
What can be done with snls data. What scammers can do if they know the snill number

Over the past few years, cases of fraudulent activities with pension documents have become more frequent. People began to turn to law enforcement agencies with statements that the representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are extremely insistently demanding the number of the pension certificate and are behaving intrusively. Few people know that employees of the pension fund do not go to the homes of pensioners at all, and all service takes place within the walls of the fund itself.

Nevertheless, the elderly are very gullible, so quite often the SNILS number ends up in the hands of criminals. Of course, scammers will not take a loan in your name, but they can “work” with your pension fund.

Receiving schemes

Fraudsters go from door to door and ask to show SNILS most often under the following pretexts:

Social survey of the population

In the course of this survey, neatly dressed and friendly young people find out from pensioners their civic position regarding this or that issue, and among the setting data they ask for the SNILS number, allegedly for registering a questionnaire. Often, front men use forged documents indicating their affiliation with a particular government agency.

Employment in retirement

This method is most popular on the Internet, when senior citizens who do not want to stay at home in retirement are looking for a place to earn money. When filling out the appropriate questionnaires, they must also enter the SNILS number. In the future, these data will be used by fraudsters, and the pensioner will never get the desired job.

How scammers use the received SNILS data

Most often, employees of non-state pension funds (NPF) are involved in fraud with SNILS, who, knowing the coveted number, transfer pension money from the state account to the account of their company, where they are accumulated and stored on completely different conditions.


The only, but rather significant, disadvantage of transferring money to NPFs is real opportunity liquidation commercial organization, as a result of which the pensioner will lose all or most of his savings due to multiple withdrawals and transfers to another account.

Knowing the number of the pension certificate, the NPF employees fill out an application for the transfer on behalf of the pensioner. Quite often, the pensioners themselves sign this application under the guise of another document.

Thus, neat young people who have found out a pension number from an old man earn from 3 to 5 thousand rubles on each such pensioner. Sometimes it turns out that the "victim" of the fraud itself has such a sudden transition to non-state structure may be beneficial as the percentage of commissions paid at the end of the year will be 5-6% higher than government regulations.

What to do if scammers already have SNILS

If you understand that you have dictated or transferred the SNILS number to suspicious persons, the best solution will apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia with a statement that they do not intend to transfer their savings to any non-governmental structure in the near future, explaining the current situation. If the transfer has already taken place, then the reverse process will take place in March next year, while the interest earned on your NPF savings will also return.

As for the statements to the police about bringing the guilty persons to (Article 159 of the Criminal Code), this will not happen, since, according to the legislation, the injured party must suffer real damage, and in this case the money is not appropriated by anyone, but only the place of their storage changes. It is often almost impossible to prove the fact that a pensioner signed documents without knowing where he puts his signature.

It would be more rational to go to court with a claim for unlawful enrichment of NPFs at the expense of your savings. The benefits of this process will be significantly higher than the costs. True, this process is long and may take not just a few months, but several years.

Fraud with passport data

Separately, the situation should be considered about what fraudsters with passport data can do, since this is much more relevant and sadder than using information about SNILS, because in this case, real material damage can be inflicted on the injured party. That is why your personal data and passport information should be kept secret.

How scammers use data

Often, fraudsters do not even need the original identity document. Information about what scammers can do with a copy of a passport has long been disseminated everywhere by law enforcement agencies. Regardless of when the criminal got your information, he can use it immediately or after a long time.


Term limitation period on general rule is 3 years. This means that during this time you can go to court with a statement about the committed criminal act. If the deadline has expired and there are no valid reasons for the delay, the court may refuse to consider the claim. We will tell you more in this

With the help of a person's personal passport data, attackers can:

  • receive credit funds at a bank and non-bank organization;
  • drive you into debt obligations;
  • make you the founder of a shell company;
  • make a copy of the original document and use it for their own selfish purposes in the future;
  • regulate the movement of funds in your bank accounts;
  • perform certain actions on the Internet on your behalf.

These situations are not an exhaustive list of possibilities - the imagination of swindlers knows no limits.

For those who do not yet fully understand what exactly scammers can do, knowing passport data, we inform you that the most profitable and widespread type of fraud is getting bank loan ... In the future, it is sometimes extremely difficult to prove the fact that you did not participate in fraudulent schemes. This may take years of litigation both with banks and with real borrowers and third parties.

Data acquisition methods

The most common way is to obtain a copy of your passport from the organization where you provided this copy (the so-called conspiracy). Often, such schemes are carried out by unverified firms that have just appeared on the market. Providing your passport to such an office increases the risk of being scammed. Often on the Internet you can find an advertisement for the sale of a copy of a passport with suitable information.

Your copy will then be used by:

  • for registration on casino and online gaming sites;
  • to gain access to dating sites;
  • for registration of electronic wallets;
  • to participate in lotteries, etc.

It is very important to be careful with your documents. This is the only way you can protect yourself from the actions of fraudsters.

