
What features in the characteristic of post-industrial society. What is the post-industrial society characterized? Changing the status of wage labor

Post-industrial society (pOST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY) - This is the stage of development of society, which began in the last quarter of the 20th century as a result of a scientific and technical revolution, characterized by the development of energy-saving technologies, the creation of high-tech industries, company informations, the development of science and technology, an increase in the level of education, medicine, the quality of life of people.

In the middle of the 20th century, a modern scientific and technological revolution is deployed, which is a coup in the technique and technology of production based on the latest achievements of science. Its main directions: the development of new sources of energy, automation of production, its chemicalization and biology. The deployment of the scientific and technical revolution led to the transformation of industrial society to post-industrial in the last quarter of the XX century. Transition to energy-saving technologies as a consequence of the energy crisis of the 70s, the creation and broadest use synthetic materials, Company informatization based on the mass production and use of personal computers, robotization led to a change in the structure of employment of the population, changed the appearance of society. In post-industrial countries, the share of employed in traditional industries (in the extractive and manufacturing industry, agriculture, in construction) does not exceed a third of the population. The nature of labor has changed. So, in the United States at the end of the 20th century, the share of engaged in physical labor does not exceed 10%, and the century ago was 90%. And two thirds are busy in the information business, provide financial, consulting, domestic, tourist, medical, educational and other services, work in the entertainment industry. This sector of the economy is called tertiary.

In the post-industrial society, its basis was the middle class - the basis of the stability of society. The following criteria can be distinguished for this class: the ownership of the family with property equivalent to 20-50 average annual income of one employee; Obtaining income providing a family of non-lower subsistence minimum; Respect for the laws and traditions of the country, the ability and desire to defend their rights and freedoms, the shares of social responsibility for the future of the country. The middle family owns a cottage or apartment, one - two cars, a complete set of modern household appliances, one and more TV, telephone, etc. For comparison, we give some data. The size common Square Housing accounted for 1 inhabitant (mid-90s): Russia - 18.3 m 2, France - 36, USA - 65, NORWAY - 74. At the same time, in Russia, the fifth of the city apartments and up to three quarters of rural do not have centralized water supply and sewage. Number of cars for 1 thousand inhabitants in 1998: China - 2, Brazil - 76, Russia - 110, Estonia - 200, Japan - 343, Germany - 505, Italy - 514, USA - 700. Health expenses are in the US 14% of gross domestic product, in Germany - 9%, in Russia - 2.3%.

The village as a concept disappeared.

A high level of food consumption is ensured by a small layer of farmers. The quality of life in the post-industrial society is the quality of life, under which it is understood as the possibility of living in harmony with nature, society, himself. The high quality of life is evidenced by the high-speed literacy and high level of formation of a significant part of the population, high life expectancy, availability and good quality medical services, an increase in leisure time and the possibility of rational order to them, reduce crime, etc.

By the beginning of the third millennium, N.E. About two and a half dozen of countries have entered the post-industrial stage of development, where there are more fifth parts of the world's population. GDP here in 1995, 20,249 "international dollars", 67-68% of the world's population lives in a country where average annual income is less than 20% of the first group, and 34% of the population lives in countries with average annual income of less than 10% of the first group . And only 15% of the population falls on countries with an average per capita income from 20 to 99% in relation to the leaders. But world development analysis in the 70-90s indicates that the gap between highly educated countries and the periphery of the planet is reduced. The most effective efforts of countries where the course is adhered to the openness of the economy, a reduction in the public sector, attracting foreign capital, state care for education. This opens the way to welfare even the least backward countries.

Basics of economic theory. Lecture course. Edited by Baskin A.S., Botkin O.I., Ishmanova M.S. Izhevsk: Publishing House "Udmurt University", 2000.

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Post-industrial society and its main features.

In the second half of the 20th century, deep changes occurred in society: the person himself changed and his place in the world. It can be concluded that a new society is formed. It is called post-industrial, information, technotronic, postmodern, etc.

The main ideas of post-industrial society are stated by the American sociologist D. Bell. Another representative of American sociology M. Kastelli in the characteristic of modern society makes emphasis primarily on his informational nature. One way or another, the authors emphasize the transition to a new period in the history of modern civilization, which was due to changes in the economy, social life, politics and the spiritual sphere. These changes were so significant, which led to the crisis of the preceding development model. The scientific and technical revolution that happened in the middle of the 20th century has changed the production structure - information technology was published in the first place.

According to Bella, post-industrial, the information society is different from the preceding industrial society mainly two parameters:

1) the central role acquires theoretical knowledge;

2) the services sector in relation to the "manufacturing farm" expands. This means that an indigenous shift occurred in the ratio of the three sectors of the economy: primary (mining industry and agriculture), secondary (manufacturing industries and construction), tertiary (services). This latter took leading positions.

The basis of the post-industrial society is the non-replaceable effect of science for production. If the industrial society relies on different kinds Energy and machine technology, then post-industrial - on intellectual technologies, its main resource is knowledge and information.

Information in society has always played special role. It is known that the experience gained in a long-term process could not be transmitted by genetic means, so society is increasingly becoming interested in the conservation and transfer of knowledge, i.e. social information. The development of information connections made a society, like any living self-developing, self-regulatory system, more resistant to influence ambient, ordered communication in it. Insofar as informationin society, it is primarily knowledge (but not all that has humanity has, but only that part of it is used for orientation for active), it serves as the necessary link management service in order to preserve and qualitative specifics, improve and development. The more information received processes the system, the higher its overall organization and efficiency of functioning, thereby expanding the possibilities of its regulation.

In modern society informationturned into it exclusively an important resource. The society falls on the way of informatization: the systemic process of mastering information as a resource of development (and management) with the help of informatics tools for the progress of civilization. Company informatization does not mean just computerization, it new level The vital activity of each personality and society as a whole, in which the interaction of informatics and society is carried out on the basis of the study of laws and trends.

In this way, informant Society It is characterized by a state when society seizes with information flows and arrays that determine social development. The main and main form of social development on a global scale is information - capacious comprehensive intensification. This basis develops a global unity of all civilization. The creation of the Internet played a big role, then the merger of global media and computer communications in multimedia, covering all the spheres of human life. A new information was created - a technological paradigm, which changed the economy, led to radical changes in the state administration.

The features of post-industrialism were largely asked in the XVI - XVII V.V. Western European civilization, receiving deeper development now. It:

- High rates of development. Society passed on the intensive path of development;

- A fundamental change in the value system has occurred: innovation itself has become value, originality. In addition, autonomy of the personality was in one of the highest places in the hierarchy of values. A person can change its corporate communications, to be included in various social community and cultural traditions, especially since education becomes more affordable;

- How ever previously manifested the essence of a person as an active being, which is in converting relation to the world. The active and active ideal of human relations to nature has spread to the sphere of social relations (struggle, revolutionary transformations in society, etc.);

- Society passed to another vision of nature - knowing the laws of nature, it puts them under their control. Therefore, the scientific relationship has gained special importance as the basis of further progress.

