
What can you do if you know the snill number. What kind of insurers go to apartments asking for a snills number for verification

Due to the large number of fraud with bank cards, many people have learned to hide personal information. At the same time, other schemes can be used by attackers. Why scammers need SNILS is described in the article.

What is SNILS?

SNILS is an insurance number that every citizen of the Russian Federation and all foreigners working in the country have. The account is also issued for the child before receiving the passport. It is enough to contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but many receive a document through the employer during their initial employment.

The certificate number is used to transfer pension contributions from the employer, it is also required to receive public services, register benefits. The presence of a document is also required for adolescents who wish to get a job during the holidays. At the same time, everyone needs to know why to fraudsters SNILS... Illegal operations can be performed with this document, as well as with some others.

Major fraud schemes

There are several schemes that unscrupulous persons use to find out the number pension certificate... They can be represented by the employees of the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, and sometimes they provide a certificate. Although this document will be fake, it is not so easy for an ordinary citizen to determine this. Why do scammers need SNILS? This is due to financial fraud. In this case, the attackers use the following schemes:

  • Opinion poll. Young people with neat appearance can stand on the main streets of the city and in other public places. They ask citizens questions related to the accumulated pension, and ask them to name the SNILS number for entering answers into the database and registering a survey participant with a certain state organization.
  • Interview by apartments. For persuasiveness, a week before this, an announcement of the upcoming detour may be posted on the entrance door. It may be indicated that the completion of the MPT forms is required due to the pension reform. The names of the employees are recorded in the ad for greater persuasiveness.
  • Labor exchange. Often, scammers come across those who contact the employment center, online or in person. They are offered to fill out a questionnaire, where the data of the passport and SNILS are recorded.

  • Phone calls. People are often bothered by calls from fake PF representatives. To be convincing, the attackers give a name, patronymic and other data, and also report that a person was not paid in addition, for example, for seniority. They can say that the funds will be transferred to the Sberbank card. All this was invented in order to write off funds.
  • Payments by SNILS number. The user goes to a fraudulent site and in order to receive any payments for pension, he is asked for a certificate number. Then they offer to receive payments, but you need to pay for access to the database. After payment, nothing will be transferred.

In order not to fall for fraud, it should be remembered that FIU specialists do not carry out direct activities with people, cannot check savings on the street or by phone, do not arrange polls and do not conduct a census. At the same time, you need to know what will happen if the scammers find out the SNILS number.


Why do scammers need SNILS? Another way of fraud is the transfer of funds by card pension insurance... On the sites of cybercriminals, it is proposed to receive insurance payments under SNILS. It works on the basis of the following scheme:

  • The site requires you to enter your passport or certificate number to determine what payments are due.
  • A few minutes later, a list of insurance companies and the amount available for issuance comes out. The result of this check is different, as random numbers appear. But the amount is high and is equal to about 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • To gain access to the database, it is proposed to pay a small commission of 195 or 235 rubles, depending on the document on which the check was performed.
  • After payment, the person will not receive any funds. The site offers new services for which large amounts are charged.
  • Deceiving money will last until the deceived person realizes that he has fallen for the scammers.

Resources that offer such services are blocked, but copies of them appear regularly. However, they are similar in functionality. In order not to run into scammers, you should remember that there can be no hidden payments. Moreover, the pension certificate cannot be used to receive cash, the card is only used to register a person in the pension insurance system.

Scammers' actions

Why do scammers need SNILS? Information from the passport and pension certificate will be sufficient to transfer the accumulated pension savings to the NPF. The accumulated funds will be kept under different conditions, since all funds have their own rates. The staff of such non-state funds performing this work, can receive deductions for each client in the amount of 4-5 thousand rubles.

What can scammers do if they know the SNILS number? They can perform the following operations:

  • Drawing up an application for transferring money from the FIU to a non-state fund. Usually, the documents contain the original signature, since victims do not look at what they are given for signature when they take part in surveys or fill out questionnaires to get a job.
  • Withdrawing a small amount (about 200-300 rubles), if the data was obtained using a website or phone.

Why do scammers need SNILS? Swindlers, allegedly working at the labor exchange, are collecting passport information and insurance numbers. Their savings are transferred to the NPF. In addition, they promise to call back and offer vacancies. In this case, the call is received once to confirm the consent of the transfer of funds.

