
How to restore the pension reduss. How to restore SNILS if he is lost

How to restore SNILS at the loss? In our article we give step-by-step instructions For those who have lost a pension certificate and does not know where to turn. The main thing, keep calm and carefully read our advice!

Lost SNILS: Restoration

SNILS is an insurance number of a citizen in the system pension insurance. It is individual and cannot be transferred to another person. Smiling number you can see on pension certificate - Green plastic card that a pension fund was issued.

If for some reason the pension testimony was lost, then it is necessary to restore it, that is, get a duplicate document.

Even if you filed an application to the police about the disappearance (theft) of documents, among which were a pension testimony, you can not carefully wait until the case closes and hold all the necessary investigative actions. And even more so you should not run around the police station and shout: "I lost SNILS (how to recover?")! Where exactly you need to contact - read below.

Where to apply if SNILS is lost?

If someone lost SNILS, then he is a direct road to the Pension Fund. You can turn there in 2 ways:

  1. Alone, taking a document certifying a document.
  2. Through the employer: just come to him and ask to order a duplicate pension certificate.

Another way to restore SNILS is to contact the Multifunction Center (MFC).

Just remember that all the actions to restore SNILS must be made within 1 month from the date of its loss.

If SNILS lost the child under the age of 14, then parents or legal representatives should be applied to the Pension Fund or MFC; And if the child reached 14 years, he goes there on his own, not forgetting to take a passport with him.

How to arrange a new SNILS, if the old one is lost?

Now let's consider how to restore SNILS:

  1. If you decide to independently go to the department Pension Fund At the place of residence or in MFC, take a passport with you. You fill in the application form and share all documents for verification. Within 2-3 weeks, the new pension certificate will be ready, and you can pick it up in the same separation of the Pension Fund, where documents were handed over.
  2. If the employer gives the employer for you, the procedure is as follows: you fill in the application form for the issuance of a duplicate pension certificate, the employer gives a copy of the document certifying your personality, the application and the inventory of transmitted documents to the Pension Fund and is waiting for the readiness of the document. After the employer receives a new pension testimony, he must transfer it to you within 1 week. You, in turn, should sign in the statement, which then returns to the Pension Fund.

What to do if I lost SNILS: nuances

Remember one simple thing: you lose only the document - pension testimony. The SNILS number, which was enshrined by you during the primary appeal to the pension fund and registering you as an insured person, remains for you until the end of life. Therefore, the Pension Fund at the loss of SNILS will give you only a duplicate of the pension certificate with the same SNILS number.

No state-owned and other fees to pay for the acquisition of a duplicate; Everything is done absolutely free.

Order Duplicate SNILS can only be in the Pension Fund or in MFC. Unfortunately, today this service on the portal of public services is not activated.

Plastic Pension Insurance Certificate is a document that is currently required to citizens to implement many actions.

It is needed when applying for work, children in the OU, loan design in the bank, receiving public services via the Internet and in many other situations.

Restore SNILS after the lost must necessarily and as quickly as possible. How and where to restore SNILS, if he is lost, read further.

From the moment of birth and registration in the registry authorities, every citizen of the Russian Federation is registered with the Russian Pension Fund. At the same time, he is assigned an individual number of pension insurance, which is reflected in the document, which is conducive to refined.

It is issued to all citizens one day and is not subject to replacement during life. Initially, it is possible to get it in the departments of the Pension Fund at the place of permanent registration. Working citizens can get a document with the help of an employer.

When referring to the design of SNILS, you need to fill out a questionnaire containing personal data:

  • Date of birth.
  • Registration address at the place of residence.
  • Passport details.
  • In addition, you will need to specify the contact phone numbers for communication (mobile and home).

The same questionnaire can be filled and transferred to the FIU through the employer. During 21 days, the certificate will be issued and transferred to the citizen.

Personal data on the front of the certificate must be identical to information in the passport. When changing the surname or name and obtaining a new passport, a replacement and insurance certificate is necessary.

The number of the personal account of pension insurance when replacing the SNILS does not change. Data changes are made after a personal visit of the citizen to the PF office.

How to restore SNILS at the loss

SNILS - a document issued by the Pension Fund. Consequently, all information about it is stored precisely there.

The personal account number will not change, so you will get a new document with the same numbers on the front side. At least three weeks need to check the information and preparation of a duplicate. After this time, the document must be obtained personally or through a trustee on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Independent recovery of document

So, it is lost slim - how to restore the document? Lost SNILS can be restored by receiving a duplicate.

