
Conducting industrialization in the USSR briefly. Stalin's industrialization of the USSR

In 1925, the 14th Congress CPS (b) took a course on the industrialization of the country, which in general was responsible for the historical tasks of the country.

Objectives of industrialization. Industrialization as the process of creating large engine manufacturing in industryAnd then in other sectors of the national economy at a certain step of history were the general pattern of social development.

Food two concepts of industrialization:

- "Bukharinskaya"(continued NEPA, balanced development of industry and agriculture, priority development of the heavy industry while at the same time attention to the production of consumption items, the cooperation of peasant farms on a voluntary basis) and

- "Stalin" (which corresponded trotsky Plan - "Excess Industrialization")(Cutting the NEP, strengthening the role of the state in the development of the economy, the tightening of the discipline, the forced development of heavy industry, the use of villages as a supplier of funds and labor for the needs of industrialization)

In the confrontation of 2 concepts, the "Stalinist" concept won.

The course of industrialization

Period 1926-1927 At the XIV Congress of WCP (b) in 1925, the advanced industrialization in the USSR was recognized as the industry - energy, metallurgy, chemical industries, engineering, which were the material basis for the USSR military-industrial complex. Priority attention was focused on creating an energy base for the industry.

In 1926, the construction of four major power plants began, in 1927. - Another 14. New coal mines were laid - respectively, by year - 7 and 16, the construction of large metallurgical (Kerch, Kuznetsky) and machine-building factories began (Rostov, Stalingrad).

But due to the insufficiency of the financing of the industry, which developed at that time on the basis of own funds, as well as under the influence of the agricultural crisis, the rate of industrial growth in the late 20s. sharply decreased. It was necessary to look for new sources and forms.

In 1927, Soviet economists began to develop the first five-year plan (for 1928/29 - 1932/33), which solved the problem of the integrated development of all areas and the use of resources for industrialization. The compilers of the Plan allocated the ratio of the economic indicators of the USSR and the United States, indicating the lag between them in 50 years (especially in the field of electric power industry, chemistry, automotive industry).

In April 1929, from two options for the plan - started and called optimal- The latter was chosen, the tasks for which were 20% higher than the first.

First five-year plan (1928-1932)I.V. Stalin proved the possibility of performing the optimal plan in three or two and a half years. They were tasked already at the turn of the 20-30s. exceed the US indicators by making a jump. At the expense, the jerk was supposed to achieve overcoming the multipleness, the elimination of the exploitative classes and for 10-15 years, carry out the transition to the detailed forms of communist construction. As a result, a year after the beginning of the five-year plan, the plan was adjusted - its indicators were once again elevated. The control numbers for the second year of the five-year period included an increase in the production of industrial products on the shaft by 32% instead of 22%, the creation of 2,000 new enterprises.

A massive construction was launched in the country, hundreds of factories, factories, power plants were laid. However, by 1930, the growth rates decreased. Despite this, it was announced the successful completion of the five-year plan in 4 years and 3 months, although in reality, according to modern tasks for the main sectors were not fulfilled; Although these results were significant.

The second five-year plan (1933-1937)at a complete set of indicators, it was also completed by 70-77%. At the same time, they continued to be built in the main enterprise of the heavy industry. In addition, in the light industry, the real undervaluation was significantly more.

The objectives of the forced industrialization answered the massive use of the cheap labor and the enthusiasm of the masses inspired by the Bolshevik idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a classless society. The practitioner of the national economy introduced various forms of so-called. Socialist competition for the implementation and over-fulfillment of production tasks without increasing wages in 1935 appeared "Movement stakhanov", In honor of the Supiller Mine A. Stakhanov, which, according to the official information of that time, on the night of August 30, 1935, he fulfilled 14.5 norms per shift. The work of prisoners prisoners in the camp camps (GULAG) was widely used.

Conscious that the forced industrialization and strengthening of team heights in the economy are impossible when preserving a small-handed private peasant farm, the Stalinist leadership in 1928-29 took the course "The solid collectivization" of the village and the elimination of the wealthy layer of the peasantry ("fussing").

The results of industrialization. Stalin's industrialization is considered by many modern researchers as soviet type of non-capitalist modernizationwhich was subordinated to the tasks of strengthening the country's defense and support for the status of the Great Power.

In the process of industrialization in the economy, serious imbalances were formed between the manufacturing and mining industry, between the heavy and light industry, between industry and agriculture.

During the implementation of the three first five-year plans, despite the disruption of high planned indicators, the price of incredible tension of the total population of the USSR reached economic independence from the West.

As a result of solid collectivization, a system of pumping financial, material, labor resources From the agricultural sector to industrial. By virtue of this the main result of collectivization can be considered an industrial leap THE USSR. In the late 30s I.V. Stalin announced the transformation of the USSR from agrarian to the industrial country.

Industrialization - the period from 1928 to 1941 (interrupted war), during which the Soviet government implemented the plans of the first three five-year plans to strengthen the USSR industry, as well as to ensure the independence of the military-industrial complex and the main elements of the economy from Western countries. The beginning of industrialization should be searched for the twentieth years of the last century, which led to the introduction of NEP. The first conversation on the course on the industrialization (although it was emphasized that the USSR would still remain an agrarian country for a time) occurred in 1925.

For proper understanding The essence of what is happening, you should select 2 main tasks that stood in front of the industrialization:

  • Put the USSR in the economic and industrial plan in the evening with the advanced countries of the world.
  • Full modernization of the military-industrial complex and its independence from other countries.

Preparation for industrialization (period from 1925 to 1928)

In general, the path to industrialization was opened at the 14th Congress of the CUPB of 1925 and the 16th part conferences in April 1929, as a result of which the creation of basic principles of development. On the agenda was 2 industrialization plan:

  • "Shipped". Indicators with the required minimum.
  • "optimal". Illuminated indicators, on average by 20%.

We know that the Soviet government has always been taken for the impossible. Therefore, they chose the "optimal" plan, which had overestimated interest. The following important event occurred in April 1926. For the first time in the party, the Bolsheviks won the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding socialism in the USSR, without regard to other countries. Let me remind you that Lenin and Trotsky were supporters of the world revolution. They believed that you first need to overthrow the bourgeoisie wherever it is possible, and only then do socialism. Stalin said that the USSR is a unique product, they need to go out and build socialism here and now. Ultimately, Stalin's approach and won. But I want to note that the new path in the root contradicted the ideology of Marxism. Here important moment It is that the industrialization itself has become not just an economic means, but also political.

In the autumn of 1926, the Bolsheviks put forward a new slogan (they loved this business): "Catch up and overtake capitalist countries!". It was impossible to do this in the conditions of Napa, which was already drunk in his liberality and small trade was impossible. So everyone more people Supported the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting industrialization in the USSR, as the only means to catch up with the countries of Europe and the United States.