At the same time, the problem of science opportunities, especially at present, arises. The fact is that the very development of man-made civilization approached critical overgrowes, which designated the boundaries of this type of civilizational growth. With the advent of global problems, problems of human survival, the problems of preserving the personality and the biological foundations of human being in conditions, when everything is clearly the threat of the destructive influence of modern technogenesis on the human biology is manifested. Antisciented concepts They are imposed on the science and its technological application responsibility for growing global problems. They advocate with the requirements, limit and even freeze scientific and technical progress, essentially this means a refund to traditional societies.

Contradictory and role of equipment in modern society. On the one hand, performing social function, it complements and expands human capabilities. Its significance is so great that it gives rise to a certain state of the worldview - technocratism.

Technocratism Absolutizes the role of technical ideas and principles of technical knowledge, spreading them to other areas of human activity, believes that the leading place in modern society belongs to technical specialists.

On the other hand, the penetration of the principles of technical design in all areas of human livelihoods creates a threat to the person himself, its identity. A certain similarity of the "technical state" arises, in which all priorities, and the fate of society itself are provided by the scientific and technical elite. The laws of things created by the Civilization itself enter the place of social and political standards and laws. Therefore, in society is growing technical Alarmism - panic in front of the technician.


1. Philosophy / Ed. V.V. Mironova.

- M., section. VII, ch. 3.

2. Philosophy / Ed. A.F.zotova et al. - M., 2003. Section 5, ch. 7.

Read the information.

Characteristic features of post-industrial society

Sphere of public life

Specific traits


1. High leveluse of information for the development of the economy.

2. Ampregnation of the service sector.

3. Individualization of production and consumption.

4. Automaticization and robotization of all areas of production and management.

5. The cost of cooperation with nature.

6. Development of resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.


1.Sil civil societywhere the law and law dominates.

2. Polytic pluralism (many political parties).

3. The new form of democracy is "democracy of consensus" based on mutual concessions.


1. Fracting class differences.

2. The middle class.

3. Differentiation level of knowledge.


1. Possible role of science and education.

2. Development of individualized consciousness.

3. Educational education.

Consider examples.

Post-industrial society


1. State in the southwest of Europe (Spain).

It is among the top ten world manufacturers of cars, vessels, forging equipment and gas compressors, machine tools, petroleum products and chemical goods.

Banking system It is one of the most stable in Europe.

Officially registered more than 500 political parties and public organizations.

It is considered an open-air museum. Cultural and historical monuments that have world glory carefully stored carefully.

The leading place is engaged in air transport. Of the 42 airports 34 carry out regular transportation.

Spain has a well-developed media network.

2.Stran B. Northern Europe (Sweden). Stable among the 20 most developed countries of the world, and in the quality of life in the top ten. The main share in GDP is created by the scope of services, and tourism is included (6 million tourists per year).

Different with a high level of social protection of the population.

3. Strange in Western Europe (France). According to the total economy, the country occupies leading places in the European Union, on the GDP per capita (31,100 dollars, 2006) is consistently included in the first world twenty. It has the most advanced railway network in Europe. Approximately 30% of GDP is spent on social needs. Officially installed 39-hour working week (the shortest in Europe).

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Intelligent Games "Social Studies"

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Used Books:

1. Community: textbook for grade 10. Part 1 - 3rd ed. / A.I. Kravchenko. - M.: "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2003.

2. Community: textbook for grade 11. - 5th ed. / A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2004.

3.Ge 2009. Social Studies. Directory / O.V. Kishenkov. - M.: Eksmo, 2008.

4. Security: EGE-2008: Real Tasks / Avt.-Cost. O.A.Kotova, i.e.Liskova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008.

5.GE 2010. Social Studies: Tutor / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L.Rukhotskaya, M.Yu.Brandt and others. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.

6. Social Studies. Preparation for state final certification-2010: educational and methodological manual / O.A. Chernyshova, R.P.Pazin. - Rostov N / D: Legion, 2009.

7. Social Studies. Experimental examination. Typical test tasks. Grade 8 / S.V. Krayushkin. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2009.

8.Schestinality: Full Directory / P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S.V. Sashchenko; Ed. P.A. Baranova. - M.: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2010.

9.Schedule: Profile. Level: studies. For 10 cl. general education. Institutions / L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu.Lazebnikova, N.M. Smirnova et al. Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova and others. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007.

Read the information.

Characteristic features of post-industrial society

Sphere of public life

Specific traits


1. High leveluse of information for the development of the economy.

2. Ampregnation of the service sector.

3. Individualization of production and consumption.

4. Automaticization and robotization of all areas of production and management.

5. The cost of cooperation with nature.

6. Development of resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.


1. A civil society, where the law and law dominates.

2. Polytic pluralism (many political parties).

3. The new form of democracy is "democracy of consensus" based on mutual concessions.


1. Fracting class differences.

2. The middle class.

3. Differentiation level of knowledge.


1. Possible role of science and education.

2. Development of individualized consciousness.

3. Educational education.

Consider examples.

Post-industrial society


1. State in the southwest of Europe (Spain).

It is among the top ten world manufacturers of cars, vessels, forging equipment and gas compressors, machine tools, petroleum products and chemical goods.

The banking system is one of the most stable in Europe.

Officially registered more than 500 political parties and public organizations.

It is considered an open-air museum. Cultural and historical monuments that have world glory carefully stored carefully.

The leading place is engaged in air transport. Of the 42 airports 34 carry out regular transportation.

Spain has a well-developed media network.

2.Stran in Northern Europe (Sweden). Stable among the 20 most developed countries of the world, and in the quality of life in the top ten. The main share in GDP is created by the scope of services, and tourism is included (6 million tourists per year).

Different with a high level of social protection of the population.

3. Strange in Western Europe (France). According to the total economy, the country occupies leading places in the European Union, on the GDP per capita (31,100 dollars, 2006) is consistently included in the first world twenty. It has the most advanced railway network in Europe. Approximately 30% of GDP is spent on social needs. Officially installed 39-hour working week (the shortest in Europe).

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Intelligent Games "Social Studies"

Intellectual games at the forum "Know Society"

Used Books:

1. Community: textbook for grade 10. Part 1 - 3rd ed. / A.I. Kravchenko. - M.: "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2003.

2. Community: textbook for grade 11. - 5th ed. / A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2004.

3.Ge 2009. Social Studies. Directory / O.V. Kishenkov. - M.: Eksmo, 2008.

4. Security: EGE-2008: Real Tasks / Avt.-Cost. O.A.Kotova, i.e.Liskova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008.

5.GE 2010. Social Studies: Tutor / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L.Rukhotskaya, M.Yu.Brandt and others. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.

6. Social Studies. Preparation for state final certification-2010: educational and methodological manual / O.A. Chernyshova, R.P.Pazin. - Rostov N / D: Legion, 2009.

