
How to become an insurance agent of OSAGO several companies. Agent Agent - an interesting modern profession. Make a step-by-step business plan

With all that in mass awareness insurance broker It is often equal to the insurance agent, there are significant differences between them. The agent represents the interest of the insurance company; Insurance broker, on the contrary, works on behalf of the insured. Do not forget that even this profession is applied.

Although there is foundations for mixing these concepts: in Russia, many brokers also perform the functions of insurance agents.


Law by organizations of insurance engines Contains two innovations fundamental for brokers. The first is the distinction between the concepts of broker and agent, the second is introduced on brokerage activities. Previously, the activities of brokers were not subject to licensing, now the creation of such organizations has become more complicated. The laws tightened the requirements for the personnel. Additional control of state bodies appeared on the activities of brokers, reporting was added. If earlier reporting information was needed only to insurance companies and tax inspectionNow the law provides for an insurance supervision authority. For example, it is carried out in the same order.


Most insurance brokers are women. A consultant of such a company should be with a pleasant appearance (voice, diction), phone experience or personal sales. As a rule, the number of administrative staff is small. Usually it consists of a leader, accountant and a methodologist. Remember, the broker must develop with insurance companies partnerships. You can conclude with them agreements in which to indicate the percentage of transactions, which is due to the broker.


If a insurance broker It has been working on the basis of any client base, it is natural that this very database needs to be taken from somewhere. It is independently the case is ungrateful and long. Broker "from nowhere" does not arise: organizations are created on the basis of existing firms that are associated with insurance activities. It is for these reasons that brokers most often enjoy the base created by the main company.

  • Keep in mind also.

The necessary attachments for the first six months of the insurance broker are estimated at 10 thousand dollars. There are also on russian market Organizations that have invested from 50 thousand dollars to 80. Not included in this amount advertising costs, the size of which depends on the availability of a client base in a broker.




It seems to me that adding additional reporting overly complicates the work of insurance brokers, and the introduction of licensing for this type of work will also not add popularity to this type of activity.

How to become an insurance broker or an insurance company broker dreams of learn anyone who wants promising work and good earnings, but also the risk to go bankrupt. Here the main minimization risks, not allow mistakes. The most successful is usually a stubborn self-taught, who opened their own company. But each path depends on perseverance and developed plan action.

All nuances and subtleties earnings

Earnings of the broker depends on the number of sales of insurance products, or rather from the commission. IN different cases This parameter ranges from 10% to 25%.

For example, if average price Product 20,000, then the resulting amount will be about 1 500. And it is only from one transaction. But here it is necessary to take into account the validity of a prisoner agreement. In some cases, the percentage of commissions on this principle increases to 30-50%.

Earnings may depend not only on percentage coefficients. In the number of paid services, you can enter the support of the client when insurance case, provision legal advice etc.

Where to learn the craft of brokers

In higher or other educational institutions Until the direction of the insurance broker is not highlighted. But large companies still prefer to hire employees with higher education, as well as teach themselves.

Firms often hold a set of webinars or trainings, where the rules for maintaining documentation, various aspects of work in the insurance market are explained. Moreover, such courses can be both paid and free. It all depends on the Insurance interest / brokerage company.

Insurers often conduct seminars when developing new insurance products. Information about such courses is located on sites. large companies and educational institutions.

Where to get the capital to open the office

Capital, which will need to open the case is calculated in different ways. Business Sharks argue that at the disposal should be at least 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

The final amount depends on the means allocated to the following items:

  1. Advertising.
  2. Registration of documentation: obtaining a license, etc.
  3. Rental room.
  4. Acceptance of employees.

Investors (creditors, shareholders and others) are involved in capital collection.

Make a step-by-step business plan

In the first paragraph, when drawing up a business plan, you need to choose a branch of the company, that is, what kind of products activities will be sent.

It may be insurance of water, automotive or air transport, property insurance, loan, from accidents, etc.

