
When children's benefits are listed for February. Woman maternity leave and calculating his payment. If the newborn has disability

From January 1, 2017, Mrometa remained in the amount of 7,500 rubles. However, despite this, since January 1, changes occurred in the calculation of some "children's" benefits. How to consider "children's" benefits from January 1, 2017? What is the amount of benefits from January 1, 2017? Was the size of child care benefits? What sizes will refer to the "children's" FSS benefits from January 1? Answers to these and other issues related to children's benefits, as well as a table with new sizes you will find in this article.

Types of "Children's" benefits

To "children's" benefits are made to attribute payments regarding the birth of children. The list of "children's" manuals is provided in the Federal Law of 19.05.95 No. 81-FZ "On state benefits to citizens who have children", we will consider how from January 1, 2017 will change the size of the most frequently paid "children's" benefits, namely:

  • allowance for registration in early pregnancy;
  • one-time benefit at the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care benefits up to 1.5 years;
  • maternity benefits.

These benefits pay the employer. However, we note that a pilot experiment on the payment of benefits is held in separate regions of the Russian Federation directly from the FSS budget. FSS divisions in the experimental regions themselves are charged and paid "children's" benefits to employees. Cm. " ".

If an organization or IP has workers who are obliged to pay benefits for children, then the employer should know the size of children's aids from January 1, 2017.

Indexing benefits from January 1, 2017

The indexation of "children's" benefits from January 1, 2017 will not occur, since the legislators did not provide for the coefficient of such indexation. However, payments for children index from February 1, 2017, taking into account the consumer price index for 2016. In this regard, from January 1 to February 1, 2017, "children's" benefits should be paid in the same sizes as in 2016. Summarizing the "children's" manuals in the table from January 2017. These sizes have not changed.

However, some changes in the sizes of benefits from January 1, 2017, still will occur. We will tell about them further.

Monthly child care allowance to 1, 5 years

So, about the minimum size of a monthly child care allowance for up to 1.5 years we have been told (see table). The minimum size has not changed from January 1, 2017. This manual is not limited to the maximum size. However, the size of the average daytime earnings is limited from which the child care allowance is calculated.

The legislation provides that the size of the average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit may not exceed the amount of the limit values \u200b\u200bof the base for the accrual of insurance premiums for the two years preceding the occasion of the occurrence of child care leaves divided by 730 (h. 3.3 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of 29.12. 2006 No. 255-FZ). Therefore, in order to determine the maximum amount of average daytime earnings, such a formula is used:

Therefore, if pregnancy leave will begin in 2017, it is necessary to take the values \u200b\u200bof the limit values \u200b\u200bof the base to accrual contributions to the FSS for the 2015 and 2016. Recall that in 2015 the limit value of the base was equal to 670,000 rubles. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.12.14 No. 1316), and in 2016 - 718,000 rubles. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2015 No. 1265).

Taking into account the new values \u200b\u200bfor the limit base, in 2017 the maximum value of the average daytime earnings for calculating the manual is $ 1,901,37 rubles. (670 000 rubles. + 718 000 rubles.) / 730. Note that the exact value is 1901,3698630136 rubles, however In further calculations, we will use 1901.37 rubles.

Next, we calculate the maximum size of the average earnings for the whole month. To this end, it is required to multiply the average daytime earnings on the average monthly number of calendar days, equal to 30.4 (part 5.1 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). Total in 2017, the maximum average monthly earnings for calculating the benefit will be 57,801, 64 rubles. (1901,37 rubles. × 30,4).

Example. From January 16, 2017, the employee of Zoology LLC is aloneov A.S. goes on child care leave. Settlement period - 2015 and 2016 year. In 2016, 25 calendar days a woman was on a hospital, 124 days - on pregnancy and childbirth.

Salary for 2015 - 350,000 rubles, for 2016 - 240,000 rubles. The number of days in the design period is 582 days. (365 + 366 - 25 - 124). The average daily earnings - 1013,745704 rub. ((350 000 rubles. + 240 000 rub.) / 582 days.).

