
Guidelines for the construction of facilities of local communication networks. Organization of the construction of linear structures of local communication networks. Designations and abbreviations


by construction

linear structures

local communication networks (part 1).

Designations and abbreviations

Section 1. Organization of construction of linear facilities of local communication networks

1.1. General provisions

1.2. Organization of construction production

1.3. Preparation of construction production

1.4. Control of quality construction - installation work

Section 2. Earthworks

2.1. General provisions

2.2. Characteristics and classification of soils

2.3. Ringing tracks

2.4.Fractions of land production sites

2.5. Equare and restoration of road and street covers

2.6.The dwelker of soils in trenches and attached to the open way

2.7. Development of trenches and boilers in frozen soils

2.8. Refining walls of trenches and catlovanov

2.9. Putting up trenches and catlovanov, soil coup

2.10. Device horizontal wells for cable transitions through automotive and railways

2.11. Development of cable transitions with laying asbestos-cement pipes in metal cases

2.12. Decision of cable transitions by horizontal drilling method

2.13 Land Recultivation

Section 3 Construction of underground cable sealing communication

3.1 General

3.2 Types and sizes of pipes and cable dialing blocks

3.3 General requirements for laying cable sealing pipelines

3.4 Technology laying cable sewage pipelines from asbestos-cement pipes

3.5 Technology laying cable sewage pipelines from concrete blocks

3.6 Technology laying cable sewage pipelines from polyethylene pipes

3.7 Laying of polyvinyl chloride pipes

3.8 Gasket pipelines on bridges

3.9 Enter pipelines to cable sewage wells

3.10 Cable Sewer Bends

3.11 Basic Materials for Construction and Production of Wells Cable Sewing Communication

3.12 Production and construction of reinforced concrete wells

3.13 Construction of brick wells

3.14 Boots for Cable Sewer Tubes

3.15 Equipment of Wells Cable Sewaging Communication

3.16 Features of the construction of cable sewage communication in the loaded and complex outdoor conditions

3.17 Construction and equipment of wells for the placement of non-maintained regenerative interim items of ICM transmission systems

3.18 Construction of cable tray sewage communication on the converted soils of the North

3.19 Device of inputs of cables of local communication networks in the building of communication enterprises

3.20 Distribution cabinets

3.21 Use of multichannels (blocks) from plastics

Section 4. Laying cables of local communication networks in underground cable sealing, manifolds, tunnels, bridges and in room facilities

4.1 General. Input control of construction lengths.

4.2 Grouping of cable building lengths

4.3 Preparation of cable sewage to cable laying

4.4 Laying of cable cables with metal cable seats

4.5 Features of laying optical cables

4.6 Laying of communication cables in wells

4.7 Laying cables in collectors, tunnels and bridges

4.8 Laying Cable Communications in Protective Plastic Pipes (CPT)

Section 5 Laying cables of local communication networks in the ground

5.1 General

5.2 Breakdown of the track

5.3 Cable Laying in Overlook Trench

5.4 Cable Cable Laying Cables

5.5 Features of laying cables with outer plastic shells

5.6 Features of laying optical cables

5.7 Cable Laying in Eternal Merzlotes

5.8 Features of the production of work in mountain conditions

5.9 Features of cable laying in winter

5.10 Designation of road cable gasket

Section 6 Laying Communication Cables through Water Barriers

6.1. General provisions

6.2 Preparatory work

6.3 Cable laying through water barriers with a knife cable

6.4 Pre-development of underwater trenches

6.5 Laying cable with plaques in the finished trench

6.6 Strengthening underwater cables in the shores

6.7 Fencing of underwater cable transitions

Section 7 Cable Introduction Device in public and residential buildings and gaskets in them cables

7.1 General

7.2 Underground Cable Input Device in Building

7.3 Cable air input device in building

7.4 Open Laying Cables on Buildings Walls

7.5 Application of a construction and assembly pistol when laying cables and installation of communication equipment

7.6 Cable Passage Device Through walls and overlaps

7.7 Gasket and cable mounting

7.8 Cable Laying in Hidden Wiring Channels

Section 8 Construction of air pillars and rack lines with suspension wires and cables

8.1 General

8.2 Linear fittings, materials and tools

8.4 Production and equipped supports

8.5 Breakdown Lines Line

8.6 Transportation of supports

8.7 digging holes under support

8.8 Installation and strengthening supports

8.9 Cable supports

8.10 Wire rolling and wire connection

8.11 Suspension and regulation of wires

8.12 Candidage of wires on insulators

8.13 Suspension of cables on air bond communication lines

8.14 Construction of rack lines

Section 9 Construction of fiber-optic transmission lines on power lines with voltage 0, kV

9.1 General

9.2 Organization and conduct of preparatory work

9.3 Rolling and Suspension OK

9.4 Execution of descents OK from support

9.5 Installation of connecting couplings

9.6 Laying cable in the cable block (cable sewage) and in the ground


This Guide to the construction of linear structures of local communication networks ", M., 2005 (hereinafter referred to 1995.

In this "Guide ..." We take into account the modern level of communication technology, including optical-fiber, modern technologies for installation of communication cables, new types of measuring equipment are given, taken into account: the experience of construction and assembly organizations in the construction of linear structures, received proposals for the correction of publication , as well as the requirements set forth in regulatory documents issued over the period years.

In section 10 "Device of subscriber points", it is not provided for a description of the work in the construction of various types of subscriber access networks, and only general information about these networks is given.

When developing the first edition "Guide ..." Sections are compiled: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19 -; 3 -; 4, 12 -; 11 - see. Kuleshov, and; ; 13 - ; fourteen - ; fifteen - ; sixteen - ; 17 - k. So-called 18-K so-called .

The responsible and technical editing of the first edition was carried out to. So-called. and.

In the development of the second edition, they took part: - General Guide - Processing of individual sections, compile and inclusion in "Guide ..." add-ons, adjusting the content of sections, see Kuleshov - processing of sections 11 and 12; k. so-called - Processing of section 15; - Processing of Section 13, see Kuleshov, to. So-called. - Technical and general editing - technical design and preparation for the publication.

The second edition of the "leadership ...", considered by the specialists of the organizations of the industry "Communication: CJSC Svyazstroydtal, Tsniis,", SPb ", OJSC" MOSEELEFONSTROY ", ZAO" Concern Svyazstroy ".

Remarks and suggestions of these organizations in accordance with the consolidation of comments and proposals are made to the content of the "Guide ...".

Comments and suggestions for "leadership ..." should be sent to SSCTB-Tomas OJSC (Moscow, ul. Lower Krasnoselskaya, d. 13),

In this "manual ..." used links to the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law. M.; 2003.

GOST R 1.5-92 General requirements for building, presentation, design and content of standards

GOST 9.602-89 Unified corrosion and aging protection system. Underground facilities. General requirements for protection against corrosion

GOST Soil. Classification

GOST 464-79 Grounding for stationary wired communication settings, radio relay stations, wire broadcasting and antennas of collective television reception systems. Resistance standards

GOST 1839-80 Pipes and clutches asbestos-cement for non-pressure pipelines. Technical conditions

GOST 5151 * -79 Wooden drums for electrical cables and wires

GOST 8591-76 hatches for cable telephone sealing. Technical conditions


Symmetric high-frequency symmetric high-frequency cables with core and polystyrene insulation

GOST system of automated telephone communication is generally state. Terms and Definitions

GOST components of fiber-optic transmission systems. Terms and Definitions. GOSSTANDART, M., 1985

GOST 26600 * -98 signs navigation internal shipping pathways. General technical conditions

GOST R facilities of local telephone networks linear. Terms and Definitions

GOST R cables with polyethylene insulation in a plastic shell. Technical conditions

OST 45.01-98 Network Primary interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation. Sections Cable elementary and sections Cable transmission lines. Electrical standards. Test methods

OCT 45.36-97 cable lines, air and mixed urban telephone networks. Electrical operating standards

OST 45.62-97 Linear equipment of subscriber lines are supported. Operating standards

OST 45.82-96 Network telephone city. Subscriber cable lines with metal cores. Operating standards

OST 45.83-96 Network telephone rural. Lines Subscriber rural telephone networks. Operating standards

OST 45.119-99 Labor safety standards. Points regenerative fiber-optic transmission lines. General safety requirements

OST 45.121-97 Transmission line Cable main and intrazone. Linear facilities. Terms and Definitions

OST 45. Fiber-optic transmission systems. Terms and Definitions

GB Rules for the device and safe operation of pressure vessels

CH 461-74. Land removal standards for communication lines

Snip 3.01.01-85 * Organization of construction production. M., 2000.

Snip 3.01.04-87 Acceptance of the completed construction of facilities. Basic provisions. Gosstroy USSR, M., 1988

SNiP system of regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions


SNIP SAFETY LABOR IN CONSTRUCTION. Part I I. Construction Production

RD 45. Guiding document of the Ministry of Communications of Russia. Technological design standards. Urban and rural telephone networks (NTP)

RD 45. Guiding document of the Ministry of Communications of Russia. Grounding and leveling of the potentials of the Volp equipment on wired communication facilities

Design and protection against corrosion of underground metal structures. M., Communication, 1978

Rules for the protection of wired communication devices, railway alarms and telemechanics from the dangerous and interfering effect of power lines. In two parts, interdepartmental.

Part 1 General provisions, dangerous influences.

Part 2 interfering influences

Rules for the protection of wired communication devices and wired broadcasting from the influence of the traction network of the electrified Railways of AC. Interdepartmental (Transport Publishing House, M.1989)

Rules for the construction and repair of air lines and radio broadcasts (Ministry of Communications of the USSR, "Communication", M.1975), h. I-IV

Additions and changes to the "rules for the construction and repair of air lines and radio broadcasting networks" Part I and, III, 1975; M. "Communication": 1979

Rules for the protection of lines and facilities of communication (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.07.95. № 000)

Rules of design, construction, operation of the VOLS on the air lines of the power supply voltage 0, kV, Ministry of Communications of Russia, Ministry of Energy of Russia, M. 2003)

Guide for the acceptance of the linear structures of wired bond and wired broadcasting. "SSCTB-Tomas", M., 1990

"Rules for commissioning of communication facilities" (commissioned by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation by order of 01.01.2001. № 000)

Temporary position on the acceptance of the construction of objects. Gosstroy Russia, M., 1993

Unified Guidelines for the preparation of executive documentation for the completed construction linear facilities of wired communication. SSCTB-Tomas, M., 1991

Technological map for sealing of channels and hatches of the keys of cable sewage, JSC "SCTB-Tomas", 1996


Tu 16 to Cables Telephone with air-paper insulation in lead, steel and aluminum shells


TU 16 K cables are optical for the interconnected network of Russia. CJSC "Moskabel Fujikura"

TU 16-wires with a polyethylene protective sheath for field communication. Specifications (P-274, P-268)

TU 16.505.715-75 Symmetric Low Frequency Communication Cables (TZA)

TU 16-705.455-87 OPCH OPCH-1 Cables

That optical cables. LLC "EUROKABEL I"

That. Optical OGMKM cables

TU 1-450. Communication cables with freely laid optical fibers. LLC "ELIKS-Cable"

That optical communication cables. LLC "Opten"

That console for cable wells and mines of the CCC

TU protective polyethylene pipes for linear communication facilities. CJSC "Ploxt"

Designations and abbreviations

(Reductions are given in the order of their placement in the "Guide ...")

