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Founders of enterprises sometimes face circumstances when it is necessary to solve the issue of termination of the LLC. This procedure includes several steps.

If the situation makes it so that the liquidation of the enterprise is necessary, the following procedure should be carried out:

  1. Managers, co-founders and other participants of the company at a common meeting will decide on the termination of the company.
  2. Next, the responsible person is selected - it may be one or more people. In parallel, it is necessary to decide with the leader who all over the process will lead the commission.
  3. After that is considered intermediate balance Enterprises. Sample can be downloaded by reference below.
  4. Next comes the final phase of liquidation.
  5. For the provision of data to the registering authority of the Commission, three working days are given. Make it can only the responsible person.

Important! Data on liquidation is submitted to the registering body in the form of P15001.

In 2018, the form of P15001 is used, approved by the Order of the FTS in 2012.


Blank "Liquidation Notifications legal entity"In 2018, it is common to all enterprises. It should show all activities and operations to eliminate LLC. After the end of actions, the data on the suspension of the Company's work is recorded in the developed form "Statement of state registration legal entity for its liquidation. "

In the innovation for 2018 is a paragraph that prescribes the procedure for suspending the liquidation of the enterprise. Previously, this procedure was not envisaged.

Filling rules R15001

The basic rules for filling out the statement for 2018 are:

  • in use unified form For all legal entities - P15001;
  • you can print data only by the Courier NEW font, size - 18, a capital font is used;
  • if the form is filled from hand, only black ink can be used;
  • in the unfair fields, the battle is not put.

Attention! To fill the P15001, you can use a special EXCEL form or a developed program. But it is worth watching the correctness of their work.

You can download and fill out the blank on the link below.

Sample design R15001

Application blank consists of several sections. An example will help you quickly understand the nuances of the form P15001:

  1. The first section is called "information about the legal person contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities". This paragraph indicates the exact name of the company, which was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In addition, all other fields should be filled with appropriate information: OGRN, INN assigned tax number.
  2. The second section - "Notification is presented in connection with". This item contains an information list in which the liquidator must put ticks in the respective graphs. He must notify:
  • on the decision of the liquidation commission, to stop the company's activities. Here you must specify the decision date.
  • on the creation of the liquidation group and the appointment of the liquidator;
  • on ratification of the intermediate balance;
  • resolution on the previously existing failure to conduct liquidation. What to do in this case tells on the video:
  • In 2018, the new form allows you to declare several events in the same form, noting the relevant items in the application.

In graphs intended to fill in the registering authority, to put foursers and other marks are prohibited.

Filling sample is represented in the photo. You can download it and on the link below.

When notifications are notified, the document package may contain additional title page and a sheet b in case of termination of the activities of the enterprise and the approval of the intermediate balance, and the list A in the appointment of the commission and the liquidator.

Leaf Filling Rules

According to the law in 2018, the company can form a liquidation commission, to replace one or more candidates not once. But every time you need documenting arising changes.

Important! The registering authority should provide information only to the change of liquidator or chairman of the Commission.

This is filled with sheet A. In it, you must specify the following data:

  • approval of the Commission;
  • date of drawing up a protocol on the decision taken;
  • Full name, date and place of birth, Passport details, place of residence in compliance with Cladr, Inn Liquidator or Chairman of the Commission. All information is filled with strictly in accordance with the data specified in the passport. Reduced objects of objects can only be in accordance with Appendix No. 2 of the FNS Order.

A sample of filling leaf A is presented in the photo.

The organization can be eliminated voluntarily on the unanimous decision of its participants. The reasons for termination of activities may be different, but the liquidation of the enterprise is a sufficiently long and not a simple procedure that causes many issues. To avoid delays, most often associated with the refusal authorized bodies In registration due to errors in the documents, usually hire a special law firm. Of course, this requires additional financial expenses that in some situations is an incomplete luxury. In the material site, we will consider the procedure for filling out the main documents for submission to the registering authority during the independent liquidation of the organization owners.

Liquidation Commission

After a decision on the termination of the organization's activities , founders (participants) are prescribed a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establish the procedure and deadlines for the necessary activities. ( clause 3 of Article 62 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ). From that moment on, the liquidation commission is transferred to the authority to managing the company's affairs. ( p.4 Art.62 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ).

The next step is the publication of the company's liquidation, the procedure and procedure for the application for the requirements of creditors in the Journal of State Registration Bulletin. The term for presentation of claims by creditors cannot be less than two months from the date of publication of the response report ( clause 1 of Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation . After the deadline for presentation of claims by creditors, employees of the company must fill in a special form accounting reporting - Intermediate liquidation balance.

