
The contribution of Soviet: as the state will pay with the population of old debts. How to get compensation for deposits of Sberbank of the USSR Compensation calculator for the deposits of Sberbank 1992


In Sberbank, to the cherished window,.

On May 16, 1996, the President of Russia signed a decree N 733 "0 measures to preliminary compensation for the contributions of citizens of the Russian Federation in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, depreciated in 1992-1995." From June 10, 1996, Russian Customers of the Savings Bank, which turned 80 or more, can come to their branch of Sberbank and get up to a million rubles. And some and more.

According to the decree, all deposits in Sberbank of the Russian Federation, made before June 20, 1991, are subject to 1000 times, if their current owner was born in 1916 or earlier. The compensation size (600, 700, 800, 900 or 1000 times) depends on what was happening with the contribution after June 20, 1991. At the same time, it will be compensated for only one thousand rubles from each contribution exceeding this amount (or the whole contribution, if it is less than a thousand).

The maximum amount of compensation will be one million rubles per contribution.

Compensation payments were raised by very many people, many issues arise related to the procedure for holding compensation and rights of certain citizens to compensation. The answers to these questions should be sought in the regulatory acts adopted in the development of the declaration, in detail its application. These acts are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Sberbank himself. Since not all of these documents are widely known, we publish answers to some issues related to compensation.

Depositor questions to Sberbank

In 1991, I rejected a savings book in connection with the loss of the old, whether the contribution of compensation is subject to whether my actions are considered by closing the contribution?

In accordance with the instructions of Sberbank, the deposit is not closed: the design of the new savings book (in the loss or exhaustion of the old, when changing the name); Transfer of deposit to another institution of Sberbank of Russia; Renewing it into another type of savings (with "to demand" to "urgent", etc.). Consequently, your compensation contribution is subject to.

When deposits are compensated for those who were born late 1916 ?

~ According to Assistant President of the Economic Affairs of Alexander Livserz, preliminary compensation for persons 1917-1921 will begin by late 1996. Currently, the corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation is being prepared.

My mother marks 80 years in July 1996. Does she have the right to compensation ?

~ In accordance with the decree, the right to compensation have all the depositors of Sberbank, born in 1916 and earlier, if the contribution belonging to them in Sberbank was made earlier on June 20, 1991. Consequently, there is the right to compensation.

Unlawful actions of Sberbank

In our C7er0ank index one thousand rubles, but they do not give money to the hands (they say that there is no money), but only make the appropriate mark in the S6 recorder. How legitimate are such actions of Sberbank's Rushniks, and what should I do this case?

The actions of this branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation are certainly illegal money should be issued at the first requirement of the depositor in full. You can apply to the actions of your Sberbank to the local branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or to Moscow directly to the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Seleznevskaya, 40). We, for our part, undertake to transfer a copy of the letter and the issue of the magazine with this issue to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and in Sberbank of the Russian Federation and publish their answers. According to the decree of the president N 810 "0 measures to strengthen the discipline in the public service system, we owe us to provide the results of the proceedings on this issue within two weeks from the date of the publication of the material.

What deposits are compensated for?

What deposits are subject to compensation ~ Can I, for example, be compensated for the so-called "children's contribution" of the contribution made on my grandson? Or can he get this compensation himself?

According to the decree, all types of deposits made to Sberbank must be compensated for by June 20, 1991, at third parties, Certificates of Sberbank of the USSR, etc., are also subject to compensation and bonds of the 1982 loan, treasury commitments of the USSR and other savings of citizens if they are made through Sberbank. But still regulated the procedure for calculating and paying compensation only on three types of bank deposits of urgent, accumulative and demand. Compensation of all these contributions, with the exception of the three specified, not yet ordered. Let's hope that this is the case of the near future.

When can you follow compensation at any time or need to wait for some official invitation?

"Regulations on the procedure for pre-compensation" Pastened to the Decree No. 733 prescribes Sberbank of the Russian Federation personally notify investors about compensation and personally invite them to receive boards. This measure is not only a sign of respect for the age of depositors, but also convenience for Sberbank employees can be operated without queues. In early July, sending these notifications was practically not yet begun. But, as practice shows, compensation can be obtained and simply come to Sberkassa without any invitation. If serving a branch of Sberbank did not send you a personal notice of the amount of compensation due to you, you or your representative (having a power of attorney at the disposal of the contribution certified in the RES or your Sberbank branch, and two passports are yours and yours), it is entitled to demand its payments Anytime.

What time periods are paid compensation and is it possible to get them parts?

You must pay the full amount of compensation or part of it immediately by its accrual. At the request of the investor, compensation may also be accrued to any existing or open, specially for this purpose an account and is paid to it in a time convenient for it.

I have several contributions for a thousand rubles to the Cext Bank made in 1990. What compensation can I count on?

All deposits are subject to compensation. That is, if you fall into the category of citizens who are compensated, then for each contribution you can get a million rubles. Such cases are already fixed in the Moscow branches of Sberbank.

Do the right to compensate the heirs of those born in 1916 and earlier, but did not survive before compensation?

This is the most difficult question that causes stormy disputes. Judging by depositors' reports, compensation is usually not paid. None of the documents defining the procedure for compensation, this issue is definitely not resolved. But one thing can be said for sure if the heir himself was born in 1916 (or earlier), he has the right to compensation. Any cases of refusal in this situation are illegal and they can be appealed through the court and administratively (Central Bank of the Russian Federation, prosecutor's office, etc.)

Will the investor not lose, on the launched the full amount of compensation or part of it, the right to further restore its savings on federal law "0 Restoration and protection of savings to citizens of the Russian Federation"?

No, it does not lose, but in the future, when implementing this law, the amount obtained by them will be taken into account when determining

Deposit state The magnitude of compensation
Closed in 1991 Compensation is not subject to
Closed in 1992 Compensation 600 times
Closed in 1993 Compensation 700 times
Closed in 1994 Compensation 800 times
Closed in 1995 Compensation 900 times
Closed in 1996 Compensation 1000 times
Not closed until now Compensation 1000 times

debt value of the deposit. Just in the case of owners of deposits closed in 1991 due to renewal, translation, etc., we would advise you to issue a copy of the document confirming the right to compensation, or certificate of its availability. The material was prepared with the support of the Russian Union of Doreform Depositors (Moscow, 101000, Archers Per., 4, underground, tel. 206 84 77, Fax 206 82 71)

In the Soviet times phrase "Citizens, keep money in a savings box!" It was very common and was considered a reference to civil liability. Listening to this advice could not doubt what made the right choice. For a long time were confident not only in the future, but also in the fact that with their money can nothing bad happen. During the collapse, many Sberbank depositors lost their savings due to the freezing of all accounts. Unfortunately, until now, the state has not yet been able to fully pay off debts before the people. Therefore, after so many years, many victims are still waiting for their money back and are interested in how to get compensation for incurred damage.

The order of payout

At the moment, still continues on citizens of the country, which made deposits to the collapse of the USSR. All accounts, under the legislation of the country to be protected and restored, gradually pays the savings bank of the Russian Federation. The law on compensation to citizens of inflicted damage was adopted in 1995.

It became known that the budget of the country is planned to continue payments to the Bank's victims from bankruptcy in 1991. Taking into account the accomplishment of damages, from 2017 to 2019, consideration of citizens' applications will continue. For each year, five million five hundred thousand rubles were allocated from the budget. It is this amount that is laid down by the current government for repayment of debt to citizens of the Russian Federation to cover the debt, which left Sberbank of the USSR.


Many citizens are interested, on the basis of what regulatory acts will now be returned to financial funds from investments until 1991. All data are noted in the law on the state budget for this period. Basically, the government refers to the law that was adopted back in 1995. It is he who implies the return of the money of depositors and the protection of its citizens from such problems.

The order of payout

The procedure for state bodies have not yet been approved. It is known only that changes in the scheme of payments that were spelled out in the budget before it is not. Recent changes in the legislation about the deposits made before June 20, 1991 were made in 2009, by Resolution No. 1092. The beginning of payments will be carried out at the time of receipt of funds from the state budget for the current year in Sberbank.

It is worth noting that Sberbank will not pay again. In other words, according to the law, if a person has already received compensation in a two-time or three-time size, or payment of ritual services or other types of compensation was carried out, it cannot receive money from this contribution to it and the Bank does not undertake to re-return funds to the victim.