The regulations of these actions are contained in FZ No. 27, which describes in detail the actions of a citizen who has lost a document.

Contact PF is followed no later than the month after its loss. When applying, a citizen should write a statement on the recovery of the document and present a passport.

If you for some reason, you cannot visit the FIU to get a duplicate, consult a notary and make a power of attorney.

Restoration through the employer

Information about the document, more precisely, its copy is located in every personal business case. His presentation is necessarily upon admission to work.

The employee writes a statement on Unified form ADV - 3, which was approved by the FIU.

The application, together with a copy of the passport and the previously issued SNILS, is sent by the personnel department to the territorial separation of the FIU.

If there are no copies in the personal case, only its number is attached to the application.

A new document will be transferred to a citizen through the organization in which he works. Together with the duplicate of the certificate, the accompanying statement is transmitted in which the addressee is described in receipt.

If you are just arranged to work, and the SNOW is lost with you, then you must restore it yourself. Employer In this case, you can not help with anything.

Duplicate for baby

Children, like all citizens of the Russian Federation, are taking into account the FIU, and the number of individual pension insurance is assigned to them from birth.

For the safety of the document issued to them, the parent of a minor.

Many parents do not understand the meaning of this paper for the child, mistakenly believing that it is only a guarantee of pension provision.

This opinion is erroneous because SNILS has now become a kind of identifier of a particular personality. It must be submitted to state medical institutions, it is included in the package of documents for making a personal affairs when entering an educational institution.

Kids have not yet become taxpayers, but funds for ensuring them social law Already stand out by the state. A guarantee of implementation civil rights There is this small document in the country.

In many regions of the Russian Federation since 2014 operates one system Data for all government departments. State structures exchange information about citizens of the Russian Federation.

The registry office during the issuance of a birth certificate transmit information about the baby to the FIU, and the number of insurance pension account is assigned to it automatically.

The document for the child under 14 years is drawn up by his parents on the basis of a birth certificate, passports of one of the parents and copies or the number of the lost original.

If a minor already has 14 years old, he is engaged in restoring himself. To do this, he must come to the Department of the FIU with a passport and a copy of the document.

The statement of the child since the 14 years writes himself, and the presence of parents is not required for the procedure.

SNILS for IP and unemployed

Disabled citizens and entrepreneurs should be restored independently. Also, as well as working, they fill out a statement in the form of ADV -3, but with a personal visit to the Department of the FIU. They need to come to the organization and submit a passport. Duplicate will be ready in a month, and it will be necessary to pick up personally.

Features of receiving via the Internet

Is it possible to restore SNILS via the Internet by using the Gosv services portal?

Thanks to the opening in the recent time of the site, civil servants, many types of interaction of citizens with state structures Steel is easier.

Remote application of applications and other actions have relief many from standing in queues and have relief from the need to adjust time to visit the desired organization.

With the help of SNILS, you can register on the website of the State Service for the implementation of interaction with government agencies. However, with the receipt of a duplicate SNILS via the Internet, everything is not easy. Currently, it is not possible to obtain a SNILS through the portal of public services. In any case, you need to visit the Pension Fund. Moreover, this will need to be twice: to fill the application and to obtain a certificate.

How to restore SNILS, living not at the place of registration

If a citizen has lost its definition, being not at the place of registration, go to the native city for restoration is not necessary. The base of the FIU is one, and getting a duplicate is available in any other separation. The algorithm of actions in this case is the same as when receiving a duplicate in the department at the place of registration.

For the comfortable existence of any citizen of our country, it requires the presence of many of the most different.

One of the most important among them is the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).

This document is issued to all citizens of our country and its presence is mandatory.

But no one is immune from the fact that it may be randomly lost.

Often you can hear the opinions that SNILS is not such an important document and without it it is quite possible to do.

But this does not correspond to reality. In addition, many are not aware of how to restore the pension insurance certificate, and we should consider this question more than more.

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The need is reduced

As mentioned above, insuring evidence is indispensable for comfortable life man and applied quite often. It looks like a small plastic card.

There is nothing surprising that because of its small sizes can be easily lost. Note that if a similar trouble occurred, it should be restored as quickly as possible. Especially if you are in search of work at this moment.

Without the presence of SNILS, it will not be possible to work out. After all, when making a job, it will be necessary to provide among other documents and this is evidence.

It is necessary and when you visit to any medical institution. Very often in the receptionist it is asked to present to rewrite the necessary data. That is, it is required in almost all spheres of life.