Application for publication

The application for the publication of the termination of the company can be issued on the website of the Special Journal "Bulletin of State Registration". You can fill it using a special online service.

Liquidation Notice Form P15001

Until July 2013, each listed action was to fill out a separate document to the registering authority and submit to the registering service of the FTS:

  • P15001 (notification of decision on the liquidation of a legal entity),
  • P15002 (notification of the formation of the liquidation commission, the appointment of the liquidator (competitive manager)),
  • P15003 (on the preparation of an intermediate liquidation balance).

However, today, each of three actions is accompanied by cencing and submit to the registering authority of only one form P15001 "Notification of the liquidation of a legal entity."

Liquidation balance

The final stage of termination of the activities of any legal entity is the approval of the liquidation balance. At this stage, the form of P16001 is submitted to the registering authority. You can download the new form of P16001 at the end of the article. Simultaneously with this notification formeting:

  • liquidation balance itself,
  • decision on his statement,
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Requirements for filling out the form P15001: Step-by-step filling

Since the forms of P15001 and P16001 are basic to register liquidation, consider the basic requirements for their filling, which are established order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia N MMB-7-6 /. General requirements for filling both forms are contained in section I of such a document as "General requirements for the design of submitted documents." In the same annex to the order of the FTS of the Russian Federation, there is a sample of filling out the form P15001 and P16001 line.

So, when filling out these forms of the Juralice should:

  • black ink should be used and when filling in hand, and when printing on the printer);
  • it is necessary to write only by capital letters of the Courier NEW font with a height of 18 points, each of which, as well as quotes, dash, hyphens and numbers are set in a separate cell;
  • prevent corrections and additions, since they are prohibited;
  • do not allow the transfer, you do not approved the word to continue to write on the next line (if it is over in the last cell of the first line), the following line begins with an empty cell (the gap between the words);
  • do not print and not apply unfilled sheets to notifications;
  • when printing an application for a printer, the change in the location of fields and the size of the acquaintance is not allowed;
  • do not apply bilateral printing of filled blanks, as it is prohibited.

Requirements for filling the P15001 form are contained in the IX Requirements section. This form includes a first page consisting of two sections, as well as two separate sheets: leaf A and leaf B.

Fill out Section 1 form p15001

In this part of the form contained all information about a legal entity, from the Unified State Policy: in PP.1.1. and 1.2. The main State Registration Number (OGRN) is indicated, the individual taxpayer number (INN) and the full name of the company in Russian.

Fill section 2 forms P15001

In this sheet, you should put a "tick" (sign "V") in the respective items, in connection with which the notification is applied:

  • if it is decided to liquidate a legal entity, then the nodie is set in paragraph 2.1. This field also indicates the date of its adoption;
  • if the Commission has been formed, the liquidator is appointed, then the tick is set in paragraph 2.2.;
  • if an intermediate liquidation balance is drawn up, then the tick of Staavim in paragraph 2.3;
  • if a decision is made to cancel the previously adopted decision on termination, then we put a tick in clause 2.4.

The prohibition on the simultaneous filling of several items does not contain. Therefore, it is possible, for example, to put two ticks: about making a decision on termination of work (clause 2.1.) And the formation of the liquidation commission (clause 2.2.).

If a decision is made to continue the work of the company (clause 2.4.), Then the decision should be made to the decision on the elimination of the legal entity.

The section "For service marks of the registering authority" is not filled.

Fill out sheet B.

The first page and sheet b are filled, if paragraphs 2.1 (decision on liquidation), 2.3 (intermediate liquidation balance) or 2.4 are noted in the statement. (Decision on the cancellation of the decision on liquidation). The first page, sheets A and B should be issued when appointing the Commission (clause 2.2).

What fill in a sheet A "Information about the formation of the liquidation commission / appointment of liquidator"? Section 1 is affixed by "1", if the Commission is assigned, and "2" if the liquidator is assigned. Section 2 indicates the date of the formation of the liquidation commission or the appointment of the liquidator. Section 3 in Russian indicates the name, name and patronymic (if any) of the head of the liquidation commission or liquidator are indicated. If I have Inn, you specify it in Section 4. Section 5 indicates the date and place of the liquidator's birth, the phone number by which you can contact it.

Fill out sheet B.

In a sheet b "Application Information" in Section 1, we celebrate the number who is the applicant:

  • "1" - for the founder (participant) - individual;
  • "2" - for the founder (participant) - a legal entity;
  • "3" - for the body that has decided to liquidation;
  • "4" - for the head of the liquidation commission.