Who can get compensation

The most interest to the population is information about who will be able to receive compensation on deposits in the coming years. This information is prescribed in the law on the state budget for the current year. Citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to receive the following amounts.

Those depositors and heirs of deposits, the year of birth of which - until 1945 inclusive, have the right to receive payments in the amount of three times increased account balances, in the state in which they were at the time of the bank's closure, that is, at 20. 06. 91. Compensation According to the deposits of Sberbank, it is considered taking into account the nominal value of the units of monetary signs at that time. The amount also depends on what time the contribution was kept in the bank. And the amount of money was deducted from it during previous issues of compensation and commissions.

The injured bankruptcy of the bank at the beginning of the nineties, which were born from 1945 to 1991, including heirs suitable for this category, have the right to get account balances in the amount enlarged twice. Compensation on Sberbank deposits is considered based on the nominal value of the units of monetary signs at that time. The amount also depends on what time the contribution was kept in the bank. And the amount of money was deducted from it during previous issues of compensation and commissions.

In the event of the death of the depositor

If the depositor died between the 2001 and the current year, the heirs or people who were paying for ritual services could be calculated to compensation. They pay compensation on the deposits of Sberbank, put on the country's law, to pay for funerals and other costs. In other words, a person who was engaged in funeral issues has the right to receive 6 thousand rubles compensation.

As for the heirs, they can receive payments on the contributions of citizens born until 1991. The attorney's age is not important in this case. The main thing is that no payments were made before this deposit. If payment was paid on the deposits of Sberbank to pay for the ritual services, then when calculating the amount, it is not subtracted from the total number of returned money.

Who can't get compensation

Get payments on deposits will not be able to citizens who have managed to close deposits in the end of 1991. This category of people does not pay compensation in two-time and three-time sizes. Also do not pay for people who have already received increased twice and three years of money. It cannot be re-compensated for six thousand rubles of payment of ritual services heirs and persons who have been engaged in this process.

Calculation of the amount taking into account the nominal value

Payment of ritual services in the event of the death of the Depositor and the compensation of deposits until 1991 is paid for federal law of 12/19/06. In the amount of 6 thousand rubles, only if there were 400 rubles or more on the savings book of the deceased. If you take into account the numerous cost of money signs at that time, then the amount is less than 400 rubles on the book of the deceased is reimbursed by people or heirs dealing with ritual expenses, in the amount of the contribution increased by fifteen times.

When a statement is made in the relevant authority on the payment of compensation for the coverage of ritual services, on the certificate of death of the depositor makes a mark. She confirms the fact of paying funds and prevents further fraud.

Calculation of the amount of payments, taking into account the deposit storage period

Depending on how much time the contribution was kept, the state calculation of subsequent payments on it is carried out. To calculate the amount of compensation, a special coefficient is used:

  • For deposits that are currently operating, as well as on those accounts that were valid from 1992 to 2012 and closed in the interval from 1996 to 2015, the number of this coefficient is 1.
  • For deposits that were valid from 1992 to 1994 and closed in 1995, the amount of the coefficient is 0.9.
  • Closed in 1994 deposits, valid two years since 1992 - the coefficient is 0.8.
  • Closed deposits in and valid for the year before the calculation with a ratio of 0.7 is subject to calculation.
  • If the contribution was closed in 1992, the coefficient is 0.6.
  • If the contribution is closed from 06/20/91 to 31.12.91 the coefficient is zero, and the amount is not paid.

That is, if we consider on the example, a person who made the contribution and born after 1945, which carried out the closure of the deposit in 1995, will be able to count on compensation for its cash, enlarged twice. This is based on the fact that the amount is calculated using the coefficient whose value is 0.9.

Features of compensation

Taking into account the information discussed above, it is worth paying attention to special points relating to compensation payments. It will be useful to everyone who wants to get damages and is interested in detail who can count on compensation for loss.

Compensation will not be able to get people living at the date on the territory of the country and their heirs who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation. In the budget, such spending are not provided, and the law does not allow such payments. Also cannot count on payments for people who live in the territory of other countries with foreign citizenship or having it at all. You can get more detailed information by contacting Sberbank, the hotline phone is indicated on the official resource.

An important point is that Russian legislation does not provide for damage to citizens of countries previously part of the USSR. In other words, money is issued only to those who have Russian citizenship and live here. All the others should receive compensation on the territory of their country in accordance with its laws.

It is also important that if the contribution was discovered after June 20, 1991, then no one should count on any payments.

By law, the payment of such accounts is not calculated. Compensation on Sberbank's deposits in 2016 was held according to this scheme. This year, all payments are carried out on the basis of changes in legislation relating to the budget distribution for the current year.

What documents are needed

You can get compensation in the department of Sberbank, where the contribution itself initially and where it is at the current moment. To get money, you need to provide a certain list of documents.

For depositors and their representatives, it is necessary to provide the following papers:

  • Documents confirming the identity of the recipient.
  • If necessary, you need a document confirming that this person is entrusted to obtain compensation for the contribution.
  • Decorated earlier statement about the desire to receive compensation, it must be pre-done in the bank branch.
  • If available, then the Sberbank savings book needs.
  • If not available, then the statement of the loss of the catering.
  • If the contribution was closed from 1992 to 2015, it is necessary to provide a special statement that is pre-executed in the bank.

The heirs of depositors need to collect the same documents, but with one difference: instead of confirmation of power of attorney, it is necessary to provide a document on the right to inheritance, the death certificate, as well as a certificate that the depositor at the time of death was a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation. Compensation on the deposits of Sberbank The heirs are made exclusively subject to these conditions.

Where you can find out information

All the necessary data can be clarified by Sberbank workers, including what documents are needed for payment of compensation. On the website of the bank there is a form for making money for money, you can also contact Sberbank. The phone and other coordinates also have on the official resource. It is worth noting that any genuine documents that customers provide for registration of an application for payments, employees are obliged to return back after the completion of all necessary actions with them.

What is worth paying attention to

If the contribution is closed, this information must be displayed in the expendable cash holder. A person who receives compensation is obliged to put his signature on it. Before this is done, it is recommended to carefully read the text of the order and check the amount specified in it. If there are questions, it is better not to receive payment and wait for the recalculation. In this situation, one of the copies of the order orders should be requested. Also, the Sberbank's savings book should contain a note "Compensation" and should be returned to the recipient upon completion of the procedure.

Payment formula for compensation

You can calculate your own deposit amount. To do this, it is necessary to take advantage of such a formula: the balance residue by June 20, 1991 multiplied to the compensation ratio to multiply by the number of increasing, in the case of a three-time return by 3, in the case of twofold to 2, respectively, and subtract the amount of previously paid compensation on this contribution.

It is necessary to take into account that two deposits are involved in the calculation, namely the main balance on the savings book and the amount of compensation, calculated on March 1, 1991. This does not concern those people whose contribution issued after this date.

What does an additional account mean

Given the fact that prices for products have increased due to inflation, a decree has been made to increase the amount of deposits for forty percent. If we consider more precisely, those contributors whose savings exceeded the amount of 200 rubles, received an additional account, which contained funds in the amount of forty percent of the total amount. To use them by law they could only three years later. If the amount was less than 200 rubles, then they could use the additional score after three months later.

Compensation of deposits decorated until 1991

In 2018, compensation will continue on deposits placed until 1991 by citizens of the Russian Federation in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, which are assigned to guaranteed savings in accordance with the Federal Law of 10.05.1995 No. 73-FZ "On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation "

In accordance with Federal Law of 05.12.2017 No. 362-FZ "On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020", the state laid into the budget to continue compensation payments on the contributions of the population, referred to guaranteed savings the following means:

  • for 2018 - in the amount of 5,500,000.0 thousand rubles,
  • for 2019 - in the amount of 5,500,000.0 thousand rubles,
  • for 2020 - in the amount of 5,500,000.0 thousand rubles.

The procedure for compensation payments on deposits for 2018

Based on which regulations in 2018, compensation will be made on deposits that were posted by depositors in Sberbank until June 20, 1991?

