
Watch pages where the term economic units are mentioned. Institutional Unit Economic Unit

All participants in the economic process (enterprises, organizations, government agencies, households, farmers, non-profit organizations, banks, insurance companies etc.) combined with the concept of institutional units that are the center for making independent economic decisions regarding the production, distribution and use of income, investment, lending and borrowing.

- Economic entity (person) capable of independently owning, dispose of and use real estate and assets, to make commitments and participate in economic activityOperations with other persons.

That is, an institutional unit is, as it were, a whole education, a structure, a unit with certain economic interests and behavior, records and makes up a complete set of accounts, including the balance of assets and liabilities, inside which can be any institutions, each of which is engaged in different types Activities.

The main signs of the institutional unit:
  • The institutional unit owns products or assets, can exchange them or transfer ownership of them;
  • The institutional unit is able to make economic decisions and participate in economic activity, which is directly replied and reported on the law;
  • The institutional unit from its own behalf assumes and concludes contracts;
  • An institutional unit has a set of accounts, or for it it would be possible and reasonable, both from economic and legal points of view, to draw accounts.

Institutional units - business entities that can own assets from their own behalf, to make commitments, carry out economic activity and operations with other units. They may be legal entities and individuals (or groups of individuals in the form of households).

There are two types of institutional units:

  • households (HD - individual or group of persons);
  • a legal entity is an organization owned by property and responsible for its obligations to these property.

Household - This is a group of persons living under one roof and leading a common budget. DH Although not account and balance sheets, however, have freedom in making economic decisions. Related ties do not play a decisive role. Economic integrity is important. One family can be divided into two or more households, divide the pans and go out separately. Of course, households are not all accounting, but it can be done if they want to function effectively.

Entity - This is an organization possessing four characteristic features: property separation, independent property responsibility, an independent speech in civil circulation on its own behalf, organizational unity. They include commercial and non-commercial organizations, as well as separate divisions.

When characterizing the results of economic activity, differences in accounting of residents and non-residents are important. Resident - This is an institutional unit (legal or natural person), which has a center for economic interest in the economic territory of a given country. Non-residents - Citizens who have a permanent residence abroad, even if they are temporarily located in the territory of a given country, as well as foreign diplomatic, trade and other official representative offices in it with diplomatic privileges.

Institutional sectors

Institutional units are grouped into institutional sectors (IP) in which groups of institutional units are reduced, in terms of the fulfillment of the main objectives of activities and functions in the economic process, economic behavior and cost financing methods.

The following institutional sectors include:
  • non-financial enterprises and organizations (production of goods and non-financial services for profit);
  • financial organizations (financial intermediation or auxiliary financial activities);
  • (individuals, manufacturers and consumers of goods and services);
  • serving DC (public, political, religious, etc., receiving privileges for its members);
  • public administration (ensuring the conditions of the life of the population and enterprises);
  • "The rest of the world" (externally economic ties).

Sector non-financial enterprises Includes units, when creating a goal of profit.

Sector financial organizations It consists of corporations predominantly busy financial intermediation or supporting financial activities.

Under the sector households I understand a small group of people living in one dwelling and leading a common budget, combining their income and property to meet their needs.

The following household subsectors are provided in the SNA:

  • entrepreneurs with employees;
  • self-employed without hired workers;
  • wage-earners;
  • receivers of revenues from property and.

In the sector non-Profit Organizations The following institutional units are included:

  • professional unions and society;
  • churches and religious societies;
  • charitable assistance funds.

Sector public institutions Includes institutional units, the main functions of which are the provision of non-market services to society and the adoption of responsibility for the distribution of income and wealth through transfers.

Sector the rest of the world"It consists of all non-resident institutional units entering into operations or other economic ties with resident units.


The market economy, which is based on the economic freedom of economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership of their economic attraction to rational economic management, largely allows the Company to implement the strengths of the commodity and market in the interests of socio-economic progress.

It creates optimal (although not absolutely the best in economic and social plan) system of attraction to effective, initiative and responsible economic behavior. In the market economy, the latter if it is imposed, then primarily by economic methods. People and teams are focused on their own interests and strength, and for the negative effects of the management themselves and respond. It makes it vigilantly to resources, initiative, active, resourceful economic activity.

At the same time, the market economy is rather tough socially, it does not allow equalized and deterrence, eliminates the possibility of equal distribution of income and wealth of society, and therefore is characterized by chronic social instability.

The market economy is characteristic of the irrational use of resources, the bright manifestation of which are economic crises with their ruinage influence on the production forces created by the Company, an increase in the incomplete use of production facilities and unemployment. But to ensure a more decent standard of living by all members of society without a transition to a socially oriented market, as many economists and practitioners in Ukraine recognize now, it is impossible.

The road to a socially oriented market economy is not easy and painful, it provides for the resolution of the complex of cardinal problems:

1) mastering various forms of property and management, ensuring their economic equality, the denationalization of the economy;

2) ensuring the structural restructuring of the economy and overcoming its deficient nature;

3) rehabilitation of financial and credit and monetary infrastructure, overcoming inflationary processes;

4) gradual waste from the cost pricing model "Liberation of prices for the main part of the products of industry, agriculture, services;

5) demonopolization of the sphere of circulation, credit service of enterprises and the population, scientific support of the economy;

6) reorganization of the national market as part of the world economy;

7) overcoming the non-market orientation of the education system and training. According to sociological research, to work in the conditions of the market in Ukraine, no more than 5% of the head and specialists of economic services of enterprises are ready.

Social market economy in obligatory Provides effective measures of state regulation of the economy. And although the effectiveness of these measures, the degree of state intervention in the economy and its need continue to argue economists, [Kredisov A., Bodrov V., Leonenko P. "Essence, Structure and Principles of Organization of Social Market Economy", "Economics of Ukraine", №4, 1993, p. 38-47; Moocher S. "What system to move?", "Economics of Ukraine", №6, 1993, p. 14-24.] In practice, this question is definitely positively resolved in most countries of the civilized market.

Simultaneously with the decision of these issues, it is necessary to provide and prepare a system of measures aimed at protecting the population, especially the part of its part that receives low incomes.

However, despite all the difficulties, progress is noticeable in promoting Ukraine to the market: formed the legislative framework, the market infrastructure has been created, after a deep economic crisis There was a rise in the level of production and real income growth.

1. Essence and socio-economic forms of the enterprise. Labor team enterprise. Firm targets.

The company covers a central place in the national economic complex of any country. This is the primary link of public division of labor. It is here that the national income is created. The company acts as a manufacturer and provides a process of reproduction based on self-sufficiency and independence.

The scope of individual enterprises, the social and economic development of society, the degree of satisfaction in the material and spiritual benefits of the country's population depends on the success of individual enterprises.

The company as an independent economic unit owns the rights of a legal entity, that is, it has the right to be free ordered by property, to receive a loan, to enter into contractual relations with other enterprises. It has a free billing account in a bank where funds are used to settle with other enterprises, on a salary.

It is believed that such dimensions are optimal that provide the most favorable conditions for the use of achievements of science and technology with minimal production costs and at the same time effective production of high-quality products is achieved.

The company is a form of organization of the economy, in which the individual consumer and the manufacturer interact through the market in order to solve three main economic problems: what, as for whom to produce.

At the same time, none of the entrepreneurs and organizations consciously decide this triad economic problems (each decides in the elements of the market at an individual level).

In the market system everything has the price. Various types of human labor also have the price - the level of salary, the tariff for services. Market economy for unconscious coordination of people and enterprises through the price system and markets. If you take all the diverse markets, we will get a wide system, spontaneously providing equilibrium prices and production by samples and errors.

For the means of coordination between buyers and sellers (supply and demand) on each of these markets, the market economy solves all three problems at the same time:

1) what to produce? - determined by everyday voting through money (by choosing a buyer of goods and its purchase);

2) How to produce? - determined by competition between manufacturers (everyone seeks to use the latest technology, win price competition and increase profits, reduce production costs);

3) for whom to produce? - determined by the ratio of supply and supply in markets, production factors (labor and means of production).

These markets determine the level of salary, rent, percentage and profits, that is, the sources of which revenues are developing. The manufacturer sets its prices by moving its capital in the industry with high profits and leaving unprofitable production of goods. All this determines what to produce. Profit here is a decisive factor in the functioning of the market economy.

In accordance with the form of ownership in Ukraine, enterprises of the following species may operate:

1) individual personal property based on its work (without hiring);

2) family based on property and labor of citizens of one family living together;

3) private enterprise,based on the property of a separate citizen with the right to hiring labor;

4) collective, based on the ownership of the labor collective, cooperative or other statutory society;

5) state or communalbased on the property of administrative and territorial units;

6) state enterprisebased on republican (national) property;

7) a joint, Based on the basis of unification of the property of various forms of ownership (mixed form of ownership).

Depending on the volume of production, the number of working enterprises can be small, medium, large. Small enterprises - up to 200 working (in industry and construction), up to 50 people (in other industrial sectors), up to 100 people (in science), up to 25 people (non-production sphere), up to 15 people (retail).

Enterprises have the right to unite their production, scientific and commercial activity and create the following associations:

1) association - contractual association established for the purpose of continuous coordination of economic activities; The Association does not have the right to interfere with the production activities of any of its participants;

2) corporation- A legally independent firm whose property is distributed among the participants who carry limited liability in accordance with their deposits. The peculiarity of the corporation is that it is an independent actually existing unit conducted by its own policy, and not just a totality of owners; (1, p.46)

3) consortium- temporary statutory association of industrial and banking capital to achieve a common goal;

4) concern - the authorized association of enterprises of industry, scientific organizations, transport, banks, trade, etc. Based on a complete dependence on one or group of entrepreneurs.

Each enterprise to solve problems related to the production and sale of goods and the provision of services must be staffed by a certain number of people who can perform these works. Employees and employees engaged in public labor in the enterprise form labor collectives of these enterprises. In political and economic understanding, the labor collective is a cumulative employee of the enterprise and at the same time a subject of economic relations, which carries out overall activities in state, collective, cooperative, private enterprises aimed at meeting both personal and collective, social needs.

Labor team is a complex organizational and socio-economic structure, which includes workers of shops, brigades and other enterprise units. For coordination, the appropriate management system is created between them.

The transition from a command and administrative management system to economic methods at all levels requires the broad democratization of the entire system of economic activities, the implementation of management through interests, the comprehensive activation of employees - members of the labor collective. Therefore, the introduction of self-government at the enterprise is of great importance.

