
What is the most profitable credit card now. Credit cards. Credit Cards: The Best of Russian Banks

Favorable credit cards allow a long-term use of borrowed money and not pay interest, provide the ability to receive cachek, bonuses, discounts and various privileges. Clients are not easy to choose, in which bank it is better to make a profitable credit card. Lots of offerings in the market. To navigate in them will help an overview of the most interesting products.

The top profitable credit cards compiled by us will help not spend time on the study of the descriptions of hundreds of products and pick up the most advantageous credit card with a grace period, cachekkom or cash withdrawal. We analyzed most of the banks of Russia and allocated Top-15. Banks offering best conditions In 2020.

Credit card Platinum with Cachebank to 30% of Tinkoff - the best review of real people

Platinum - The most profitable credit card from Tinkoff Bank. This is confirmed by numerous revocation of real people. It can have a credit limit up to 300 thousand rubles. At the same time, it issues its bank without confirmation of income, which allows you to receive a credit card not only to people working on hiring, but also by self-employed, entrepreneurs, retirees and even students.

The main advantages of the most popular credit card in Russia

  • Cashback - up to 30%. The basic amount of remuneration is 1%, but on special offers it increases to 3-30%.
  • Grace-period - Up to 55 days. The card is beneficial to use for purchases, it is on them that there are conditions of preferential lending.
  • Cheap service - 590 r. / Year. Moreover, the Bank does not charge the fee if the client did not use the card.
  • Possible issue of "Angle"which can be conveyed to relatives for joint expenditures from the credit account and receiving bonuses, as well as to use independently for security purposes, for example, when purchases on the Internet. Pay for their release or service does not have to.
  • Easy I. rapid receipt Without visits to the office. Online registration of the application takes 5-15 minutes, approve it in a few hours, and the courier will deliver plastic and documents to any settlement of the Russian Federation for 1-7 days.

Credit card "120 days without payments" in the bank Opening

Pretty unique credit card for the Russian Federation. The most profitable condition of the bank invites those who want to make purchases on credit, but to pay for them later, and without percent. By credit card "120 days without payments" It is not necessary to make minimal payments every month, but for the lack of overpayment, it is enough to pay off debt to the end of the Grace period lasting up to 120 days.

Why it is necessary to arrange "120 days without payments" of the Bank Opening:

  • Service cost In 1200 r. / year you can easily return. If you spend not less than 5000 r. For a month, the bank will return to 100 r.
  • Cash credit Limita Can be removed without commission. You can use any ATMs to receive them, but this rule does not act on translations.
  • Rules of preferential lending Act on all purchases. They do not apply to cash withdrawal and similar operations.
  • When requesting a limit to 100 thousand rubles, the Bank issues a credit card without confirmation of salary size. Income in this case can be confirmed by a marker in a passport of a recent trip abroad or with the help of PTS / STS per car ownership.
  • Credit limit - up to 0.5 million rubles. At the same time, you can get a card with a minimum percentage of annual at 13.9%.

Cashback MTS Credit Card with Big Grace

Credit and Debit CashBack MTS Credit Card Produced with a lending limit to 300 thousand rubles. The release of it will cost only 299 rubles. One time, but in the future no obligatory regular payments for maintenance are provided. This will make it profitable to use it for the entire validity period.

5 reasons to issue a CashBack credit card

  • High cachek in supermarkets. It is accrued in the amount of 5%, similar remuneration is provided for paying for gas stations and in cinemas. For all other expenses, the Bank will return to a bonus account of 1% of the amount.
  • You can use not only borrowed, but also our own money. Cashback will be accrued anyway. Optionally, to get it in debt.
  • No references for registration of the contract are not needed. Only passport will be required.
  • A grace period for costs in retail outlets up to 111 days. Pay interest when repaying the debt before its end does not have to.
  • Special conditions for use own funds. You can shoot them for free in the ATMs of all banks of the world, to translate into third-party banks in total for 15 rubles.

Map Alsera Raiffeisenbank with Cachebank 5% for all purchases

What is the most profitable credit card for receiving a cachek from all purchases in 2020? In our opinion, this is a credit card with a favorable percentage of cachekak at all allows you to return to 5% of the cost of any purchases. Calculate the remuneration of points, which can then be exchanged for money. Additionally, the credit card has a number of pluses:

  • Making purchases on credit, you can not pay interest when repaying the debt in grace-period lasting up to 52 days.
  • When designing enough to present passport, and the credit limit can reach 600 thousand rubles.
  • Online application is usually considered no more than 5 minutes., and you can get plastic not only in the departments of Raiffeisenbank, but also with free shipping.
  • Additional discounts up to 30% From the partner companies on the program "Discounts for you."
  • If you want to emphasize your individuality, then you can order plastic with own design.
Application and conditions of Raiffeisenbank

Alfa Travel Credit Map - the most profitable traveler credit card

Alfa Travel - Credit Card of the Visa Signature Premium Category with the best conditions for those who often make trips to Russia and to other countries. It combines at once 3 types of benefits for often traveling:

  • High cachek miles. It will be up to 9% on the portal Alfa Travel and up to 3% - for all other expenses. The accumulated miles are easy to spend on various services for tourists.
  • Profitable terms. Service cost - from 1290 r. / Year, the credit limit can reach 500,000 - 700,000 rubles, regardless of the perfect operations on all of them are provided with an interest-free period of up to 60 days.
  • Set of privileges for travelers. It includes concierge service, free luggage packaging with flights, unlimited internet on trips, discounts on business taxi, other privileges.

