
Monetary signs. Monetary signs and rituals

It is hardly possible in reality to meet a strange person who would boldly say that he does not need money at all, or that he has enough of it.

Regardless of real wealth, age and status of a person, he always wants money. Valuable bills make life easier, more comfortable and bring us closer to dreams.

Of course, in order to have money, you should work - sit at home and not try to earn money, while looking for rituals and signs for money, you must agree, is unreasonable. As well as hoping that a suitcase with banknotes will be accidentally found on the street.

There is a main law, which says - always to achieve something, you must make some effort. However, signs associated with money can help increase wealth and not feel needy.

The people have accumulated a lot of all kinds of signs and rituals that help to attract money into their pockets. No one, of course, can give the fullest guarantee that these funds work.

However, many argue that signs for money are really effective, and that poverty is not a constant companion, you need to do simple and simple actions. Exactly what rituals, ceremonies and signs about money exist, you can easily find out. Perhaps they will really help!

This is for the money!

In order to always, especially in difficult times, have money in the house, each person needs, if not to perform monetary rituals, then at least do simple habitual actions that will help not to know poverty, and also know what not to do.

However, there are signs that many believe are about money. And these signs are worth knowing.

1. Probably the most widespread and popular is the left palm, which suddenly combed back. There are different signs, but this one is the most accurate - it is about money, and many confirm this over and over again, even outright skeptics!

Moreover, everything is not easy. In order for this superstition to be effective, and for money to really be found in the house, it is worth scratching this palm on the pocket of your trousers, and in the direction of you.

What to do if today you are in a dress, for example, or in a skirt without pockets? Scratch your left palm with just the fingers of your right hand, but also towards you. And wait - soon you will have money. It can be an unexpected bonus, a cash gift, or a debt repayment.

2. There are little-known "money" signs - for example, the flowering of a houseplant, by superstition, promises quick money in the house. If a house plant suddenly bloomed, then do not move the pot or flowerpot from where it stands. And water it diligently so that the long-awaited money is found in your home.

3. There are also signs that if you find a coin, some jewelry, ornaments, or even a horseshoe on the street - this is definitely money, and soon wealth will appear in the house. However, if you happen to find a "happy" item at a crossroads - don't take it, go around.

4. If a butterfly appeared in the house, flew into the window - do not touch it, let it fly out by itself. She promises you wealth - this is a sure sign.

5. There are unusual signs that promise money - for example, if you are "marked" by a bird. This is for wealth, so do not swear or get upset about spoiled clothes.

What shouldn't be done?

In addition, in order to know the signs about money, you need to remember some prohibitions. A variety of signs that attract money indicate simple and familiar everyday actions, which, according to popular belief, “scare off” wealth.

1. In order not to know the needs, one should not leave empty containers on the tables at home - dishes, vessels, vases. Empty bottles and any empty containers attract a lack of money, so make sure they are not on the tables.

2. You cannot sweep garbage out of the house in the evening, throw it out and take out anything. There should be no cleaning after sunset in the house - this is a big loss.

3. It is still impossible to leave any objects on the table overnight, it must be removed and clean. Especially knives have no place on the table.

4. The table is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, so a lot of things cannot be done on it. You should not sit on the table, put coins or keys on the table. And also, to be found banknotes, get rid of the habit of sweeping away dirt and crumbs from the table with paper (napkins).

5. In the evening, money cannot be lent and counted - this is a bad omen, you can lose it.

6. A bag containing a wallet should never be placed on the floor.

7. You can not lend to anyone on Mondays - no matter how they ask, avoid it, otherwise you will not know the prosperity.

8. Never give salt to anyone - this is a very bad ancient omen that promises poverty in the house.

9. Superstitious people do not advise to exchange bills in small change - this portends poverty. Better to give and spend paper bills as they are.

10. And you should never leave the house with completely empty pockets and a wallet - you should keep at least a pretty penny in your pocket and wallet so that funds can be attracted and found.

Not to know poverty

What simple actions should you introduce into a habit to find a way to permanent wealth, so that you always have money and poverty bypasses it?

