
What banks do not check the credit history. Check credit history. How the bank checks the credit history. Credit history estimates

Each banking organization of Moscow forms a whole list of requirements, according to which applications from customers are considered. The main factor for most credit organizations is a credit history.

For this purpose, there is even a credit history bureau. What kind individuals Are there in this database? In fact, there is information about all customers of banks in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, which once took loans or loans. If a borrower man returned funds on time, then he falls into this list as a potential conscientious client. Accordingly, on the contrary - if the borrower has a delay or non-refundable debt, it falls into the list of persons with a bad credit history.

What actual data on ki are permissible - decides each individual organization. However, there is a list of organizations issuing money to loans and loans to their customers without checking credit history. For those residents of Moscow, which fell into part of the list with unscrupulous borrowers, will be relevant to know the name of banks and get an answer to the question: "What banks do not check credit history?».

List of banks that do not check the credit history in Moscow 2018

To find out which banks do not check the credit history in Moscow, it is necessary to analyze all the information. First of all, the likelihood is that money will issue customers with a bad credit history. In the second place, the reviews of the clients of borrowers are taken into account, the appeals of which exist and dig on the Internet. On the this moment The list of organizations issuing a loan looks like this:

  • Renaissance;
  • Russian standard;
  • Trust;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Perminvestbank.

What conditions to residents of Moscow are presented banks included in this list. For example, in the Renaissance, it is necessary to include a certificate of constant income in the list of documentation. To become a client of the Russian standard to people with a bad ki, it is necessary to provide a deposit. Least of all the requirements of the trust - here they give money even with bad ki only when providing a passport and code, however financial conditions Not the most profitable, plus sometimes in this organization temporarily suspend issuance.

In Tinkoff, there is a possibility of refusal, but it is still much lower than that of other banks from the list with a high reliability rating. What are the features of Perminvestbank? In order not to check the staff, employees need to bring a large package of documentation with income confirmation.

Banks that do not check the credit history in St. Petersburg

What differences exist for residents of St. Petersburg compared to customers from the city of Moscow? There are practically no of them. In St. Petersburg there are the same banks: Renaissance, Russian Standard, Perminvestbank, Tinkoff, Trust. And just like in Moscow, there is a variant with micro financial organizations. A list of microfinance organizations that do not check the credit history much wider. What kind of MFIs in it are included? Basically, the list consists of the following organizations:

  • E Loan;
  • Home Money;
  • Afterwards;
  • Migrcredit;
  • Manimo.

All these microfinance organizations practically do not check the data from the BKA and give money faster. Also, their advantages include a smaller package of documentation and fewer requirements for borrowers. What disadvantages exist at MFIs? The main is big interest rate By loan - from 0.5 to 2% per day.

In addition, there are banking and microfinance organizations that allow improved ki. Thus, you can kill two hares: get money without checking information from BKA and improve ki. Such MFIs as platitz, your loan, Mangoe lovely provide the opportunity to fix the ki. There is a similar offer in Sovcombank. There you can get from 5 to 10 thousand rubles for 3-9 months at 40% per year.

Reviews about banks who do not check the credit history

Most potential borrowers before taking money on credit, are interested, what feedback a substantive network about various credit organizations. Particularly relevant reviews are those that concern those companies that do not check Ki. What are underwater stones and what disadvantages from companies that are ready to issue money and do not check the ki? This is interested in many borrowers.

According to all the banks of Moscow and MFIs, which do not check KI, have formed about the same shortcomings. For example, many customers allocate not enough professional service. There is also a large number of hidden payments. However, it is easy to explain - closing my eyes to the data from Ki, the company takes on a big risk to work with a borrower, which can be unfair. In return she offers less profitable terms.

Anyone who understands that sooner or later he will have to resort to the capture of a loan, trying to abide by his obligations to banks with which he cooperates and not to have spots on his credit history. Thus, he can count on repeated loans, on large sums And on more interesting conditions in the future. From this article, you will learn how to avoid failures from the bank and act as a conscientious payer, as well as any banks will not be interested in debts and overdue loans.

How do you check your credit history?

If necessary, get a loan is better to take care of the repayment of previous debts or submit an application for banks that will not pay attention to non-accuracy in relations with their competitors.

Mandatory verification of credit history has become in 2008. Until this time, banking organizations gave loans to all persons who are confidential, without worrying about the terms of payments. Using this situation, fraudsters developed frauds, with the help of which were able to enrich in the shortest possible time, taking loans and disappearing. Realizing that it is necessary to take measures to ensure the safety of funds and their own position, banks began to check the credit history of the borrower. In order to reduce the risk of loans, credit bureaus were organized by the Bureau of credit stories, where the history of all citizens of the Russian Federation, which resorted to lending services. The case for each borrower is stored for 15 years.

Bureau of credit stories distinguishes the following categories of violations:

  • Rough, which consists in partial or complete non-payment of the loan.
  • The average when the borrower constantly delays monthly payments
  • Normal, under which implies not long-term payment delay no more than 5 days.

Depending on the life situation and the financial position, any person may be in the Regulations when he is forced to disrupt the obligations to the Bank and overdue the payment. Here and the carelessness of the client when repaying the loan, technical failures, the departure of cash is not on the bill, not to the end of the closed loan and the late alerts from the bank.

The ideal way out of any unpleasant situation associated with the repayment of a loan taken in the bank is becoming the payment of the main debt and interest on it in the shortest possible time.

Communicating with the Bank's staff, and, by conducting various operations with its help, it is worth being attentive, neat and not provoke conflicts, since one of the most serious marks in the history of the client may be a "conflict with security service or with the Bank himself." With a good scenario, you will come across a credit in a loan in a pair of banks, and with a bad attack of collectors with the requirement of debt obligations.

