
The winner of the show "The idea of \u200b\u200bMillion" from NTV and VEB became a agricultural startup. Stoloto: Billion on New Year's Eve, named winner name

In a tiny monaco, they are not yet communicated, but people close to Oligarch assure: it is about his old conflict with the famous Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier. According to investigators, Rybolovlev tried to use the relationship among the security forces of the principality in order to be called, to resolve the issue with the opponent. Among suspicion also - dubious operations in the Monaco football club. Allegedly, during the financing of the team, the billionaire violated the rules of Fair Play, and the money spinned in dubious offshores.

Mark Bonan, Lawyer Elena Rybolovlevay: "Mr. Rybolovlev dedicated half of his life to earning money, and another half - shelter earned. Although no, he hid them, perhaps, even longer than earned. For this, of course, you need a special fantasy and talent. "

Then followed a new loud scandal. Rybolovlev, who has already firmly entered the list of respected collectors of the paintings of the Great Masters, and the Sothesshis Auction House in Machinations. With their help, the entrepreneur bought several crafts on total $ 2 billion, but then his lawyers said that Art dealer Buvaway deliberately overestimated prices for lots, and the difference allegedly took himself. Losses Rybolovlev raised a billion dollars. Among those purchases were one of the most expensive acquisitions in the history of the auctions - the picture. Which is attributed to the brush Leonardo da Vinci "Savior of the world" cost a Russian at $ 450 million. The Savior of the world eventually went to the collection of Saudi prince, and Rybolovlev began to sue Bouvier. He, in turn, generally declared him a war.

It is known that searches have already passed in his estate in Monte Carlo. It already gives testimony, but it is possible that the other day it can be released at all as a subscription of the unseen.

The "Idea per million" show and the owner of the main prize in the amount of 25 million rubles was the project of the company "Agrobot". The developers who were awarded the first place to the jury, presented a robotic tractor, which can plow the earth without human participation.

The invention can help farm economy Save: optimize the cost of maintaining the park of technology, reduce costs due to more accurate sowing. Achieve this team "Agrobota" suggested through the use of smart unmanned robob tractors based on wheeled and tracked chassis. Machines can read data on the surrounding space and make decisions based on them in the process.

The robot, according to the developers, can engage in soil treatment, sowing and planting various cultures, cleaning the territory.

In the last issue of "ideas for a million", the fate of the finalists decides the minister economic Development RF Maxim, Chairman, cEO , Chairman of the Board of Directors and Russian actor.

"Your project is not just a tractor. He actually is at the junction of several innovative areas: this is an autonomous movement, it is an artificial intelligence, and at the same time it addresses those problems that are facing the Russian economy. And his success, he will help develop russian economy Faster, better, "said Oreshkin.

In the following plans for Agrobat - the construction of a single ecosystem, which will control the fleet of agricultural machinery, will be able to cope with the processing of data arrays, and in the future and act as autonomous (that is, without the participation of a person) Agrocomplex.

If the winner startup was designed to alleviate human labor, the teams that took the second and third places presented projects that enhance people's mobility.

The second place and the monetary prize of 20 million rubles received the UNAWHEEL project - the creators of the "reactive catalogs". Starters invented an electric prefix for a wheelchair. Development that is suitable under different types Wheelchairs, should help small groups of citizens to adapt in the conditions of the urban environment: overcome high borders, "lying police" and rough terrain.

The third place was taken by the company "Motorika" - a manufacturer of innovative prostheses.

On the development of its product from the organizers of the show, the inventors received 15 million rubles. Especially for children, prostheses are decorated in superhero style, so that they are interested in using. Adults for adults are focused on comfortable use in the office and other public spaces.

In addition to cash awards, the winners will have the opportunity to submit their projects to Russian and foreign investors in the Rosconomh Foundation forums and the departure sessions of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PMEF).

In total, 35 technological startups were participated in the television show, which were selected from semi-tech. During the seven episodes, the applicants have defended their projects before the jury, which includes the heads of large investment funds, the list of list, director of key development institutions, show business stars. In each issue, one winner was determined, while the rest of the participants dropped out.

"More recently, the idea of \u200b\u200blaunching such a show on federal television seemed fantastic. We decided to reverse this trend, and achieved the impossible - the audience included the TV and obviously watched the fate of innovative startups. Building a digital economy worth starting from tectonic shifts at the level of public consciousness. I hope that the project will continue his life on the air in the second and third seasons, "the chairman of VEBA Sergey Gorky.

According to Oreshkina, such projects, through increasing interest in business, help the development of the country, as they bring up entrepreneurs - the driving force of the economy.

The educational feature in the project saw the Director General of the Strategic Initiatives of Svetlana Chupsheva. "On Russian TV there are very few formats in the field of popularization of startups, stories of success in entrepreneurship. It seems to me that all the teams were strong enough. I wish and recommend the audience to see this show, and all the series. You will learn a lot of new, "she said.

At the BOOMSTARTERTER Internet platform, the "ideas per million" team have already been attracted a total of 2.8 million rubles with the help of crowdfunding.

Not every person in our crisis time falls a unique chance to become a happy owner of a monetary prize of one billion rubles. A few hours before the new year, the NTV television channel gives such an opportunity to each his viewer.

In order for anyone any doubts for any doubt in the honesty show, it is planned to be broadcast in direct ether. So huge money sums They were not on Konu yet in any popular Russian lottery. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a project belongs to the producer of the NTV television channel Timur Weinstein.

New Year's billion 12/31/2016 Check Ticket

As you know, the overwhelming majority russian citizens Attitude towards all sorts of lottery draws is very skeptical. But by learning about slight output This TV broadcasting, many of them suddenly became feverishly purchased tickets. Kiosks literally filled with thirsful major winnings. Adult men and women unexpectedly believed in the existence of a New Year's Miracle.

New Year's billion 12/31/2016 Results

Of course, only one participant in this grandiose television lottery will be destined to win. But in order to somehow encourage her other contestants, it is planned to distribute the so-called "comforting prizes."

January 3, 2019.

Who won a billion on New Year's Eve in Superloto (Gosloto) on NTV

A resident of the Nizhny Novgorod region became the proud owner of unreasonable wealth into the most magical night of the year - from December 31 to January 1, winning more than 54 million rubles.

The question of who won a billion in the lottery on New Year's Eve, continues to disturb the consciousness of the Russians, as many of them want to know who got so impressive amount.

Stoloto: Billion on New Year's Eve, named winner name.

Earlier it was reported that the company "Gosloto" prepared a breathtaking new Year offer For Russians: December 31, 2016 and January 1, 2017, the Lottery organizers for the first time in Russia will play at once 1 billion rubles in seven lotteries. Behind the start of the draw all owners of New Year's lottery tickets from the company "Stoloto" could begin to follow December 31, from 20:00 Moscow time on the NTV television channel.

Today, January 2, 2017, the inhabitants of Russia are asked about who managed to rip the colossal in their size Jack Pope and became the owner of one billion rubles in the lottery on New Year's Eve.

Stoloto: Billion on New Year's Eve, named winner name.

A resident of the Nizhny Novgorod region became the proud owner of unreasonable wealth in the magic night of the year - from December 31 to January 1.

As reported on the Stoloto portal, in the New Year Special Education of the Distribution of Gosloto "6 of 45", a certain Nizhny Novgorod fell into a combination of six digits and became the owner of a super prize, which amounted to 54,462,613 rubles.

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