Section 1. Organization of construction of linear facilities of local communication networks

1.1. General provisions

The local telephone communication network is an integral part of the public communication network, which is part of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation.

Local telephone networks consist of linear and station structures.

Linear structures include subscriber (al) and connecting lines (Sl). The subscriber line is a set of chains connecting the city or rural (district) telephone exchange with the subscriber point, and consists of areas: the main, distribution and subscriber wiring.

Subscriber lines can be direct power covered by means of padded cables directly to the telephone exchange, or included in the telephone station on the cabinet diagram through distribution cabinets (SC).

Lines from telephone devices before junction boxes are subscriber wiring. Subscriber postings are included in the distribution telephone box (MTT), from which the distribution cable departs.

The switchgear from several CRTs, as a rule, are included in the distribution cable of the corresponding capacitance, which is paved to the distribution cabinet (SC) and turns on to its terminal devices.

The totality of the lines between distribution boxes and distribution cabinets is called the distribution network. Main sections of the subscriber network are laid from distribution cabinets to PBX; Stations, including intercity, are associated with connecting lines (sl).

Linear facilities of the local communication network are a complex of technical means forming the distribution medium consisting of a cable or air line, over pairs of wires (optical fibers) of which physical chains are created (fiber-optic paths) designed to transmit telecommunication signals.

Line-cable facilities of local communication networks consist: from cables laid in cable sewage, in collectors, in ground, in buildings on wall bases and in channels, as well as suspended on pole and racking supports; all types of couplings and processes; maintained amplifying (NUP) and regeneration points (NRP); distribution cabinets and boxes; Equipment for cable content under excess air (gas) pressure; Cable transitions through automotive, railways, underground communications and water obstacles.

Construction of air lines include: pillar air lines, wires of which are suspended on wooden, reinforced concrete supports or wooden in reinforced concrete prefixes of supports; cable supports with cable transient devices (UKS, YACGM, Yarkz, etc.); inputs of air lines in enterprises of communication, residential and other buildings; transitions of air lines with intersections of contact networks of ground electric transport, iron and highways, power lines and communication; The rack lines, the wires of which are suspended on mounted on the roofs of buildings of intermediate, corner and terminal racking supports.

but) Production of earthworks, construction of cable sewage, laying cables in sewers, reservoirs, tunnels, gaskets in the ground, laying cables through water obstacles, automobile and railways, cable entry device in buildings with cable laying on walls with installation of terminal devices and subscriber points ;

b) construction of pillars links with installation and equipping supports, suspension of air wires and cables, lightning equipment; The device of rack lines with the production of the same work as on polelines, as well as subscriber points with a laying of single-page cables, installation of telephone sets and connecting AZU (with air input).

in) The device of linear inputs in the building of telephone stations with the installation of metal structures and reinforcement in the rooms of the inputs of cables, gloves and pitches;

d) installation of cables in cable sewage wells, in pita, on air cable lines and cables laid on the walls of buildings; symmetrization of cables, as well as inclusion (charging) of cables in boxes, boxes Boxes, cable boxes, optical terminal devices;

e) production of electrical measurements in the installation of cables, as well as on the completed installation of communication lines;

protection of cables from corrosion, from hazardous stresses and currents;

e) Installation of equipment for the content of cables under excess pressure and the setting of cables under constant overpressure;

g) Drawing up executive documentation for completed construction linear structures for presenting them to the acceptance commissions.

1.2. Organization of construction production

1.2.1. The construction of construction production includes a collection of organizational and technical measures that ensure the most efficient use of labor, machines, mechanisms, materials, as a result of which the successful performance of production goals is achieved, commissioning construction facilities in a timely manner, with minimal labor and material costs and at high quality of work.

1.2.2. In the production of work on the construction of linear structures of local networks, the requirements provided for by project documentation, state standards, departmental construction norms of the Ministry of Information Technologies and the Communications of the Russian Federation, Technical Conditions (OU) and Instructions for the Installation of Equipment Manufacturers, Cable and Linear Armature, which are valid For labor protection and this "leadership ...". .

1.2.3. When the construction of facilities in the sections of the established urban development, the conditions for the production of work with the allocation of dangerous zones, borders and the axes of underground structures and communications should be agreed with the state supervisory authorities, local administration and operational organizations ..

1.2.4. Performance of a seasonal work must be provided for the most favorable time. For year-round construction of linear structures should be created, allowing to produce work in winter without performing labor-intensive earthworks.

1.2.5. Construction and installation works should be minimized as possible. In the production of earthy, loading and unloading, transport and cable works, which have a greater labor intensity, should, if possible, the integrated mechanization is used, that is, the mechanization of both the main and auxiliary and associated construction processes ..

1.2.6. Works on the construction of local telephone networks are carried out by organizations and individuals with licenses for the production of a particular type of work and registered on construction activities in the manner prescribed by law. The customers of the facilities of local communication networks can be legal and individuals with funds.

1.2.7. The organization of the Customer (or individuals) and general contractors enter into a contract for the construction of facilities of local communication networks, containing common (unchanged, as a rule, for all cases) and special conditions reflecting the specifics of a particular construction object or unusual local circumstances requiring inclusion Additional consistent obligations. Relations between them are based solely on the contractual conditions.

1.2.8. The rights and obligations of the responsible performer work (manufacturer of work, master, brigadier, working) are governed by job descriptions and contractual agreements.

1.3. Preparation of construction production

1.3.1. Preparation of construction production should ensure the technological deployment of construction and installation work and the interconnected activities of all partners involved in the construction of linear structures.

1.3.2. General organizational and technical preparation of construction includes: input control of the received design and estimate documentation, conclusion of contracts and subcontract for construction, discharge in the nature of the construction of cable sewage, cable laying, air lines; registration of permits (orders) and tolerances for the production of works, the organization of deliveries to the construction of materials, equipment, structures and finished products; preparation of motor vehicles and mechanisms; obtaining and storing cables, equipment, fittings, materials, non-type products and their input control; the formation of divisions of the workforce in accordance with the calculation of its need, as well as providing a tool, inventory, small mechanization and measuring equipment; Exquising and preparation of housing for workers; Placing a plot of construction, an attached warehouse

1.3.3. When familiarizing with tracks of laying lines of local communication, it is necessary to clarify: the characteristics of the soil and the nature of the area; the presence and nature of the intersections of the tracks with power lines, automotive and railways, water obstacles, underground structures; sections of the construction of cable sewage and gaskets of cables in the soil, on which the mechanization of earthworks is possible; points of placement of cable or other sites and the necessary warehouse premises; availability of housing, drinking water, nutritional organization; condition of roads and entrances to places of storage of materials on the tracks of the cable laying and the construction of the WLS; the condition and construction readiness of buildings and premises intended for installation of communication equipment and primarily the premises of the input of cables and cross; The presence of enterprises capable of manufacturing precast concrete wells, reinforced concrete supports and consoles for construction, let go of the trade concrete and the conditions for providing these services.

1.3.4. During the preparation for the construction of each facility of local communication networks, it is also provided for: the study of project linear personnel and work drawings, as well as in the nature of the construction of linear communication structures; Drawing up, if necessary, project production project (PPR).

1.3.5. For most construction objects of linear cable structures of local communication networks, it is recommended to develop work projects (PPR). They are documents of engineering preparation of production that determine the rational organization of work on construction and are drawn up in order to determine the most effective methods of carrying out construction and installation work, contributing to the reduction of their cost and labor intensity, reduction of construction periods, as well as improved quality of work, which ultimately should provide Receiving a profit. When developing a PPR, it is recommended to use the instructions and forms shown in SNiP 3.01.01-85 *. "Organization of construction production", M., 1990 and in "recommendations for the preparation of projects for the construction of works on the construction of Linear structures of the GTS", SSKTB, M., 1982.

1.3.6. The quality of the work performed, the labor productivity of the worker and improving the organization of labor largely depends on the technical equipment tools, adaptations and means of small mechanization. When recruiting them, it is recommended to equip the brigade (links) of the working tool kits in accordance with their professions in the tool kits, it is necessary to include labor protection and safety facilities. When used at the construction of new types of cables, equipment, terminal devices, couplings, mounting kits, materials, cable and line reinforcement, the Customer and the Contractor must coordinate decisions on their use on this facility and to ensure training specialists of contracting and operational organizations in the rules of installation of new equipment with Attracting manufacturers and supplier firms.

1.4. Quality control of construction and installation work

1.4.1 A special place in the implementation of contractual obligations of the Contractor for the construction of local telephone facilities occupy the quality control of construction and installation work, which is determined by the compliance of their indicators for the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation.

1.4.2 In the process of technical preparation of construction production, it is recommended to conduct the following activities that contribute to improving the quality of SMR: study of project documentation and decision-making on improving the organization of work, on the introduction of progressive technology, accumulated experience, rational composition of mechanisms, tools and devices; ensuring the construction of regulatory documentation, projects for the production of works, technological maps or technological schemes for the entire complex of work performed.

1.4.3 In the process of logistical support for construction, activities are advisable positively affecting the quality of CMR, namely: timely and complete supply of products, materials required for construction; Organization of testing the quality of products and materials supplied, equipment; Ensuring the regulatory quality of products manufactured at the submissions of the artist's work.

1.4.4 When working in construction, qualified personnel should take into account at least the following requirements: the qualifications of specialists must comply with the technical complexity of the work performed, and the training and advanced training programs should provide for the study of the methods of improving the quality of SMR, including progressive technology, new mechanisms, tools and adaptations . An analysis of the characteristic defects allowed when performing work and the adoption of measures to prevent them should be carried out.

It is also recommended: Creating conditions for the qualitative implementation of CMR based on real planning, providing rhythmic performance; Ensuring satisfactory living conditions at facilities, especially linear, which reduces personnel fluidity and the effective application of the material incentive system of improving the quality of construction and installation work.

1.4.5 The quality control of the SMR should be carried out at all stages of their implementation and is divided into the following forms: input; operating; acceptance; inspection.

When input control, the compliance of the design of design and estimate documentation, equipment, structures, assembly components and materials established by the established requirements is made.

At the same time, compliance with the rules for transportation, storage and storage are also checked.

The composition of inspections, tests and measurements carried out in the process of input control, and the procedure for their design are determined by the relevant instructions. Checking the electrical parameters of the equipment is made after its installation.

During operational control, the technological discipline and quality of work in the process of their execution and after the completion of a certain production operation is completed. The composition and its order are established by the schemes of operational quality control (SOCK) developed directly by the organization - the responsible performer of work.

The approximate scheme of operational quality control of the work is shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 - Construction of cable sewage

All defects identified during operational control must be eliminated before the execution of subsequent operations.