Profitable OpenCard Bank Opening with Cachebank to 11%

OpenCard. - Credit card with favorable conditions under the loyalty program. It can be obtained by cachex to 11% in 1 category and 1% or return up to 3% per bonus account. You can change the settings of the loyalty program every month.

What gives an OpenCard Bank Opening Offer

  • No need to pay for the service. And the Commission for the release of 500 p. The bank returns a bonus account. Perhaps this is the best deal with free maintenance.
  • Profitable credit card without interest Allows you to use money to 55 days. This rule applies to any spending in retail outlets and online stores.
  • It is possible to design without salary certificates. Confirm revenues can be indirectly with the help of PTS / STS per car or passport.
  • Favorable conditions for lending. The minimum rate is 13.9%, and the individual limit provided financial institutioncan reach 500000 p.

Credit card BRS Platinum with free cash removal

Credit card Platinum - Favorable offer from the Bank of Russian Standard. In the first 30 days after it is received, permissible free to remove cash. You can use the ATMs of any credit institutions to receive them.

5 benefits of BRS Platinum credit card

  • Cacheback programwhich allows you to return 5% of the amounts spent in 3 categories to choose from, and 1% - on other spending.
  • Discounts I. special offers From partner companies to help save when purchases of goods and services.
  • Program interest-free installment For a period of 2 years on purchases from partner companies.
  • Cheap service - 590 r. / Year.
  • For the payment of goods and services acts grace period up to 55 daysAnd the credit limit can be up to 300 thousand rubles.
Credit Card Russian Standard

Cashback map of the East Bank - one of the best in Russia

Next, one of best offers of all - Bank Cashback Bank East. It allows you to independently choose 1 out of 5 options cachek and receive up to 10% of the increased remuneration immediately in several categories and 1-2% for all other spending.

In addition to the attractive cachek program, there is still a number of reasons to issue a credit card "Cashback":

  • Instant and free service. The bank will take 1000 rubles for issuing a card, but there are no additional obligatory commissions in the future.
  • Credit limitwhich is enough for any purchases. It can reach 400 thousand rubles and is determined individually for each client.
  • Low rate - from 24%. At the same time, the purchase is given up to 56 days of the Grace period.
  • The ability to use not only borrowed, but also your own money. With their spending, they will also pay cachek, as well as their balance bank charges up to 4%.
  • Apartments available without incorrecting income. All borrowers over 26 years old can take this opportunity when you request any amount of the credit limit.

Credit card Ubrir 240 days with the largest preferential period in Russia

A profitable interest-free credit card from Ubrir allows you to use borrowed money up to 240 days and do not pay interest. It is produced as people working on hiring and IP. The decision on request, the Bank takes within 30 minutes, and access to borrowed money is activated the next day.

A number of additional advantages makes a banknotes from Ubrir even more attractive:

  • Cacheback program. It allows you to return to 40% of purchases in partner companies, 10% from expenses in categories defined by the bank and 1% for everything else.
  • You can shoot without a cash commission from the credit limit. Every month you can remove free of charge to 50,000 rubles.
  • When spending from 60000 rubles per month, you do not need to pay for the service of plastic. The release of it is always free.
  • The possibility of release without confirmation of income. If the limit is requested to 100,000 p., Then the salary certificates are not needed.

Rosbank's banknote "# 120Punol" with a big grace period without percent

"# 120Podnol" - Credit card with favorable conditions of the grace period. It allows you to make purchases at the expense borrowed money And repay the debt without percent up to 120 days.

What are the favors of Rosbank's conditions:

  • Free service With the cost of only 15 thousand rubles. per month or more.
  • Credit limit Can reach 1 million rubles.
  • Available to use own funds With free removal of them in ATMs Rosbank.
  • When requesting a limit to 100,000 rubles. For registration, only a passport will be required.

Renaissance credit card - One of the most profitable free offers from Russian banks. It is released for free and can be obtained in the office or through the courier. The decision on the application takes no more than 1 hour.

The main advantages of the Renaissance credit card

  • For registration is optional certificate of incomebut if it is presented you can get more profitable terms lending.
  • Cacheback bonus program up to 10% in stock categories and 1% - for all other expenses.
  • Can be performed shopping on credit and not pay interestIf you repay debt to the end of a grace period lasting up to 55 days.
  • Discounts OT payment system Mastercard When paying in partner companies.
  • Credit limit can reach 300,000 rubles., And the basic bet is set at a level of 19.9% \u200b\u200bper annum.

Alpha Bank Credit Card for Favorable Cash Removal from Cards

Alfa Bank It offers the best conditions on a credit card for those who want to use borrowed money and not overpay. A long grace period is valid not only for purchases, but also to all other operations. Its duration can reach 100 days, including on cash withdrawal in ATMs. From this point of view, this is one of the most profitable products for those who plan to shoot cash In ATMs.