The idea of \u200b\u200bself-government of labor collectives is related to the need to democratize the management system of the manufacturing process in the enterprise. While the labor team does not have sufficient authority of the owner, he only acts as a host, without being real. And he will not become them until all the acts are canceled, which secure the alienation of the employee from the means of production.

Firm targets.Getting the maximum profit is the ultimate goal of any commercial activity. This goal is achieved through the definitions and implementation of a set of target attitudes of both tactical and strategic order. They are:

Increase in sales;

Achieve higher growth rates;

Increase in market share;

An increase in profits in relation to investment capital;

An increase in the company's share (if this is a joint-stock company);

An increase in market value of shares (if it is open joint-stock company);

Changing capital structure.

The nature of these target plant attitudes of the enterprise is determined by the state of the economy as a whole, the trends in the development of a particular industry, to which the activities of the company, as well as the stage of the life cycle of the enterprise itself.

Of course, individual businessmen do not follow this principle, having other business motives. But the science built on the assumption of profit maximization, and does not argue that the profit is the only factor affecting the actions of the company (3, p.104).

There is the theory of life cycles of enterprises, according to which three stages of this cycle stand out:

Any enterprise, firm, organization consists of their internal elements. The main elements of the organization's internal environment include:

Mission organization

Business strategy




Below is a diagram of the interaction of these elements:

From the scheme, we see that all these elements are interrelated and if one of these changes will occur, this will entail and change others.

Any organization has its purpose, i.e. This can be expressed as the mission of the organization. My enterprise seeks to produce such products that would be accessible to all segments of the population, would satisfy all requests and would be high quality.

To achieve its mission, any organization must set certain goals that would regulate its activities. These goals should be common for both managerial and enforcement.

System of values \u200b\u200bof the company.Creating values \u200b\u200b- there is a fundamental function of the enterprise. The process of creating values \u200b\u200bis the satisfaction of group or individual needs, as a result of which the enterprise seeks public recognition of its activities. A prosperous enterprise is an enterprise receiving sustainable profits from its activities. The owners (or shareholders) of the enterprise are interested in a constant and ever-increasing flow of income and such use of their own and attracted funds, which increases the value owned by them (dividends, stocks). Personnel and suppliers are interested in the stability of the enterprise, long-term relationships with him, as well as in a favorable working atmosphere. For consumers, the highest value is the goods and services that satisfy them in quality and price.

Public recognition, in turn, gives the enterprise the opportunity to expand production, increase sales and services, and ultimately increase its profits.

The main working tool in the implementation of the enterprise target functions is the market strategy, within which the competitive advantages of the enterprise are being implemented. In the international theory and practice of business distinguish the three main types of market strategy of the enterprise.

The management of the enterprise should seriously analyze the existing competitive advantages and choose one of the market behavior strategies.

After the market strategy is carried out, the following tool for implementing the target function of the enterprise, providing sustainable profit, is planning aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise.

2. International enterprise structure and turnover of its production facilities.

The main task of the enterprise is to satisfy in any other social need for this region, while receiving profits, at the expense of which the social and economic interests of this team and the owner of the property of the enterprise are satisfied.

Each enterprise, firm, association, regardless of the forms of ownership, is valid based on the economic (commercial) calculation. PRINCIPLE OF HOUSSCHET:

1) self-financing;

2) self-sustainment;

3) material interest;

4) economic responsibility;

5) freedom of economic activity;

6) Competition between commodity producers, control over their economic activities.

Commercial calculation is an economic category of commodity production, which reflects a complex system of economic relations arising in the process of using the means of production, sales of products, with the distribution and use of the income received, profits.

The transition to market relations of the management exacerbates the problem of searching for ways to increase the stability of enterprises. The most important stabilizing and at the same time as a small factor is the creation of an intra-economic (relative to the enterprise) infrastructure that meets modern requirements, which are nominated to the conditions and nature of labor, the relationship of the interests of individual workers and teams, socio-psychological situation. Insufficient paying attention to these requirements, both when creating new and in the process of organizing the functioning of existing enterprises, leads to the fact that the equipment of enterprises with high-performance equipment is often characterized by low economic efficiency.

Analysis of the work experience of prosperous firms in developed countriesah leads to the conclusion that their consistently high results are determined by ensuring the interaction of technological, organizational and social elements of production, which is achieved through the implementation of the new concept for the development of the economy. The basis of this concept is the orientation of human management, in contrast to the methods used for a long time, in which the main objects of the controls were complexes of machines and technological processes.

The integration of technological, organizational and social processes is achieved through the creation of an intra-economic social infrastructure, the basis of which is a set of factors forming as a result of the fulfillment of a complex of social requirements. By its economic nature, the structure of the enterprise is an integral part of the Company's production forces, which fulfills the functions of ensuring the conditions for the effective development of this manufacturing system.

In order to ensure the effective functioning of objective and subjective production factors (methods of production and labor), two components of the intra-manual structure of the enterprise should be considered separately: the actual production (designed to ensure the conditions for the normal functioning of objective factors) and social. The latter is part of the means of production, working conditions and life capable of ensuring a rational organization labor activity, enhance the professional level of workers, protection and strengthening their health, satisfaction with the labor and its results, the ability to work with full return.

As is known, in any process of production, independently of its public form take the participation of material and personal factors of production - means of production and people.

With material and technical side production funds Enterprises are characterized by a specific structure. Thus, production funds are divided into productive and foundations of appeal, on basic and current funds, on monetary, productive Tags, and fixed assets - on active and passive parts, etc. The material and technical structure of the enterprise is different depending on the industry, technical progress and is an important indicator of the development of the productive forces of society.

The socio-economic nature of the enterprise is determined by the form of ownership of production funds. Property may be state, communal, private, collective, mixed, shareholder. Based on this, the production funds should consider real and personal factors of the production, which are owned or the disposal of the enterprise and serve as the material basis of its production activities.

Production funds are in constant motion. They pass three stages, change three forms - monetary, productive and commodity - and each of them perform the appropriate function.

The first stage of the circuit lies in the transformation cash funds In productive, that is, in the means of production and production personnel. This stage lies in the purchase of means of production and hiring workers and occurs on the market.

The second stage of the circuit of production assets lies in the transformation of productive funds into finished products, goods. This stage occurs in the sphere of production. At the stage of the circuit, manufacturing funds operate in a productive form, that is, in the form of means of production and manufacturers.

The third stage of the circuit of production assets lies in turning the goods in money. It happens in the service sector. At the third stage, productive funds go into the form of goods. From the goods purchased in the first stage, this product is characterized by both its genuine form and cost, as it includes, besides the cost of the workforce and the cost of the extensive means of production, also additional cost.

The circulation of production funds is called their movement, in the process of which they pass three stages, three forms and in each of them they perform the appropriate function.

3. Types of enterprises. Small enterprises and their role in economic progress.

In Ukraine, in the process of denationalization of the economy, the most important socio-economic goal is to transfer a significant part state owned Labor collectives. This is the main way to overcome the alienation of workers from property to the means of production and the results of labor, from the labor process itself, from the management of production, from economic power, etc.

The laws of Ukraine identified three main types of enterprises: state, collective and individual. At the same time, the latter group has the ability to create an individual, family and private enterprise.

If this question is more widely considered, the following types of enterprises can be distinguished:

1. Rent and collective.

Rent is the primary mechanism of the privatization of property, a means of education and multiplication of collective ownership.

In accordance with the Treaty, the state may transfer for 10-15 years to rent for an appropriate fee for temporary use and ownership of the employment team, production funds and working capital. In the Rental Enterprise, the founder becomes a labor team, which is registered as the organization of tenants, that is, as an independent legal entity.

Rent is a type of economic calculation, while the tenant of the enterprise has the right to independently distribute the economic settlement income, to use it on the development of production, social needs and remuneration at its discretion (rental is a form of management, and not a type of property). Rent is a fixed landlord value, the installed fee of the tenant for a certain period.

The lease team seeks to improve and develop production. It has more independence compared to the rental company.

2. Joint-stock partnerships.

A partnership or company means the Association of several owners jointly manage the enterprise. The creation of associations is a way to combine individual capabilities and resources to create a more powerful and competitive firm. (1. p. 46)

In a socially oriented market economy, joint stock ownership can perform the following functions:

It allows you to expand the sources of accumulation at the expense of cash of the population through the purchase and sale of shares;

Joint-stock entrepreneurship contributes to the democratization of the enterprise, promotes the creation of a material and technical base, strengthening the interest of working in best use means of production, working time;

Eliminates the imbalance in the economy between supply and demand, between the group A and B;

The amount of money is more efficient, and this form promotes the development of commodity-money relations.

In Ukraine, there are such types of joint-stock partnerships: Open-type joint-stock partnerships, where shares are distributed by open subscription, that is, by selling sales on the stock exchange; Joint-stock partnerships of the closed type, whose shares are distributed only among their founders.

Promotion is the main attribute of the joint-stock partnership. This is a valuable paper without a set of circulation confirming share (dull fee) of the shareholder in the authorized capital of the joint stock company, confirming membership in it and the right to receive profits in the form of dividends. The action gives the right to participate in the division of property in the elimination of the partnership.

Types of stock: nominal, bearer, privileged, simple. If the share is nominated, the statements about each nominal shares must be made to the registration book: the owner, the acquisition time, the number of such shares from each shareholder.

Unlike a simple, a preferred share gives its owner a preferential right to receive dividends, as well as on priority participation in the distribution of the property of the joint-stock company in the event of its liquidation. The owners of preferred shares do not participate in the management of the joint-stock company.

Dividends of the joint stock company are paid only by the end of the year due to the profit, which remains after paying taxes and interest for a bank loan.

Disadvantages of joint-stock companies:

1) Millions of small shareholders suffer bankruptcy, especially during the economic crises;

2) Joint-stock companies can carry out various financial fraud on stock exchanges.

3. Contractive partnerships.

They are created by legal entities and individuals when they are looking for in joint activity in the market, but do not want to lose their independence.

4. Limited liability partnerships.

These are closed partnerships that are created by the association of mutual contributions. A limited liability partnership includes several includes several partners who are responsible for organizing the work of the firm and have almost the same status as the usual partnerships. But the form of an enterprise organization in question includes another number of limited liability partners who make funds to the organization of the company, make a profit, but whose responsibility for the firm's obligations can never exceed the amount invested in the case (4, p. 286). This is what makes this form of an attractive and comfortable enterprise.

Prior to the registration of the partnership, each founder should make at least 30% of its contribution to the bank account. Only after that it is registered in the executive committee of people's deputies at the place of its location.