Directions may be somewhat, and with the development of the company services can be increased. The main thing at the initial stage to choose insurance products that have priority market priority at this time.

Here it is necessary not to simply analyze the essence of the services, determine the main features, but to identify ways to sell on the market. Explore the material so as to compete with other similar companies.

The second point is to determine the amount of product sales, dynamics. Here it is necessary to calculate the estimated amount of product sales. That is the indicator for the month / week of the selling "Goods". This is calculated by the analysis of the value of similar products provided by competitive firms.

Next, you need to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the company. This is carried out for an objective view of the situation, which will later help stand out among competitors, will help regular measures to improve the company's activities.

And at the end, you need to calculate the capital. About half of the amount will go to advertise, and all other contributions to the documentation, employees, rental, furniture equipment (repair, purchase of furniture, etc.) and allocate funds to minimize errors or other circumstances.

Errors in work

The most widespread mistake is a narrow broker specialization (medical or automotive industry). The specialist should understand many principles and circumstances of various insurance products and the market as a whole.

Without a complete picture, time is lost, the client has to contact various employees. Essential is ownership general InformationTo determine the aspects of the product.

For example, with automobile insurance it is possible to offer additional insurance Persons in medicine, which increases income.

The following errors take place:

  • Not an understanding insurance product At all phases of production.
  • Lack of orientation to the client. This is not only an affordable explanation of the terms of the contract, but also ignoring the client at any time. When the client does not follow the presence of dates on documents for the provision of medical and other services, which are based on the receipt of insurance payments to the client.
  • Not an understanding of underwriting techniques.
  • Failure to pay payments for the magnitude of the commission's remuneration by insurance firms related to incorrect calculation of the tariff rate.
  • Unnecessary familiarization of the insurance contract.
  • Not observance of deadlines under reinsurance contracts.

The insurance broker is a subject of entrepreneurship, which is on its behalf of mediation in the field of insurance, presenting the interests of the insurer or the policyholder. Typically, a broker cooperates with several companies, considering the possibility of promoting all programs supported by them. Its responsibility also includes assistance to customers who need insurance services consisting in choosing the most appropriate supply of insurance in accordance with the vitality of the client.

Specialists of the Organization are independent experts who are not interested in advertising a specific firm. For this reason, they help the insureders objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of the insurance proposal and choose the optimal package of services.

Broker duties

Before becoming a Broker of the Insurance Company on OSAGO, one should familiarize themselves with the rights and obligations of the organization, and compare them with their own capabilities that determine the functioning of brokerage insurance activities.

The work of the insurance broker includes:

  • consulting services;
  • decision of disputes and conflicts between the participants of the Agreement;
  • making contractual agreements;
  • solving issues of losses settlement;
  • providing guarantees of cooperation between the insured and the insurer.

How to become an insurance broker

Work by the insurance broker implies certain stages Business formation:

  1. Deciding on mediation business activities.
  2. Conduct registration actions to open entrepreneurship. It should be noted that the potential customers of the insurance broker seek to cooperate with the firm with the status of Jurlitz, since this species legal activities Corresponds to citizens more trust.
  3. Buying or removing office space, where it would be possible to organize meetings with customers for negotiation and making contractual relationships. Activities can be conducted without an office, meeting with counterparties at neutral territory. However, such a decision is in doubt about the seriousness of the intentions of brokers to provide high-quality qualified assistance.
  4. Obtaining licensed documents without which the functioning of a brokerage company in the territory Russian Federation prohibited.
  5. Office equipment necessary equipment.
  6. Establishing partnerships with different insurance organizations.

Obtaining a license

Before becoming a Broker of the Insurance Company on OSAGO, it is necessary to obtain a license, since without it the maintenance of brokerage insurance activities is prohibited by law. Registration of permits for insurance activities can be proceeding only after registering the entity entity.

The license is issued by the insurance supervisory authorities in which the documentation kit must be prepared:

  • statement;
  • registration and constituent documents;
  • documents confirming the relevant qualifications of the broker and its employees (diploma on obtaining higher education in the economic or financial sector);
  • treaties necessary for conducting brokerage activities.