7. Social Studies. Experimental examination. Typical test tasks. Grade 8 / S.V. Krayushkin. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2009.

8.Schestinality: Full Directory / P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S.V. Sashchenko; Ed. P.A. Baranova. - M.: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2010.

9.Schedule: Profile. Level: studies. For 10 cl. general education. Institutions / L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu.Lazebnikova, N.M. Smirnova et al. Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova and others. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007.

All countries of the world are definitely experiencing the influence of a changing external environment. In addition, internal changes occurring in each country accumulating in economic, social, political, cultural structures, in the end, cause significant shifts in all areas, changing the qualitative condition of the entire society. It follows that a new public, economic and political state should inevitably be replaced by an industrial society. Most researchers call this era of the Society of Society post-industrial.

One of the first concept of the post-industrial society substantiated Daniel Bell (1973). He contrasted the concept of "post-industrial society" the concepts of "pre-industrial" and "industrial" society. If the pre-industrial society was mainly mining and was based on agriculture, mining of minerals, fisheries, forest harvesting and other resources, up to natural gas or oil, and an industrial society wears, above all, producingcharacter using energy and machine technology for the production of goods, the post-industrial society is processingHere, the exchange of information and knowledge is mainly due to telecommunications and computers.

Bell believes that in the 1970s. Modern industrial society due to the rapid development of science and technology (they act as the main driving forces) entered into new stage - Stadium post-industrial society. This society, compared to the industrial, acquired new signs, namely:

  • 1. the central role of theoretical knowledge. Each society has always relied on knowledge, but only today the systematization of the results of theoretical research and materials is becoming the basis of technological innovation. This is noticeably primarily in new, high-tech industries - the production of computers, electronic, optical equipment, polymers, manufacturing, which marked its development the last third of the 20th century;
  • 2. Creating a new intellectual technology. New Methamatic and Economic Methods, such as computer linear programming, Markov chains, stochastic processes, etc., serve as a technological basis for modeling, imitation and other system analysis tools and theory of solutions that allow you to find more efficient, "rational" approaches to economic , technical and even social problems;
  • 3. growth of the class of knowledge carriers. The most fast group of society is a class of technical specialists and professionals. In the United States, this group, together with managers, consulted in 1975, 25% of the workforce - 8 million people. By 2000, Bella claimed, the class of technical specialists and professionals would be the most numerous social group;
  • 4. transition from the production of goods to the production of services. In the 1970s. Already 65% \u200b\u200bof those who worked in the United States were employed in the service sector and this figure continues to grow. The services sector took place in the pre-industrial and industrial societies, but new types of services appeared in the post-industrial society, primarily services in the humanitarian field (mainly in health care, education and social security), as well as services of technical specialists and professionals (for example, when conducting research and assessments, work with computers, system analysis);
  • 5. changes in the nature of labor. If a life in the pre-industrial society was the interaction of a person with nature, when people, uniting in small groups, seriously, mined themselves to feed on Earth, in water or in the forest and completely dependent on the population of the external environment, if labor was already interaction in the industrial society With transformed by nature, when people become applying machines in the process of production of goods, then in the post-industrial society labor is primarily an allocation between people (between the official and the visitor, the doctor and the patient, the teacher and students or between members of research teams, employees of the office or employees of the service team ). Thus, nature, artificially created objects are excluded from the labor and everyday practice, and only people who learn to interact with each other remain. In the history of human society, this is a completely new situation that has no analogues;
  • 6. The role of women. In the industrial society worked mainly men. A post-industrial society (for example, services in the humanitarian sphere) provides extensive employment opportunities for women. Women first received a reliable basis for economic independence;
  • 7. science reaches its mature state. Arriving in the XVII century, that is, even in the pre-industrial society, the scientific community was a unique social institution. Unlike other charismatic communities (religious groups, Messianic political movements), it does not "rutinize" their beliefs and does not build them into the rank of official dogmas. In the post-industrial society, the connection of science and technologies has significantly strengthened; It also includes an integral part in military sphere and largely determines social needs;
  • 8. sitses like political units. In the previous state of society, the main role was played by classes and strata, that is, horizontal units of society, entering each other in the relationship of superiority. In the post-industrial society, the situses (from lat. Situ - position, position) or vertically arranged social units were in Bella, more important nodes of political connections. There are four functional Situs (or horizontal social groups): Scientific, technical (i.e., applied professions - engineering, economy, medicine), administrative and cultural and five institutionalsitutions (vertical social units) - Economic enterprises and government agencies, universities and research centers, social complexes (hospitals, social services centers) and army. The extortion of the post-industrial society and its policies are not determined by classes, but it is rivalry between situses or vertical units of society;
  • 9. meritocracy (from Lat. Meritos - use). In the post-industrial society, a person may take his position not so much on the right of inheritance or property (as in the pre-industrial and industrial society), as a result of education and qualifications, based on personal achievement;
  • 10. end of limited benefits. Most of the socialist and utopian theories attributed all the swarms of society the shortage of goods and competition of people for the missing benefits. In the post-industrial society, Bella believes, the shortage of benefits will disappear, there will be only a shortage of information and time;
  • 11. economic information theory. In the industrial society in the production of individual goods, preference should be given to the competitive system, otherwise the enterprise is losing activity or become monopolists. In the post-industrial society, it became possible to optimally invest in knowledge, the production of which is collective, the ability to allow more widely to distribute it.

We emphasize that, according to Bella, changes and improvements in ideal structures (Knowledge, presentation of people about new technologies) entail a change in the social structure of society. Unlike the industrial, in the post-industrial society, the social structure consists not only of horizontal layers (classes, social strata), but also from vertical structures - situses. In terms of schematic form, Bell paints such a socio-political structure of post-industrial society:

I.Cmamychbie Group: Stratification axis is based on knowledge (horizontal structures):

A. Class of professionals - four estates:

  • 1. Communicable;
  • 2. Technological (Applied Types of Knowledge: Engineering,

economic, medical);

  • 3. Administrative;
  • 4. Cultural (artistic and religious activities).

B. Techniques and semi-professional.

B. Employees and trade workers.

Greeting and semi-unqualified workers ("blue collars").

//. Titus groups: application spheres professional activity (vertical structures):

A. Economic enterprises and commercial firms;

B. Government (legal and administrative bureaucracy);

B. Universities and research institutes;

G. Social sphere (hospitals, life service, etc.);

D. Military.

III. Controlling system: political organization of the Company:

A. High Echelon Power

  • 1. President;
  • 2. Leaders of legislative power;
  • 3. Bureaucra's heads;
  • 4. Higher Military Guide.