It is important to determine correctly, in what cases and who of the subjects listed above may act as the applicant. As reports by the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the letter dated 15.10.2014 N SA-4-14 /, when submitting a decision on the liquidation of a legal entity, the founders (participants) of the legal entity or the authority, and the decision on the liquidation of the organization speak to the registering authority of the P15001 form. If the document is aimed in connection with the decision to liquidate the company and the formation of the liquidation commission (the appointment of the liquidator), as well as in connection with the compilation of an intermediate liquidation balance, the applicant is the founders (participants) of the organization or also the authority itself, which has adopted the appropriate decision. Also as the applicant can be the head of the liquidation commission (liquidator).

Sections 2-5 should be filling depending on who acts as applicant. Section 6 is filled from hand in the presence of a notary. Next, you should specify the most acceptable way to obtain a document confirming the fact of making an entry in the incorporation, or the decision to refuse to state registration (the document must be delivered to the applicant personally, the person acting on the basis of a power of attorney, or by mail). Section 7 fills the notary, indicating its status and INN. Download Forms P15001 2019 Filling Sample at the end of the article.

Requirements for filling form p16001

The form p16001 seems when the liquidation balance is made. Requirements for filling the form p16001 contains a section x requirements is a simpler form consisting of one page and sheet A on the applicant (four pages).

On the first page is made information about the liquidated organization according to the data from the register. Section 2 indicates the date of publishing a message about the decision on liquidation in the Print Authority. In a sheet and put the figure corresponding to the applicant. Information about it is filled by the rules similar to those specified above for the form of P15001. Section 3 is filled from hand with black ink and in the presence of a notary.

Proper filling of notifications P15001 and P16001 will significantly reduce the period for registering the liquidation of the organization. The ability to fill such forms will naturally reduce financial expenses Organizations. Attentive reading the stated material and documents on the links specified in it will help solve both these difficulties. Download Form P15001 2019 and a sample of filling its rows at the end of this material. This application number 20 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of January 25, 2012 N MMB-7-6 / "On approval of forms and requirements for the design of documents submitted to the registering authority under state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farmer) farms "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 14.05.2012 N 24139).

Download form Р15001 2019 in Excel

Blank P15001 2019 in format.pdf

Blank P16001 2019 in format.pdf

P15001 2019 Filling Sample P15001 at the Elimination of LLC "Cook"

(The form has been prepared using legal acts as of 05/11/2017 by the consultant system system).Document provided by a commercial version

Many managers faced certain difficulties. Few of them know about what documents do you need to provide? How is the procedure itself? Why should it be started? Moreover, some changes have been made today, in particular, we are talking about the main forms of P15001 and P16001 - what exactly?

Consider all these questions in more detail.

The liquidation procedure LLC

At the first stage it will be necessary Decision on liquidation.

In the second stage, you should proceed to the collection of necessary package documentsSubmitted to the Tax Inspectorate.

In addition to all documents, it is necessary to provide notification in form p15001 "On the liquidation of a legal entity."

In this notice must be provided additional information About the composition of the commission on the liquidation and the applicant, which can be:

  • directly the company's owner;
  • chairman of the Liquidation Commission.

In parallel with the submission of documents, it is necessary to notify the liquidation:

  • Pension Fund;
  • Social and medical insurance funds.

The next stage is to publish information on liquidation. in the newspaper "Vestnik". In addition, it is necessary to send notifications to all existing lenders, which will further establish the actual amount of financial debt to them.

At the same time, it is necessary to prepare a list of documentation, namely:

  1. application in several copies. One remains at the liquidator, the second - newspaper;
  2. accompanying letter in multiple copies. At the same time, they must be signed directly by the liquidator themselves;
  3. be sure to have a copy protocol with a decision on the beginning of the elimination;
  4. a copy of the statement from an incorporation, which can be obtained after submitting an application P15001 in 5 days;
  5. payment documentation: Instructions for payments with a note of the executing banking body;
  6. certified power of attorney if it is necessary for a responsible person.

An important point when sending a letter to creditors is the preservation of the date and the number in order to prove in court that it had a place to be.

By the time the intermediate balance will be formed, tax inspectorate May begin a sudden check.

It is worth noting that the intermediate balance is not entitled to take abstract if:

  • tax verification has begun;
  • a criminal case was initiated against the company.

Only after the end of these proceedings, you can return to the formation of the balance.

The basis of this balance is the standard form No. 1, which is a complete display of information about all financial obligations and existing property LTD.

