
What is necessary to obtain SNILS. What is reduss and how it looks where to get a testimony

Every citizen who appeals to the competent bodies to receive SNILS should know that he needs a standard list of documents.

If at first glance it may seem that designated decoration - The procedure is simple and no additional troubles will cause, then in this article we will sharpen attention on some features that accompany the design of the document.

If you want to get SNILS, in addition to the desire, you need to collect the documents set by law and go to Pension Fund.
Let's stop in detail at this moment.

First of all, it should be found out what category of citizens you imagine:

  • If you are a citizen who is officially employed, then your employer should deal with the design of SNILS.
  • If you feel about the group of non-working people, then you will personally have to collect documents and attribute them to the Pension Fund.
  • When, having reached the 14th age, he must come to the pension fund for the design of SNILS.
  • If the child has not yet been 14 years old, but it is necessary to reduce the parents, then parents will be engaged in this procedure, and in the case of their absence - legal representatives. Also to issue a SNILS can an educational institution in which the child is this moment Training is underway. If the registry authorities have a relevant agreement, they also can develop Reduce design when registering a newborn in interdepartmental interaction with the Pension Fund.
  • If a foreign citizen who carries out labor activity is required to be reduced, the employer will be engaged. If it does not have work, then it will have to make it possible to decompose and receive himself.

In most cases for registration Snobs pension The Fund requires no more than 21 days. In the case when the package of documents for designing SNILS you brought themselves personally, it will also have to pick up SNILS.

If instead of the registration procedure, the registry office, educational institution or your employer did, then the finished document must be taken away from them.

Documents for design reduction

Before you go to the Pension Fund, you need to know which documents need for the design of SNILS.

If you turn to the law, it is written in it that you need to have two documents with you:

  1. Compiled by the established form of a questionnaire of the insured person.
  2. A document that certifies the identity of a citizen who wants to get SNILS.

If your documents will be submitted to the Pension Fund an employer or representatives of the educational institution in which the child learns, they will need, in addition, to provide an inventory of documents that were transferred. After the Employee will be reduced on his hands, an employee who receives the document is obliged to put a personal signature in a special statement to confirm the fact of his receipt by hand. Then the statement of receiving the document will be returned to the Pension Fund.

After the SNILS is received by the employer from the Pension Fund, it is obliged to give him an employee within a 7-day term. In case of dismissal this citizenThe employer should at the last famous address where the employee lives, send him a notice that SNILS is obtained.

There are cases when a former employee does not respond to a notice and does not receive a reduction. In this case, the document must be saved by the employer in the personal case of a disagged employee.

Application for obtaining SNILS - Questionnaire for the form of ADV-1

If you want to get SNILS you will need to fill out the questionnaire of the insured person according to the special form of the ADV-1.

We offer detail to dwell on this issue and disassemble how it competently fill out.

The following columns should be fill in:

  1. FULL NAME, which was insured.
  2. Date of Birth<./li>
  3. Paul citizen.
  4. The place where he was born.
  5. Address registration of the insured person.
  6. The address where the applicant lives in fact.
  7. Contact number.
  8. Passport details
  9. Date when the questionnaire was filled.
  10. Signature of a citizen who has filling out a questionnaire.

Filling out an application (questionnaire) to receive SNILS

A questionnaire of the insured person or a statement to receive a minor citizen is obliged to fill in print letters on his own. In the event that the employer is engaged in the design procedure, the employer can fill out an employee of the personnel department.

In a number of Russian regions, when contacting the applicant's pension fund personally, employees do not require it to fill out a reduction application, as it will be filled on a computer official. A citizen's signature should stand under the statement.

In life there may be various circumstances, as a result of which the applicant who applied for obtaining the document does not have the opportunity to put his signature on the questionnaire of the insured person. For example, it is in a long business trip for more than 30 days. In this case, the employer indicates this reason when submitting documents.

If SNILS draw up parents or legal representatives of the child, which was not 14 years old, then they put the signature on paper.