It is worth noting another number of advantages of Alpha Bank credit card

  • Every month is possible remove from the credit limit to 50,000 rubles and not pay for their issuance.
  • Approved credit limit Can reach 500,000 - 10,000,000 rubles.
  • For reliable borrowers, the rate is set at a level of from 11.99%.
  • maybe registration by one passport When requesting a limit for a small amount.
  • Even students can arrange a credit card it is issued from 18 years.

Free credit card by installments Halva Sovcombank

"Halva" - This is a universal card. Initially, it is intended for purchases into interest-free installments from partners, but at the expense of options can be used both as a credit or debit card. According to real reviews on the Internet, the product is greatly popular with both working citizens and pensioners.

The main advantages of the "Halva" card

  • No Release Board, Service.
  • You can do purchases in installments and pay for them without overpaying up to 18 months.
  • When using your own funds, you can receive additional income to the residue - up to 6.5%.
  • Cashback for paying your own money - up to 6% in partner companies and 1% - for all other spending.
  • Bonuses S. cachebank up to 35% and an increase in installments for any purchase for 1 year.
  • Free Removal own funds in devices of any credit institutions.

Card Credit Plus - Favorable offer Credit Europe Bank

Card Credit Plus. - A credit card on favorable terms allows you to make purchases on credit. If you pay for a grace period lasting up to 55 days, it will not be necessary to pay interest. Additionally, for each purchase, the bank instantly accrues cachek, which can be spent immediately. The amount of remuneration will be 5% when purchasing clothes, shoes, various goods and services in the categories "Health" and "Entertainment", as well as when paying for accounts in the restaurant. In other cases, Cashback will be 1%.

Additional benefits Card Card Credit Plus

  • Free service Without any conditions and requirements.
  • Ability to make free cash In ATMs outside of Russia.
  • There is a installment program for up to 1 year to purchase in partner companies.
  • Credit limit Can reach 600,000 p.
  • Access to MasterCard discounts and privileges.
Card Card Credit Plus

Credit Card Yandex.Plus for online shopping and payment

Yandex.Plus credit card It offers the best conditions for cachekku for active users of the company's Internet services. She is released by Tinkoff or Alpha Bank for choosing a client. Both banks are ready to deliver it to the client.

Advantages of Yandex.Plus credit card

  • Return 169 r. per month for subscribing Yandex.Plus at expenses from 5000 p. per month.
  • Cachek 5% For entertainment, training and sporting goods, and for everything else - 1%.
  • Increased to 5% Cashback on Yandex services, and in one of them it will be 10%.
  • Free shipping goods when shopping at Beru.ru in the amount of 500 p.
  • Discounts In Yandex services.
  • Up to 55 days of Grace-period on card purchases Tinkoff and up to 60 days for all operations - on the Alpha Bank credit card.
  • Rate - from 11.99% in Alpha Bank and from 15% - in Tinkoff.
Application for credit card Yandex.Plus

How to choose the most advantageous credit card?

The amounts of expenses, their nature and the situation of each person as a whole are individual. Choose a suitable credit card must be given all its nuances and their own wishes.

Choosing which credit card is more profitable, special attention It is necessary to pay the following points:

  • Service cost. It makes sense only for large and regular expenses to spend a significant amount for plastic maintenance, provided that the Commission does not "eat" all the benefits of cachek and bonuses.
  • Cacheback size. It defines directly what part of the funds spent on the purchase will be able to return.
  • Duration of the grace period. If you plan to make large purchases on the card, then it is more interesting to make products with a maximum credit limit. With daily spending with a credit card, more attention should be paid to cachekku.
  • Operations on which the grace period acts. Sometimes without cash, it is impossible to do without it. But these operations have preferential crediting conditions not all financial organizations.
  • Commission for cash withdrawals. It can be quite large. If the cash is scheduled to be removed from the credit card, it is better to choose food, where there is no cash payment fees or it is minimal.

Profitable credit cards - Excellent tools for convenient use of borrowed money. At the same time overpay is completely optional, and if you choose a credit card with cachekkom and / or bonuses, then from the use of funds credit organization You can even get additional savings.

Rising competition in the banking sector contributes to the emergence of a large number of banknotes offered by the agencies of the banking sector to the population. Almost every retail bank has several proposals in its arsenal, which can satisfy requests not only those who need credit funds. New services and bonuses appear for card holders.

What conditions on credit cards are considered attractive

If you briefly characterize all plastics on the return loans market, you can select the following categories, according to which you can choose a product depending on what the client wants to receive in addition to the borrowed funds:

  • Maps with an increased preferential period. Now Grace - a period of 50 days is difficult to surprise anyone, so there are proposals from banks offering an increased limit of interest-free use of 100 days and higher;
  • Plastics with the possibility of accumulating own agents and receiving the balance on them comparable at the rate with deposit accounts;
  • Cards with cachek function. When shopping in stores and on sites, the client has the ability to return from 1 to 30% of funds to the account at the end of the settlement period, depending on the selected seller's category;
  • Cards with free release and service;
  • Banknotes with the possibility of free cash. The era of cards as a means of paying through the terminals goes into the past and now many banks offer to use the credit card as an ordinary wallet;
  • Bonus cards. Buying goods, get bonuses that can be spent on the purchase of free services from the bank's partners. Most often it is a mile that can be changed on flights in airlines or additional services from the carrier;
  • Maps with the possibility of receipt without providing information about income, so-called cards for two documents;
  • Additional services, such as urgent release, free shipping at the specified address, mail or ability to open a savings account, release free additional credit card.
  • Installation cards. A special type of credit cards for which you can make purchases in partner stores, paying the debt to equal shares without interest in percent for up to 1 year.