The volumes and procedure for compensation payments on deposits, open until June 20, 1991 for 2018 - 2020, is registered in Article 15 of the Federal Law of 05.12.2017 No. 362-FZ.
The laws are determined that the payment of compensation for savings of citizens will be carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 73-FZ of 10.05.1995. No. 73-FZ "On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation".

In accordance with the Federal Law of 05.12.2017 No. 362-FZ. in 2018 - 2020 Compensation payments are carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation for guaranteed savings (Treasury Obligations of the USSR and certificates of the Savings Bank of the USSR), which were in Sberbank's accounts as of June 20, 1991.

The procedure for the implementation of compensatory payments on deposits (contributions) is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2016 No. 1435 was extended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009 No. 1092 "On the procedure for implementing compensatory payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the savings bank of the Russian Federation". For subsequent years, an additional decree will be adopted.

Compensation payments for the deposits of the USSR in 2018 will begin after admission to the Sberbank of Russia of budget financing for the current year.

I immediately draw your attention to the fact that according to paragraph 5 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of 05.12.2017 No. 362-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020", on deposits (contributions) of citizens of the Russian Federation, which were previously made accrual and payment of compensation in a three-time (double) amount of the balance of deposits (contributions), preliminary compensation (compensation), additional compensation, compensation for payment of ritual services in the amount of up to 6.0 thousand rubles, repeated payment of these compensation is not carried out.

Who is the deposit compensation in 2018 - 2020?

Who and in what sizes is paid compensation on deposits in 2018 - 2020?
Compensation for old contributions in 2018 - 2020 is paid only to those citizens who have not yet received.
So, according to Article 15 of paragraphs 2 - 5 of the Federal Law of 05.12.2017 No. 362-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020" in 2018, compensation for deposits listed on June 20, 1991 in accounts Sberbank of the Russian Federation, paid Citizens of the Russian Federation in the following sizes:

  • depositors to 1945 Birthday inclusive (including the heirs relating to the specified category of citizens) - in the threefold amount of the balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991 (based on the nominal value of the monetary signs in 1991). The size of three-time compensation depends on the storage period of deposits and decreases to the amount of previously obtained prior compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).
  • depositors of 1946-1991 (including the heirs relating to the specified category of citizens) - in the twofold amount of the balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991 (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991). The size of double compensation depends on the storage period of deposits and decreases to the amount of previously obtained prior compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).
  • in the event of the death of the deposit owner in 2001-2018 - heirs or to individuals that made the payment of ritual services, compensation is paid to pay for ritual services in the amount of and under conditions that are determined by parts 5 - 7 of Article 117 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2006 N 238 -FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2007".

Heirsbelonging to the categories of citizens listed above - payment of compensation in a 2-fold and 3-fold amount of deposit residues is carried out only if the owners of the contributions have not previously received, and regardless of the age of the deceased owner of the contributions. That is, you can get - by your age group, but only until 1991 born. And also - heirs the amount of these compensation does not decrease by the amount of compensation for paying ritual services in the amount of up to 6 thousand rubles, if it was previously obtained.

In 2018 - 2020, compensation for deposits listed on June 20, 1991 on the accounts of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, not paid The following categories of citizens:

  • depositors who closed their contributions from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991
  • depositors, on the contributions of which were previously made accrual and payment of compensation in a three-time (double) amount of the balance of deposits (contributions), compensation for the payment of ritual services in the amount of up to 6.0 thousand rubles.
  • depositors of Sberbank of the USSR, not having citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Compensation for the payment of ritual services is determined by the Federal Law of December 19, 2006 N 238-FZ in the following sizes:

  • 6 thousand rubles, if the amount of contributions of the deceased owner specified in the application is equal to or exceeds 400 rubles (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991);
  • in the amount equal to the sum of the contributions of the deceased owner specified in the application multiplied by the coefficient 15, if the amount of deposits is less than 400 rubles.

When receiving a statement to pay compensation for the payment of ritual services on the death certificate of the owner of the deposit owner, a mark is made about the payment made.

The amount of compensation on the deposit depends on the storage period of deposits and are determined using the following coefficients:

  • 1 - on deposits currently currently;
  • 1 - by deposits operating in 1992 - 2017 and closed in 1996-2018;
  • 0.9 - on deposits operating in 1992 - 1994 and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 - on deposits operating in 1992 - 1993 and closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 - on deposits operating in 1992 and closed in 1993;
  • 0.6 - by deposits closed in 1992;
  • 0.0 - on deposits closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991

So, for example, the depository of born in 1947, according to the contribution closed in 1995, compensation was laid in a 2-fold amount of deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation as of June 20, 1991 with the use of the coefficient of 0.9.

In the light of the laws listed above, I would like to especially pay attention to the following points:

  • The payment of compensation to citizens (their heirs), which does not have citizenship of the Russian Federation, but not provided in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Compensation for the current contributions of 1991 is not manufactured and citizens living outside the Russian Federation, and which are foreign citizens or stateless persons.
  • Payment of compensation for deposits open on the territory of the States previously part of the USSR is carried out only by these states and only in accordance with the legislation of these states.
  • Payment of compensation, on deposits open after June 20, 1991, is not carried out at all.

The procedure for payment of compensation in 2017 was carried out by the Identically presented order for 2018.

Documents for payment compensation

The payment of compensation of 1991 deposits is carried out in the divisions of Sberbank of Russia at the location of deposits. For receipt of compensation, Sberbank presents the following documents:

  • Depositors (or their representatives), citizens of the Russian Federation:
    1. power of attorney with the right to receive compensation;
    2. application for compensation (issued in the bank);
    3. savings book (if available);
    4. application for the loss of the save, if the savings record on the current contribution is lost;
    5. by closed in 1992-2018, the depositor, the depositor draws up a corresponding statement in the bank.
  • Heirs, citizens of the Russian Federation:
    1. identification document;
    2. a document confirming the right to inheritance;
    3. certificates of death owner of deposits;
    4. a document confirming that the depositor at the date of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary);
    5. savings book (according to the current contribution);
    6. in the absence of a savings book on the current contribution or upon receipt of compensation for closed in 1992-2018, the depositor draws up a corresponding statement in the bank.

Information about the documents required to pay compensation for deposits, you can clarify from Sberbank's operating workers or by phone help desk. Application form for compensation can be downloaded here or search for the Sberbank website.

All Sberbank the original documents (passport, savings book, death certificate, documents confirming the hereditary right, etc.) will be returned by the Bank to customers after making the application and making copies of these documents.

The amount of compensation paid to the owners of deposits is reflected:

  • by closed deposits - in the expendable cash register, which the depositor must sign. Before signing the order, check the amount and if questions arose in the amount, the receipt should be postponed before checking the calculation. A copy of the order is desirable to get on the hands.
  • on unlocked contributions - the compensation enrollment operation and the amount of compensation are reflected in the savings book with the mark "Compensation". Savings you need to return.

Calculation of payment compensation

To calculate the amount of compensation for deposits, decorated until June 20, 1991, specially compiled formulas are applied.
So, the amount of compensation for deposits can be calculated on their own on such formulas:

1. Hummise 3-fold compensation is determined by the formula:

Applied in the designation formulas, decrypt as:

  • - deposit residue on 06/20/1991
  • - Compensation coefficient
  • - the sum of previously received compensation

Explanations to determine the amount of the deposit balance from which the amount of compensation is calculated:
For the proper compilation of the calculation of the formula, it is necessary to take into account that the balance of the deposit on 06/20/1991. can develop from two amounts:

  • funds on the deposit account (account number listed in the savings book)
  • funds in a special account, open by decree of the USSR president of 22.03.91 N UP-1708 (the invoice opened, if the contribution to 03/01/1991 was more than 200 rubles).

This means that in addition to the amount of the contribution specified in the savings, the amount of compensation is also involved in compensation payments by decree N UP-1708, which was paid to depositors in all deposits, based on their balance on March 1, 1991. Such a sum will not be only in depositors who made their contribution from 03/01/1991 to 20.006.1991.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the USSR from 22.03.91 N UP-1708 "On compensation to the population of losses from impairment of savings in connection with a one-time increase in retail prices" to depositors of Sberbank, an increase in the size of savings was carried out by 40 percent of the deposit residues on 01.03. 1991, which was credited like this:

  • The amount of compensation pays up to 200 rubles inclusive - simply increased the balance of the contribution with the right to use these amounts after July 1, 1991.
  • The amount of reassessment of deposits exceeding 200 rubles - funds were credited to special accounts with the right of use after three years.

