
How to get a reduce physical face and why is it needed? How to make a reduce child, what documents are needed, the features of obtaining a reduction on a child

A lot of articles are written, how to get a reflex via the Internet, but sometimes they contain unreliable and sobban information that can confuse the reader.

In this article we will understand in detail whether it is possible to do this at all and how or all the same it is necessary to do with the personal visit to the local pension fund.

We order SNILS via the Internet

If you go to the website of the Pension Fund, then there is a detailed explanation that today no one can arrange SNILS via the Internet. Turning to the law "On the individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance In the Russian Federation, "it turns out that all data relating to information about the insured person is confidential and are obliged to be only in the Pension Fund.

If you want to know how to get a slope over the Internet and you have changed personal data or, then Pension Fund It does not offer such a service as the design of a lower house or in the office, via the Internet.

How to arrange a reduction through the Internet portal of public services?

To date, those who have registered on the portal of public services, have the opportunity to issue a large number of documents. But if you need a "state bodies" tab and you click on the "Pension Fund of the Russian Federation", it becomes clear that it becomes clear that through state services you will not be able to arrange SNILS, since such a service does not provide an institution.

Repeatedly officers The pension fund was given to citizens a promise to deal with the established problem and provide an opportunity to issue a decline over the Internet. But the situation was never solved, and today this convenient service is not available to users.

How to get a slope online

Many russian citizenswho do not see their lives without a computer and the Internet, are interested in how you can get a reflex online. But here we want to disappoint you, because it is only available to the Pension Fund today.

This situation has developed due to the fact that today it is impossible to order SNILS through civil servants, since this portal does not provide such a service.

It must be said that both in other services working online, you will not be able to get SNILS. Therefore, the conclusion is such - today it is impossible to obtain SNILS via the Internet, nor on which site.

Where can I make a reduction?

Since it is impossible to order a SNILS via the Internet, we suggest finding where I can arrange SNILS and who can do it:

  1. If you are not officially working, you need to take a passport and independently go to the pension fund - there you will place and get SNILS.
  2. If you work officially, your employer must assume the issue of registration pension testimony.
  3. In addition, it is given 2 weeks to design a document from the moment you got a job.
  4. If it has not yet been 14 years old, then parents or legal representatives are sent to the pension fund document. Moreover, the presence of a teenager is not needed.
  5. If the child has already guaranteed the 14th year and received his first passport, the design of SNILS will do himself, without parents. He needs a passport personally to come to the Pension Fund, where through time he will receive a ready-made document.
  6. If the child is learning, then the design of SNILS is assigned to the shoulders of administration educational institution.
  7. In a number of Russian regions, in 2014, new projects on the interdepartmental interaction of the registry office and the Pension Fund have earned. This agreement is that when the registry offices register the baby born, they transmit data to the Pension Fund, which, in turn, must register the kid in the system of compulsory pension insurance.

What documents are required for design reduction?

What are the local branch of the Pension Fund?

  1. A document that certifies the identity. If a person is an adult is a passport if SNILS requires a child to whom there are no 14 years old, then this is a birth certificate.
  2. Questionnaire of the insured person, which is filled in the established form of ADV-1. Paper can be filled by yourself, that is, the applicant, and you can transfer this task to employees of the personnel department at the enterprise where you work. In the absence of an employee for some reasons (travel or illness), the employer must this moment Fix in the questionnaire when it will assure paper.

There are regions in our state who took the procedure for filling the questionnaire into their hands in the applicant's presence.

The paper is filled in the electronic version.

The applicant personally submitted a package of documents to the Pension Fund will make it possible to take SNILS itself. If the supplies of the paper did an employer, then he is obliged to transfer the document to the employee within 7 days from the moment that the pension certificate was obtained. After the transfer of the document to the hands, the employee is obliged to put his signature in the statement confirming the fact of obtaining a document. The statement then will be returned to the PF.

There are situations where the documents for the receipt of SNILS have filed an employer, and the employee quit. In this case, the employer entrusted with the responsibility of the employee's alert that the document is ready and expects it to be at the same place.