1. In order for bills to be found, it is worth treating them with respect. Always straighten bills and do not crumple them, they should be kept in a nice and new wallet, and they should be folded in order, "facing" you, in one direction.

Your attitude towards banknotes will reflect your financial situation. If they are crumpled and crumpled, carried anywhere randomly, then they will not "strive" into your pocket.

2. When you receive income, be sure to donate a small part to charity or give to those in need. All the rich do this, and their income is always multiplied.

3. There is also an interesting ritual that many people introduce into a habit. Every Sunday, you should collect all the coins that have accumulated over the week, and spend them, and it is better to distribute them near the temple to the beggars. You can't leave change in your pockets and wallet after Sunday - this promises poverty.

4. It is believed that it is worth paying off debts only before lunch - then there will be constant wealth.

5. A little money ritual: put one coin of any kind in every corner of your house, under the rug or just like that. And even three coins can be put under the threshold - this will "lure" wealth into the house.

6. It is also helpful to keep a few coins on the dining table, under the tablecloth. This promises wealth and a "full cup" in the family.

7. When a coin falls, it is worth picking it up, even if it is a penny. Caring for coins will attract wealth, and negligence, on the contrary, will turn away wealth from you.

Rituals, omens and superstitions help protect oneself from poverty - it's not for nothing that our ancestors knew all these means so well. Let these simple tools help you to live comfortably and happily! Author: Vasilina Serova

Each of us is familiar with the signs. These are centuries-old folk observations that portend success or warn against trouble.

Today we will talk about folk observations that will help you get rich, avoid failure and attract money to life. In addition to them, of course, there are many other signs, for example, warning or love ones. For example, earlier we talked about the most popular signs about the weather. They are quite common among those people and are often asked for advice or help.

Signs for money and luck

Most of the described observations are very old, so many people know about them. We have prepared some especially for those who are looking for something new, unusual and interesting.

  • If you accidentally spill sweet tea at the beginning of your working day, it means that luck is on your side.
  • When you return home, forgetting something important, look in the mirror, otherwise you risk causing trouble, including with money.
  • Looking back, walking away from home, you rob yourself of financial luck.
  • When you spend money, do it with joy, because in this case, they are more likely to return to you.
  • If you find a large amount of money, be sure to spend some significant part of it on a gift to a person you know. It doesn't have to be your relative or significant other. Otherwise, you risk losing even more than you found.
  • Never pick up coins from the ground - they are the source of troubles and financial problems.
  • Breaking a plate, cup or glass is good luck.
  • Wear shirts, blazers, or jackets starting with the left sleeve. This way you do not bring trouble.
  • When you go to bed, do not leave your wallet on the table so as not to lose money.
  • It is better to store large sums of money where the light from the Sun does not come. A secluded place will save your savings.
  • Never leave your wallet empty - there should always be at least one bill and a change in it. Otherwise, you are robbing yourself of your financial fortune.
  • If you wake up and it is raining outside the window, then you need to put a coin on the windowsill to attract finances.
  • Red wallet for money luck. There is a whole set of folk signs about the wallet - familiarize yourself with them, so as not to tempt your fate once again, but to manage it correctly.
  • Never repay a debt from Friday to Sunday, and don't borrow on Monday.
  • When you receive or earn a large amount of money, do not spend a lot on gifts or something unnecessary that day, otherwise you will be left without funds.
  • Two or more brooms in the house bode only misfortune. There should be only one broom or floor brush.
  • Often in stores, we give money to the seller in the hands of the seller. You shouldn't do this because it can rob you of your monetary luck. Put money only on a special "plate".
  • Do not kill or banish spiders from your home on purpose. They bring prosperity.
  • Do not show or tell others about how much money you have. If you do this, then poverty can overtake you.

All these signs are the result of observations over many centuries. This is one of the gifts of our ancestors that can be used in Everyday life... If you witness the fulfillment of a bad omen, do not be discouraged and do not think about it - then you can protect yourself with the power of thought and do not weaken your energy.