Top Credit Cards 2017

Tinkoff card

Tinkoff Bank offers its customers a wide range of cards with the ability to receive cachek up to 30% of the purchase amount. Loyally refers to the bank and to the terms of the loan, when it is not necessary to fill in the form of 2-NDFL form, and the card is manufactured for 2 days and is delivered by the courier. The decision on the extradition of plastic is accepted 3-4 hours after filling out the application. By the way, another option that has not been written is written, but is meant by default - all retail banks offer plastics design online on sites and use of mobile and Internet bank without commission.

The Bank's loan percentage offers from 12.9% per annum, the grace period, the ability to accumulate miles with the Tinkoff Airlines card.

The best among his credit cards itself is positioning a platinum card with servicing 590 rubles a year and a limit of 300,000 rubles.

All offers Tinkoff has as a plus the possibility of transition, simply speaking, refinancing the credit of another bank with reduced rate on loan.

100 days without% of alpha groups

Alpha Bank released a card 100 days without%, which means an increased Grace - the period during which you can not pay for the service of the loan, including when disarming in cash. See also: .

Specifically, the conditions of the grace period are necessary in small font, but even a monthly contribution of 5% of the amount of debt does not make this card worse. The credit rate is from 23%, and the maintenance is very high and depends on the status - from 1 to 6 thousand rubles per year. The loan limit is provided in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles, but depends on personal information filed by the client.

VTB 24 and its free plastic

VTB 24 released the Matryoshka map by offering its Kashbek users to 3% for all purchases, except for payment of mobile and other transactions that are not related to the purchase of services.

The first year of the card can be used for free, from the second, the same condition is observed if we pay monthly with a card of 10,000 rubles. That it is quite elementary can be achieved if you buy products in the nearest store and pay the numerous bills from housing and communal services.

The loan rate will be 24%, and the amount of the maximum loan from the bank in the amount of 350,000 rubles can be increased to 750000 with active use in six months.

The grace period will be 50 days, and plastic itself is manufactured by the visa and mastercard systems.

A loan in the amount of up to 150,000 rubles can be issued on two documents, one of which is a mandatory passport of the Russian Federation, and the other to the choice of SNILS, foreign document, driver's license or military ID.

Platinum benefit from home loan

The card with the "benefits" from the bank "Home Credit" right occupies a place in this honorable list thanks to a preferential period, the ability to participate in the bonus accumulative program of use. The loan rate is higher than that of other proposals 29.9%. And the cashing is envisaged only nominally, since for this option will have to pay about 4% of the amount of deasure.

The loan is issued without information in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles, and the bonus program provides for the return of money in a quotation 1Bull \u003d 1 ruble. You can get 10% cachek, making purchases in partner stores online.

Free Wallet from Renaissance

Renaissance credit offers a card with free maintenance.

A preliminary solution is issued in 10 minutes from the date of application, and an increased cachek is 10% and the ability to not pay for the service without any conditions makes an offer beneficial for those who need a credit card just in case or for a black day.

The limit is set within 200,000, and the loan rate is calculated from 24 to 29%.

Plastic product It is possible to pick up in any of the specified separations by the client.

Deposses by installments

Installation cards. Three credits were hit this category - "", "conscience" and installment card from the same "HC". The differences in the cards are, but the fundamental similarity is one thing - you can pay for purchases in partner stores, the number of which today reaches 20,000, and then payments to the installation of equal parts of the purchase without an additional commission. In fact, the scheme works like this: bought the goods for 10,000 rubles, and the term of supply at a preference period is 4 months, it means that when buying in December of this year, from January to April, it is necessary to make 2500 rubles to your account. There is no minimum amount and commissions, but they occur only in case of late debt repayment. There is no opportunity to remove cash, but there is cachek, and from October of this year the program "10 months on everything" has been launched. That is, all goods purchased in November and December can pay for 10 months. Cards are delivered by courier, and "HC" offers to visit the nearest branch.

What you need to know about banknotes

Before designing a plastic credit card, it is necessary to carefully examine all the terms of the contract, and if the application is sent via the Internet, then not be lazy and print or open all tariffs. Hidden commissions, life insurance agreements that reduce the interest on the loan, the conditions for using the free grace period and the term of "non-heard" cachekov and bonus points Frequently written in small font or between the lines.

One thing is necessary to remember: absolutely free loans with the possibility of using the card, as the calculated, that is, at all without limitation does not exist.

A decision should be made to which goals should be purchased. Will it be used as a means of acquiring goods to salary - then it is possible to stop the selection on the map with free maintenance. If you plan to actively use just like a wallet with money making function - we advise you to consider proposals in which the cost of returned cachekov will cover the maintenance or conditions under which it will be free.

Wishes like not to punish yourself financially

Finally, several proposals that will help avoid unnecessary spending.