If the employee did not express the desire to get SNILS, it should be placed in the personal matter of the employee.

The head of the Pension Fund has repeatedly gave a promise to consider issuing a pension certificate online through state services, but it never moved from the place. Therefore, today, through the Internet, no citizens will be able to arrange SNILS. And if you need to arrange and get SNILS, then for this you need to contact the Pension Fund directly.

Insurance pension certificate (Laminated "Green Card") is issued for adults who recorded in the PF of the Russian Federation. This document allows a citizen to pay deductions to its future pension, and guarantees their accounting and accumulation on the account of the Russian Federation Republic RF or on the account of any citizen of non-state PF.

The certificate contains data:

  • date of birth and place;
  • date of registration in PF;
  • SNILS.

We have already answered the question of whether it is possible to do it, and now let's go to how!

How and where to get reduss?

Insurance certificate is necessarily issued to citizens in the first place of work or study (including DOU). The execution and issuance of cards is engaged in a representative of the employer or employee educational institution. A questionnaire application worker / student can fill right at work / study.

If necessary, get the policy can be independently. What you need to do this, you will learn further. To do this, contact the Pension Fund or Multifunction Center.

It is important to remember that you can contact the PF only at the site of the registry or actual residence, and MFC can be chosen any, but within the subject of the Federation in which the citizen lives.

When applying for an individual number, you need to provide a list of documents:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • filled questionnaire.

The form of an exchange questionnaire or receipt can be taken into the PF of the Russian Federation or in the IFC department. It is not complicated in filling, the main thing is to write with printed letters.

Form Blanca ADV1 can download.

A sample filled questionnaire.

When filling out the questionnaire you need to specify:

  • date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • addresses: registration and actual;
  • working and home telephones;
  • passport data or other document.

At the end of the questionnaire you need to specify the date of filling and leave the signature.

How much time is done?

Obtaining an insurance certificate and an individual number takes about three weeks after submitting an application. At the same time, if a citizen personally adds to the pension fund, take ready green card He will also have personally.

PF may issue evidence before the specified period Manufacturing, and when applying for SNOWS in MFC, most likely, waiting can last about a month. This is due to time loss when transferring documents from a multifunctional center to the Pension Fund and back.

How much is?

SNILS is issued to citizens for free, no stately in obtaining or restoring lost evidence you do not need to pay.

When obtaining SNILS for another person (except for a child or a person under guardianship) will have to pay the cost of notarized power of attorney.

You can check availability:

  • personally, contacting the department of PF or MFC, which submitted documents;
  • by telephone department of the MFC or PF, which should issue a document;
  • via the Internet, on the site of the local branch of the PF (such an opportunity is not in all regions of the country, so it is better to ask on the possibility of online informing when submitting documents);
  • the employer or responsible for the execution of documents of an educational institution employee (if SNILS draws up at the place of work / study).

The procedure for obtaining a card is simple - you need to come, get a document and sign.

Registration via the Internet

To date, the registration of the pension certificate and the assignment is individually for individual individuals on-line is impossible. Therefore, if you were looking for step-by-step instructions To obtain a reference through public services - we are forced to disappoint you. The portal does not contain the corresponding partition. Those. You will not apply for a request.

Ban on remote design SNILS Entered by the Pension Fund - the information contained in the application form-application, and the individual number is confidential information and the free distribution of these data in the network is unacceptable.

Registration of certificate in special situations

In practice, when making a pension certificate, many issues usually arise. The law provides for different variants Issue SNILS.

Snobs for a child

To arrange the insurance certificate for the child, his parents or legal representatives can turn to PF or MFC.

The procedure for registration is similar to the usual one, only when submitting documents, it is necessary to provide a parent's passport / representative and the birth certificate.

Employees of kindergartens and schools are also designing certificates. Parents must be provided to the educational institution relevant documents and expect the finished green card.

Individual room for unemployed

You can get SNILS any person, regardless of his employment. You can arrange an individual number yourself by contacting MFCs or PF.

