
Electronic map Okay. How to check the balance of the map of the Okay? Step - Getting Card

The network of hypermarkets Okay offers each client to take advantage of privileges and discounts that operate in the trading network. To gain access to the benefits of committing profitable shopping, it is necessary to become the owner of the permanent buyer's card Okay. The cost of acquiring a bonus card is 55 rubles and you can buy it at any company store.

Discount card

What discounts give a discount card store OK?

Personal discounts

The company makes the selection personal discounts and sends you to email or in an SMS message.

Discounts up to 50%

Discounts up to 50% are provided to those products that are located in the store's product catalog (replenishment and directory extension occurs every 2 weeks and offers buyers more than 300 items). The cards receive a catalog in the day before it appears in the hypermarkets network or on the site .

How to get a card ok and a discount?Privileges are provided by presenting a card when calculating purchases.

How is the calculation? Discount is not addressed to other discounts. If there are two and more discounts on the same products, then the highest discount is subject to use.

Discounts up to 30%

Discounts up to 30% are provided in the department of cosmetic and perfume products for branded leather care products and perfume.

How to get a discount? By presenting a permanent buyer card at the checkout. Purchase products are necessary only in the section "Cosmetics and Perfumery", located in one of the network of hypermarkets.

How is the calculation? The discount is not cumulative with other benefits on other special offers.

Discounts up to 20%

Discounts up to 20% applies to 3 cooked dishes: on the first dish, on home semi-finished products from the culinary department own production; Fresh baking from your own bakery. The range changes every two weeks.

How to get a discount? When calculating at the box office and the discount on products from the proposal department is distributed.

Discounts up to 10%

Discounts on the map in Okay up to 10% are offered in the "Cosmetics and Perfumery" department, as well as on the entire list of products of own production, alcohol products, baking.

How to get a discount? The discount is provided by presenting a card at the checkout and operates for 14 days: a week before and week after a birthday, as well as on the birthday itself. The provision of a discount is possible only in the case of proper instructions in the questionnaire about the date of birth.

How is the calculation? If two discounts are provided on the goods, then the maximum use is subject to the use. The discount does not apply if the cost of goods at a discount will be less than the minimum permissible price in accordance with the legislation.

How to use discounts?

After the acquisition, you must register and activate the OK hypermarket card in order to enjoy all the advantages. Discounts in the network of the hypermarket will be provided only if you correctly fill out the form for the OK card.

Be sure to fill the fields indicating contact number, email addresses, consent to receiving an advertising mailing, as well as a customer signature. When filling out a paper questionnaire in the store, it is processed within 21 days from the date of its transfer to the employees of the infocenter.

Registration of the OK card is possible on the site indicating its number and filling out all the necessary data.

To get a discount on acquisitions in a hypermarket, you must present a discount card at the checkout.

Shares on the map O'KEY

In the network of hypermarkets act permanent sharesoffering a discount on one or another products in the presence of a card permanent customer Okay<.>

  • Share with a map for all. Every two weeks in the store stores appear special offersThe product catalog is updated. The holders of the Card Okay are provided with the opportunity to become the first to familiarize themselves with the list of new goods, as well as products with a discount.
  • Promotion "Delicious breakfast". In the network of hypermarkets every day from 9 to 10 am you can have breakfast at a bargain price (a discount of up to 20% on products of our own production).
  • Action "Delicious Hour". The chain of stores invites every evening from 22.00 to 23.00 permanent buyers to dine with a 30% discount, which extends to its own production. Discount is valid from 22 pm to 7 am in stores with a round-the-clock mode of operation.
  • If the card is lost?

    Restore discount card is not subject to reconnaissance. In the case of its loss or damage is purchased new map At the cashier in the network of hypermarkets.

    About hypermarket

    Okay - the Russian network of hypermarkets, which is constantly expanding and developing. The network stores presents a wide range of products: food, including our own production, and non-food products (the list of goods has been represented by more than 64,000 items). In addition, service departments function in stores.

    Trading rows are constantly updated with new products of various price categories. Permanent buyers trading network proposes to take part in promotions. All over Russia has more than 112 shopping complexes. Stores are represented in 28 cities of the Russian Federation. Under the brand Okay, their own products are available: food and goods enjoyed by daily demand. The trade and advertising markup does not apply to these goods. And with a permanent customer card, shopping is becoming more affordable.

    Official website: http: //www.okmarket.ru; http: //okmarket.ru, okmarket.ru/stores/556 ;http://www.okmarket.ru/stores/556/;
    ATTENTION: Specify information by phone 8-800-250-00-08 (daily, 9: 00-23: 00)

    Okay gives its customers profitable terms Shopping. In addition to the shares and bonuses within the network, the holders of special products by Okay receive discounts on the loyalty program from partner companies.

    How to get a map of okay

    Okay discount card can receive each client network by purchasing products for a certain amount. To activate the map, you need to fill the special questionnaire at the checkout. Did you make purchases by 10 thousand rubles? Now you are entitled to become a member of the Club and get Gold map Okay. How many percent discount on cards? The holders of the standard card use discounts up to 5%, and club members - up to 30%.