In addition, SNILS will be required for the following procedures:

  • For registration of a pension
  • Different financial transfers
  • To clarify the employment experience
  • When opening your business
  • To take a mortgage or

Certificate of pension insurance is issued once for life and does not require periodic replacement to new. But russian legislation It is taken into account that the person can lose it and a special procedure is provided for recovery.

It is also possible to replace it if any information is erroneous in it or there are typos. As a rule, this should contact the nearest PF separation if it belongs to a pensioner. If a person works, then the replacement is made by his employer.

Requires a new testimony and in the event that you, for example, changed the surname. Most often it is characteristic of women who get married, take her husband.

To replace the first month to contact your employer or to the Pension Fund. It all depends on whether a person works or is on a well-deserved rest.

To change this document, you should write a statement statement and provide confirmation documents, for example, a marriage certificate.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the original SNILS should always be at its owner. If the evidence is required for any purpose, its copy is surrendered. The original of this, if necessary, is simply presented to confirm.

As we can see, SNILS is very important for many cases and, if you lost it, you need to quickly get a duplicate.

Recovery procedure

As mentioned above, the recovery procedure is directly related to the fact that a person works or is on pensions.

Consider how to restore the pension insurance certificate at the loss.

The procedure is slightly different.

In paper sent by PF, the number of previously issued certificate is indicated. So, you can quickly get the information you want for recovery.

In the event that SNILS was lost by a person who pays contributions independently, he personally needs to write a statement to restore the certificate in the PF in which it is registered. This must be done within 30 days.

Let's now consider the case of how to do if the Pension Insurance Certificate was lost by a person who works without any contracts and does not pay. The procedure for producing a duplicate is not much different from the above cases.

Such a person is required to write a letter of loss and pass it into the PF together with all the necessary documents. This must be done within a month after the disappearance.

Through the legislation established by the legislation, it will receive a duplicate SNILS. This is usually happening no later than a month after submission of the application.

If you need to get a duplicate of this lost document for a minor, which is less than 14 years old, then the application must fill out one of his parents and provide a copy of his passport. The other documents established by law will be required.

And this in any case takes time. But as practice shows, if approaching this case, it is responsible, then everything can be done quickly and serve everything required documents To restore the insurance certificate in the period established by law. After passing all the necessary papers, you will tell you when you can get a duplicate.

As we can see, the reduction procedure is not very different from the standard and you can do everything quite simple. The main thing to have all required documents And passing them into the period established by law.

Since no one is insured against the loss of SNILS, then the procedure for the recovery of the testimony of pension insurance is quite common. If you need to get any additional or refine incomprehensible moments - this can be done with PF employees or contacting the lawyer.

As you can see from the written above, the reduction procedure SNILS will not require high time and strength. Also not required to pay state duty or fines.

Everything should be done completely free. The main thing is the efficiency and availability of the necessary documents and everything must be obtained.

About how to get Snobs kid, You can look at the video:

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SNILS is an individual personal account number that is used when contacting the organs state support. This green card is required when contacting clinics, funds and many other organizations and in some cases may even replace the passport, confirming the identity of a person. Therefore, the restoration of SNILS should occur immediately after the loss of the document. How to get SNILS -.

Is it possible to restore SNILS?

The ability to restore lost SNILS has every citizen of the Russian Federation. The process must be taken into account that the recovery procedure may differ in the presence of the following circumstances:
  • loss of SNILS is not in the city of living;
  • age of a citizen who has lost green card (adult / child);
  • re-issuance of SNILS in case of changing the name or surname;
  • employment of a citizen who has lost its lifestyle (entrepreneur, unemployed, etc.).
The newly obtained green card will be valid until the death of a citizen or before receiving other citizenship or moving abroad.

Where can I restore the document?

There are two options for recovering individual personal account numbers. You can choose any of the most convenient option:
  1. Independent recovery . The feature is that you personally collect the necessary package of documents and go to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You will have to visit this body twice - to pass the documents and pick up the finished SNILS. The manufacture of a green card, as a rule, is required about 2-3 weeks.
  2. Restoration through the employer . This method is not suitable for children, unemployed or private entrepreneurs. If you have an employer, then this option will take advantage of everything. It will be necessary to write a statement about the need to re-issue SNILS and give it to the personnel department or in accounting. Experts will independently turn into the necessary organs by passing copies of your documents, and after a couple of weeks will give you a restored document. In some cases, the employer himself is directly involved in the procedure.
In both cases, the recovery procedure is quite simple and will not take more than a month. Despite this, as soon as possible, after the loss of the document, you need to re-issue.

