
Professional economist language. Dictionary - Encyclopedia for Economics Encyclopedia Economics

Economicand dictionaries, science and reference publications, containing a systematic arch of information on economic sciences and individual sectors. There are the following economic encyclopedia and dictionaries: encyclopedia of general economic content, special - for individual industries economic Science, sensible terminological dictionaries and interlayal dictionaries economic terms. In structural attitude, both alphabetic and systematic location of the material are used in economic attitudes, and in the dictionaries, with rare exceptions, only alphabetical location.

The first editions approaching economic dictionaries appeared at the end of the 17th early 18 centuries. In the UK, Germany, France and other Europe. At first it was intra-block dictionaries. So, in the UK, E. Hatton included a "merchant" to his "merchant" (Hatton E., The Merchant's Magazine: Or Trades-Man's Treasury, L., 1695; 9 ED., L., 1734). From the 18th century Economic encyclopedias and dictionaries were created in the form of independent publications. Special mention deserves a grandiose on its scale (in 242 tons) "Economic" ("OECONOMIZCHE ENCYKLOPÄ DIE, ODER ALLGEMEINES SYSTEM DER STAATSCHAFT, IN ALPHABETISCHER ORDNUNG", B., 1773-1858), founder and The editor of 72 volumes of which was the German economist I. G. Kryernitz. The author of the works on J. R. Mc Culloch created a "practical, theoretical and historical dictionary and trade" (McCulloch Jr, a Dictionary, Practical, Theoretic and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, L., 1832), which in 1890 resist In the UK and 30 publications.

In Russia In 18 V. M. V. Lomonosov attempted to compile a vocabulary of the merchandise ("The brief arrangement of the composed economic lexicon of Russian products ...", St. Petersburg, 1865; "Russian products ...", St. Petersburg, 1869). A number of economic encyclopedia and dictionaries in the field, commerce, finance was created. Among them are "reference commercial" (SPB, 1856) I. S. Vavilova, "Commercial Dictionary" (SPB, 1898) A. I. I. Ipatova, "Trade and Industrial Dictionary" (SPB, 1900) I. P. Babenko.

In 1972, the first Marxist encyclopedic edition of the general economic content is "economic. Political economy "(ch. Ed. A. M. Rumyantsev, vol. 1-2, M., 1972-75, ed. Continues). In the encyclopedia there is a wide range of theoretical problems of Marxist-Leninist political economy, current issues of planning, folk management, economic Analysis, finance, given bourgeois economic theories. For the first time in this edition, an attempt was made to show the development of economic thoughts different countries and nations. In the encyclopedia, there are problems that are at the junction of economic, sociological and legal sciences. Among other encyclopedic publications and dictionaries are the most important: 3-Tomny "Economic Encyclopedia. Industry and "(Ch. Ed. A. N. Efimov, M., 1962-65) - a reference edition designed mainly to employees of these industries," Economic life THE USSR. Chronicle of events and facts. 1917-1965 "(t. 1-2, 2 ed., M., 1967)," Polyteconomic "(M., 1964; 2 ed., M., 1972)," Financial and Credit Dictionary "(vol. 1 -2, M., 1961-64), "Statistical Dictionary" (M., 1965) - The first scientific and reference publication in the USSR in all sectors of statistical science and. The "Encyclopedia of the National Largement of Ukraine NSKOї RCR", t. 1-4, ch. ed. S. M. Yampolsky, Keya B, 1969-72: "Econichny", ed. P. Bagria and S. Sorunsova, Keya B, 1973; Vorobiev S. A., Milade T. K., Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary of Socio-Economic, 2 ed., K., 1976; Nasyrov M., Short Russian-Kazakh socio-economic terms (A.-A., 1968); "Russian-Moldavian Dictionary of Economics" (Kish., 1973); "Russian-Lithuanian Dictionary of Economic Terms" (1966), etc.

