O. Böhm-Bawerk. He emphasized three reasons why interest appeared and exists:

  1. people tend to expect that resources may be scarce and increase in value;
  2. people tend to underestimate their future needs;
  3. the use of capital increases profit making, as well as the time of receipt

Beem-Bawerk believed that price is a subjective value that relies only on desires buyers, but does not depend in any way on the production costs of this product. He also believed that an item is valuable only when it is useful and rare (for example, salt in those places where it is not freely available, but only seldom brought by merchants.). The process of acquiring value by a product can be divided into two stages: first, there is a need to purchase a product, and then it becomes scarce, there is a rush with a possible increase in price, if we consider the same example with salt. Thus, through demand and offers on the the market an average price is created.

Karl Menger's teachings

Karl Menger (1840 - 1921) - a nobleman by birth, economic theory started in 1867, before that he was engaged in jurisprudence. And yet this did not prevent him from becoming the first head of the department of economic theory at the University of Vienna. Karl Menger is one of the brightest representatives of economists of his time. No wonder he became the head of the Austrian school. He is the author of the works "The basis of the doctrine of the national economy" ("The basis political economy") (1871)

and A Study on the Method of Social Sciences and Political Economy in Particular (1883), as well as the article Money (1909). He worked hardest on the first book, and it was even reprinted, albeit after the death of the author. Globally, Karl Menger was not recognized for about half a century, because his first work was translated into English only fifty years after the death of the author. This became an incentive for his followers, and they took up even more diligently to continue research in the direction indicated by Karl Menger.

He is rightfully considered the ancestor of the marginalist revolution, although there were other scholars who started with him. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Menger relies quite heavily on the works of representatives of the classical school and only expands and refines their research. On the other hand, he introduces a lot of new things. For example, Karl Menger believes that price is a subjective property of a product and is completely independent of the cost of producing this product. Only supply and demand can regulate the price of a product.

In his first work, Karl Menger writes that the good is an object that satisfies any human need. When Karl Menger conducted his research, he relied only on a single farm, which was taken separately from others, that is, ideal theoretical conditions were created, but practice still goes beyond the scope of these studies.

Karl Menger and his followers divide all the benefits into orders: the first order satisfies the immediate desires of a person, and the rest (the second, etc.) are necessary to obtain the first.

Karl Menger also introduces the concept of economic goods. A person has two desires, but at the moment he can fulfill only one, so you have to choose what is of great benefit, and it is advisable to use it (save benefits).

Karl Menger divides all goods into two types: economic and non-economic. Then he describes the transition of one to the other. (If some good at a given moment is more than it is required, then it ceases to be economic.) Thus, a good or good is valuable as long as they are rare.

He believes that the exchange should be beneficial to both parties, otherwise it turns out "an awl for soap and back."

It is believed that it was Karl Menger who first developed the theory of the existence of complementary goods, that is, when one product is completely unnecessary without the other.

All his research is considered a huge contribution to the development economic thought of that time, and of the present too.

The economic views of Friedrich von Wieser

Friedrich von Wieser (1851 - 1926) - baron, representative of the Austrian school, friend and brother-in-law of Böhm-Bawerk, student and follower of K. Mengenr. He became the head of the department after him, and before that he worked at the University of Prague. Received a lifetime membership in the upper house of parliament. Known as the author of the works "On the origin and basic laws of economic value" (1884), "Natural value" (1889), "Theory of social economy" (1914), " Sociology and the law of power ”(1926).

Friedrich von Wieser believed that the state should not prohibit private own, otherwise everything will again gather in the hands of the state, or rather, its officials. This is unlikely to make sense, since the state will not be able to manage everything as mobilely as a private owner. In addition, officials themselves will most likely wish to become owners of private property, which again will lead to disorderly management this property. After all, officials already have enough things to do, except for the management of property as such. This scholar criticizes those who oppose private property and private property. After all private property Is an impetus for development societies generally. A person is selfish by nature in general and therefore will never work for someone as well as for himself. And a person has the opportunity to work for himself only if he owns private property.

He was the first to propose a way to determine the total utility.

Friedrich Wieser was also a practitioner, working for a time as a minister trade... He is remembered as the man who gave the marginalists many terms (marginal utility, Gossen's first law).

Wieser believed that an equilibrium approach should be applied (the value of productive goods cannot change, since all production combinations are optimal).

Friedrich Wieser perfected the theory of his teacher Karl Menger so that there would be no remnant that was not distributed, and called this theory "imputation". In his opinion, there were two types of imputation:

  1. general;
  2. specific.

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