Package of documents

A package of documents required to restore SNILS is small - its collection will not take you more than one day if you are restored by yourself. Package includes:
  • Passport and his copy . The passport is the main and the only document that will need to take with you when contacting the Pension Fund. If your employer is engaged in restoring the document, he transmits a copy of your passport, which is stored in personal documents An employee, that is, if the document is restored through the employer, you will not need a passport.
  • Statement . A special statement for re-issuing SNILS is filled directly in the PF or the personnel department. The application is filled by a predetermined sample and includes only the most necessary information for recovery.

After the package of documents is delivered, the pension fund employees make a new green card for you. The manufacturing process does not take more than 3 weeks.

Please note that the facial account displayed on the card is fixed by the person once and for all: this means that a newly manufactured card will contain the same number as lost.

Recovery SNILS in another city

If you have lost green plastic card Not in that city or region where you have a registration, do not despair: you will also have the opportunity to restore the lost document. To do this, you will need a passport and a re-obtaining application. Next, act according to the following scheme:
  1. Find out the location of the nearest pension fund to you and contact your problem there. At the same time, you must have a passport with yourself.
  2. Fill in the proposed application for RESIGS.
  3. Wait for the manufacture of green plastic card and take it in the same department.
In general, the recovery procedure SNILS in another city does not have significant differences, except that you will most likely need to restore the document yourself, and not through the employer.

Recovery SNILS for children

Having groaning a plastic card to his kid, be careful because it is very easy to lose this small document. If the trouble happened, then you will have to restore the reduction of the child yourself. The procedure can be done as a mother and father of Chad. At the same time, the list of necessary to obtain Snobs documents expands. You will need:
  • Personality document. It is best to use a passport for this.
  • The number of the lost evidence or a copy of it.
  • Certificate of birth of a child.
  • Application for re-obtaining reduce on a child.
All documents should be given to one of the parents to the Pension Fund. The maximum production of the plastic card is 1 month.

Please note that if a child over 14 years old, then it is obliged to personally fill out a subscription form, as well as present his own passport, not a parent's passport.

Features of recovery

Despite the fact that the restoration of the reduction is a fairly simple process, it has its own nuances. Therefore, before proceeding with the restoration of the document, the following features should be taken into account:
  • The Pension Fund is working on the restoration of Lost SNILS absolutely free. That is, you do not have to pay any duties or contributions. If you are trying to take money, then you are dealing with fraud.
  • Obtaining a document occurs only in the presence of a document certifying the person. Best of all, if it is a passport, but not a driver's license.
  • There are no restrictions on re-obtaining SNILS. Nothing terrible is that you lose a plastic card twice or three times there.
  • Other ways to restore SNILS, except for the appeal to the PF, does not exist. That is, it is impossible to make an application for restoration via the Internet on the portal of the state. Services or contact another organization.
  • If you wish the application form, you can fill out at home - if you are sure that you can do it yourself correctly. Download the form is possible on the official website of the PF of the Russian Federation.
  • The employer is obliged to engage in the restoration of the lost reduction. The equivalent situation arises in this case, if the candidate for a position does not have this document: its manufacturing is also engaged in the employer.
In the next article we will talk about other rules

Today there is not a single adult person who would have had a testimony of pension insurance. Yes, and newborns at registration immediately contribute to the register of the Russian Pension Fund, issuing a card (certificate), which looks like a green laminated rectangle size with a fourth part of the standard A4 sheet. The evidence contains personal personal data: FULL NAME, date and place of birth, as well as the insurance number of the individual personal account - SNILS. Unfortunately, there are no cases when people lose their testimony and they are interested in the question: how to restore lost SNILS. Let's talk about how the insurance number is assigned and how to get a duplicate certificate at the loss.

