
Tax Find Inn by passport. How to find the owner's number

Each taxpayer (independently, physical is a person or legal) in Russia has its own individual an identification number (INN), which is specified in the certificate of registration in tax authority. Inn allows the taxpayer to personalify, also this number is very important information that allows tax Services Work successfully. The issuance of this testimony occurs in tax Organization At the place of registration of a citizen.

This number must be specified when taking a job when committing certain financial operations (for example, the sale of movable and real Estate; registration of the inheritance), when opening a current account in a bank or when registering its activities as an IP.

For individuals, the INN is a code consisting of 12 digits:

  • the first two signs - subject code Russian Federation;
  • subsequent two digits - the number of the tax authority;
  • the following six characters - the taxpayer number;
  • two final numbers are control.

For legal entities, the INN consists of 10 digits, in contrast to the Inn for individuals, the Yurlitz number includes five digits and a control only one.

Get information about your innway

Is it possible to learn the Inn man already having a certificate of registration in the FTS of the Russian Federation? The question arises, how is it possible that the person does not know his inn? Everything is very simple: the fact is that the Inn is assigned to every physical person. Receipt occurs in two cases:

  • if an individual requested a personal statement;
  • if the physical is the owner of the property that is taxed (this happens automatically, and sometimes a person does not even know that he was assigned a number).

How to find out the Inn person on passport data? Make it can be easily through the Internet (online) using your passport details. Just make a request to the tax office by filling out a certain form on the site, and wait for the response containing the INN. At the same time, you do not need to go to the tax organization, stand in a long queue, write a statement, and then wait for the issuance of the duplicate of the document.

How to know the Inn man using the Internet? We recommend to find out information about it only on two official resources: on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the Public Services portal. The information posted on these sites is stored in the database of government agencies.

Important! If some other site offers you options, how to learn the Inn man, then you should not trust him (because you will have to introduce your passport data that is unknown to whom will come).

By the way, it is not necessary to enter not necessarily passport data. You can use the data specified in the birth certificate, a residence permit in Russia, a temporary residence permit in the country or in other documents.

Algorithm of Action on the Tax Service website

Using the online service on the tax service website (nalog.ru), then how to find out if there is a person's innocence, will not be much difficult for you. Algorithm of your actions:

  • Click on the "Electronic Services" button on the main page.
  • After reading the Regulations on what conditions you provide information, click the "Find out the Inn" button.
  • Fill out the form posted on the site. In the absence of your patronyony, in the column "no patronymic" put a tick. Birthday marked in the proposed calendar or print manually. Count "Place of birth" can not fill. In the column "The type of document certifying the person" indicate the "passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation" or any other document that is chosen by you in the proposed list. Fill out the graph "Pictures with numbers" (it is needed as a confirmation that the form fills the person, and not a computer program): if the numbers are not completely picky, you press the "Refresh picture with numbers" button.
  • If any errors allowed during the filling process, then click the "Clear shape" button and start filling it again.
  • In the case of proper filling, click the "Send Inquiry" button and wait for the answer.

The advantages of this method are speed, convenience and, of course, safety. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear how to learn the Inn person, having minimal computer handling skills.

What needs to be done to register in the tax authority

If you do not have and never had a document on registration in a tax organization, then you can get it, who personally appear in any tax inspection (This standard is fixed in Tax Code) Or send a statement with an appropriate request by mail or via the Internet.

Important! Regardless of where the physically is registered, it is recorded.

With the personal contact of the inspection, you have to have a document with you, or a certifying personality (that is, a passport), or confirming the powers of the representative (that is, power of attorney).

On a note! Persons appealing in the prescribed manner for the first time in Inn do not pay the state duty.

Another thing if you are a legal entity or physical involving entrepreneurial activities (IP). These persons also do not need to pay such a state duty, but at the same time no one has canceled the state duty for the registration of activities during which the Inn is assigned

Important! In the event that the evidence is lost, then avoid payment of state duty will not succeed (in 2015 its size was 200 rubles).

How to restore lost evidence

What should be done to get a re-evidence in the FTS of Russia (with personal contact)? Algorithm:

  • make payment of state duty (better in Sberbank);
  • fill out and pass the application in the prescribed manner to the tax organization at the place of registration;
  • at the outflow of 5 business days to come and get a "cherished" document.

