
New Year stocks on deposits in banks. New Year's proposals of banks in deposits: What are the trick? "New Year's" contribution from the bank NBD

All organizations working for customers think of important dates. March 8 or February 23, and even more so. The most important of the holidays, an excellent reason to please people with new products. For banks, this is an opportunity to present new deposit programs with pleasant rates and conditions.

Contributes to see and compare the contributions of all banks of your city over the network, the benefit of each self-respecting bank has long been a new page, which is represented by all the information available to the general public. So who wants to choose the best banking product, the choice is big!

Important to remember

In the pre-New Year or after the New Year, you should not hurry, especially when it concerns the choice deposit Program. After all, you invest money, it is better to trust a reliable bank with a proven reputation. Let his percentages are not too high. Remember: reliability always pays off. Better choosing the contribution you like to visit the bank and learn more about the conditions of the program, the features of the withdrawal and term. Managers will always answer customer questions.

Do not be afraid to ask even the most simple questions and clarify if something is incomprehensible, and having received the contract - study each page before signing. It will not be superfluous to view the feedback from the bank's customer before going there, especially if this is the second level bank or at all commercial organization. Now many offer people the possibility of deposit, suland fabulous profits.

Best deals

In Moscow's banks, several best suggestions are allocated to be considered in more detail. By the way, for comparison, you can write down the conditions of selected deposits into the table, it is more convenient to compare.

For example, the contribution of "Winter" proposed by Rosavtobank. Customers can discover their deposits according to such conditions:

The rate will be 11.8%;
minimum contribution - at least 50,000 rubles;
Term - starting from 370 days (no less).

To calculate how much interest is percent for each month, there are usually special calculators on the websites of banks. It is convenient to introduce the timing of deposits and amounts. Interest and profit is immediately visible. The contribution of "New Year's" already proposed by the Bank of the NBT.

The rate is 10.5%, of course below the "winter", but the minimum amount here is also lower, 10,000 rubles and the period is smaller - 3-6 months. True, to get interest, you will need to wait for the end of the term specified in the Treaty, but get the full amount.

The contribution of "festive" proposed by Rosinterbank.

The rate is 12% (significantly higher than previous);
The minimum period of the deposit is 400 days (yes, decent, a little more than a year);
Minimum amount - 50,000 rubles;

But the percentages are then paid monthly, and the client may terminate its contract when it is convenient for him, it is enough to come to the bank itself and make a statement. As the managers themselves say, the contribution is quite popular among ordinary citizens, the income is not too large, as well as pensioners. Moreover, when the termination period solves the client himself.

The contribution of the "Snowman" proposed to the auction. This bank works with several currencies, the contributions are convenient if people want to invest, for example, the euro or the same dollars as convenient. You can open 3 month old, semi-annual or annual contribution.

3 months ruble contribution - 8.5% and already 9% if a year or less, half a year;
Dollars 1-2% year, 0.5-1.5% will be the euro.

The minimum amount is from 10,000 rubles, and the euro / dollars starting with 200. It is impossible to replenish, and percentages pay monthly.

The contribution "Maximum" immediately attracts attention to the name. What is the maximum? Large percentage. Orange Bank guarantees 12.75%! Good find out the remaining conditions:

And the minimum amount - from 100,000 rubles;
Contract operates 730 days
You can terminate preference
% or monthly or on demand, or at the end.

Sberbank of Russia - the most large bank countries. It has been holding back on the first line for a long time, and it means that you can safely store money here on deposits.

Sberbank's promotional deposits are of great interest in individualsSince if you have time to sign an agreement, you can work well as percentage. Consider the contribution of "New Year's 2018" and interest rates on it.

Conditions for the opening of the "New Year's" deposit from Sberbank

In 2018, Sberbank enables its customers or persons who only plan to become part of this big family to invest cash under an attractive percentage.

The "New Year" contribution is available to all segments of the population, the main thing to comply with the conditions. The offer can take advantage of:

  • individuals;
  • legal representatives;
  • pensioners.