SNILS: Important moments
  • What is needed for? Let's start with the fact that the testimony of pension insurance today is required everywhere. It must be provided with a device for work, obtaining a loan, making mortgage, registration as unemployed and in many other situations. Why in these cases reduce? The answer is simple: a green plastic card is a confirmation that individual Registered in the system of compulsory pension insurance. And after a person receives a SNILS (that is, his name is opened, the number of which is indicated in the testimony), contributions are made to insurance and accumulative parts of the pension, which will pay the employer. In addition, the pension fund system contains not only information about the insured citizens and their insurance premiums, but also labor activity And the experience, which will be used when appointing a labor pension.
  • How long does SNILS act? Many people are interested in the question: how long does the SNILS card act and when it needs to be changed. The testimony is issued indefinitely and the replacement is not subject to those cases when errors, typos and inaccuracies were found in it.
  • How to replace SNILSIf errors are committed in evidence? What if there is typos or errors in the card, for example, name, place or date of birth is incorrect? In this case, it will be necessary to contact the Pension Fund of Russia (FIU) and re-fill out the questionnaire of the Insured person, as well as the form of the ADV-2 - the application for replacement of SNILS.
  • Who should be the original SNILS? The plastic original pension insurance certificate should be only in the insured person. As for the provision of a document in any instance, it must be copies. They are provided with the original (so that responsible persons can drag them), which then the insured person takes back.
  • What if the surname changed? If the insured person has changed the name (marriage, marriage, adoption) or other personal data, then you should contact the FIU to replace the pension certificate within two weeks.
  • What to do during the loss reduss? If you have lost your pension testimony, then within a month you need to contact the FIU with a statement about issuing a duplicate (ADV-3 form).
How and where get SNILS?
It is clear that if the account on the insured person opens the Pension Fund of Russia, then the certificate confirming the registration in the Pension Fund provides the same body. Therefore, in order to get SNILS, it is necessary to contact the Department of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration with a statement in the form of the ADV-1. The design of SNILS is free, and the manufacture of the certificate occupies on average for two weeks (at the loss - month).
  • If you are arranged to work and have no SNILS, it will make it an employer. Your task is reduced to provide the employer all the necessary documents (passport, questionnaire, application). After the design of SNILS will be issued to you, and the employer will remove a photocopy from the document and climbs into your personal matter.
  • If you are an individual entrepreneur or unemployed, you need to independently contact the territorial separation of the FIU with a statement about issuing a certificate. There you will have to fill out a questionnaire and present a passport, and after registration of the testimony to come for the document.
  • If you need to get a snap to the child, then immediately after registering a newborn in the registry office, you need to apply to the territorial separation of the Pension Fund, providing your passport, the birth certificate and fill out the questionnaire.
How to restore lost Snils to a working citizen?
Considering that the insurance number of an individual personal account is assigned once, when the Card is lost, it is only about issuing a duplicate of the certificate itself, and not about the assignment of a new number. Therefore, the question of how to restore the lost pension certificate is clearly responsible for FZ-№27 "On an individual (personified) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance". In paragraph 5 of Article 7 of this Law, it is said that in the event of the loss of this document, a disheveled person working under the employment contract should turn to his employer within one month after loss of the document with a statement on the restoration of SNILS. And the employer must already contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund, providing a copy of the lost testimony, which was kept in the employee's personal case, a copy of the passport and the statement of the ADV-3 form, which the employee submits the employer (his employer can fill it, and the employee will only sign).

Sometimes there are cases when in the personal case of an employee for some reason there is no copy of the pension certificate. Then you just need to specify in the application its number. If it is impossible, and the number of the insured person must necessarily find out, the employer may submit a request to the FIU or an application for the primary extradition of SNILS, which will be refusing to formulate: "... this citizen Already insured and he was assigned the number XXX - XXX - XXX XX. " After receiving such an answer, the employee's representative may submit to FIU statement Forms of ADV-3 for the issuance of a duplicate, indicating in it need number. Within one month, duplicate will be made and issued to the hands of a citizen.

How to restore lost reduce child, IP or unemployed?
If you are individual entrepreneur, unemployed or want to get a duplicate SNILS on a child, then you will have to independently contact the territorial authority of pension insurance, to fill out a statement about the restoration of SNILS - the issuance of a duplicate, and then, within a month, it will be necessary to come for a finished document.

If the child is lost before 14 years, then it will be necessary to provide his passport, the child's birth certificate, a copy of the lost evidence or its number. The statement in this case fill the parents. And if we are talking about a child over 14 years old, then his passport will be required and sNILS numberAnd the application will fill in himself.

Controversial issue
In practice, many are faced with such a situation: a person is arranged for work for the first time, but SNILS, which he already had, he lost. Who should restore lost SNILS? On the one hand, the law says that the obligation to getting reduced On working citizens assigned to the insured, which pays contributions to the Pension Fund, that is, the employer. But the employer physically cannot provide information about the pension testimony of his employee in the FIU, if he lost it to a job. So in this case, a citizen must apply to the Department of Pension Fund with a statement about the issuance of Duplicate SNILS. And then the received document is presented to the employer.

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