Therefore, a monthly child care allowance - 12 327.15 rubles. (1013,745704 rub. × 40% × 30.4 days.).

When a child care allowance for up to 1.5 years needs to be counted

Some accountants may have a question about whether from January 1, 2017 to recalculate already appointed child care benefits up to 1.5 years. The answer is no. No need to revise. The fact is that, as a general rule, the childcare allowance for 1.5 years is considered once - at the date of commencement of leave leave. Therefore, if the manual is appointed in 2016, then the allowance for the months of holidays that fall for 2017 should not be reviewed. That is, in 2017 it is necessary to pay a monthly benefit amount that was calculated in 2016.

However, keep in mind that a situation is possible when the benefits determined in 2016 may need. This can happen if a person breaks out a child care vacation for up to 1.5 years, and in 2017 it will again take the same vacation. And then the amount of child care benefits will need to be considered on the basis of new values. The fact is that the child care allowance is considered from the average earnings calculated in two calendar years preceding the year of the beginning of the childcare leave (part 1 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). Therefore, if a new vacation is drawn up in 2017, a new billing period should be taken into account: 2015 and 2016 (if the employee does not use the right to transfer the estimated period). As a result, the amount of benefits may differ from the one who paid before. Let us give an example.

Pregnancy benefit from January 1, 2017

Pregnancy and childbirth allowance that employs employers is not indexed annually. However, the maximum amount of the benefit will be more from January 1, 2017, since when calculating the manual, the accountant will need to take into account the new maximum value of the average daytime earnings.

Recall that maternity allowance is paid at a time and total for the entire period of maternity leave, which is (part 1 of Article 10 of Law No. 255-FZ):

  • 140 days (generally);
  • 194 days (with multiple pregnancy);
  • 156 days (with complicated childbirth).

Maximum benefit size

To calculate the maximum amount of maternity benefits from January 2017, it is necessary to take into account the maximum amount of average daytime earnings. It is considered according to the same formula as when calculating child care benefits up to 1.5 years (h. 3.3 of article 14 of Law No. 255-ФЗ). That is, in 2017, he will also be $ 1901.37 (670,000 rubles. + 718 000 rub.) / 730.

Thus, in 2017, the maximum sizes of maternity benefits refunded from the FSS will change and compose:

  • 266 191.8 rub. (1901,37 rub. Rub. × 140 days.) - In the general case;
  • 368 865.78 rub. (1901.37 rubles. × 194 days.) - with multiple pregnancy;
  • 296 613.72 rub. (1901,37 rubles. × 156 days.) - with complicated birth.

Minimum benefit

When calculating maternity benefits, the average day earnings cannot be less than the magnitude determined by the following formula (part 1.1 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ):

From January 1, 2017, the federal minimum wage has not changed and remained in the amount of 7,500 rubles. Cm. " ". Therefore, if pregnancy leave will begin in 2017, the minimum value of the average daytime earnings for the calculation of the maternity benefit will be 246.58 rubles (7500 rubles. × 24/730). This value is used for further calculation if it turned out to be more than the actual average day earnings of workers. The minimum sizes of maternity benefits in January 2017 are:

  • 34 521.20 rubles. (246.58 rubles. × 140 days.) - In the general case;
  • 47 835.62 rub. (246.58 rubles. X 194 days.) - with multiple pregnancy;
  • 38 465.75 rub. (246.58 rubles. X 156 days.) - with complicated childbirth.

Sizes of benefits from January 1, 2017: Table

The table presents the new sizes of the benefits from January 1, 2017 and compare the modified values \u200b\u200bsince 2016. New values \u200b\u200bin the table are highlighted.