A positive attitude can help reduce setbacks. A special article on the energy component of all our success will help you program your energy for success. Be rich, remember the signs of money and do not forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2016 06:14

The zodiac sign significantly affects a person's success in various areas of life, including ...

Folk omens attracting money, luck, well-being Belyakova Olga Viktorovna

Signs of profit or loss of money

Consider the most common money signs. Many of them are several hundred years old, which is excellent proof of their effectiveness. If you do not believe in such signs, try to perceive them as a game. Play, and then it will help you become more wealthy.

Make sure that there are no leaks in the house where you live, otherwise money will "flow away" from you.

If you come across a bill in which the letters in the serial number coincide with your initials, put it in your wallet and never spend it - it will attract money.

If you have currency different countries, keep such bills in separate wallets.

While driving under the bridge over which the train is passing, put your wallet with money on your head and walk a few steps in this way.

Chestnuts have been considered money talismans since time immemorial. Put some fruits in the box where you keep your money, or in the bag next to your wallet.

A coin lying on the road with an eagle up attracts money, and an eagle down - vice versa. In the first case, lift the coin, and in the second, leave it.

To keep the money in the house, not a single ruble should be spent on payday. It is believed that the amount received must completely "spend the night" at home.

Money received from dishonest means will not bring you happiness, so it should be spent on gifts to loved ones or given to those in need.

Spend money won in the lottery immediately after receiving it. The things acquired in this way will serve for a long time.

If, when buying a thing, you spent everything in your wallet while you are wearing this thing, you will not have enough funds. Conversely, if you have a decent amount of money left, you will live in abundance.

A paper bill lying on the street must be lifted, otherwise you will show disregard for money.

If you have someone else's dishes, basket, bank or bag, returning it, put something there, then you will have a profit.

The dining table has long been considered a symbol of wealth in the family. Do not put bags and empty bags on it, even if you come from a store.

Before a big deal that promises you big profit, go to the forest, find a large stone and bang a coin on it to create a spark.

Don't put empty bottles on the table, or money will escape your home.

Use a rag to wipe down the dining table. Never remove bread crumbs with the palm of your hand.

There should be only one broom in the house, otherwise the money will run out quickly.

Don't sit at the dinner table or money will bypass you.

Do not borrow money on waning moon days. It is believed that this is how you give your luck with them.

Do not borrow or borrow money in the evening. If you need to lend them in the evening, do not give them into the hands of the person asking, but lay them on a wooden surface.

In order for the money to be found in the wallet, fold a triangle out of several bills rolled into a tube. Keep the received talisman in your wallet or other place where you keep your savings.

Tuesday is considered a bad day for financial transactions... On this day, do not lend or borrow.

IN new year's eve choose a large bill, put it in your wallet and do not waste it throughout the year. Then she will attract money to you.

When paying in a store, do not give money from hand to hand, but put it on a special saucer. Together with money, the energy of another person can be transferred to you, which is not always favorable.

Never complain about a lack of money.

When buying a pack of cigarettes, turn one of them over and subsequently smoke the last one. In this case, you can avoid spending large sums of money.

In order to have money in the house, the broom should stand with its wide end up.

After guests leave, do not pour the unfinished alcohol back into the bottles and do not finish it. The same applies to products.

If you are going to ask your boss for a raise wages, do it Wednesday afternoon.

At feasts where they drink alcoholic beverages, a woman should clink glasses last with a stranger, then she will always have money.

Always keep the toilet lid closed.

Never brag about new things. Otherwise, the money will go away from you.

It is believed that money loves red and natural materials, so to attract them, you should buy a red leather wallet.

Keep the accumulated money in a piggy bank, which depicts an item on the purchase of which you plan to spend your savings.

To keep money in the house, keep jewelry and savings in the northwest sector of the house.

Income will increase if you carefully grow the so-called money tree - Crassula. For this purpose, you can also choose any other flower, calling it money. Such a plant should be in the southeastern sector of the apartment.

Money-related documents (accounts, credit cards, receipts, etc.) must be stored in a red closed envelope or a red folder. In this case, you will not have any problems with loan repayment and payment of bills.

