
How to find out the number SNILS if he is lost. How to find out the number SNILS by last name. Video: How to find out the size of pension savings

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Russian labor legislation provides for norms obliging pension deductions. Today they are customary to be called pension insurance payments, which are accumulated on the individual accounts of payers specifically open to these purposes.

To facilitate traffic and collect these funds Pension Fund Russian Federation Introduced the concept of the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) - a unique 11-digit identifier, which is issued to each being discussed in the FIU, that is, a citizen officially operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. Basic regulatory actgoverning the application of this room, performs The federal law №27 "On Individual Personalized Accounting".

What is needed for?

Remember 11 digits of your own account hard, but this is not required. SNILS code operates the specialists of the Pension Fund and others government agencies, displaying it on certain documents. By the way, one of the most simple ways Learn SNILS - carefully examine certificates, notifications or other documents issued by the FIU Office. On these papers this number Displayed with reference to Fm.o. addressee.

Why do you need this code? The most common situations under which it is necessary to indicate SNILS relate to:

  • registration on the Public Services portal,
  • receiving a universal electronic map of a citizen
  • checks for their volume pension savings (when performing a request to the FIU),
  • registration of applications for some benefits, social services, etc.

With the need to remember your an identification number You can encounter when filling in a wide variety of documents. How to find out how fast? What methods exist?

Find out the passport

In addition to the above way, it is possible to learn the SNILS associated with the study of the available documents, including the cards. pension insurancewhere the desired 11-digit number is indicated at the top in the middle in the format of XXX-XXX-XXX-XX, there is another, requiring contact with the pension fund. Any payer pension contributions It is entitled to contact the nearest PFR branch and learn SNILS.

Important: Internal instructions for the Fund employees prohibit them to give information to applicants for third parties. In addition, the rules require the identity of the affected person. Thus, to find out the SNILS number, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and to appear in person in the Fund's Office (you cannot receive the necessary information on the phone).

Learn SNILS by Inn

It is necessary to understand that SNILS can only be found in the presence of passport data and only in relation to itself, that is, the applicant. Owning information exclusively about the INN (taxpayer identification number), it will not be possible to obtain the desired number. The reason is the categorical ban on the provision of any data from the FIU not to identified persons - those whose identity is not established and is not confirmed. Consequently, nor in Internet services, nor in the Pension Fund, in any other civil services, it will not be possible to learn the SNOW on the Inn. Any services of this kind will be treated as illegal.

How to find out the number of SNILS via the Internet: Step-by-step instructions for the users of the public service

The state portal Gosuslugi.ru was created specifically to provide citizens with a large list of services, for the most part related to consultations and issuing official information on the relevant request. Registration on the public service website means access to a large amount of data, among which you can find the insurance number of an individual personal account. It should be noted that the registration of a citizen on this portal implies an indication of its details, including the introduction of the SNILS number, and therefore, one day the user who registered the user will not be difficult to log in to log in personal Area And find the cherished numbers.

The optimal way to obtain information will be the service of obtaining "extended notification of the state of an individual personal account". Step by step it will look like this:

1. We go to the portal of public services:

3. Separate the item "Notice of the Facal Account state in the FIU"

5. Pour data on your pension savings, and also fix your personal identification number.

It should be noted that registration on Gosuslugi.com opens up to users a lot of opportunities, including constant monitoring of the state of its personal account in the FIU, a quick change of SNILS when changing passport data (surnames), assistance in designing and submitting various applications to the specialists of the Pension Fund and MN. Dr.

Alternative methods

In the absence of the opportunity to learn SNILS through the Pension Fund, without having registration on the State Service portal or not having any documents that could contribute to the search for the desired information, one of the two following methods can help you:

  • If you have official employment, then you can learn SNILS at the accountant of your company (firm, company). Payment of insurance pension payments with money transfer to the employee's accounts in the Pension Fund is the obligation of the employer, and therefore he is obliged to know and use in his work insurance numbers individual personal accounts. Turning to the appropriate official person And, if necessary, by providing him with a document certifying your identity, you can easily get the necessary data. In general, it is the most simple and fast way Learn reduction for any official employed citizen.
  • The desired number can be found in the person having access to the database. Obviously, it should be an employee of a pension fund that revolves with the requirements job description And with a risk for myself will disclose information to the face that is not in the prescribed manner (a visit to the Department of the FIU and the provision of a passport). Perhaps, among the employees of the Foundation of relatives or good acquaintances, you will be able to learn SNILS, but it should always be remembered that there are other, more civilized and non-violation established rules Methods.