Upon receipt of compensation, it is especially worth paying attention to whether the amount of compensation is in the total compensation for the second account, since Sberbank employees "sometimes" for some reason "forget" on this score.

Who compensation on the contribution is not paid?

I repeat once again that compensation to depositors or heirs is not paid in the following cases:

  • if the contribution was open 06/20/1991 and later;
  • if the contribution was closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991;
  • if the contribution earlier, compensation was paid in full size;
  • if the deceased contributor did not find heirs under the age of 1991;
  • if the contribution belongs not to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • if the heirs at the contribution of the deceased investor (citizen of the Russian Federation) do not apply to citizens of the Russian Federation


To prepare this material used:

  • Federal Law of May 10, 1995 No. 73-FZ "On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009 No. 1092 "On the procedure for implementing compensatory payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the savings bank of the Russian Federation in 2010-2017.
  • Information Sberbank of Russia on the procedure for payment of compensation.
  • Federal Law of 05.12.2017 No. 362-FZ "On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020"

Recent changes to the material made on December 29, 2017.

Comments 855. Comment is disabled

Compensation on the deposits of Sberbank 1992

In the 90s, many Sberbank contributors lost their savings due to the economic reforms carried out at the time. However, in 2009 it was decided to pay compensation on part of lost deposits. What happens today with the receipt of money on deposits of Sberbank of the USSR, laid by 1992, and what needs to be done to make compensation, you will learn from our article.

Who can get funds

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 of December 25, 2009, the compensatory payment may be applied:

  • any citizen born earlier than 1991, who had contributed to Sberbank as of June 20, 1991 and not closed it until 1992;
  • heir to the depositor (in the event of death last 2001);
  • the person who paid the burial of the depositor (again, provided that he died after 2001).

Important! Compensation payments are provided exclusively to citizens of the Russian Federation. The subjects of the former Union republics claim to receive funds cannot.

How to make a payment

To receive funds into the account of lost savings, you will have to visit the Sberbank branch. Naturally, finding a branch where the contribution was discovered or closed in Sberbank in 1992, it can be quite difficult - it may be in another city or country or to be closed at all. But it is not important. You can contact any office that you are comfortable. A package of necessary documents to provide the Bank will depend on your situation.

  1. If you are a contributor in the 90s, there will be enough passport acting a savings and application. If the savings book was lost, first will have to write an application for its restoration, and only then to receive compensation payments.
  2. If you are the heir to the depositor, besides the passport and the application, you will need to make a death certificate, as well as documents about your right to inheritance (testament or a certificate of notary).

Important! Before making the inheritance after a deceased relative, in the absence of a testament, it is worth ordering the wanted list of all the deposits we had, as well as request information about compensation received on them. This will simplify further design.

Is it possible to place everything via the Internet

Compensation on the deposits of Sberbank of 1992 can be provided only by appointment certified by your signature. You can make a preliminary application in the Personal Office of the Sberbank Service ONL @ ENE, but to file a statement in any case will have through the office. But on the bank's website you can immediately calculate the amount of compensation on which it makes sense to apply on the basis of your conditions.

To do this, it is not even necessary to be registered in the system - just go to the bottom of the main page of the site and in the "Deposit" in the column of deposits. Going into it, you will find a very convenient payout calculator.

Indexation of the deposits of Sberbank 1992

The amount of compensation that can be obtained for the lost in the 90th deposit is determined on the basis of its validity period, as well as the date of the depositor's birth. Persons born until 1946, when calculating compensation, multiply the deposit amount as of June 20, 1991 by 3, depositors - born later - on 2. So you will receive a preliminary result. To determine the final amount, it should be multiplied by its coefficient, which is determined depending on the term of the deposit, according to the table below.

Finally: compensation for the contributions of the former USSR

If you have long been waiting for such an opportunity, you will finally be happy. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the details. This year, the state compensates for the deposits of Sberbank, decorated during the existence of the USSR.

A prerequisite for refund is an open account period. Current term of deposits until June 20, 1991. Payments will be compensated for over the next two years. Such payment in Sberbank is also called "compensatory contribution".

In other words, this is not a separate proposal, which can be issued in the departments of the bank, and only receiving compensation for the USSR's closed deposit accounts.

Compensation of the Deposits of the USSR Returns deposits in Sberbank: who can claim

Categories of citizens may receive this compensation:

1. Customers born until 1991.

2. Heirs of those customers who were born until 1991.

3. Heirs or Piz. Persons who made the payment of ritual services in the event of death in the 2001-2017 depositor.

In this case, monetary compensation in 6 thousand rubles will be paid (only if there are 400 rubles and more in 1991), or the amount will multiply at 15, if it was less than 400 rubles.

It is worth noting that the amount of compensation depends on the age of the Sberbank client, as well as the term of the deposit.

The deposit compensation size depends on the storage period of deposits, and are determined using the following factors:

1 - on deposits currently operating, as well as on deposits operating in 1992 - 2012 and closed in 1996-2015;

0.9 - on deposits operating in 1992 - 1994 and closed in 1995;

0.8 - on deposits operating in 1992 - 1993 and closed in 1994;

0.7 - on deposits operating in 1992 and closed in 1993;

0.6 - by deposits closed in 1992;

Depositors to the 1945 year of birth inclusive (including the heirs relating to the specified category of citizens) - in the three-time residual balance of the residual balance as of June 20, 1991 (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991). The size of three-time compensation depends on the storage period of deposits and decreases to the amount of previously obtained prior compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).

Depositors of 1946-1991 (including the heirs relating to the specified category of citizens) - in the twofold amount of residual balance as of June 20, 1991 (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991). The size of double compensation depends on the storage period of deposits and decreases to the amount of previously obtained prior compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).

In the event of the death of the deposit owner in 2001-2015, the heirs or individuals that made the payment of ritual services are paid to compensation for payment of ritual services in the amount and conditions that are determined by parts 5 - 7 of Article 117 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2006 No. 238 -FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2007".

Compensation of the USSR deposits Returns deposits in Sberbank: Required documents.

In order to get compensation, depositors or their heirs needed: 1. Establish a statement 2. Provide it to any branch of Sberbank, and it is necessary to have a passport and a savings book.

It is also worth noting that after the Bank's employee will review and make copies of the necessary documents, he must return them to the owner in obligatory.

The following documents will be required for the heir:

2. Document on the right of inheritance.

3. Certificate of death of the Bank's client.

4. Document confirming the citizenship of the deceased.

5. Savings book.

If the contributor himself is a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of the country of residence, it is compensation in any case, on equal rights with other depositors. Detailed information on compensation and the provision of documents can be obtained by calling the Sberbank Consultation Center. You can also download a special form in electronic form to obtain payments on the official website of the bank.

Compensation paid According to the deposits of citizens of the Russian Federation, open at PJSC Sberbank until 06/20/1991 and operating as of 06/20/1991.

Compensation not paid:

On deposits open 06.20.1991 and later;
- on deposits closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991;
- on deposits for which compensation has previously been fully paid.

  1. Who in 2020 compensation is paid?

In 2020, compensatory payments on deposits operating as of 20.06.1991 are carried out:

Depositors' citizens of the Russian Federation to 1991 inclusive;
- Heir to citizens of the Russian Federation to 1991. inclusive on deposits of citizens' depositors of the Russian Federation;
- Heirs or individuals who made the payment of ritual services, in the event of death in 2001-2020, a citizen of the Russian Federation.

  1. What funds are made compensatory payments on deposits operating on 06/20/1991?

Cash for payments to compensation on deposits operating on 06.20.1991 are allocated from the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

  1. In 2010, I received compensation for deposits. Can I get compensation in 2020?

No you can not.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 dated December 25, 2009, in case of receipt of compensation for deposits, re-payments are not carried out.

  1. Is it possible to receive compensation for the target contribution to children open in Sberbank in 1980-1990? Who is paid compensation for the target contribution for children? What documents must be presented to obtain compensation?

Compensation on the target contribution to the children open in Sberbank can be obtained if the contribution complies with the general conditions of the procedure for implementing compensatory payment of deposits in 2020:

The contribution was open until 06/20/1991,
- the contribution acted as of 06.20.1991,
- The contribution was not closed in the period from 06.20.1991 to 12/31/1991.