B. Political groups: Social associations and pressure groups:

  • 1.Parti;
  • 2. Eletes (scientific, academic, business, military);
  • 3.Mobilized groups: a) functional groups (business, professional, groups allocated based on the specifics of labor);
  • b) ethnic groups;
  • c) narrow groups:
    • - functional (mayors of cities, poor, etc.);
    • -bupport of specific interests (youth, women, and

According to Bella, "New Social Structure, in contrast to the fact that K. Marks argued, it is not always born in the depths of old, but in some cases outside it. The basis of feudal society was nobles, landowners, military and clergymen, whose wealth was associated with the ownership of Earth. The bourgeois society, originated in the XIII century, has developed from artisans, merchants and free professionals, whose property is their qualifications or their willingness to take risks and whose terrestrial values \u200b\u200bare absolutely not compatible with the leaving theatricalness of the knightly lifestyle. However, they originated outside the feudal landowner structure, in free communities or cities, which by that time were already freed from vassal addiction. And these small self-governing communities became the basis of the European Trade and Industrial Society. The same process takes place at present the roots of post-industrial society lie in the unpretentious effect of science for the production, which arose mainly during the transformation of the electricity and chemical industries at the beginning of the 20th century ... Based on this, we can say that the scientific estate is its form and content - He is a monad containing a modist of future society. "

According to Bella, social String Post-industrial society compared to the industrial, will not be erupted, and even more complicates. If utopian theorists who dreamed of universal social equality, saw progress in artificially equalizing the social statuses of different social groups, the realities of post-industrial society were not only complicated, but also continue to complicate its social structure. This trend follows from the process of the rapid development of knowledge and education, constant complication, the increasing diversity of human activity, the division of labor, multiplying the specialties and


The struggle of traditional classes from the economic sphere moved to political. It is here that the redistribution continues

produced product and a group of specific and ethnic interests (poor and black) tend to obtain help from the government to fill their low status in the economic sphere.

The second important changes in the social structure of the post-industrial society is to formize status, that is, horizontal also titus or vertical structures. If in the industrial society, status and synti social structures coincide (for example, businessmen taken as a class are concentrated exclusively in enterprises), then in the post-industrial society, members of four professional status estates are part of various situses. Scientists can work at enterprises, in the state office, universities, in the service sector or in the military field. The same can be said about engineers, economists, medical workers, managers. Because of this, the scattering of representatives of each social group for various situated groups the likelihood of a pure corporate consciousness capable of bright political output (for example, lobbying its class interests) tends to reduce.

All this democratizes society. The position of the person in it is no longer determined by capital, but its knowledge, skills and the quality of the benefit that he brings people. According to Bella, the very essence of society, which should not be called capitalist, in which the power belongs to the owners of the means of production, and meritocraticIn which people who bring not personal, and public benefits working on their own profits, but for multiplication of public wealth, possess the authorities. In this sense, that is, in the sense of the distribution and redistribution of power, the concept of "meritocracy" is closer to Bella with the concept of "democracy".

The development of society, according to Bella, determines the interaction of its three main spheres: technical and economic, political and cultural. Main changes occur primarily in the feasibility of economic sphere. But this sphere itself is experiencing a strong influence of developing science, knowledge, and then has an impact on politics and culture. Historically, - says Bella, - science was the strength striving for freedom. Therefore, in the post-industrial society, science, becoming leading force, will be able to provide democratic influence (We are allocated - B.I.) both on the political system and on society as a whole.

The transition to the post-industrial society has already begun and its features quite clearly visible in America already in the 1970s. Other developed countries are also moving towards post-industrialism. In addition to the United States at the end of the XX century., According to Bella, Western Europe, Japan and the USSR should be post-industrial.

Similar features determine the post-industrial society another American political analyst Zbignev Brzezinsky. In his work "Between the two eras: the role of America in the Technotron Era" (1970), he claims that mankind has passed two era in its development: (agrarian and industrial) and enters the third era - technotron (that is, the technicraft - B.I). He calls the "society that is emerging in its cultural, psychological, social and economic aspects under the influence of technology and electronics, especially in the field of computer technology and communications." Signs of Technotron Society of Brzezinsky very much resemble the features of the post-industrial society Bella, namely:

  • - the industry of goods is inferior to the service economy;
  • - the role of knowledge, competences that become power tools are growing;
  • - Therefore, the one who wants to "be afloat" in such a society is needed by studying and self-education throughout life;
  • - The life of wide layers is boring, (day rationalized production, in the evening - TV). From here - an important role of leisure: the development of show - business, industry and entertainment industry, sports, tourism, etc.;
  • - Universities, scientific centers directly determine the changes and the whole life of society;
  • - the role of ideology is falling with increasing interest in universal values;
  • - television involves wide masses into political life, previously passive;
  • - there is an urgent participation of broad layers in the adoption of socially important decisions;
  • - economic power Demonsonophone (the manager is not the owner, and the hired worker. The company belongs to those who own shares);
  • - Increases interest in the quality of life, and not only to ordinary material well-being.

So, Bell 'and Brzezinsky, the main factor of socio-political changes leading to post-industrial democracy, consider scientifically technical and economic, ultimately technotronic. In this sense, they continue the tradition of moving technocrats, which originated in 1920-1930. in USA. The leaders of this movement of the town of Laub and Skott believed that social production could be regulated on the principles of scientific and technical rationality, which must be organized by the national scale of scientists, teachers, architects, ecologists, doctors, economists, engineers. In the 1940s The ideas of Loéba and Scott developed James Bernham. In the monograph "Revolution of managers" (1941), he argued technocratic, that is, the power of government management, as a socio-political force, capable of not only to ensure the sustainable industrial development of society, but also to create a qualitatively new political system of post-industrial society.

In the same velocity of the technocratic development of post-industrial democracy, the French lawyer and political scientist Maurice Dupetsezh, who introduced the concept "Technodemocracy". Technocracy, as the board of only the rationalist-minded elite, in a doubright, does not exist, however, after the dominance of liberal democracy (1870-1914) and its crisis (1918-1939), there was a new form of the political organization of society and the state that included technocratic elements in combination With surviving elements of liberal democracy (political freedoms, pluralistic ideology, humanistic cultural traditions) and with a new oligarchy represented by the owners of production, people of the technostructure of corporations and government officials. At the same time, the owners of production (capitalists) and people of the technostructure (technocrat managers) seek not only to manage their corporations, but also through state structures to participate in the management of the country, to determine the prospects for its development. Together with state officials, they participate in long-term planning and making important political and economic decisions. Of these three groups of managers (owners' capitalists, managers, technocrats and government managers) and forms managing (Economic) Technostructure. Another structure of the technocracy - political technostructure It is formed in the process of cooperation of ministers, leaders of parties, managers of trade unions and groups of pressure, higher government officials, leading experts in the process of preparing important state decisions. As a result of the activities of economic and political technostructures, their interaction and, to some extent, the sharpness is formed by the tech-commocratic organization of the Company, which Dupetsed liked the two-liking Janus - the deity of the ancient Romans. The work of Dupetse about the technocracy is called "Janus. Two faces of the West "(1972) 2".