When accepting control, the quality of the structural elements made, individual structures, types of work and objects is carried out as a whole. The intermediate acceptance of the work performed is carried out by technical supervision by the customer appointed. Experts allocated by the Operational Organization may be appointed as representatives of the customer.

1.4.6 Surveying in nature at an intermediate acceptance by a technical supervision representative, together with a representative of the Contractor, is subject to hidden work, which, when performing subsequent final operations, become inaccessible to inspection without opening or holding other events. Such work includes: laying pipelines and construction of cable sewage wells; laying cables and protective wires in the ground; laying cables in cable sewage channels; device cable transitions through automobile and railways; device cable transitions through water obstacles; Installation of couplings and coarse cables; Installation of grounds; Construction of the NPP; Build equipment and installation of supports and suspension of air lines of air lines.

The representative of the Customer's technical supervision must be informed by the Contractor Representative when, where and what works are being carried out, to systematically invite these work to examine their quality and drawing up acts on hidden and other work performed. In case of failure to appear at the appointed time, the representative of the technical supervision of the Customer Acts are compiled by representatives of the construction and installation organization unilaterally marked with the failure of the customer's representative and the organization of the organization of the Customer.

In case of refusal to the representative of the technical supervision of the Customer from the signing of acts for hidden work due to poor performance of work, it reports to the organization of the Customer and the Contractor to take appropriate measures. Acts for hidden work on their species in which the indicators are indicated are drawn up according to the current forms.

1.4.7 In case of inspection control, a sample inspection of compliance with the technological discipline and the quality of construction and installation work is made. Inspection control is carried out by commissions appointed by the order of the contractor. The results of inspection control are issued by the commission of the Commission or the report, which are presented to the official appointed inspection for the adoption of measures for the conclusions of the Commission.

1.4.8 In accordance with the contract of contractor, the contractor at the construction site contains the work of the work of work since the start of work and before they are completed. At the same time, the Agreement under the Agreement of the Parties defines the procedure for making a journal (for each object separately or as a whole, or types of work) and also negotiates the right of the Customer for the Contribution of the magazine. Customer's requirements in terms of performance of work must be recorded in the log and executed by the Contractor with the subsequent record in the journal on the elimination of marked deficiencies in the performance of work.

2 Earthworks

2.1 General

2.1.1 During the construction of linear structures of local communication, earthworks are produced, which include:

but) Ruffle of soil, digging and filling of trenches and pitchers for laying and mounting cables, as well as for the construction of cable sewage communication;

b) Drain of kittlers for the NPP device on cable lines laid in the ground;


by construction

linear structures

local communication networks (part 1).


Designations and abbreviations

1.1. General provisions

1.4. Control of quality construction - installation work
Section 2. Earthworks

2.1. General provisions

2.2. Characteristics and classification of soils

2.3. Ringing tracks

2.4.Fractions of land production sites

2.5. Equare and restoration of road and street covers

2.6.The dwelker of soils in trenches and attached to the open way

2.7. Development of trenches and boilers in frozen soils

2.8. Refining walls of trenches and catlovanov

2.9. Putting up trenches and catlovanov, soil coup

2.10. Device horizontal wells for cable transitions through automotive and railways

2.11. Development of cable transitions with laying asbestos-cement pipes in metal cases

2.12. Development of cable transitions by way of horizontal directional drilling

2.13 Land Recultivation
Section 3 Construction of underground cable sealing communication

3.1 General

3.2 Types and sizes of pipes and cable dialing blocks

3.3 General requirements for laying cable sealing pipelines

3.4 Technology laying cable sewage pipelines from asbestos-cement pipes

3.5 Technology laying cable sewage pipelines from concrete blocks

3.6 Technology laying cable sewage pipelines from polyethylene pipes

3.7 Laying of polyvinyl chloride pipes

3.8 Gasket pipelines on bridges

3.9 Enter pipelines to cable sewage wells

3.10 Cable Sewer Bends

3.11 Basic Materials for Construction and Production of Wells Cable Sewing Communication

3.12 Production and construction of reinforced concrete wells

3.13 Construction of brick wells

3.14 Boots for Cable Sewer Tubes

3.15 Equipment of Wells Cable Sewaging Communication

3.16 Features of the construction of cable sewage communication in the loaded and complex outdoor conditions

3.17 Construction and equipment of wells for the placement of non-maintained regenerative interim items of ICM transmission systems

3.18 Construction of cable tray sewage communication on the converted soils of the North

3.19 Device of inputs of cables of local communication networks in the building of communication enterprises

3.20 Distribution cabinets

3.21 Use of multichannels (blocks) from plastics
Section 4. Laying cables of local communication networks in underground cable sealing, manifolds, tunnels, bridges and in room facilities

4.1 General. Input control of construction lengths.

4.2 Grouping of cable building lengths

4.3 Preparation of cable sewage to cable laying

4.4 Laying of cable cables with metal cable seats

4.5 Features of laying optical cables

4.6 Laying of communication cables in wells

4.7 Laying cables in collectors, tunnels and bridges

4.8 Laying Cable Communications in Protective Plastic Pipes (CPT)
Section 5 Laying cables of local communication networks in the ground

5.1 General

5.2 Breakdown of the track

5.3 Cable Laying in Overlook Trench

5.4 Cable Cable Laying Cables

5.5 Features of laying cables with outer plastic shells

5.6 Features of laying optical cables

5.7 Cable Laying in Eternal Merzlotes

5.8 Features of the production of work in mountain conditions

5.9 Features of cable laying in winter

5.10 Designation of road cable gasket
Section 6 Laying Communication Cables through Water Barriers

6.1. General provisions

6.2 Preparatory work

6.3 Cable laying through water barriers with a knife cable

6.4 Pre-development of underwater trenches

6.5 Laying cable with plaques in the finished trench

6.6 Strengthening underwater cables in the shores

6.7 Fencing of underwater cable transitions
Section 7 Cable Introduction Device in public and residential buildings and gaskets in them cables

7.1 General

7.2 Underground Cable Input Device in Building

7.3 Cable air input device in building

7.4 Open Laying Cables on Buildings Walls

7.5 Application of a construction and assembly pistol when laying cables and installation of communication equipment

7.6 Cable Passage Device Through walls and overlaps

7.7 Gasket and cable mounting

7.8 Cable Laying in Hidden Wiring Channels
Section 8 Construction of air pillars and rack lines with suspension wires and cables

8.1 General

8.2 Linear fittings, materials and tools

8.3 Support

8.4 Production and equipped supports

8.5 Breakdown Lines Line

8.6 Transportation of supports

8.7 digging holes under support

8.8 Installation and strengthening supports

8.9 Cable supports

8.10 Wire rolling and wire connection

8.11 Suspension and regulation of wires

8.12 Candidage of wires on insulators

8.13 Suspension of cables on air bond communication lines

8.14 Construction of rack lines
Section 9 Construction of fiber-optic transmission lines on power lines with voltage 0.4 - 35 kV

9.1 General

9.2 Organization and conduct of preparatory work

9.3 Rolling and Suspension OK

9.4 Execution of descents OK from support

9.5 Installation of connecting couplings

9.6 Laying cable in the cable block (cable sewage) and in the ground

This Guide to the construction of linear structures of local communication networks ", M., 2005 (hereinafter referred to as" management ... ") developed OJSC SSCTB-Tomas and is the second supplemented and corrected edition of the" Guidelines ... ", published in 1995.

In this "Guide ..." We take into account the modern level of communication technology, including optical-fiber, modern technologies for installation of communication cables, new types of measuring equipment are given, taken into account: the experience of construction and assembly organizations in the construction of linear structures, received proposals for the correction of publication As well as the requirements set forth in regulatory documents issued for the period 1992-2004.

In section 10 "Device of subscriber points", it is not provided for a description of the work in the construction of various types of subscriber access networks, and only general information about these networks is given.

When developing the first edition "Guidelines ..." Sections are compiled: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19 - Yu.G. Kanevsky; 3 - E.P.Dubrovsky; 4, 12 - A.K. Belenko; 11 - see. Kuleshov, and A.A. Nikitin; V.V. Koltsov; 13 - A.A. Nikitin; 14 - S.P. Chrome; 15 - N.G. Train; 16 - G.I. Inyushin; 17 - K.T.N. Kk Nikolsky, 18-k.t.n. LD Reasonable.

The responsible and technical editing of the first edition was carried out by k.t.n. IN AND. Maksimov and Yu.G. Kanevsky.

The development of the second edition took part: Yu.I. Salnikov - General Guide, Yu.G. Kanevsky - processing of individual sections, drawing up and inclusion in "Guide ..." add-ons, adjustment of the content of partitions, see Kuleshov - partitions of sections 11 and 12; K.T.N. V.N. Spiridonov-Reception of section 15; P.S. Haikin - Processing of Section 13, Yu.G. Kanevsky, see Kuleshov, S.Kh. MiftyaTeddinov, Ph.D. V.N. Spiridonov - technical and general editing, N.V. Dehin -Technical design and preparation for the publication.

The second edition of the "leadership ..." is considered by the specialists of the organizations of the industry "Communication: Svyazstroyzdtal CJSC, Tsniis, OAO Hypospide, OAO Hypraseyaz SPB, MGTS OJSC, MOSTELEFONSTROY OJSC, CJSC Concern Svyazstroy.

Remarks and suggestions of these organizations in accordance with the consolidation of comments and proposals are made to the content of the "Guide ...".

Remarks and suggestions for "leadership ..." should be sent to OJSC SSCTB-Tomas (105066, Moscow, ul. Lower Krasnevskaya, d. 13), fax: 095-267-33-98.
^ Normative references

In this "manual ..." used links to the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law. M.; 2003.