In the target contributions for children, compensation is paid to citizens of the Russian Federation to 1991. inclusive in the general order:

According to the existing contributions - depositor,
- By closed deposits - the face that has closed the contribution.

To obtain compensation for the children's target contribution to the depositor / person who closed the contribution must be present:

Compensation payments to depositors

  1. What compensation is paid in 2020 to depositors? What is the size of this compensation?

Depositors of citizens of the Russian Federation:

- 1946 - 1991 birthday

  1. What documents must be presented to the depositor to receive compensation?

Depository-Citizen of the Russian Federation to obtain a 2-fold or 3-fold compensation must be presented:

Identification document;
- Savings book (if the contribution is valid).

The depositor must place an application for compensation.

  1. The depositor cannot personally contact compensation. What is the procedure for payment of compensation in this case?

If a citizen's contributor of the Russian Federation cannot personally contact the bank, then compensation can be paid to the investor trusted person.

The trustee of the depositor to obtain 2-fold or 3-fold compensation should present:

Identification document;
- power of attorney with the right to receive compensation;

Decorated on this contribution in the structural division of PJSC Sberbank;
- certified in accordance with Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is notarized (equivalent to notarized).

According to the closed contribution, compensation is issued on the basis of a power of attorney certified by notarized (equivalent to notarized).

The trustee draws up an appropriate application for compensation.

  1. How to get compensation if the contribution is closed and the depositor cannot submit a savings book?

To consider the issue of accrualing compensation on the contribution, closed in 1992-2020, the depositor should apply to the Bank's structural division at the placement of the Deposit (or to the Bank's structural division in which he wishes to translate the amount of compensation) and issue an appropriate application for compensation.

According to deposits, closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, payment of compensation in a 2-fold and 3-fold dimensions of the deposit residue is not carried out.

  1. How to get compensation if the savings book on the current contribution is lost?

The depositor must be applied to the Bank's structural division at the place of opening of the deposit, issue a statement about the loss of the savings and an application for compensation.

  1. The contributor lives outside the Russian Federation, but has a contribution that operated on 20 june 1991. Can he get compensation?

Depositor living outside the Russian Federation but who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, compensation is paid in the prescribed manner.

Depositor, which resides outside the Russian Federation, but is a foreign citizen or a stateless person, compensation is not paid.

  1. Formula for calculating compensation in a 3-fold amount of deposit residue for depositors to 1945. inclusive.

Compensation In the 3-fold amount of the deposit residue is paid to depositors-citizens of the Russian Federation for 1945 years of birth inclusive.

The size of 3-fold compensation is calculated on the basis of the deposit residue on 06/20/1991 and its storage period, using the following coefficients:

According to deposits, closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, the payment of compensation in the 3-fold amount of the deposit residue is not carried out.

The size of 3-fold compensation is reduced by the amounts of previously obtained compensation payments.

The sum of 3-fold compensation is determined by the formula:

(O ν × k k × 3) - R k

3 - digit three.

  1. Payment formula for compensation in a 2-fold amount of deposit residue for depositors 1946-1991. Birth.

Compensation in a 2-fold amount of deposit residue is paid to depositors-citizens of the Russian Federation 1946 - 1991 births.

The size of 2-fold compensation is calculated on the basis of the deposit remainder at 06/20/1991 and its storage period, using the following factors:

1 - according to current contributions;
1 - by deposits closed in 1996 - 2020;
0.9 - on deposits, closed in 1995;
0.8 - on deposits closed in 1994;
0.7 - on deposits closed in 1993;
0.6 - by deposits closed in 1992.

According to deposits, closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, payment of compensation in a 2-fold amount of deposit residue is not carried out.

The size of 2-fold compensation is reduced by the amounts of previously obtained compensation payments.

The sum of 2-fold compensation is determined by the formula:

(O ν × k k × 2) - R k

O ν - deposit residue on 06/20/1991,
K k - compensation ratio,
R k - the sum of previously received compensation,
2 - digit two.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor to 1945 of birth inclusive, if in 2010 received compensation in a 3-fold amount? Contribution valid (there is a savings book). The balance of the deposit on 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 dated December 25, 2009, in case of receipt of compensation for deposits, earlier re-payments are not carried out.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. Contribution valid (there is a savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Since the contributor has not previously applied for compensation, then the sum of 3-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 6,000 rubles.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. The contribution is closed in November 1991 (no savings book).

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1992 (no savings book). The contributor was not previously compensated.

Citizens' depositors of the Russian Federation to 1945 are inclusive of the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 3-fold amount of the deposit balance on June 20, 1991.

Since the contributor has not previously received compensation, the sum of 3-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 3,600 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 2000 rubles. * 0.6 * 3 \u003d 3600 rubles.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1993 (no savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Citizens' depositors of the Russian Federation to 1945 are inclusive of the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 3-fold amount of the deposit balance on June 20, 1991.

Since the contributor has not previously received compensation, then the sum of 3-fold compensation payable to the depositor will be 4,200 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 2000 rubles. * 0.7 * 3 \u003d 4200 rubles.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1994 (no savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Since the depositor has not previously received compensation, then the sum of 3-fold compensation payable to the depositor will be 4,800 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 2000 rubles. * 0.8 * 3 \u003d 4800 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1995 (there is no savings record). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation for 1945 Birthdays inclusively have the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 3-fold amount of the deposit balance on June 20, 1991.

Since the contributor has not previously received compensation, then the sum of 3-fold compensation payable to the depositor will be 5,400 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 2000 rubles. * 0.9 * 3 \u003d 5400 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the depositor to 1945 years of birth inclusive, if the deposit balance is 06/20/1991 - 2000 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1996-2020. (No savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation for 1945 Birthdays inclusively have the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 3-fold amount of the deposit balance on June 20, 1991.

Since the contributor was not previously compensated, then the sum of 3-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 6,000 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 2000 rubles. * 1 * 3 \u003d 6000 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. Contribution valid (there is a savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation 1946-1991 Birth has the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 2-fold deposit balance of June 20, 1991.

The compensation coefficient according to the current contribution is 1.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. The contribution is closed in December 1991 (no savings book).

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 of December 25, 2009 on deposits, closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, the payment of compensation is not carried out.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1992 (no savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

The coefficient of compensation for the deposit closed in 1992 is 0.6.

Since the contributor was not previously compensated, then the sum of 2-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 960 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 800 rubles. * 0.6 * 2 \u003d 960 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1993 (no savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation 1946 - 1991 Birth has the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 2-fold deposit balance of June 20, 1991.

The coefficient of compensation for deposit closed in 1993 is 0.7.

Since the contributor has not previously received compensation, then the sum of 2-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 1120 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 800 rubles. * 0.7 * 2 \u003d 1120 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1994 (no savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation 1946 - 1991 Birth has the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 2-fold deposit balance of June 20, 1991.

The coefficient of compensation for the deposit, closed in 1994, is 0.8.

Since the contributor was not previously compensated, then the sum of 2-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 1280 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 800 rubles. * 0.8 * 2 \u003d 1280 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1995 (there is no savings record). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation 1946 - 1991 Birth has the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 2-fold deposit balance of June 20, 1991.

The coefficient of compensation on the deposit closed in 1995 is 0.9.

Since the contributor was not previously compensated, then the sum of 2-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 1440 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 800 rubles. * 0.9 * 2 \u003d 1440 rubles.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the contributor 1946-1991. Birthday if the deposit balance on 06/20/1991 - 800 rubles. The contribution is closed in 1996-2020. (No savings book). Depositor did not receive compensation earlier.

Depositors-Citizens of the Russian Federation 1946 - 1991 Birth has the right to receive compensation in 2020 in a 2-fold deposit balance of June 20, 1991.

The coefficient of compensation for the deposit closed in 1996-2020 is equal to 1.

Since the contributor has not previously received compensation, the sum of 2-fold compensation to be paid to the depositor will be 1600 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this deposit is calculated as follows: 800 rubles. * 1 * 2 \u003d 1600 rub.