Other authors in the development of the concept of post-industrial society make focus on an axiomatic aspect. In their opinion, the main shift occurs in the change of valuesThe people of post-industrial society are oriented. K. Cenigston, for example, argues that a significant mass of young people of modern developed countries is committed to the "search of the world, located on the other side of materialism, to the abandonment of careerism and compassion." 253.

In general, political cultratologists, speaking of the society following the industrial, prefer to argue in the categories "Modern" - "Postmodern" or "Materialistic Society" and "Postmarial Society".

"Modernization," Ronald Inglhart says, is not the final stage of history. The formation of an advanced industrial society leads to another completely special shift in basic values \u200b\u200b- when

the value characteristic of the industrial society of instrumental rationality is reduced. The predominant are the values \u200b\u200bof postmodern, carrying a number of various societal change with them, from the equality of women to democratic political institutions(allocated by me - B.I.) and the decline of state-socialist regimes. "

Shift societies to the values \u200b\u200bof postmodern Not a random turn of history or a break of political development. This shift, from the point of view of Inglhart, commensurate with the transition of humanity from the agricultural society to the industrial, when the situation was changed, formed by a stationary-sustainable agricultural economy, which launched on the religious nature of life, tradition, inherited status, commitment to the community. The modernist world relations carried with him a secular lifestyle, social mobility, stimulation of innovation, individualism. Currently, in Inglhart, post-industrial societies change their socio-political trajectories in two cardinal relations.

  • 1. Regarding the value system. With the adoption of modernist, materialistic, industrial values, economic growth began to equate to progress, that is, to the main criterion of prosperity of society. But at present, this is increasingly raised, and the place of success criterion occupies the focus of quality of life. Such norms of industrialism, as discipline, selflessness, achievements in society are inferior to post-industrialism standards: wide freedom, choice of life style, circle of communication, individual self-expression.
  • 2. Regarding the institutional structure.Post-industrial, postmodern values \u200b\u200bchange social relations inside industrial, hierarchical, bureaucratic organizations that served as an industrialism support. The state, political parties and assembly lines of the mass conveyor, and the structure of industrial corporations and trade firms are changed. They all approached both the limits of their effectiveness and to the limits of their mass acceptance.
  • - Respect for power and political authorities, as expressive valuables, as the symbols of the outgoing era;
  • - emphasis on political participation and on the transition from participation through political parties to a more autonomous and individual species, such as the exchange of views over the Internet instead of LSBAT in party clubs, the organization of protest shares through the Internet instead of participation in promotions organized by parties and trade unions, Individual voting via the Internet instead of participation in general voting at polling stations;
  • - The purpose of political participation is not to achieve material wealth and safe existence, and the self-expression, a demonstration of its own lifestyle, different from the style imposed by the mass culture;
  • - increases the traction of individuals to a self-expression, which manifests itself in the whole guise, the manner of the behavior of people of postmarital values, the nature of their communication, their attitude towards people of material values;
  • - Political conflicts are worried less class character and focus around the problems of culture and quality of life.

These trends contribute:

  • -In societies with an authoritarian political culture - democratization, but in the situation too fast change and uncertainty in the future - flashes of xenophobia;
  • -In democratic societies - the development of democratic culture on the path of greater partition and focus on specific problems.

The core of the theory of postmarialist culture of Inglehart is the theory of intergenerational change of values, according to which humanity will move from modern industrial and materialistic values \u200b\u200bto the values \u200b\u200bof postmarialist gradually, from generation to generation.

A comparative analysis of inglhart modernization and postmodernization is very interesting in terms of studying democracy. He believes that in the era of post-industrialism, the process of modernization replaced by the process postmodernization. These processes differ in four important points:

  • 1. Social transformations in the process of postmodernation lose linear and progressive character, that is, they do not follow the direction and constant increment until the end of the story. On the contrary, sooner or later they reach the turning point. In recent decades, they go in a completely new direction;
  • 2. Previous options of the theory of modernization were deterministic in nature: Marxism did focus on economic determinism, and Weber's theory was leaning towards determinism cultural. From the point of view of the theory of postmodernization of the relationship between the economy, on the one hand, and culture and policies, on the other, are complementary, as it occurs between different systems of the biological organism. It is meaningless of the question of what determines the activity of the human body: a muscular system, a blood circulation system, a nervous system or a respiratory system; Each of them plays his own, vital important role. Similarly, political systems, as well as economic, require support from the cultural system, otherwise they would have to rely on frank coercion. And on the contrary, a cultural system incompatible with the economy is unlikely to be viable. If all these systems do not support each other on a mutual basis, they face die away;
  • 3. Proponents of postmodernization disagree with those who equate modernization to the "Westernization". At some historical moment, modernization was indeed purely western phenomenon, but today it is quite obvious that this process has gained global character and that in a certain sense he was headed by the country East Asia. Hence the proposal of postmodern supporters to modify the thesis of Weber on the role of Protestant ethics in economic development. Weber correctly understood the role of Protestantism, which brought in contrast to other religions that restrained economic development, rationalism and cold calculation during the modernization of Europe. However, representatives of other religions can be segmented by rationalism and cold calculation for the development of the economy as it turned out. And the industrialization started in the West today seems to be one of the options for modernization;
  • 4. Democracy is not a phenomenon that is immanently inherent in the modernization phase, according to supporters of this theory. Alternative consequences are possible, and fascism and communism serves the most vivid example. However, democracy is indeed increasingly becoming an increasingly likely phenomenon as they transition from the stage of modernization to postmodernization. At this second stage, a completely special complex of transformations is carried out, which to such an extent increase the likelihood of democracy approval, which, ultimately, has to be "expensive to avoid it."

Postmodernization provides for the rejection of the accent on economic efficiency, bureaucratic structures of power and scientific rationalism, which were characteristic of modernization, and marks the transition to a more humane society, where self-identity, diversity and self-expression personality is provided with greater space. 56.

Postmodernization provides every member of society to make its own moral, social and political choice and, at the same time, requires state institutions and public structures to create real possibilities of this choice. Thus, postmodernation, as the industrial modernization creates new mass political and social institutions, but, unlike industrial modernization, it makes it possible not only for mass participation in the political process, but also individual selection of behavior style, communication circle, new postmarital values, New Parties and Other Organizations Entering New Post-industrial Problems

Another group of authors, exploring the features of post-industrialism, focuses on such a characteristic as an ever-increasing role of information. Some of them directly refer to the following industrial society informational.