Benefit 2016 year from January 1, 2017
Allowance for registration in early pregnancy581.73 rubles.581, 73 rubles.
One-time benefit at the birth of a child15 512,65 rub.15 512,65 rub.
Minimum monthly child care benefit up to 1.5 years
Care for the first child - 3000 rubles;
Care for the second child 5 817,24 rubles.
Maximum monthly child care benefit up to 1.5 years21 554,82 rub.23 120.66 rubles.
Minimum pregnancy benefit and childbirth 34 521.20 rubles. - in general;
47 835.62 rub. - Multiple pregnancy;
34 521.20 rubles- in the general case;
47 835.62 rub. - with multiple pregnancy;
38 465.75 rub. - with complicated childbirth.
Maximum size of maternity benefits 248 164 rub. - in general;
343 884.4 rub. - with multiple pregnancy;
276 525.6 rub. - with complicated childbirth.
266 191.8 rubles - in the general case;
368 865.78 rub. - with multiple pregnancy;
296 613,72 rub. - with complicated childbirth.

According to the statements of the authorities, in April, additional associates will be held to a level of 5.8%.

The exception will be military pensioners, since they receive pensions through power departments, and not the FIU, and have another order of accrual.

Employed citizens of retirement age indexation will not affect. The government decided to freeze indexing pensions working retirees for 3 years. The budget for 2017-2019 also does not provide for indexing funds. The Committees of the State Duma opposed such a decision, however, discussions on the return of indexation do not yet go.

Finally decided about one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubleswhich will be replaced by the second indexation. Almost all categories of pensioners will receive this payment, excluding those who constantly live abroad.

In 2016, the indexation of payments to citizens of the retirement age was just 4%Although the previous periods were carried out at the fixed inflationary level. According to statistical data, real inflation in 2015 reached the threshold 12.9%.

Indexation of social benefits

Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Lavrov called the magnitude social indexation . It will be 5.4 percentThis is exactly the same amounts to real inflation in the country over the past year.

Indexation was carried out on February 1, 2017. After that, social payments will automatically rise to the inflation rate.

Recall that recipients social payments Are: veterans of war, victims of the Chernobyl NPP, the heroes of Russia and the USSR and some other categories of the population.

Change of unemployment benefit in 2017

Poverty allowance

The Deputy Minister of Finance Tatyana Nesterenko said about the possible introduction of a new species.

According to Nesterenko, the greatest support now needs families who have, and where only one parents are employed.

It was also noted that before introducing new benefits There is a lot of work, which will be to develop and clarify the concepts and criteria of "needy" in support from the state, as well as in finding acceptable solutions.

Nevertheless, the discussion of this proposal was refuted by the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, who stated that the proposal was just the opinion of the ministry's staff.

Also sharply opposed Maxim Topilin, Minister of Labor and Social Protection. He declared the inappropriateness of the introduction of poverty benefits. According to him, the state pays many different, and the introduction of the new will be ineffective, and the available amounts must be sent to raising wages to reduce the amount.

Benefits to poor citizens

Members of the Civil Initiatives Committee at the end of November 2016 made a proposal to reform the system of state support of the low-income population. In their opinion, the main drawback in the existing position is the inefficient spending of funds. In other words, they receive those who do not need them. Because of this, payments do not solve the problem to which they are directed.

According to the proposal, from the list of needy you need to exclude citizens with certain property. For example, more than two heads, a land plot or a car under two years old.

For the rest, it is proposed to set targeted assistance. at least 25% of the subsistence minimum.

In support of the initiative, Mildrost and the Ministry of Finance spoke, and the Pension Fund began to develop the base of the population in order to identify the category of needy.

Terms of paying benefits for child care in 2017 can be extended

Another bill introduced the Chairman of the Committee on Family, Women and Children, O. Epifantsev to the State Duma. The head proposed to increase the period of provision of benefits child care from 1.5 to 3 years. The adoption of the law will allow mothers raising kids to receive during the holidays. The condition for providing such a right is the lack of space in the nursery group of preschool institution for a child.

According to the information received from the Ministry of Education on March 1, 2016 Pre-school education for children 3-7 years old amounted to about 98.97%. The situation is worse with the kids 1.5-3 years old. On the specified date in the queue to receive a place in the nursery stood about 193 thousand children.

In the current year, parents and the nearest relatives of the child who exercise actual care and not able to work for it had the right to make payout.