The offer "New Year" is multicurrency, so you can be stored on the account:

  • rubles;
  • dollars;
  • euro.

How to transfer money from an account on a Sberbank card

Interest rate at the opening of the "New Year's" deposit in 2018 is 7%

This percentage is available only to those users who will open a deposit over the Internet. When registering a deposit in the bank, the rate will be 6.5%.

To open the "New Year's" deposit, clients need to be made at the expense of the minimum amount:

  • 100 000 rubles;
  • 10,000 dollars;
  • 10,000 euros.

Term and early closure

The term of the agreement is 3 months. After this period, the client has the right to pick up funds with accumulated interest or extend the contract for another 3 months. However, the terms of interest accrual will already be on the deposit of "to demand".

The interest rate of the demand deposit is 0.01% per annum.

It is the same percentage of profit that the client will receive in the event of the early closure of the "New Year's" sentence.

How to open?

Become a customer of Sberbank, discovering the "New Year's" deposit in it, after a personal visit financial organization, writing an application for opening an account and transferring money to it. You can also put money for interest in the bank via the Internet. To do this, you need to have access to.


  • run in to your personal account;
  • on the top panel, choose "deposits and accounts";
  • further, the "opening of the contribution";
  • enter the necessary personal information;
  • we indicate the details of the card with which the required amount will be translated;
  • confirm the operation code from SMS, which will come to the phone number specified in the application.

Sberbank provides limitations on the amounts. So you can do not more than:

  • 100,000,000 rubles;
  • 10 000 000 dollars or euros.


Deposit "New Year" - profitable proposition For those who are ready to deposit the required amount and not to remove interest during the entire term of the Agreement. Not everyone can afford to open such a contribution, since the minimum amount is impressive - from 500,000 rubles, while other Sberbank deposits can be opened, starting with the amount of 1000 rubles. Full list of offers

Among the advantages are:

  • high percent;
  • the possibility of partial removal of money (however it is recommended to shoot the entire amount at the end of the term to get the maximum benefit);
  • the opportunity to be free to become the user of Sberbank Business online;
  • opening the deposit in remote mode via the Internet.

Fast application application

Fill out the application now and get money after 30 minutes

New Year is a great time to give their favorite and close to their cherished gifts. But who does not love not only give, but also to receive surprises? In other words, the New Year's holidays are considered to be the most appropriate to get a very tempting percentage on previously embedded savings.

Any bank during the period of the pre-New Year History creates and offers its customers special festive rates that will not leave anyone indifferent. True, among such a huge range of a variety of proposals it is hard to find the only one that will really give the opportunity to earn good. Many of these "specifically for you!" Just lubricate people and mislead. Let us discuss what kind of New Year's deposits in 2017 banks are considered the most acceptable.

What can banks on New Year's Eve?

If you spend some of your time and carefully examine all programs and terms of banks, you can select several really tempting and even profitable proposals that have already been checked for years of practice. These are the best offers for customers from all banking system RF.

1. "Amber". This program offers the largest interest rate for its customers. On the this moment Such a contribution is offered by the Russian International Bank. The rate equals 13%, while the minimum amount of the invested funds should not be below 900 thousand rubles for a period of 12 months. If one of the parties during the action of the contract is unhappy, it can use a preferential program of termination specifically designed for such a case. According to the terms of the program, the contribution created can be partially replenished and pick up accumulated interest. The latter are issued either every month, or once a year.

2. "Maximum".The noted contribution is considered very profitable for 2017, as it is distinguished by a large percentage of payment. Orange Bank offers all permanent customers Or new depositors to take advantage of the possibility of concluding a contract, the interest rate of which is 12.75% per annum. Very favorable conditions are also attached to this: a preferential termination, a maximum of 730 days, the minimum amount of 100 thousand rubles, a monthly payment of interest. Against the background of the previous version, this is considered more advantageous due to the smaller amount of the funds made, but also the term of the contract lasts more than two years.