Compensation payments to the heirs of the deceased depositor

  1. What compensation is paid in 2020 heirs of the deceased depositor? What is the size of this compensation?

In 2020, the heirs of the deceased depositor are made compensatory payments on deposits, provided that the contributor on the day of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Heirs-Citizens of the Russian Federation:

- to 1945 year of birth inclusive compensation is paid in the 3-fold amount of deposit residue as of 06/20/1991 (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991);

- 1946 - 1991 birthday Compensation is paid in a 2-fold amount of deposit residue as of 06/20/1991 (based on the nominal value of the monetary signs in 1991).

The size of the specified compensation depends on the storage period of deposits and decrease on the amounts of previously obtained pre-compensation (compensation) and additional compensation.

According to deposits, closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, payment of compensation in a 2-fold and 3-fold dimensions of the deposit residue is not carried out.

If a citizen's contributor of the Russian Federation died in 2001-2020, then his heirs or individuals that made the payment of ritual services are paid to compensation for the payment of ritual services.

The amount of compensation for the payment of ritual services depends on the balance of deposits on 06/20/1991 and may not exceed 6000 rubles.

  1. How is compensation calculated in a 2-fold and 3-fold amount of deposit residue for the payment of the heir?

In 2020, the heirs of the deceased depositor are made by compensation payments in a 2-fold or 3-fold amount of deposit residue, provided that the depositor for the day of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation and the heir is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Size 2-fold or 3-fold compensation to be paid to the heir to the contribution of the deceased depositor depends on:

Year of birth of the heir;
- deposit storage period (closed contribution or acting);
- the hereditary share of the heir;
- The sums of previously paid compensation.

To determine the amount of compensation, relying to the heir to the contribution of the deceased depositor, it is necessary to contact the structural unit at the deposit place.

  1. Contribution is not taught. What documents must be presented to the heir to the deceased investor to receive compensation for this contribution?

Identification document;
- a document confirming the hereditary right;

  1. At the deposit was drawn up a testament order in the bank. What documents must be presented to the heir to the deceased investor to receive compensation for this contribution?

If the investigation order on the deposit is drawn up in the bank until March 1, 2002 * - payment of compensation to the heirs-citizens of the Russian Federation is made upon presentation:

If the investigation order on the contribution is made in the bank on March 1, 2002 or later * - payment of compensation to the heirs-citizens of the Russian Federation is made upon presentation:

Identification document;

- certificates of death of the depositor;
- savings book (if the contribution is valid);
- a document confirming that the depositor at the date of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary).

The heir makes an application for compensation.

* In connection with the entry into force of the third part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 147-FZ dated November 26, 2001 "On the introduction of the third part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation")

  1. The contribution is notarized. What documents must be presented to the heir to the deceased investor to receive compensation?

Heir to a citizen of the Russian Federation to receive compensation on the contribution of the deceased contributor must be present:

Identification document;
- Certificate of inheritance inheritance;
- certificate of the death of the depositor;

- Savings book (if the contribution is valid).

The heir makes an application for compensation.

  1. The heir cannot personally seek compensation for the contribution of the deceased depositor. What order paid compensation in this case?

If the heir to a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot personally contact the bank, then compensation can be paid to the trustee of the heir.

The trustee of the heir to receive compensation should be present:

Identification document;
- power of attorney from the heir with the right to receive compensation;
- a document confirming the hereditary right of the heir to the contribution of the deceased investor;
- a document confirming that the depositor at the date of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary);
- a document confirming that the heir is a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary);
- certificate of the death of the depositor;
- Savings book in the name of the depositor (according to the current contribution).

According to the current contribution, compensation is issued on the basis of a power of attorney:

  • decorated on this contribution in the structural division of PJSC Sberbank;
  • certified in accordance with Article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:


Administration of a stationary medical institution in which the heir is on cure;

The organization in which the heir works or learns.

In the closed contribution, compensation is issued on the basis of a power of attorney certified notarized.

The trustee of the heir makes an application for compensation.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the heir to 1945 of birth inclusive? Depositor of 1975 a citizen of Russian Federation. The depositor died in 2020. Contribution with the residue on 06/20/1991 - 1500 rubles. Contribution valid (there is a savings book). The heir is relying the whole contribution (heir one). Contributor in life did not receive compensation.

Heirs-Citizens of the Russian Federation for 1945 inclusive in 2020 have the right to receive compensation in a 3-fold amount of the deposit balance on June 20, 1991, regardless of the year of birth of the deceased depositor.

The compensation coefficient according to the current contribution is 1.

Since earlier compensation for the deposit was not paid and the heir relies the whole contribution, the amount of compensation, relying to pay the heir, will be 4500 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this contribution is calculated as follows: 1500 rubles. * 1 * 3 \u003d 4500 rub.

  1. What amount of compensation will receive the heir to 1946-1991. birth? Depositor 1940 a citizen of Russian Federation. The depositor died in 2020. Contribution with the residue on 06/20/1991 - 900 rubles. Contribution valid (there is a savings book). The heir is relying the whole contribution (heir one). Contributor in life did not receive compensation.

Heirs-Citizens of the Russian Federation 1946-1991. Birth in 2020 has the right to receive compensation in a 2-fold amount of the deposit balance on June 20, 1991, regardless of the birth of the deceased depositor.

The compensation coefficient according to the current contribution is 1.

Since earlier compensation for the deposit was not paid and the heir relies the whole contribution, the amount of compensation, relying to pay the heir, will be 1,800 rubles.

The amount of compensation for this contribution is calculated as follows: 900 rubles. * 1 * 2 \u003d 1800 rub.

  1. How can the citizenship of the deceased person be confirmed to receive compensation for the contribution?

As documents confirming the citizenship of the testator, may be accepted:

Certificate of a housing and operational organization on the registration of a citizen at his place of residence;
- certificate from the work of the deceased about his place of residence;
- extract from the house book;
- Other references.

These references are accepted only if citizenship and / or document certifying the identity of the testator (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, insert to the USSR passport, indicating the availability of citizenship of the Russian Federation).

If it is necessary to establish citizenship of the Russian Federation of the Depositor, individuals (investors' heirs) may apply on this issue to the passport and visa service at the last place of residence of the depositor in the Russian Federation.

  1. The heir has double citizenship (one of them is Russian). Is it possible to pay compensation to this heir?

Yes, compensation is paid upon presentation:

A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
- a document confirming the hereditary law;
- certificates of death of the depositor;
- savings book (if the contribution is valid);
- a document confirming that the depositor at the date of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary).

The heir should issue a corresponding statement.

  1. Can grandchildren get compensation on the contribution if the depositor-grandmother and her heirs died? What documents do you need?

Yes, may be upon presentation:

Identification document;
- a document confirming the hereditary right to grandmother's deposits;
- death certificates of grandmother;
- savings book (if the contribution is valid);
- a document confirming that the grandmother at the date of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary).

It is necessary to issue a corresponding statement.

  1. My mother has been discovered in Sberbank until 06/20/1991, after her death dad entered into inheritance. He also died, the daughter inheritance has not yet entered. Can a daughter get compensation for the mother's contribution?

The daughter will be able to receive compensation after entering into the inheritance, since compensation for deposits is paid to the heirs only upon presentation of documents confirming the hereditary rights. In this case, the amount of compensation will be reduced by the amount of compensation paid during the lifetime of the mother and dad.

Compensation for the payment of ritual services in the event of the death of the depositor in 2001-2020

  1. Who can get compensation for payment of ritual services in the event of the death of the depositor in 2001-2020?

Compensation for payment of ritual services In the event of the death of a citizen of the Russian Federation in 2001-2020, it is paid:

Heirs of the depositor;
- either to individuals that made the payment of ritual services.

The heir to the depositor or an individual may be citizens of the Russian Federation or foreign citizens or stateless persons.

  1. What documents should be presented to the heir to the investor who died in 2001-2020, to obtain compensation for payment of ritual services 2001-2020?

The heir to receive compensation for the payment of ritual services on the contribution of the depositor, who died in 2001-2020, must be submitted:

Identification document;
- certificate of the death of the depositor;
- a document confirming the hereditary right (if necessary);
- Savings book (if the contribution is valid);
- A document confirming that the depositor at the date of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation (if necessary).

The heir makes an application for compensation.