Size listing is 40% From the average salary of a person issuing payment. In some cases, the amount is fixed. On February 1, the minimum amount of payments on the first child amounted to 2908 rubles, and on the second and other children - 5817 rubles. Maximum possible payment is equivalent to 11384 rubles. Upon reaching 1.5 years of age The amount of payments is automatically reduced up to 50 rubles and is provided until the kid has been achieved for three years.

Maxim Topilin Minister Maxim Topilin said that the government does not discuss the possibility of this innovation, since there are no additional funds for implementation in the budget.

Enhance drug benefits for disabled children in 2017

The Ministry of Health has submitted a regular bill, according to the provisions of which the amount of benefits for the purchase of drugs and medical devices for in 2017 should be 800 rubles. The original document was posted on the portal of regulatory acts.

In the text of the sentence, it is necessary to establish the need to establish the standards of material expenses for one person, which issued assistance from the state in the form of providing medication, special products and medicinal powers, since the minimum amount of preliminary estimates will be 800.41 rubles.

According to preliminary information, when making this proposal by Parliament, it will enter into force at the beginning of 2017. For comparison, it should be indicated that this year the amount of payment was 755.55 rubles.

At the end of October, this bill was adopted. In this way, Medication benefits in 2017 will increase to 807.24 rubles.

Topilin promised to increase wage state budgets in 2017

The next statement was made by the Minister of Labor and Social Security, M. Topilin, saying that by 2017 budget employees will be added salary. The head noted that this should be done, guided by the decrees of the president. Topilin also reported that the funds on this article cost were not yet allocated, but the calculations were already produced and approved.

According to the official, the increase in wages to employees of this category is a priority direction in the social sphere, and this position is reflected in the package of presidential decrees signed in May 2012.

According to the self-definition, state employees are citizens who have official employment in state-owned companies and departments. According to preliminary information, wage indexing Such a group of citizens in 2017-2020 will be no less 5.3 trillion rubles, including 3.5 trillion rubles from the federal budget. The increase should take place on the level of inflation. In turn, analysts also had calculations, as a result of which the total amount of increasing the salary of workers in this category will be 2.3 trillion rubles.

Prior to that, the first deputy minister of Finance T. Nesterenko reported that without certain changes in the state economy, by the end of the next year, the reserves run out, and the leadership would not have the ability to pay accruals even while maintaining the minimum salary level that exists now.

Electronic hospital

From July 1, 2017 Begins the transition from paper sick leave to the electronic version. At the moment, the pilot version of the project acts in 6 entities, where high efficiency is shown. According to the results of the experiment, it was decided to introduce ubiquitous use.

Positive aspects hospital sheets in electronic form Called:

  • ease of filling and correcting emerging errors;
  • increased document flow rate;
  • reducing the risk of fake document.

For several years, a transitional period will be carried out during which the patient will be able to choose a method for designing a hospital sheet.

Increase Mrot

At the end of 2016, a bill was adopted, according to which in 2017 an increase is expected. The provisions of the law establish a new amount at the mark 7800 rublesthat is 300 rubles higher than this.

The law will take effect from July 1, 2017, it will be involved in its implementation from the budget 6.8 billion rubles.

However, the government is discussing on the possibility of improving minimum payment. Among the proposals:

  1. Marot size equation and subsistence minimum.
  2. Introduction of the minimum hourly wage.
  3. Self-establishment by regions of the level of minimum wage depending on the cost of living in a particular region.

At the end of May, the Government for consideration made a bill on increasing Mrots to the level of PM. The increase will be conducted in 2 stages - 90% from PMS 2018 and 100% From January 1, 2019.

Expanded Category of Recipients Feed Loss benefits

According to the draft law, children, whose parents are unknown, equal in rights with orphans and having one of the parents. This category of children will be paid, which was not previously done according to the law, but could only be established by the court decision.

Regarding the necessary funds for the implementation explained Valentina Matvienko. According to her, the required amount in the amount of 112 million rubles Can be allocated from the budget of the Pension Fund.