  1. Partner cachek - sometimes it can be a means of attracting network users or retail stores. The benefit of 10% may not be such a "profitable", if a similar product stands in a neighboring store by 15% cheaper.
  2. The activation of the card may lead to the beginning of its action, whistling the commission for SMS - alerts. So if the card is purchased for a specific goal, for example, to vacation, and make it active at the right time.
  3. Check the balance by removing the means. So confused percentage is registered in many treaties, which is better to check, maybe then a rapid removal of money in a third-party bank can be postponed.

Credit limit

The most common offers with a lending limit within 200,000 - 500,000 rubles. Large sums Available on more high status products. To obtain such a credit card, it will be necessary to prove its labor employment and financial consistency.

Interest rate

The interest rate begins from 20%. There are suggestions and with a lower cost of the loan. If the price of borrowed funds is below the specified value, it means that you need to carefully examine the tariffs for performing operations, fines for delay and so on.

When cash, the rate will definitely higher than the price borrowed moneyused for cashless calculation.

Grace period

An interest-free period is a period when it is allowed to use borrowed money for free. Often it is 50-60 days. It is important to specify how it is the countdown, from which date: not always the Grace-period is counting from the moment of the purchase.

Service fee

The service fee is held monthly either once a year. The higher the class of the product, the more privileges he will give, but the more expensive it will cost.

Budget - nonienneous, without chip - options are often offered either by minimum cost Service, or at all with a zero commission.

CashBack size and conditions

Cashback is the percentage of the purchase price returned to the card holder. The most common Cashback is 0.5-1%.

Some issuers give larger percentage (up to 5-7%) for spending committed in certain categories.

Increased bonuses can provide friends of the bank. The higher the status of the card, the more favorable cachek will receive its holder.

The main problem of cachek - its currency. If the bonuses are credited to the account in the form of a national currency, they can be spent as ordinary money. It is important to initially specify the conversion course.

If the premium is copied in the form of bonuses, then it will be possible to pay them only when purchases from the bank's friends. For customers living in the regions, it is easiest to use such points when making online purchases, since real partner stores can not be partner.

Cashback is charged not for all operations. Most issuers do not give bonuses when transferring to their accounts or accounts of other citizens when receiving personal money, When calculating for:

Bonus programs are often not applied to the purchase committed in installments.

Cash withdrawal

When you make cash, it is worth checking the magnitude of the commission, taking into account that, at the expense of what funds, an operation is made: at the expense of personal or due to the credit limit.

Need to remember that listing to accounts individuals, including its debit accounts, equal to the cash operation.

When removing cash, most often:

  • hold a fee for the very fact of the operation;
  • if a credit limit was used, an elevated rate is established;
  • the grace period does not work.

Fee for additional services

Payments for other services is a fundamental moment when choosing a credit card. Participate should be examined by commission payments for:

  • account replenishment even in order to repay debt;
  • reissue of the form, including the planned, which is committed due to the expiration of the validity period;
  • transactions, including transfers between their accounts and in favor of other individuals;
  • sending money to other financial and credit institutions.

Such fees are installed in percent, and in a fixed amount.

What other parameters still need to consider when choosing a card

The low interest rate is not a guarantee that the credit card is issued on really favorable terms.

It is necessary to find out in advance what sanctions are fraught with delay. The most common consequences:

  • increasing interest in debt;
  • holding the fine, perhaps due to the credit limit.

Disposable payment of the payment period can lead to a loss of 500 rubles.

It is necessary to evaluate the presence of self-service devices in the region, their location.

This is important because work with third-party devices will cost more, rather than contacting the resources of the Issuer of the Card.

Some banks conclude partnership agreements with outlets. Due to this, you can use the skids to 30% when calculating banknotes of a specific issuer.

Best credit card offers

Credit card "Alfa-Bank" "100 days without percent"

  • grace-period - 55 day if the transaction is performed in favor of Tinkoff partners, then 365 days;
  • limit - 300 000 rubles;
  • possession - 590 rubles for 1 year;
  • cost - 12-29,9% In the direction of funds for cashless payment and 30-49,9% When removing cash.


  • ordered Tinkoff Platinum on the Bank's website. The blank will be delivered in 1-7 days;
  • when designing, only a passport is required;
  • cachek - 1% (before 30% in special schools);
  • you can make an update;
  • there is an opportunity to replenish from the account of a single bank card without commissions.

Grace-period on amounts aimed at repaying loans in other financial and credit institutions is equal to 120 day.


  • when cashing takes 2,9% + 290 rubles;
  • insurance protection is held - 0,89% from the magnitude of the debt;
  • for delay fined on 590 rubles.

Credit card "Platinum" from the "Russian Standard"

Platinum MasterCard from the "Russian Standard" is a tool with Cashbank.

Terms of use:

  • bet - OT 21,9% ;
  • service - 499 rubles for the year;
  • grace-period - 55 day;
  • cashback from bank partners - to 15% ;
  • cashback from the "Russian Standard" - 5% In 3 established categories.


  • age - 21-65 years;
  • for registration shows the passport and 1 more document.


  • income is not important;
  • partners give discounts to 30% ;
  • thoughtful cachek program;
  • offered installments without percentage of up to 1 year when contacting friends of the Russian Standard;
  • free shipping platinum throughout Russia;
  • cash replenishment with a zero commission is organized through QIWI and EleknesNet, transaction from accounts in other banks, as well as through the resources of the Russian Standard, including RS Express.

Getting cash for free in all ATMs of the world.