Power certificate

The procedure for obtaining SNILS provides for an option to design a card by attorney for relatives or other persons. The document must be notarized at the same time. Otherwise, the process of registration and submission of documents is no different from the standard one.

Without registration and registration

An individual number is assigned to citizens regardless of the availability of registration. If there are no registrationsFor SNILS, you can contact PF at the place of actual residence or temporary registration.

The procedure for issuing a document will be similar to the standard one. This means that the document can be easily obtained in another city not at the place of registration.

Individual room for foreigner

Foreign citizens who do not have registration in the territory of the Russian Federation, to obtain a certificate earlier were to have a prisoner employment contract for a period of at least six months. The design of their individual numbers was exclusively employers.

In the current year, the legislation has changed: Now everyone's non-working citizens of other states can independently get SNILS.

For registration of a document, foreigners should have a temporary residence permit.

To obtain a green card, citizens most often provide a passport. This is the most familiar option. But actually arrange reduss for any document certifying the identity:

  • military card;
  • passport;
  • kind of residence;
  • identification certificate (including temporary);
  • testimony of refugee;
  • foreign passport;
  • certificate of liberation from prison, etc.

Legally provides 18 options for documents that certify the identity and can be presented to obtain SNILS.

Urgent receipt

If you think about how long it is done, know that it is impossible to obtain an insurance certificate and your display number than it can be issued. By law, the opening of the facial account of the citizen and the number assignment is happening for three weeks. One day will not be able to do quickly.

Any companies promising to "speed up" the process act is not honestSince the "hurry" of the PF is impossible, and only this fund can be arranged.

Get an individual number without pension certificate is possible. The room is automatically assigned to a citizen when contacting the universal electronic map.

Now the registration of a universal card is optionalbut in the future it is planned to replace the existing evidence of registration in PF, TIN, bank cards And other documents. When contacting an issue point universal maps and filling the questionnaire to citizens assign individual numbers to be contained on the maps.

Pension testimony without SNILS

Reverse option is also possible - receiving a pension certificate without assigning an individual number. To do this, when contacting PF for a "green card", you must write a corresponding statement. However, the PF has the right of refusal.

To make a pension testimony simply - you need to provide documents, correctly fill out the application form and wait 20-30 days. The presence of a "green card" will allow solving many problems much faster, so it is better not to wait for work reaching, but to make a slope and children right now.

How to get SNILS And what documents are needed for this, interest in many citizens. It's no secret that today SNILS is one of the most necessary documents "So, it is necessary to get it in a timely manner, and in the event of a loss, you need to make a duplicate.

Where to get SNILS?

Let's first understand with obtaining reduss.

SNILS is a citizen's personal account number in the system of compulsory pension insurance. This number is individual, belongs to a specific citizen and is assigned once and for life.

In this account, the Pension Fund stores all information regarding insurance experience Citizen and contributions listed for him by the employer (or those he lists on himself, being, for example, an individual entrepreneur).

SNILS can be seen on the certificate of compulsory pension insurance - this is a green plastic card, which is issued to a citizen after registering it in the Pension Fund.

How to get SNILSif the pension testimony is lost? If you lose the pension testimony, then you lose only the document; SNILS itself remains for you for life. Therefore, do not be surprised when on the received duplicate will be the same number as on the lost evidence.

I.e design SNILS Repeated will not be required - but the pension testimony in case of changes in the personal data is necessary, since when the information specified in the passport (or another document certifies) and in the certificate, insurance contributions They may not go to your account on time, and even "get lost".

How to do SNILS?

How to arrange reduss?

Snobs is very simple. To do this, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Personality document. It may be a passport, a birth certificate or other document (for foreign citizens or stateless persons temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation).
  • Questionnaire of the Insured person in the form of ADV-1. Sample and regulations of the questionnaire, as well as detailed information about how to get SNILScan be obtained in the subdivision of the Pension Fund at the place of residence. Moreover, in some subjects, employees of the Pension Fund fill this profile independently.