Spiders have long been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If a spider is in the house, expect profit.

Money will be attracted to the house by a wooden box filled with chestnuts. Keep your savings or a wallet with money there.

Whistling indoors - to the loss of a significant amount of money.

The holes in the pockets of the clothes must be sewn up. It is believed that money is flying through them.

Do not lend bread and salt. It is believed that along with these products, money and prosperity flow out of the house.

When lending money, do not pass it from hand to hand. In the evening, it is customary to put them on a wooden object. Give money with your right hand and take with your left.

Store bills of different denominations in different sections of your wallet.

When giving alms, mentally say: "The hand of the giver will not fail."

Do not throw small coins around the house. Keep them in a piggy bank.

Do not fold or store dirty, torn or wrinkled bills for long periods of time. Get rid of them immediately.

Do not look into the eyes of the person to whom you are giving alms.

Before putting money in your wallet, smooth out each received bill, saying: "Money is money."

Try to borrow money as little as possible.

Do not show any money you have.

Do not give anything to those asking through the threshold of the house.

Before entering new apartment, scatter some silver coins on the floor.

Keep old wallets, do not throw them away.

Don't shell your seeds, or your money will flow out of the house.

Do not clean the house in the evening after sunset. It is best to do this in the morning or afternoon.

Give charity with sincere feelings, without regretting the waste.

When cleaning the floor, move away from the window, not from the threshold.

To keep money in your home, put a few coins under your dining tablecloth.

Pay off debts in small bills.

Do not put gloves and a hat on the dining table.

Do not use torn wallets to store money.

Banknotes in a bundle should be folded neatly so that the sides with the numbers point in the same direction.

Don't count your money in the evening after sunset.

Get your salary during the day, before sunset.

The left palm itches - to receive money, the right - to spending money.

Do not pour alcoholic beverages by weight - all glasses and glasses should be on the table. Otherwise, money will "run away" from home.

When you hear a cuckoo for the first time in the year, take a few coins in your hand. Then you will have money throughout the year.

If you lend money on Monday, you should expect large expenses throughout the week.

Store the $ 2 bill in a secret compartment in your wallet.

To attract money, put a double nut in your wallet.

Repair all the water taps in the house. Money is believed to go along with the leaking water.

In the first spring thunderstorm, take a few coins and clatter them when you hear thunder.

Place a few coins or a bill in a gift wallet. The recipient of such a gift will have to keep them without spending or exchanging them.

When you receive change in the store, mentally say the following phrase: "Your money is in our wallet, and your treasury is my treasury."

In order to always have money in the house, keep fresh carnations in a vase. Flowers are best bought on Thursday.

Do not take extra change from the store or the market.

Do not keep empty vessels, vases and bottles on the table.

Keep a note or a coin with the number “5” in your wallet.

Put money on the decorative frog figurine. After a day, buy something using them. Coins or bills spent in this way will attract money to the house in the future.

To attract money, put coins or bills in the drawers of tables and cabinets, and also arrange them in the corners of the house.

Do not pick up small coins at the intersection, otherwise all the money will be spent on restoring shaky health.

Spend your money with pleasure, without regret. Then they will return to you.

Add some cinnamon to your morning coffee. She will attract money to the house.

Count your money alone, in a secluded place.

Count your pocket money three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.

Do not leave money and keys on the table overnight.

After counting, hide the newly received money and store it for a day, and then spend it.

Do not put a bag containing money on the floor, otherwise it will "run away" from you.

To attract money, keep dried cloves or mustard flowers in a small bag in your wallet.

To prevent money from being transferred, put a silver coin under the threshold of your home. Each time, stepping over it, mentally recite the following phrase: "I am going home, and the money follows me."

After you have seen off your guests, shake the tablecloth off the dining table outside.

Don't put your wallet on the dining table and bed.

Never stand on the doorstep of a house or apartment. Otherwise, the money will not go to the home.

For good service in a cafe, bar or restaurant, tip generously. It is believed that in this case, the money will return to the giver in a threefold amount.

Try not to take anything out of the house in cloudy weather.

