
Specialty industrial civilian. Industrial and civil construction. PGS - Industrial Civil Construction

Currently, such a branch does not stand in place, but is constantly developing, introducing new technologies for the production and production of building materials, developing interesting methods for the construction and reconstruction of various objects necessary for human life.

Different decoding of PGS

Often, studying special documentation and facing construction, you can meet such an abbreviation as PGS. People working in this area immediately understand what we are talking about. Under PGS understand, firstly, sandy-gravel mixtures, and, secondly, industrial civil construction. Let us dwell on each definition.

Sand-gravel mixtures

Sand-gravel mixtures are non-metallic building materialswhich is characterized by a bulk condition containing large gravel and sand. PGS has good physicochemical properties and due to its acceptable cost, is widely used in the construction industry. Depending on the percentage of gravel, they allocate:

  • OPGS

In the first embodiment, according to GOST, the content of large gravel fractions should not exceed ten percent. A classic mixture is applied in road construction. It is necessary for laying the top layer of the canvas, mound and serves as a kind of drainage during construction. But for the leveling of the territory, such a class of PGS is not suitable, due to the quantitative relationship of fractions that are part of (sand and gravel). For these work it is better to choose the OPGS.

Natural (classical) Gravel mixture in its composition additional natural materials, such as quartz, clay and other impurities. Plus, depending on the placement location, the gravel composition may vary. These may be granite or limestone rocks, which will undoubtedly affect the quality characteristics of the building material.

The second abbreviation, implies an enriched sand-gravel mixture, in which the percentage of the components is equal to 70/30. Thus, 30% is the sand content (that is, the volume of the mixture accounts for ¼ sand and ¾ gravel). This type of building material get industrial pathBy adding gravel to PGS. Consequently, choosing an enriched mixture for the production of concrete and concrete structures, one can be sure that the final product will be dense, frost-resistant.

The mixture is mined using special equipment from the bottom of rivers, sandy quarries and beaches. Accordingly, the characteristic properties of building materials depend on the placement location. The main and most important indicator of PGS is a fastening ability. Thanks to this characteristic, this the material was widely used in construction., namely:

  • landscape design of the territory;
  • road construction;
  • concrete production;
  • production of various reinforced concrete structures;
  • alignment of the site;
  • filling the holes, butt.

When adding PGS into water or cement, the so-called mortar is obtained, which are later used to make concrete. But, it is necessary to remember the goal for which the cement is made and, depending on it, observe certain proportions of PGS and cement mortar.

Thus, with an increase in the amount of fluid, the final product is less dense, but if the solution that serves as a link is not enough, then concrete will be dense and heavy for further work. It is also known to use this building material when erecting the roadway. Using the mixture, the territory is aligned on which construction is conducted or repair work was carried out.

Thus, when choosing sandy-gravel mixtures, it is necessary to clearly understand what they need. If for road construction, then natural PGS is suitable, if for landscape design or manufacture of concrete structures, then better than the OCGS.

PGS - Industrial Civil Construction

The second decoding of the abbreviation of PGS means industrial civil construction. Builders are one of the demanded professions currently. It is they who equip the environment, making it suitable for the life of a person and build masterpieces of architecture. Engineers who have been educated in the specialty PGS are engaged in:

  • construction of industrial facilities;
  • project documentation;
  • construction and installation of various objects;
  • designing engineering systems and drainage;
  • examination of various structures;
  • geodesic and environmental surveys;
  • control over all stages of construction.

So PGS includes all stages of construction, from project documentation before finishing the finished facility. Engineers take tremendous importance in the formation of the appearance of the village or city, ranging from the creation of models of the settlement and ending with the construction and restoration of various structures. Project activities implies:

  • engineering surveys;
  • selection, analysis and systematization of materials obtained;
  • creating a layout of the finished object.

Management is the organization of the workflow, making important decisions and responsibility for their execution. Under the examination of structures means conducting an inspection of an object, analysis of the data obtained and the reconstruction of the finished object.

In conclusion, it is worth it to repeat that the abbreviation of PGS implies two definitions: Mixtures of sand and gravel for construction, as well as industrial civil construction. The mixtures are divided into classical or natural and enriched. The first option is used mainly in road construction, but the second is preferable for landscape design. Industrial and civil engineering implies development, analysis and maintenance at all stages of the construction of an object necessary for human activity.

Industrial and Civil Engineering

Qualification - engineer, learning time ─ 5 years.