From foreign economic encyclopedia and dictionaries, Published in the 18th century, the most famous: Schomel N., an economic dictionary containing various ways to increase and save their good, t. 1-2 (Chomel N., Dictionnaire OECONOMIQUE, Contenant Divers Moyens d'Augmenter ET Conserve Son Bien. T . 1-2, Lyon, 1709; 4 é d., Commercy, 1741); "Universal Economic Lexicon", vol. 1-2 ("Allgemeines OECONOMISCES LEXICON", LPZ., 1731; BD 1-2, 4 AUFL, LPZ., 1764); ROLT R., NEW Dictionary (ROLT R., A New Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, L., 1756); "Citizen, or historical, theoretical and practical trade", T. 1-2 (" Dizionario del Cittadino, about SIA, Ristretto Storico, Teorico E Pratico del Commercio ", v. 1-2, Nizza, 1763).

The most important economic encyclopedias and dictionaries issued at 19 V .: Lykhs I. M., detailed shopping lexicon ..., t. 1-2 (Leuchs J. M., Ausfü Hrliches Handels-Lexicon, BD 1-2, Nü Rnberg , 1824-26); Shib A., universal lexicon commercial t. 1-3 (Schiebe A., Universal-Lexikon der Handelswissenschaften, BD 1-3, LPZ., 1837-39); Renader B., the most important terms, banking and (Renandié Re V. V., Dictionnaire des Principaux Termes du Commerce, De La Banque et de l '"Industrie, Brux., 1840);" Dictionary on political economy "ed. Sh. Cockle and Guiomen, t. 1-2 ("Dictionnaire de L'é Conomie Politique", Publ. Sons La Dir. CH. COQUELIN ET GUILLAUMIN, T. 1-2, BRUX., 1853-54; too, t. 1 -2, P., 1873); Bokkardo J., political economy and trading dictionary both theoretical and practical ..., vol. 1-4 (Boccardo G., Dizionario Della Economia Politica et del Commercio Cosi Teoretico Come Pratico ..., v. 1-4, Torino, 1857-61; 2 ED., v. 1-2, Mil., 1885-87); Rentssche H., theory dictionary on theory national economy (Rentzsch N., Handwö Rterbuch Der Volkswirtschaftslehre, LPZ., 1865-66; 2 AUSG., LPZ., 1869-70); Scarpa V., Dictionary of Italian Commercial Language (Scarpa V. G., Vocabolario Della Lingua Italiana Mercantile, Torino, 1874); Shader O., Illustrated shopping lexicon, vol. 1-4 (SPAMER O., Illustriertes Handels-Lexikon, BD 1-4, LPZ., 1874-79); Furrer A., \u200b\u200bNational Economic Lexicon Switzerland, t. 1-4 (Furrer A., \u200b\u200bVolkswirtschaftliches Lexikon der Schweiz, BD 1-4, BERN, 1885-1892); , Sheier J., a new political economy dictionary, vol. 1-2 (Say L., Chailley J., Nouveau Dictionnaire d'é Conomie Politique, t. 1-2, P., 1891- 97; 2 É D. , t. 1-2, P., 1900); Palgreiv R., political economy, ed. Higs, t. 1-3 (Palgrave R. N. I., Dictionary of Political Economy, ED. By H. Higgs, v. 1-3, L.-NY, 1894-99; v. 1-3 , L., 1923-26; v. 1-3, NY, 1963); "Dictionary of National Economy", ed. L. Elster, t. 1-2 ("WÖ RterBuch Der Volkswirtschaft", HRSG. VON L. ELSTER, BD 1-2, JENA, 1898; 4 AUFL., BD 1-3, Jena, 1931-33).