    Gift cards

    Operate in network stores. Gift cards okay are effectively decorated and packaged so that you can give them your loved ones. You can replenish the card for any amount, and to rejugate - in any store, except for them. Fresh offer - electronic gift cards. Conditions are the same, only make out and give it without getting up from the chair, via the Internet.

      In Tomsk, there is a buyer loyalty program, in which you can accumulate balls when shopping in stores, currently in the affiliate program includes eighteen shops. In each store your percentage of perfect purchase. To see which companies are included in the loyalty program and what percentages are calculated.

      One bonus is equal to one ruble.

      What to find out how much you have already accumulated balls, you need to go to your personal account.

      You can also get a map on your family members and they will accumulate bonuses to your unified account.

      Do not forget to regularly view partners on this map, as they are regularly updated.

      Maps of the hypermarket Okay are not storage, that is, the bonuses on it do not accumulate for the purchase. When you go to the Okey store, in some products and products there is a price tag of an ordinary and special price tag with a discount for cardholders. Therefore, if you have a map, then some products and goods you can purchase a discount.

      If you are firmly convinced that the card is accumulative, then specify the balance at the store checkout.

      Everything is simple enough - first go to main page Okay: https://okeycity.ru/

      The only problem that may occur - you will not see the form for authorization, as it is so colorfully decorated that it does not stand out. You need to enter the card number and in your account you will see the balance. But how about this form looks like:

      This card has long and firmly ranked in wallets and business card holders of the inhabitants of the Nice City of Tomsk.

      Very in many stores and firms that provide any services, you can receive no bonuses when paying. Check the balance is easier than a paired turnip. Come on the offswice and enter the card number, no password is required. Find B. personal Area, look at the balance.

      You can find out your bonus account on the official website of this company. Here is a link.

      There you need to create your own account and activate the map.

      Now, when buying, you will accumulate bonuses, and check them through the Internet.

      After you get a map in the Okay network store you need to activate the card on the official website on this link, then you can view your accumulative balls in your account. If you do not want to register, then you can learn about the accumulated points on the checkout in the store.

      If you use the Okay card, then there is no one option to check the balance of the bonuses that have accumulated there.

      You can do this at the checkout in the store and the cashier will tell you how many bonuses have accumulated there.

      Also, this company has its own website on which you need to register and then your personal account will appear, and there you have the opportunity to find out the data on the bonuses on the card, also look at all your purchases, the story has been saved there.

      There are services there, but after registration it is required to activate there. bonus map. You need to go here and register. There are all news and information on shares.

      In order to answer all your questions related to the functioning of the card, the company has developed a website that is intended to answer as much as possible to all questions related to the use of the card, look here.

      You should most importantly check the history of your purchases and all the means that stayed on the map all this is easy to check in the settings of the card itself.

      The balance of the okay card can be easily found at the store's checkout, or in a branch office on the official website (here) after registration. There, it is also possible to keep the history of its purchases, as well as enjoy the possibilities that provide additional services, including receiving gifts, participate in promotions, etc.

      If you have at your disposal a QUOT card; Okay, then the size of the bonuses available on it can be recognized either in the store where this card Take, either on the Internet through a personal account by passing preliminary registration (card activation) on the company's official website, that is here.

    Okay - Network of hypermarkets

    More and more in the cities of Russia opens network hypermarkets that offer an extensive product range and other consumer goods. In a crisis, when prices are constantly growing and buyers are looking for ways to save money, and there is a need for rigid competition between trading networks, it is constantly the need for various stimulating events. These can be promotions, contests, draws, but most often the stores are resorted to the introduction of discount (discount) cards.

    Okay is one of the largest networks of stores. Its policy in pricing is built in such a way that a significant part of the goods are sold at a discount card discount, and the difference can achieve a substantial size. You must never pay attention that most price tags in the network stores contain two amounts - ordinary and discount. Moreover, the second is always printed with a larger font and noticeable from afar, which helps to attract the buyer's attention to a bargain price.

    How to get a customer card ok

    To purchase a map, just refer to the store's cashier. You can only need:

    1. fill out a special questionnaire that the cashier will be issued;
    2. pay a fee of 45 rubles.

    Discount card is issued only to adult buyers.

    Activate the discount card ok

    Official questionnaires for receipt discount card They can be processed until 21 days, but in fact you often have you already on the same day you can start using discounts of the store. To do this, do not forget to make a card at the checkout before all goods are broken.

    Discount card OK

    If for some reason you have purchased a map, but not filled in the store profile (or filled not all required fields), you can do it on the official website of the OK. You will need to enter the same data as indicated in the paper questionnaire:

    Here it will also be necessary to confirm its consent with the rules of the program and subscription to news from the store (if desired).