GOST R 1.5-92 General requirements for building, presentation, design and content of standards

GOST 9.602-89 Unified corrosion and aging protection system. Underground facilities. General requirements for protection against corrosion

GOST 25-100-95 Soils. Classification

GOST 464-79 Grounding for stationary wired communication settings, radio relay stations, wire broadcasting and antennas of collective television reception systems. Resistance standards

GOST 1839-80 Pipes and clutches asbestos-cement for non-pressure pipelines. Technical conditions

GOST 5151 * -79 Wooden drums for electrical cables and wires

GOST 8591-76 hatches for cable telephone sealing. Technical conditions

GOST 14857-76 protection schemes from hazardous voltages and currents arising from wired broadcasting lines. General requirements and norms

Rules for the construction and repair of air lines and radio broadcasts (Ministry of Communications of the USSR, "Communication", M.1975), h. I-IV

Additions and changes to the "rules for the construction and repair of air lines and radio broadcasting networks" Part I and, III, 1975; M. "Communication": 1979

Rules for the protection of lines and constructions of communication (approved the governments of the Russian Federation of 09.07.95. № 578)

Rules of Design, Construction, Operation of the VOLS on the airline power lines with a voltage of 0.4 - 35 kV, Ministry of Communications of Russia, Ministry of Energy of Russia, M. 2003)

Guide for the acceptance of the linear structures of wired bond and wired broadcasting. "SSCTB-Tomas", M., 1990

"Rules for commissioning of communication facilities" (commissioned by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation by order of 09.09.2002. No. 113)

Temporary position on the acceptance of the construction of objects. Gosstroy Russia, M., 1993

Unified Guidelines for the preparation of executive documentation for the completed construction linear facilities of wired communication. SSCTB-Tomas, M., 1991

Technological map for sealing of channels and hatches of the keys of cable sewage, JSC "SCTB-Tomas", 1996


TU 16 K71-008-87 Cables Telephone with air-paper insulation in lead, steel and aluminum shells

TU 16 K71-061-89 Cables Rural Communications (CSPP)

TU 16 K87-001-00 Optical cables for a mutually related network of Russia. CJSC "Moskabel Fujikura"

TU 16-505 221-78 Wires with a polyethylene protective sheath for field communication. Specifications (P-274, P-268)

TU 16.505.715-75 Symmetric Low Frequency Communication Cables (TZA)

TU 16-705.455-87 OPCH OPCH-1 Cables

TU 3587-001-58743450-2003 Optical cables. LLC "EUROKABEL I"

TU 3587-002-51702873-00. Optical OGMKM cables

TU 3587-006-001-450.628-2-99 Communication cables with freely laid optical fibers. LLC "ELIKS-Cable"

TU 3587-009-48973982-2000 Optical communication cables. LLC "Opten"

TU 5297-023-27564371-01 Consoles for cable wells and mines of the CCC

TU 529633-001-27459005-00 Protective polyethylene pipes for linear communication facilities. CJSC "Ploxt"
^ Designations and abbreviations

(Reductions are given in the order of their placement in the "Guide ...")

Section 1. Organization of construction of linear facilities of local communication networks
1.1. General provisions

The local telephone communication network is an integral part of the public communication network, which is part of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation.

Local telephone networks consist of linear and station structures.

Linear structures include subscriber (al) and connecting lines (Sl). The subscriber line is a set of chains connecting the city or rural (district) telephone exchange with the subscriber point, and consists of areas: the main, distribution and subscriber wiring.

Subscriber lines can be direct power covered by means of padded cables directly to the telephone exchange, or included in the telephone station on the cabinet diagram through distribution cabinets (SC).

Lines from telephone devices before junction boxes are subscriber wiring. Subscriber postings are included in the distribution telephone box (MTT), from which the distribution cable departs.

The switchgear from several CRTs, as a rule, are included in the distribution cable of the corresponding capacitance, which is paved to the distribution cabinet (SC) and turns on to its terminal devices.

The totality of the lines between distribution boxes and distribution cabinets is called the distribution network. Main sections of the subscriber network are laid from distribution cabinets to PBX; Stations, including intercity, are associated with connecting lines (sl).

Linear facilities of the local communication network are a complex of technical means forming the distribution medium consisting of a cable or air line, over pairs of wires (optical fibers) of which physical chains are created (fiber-optic paths) designed to transmit telecommunication signals.

Line-cable facilities of local communication networks consist: from cables laid in cable sewage, in collectors, in ground, in buildings on wall bases and in channels, as well as suspended on pole and racking supports; all types of couplings and processes; maintained amplifying (NUP) and regeneration points (NRP); distribution cabinets and boxes; Equipment for cable content under excess air (gas) pressure; Cable transitions through automotive, railways, underground communications and water obstacles.

Construction of air lines include: pillar air lines, wires of which are suspended on wooden, reinforced concrete supports or wooden in reinforced concrete prefixes of supports; cable supports with cable transient devices (UKS, YACGM, Yarkz, etc.); inputs of air lines in enterprises of communication, residential and other buildings; transitions of air lines with intersections of contact networks of ground electric transport, iron and highways, power lines and communication; The rack lines, the wires of which are suspended on mounted on the roofs of buildings of intermediate, corner and terminal racking supports.

The main types of construction and installation work during the construction of linear structures of local communication networks are:

but) Production of earthworks, construction of cable sewage, laying cables in sewers, reservoirs, tunnels, gaskets in the ground, laying cables through water obstacles, automobile and railways, cable entry device in buildings with cable laying on walls with installation of terminal devices and subscriber points ;

b) construction of pillars links with installation and equipping supports, suspension of air wires and cables, lightning equipment; The device of rack lines with the production of the same work as on polelines, as well as subscriber points with a laying of single-page cables, installation of telephone sets and connecting AZU (with air input).

in) The device of linear inputs in the building of telephone stations with the installation of metal structures and reinforcement in the rooms of the inputs of cables, gloves and pitches;

d) installation of cables in cable sewage wells, in pita, on air cable lines and cables laid on the walls of buildings; symmetrization of cables, as well as inclusion (charging) of cables in boxes, boxes Boxes, cable boxes, optical terminal devices;

e) production of electrical measurements in the installation of cables, as well as on the completed installation of communication lines;

Protection of cables from corrosion, from hazardous stresses and currents;

e) Installation of equipment for the content of cables under excess pressure and the setting of cables under constant overpressure;

g) Drawing up executive documentation for completed construction linear structures for presenting them to the acceptance commissions.
^ 1.2. Organization of construction production
1.2.1. The construction of construction production includes a collection of organizational and technical measures that ensure the most efficient use of labor, machines, mechanisms, materials, as a result of which the successful performance of production goals is achieved, commissioning construction facilities in a timely manner, with minimal labor and material costs and at high quality of work.

1.2.2. In the production of work on the construction of linear structures of local networks, the requirements provided for by project documentation, state standards, departmental construction norms of the Ministry of Information Technologies and the Communications of the Russian Federation, Technical Conditions (OU) and Instructions for the Installation of Equipment Manufacturers, Cable and Linear Armature, which are valid For labor protection and this "leadership ...". .

1.2.3. When the construction of facilities in the sections of the established urban development, the conditions for the production of work with the allocation of dangerous zones, borders and the axes of underground structures and communications should be agreed with the state supervisory authorities, local administration and operational organizations ..

1.2.4. Performance of a seasonal work must be provided for the most favorable time. For year-round construction of linear structures should be created, allowing to produce work in winter without performing labor-intensive earthworks.

1.2.5. Construction and installation works should be minimized as possible. In the production of earthy, loading and unloading, transport and cable works, which have a greater labor intensity, should, if possible, the integrated mechanization is used, that is, the mechanization of both the main and auxiliary and associated construction processes ..

1.2.6. Works on the construction of local telephone networks are carried out by organizations and individuals with licenses for the production of a particular type of work and registered on construction activities in the manner prescribed by law. The customers of the facilities of local communication networks can be legal and individuals with funds.

1.2.7. The organization of the Customer (or individuals) and general contractors enter into a contract for the construction of facilities of local communication networks, containing common (unchanged, as a rule, for all cases) and special conditions reflecting the specifics of a particular construction object or unusual local circumstances requiring inclusion Additional consistent obligations. Relations between them are based solely on the contractual conditions.

1.2.8. The rights and obligations of the responsible performer work (manufacturer of work, master, brigadier, working) are governed by job descriptions and contractual agreements.
^ 1.3. Preparation of construction production
1.3.1. Preparation of construction production should ensure the technological deployment of construction and installation work and the interconnected activities of all partners involved in the construction of linear structures.

1.3.2. General organizational and technical preparation of construction includes: input control of the received design and estimate documentation, conclusion of contracts and subcontract for construction, discharge in the nature of the construction of cable sewage, cable laying, air lines; registration of permits (orders) and tolerances for the production of works, the organization of deliveries to the construction of materials, equipment, structures and finished products; preparation of motor vehicles and mechanisms; obtaining and storing cables, equipment, fittings, materials, non-type products and their input control; the formation of divisions of the workforce in accordance with the calculation of its need, as well as providing a tool, inventory, small mechanization and measuring equipment; Exquising and preparation of housing for workers; Placing a plot of construction, an attached warehouse

1.3.3. When familiarizing with tracks of laying lines of local communication, it is necessary to clarify: the characteristics of the soil and the nature of the area; the presence and nature of the intersections of the tracks with power lines, automotive and railways, water obstacles, underground structures; sections of the construction of cable sewage and gaskets of cables in the soil, on which the mechanization of earthworks is possible; points of placement of cable or other sites and the necessary warehouse premises; availability of housing, drinking water, nutritional organization; condition of roads and entrances to places of storage of materials on the tracks of the cable laying and the construction of the WLS; the condition and construction readiness of buildings and premises intended for installation of communication equipment and primarily the premises of the input of cables and cross; The presence of enterprises capable of manufacturing precast concrete wells, reinforced concrete supports and consoles for construction, let go of the trade concrete and the conditions for providing these services.

1.3.4. During the preparation for the construction of each facility of local communication networks, it is also provided for: the study of project linear personnel and work drawings, as well as in the nature of the construction of linear communication structures; Drawing up, if necessary, project production project (PPR).

1.3.5. For most construction objects of linear cable structures of local communication networks, it is recommended to develop work projects (PPR). They are documents of engineering preparation of production that determine the rational organization of work on construction and are drawn up in order to determine the most effective methods of carrying out construction and installation work, contributing to the reduction of their cost and labor intensity, reduction of construction periods, as well as improved quality of work, which ultimately should provide Receiving a profit. When developing a PPR, it is recommended to use the instructions and forms shown in SNiP 3.01.01-85 *. "Organization of construction production", M., 1990 and in "recommendations for the preparation of projects for the construction of works on the construction of Linear structures of the GTS", SSKTB, M., 1982.

1.3.6. The quality of the work performed, the labor productivity of the worker and improving the organization of labor largely depends on the technical equipment tools, adaptations and means of small mechanization. When recruiting them, it is recommended to equip the brigade (links) of the working tool kits in accordance with their professions in the tool kits, it is necessary to include labor protection and safety facilities. When used at the construction of new types of cables, equipment, terminal devices, couplings, mounting kits, materials, cable and line reinforcement, the Customer and the Contractor must coordinate decisions on their use on this facility and to ensure training specialists of contracting and operational organizations in the rules of installation of new equipment with Attracting manufacturers and supplier firms.
^ 1.4. Quality control of construction and installation work
1.4.1 A special place in the implementation of contractual obligations of the Contractor for the construction of local telephone facilities occupy the quality control of construction and installation work, which is determined by the compliance of their indicators for the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation.

1.4.2 In the process of technical preparation of construction production, it is recommended to conduct the following activities that contribute to improving the quality of SMR: study of project documentation and decision-making on improving the organization of work, on the introduction of progressive technology, accumulated experience, rational composition of mechanisms, tools and devices; ensuring the construction of regulatory documentation, projects for the production of works, technological maps or technological schemes for the entire complex of work performed.

1.4.3 In the process of logistical support for construction, activities are advisable positively affecting the quality of CMR, namely: timely and complete supply of products, materials required for construction; Organization of testing the quality of products and materials supplied, equipment; Ensuring the regulatory quality of products manufactured at the submissions of the artist's work.