How to get an INN using an electronic service

To get Inn with the help of the Portal "State Service" (section "Registration for the registration of a nonsense, which is not IP"), exercise the following actions:

  • Come on the site and register.

On a note! If you have previously been registered on this site, it is not necessary to do it. Go to the site using the following data: FULL NAME (indicated in full), numbers mobile phone or email.

  • Fill out the proposed questionnaire and a statement that you will definitely save online.
  • When wrong fill You return an application, and you carry out the entire procedure again (naturally, following the completion of filling).
  • On the email You get information about all stages of passing your application.
  • After information is received about the readiness of your document, you either personally or your representative go to the tax authority and receive a certificate.

On a note! There is only one option so as not to attend the tax organization personally - you need to be the owner of electronic or digital signature (EP or EDS). In this case, you get the file on which the certified and bonded is depicted digital signature certificate.

How to get an electronic signature

The electronic signature is analogue handwritten, that is, possesses the same legal force. Individuals use it in order to significantly speed up and simplify the process of interaction with a variety of government agencies, employers and educational institutions.

Legal entities and IP are used by EP (EDS) in order to minimize the costs of an enterprise to a minimum and increase the efficiency of work, for example, so that without personal presence to submit reports to the tax authorities, receive public services through an electronic portal, participate in trading, access specialized resources etc.

You can order an electronic signature in special centers that received appropriate accreditation within the territory of Russia. Together with the EDS, you get a certificate in which the data of the electronic signature owner is recorded, the period during which it has strength, as well as its application.

Is there any opportunity to find out the name

Data on the INN by the name of a legal entity or physical engaged in business activities is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to make the following actions:

  • go to the public service website and click the All Services tab;
  • click on the "Business Risks" button;
  • click the "Individual Entrepreneur / KFH" button;
  • write a person name, which you are trying to find, as well as the region of his stay;
  • search completed - Inn in front of you.

On a note! Taking advantage of this service, you will not be able to find the inn of any saline. You can do it only if it has been registered as an IP.

But how to find out the person's data on the Inn? Such information you are unlikely to get, knowing only this number.

What information can be obtained using the Inn

Each businessman is interested to have a maximum useful information About your counterparty. Therefore, by placing his FULL NAME and INN, he can request an extract from the EGRIP in a tax organization (at the place of registration of the IP). Having on his hands this document, its owner has the following information: IP registration number, registration date, types of its activities and data on licenses issued.

Important! The following data will remain inaccessible: bank account information, data from the passport and the address for which the person is registered. This information is personal, give it only on request of the court or government agencies.

Debt: How to find out about them

How to find a person with certain tax debts to find out? To do this, go to the public service portal and in a few minutes you already have all the information you are interested in. You just enter either data from your passport, or the Inn, and then click on the "Find Debt" button.

Important! If you enter the site only last name, then you are unlikely to receive information about tax debts.


How to find a person's passportal data? Do not even try, nothing will happen. Maximum what you can count on, so this is information about the entrepreneur he or not. But if you yourself have lost testimony and do not remember your Inn, then you have the opportunity to know it pretty quickly.

Follow-up two is the number of local inspection. After there are six digits, which are a human tax number as a taxpayer. And the last two - the numbers are control, to verify the correctness, which are calculated by special methods.

The Inn is most often a mandatory props to pay for receipts, accounts, etc. But what should I do if you need to specify the INN of a certain person? In this article, we will look at how to find out the identification number of the taxpayer of an individual. Remember now. But still mandatory.

Where to contact to find out?

On the this moment There are several ways to determine the taxpayer identification number - as your personal and strangers.

The Federal Tax Service provides such a service. You need to contact a branch in your area with a passport. In the tax inspectorate you will be given by the Inn you are interested in. Pay attention to the following if you recognize your INN without using the Internet.

In order not to waste time It is better to test home documentation and search there for a decision on registration. If you are registered with the tax, then the testimony is likely to have somewhere, and there is exactly the necessary number.

And if you did not pass, then you simply can not be Inn. Then you need to contact the local branch of the tax inspection and write a statement about registration. The procedure can be carried out both in the usual and in urgent order With extra charge.

  • site of the Federal Tax Service - https://service.nalog.ru/inn-other.do;
  • the site "GosSvvugi" - https://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/fns/findinn.

The website of the IFTS has forms through which the Inn individuals can be found. In order to find out the identification number of the taxpayer of an individual, you need to fill the appropriate form.