In April 1929, the next congress of the party approved the "optimal" plan for the first five-year plan. Above, we have already talked about what is the plan. The main thing in this regard is the construction of new industries (factory and plants). A total was planned to build 1,200 new major objects. Immediately I will say that in the future, this plan was reviewed 2 times towards a decrease in volumes, but about it further. Priority was made by production facilities and heavy industries. 78% of all revenues to the budget have allocated for the implementation of this idea.

Sources of industrialization

Industrialization required huge money. This is logical, because the construction of the industry requires a lot of money and does not allow every minute return. But only this way it was possible to save the economy of the USSR. And the party's leadership began to seek tools to create industry by all available methods:

  • International trade. Soviet power sold oil, forest, flax, gold, grain to Europe. Grain, forest and oil used the greatest demand. In total, they brought more than 2 billion rubles annually.
  • Collectivization actively worked on industrialization. The products of agriculture were climbed by almost the appropriateness and was transferred to the needs of the industry.
  • Complete cancellation of private (retail and wholesale) trade. All NEP privileges were canceled. It happened in 1933. Let me remind you that the share of NEPMANs on the retail market was 75%.
  • Creating "deficits". The population was purposefully limited in everything to invest in industry as much as possible. As a result, the standard of living of people in the USSR in 1933 fell 2 times in comparison with the figures of 1928!
  • Ideas setting up citizens. All party organizations inspired people a sense of patriotism and debt so that they work better. What actually happened.
  • Special needs.

What is special equipment for industrialization

What is meant by "Special Represents"? In 1917, the Bolsheviks conducted a massive expropriation. The funds went to Swiss banks (Financial Center of Europe), from where they could be healing for the needs of the revolution in other countries. These funds allocated for specific accounts and specific people. These were representatives of the Lenin Guard.

During the NEP period, money was also obtained, and they also went to accounts in Swiss banks. There were all the strands of 100 leaders of the Leninsky Guard who had bills in foreign banks. I repeat it was not their personal money, but they lay on personal accounts. Since the world revolution is not, they lay so dead cargo. And the amounts were huge - an average of 800 million dollars (you just need to remember that the dollar is then multiplied by 20-25 compared to modern). That is, it was huge amounts, and in the 1930s, Stalin received this money and largely due to them industrialization in the USSR passed.

Personal intelligence Stalin went through Western banks and, bribing employees, she brought those people who had money in accounts. Because Stalin simply could not know this. He was not in this game by the time. This was done on other lines, for example, by comment. Then began, the so-called Stalinist terror, when they began to arrest representatives of the Lenin Guard. At first they were given a very moderate time. But few knows that these deadlines (5-7 years) it was exchange for their funds in Swiss banks. These are the very specialists who solved a lot of problems.

At the same time, a terrible crisis was raised in the world, which went down in history as "Great Depression." Thanks to this crisis of Soviet power, it was possible to buy industry objects that they needed literally. There are 1 more moment about which stories are very rarely talking about. At the same time, the United States lost the Britain's market and was forced to look for new ones. One of them was the USSR market. So that partially industrialized in the USSR was carried out on the money of American billionaires.

The course of industrialization

Period before the start of work on the first five-year plan

In fact, by 1928, the situation in which all the available resources of the USSR threw on the creation of industry. Stalin has already been talking about the fact that without industry of the USSR, they will destroy and distribute, most likely, the war (surprisingly, but in their forecasts, Stalin almost never became mistaken).

3 five-year plans were allocated for industrialization. Consider in detail every five-year plan.

Plan of the first five-year plan (implemented from 1928 to 1932)

Technique decides everything!

The slogan of the first five-year plan

The first five-year plan should have to produce up to 60 large enterprises. In total, I will remind you, it was originally intended to build 1200 objects. Then it turned out that there is no money for 1200. 50-60 objects were allocated, but then it turned out again that 50-60 objects are also very much. Ultimately a list of 14 industrial facilities were drawn up, which were to be built. But these were really large and necessary objects: Magnitka, Turksib, Uralmash, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, DneprogES and other, no less significant and complex. There were 50% of all money on their construction.

In total, the following indicators were raised as optimal:

  • Production of industrial products \u003d + 136%;
  • Labor productivity \u003d + 110%.

The first 2 years of the first five-year plan showed the excess of the plan, the industrialization was complete, as a result of which the tasks were increased by 32%, and then by 45%! The leaders of the USSR assumed that the infinite increase in the plan would lead to increasing labor efficiency. Somewhere it happened, but most often people began to engage in "registers" when the indicators were given knowingly false. True, if it was revealed, then the person was instantly accused of hydration, and at best there was a prison next.

The first five-year plan was completed by the fact that the leadership of the USSR proudly reported - the plan is exceeded. In fact, it didn't even remotely resembled reality. For example, labor productivity grew by 5%. On the one hand, it's not bad and there is progress, but on the other hand, it was said about 110%! But here I want to warn everyone from hasty conclusions. Despite the fact that almost all the indicators declared before the five-year period were performed were not - the country was gigantic. The USSR received industry and an excellent base for further work and growth. And this is the most important thing. Therefore, the result of the first five-year plan of industrialization in the USSR should be assessed positively.

Plan of the second five-year plan (implemented from 1933 to 1937)

Frames decide everything!

The slogan of the second five-year plan

The first five-year plan laid the foundation, created a quantitative indicator. Now the quality was required. And it is not by chance that the construction of the first five-year plan is immediately remembered, but the construction of the second five-year plan is not. The point is not that they became worse to build or disappeared ambitions, but that industrialization has moved to the next level. That is why during these years there is no enterprise, but the individuals - Stakhanov, Chkalov, Busygin and others. And this focus on quality made results. If from 1928 to 1933, labor productivity increased by 5%, then from 1933 to 1938 by 65%!

The plan of the third five-year plan (implemented from 1938 to 1941)

The third five-year plan was launched in 1938, but was interrupted in 1941, in connection with the beginning of the war.

The third five-year plan began in 1938, and the plan for it was approved at the 18th Congress of the Party in 1939. The main slogan of this stage of development of the USSR was to catch up and overtake Western countries for per capita. It was assumed that this should be achieved without reducing the cost of the military-industrial complex. But since in Europe literally less than in a year, war began - the costs were more focused just on the military-industrial complex. The main emphasis of the third five-year plan was made on the chemical and electrical industry. Merilo activity of the five-year plan - the national gross income was to increase 2 times. It was not possible to achieve this, but the reason for that war. Still, the five-year plan was interrupted 2.5 years before its completion. But the main thing was to achieve Soviet power - the military-industrial complex became completely independent of other countries, and the growth of the industry was released on stable +5/6% annually. And this is the direct result of industrialization in the Soviet Union.