3. "Winter".
Rosavtobank offers its customers to create a contribution under 11.8% per annum, subject to the minimum amount of 50 thousand rubles. If you speak openly, a similar contribution is available to almost everyone, besides, he has a very good percentage. The deposit period must be at least 370 days. But it was not without drawbacks here - the lack of a program of preferential termination of the contract. If necessary, the client may require partial removal own funds, but then the percentage itself will be accrued only after the end of the contract.

4. "New Year's". The noted contribution is offered to clients with NBD Bank. The main advantages of such a contract can be called the possibility of a low system of investment - from 10 thousand rubles. The interest rate in this case is equal to 10.5%, and it will act even if the contract is reduced by both parties for 3 or 6 months. The main minus of the "New Year's" - the payment of interest is made exclusively after the end of the contract. If the contract is automatically extended and at the same time no one submitted statements about the possibility of discontinuing interest, they will automatically be transferred to the next season. Again, it will be possible to remove them in full, only after the end of the extension contract.

5. "Earlier." Another good New Year's contribution of 2017 from the bank "Credit
Europe". In the proposed program, the interest rate is 10.5%, while the minimum contribution can continue only 91 days. It is necessary to put at the expense of the contract at least 100 thousand rubles, and if you wish, you can increase this amount at the time of the program. This contribution also has no preferential termination, although payment money From interest accrued is carried out monthly.

6. "Festive."Rosinterbank offers all the wishing to make a contribution to very favorable conditions. First, it is a percentage rate equal to 12%, and secondly, the duration of the short-term contract is 400 days. The minimum amount that will have to put on the score is 50 thousand rubles, which is very profitable for pensioners or people with low level income. Also, the Bank promises monthly to pay interest accumulations and at the same time the client at any time can completely or partially empty his account. The program of preferential termination of the contract is also proposed.

7. "Gift Certificates". The most favorable gifts from Sberbank are gift certificates for the new year 2017. Immediately it is worth paying attention to that these are special contributions, as they are fundamentally different from all described above. What is their main advantage? The interest rate of one certificate is 11%, and each of them undergoes compulsory registration in the bank. According to analysts, such an investment will become an excellent gift for relatives and loved ones for New Year holidays.

As it has already become clear, the New Year's deposits in most Russian banks are pleased with their diversity on the eve of 2017. Of course, any of the described programs has a number of their features. The main thing is that you should remember, if you wish to put funds to a bank on one of the programs - you never need to hurry, because in any case it is worth weighing everything for and against and only then make the right choice. Also, you will also have to seek the advice to the employees of the bank you like, so that they explain all the additional nuances of this or that program and it is better to ask an additional advice from an experienced lawyer who will show the underwater stones of any possible scam.

Potential investors wishing to successfully place capital investments are not thought about the fact that bank deposits in banks often differ fundamentally different from the standard proposals of financial and credit institutions. Deposits are provided by favorable conditions For a short term. All deposits for the new year 2018 need to have time to arrange, while the promotional programs have not ended. To navigate the products offered, you need to carefully read the conditions for the selection of the most attractive offer.

What is New Year's deposits in banks

Citizens going to invest in a financial and credit institution, notice that the eve of any large holidays celebrated in Russia is distinguished by a variety of marketing proposals of banking organizations designed to stimulate customers to open deposit accounts. Opening different contributions With gifts to the new year 2018, since this event is celebrated everywhere.

Proposals for new contributions on the eve of the onset of 2018 differ from the standard banking products improved cash deployment conditions. At another time of the year, banks do not provide such programs, so investing money at the turn of 2017-2018 is of interest to investors who want to receive maximum size dividends from their investments.

Distinctive features

Deposits in banks under new Year, like other seasonal suggestions, have distinctive features against the background of standard products. Among them, it is possible to highlight such characteristics:

  • Maximum interestwhich deposits to the new 2018 may exceed the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia. Such a move of banks practiced to attract a large number of investors - individuals.
  • Most programs have limited conditions for the possibility of partial removal of funds from a deposit account and replenishment.
  • Short-term. New contributions are opened for a short time - 30-120 days. Some programs operate 365 days, the rest are designed for short-term attraction of investment investments.
  • If the investor wants to break the contract and carefully pick up the funds, then all dividends "burn out", and interest is charged on the demand deposit.
  • Financial and credit organizations attract depositors to open contributions to the New 2018, conducting large-scale advertising promotions long before the events.