The most important economic encyclopedias and dictionaries 20 in ,: Bulgaria: "Economic Encyclopedia", AT. ed. I. Stefanov, t. 1-2 ("Iconomous Encyclopedia", Avd. Ed. I. Stefanov, vol. 1-2, 1971-72); Shopov D., Brief Economic Dictionary (Shopov D., Brief Imconquitable Ricnik for the employee, 2 ed., Sofia, 1974). Hungary: "Brief Economic Lexicon", ed. O. Gado ("KÖ ZGAZDASÁ GI KISLEXIKON", SZERK. O. Gadó, BDPST, 1972). GDR: Rodin R., Special terms on the outer (Rhodin R., Fachausdrü CKE des Auß Enhandels, V., 1958); "Economic lexicon", vol. 1-2 ("Ö Konomisches Lexikon", BD 1-2, V., 1966-67; 2 AUFL, V., 1970-71); "By", ed. V. Elert et al. ("WÖ Rterbuch Der r Konomie Sozialismus", HRSG. Von W. Ehlert, 2 AUFL., B., 1969; 3 AUFL., V., 1973). Germany (up to 1945): Shirmer A., \u200b\u200bDictionary of German Commercial Language on a historical basis (Schirmer A., \u200b\u200bWÖ Rterbuch Der Deutschen KaufmannsPrache Auf Geschichtlichen Grundlagen, Straß Burg, 1911; 2 aufl., Stuttg., 1954); Buloves F., Dictionary (folk) economy (Bülow F., Wö Terbuch Der Wirtschaft, LPZ., 1936). India: "Dictionary of Economics", ed. Vira Raghu et al. ("Dictionary of Economics", ED. By Vira Raghu, Nagpur, 1951). Iran: Rast N., Commercial (sensible) dictionary (Rast N., FÄ Rhang-E Bases of RGani, 1944). Italy: Dia J. U., Dictionary of Economics (PAPI G. U., Dizionario Di Economia, Torino, 1967). DPRK: "Economic Dictionary", vol. 1-2, Köndge Sadgeon, t. 1-2, 1970). Netherlands: "Production and Economic Encyclopedia", under total. ed. Stridiron, t. 1-5 ("BedrijfSeconomische Encyclopedie", ED. By J. G. Stridiron, BD 1-5, Utrecht, 1947-1952); "In economics", ch. ed. A. Mei, t. 1-6 ("Encyclopedie Van De Bedrijfseconomie", Hoofdred. A. Mey, v. 1-6, Bussum, 1969-71). Poland: "Brief Economic Dictionary" ("Mała Sł Ownik Ekonomiczny", Red. M. Librowski, Warsz., 1958); "Brief economic encyclopedia" ("Mała and Encykiopedia EKONOMICZNA", Red. Nacz. M. Pohorille, Warsz., 1962; Wyd. 2, Red. Nacz. K. Secomski, Warsz., 1974). US and UK (parallel ed. And reissue.): Horton B., Ripley J., Schnapper M. B., Dictionary modern economy (Horton V. J., Ripley J., Schnapper M.V., Dictionary of Modern Economics, Wash., 1948); Elephant G. S., Tsurker A., \u200b\u200bDictionary of Economics (Sloan N. S., Zurcher A., \u200b\u200ba dictionary of Economics, N. Y., 1949; 5 ED., N. Y., 1971); Nemmers E. E., Yanzzen K. K., Dictionary of Economics and Commercial (Nemmers E. E., Janzen S. S., Dictionary of Economics and Business, N. Y., 1959; 3 ED., Totowa, 1974); Hanson J. L., Dictionary of Economics and Trade (Hanson J. L., A Dictionary Of Economics and Commerce, L., 1965; 4 ED., L., 1974); "Dictionary of the Modern Economy" ("The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics", N. Y., 1965; 2 ED., N. Y., 1973); Gilpin A., Dictionary of Economic Terms (Gilpin A., Dictionary of Economics Terms, L., 1966; 3 ED., L., 1973); Blank G., Rice R., Dictionary of Economics (Bannock G., Baxter R. E., Rees R., The Penguin Dictionary of Economics, HarmondSworth, 1972); Grin M., Trade Dictionary (Greener M., The Penguin Dictionary of Commerce, HarmondSworth, 1974). France:, Raffalovich A., Dictionary of trade ..., vol. 1-2 (Guyot J., Raffalovich A., Dictionnaire de Commerce ..., t. 1-2, P., 1899-1901); Peresh, universal political economy dictionary, vol. 1-4 (Peuchet J., Dictionnaire Universel d'é Conomie Politique, t. 1-4, P., 1910); Romyof J., Pascaji J., Dictionary of Economic Sciences, vol. 1-2 (Romeuf J., Pasqualaggi G., Dictionnaire de Sciences É Concomiques, t. 1-2, P., 1956-58); Xauva T., Economic and Social Dictionary (Suavet T., Dictionnaire é Concomique et Sociale, P., 1963; 6 É d., P., 1970); "The Glossaire Des Termes Relatifs Aux Pratiques Commerciales Restrictives", P., 1965); "Glossaire Des Termes Relatifs Aux Pratiques Commerciales Restrictives", P., 1965); "Dictionary of Economic Sciences", ed. A. Kotta ("Dictionnaire de Science é Concomique", Sous La Dir. A. Cotta, Tours, 1968; 3 É d., 1972); Mathieu J., Dictionary of Economics (Mathieu G., Vocabulaire de L'é Conomie, P., 1970); Buvier-Azhan M., Ibarrol H., Paskairelli N., Economic and Social Dictionary (Bouvier-Ajam M., Ibarrola J., Pasquarelli N., Dictionnaire é Concomique Et Social, P., 1975). FRG: Gabler T., Economic lexicon, ed. R. and G. Zellin (Dr. Gablers Wirtschafts-Lexikon, HRSG. Von R. SELLIEN UND H. SELLIEN, BD 1-2, Wiesbaden, 1956; 8 aufl., BD 1-2, Wiesbaden, 1971); "Lexicon of modern economic", ed. Ecardta ("Lexikon der Modern Wirtschaftspraxis", HRSG. Von H. Eckardt, Mü Nch., 1968). Czechoslovakia: Prush Ya., Desktop dictionary for labor economics (Prúš a J. , Pří Ruč Ní Slovní k Ekonomiky Prá Ce, Praha, 1960); Mervart Yu. And Dr., World Economy Dictionary (Mervart J. [A. E.], Slovní K Svě Tove Ekonomiky, Praha, 1967); A brief dictionary on the planning of the national economy (Struč Ny Slovní K Plá Novania Ná Rodné Ho Hospodá Rstva, Brat., 1969); "Economic Encyclopedia", vol. 1-2 ("EKONOMICKÁ ENCYKIOPEDIE", SV. 1-2, Praha, 1972). Sweden: Eldham R., Mabon H., Corner H., Economic Lexicon (Eldem R., Mabon H., Uggla H., Bonniers Ekonomiska Lexikon, Stockh., 1971). Yugoslavia: Andalshek D., Azhman F., Brief Economic Dictionary (Andolš Ek D., Až Man F., Mali Gospodarski Slovar, Ljubljana, 1958). Japan: Dictionary of Economic and Trade Terms (SIO Kiyashi, Kimata Hidzo, Syogo Kaidzay Ego Dziten, 1958); Dictionary of Economic Science (Hisakhae Masao, Kondzumi Akira, Nagasava Koreyuki, Kindai Cadzayigaka Ego Dziten, Tokyo, 1967).