5. Non-profit firms.

In addition to the specified form of organization of the enterprise, such forms of the organization of enterprises that their goal is made to receive profits in the private sector, there are many non-profit firms. These include churches, colleges, hospitals, mercy societies, trade unions, clubs and some others. As well as profit-oriented firms, these organizations participate in trade, production of goods and services, employment (5. -W.289).

4. Enterprise Management and Labor Self-Government. Management and marketing in the management of the enterprise.

Whatever the form of the organization of the company, it always solves one task - coordination of economic activity, that is, the acceptance of responsible decisions that, how and how much. I solve this task, the firm, firstly, should ensure the relationship between the participants of the production process and a certain sequence of their actions, secondly, to work out a system of instruments that encourage labor activity and increase its effectiveness (1. p.47).

There are two basic principles for the organization of economic activity - the elemental order and hierarchy. The spontaneous procedure is due to the interaction of independent parties in response to some information and economic incentives obtained directly from the surrounding activities. Markets are the place where the decisions are being made in response changing prices - the main economic example of the spontaneous order.

The second example of an organization is a hierarchy in which individual actions are managed by the command of the central government. The internal structure of firms where employees act in accordance with the orders of managers and managers - the main example of the hierarchy (5.5.288).

An administrative apparatus is created for the implementation of production and economic and social functions of the enterprise. The number of divisions, organizational structure of the enterprise, the states depend on the specifics of production and are determined by the enterprise themselves.

The basic principle of management of state-owned enterprises was the principle of democratic centralism. Its essence is to combine the centralized management with the provision of a certain independence. Under the conditions of the command-administrative system, there was an excessive centralization in the management, and the independence of the enterprise was limited and was fictitious.

An important principle of management is a single leadership, that is, the subordination to the head of all divisions of the enterprise, all members of the labor collective. This also means that the head of the enterprise or the relevant division personally leads, organizes and is responsible for the effective activities of the enterprise and its labor collective. Such a guide is carried out by him through their deputies and heads of the relevant enterprise units (department of personnel, planning and economic, legal departments, accounting, office), which are functionally submitted only to the director of the enterprise.

The effective work of the enterprise largely depends on the quality of heads of manufacture. It is from the leader, its economic and technical awareness, the success of the enterprise activity depends on the team.

Management is powerful relationships, and their content is determined by the nature of property. As part of its property and rights, the owner of the host itself determines the methods and management system. It is a monopolist towards managing his property. If the enterprise is state, then the corresponding management functions carry out a state through its authorized managers. And the team at the same time is only organized by the combination of hired workers who are partly, at the request of the owner to a greater or lesser extent may be allowed to manage production.

If the owner of the enterprise is an employment team, a joint-stock company, a cooperative, then the leaders of such enterprises are elected. The supreme leadership of such enterprises are common fees of property owners. Executive functions for managing a collective enterprise carries out the Board.

The board of the enterprise is elected by the owners of the property in the general charges of secret voting on an alternative basis. From its composition, the Board elects the Chairman and its deputies or their role is performed alternately all members of the Board.

In all enterprises where hired labor is used is a collective agreement between the owner and the labor collective. This contract is regulated by productive, labor and economic relations of the labor collective with the administration of the enterprise, the issues of labor protection, social development, the participation of employees in the use of enterprise's profits, etc.

The employment team considers and approves the draft collective agreement, decides in accordance with the company's charter issues of the self-government of the labor collective, determines and approves the list and procedure for providing social benefits to employees.

In all enterprises, the indicator of the financial result of economic activity is profit. The procedure for the use of profit is determined by the owner of the enterprise or authorized by it by the body according to the company's charter.

Issues of social development, including the improvement of working conditions, life, health, guarantees of compulsory health insurance, insurance of members of the labor collective and their families, are solved by the labor team with the participation of the owner according to the company's charter, a collective agreement and legislative acts Ukraine.

5. Adapting enterprises to market relations.

Economic development at the present stage, inevitability and necessity transition period From one system of management to another, transformation of the administrative system and management mechanisms to the market put before enterprises, the problem of adaptation to new conditions. The attachment, survival of enterprises, the flexibility of their response to changes in external reasons, on the factors of instability and uncertainty, which are inherent in the current transitional period, depend on their solutions.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main problems facing entrepreneurship in the transition to market relations, and to construct the adaptation mechanisms to solve them, which will allow by coordinating the goals of the enterprise, the interests of the owner, different groups and categories of workers by creating relevant models and methods of restructuring and the development of enterprise systems Ensure a place in a market environment and effective operation in it.

First of all, it is necessary to set the task of creating such transformations, which would have natural, organically inherent in the nature of the implementation, and secondly - theoretically formulated (at the enterprise level) general methodological approach to eradicating stagnation in the economy, which underlies the disintegration of management and production , differentiation of ownership forms. The specific essence of this approach, which takes into account the monopolism of manufacturers, existing, formed before the transition period, the features of the management and management system, the presence of actually still the only - state-ownership, and lies in the division of very large enterprises, processes of production and management and simultaneous transition to mixed property forms.

The initial position in the motivation of the restructuring and development of the enterprise systems is that each group and category of workers should be of interest to achieve a whole specific objective objectives, which together ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in the context of the transition to market relations and for the long-term perspective in the stable economic situation. At the same time, it is necessary to consider general elements of motivation, which relate to all groups and categories of workers, and special, extending to individual groups and categories.

The efficiency of the enterprise, all its systems and mechanisms is much as defined by external factors operating on the micro level. It is necessary to consider two blocks of issues from this sphere, which are closely related to the mechanisms of adaptation of the enterprise - management of product quality, expansion and privatization, as well as ways and methods of their improvement in order to create the largest assistance environment.

Especially important is the issue of using a new management function for industrial enterprises - forecasting. The developed predictive system and forecast models of technical and organizational development, as well as the methodology and methodology for modeling a interrelated strategy for the development of the technical and organizational and organizational and economic system of the enterprise, also deserves.

The main issues that will require solutions in the process of restructuring the organizational and economic system of the enterprise are:

Definition of model management of the property of the enterprise and its structural divisions;

Education of the cost accounting system and work results;

Infirm pricing and separation of management results.

6. Economic freedom of enterprises.

No limited activity of the enterprise generates serious social injustice, but often an environmental danger. Therefore, the company must fulfill well-defined requirements from the government, consumers and environmentalists. The most advanced foreign enterprises respond to this development of social programs in order to assign the status of a responsible member of society. At the same time, enterprises use targeted actions to prevent the adoption of laws that limit entrepreneurial freedom. The most important for the work of those enterprises that do not want to stop their existence is to adapt to the requirements of society.

The success of the company's activities is largely depends on who and how regulates and controls relationships with the regional environment. Soviet experience has shown that the full-scale control of enterprises from above is undesirable, since he makes them ineffective. The experience of developed countries, in turn, shows that with minimal control from above, it creates more products and more efficient. But due to the fact that national wealth is constantly increasing, and the distribution remains uneven, this increase is accompanied by the destruction of the political, economic and social environment, indifference to emergency problems of enterprises.

Traditional areas of entrepreneurial behavior control spheres government agencies Management are: products, production technology, behavior in competition, profits, resources, ownership and organization of intra-industry management.

Entrepreneurs have the right to make decisions without restrictions and independently any activities that do not contradict the current legislation. Features of regulation of individual types of entrepreneurship are established by the legislation of Ukraine (see Chapter 8, paragraph 2, "Law on Entrepreneurship of Ukraine").

7. Economic problems of entrepreneurship

and ways to solve them.

In the course of the new stage of economic reform in Ukraine, it is especially important to find additional reserves for improving the effectiveness of the economic mechanism, making fundamental measures to create conditions for the country's exit from the crisis situation. The search for the most appropriate economy methods for Ukraine primarily leads to the need to address the global experience of solving these problems.

Among the whole range of various economic growth factors, the most significant is considered to be the cleaver implementation of the entrepreneurial potential of citizens of the country, effective use in the economic mechanism of an independent economic initiative of a person, recognition of entrepreneurship by an indispensable force of economic dynamics, competitiveness and public prosperity.

To activate efforts in this direction and more complete understanding of the entire complex of existing problems, first of all, it is necessary to stop on the theoretical aspect of the problem of entrepreneurship. Despite the large number of works on this topic, to the present, a clear, based on the scientific theory, the unequivocal definition of the concept of entrepreneurship has not yet been developed. The concepts for today concepts characterize entrepreneurship in three directions:

1) Availability different species resources and the possibility of them to dispose to obtain a profit when the risk factor is constant and the uncertainty of the final result;

2) effective management and organization of the production process with constant and widespread use of innovations;

3) the special innovative, creative behavior of the economic entity, its enterprise, which is the driving force of the economic process.

The main condition for the possibility of the existence of entrepreneurship scientists and practices see in creating a competitive environment and providing economic freedom Business entity. Already such an understanding of the essence of the problem allows you to explain the important feature of the development of the modern world economy - an increasingly increasing role of small businesses. His high-quality criteria are:

Predominance private property on the means of production;

Legal and economic independence in decision-making;

Simplified management system;

Professional interchangeability of employees;

Direct participation of the owner in the management of the enterprise;

Initiative, search nature.

It is easy to notice that the principles of activity of these firms are close to the characteristics of entrepreneurship. Indeed, there is almost everywhere to identify entrepreneurship with small business, widespread use in the domestic science and practice of the term "small entrepreneurship".

The reason for this phenomenon is also obvious - the wide distribution of entrepreneurship in the fields of small businesses. It is this sector of the economy that represents the most effective system of selection of talented and enterprising people, allows you to create the necessary competition atmosphere, contributes to the rapid solution to a number of problems that cannot be resolved by larger economic structures.

Ukraine, like other countries with economies in transition, inherited from the Soviet state-monopolistic system, the set of relations between enterprises is not compatible with the competitive environment. In a system based on universal population and superchangealization, large and largest enterprises have significantly dominated. In the former USSR enterprise with the number of more than 1000 people working. They produced almost 3/4 of all industrial products, concentrated 80% of the main industrial and production facilities, consumed more than 90% of all electricity. Such a concentration level was adequate to the planning-directorial system, the theory and practice of which proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe economy as a single complex. Small number of large enterprises are conveniently managed, to establish them planned tasks and standards, distribute resources between them, assign and displace managers, etc.

The monopolism of the planning-directorial system is mainly a departmental monopolism, the nature of which, in essence, is not related to the size of enterprises and their number. Meanwhile, the destruction of the departmental monopolism in itself does not form a competitive environment, because in most industries there is a high level of production concentration, that is, the predominance of a small number of large enterprises. Only a certain shift in the structure of monopoly is occur - monopolism conducted by the monopolism of enterprises. According to their negative consequences, the latter is not better than the departmental monopolism. On the contrary, if the departmental monopolism leaves some possibility of control over the excessive "appetites" of monopolist enterprises, the monopolism of enterprises in its pure form generates price lawlessness, creates the ability to "press the wall" of buyers in the sense of product range and its quality, to postpone the technological time Production update.