What gave the country five-year plan and their importance for industrialization

Since the task was to create an industrial society, then the results should be assessed on the basis of the answer to the main question. And he sounds like that - "became the USSR or not fully the industrial country?". This question cannot be answered unequivocally. And yes, but not, but in general - the task was solved. I will prove on the example. Official numbers say that national income 70% was received from industry! Even if we assume that these figures are overestimated (they loved to do this in the leadership of the CPSU Central Committee) and the share of industry in national income was 50% - this is in any case the colossal numbers that are far from many of the modern powers. And the USSR took this path in just 12 years.

Also give some figures of the USSR development in the period from 1922 to 1937:

  • Up to 700 factories and factories (lower indicator - 600) were commissioned annually.
  • By 1937, the growth of the industry was 2.5 times ahead of the indicators of 1913.
  • The volume of industry increased significantly, and according to their USSR, the 2nd place in the world came out. Let me remind you that in 1913 Russian empire She held 5th place in the world for this indicator.
  • The USSR became a fully independent state in terms of military and economic from other countries. Without it, it was impossible to win in the war.
  • Complete absence of unemployment. It is noteworthy that in 1928 it accounted for 12%, but thanks to industrialization - everything worked in the USSR.

Working class and his life

The main idea of \u200b\u200bindustrialization was to provide every person to work and ensure hard control over it. It was possible to achieve this in principle, although even the Stalinist Board did not even control the minds of workers.

Since 1932, mandatory passports for all were introduced in the USSR. In addition, punishments were tightened for violation of discipline in the workplace. For example, if a person was not to work without a valid reason - instantly dismissal. In the first glance it seems that it is cruel, but the fact is that the then Soviet worker is a former peasant who is accustomed to what they are watching him in the village, they are controlled and say what to do. In the city, he received freedom, after which many "demolished their heads." Therefore, it was necessary to bring social discipline. It is necessary to say that to the end of social discipline in the Soviet society, even the Stalinist regime could not be solved.

In 1940 (this was associated with the preparation for the war), the worker has lost the right to go to another place of work without permission to administration. This decision was canceled only in 1955.

In general, the life of a simple person was extremely severe. The card system was canceled in 1935. Now everything was bought for money, but prices were mildly high. Judge for yourself. Average monthly salary The worker in 1933 was 125 rubles. Wherein:

  • 1 kilogram of bread cost 4 rubles.
  • 1 kilogram of meat cost 16-18 rubles.
  • 1 kilogram of oil cost 40-45 rubles.

And now think that a worker could afford in 1933? By the end of the 30s, the financial situation of the workers improved somewhat, however, they still felt a number of problems.

Intelligentsia in industrialization

As for the intelligentsia and engineers, then certainly the 30s it was a period when the intelligentsia and engineers lived very well. Almost everyone had a housekeeper, they receive a good salary. The government tried that part of the intelligentsia, which went to the service of the regime, to ensure the conditions are copolye since 1913. Let me remind you that, for example, in 1913, the professor received the same salary as the minister.

Spell and its feature

Since very often plans were not performed, they decided to introduce such a thing as pests, or people who prevent the formation of Soviet power. In 1928-1931, the company "Spell" unfolded. During this company, up to 1000 old specialists from various areas were expelled from the country. They were also accused of misunderstanding the tasks of socialism. And it became one of the business cards of industrialization.

What is special? I will explain on specific example. For example, they say the engineer that the productivity is needed 200%. He says that it is impracticable, the technique will not stand. The conclusion of the Soviet official - a specialist thinks to bourgeois categories, against socialist construction, which means you need to expel it from the country.

In parallel, this was the process of creating new workers and nominations of new frames. They were called "promoters". Their number of the first five-year plan was 1 million people. But by the middle of 1931 it turned out that these new frames are one of the main brakes of industrialization. And Stalin decided this problem - he returned the posts of old specialists, gave them a good salary, and the promoters forbade negative agitation against these specialists. So specially discontinued, and the promoters were almost over.

Economy of the USSR by the end of industrialization

It is very interesting how administrative methods and methods of agriculture were combined. In 1934, it was introduced everywhere. 2 years everything was fine. Then in 1936 - again tight administrative control. And so on the cycle. That is, there was a constant combination of administrative methods and methods of germination.

The first five-year plates did the main thing - they created the industry and created a new economy. Thanks to this, the USSR has a future. But it is here that the main brake begins - a lot of departments and ministries. In total, they were created 21. The industry was divided between monopolies and so far there were a little State of Mamurn managed to put them on each other. However, over time, this has become more difficult, and the creation of the plan has gradually turned into an administrative arbitrariness. And already in the 50s planned economy In the USSR, it was very and very conditional.

In any case, industrialization in the USSR was an extremely important step, which provided the country to industry and real economywhich had an effective orientation, and which was able to live regardless of other countries.

He entered the history of the country as the process of creating a modern industry and the formation of a technically equipped society. With the exception of the military years and the period of the post-war recovery of the economy, it covers the period of time from the late twenties and before the start of the sixties, but its main load lay on the first five years.

The need to upgrade industry

The purpose of industrialization was to overcome the lag due to the inability of the NEP to provide the necessary level of technical equipment of the national economy. If in such areas as a light industry, trade and services, a certain progress was observed, then to develop in those years on the basis of private capital did not seem possible. The causes of industrialization included the need to create a military-industrial complex.

Plan of the first five-year plan

To solve the tasks under the leadership of Stalin, a five-year development plan for the national economy was developed (1928-1932), adopted in April 1929 at a meeting of the next part conference. The tasks set in front of the employees of all industries, for the most part exceeded the real possibilities of the performers. However, this document had the power of the order paid in wartime, and was not subject to discussion.

According to the first five-year plan, it was supposed to increase production of industrial products by 185%, and in heavy engineering to achieve production growth by 225%. To ensure these indicators, it was planned to achieve an increase in labor productivity by 115%. The successful implementation of the plan, according to the developers, was to lead to an increase in the average wages In the manufacturing sector by 70%, and the incomes of workers' workers to increase by 68%. In order to supply the state in sufficient food, the plan envisaged almost 20% of peasants into collective farms.

Industrial chaos generated by the attachment

Already during the implementation of the planned plans, the construction time of majority of large industrial enterprises was significantly reduced, and the volumes of deliveries of agricultural products were increased. This was done without any technical justifications. The calculation was mainly built on a universal enthusiasm, heated a large-scale propaganda campaign. One of the slogans of those years was the call to fulfill the five-year plan in four years.

Features of the industrialization of those years were in forced industrial construction. It is known that with a reduction in the timing of the five-year plan, scheduled tasks have increased almost twice, the annual increase in production reached 30%. Accordingly, collectivization plans were enlarged. Such an assault inevitably gave rise to chaos, in which some industries did not have time in their development for others, sometimes related to them. This excluded all the possibility of the systematic development of the farm.