Getting reduced to a foreign citizen

If a foreign citizen Wishes to get SNILS, it needs to be performed at the same time 2 conditions:

  1. A foreign citizen should not belong to the category of highly qualified specialists.
  2. Citizens foreign states Must have an indefinite contract or employment contract concluded with the employer for a period of at least six months. This condition also applies to persons who do not have citizenship russian territory Certain time.

You should know about one an important moment Regarding how to be filled with a foreign citizen of the Questionnaire of the Insured person.

All data that is contained in paper should be identical information contained in the identity document. If the document is filled in a foreign language, then the Pension Fund staff will ask you to provide the translation of the document into Russian, certified by the notary.

Since 2015, in the legislative level, categories of citizens of foreign states who have the right to qualify for issuing SNILS were expanded.

The amendments say that today, all the persons without citizenship and foreign citizens who are temporarily located in Russia, which in their hands have an employment contract concluded for any time (earlier this period was at least 6 months), have the right to arrange and get SNILS.

Additional information about SNILS

Let's turn to. Under this abbreviation means the number of a citizen's personal account, which is insured in the system pension insurance. This number Strictly individual and throughout the life of a citizen is not subject to change. This number consists of 11 digits, and the first nine is the number itself, and the last two is the control number.

To see SNILS, you need to consider your pension testimony - you will see it on the front of the document. In case of loss of SNILS, you need to contact the Pension Fund to restore the document.

Remember that if for some reason you have lost its own reassembly, the number itself will remain unchanged, that is, you will not be changed to change it. Above we sharpened attention that sNILS number Does not change in all life.

Therefore, when you get a duplicate reduction duplicate, issued instead of a lost document, the same numbers as in the lost document will be spelled out. A similar situation will be in the event that your personal data has been changed.

The exchange of pension certificate is carried out only in the departments of the Pension Fund located at the place of residence. No one of the state authorities have no authority to design, replace and issuing SNILS. Citizens who are accustomed to the design of the document through the portal of public services should be aware that they will be disappointed. On this site, it is impossible to arrange a minor, as this service is not available today for Russian citizens.

In our country, each person must have an insurance certificate of the FIU, which is drawn up for his entire life and contains all the necessary information on pension insurance. It is best to order immediately after birth, so the parents of the kids need to know how to get SNOW to the child so that he enjoys his rights to fully.

SNILS performs the function of the number of the insurance facial account of each person in the FIU, which is fixed on the green form, issued by the appropriate authority based on a personal application.

In addition, the number is reflected in the number. Human, date and place of birth of birth, time of registration in pension insurance bodies.

SNILS is fixed individually for each subject for his entire life. When changing personal data, the insured evidence number is not subject to change.

Its value is that it reflects the personal account number, where the employee or his employer deducts the balance of insurance premiums. On Reduce, you can learn not only information about accumulated amounts, but also periods labor activityaccounted for in the experience of the employee to calculate the pension. It is paid upon reaching a certain age or offensive insurance case (death, disability is insured). All information is taken on the basis of the personal account data.

Snaps are valid along with a passport or other identity document.

Attention! Also, the room is needed upon receipt of many benefits and social guarantees of the state. Therefore, the personal account number in the FIU is often asked to provide when contacting medical institutions, upon admission to educational establishments Or to work.

Many authorities interact with each other with respect to the individuals, precisely, using it as a unique identifier.

Now the development of citizens' appeal is developed to the services of the state bodies "from the house" on the basis of the portal of the State Service. People get access there by numbers fixed in SNILS.

Also currently there is a single universal cardIn which a number of services can be obtained in the field of social and medicine, it also uses pension certificate data.

Why do you need evidence to children?

Getting a card for a child is desirable to start immediately after receiving a birth certificate.

This is due to the fact that:

  • Medical services will be provided to the kid in full only at presentation with the HEDPOLIS SNILS.
  • SNILS opens access to such social guarantees as free medicines, vouchers in the sanatorium, etc.
  • When entering the kindergarten or school and further educational institutions, SNILS for a child allows you to make benefits for free food, camp and a number of other social privileges.
  • SNILS is an identifier on the portal of the State Service, where you can not leav from the house, in line with the kindergarten.