Store money in a dark place: wallet, secret drawer, piggy bank, etc.

Count the money in your home regularly, gently straightening and smoothing each bill.

Never give money that you don't need to give.

To attract money, stack a few coins in a slide in one corner of the room. In the future, they cannot be removed.

Money is attracted by jewelry that are considered symbols of material wealth: beads, bracelets, earrings with large stones. Men can wear cufflinks, rings, pins and watches made of gold and silver with massive precious or semi-precious stones.

It is believed that an empty wallet attracts poverty. Leave at least one paper bill and a few coins in it.

Do not put money found in the morning before breakfast in your wallet. Leave them where they were found.

Accumulating money shouldn't be the main goal. They are only a means to achieve material wealth.

Show a coin or bill to a young month over your shoulder and say: "Month, month, give me money."

Never throw rubbish out the window. It is believed that this is how money flies out of the house.

When returning the debt, mentally say: “Goodbye, money. We will meet with you soon. "

Be sure to give alms at the temple at Christmas. Before giving the money, mentally say the phrase: "I am not a father to someone who is not a mother to the church."

Wear jewelry from precious metals- gold, silver and platinum - with stones symbolizing wealth (jasper, ruby ​​or amber).

Don't waste all the money in your wallet. After completing purchases, there must be some kind of bill left in it.

If received large sum money, put 1 bill in your wallet and keep it, leaving it unchanged.

Do not store many small coins in your wallet. Get rid of the little things on Sunday. It can be given at the store or alms can be given.

Borrow for the growing moon in large bills, and give it back for the waning and small ones. So you will soon be able to generate profits.

Never judge or envy those who have more money than you. With this behavior, you subconsciously signal that you do not need money. By the way, talk about a lack of money leads to even greater financial difficulties.

Money must be treated with care and love, then they will love you. Keep banknotes unfolded and neatly folded. It is unacceptable to wrinkle money and shove it carelessly into your pockets.

The best time to borrow and return money is early in the morning.

Do not ask for debt on Monday and do not repay debt on Friday.

Do not lend money on Sunday, as in this case, most likely, they will not be returned to you.

It is better to keep money at home in a box made of wood or natural stone.

When paying off the debt, fold the bills in half and then extend the folded side to the intended recipient.

If you work in a merchant organization, do not put your wallet and keys on the table, otherwise the money will "go away" from you.

To attract money, keep a wooden salt shaker with Thursday salt on the table. There should be no debris, dust, food debris, vessels with dirty water, rusty cutlery next to it.

To attract money in the house, keep a wooden bowl with clean water in the kitchen or living room. Place expensive souvenirs or art objects next to it.

A chipped rock crystal will save you from large financial losses. You can carry a small pebble with you in your wallet.

Money loves an account, so you should always know exactly how much money you have in your wallet.

In order to have money in the house, put small vessels with consecrated honey near the icons.

It is believed that an aquarium has the ability to attract money into a home. The water in it must always be clean.

Money and prosperity in the house are attracted by honey, bee bread, propolis and wax, from which you need to roll up small balls and arrange them in the drawers of kitchen cabinets.

Do not pick up money on the street if you are hungry.

You cannot cut your hair yourself, otherwise you will cut off successful financial opportunities.

Cut your hair and nails on Tuesday or Friday and only when the moon is waxing.

The Chinese symbol of wealth is 3 coins tied with a red ribbon. If you are close to the signs of China, put such a talisman in your wallet and do not show it to anyone.

Do not brag about new purchases and do not show your money to anyone, otherwise they can be jinxed.

After sunset, do not bake cakes or bread.

If you are saving money at home, place the piggy bank in the east or southeast section of the apartment.

Never save money "for a rainy day", that is, in case of an accident. Start saving with positive thoughts, then luck will come to you.

Before you start saving money, be clear about what you will collect it for. You can put a picture in the piggy bank, which shows the desired purchase.

The natural symbols of money are wood, leather and fur. To attract money, put a wooden or leather amulet in your wallet, and hang a fur keychain on the keys.