The result of the five-year-old way

During the period of the first five-year plan, the purpose of industrialization was not fully achieved. In many industries, the real indicators were in many respects did not reach the outlined volumes. This was especially affected by the production of energy resources, as well as the production of steel and cast iron. But, nevertheless, significant successes were achieved in creating a military-industrial complex and the entire infrastructure concomitant.

The second stage of industrialization

In 1934, a second five-year plan was adopted. The goal of the country's industrialization during this period was to establish the work of enterprises built during the previous five years, as well as in the widespread elimination of the results of chaos arising in the industry due to the establishment of technically unreasonable high development rates.

When drawing up the plan, the shortcomings of past years were largely taken into account. In the larger volume, the financing of production was provided, and there was also a significant attention to the problems associated with the average and higher education. Their decision was necessary to provide the national economy with a sufficient number of qualified specialists.

Propaganda campaigns in the years of five years

Already during these years, the results of the country's industrialization did not slow down to affect. In cities, and partly in countryside Noticeably improved supply. IN more than The need of the population was satisfied, on the scale of these successes, was largely inflated by a large-scale campaign conducted in the country, which attributed all the merits of an exclusively Communist Party and its leader Stalin.

Despite the fact that during the years of industrialization, the widespread introduction of advanced techniques was carried out, in many areas of production, manual labor was still prevailed, and where it was not possible to achieve the growth of labor productivity technological way, propaganda methods were used. An example of this can be the famous racing for record workings led in those years led to the fact that all the enterprises were preparing for the empires, and the prosuses were prepared, and the rest had only increased the norms, called upon to be equal to the editorial.

The results of the first five years

In 1937, Stalin announced that the purpose of industrialization was mainly achieved, and socialism was built. The numerous faults in the production were explained exclusively to the mistress of the enemies of the people against which the most severe terror was established. When the second five-year plan was completed in a year, then as its most important results, there were evidence of growth in two and a half times, became three times, and the cars were eight.

If in the twenties, the country was purely agrarian, then at the end of the second five-year plan became industrial-agrarian. Between these two stages, the years are truly the titanic work of the entire people. In the post-war period of the USSR, it became powerful to be considered that the socialist industrialization was completed by the beginning of the sixties. At this time, most of the population of the country lived in cities and was occupied in industrial production.

During the years of industrialization, new industries appeared, such as automotive industry, aircraft, chemical and electrical industries. But the most important thing was that the state learned to independently produce everything necessary for his needs. If the equipment for the production of a particular product was imported from abroad, now the need for it was provided by its own industry.

Industrialization in the USSR is a large-scale mechanization of all sectors of the country's production. It was carried out in 20-30 years of last century. The policy of forced industrialization transformed the appearance of our state and laid the foundation for its further economic development for several decades ahead.

Industrialization in the USSR led to the development of the modern industry, which allowed the Soviet Union to become one of the world leaders. We will try to deal with the features of socialist industrialization in the Soviet Union, which problems caused the need for it, which there were methods of implementation economic reformsWhat are their causes and consequences.

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Prerequisites and the beginning of industrialization in the USSR

To understand why industrialization was proclaimed a priority, turn to history.

The backgrounds of industrialization arose by the mid-20s of the 20th century, when the young Soviet state recovered from the consequences of the First World and Civil Wars. The development of industrial production, agriculture and trade in the conditions announced by the Bolsheviks new economic Policy (NEP) brought the USSR to the level of pre-war 1913.

But during the shocks, the Soviet Union was significantly behind the West. One of the causes of forced industrialization in the USSR was the need to reduce this lag. Despite complex relations with the rest of the world, we largely depended on foreign countries. Most of the equipment, cars and much more purchased abroad, since the industry's industry has practically absent.

The causes of industrialization were to overcome these negative points. Features of industrialization in the USSR, who distinguished it from such processes in other countries, were caused by abbreviated terms for its holding.

The need for industrialization in the USSR, which would have led to the transformation of the country into a modern, economically developed power.

The active role of the state in industrialization envisaged the solution of three main tasks:

  1. Economic. The presence of a heavy industry is the main guarantee of economic independence.
  2. Social. Strong economy provides the necessary social sphere.
  3. Military political. Only industrial developed State Inherent military power.

The development of the Soviet industry during industrialization was hampered by the following factors:

  • complex relations with other states;
  • lack of specialists;
  • lack of necessary material and technical base.

Tasks of industrialization

These goals were put on industrialization in the Soviet Union:

  1. overcoming the technical retardation of the USSR from the West countries;
  2. achieving economic and technological independence;
  3. the emergence of severe and military industry;
  4. ensuring the village of modern agricultural machinery and further conduct
  5. collectivization (industrialization of agriculture);
  6. transformation of an agrarian state into one of the leading industrial superpower;
  7. ensuring a worthy standard of living of the USSR.

All these causes and objectives of industrialization served as an impetus to immediate practical actions.

What were the features of socialist industrialization in the USSR

The Soviet Union was not the only country on the planet survived by industrialization, but she rapidly brought our country to the number of world industrial leaders. It was an unprecedented case with great importance. The story has not yet knew anything like that.

Typical poster of that time

A feature of Soviet industrialization was that neither the world had never previously observed such a jump in economic development, as in the period of industrialization in the USSR. The bottom line is that European industrial production has developed gradually and systematically, without sharp jerks, as Soviet Industrialization was characterized. Its sources were income from agro-industrial complex and light industry.

Talking about Soviet industrialization, you can not get around and negative moments.

The leadership of the USSR leadership is not a slow growth, there was a lag behind the leading countries of the West. When the policy of industrialization in the USSR began, in the country the source of funds for the restructuring of the USSR economy began the profit from the export of bread, works of art and natural resources abroad.

To understand what the main feature of industrialization in the USSR consisted, should examine the statistics of changes in the population in the country. And she over the years of the first five-year plan was thoroughly declined. There was a severe robbery of agricultural districts, which led to the mass hunger in the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Ukraine.

Industrialization in the USSR was largely paid for by millions of the lives of the peasants who died from hunger. This is what were the results of industrialization in our country.

Even in the US, the period of fast industrialization of the country after the civil war, which brought this country far ahead, does not compare with the industrial revolution during the industrialization period in the USSR. The Epoch of American Industrialization Mark Twain called the "gilded age", implying her halfness. The course for industrialization was taken in this country after the victory of industrialized north over the agricultural south. As a result of the reforms, the United States left handicraft production, but the developed network of plants and factories have not yet come.

The Soviet model of industrialization in the root differed from models of other countries. It should also be understood what the main sources of implementation of economic reforms in the USSR consisted. Unlike the industrialization of Russia, the beginning of the 20th century, the Stalinist industrialization of the country was carried out at the expense of two factors:

  1. application of slave labor zekov;
  2. active use foreign capital, the influx of which was ensured by selling bread abroad.