Educational plans
Technology, organization and economics of construction production Download \u003e\u003e
Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures Download \u003e\u003e
Foundations and foundations Download \u003e\u003e

The Specialty Engineer is a professional of the widest profile working in the field of design and construction, exploitation, reconstruction and restoration of industrial, civil and public construction sites.

Engineer of the specialties of the PGS of all specializations can perform the following types of professional activities: experimental research, design, design, repair and reconstruction, organizational and managerial, production and technological.

Thanks to the wide and versatile training, the construction engineers of the specialty PGS are easily rebuilt to work in a wide variety of construction areas in both the manufacturing and scientific sphere.

Graduates of the Faculty - Engineers of the specialty of PGS - built not only buildings and structures of industrial, civil and public appointments, but also dams, power plants, roads. They worked and operate in all corners of Russia and neighboring countries both at construction sites and in research institutions. And now they are successfully adapted in the field of business and private entrepreneurship.

The development of specializations of the specialty of PGS has always consistent with the requirements of time and ensured the guaranteed demand for construction engineers of this qualification.

At the III course of study, students themselves choose one of the following specializations:

"Technology, organization and economics of construction production"

Engineers of this specialization, as a rule, begin their career as masters and pro-workers of construction manufacturing enterprises of various forms of ownership and with the accumulation of experience grow to managers of construction enterprises and organizations, including the leaders of the highest level. In addition, a wide technological training profile opens up favorable opportunities for individual entrepreneurship in the field of construction.

There is an in-depth development of the disciplines of organizational and technological and economic cycles, as well as the study of the technology of the construction of buildings and structures in special conditions, the organization of production and modern methods for managing production and personnel, as well as the organization of control over technological discipline.

"Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures"

The relevance of the tasks of reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures is currently guarantees the demand of the engineers of this specialization in the practice of the work of construction organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership.

In addition to the main basic program for the preparation of the construction engineer, a specialization provides for a more in-depth study of the methods of examination and calculation in assessing the actual state of buildings and structures, in the development of projects for repair and restoration, reconstruction and restoration work using the latest construction work technologies.

"Environmental security in construction"

At the construction department of the Arkhangelsk State Technical University since 2009-2010, the training of builders in the specialization of "Environmental Safety in Construction" (specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering") has begun. The new Department of Chemistry and Ecology in construction leads this preparation.

Industrial and civil buildings, hydraulic and environmental structures, as well as building and finishing materials, products and structures, real estate facilities, land plots, urban areas will become industrial and civil buildings.

Along with traditional engineering knowledge and skills in the field of building, the curriculum developed across the department will allow specialists to solve problems associated with the implementation of environmental safety measures, quality control and examination of various materials used in the construction industry. Based on this, in the curriculum of specialization "Ecological safety in construction" together with the main disciplines of the educational standard of the construction engineer also included additional - "examination and quality of building materials", "micro-heterogeneous systems in construction", "Chemistry of binders and Chemistry of silicates "," Chemistry of building materials "," Construction Ecology "," Physical and Chemical Methods for Analysis and Control of Construction and Finishing Materials ".

The new specialization of training in the direction of "Construction" is an important part of two priority areas for fundamental and applied research on the Northern (Arctic) Federal University:

  • construction in complex climatic and engineering and geological conditions;
  • creating an effective environmental safety system in the European North and Arctic.

That is why, entering the university to specialize "Environmental Safety in Construction", you choose a relevant, in demand profession, successfully predict your future.

From the Faculty of PGS began the history of the country's leading university - MISI them. V.V. Kuibyshev, now MGSU. The faculty is the largest educational unit university. For 78 years of its existence, the faculty has prepared tens of thousands of highly qualified builders. Graduates of the faculty use well-deserved authority both in Russia and abroad. Many successfully work in state and commercial construction firms, in project institutions, in various administrative structures of all levels. In accordance with the results of international accreditation, the level of engineers of MGSU in the specialty 2903 "Industrial and Civil Engineering" is recognized as relevant to the highest international standards and equal to the foreign degree of the Master of the European University. Students ending with the Faculty of PGS receive higher education recognized in 140 countries of the world.
The Faculty of PGS is preparing for the following specialties and specializations:

Specialty "Industrial H Civil Construction" (term of study 5 years)
- Research and design of buildings and structures.
- Technology and organization of construction production.
- Safety of construction and technological systems.
- Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures.

Specialty "Design of buildings" (engineer - architect) (learning date is 5.5 years).