After all preliminary calculations are ready, you need to start formation final liquidation balance And his subsequent pension fund and other structures.

After the implementation of all of the above actions, one package of documents should be prepared as:

  1. application for registration of a legal entity due to its liquidation. This is supplied by form P16001. It is necessary to assure a notary with the signature of the owner of the company;
  2. liquidation balance, which approved by the Elimination Commission;
  3. receipt of payment of state duty;
  4. help S. Pension Fund On the transfer of reporting them.

These documentation are full law Submit to the relevant authorities:

  • direct head of the Commission on Elimination;
  • anyone who has a notarial power of attorney;
  • by mail of Russia with a mandatory description and declaration of this letter valuable.

List of documents required to eliminate LLC

The final documents that are necessary for the liquidation of LLC are:

  1. minutes of the decision on the approval of the intermediate liquidation balance;
  2. decision on the elimination itself;
  3. protocol on liquidation
  4. notification in form p15001
  5. statement in form No. P16001, which contains all information about the liquidating LLC;
  6. receipt confirming the payment of state duty and the newspaper, which published an announcement on liquidation;
  7. copies of passports of the chief accountant, owners of LLC and members of the Commission on Elimination.

Preparation of some of the documents has its own characteristics. Consider this question more details.

Decision on liquidation

When this document is issued:

  • indicate that the decision was made voluntarily;
  • the date when it was decided;
  • the composition of the Elimination Commission.

In the event that the founder is one, he can act as the Chairman of the Elimination Commission.

It is worth noting that this document is drawn up on the company's branded Ltd. and signed by the owner.

It should also be specified:

  • the composition of the commission is named;
  • passport details of each of the members of the Commission.

When making the solution of the only participant in LLC about liquidation, the sample is:

Minutes of the decision on the approval of the intermediate liquidation balance

After the formation of an intermediate report, it must be approved. This will help the protocol general Assembly participants or the solution of the only founder.

Sample Filling Notifications P16001

This notification is filled as follows:

  • title list, - information about the company that is subject to liquidation is indicated;
  • N 2, - you need to specify the date when the announcement was published in the newspaper;
  • Sheet A, - indicate the applicants' data;
  • The applicant's signature is installed on the last sheet and is certified by a notary.

To form B. obligatory The final balance is applied, which forms the liquidation committee itself itself. Sample fill below (pictures are clicable).

Page 1

Page 2.

Page 3.

Page 4.

P15001 form filling sample

The form of P15001 includes such sections as:

  • Title page;
  • Leaf A;
  • Leaf B.

The title list includes:

  • 1 The first page is needed directly to make information about the company: TIN, OGRN, extract from the register;
  • 2 item is used to select the document feed direction.

Leaf A.

On the sheet A indicates information about the liquidator or the commission itself, namely:

  • clause 1 - indicates "2" if one person will be engaged in the liquidation process, "1", if the Commission.
  • clause 2 - indicates the date when the Commission was formed.

All the remaining fields of AGA sheet A are to indicate more information on the liquidation commission or liquidator (if one).

It is worth noting that when specifying the address, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • place the birth of members of the Commission or liquidator must be written off from passport to avoid errors;
  • it is allowed to reduce in addresses, for example, Street, - ul. But the house either the apartment needs to write only completely.

Leaf B.

This sheet indicates the information about the applicant.

In 1 point it is necessary to make a choice:

  • it is placed 1, if the founder of "physical";
  • it is placed 2, if the founder "JUR. face";
  • put 3, if it is a body that has decided to liquidation;
  • it is placed 4, if it is a liquidator.

Further order depends on the chosen number:

  • 1, - made all detailed information about the physical face;
  • 2, the details of the legal entity are indicated;
  • 3 - if this is an organization, information is made about its control;
  • 4, - no information is closed, and the field remains empty.

Further field is used to confirm the information that was introduced into this form. Notary is put here.


The duration of liquidation directly depends on how exactly this will happen:

  • when changing general Director,- would need no more than 2 weeks. It should take into account all the costs of payment for state duty, collecting documentation and so on;
  • when trying to change the Director-General, together with the founder, - not more than 1 month. The costs should include courier services;
  • when reorganizing OOO, - approximately up to 5 weeks;
  • classical elimination, - up to six months. Rightly considered one of the cheapest opportunities to liquidate LLC;
  • bankruptcy procedure - up to 1.5 years. It should be ready for substantial financial costs.

The liquidation process

The video below provides a convenient instruction on self.