Why get it down the newborn?

Getting a newborn document is better not to postpone my family for a long time.

SNILS will allow parents in a simplified form to declare and receive:

  • Services medical institutions (Polyclinic, hospitals) when servicing a newborn (by a generic certificate for the maintenance of a child after birth during the year)
  • Receive free medicines provided for by law (usually children under three years);
  • Receive free full-fledged food nutrition;
  • Draw up the necessary references and documents for the baby;
  • Issue various benefits (for birth, childish, maternal capital etc.).
  • Participate in inheritance pension.

Where to get a document

To the question: where to make a reduction to the child, you can only answer directly in the FIU, or in MFC.

Most. simple way It is the possibility of appealing parents to the immediate residence department of the MFC. They need to provide the necessary package of documents, the employee of the center will handle them, will make an application and send it to the FIU. Next, it is to assign a time when you need to come to get ready-made certificate of the FIU.

However, this method is longer in time than the direct appeal to the FIU office. This is explained by the document flow between MFC and the FIU at the request of the certificate and receiving it. But the term of issuing SNILS cannot be more than 3 weeks.

Parents of the child can also approach the nearest PFR branch and submit documents to make a personal account number there. As a rule, the statement itself is filled with an employee of the Pension Fund, the applicant needs to make sure only his identity.

The FIU prescribes time, and the finished certificate is transferred to the parents of the child. The maximum term here is also three weeks, but often the issuance is carried out within 7 days from the date of treatment.

Attention! Parents B. lately Often they are interested in how to get a snap to a child through public services. Today there is no such possibility. On the portal you can fill out the questionnaire and print, but it will be necessary to file only personally. The FIU claims that personal data of the individuals are confidential, and they cannot be transferred remotely.

How to get insurance certificate for a child?

Registration of insurance certificate for a child represents an simple procedure that is not much different from the usual.


To receive this document has the right to any of the parents, or legal representatives just appeared by the baby. However, it should be borne in mind that a birth certificate should be issued for this moment, since without this document, the procedure for obtaining SNILS will be impossible.

In a package of documents, it is necessary to include a copy of the identity card of one of the parents. Who will perform - mother or father, does not matter. The presence of the baby at the design of SNILS is optional.

Since since 2013, the registry office is obliged to transfer information about the births of children in the FIU, the testimony of the baby can be obtained in Moscow and some regions immediately when contacting.

Children under 14

The procedure for obtaining reduced children up to 14 years is no different than the previous one. Here, the document is also made on the basis of the questionnaire and supporting papers by one of the parents or legal representatives. The presence of a child is optional.

Child over 14 years old

The child at the age of over 14 years has already has a passport, so it can contact himself for declining. At the same time, the child's passport should already be used as a document certifying the identity.

The rest of the procedure does not differ from the usual.

In addition, a child from 14 years has the right to join labor RelationsFor the design of SNILS, it can contact through its first employer, which is obliged to implement this action.

Educational general education institutions

In accordance with the legislation, the design of SNILS children can do pre-school institution, school, or other educational institution. The administration of such a institution trusts the adult domestic face to collect necessary information And documents of children and transfer to the FIU. In this case, SNILS receives a group of children.

This feature is provided due to the fact that at this age, children are relying quite large social benefits (food, tutorial, sanatorium, camp), when the design of which SNILS should already be with them. And to facilitate this process, the educational institution can take a similar responsibility for themselves.

What documents are needed to obtain reduss children?

When designing SNILS, it is necessary to first find out which documents are necessary for the reduction of the child.

The following list was approved by the legislation:

  • The questionnaire of the insured person - it can be filled independently, or its compilation will be engaged in a qualified specialist of the relevant authority.
  • A copy of the child's birth certificate is if he has no 14 years old.
  • A copy of the child's passport - if he reached the age of 14.
  • A copy of the passport of one of the parent, which will be on behalf of a minor to apply for the design of a decline to the child.
  • A copy of the ADV-6-2 form is a copy - if SNILS is drawn up through the employer.

What time do you can get a testimony?