These resources are the main sources and tools with which industrialization was carried out, which allowed us to successfully implement the main technical re-equipment of the country. Industrialization in the USSR characterizes the preemptive development of the heavy industry.

In June 1930, the first tractor came off the conveyor of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant

First five-year plan

The course for industrialization was adopted at the 14th Congress of WCP (b) in December 1925. There were identified the main directions of industrialization in the near future. The industrialization of the country was defined as the most important task, and on the 15th congress held in 1927, a plan for the 1st five-year plan was presented in the launched form. The date of this congress was the starting point with which the industrialization of the Soviet Power began.

Morning of the first five-year plan

The plan covered 1928-1933. NEPA policy, which was characterized by individual elements market economy, was minimized. During these years, in the Soviet Union, the course was taken by the forced industrialization, which is inherent in the use of command and administrative methods.

At the initiative of Stalin, the first five-year plan of industrialization was carried out in a short time in four years.

Agitation was everywhere

The main task of the five-year plan was the development of heavy industry and energy. One of the reasons for the forced industrialization in the USSR was the need to transition from the export of machine tools and machines to its own production. The task was carried out at any cost, even to the detriment of the light industry.

It was not only done to gain economic independence. In the USSR, industrialization began at the moment when a major economic crisis broke out in the world, as a result of which a significant reduction in production occurred in Western countries. This was the reason for reducing equipment supplies to the USSR.

Main events are mass construction industrial facilities. During the first five years, about 1.5 thousand new enterprises were built, a considerable part of which belongs to industrial giants.

What company then appeared? Here are some of the results of industrialization during the first five-year plan:

Turkestan-Siberian was commissioned railwayThe industrial areas are significantly strengthened:

  • Ural;
  • Donbass;
  • Kuzbass.

Pros and cons of industrialization in the USSR during the first five-year plan

The first five-year plan has laid the foundations of the economic development of the USSR. She brought a lot of positive countries. Here are some positive moments:

  1. socialist competitions were distributed;
  2. became a popular inventive and rationalization initiative;
  3. in the country in unprecedented scale, the construction of industrial facilities was launched;
  4. although it was not possible to achieve one hundred percent fulfillment of plans, the development of heavy industry allowed the USSR to stop depending on foreign shipments of machinery and equipment.

But the first five years also accompanied the negative factors and shortcomings:

  1. considerable migration of the population, the rupture of connections;
  2. aggravation of housing problems;
  3. lack of food and the introduction of grocery cards;
  4. industry Disproportion: Significant Lagging Industry from Heavy.

In 1930, it was decided to actively apply the work of prisoners in difficult work. After all, it is long known that although the slave labor is ineffective, but free.

Labor use of prisoners on heavy work

The main result of the first five-year plan was the fact that the Soviet Union ceased to import equipment, and began to produce it independently.

Second five-year plan

If the main task of the first five-year plan was a refusal to purchase equipment abroad and maintaining a course on own production, the second five-year plan solved a whole range of tasks, the solution of which can be attributed to the results of industrialization in the USSR in a pre-war period. More attention was paid to the balance of the national economy.

The five-year plan was conducted from 1933 to 1937. More attention paid to improving the material situation of workers. New methods of labor motivation were introduced, corresponding to the socialist slogan: "From each - according to the abilities, everyone in labor". One of the levers of labor productivity growth has become a piece of labor. In the work of enterprises began to manifest elements of germination.

Although the fastest pace developed a heavy industry, a slightly reduced light industry lag from severe. This made it possible to start the saturation of the market in consumer goods. The results of industrialization in the USSR in the pre-war period can be attributed to the fact that the card system for products and non-food products has been eliminated.

Under the Stalinist slogan "Frames decide all", the cleaning personnel of organizations and enterprises begins. To change the "class-alien elements", many of which were "utilized", new managers come from the proletarian environment. They received decent training and became real professionals.

Although industrialization methods were administrative-team, the high level of workers' enthusiasm allowed to achieve excellent results.

In various areas of production, the Stakhanovsky movement begins, named so by the name of Donetsk Miner Alexey Stakhanov. The country found out his name, as well as the names of Nikita Isotov, Pasha Angelina, Peter Krivonos. The popularity of these people was wider than today the stars of show business. Their advanced experience served as an example for millions.

In August 1935, Donetsk Shakhtar Alexei Stakhanov (right in the photo) established a world record for coal mining, in 5 hours 45 minutes of work, produced 102 tons, which exceeded the average daily production rate of 14 times

Thanks to the active participation of S. M. Kirov and the Leningrad Party Organization, Leningrad was a flagship of socialist competition. St. Petersburg Communists actively introduced into the masses the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialist competitions.

The course of industrialization is characterized by the active use of labor of prisoners. It was thanks to them, in the 1930s a lot of objects were built, including the famous Belomorsk Baltic Channel.

Rally at the opening of the Belomorsko-Baltic Channel

The main outcome of the second five-year plan can be called the formation of a powerful military-industrial complex. The first five years have made it possible to carry out the technical re-equipment of the Red Army in the pre-war period.

The war was not far off, it was her who forced to interrupt the third five-year plan, since in the military time the tasks before the Soviet economy were completely different. Negative consequences Industrialization is largely overlapped by the fact that as a result of reforms, the country was able to resist the fascist invasion.

The results of industrialization

The results of the socialist industrialization were positively affected by the country's defense capability.

The leadership of the country wanted to leave the memory of the events of this era on the century. To do this, a large-scale map of industrialization of the USSR was created. It was a mosaic cloth with an area of \u200b\u200b26.6 square meters and was performed using precious metals and stones. It contained in detail the elements of the relief, city, rivers, enterprises, deposits and much more.

Fragment of the Industrialization Map of the USSR from Gems

Although the map is a unique monument of the Soviet era, it is much more important that the country was able to enter a decent level in a short time, which allowed it to confront the fascist invasion and eventually win.

Industrialization in the USSR

one). Definition: Industrialization is the process of creating large machine production in all industries of N / X and primarily in industry.

2). Industrialization backgrounds. In 1928, the country finished the recovery period, reached the level of 1913, but Western countries have left far ahead during this time. As a result, the lag of the USSR outlined. Technical and economic backwardness could be chronic and go to historical.

3). The need for industrialization. Economic - large industry, and first of all Group A (production of means of production), determines economic development Countries in general, and the development of C / X, in particular. Social - without industrialization is impossible to develop the economy, and, consequently, and social sphere: Education, Health, Recreation, Social Security. Military-political - without industrialization it is impossible to ensure the technical and economic independence of the country and its defense power.

four). Industrialization conditions: To the end, the consequences of destruction are not eliminated, the international economic tiesThere are not enough experienced personnel, the need for machines is satisfied due to imports.

five). Goals, methods, sources and deadlines of industrialization. Objectives: Transformation of Russia from the agrarian-industrial country into an industrial power, ensuring technical and economic independence, strengthening defense power and raising the well-being of the people, demonstrating the advantages of socialism. Sources: Domestic loans, repaid funds from the village, income from foreign trade, cheap labor, the enthusiasm of workers, the work of prisoners. Methods: The state initiative is supported by enthusiasm below. Command-administrative methods dominate. Terms and rates: Suggested deadlines of industrialization and impact rates of its implementation. The growth of the industry was planned - 20% per year.