So, for example, John Neisbit found the following main changes or megatrenda Modern Candidustrial and Information Society:

  • - We crossed from industrial society to society, which is based on the production and distribution of information;
  • - We are moving towards the dualism "Technical Progress (High Tech) - Mental Comfort (High Touch), when each new technology is accompanied by a compensatory humanitarian reaction;
  • -nm is no longer available luxury work in the limits of isolated, self-sufficient national economic System; It is necessary to recognize that we are an integral part of the global economy;
  • -We are from the society managed by the momentary considerations and incentives, turn into a society focused on much longer-term prospects;
  • -In cities and states, in small organizations and divisions, we again discovered the ability to act innovative and get results - from the bottom up;
  • -To all aspects of our life we \u200b\u200bmove from hopes to help institutions and organizations to hopes for their own strength;
  • - We discover that the forms of representative democracy in the era of instantly propagating information are outdated and they must be supplemented by the forms of democracy of participation;
  • - We cease to depend on hierarchical structures and make a choice in favor of informal networks. This is especially important for the entrepreneurial environment;
  • - Enjoy the number of Americans living in the south and in the West, who left for this old industrial centers of the North;
  • - Society made by the rigid selection framework "or - or", we quickly turn into a free society with multivariate behavior. 25.

Democracy of participation and calculation more on their own forces than to the aid of state organizations, multivariate behavior as well as support for postmarity values \u200b\u200bcreates the possibilities of not only mass participation in politics, but also the individual choice of political

allies and political programs, political leaders and political parties.

Alain Tournamen called the society following the industrial communication or programmed societyfor it as a result of the rapid development of science and technology gets the opportunity to use complex information systems and communicationsand also has a much larger degree of mobilizationthan industrial society. In the industrial society, individuals were involved in the managed system of collective organization almost only in the field of employment, although sometimes - to a much slower way - due to the housing. For post-industrial, programmed society, it is characteristic that it introduces large centralized management systems to a wide variety of public life areas, including information, educational, research spheres, even in the field of consumption and health care. The centralization of solutions and management of these and other areas allows you to create long-term programs, program the development of all spheres of society. The new society will be a society of programmable communications, but it does not reduce, but, on the contrary, significantly increases the possibilities of choice, for a programmed society has nothing to do with the society of unification and concentration of decision-making, with a society of political and ideological control. Programmed societies forced people, goods and ideas to circulate in much greater than previous societies did. IN political sphere A post-industrial programmed society, as Turns expressed, "allows and encourages the greatest interdependence between the mechanisms of domination." If in the industrial society the basis of protest and, consequently, the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice was the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness in the industrial, programmed society, that is, the "inclusive concept of social life, based on the needs of individuals and groups in society." Consequently, the political arena in a programmed society is no longer connected with the working movement, as in the industrial society, but with the actor owning many roles, with the "actor", with a specific person. This does not reduce, even increases the conflict of programmed society, but at the same time increases its stability. As the turmaid "Flames can break out anywhere, but a society is less than a huge fire threatening."

Manuel Casteles defining the attachment of the post-industrial, the information society sees the presence of networks. Network structure of society represents a complex of interconnected nodes to which markets include valuable papers And serving their auxiliary institutions when it comes to a network of global financial flows, ministerial councils of various European countries, when it comes to a political network structure, cocia and poppy fields, underground laboratories, secret airfields, street dealers and financial institutions engaged in money laundering when it comes to the production and distribution of drugs, TV channels, studios, journalistic teams, technical television funds when it comes to a global network of new means of information that makes up the basis for the expression of cultural forms and public opinion in

information age.

Network, as Casteles believes, turned out to be institutions,

contributing to the development of a number of regions, namely:

  • - capitalist economy based on innovation, globalization and decentralized concentration;
  • - Labor sifes with its employees and firms based on flexibility and adaptability;
  • -stera culture characterized by constant dismembrance and reunification of various elements;
  • - policies-oriented assimilation of new values \u200b\u200band public mindings;
  • -Social organization who has given its task "Conquesting space and the destruction of time".

At the same time, the formation of a network society acts as a source of far-reaching restructuring of the relationship of power. Connected to the networks "Roots" (for example, when it comes to transition under control financial structures This or that empire of media influencing political processes) act as instruments of the authority available only to the elect. Who manages such a chopper, he has the power.

It should not be thought that any changes in society and the state automatically lead to strengthening and expanding democracy. There is a critique of democracy, believing that modern socio-political and economic processes lead to distortion of democratic standards and institutions, paradeoscal situations and conflicts. N. Bobbio, for example, put forward the thesis about "unfulfilled promises" or paradoxes of democracywhich comes down to the following:

  • 1. First (and in the most general form), the promise of folk sovereignty is not fulfilled. As a result of the growth of state bureaucrats, this promise has exhausted itself. The functional logic organized on a large scale of bureaucracy due to the unlimitedness of the hierarchical and oligarchic tendencies of bureaucracy has completely exhausted themselves. However, the dissemination of bureaucratic structures is closely associated with increasing pressure, which democratic dogs and mass parties, in particular, have on state structures, especially within the framework of the state of universal well-being.
  • 2. The emergence of a pluralistic society, supported by the open and tolerant nature of democratic institutions, led to the suffocation of the postulate of individualism, such an important Dia of democratic supporters of the public contract. Currently, individuals, major public and private dogs, parties, trade unions and professional organizations are more successful as the main subjects of the political life of modern democratic societies. If autonomy has a postulate of a democratic life, there is still some power, it should now be sought in individuals, but in Guppies. Individual, which is not connected with any organization, is in essence, deprived of any autonomous political subjectivity. As Bobbio put it: "We require increasingly high levels of democracy in conditions that are objectively less conducive to democracy."
  • 3. The third paradox leading to the destruction of another

the fundamental postulate of democracy, - expanding and

the deepening gap between the insufficient competence of individuals and more complex problems and the need for technical solutions that are available only to those skilled in the art. Scientific and technological progress leads to the fact that scientists, experts or professional consultants are becoming the main actors in political life, especially related to powerful and prestigious organizations. Meanwhile, the average, ordinary citizen becomes an increasing marginal figure. "Is there any contradiction in the requirement of increasingly and greater democracy in a society that is increasingly determined by technology?"

4. Active participation in political life also stands

a significant sign of democracy, however, in modern

democratic countries there is a mass distribution

conformism and political apathy. This contributes to the development of mass communications and intensive use of commercial and political propaganda, voter manipulation tools.

5. Modern democratic regimes not only did not get rid of the presence of non-democratic elites and oligarchy, but also contributed to the development of corporations representing non-public, but group interests.

b. Variety of universal election law did not affect the two "enormous arrays of hereditary and hierarchical power" - the state bureaucracy and large business, and the last half cuts the sovereignty of Gaja to give consent to decisions that affect not only the economic development of the entire society, but and on decisions regarding institutions such as family, education, health care.

7.Democracy could not make the management system completely transparent and public, in particular, to eliminate the so-called "invisible power" - the non-democratic secret activity of state institutions, secret agreements between states, non-democratic activities of diplomatic, intelligence, secret and special services, etc.