At the legislative level, it was established that the maximum time during which the pension body should issue SNILS is 3 weeks.

In fact, the PF separation on the ground is trying to maximize the waiting time. Now in certain regions of Russia, it is possible to obtain a reduction on the hands already in 3-10 days after the personal filing of documents into the authority.

Attention!The access card procedure also when contacting MFC. However, in this case, the period may be somewhat large than with the personal contact of the Fund (but it should also not exceed 3 weeks). This is due to the fact that MFC must comply with the prescribed procedures for transferring documents to the Fund, and then get them back.

SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) for a foreigner is a document providing the possibility of obtaining civil servants and providing social security. In addition, it is on this document that various data on citizen are recorded: its work experience, information about the funds listed on his insurance account, etc. How to get a reflex to a foreign citizen - learn later.

Where they do to foreign citizens

The procedure for obtaining this document is made in the district branch of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of residence or registration. You can submit documents to obtain SNILS either independently or through its employer, i.e. The room is drawn up directly to the employee upon request of the chief. In the second case, the employer will have to specify the reason why a foreigner could not personally appear.

A little more difficult to solve the issue with obtaining SNILS for children of foreigners. You can get a plastic card on a newborn baby both in the Pension Fund and in the district multifunctional center. Up to 14 years old about creating a "green" card for a child will take care of a kindergarten or school. After receiving the passport, the child will have to independently come to the PF separation and receive a document. If he does not want or cannot do this for some reason on his own, then in the first place of work he will be offered to conduct this procedure an employer.

Documents for creating a plastic card

A foreign citizen, turning to the Pension Fund to obtain a SNOP, must have with him:
  1. Identification. If there is no passport with you, then such documents can be submitted for the identity card: a passport, a birth certificate, an officer identity card, etc.
  2. Translated and certified translation of passport. To do this, contact first in the translation bureau for transferring a passport, and after any notarial contector. Typically, the procedure takes about the day, and its price begins from 1000 rubles.
  3. Profile. The form and rules of filling are issued directly in the Pension Fund.
  4. Document confirming the legality of staying in the territory of the Russian Federation. It can be RVP in a passport - permission for temporary accommodation in the Russian Federation.
  5. Child birth certificate. If you want to arrange a reduction on a newborn baby, in addition to your identity card and a specially completed questionnaire, it will be necessary to make a certificate of the birth of a baby.

Filling the questionnaire to obtain SNILS

A foreigner must fill out the questionnaire independently, but in some cases it can make a dispatcher. The data is allowed both in Russian, as well as in a foreign language. In the latter case, the questionnaire will need to attach a notarized copy, literally translated into Russian.

In the questionnaire it is necessary to fill out the following fields:

  • Date and place of birth.
  • Information about the place of registration and actual accommodation.
  • Phone in which it is possible to contact.
  • The main data from the passport.
At the end, the date of filling is indicated, as well as a citizen's signature.

Fill out the questionnaire without corrections, crossing and other forms of adjustment. In this case, only printed letters are used. The data specified in the questionnaire must fully coincide with the really existing.

Features of production SNILS

To obtain a foreign citizen of a plastic card, the following information is useful:
  • Manufacturing procedure does not require cash investments. Regardless of age or the timing of a foreigner in the territory of the Russian Federation, the SNILS is made completely free.
  • According to Law No. 115-FZ, a citizen registed in the system mandatory insuranceshould not be a category of highly qualified specialists.
  • A compulsory questionnaire can be found on the Internet, for example, on the website of public services or PF, download and fill in the electronic version. Then the document must be printed, put the signature and present in PF.
  • For foreign citizens who recently arrived in the Russian Federation, to obtain SNILS, it will be necessary to conclude an employment contract with an employer at least 6 months.
  • Can the Pension Fund refuse to issue SNILS? Exceptionally in this case, if a registered person is already present in the system with similar data of the questionnaires.
In all other respects, obtaining SNILS for residents of Russia and foreign citizens is an absolutely equivalent process.

How long will it take to receive SNILS?