  1. Can make compensation for the payment of ritual services an individual who is not the heir?

Compensation for the payment of ritual services In the event of the death of the Citizen's Depositor of the Russian Federation in 2001-2020, it can be paid to individuals that made the payment of ritual services, on the basis of a notary decree, as well as upon presentation of a passport and death certificate of the owner of the deposit.

  1. Which division of the bank to obtain compensation for the payment of ritual services should an individual, having a decree of a notary on reimbursement of expenses for the payment of ritual services?

In the event of the death of the depositor in 2001-2020, an individual, which is not a heir, but that made the payment of ritual services may apply for compensation for the payment of ritual services to any internal structural division of the bank region at the place of storage of contributions of the deceased investor and present a document certifying the identity, the notary decision and the death certificate of the owner of the contribution.

An appropriate application for compensation is issued.

  1. Can the heir of the depositor who deceased in 2001-2020, to get the additional payment of compensation for the payment of ritual services?

Compensation for payment of ritual services in the event of the death of the Depositor - a citizen of the Russian Federation, who died in 2001-2020, can be carried out by the heir to the depositor, who received part of compensation for the payment of ritual services, in case of presentation of documents confirming its hereditary right to unpaid part of compensation For payment of ritual services.

Heirs who received compensation for payment of ritual services in the amount due to them (depending on the balance of deposits on 06/20/1991), the re-payment of this compensation is not carried out.

Compensation for payment of ritual services for the contribution of the depositor, who died in 2001-2020, can be carried out upon presentation:

Document certifying the personality of the heir;
- certificates of death of the depositor;
- savings book (if the contribution is valid);
- the heir - survived the spouse, who applied for compensation for the payment of ritual services, - certificates of ownership of ½ contribution;
- The heir to prevent a certificate of inheritance on the ½ contribution, - certificates of ownership of the second part of the contribution, or in charge of the certificate of inheritance / certificate of ownership of the right of ownership, information about the heirs on the second part of the contribution should be specified.

The heir should arrange a corresponding statement in the bank.

  1. How is the amount of compensation for the payment of ritual services?

Compensation for payment of ritual services is paid to the heirs or individuals that made the payment of ritual services in the event of the death of the depositor in 2001-2020:

In the amount of 6 thousand rubles, if the amount of contributions of the deceased owner specified in the application for compensation is equal to or exceeds 400 rubles. (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991);

In the amount equal to the sum of the contributions of the deceased owner specified in the application multiplied by the coefficient 15 if the amount of deposits is less than 400 rubles. (based on the nominal value of monetary signs in 1991).

The contributor died in 2020. The balance of deposits on 06/20/1991 is 1000 rubles. Heir one. On payment of ritual services, the heir will be paid 6,000 rubles.

The depositor died in 2020, the balance of deposits on 06/20/1991 is 300 rubles. Heir one. On payment of ritual services, the heir will be paid 4500 rubles. (300 rub. X 15 \u003d 4500 rub.)

Other questions

  1. Contribution in another city. How to get compensation? Based on what documents is the transfer of compensation? Is the paid service to transfer the amount of compensation to another structural division of the bank?

In this case, the depositor (heir) must be applied to any structural division of PJSC Sberbank and arrange a corresponding application for the translation (F. 143), providing documents necessary to obtain compensation (including a savings record).

When transferring the amount of compensation accrued by the current contribution, a fee is charged in the amount determined by the Bank's tariffs for remittances.

When transferring compensation for a closed contribution, the commission remuneration for this operation is not charged.

  1. Why is compensation paid only on savings made before June 20, 1991?

On July 13, 1990, by Resolution of the Sun RSFSR "On the State Bank of the RSFSR and Banks in the Republic" The Russian republican bank of the USSR Savings Bank was transformed into Sberbank RSFSR and declared the property of the RSFSR.

On June 20, 1991, the Bank of Russia registered the Charter of Sberbank of Russia as a joint-stock commercial bank.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Restoration and Protection of Savings of Citizens of the Russian Federation" No. 73-FZ of 10.05.1995, deposits opened in Sberbank of Russia until 20.06.1991 were recognized as government domestic debt.

Therefore, compensation from the federal budget of the Russian Federation is subject to compensation.

  1. Why in 2020 there are no 2-fold and 3-fold compensation for deposits closed from 06/20/1991 to December 31, 1991?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.12.2009 No. 1092 approved the rules for the implementation of compensatory payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the savings bank of the Russian Federation in 2010-2020.

According to the indicated rules in 2020 on deposits, closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, payment of compensation in 2-fold and 3-fold sizes of the deposit residue is not carried out.

  1. What compensation is paid on deposits, closed from June 20 to December 31, 1991?

According to deposits, closed from June 20 to December 31, 1991, only compensation for payment of ritual services is paid in the event of the death of the deposit owner in 2001-2020. Heirs or individuals who made the payment of ritual services. Compensation for payment of ritual services is paid, provided that the deposit owner on the day of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation.

  1. What compensation can foreign citizens get?

Depositors - foreign citizens in 2020 payment of compensation is not carried out.

Heirs - foreign citizens can receive compensation for payment of ritual services on deposit deposits who have died in 2001-2020. Provided that the depositor for the day of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation and earlier compensation for the payment of ritual services was not paid.

Depositors or heirs until 1991 born inclusive, having dual citizenship (one of which is the citizenship of the Russian Federation), has the right to receive compensation in 2 times or 3-fold sizes of the balance of deposits in the general order upon presentation of documents confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

  1. The contribution was opened in 1990 by the introducer (Ivanov) in the name of the depositor (Petrov). Depositor (Petrov) has not presented his rights to this contribution. Does the beneficiary (Ivanov) have the right to receive compensation?

If the contribution in favor of a third party, an open enforcement, until June 20, 1991, the depositor did not express the intention to take advantage of its rights (that is, the sample of the investor signature is missing; expenditure operations are not committed (except for the payment of compensation to the introducer) ; the will or power of attorney, compiled outside the VSP, are not presented; cash received only from the subwoofer, the statement of the loss of the savings book was not issued), then, taking into account Article 842 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, compensation can be made to the introductory, provided that it belongs to Categories of citizens eligible for its receipt.

  1. Is compensation paid on deposits open until 06/20/1991, in the republics that were part of the former USSR?

The procedure for payment of deposits, including compensation made in the territories of the States previously part of the former USSR, is governed by legislative acts of relevant states.

On issues related to deposits, open outside the Russian Federation, apply to the Bank-sufficient debt obligations located in the territory of the relevant state. The list of banks and their addresses can be found on the Bank's website in the section "Private clients" - "deposits" - "Compensation for deposits" -.

  1. How long is the compensation of "burnt" savings?

The first compensation was made in 1991 in accordance with the Decree of the President No. 1708 of 03.22.1991. Compensation was subject to all deposits operating on March 1, 1991. The amount of compensation amounted to 40% of the deposit remainder as of 01.03.1991.

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 327 of 02/17/1994, the next one-time compensation was carried out in 1994 in a threefold amount of deposit residue as of January 1, 1992.

Starting from 10.06.1996, the state conducts phased compensation for deposits as of June 20, 1991. C can be found on the Bank's website in the "Private Customers" section - "Deposits" - "Compensation for deposits" - "The History of Compensation for Deposits".

  1. It was announced the payment of two-time and three-time compensation for deposits. Why did I pay less?

In accordance with the Government Decree No. 1092 dated December 25, 2009, the amount of compensation to be paid in 2020 is reduced by the amount of the amounts received by the amounts of compensation.

  1. Is it necessary to apply for compensation in the VSP at the place of opening of the contribution?

To obtain compensation for deposits, you can contact any structural division of PJSC Sberbank, performing operations with deposits of individuals, and make an appropriate statement.

  1. The depositor received compensation, but disagree with the amount of compensation. What to do?

Take advantage of depositors on the site (in the "Private Customers" section - "deposits" - "Compensation for deposits") to calculate the amount of compensation.

On the website of the bank www.site through the "Feedback" to make an appeal of disagreement with the amount of accrued compensation. Get a unique number of circulation.

You can also contact any structural division of PJSC Sberbank with a passport and submit a written application for disagreement with the amount of accrued compensation. The depositor must communicate the registered appeal number.