    Discount on the client map OK on birthday

    Size of discounts in stores OK

    Be sure to specify the right date of birth when the form will fill out. After that you can get an additional discount, it is provided not only to this number, but also 7 days before the birthday and the same day after. However, this promotion has a number of restrictions:

    1. discount applies only to strong alcohol, pastries and culinary network products;
    2. the ultimate cost of the goods is limited to him minimum costestablished by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    3. different discounts are not superimposed on each other, and automatically accrues the greatest;
    4. in the app store for smartphones, the use of a discount is impossible.

    Hypermarkets of this brand are known and loved in many cities of Russia. Representatives of the middle class with pleasure are serving here. The largest network of supermarket offers real help in saving budget, - the registration of the card on Okmarket.ru will take 5 minutes, after which you will be coming exclusively profitable purchases.

    Casual products for home, wardrobe items, shoes, office, foods require significant spending. At the same time, it is impossible to exclude such expenses, because they enter the list of mandatory. Save on freshness of products or strength of clothing is also inexpedient. One solution remains, - to acquire products in reliable stores and use discounts. In this manual, you will learn how to get and register the map of Okay, what privileges are provided to the participants of the program.

    A few words about the brand

    The company opens shopping centers throughout Russia. By 2018, OK hypermarkets operate in more than 20 cities and regions of the country. Prices are designed for consumers with an average income. What else attracts buyers:

    • An abundance of assortment
    • About 60 thousand items in the catalog. This includes provisions (meat, fish, grocery, milk and so on), cosmetics and household chemicals. Clothes and shoes for children and adults are also always available. Accessories, everyday items, stationery, - in the hypermarket there is everything you need for a comfortable life.
    • Verified products

    The company produces products under its own brand and supplies goods from reliable firms. All products are certified, there is a strict selection and meets the established standards.

    • Acceptable price level
    • The cost of 90% of the products presented is within accessibility for the average Russian.
    • Online store
    • Online orders of finished dishes and provisions, as well as other product groups help save time. Delivery is carried out quickly and gently.
    • Own bakery and kitchen
    • Fragrant odors in the hypermarket do not leave indifferent 9 out of 10 buyers. Cooking, salads, hot bread, is a lot more "with heat with heat."
    • Comfortable shopping
    • Spacious halls, order on the shelves and in refrigerators, friendly and qualified personnel, is well thought out to the smallest detail so that every consumer felt confidently, did not spend time and power in vain.
    • Caring for families with children
    • Pope and moms, grandparents know that it is difficult to twitch with the younger generation. The store administration also knows and takes into account this, and for the convenience of customers equipped shopping centers with bright children's playgrounds. Behind the children will look after you shop.
    • Promotions
    • The company has a loyalty program, a variety of draws and promotions are held. Registration of the map in Okay will help reduce daily food costs and reduce the cost of other acquisitions.

    We propose step-by-step instructions for designing and activating the discount. Learn the rules and conditions in order to fully use all the advantages of the bonus program from the largest network of department stores.

    1 step - receiving a card

    To become the owner of a plastic carrier with a barcode, giving benefits upon purchases, any adult citizen of Russia has the right. The map is issued at the ticket office of any trading point of the company after paying purchased products (the purchase amount does not matter). The contribution of the participant is 45 rubles.

    IMPORTANT! Discounts for this program are not summed up with other discounts operating in the store.

    2 Step - Registration Card Buyer Okay

    Register a card directly at the checkout, filling out a paper questionnaire. It will take 5 minutes, and the data processing will be required to 21 days. Much faster activation Accounts occurs if you register a map of the OK via the Internet. At any free time, go to the department of universes, open the appropriate section and make data (name, birthday, cell phone number, email address, discount number). Put a tick in the consent graph for personal information processing.

    IMPORTANT! Specify the date for the birthday language there are special bonuses and suggestions.

    3 step - receiving discounts

    Send plastic media at the cashier when making purchases and purchase network products on preferential terms. The rules of the bonus program are as follows:

    • 10% decreases the cost of buying on his birthday and 7 days before and after the solemn date. Discounts apply to alcoholic beverages, culinary products and baking;
    • Up to 30% markdown on cosmetics and perfume;
    • Up to 20% will be less expenses if you purchase prepared dishes and bakery products in the "Cooking and Bakery" department;
    • Up to 50% discount on other product categories.

    ATTENTION! This discount is used when paying for purchases, providing the right to receive goods at discounted prices. Bonuses on account are not credited, do not exchange products and products on the ruble equivalent.

    To know exactly what privilege is available from you, like a particular cardholder, it is recommended to start a personal account on the website WWW / OKMARKET RU: Map registration and subsequent use in this way easier and volumetric. Here you will receive personal offers for participation in other promotions, sending updates in the catalog, other recommendations.

    Step 4 - How to act in case of loss or damage to the discount media

    99% of the population came across the situation when the cards are lost or broken. It will not cause problems with the owners of the discount OK. The accumulated means are saved and you will be able to use them if you block the bill in a timely manner. Write a statement in the supermarket or leave an application on the site by opening the appropriate section. You will be given a new plastic carrier, which will need to re-activate. Discounts accrued at this point remain in force.

    We summarize: Participation in the OK hypermarket bonus program is not associated with difficulties and mines the costs of everyday use and food.

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