Conditions for promotional proposals for deposits for the new year 2018

Analyzing the available offerings of banking structures on the eve of the new 2018 onset, it can be noted that the main trends that are followed by banks last decade, attracting individuals to put money for interest on New Year's holidays, have not changed. Banks try to attract maximum money for a short time, offering high interest depositors.

The desire to accumulate assets, implementing New Year's offers, is understandable - in conditions economic crisiswhen it is not known how the ruble rate in the new year will behave, banks, investment funds try to reduce the level of risk. Analysts are developing strategies and plans for the actions of credit institutions on foreign exchange marketsBy investing money in the development of the economy so that probable negative changes do not affect the work of the banking system.

Private citizens enjoy high percenthelping save money from high inflation and depreciation, characteristic of the country's experienced economic crisis. Saving safety is guaranteed state system Deposit insurance. Individuals are compensated to 1.4 million rubles with interest. If a person operates a big amount, then the most acceptable solution will "spread" money different banks With a high rating to minimize the likelihood of the loss of funds upon the occurrence of force majeure.

Interest rates

Credit structures are offered different special programs. Minimum interest has a New Year's contribution to Sberbank in 2018 - rates range from 4.95-5.91%, depending on the product selected. Almazergienbank offers to place funds for profitability of 8.8% per annum, but the most advantageous offer at the end of 2018 is the beginning of the new 2018 at the Moscow Industrial Bank (MIB) - investments are attracted at 9%. In the conditions of a permanent systematic reduction in key rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation this program - The most attractive for individuals.

Term and sum

New seasonal products are designed for a short time. New Year's project MIB is designed for 100-150 days. The minimum amount of investments begins from 5 million rubles. The longest time for placing the finance of individuals from the Bank "St. Petersburg" - the contract is 181-548 days from minimal investments from 10 thousand rubles. The new contribution of Almazergienbank provides for the minimum amount of investments from 50 thousand rubles, posted for 90 days. The depositor independently determines the appropriate offer, choosing for investment reliable bank.

Capitalization of interest

Since the contributions to the New Year 2018 refer to the efforts of marketing proposals acting on a small period of time, very few practicing the accession of accrued interest to the main investment. Programs are aimed at maximum use of bank credit structures, so interest on most projects are accrued at the end of the term deposit Treaty. Some products provide for a monthly percent removal - interest on the "loud benefit" VTB Bank of Moscow every 30 days are listed on the debit.

Deposits of Sberbank to the New 2018

Stimulating depositors to work remotely, Sberbank across the entire line of deposit products provides increased rates When opening new ruble deposits or investments in foreign currency through the Internet. The conditions for opening deposit accounts are as follows:

  1. "Save". Opened for a period of 1-36 months. The standard product is based on the accrual of 3.8-5.15% per annum in rubles, 0.05-01.15% in dollars and 0.01% in euros. When opening a deposit online, the rate increases to 4.05-5.5% for ruble accounts, 0.1-1.35% for dollar. You can make 1,000-2,000,000 rubles. Partial early seizure of money, account replenishment is not provided. The depositor can shoot accrued interest every month, or capitalize them to the body of the contribution.
  2. "Pour". You can make money, it is impossible to remove the part of the investment. The usual program is designed for 3.7-4.62% for ruble deposits, 0.05-0.95% for dollar. "Replenish online" offers elevated rates - 3.95-5% on ruble contracts, 0.25-1.15% on dollars. The minimum amount of 1 000 rubles, the maximum - 2 million rubles. The account opens for 3-36 months. Interest is removed monthly, or added to the main investments.
  3. "Manage". Provides account replenishment, partial removal of funds. A typical deposit opens under 3-4.2% in rubles, 0.01-0.6% in dollars, online - 3.25-4.7% for ruble accounts, 0.15-0.8% for dollar bills. The contract is 3-36 months, the amount of the amount introduced varies within 30,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