If the documents are submitted to the employer, it also requires:

  • inventory of transmitted documents;
  • power of attorney from the head of the organization on a person who interacts with the Pension Fund on the issue of obtaining SNILS for employees;
  • the statement in which an employee signs after it gets low to hand.

Another additional requirement may be submitted to foreign citizen In the event that a document certifying his personality in a foreign language. For the pension fund requires a notarized translation into Russian.

Where can I get SNILS?

So where to get SNILS?

SNILS can be obtained only in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - or rather, in the subdivision of the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the applicant or at the location of the employer.

None other state bodies design SNILS do not do. You will not find this service even on a single portal of public services: despite numerous promises to citizens, this feature on the site is still not available.

The impossibility of registration of a pension certificate through the Internet is explained that the document contains many personal data, the processing of which can only be engaged in the Pension Fund.

Where do SNILS do?

Now let's figure out where to arrange reduss:

  • If you are working a citizen, then the employer must be engaged for you.
  • If you do not work, then you need to refer to the pension fund yourself.
  • If SNILS is needed to a child under the age of 14, then the SNILS is issued by his parents or legal representatives. The presence of a child in the pension fund is not required.
  • If the child has reached the age of 14, then it decreases independently.
  • If a child is studying in an educational institution, design SNILS Takes the Administration of the educational institution.
  • Since 2014, in some regions of the Russian Federation appeared pilot projects At the conclusion of interdepartmental agreements on the interaction between the regions of the registry office and the Pension Fund. The essence of the agreement is as follows: when registering a newborn, the registry office transmits all information about it to the pension fund for the design of SNILS.

How much is reduced?

By general rule, SNILS is drawn up not more than 1 month.

If a citizen addresses the pension fund independently, the document is manufactured within 2 weeks; If the documents submit an employer or the administration of an educational institution, then the term can last another week.

The employer must within 2 weeks from the date of execution of an employee for a labor or civil contract to submit documents to the Pension Fund for the design of SNILS. But the legislation is not established by law, therefore, for its non-compliance, the employer cannot be punished.

But! If the employer does not issue a reduction to the employee in general - and this obligation is provided for Labor Code - It can be attracted to administrative responsibility under Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code and is forced to pay a fine in favor of the state.

Despite the fact that the SNILS may not need to be needed for a long time, it is still necessary to arrange it. No stately or other fees will take a state with you. Moreover, the SNILS is issued for life, and the renewal may be required only when changing the personal data.

SNILS - the individual number of the payer of socially binding social insurance payments in the Russian Federation. SNILS is assigned by the Pension Fund (PF) after the official appeal of the applicant itself or its employer. Submitting statements are entitled to both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who work in Russian enterprises on legal grounds. Confirmation of the assignment of SNILS is a certificate of compulsory pension insurance (a card of green). Applicants who are first addressed for the charges of the insurance payments, are obliged to personally submit documents to the PF at the place of residence. Through the State Service portal, it is impossible to obtain SNILS, but this resource provides a number of opportunities to speed up and simplify the procedure for execution of SNOWS and obtain a "green card".

Who gives SNILS and is it possible to get a number via the Internet

Individual insurance number - personal account, which accumulates data on social insurance premiums for subsequent calculation social payments Specific payer. In particular, this data is calculated. To all social Security contributionsThe paid payer was taken into account on time and in full, the PF recommends to persons who still do not have a certificate certificate on their hands, contact the Department of PF at the place of residence with statements about the number of number and about issuing a certificate.

Important! Today's system of providing administrative services to citizens via the Internet does not make it possible to arrange reduss through public services or through the PF website. Through the website of the State Service, you can also find out only the data on the account of SNILS.

According to the current regulations, the SNILS is assigned in the following order:

  • the applicant personally visits the PF at the place of residence;
  • after presentation, the applicant is issued a questionnaire;
  • the completed questionnaire and a copy of the passport is transferred to the PF employee;
  • on a time up to three weeks from the date of delivery, the applicant's questionnaire is caused to PF and issue a certificate (green card) with the SNOW indicated on it.