Of course, the competitive environment can also be created under these conditions on the basis of liberalization of links with an external market, in particular by the weakening of customs restrictions for foreign goods entering the domestic market, while improving control over their quality. But this way of forming a competitive environment with the deepest economic crisis is extremely dangerous. The competitive environment created in this way is capable only to strengthen the effect of forces destroying the national economy. It is impossible not to take into account that the goods produced on most of the Ukrainian enterprises compared with the world market goods are uncompetitive. Most of the Ukrainian enterprises of this competition will not stand it, which can aggravate and without that difficult position.

It is believed that the decision of this problem lies in the technological update of production, which should make products of enterprises competitive. However, this decision seems to be doubtful primarily due to the conditions of its implementation. Galoping inflation makes innovation unlikely, since normal entrepreneurship is not able to give the necessary funds for investment. It is also doubtful the receipt of funds for this purpose from the outside, since the conditions of the same inflation and instability of the economy of Ukraine are forcing investors to look for such capital premises that are able to give immediate returns, meanwhile, as investments in production are always conjugate with a significant period of time and risk.

But even if large enterprises manage to update the technology, in many cases they are doomed to remain uncompetitive in the global market. This is not least due to the peculiarities of their structure that established under the Command-Administrative System.

Enterprises (primarily large, but not only they) were created on the principle of the maximum closed complex of units. It was dictated by real conditions for enterprises and was legalized by regulatory acts regulating their standard structures. The composition of the main production divisions was formed in such a way as to minimize the dependence of enterprises from suppliers. At each enterprise, a wide range of subdivisions of the auxiliary and serving industries. The control apparatus, as a rule, included numerous departments, groups, bureaus, laboratories.

Such an approach to the formation of the structure of enterprises was dictated not only by the desire to maximally limit links due to interdepartmental barriers, but also because the payment of third-party services, as a rule, was more expensive compared to the maintenance costs of their respective units. In addition, this approach to the formation of the structure of enterprises was also facilitated by the adopted procedure for remuneration of managers depending on the category of enterprises.

The market economy has reacted with certain trends on this structural feature of the "traditional" enterprises. Over the past years, in countries with modern market economies, a distinct desire of enterprises is distinguished from many functions that have previously performed by their internal units, primarily those that differed by pulsating loads. It is at the expense of this factor that the number of industrial giants is reduced and, at the same time, the number of small enterprises increases. Contrary to the theoretical dogma on the inevitability of the production concentration process, the average size of enterprises detect an obvious tendency to decrease.

This process makes the market economy more dynamic, mobile, susceptible to innovation, increases its ability to respond quickly to market demand and changes. At the same time, the growing part of the entrepreneurial risk is transferred to small enterprises, and the work of large enterprises remaining the foundation market economy And its export potential becomes more stable. It should be especially noted that the development of small entrepreneurship is accompanied by the expansion of the competitive environment, the invasion of competition in spheres, which were previously represented by non-competitive relations between the internal divisions of enterprises.

Of course, characterizing the increase in the role of small enterprises in a market economy, not only their importance should be taken into account in the entire infrastructure of enterprises, but also the social side of the process, in particular, the role of small enterprises as a factor in changing the structure of ownership, as a regulator of employment regulators and in general, as a buffer zone of market Economy capable of mitigating the consequences of structural shifts occurring in it.

Various options for the formation of a network of small businesses can be called, performing infrastructure formation functions in the entire totality of enterprises. First of all, small businesses can be created by reciprocating units, there are allocations from a larger enterprise with the provision of appropriate rights (legal entities, opening a settlement account, self-balance, etc.). At the same time, a small enterprise is able to independently form a portfolio of orders, which puts its income into direct dependence on the results of its own activity. However, numerous problems and difficulties are inevitable on this path. In particular, they are associated with the formation of ownership of the property of small enterprises, with the material and technical support of production and, therefore, the distribution and use of its income. These problems do not disappear in the event that the creation of small enterprises is carried out on the basis of the transfer of property for rent.

The creation of small enterprises by reckoning them from larger ones can be associated with incorporation - for example, by making units of the forms of small joint-stock companies whose shares can be distributed both among the labor collective of the enterprise (large and small) and through free sale. But with any embodiments, the main problem remains. Getting independence from the hands of a large enterprise, small enterprises become independent subjects market relations. Therefore, the question inevitably arises how these newly educated subjects of production activities are able to reliably and qualitatively carry out their functions as elements of the infrastructure of other enterprises, including in relation to those that they separated, as well as - what their products and services will cost to enterprises, remaining without relevant units.

The above problem arises due to the fact that in itself the way to create small enterprises based on disintegration is not able to create a competitive environment and, therefore, mechanisms affecting the activities of small enterprises, the quality of their products and services, as well as prices their implementation. That is what explains the failures of many attempts to form small enterprises on the basis. There were cases when the allocation from the composition of large enterprises of a number of small few not only did not succeed, but also became an additional factor in reducing output, reducing its competitiveness.

The correct conclusions suggests the experience of large companies in countries with a developed modern market economy. It is known, for example, that enterprises of such a largest company, as "General Motors", serve 32 thousand suppliers that form its infrastructure (mainly in the form of small enterprises). Products of the company sell 11 thousand independent dealers operating in many countries. The same data can be brought by Japan companies - electronic, automotive, construction and others. A characteristic feature of such systems is the mobility of the composition and structure of small enterprises. Significant part of them there is only a short time, and then disappears or changes the generation. At the same time, new small businesses arise, offering their products and services. And as a result, the system, including large, medium and small enterprises, function steadily and in accordance with the developing market conditions.

From the above, it is necessary that it is impossible to create systems on the basis of one babbling alone, optimally combining enterprises different sizes and various functions. One of the most important conditions for the release of Ukraine to the level of competitiveness with foreign countries is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the formation of such a mass of small enterprises, which in their combination are capable of performing infrastructure functions on a competitive basis.

These must be small businesses with a wide range of social orientation, size and sizes. It can be enterprises with a minimum number of hired workers and without hired workers in general - family enterprises. Small businesses can specialize in the manufacture of relatively simple elements of products, the composition and the nomenclature of which are changed in accordance with the requirements of the market. Ukraine is also needed to enterprises that are available on a contractual basis maintenance and repair of equipment, computing equipment, instruments and equipment.

All this extensive small business zone should be such that all enterprises, and first of all, large and medium, have the opportunity to choose suppliers and partners, products and services of which are distinguished by high quality, reliability and stable prices, thereby proving the advantages of this system compared to With a number of enterprises of the closed complex, which were inherited from the command and administrative system. Naturally, the creation of such a small business network requires certain material and technical, financial and credit and organizational prerequisites.

Giving the process of creating small maintenance enterprises leads to the emergence of a small business zone capable of successfully entering the infrastructure of enterprises. Meanwhile, in Ukraine this process faces many difficulties and problems.

In recent years, in particular, there were generally favorable changes in the mechanism for creating new enterprises, including small ones. The procedure for passing documents related to obtaining permits for entrepreneurial activities is significantly simplified. This led to a significant reduction in the deadlines necessary for this. If the numerous visas needed earlier officialsThat delayed the time of paperwork for many weeks and even months, now this time has decreased to several days, and the deadline for execution is practically limited only by the frequency of meetings of the executive bodies of the executive bodies that give a final decision. True, it should be noted the overestimated difficulty and complexity of filling necessary documents. But this difficulty is easily overcome, because companies have arisen, for a relatively small fee that take over the entire process of design.

With all this, however, there are numerous factors that prevent the development of small entrepreneurship as a special buffer zone of the market economy. Moreover, it refers to the production range and the part of its part, which is capable of performing the functions of the infrastructure of enterprises. The intensity of this process is completely insufficient. At the same time, there are obvious deformations in its directions that do not meet the needs of the formation of a modern market economy.

The current procedure for the creation of enterprises is (as before) permits. Legislative acts lists activities regarding which enterprises are allowed to create enterprises. As a result, if one type of activity is not envisaged in the list of permitted, that is, it is extraordinary, the executive body of the executive authorities receives ample opportunities for unreasonable prohibitions. Meanwhile, the essence of the market economy corresponds to such a form of regulatory acts when prohibited activities are listed.

The creation of new enterprises, including small, is hampered by the practice of charging fees related to the design of documents and permits. The permit fee is diverse. It is necessary to pay both for permission to engage in entrepreneurial activities in general, and for the right to engage in each type of activity. All these contributions ultimately increase the costs of enterprises, reduce their income and profits.

It should be especially noted that in the way of the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine there is a valid order of taxation of enterprises. Formally, in accordance with this procedure, only enterprises are subject to tax. Moreover, the amount of the tax is 30%, which corresponds to the presentation adopted in the market economy on the optimal level of income taxation. But it is only deceptive visibility. Enterprises are required to include deductions in their costs various funds (five of them), which, in essence, are part of the value added. Thereby, the level of costs are substantially overestimated, and profit is reduced accordingly.

Such an order of taxation contains a deep internal contradiction. It involves the absence of a competitive environment, the monopoly position of the market economy subjects, their ability to set prices on cost-based basis, that is, in essence, the emergence of non-working mechanisms of market pricing. If the same enterprises acted in normal market conditions, in which prices are not established on cost-based basis, but as the equilibrium prices of the mechanism market competitionThat surely most of the enterprises would be unprofitable, would lose the main motive and the basis of their activities - profits. In the real economic conditions of Ukraine, the monopoly overestimation of prices does not so much ruins the existing enterprises as it hinders the creation of new and, which is particularly significant, inevitably leads to a reduction in production due to the discrepancy between the purchasing power of the population levels of prices.

The system of taxation of profit and included in the costs of deductions not only inhibits the development of entrepreneurship, but also deforms its directions. Free capital clearly avoids the production of goods and services where relatively large initial capital investments With problematic payback prospects. It rushes mainly in trade and intermediary activities. It is significant that the registered individual labor activity, a significant part of which has the basis of the so-called "shuttles", mainly fixed in the same sphere.

In a modern market economy, tax levers are considered the most effective tool for its regulation. In Ukraine, these levers, in essence, are practically not used to develop entrepreneurship, nor to regulate its directions. Currently, new enterprises, including small, do not receive rights to tax breaks. There is no differentiation of the level of taxes on the profit and the amount of deductions, depending on the species and destinations of entrepreneurship, as well as from the use of profit. No tax discounts if the profit is used to create new jobs, technological renewal of production, etc. (We note that these and other tax benefits were canceled in early 1995). There is no such form of state support for small enterprises, as preferential conditions for their lending (for example, by providing state guarantees Banks providing loans to the creation of enterprises and the development of entrepreneurship).