As a result, you can formulate several conclusions:

  1. Increasing the pension benefits in accordance with the current legislation may occur already in February of next year, and the advantage of payments in the current year will take place by 5.4%.
  2. The draft law on revision of order was adopted unemployment benefits payments and an increase in the list of enumeration.
  3. Children, whose parents are not installed, will receive benefits for the loss of the breadwinner.
  4. Baby manuals in 2017 On the purchase of drugs and medical specialists can be 800 rubles. Payment will be carried out monthly in the prescribed amount.
  5. In 2017 it is assumed indexation of benefits and wages of employees of budget enterprisesHowever, the final decision on whether the salary will increase, not accepted.
  6. From July 1, the size will be elevated Mrots up to 7800 rubles.
  7. Mintruda set the task for the regions, according to which each employee of employment centers is obliged to employ at least 77 citizens for the year.
  8. Support for poor citizens will become targeted and will increase in size.

Russian legislation provides for a whole system of measures to support families in which children are born and grow. Among them are all sorts of children's benefits. They have their own specifics: differ in size, appointment conditions and timing.

Early pregnancy allowance

This can get a future mother if registered for the 12th week of pregnancy. In 2015, this one-time payment is 543.67 rubles.

It is paid at the place of residence or at work on the basis of a certificate from the medical institution, which puts the woman to record.

In what numbers will list this manual depends on when the certificate is submitted. Usually, documents are served with papers on the benefit on the BIR, and the transfer of money will come to the nearest salary.

Fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise to women social protection will list funds no later than the 26th day of the next month.

Learned parents receive benefits for children in social service at the end of the month

Baby allowance

Which is carried out without exception to families with a newborn baby, now amounts to 14,497 rubles. Employed parents receive her at work, and non-working or students - in the social protection of the population. Documents should be submitted until the child has been achieved by a child.

If the mother does not work, and the father is employed, then it is for ten days money charges.

Social security charges funds under the same conditions as the rest of the manuals - up to the 26th of the month, which goes after the month of submission of documents for payment.

Maternity benefit

Or "male" money is paid only to mothers who have an OMS policy.

The manual is considered to be an average day salary (for unemployed there are fixed rates) multiplied by the number of days spent on vacation. It is paid at once the entire amount for the entire vacation period.

What way and what number will this children's benefit lists you depends on the internal orders of your organization. By law, this should happen in a salary day. Money can be issued in cash or translated on the card.

Employed payments are charged with salary

Child care allowance

This payment is divided into two stages: up to 1.5 years and up to 3 years. Up to one and a half years, you monthly pay 40% of your average income. The following year and a half - only 50 rubles per month.

Receive it can no longer only mommies, but also other relatives. The main thing is that they care about the child.

Accrual time is the dates of your salary at the enterprise. Disabled persons (for which there is a fixed amount of payments with a permissible law minimum and maximum) allowance is paid to any other date.

Monthly benefit on children

It is prescribed and paid by the social space, starting. In some cases, it can be extended to the age of majority.

This is a monthly allowance. Since local social protection is responsible for it, then the day of payments in each municipality is yours. The size varies from 800 to 300 rubles, depending on the region.

The accrual of "children's" money depends on the type of benefit and the date of its design

Can delay payments?

Delays in the accrual reached a month and a half. Regional authorities wrote off this in the absence of funds until the federal center intervened in the spring. From mid-2015, the situation is more or less normalized, but in some subjects of the Russian Federation, payments are observed so far.

According to statistics, 90% of payments occurred from 23 to 10. However, at the end of 2014, parents from completely different regions of the country began to complain about the irregular nature of payments.

If the manual is paid through the employer, then most likely, you will get it on the day of salary. If social protection is engaged in payments, payments will depend on the date of the manual.

In Russia, families in which children are raised, can count on several types of child benefits, as well as other measures of social support of citizens. This is especially true of low-income families. Each manual, depending on where it is issued, has its own size, the order of appointment, the conditions of charge and the transfer time to the account of the parents. Let's find out how many children's benefits are charged in 2019.

What is the number of maternity benefits and childbirth

Maternity allowance can be paid only to officially employed women, full-time students (in the amount of scholarship) and pregnant women dismissed not previously previously preceding 12 months due to the liquidation of the company or bankruptcy. The basis for the accrual of funds will be a hospital sheet for pregnancy and childbirth and an application for the name of the leadership. Disabled submit documents to USSN.