This procedure is carried out if the person decided to independently arrange the testimony of the payer of insurance premiums. In the event that a citizen of the Russian Federation or an officially employed foreigner work on russian enterprise, the employer himself should contact the PF with a statement about the formulation of its employee to record and assign him to it. Of course, this procedure is carried out in cases where an employee is being taken to work, which does not yet have its personal account of the fee of insurance premiums.

What opportunities to obtain SNILS provides the website of the State Service

Despite the fact that it is not possible to get a REDUCE directly through the government portal or through another site. There are no opportunities for public services. We are talking about the following services:

  • information and consulting assistance;
  • record for reception in PF.

Full I. actual information On issuing and replacing SNILS can be obtained on the pages of the Pension Fund site - PFRF.RU. The entrance to the PF website is carried out using registration data from the Public Services portal (there are the same login and password):

One of the most tangible inconveniences related to the receipt of administrative services, visitors consider the presence of queues to accounts for officials. Using the public service website, the applicants can avoid when receiving a reduction of the need to stand in line. This feature is ensured by the preliminary recording service.

For a preliminary recording for registration, SNILS, the User must enter through the public services website on the PF RF page, or immediately enter his registration data from the public service on the page to enter the PF website. In the preset section, select the region in which the user will contact the SNILS:

After that, you must enter your personal data in the appropriate form fields and contact number phone In the form there is a field to indicate SNILS, but it is not necessary to make this information - the reception will be recorded and in the event that the applicant does not have a reduction or does not know it.

After sending a form, the applicant's phone will receive SMS from the date of entry on reception and the number in the queue. According to the service, no more than 15 minutes will leave for a visit to the PF Department for Adjudation.

What documents are needed for declissance

To arrange SNILS, the applicant needs to have only a valid passport. PF will refuse to issue a certificate of payer of insurance premiums if the passport is overdue (the passport period is extended after reaching 20 years and 45 years).

Also in the PF office, the applicant must fill out the questionnaire. Questionnaire on one sheet and includes only general About the applicant (claiming from the applicant of other documents - an unlawful effect on the part of employees of the PF):

  • initials;
  • date and place of birth;
  • address of residence;
  • document information certifying the identity.

Replacement SNILS

The SNILS number is assigned to the payer of the insurance premiums of once, but the new certificate of the payer can be issued re-either replaced. This happens in the following cases:

  • when loss or damage (replacement);
  • in case of changing the name or patronymic name (exchange).

The replacement of the SNILS certificate through the state service portal is also impossible. The user must act within the same procedure, which is provided for the primary registration of the insurance certificate:

  • personally contact PF at the place of residence;
  • submit a package of necessary documents;
  • personally appear for evidence of the PF department.

In case of loss of testimony, a citizen or foreigner submits an application for a duplicate issuance. This statement indicates personal information, information about the lost certificate, as well as the data certifying the identity (passport).

If you need to change the certificate in connection with the change of the name, name or patronymic, the PF office is applied for the need to exchange a certificate, which also indicates new personal information and details of the identity document.

In order to change SNILS, the user also through state services can pre-sign up for a certain time to visit PF. Pre-recording is free.


Despite the fact that it is actually impossible to make a minor, the service provides a number of tools for significant acceleration and simplify this procedure. The applicant needs only a passport and a few minutes to pre-make an appointment with the PF employee.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the applying for a SNOW will be submitted through the website of the State Service is impossible due to the lack of such a function. To check it, it is enough to visit the portal https://www.gosuslugi.ru and open the section "Public services".

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After that, choose the tab "All Services (by departments)". Further go to the tab "Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population" and when opening it to choose the "Pension Fund".

As a result, only 3 services will be displayed:

  1. Obtaining a notice of the facial account of the Insured Citizen.
  2. Receiving information about the proposed social. services.
  3. Application for translation pension savings From the State Fund to Private.