Tips for lawyers:

1. The savings contribution was opened in 1992 whether compensation would be.

1.1. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009, a citizen, born earlier than 1991, who had contributed to Sberbank as of June 20, 1991, could be applied to compensative payment and did not close it until 1992.
If you have discovered the contribution already in 1992, you do not have the right to compensation.
Best Wishes, Vorobiev N.I., K.Yu.N.

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2. Until 1992, a contribution to the child was opened on 1988, how to get a compkation.

2.1. Article 15 (p. 2-5) of Law No. 362-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019, 2020" It establishes that in 2018 the process of compensation of funds on deposits, meaning in the accounts of a savings bank on the date of 20.06.91, will be powered by the payment of citizens depositors born in the period from 1946-91. Including, with heirs belonging to the listed category of persons - in the twofold volume of the residual amount of investments that are listed on the date of 20.06.91 (in the calculation there is a numerous cost of finance in 1991). The volume of the specified type of compensation is directly related to the storage period of financial investments and can be changed, taking into account pre-compensated depositors of the amounts, as well as the amount of additional. Deposit compensation (contributions). To obtain it, the account owner must apply to the Sberbank Branch, which is opened, as personally, so through the direction of documents through the Bank's office at the place of today's stay.

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3. The contribution is open in April 1992. Is there any compensation?

3.1. In this case, compensation is set. It is necessary to contact a bank with a passport, in the necessary cases with a certificate of the right to inheritance.

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4. CONTACT 1992 MART 15000 RUB. How much can I pick up now.

4.1. Yuri, contributions made after 1991 are not subject to compensation. 15,000 non-delimited rubles for the 1998 denomination correspond to 15 denominated rubles. Maybe over the years, some percentages came up. I think rubles 20-30 quite really get :)

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5. The contribution is open on 07.22.1992, if I have the right to compensation.

5.1. In 2018, compensation is paid at the deposits of citizens open in Sberbank until 06/20/1991 and operating as of 06/20/1991. At your contribution, most likely compensation will be paid in 2019. It is necessary to follow information on Sberbank.

Natalia helicova.

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6. 1992 The contribution of 10,000 thousand decent is compensation.

6.1. "1992 The contribution of 10,000 thousand acting compensation."
- What is the question exactly, say that today with 10,000 tons of rubles? Did you contribute? Which bank?

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7. Is it true that again began to pay monetary compensation for deposits until 1992?

7.1. Yes, you can contact the Bank to obtain a complete consultation on this issue with a written statement of a certain form of good luck.

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8. The contribution of 100 rubles in Sberbank since 1992, what kind of Kopnes 2017.

8.1. Sberbank compensates for deposits opened until June 20, 1991. Money is converted according to modern realities, and customers pay the amount increased by 2-3 times.
At the contribution of 1992, you need to clarify in Sberbank. Good luck and good!

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8.2. In 2017, compensatory payments are carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation according to deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation as of June 20, 1991 in The procedure determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009 No. 1092 "On the procedure for implementing compensatory payments to citizens of the Russian Federation in deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation in 2010-2017.

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9. Contribution to Sberbank was opened in 1992 100 rubles What compensation?

9.1. Dear visitor!
In this situation, this may explain to you only in the jar
Good luck to you in solving your question.

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10. The contribution was 500 rubles in 1992, how much is it now.

10.1. --- Hello, and where do we know? Look at what percentage it was put and get. Compensation is not allowed. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostayeva A.V. : SM_AX:

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11. It is possible to pay off the debt to banks in the 1992 deposit on the USSR savings book.

11.1. Dmitriy!
You can not have a bank accounting to repay the debt to pass the savings book. If the savings book has money, then you need to remove them and repay the debt.

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11.2. Unfortunately, you can only keep yourself for myself. Do not forget that in 98 there was a default and denomination. Good luck and all the best.

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11.3. Remove money from the savings and repay the debt, banks do not accept savings books.

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12. Opened in Sberbank in 1992, the contribution "Urgent" is possible to me compensation.

12.1. Compensation of Soviet deposits In 2017, Sberbank is carried out by the state of 20.06.1991. The contributor must provide: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Savings book. Application for deposit compensation.

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13. In June 1992, a children's target contribution to Sberbank was opened and the amount was laid. On the hands of the Sber. Book. Is it possible to get on this deployment after 28 years.

13.1. First of all, you need to understand what branch the contribution was opened, open the document and pay attention to the presence of printing. Then contact this branch and bank employees will help you.

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Consultation on your issue

call with urban and mobile free throughout Russia

14. May I ask for compensation in Sberbank, the contribution is open 12.07.1992 "Children's target" 1400 p. The grandmother died remained the savings on my name or not.
Best regards, Dmitry.

14.1. You can contact you. But what answer will receive depends on the bank.

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15. In January 1992, the target contribution to the daughter, the last installment february 1993 was opened when it can receive compensation, she is 36 years old.

15.1. Galina Ivanovna, contact the bank in which the contribution was opened to clarify this issue.

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16. That's what kind of question I have a savings record, the contribution is open 1992 and to this day is not closed, what to do in this setuation? Thank you.

16.1. What to do with the contribution to solve you, close, replenish, etc. You did not indicate the bank. If you mean the deposits of Sberbank open in Soviet times and compensation on them, the contribution that is not subject to compensation in Sberbank in 1992. The state compensates for deposits open in Sberbank until June 20, 1991 and those in force on this day.

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17. In 1992, a contribution was opened in my name in the amount of 1000 rubles Sberbank. In 1995, the amount was already 10.556 rubles at the moment, when closing the account, I was transferred only 19 rubles. 72 kopecks! Is it legal?

17.1. If you remember the default occurred, and then the denomination, a million became like a thousand and the like, in more simply, the contributions depreciated, so it is not surprising that your money "burned".

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18. I have an insurance fee of the Sibvostok book since 1992. In 1995, an urgent contribution is 51435 rubles. I live in Kuragino Krasnoyarsk Territory.

18.1. Contact this bank where the contribution is open. Savings after 1992 are not indexed.

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19. The contribution was opened on my name 18.12.1992 G. Babuk. I 21.09.1981. Is it possible to me compensation?

19.1. Compensation is provided only to the rest which was on 06/20/1991, compensation is not allowed to other accounts.

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20. In April 1992, opened 2 accounts for 1000 rubles. On children contribution (up to the age of majority). Can children now get compensation?

20.1. Yes, let them come to Sberbank for a long time.

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21. I have a contribution to Sberbank decorated in April 1992.2000 rubles to this day. If you remove any compensation and what amount to extradition?

21.1. It depends on what age you were compensation for certain age categories.

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22. Dad died in 1992. Now I took an inheritance for deposits. The contribution was decorated until June 20, 1991. At this date, the deposit amount is 5,200 p. Is there any compensation? In the bank I was paid only to the balance by deposit.

22.1. Alla, consult a notary who has the hereditary work of your father. Notary will make a request to the bank if compensation is credited by the notary will give you a testimony.

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23. My contribution is open-in 1992 to the present, can I sue my compensation.

23.1. And the bank in which your contribution has opened, is there now? If there is, then you have to pay interest if no longer exists, it is important to know when I stopped working on what basis. This depends on the procedure for your actions.
Good luck!

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24. My USSR savings has been preserved, on which the last contribution 09.04.1992. The account remains 23910.32. Where and how much can I get? It's a shame! All my life was folded on a penny, and they disappeared ... I live in Astana. Please tell me.

24.1. At one time, in the early 1990s, these cash on the savings recordings changed one to one, that is, how much you have on the book, you will get as much tenge. The adviser of the Soviet bank is the People's Bank of Kazakhstan.
I wish you success!

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25. 12.02.1992. In the Sberbank of Russia, two deposits "Children's target" were made on two daughters. Is there any contributions to the state and Sberbank of Russia in the plans of Russia?

25.1. Nikolai! Since the contributions are decorated for children who have already reached the age of majority, then let the children write a written claim to Sberbank about returning these contributions. Upon receipt of the official answer, you can understand the further procedure. You can direct an application to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a request for explanation on the procedure for paying deposit data. From any situation you can always find a way out, the main thing is to take steps to achieve it. Refer to lawyers with documents on the case and they will help you in drafting documents. Contact phones, addresses are usually indicated by a lawyer's answer.
Good luck to you and all the best in your business.
Sincerely, Law Firm "Law", member of the guild of Moscow human rights defenders!

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