Decision on licensing accepted for 120 days after applying.

How to become an insurance broker OSAGO by franchise

Promotion of insurance brokerage business ideas takes a long period, during which additional costs for advertising activities are needed, while profits are unlikely to be obtained. State bodies They can delay the decision on issuing licenses, motivating this by the inconsistency of the newly created company with the requirements of regulatory acts.

To simplify the procedure for entering new organization The market for insurance services of the OSAGO, many insurance brokers prefer to organize their franchise activities.

Work organization

The organization of the work of the insurance broker on the franchise occurs in several stages:

  1. Find a well-known insurance broker, whose services have a lot of customers.
  2. Acquaintance with the terms of cooperation.
  3. Providing evidence of compliance with the potential franchisees of franchising.
  4. Obtaining a positive conclusion about cooperation.
  5. Registration of a business entity.
  6. Obtaining a license (some types of cooperation do not intend to obtain permits, since it is possible to work on their license).
  7. Registration of the contract of the franchise.
  8. Making an initial contribution.
  9. Cut into compliance with the established cooperation requirements of the appearance of the office, the procedure for conducting documentation and specificity of activities.

Advantages and disadvantages

Work on the franchise scheme has advantages:

  • ready business plan and working marketing strategies;
  • famous brand and formed positive reputation;
  • no need for promotion, since the franchisor worried about this procedure in advance;
  • availability of a finished client database;
  • provision vocational training head of the company and staff specialists;
  • production and legal support;
  • transparency of cooperation;
  • the possibility of familiarizing the results of the franchisor's activities, as well as its competitive position in the market for the provision of similar services before making an agreement.

By cons cooperation can be attributed:

  • the need to possess initial investments to execute the contract of the franchise;
  • payment of licensing remuneration;
  • penalties for conducting activities not in accordance with marketing strategies.

A competent approach to the organization of entrepreneurial activities in the field of insurance as a broker, as well as compliance with legislative requirements and standards, will allow the head of the brokerage company to receive good profits.

In the people of the older generation, hearing the phrase "insurance agent", most often in front of the eyes there is a personality of an indefinite sex and appearance, quite intrusively persuading you "think about the future and purchase polis." Indeed, only 15-20 years ago, this profession was not popular at all, they were engaged in such a type of activity in the main citizens who did not exceed any other field.

Today, the work by the insurance agent at home (OSAGO, CASCO, property policies and much more) is quite prestigious and in demand, and subject to some conditions is capable of making a considerable income.

Who is the Agent SC

Today's agents are ambitious young people, most often having a higher education and considerable experience in communicating with customers. After passing special training, such a person can sell you anything - from toothpicks to a skyscraper, and he is absolutely not intrusive. The highest pilot cattle is a deal that after the client remains a complete feeling of its own significance and understanding that it is he "the owner of the situation".

As a rule, the insurance agent is not A working on the basis of a contract or power of attorney. This means that in the event of any misunderstandings, the SC is not responsible for all responsibility, and the intermediary is no matter how "nothing." However, this does not mean that the agent is not responsible for anything, just in case of overlays, it will keep the answer before the SC, and not before the client.

Before becoming an insurance agent (OSAGO, CASCO, etc.), it is still necessary to think well, since this profession refers to the category of "Wolf Feet", that is, does not imply a solid salary, and people who prefer a certain stability, it is not Suitable.

Who can be an agent sk

In principle, in order to cooperate with insurance companies, it is not necessary to edit a certain university, such as doctors and lawyers. The profile and the volume of your education are not so important here. The main criterion for those who are interested in how to become an insurance agent of OSAGO is the presence of free time and the desire to communicate a lot. As freelancers, most SK gladity will be considered:

  • students (current, former and future);
  • pensioners;
  • retired military;
  • young mammies;
  • housewives;
  • any person who does not have a permanent job, but who wants to comprehend wisdom

The easiest of all in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity are those who already have a rich experience of communicating with different people: sellers, teachers, marketers, networkers, psychologists, doctors, former precincts and so on.