This is due to the need to process a variety of confidential information available only to PF employees. The Foundation portal clearly explains the impossibility of remote design of the map. According to the decision of the legislation, "On Individual Accounting in the Mandatory Pension Insurance system", confidential data on insured citizens are saved only in PF.

Design and receipt insurance number Available to anyone:

  1. At the beginning labor activityThe person, regardless of citizenship, which got a job, receives a reflection from the employer by filling out the appropriate statement.
  2. Officially, non-employed persons are engaged in obtaining SNILS personally in the Pension Fund.
  3. It is possible to obtain an individual account of the minors, which was fulfilled on the 14th anniversary, with its independent circulation. Arrange the document can be issued, where a minor is learned. On more young citizens, the receipt of the card is carried out by its legal guardians.
  4. When implementing individual entrepreneurship and voluntary cash payments in the PF, the design of the SNILS is made in person.
  5. With loss of SNILS, it is required to submit an application for the loss no later than the 1st month. The result is the issuance of an identical card.
  6. When changing the surname or the presence of an error in old Map, Gives 2 weeks to correct the data. Result - new map With corrections, but an old score.

The extradition of SNILS is made within a month, the manufacture of the card is possible before - in 2 weeks. An employee of the Pension Fund will assign a document readiness date or send a notice by phone.

How can I arrange reduss (methods)

For adult citizens:

  1. In employment, a labor contractual agreement with the employer, which is obliged to redirect personal data to his employee and the questionnaire completed by them to the pension fund at the place of registration of the enterprise. The design of SNILS is carried out within 3 weeks, is issued to the employer, and its employee is from him.
  2. With personal contact with PF or MFC at the place of registration or residence, provided that there is a concluded agreement between PF and MFC.
  3. Upon presentation of the identity card and the filled line of SNILS is drawn up at 3 weeks. A similar procedure for persons who pay for a voluntary basis cash To the Pension Fund for himself or other person.

For juvenile citizens ::

  1. The person who was not fulfilled the 14th anniversary, its legal guardians are engaged in the design of the document, which with identity certificates and his birth certificate should contact PF or MFC at their place of residence or registration.
  2. A questionnaire is completed in the PF and no later than 2 weeks they are issued an insurance survey. Minors who have reached 14 years personally refer to the relevant authorities with their identity card.

Required documents

In various cases, it is possible to fill out various forms of applications. At initial receipt - the form of the ADV-1, when restoring a lost document - ADV-2, when replacing the name - ADV-3.


  1. Identification.
  2. Questionnaire of the Insured Citizenfilled with a personnel or personnel employee of the enterprise where it works this citizen. In the absence of an employee, the employer indicates this when the questionnaire is certified. It is possible to fill the electronic questionnaire by the Pension Fund in the presence of a citizen itself.

With personal feeding of documentation in the PF, the card is also issued personally into the hands of the insured citizen. When submitting documents by the employer, the issuance of the card is made to them within a week after its receipt. The employee puts his painting in the statement transmitted to the PF, on receiving a map.

Upon receipt of the document by the tenant after the dismissal of the employee, his duties include the notification of the latter. With the failure of the employee, the card is placed in his personal matter.

To get a card as an identity role can be:

  • international passport;
  • residence;
  • children's birth certificate and passport of his legal representative;
  • military ID;
  • foreign passport and its certified notarocopy in Russian;

Get duplicate SNILS through state services

An individual account is issued for every civilian person 1 time and forever. Insurance personal number Fastened for each. When losing a map there is a simple possibility of recovery of evidence.

Being officially employed by a citizen, getting a duplicate is possible with direct contact with the personnel department with the appropriate requirement declared in writing.

As a private entrepreneur, a lawyer or a notary, should follow the pension fund at the place of registration as an insurer with the requirement to issue a copy declared in writing. The unemployed faces are required to submit an appropriate statement to the PF at the place of registration or residence.

Within 30 days from the date of submission of an application from a working person or an employer, a duplicate reduss is issued. State duties and other fees are not charged. Document recovery is free.

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