  • cacheback restriction - 5 000 rubles;
  • cashback for spending committed in installments is not charged;
  • the minimum amount for installments - 1 000 rubles.

Credit Card by installments "Conscience" from Kiwi-Bank

In the QIWI Bank take a conscience credit card.

Terms of use:

  • maximum amount - up 3 000 rubles;
  • price - 10% ;
  • installing before 1 years according to the terms of the partner of QIWI-bank.


  • possession free;
  • for the direction of the application, enough passports;
  • action Blanca - 5 years;
  • there is a possibility of shopping, including overseas resources, and cashing in installments.


  • realization of "Conscience" with a loss - 690 rubles;
  • penalty for non-followed payments - 590 rubles;
  • penalty - 10% per annum;
  • calculation restriction - 7 500 rubles for 1 time, but for the month - 20 000 rubles;
  • for cash receipt will take 599 rubles;
  • installment is permissible within 5 000 – 300 000 rubles;
  • long installment ( 10 months) paid. If you need to extend the calculation for several operations committed for 3 months, the option will cost 999 rubles. Installation price by 1 purchase - 799 rubles.

Credit card by installments "Halva" from Sovcombank

"Halva" MasterCard is a installment map offered by Sovcombank.


  • age - 20-85 years;
  • employment at the last employer - at least 4 months;
  • constant registration (at least 4 months) in place located at no further than 70 km from structural unit "Sovcombank";
  • there is a room mobile phoneDecorated on the applicant.


  • accessible installments when purchases more than on 3 000 rubles;
  • return - Broad 20% ;
  • profit on the residue - 7,5% ;
  • credit - before 350 000 rubles.

Standard installment is given on 1-3 month. On special offers this period can be stretched before 36 months.


  • employment necessarily;
  • cash from the credit limit can not be obtained;
  • to submit an application, you need an exclusively passport, but Sovcombank is entitled to request additional documents, including certifying income and possession of property.

If for a month commit 5 purchases more than on 5 000 rubles, then cachek will be even more profitable, and the deposit rates in the Sovkombank will increase on 1% .

Cashback Credit Card from Eastern Bank

Cashback from the Issuer "Eastern" is Visa Instant Issue, Classic and Gold, as well as UnionPay Classic.

  • lending amount - 55 000 – 400 000 rubles;
  • percent - 24-36% if you demonstrate income and 28,9-78,9% , if not;
  • grace-period - 56 day.


  • use for free;
  • there is a cachek program when comes back 1% from all shopping, to 5% on special projects and up 40% for spending in friendly online stores;
  • emits docket. It is decorated from 14 years;
  • obtaining cash at the expense of the customer's own funds in the Eastern University's apparatus;
  • to get CashBack, it is not necessary to confirm earnings.

The rest of the money comes to profit 4% .


  • due to the loan, cash gives, holding 4.9% (from 399 rubles);
  • cacheback restriction for 1 year - 30 000 rubles;
  • visa Instant Issue Planned Reversing 1 000 rubles;
  • in case of delay, the penalty - 590 - 2 000 rubles (maximum 20% of the amount of debt).

A grace period credit card in 120 days from "Ubrir" is also cachek.

Terms of use:

  • credit - 30 000 – 299 999 rubles;
  • calculation period - up to 36 months;
  • minimum payment - 3% ;
  • interest-free period - to 120 days.


  • age - 19-75 years;
  • constant registration where there are units "Ubrir";
  • credit passport 99 999 rubles;
  • when an application for limit in 100 000 – 299 999 rubles also need a certificate of income.


  • cashback is provided ( 1% for all spending);
  • use is free;
  • instant provision.

Grace-period applies to all operations.


  • 4% keep for cashing and translations to other citizens;
  • when an employment certificate, you need to experience the experience at the last place from 3 months. If the applicant is IP, its activities should be carried out from 1 year;
  • for approval of the application, the absence of current debt on other loan obligations is important.

Credit Plus with Instant Cachebank

Card Credit Plus - Product with Overdraft - Gives "Credit Europe Bank".

  • lending - before 600 000 rubles;
  • grace-period - 55 days;
  • bid - 25% ;
  • installment - 2-11 months;
  • cachek - 1-5% .


  • experience - over 3 months;
  • availability of registration in Russia;
  • provision from 3. contact numbers phone (applicant, employer and additional);
  • when laying before 300 000 rubles are preparing a passport, to use more large sums Check out income.


  • cashback is credited at the time of purchase;
  • points immediately after receipt are ready to use in the calculations;
  • card blank valid 5 years;
  • cash abroad is issued without commission fees.


  • gratuitous use is provided with revolutions from 15 000 rubles per month. When dissatisfaction with the requirements for the month will keep 79 rubles;
  • inside the country cash issues with a commission to 4.9% (from 399 rubles) In ATMs "Credit Europe Bank" and in 5.5% (from 499 rubles) In the equipment of other organizations.

If you take cash, translate funds to a different card or pay for services in the field of gambling business, the rate will be from 39% .

Credit Card "Alseraz" from "Raiffeisenbank"

"Alseraz" from RaiffAizenbank is a modern program, thanks to which it will be possible to take a debt, and get income.

Terms of use:

  • limit - T. 600 000 rubles;
  • percentage - OT 27% ;
  • cashback - BE 5% ;
  • delay period - up to 52 day.