What should be a good agent

Those who decided to clarify the question of how to become an insurance agent of OSAGO and try happiness on this field, must have certain qualities. It:

  • pleasant appearance - regardless of the level of its income, the SC agent must be clean, neat, neatly cut and cause positive emotions from potential customers;
  • good memory - it is necessary to study well and remember the features of a particular insurance product, be able to correctly explain its advantages; In addition, it is worth memorizing and "specifics" of customers, at least constant;
  • sociability - you need to be able to establish contact and quickly find the intelligible answers to a variety of questions, not just pronounce the learned text, and interest the interlocutor;
  • resourcefulness - the ability to get out of the unfavorable situation is very useful, somehow - a code lock on the front entrance or a huge dog owners who meet you at the threshold;
  • stress resistance - people are different, far from everyone knows how to talk correctly, so remember: the client is always right, but to react even to the most unfair rudeness will have a polite smile;
  • diligence - in this case, it will not be possible to sit "on the store's shop", the earnings will directly depend on the number of customers you found;

I would go to the insurer, let me teach me

So, B. personal qualities We figured out, now let's talk about how to become an agent of the insurance company on Osago Ingosstrakh, "Sogaz", "Reso", "VSK" or any other firm according to your choice.

Of course, no company will allow the first oncoming person to submit their interests and draw up contracts on behalf of the company - to get such a right, it is necessary to undergo special training directly from the future employer. Courses These are most often free, there is a future agent to train the Azam technology of negotiation techniques, working with client objections. Well, of course, "on the bones" will differ every insurance product offered by the company, its advantages and advantages over competitors.

Usually, courses are from one or two weeks to several months, training can be carried out both in groups and individually. Some companies also practice absentee learning or remote webinars and Skype conferences. Before becoming an insurance company agent on OSAGO, CASCO and other types of insurance, the applicant should not only successfully complete learning, but to pass some exams and standings on the disciplines passed. In some companies, training can also be phased - each new stage opens access to additional insurance products - the higher the level, the greater the range of policies that you can offer customers.


After completion of training, you can proceed to work. In charge insurance agent Osago and any other types of insurance include:

  1. Search and attract new customers, expanding your own
  2. Conclusion of new contracts for all types of insurance and extension (renewing) existing ones.
  3. Independent damage assessment - despite the fact that it is most often a specially dedicated employee, each agent is obliged to be able to do it independently.
  4. Strict accounting and ensuring the safety of documents - the responsibility for storing contributions and forms is completely on the agent.
  5. Conducting advertising events - the better the agent will be able to present himself, the more customers he will have.

Of course, the first two points are fundamental, it is from the qualitative execution that the received income directly depends.

Salary - a lot or not

Before becoming an agent of an insurance company on OSAGO or other species, it is worth understanding that you will not receive a clearly agreed income. The wage of a freelance officer directly depends on its activity, luck and hard work. At first, while the base is working, it will be quite difficult. Active and correctly motivated newcomers are obtained at first about 15 thousand rubles, and "Akula agents" can earn more than 100 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, each company has its own wage system, but in general one can say that the salary of the insurance agent is 10-15% of the amount of the concluded contracts. Some firms also offer certain bonuses and promotions when achieving good indicators.

The work of the insurance agent, although not easy, but still quite interesting, and under certain conditions it allows you to quickly advance through the career staircase and improve it, however, before becoming an insurance agent of OSAGO Rosgosstrakh, for example, it is worth as once again to appreciate the pros and cons of this profession. .

All for

The advantages of this type of activity are quite obvious:

And counter

Before becoming an insurance agent of the OSAGO, it is necessary to soberly assess the disadvantages of this profession:

  • lack of stable predicted income;
  • independent customer search - sometimes it is quite difficult to come up with where to take them;
  • non-normalized work schedule - the probability is great that the client will want to see the holiday, day off or after 23.00;
  • personal responsibility for the safety of documentation;
  • work with "cash", personal responsibility for the safety of insurance premiums.