Give silver coins to the beggar and copper coins to the beggar to attract wealth.

On a full moon, you cannot prepare food. Otherwise, lack of money and ruin await you.

If you dip your fingers into the foam of bubbles that have appeared on the surface of a cup in which freshly brewed tea is poured, and then touch your head with them, money will be found in your home.

If, when going to the market, a woman first puts on her left leg, then she will buy everything for a higher price.

Anyone who does not drink the vodka served to him to the bottom will be rich, but he will not know happiness.

According to feng shui theory, in order to attract money to the house, it is necessary to put symbols of wealth and prosperity in the southeastern sector. living quarters... It can be anything you associate with money.

To start a new rug after sunset is to poverty.

To meet a naval officer or a pregnant woman is a profit.

Anyone who leaves a knife in a loaf of bread will face poverty and hunger.

Those who throw away pieces of bread will face material distress. Stale bread is best fed to birds.

Meeting with a firefighter, a policeman, a homeless person - to a loss.

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Signs and tips for attracting money 1. Money should be sprinkled with ground cinnamon to constantly grow wealth. 2. In the store, in the market, always take change, even if it is small. If there is no money for change, it is better to wait until they change. 3. Don't give money to a person

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Rite of passage for profit with a wallet Perform the rite in the first days of the new moon. In the evening, when a young month appears in the sky, take your wallet and go out with it. Do not get anything from your wallet and do not report anything to it. Stand in the open and unfold

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Rite of passage for monetary gain Carrying out this rite will help to get money from any source. You can win them, find them on the road, receive them as a gift, as an unexpected bonus. In the process of carrying out the ceremony, you will need a coin or bill, which accidentally

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Mantra for profit Ramabhadra - mahashavasa - raghuvira - nripottama - dashasyantakam - raksha - dehi - me - paramam - sriyam The practice of this mantra helps to increase any profit and gain

There are many monetary cues that can help you achieve financial success and avoid poverty. All these folk signs have evolved over the centuries, many of them are popular to this day. So what can indicate an inflow of capital, and what, on the contrary, promises a lack of money and a crisis?

If you accidentally scattered a change, then expect a large monetary loss. You can avoid this: just don't put them back in your wallet, piggy bank or pocket. Give this little change to the poor or exchange it for more large bills at a store, pharmacy, or other person.

It's believed that a young unmarried girl should not give alms... Giving money to the poor, she can distribute her luck and lose her family happiness in the future.

Never throw away bread. Your wealth will go along with the bread. It is not recommended to sweep bread crumbs off the table with your hand - this is a bad omen.

Always pour yourself a full glass when drinking tea, coffee, juice, or other beverages. Incomplete vessels promise a shortage of money and wasted waste. The drink should be finished to the bottom. If you leave even a sip, then leave your money luck at the bottom of the glass.

In order to attract money to the house, put a bill under the tablecloth and never waste it. A coin placed under the threshold at the front door will also attract wealth to you.

Itching left palm- get your money soon. To enhance the effect of this folk omen, scratch your palm with your other hand to your wrist, as if you were grabbing money from your palm to yourself.

Itchy right palm- to losses. You can deceive this omen as follows: rub your palms against each other several times, then you will be able to avoid wasting money.

You can't talk about other people's money and even more so to count them, otherwise you will never have your own money. Better to count your money and think about your welfare.

After guests leave, never finish drinking for them. and do not finish eating leftovers, otherwise you may lose your luck and lure other people's troubles and troubles to you.

Money scattered around the house promise losses and financial instability. Make sure that all your money, including small coins, is always in the same place: in a piggy bank, in a wallet, in a safe, etc.

If you cut yourself and blood accidentally fell on a wallet or a bill - this is a sign of a quick profit.

If a stray cat comes to your house or dog, don't chase her, so this good omen attracting money to the house.

To multiply your savings, always put the bills in the wallet with the face towards the wallet lock.

Big money cannot be exchanged for smaller ones - this is poverty and spending. And if you exchange small money for larger ones, then by this you can attract financial luck to yourself.

If you happen to be at the table or confused sugar with salt while cooking, this is good news about money.