Farid Zakaria considered the problems of development and expanding the area of \u200b\u200bdemocracy in the world at a different angle of view, but also stated the following contradictions of modern democracy:

The contradiction between constitutional liberalism, that is, the classical policy of constitutional democrats and a course of modern democrats about the increase in government authority. Constitutional liberalism has always insisted on the restriction of the power of the Cabinet and the implementation of the concept of the state "Night Stroke", and modern democrats lead a line to expand the clastical powers of the executive branch of the authorities. For this reason, Markets, Liberals of the XVIII and XIX centuries notes. considered democracy by force capable of undermine freedom. The tendency of modern democratic governments to the concentration of power, often unconstitutional methods can lead to its centralization and the formation of a model of power, a very resembling dictatorship;

contradiction between the rule of the majority and minority rights. This contradiction is known since the times of A. de Tokville and J. Madison and got the name of the "minority dictatorship". Today at developed countries West this contradiction is not urgent, for the means of protecting the rights of individual and minorities are developed here. But in many developing countries This contradiction is manifested quite acutely both in violating the rights of individuals and - ethnic and religious minorities;

  • - a contradiction between the peaceful character of the democratic system and an increase in the number and the growth of the size of ethnic and religious conflicts in new, especially multi-storey democratic countries;
  • - A contradiction between liberal democracies, that is, societies that have passed the stage in their development, when the ideas of classical liberal constitutionalism and non-liberal democracies are dominated, in which there is no constitutional liberal foundation. It is in the countries of non-liberal democracy internal and external conflicts manifest much more often and sharper than in countries of liberal democracy. According to J. Snider and E.Madsfield over the past 200 years, nslibsral countries of democratic transit entered into war much more often than liberal, stable


post-industrial and infomaturation societies create a favorable environment for the development of democracy, that is, they act, according to our conjection as obliga and subjective conditions aspositive driving forces of democracyThe paradoxes and contradictions distort democracy, slow down its formation and cause acute conflicts in society, that is, they act as negative factors. If positive factors prevail in developed democracies (although there are negative), then in countries of democratic transit - negative.

All of the above applies to the development of the concept of post-industrial, technotronic, postmarialist,

postmodern and information society. There are also concerns of scientists in the correctness of the path of modern developed democracies, especially in the light of the problems of human survival with all increasing rates economic Development and social and cultural changes. It also sound pessimistic notes when assessing progress.

In 1980, Alvin Toffler issued his next book "Third Wave". He argued like Bell and Brzezinsky, in the spirit of the "Coming of the Third Era" (the first wave - the agricultural, the second - industrial, third wave is post-industrial).

The features of the future post-industrial civilization, in his opinion, already in our time are quite clearly visible and concluded in:

  • - transition of society to a new broader energy base, the use of various sources of energy (hydrogen energy, sun, tides and tides, geothermal water, biomass, lightning, new forms of nuclear energy, etc.);
  • - transition to a new, more differentiated technological basis, which includes less bulky and environmentally friendly technologies created using the results of biology, genetics, electronics, material science, deep-water research and discoveries in space;
  • -There to a new information and computerized society;
  • - growth of the meaning of information that will acquire greater value than ever and rebuilt the system of education and scientific research, reorganizes the media;
  • - Disappearance of cultural dominance of several media. In the post-industrial civilization will prevail interactive, *** - see Zaboria Farid. Future of freedom: non-liberal democracy in the United States and beyond. M., 2004, p. 101-120.

demacended means providing maximum variety and even personal information requests;

  • - The future television will give the beginning of "indevidio" - broadcasting in a narrow range transmitting images addressed to one person. Other, new means of transmitting information from individuals to the individual will appear;
  • - Plants and factories of post-industrial civilization will be little similar to enterprises of industrial society. Their main function will be practically waste-free high-tech production of a holistic product to order, and not the production of mass production. There will be no workers and engineers to manage such production, and consumers themselves are at a high distance;
  • - reduce the monotony of labor, the disappearance of conveyors, reducing the level of noise. Workers will come and leave at a convenient time for them, many will perform their work at home. They will become more independent and independent in their decisions;
  • - Reduction of the flow of papers, overlap their cabinet to the Cabinet. The main process of exploration of decisions will be the process;
  • - by cheap means of communication of expensive transport;
  • - the center of civilization will not be an office, and not even university, but a house, a family in which anyone of her dick can get any professional, educational or entertainment information;
  • - Base new system The rule of power in which the nation is as such will lose its importance, but many institutions will be acquired much greater importance: from transnational corporations to local authorities;
  • - appearance of new religious flows, new scientific theories, new types of art with great variety than in the company of the industrial era;
  • - Society of a higher level of diversity;
  • - The emergence of a new understanding by man of nature.

In the post-industrial society, in Toffler, innovations in the technique and changed changes It will be achieved such pace, which the biological nature of man will not sleep behind them. People who have not adapted, do not have time for progress, remain on the side of this process, as if falling out of society, and therefore opposing, revenge on him, fear, shock from the future. Hence such social phenomena as vandalism, mysticism, apathy, drug addiction, violence, aggression. The exit from such a ToffSR position sees in the change of thinking, the transition to new forms of social life. New forms of social life will come, in his opinion, after the transition to the production of children on specified physical and intellectual characteristics. Then there will be such social structures as a family, marriage, such concepts as "motherhood", "sex".

Social roles of men and women will change. New forms of social life will appear, such as group marriages and communes.

Despite the pessimism that emerged in relation to the survival of post-industrial society in the deteriorating ecology, the possibilities of its development and the adaptation of a person to him, most researchers of post-industrialism prefers to adhere to the optimistic tone. So, the rapidly developing computer and telecommunication technologies were convicted Edward Cornish for the thought of the coming cyber \u200b\u200bcommunity. Cornish Cybernetic Society has features, very reminiscent of post-industrial, information, technotronic society described by his colleagues and devoid of Alarmist sentiments, namely:

  • - Information technologies will take weight more portable and miniature forms. Not far to the time when a person can carry the equivalent of hundreds of modern supercomputers in his pocket;
  • "Standing inventions in the field of information technologies will not be ousted by their more modern rivals and will also succeed. Kini, television and computer - each in due time - threatened the book by destroying, but book publishers still publish and sell books, including books about movies, television of computers.
  • - in the coming decades, a computer network and telecommunications network will generally expand significantly, which will have an important impact on the life of humanity;
  • -Computers will take on most of our mental functions, just as the cars in the past assumed most of the hard physical work. The new technique will help humanity to solve many problems that previously put it in a dead end;
  • -Information technologies created in developed countries are rapidly spreading worldwide. Computers come in millions of houses every year. In those countries where the development of information technologies has not yet reached such heights as in developed states, their growth in percentage will be even more;
  • - Information technologies will take all the more portable and miniature forms. Not far to the time when a person can carry the equivalent of hundreds of modern supercomputers in his pocket;
  • -New information technologies will be adapted to the specific needs of people, their individual tastes. Telephone, TV and computer can be combined in one device;
  • "Standing inventions in the field of information technologies will not be ousted by their more modern rivals and will also succeed. Books, television and computer - everyone at one time - threatened the book by destroying, but book publishers to this day publish and sell books, including movie, television and computers.