So, how to find out your inn via the Internet on the passport? To do this, you need to enter your passport details and INN, and after - the individual data for which the number needs to be found.

If an Inn is found in the database, assigned to the person, which has the specified data, the site will give only the request number. With this number you need to go to the local tax authority, taking with you certifying the identity.

In addition, you need to have a receipt for payment for the relevant service. The amount of payment is about 100 rubles. Representatives of the authorities may not pay this service, but should have a document confirming their belonging to the authorities.

The form presented on the public services website almost fully corresponds to the form from the FTS. It is called "Learn Your Inn". Based on the name, you can understand that it is better not to use this form in order to find out someone else's Inn. All the same, after you have to contact the tax inspection for the number of the number.

There must be a passport. And if on the FTS website you need to fill extrawhich indicates the information of the recognition of the Inn man, then it does not have it in public services.

The employee who seems that the passport data of the bearer and the person who belongs to the Inn does not coincide, may simply refuse to issue information. So, in order to find out someone else's Inn, it's better to use the form on the FTS website, the reference to which is above. How to fill out an application for the receipt of the Inn - read.

Algorithm of action

Bring Inn by passport and documents

To obtain the Inn Piz. Faces offline as such a complex algorithm of action is not necessary. It is required to apply to the tax authority, where in a responsible person, with the presentation of his documents and the provision of passport data of the individual of the Internal person, will be issued by my INN.

To find out this online number, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the site of the FTS.
  2. In the list of services to find "Find out Inn" and go to this page.
  3. Choose, whose Inn needs to know its own or someone else's.
  4. For convenience, the next steps will break two list - for their own and for someone else's Inn.

To see your taxpayer identification numberYou need to perform the following steps after performing the above.

  1. Press the "Learn Your Inn" button.
  2. Fill out information about yourself.
  3. Enter the numbers from the picture.
  4. Press "Send Inquiry".

If all data is entered correctly and your INN is in the FTS database, the site immediately displays it on the screen.

To learn the inn of another individual You need to perform the following steps after switching to the service page "Find out Inn" on the FTS website:

  1. Press the button "Find out someone else's Inn".
  2. Depending on who you are (an individual, legal entity, a representative of the authorities), choose the appropriate string in the applicant's column. For each type of applicant, form is different. We will look at the option with the applicant - an individual.
  3. Fill out the form "Application Information - physical person" Here you need to enter information about yourself.
  4. Fill out the form "Information about the requested person in respect of which a request for the presence of TIN" is sent. It introduces information about the physical face, which you want to know.
  5. Enter the numbers from the picture.
  6. Press the "Send Inquiry" button.
  7. The system will issue information about the presence of the Inn. If the person is assigned the taxpayer identification number, you can get the request number.
  8. Pay for the service, save the receipt.
  9. To come to the local tax authority and present the request number previously received on the site, your passport and payment receipt.
  10. After performing these actions, the responsible person will give you the INN of the person of interest.

The required data on the applicant and the requested face is almost identical.

The taxpayer identification number (only for the applicant and solely in the case of obtaining someone else's INN).

  • f. and. about;
  • date of Birth;
  • place of Birth;
  • what document certifies the identity (passport, birth certificate, etc.);
  • information about the document, depending on the type of document.

Learn Inn by last name and address

We are talking about the possibility of finding the identification number of the taxpayer, without having its full passport data, and knowing only f. and. about. or accommodation address. Such a service in the FTS is not provided. At least there is definitely not online for such a search.

You can contact the tax authority and ask them to provide them with the name of the surname, the name and patronymic of a person. But in fact, the likelihood you will be given it if you do not provide documents confirming that you have the right to get it in this way, extremely small. It is also desirable to learn the remaining passport details of the individual.

Also, the method can be a service on the FNS website, which is intended to learn the Inn individual entrepreneur. The bottom line is that they are not registered as legal entities, and therefore the likelihood of what you can learn that the INN of the person of interest is.

Algorithm of actions in order to learn the INN in this way:

  1. Go to the page: http://egrul.nalog.ru/.
  2. In the "Search criteria" field, choose "Individual entrepreneur / KFH".
  3. Enter the name and area where an individual lives.
  4. Enter the numbers from the picture.

If such an individual entrepreneur in this area is registered, the system will give its INN as a result of the search.

However, it is worth considering that the information there is limited - only the Inn and Ogrite. So there will not be able to check whether this person is needed.