For graduates of secondary special educational institutions of the construction profile, the training period is reduced to 4 years.
1800 students study at the faculty.
Personnel composition of 58 employees; 157 teachers, among which more than 120 doctors and candidates of science.
Every year, the Faculty produces about 350 builders engineers for the needs of the design and construction complex of Moscow, Moscow region and Russia. The faculty has applications and concludes contracts with leading project and construction AO and firms in Moscow and Russia to employ graduates.
Training of specialists is carried out in two directions:
Bachelor (4 years)
Master (6 years)
Specialist (engineer) - 5 years.
The faculty is preparing specialists in two specialties:
290300 - "Industrial and Civil Engineering" - with training forms: day, evening, correspondence, external.
291400 - "Design of buildings", specialty Engineer-architect - day formation.
Starting from the third course, students studying in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering" are distributed to specializations:
"Study and design of buildings and structures" with profiling "Theory of structures", "Metal structures", "reinforced concrete structures", "Designs of wood and plastic", "Dynamics of structures", "Dynamics and seismic resistance of buildings and structures", "Building Design and their inner media ";
"Study and design of buildings and structures" with profiling "Theory of structures", "Metal structures", "reinforced concrete structures", "Designs of wood and plastic", "Dynamics of structures", "Dynamics and seismic resistance of buildings and structures", "Building Design and their inner media ";
"Technology, organization and economy of construction production" with the profiling "Technology of construction production" and "Organization of construction production";
"Safety of construction and technological systems" with profiling "safety of structures in emergency dynamic effects;
"Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures."
The faculty unites 7 educational departments: "Architecture of civil and industrial buildings", "reinforced concrete and stone structures", "Testing structures", "Designs of wood and plastics", "Metal structures", "Construction mechanics", "construction technology", Having a greater history of their development and authority in design and construction organizations. All departments of the faculty are prepared in graduate school and doctoral studies.
In 1999, the program of training specialists in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering" is accredited by the International Institute of Builders Engineers (MIIS), having a headquarters of the apartment in London and uniting specialists in more than 140 countries of the world. This means that students who received the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering" since 1999, with the successful completion of studies at the university, along with a diploma engineer of the State Sample, will receive a certificate of completion of a university with international accreditation. According to the results of accreditation, engineering training at the faculty is recognized by the relevant master's training of the European University. In addition, students starting from the third course can enter into this prestigious professional association on the rights of student membership in MIIS.
The younger (1 and P) courses are trained in the University building at the address: Yaroslavl W, d. 26, and senior courses - in the building on the gateway embankment, D.8.

The Department of Faculty employs leading scientists and the largest specialists in the field of construction. Some of them are elected by real members and Corresponding Members of RAASN, the International Academy of Informatics, the International Engineering Academy, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and others, are honorary doctors of various foreign institutions of higher educational institutions.
Along with free training, the Faculty conducts training on a paid basis. For persons with higher and secondary special education, externats are opened with the aim of obtaining a building education. Training is carried out according to individual graphs and on a paid basis. The best students in addition to the main scholarship is constantly paid by a personal scholarship from the Faculty Training and Scientific and Production Center. The faculty provides opportunities for creative and professional growth of students. Overview of the diploma and course projects are regularly held. Faculty students constantly participate in MGSU scientific and technical conferences, perform scientific work at the Department of Faculty. In addition, the Faculty Students work on a paid basis in a number of major research laboratories headed by leading professors and academicians of the international level. According to the results of research and development, students make reports at all-Russian and international conferences, participate in reviews and competitions.

Not everyone can just take and become a builder. It is necessary to have a constantly thirst for creating something new, as well as possess knowledge that are purchased throughout long training. Upon receipt of the specialty, construction is studied by ecology, mechanics, architecture bases, engineering graphics and much more.

Without the last place is given to practical skills that are purchased at direct places of work, where you can get excellent experience and knowledge that cannot be considered only in theory.

Specialty Code Construction 08.03 01.

Specialty Industrial and Civil Engineering

Knowledge in this area are interrelated between themselves and often studied together. The engineer who was educated in this field and considers himself a professional, can work without any problems with operations, reconstruction, restoration of public construction sites.

Upon reaching the third course, each of the students can expand their specialization and choose a more interesting thing for him to study.

Specialty Civil Engineering is in demand, and qualified workers are valued for gold weight.

Specialty Construction and operation of buildings and structures

The construction of buildings and structures is a specialty, highly estimated by many leading educational institutions in large cities. And this is not just so - graduates who received all the necessary knowledge and proven themselves will not suffer from lack of work.

When choosing a specialty construction and unique buildings and structures, students will become more deeply familiar with computer science and mathematics, economics, electronics and electrical engineering, as well as many other necessary objects.