Wide and moreover, the regulated process of development of entrepreneurship, especially in the field of small business, becomes possible in its synchronous connection with the exit national Economy from crisis based on the bodies of inflation and the introduction of a stable national monetary unit. Only on this basis, the development of entrepreneurship is able to stop the fall in production and gross national product, to achieve their stabilization, and then growth.

Mass entrepreneurship requires the preparation of people capable of this kind of activity. Such a task should be solved at all levels of education and training. The legislative framework, regulating relations related to the creation and functioning of small businesses, must be formed, providing its protection against monopoly structures, arbitrariness of officials and raceta.

In turn, the program created at the state level should be based on the scientifically developed conceptual builds of the development of entrepreneurship in individual areas and fields of the economy. Only this approach can help avoid major errors in the process of creating a small business support system, ensure the sequence of its formation and ensure the practical implementation of all its elements.

The world experience in the development of small business structures indicates that their greatest effectiveness is achieved in the context of the existence of private ownership. The formation of it legal base In Ukraine, should include a number of measures:

Improving legislative acts regulating mass privatization;

Establishing a long-term prospect of the development of private entrepreneurship, approving the right of inheritance and selling property;

Providing reliable political and administrative guarantees from unlawful encroachments to the state from the state, other individuals and legal entities.

Special attention must be paid to the fact that regulatory acts On regulation of entrepreneurship, there is some uncertainty in understanding the terms "Small Enterprise", "Small Entrepreneurship", "Small Business", insufficient delimitation of organizational, organizational and legal and economic forms of economic activities. In world practice, the prevailing majority of small enterprises are legally and financially independent, independent, small in the number of busy firms based on private ownership of one or more citizens who directly manage and work at their enterprise. Only the specified qualities allow us to attach such forms to small business and give them the right to significant support from the state.

The main problem for a small enterprise is difficulties with financing. The lack of sufficient capital in most people, complexity, disadvantage, and sometimes the impossibility of obtaining borrowed funds inhibit the development of small businesses. The objective of the state is to create prerequisites that encourage investment and entrepreneurial energy investment in this sector of the economy.

8. Legislative regulation of enterprises.

1) The Law of Ukraine on enterprises of 27.03.91.

The Law of Ukraine "On Enterprises" creates equal legal conditions for the activities of enterprises, regardless of the forms of ownership of property and organizational forms of the enterprise. The law is aimed at ensuring the independence of enterprises, determines their rights and responsibility in carrying out economic activities, regulates enterprises with other enterprises and organizations, government bodies.

The company is the main organizational unit of national economy of Ukraine. The company is an independent economic statutory subject, which has the rights of a legal entity and carries out industrial, scientific and commercial activities in order to obtain relevant profits (income).

The company has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banks, printing with its name, and an industrial enterprise is also a trademark. The company has no other legal entities.

The company carries out any kind of economic activities if they are not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine and meet the objectives provided for by the Company's Charter.

Accordingly, enterprises of such species can operate:

Individual enterprise based on private ownership of an individual and exclusively his labor;

Family-owned enterprise based on property and labor of Ukrainian citizens - members of one family who live together;

A private enterprise based on the property of a separate citizen of Ukraine, with the right to hiring labor;

A collective enterprise based on the ownership of the enterprise, cooperative, other statutory society, a public and religious organization;

State communal enterprise based on the property of administrative-territorial units;

State-owned enterprise based on nationwide ownership;

Joint venture based on the basis of the association of property of different owners (mixed form of ownership);

Enterprise based on the ownership of legal entities and citizens of other states.

Accordingly, the volume of economic turnover of the enterprise and the number of its employees (regardless of the forms of ownership) it can be classified as small enterprises.

Small enterprises include newly formed and existing enterprises:

In industry and construction - with the number of workers to 200 people;

In other industrial sectors - with the number of workers to 50 people;

In science and scientific services - with the number of workers up to 100 people;

In the branches of the non-production sphere - with the number of workers to 25 people;

In retail - with the number of workers to 15 people.

The company is created in accordance with the decision of the owner (owners) of property or authorized by him (by them) the body, the establishment of the founder, the organization or solving the labor collective in cases and the procedure provided for by these and other laws of Ukraine.

The company can be created as a result of the compulsory section of another enterprise in accordance with the antimonopoly legislation of Ukraine.

The company can be created as a result of the exit from the existing enterprise, the organization of one or several structural units, as well as on the basis of a structural unit of existing associations, according to the solution of their labor collectives, if there is the consent of the owner or authorized by him.

The company receives the rights of a legal entity from the day of its state registration. The state registration of the enterprise is carried out in the executive committee of the district, the city council of people's deputies on the location of the enterprise.

For state registration of the enterprise, the Executive Committee of the relevant Council of People's Deputies shall submit a statement, the decision of the founder on the creation, the Charter and other documents.

In the absence of a small enterprise at the time of registration of its own premises, it is carried out at the legal address of one of its founders.

The company has the right to create branches, offices, branches and other separate divisions with the right to open current and settlement accounts.

The company is valid on the basis of the Charter. The Charter is approved by the owner (owners) of property, and for state-owned enterprises - the owner of the property with the participation of the labor collective.

The company's charter identifies the owner and name of the enterprise, its location, subject and objectives of the activity, its management bodies, the procedure for their formation, competence and powers of the labor collective, the procedure for the formation of the property of the enterprise, the conditions for the reorganization and termination of the enterprise.

The property of the enterprise is the main funds and working capital, as well as other values, the cost of which is displayed in the independent balance sheet of the enterprise.

Sources of the formation of enterprise property are:

Monetary and material contributions founders;

Revenues received from sales of products, as well as on other types of economic activities;

Loans of banks and other creditors;

Capital investments and subsidies from budgets;

Receipts from the denationalization and privatization of property;

Acquisition of the property of another enterprise, organization;

Free or charitable receipts, donations of organizations, enterprises and citizens;

Other sources not prohibited by legislative acts of Ukraine.

The company has the right to issue his own valuable papers and the implementation of their legal entities and citizens of Ukraine and other states.

The employment team of the enterprise is all citizens who take part in its activities on the basis of an employment contract (contract, agreements), as well as other forms regulating the employee's labor relations with the enterprise.

Labor team of the enterprise with the right to hire labor:

Considers and approves the draft collective agreement;

Considers and decides according to the authority of the enterprise the issue of self-government of the labor collective;

Determines and approves the list and procedure for providing employees with social benefits;

Takes part in the material and moral stimulation of productive work, encourages inventive and innovation activities.

The labor collective of the state and other enterprise, in which the share of the state in the value of the property is more than 50 percent:

Considers together with the founder of the change and additions of the Company's Charter;

Together with the founder of the enterprise, determines the conditions of the head of the head;

Takes part in solving the issue of exit from the company of one or several structural units to create a new enterprise;

Together with the owner, solves questions about the entry and exit of the enterprise from the association of enterprises;

It makes decisions about the rental of the enterprise, the creation on the basis of the body of the body for the transition to the rental and redemption of the enterprise.

With a partial redemption of the enterprise, the labor collective receives the rights of the collective owner.

The collective agreement should be in all enterprises that use hired labor, between the owner or the authority authorized by him and the labor team or the authority authorized by him and cannot contradict the legislation of Ukraine.

In all enterprises, the main common indicator of financial results of economic activity is profit (income). The procedure for the use of income determines the owner of the enterprise or the authority authorized by him in accordance with the company's charter.

The state impact on the choice of directions and sales of profit (income) is carried out through taxes, tax breaks, as well as economic sanctions in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

The company independently determines the foundation fund without limiting its increase by state bodies. The minimum wage amount cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum, which is established by the legislative acts of Ukraine. Enterprises can use tariff rates, salaries as landmarks for wage differentiation depending on the profession, qualifications of workers, complexity and conditions of work performed by them and services.

The company independently carries out material and technical support of its own production and capital construction through a system of direct agreements (contracts) or through commercial exchanges and other mediating organizations of Ukraine.

The company sells its products, property at prices and tariffs, which are established independently or on a contractual basis, and in cases stipulated by the legislative acts of Ukraine - at state prices and tariffs. In calculations with foreign partners, contract prices are applied, forming according to the conditions and prices of the global market. On the products of enterprises that occupy a monopoly position in the market of goods that determine the scale of prices in the economy and the social security of the population, state regulation is allowed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Pricing and Pricing". At the same time, public prices should take into account the average industry cost of products and ensure the minimum level of profitability of products to which they distribute.

Social development issues, including improving working, life, health, guarantee of compulsory medical insurance, insurance of members of the labor collective and their families, are solved by the labor team with the participation of the owner according to the company's charter, a collective agreement and legislative acts of Ukraine.

The state guarantees inviolability of the rights and legitimate interests of the enterprise. Interference in the economic and other activities of the enterprise by state, public and cooperative bodies, political parties and movements are not allowed, except for the cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.

Losses (including expected and not received income), brought by the enterprise as a result of the execution of government or other organ directives or their officials who violated the rights of the enterprise, as well as due to the improper exercise by such bodies or their officials provided by the legislation of obligations in relation to enterprises, are subject to Reimbursement for their account. Disputes on damages are solved by a court or arbitration, respectively, their competence.

The state helps the market development, carrying out its regulation using economic laws and incentives, implements an antitrust program, ensures the social security of all workers. The state provides preferential conditions by the enterprise, which introduce progressive technologies, create new jobs, use the work of citizens requiring social protection. The state should stimulate the development of small enterprises in Ukraine: to give benefits for taxation, receiving state loans, creates funds for the development of small enterprises.

Under a commercial secret enterprise is understood by statements related to production, technological information, management, finance and other activities of the enterprise, which are not a state secret, but disclosure (transmission, leakage) of which can bring harm to his interests.

The company is obliged:

Protect the environment against pollution and other harmful effects;

Recommend to the relevant Council of People's Deputies Losses applied to the irrational use of land and other natural resources and environmental pollution;

Ensure the safety of production, sanitary and hygienic standards and the requirements for protecting the health of its employees, population and consumers of products.

Control over the individual parties to the activities of the enterprise is carried out by the State Tax Inspectorate, the state bodies for which the safety of production and labor, fire and environmental safety are entrusted.