New dated 06/28/2016:

Order of the FTS. from 25.05.2016 No. MMB-7-14 / [Email Protected] "On Amendments to Annexes to the Order of the FTS No. 01/25/2012 No. MMB-7-6 / [Email Protected]"Changes were made to some forms and the order of their fill.Single changes in form form and requirements for registrationassociated with the transition to OKVED 2. Exposure from the order:paragraphs 1.6, 2.16, 5.16, 15.10 of Appendix No. 20 of the word " All-Russian Classifier species economic activity OK 029-2001 (KDES Ed. 1) "Replace with the words" according to the All-Russian classifier of the types of economic activity OK 029-2014 (KDES Ed. 2). "

Forms № Р15001 These changes were not affected. Therefore, not new form № Р15001, and the form remained the same as amended. from25.01.2012.

Requirements for form design (instructions for filling out of Appendix No. 20 to order No. MMB-7-6 / [Email Protected]). Exposure from Appendix No. 20. The source is here and below: FTS. These requirements and general requirements for the design of submitted documents can be downloaded by reference above.

IX. Requirements for registration of a notice of the liquidation of a legal entity (form No. P15001)

9.1. The notice of the liquidation of a legal entity is issued in the event of a decision on the liquidation of a legal entity by its participant (participants) or a legal entity authority authorized by the constituent documents.

9.2. Section 1 "Information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities" is filled in accordance with the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

9.3. Section 2, "Notification is presented in connection with" the necessary items are marked by V.

In paragraph 2.1, in addition to the station in the field, consisting of one acquaintance, the sign V, the corresponding field also indicates the date of decision on liquidation.

9.4. The section "For the service marks of the registering authority" on page 001 is filled with the provisions of clause 2.4 of these requirements.

9.5. The notification list "Information on the formation of the liquidation commission / purpose of the liquidator" is filled in the case if in Section 2 on page 001 Sign V is put in paragraph 2.2.

9.5.1. Section 1, "Information is presented in relation to" in the field consisting of one acquaintance, the corresponding digital value is affixed.

9.5.2. Section 2 indicates the date of the formation of the liquidation commission or the appointment of the liquidator.

9.5.3. Sections 1 - 7 are filled in relation to the head of the liquidation commission (if in Section 1, the value is 1) or the liquidator (if in Section 1 is added to 2).

9.5.4. Section 3 "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic" is filled with the provisions of paragraph 2.9.1 of these requirements.

9.5.5. Section 4 "INN" is filled with the provisions of clause 2.9.2 of these requirements.

9.5.6. In section 5 "Birth Information" indicate the date and place of birth of the head of the liquidation commission or the liquidator.

9.5.7. Section 6 "Data Certification Document" data is filled with the provisions of paragraph 2.9.5 of these requirements.

9.5.8. Section 7 "Address of Residence" is filled with the provisions of clause 2.9.6 of these requirements.

9.5.9. Section 8 "Contact Phone" indicates the phone number by which communication with the head of the liquidation commission or liquidator can be communicated.

9.6. The notice sheet "Information about the applicant" is filled with regard to an individual speaking by the applicant.

9.6.1. Section 1, the applicant is "in the field consisting of a single acquaintance, the corresponding digital value is affixed.

If the value is 1, sections 5 and 6 are filled.

If the value is 4, Section 2 is filled, Section 3 (if on behalf of the legal entity - the participant is the management organization), section 5, section 6.

If the value of 3 is affected, sections 4 - 6 are filled.

If the value is 4, section 6 is filled.

9.6.2. Section 2 "Information on the legal person - the founder (participant), which decided to liquidation" is filled in accordance with the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (against the founders (participants) of societies with limited or additional responsibility, economic partnerships, production cooperatives housing accumulative cooperatives).

9.6.3. Section 3 "Information about the management organization of a legal entity - participant" is filled in accordance with the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if in Section 1, the value of 2 has been affected with respect to the management organization of the legal entity - the participant who has decided to eliminate the liquidation.

9.6.4. In section 4 "Name of the body that made the decision" indicates information about the body of a legal entity that has decided to liquidate a legal entity.

9.6.5. Section 5 "The applicant information" is filled with regard to the provisions according to subparagraphs 2.9.1 - 2.9.3, 2.9.5, 2.9.6 of these requirements.

Paragraph 5.6 is filled in with regard to the provisions of paragraph of the fourth subparagraph 2.20.4 of these requirements.

9.6.6. Section 6 is filled with the provisions of clause 2.20.5 of these requirements.

9.6.7. Section 7 "Information about the person who witnessed the authenticity of the applicant's signature in a notarial order" is filled with the provisions of clause 2.20.6 of these requirements.

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