At the end of the topic, summarize what is needed to become an insurance agent of the OSAGO:

  1. Select a company providing insurance services and ask for vacancies.
  2. Send a resume with contact details or fill out a questionnaire on the company's website and wait for invitations to the conversation.
  3. Visit the office of the insurance company, go through a personal interview and sign up for the nearest training course.
  4. At the end of the training, conclude a cooperation agreement and start work, and how quickly you can get your first salary - it depends only on you.

White salary - This is the only legal type of remuneration. Many applicants in search of work also face illegal terms of payment: black and gray wages. In order to deal with the legal salary of this employer, you need to pay attention to the following signs.

Signs of white salary:

  • The total amount of salary is indicated in the documents when taking work.
  • The accrual of premiums and other stimulating premiums is carried out by order.
  • Money is listed on the card or issued through the cashier. Payment of cash should be carried out according to one of following documents: expendable cash order, payment statement or settlement payroll. Documents must be signed by the head, chief accountant or an authorized person. Opposite the name of a particular employee should stand the amount that is issued in hand.
  • No additional amounts in envelopes are issued.
  • The actual amount of revenues is reflected in the Help 2-NDFL and in the calculated sheet.
  • All deductions are made from the entire amount of employee income.

What is official labor payment

Many people do not even think about what is getting illegal income. They work without registration or get part of payment in envelopes, but do not understand that part of their income is hidden. For most employees, it does not matter that the size of their actual income on documents is less than real earnings. Employees pay attention to the fact that money comes on time without delay.

The official salary is accrued either according to the tablel or according to the norms performed. An employee should not be treated for a salary less than the minimum wage established by the state.

Structure of salary

  • Salary. To calculate which the actual spent time is taken into account according to the tablel or actually performed norms.
  • Dipping (for service, qualification, experience, title or other).
  • Supplements for work on weekends, for the night, for replacing the missing worker and others.
  • Stimulating payments, including premiums.
  • The regional coefficient established in the specific region.

When finding an employee on a hospital, he is paid for temporary disability allowance. When you are on business trips. And when leaving vacation - vacation benefits are paid.

Employment Features

When receiving an employee to work, an order must be made to work. An employment contract is another fundamental document describing the position, working conditions, recreation, as well as the amount of remuneration for executable responsibilities.

Need to be familiar with the following internal documents Organizations:

  1. Collective agreement.
  2. Promotion provisions.
  3. Inner order rules.
  4. Official instructions.
  5. Taxes and salary.

It is necessary to understand the difference between the accrued and paid salaries. The difference between them is a detected NDFL (income tax individuals), trade union contributions, alimony and other retention on the executive list.

Additionally, the employer pays from all accrued employee income mandatory contributions in the following extrabudgetary funds:

  1. Pension Fund Of the Russian Federation (FIU).
  2. The fund is mandatory medical insurance (FOMS).
  3. Fund social insurance Russian Federation (FSS).

Illegal types of salary

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is only one type of wage - United wage according to Labor Code RF. In progress, such an earnings are called white salary. No other types of remuneration are legitimate, there is no legitimate concepts of black or gray salary.

Black salary

The employee does not contain an employment contract, there is no order for employment and there is no documentary man in the organization. Earnings such an employee receives cash in an envelope.

Obvious disadvantages of illegal sources of income:

  • Not the security of an employee legally.
  • Lack of tax enumerations.
  • The impossibility of official leave, sick or maternity leave.

The employee does not have experience and there are no deductions in either the FOMS, nor in the FIU, nor in the FSS. During the disease or in the case of dismissal, the employer does not produce relying payments. When the time comes to receive a pension, payments will be minimal.

The only dignity of such a source is a higher size of illegal income. This option is convenient for business areas with regular circulation of cash, which will continue to pay for earnings.