What can I tell the SNILS number?

Do not think that this identifier opens any confidential data. Yes, SNILS belongs to the category of not disclosed information when it requests from third parties. Nevertheless, knowing someone else's room, you will not be able to check the volumes of pension savings of this citizen, to obtain data on it tax debts or work experience. Such information can be represented only in two cases:

  1. ONLY personally, the applicant in relation to himself, which appeared to the Department of Pension Fund and the Personal Passport
  2. If there is registration on the website of the State Service. Accordingly, it is necessary to know not only SNILS, but also login with password from the personal account of the user.

The only opportunity to use someone else's insurance number of an individual personal account is to check its reality, i.e., to obtain proof that it is registered in the base of the Pension Fund. Note, it does not allow any other information, whether it is a surname of the person, the place of his work, etc. At the same time, the verification service is relevant SNILS in demand: this is confirmed by Internet services offering full assistance in this direction. An example of such a site: http://kontragent.info/calcs/inia.

Be careful!

Many sites on the Internet, calling themselves "reference services", among other services offer assistance in defining SNILS. Most often, the search form on such resources contains several fields for filling, including F.I.O., address of the residence and passport number. After entering the desired details, the system displays some numbers, or does not respond to the request. This is because such sites are created solely for unauthorized personal data collection. At the same time, they can issue a number, but with a large probability, it will be a conventional set of random numbers.

Paid reference services, whose owners, with a lot of probability, have access to the database of the Pension Fund. For a fixed fee and after a while they promise to learn SNILS and provide the necessary numbers. But can anyone vouch that the granted number will be correct?

Checking documents for authenticity is an important pointrequiring regular confirmation that the validity period is not expired, and the design complies with certain rules. At the same time, the put forward requirements for documents are not sustainable conditions, and the documents themselves may come into disrepair or your data will change - all this is capable of leading certain difficulties associated with SNILS.

Insurance certificate

Under the document in the form of SNILS, it is necessary to understand the official paper confirming the assignment of an individual number in the pension system. This number is personal accountwhich is intended to accumulate deductions that form your future retirement.

Directly on the hands is the document, which is a card in a plastic shell with a greenish tinge. It contains the data of the account holder and the number of the account itself.

Personal Information

How to classify reduss

It is not necessary to perceive SNILS from the point of view of one of the main documents capable of certifying your personality. This document auxiliary and serves to identify in the pension systemto have the ability to produce insurance deductions With reference to a specific citizen. Through SNILS, it is possible to check the retirement account, as well as it is in demand during the device to work and obtain a medical device, which is to the same extent applies to the sphere of social assistance.

Confidentiality of information

Personal data contained in the insurance certificate relate to such a concept as confidentiality. In this regard, it is planned to be banned for the transfer of these data to third-party persons. Access to them, except for the owner itself, is possible only from the PF.

How to check the validity of the certificate

To make sure that it is possible to easily go to the appropriate compartment of the PF and produce the required check there. To do this, you will need to fill the application and the submission of the SNOW itself, as well as a document capable of confirming the identity of the applicant (passport or something like that).

  • Control number. You can check the SNILS in the control number specified in the number itself. In SNILS, the last two digits and there is a control number. Each digit is multiplied by the number of its place, position. Its number is determined by counting on the right left. The results are folded. If the amount succeeds less than a hundred, then the control digit is equal to the result obtained. If it is equal to 101 or 100, the control number is accepted for 00. The amount exceeding 101 is divided into 101. The control digit will be equal to the rescue resolution.

It must be said that a similar algorithm is intended for a certain category SNILS and all numbers are not suitable. What exactly can be found on the site of the PF itself or on specialized sites for pensioners. There you can also familiarize yourself with the algorithm yourself in more detail, since we led it in the most common features.

  • Online online. Just do not use third-party sites to verify. On the Internet, many resources offer a similar service, but it is not known in whose hands will fall your personal data.
  1. It is better to check in the pension fund pfrf.ru.
  2. You can try to check SNILS on the website of the State Service Gosuslugi.ru.

You need to register on the public service website. To do this, you will need:

  • passport data;
  • email or phone number, mobile.

Then, when you receive a confirmation and make the actions offered to you, pre-registration will be completed. Now in the Personal Account you can enter SNILS. If it does not pass, then or on the site there is a program error, or something is wrong with your testimony. There is a reason to visit the Department of PF. Recovery reduction at the loss - simple and not costly process.