Can't clean houses after sunset, otherwise, along with dust and dirt, you will lose your wealth. For the same reason, you shouldn't take out the trash in the evening.

If you broke crystal dishes then you will soon get easy money.

When you count your savings, then be sure to close all windows in the room, as well as vents and doors, otherwise monetary luck may slip out of your hands.

If you receive a large amount of money then take it home sooner rather than later. Do not waste a dime this day. This will give you the opportunity to charge your home with active monetary energy.

These signs and superstitions will save you from lack of money and make it possible to attract money and become richer. Will they help? There is no single answer to this question. If you believe in monetary signs and follow them, then they will work. And so that money luck is always with you, press the buttons and

03.01.2014 12:53

Should you believe monetary omens and superstitions? There is no definite answer to this question. Twenty first...

Nowadays, almost no one knows, does not believe and does not observe folk signs. However, if you adhere to them, then you can not only save you from trouble, but also attract good luck, happiness and money.

- All the small change from the wallet must be spent on Sunday or distributed to the poor, otherwise you will be rich only in small money.

- And if the money is scattered from the wallet, then you need to collect it with your right hand.

- If you received a salary, then it cannot be spent on the same day, they must definitely spend the night at home.

- Put a pot or plate in the hallway and add a couple of coins to it every day. All of these tips are based on the principle that money attracts money. The more "voluminous" the hidden wealth will be (even if it is a pretty penny), the more more money will be in your home.

- After thoroughly cleaning the floor, put coins of small denomination under the rug by the front door. Also put them in the refrigerator, in the pantry next to the jars of food, "so as not to starve." Money will be weakened if it gets moldy. Replace coins regularly with new ones.

- Growing a "money" tree in the southeastern sector of the house contributes to an increase in prosperity and an increase in income.

- At the first cuckoo, you need to blurt out money in your pocket so that you can run.

- The sun has set - nothing can be taken out of the house (no water, no garbage, no money) - to ruin.

- There is a belief that in order to attract money to the house, you need to tidy up your nails only on certain days - Tuesday and Friday.

- When the left one itches, unexpected money will come, you have to scratch it with the same hand, as if pulling them to yourself.

- The double found among the nuts (a double nut or kernels in one shell, two accrete fruits) must be put in a wallet - to be profit and good luck in money.

- All taps in the house should not leak, with drops of water - money is leaking.

- When big money comes, you need to postpone some banknote and always carry with you. So that she attracts other money to herself. Never waste or exchange it.

- The bird on top marked you, to the big cash arrival.

- To keep money in your wallet, you need to put a piece of snake skin in your wallet.

- It is categorically impossible to count and discuss other people's money and income - you will not have your own money! Not many people know that envy of others' success, condemnation and negative attitude towards the rich only brings them closer to poverty. By studying negative energy in relation to money and material goods (even to others), you subconsciously signal to the Universe that wealth is bad and you do not need it.

- Do not stand on the doorstep, otherwise it will be difficult for money to enter the house.

- If you find a lot of money - to further material success.

- If you are hosting guests at home, then the remnants of alcohol in glasses (and food in plates) of your guests should never be finished (finished off) and poured back into your bottle. After the guests leave, shake out the tablecloth outside so that the money can flow. Empty bottles on the table cannot be kept to ruin (to grief, to quarrel, to tears).

- You can't sit on the table - to poverty.

- Chipped money promises profit. Therefore, they should be kept in your wallet as a talisman.

- Money doesn't like ripped pockets.

- If the nose bleeds, drip on the very big bill in the wallet, there will be several of them.

Throw coins into the fountain

- There is a tradition of throwing coins into a fountain or other body of water to return to the place you like.

- Money should be taken with the left hand, and given - with the right.

- When you pay off a debt, you need to keep a fig in your pocket with your left hand.

- If you find a coin - to wealth.

- You cannot give money from home after sunset, on Monday and in the evening. But if, due to the prevailing circumstances (payment of some bills, services, etc.) you are forced to pay exactly at this time, then immediately before the transfer you need to put them on the floor, and the person to whom they are intended should pick them up.