Liquidation and reorganization (compound, section, output, transformation) of enterprises are carried out by the decision of the owner and with the participation of the labor collective or by the court decision, arbitration. The company is also eliminated in cases:

Recognition by bankrupt;

If a decision is made to prohibit the activities of the enterprise due to non-compliance with the conditions established by the legislation, and in the period provided for by the decision, the fulfillment of these conditions is not ensured or the type of activity has not been changed;

If the decision of the court will be recognized by invalid documents and the decision to create an enterprise. (East 10)

2. The Law of Ukraine on Entrepreneurship.

This Law defines the general legal, economic and social start of the implementation of entrepreneurial activities (entrepreneurship) by citizens and legal entities in Ukraine, establishes a guarantee of freedom of entrepreneurship and its state support.

Entrepreneurship is an independent initiative, a systematic, on its own risk, activities for the production of products, work, the provision of services and commercial trade in order to profit.

Subjects of business activities (entrepreneurs) can be:

Citizens of Ukraine, other states, not limited by law in legal capacity or legal capacity;

Legal entities of all forms of ownership established by the Law of Ukraine "On Ownership".

In relation to legal entities and citizens for whom entrepreneurial activity is not the main, this Law applies to that part of their activities, which in its nature is entrepreneurial.

It is not allowed to occupy the entrepreneurial activities of the following categories of citizens: military personnel, officials, prosecution authorities, courts, state security, internal affairs, state arbitration, state notaries, as well as government bodies and management designed to monitor enterprises.

Persons who have forbidden to engage in certain activities cannot be registered as entrepreneurs with the right to implement the relevant activity before the expiration of the term established by the court sentence.

Entrepreneurs have the right to make decisions without restrictions and independently any activities that do not contradict the current legislation. Features of regulation of individual types of entrepreneurship are established by the legislation of Ukraine.

Activities for the manufacture and sale of narcotic drugs, military weapons and ammunition to it, explosives can be carried out only by state enterprises, and the holding of pawn-based operations is also complete societies.

Without a special permit (license) issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or the authorized body cannot be carried out:

Search and operation of mineral deposits;

Production and repair, realization of sports, hunting, firearms and ammunition to it, as well as cold weapons;

Production and sale of medicines and chemicals;

Manufacture of beer and wine;

Production of alcohol, vodka, liqueur and brandy products;

Making tobacco products;

Medical practice;

Veterinary practice;

Legal practice;

Creating and maintaining gambling institutions, organization of gambling;

Alcoholic beverages;

Domestic and international transportation of passengers and goods by air, river, sea, rail and road transport;

Agency and chartering of the Marine Fleet Fleet;

Manufacture of securities and postal payment signs;

Mediation with privatization papers;

Provision of services for the protection of state, collective and private property;

Installation, repair and preventive maintenance of security alarm;

Mining, production and use of radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation, processing and disposal of radioactive waste;

Collection, processing of solid and liquid waste productions containing precious metals and precious stones, and their scrap;

Performing aviation and chemical works and aerial photography;

Design, construction and operation of nuclear power facilities, as well as providing services for their maintenance;

Audit activity;

Insurance activity;

Manufacture and sale of veterinary medicines and drugs;

Construction and maintenance of nationwide data networks and documentary;

Construction and maintenance of transmission stations of satellite ties;

International and intercity postal transport;

Postal correspondence processing;

Issuance and reception of money transfers;

Use of radio frequencies;

Production and repair of measuring and control tools;

Performing topographic-geodesic, cartographic works and cadastral filming;

Execution of engineering and survey and design work For energy facilities, state communications, defense complex, as well as for gas pipelines, main pipelines, bridges, tunnels, power plants, airports, seaports performed in areas exposed to seismicity, as well as patope formation, flooding, drawders of another type, refinement, landslides and collaps.

The permission to carry out entrepreneurial activity is issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or the authorized body within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application. The refusal to issue permit is issued in the same time and is an act of writing.

Entrepreneurship is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

Free choice of activities;

Attracting on voluntary principles to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities of property and funds of legal entities and citizens;

Independent formation of the program of activity and the choice of suppliers and consumers of products manufactured, the establishment of prices in accordance with the legislation;

Free hiring workers;

Attraction and use of material and technical, financial, labor, natural and other types of resources, the use of which is not prohibited or is not limited to legislation;

Free disposal of profit, remaining after making payments established by the legislation;

Independent implementation by the entrepreneur - legal entity Foreign economic activity, the use of any owner due to him currency revenue At your discretion.

State registration of business entities is carried out on the application principle for no more than 15 days. The registration authority is obliged during this period to issue a certificate of registration and submit information to the relevant tax inspection and to state statistical authorities.

The certificate of state registration of the entity entity serves as the basis for opening accounts in the institutions of banks at the place of registration of a business entity or in any other institutions of banks by agreement of the parties. The bank is obliged to open a bank account and within three days notify the tax inspectorate about it.

To carry out entrepreneurial activities, the entrepreneur has the right to conclude agreements with citizens about the use of their labor. When concluding an employment contract, the entrepreneur is obliged to ensure the conditions and protection of labor, its payment is not lower than the minimum subsistence level established in the state, as well as other social guarantees, including social and health insurance and social security in accordance with applicable law.

The entrepreneur must not cause damage to the environment, not violate the laws protected by law and the interests of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations and the state.

The activities of the entrepreneur stops:

On his own initiative of the entrepreneur;

Based on the decision of the Court or the Arbitration Court in cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine;

In case of expiration of the license;

For other reasons stipulated by the legislative acts of Ukraine.

The state guarantees all entrepreneurs, regardless of their elected organizational forms of entrepreneurial activities, equal rights and creates equal opportunities for access to logistical, financial, labor, information, natural, and other resources.

The state legally provides freedom of competition between entrepreneurs, protecting consumers from manifestations of unfair competition and monopolism in any fields of entrepreneurial activity. Organs government controlled Build their relations with entrepreneurs using:

Tax and financial and credit policies, including tax rates and interest state credit; tax benefits; price and pricing rules; target subsidies; currency rate; sizes of economic sanctions;

State property and system of reserves, licenses, concessions, leasing, social, environmental and other norms and regulations;

Scientific and technical, economic and social, state and regional programs.


Dynamism, development and diversification of small business forms provide reason to assume that in the foreseeable future, this economic sector in the Western countries will develop.

I would like to hope that in the near future and our country, given the extensive foreign experience, will go along the way of adaptation of small businesses to today economic conditions Management in Russia. Moreover, having deep roots in the economic history of our country small and medium-sized businesses is not fully used both in an increase in production volumes and in increasing its efficiency and balance. Small business leads to the improvement of the economy as a whole, which is clearly seen from this work. Consequently, the best way out of Ukraine crisis situation There would be a government government policy aimed at expanding and developing small businesses in our country.

I would like to notice that the undoubted prospects of the small and medium-sized businesses in the modern economy and, therefore, a great interest in it should not be considered only as another company in the system of anti-crisis measures, but also as a long-term direction of structural policy, a naturally providing an organic reproductive bow market processes in the Russian economy, the implementation of the modern strategy of economic growth during the long-term transition. For, it is small enterprises that, especially in the case of the satisfactory development of a new state policy in the field of small businesses, can be the basis market structures In many industries, it is overflowing investments in the most effective resource applications and thereby connect the processes of structural policy and the formation of the All-Russian market.

List of references:

1. V.N. Lisovitsky. Microeconomics. Kharkov, Rip "Original", 1993

2. O. Yastremsky, O. Grishchenko. "Bases of mіkroekonіki", Kyiv 1998

3. V.F. Maksimova. Microponics. Moscow 1996.

4. R. Pindak, D. Rebibinfeld, Micronovika. Moscow 1992.

5. E. J. Dollaan. Microponics. St. Petersburg, 1994

6. Campwell R. McConell, Wednie L. M. "Economy". Moscow, Republic of Publishing House, 1992, Volume 2.

7. "Small business in Western Europe." Moscow, 1992

8. "How to succeed" (under the general edition of V. Khrutsky) Moscow, Publishing House "Political Literature", 1991.

9. "Small Business and Efficiency of the American Economy", Moscow, "Fact", 1991.

10. The Law of Ukraine on enterprises of 27.03.91.

11. The Law of Ukraine on Entrepreneurship.

12. Stapleik J.F - "Economics for beginners", Moscow, 1994

13. Edited by Bulatova A.S. - Textbook on the course "Economic theory", 2nd publication, Moscow, 1997.

14. Ya.Baranov "Enterprise in the system of regional administration" // "Economics of Ukraine", №10 1994

16. R.Sabotina "Intra-economic infrastructure of enterprises" // "Economics of Ukraine", №3 1994

The top management of the Corporation is responsible for long-term planning, policy development, as well as coordination and monitoring actions throughout the organization. This central group is surrounded by a number of firms, which, as a rule, are either independent economic units or actually independent firms. These firms are almost completely autonomous in relation to operational solutions. They are subordinated to the main company, mainly in matters of finance. They are expected to achieve the accuracy of profitability indicators and keep costs within the limits established for the entire conglomerate leadership of the highest level. How to fulfill these duties - is entirely given to the discretion of the leadership of the relevant economic unit.

Any type of entrepreneurial activity is based on a particular form of activity, which, in turn, predetermines the relevant forms of business. The following types of economic units have developed in the US economy

It should be noted that not all the values \u200b\u200baffecting the production in an economic unit can be described quantitatively. For example, such important factors such as concentration and rationalization of production, organization of labor, management structure, etc., is not always able to describe quantitatively. In this case, their influence is trying to take into account their impact on the resources on the structure of the production function and its parameters.

The industry is usually described as a set of enterprises, enterprises - as a set of workshops or as a combination of various production technologies, etc. In each of these cases, economic units are described by their production functions or cost functions. Finally, the workshop or production can be represented as a set of machines or other aggregates on which people work. Each of these objects is usually described by its cost function. For example, when modeling a production site, the production unit is a machine, which is described by the time of time to perform each of the possible operations.

We emphasize that the same economic system in some cases acts as an economic unit, in others - as a complex system composed of the economic units of the lower level, each of which is described by its production function or cost function. Various ways to describe the same object are associated with distinction for research purposes. If we are interested in the internal properties of the object being studied, we

Note that we describe the scheme of a single-level model of the studied economic system The system was considered as a set of economic units described by production functions of different types. In fact, more complex structures are possible, economic units in turn may consist of smaller economic units, etc.

Consider the question of what information is based on the production functions of economic units. Production functions can be calculated based on the technological characteristics for the machine, car, shop or enterprise. Usually in this case, production functions are considered in form (3.3), i.e. cost functions. In other cases, the basis is the processing of statistics of economic indicators. Let's say, when building the cost functions for the material production industry, it is often conventionally believed that the industry uses the only technological process, and then the costs of raw materials are found in this process per unit of output. Another approach to the processing of statistics in order to build a production function is a widely known cybernetic method of a black box.