By steps for the site of the State Service:

  • Need to register on the site Gosuslugi.ru. Moreover, the system will ask for passport data and the SNILS number, so they should be at hand.
  • After confirming the registration, the login and password for access to the "Personal Account" will be given.
  • Entering the site in the "Personal Account" you need to find a tab with the Pension Accumulation pointer.
  • Inside this section, click on the "Get information about the status account status" button.

Next, the information provided will be clear what volume of savings has already been formed, where these funds are sent for storage. If the means of accumulation in the formation of a pension is sent to a non-state pension fund, then upon request, he can issue the necessary information. For this, it is also required to write a statement in the office of the Foundation, presenting a passport and SNILS. Unfortunately, some NPFs made this service paid, believing that it is not basic for users.

Reliable way to test your SNILS is a personal visit to PF.

You can check the SNOW on the number online on the correctness of the input on the website of the Foundation Social Insurance of the Russian Federation on the link :. Here only apply the rules for calculating the checksum and you can see whether the number itself is headed correctly, the information about the owner of the room is not to know.

Snap check in Sberbank branches

You can also learn about the state of savings through the Sberbank website or another credit organization. Before this should be registered in the information exchange system. It is held only with the personal presence in the Sberbank branch. You need to have a passport and SNILS. The operator will give the application form by filling which system will hold registration. After that, it will be possible through the Sberbank-online system or the operator finds out the information you are interested in.

How to check the SNILS via the Internet (check SNILS online)?

To make the retirement accumulation of SNOWS via the Internet, it is enough to go to the public services website and choose the service "Pension accumulations".

Here you need to order an expanded statement of the pension fund account. Within a few minutes, your request will be completed and you will receive the appropriate statement that you can print or later to see in your account.

If you are a client of a non-state pension fund, you can request information about the state of your pension account on their official website.

In case of error

If for some reason an error was made in SNILS, then it is necessary to contact your PF office in writing demanding to correct inaccuracy and error. When applying, you need to present a document certifying your identity and evidence itself. If the error in the document is really present, then you will receive a new insurance certificate.

Go to the PF office, ask you to check your document. Then you will know exactly, your snolls acts or not. This also applies to pensioners.

SNILS is a number that is contained on the Green Card issued when registering in the Russian Pension Fund. This room is unique and assigned to individual facial account Citizen in the pension system once and for life. Is it possible to check SNILS on the basis of the Pension Fund online?

The position of the retirement fund of Russia on this issue is unambiguous: no! Information about SNILS refers to the category of confidential information, since this insurance number is simultaneously the individual account number. It contains information about the citizen, its experience, earnings and deductions produced by the Insured (the organization where a citizen works) for him to the Pension Insurance system. Confidential information is closed from third parties, is not available on the Internet and is protected by law. Therefore, the SNILS test on the basis of the Pension Fund is personally implemented by a citizen directly in the territorial body of the Pension Fund upon presentation of a passport.

Insurance number of individual personal account (SNILS) - This is a digital code confirming registration individual In the system of state pension insurance of the Russian Federation, indicated on the front side Insurance certificate compulsory pension insurance (SSPS). SNILS is unique for each individual and serves to accrues paid by the employer insurance premiums during the work of a citizen. The amount accumulated on the score is taken into account when prescribing or recalculating the pension.

How to find out the pension deductions for SNILS

Considering to the Pension Fund carries out an employer. Until 2013, all citizens came a document with a report on pension savings, so the question of snob check For the subject of pension savings no one has arisen. Since 2013, such letters will come only those who wrote the appropriate statement.

Save, and then forget:

The insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) is an important personal document, which is most compared with the passport. The unique number is assigned to each citizen, never changes and contains personal information about the owner. In the nearest and foreseeable future, the value of the number will increase even more, since almost all social enumerations will be tied to it. Externally, the SNILS is a green shade card, the document is given already laminated.

For the first time to get an identification number or learn about the presence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. There you can restore the testimony by receiving it duplicate. In difficult situations, when there is no information about the presence of the presence, for example, an adopted child, the information will be issued by the staff of the Russian Federation. With the official employment, the obligation to obtain a certificate (in its absence) falls on the personnel department of the enterprise. If the document is obtained on a child or for the first time for a non-working citizen, then a personal appeal to the pension body will be required.