  • citizenship of the country;
  • there is work in the country (from 3 months at the last employer);
  • age - from 23 years or from 21 years for participants in the salary project, but not older than 67 years;
  • after payment of NDFL income of at least 25,000 rubles;
  • the presence of a working phone (own or accounting).
  • Advantages:

  • provided on the basis of an application with the Civil Passport Application;
  • you can choose a personal design;
  • the account will be in rubles, euro or in US dollars.

RAIFFAIZENBANK partners give discounts to its customers before 30% .


  • annual maintenance - 1 490 rubles, if you choose the original design, then 1 990 rubles;
  • premium scores can be changed on bonuses and certificates from Yandex.Taxi, Ozone.ru, Russian Railways Bonus, S7 Airlines or send promial accruals for charity;
  • cash receipt in RAIFFAIZENBANK devices - 3%+300 rubles I. 3,9%+390 rubles in third-party devices;
  • abroad cashing in a currency other than currency cards, worth 1,6% ;
  • calcuting B. banking Casses in the amount of 10 000 Rubles are accompanied by retention 100 rubles commission.

In VTB "Multicart" give both a credit card.

Terms of use:

  • credit - before 1 000 000 rubles;
  • grace-period - 101 day;
  • price - 26% ;
  • cashback - BE 15% . The client has the right to define 3 the most interesting categories for it. The change of them is permitted 1 time per month.


  • age - 21-70 years;
  • russian citizenship;
  • constant registration where VTB offices are available;
  • earnings - from 15,000 rubles;
  • credit passport 300 000 rubles;
  • passport and certificate of income when lending to the amount 300 001 – 1 000 000 rubles.


  • there is cachek;
  • with expenses from a credit card from 75 000 rubles in the presence loan agreement The rate on it will decrease on 3% ;
  • long grace period;
  • the percentage is one and for non-cash transformation, and when cash.

Commission for the use and cash receipt - 0 rubles.


  • 1 Once a month, it is allowed to change the category of obtaining maximum cachekeck, but every time the status used to determine the percentage of the return is changed to the initial;
  • per 1 Months give before 3 000 bonuses.

Credit card from Renaissance Bank

The Renaissance Credit is ordered a credit card from MasterCard World.

Terms of use:

  • lending - before 200 000 rubles;
  • interest-free period - to 55 day;
  • bid - 19,9% ;
  • bet when receiving cash - 49,9% ;
  • cashback - BE 10% .

Bonuses are converted to the Russian ruble 1 to 1.


  • age - 24-65 years;
  • permanent registration;
  • the experience of the last employer is from 3 months;
  • earnings - from 8,000 rubles (from 12,000 rubles for living in Moscow);
  • the presence of a personal mobile phone.


  • free possession;
  • instantaneous provision;
  • there is cachek;
  • replenishment of the account using the Renaissance loan resources for free;
  • when accessing the passport and the second document will be required.


  • expensive cash and at the price of a loan that will increase to 49% and commission - 2,9%+290 rubles;
  • little loan.

Credit card from "Absolut Bank"

In the "Absolut Bank" emit visa credit card Platinum class, which opens the path to the privilege program of this payment system.

Terms of use:

  • rate OT 19% ;
  • limit - 650 000 rubles;
  • payment - OT 10% ;
  • grace period - before 56 day;
  • cashBack - BE 20% .


  • russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration;
  • total experience of 1 year, including employment in the last employer from six months;
  • income - from 20 000 rubles;
  • age - from 23 years to 55 years in relation to women and up to 60 years old.


  • partners "Absolut Bank" give up 30% discounts;
  • replenishment S. card account third-party issuer for free;
  • gratuitous advice on medical and legal topics for traveling abroad from Visa;
  • the account happens in rubles, euro or in US dollars;
  • advertising and apparent. The age of her holder - from 18 years;
  • profitable cachek.


  • annual maintenance - 2 000 rubles;
  • employment and salary should be confirmed.

Credit card from Zenit Bank

Creditade Peace from "Zenith" is also bonuses from friends of the National Payment System

Terms of use:

  • limit - T. 1 000 000 rubles;
  • grace-period - 50 day;
  • bid - 20% .


  • russian citizenship;
  • employment in Russia;
  • registration in the same subject, where the representative office of Zenit is functioning.


  • free service;
  • replenishment of an account without a commission is implemented on the site and through the resources of the Senith partner banks, including Alpha Bank, Binbank;
  • income is not confirmed while laying up 100 000 rubles.


  • the product does not accept abroad;
  • no cachek;
  • to approved limit over 150 000 Rubles, earnings will be required and the certificate of earnings over the past six months, and an extract from the employment record (its copy).

Credit card from Bank "Avangard"

MasterCard Standard or Visa Classic credit cards are a variety of design and a number of good offers.

  • grace-period - 50 days, but the first such delay lasts 200 days;
  • bet - OT 12% .


  • age - 19-62;
  • permanent registration at the place of the presence of Avangard.


  • to confirm the income or give sure the needs of the need;
  • thanks to the discount option, discounts up to 30% of the Avant-garde partners are obtained;
  • currency - Euro, US dollars, rubles;
  • payment is non-cash, including transactions abroad, is carried out without a comedy.