In the case when several individual entrepreneurs with the requested f. and. Oh., the system will provide information on all and understand which of them need you will be impossible.


As such a service in order to learn the inn on SNILS. In order to find out if I have inn online, you need to enter data on the document, and the SNILS is not a document. However, if you know SNILS, you can know f. and. about. man, and, it means, you can try to learn the Inn according to this data. The method is indicated above.

Bringing Inn Notarius

To find out which non-notary identification number of the taxpayer can be primarily itself. If there is no such possibility, you should just look at the seal set by him. In print, the NOTARUS, which put it should be specified.

Information about this room is inside the print, on the mostst times.

Yes, the numbers on the print small, but with the help of a magnifying glass can be disassembled.

  1. If you are not sure that the counterparty provides the authentic identification number of the taxpayer, it is possible to check it very much.
  2. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.
  3. Go to the page http://egrul.nalog.ru/.
  4. Choose "Individual Entrepreneur / KFH".
  5. Enter it f. and. about. And choose the area where he lives.
  6. Enter the numbers from the picture.
  7. Click "Find".

The system will issue a list of individual entrepreneurs with the relevant data in this area and their TIN. Thus, you will have the opportunity to check its authenticity. The service is free. In addition, there is also an opposite effect - on the TIN to find f. and. about. and the region of the entrepreneur.

For a foreign citizen

You can carry out such an operation without problems. To do this, you need to know the passport details of a foreign citizen.

You can punch the Inn again on the website of the FTS, in the same form, where we can learn the Inn for Russians (by reference - https://service.nalog.ru/inn-other.do). Just in the column "Type of document certifying the identity" you need to choose a documentwho owns a foreigner. They may be:

  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • certificate of the birth of a foreign citizen;
  • residence permit of a foreign citizen;
  • permission for temporary accommodation in the Russian Federation.

The rest of the algorithm is completely identical to the Inn search algorithm for an individual according to passport data, which we led in this article.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that it is still easier to find out the identification number of the taxpayer, using the special service on the FTS website than to personally fully implement the procedure in the tax authorities.

Yes, if you find out someone else's Inn to go there anyway will still have, but you will not need to dictate your own and other people's passport details - it will only have to present required documents and the query number received on the site.

In order for the procedure to not require extra effort It is necessary to initially find out all the necessary passport details of the individual, since the form on the site is calculated precisely for this data.

As for his TIN, then in the future, do not forget it and not resort to such methods, you can ask the tax service to add it to 18 Passport Page.

This is the right of every citizen of the Russian Federation, registered in the tax.

How to get Inn foreign citizen with RVP - read.

IN lately Many citizens are actively interested in how to find out the personal information of the person by him. This practice is quite real, but before it is important, it is important to clearly define: what data must be obtained.

It is worth understanding that the address, contact details and this information is part personal life Citizen, the confidentiality of which is protected by law. However, the surname, the name and patronymic of the person is simply identification data, to find out that are quite realistic with the help of the INN. In more detail about this and not only in the material below.

The portal of the State Service will help learn the Inn

The identification number of the taxpayer (INN) is a document issued to each tax Residency RF. The main information from this document is a special digital cipher, using which government agencies of a different scale control one or another personality associated with.

In addition, the Inn state organizations They can find out the address, contact details and other personal information about its owner, which is often impressed in the event that a citizen, for example, must be found and attracting any.

Inn must have all the persons who are subject to any type of taxation in Russia. That is why the taxpayer number receives not only individuals (ordinary citizens), but also legal (organizations). This document is very important, as it is necessary in a huge number of life situations. For example:

  • declaration of income;
  • registration of many documents;
  • opening of individual entrepreneurship and others.

Despite this, the importance of the design of the INN is much higher for legal entities than for physical. This is due to the fact that any organization, carrying out activities, is obliged to use the document at:

  1. with counterparties;
  2. passing reports to government government agencies;
  3. participation in government procedures;
  4. registration of loans and the like.

SIFR INN is quite simple in its structure, as used to control tax obligations All residents of the Russian Federation. For individuals, its dimension is 12 characters, for legal - 10.

Despite the relative availability of Inn to third parties, it is not so easy to find out information about its owner.

In many ways, such a phenomenon is due to the fact that personal data of persons are confidential information protected by law. Violate this rule, regulated by the Constitution, is impossible. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend resorting to finding information on the INN with illegal ways, otherwise there is a risk to face problems in the future.