Entry-speaking dictionaries of economic terms have a large practical, region of foreign trade relations, since mistakes in foreign economic are often generating legal. Most significant among these publications: "A brief foreign trade dictionary at eight languages: German, Russian, Polish, Czech, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese" ("Kleines Aussenhandels Wö Rterbuch in Acht Sprachen: Deutsch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, English, Franzö Sisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, B., 1960); Clifford Vogan F. and M., software, with terminology - English-French-German-Russian (Glossary of Economics Including Soviet Terminology in English / American - FRENCH - German - Russian. Comp. And Arr. By F. and M. Clifford Vaughan, Amst., 1966; in Franz. Yaz., P., 1966); Kolz Z., Economic Dictionary on External - German-English-French-Spanish (Kohls S., Ö Konomisches Wö Rterbuch, Aussenwirtschaft: Deutsch, RusSisch, English, Franzö Sisch, Spanisch, B., 1972); F. Munniksma, International Commercial Dictionary on Nine Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish (Munniksma F., International Business Dictionary in Nine Languages, English, Esperanto, Deutsch, Espaň OL, Franç AIS, Italiano, Nederlands, Portugué S, Svensk, Deventer, 1974); Israelich E. E., Short Russian-English Commercial Dictionary, M., 1946; Israelich E. E., Anglo-Russian General Economic and Foreign Trade Dictionary, M., 1955; 3 ed., M., 1972; Senin V. P., Sino-Russian and Russian-Chinese dictionary of export-import goods, ed. E. D. Oxjukhevich, M., 1963; Sharsha F., Russian-German, German-Russian Trade Dictionary (Schaarschuh F. J., WÖ Rterbuch Des Handels, T. 1 - Russian Deutsch, T. 2 - Deutsch-Russia, LPZ., 1967); Albertova E. L., Short Russian and French and Russian commercial dictionary, M., 1951; Zozulelenko L. M., Short Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish Foreign Trade Dictionary, M., 1955; Ulsiferov O. G., Shurchlin B. I., Hindi-Russian and Russian-Hindi General economic and foreign trade dictionary, ed. A. I. Honey, M., 1974; Aliskevichova A., Short Czech-Russian and Russian-Czech Economic Dictionary (Aliskevič Ová A., KRA TKY Č Esko-Rusky A Rusko-Č Esky Economicky Slovní k, Praha, 1965); Nelsusul, Cookikovsky P., Swedish-Russian Chamber of Commerce (Nelskylä G., Priklonsky P., Svensk-Rusk Teknisk Och Kommersiell Ordbok, Stockh., 1958); Tulukov M. A., Russian-Japanese general economic and foreign trade dictionary, M., 1964.