Before you get a foreign citizen, you will need to wait a certain time after passing the documents. These deadlines may vary depending on which method of obtaining a foreign citizen has fallen in taste:
  • With an independent order order in the PF office established for all production period, it is about 3 weeks.
  • If the decline is implemented through the employer, you will have to wait a little longer. The employer has the right to submit an application to the PF within 14 days from the date of the work of his foreigner. After that, the plastic card is manufactured for 3 weeks. Then the law provides an employer for another week to convey the certificate to the employee. Therefore, in this case, the production of SNILS can be postponed for another 3 weeks compared with the previous way.

14.04.2017, 14:22

In the organization, a new employee. For him, this is the first place of work, so he has no insurance testimony. You need to write an application for SNILS. Let's tell me the personnel worker how to write such and the application and what formulations it is better to use. Also you can download the completed application form in the object of the example.

Why I need SNILS

Let's start with the fact that it is an abbreviation, denoting the insurance number of an individual account of the insured person. This number is contained in the insurance certificate and is needed to identify an individual in the pension insurance system. This number is used to prepare personalized reporting and calculations on insurance premiums.

The obligation to design an insurance certificate with a new employee lies at the employer (part 4 of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of Art. 7 Federal Law dated 01.04.1996 № 27-ФЗ). That is, to make a SNILS employee must at the enterprise. To impose this responsibility for himself illegal (paragraph 5 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ).

We write an application for the name of the director

To make a pension certificate, you need to start with the statement addressed to the head of the organization (paragraph 3 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ). There is no approved form of this paper, so the application for the production of SNILS can be made in an arbitrary form.

In order not to spend time on the formulation of the application, our specialists prepared a completed sample. You will only need to replace the name and name of the organization.

You can also form a statement.

Step 2. Prepare a set of documents for passing in the FIU

To obtain a certificate for an employee, the following documents should be submitted to the territorial division of the Foundation (paragraph 2 of Art. 7, paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ, paragraph 17 and 25 instructions, approved by the Board Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2017 № 2P):

  • the form of the ADV-1 (Questionnaire of the Insured);
  • the form of the ADF-6-1 (inventory documents that are transmitted to the pension fund).

Although the deadline for submission of documents is currently not regulated, it is better to arrange a minor. After all data reduss will be required to fill out reports, in particular SZV-M.

Five working days after receiving documents, the pension fund will decide on assigning it insurance number Individual personal account of the insured person (SNILS). This number will be listed in the insurance pension certificate that the employee will be issued.

If a new person has to work towards work, who does not have SNILS, should arrange his employer. To this end, you need to take a number of actions. That's what you need to do:

  1. get from the employee a statement on issuing insurance pension certificate in arbitrary form;
  2. fill out the questionnaire of the insured person in capital letters (form No. ADV-1), which the employee must sign;
  3. fill out inventory documents transmitted by the employer in the FIU (form No. ADV-6-1);
  4. imagine the questionnaire together with the description in the FFR division in in electronic format (via the Internet) or "on paper";
  5. get the insurance pension testimony to the FIU - no more than five working days from the date of submission to the territorial office FIU documents. Together with the testimony, you should issue an accompanying statement in form No. adi-5;
  6. issue an insurance certificate to the employee under the involvement in the accompanying statement in form No. adi-5;
  7. return the accompanying statement in form No. adi-5 in the FIU.

Each working individual in our country should have a document - plastic cardwhich indicates a special number of the facial insurance account. However, not many are able to accurately answer, why do you need a card, how to decrypt its name and what information contains there. Find out what they are these numbers.

What is an insurance number of an individual personal account

Green card today is almost every person. However, not everyone has an idea, as declining is declining. Reduction means - insurance number of an individual personal account. For each person, the set of numbers is unique, there are no two people with the same combination of numbers in this document. In many cases, a person needs to know how the SNILS number looks like, since all the information associated with a pension and work experience is determined by this account.