Construction of roads specialty

From the quality of acquiring knowledge, modern students in this area depends a lot, because our current situation with the roads is far from ideal. You can find engineering specialties in construction. Specialty The construction of highways chooses talented young people, which in the future uses all their skills.

Students learn to develop advanced technologies, organize their own environmental protection measures, to practice all the knowledge gained using information development, produce their own products and materials.

And this is only the top of the iceberg, there is also the construction of railways, as well as the construction of bridges and tunnels - specialty are particularly complex, but no less interesting and necessary for our country.

Construction of airfields is an important specialty on which not only the comfort of flights depends, but also complete safety.

Garden and parking and landscape construction Specialty

Such a specialty requires a student not only a simple desire to create something new and unusual, and also have a sense of excellent and the ability to combine all the most beautiful works of nature. Lecturers of specialty Garden and parking and landscape construction will teach students to hold a deep landscape analysis and carry out work on the gardening of cities, while maintaining and restoring the ecological balance.

Universities in the specialty construction

In Moscow, you will find a large number of universities who offer to get the right education. But what specialty in construction to choose and where exactly do it? We will give a list of the best throughout the country:

Moscow Architectural Institute;
Moscow Construction State University;
Architectural and construction St. Petersburg State University;
Novosibirsk architectural and construction state university;
Samara architectural and construction state university;
Kazan architectural and construction state university.

Specialty construction - who work

Received a specialty construction - who to work? You can get the job of the foreman, but then your debt will be the control of how the team works full security control, as well as the construction of construction at all its stages. Take the most necessary and fateful decisions on the use of various materials in production, learn the load for the building.

Designer engineers, architects, masters of plots, chiefs of construction sites and other construction professionals are required on numerous construction sites of the country.

In the modern world, civil and industrial construction is particularly popular. Many citizens do not know what the difference between these two concepts, so they should be considered in more detail.

A huge number of companies offer relevant services. However, it is worth checking them for the presence of permission and experience of specialists for the relevant work. Basically, the customer is offered the following services:

  • the creation of a competent feasibility study compiled by a professional;
  • drawing up a project for the construction of an object;
  • performance provided
  • perform an input of the object into operation.

Before using these services, it is worth identifying what civil and industrial construction is.

Civil Engineering

Civil construction is a construction industry, which specializes in the construction of various objects of the non-production form of the economy. These include educational institutions, libraries, theaters, medical facilities, residential buildings and administrative buildings.

Civil and industrial construction have a weighty social importance. However, in the first case, the quality of the living conditions of citizens is improved. Its main distinguishing feature is the complexity. The construction of residential buildings is combined with the solution of urban planning problems in the field of organizing networks of cultural, health and improvement institutions.

To date, one of the promising directions can be called the construction of commercial buildings. It is fairly in demand in our time, medium and small office centers. Basically, these buildings are objects that are manufactured using modern materials, equipment and technologies. As can be understood, civil engineering really benefits the entire population of the country.

Industrial engineering

Industrial construction is or restoration of objects that are directly related to industrial or production activities. Civil and industrial construction have some similarities. However, the task of the considered type is to carry out a complete complex of construction and their goal is to ensure or reconstruct existing enterprises.

Civil and industrial construction have one significant difference, which is that the objects of the second type are able to possess various purposes. In addition, industrial construction in full takes into account all requirements for the construction facility. At the same time, they have the opportunity to deal with only certified firms whose specialists have relevant experience.

Production complex

The production complex is a network of enterprises that are combined with each other with a single technological process. In addition, they function to ensure the company's maximum economic results.

The main elements of the production complex are the corresponding hulls. Also, administrative buildings and warehouses can be included. The production complex may include infrastructure facilities. They are pumping stations, boiler rooms, as well as specially equipped facilities for recreation workers.

Production complexes belong to the category of industrial construction. Taking into account their characteristics, it can be concluded that they really cannot build up an ordinary brigade of workers. This requires qualified specialists with extensive experience in this industry.

Domestic construction

Construction in Russia is one of the most important sectors of the economy. It accounts for about 3% of state GDP. Every year this industry does not only bring income and improves the living conditions of citizens, and it allows it to employ millions of people.

One of the most important sectors is the residential construction. It is most developed in subjects that are denselylane and develop dynamically. These include Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk region, Rostov region, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Tatarstan.


Construction of cities is especially popular in Russia. With it, the infrastructure is developing and the standard of living of citizens increases. Industrial construction, in turn, contributes to the development of the domestic economy.

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