Lit.: M., Terminological Dictionaries, M., 1961, p. 302-17; Malclé S L. N., Les Sources du Travail BibliographIQUE, t. 2- Bibliographies SpÉ Cialisé ES (Sciences Humaines), Gen.-Lille, 1952, p. 628-30; Zischka G. A., Index Lexicorum, W., 1959; S. 183-192; Guide to Reference Material, 3 CD., ED. By A. J. Walford, V. 2, L., 1975, p. 132-37.


ECONOMIST a, m. économiste m. 1 . Eastr. Fr. Writers 18 century, who engaged the theory of economics. Since 1767, economists, theorists of a new more equitable distribution of common values \u200b\u200bare replacing "Encyclopedists". Milyukov nationalism. // M. 3-3 376.

2. Scientist, Specialist in the field of economic sciences. BAS-1. From peaceful and objective thinkers, bourgeois economists turned into militant guardians and capital guards. Plekhanov Socialism and polit. fight. Work economist in a trust. E.-plan. E.-statistics. Eras. 1940.



(English "Economist") - British weekly for business people, the main content of which is made up of new management, business, business school experience, development economic connections. Since 1995, the Russian-language version of the magazine comes out.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law 2005

economist, m. 1. Scientist, Specialist in Economic Sciences. || Employee, specialist in economic issues. Work economist in a trust. Economist planner. Economist statistics. 2. Supporter of economism (polit. Eastr.). "Economists" argued that workers should only keep economic struggle, which concerns the political struggle, then let it behave liberal bourgeoisie, which the workers should support. History VKP (b).

a scientist dealing with the science of national economy.

(Source: "A full dictionary of foreign words that included in Russian." Popov M., 1907)


planner, economy, account, business

Dictionary of Russian Synonyms

Official duties. Under the guidance of the leading (senior) economist, or the responsible performer, or the head of the topic (tasks) performs scientific and auxiliary work in conducting research or development in accordance with the methodological and working programs. Collects the accumulation of scientific technical information and other necessary materials to perform planned work or individual tasks. Systematizes and summarizes statistical materials and other data on the topic (task) in general, its separate sections or stages. Examines special literature on the subject of conducted research or development, constitutes bibliography, annotations, abstracts and reviews. Takes part in the preparation of projects of promising and annual research plans or developments, measures to increase their economic efficiency, scientific and technical reports and other technical documentation. Performs the calculations necessary to determine the material and labor costs of the conducted ...


Large economist

Dictionary of Russian idiomatics. . Combinations of words with high degree Academic 2011.


annex to the magazine "Index Economic, political and industrial" (see).

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron 1890-1907

1. m. Specialist in the field of economy (3). 2. m. Adherent economy.

1. Profession Adam Smith.
2. This is a person who knows about money more than those who have them.

(English. "Economist") - British weekly for business people, the main content of which is made up of management, business, business school experience, economic relations. Since 1995, the Russian-language version of the magazine comes out.

Works in planned, financial and statistical bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations. Decides the tasks related to the planning, organization and analysis of economic activities of enterprises and institutions, the organization of workers in production. Checks reporting on separate species accounting, technical and economic work on planning, logistical supply, sales, material and labor costs.
Economist Carries out the operational accounting of work and monitoring of settlements with customers, constitutes periodic reporting documents. Analyzes acting forms primary documents and reporting, develops proposals for their improvement.
In computing centers, participating in the design of projects for the mechanization of counting processing of tasks different types, in the development of regulations of material and labor costs, in determining the cost of work and prices for services. Formulates the economic statement of tasks, research ...