6). The beginning of industrialization. December 1925 - 14 Congress of the Party stressed the unconditional possibility of victory of socialism in one country and took the course to industrialization. In 1925, the recovery period ended and the reconstruction period began. 1926 - the beginning of the practical implementation of industrialization. About 1 billion rubles are invested in industry. This is 2.5 times more than in 1925. In 1926-28. The large industry has grown 2 times, and the gross industry reached 132% of 1913.

7). Negative moments of industrialization: Foreign hunger, food cards (1928-1935), decline in wages, lack of highly qualified personnel, population migration and aggravation housing problems, difficulties with the establishment of new production, mass accidents and breakdowns, as a result - the search for the perpetrators.

eight). Pre-war five years. During the years of the first five-year plan (1928/1929 - 1932/1933), adopted by 5 Congress of Soviets in May 1929, the USSR turned from the agrarian-industrial country to industrial-agrarian. 1500 enterprises were built. Despite the fact that the first five-year plan was significantly clumsy in almost all indicators, the industry made a huge jump. New industries were created - automotive, tractor, etc. An even greater success of industrial development reached during the second five-year plan (1933 - 1937). At this time, the construction of new factories and factories was continued, the number of urban population has increased dramatically. At the same time, the proportion of manual labor was great, did not receive due light industry, little attention was paid to the construction of housing, roads.

The main directions of economic activity: The accelerated pace of development of the group A, the annual increase in industrial products - 20%. The main task is to create a second coal metallurgical base in the East, the creation of new industries, the struggle for mastering new equipment, the development of the energy base, the preparation of qualified specialists.

The main new buildings are the first five-year plans: DniproNes; Stalingrad, Kharkov and Chelyabinsk tractor plants; Krivoy Rog, Magnitogorsk and Kuznetsky Metallurgical Combines; Automobile plants in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod; Channels Moscow-Volga, Belomoro Baltic, etc.

Labor enthusiasm. The role and importance of moral factors were great. Since 1929, mass socialist competition develops. Movement - "five-year plan at 4 years." Since 1935, the main form of socialist competition becomes "Stakhanovsky Movement".

Results and value of industrialization.

Results: 9 thousand large industrial enterprises equipped with the most advanced technique were put into effect, new industries were created: Tractor, automotive, aviation, tank, chemical, machine-tooling. Gross manufacturing industry increased 6.5 times, including a group A - 10 times. In terms of industrial products, the USSR was published in the first place in Europe and on the second place in the world. Industrial engineering Established to remote areas and national outskirts, the social structure and demographic situation in the country (40% of the urban population) has changed. The number of workers and engineering and technical intelligentsia sharply increased. Funds for industrial development were taken by robbing the peasantry trafficking in the collective farm, forced loans, expansion of the sale of vodka, export abroad, oil, forests. An unprecedented level has reached the operation of the working class, other segments of the population prisoners of the Gulag. At the cost of the huge tension of forces, victims, predatory embezzlement of natural resources, the country entered the industrial path of development.

52. Collectivization of agriculture in the USSR

Chronological framework: 1929 -1937 Definition: Collectivization - replacement of a system of a minority peasant farm with major socialized C / x manufacturers.

Two problems: To what extent relates national characteristics of Russia (the peasant gymnast community) and collectivization, and to what extent the construction of socialism involves collectivization.

Economic backgrounds. Agriculture In 1925: the size of the crops was almost compared with the level of 1913, and the gross grain collection even exceeded the pre-war. Purchase and sale of the Earth is prohibited, but rental is allowed. Total number - 24 million peasant farms (The main mass of the middle peasant is 61%). 1926-1927 - Sowing areas are 10% superior to pre-war. Gross collection exceeds 18-20% pre-war. The total number of farms is 25 million (the main mass is still middle peasants 63%). Basically, manual labor prevails. Gross grain harvest grows, and trade bread almost does not increase. There are difficulties with bilbo groups, which in 1927-28. We convert into a crisis: a breakdown of a payroll plan, introduction in the cities of cards.

Causes of crisis: Low performance, low marketability, bread strikes are generated by the nonequivalent exchange between the city and the village. Low purchasing bread prices are pushing the peasants to sabotage bilbo groups, and the government responds to emergency measures: an increase in taxes, tough discipline in payments, confiscation, repression, degradation.

Political prerequisites. Related to the volitional decision of the Soviet leadership. It makes a conclusion about the insolvency of the small peasantry in the current situation and puts the task of ensuring the state control over C / x, and thus trying to solve the problem of the uninterrupted receipt of funds for industrialization. The foundation for collectivization was based on the conclusions of the economist and statistics Nemchinov.

Course on collectivization (accepted the 15th Congress of the Party in 1927). The beginning of collectivization was preceded by preparation for it, which consisted of: in technical assistance to Selu, in the creation of MTS, in the development of cooperation, in financial assistance to collective farms and state farms, in the policy of limiting foul, in the assistance of the working class. The main forms of cooperation: Toses (partnerships for the processing of the Earth), Artel (collective farms), the commune (the public company reaches extremely extent).

Year of the great fracture. In November 1929, the article of Stalin "Year of the Great Farm" was published, which became an ideological rationale for the forced collectivization: "Seedynyaki went to the collective farm, it means you can begin to force collectivization." In 1929-1930 A number of decisions of the Central Committee, CEC and SNK are adopted, which concretized the course on solid collectivization and elimination of fouls as a class. When conducting collectivization, the Bolshevik Party relied on a part of the poorest peasantry and the working class. 35 thousand workers were sent to the village for the organization of collective farms.

Measures against fists. Against active opponents of Soviet authorities were used punitive measures (eviction to remote areas, obtaining land outside the collective farm array). The criteria for the separation of fists and bribers were very fuzzy (sometimes the wealthy peasants sometimes got). A total of about 1 million peasant farms were declined.

Beginners in collectivization: coercion to join the collective farms, unreasonable delamination, forced publicity of residential buildings, small cattle, birds, gardens. As a result: Mass slaughter of livestock (destroyed 1/2 of the livestock), the mass outlet of the peasants from the collective farm, the wave of the uprisings (futynets). March 2, 1930 - the article of Stalin "Dizziness from Success". Wine for the beggar in conducting collectivization and decking, he laid on local guidance. March 14, 1930 - Decree of the Central Committee on Combating the Counting of the party line in the collective farm movement - began overcoming the beggars and, as a result, dissolved forcibly created collective farms. By August 1930, there were a little more than 20% of farms in them.