1.4.4 When working in construction, qualified personnel should take into account at least the following requirements: the qualifications of specialists must comply with the technical complexity of the work performed, and the training and advanced training programs should provide for the study of the methods of improving the quality of SMR, including progressive technology, new mechanisms, tools and adaptations . An analysis of the characteristic defects allowed when performing work and the adoption of measures to prevent them should be carried out.

It is also recommended: Creating conditions for the qualitative implementation of CMR based on real planning, providing rhythmic performance; Ensuring satisfactory living conditions at facilities, especially linear, which reduces personnel fluidity and the effective application of the material incentive system of improving the quality of construction and installation work.

1.4.5 The quality control of the SMR should be carried out at all stages of their implementation and is divided into the following forms: input; operating; acceptance; inspection.

When input control, the compliance of the design of design and estimate documentation, equipment, structures, assembly components and materials established by the established requirements is made.

At the same time, compliance with the rules for transportation, storage and storage are also checked.

The composition of inspections, tests and measurements carried out in the process of input control, and the procedure for their design are determined by the relevant instructions. Checking the electrical parameters of the equipment is made after its installation.

During operational control, the technological discipline and quality of work in the process of their execution and after the completion of a certain production operation is completed. The composition and its order are established by the schemes of operational quality control (SOCK) developed directly by the organization - the responsible performer of work.
The approximate scheme of operational quality control of the work is shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 - Construction of cable sewage

All defects identified during operational control must be eliminated before the execution of subsequent operations.

When accepting control, the quality of the structural elements made, individual structures, types of work and objects is carried out as a whole. The intermediate acceptance of the work performed is carried out by technical supervision by the customer appointed. Experts allocated by the Operational Organization may be appointed as representatives of the customer.

1.4.6 Surveying in nature at an intermediate acceptance by a technical supervision representative, together with a representative of the Contractor, is subject to hidden work, which, when performing subsequent final operations, become inaccessible to inspection without opening or holding other events. Such work includes: laying pipelines and construction of cable sewage wells; laying cables and protective wires in the ground; laying cables in cable sewage channels; device cable transitions through automobile and railways; device cable transitions through water obstacles; Installation of couplings and coarse cables; Installation of grounds; Construction of the NPP; Build equipment and installation of supports and suspension of air lines of air lines.

The representative of the Customer's technical supervision must be informed by the Contractor Representative when, where and what works are being carried out, to systematically invite these work to examine their quality and drawing up acts on hidden and other work performed. In case of failure to appear at the appointed time, the representative of the technical supervision of the Customer Acts are compiled by representatives of the construction and installation organization unilaterally marked with the failure of the customer's representative and the organization of the organization of the Customer.

In case of refusal to the representative of the technical supervision of the Customer from the signing of acts for hidden work due to poor performance of work, it reports to the organization of the Customer and the Contractor to take appropriate measures. Acts for hidden work on their species in which the indicators are indicated are drawn up according to the current forms.

1.4.7 In case of inspection control, a sample inspection of compliance with the technological discipline and the quality of construction and installation work is made. Inspection control is carried out by commissions appointed by the order of the contractor. The results of inspection control are issued by the commission of the Commission or the report, which are presented to the official appointed inspection for the adoption of measures for the conclusions of the Commission.

1.4.8 In accordance with the contract of contractor, the contractor at the construction site contains the work of the work of work since the start of work and before they are completed. At the same time, the Agreement under the Agreement of the Parties defines the procedure for making a journal (for each object separately or as a whole, or types of work) and also negotiates the right of the Customer for the Contribution of the magazine. Customer's requirements in terms of performance of work must be recorded in the log and executed by the Contractor with the subsequent record in the journal on the elimination of marked deficiencies in the performance of work.
2 Earthworks
^ 2.1 General
2.1.1 During the construction of linear structures of local communication, earthworks are produced, which include:

but) Ruffle of soil, digging and filling of trenches and pitchers for laying and mounting cables, as well as for the construction of cable sewage communication;

b) Drain of kittlers for the NPP device on cable lines laid in the ground;

C) a device with a trenchless way of horizontal wells through automobile, railways and other communications for laying cables;

d) Drilling and digging holes for installation of supports of air lines;

e) Planning the track before passing by trenches with mechanisms and gasket cables with cable trimming equipment;

e) Recultivation of the disturbed layer of soil.

Works on loading and disbuilding the remaining soil, sand taking or soft soil, opening and restoration of street cover are accompanying when performing earthworks.

2.1.2 Earthworks can only be performed in the presence of approved project documentation.

2.1.3 In the production of earthworks, it should be carried out in addition to the requirements of this "leadership ..." also the requirements of the SNIP on earthworks, "rules for the protection of communication lines" and other regulatory documents regulating the production of earthworks.

Works on the laying of cable lines of local communication in places of intersection by them of the security zones of the main pipeline pipelines of the gas and oil industry, as well as electrical networks, should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the relevant instructions for the production of earthworks in the security zones of these underground communications.

2.1.4 Until the start of earthworks in the settlements, the Customer is obliged to issue permission to fulfill the work provided for by the draft work and transfer it to the contractor.

The contractor is obliged to obtain an order for the production of work on the basis of permission.

In the orders are indicated:

but) surname, name, patronymic and position of person responsible for conducting work;

b) Term of construction work on the facility, linked to the draft work project;

in) The organizations affecting the work on the restoration of road surfaces, the transplant of green plantings and the timing of these works;

d) Organizations whose representatives should be caused to a place before the start of earthworks.

2.1.5 The production of earthworks within the security zones of existing underground structures (power and communication cables, pipelines, etc.), as well as overhead structures during their intersection (railways, highway), when laying cable by road, etc. allowed only if available The written permission of the organization operating these structures and in the presence of its representative, as well as the responsible performer of work. The production of work in such places should be coordinated and reflected in the project documentation.

2.1.6 The construction organization is obliged no later than in three days before the start of the earthworks referred to in 2.1.5, in writing, notify about the upcoming works, and in a day - to cause representatives of interested organizations to clarify the location of the structures belonging to them and negotiate measures, excluding damage to these structures. Before the arrival of representatives, the production of earthworks is prohibited.

2.1.7 When working within the security zones of underground communications, the responsible performer of work is obliged to instruct a brigadier and machinists on the receipt of work on the work of work, show the place of passage of underground communications according to the drawings and in kind, to designate the boundaries, within which it is forbidden to work with earthmoving mechanisms, as well as apply shock mechanisms.

A preliminary shuffing should be performed to accurately determine underground structures intersectable by the path of the cable cable paved or the cable sewage pipeline.

Shurfs must have a length of 1 m along the axis of the future trench. In the case when underground facilities are parallel to the future track, the shurts should be dug perpendicular to its axis every 20 m. The length of each shurf should exceed the width of the projected trench on each side of it at least as 0.3 m.

The shurt depth, if the wanted structures are not detected, should exceed the depth of the trench by 0.2 m. The shuffing should be carried out in the presence of a representative operating underground structures.

Opened under races and when developing trenches, underground structures should be protected by a special box and suspended by the manner specified in the working drawings.

2.1.8 Working documentation, a warrant for the right to produce work and a copy of the written document-notification must be at the work site.

2.1.9 When an underground structures not specified in the working drawings are discovered during the execution of earthworks, work should be immediately discontinued until the appointment of the appointment of these structures and coordinates the further production of work with their owners.

2.1.10 In case of accidental damage to any underground structure, the responsible performer of work is obliged to immediately terminate work in this place, take measures to ensure the safety of working, and report on the operating organization that happens to its head and in the emergency service.

2.1.11 When gas detected in trenches or recovery, they must be immediately discontinued, and people are removed from the danger zone. Works can be continued only after the cessation of further gas flow.

2.1.12 All damaged in the development of trenches of the structure (cuvette, hydrophores, aryks, channels, embankments, improved coatings, fences, etc.) must be restored.

There should be a reclamation of a fertile layer of soil on arable land. The volume and conditions for performing reclamation work are determined by project documentation.

2.1.13 When digging trenches and boilers, it is necessary to ensure that the size of the discharged area (especially in cities and settlements) allowed to complete work during the working day.

During the construction of linear structures of local networks, earthworks must be maximized as possible.

The development of the soil is manually allowed in cases where the use of mechanisms on local conditions is impossible (for example, in the construction of cable sewage and cable laying in areas of cities saturated with underground communications) or is economically impractical due to small amounts of work and disadvantage in this case, transportation mechanisms for significant distances.
^ 2. 2 Characteristics and classification of soils
2.2.1 Soil - any rock or soil, which occurs in the upper layers of the earth's crust. Soils have the following main characteristics that determine the methods of their development:

but) bulk mass - mass of 1 m3 of soil in natural state;

b) Density - mass of 1 m3 of soil in a tight state;

in) clutch - the initial resistance of the soil shift;

d) loosening is an increase in the volume of soil in violation of its natural structure (measured in percent);

e) humidity - the degree of saturation of the soil with water (is determined in percent as the ratio of the mass of water in the ground to the mass of solid particles);

e) The angle of natural slope is the angle between the horizontal plane and the side surface of the earthen structure, in which the soil is in a state of limit equilibrium.

2.2.2 Soils can serve:

but) material bases of buildings and structures;

b) medium for placing structures in them;

in) The material of the structure itself.

2.2.3 The classification of soils is given in GOST 25100.
2.3 Breakdown tracks
2.3.1 The breakdown of the tracks of the gaskets in the ground or for the construction of cable sewage should be made in strict accordance with the working drawings, geodetic marks.

2.3.2 The breakdown of the route consists of two working operations:

but) Transfer from a working drawing to nature and fixing the swivel and main intermediate centers of the trace axis, which should be given in absolute bindings from local landmarks and from the "red line" building. The breakdown should be carried out with the help of a geodetic tool, when binding to local orientations - with the help of a measuring chain or roulette;

b) Definitions of straightness and transfer of the latitude of the longitudinal axis of the route between the swivel and the main intermediate centers with the help of the hips, the measuring chain or roulette.

2.3.3 Fixing the rectinity of the tracks, as well as the places of control points when laying underground structures using the milestone, should be performed as follows.

The main milestone No. 1 with a height of 3 to 4 m with a red flag is set at the starting point, and the second one milestone number 2 is set at the next point (in the rotary or main intermediate center) so that it can be seen from the first milestone. Then there is a milestone between the first and second milestones in such a way that it is in the target (on one straight line) with the first and second milestones. The third and subsequent milestones are installed by the first side every 40 to 50 m.

The correctness of the installation of the third milestone is tested by eye visiting from the first to the second milestone. If the third milestone is on a straight line connecting the first and second milestones, it covers the second milestone for the observer on the side of the first milestone and vice versa. Installation sites are fixed by spicy (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1- Installing milestones
The pegs used to break down the tracks must have a length of 30 to 40 cm and the diameter from 3 to 4 cm. The lower part of the cavity is shook at the end, and on the top make a slice for marking. For the clutch, the carriage is harvested with a slot using a scrap. The pegs should be scored in the ground to the depth of 100th150mm.