Safety regulations

In order not to run into scammers, you must not hesitate to ask for documents that confirm the legality of the actions of employees. You need to check the identity. Already at this stage, many can leave, which will serve as confirmation of fraud. If you are asked to fix the insurance number in the questionnaire, then you need to find out why it is required. If the answers are incomprehensible, incorrect, it is advisable to refuse services and not provide personal information. Do not think that all NPFs are scammers. There are reliable companies that offer profitable terms cooperation.

Fraud in last years has acquired enormous proportions. Citizens are deceived on the Internet, on the street and even come home. And it is not known what scammers can do if they know the SNILS number or other personal information. Therefore, it is so important to distinguish between situations where it is really necessary to provide such references, and where they blatantly deceive.

How scammers can use SNILS number

Fraudsters very often use the personal data of ordinary citizens for their own enrichment. As a rule, these are passport data, but more and more swindlers do not hesitate to use information from SNILS. Therefore, it is extremely important not to disclose such information to unauthorized persons.

As for the methods of obtaining the SNILS number, most often the schemes are as follows:

  1. Fraudsters from the Pension Fund go from door to door. The reasons may be different - reissuance of documents, etc. The main thing for a swindler is to find out more detailed information about a person, in addition to his name, surname, etc.
  2. He can also call, posing as an employee of the Pension Fund.
  3. Fake interviews. The applicant comes in, fills out the form, but does not get a job. But desired number SNILS and passport data remain with the scammers.

Fraud with SNILS has mercenary motives. Most often, scammers try to walk around and ask for personal information in order to provide clients for non-state pension funds.

Help: for each new person, such organizations pay 3,000 rubles or more.

Fraud often concerns citizens' savings. Among the large number of documents that cybercriminals bring to the victim's apartment, there is an agreement on the transfer of money to an NPF. By the SNILS number, you can also find out the amount of savings of a person. But fraudsters will not be able to dispose of them anyway. With the help of SNILS, they can find out other information regarding a person's property.

What to do if you become a victim of a scam

If a person has become a victim of scammers, first of all, you should check whether his savings are in place. In the event that part of the money has been transferred to the NPF, you should apply there with an application and request a transfer. Most often, such organizations easily transfer funds back. But even if the fund is closed, the state will compensate the injured party for the damage.

You can also draw up and submit a claim to the NPF. This method should be used if the citizen did not sign any documents, and the transfer of savings was carried out with violations. Depending on the response of the organization, you can go to court. For example, you should file a claim if the NPF cannot argue for the legality of the transfer.

If the scammers used the State Services service in order to crank up some kind of fraud with personal data, you must immediately set a new username and password. As a rule, many users set the SNILS number as their login. Which makes it easier for scammers to access the portal. Experts advise using email in this capacity.

However, it is not so important why the swindlers needed the SNILS number. The victim should contact law enforcement to bring the attacker to justice. Even if this fails, there will be a fact of contacting the police, which will help with trial... And if the fraudsters are arrested, this will prevent a large number of other citizens from being deceived.

How to protect yourself from illegal actions

Anyone can fall into the hands of fraudsters, as they use a huge number of ways to lure out personal information. Therefore, it is so important to protect yourself and be sure to take precautions. As for the SNILS number, you need to know the following:

  1. PF employees do not go door to door and do not conduct opinion polls by phone. An exception is incapacitated citizens. Therefore, if someone comes and asks for personal information, it cannot be provided.
  2. It is important to carefully study the points of the questionnaires in employment. The more information a potential employer asks for, the more it looks like a scam. Especially if there are many candidates at the interview, and the organization itself is in doubt.
  3. No employees government agencies, including the police, have no right to demand the SNILS number from a person. It is generally used extremely rarely, for example, by an employee of the personnel department or an employee of the PF. Therefore, a request to show the SNILS number from a suspicious person should be treated with extreme caution.

It is very important to keep the details of your documents from unauthorized persons. Much can be done if it becomes known that scammers are using personal information... The main thing in this situation is to protect your rights. And what you don't need to do is do nothing. Otherwise, the swindlers will find a way to cheat again, and then the losses will become much more significant.

Attention! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may become out of date!

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The funded part will return next year, while the interest earned for this time period has not disappeared, it will also be calculated. To return to the previous NPF, the algorithm of action is similar - only through a personal appeal to the structure and filing an application for committing fraudulent actions.

Note that not all NPFs are scammers... Many of them offer Better conditions placement of savings rather than government funds... Read the terms and conditions before transferring NPF profitability perhaps they will be more attractive.

Can NPF employees be punished?