Language serves as a means of expressing thoughts. In turn, the terminology of economic science is an essential element without which science simply cannot function as a special form of human activity. To speak and think in economic and foreign languages \u200b\u200bobliges modern processes of globalization, computerization and mass use of the Internet in economic processes. From the first steps, the university student is immersed in the atmosphere of a special, characteristic only for its specialty of a professional language. Throughout all years of study and then a specialist, drawing new information, enriches its professional language all new words and expressions. The narrow specialization of the language of economists within the multidisciplinary economic profession has achieved such a high degree that an economist engaged in, for example, computer economic and mathematical forecasting, hardly understands all the subtleties of the manager in personnel management or public relations and vice versa. Professional financier language from a commercial enterprise does not say anything to zonomist statistics and so on. Along with the extraction of narrow professional "languages", they are determined by their interaction, for example, the economic language of specialists in automated information technologies in the economy with languages \u200b\u200bof various engineering and economic disciplines. All this greatly complicates the professional language of economists, creating some situation, difficult to understand, especially in the adjacent sciences and scientific directions. The main difference between the professional language from the usual, everyday life is a huge number of special words and expressions, rich and widely branched terminology, i.e. A combination of items, words and phrases used for accurate and unambiguous designation of scientific concepts. Scientific concept is the result of scientific theoretical generalization, the expression of a certain scientific theory, scientific knowledge system. For novice economists, it is especially important from the first days of economic science in the language of stable and generally accepted in the scientific environment * . Terminology is in constant movement: Something dies, expires the cycle of the life of terms and concepts. Some come out of consumption, eliminate with the concepts that are outdated or found unscientific, for example, as "chrophism", " political Economy" etc. Other, old and long-known terms, such as the "economy", on the contrary, are filled with a completely new scientific content. Based mainly from the specifics of the terminology of different economic professions, different areas of knowledge, in the 90 limits of the literary language as independent sectors, various professional languages, or, as they are still accepted now to be called, the sublaws of science. Of course, they all rely on grammatical means and the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language. But at the same time, they operate with a huge number of such special words and expressions, original Russians and borrowed from other languages, which are not included in the multi-volume dictionaries of the Russian literary language and in the "Dictionary of foreign words". Economic dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedia are repositories or thesauruses of a professional language. Special professional vocabulary was recorded in various kinds of dictionaries in the specialties. Such are, for example, "economic encyclopedia", "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economist", terminological dictionaries and reference books in many economic disciplines. In economic encyclopedias, both alphabetical and systematic location of the material are used, and in the dictionaries, with a rare exception - only alphabetical location. Economic encyclopedias and dictionaries are scientific and reference publications containing a systematic arch of information on economic sciences and individual sectors of the economy.

There are the following varieties of economic encyclopedias and dictionaries:

  • · Encyclopedia of general economic content;
  • · Special - for individual sectors of economic science;
  • · Useful terminological dictionaries;
  • · Community dictionaries of equivalents of economic terms.

As an example of general economic, suitable for economists, all professions and specialties can be used by the Handbook "Economic Encyclopedia". In this encyclopedia, an attempt was made, based on modern theoretical, methodological and actual materials, to answer current issues set by life, orient the reader in economic concepts, categories, terms, phenomena, models, etc. Encyclopedia includes articles that explain the content of economic and legal concepts. Lighted the achievements of world economic science, as well as various aspects of the Russian business law system. Special attention Articles on Russian economists, entrepreneurs, financiers who have made a significant contribution to the development of pre-revolutionary Russia are deserved. Encyclopedia contains terms from the control area. Highly qualified economist always distinguishes the culture of professional speech. Not only competent possession of the literary language, but also wide and deep knowledge of terminology. An outstanding French scientist Philosopher Rene Descartes once said: "Specify the meaning of the words, and you get rid of the light from half of its delusions." Therefore, assimilation and understanding of terminology is required condition Acquisition of special professional skills for the future economist.

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