2.3.4 With manual design of trenches at a distance equal to half of its width of pegs, you should pull the cord denoting a line of one of the edges of the trench.

2.3.5 In the case when the discrepancy between the working drawings of nature and the need to fulfill work with a deviation from project data are found, the construction organization must invite representatives of the Customer and the project organization to solve the issue of changing the route, which is issued by the act or correction of the working drawing, which must be certified Signs of customer representatives, project and interested organizations.

2.3.6 In the process of breakdown, the GTS trails must be considered as follows:

A) the intersection of streets by underground structures of the GTS should be carried out at an angle of 90 ° to the street axis, only if it is impossible, a deviation from a direct angle is allowed within no more than 45 °;

B) the intersection of railway tracks (rail and tram) underground facilities of the GTS should be carried out only at an angle of 90 °;

C) In the gardens, parks and squares, the breakdown of the tracks should be carried out in the presence of a representative of garden and park economy and green construction, taking into account the least damage to green plantings.

2.3.7 When breaking the route of laying cable sewage and communication cables in the ground, the distances from the ground and underground structures specified in the project documentation must be observed.
^ 2.4 Fencing of land production sites
2.4.1 Plots of the production of earthworks in urban environments should be stamping on portable racks (Figure 2.2A and Figure 2.26), and during production or at the request of the territorial administration - inventory shields (Figure 2.3A and Figure 2.36) or a deaf fence. In coordination with the owner of the work site, signal plastic ribbons can be applied

The fence should be indicated: the name of the construction organization, the surname and the number of the manufacturer's phone number.

b) Fencing of trenches, separated on the sidewalk

Figure 2.2 - The fencing of trenches and catlovanov slingsters on portable racks

Figure 2.3A - Shield inventory fence

Figure 2.36 - Rack for installing a shield of inventory fence
2.4.2 If necessary, the production of earthworks on the roadway of the road, the organization that produces these works should coordinate with the local government agencies a scheme for the fence of work and placement of road signs, indicating the types of work and their fulfillment. The place of production of work, which makes it difficult to move the movement of transport, should be fenced in the day of the "quiet move" signs, and with the onset of darkness and with a dense fog - a red light signal. Light signals are installed at the ends of the trenches and in the catlers.

2.4.3 To ensure the normal passage of transport and pedestrians, during the breaking of streets, roads and travel over the trenches, transport bridges should be installed (Figure 2.4) and pedestrian bridges with railings (Figure 2.5). Transport bridges should be designed to travel through the street of the straight transport with a load on the axis equal to 10 tons, and at the entrance to the courtyards - 7 tons.

Pedestrian inventory bridge must have dimensions: a width of at least 0.75 m, height with periods -1.0 m.

The length of the bridges and bridges must overlap the trench or beating outside the natural slope so that when using the walls, the walls do not occur.

Trenches and pitched under transport bridges must be fixed with spaces.

Figure 2.4- Transport Bridge

Figure 2.5 - Pedestrian bridge
2.4.4 The place of production under tram paths should be fenced with special fences and signals set at a distance provided by the safety rules in the production of these works.
^ 2.5 Opening and restoration of road and street covers
2.5.1 The opening of road and street covers is the most time-consuming workflow preceding the execution of earthworks and therefore in need of maximum mechanization.

2.5.2 The autopsy of asphalt cover is made using asphaltores and a pneumatic jackhaft.

For the opening of concrete cover and bases of streets and roads should be applied concrete rates. The jackhammers and concrete rates are powered by mobile compressor stations.

2.5.3 Cobblestone bridges can be opened with single-line excavators or using a pneumatic jackhaft.

2.5.4 Outpitation of street covers is made on the area determined by the size of trenches or kittlers, taking into account the norms of additional opening of the covers shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 - Norms of additional opening of street covers

2.5.5 In the production of work in parks and squares, the upper vegetation cover is considered as street cover.

2.5.6 The materials obtained from the opening of street coverings, as well as other top layers of the soil in order to avoid their backbuts and clogging, the soil taken out of the trench should be added at a distance of at least 1 m from the edge of the trench from the side opposite to the dump of the soil.

2.5.7 Temporary mixing of trenches and boilers on the roadway should be made by a construction organization that performs earthworks immediately after their completion. The final recovery of street covers is made by specialized organizations under contracts with construction organizations.
^ 2.6 Development of soils in trenches and pit in the open way
2.6.1 Trenches and cutlers for laying and mounting cables, as well as for the construction of cable sewage, should, as a rule, be broken by a mechanized manner.

2.6.2 Depending on the types of linear cable structures and the conditions for the execution of earthworks, it is recommended to apply the following land mechanisms:

but) When digging trenches on cutting plots of CTC cable lines, as well as for laying pipelines in urban areas of the new building - Excavators of continuous action chains and rotary, and at small volumes - single-loving


b) When digging the kittlers for the installation of precast concrete wells of cable sewage, mounting couplings in the ground, as well as for the NUP and NPP device - single-loving excavators.

2.6.3 The width of the trenches developed by earthmoving mechanisms is determined by the size of the working body (bucket, scraper).

2.6.4 The width of the trench with the manual method of development, depending on the number of cable paved and the depths of their gasket, see Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 - Trench width with manual development method

2.6.5 When developing in the dump, the soil should be folded:

but) Kotlovanov and in trenche depth to 1.2 m - at a distance of less than 0.5 m from the browch (in settlements - from the side of the roads of the streets);

b) Kotlovanov depth more than 1.2 m - at a distance of at least 1m from the brow.

When digging, the kittles are allowed to throw out the soil on two sides.

2.6.6 On the slopes of ravines, steep climbs and descents over 30 ° and to 45 °, the trench should be tied with zigzag ("snake"), with a maximum deviation from the axial straight line 1.5 m at a length of 5 m (Figure 2.6). With slopes from 30 ° to 45 °, a cable with conventional armor is laid, and with abacks over 45 ° - with wire armor.

Figure 2.6 - cable gasket "Snake" with a bias from 30 ° to 45 °
^ 2.7 Development of tranches and pita in frozen soils
2.7.1 In frozen soils, with a thickness of the frozen layer, up to 0.25 m, the development of tranches by single-binded excavators with a tank of a capacity of up to 0.5 m3 without prior loosening was allowed. With the depth of the primer of the soil more than 0.25 m, it is necessary to perform a pre-jamming of the soil to the entire depth of freezing with the removal of the loose soil by one-docking excavator, or to develop trenches to the full depth of rotary excavators in accordance with their technical characteristics.

2.7.2 When manually designing tranches and boilers in the frozen soil, carried out, as a rule, for the construction of cable sewage in urban areas with a large number of underground communications, a preliminary heating of soil is applied.
Table 2.3 shows the methods for thawing the soil.
Table 2.3 - Technical and economic indicators of various ways of thawing soil

2.7.3 In practice, thawing of frozen ground burning under the metal boxes of wood fuel will be applied.

Application as a fuel of coal and petroleum products is almost impossible due to severe ambient air pollution. The most acceptable is the exercise of heating of soil using gas burners of infrared radiation. This method requires appropriate technical equipment and introduction into construction production,

2.7.4 When heating the soil in settlements where there are underground facilities, the safety regulations must be followed and the safety of these structures must be ensured.
^ 2.8 Fastening walls of trenches and catlovanov
2.8.1 The development of trenches and boilers with vertical walls in the soils of natural humidity without fastening can be made at a depth:

Not more than 1 m - in bulk, sandy and gravel soils;

No more than 1.25 m - in the sugary and sublinists of soils;

No more than 1.5 m - in clay soils;

Not more than 2 m - in particularly dense soils. In this case, the execution of work should be made immediately after the passage of trenches and the pit.

2.8.2 If the specified depths are exceeded, the digging of trenches and the kittlers is allowed only under the condition that the vertical walls or the sloping devices are allowed (Figure 2.7).

Figure 2.7 - Definition of slope
The greatest permissible steepness of the slopes of trenches and the pitchers in the soils of natural humidity should be determined by Table 2.4.

2.8.3 Digging trenches and pita in frozen soils of all breeds, with the exception of dry sandy, can be conducted with vertical walls without fasteners for the entire depth of their freezing. During the deepening below the level of frozen, the mount should be made.

2.8.4 Trenches and pitted in dry (bulk) sandy soils, regardless of the extent of their freezing, should be developed with the provision of the installed spanish resistance or with the wall fastening device.

2.8.5 Drain of trenches and pitted in heated (frosthed) soils should be performed with the necessary sustained steepness or wall mounting device in those cases (or places) when the depth of the heated area exceeds the dimensions specified in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4 - Maximum permissible steepness of slopes of trenches and catlovanov

2.8.6 At the intersections with rail or tramways, it is necessary to develop trenches and pitted with a mandatory fastening of their walls. Mounting tracks by rail packages follows only in the cases provided for by the project agreed with the paths of these paths.

2.8.7 Types of fastening of kittlers and trenches with vertical walls are shown in Figure 2.8 and in Table 2.5.

but) Horizontal frame mount;

b) Fastening horizontally solid;

in) Mounting horizontal with processes;

d) Mixed mount: horizontal, solid and tongs;

e) mount vertical frame;

e) Mount vertically solid
Figure 2.8 - Methods for fastening the walls of trenches and butt
Table 2.5 - Types of fastening of boilers and trenches with vertical walls

2.8.8 Mounting trenches and cut down to 5 m depth, as a rule, inventory devices. Inventory metal screw struts (Figure 2.9) are used to reduce forest consumption.

Figure 2.9 - Screw struts for fastening trenches
With a depth of more than 3 m, the fasteners should be carried out on individual projects approved by the management of the construction organization

2.8.9 In the absence of inventory devices, the details of the fastening of trenches and butt should be manufactured in place in compliance with the following requirements:

but) For fastening the soils of natural humidity (except sandy), boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm should be applied, and for soils of high humidity - at least 50 mm. The boards should be laid for vertical racks close to the ground with the strengthening of the struts;

b) Racks of fasteners should be installed at least after 1.5 m;

in) The distance between the vertical struts should not exceed 1 m. The struts are fixed by focus;

d) Over the brows, the upper boards must perform at least 15 cm;

e) Mounting nodes, which are based on the shelves to transfer the soil, must be made reinforced. The shelves are protected by onboard boards with a height of at least 15 cm.

2.8.10 The development of recesses in soils saturated with water (floats) should be carried out according to individual projects providing for safe work methods - artificial water supply, tongue fastening, etc.

2.8.11 The attachments of the pitchers and trenches should be disassembled upwards, as the soil backing up and simultaneously removes no more than two-three boards in normal soil, no more than one board - in floats. Before removing the boards of the lower part of the attachment, there should be temporary missile strips, and the old struts are allowed to be removed only after installing new; Fastenings should be dealt with in the presence of a responsible performer work.

In places where the disassembly of fasteners can cause damage to the structures under construction, as well as in the soil-floats, it is possible to partially or completely leave in the soil.