The new rise of the collective farm movement falls on autumn 1930 and 1931. The state sector on the village is expanding - state farms are created. Machine-tractor stations (MTS) were far away, which opened earlier as joint-stock enterprises. In early 1931, a new wave of delegation began, which gave free labor for numerous five-year-old buildings. The result of the repression was the growth of collective farms. By the end of 1932, more than 60% of farms consisted in collective farms and state farms. This year was declared the "year of solid collectivization".

Hunger 1932-1933. If 1930 gave high harvest, then in 1932 unexpected hunger broke out. Causes: unfavorable meteorological conditions (drought), drop in yield due to collectivization, backward technical base, growth of blanks (in cities and export). Geography of hunger - Ukraine, South Ural, North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Volga region. Hunger victims: 3-4 million people. On August 7, 1932, a law on the protection of socialist property was adopted in the USSR, called the "law on three spikelets", which provided for the ten-year term of concluding or executing the embezzlement of collective farm property. It was during this period to obtain a currency and payment of foreign accounts, 18 million centers of grain were taken abroad. Collectivization has suspended. But in the summer of 1934, it was announced the beginning of its final stage.

Completing collectivization. In 1932, the equation in collective farms was overcome - workload, piecemen, a brigade organization of labor was introduced. In 1933, political departments and MTS were created (1934 - 280 thousand tractors). B1935 - canceled the card system. 1937 - the collective farms were awarded state acts to the eternal ownership of the Earth. The collective farm system won finally. 90% of farms consisted of collective farms and state farms. By 1937, the price of enormous victims (human and material), collectivization was completed.

Collectivity results: Negative - reduction of ag / host. production, undermining the productive forces from / x. According to some indicators, the level of 1928 managed to achieve only in the mid-1950s. There was a fundamental change in the lifestyle of the majority of the country's population (labeling). Large human losses - 7-8 million (hunger, decking, resettlement). Positive - release of a significant part of workers' hands for other areas of production. Food formation under the control of the state on the eve of the Great Patriotic War.

53. The policy of the Soviet government in the field of culture in the 1920-1930s.

The cultural revolution was considered by the Bolsheviks as the most important condition for the construction of socialism. The main task in this area was

creating a new (socialist) culture and lift

common cultural level of the people. pursued. The most significant of the public cultural and educational and literary and artistic organizations of post-revolutionary years was breaking.

The prostricultic movement set itself the task of creating a new proletarian culture and the subject of the art of the goals of the proletarian struggle. In the second half of the 20s. Over public literary, educational and other organizations, including communist, more strict control was established, and in the early 1930s their activities have completely stopped. Were created

sectoral Cultural Authorities - Soyucino (1930), All-Union Committee for Radio and Radio Broadcasting (1933), All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs (1936), All-Union Committee on Art Affairs (1936), and other cultural regulation, its submission ideological principles. The creative intelligentsia was united into unified all-Union organizations - the Union of Soviet architects, composers (1932), writers, artists (1934). Power supported those representatives of science and art who adopted the revolution (K.A. Timiryazev, I.P. Pavlov, N.E. Zhukovsky, etc.). In relation to the intelligentsia, openly inserted on anti-Soviet positions, turned out

repression. Many outstanding philosophers were sent ("philosophical steamer"), artists and writers, some voluntarily left Russia. A partial or full ban was introduced to publish the works of some authors (N.S. Gumileva, A.P. Platonova). Since 1927, persecuted on the work of S.A. Yesenin.

The struggle with religion unfolded. In 1927, the Soviet government eliminated the Patriarchhood (which was restored only in 1943), after which another massive attack on all religions began.

Heavy heritage of pre-revolutionary Russia was mass illiteracy. The Constitution of the RSFSR secured the right to "full, comprehensive and free education. The proportion of competent population increased from 40% in 1917 to 90% in 1939. Since 1930, a universal mandatory primary education has been introduced in the country. During the second and third five-year plan, universal seven-year (incomplete average) education was introduced. At the same time, there remained many illiterate in the countryside (23%).

The leaders of the Soviet authorities were the task of restoring the scientific potential of the country and put it in the service of socialist construction. Successfully worked in these years A.F. Ioffe and D.S. Christmas (in the field of splitting of the Lithium atom, V.I. Vernadsky (biosphemes and the doctrine of the biosphere), etc. The main feature The development of science in the 30s has become its orientation on the practical, sometimes utilitarian production needs of the country. Research was conducted in the field of nuclear physics. At the same time, a number of scientific directions were closed as "false": studies in the field of molecular biology, cybernetics, helicobiology ceased.

54. Foreign policy of the USSR in 1920-1930.

The hopes of the leaders of the Bolsheviks at the coming world communist revolution were not implemented. The inability to solve the problem of victory over imperialism in the near future, the task of normalizing relations with imperialist countries before the Soviet leadership.

In October 1921, the Soviet government sent the US Governments, England, France, Italy, Japan, notes about their willingness to economic cooperation. Western governments were confident that in conditions economic crisis And the vulgarity of the Bolsheviks will make concessions. European governments decided to convene international Economic Conference And invite Soviet Russia to her.

The conference took place from April 10 to 19, 1922 in Genoa (Italy). 29 countries took part in her work. The chairman of the Soviet delegation was Lenin; He remained in Moscow, and in the Genoa, the delegation was led by the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin.

Presenting S. pacifist programThe Soviet delegation has expressed prepaid to recognize pre-war debts (until 1914) and compensate for the dosses for nationalized enterprises by leasing them or concession. In exchange, it was proposed to recognize the Soviet state, to provide him with loans and compensate for damage caused by intervention and blockade (39 billion gold rubles). Representatives of the holding of the Entente refused to recognize the Soviet claims, referring to the lack of financial documents decorated in accordance with international law.

It was not possible to come to the agreement. Therefore, it was decided to convey the consideration of all controversial issues to the conference of experts, which took place in the Hague (June 26 - July 19, 1922). The conference in the Hague also ended to no avail.

More efficiently evolved for Soviet Russia bilateral relations. During the work of the Genoese Conference, a bilateral agreement with Germany was signed in the suburb of Genoa Rapallo (April 16, 1922), which was infringed by the conditions of the Versailles. Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Ratienau signed a treaty that provided for the restoration of diplomatic relations between the RSFSR and Germany, the mutual refusal of the parties to compensation for military expenses and losses, the costs of the maintenance of prisoners of war. Germany refused the claims of the state and individuals in connection with the cancellation of old debts and the nationalization of foreign ownership in Soviet Russia "provided that the Government of the RSFSR will not satisfy similar claims of other states." The unified anti-Soviet front was split. The Soviet-German Agreement caused antena rage.