Each enterprise is a separate independent financial and economic unit involved in the business process. This process is aimed at h\u003e Building a system of economic priorities and indicators

Thus, the same economic system in some cases can be modeled as an elementary economic unit, in others - to be described in the form of a complex system composed of the more elementary economic units describing the sub-system subsystems. As already mentioned, various ways of describing the same object are associated with distinction for research purposes. If the researchers are interested in the internal properties of the studied economic system, it seems in the form of a set of subsystems otherwise, it is considered as a whole. Note that the description of the same object using different models is applied not only in the economy, for example, a spacecraft in the case when it is necessary to describe the movement of its mass center in outer space, is considered as a material point, in the same cases when the researchers are interested The impact of the operation of the engines to the stability of the movement around the center of the mass is as a complex system consisting of engines acting on each other, fuel tanks, etc.

We emphasize once again that in relations (2.2) and (2.3) the values \u200b\u200bof y, x and and can be multicomponent or vector. In the case when the resource vector is multicomponent, there is a fundamental difference between the output functions and cost functions. In the release function (2.2), various combinations of quantities of production resources are possible, which leads to the fact that the same amount of products can be produced, generally speaking, with different combinations of resources. In costs (2.3), the setting of production fully determines the costs of resources. Therefore, cost functions are used in the case when the described elementary economic unit does not have the possibility of replacing one resource to others. Release functions are used when such a replacement is allowed. Note that in the economic literature, often under the term, the production function (in a narrow, sense) implies the function of release (2.2).

The economic mechanism is intended to guide activities individuals and organizations to achieve crowded goals, thereby overcoming the spontaneity caused by both accidents during the course of natural processes and the presence of their own interests in industrial and other economic units. Mathematical models considered in the second part of the book are intended to describe the production and technological level economic Systems and the choice of planned solutions and are not suitable for analyzing the phenomena occurring in the implementation of the constructed plans, since there are also a process for transferring planned tasks to production units and actions of production units based on the plans obtained. In addition, the production and technological models themselves can not answer the question about the quality of the information used, (on the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of production functions, etc.), since the parameters of the models depend on the technological features of production, but also from its organization , from the interest of production units in increasing production efficiency and in the disclosure of its capabilities in the planning process. Thus, mathematical models designed to analyze the economic mechanism go beyond the framework of the models described earlier, and they should be paid to special attention.

Articles (2) and (3) in Table. 13.2 delimit the activities of the manager as a professional leader and, accordingly, a segment as an economic unit.

Microeconomics is one of the two main sections of an economic theory that studies the behavior of individual economic units (consumers and firms) and their interaction in the markets, as a result of which prices for production factors and produced goods and services are formed.

One of the fundamental concepts of the SNA is the concept of an economic operation. The economic surgery is understood as interaction between economic entities, carried out by mutual agreement (for example, the purchase and sale of goods and services). Actions taken by one economic unit in unilaterallyThe impact on other units without their consent is not operations and refer to the SNA to other threads.

The need to consolidate capital is related to the elimination of a double account in the consolidated reporting and the correct reflection of the equity of equity in the balance sheet of a single economic unit. Consolidated reporting is compiled from the point of view of the maternal (holding, head) company.

In this work in affordable video The most important principles of quantitative analysis of the activities of various economic units are set forth specific examples enterprises, firms, banks and other institutions.

Reorganization is carried out in accordance with Art. 11 of the bankruptcy law. As with the liquidation, the consideration of the case begins after submitting the debtor or the lender of the relevant statement. The main goal of reorganization is to preserve the company as a capable economic unit. In most cases, the company's affairs continues to lead the debtor, although the option is also possible when a trustee takes responsibility for its work. One of the main conditions of rehabilitation is the provision of a temporary loan company. In order to give a company incentive to successful work, in Art. The 11 of the Law is enshrined the priority of creditors who provided the company to the loan after submitting the application, before the creditors who have done it earlier. If this motive is turning out

After the selection of elementary economic units n form, to muling a list of material goods and labor resources, which appear in the model, it is necessary to describe the streams between the elementary units and the patterns of resource conversion

Monollability is the degree of influence that a specific leader has on revenue or costs. The division of articles on controlled and uncontrollable complements motivation and analysis. For example, as long as the distinction is carried out between the manager and the center of responsibility as an economic unit, the qualified performer will not attend the difficult load of responsibility.

7. Elementary unit ("Atom") organization

7.2. Economic unit (business process)

Economic unit (business process). The activities of the company as an economic process. The crushing of economic activities on economic units, for each of which is a specific consumer. Defining a business process. Requirements for business processes. Borders of business processes. Coordination of business processes in the firm. Examples of business processes.

The company is not only technological reality and technological processBut and, as already noted, the economic reality, an economic entity that confesses the principle of correlation of the result and costs in the desire for exceeding the first over the second.

If the firm is considered precisely as an economic structure, it seems to be an obvious assumption that all its activities can be divided not only to technological parts, units (see 7.1), but also on economic parts, units.

In this case, we need to find out: what to consider such an economic unit, on the basis of which it is possible in a different way than the above (see 7.1), to build the structure of the company as an economic organization.

Recall that any economic attitude implies at least the presence of two subjects - the buyer and the seller (manufacturer and consumer) without which economic relations do not become economic, and product of labor does not accept the economic form of goods.

Thus, the product, the service must have their consumer. All this seems obvious when we consider the relationship between independent, independent, sovereign economic entities. And if you transfer this approach to the internal environment of the organization (for an intra-profit hierarchy)?

In this case, the company becomes an organization in which manufacturers and consumers of labor products, services. And this applies to all the activities of the company, on the entire turnover of capital. In this regard, the question is becoming uncomplicated: it takes or not the economic shape of the goods such activities. Speaking about the intra-profit hierarchy, we leave aside a different form of an economic organization, which is the market.

If the company "moves" the product of labor or service abroad, then we have "normal" manufacturers and consumers (sellers and buyers) that can act both within the market economic organization and as part of the contract system (they are dealing With goods as an economic form of product, services).

Summing up the said, we have the right to argue that it is possible to crush the economic activity of the company on economic units, for each of which there is a specific consumer both within the company and beyond.

It is this approach that makes it possible to define a new category for our analysis, which is a business process.

So, the business process is a set of operations that, combined, form a result that is value for the consumer. By the way, the simplest example of the business process, which M. Hammer and J. Champi in his work, is the development of a new product.

Here, as we see, there is no external in relation to the firm of consumers of this activity. The consumer of developing a new product is a production division of the company that will create it, the marketing unit of the company, which will bring this to the end user new Product, the management of the company, who, developing a strategy, cannot but take into account the creation of new products, etc.

Thus, all final consumers of this activity are parts of the intra-profit hierarchy (firm). Another (fundamentally different) structure of the company can be built on this methodological database.

In this case, the company will appear not in the form of a bureaucratic organization built on the basics of technological units, both in productive and in the functional areas of the company, and in the form of the combination of business processes, the ratio between which within the company does not obey the principles of the bureaucratic intra-ammable hierarchy.

We now clarify the definition of the business process. This is a set of various activities, within the framework of which "at the entrance" uses one type of resource or more, and the "at the output" as a result of this activity creates a product representing the value for the consumer. That is, the business process itself already implies the need to correlate the result and costs, becoming by virtue of this precisely the economic unit of the organization.

The allocation of business processes is based on certain requirements for such economic units of organization: 1) they can be identified and carry out the corresponding borders: what refers to a business process, and what does not apply, 2) this activity (the set of operations) should be The end user is either inside the company, or beyond it, 3) the borders of the business process are not determined by technological or functional principles, in their basis the request of the customer-client, 4) the most important figures in determining the borders of business processes are not engineers and technologists, but managers and economists.

The structure of the company built on the principles of the allocation of business processes is not a vertical hierarchy. This is most likely or a more horizontal structure, or a network structure. Therefore, the process of linking various business processes into a single organization is the process of coordination, coordination of mutual interests, not administrative subordination.

It should be noted that issues related to business processes (definition of borders, principles of allocation, requirements for business processes, their coordination, etc.) will be expelled specifically and in detail in connection with the reenzyringe of business processes (see 8.1, 8.1.3 , 8.1.4).

Here we will allow ourselves to bring only examples of business processes.

Above us, the process of developing a new product was presented as such. Supplement possible list of business processes. They can be the development of a strategy, and, for example, the payment of the Company's accounts, and the issuance of the loan, and the study of the market, and logistical supply, and planning, and customer support, and the execution of orders, and much more.

It is hardly worth asserting that there are "typical" types of business processes. All this, in fact, is individualized for each company. The allocation of business processes in a particular company (firm) has an impact and objective factors (production facilities, produced products, a developed market segment, approved strategy and other factors of the organization's internal and external environment), and subjective (addiction of managers to risky or malicious solutions, submissions of managers about the activities of the company, its strategy, ideology, etc.).

Designing (selection) of business processes becomes a new and independent type of managerial activity, where the rules, if they act relate to the most general points and approaches. This activity dismisses managerial work for the narrow framework of rational (in fact, engineering) approach, creating the widest exposure of the creative initiative and the development of non-standard management decisions.

The next part of the work will be devoted to considering the method of transition from the structures of organizations on the basis of technological units to structures based on business processes.

7.2.1. The method of transition from the structures of the organization on the basis of technological units to the structures of the organization based on business processes

The method of transition from the structures of organizations on the basis of technological units to the structures of the organization based on business processes.Building a functional structural model of a company (advantages and disadvantages, borders of the application). Building a process-role model of a company (advantages and disadvantages, borders of application). The transition from the functional structural model of the company to the process-role.

In this part of the work, we will actually be interested in the following problems: a bureaucratic organization in terms of its structure, an organization built on the basis of business processes in terms of its structure and the transition from the first to the second.

So, a bureaucratic organization. From the point of view of the structure, it is a so-called functional structural model, which is based on the overlapping of the company's functional model (based on the movement of capital, consistently passing the phase of the acquisition of means of production and employment of labor, the phase of direct production and the distribution phase finished products) on the structural model of the company (based on a universal principle of division of labor with the subsequent fixation of separated functions (operations) behind the structural divisions - shops, sites, brigades, departments, services, etc.).

The functional structure of the company allows you to respond to an extremely important issue for managers - what needs to be done: acquire the means of production (which in what quantity at what price)? Hiring labor (whom, in what quantity, with what wage)? Make production (what, how much, with what costs)? Welcome sales (what, in what quantity at what price)?