These innovations in the technique and technologies, according to Cornish, will cause the following changes in the cultural, economic, social and political spheres:

  • - Selfish activity will be globalized at the expense of cheap communications, fatafically reduced distances and eliminating barriers between people. People living for thousands of miles from each other today have the opportunity to work together, shopping at a distance, not looking at state borders;
  • - Globalization of the economy means that the metal bolt made in Malaysia must accurately match the nut produced in Thailand to connect separate parts made in South Africa and Chile. Globalization of the economy will increasingly intensify in accordance with the requirements of the global market;
  • -Hlobalization of culture will lead to a decrease in the role of local crops. Today there are several thousand languages; During the XXI century. 90% of them will disappear. Global computer networks and telecommunications will turn into English to the dominant international language. People, if they want to go out in their activities for the National Frames will have to express their thoughts in English, which, in the end, can become native to most of the world's population;
  • -The advantage of new cultures and new languages \u200b\u200bwill appear; We are talking about technical, scientific, industrial, sports, etc. communities forming their jargon and their customs;
  • -Information technologies will free people from having to settle near work, which will increase the flow of immigrants to the countryside, closer to nature and an interesting cultural environment;
  • - have a large amount of time held by a person with a TV and a computer, lead to cancellation from social communication, disintegration of social and related links, which leads to its fierce, the participation of cases of asocial behavior;
  • -information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of interactive learning, enrich the teaching methodology, make it possible to significantly expand the number of educational programs;
  • - development of information technologies will limit control over the cyberspace of political systems and states, because people who do not resort to their help will be able to communicate directly with each other;
  • -Computer networks will provide comprehensive information on legislation, management, government polishes, candidates from political parties and parties themselves, on the organization of elections, voting results, etc. Already today, the problem of creating the so-called e-government is solved;
  • -Computers will help in conducting the election themselves; -Information technologies will make many countries more open. Already today, dissidents and fighters for human rights use the Internet and electronic tools links to expose violations of constitutions and laws;
  • - But today information technologies are used today for the disinformation of citizens as governments and their political opponents, including terrorists. In this case, the main task of citizens will be to be able to distinguish the truth from lies;
  • - Therefore, telecommunications equipment and computers create conditions for strengthening the control over the population. It is important that the means of such control are used by governments for socially necessary goals and did not violate human rights.

Of course, not all the features of post-industrial democracies are uniquely positive. Like the post-industrialism itself, representing a very controversial, inconsistent and ambiguous phenomenon of his socio-politically, the system, of course, is also contradictory, inconsistent and ambiguous. But the movement of human society from industrialism to post-industrialism, to the new qualitative state of the political system and political culture of democracy and democratic values \u200b\u200bis certainly common result The development of humanity is objective and irreversible.

  • - Modern g Lobal problems of world politics / Ed. MM Lebedeva. M., 2009, p. 239-246.
  • - Bell Daniel. Coming post-industrial society. Social forecasting experience. M., 1999, p. Cl. - Keniston K. Youth and Dissent. N.Y., 1971, R.128.
  • 2Y - Kornish Eduard. Cybribudis / Ahead of the XXI century: prospects, forecasts, futurologists. Anti-year-old classical prognostics. 1952 - 1999. Editor, compiler and the author of Preface. In Kestuzhev. M., 2000, p. 191 - 206.

POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY) This concept was first used by D. Bell in 1962. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe post-industrial society later developed them in the future post-industrial society (Bell, 1974) to describe economic and social changes at the end of the twentieth century. Bell argued that in the societies of the Modern Modern knowledge, the theoretical knowledge is the "axial principle" of society and is a source of innovation and policies. The reflection of this in the economy is the decline in the production of goods as the main form of economic activity and replacing its production services. As for the class structure, the new axial principle gives the priority to professionals and technical experts that make up a new class. In all areas - economic, political and social - new intellectual technologies and a new intellectual class have a decisive influence on decision-making. Other authors were also engaged in analyzing what was perceived as the growing power of technocrats in economic and political life. J.K. Galbreit (Galbraith, 1967) argued that the power in the economy of the United States and, therefore, in the entire American society is in the hands of a technical bureaucracy or the "technostructure" of large corporations. A. Tournaine (Toureine, 1969) put forward a provision on similar technocratic control over the French economic and political life. These approaches were criticized for the exaggeration of the authorities and the importance of professionals and technical specialists of a new type, since the data that they constitute a separate social class were effectively controlling corporations in the field of business or have significant political power, no. Although the idea that theoretical knowledge over the twentieth century was gradually gained increasingly important as one of the productive forces, it is true, this does not mean changes in the distribution of power in any economy or in society as a whole. Similar arguments put forward against new professional managers in connection with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe revolution managers. Subsequently, it was shown that these arguments do not have serious grounds. Other authors were put forward to the situation that the central role of knowledge in modern economies He led to the emergence of a new working class of technical employees. However, due to the interest in knowledge and information, which is characteristic of a discussion about postmodernism, at present, D. Bella's forecasts regarding the importance of knowledge in the conditions of post-industrialism are much greater recognition. See also: Information Society.

Based on these changes, there is a rethinking of all the basic characteristics of industrial society, the fundamental change of theoretical benchmarks. So, the post-industrial society is defined as the Society "post-economic", "postproke", i.e. Such a society in which the economic subsystem loses its defining importance, and labor ceases to be the basis of all social relations. A person in the post-industrial society is no longer considered as a "economic" person. New, "postmarialist" values \u200b\u200bare becoming dominant for him. The first "phenomenon" of such a person is considered the youth riot of the late 60s., Which meant the end of the Protestant employment ethics as a moral basis of the Western Industrial Civilization. Economic growth ceases to act as the main, especially the only reference point, the goal of social development. The emphasis shifts on social, humanitarian problems. Quality and safety of life, independent self-realization arise as priorities. New welfare criteria and social well-being are formed.

The post-industrial society is also determined as a "postchalass" society, which reflects the decomposition of sustainable social structures and identities characteristic of industrial society. If before the status of an individual in society was determined by its place in the economic structure, i.e. The classroom, which was subject to all other social characteristics, now the status characteristic of the individual is determined by the set of factors, among which education plays an increasing role, the level of culture (what P.Budje called "cultural capital"). On this basis, D. Bell and a number of other Western sociologists put forward the idea of \u200b\u200ba new "service" class. Its essence is that in the post-industrial society is not an economic and political elite, and intellectuals and professionals that make up a new class belongs to power. In reality, the principal change in the distribution of economic and political power did not happen. The statements about the "death of the class" also seem clearly exaggerated and premature. However, significant changes in the structure of society, bound primarily with a change in the role of knowledge and its carriers in society, are undoubtedly occur (see Information Society).

Thus, it is possible to agree with the approval of D. Bella that "changes that are fixed by the term post-industrial society can mean the historical metamorphosis of the Western society."

Excellent definition

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