In 1924, in the relations of the USSR and the West occurred positive changes. Diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom were established. Then followed the strip of recognition of the Soviet state by Italy, France, Scandinavia, Austria, Greece, China, followed. Since 1924 to 1925 Russia concluded about 40 agreements and contracts, including the Japanese-Soviet Convention. From among the great powers, only the United States refused to the Soviet Union in recognition. December 17, 1925 An agreement on friendship and neutrality with Turkey was signed. Diplomatic relations with Mexico were established (1924) And Uruguay (1926).

One of the largest crises of the Anglo-Soviet relations were the events of May-June 1923, when the Deputy Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. M. Litvinov received a Memorandum, which contained a number of ultimative requirements ("Ultimatum Kerzon"). In the mid-1920s. The Soviet Union was recognized by the world community as a sovereign subject of international relations.

In the USSR foreign policy of the late 1920-1930. Three main periods can be distinguished:

1) 1928-1933 - Union with Germany, opposing Western democracies;

2) 1933-1939 - gradual rapprochement with England, France and the United States in the context of the growing threat from Germany and Japan;

3) june 1939-1941 - Rapid with Germany (up to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War).

In the first period, the Japanese aggression in Manchuria contributed to improving relations with China. China's support was further reduced and completely ceased after the conclusion of the Soviet-Japanese contract from April 13, 1941

In the period from 1928 to 1933. The most active economic and diplomatic relations were established with Germany, but after coming to the power of National Socialists, the Western policy of the USSR radically changes and acquires an obvious anti-grand character.

IN 1935 Contracts on mutual assistance with France and Czechoslovakia were concluded.

The duality of the USSR policy was discovered in 1939, when simultaneously with the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations held in July-August, the English threats were secret negotiations with Germany, which ended with the signing August 23 In Moscow, the nonsense Covenant. He was signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Ribbentrop With the German side and the People's Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov - With Soviet.

From the very beginning of the war, the Secret Protocols of the Covenant Molotov-Ribbentrop Entered into force: from September 17 to September 29, 1939, the Red Army ranked Western districts of Belarus and Ukraine. September 28, 1939 A Soviet-German treaty "On Friendship and Border" was signed, which determined the border between Germany and the USSR approximately along the line of Kerzon.

At the same time, forced preparations for the war. Thus, the number of the Armed Forces of the USSR for 2 pre-war years increased in three (about 5.3 million people), the release increased significantly military products, and allocations for military needs in 1940 reached 32.6% state budget. On the other hand, the necessary scope of the production of modern weapons was not achieved, errors were made in the development of military doctrine, and the combat capability of the army was weakened by mass repressions, during which over 40 thousand commanders and polymat workers were destroyed, and persistently ignoring the preparation information was destroyed Germany to war did not allow the troops in time in time.

55. USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

June 22, 1941. Germany, violating the nonsense agreement, began the war against the USSR. From the very beginning, the event was accepted for the USSR unfavorable turnover, since the Germans used the suddenness factor.
It should be assumed that all the same, the upcoming war for the leadership of the Soviet Union was not a secret, the urgency was the power, swiftness and perfidy of the first blow. Up to 90% of all existing troops, the Germans immediately introduced into the case.
Soviet troops were not ready for such a war. Many parts were lack of compliant. In addition, the Germans managed to apply massive blows in our aviation. The Army of Germany was in high combat readiness, had the experience of a two-year-old war in Europe.
Nevertheless, from the first hours of war, the Red Army began to provide fierce resistance.
In the initial period of the war, the significant parts of the Red Army fell into the environment, as the German troops differed in great mobility, the best equipment of radio communications, superior to tanks. There were the largest environments in the Belostoksky ledge, under Uman and Poltava, near Kiev, Smolensk, Vyazma. But Blitzkrieg did not succeed. Moreover, for the first time for the first time in World War II, the German troops had to go to defense during the Smolensk battle, when a serious defeat of a large German group was applied under Elnya. By the fall of 1941, the German troops were on the approaches to Leningrad, but they could not take it. Soviet troops under the command of Zhukov stopped them. Began 900-day blockade And the defense of Leningrad.
Under the leadership of Zhukov, the Red Army also managed to stop the German troops on the approaches to Moscow and move into a counterattack, causing the hardest defeat of the "Center's armies". It was the first strategic defeat inflicted by the German army during World War II. The onset of the Red Army lasted until April 1942
In 1942, after unsuccessful, with great losses attempts to the onset of the Red Army in Crimea and under Kharkov, the onset of Germans began on the southern flank front for capturing the Caucasus and Volga region.
One of the largest battles of the Great Patriotic and World War II flared up near Stalingrad. The Germans failed to take Stalingrad, and the Red Army, exhausting the enemy, moved to the offensive, surrounding the remains of the 6th Army of Pouryus.
The victory under Stalingrad marked the beginning of a rooted penalty during the war. The Red Army captured the strategic initiative and kept her up to the complete victory over the enemy.
A radical fracture during the war is the interception of a strategic initiative, the transition from defense to strategic offensive, a change in the balance of force.
Based on this definition, most historians believe that the main events of the second stage of the war ("indigenous fracture") were: the defeat of German troops in the battle near Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943) and Kursk battle (July 5 - August 23, 1943)
The main event of 1943 was the battle on the Kursk Arc - the last attempt of a German strategic offensive. The German shock tank parts did not manage to break through the defense of the Red Army, which, having started a counterattack, freed the eagle, Belgorod, by the end of 1943 - Kiev and reached the right-bank Ukraine.
1944 It comes to the decisive victories of the Red Army, the largest of which was the defeat of the Center for Army Center in Belarus.
In the same year, the blockade of Leningrad was finally filmed, most of the Baltic States were released, the Soviet troops came to the state border of the USSR. Romania and Bulgaria joined the war on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition.
In June 1944, the Allies of the USSR - USA and England opened second front In Northern France.
1945 - the year of the final defeat of Hitler's Germany. A number of crushing attacks of the Red Army ended with storming and taking Berlin.
During the war, the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom formed antihytler coalition. In May - July 1942, 26 states have already been. Before opening the second front, the help of the Soviet Union by the Allies was to supply weapons, equipment, food and certain types of raw materials.
After the end of the war with Germany, the USSR, fulfilling its allied obligations, enters into war with Japan.
On August 6 and 8, 1945, the Americans produced atomic bombing of Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 8, 1945, the USSR declares Japan's war, and after 24 days, Japan capitulates. On September 2, 1945, the Act on the unconditional surrender of Japan took place on board the American Linkar "Missouri". World War II ended.
During the war, the USSR lost about 28 million people. A huge number of cities, villages, etc., were destroyed. At the same time, the Soviet Union came out of the war with immeasurably increased international authority.

56. USSR in the first postwar decade.

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