When contacting any company, firm or institution where you need to make a copy of your passport, carefully monitor the actions of the employee, and also be sure to ask to demonstrate a document that states that obtaining a photocopy is required condition cooperation.

Never, unnecessarily, do not give your passport or copies of its sheets to strangers or unfamiliar people.

If you suspect that illegal actions are being taken with your passport data, immediately contact the police.

Questions of interest can be asked in the comments to the article.

In many cities of our country, over the past two years, cases of fraud with pension certificates have become more frequent. To be more precise, the situation looked like this: unknown persons walked along residential buildings and asked residents to provide them with the numbers of pension certificates. Not everyone knows yet that the pension fund, or rather, its employees do not go home, and that customer service is carried out only directly at the PFR branch. However, there are citizens who have provided their personal data. We will answer the question why scammers can use the SNILS number, and how dangerous it is.

Pension fraud

First of all, SNILS is a document of a future pensioner, by its number you can check pension savings and the state of your retirement account. But most of the victims of fraud first of all think about the fact that with the help of SNILS it is possible to take out a loan. This is partly true, but it should be borne in mind that banks check their borrowers more thoroughly and, in addition to SNILS, the following is required from the borrower:

  • passport;
  • personal signature;
  • actually being present at the signing of the loan agreement.

Important! It will be extremely difficult to get a loan using someone else's SNILS, so you should not be afraid of debt obligations.

What can scammers do if they know the SNILS number and passport data? In fact, the only goal of attackers who collect information about SNILS from citizens is to transfer their savings to NPFs. To do this, fraudsters mislead their potential victims by giving them false information about their retirement savings and use other methods of psychological influence.

Let us give an example that in the light of recent events after several pension reforms, many of our fellow citizens began to fear that transferring savings to the PFR is becoming not only unprofitable, but also dangerous, suggesting that it is much more reliable to choose an NPF where the profitability and reliability of savings are higher. ... Indeed, non-governmental organizations promise more income in comparison with the state, but still at all times the PFR was considered the most reliable among others. Therefore, you should not rush to transfer your savings to NPFs.

Please note that according to the law, you can change a state or non-state pension fund no more often than once every 5 years.

In general, the essence of collecting data on SNILS is to transfer his savings to the NPF without the knowledge of the insured person. He learns about this only from a written notification from the very organization to which his savings were received.

There is another variant of SNILS fraud. A simple example, you are looking for a job and have found a suitable vacancy for yourself, and the level wages slightly different from the average for your place of residence. You are undoubtedly invited for an interview and, together with a questionnaire or resume, they are given to sign an application for the translation of your pension savings to another pension fund. Undoubtedly, no further proposals are discussed.

An example of a scam

Advice on what to do if scammers find out the SNILS number. Apply to the FIU and indicate that you do not intend to transfer your pension savings in the future.

Why scammers collect SNILS numbers

First of all, it is worth warning all citizens not to disclose their personal data to unauthorized persons under any circumstances and do not sign dubious documents. First, be guided by the rule that PFR employees go home only to people with disabilities... Secondly, you can find out about changes in the pension reform or other circumstances only from official sources and the media, no one personally ever reports such information.

There remains one more question, why the scammers need SNILS, or more precisely, why would they transfer your pension savings to another pension fund. It is not hard to guess that scammers collect your data and represent the company to which they transfer pension savings. In fact, the benefit of NPFs in attracting investments is quite high, because before the onset of your retirement age, they invest them in any profitable projects and get their own profit.

What to fear for victims

What can you learn about a person using SNILS? In fact, nothing, that is, the pension certificate itself does not provide any information about the insured person. By its number, you cannot find out the amount of pension savings, tax debts and other confidential data. The only purpose for which cybercriminals are trying to get your pension certificate data is to transfer your pension savings.

Please note, knowing the SNILS number and passport data, the only thing that can be done is to take a microloan, although it will be extremely difficult to do this.

So, what to do if the scammers found out the SNILS number. First of all, contact the Pension Fund or the non-governmental organization where your pension savings were stored in order to clarify whether they were transferred or not. If the trouble has already occurred, then the only thing that remains for you is to wait 5 years in order to then change the company again. And if the attackers did not manage to transfer your pension savings, then you can write a statement stating that you do not plan to transfer your savings in the near future.

The funded part will return next year, while the interest earned for this time period has not disappeared, it will also be calculated. To return to the previous NPF, the algorithm of action is similar - only through a personal appeal to the structure and filing an application for committing fraudulent actions.

Note that not all NPFs are scammers... Many of them offer Better conditions placement of savings, rather than government funds. Before transferring, read the conditions and NPF profitability perhaps they will be more attractive.

Can NPF employees be punished?

If you commit illegal actions, you can apply to the prosecutor's office. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prove the fact of fraud- most of the applications for the transfer of the funded part are signed personally. This happens when documents are inattentively signed or when applications are forged.