- When it gets dark, you can not transfer money from hand to hand - unfortunately, to avoid this, you need to throw the money on the floor, and the one to whom it is intended must pick it up.

- Leaving them at home, even for a short time, you need to leave a bill of any denomination (but not a coin) near the largest mirror in the apartment so that it is fully reflected in the mirror - it will attract prosperity, stability and prosperity to your home.

“They don’t lend money on Monday, otherwise they will melt like wax throughout the week.

- Show money to the moon.You need to go outside in the evening, pick up a bill of any denomination, show it to a young (growing) month and ask him to give even more. The energy of the moon will help lure money and become not only richer, but also healthier.

- To have more money, put an aspen leaf in your wallet (folk wisdom).

- A little money must be constantly kept under the tablecloth on the table - money will never be transferred in the house and there will be no losses.

- If you keep cash in the house, then it is best to place it (for preservation and increase) in the eastern or southeastern sector of the house, and store it in red envelopes or bags. The jewelry storage location is northwest. When you get yourself a red envelope, decide clearly what you want to collect money for - for vacation, for equipment, clothes, etc. But never tell yourself that this money will go to funerals, hospitals, treatment, they can of course be spent on these needs, but the initial goal should be positive.

- You can't leave a change on the table - to tears.

- At least one coin must permanently reside in the wallet, better happy (received from a good person or which remained from earnings that brought you joy). And even better if it is a large green bill.

- Serve to the beggar with your right hand only. You cannot give paper bills to beggars.

- You can't whistle in the house - you whistle all the money (an old omen).

- Do not stuff crumpled bills in your pockets or throw them anywhere. Money needs to be stored in a specific place or in a wallet.

- Do not put money on the table, it will lead to monetary losses.

- To see excrement in a dream - to money. The more excrement, the more money you get.

- Borrowed money is impossible to lose.

- When laying a new house, they put money at the corner - for wealth, and wool - for warmth.

Give a cat

- When giving a cat or any other animal, you need to take at least some money (so that the animal is healthy, does not die and does not run away).

- It has been verified that documents related to monthly payments (books and various receipts for utility bills, telephone, gas, credit, etc.), whether paid or not, are best stored in one red folder. In this case, there will be no problems with timely payment, moreover, money will be attracted to pay off the debt, if any.

- To exchange rubles in small change - to tears, large bills in small - to spending (it is better to spend money without exchanging).

- You cannot lend money or bread in the evening - there will be neither one nor the other in the house, and salt cannot be given to neighbors at all.

- When giving or accepting debts, paying for purchases, you cannot transfer bills from hand to hand - along with them, the bad energy of another person can be transferred.

- Economists advise sharing your monthly income into two parts: 80% for life and 20% for a dream.

- In order for prosperity and stability to settle in the house, you need to spread it out in the corners , kitchen or in the hallway for 5-10 coins of any denomination. And once a day, go to every corner and say aloud three times: "Let him come to my house."

- You need to hang a bill of any denomination in the place of the apartment where you spend most of your time, so that they will always be in front of your eyes and you can often look at them.

- If, when buying a new thing, you have no money left in your wallet, you will feel a lack of money all the time you wear this thing. If the money remains, then your wallet will always be full.

- To make money flow into the house, put the broom with the handle down (superstition).

- In order to attract subtle money energy, it is very good to keep in your wallet and wherever you keep your money savings, a few leaves of mint and a pinch of cinnamon. These plants attract money well.

- In order for the money to arrive, the paper money must lie flat with the front side to itself, and first there must be large bills, and then small ones.

- Money goes into your hands if you take as a rule every new moon (on one of the first three days, ideally if it is Wednesday or Thursday) to carry out such a simple manipulation. The day before going to bed, collect all the money in the house (not counting) grease with a drop of cinnamon or rosemary oil and put it under your pillow. And in the morning immediately after waking up, count them three or seven times without getting out of bed. You can pronounce your favorite money conspiracy. Thus, you will charge the bills with your energy, and the money spent during the month will be returned multiplied.

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