This method is convenient for real estate organizations. In such firms, only a few people are issued, and the rest receive only interest from sales.

Gray salary

Partially official salary called gray. At the same time, employees are drawn up for minimum wage. It is from this amount that the employer pays all taxes. Sometimes the employee is drawn up for a position with less salary. The remaining part is paid in the envelope.

Such a scheme allows the employer to reduce tax costs and allows you to increase the salary. but hospital lists, maternity, holidays are usually calculated on the minimum wage and their size is minimal. The big probability that after the decree the employer will offer to be abolished, and in disagreement will only leave the white part of the salary.

Another disadvantage of partially illegal earnings is that the employer regulates the amount in the envelope independently and can set various fines and illegal retention.

Scheme of illegal salary, disguised by dividends

Another way to pay salary is a scheme that includes minimal salary and dividends. Each employee is allowed to acquire shares of the organization, which he must sell when dismissal.

These conditions are indicated in the employment contract. The smaller part of the salary is drawn up and paid in set time. Most of the income, the employee periodically receives in the form of dividends, which, in fact, make up most of his earnings.

Taxes are listed only with minimal salary. The periodicity of dividends is not a monthly, but quarterly. In this scheme, dividends are a good cover for illegal income. To identify this scheme, carry out reconciliation of all employment contracts, protocols and documents of joint-stock assembly, the share of employees and the size of payments.

What risks the employer

Often the employer is calm and confident that employees will not complain, because they will not be able to prove anything without official documents. However, illegal schemes are quite simple. For this, an unscheduled check is carried out and simply compares the number of employees in the workplace and staff schedule.

The identification of this scheme can be facilitated by complaints of employees in the auditory authorities and testimony. Illegal wages and tax evasion threatens to the employer with great fines and even criminal liability.

Advantages and disadvantages of official earnings for the employee

  • The main dignity is the social security of the employee. If there is a violation of labor obligations, it is possible to compare to the controlling authorities.
  • Registration of workers and payment of white salary is a sign of a stable organization.
  • From all over earnings taxes are accrued. In the future, with these taxes listed in the FIU, the size will be calculated pension payments.
  • Temporary disability allowance and vacation pays are calculated on the basis of all earnings.
  • When leaving for child care leave, it will be easier to return to his position to preserve the salary, since the execution is official.
    You can confirm your income to the help, it happens to get a mortgage or loan.
  • The salary size is fixed, the employer does not have the right to reduce it at his own wishes.
  • In the case of the dismissal of an employee, the employer must pay all the possible payments.
  • You can return the part of the personal income tax from the budget using tax deductions. It is beneficial in the case of buying an apartment or a house in a mortgage.

Disadvantages are not so obvious, but still there.

  • Official income is usually less illegal. Since part of its expenses, the employer reduces due to the cutting of the salary size.
  • Most vacancies in a private business offer with illegal earnings, so it is more difficult to find work with official wages.
  • Alimony and debts executive sheets Hold with official earnings, illegal income is easier to hide. In this regard, when executing an employee, withholding with salaries will be in full.

Advantages and Disadvantages of white salary for the employer

  • The obvious disadvantage is tax costs.
  • Complex financial statements.
  • The inability to dismiss an unsuitable employee, because according to the TC it is difficult to do it.

Advantages for the employer are much less:

  • Lack of responsibility for illegal labor and tax evasion.
  • Good reputation and stability of the organization.
  • Transparency of accounting.

How to check whether the official payment from the employee

If an employee has doubts that he has official income, then this can be checked as follows. Need to register personal Cabinet on the site federal tax Service And download a 2-ndf help there. These references are obliged to submit annually in favor. Having obtained similar in accounting, you can compare revenues for months.

Despite the obvious advantages of white salary, most employers and employees stop on the gray version. Making such a choice, you need to weigh all the risks, because more often workers are more losing than they get. It should be borne in mind that with an illegal salary, the employer can delay its issuance for an indefinite period, to pay it not in full or not to pay it at all.

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