An individual insurance number is necessary for pension deductions, upon receipt of benefits and subsidies, with a child's device in preschool or educational institutions. In addition, it is currently being introduced electronic map.which will replace all paper media and personal documents. To obtain a map, it will be necessary to present a SNILS certificate.

The functional value of the certificate is high, to explain its essence, actual application, the procedure for obtaining can lawyer of our site. Users are available free consultations in real time. You can ask you a question on the phone or leave a message in the designated window. The response of the specialist will come in the near future and will be given comprehensive information on the existing question.

Apply for a certificate to the pension body at the place of residence. Interested party will need to present his civil passport and write a statement standard sample. It is very important that the passport is not overdue and had readable view. With questionable fragments impossible for reading, the applicant will have to first restore the personal ID.

According to the Regulations, after accepting a statement, which is signed by the applicant or its legal representative, for verification and design allocated for three weeks. If the certificate is obtained by the employer, the term increases for one week. Aliens working on the territory of the country should also get their personal insurance number. Most often, employers are engaged in this.

If, in previous years, the document was required during a device for a period of 6 months, now the employment period does not matter. With the loss and the need for recovery, you will have to wait a month before receiving a duplicate. Administrative responsibility for loss is not established, but without SNILS it will be difficult to continue to implement labor activity Or carry out other operations, for example, to make a pension.

Apply for getting reduced Or restoring a lost certificate can also be through the Internet. To do this, go to the website of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, enter the data of its passport and fill out the form. Receive it personally, in the time specified on the site. Change testimony is necessary when changing the name, name or patronymic. A statement is also written, where the reason for the appeal is indicated, for example, a change in marriage.

Sometimes it is necessary to urgently apply for its unique room, but the cards are not available. We will have to go to the pension body and on the passport to recognize your SNILS.

You do not seem to know the digital code on the Internet. Information about the unique Citizen code is strictly confidential and can be provided by personal handling. All other ways are illegal and fraudulent. Obtaining information on the Internet through appeal to other sites is fraught with violations of administrative legislation.

There is a legal opportunity to learn your personal numberIf there is registration on the Public Services portal. Going to your personal account, you can request information about the number of your testimony. A check will be conducted and if the number really exists, it will be given to the owner of the personal account. Authorized user, after logging in to your personal account, you must choose the service "Information about the status account" service.

The request processing will take a little time, the SNILS data will be presented to the user. If it is not possible to visit the Pension Fund, but the number is extremely necessary to know, you can contact the personnel department of the enterprise or to individual entrepreneurwhose citizen works. Information should be necessary because it is required when paying retirement deductions to the employee's account.

Currently, at the birth of a child, a marker about citizenship is raised in the birth certificate or a special liner is issued. Parents can visit the PF of the Russian Federation without a child and make a card immediately after birth. This act will take many problems and questions when receiving benefits, subsidies and a device in kindergarten. In the near future, it is planned to issue a newhern born with a birth certificate.

If, after receiving the passport, the teenager goes for receiving the insurance card, he can accompany his parents or guardians. The text of the application itself can fill out employees or accompanying, but the signature in the presence of teen officials will put the teenager himself. For schoolchildren studying in general education institutions, management is engaged in the management. It turns out the SNILS for all children in an organized manner according to the birth certificate and information about citizenship.

Real time can now be obtained.

The SNILS number is indicated on the pension certificate, which is often called a "green" card. Despite its name, this document is drawn up not only to people of retirement age, but also to working citizens, as well as children.

The SNILS number may be required in many cases, for example, you wanted to get a job - your future employer among other things wants to find out the specified information. For registration of some benefits, benefits, compensation will also need to specify its reduction.

The easiest way to find out your SNILS is to find a pension testimony and look into it. At the very top is located necessible roomwhich consists of 11 digits.

How to find out your SNILS on the passport?

If you could not find a "green" card, you can come to the territorial FIU. Contact a responsible employee who will tell you the SNILS number. To do this, you will need to show your passport.

It is possible that you are too busy at work and there is no time to go to the pension fund, and it is necessary to know my definition urgently. In this situation, the personnel worker of your company can help you out. He must be stored necessary information. Ask him to prompt you the required information.

How to find out your SNILS via the Internet?

Through the Internet, it is not easy to know your SNILS. Such an opportunity is only in users of the site of the State Service. Unfortunately, there is no special service for providing information about the SNOW number on the specified site.

But you can make a request for information on the status of your individual personal account (in the Pension Accumulation section). When you receive a document containing the specified information, you will be able to learn not only your reflex, but also data on your pension.

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