Favorable deposits for the new year 2018 in banks

To navigate in new seasonal programs implemented by commercial banking organizations and choose the best option, refer to the table below with indicative characteristics on New Year's investment:

Bank's name

Product name

Interest rate, %

Minimum value of funds made, rubles

Term of concluding a contract, months

"Festive choice"



Bank "Saint-Petersburg"

"Winter Petersburg"


"New Year stocking"

Northern People's Bank

"Happy New Year 2018"

VTB Bank of Moscow

"Loud benefit"

"Autumn Traditions"




Bank mail

"Festive Choice" Moscow Industrial Bank

An unprecedented action is conducted by MIB from November 3 to December 25, 2018. The client can invest money from 5,000,000 rubles for any time from 100 to 150 days under a large percentage, which is 9% per annum. Dividends are paid monthly, non-cash or in cash, on the translation of the account specified by the Deposit. MIB provides for the personal presence of the investor when concluding a contribution contract, to use the Internet to open a new account cannot be. It should be remembered that state insurance applies only to 1.4 million rubles.

"Festive" from Gazprombank

The action of the new product Gazprombank "Festive" lasts until January 31, 2018 inclusive. Favorable investments are carried out on 121 days under 7.1% with a minimal amount made of 100 thousand rubles. Seating of funds or deposit replenishment is not provided. Dividends are paid at the end of the contribution contract. Open remotely deposit it is impossible, for the conclusion of the contract, the Client addresses directly to the nearby branches of the credit structure, money is issued there at the end of the contract.

"Winter Petersburg" from the bank "St. Petersburg"

Deposens are eligible from November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2018 by the new product "Winter Petersburg", providing for democratic capital investment conditions. Credit organisation Takes funds in rubles, euros and dollars, stimulating the opening of the deposit account through the Internet Bank. 6.7-7.3% is offered on ruble contributing options, 0.4-1.8% - on dollars, 0.01% - for contracts with euros.

The opening of the online contribution contract increases the rate - 7-7.6% on ruble contracts, 0.6-2.3% on dollars. The contract is 6-18 months, the payment of dividends occurs after the expiration of the contract. Capitalization, seizure of a part of the money, does not have this program. Prolongation is possible on new conditions currently operating. Standard minimum finance of 10,000 rubles, if a person makes a certificate of belonging to preferential categoryThis value decreases to 1 thousand rubles.

"New Year stocking" Prim Socanbank

Interesting conditions are offered by Prim SotsBank for new programoperating from November 1, 2018 (the duration of economic conditions on the official website of the banking structure is not stipulated). The client makes finance from 10,000 rubles for 181 days under 7.6%. The first 3 months account can be replenished, you cannot withdraw part of the funds. If the contract is terminated early in the first 90 days, then interest is accrued as at the proposal of "to demand", when terminated by the 91-180 day of the Agreement - at a rate of 4.5%. Dividend accrual occurs 2 times - for the 90s and 181 days.

"Happy New Year 2018" from the Northern People's Bank

The action is valid from November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2018. Money from 10 000 rubles is accepted under 7% per annum for 3 months. Capitalization, innovations, finance, finally, the program does not provide. Interest on a new project is paid to the end of the agreement, or subject to early removal of money. The last case is interpreted as the investment "to demand" with an accrual of 0.01% per annum on investment.

"Loud benefit" VTB Bank of Moscow

The offer is valid from 09.09.2017. to 31.12.2107. The contributor makes an amount of 30,000 - 30,000,000 rubles for 120 days. The first 30 days are accrued 10% of dividends, from 31-61 days - 7.4%, from 61-90 days - 7%, from 91-120 day - 6%. Interest is paid every 30 days by transferring to the card account. With the rupture of the contract, the first 30 days revenues are accrued at a rate of 0.01%, subsequently - 6% per annum. With the depositor of the amount of over 350,000 rubles, the banking structure gives an annual bonus on the telecom operator to the telephone operator.