You need to answer these questions, and for all products produced by the company. What they are more, the more difficult to do it.

For example, our company produces furniture: headsets for kitchen, living room, separate tables, chairs, sofas and armchairs. It turns out six nomenclature positions and each must be answered to the questions set above.

The structural model of the company allows you to answer another extremely important issue for the company: who will do it? Having answered him, we get the structure (actually a bureaucratic organization, intra-profit, vertical hierarchy).

In our example, we must answer the question for all goods manufactured by the company. As a result, we obtain either linear-functional or divisional or matrix structure of the company (see above).

Now we have the right to combine both models. As a result, it is the functional-structural model of the company, which simultaneously answers questions: what should I do and who will do it?

In fact, this model is based on the three already mentioned documents: "Regulations on organizational structure Companies "," Regulations on the division "and" Regulations on official duties. "

The resulting model has virtues and disadvantages. Actually, here you can talk about the "pros" and "minuses" of a bureaucratic organization (see above).

However, perhaps, the main problems of such an organization are reduced to low least flexibility and highly hierarchy, which affects the costs of coordination.

The noted disadvantages, ultimately, determine the boundaries of the effective application of this model. This is a stable external environment, stable markets, a standard product that has a large undifferentiated demand from consumers, a low rate of scientific and technological progress, and so on.

For organizations based on economic units of business processes, the model discussed above does not suit. Another approach is needed. He received the name of the process-role model in science.

In fact, this model can either build from scratch if the firm is the newly created education, or obtain from the company's functional structural model. To do this, do the following: 1) the functional model of the company transform into the process model, 2) the structural model of the company is transformed into the role-playing model, 3) to impose two models indicated above.

Consider in more detail all these steps.

To turn the functional model in process, on the basis of replacing the set of functions of activity on a set of business processes. That is, it is necessary to submit a whole business process in the form of a certain number of business processes (techniques of such operations, as well as a possible coordination scheme of business processes will be presented in 8.1.3 on the example of the American Texas Instruments Corporation).

Such a replacement will allow you to expand the list of issues to which the manager can get adequate answers. This is not just needed to do?, But and who will instruct? And when to implement? Consequently, our manager from the spatial sphere passes into the sphere of space-temporal, i.e. its activity from static turns into dynamic.

Qualitative changes undergoes the structural model of the company, turning into role-playing. Such a transition also expands the submission of the managed object manager. In addition to the answer to the question - who will do? - The manager has the opportunity to receive and answers to other questions: to whom to charge? And when to implement? Thus, both model companies they answer almost the same questions.

This makes it possible to build more advanced organizations, devoid of shortcomings of functional structural and bureaucratic models, with new properties and qualities, allowing to significantly raise the overall efficiency of the firm's functioning.

The above process of transition from the company's functional-structural model to a process-role-based based on the allocation of business processes can be represented graphically as a scheme (Scheme 2).

Scheme 2.

Transition from the functional model to process-role

Called by: Bochkarev A. Denies of the business plan // Expert. 1998. No. 23. P. 28

Issues related to the definition of a structural unit of the organization and the transition from one type of such structures to others are generally considered. Therefore, it can be argued that the third question of the theory of the organization is also resolved positively.

Now it is time to concentrate on the last, fourth, the issue of the organization's theory - ways to adapt the organization to changes. As part of this problem, we will investigate how to change the structures of the organization. This will be the subject of consideration of the following section.


The theory of numbers and units of measurement of commercial products.

(based on the technology of the Russian philosophical school - the trinity from the idealistic principle)

First, it is necessary to interpret the essence of the trinity from the idealistic start.

Troublestness is the technology of work practices of the process of people's life, which is then modeled and reflected in the consciousness and knowledge of people. And its essence is that in each processes every time the complete structure of components or processes works, but one of the aggregates dominates, the second is a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process.

The development and application of matrix digital labor regulatory technology, as the only source of education and work, requires new technologies in mathematics. Enough to look at International System units (SI) or. Equity-Russian classifier of units of measurement (okay). Solid materialism.

What is the essence?

Yes, the fact that modern mathematics works only in materialistic subjectness. And in the practice of life, there are three trice sets of objectives - these are material processes, social (this is a housekeeper, politics, right), spiritual.

Therefore, in mathematics, there are three trice sets of objects of units of measurement of these processes. These are three trice sets of mathematics technologies or:

The first totality of technology is arithmetic or domination of monistic technologies, here the unit of measurement is an integer;

The second totality of technology is algebraic or this domination of dialectical technologies. Here the unit of measurement is;

The third totality of technology is the theory of numbers and the application of the technology of the trinity from an idealistic start.

What is units of measurement and what are they measured?

In the practice of people's life, three times of the trice sets of processes are working - this is the subject of the process, this technology of its work is a tendency of quantitative relationships between the process components.

The subject of the process is the three trice set of processes - these are material, social (this is economics, politics, law), spiritual;

Technology This set of rules that are formed during the work of people's living are elementary or monistic technologies, these are simple or dialectical, these are complex or triune technologies.

The trend is the quantitative-high-quality relationship between the components of the process of people's life is evolution, revolution, horse racing or transition to new quality.

Consequently, the units of measurement are also three trice sets of processes, but modern civilization is simply small in order to own them.

What is measured in the subject of the process of living of people?

These are the three trice of processes of processes - material, social, spiritual. Material processes are matter, space, time. And if the material indicators are as defined, then the space only in the geometry of Euclidea is straight or monistic technologies. And the network geometry Lobachevsky and curvilinear space. And there is a culture of the life of the ethno-Russian people and the crossed space and the technology of the trinity from the idealistic principle. Time is simply the frequency in the work of these three triune combustion processes - material, social, spiritual.

Therefore, the indicators of the determining item and units of measurement of these indicators are three trice sets.

What is measured in the technology of work of people's life processes?

Here the measurement is subject to the operation of the rules that are consistent with the compound of three trice sets of processes - this is a real reality, simulated, reflected. What is the rule? This is a combination of consistently occurring patterns of processes in a certain sequence. The rules work in real, then modeled by the feelings of people and are reflected in the consciousness in the form of knowledge. In the practice of the life of people, in the reflection of the rules of life, there are three trice totals of feelings (these are material, social, spiritual) and three trice totals of the work of consciousness and knowledge (these are ordinary, empirical, scientific).

Therefore, indicators and units of measurement are also three trice sets.

What is measured in the trend of quantitative and high-quality relationships?

The measurement is subjected to three trice sets of the process of interconnection between components - these are evolutionary relationships, revolutionary, jump process or transition to the new quality of being. Consequently, the subject of measurement in this process is the relationship between components themselves.

These processes work in a parallel and consistent-interconnected form of relationships.

Evolutionary relationships are from Lat. Evolutio - Deployment is a natural process of developing the process of life of people, accompanied by a change in material social, spiritual processes and the formation of adaptations to changes in matter, time. Or is this extensive development process or accumulation of the amount of qualities to the necessary and sufficient.

Revolution from Latelatinsky Revolutio - turn, coup, transformation, circulation, or is a radical, indigenous, deep, qualitative change, in the development of material, social, spiritual processes, conjugate with an open gap with the previous state. Or it is intensive transformations of the quality of the amount to the necessary and sufficiently stable existence.

Racing are indigenous transformations in the amount, quality and transformation of the former measures to the new one. Change measures come from infinitely small to the middle and further to infinitely large, but every infinitely large forms conditions for infinitely small. The basis of the jump (or casuality) is changes in the measure or boundaries of the distribution of the process.

Thus, indicators and units of their measurement are operating for measuring this multi-size process of life of people in consciousness. And they are formed with the development and complications of the most modern process of people's lives. Moreover, they work in a parallel-consecutive-related technology of the work of the process of people's lives in three trice sets of processes involved in the organization of the process are objective, subjective. Communicative.

Objective processes work on their own rule regardless of the will and desire of people. Subjective, then the work of the mind and consciousness, and knowledge of people who also obey objective processes. Communicative processes are the work of the living environment of people in her matter, space, time.

Indicators and units of measurement of these indicators People reflect in mathematical sciences in three trice totals of the work of consciousness and knowledge - these are everybody knowledge, empirical (empirica is an experience), scientific.

Consequently, mathematical sciences work as three trice sets of processes of various processes on the dominant object, the technology of work and the trend of pompous-qualitative relationships.

So arithmetic is a priori (the domination of ordinary consciousness and knowledge) of the number or real objectivity in the domination of material processes and the monistic technologies of their work.

So the algebra is a posteriori (domination of empirical consciousness and knowledge) of the number or modeling object of life processes and dialectical technologies when connecting real and reflected but with the dominance of real object.

So the theory of numbers is transcendental (domination of scientific consciousness and knowledge) of the number, their main property, which considers the theory of numbers, is a divisibility, well, or a matrix, as a unit, number. Moreover, they also have three trice sets of complexity of work technology - elementary, simple, complex or one matrix, two or more.

Moreover, the most technological theory of numbers sets out Russian scientist Chebyshev P.L. The greatest, along with N. I. Lobachevsky (this is the geometry of the curvilinear space), the Russian mathematician of the XIX century. It received fundamental results in the theory of numbers (distribution of prime numbers) and probability theory (central limit theorem, the law of large numbers, built general theory Orthogonal polynomials, the theory of uniform approximations and many others. He founded the mathematical theory of the synthesis of mechanisms and developed a number of practically important concepts of mechanisms. Why did he do it? Yes, because the use of the historical memory of the ethno-Russian people is the technology of trinity from the idealistic principle or from the divine, spiritual, intellectual, scientific.

Materialism is simply a brake in the development of modern civilization, because the practice of life of the people of this triune of the aggregate of items is material objects, existential, idealistic. And it means the indicators and units of their measurement accumulate as the necessary and sufficient knowledge of the proceedability of the process, the technology of its work and their trends are established during the public division.

Materialistic items are three trice sets of processes - physical, chemical, biological. Existential processes (FR. eXISTENTIALISME from lat. existentia - existence), these are three trice sets of processes. These are the current labor process activities, relationships, knowledge. Idealistic subject is the rules of work all nonsense, well, or it is divine, spiritual, intellectual, scientific, etc.

Thus, materialistic commercial products are physical, chemical, biological indicators and units of their measurement of goods. Existential commodity subject Indicators and units of their measurement is economics, politics, right. Idealistic commodity objects, indicators and units of their measurement are ordinary knowledge, empirical, scientific.

For the economy, the main and only unit of measurement is money - it is rubles and first of all it is a penny ............

But here only the Soviet economists are just stupid materialists and about money just do not understand .........

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state