2.8.12 The walls of the kittlers and tranches developed by earthmoving machines should be attached to the finished shields that are lowered and cut down from above (the workers drop into the unwashed trench are prohibited). The development of trenches by earthmoving machines without the fixing device must be carried out with slopes.

2.8.13 The need, volume, and the method of fastening trenches are determined by design and estimate documentation.
2.9 Flipping of trenches and catlovanov, soil coup
2.9.1 When dripping trenches and recovery on country areas of the cable laying, measurement columns must be installed in the appropriate places. All underground

Constructions (couplings, cable, paved pipes, etc.) must be recorded in the project's work drawings and "tied" to constant benchmarks.

The backfilling of trenches and catlovanov, as a rule, should be made using mechanisms: bulldozers and trench-sacking.

2.9.2 At urban sections of the trench, it is necessary to fall asleep with the soil with such a calculation so that its most loose part is pumped into the lower layers of the trench.

Trenches, dug with a preliminary removal of solid road surface, should be filled with sandy soil.

In winter, trenches and pitchers should be filled with liner soil or sand.
2.9.3 The flow of the soil should be made by layers with a thickness of not over 20 cm with their careful layer-by-layer seal with electrical, pneumatic or manual traaming.

When using bulldozers, it is also necessary to provide layer-by-layer filling with a soil seal.

2.9.4 Flipping of trenches and pitched ground, clogged construction garbage, solid coating residues, etc., not allowed.

2.9.5 Trenches, beaten in rocking soils, must be filled with bridal soil without rock residues or sand to a height of 0.2-0.3 m for protection from mechanical damage of cable or pipes. The rest of the trench is falling asleep with soil from it.

2.9.6 Trenches, having wall mounts, fall asleep after removing the mounts. If the filming disassembly is not possible (dangerous), the latter, as noted, can be partially or completely left to the trench and falling asleep.

2.9.7 In the country areas of the route, as well as on non-planned and non-stricken streets above the trench, a roller from the soil should be formed to compensate for its subsequent shrinkage.

2.9.8 Flipping of trenches and pita in places of opened existing underground structures should be carried out in the presence of representatives of the relevant operational organizations.

2.9.9 When building the facilities of the GTS ground, which remained after laying pipelines, cables and installations of wells, as well as clogged soil and construction trash must be removed from the place of work.

2.9.10 The Earth should be taken on car dump trucks, and immersed in all possible cases using mechanical loaders or single-loving excavators. Manual loading of the soil is made at low volumes when the use of mechanisms is inappropriate. When removing the soil from the kittlers, single-line excavators excess soil should be immersed in a car directly with the machine.

2.9.11 Overbinding soil must be discouraged, first of all, to the place where the soil is addicted to the planning mark. Only after that the soil should be taken for landfills, the location of which should be coordinated with the territorial administration authorities.

2.9.12 When loading and disbuilding the soil, it is necessary to ensure that the conditioned materials obtained from the opening of the street cover (stone, plates, etc.) should be taken together with the soil.
^ 2.10 The device of horizontal wells for cable transitions through automotive and railways
2.10.1 If it is impossible to carry out the cable transition through automobile and railways in an open way, you should produce a device of horizontal wells with a hidden penetration under the roads.

2.10.2 Hidden penetration can be made:

but) a bunch with a soil seal without his excavation;

b) drilling;

in) Punishing the case (steel pipe of large diameter) with a recess of the soil.

2.10.3 Works on the device of horizontal wells should be made only in the presence of a working drawing consistent with all interested organizations. Works on the device of horizontal wells through railways must be performed in the presence of representatives of the road.

2.10.4 In all cases, the devices of horizontal wells should be carried out a breakdown of the wells of the well, breakdown and extinguishing of input and receiving kittels. Walls of the beloved kittlers should be fixed reliably inventory shields or boards with a thickness of 40 mm with spacers, regardless of the type of equipment.

2.10.5 The device of horizontal wells by a puncture is made using pneumatic transfers, for example, the type of IP-4603A, IP-4610 (Figure 2.10), the technical characteristics of which are shown in Table 2.6.

Compressed air to pneumatic feeders is served from mobile compressor stations.

but) without an expander;

b), c) with an expansion
Figure 2.10 - Pneumatic feeder IP-4603A
Table 2.6 - Technical data of pneumatic transfers

2.10.6 The design of the pneumatic transformation allows you to return it from the well by reversing in the event of a meeting with an insurmountable obstacle or when deviating from the necessary direction.

2.10.7 The work on the reinforcement of wells is carried out in the following sequence, following the following requirements:

but) Remove the input and receiving pit.

The length of the input pit (along the axis of the well) should be 5 m, the width is 1 m, the depth must correspond to the design depth of the well, but not less than 1 m (in order to avoid spontaneous output of the pneumatic surfactant to the surface).

The length of the receiving kit should be from 1.8 to 2.0 m, and the width and depth of 0.5 m greater than the input.

The input and receiving pit should be located at least 3 m from the zero browing of the cuvette, the road.

The bottom of the input pit should be aligned strictly horizontally by level.

The location of the kittlers and mechanisms is shown in Figure 2.11;

b) The pneumatic feeder is laid on the bottom of the pit and orient it in a given direction (in horizontal and vertical planes) using a cord, plumb and level, as shown in Figure 2.12;

1,2,6 - racks;

3 - cord;

4 - input boobs;

5 - Pneumatic feeder
Figure 2.12 - Installation of the pneumatic feeder
in) To give the pneumatic transfers when starting the desired direction in vertical and horizontal planes, it is recommended to use the IR-9214 launching device;

d) The pneumatic feeder is connected to the compressor with a pre-soldered compressed air of the hose, having a fitting (clutch) at the end;

e) The hose is laid on Eight eight or snake to avoid spontaneous rotation of the nozzle, as shown in Figure 2.13;

Figure 2.13 - laying the hose from the compressor

e) Opening the valve from the receiver, the pneumatic barrier is produced (with failure, repeated starts are carried out with an inflection and subsequent sharp straightening of the hose).

g) At the beginning of the deepening of the pneumatic bed, until it occurs its reliable grip with the soil, it is necessary to apply an effort to it in the direction of movement using the lever (scrap);

h) After the pneumatic feeder delves into the ground into a portion of the body length, the machine must be stopped, check the position of the pneumatic feeder and in case of deviation of it using a scrap, shift the tail part of the pneumatic feeder in the desired side.

After that, run the pneumatic feeder and the pressure to bring to the nominal (6 kgf / cm2).

When passing the weak soils, if the movement of the machine is stopped (the machine works in one place), it is recommended to reduce the pressure of compressed air.

To avoid self-service or stopping the pneumatic barrier during work, you need to constantly ensure that the hose is in a well without begging and rotation. At the exit of the pneumatic feeder from the soil in order to avoid the collapse of the wall of the receiving pit, the pressure from 3 to 4 kgf / cm2 should be reduced;

and) The well, if necessary, expand the secondary penetration with the pneumatic feeder with fixing the extender of the appropriate diameter on its housing;

to) When meeting with an insurmountable obstacle or with an invincible deviation of the pneumatic feeder from the desired direction, it must be stopped and returned from the well by reversing, which is carried out in accordance with the factory instruction attached to the pneumatic feeder;

l) After entering the pneumatic feeder from the soil into the receiving kittle, the air supply is stopped and the pneumatic feeder from the pit is removed;

m) at low temperature and high humidity, when there is a risk of engine friction, it is recommended to use moisture separators and lubricate the dissellive fuel passage;

n) Asbestos-cement pipes should be interconnected using steel cuffs (Figure 2.14) and as they connect to the well with the lever (scrap) and the supporting board. At the same time, at the end of the first pipe should be put on a plug (use plugs that are closed by unoccupied cable sewage channels)

1 - asbestos cement pipe;

2 - Steel weld cuff;

3 - Burtkin to stop asbestos-cement pipe
Figure 2.14 - Accessories of asbestos-cement pipes with steel cuffs
2.10.8 The device of horizontal wells with a diameter of up to 250 mm in soils of I-IV groups can be carried out by hydropress BG-ZM. Installation of BG-ZM works from a gas engine with a pumping unit. Technical data of hydropress BG-ZM are shown in Table 2.9.
Table 2.9 - Technical data of hydropress BG-ZM

2.10.9 The horizontal well device is performed in the following sequence:

but) The input (working) recreation of a rectangular shape is 220 cm long and a width of 160 cm, the bottom of which should be located 50 cm below the axis of the pipelines of the pipelines (the depth of the pipeline is determined by the project).

At the bottom of the pit, it should be made flooring from boards with a thickness of 40 mm, fixed on three transverse bars 150x100 mm. There is also a trench on the other side of the transition;

b) The walls are fixed by the methods specified in 2.10.4;

in) Installed strictly horizontally (by level) hydropress. Supporting plates are installed in parallel and vertically (Figure 2.16);

d) After starting the installation in the soil, the first rod is pushed with a screwdriver tip with a diameter of 70 mm.

As it is pressed into the soil, the rods are screwed down to each other before the first rod appears with the tip in the trench on the other side of the transition;

e) After removing the tip with a diameter of 70 mm, an expander to the end of the rod and the extender with a diameter of 130 mm and a rod with an expander is pulled in the well in the opposite direction. The diameter of the well can be increased, consistently stretching the rod with extensions with a diameter of 170, 210 and 250 mm in both directions;

e) Asbestos-cement pipes are tightened to the well, as shown in 2.10.7n).

Figure 2.16 - Installation of the hydraulic press in the working kittle
^ 2.11 Cable transition device with asbestos-cement pipe gasket in metal cases
2.11.1 The trenchless gasket of cable sewage pipelines through the iron and highways with the number of channels is more than six, as a rule, with a metal case device by plying.

This method lies in the fact that the end of the pipe equipped with a knife is pressed into an array of the soil, after which the soil core is developed and removed from the pipe (case).
2.11.2 Installations for maintaining metal cases, as a rule, are mounted using hydrodomkraths GD-170/1150, GD-170/1600 or GD-500/600, high pressure pumps and control devices.

The above jacks have a refund.

2.11.3 The most common installations for the use of metal cases are: Installation PU-2 and installation U-12/60.

The diameter of the casing, mm ............................................. 920

Maximum laying length, m ..................... up to 60

Strip speed, m / shift .............................. 6-10

Stroke of the rods of hydrodomkrats, mm ........................ 1150

Pressure in the hydraulic system, MPa ........................... 30

Maximum effort of hydrodomkrats, kN ....... 3400

General installed capacity, kW ................. 51,5

Total installation mass, t .................................... 13

The technology of applying this installation is given in typical design solutions "The trenchless laying of pipeline pipelines of the communication cable 1-045-3-86", developed by the Hypospide Institute-2.

2.11.5 Installation U-12/60 For trenchless tubing of pipes is designed for laying steel pipes (casing) with a diameter of 1220 mm in dry and moistened soils of the I-III groups. The use of the installation makes it possible to produce all the work when a trenchless casing laying without the presence of workers in a slaughter, with mechanized development and removal of soil.