It is also extremely difficult to identify the criminals who are hunting door-to-door citizens. When committing fraud through a recruiting agency, it is much easier to identify the culprits by specifying the exact legal address, employees.

An example of SNILS fraud

A young girl Irina got into an unpleasant situation - she applied to the agency for a job search, signed an application and waited for a call. The agency did not call, but after three months it came a letter from the Pension Fund about the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NPF... She did not know what to do in such a situation, so she turned personally to the Pension Fund. There she received a clear wording about the transfer of money from the citizen's agreement, it did not work out to prove that he was not involved in the transaction. When contacting NPFs, they issued an application for transferring to this non-profit organization, but the signature was completely different from Irina's signature.

She had to write application for transferring the funded part back to the FIU and contact law enforcement. Since the application for membership was approved, and there was no new application for return, it is only possible to return to the FIU only by a court decision. Until that moment, the savings will be kept in the NPF. After several months, the girl failed to confirm the fact of fraud - law enforcement agencies not enough evidence fraudulent scheme ... The funds were transferred to the FIU's account the following year, but some of it was lost.


  1. Fraudulent schemes can be varied - from house-to-house rounds to a request to inform SNILS to enter data for an interview when applying for a job.
  2. Pay real money from personal retirement account citizen to bank card or bank account cannot be carried out, but you can redirect the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund.
  3. Such transactions are accompanied by a risk - the organization may lose a license or pay low interest rates.
  4. To get rid of this problem, you must not disclose personal information(passport data, SNILS number), sign documents with caution, do not enter data on the Internet in the public domain.
  5. You can return the transferred funds only for the next year, for this you will need to write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the previous NPF.
  6. It is extremely difficult to punish unscrupulous insurance agents; you will need to go to court with evidence of fraudulent actions on their part.

The most popular question about fraud with SNILS number

Question: Is it possible to protect yourself completely, and not only for the current year? For example, by writing refusal statement of any transfers the funded part of the pension throughout the entire period of its formation.

Answer: Unfortunately, given opportunity not yet implemented. Citizens can apply for a ban only for a year. After that, each subsequent year can be written new translation limitation statement Money from the Pension Fund or NPF.

On the streets of Moscow, there are people posing as employees of the Pension Fund, who, under a plausible pretext, ask passers-by to show SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account). A plausible excuse, for example, may be the need to draw up documents that are mandatory so that the percentage of contributions to the funded part of the pension does not decrease. Or the need to issue additional inserts to SNILS, without which it would allegedly not be valid. And in case of refusal, the so-called. representatives of the FIU turn to threats to take the disobedient citizens to the nearest police station.

Of course, representatives of the Pension Fund on the streets of Moscow do not require SNILS numbers from passers-by. Scammers are doing this. Why do they need this and what to do if you have already given them your individual personal account number? AiF.ru reports.

Why do scammers need SNILS?

Possessing your SNILS number, fraudsters can transfer money from the funded part of your pension from the Pension Fund of Russia to any non-state pension fund (NPF). You may not even know about it.

“This is done solely for the purpose of personal enrichment of persons who have decided to take advantage of the trust of the deceived: if money is transferred from a personal account, they will be entitled to receive a reward, the amount of which is about several thousand rubles. Using fake FIU IDs, fraudsters ask potential victims to fill out applications, citing numerous legal acts in force. And sometimes it is really easier for people to sign than to start delving into a series of provisions from laws, which, as a rule, are not always understandable for persons who do not have legal education", - is talking lawyer of "Business Fairway" Kristina Mayorova... According to her, there were cases when fraudsters altogether referred to the population census, filling out applications for transferring funds to a non-state pension fund.

In turn, Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Ivan Solovyov notes that for each person transferred to a non-state pension fund, intermediaries receive a fee of 3-5 thousand rubles: this is exactly the amount of their agency fee, which is paid only after the transfer of the funded part of the pension.

Do not worry that, having learned your SNILS number, scammers will be able to take a loan or microloan in your name. The data of the insurance number of an individual personal account is not enough to receive funds from a bank or MFO.

What if SNILS is already with scammers?

To restore the "status quo" or, more simply, to return to the NPF in which the funded pension before the fraudsters intervene, you need to write an application to this fund with a request to transfer funds. “Next year, the corresponding transfer should be made, and together with the earned interest. In addition, you can send a written complaint to a non-state fund that has used the services of unscrupulous intermediaries and demand a justification for the transfer of funds. Of course, if a voluntary consent to this in the form of a corresponding statement was not previously signed by the citizen. But this should be done rather for complacency, since an intelligible answer with an apology is unlikely to follow, and litigation in in this case not worth the spent nerves and efforts, ”warns Solovyov.

“If you provided the SNILS number, but the money from your account has not yet been transferred by fraudsters to the NPF, you need to apply with a written statement to the NPF where your savings are stored, in which you must indicate that you have no consent to transfer your pension savings to a non-state pension fund. you don’t give and don’t give, ”adds Mayorova.

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