Search for individuals

Learn the name on the Inn will help the Internet

Starting to consider the procedure for finding individuals by their Inn, we immediately note - you can only find those citizens who at the moment or in the past were registered as.

Naturally, using the illegal ways to find information, you can learn the personal data of any citizen, but is it worth it? Everyone will decide individually. Our resource will consider only legal methods Learn the name and other data about any person.

So, first, it is important to know that in the very digital cipher Inn can already find some information about its owner. This is due to the fact that the structure of the cipher itself involves specifying some data. Thus, the first four digits of the INN determine the region of its issuing, the following six - a unique code for personal data from the person, and the last two use government agencies in special bases to search for information on simplified form.

Secondly, some information can be obtained by making an official request to the federal Tax service (FTS). To do this, it is enough to visit the State Authority and fill in a special form for information about the person or get a personal login / password to access the official website of the organization. In the first case, if it allows legislation, the FNS employee will issue you available information about the owner of the Inn, and in the second - will have to act differently:

  1. Go to the official website of the FTS and register.
  2. Find a tab to go to execute taxpayer data search queries.
  3. Enter the Inn of the person you want to find and search. In the event that this is possible, all available information about the person will be displayed on the screen or the alert will be issued that your application for the search is waiting for approval. If you have the last person, the person will come to you by email specified.

Remember that it is possible to find out about the physical face solely in those situations when it was registered as an individual entrepreneur (IP). In addition to the citizen's full name, the data may also be provided when it was registered as an IP, whether this status is valid at the moment and where he lives.

It is worth understanding that when refusing information from the FTS, to obtain data on the owner of the Inn legitimate way No longer comes out. Using illegal methods of checking, it is important to take into account that it is always a considerable risk, moreover, not only to be punished law enforcement agencies, but also be deceived at all. Do you need such problems? Decide yourself.

Search for organizations

On the Inn, you can learn important information

As it became clear from the material presented above, the search for an individual on the Inn not only is not easy, but not always possible. And how it is about to receive data on legal entities Similar way? Let's deal with.

In fact, finding data on the organization for its INN is much easier than about the usual citizen. This is due to the fact that there are simply no particularly confidential data on legal entities, because they are "persons" public.

In general, this practice is provided for by law, so that the potential partner of a particular organization has the opportunity to learn about it as more information Before concluding specific agreements with it. In particular, if you wish from FTS, you can achieve an answer to such questions as:

  • how good the organization is in terms of paying taxes;
  • does she have;
  • who in it is authorized persons;
  • how long has she leads their activities and the like.

The data search procedure is similar to the previously described. A person who wants to know about the organization some information is necessary to submit a corresponding request or by personal visiting the FTS, or in online mode. An application for information may be approved instantly, and can be put on checking.

It often happens that there is no certificate of registration with a tax at hand, and the need for the identification number is there. Is it possible, without spending time on hiking in state body, Discount Inn by last name via the Internet? Reply here.

What is he, my inn?

Situation when the Inn is required, there are several. First, it may be a personal need when filling out documents, if there is no certificate in hand. Secondly, the reason may be the desire of the entrepreneur to check the MP of the counterparty for consistency and activity. Let's deal with how this is done.

Today, anyone can find out its taxpayer number in just a few minutes. This feature is offered various online services:

  • The portal "Gosvousvugi".

Anyone can find out its taxpayer number in just a few minutes.

And you can do it absolutely free , But knowledge of passport data is required (FULL NAME, date and place of birth, series, number and date of issuance of the certificate). What to do if there is no document, and you do not remember the details or not?

Is it possible to recognize the name only by last name?

It is impossible to get information about the physical face and illegally. But find the Inn by the name of a person leading commercial activity, - easily. For search, only knowledge of the name and region will be required, where the individual entrepreneur is registered.

How to determine the inn IP online?

You can learn the name of the name in the name of the Tax site. Among electronic servicesSuggested on the FTS portal, you must select the heading "Business Risks: Check yourself and the counterparty" and enter the necessary data. So you will receive not only the IP identification number, but also information about the date and place of registration, the form economic activity, accounting in the tax authority. Information is stored in a separate PDF document.

If you doubt the competence of the counterparty (and if there are no doubt - this is a typical procedure), do not be lazy to check it. To learn the INN of an individual entrepreneur for his last name - the procedure is fast and simple. But the information obtained will become an important criterion in determining the potential of further cooperation.

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