"Autumn Traditions" from the Moscow Industrial Bank

The new project is valid for timing 10/20/2017-20.12.2017 .G contract is per year, revenues are accrued 4 times: 1-90 day - 10%, 91-180 day - 9%, 181-270 day - 7%, 271- 360 day - 6%. It is made from 30 thousand rubles, the first six months provides for the general disabling, there is no dividend capitalization. If the contract is broken after half a year, the income is calculated on the basis of 3.5% per annum, earlier - 0.01%. Condut an agreement the client can personally in departments banking organization.

"Winter Tale" from TransSroybank

In the period 1.11.2017-28.02.2018. Depositors can take advantage of the new TranswaysBank product. Customers can contribute from 500 thousand rubles at 7% at 547 days. Replenishment of the account, insulating funds, income capitalization is impossible. Dividends are accrued when the deposit account is closed. Frontal rupture of the contract is fraught with an accrual of 0.01% per annum on investment.

"Mittens" from Almazergienbank

Profitable contributions New 2018 is offered Almazergieenbank for the term 1.11.2017-30.12.2017. Customers make money, starting from 50 00 rubles at 8.88% for 3 months. You can replenish the deposit, withdraw part of the funds - no. The prolongation of the contract during non-knowledge by the client made finance occurs under the program "Refilled". Dividends are paid at the end of the agreement, interest capitalization is not provided.

"Good" from the bank's post office

The offer is valid until December 31, 2017. New Product Pednalted for different categories of citizens. It is supposed to make amounts of 50,000 rubles and above for 3 months under 7.8%. If the client lists finances by interbank transfer, via EPS or an ATM, then only 0.25% is charged for all means. Retired retirees receive a 0.5% increase to dividends, so the program justifies its name. Revenue is paid at the end of the contract. Replenish an initial fee You can first 10 days after the conclusion of the deposit contract.


New Year's contribution 2018 in Sberbank

The New Year's 2018 contribution to Sberbank will provide the opportunity to put money on a deposit under an increased percentage. Presented the Bank's ability proposes in connection with the holidays. It is beneficial for all segments of the population, regardless of income and social status. With it, you will be able to quickly save the necessary amount for the acquisition of technology, real estate, etc., or just save own funds In inviolability.

The New Year's 2018 contribution to Sberbank is the following advantages:

  1. Increased interest rate;
  2. Free opening multicurrency account;
  3. Free connection to the online system of electronic customer service bank "Sberbank Business online"
  4. Opening of the deposit without directly visiting the Bank's Department.

In addition, the peculiarities of the New Year's contribution 2018 in Sberbank implies many more advantages. So, the attachment is available in any currency: dollars, euros and rubles. The minimum amount for the deposit is equal to 500,000 rubles, $ 20,000 or 15,000 euros, but not more than 100,000,000 rubles, 10,000,000 dollars and 10,000,000 euros. The contract is for a period of 31 to 366 days. The interest rate changes depending on the period for which the contribution is made, as well as its sum. To replenish the contribution made, as partially removed cannot be removed, including it is impossible to shoot the entire deposit amount ahead of schedule. Concerning interest rate, it is up to 8.1% on a ruble deposit.

Why it is worth contributing to Sberbank New Year in 2018

Thanks to the New Year's contribution in 2018, the Bank's customers get the opportunity to protect their own funds from the crisis impact, as well as an unstable course. The resulting interest will completely cover the possible loss of funds, which may be if to contain money at home. In addition, many banking products use deposit services to receive passive income.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the contribution made, it is better to put money for a percentage for the maximum time and how can large sums. So you will do favorable investments And get the opportunity to increase the means. To calculate the benefits of the deposit, you can use a special calculator.

Open the New Year's 2018 contribution to Sberbank and get the opportunity not only to save your accumulations, but also to increase them.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state