Installation U-12/60 has the following technical data:

The diameter of the casing, mm .............................................. ... 1220.

Maximum strip length, m ........................... 60.

Section length (largest), m ...................................... 6

The effort of hydrodomkrats, kN ................................ .... 3400

Power of drive electric motors, kW ....... 18

Stroke of the stem hydrodomkrats, mm ........................... 1000

Mass of a separate block, kg ................................... 2420

Installation mass, t .............................................. ...... ... 12,7

Installation head welded to the jigsaw (tube) perceives ground resistance. The removal of the soil is carried out with the help of a shuttle, located inside the head equipped with a locking device.

For a trenchless pipe gasket (casing), using the U-12/60 installation, it should be prepared to be prepared with a length of 13 m, a width of 3 m and a depth of 0.1 m below the base marker of the base of the pipe. In the back of the recovery, it is expanding and deepened for mounting the base from bars and sleepers and installation of the inventory shoe.

Work lies in the periodic indulgence of the paved pipe on the length of the jacks of jacks (1000 mm), followed by the extraction of the shuttle with the ground from the pipe packed and its unloading into the dump or in transport.

Filling the shuttle with soil is ensured by pressing the pipe with hydraulic jacks when the shuttle is crushed in the head of the plug-in pipe.

When installing installation, it is necessary to ensure reliable fastening of the shuttle in the head.
^ 2.12 Device of cable transitions by horizontal directional drilling
2.12.1 Foreign firms, such as the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, etc., produce installations of horizontal-directional drilling (UGNB). They are characterized by the high technical capabilities of laying of pipelines-cases on a bored or sold in the ground well, the length of which can be from several tens of meters to one and a half kilometers. The well can be drilled at a depth of 10 to 30 m (depending on the type of UGNB).

The technology used in the UGNB installations allows laying of pipelines, cables under the bottom of rivers, lakes, canals and other water obstacles, ravines, swamps, under road and railways.

Minor dimensions of most UGNB allow working in cramped urban conditions.

2.12.2 The technology of work performed by the UGNB is reduced to the following. UGNB is installed on the spot, a specific project (on one of the parties to the transition). The operator burst a pilot well according to a given trajectory, controlling the position of the drill head and the struggled rods using a special device. After the yield of the drill head at a given point (on the other side of the transition), depending on the desired well diameter, it is expanded using the extensive settings available, after which the polyethylene tube of the required diameter is tightened into the well.

In this case, to reduce the friction between the external walls of the pipe and the well, a clay drilling rig, which lubricates and generates a channel is introduced into it. The pipe is tightened to the pipe (blank), and with its cable.

^ 2.12.3 The technology of the device of cable transitions with UGNB has the following advantages:

but) Maximum decreases the volume of earthworks and significantly increases the length of the cable transition to 1,500 m;

b) The labor costs and the cost of the device for long (more than 100 m) cable transitions are declining compared to the development of trenches in the open manner;

in) In water obstacles, the flow of plaels and the movement of trains on railways and means of movement in roads are not limited to the movement of trains on railways;

d) The safety and service life of cable transitions is significantly higher than traditional methods;

e) Working with UGNB in \u200b\u200bcities do not create significant inconvenience to the population;

e) Damage to the landscape behind the city, as well as underground and terrestrial objects in settlements, is reduced to a minimum.

Figure 2.17 shows the stages of the borehole. Characteristics of the "Navigator" Vermeer Navigator "Navigator" are given in Appendix B (Reference).

2.12.4 Cable transitions at intersections with federal road roads, with railway highways, gasonephstemes are recommended to be carried out by the UGNB method, with a driving well of polyethylene pipes with an external diameter of 63 or 110 mm.

The number of pipes and their diameter, as well as their layout are determined by the project.

but) pilot well;

b) preliminary expansion;

in) Reverse stretching
Figure 2.17 - Stages of well penetrations with UGNB
When performing cable transitions through automotive and railways using the UGNB depth of the drilling well and the attachment of the pipes from the road surface of the automotive or sole rail of the railway should be at least three meters from the top of the pipe (wells), as well as 1.5 m below the bottom of the water structures or soles of mounds of roads.

The device of cable transitions in the body of mound of automobile roads is not allowed.

2.12.5 Workers trained in special courses of UGNB operators are allowed to fulfill work with UGNB.

2.12.6 The need for cable transition device by the method of horizontal directional drilling is established by the project.

2.12.7 Working with UGB should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions or manuals for the operation of the installations transmitted by the manufacturer when purchasing each UNGB.
^ 2.13 Land Recultivation
2.13.1 The land reclamation is to restore the fertile layer of the Earth, impaired when performing earthworks.

To do this, when digging trenches in the arable land zone, the fertile layer is removed, transported and stored until the end of earthworks, after which it should be applied to the disturbed area of \u200b\u200bthe soil. The place of the dump of the fertile layer of the soil should not be exposed to flooding with water and pollution with garbage.

2.13.2 Removal, transportation and applying the fertile layer of the soil should be carried out before the onset of stable negative temperatures.

2.13.3 The removal and movement of the fertile soil layer is made by a bulldozer, and in the absence of mechanisms - manually.

2.13.4 Recultivation of land must be carried out in strict accordance with the project.
3 Construction of underground cable sealing communication
^ 3.1 General
3.1.1 The cable sewage of the local telephone network is a set of underground pipelines and wells intended for laying, mounting and maintaining local cables.

3.1.2 Underground cable dialing pipelines are constructed from monitoring and multifaceted pipes (blocks) - a total of up to 48, and possibly more channels paved, mainly under the pedestrian part of the streets.

Asbestos-cement, concrete and polyethylene pipes can be used as pipelines, and in the places of forced reduction of the blowout - and steel pipes with an appropriate anti-corrosion coating.

It is allowed to use polyvinyl chloride pipes.

3.1.3 On the highway laying of cable sewage pipelines, wells are built (observation devices), designed for laying cables of communication in pipelines, their installation (splicing) and operational maintenance.

In wells can also be installed containers of regenerators of ICM transmission systems.

The distance between the cable sewage wells should be determined by the project.

For laying cable cables, tray cable sewage can also be used, which is an underground or semi-ground tray with overlapping. Local cables are also paved in underground reservoirs and tunnels.

3.1.4 Underground collectors are rectangular or round tones, built along the highways of the city with a significant accumulation of various underground communications (communication cables, power cables, heating systems, water supply, etc.). Collectors must be equipped with fasteners for laying communications of various purposes, tighting systems, alarm, water tank, ventilation, etc.

The construction of collectors is usually carried out by urban organizations of engineering structures with open or closed methods at various depths, depending on the local


3.1.5 The building station buildings have an input of cables with an exit to the Multifaceted Cable Sewer Blocks or Tunnel, and in the presence and coincidence of the tracks - in citywide or departmental underground collectors and partially in the metro tunnels.

3.1.6 Cable entry premises should be arranged in waterproof basements of PBX buildings (or other buildings) under the location of the station cross. Entering cable sewage to the communication object is provided for by the project, as a rule, from the two opposite sides of the building.

3.1.7 The indoor cable entry should be equipped with fixing structures for layouts and decaying cables, stationary and explosion-proof electrical lighting, ventilation, alarm, etc.

At low-capacity stations, instead of the cable input room, it is satisfied with the imparting closet or weep the linear cables in the station well.

Organization of construction of linear facilities of local communication networks

General provisions

1.1. Telecommunication network - technological systems providing one or more types of gear: telephone, telegraph, facsimile, data transfer and other types of documentary messages, including exchange of information between computers, television, sound and other types of radio and wired broadcasting.

1.2. Mutable communication network (Russian WCS) - a complex of technologically associated telecommunication networks on the territory of the Russian Federation provided by the general centralized management.

General Communication Network - Composite part of the WCC of Russia, open to all individuals and legal entities, in which these persons cannot be denied.

Departmental communications networks - telecommunication networks of ministries and other federal executive bodies, created to meet production and other special needs that have access to a common use network.

1.3. The local telephone communication network is part of the primary network of the WCC of Russia, which is limited by the territory of the city with a suburb or rural area.

1.4. Local telephone networks consist of linear and station structures.

Linear structures include subscriber (al) and connecting lines (Sl). The subscriber line is a set of chains connecting the city or rural (district) telephone exchange with a telephone, and consists of sites: the main, distribution and subscriber wiring.

Subscriber lines can be direct nutrition, concluded by the paved cables directly on the telephone exchange, or included in the telephone station on the cabinet diagram through distribution cabinets (Shr).

Lines from telephone devices before junction boxes are called subscriber wiring. Ten subscriber postings are included in the distribution telephone box (KTR), from which a ten-pair distribution cable departs.

The switchgear from several KTRs, as a rule, are included in the distribution cable of the corresponding capacitance, which is locked up to the distribution cabinet (SC) and is displetened to its terminal devices. The totality of the lines between distribution boxes and distribution cabinets is called the distribution network. Main sections of the subscriber network are laid from distribution cabinets to PBX; Separate stations, including intercity, are associated with connecting lines (sl).

1.5. Linear facilities of the local communication are a complex of technical means forming the distribution medium consisting of a cable or air line, on the pairs of wires of which are created by physical circuits designed to transmit telecommunication signals.

1.6. Linear cable facilities of local communication consist:

· From cables laid in cable sewage, in collectors, in the ground, in buildings on wall bases and in channels, as well as suspended on pole and racking supports;

· All types of couplings and processes;

· Unhaperant amplifying (NUP) and regeneration points (NRP);

· Distribution cabinets and boxes;

· Equipment for the content of cables under excess air (gas) pressure;

· Mounted in the cable of Pupinovsky boxes;

· Cable transitions through automotive, railways, underground communications and water obstacles.

1.7. To facilities of air communication lines include:

· Cable supports with cable transient devices (UKP);

· Communication lines and wired broadcasting lines in enterprises;

· Airline transitions with intersections of contact networks of ground electric transport, iron and highways, power lines and communication;

· Waste lines, wires of which are suspended on the buildings mounted on the roofs of intermediate, angular and ending racks.

1.8. The main types of construction and installation work during the construction of linear structures are:

· Production of earthworks, construction of cable sewage, laying cables in sewage, reservoirs, tunnels, laying cables in the soil , laying cables through water obstacles, car and railways, cable entry device in buildings with cable laying on walls with mounting terminal devices;

· Construction of pillars with installation and equipped support , suspension of wires and cables, lightning equipment; The device of racking lines with the production of the same work as on the postal lines, as well as subscriber points with a laying of single-page cables, installation of telephone devices and a grounding device (with air input);

· The device of linear inputs in the building of telephone stations with the installation of metal structures and reinforcement in the premises of cables, gloves and impressions;

· Work on the installation of cables in the viewing devices of the sewage, in the pitchers, on air cable lines and on the walls of the buildings; pupinization and symmetrization of cables, as well as inclusion (charging) of cables in boxes, boxes and cable boxes;

· Manufacture of electrical measurements in the process of mounting cables, as well as on completed communication lines; protection of cables from corrosion, from hazardous stresses and currents;

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