What does SNILS look like

Under the abbreviation, not only the number of individual personal account is a citizen, but also a testimony on which these numbers are indicated. The document is a card where the personal account is specified, covered with a laminated layer that protects against damage. The photo of the sample, what it is reduced and how it looks, you can see on the Internet sites. In addition to the number set, the green card has information about the owner:

  • surname, first name and patronymic of the insured;
  • the date of his birth;
  • a place where a person was born;
  • registration date in the pension fund;
  • the rules are indicated on the rules of operation of the certificate.

How many numbers contains the insured evidence number

Many potential recipients of the document are interested in how many digits in SNILS. An individual account contains a set of 11 numbers that have their own values. There is a formula how to properly decrypt SNILS:

  • the first 9 of them constitute the number of the document;
  • the last 2 digits are a test number, the calculation of which occurs according to a specific algorithm.

Why I need SNILS

Having understood what kind of document is reduced and, as it looks, many are asked to another question. People want to know why get their insurance license plate. Care Card may be useful in several situations:

  • Registration of preferential benefits and other cash payments in social protection bodies. Information on such actions will be entrenched for your facial account.
  • Creating an account on the Public Services portal. This Internet resource has become very popular, it allows you to solve some questions (recording for reception to officials, applying) online. The number specified in the testimony serves to identify your personality. On the basis of it, you will be given the necessary information.
  • Employment. All information about your experience, size wages and pension deductions to make an employer will be attached to the number that is in the insurance certificate.

For foreigners

Citizens of other countries living in Russia also need to know what it is reduced and what it looks like. The document is an important condition for the official employment of a foreigner. The Pension Fund speaks of the feasibility of establishing a retirement insurance card to persons with other citizenship. Foreigners working in the Russian Federation with this paper transfer information about labor experience and can claim to receive a pension in the future.

If a physical lick Benefits or benefits are laigned - without refusing it cannot do. Registration on the Public Services portal, where a foreign citizen will be able to receive the necessary information, implies the introduction of an individual personal account number. Obtaining a document by a foreigner - a condition is not obligatory, however, with a map to live in Russia much more convenient and more profitable.

Getting a green card on a child

Certificate of pension insurance may be needed and the child, since some government instances require its presence. Causes, why need to make a plastic document in the pension fund to children:

  • Registration of educational institutions. The procedure passes faster if your child has an insurance number.
  • Getting benefits and benefits from the state, the inheritance of the parent pension.
  • The provision of services by government agencies on the green map occurs operational.

If necessary, its parents should turn to PF. When children give a passport, together with the document they get the opportunity to independently design a certificate in the same organization. To do this, it is necessary to personally come to the Pension Fund, to apply and a person certifying the person. If the child is newborn, the necessary information to insure the baby, the regulation is submitted to the organization. The function of parents is only in direct receipt.

Where to get the number SNILS

The formation of the document occurs within 3 weeks from the date of information. To obtain a testimony where the SNILS number is specified, you can different ways:

  • In the PF office. Register the universal number will be an employee of the organization after the presentation of your passport and the statement of the established sample.
  • In case of employment, the first place of work. Employees of the personnel department will appreciate information about you. When changing the employer, it will be necessary to make a ready-made plastic card.
  • If for some reason you yourself cannot get a testimony, plastic have the right to give out to your legal representative. At the same time, the Foundation's employee should check the presence of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

What documents are needed for declissance

To acquire your own personal account, you must submit the following papers:

  • a special form in the prescribed form;
  • passport or other document certifying;
  • inventory of transmitted papers (if the request guides the organization).

Is it possible to restore a lost map of the insurance certificate

In addition to the question that such a document is reduced and, as it looks, many worries, what to do with the lice of "plastic". According to the rules specified on the turnover of the certificate, the card does not matter and is issued for life. The replacement must be carried out if plastic is unsuitable for operation, personal media data changed or an error that needs to be corrected on the card was detected.

Since the personal account itself, where all data is contained, is conducted in the PF, it is not difficult to restore the card. Contact your passport employee and rations application. Then employees will be able to check the numbers and restore the evidence. The procedure can be carried out by the company's personnel department where you work at the moment. After all manipulations, your green card will be restored for the month. You will need to get "plastic", well check your data.

Video: What is reduss and why it is needed

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