Cashing up to 300 000 rubles in the apparatus "avant-garda" is made without commission, although they will keep the minimum payment - 15 rubles.


  • use is free if the average monthly turnover for last year on account over 7 000 rubles. Otherwise hold annually 600 rubles ( $25 or 25 Euro);
  • at the rest of personal money, the percentage is not charged.

Credit card from Touch Bank

Touch Bank has merged with "OTP Bank". As a result, the product line of the Issuer has been updated. Now you can get, for example, a credit card "Big Cashback" MasterCard WORLD.

  • limit - 100 000 - 1 000 000 rubles;
  • interest-free period - to 55 day;
  • cachek - 7% in favorites, for other purchases - 1% ;
  • bet with cashless calculation - 24,9% ;
  • loan cost when cash 34,9% .


  • age - 21-68 years;
  • minimum income For regional customers - from 50,000 rubles, and for Muscovites - from 70,000 rubles;
  • permanent registration in the same subject of the Russian Federation, where there is bank office;
  • experience at the current workplace - from 3 months.


  • use without commission;
  • profit on the rest of personal money will be up to 4% ;
  • per month is allowed to remove the maximum 100 000 rubles per day and 700 000 rubles per month.


  • serious income requirements;
  • non-secret account replenishment is possible only on the bank portal;
  • maximum CashBack for the month - 3 000 .

Credit Card "Post Bank"

In the "Mail Bank" promote the "element 120". This is Visa class Platinum.

  • limit - T. 500 000 rubles;
  • bet - OT 22,9% ;
  • payment - OT 5% on debt size and current interest;
  • grace-period - to 120 day.

"Element 120" is a premium Visa program, which consists in:

  • extended warranty for purchased goods;
  • insurance of purchases from loss due to theft or loss;
  • assistance during overseas trips and so on.


  • embosses are provided;
  • you can adjust the date of the next payment;
  • participants in the salary project are entitled to count on some preferences on tariffs.


  • registration of the "element 120" paid - 900 rubles for the main and 450 rubles for additional;
  • delivery of cards in post office - 100 rubles;
  • cash in the devices "Post Bank" for free. When contacting other resources take 5.9% (from 300 rubles);
  • when receiving cash, the rate will be 31,9% annual.

The most profitable credit card with the accrual of purchases bonuses

Credit card with the biggest limit

Top cards with the maximum possible loan limit is:

  • "100 days without percent" (Alfabank);
  • "Multicart" (VTB);
  • The world ("Zenit");
  • "Big CashBack" (Touch Bank - "Wholesale Bank").

With these instruments, lending to 1,000,000 rubles is allowed.

Credit card with the largest term of the grace period

  • Credit card "Ubrir";
  • Tinkoff Platinum (Tinkoff);
  • "Element 120" ("Mail Bank").

Their issuers do not add interest to the sums spent without non-cash, for 120 days.

Credit card with the largest cachekkom (Cash-back)

Cashback up to 40% give partner companies in East Bank (Cashback). The maximum refund (in separate industries) at the level of 15% gives VTB ("Multicart").

The most profitable credit card for cash withdrawals

Valicy cash with:

  • "Element 120" ("Post Bank");
  • "100 days without percent" (Alfabank) - within 50,000 rubles;
  • "Platinum" ("Russian Standard"), which allows you to make cash in all ATMs of the world at zero commissions;
  • Card Credit Plus ("Credit Europe Bank") - only in relation to the operations committed by abroad;
  • "Multicarts" (VTB);
  • MasterCard Standard or Visa Classic (Avangard) - within 300,000 rubles.

Which credit card as a whole conditions is better

In general, the most financially interesting offer at VTB on the "multicarter". Her holders can configure cachek according to their own preferences, and the tariff conditions do not exceed the average maturity.

Steel are available almost to all. They can even be placed online without leaving home. But ordinary classic maps No longer so popular. Users prefer to enjoy those that allow them to save and receive additional bonuses.

Grace period

Especially popular and claimed cards with a grace period. In this case, the borrower has a certain time to fill the limit at all without overpayments. In each bank, this can be provided with its time interval - it should be paid to this immediately when designing, since it will not be possible to change this parameter at all. Even when changing the limit, such parameters cannot be changed.

Also, if the card is needed for cash withdrawal, the commission should be taken into account this operation. Usually in banks for it takes a fairly large fee, but you can choose the option and with smaller percentages.


IN lately Maps are very popular, which allow you to receive additional discounts in the calculations. Here it is understood that for certain types of calculations it is possible to receive funds for a bonus account, and then at specific points of sales and companies to spend them. A bonus system or cachek is now offered by many banks, but it's not everywhere too actively developed. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to this immediately, since maps may be thematic - for travel, for shopping on the Internet or entertainment. From this directly depends on where it will be possible to spend bonuses.

Rating of profitable suggestions for banknotes

What to evaluate

Rating banks

For those who choose, in which bank will be the best credit card, the rating is ideal - the best 2020 current offers:

  1. Tinkoff. Here you can get a map under minimum percentageBut the demand for the borrower is comparatively.
  2. Alfa Bank. Offers the most interesting conditions - promotional offers with Cashbank.
  3. VTB. A large selection of credit proposals for every taste - a wide range of available amounts and interest rates Depending on whether the loan is drawn up without confirmation of the income.

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