The amount of benefits is calculated as 100% of the middle salary of a woman or paid in the form of a fixed amount of students, dismissed and women without working experience. According to the legislative standards, one-time payment on the BIR must be issued to a woman on a salary day. Sometimes the employer pays money on the last working day before leaving.

Uszn bodies charge money no later than the 26th of the next month following the month of granting the paper.

What number charges the manual for early registration in female consultation

The manual appointed for early appeal to gynecology for registration for monitoring the course of pregnancy is a kind of surcharge to the maternity benefit and childbirth and relies with the pregnant women who managed to celebrate in the female consultation or district clinic before the 12 obstetric week of pregnancy. Payment size - 613 rubles 14 kopecks.

In order to qualify for the manual, you need to make a certificate from a gynecologist or an obstetress, as soon as you first appear on the reception in order to register. The document is presented to the employer (if a woman is officially employed), in the social protection authorities (if a woman is trained in full-time in a university, or she was fired during the previous 12 months from the liquidated or bankrupt enterprise) or to the social insurance fund (if a woman is a project participant "Direct payments", or if the employer evades the payment of benefits for the lack of funds in the account).

The transfer time will depend on when a woman filed a pregnancy and childbirth deposit, this manual is paid simultaneously with the payroll. As a rule, funds are issued in the coming day of salary. If the money pays the Usn authority, the funds will be on the account no later than the 26th of the next month following the month of submission of the application.

What is the number of children's benefits at the birth of a child

In the event that the woman does not work officially, and the father of the newborn has a permanent place of work, it should be engaged in the design of a one-time allowance at the birth of a child.

The right to one-time allowance on the occasion of the birth of a baby is available in every family, in which a child appeared, regardless of social status, the fact of the availability of work, financial consistency and completeness of the family. Benefit size - 16 350 rubles 33 kopecks.

Those parents who are officially working on hiring should apply for payment to the accounting department at the place of work. Disabled and unemployed citizens are applying for social protection authorities or a multifunctional center. You need to have time for paying, while the baby has not been fulfilled one and a half years.

The payout will be working on the nearest salary day after applying. USN bodies will consider the documents and, in the case of a positive decision, transfer funds to the 26th of the next month following the months of submission of documents.

What number are charged children's benefits for child care

This manual can be appointed not only the mother, but also to his father, grandmother and another relative, who will actually carry out the care of the child. The only grandmother will receive money only if it works, or if the mother of the child died or is in prison. In other cases, pensioners cannot receive a child care allowance.

The manual is paid in 2 stages - until the kid of one and a half years old and before the age of 3 years old. The manual decorated at the place of work will be 40% of the average income of the recipient. In USN, the amount will be accrued in the minimum size - 3065 rubles 69 kopecks for the first child and 6131 ruble 37 kopecks - For the second, third and each subsequent child.

Payment from the employer will go on the day of salaries, USSN allowance can be regularly accrued on any day of the month, depending on the solution of local authorities.

What number are charged children's benefits

All regions provide additional benefits for children to 16 (or schoolchildren to 18) years. Usually the right to pay the poor families in which children aged 3 years before the specified age are raised. Its size depends on the possibilities of the regional budget.

The terms of transfer of money for the applicant's account depends on the decision of the regional authorities, for this the regional branch of the social protection bodies of the population is responsible.

Can delay child benefits

Previously, the delay in the payment of children's benefits could continue until 1.5 months, forcing mothers to occupy funds for the content of newborns from acquaintances. Local authorities explained this by the fact that the required amount of money was absent in the region's budget. The Federal Center conducted an investigation, after which the situation has stabilized, but in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation delays occur still.

Usually payments from social protection occur from the 23rd number of each month, most often the day of the accrual monthly and one-time allowance becomes the 26th number of the month.

Legislative acts on the topic

Typical errors

Error: Parents filed an application to the social protection authorities for children's benefits, and the next day they call to find out why funds were not listed on the expense.

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