If you commit illegal acts, you can apply to the prosecutor's office. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prove the fact of fraud- most of the applications for the transfer of the funded part are signed personally. This happens when documents are inattentively signed or when applications are forged.

It is also extremely difficult to identify the criminals who are hunting door-to-door citizens. When committing fraud through a recruiting agency, it is much easier to identify the culprits by specifying the exact legal address, employees.

An example of SNILS fraud

A young girl Irina got into an unpleasant situation - she applied to the agency for a job search, signed an application and waited for a call. The agency did not call, but after three months it came a letter from the Pension Fund about the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NPF... What to do in such a situation, she did not know, so she turned personally to Pension Fund... There she received a clear wording about the transfer of money from the citizen's agreement, it did not work out to prove that he was not involved in the transaction. When contacting NPFs, they issued an application for transferring to this non-profit organization, but the signature was completely different from Irina's signature.

She had to write application for transferring the funded part back to the FIU and contact law enforcement. Since the application for membership was approved, and there was no new application for return, it is only possible to return to the FIU only by a court decision. Until that moment, the savings will be kept in the NPF. After several months, the girl failed to confirm the fact of fraud - law enforcement agencies not enough evidence fraudulent scheme ... The funds were transferred to the FIU's account the following year, but some of it was lost.


  1. Fraudulent schemes can be varied - from house-to-house rounds to a request to inform SNILS to enter data for an interview when applying for a job.
  2. Pay real money from personal retirement account citizen to bank card or bank account cannot be carried out, but you can redirect the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund.
  3. Such transactions are accompanied by a risk - the organization may lose a license or pay low interest.
  4. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary not to disclose personal information (passport data, SNILS number), sign documents with caution, do not enter data on the Internet in the public domain.
  5. You can return the transferred funds only for the next year, for this you will need to write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the previous NPF.
  6. It is extremely difficult to punish unscrupulous insurance agents; you will need to go to court with evidence of fraudulent actions on their part.

The most popular question about fraud with SNILS number

Question: Is it possible to protect yourself completely, and not only for the current year? For example, by writing refusal statement of any transfers the funded part of the pension throughout the entire period of its formation.

Answer: Unfortunately, given opportunity not yet implemented. Citizens can apply for a ban only for a year. After that, each subsequent year can be written new translation limitation statement Money from the Pension Fund or NPF.

Competition with the use of fraudulent methods unfolded for the funded pensions of the residents of Khakassia. This is evidenced by calls from the population to specialists of the Pension Fund with complaints that representatives of some financial structures and are asked to provide personal data: last name, first name, patronymic and insurance certificate number (SNILS). The uninvited guests explain that this is allegedly due to changes in the pension legislation.

Ekaterina from Abakan (we do not name her surname) says that she almost fell for this bait too, but before publishing the information, she decided to call the Pension Fund.

- The girl who came to our house is pretty pretty and young, she is about 25 years old. She said that she, as a representative of the Pension Fund, is conducting a census, and that in mandatory the number of the insurance pension certificate is required, that this " green card»Now some kind of document is issued, without which the certificate is invalid. And that a little later she will give us this document. I told her that I could provide the data later, when my spouse returns from work. So she came to us three more times and no longer asked, but demanded to give the numbers. Then I called the Pension Fund.

PFR specialists draw the attention of residents of the republic that employees of the Pension Fund in the Republic of Khakassia and territorial offices do not go to apartments, do not receive citizens at home and are not interested personal documents citizens. Required information are available in the databases of the Pension Fund. The FIU specialist can go to the house in some cases at the invitation of the tenant himself.

By all appearances, representatives of non-state pension funds (NPF) continue to walk around the apartments. They seem to have changed the way they work with the public. If earlier they tried to persuade to transfer money to this or that NPF, now they simply ask to give the name, surname, patronymic and insurance certificate number, deceiving that this is required by changes in the legislation.

- The population may not understand the insidious intention of these visitors, but the surname, name, patronymic and SNILS data enough to translate pension savings in an NPF without the knowledge of the citizen himself,- says Natalya Korobkova, head of the investment group of the Pension Fund of Russia in Khakassia. - That is, without knowing and not wanting to, the residents of Khakassia can transfer their pension savings to some non-state pension fund.

Then it will be possible to return this money to the Pension Fund by submitting an application to any territorial body of the PFR. But I want to draw your attention to the fact that statements on changing the method of formation funded pension in accordance with the legislation are subject to satisfaction after 5 years. However, funds can be transferred earlier than five years, but on the basis of judgment... That is, to restore rights, you will have to go to court.

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