It is important to know that banks, ready to give a loan to the borrower with a "bad" credit history, pay attention to the following points:

What banks are not interested in credit history

Banks that do not check the customer's solvency does not exist. No organization will go to conscious risks, providing the borrower to the amount that he will not be able to return, so it is not about the complete absence of inspections. But, there are banks who are ready to not pay attention to some nuances, deciding on the issuance of a loan.

Young banks are most open in this regard, whose activities in the financial market just begins. They are followed by banks, ready to close their eyes to previous loans, but will offer a higher interest rate and more stringent payment conditions to protect themselves. To understand how profitable such cooperation is, it is worth reading the contract carefully and pay attention to all the details.

Among the banks with which it will be easier to find a common language: Home Credit Bank, Binbank, Russian Standard, Balinvest, Avangard. The most favorable conditions for customers with the "problem" history can be offered Renaissance Bank, which will ask to pay off debt in the shortest possible time and Sovcombank, which will not give the borrower an amount exceeding 750 thousand rubles. Among the banks that are poorly going to cooperate with the guilty borrowers VTB24 and Sberbank.

If you refuse to most banks, you can use the services of microfinance organizations, but their interest rate will be much higher than banking and cooperation with them is not always favorable, comfortable and professional.

Refuse to verify your data when applying for a loan or credit card is not possible.

What if you have a "bad" credit history?

Knowing that in the past you were inaccurate in relations with the bank and there were a delay and debt, try to protect yourself when applying for the next loan and progress.

Apply for a loan in several banks, it is likely that, contrary to your expectations, one of them agree to help you.
After getting the failure, try to file re-order some time later. The bank can change the solution with some events.
Pay all debt to all financial organizations. If they were great, it is worth paying attention to the state of our household payments communal services, fines and taxes.
Propose yourself as a conscientious client: take a small loan and pay it in accordance with the requirements of the bank.
There is an option to receive a loan on the security of property, which can be done by a car or apartment, but such services are not always beneficial.

Banks, hard-experiencing crisis

Last two years Russian financial market It is not in the best position, and the crisis has affected bank organizations. Banks carrying out a large number of transactions have practically not experienced unrest, but their lesser competitors are hard to experience current times. In this regard, many banks changed their position in relation to the borrowers who guessed borrowers and are ready to give them a second chance. Often these organizations offer high interest, but you will get the opportunity to take the necessary amount. Among such banks:

  • Tinkoff All Airlines Tinkoff. Credit Systems. 700 thousand rubles are offered here from 3 months to 2 years under a percentage of 23.9%.
  • Citibank can offer 1 million rubles for 28% percent with the condition of paying for 5 years.
  • The metrobank gives 300 thousand rubles for 16-30% percent for 3-24 months.
  • MTS Bank can give a borrower 250 thousand rubles for a percentage rate of 34.9-59.9% percent subject to payment within 3-6 months.

By applying for a loan, remember that different bank It will appear its understanding of the "bad" credit history. Some specialists will pay attention to a one-time delay, others can miss by reusable. But all banks agree that an outstanding loan clearly negatively affects your relationship with any bank.
What if the refusal is received?

The Bank's refusal in the issuance of a loan today is the usual matter, but the output is from any situation. You can use the Service Credit Card service. The application for it is made quickly, therefore the bank does not delve into complete information about the client. But the main lack of a credit card - small sums and high interest rate. The advantage is that with its help, the client can fix the credit history, during the reimbursement cash.

Another way to improve your position is to open a deposit bank to which money will be received monthly. Thus, after 4-5 months, you can qualify for the confidence of the banking organization and try to make a loan.

Refuse to check your data when applying for a loan or credit card is not possible, since in accordance with the Russian Federation "On Personal Data" you need your written consent. Failure to provide data automatically guarantees a loan failure.

Choosing an organization to which you want to resort to get the required amount, be careful. Carefully read the contract and documents that you will be offered on the signature, specify the payments details and all the conditions offered when making a loan. Having received money, try to maintain your reputation by timely payments and full repayment Credit, in order to be able to re-use financial assistance.

In this article, it will be told which banks do not check the credit history of the borrower, what are the conditions for issuing a loan from bad ki, and whether these banks really give loans to people from negative.

Amount, rub: from 5,000 to 400 000
Term: from 5 to 60 months
Rate, per annum: 8.9%
The age of the borrower: from 20 to 85 years

The amount: from 25,000 to 3 million rubles.
Term: from 13 to 60 months.
Rate, per annum: from 11.5%.

Amount: up to 4,000,000 rubles.
Term: from 1 to 7 years.
Rate, per annum: from 11.99%.
Solution: from 15 minutes.

Amount: from 10,000 to 1 million rubles.
Term: from 1 to 7 years.
Rate, per annum: from 10.9%.
Age: from 22 to 70 years.
Receipt: without references, by passport

Amount, rub: up to 1 000 000
Term: from 3 to 36 months.
Rate, per annum: from 12%
The age of the borrower: 18-70 years

Amount, rub: from 300 001 to 1 000 000
Term: from 1 to 5 years
Rate, per annum: from 10.9%
The age of the borrower: 18 to 65 years

from 51,000 to 1,300,000 rubles.
Term: from 13 to 60 months.
Age: from 23 years old.
Rate, per annum: from 11.9

Amount, rub: up to 2 000 000
Term: up to 5 years
Rate, per annum: from 10.99%
The age of the borrower: from 25 to 65 years

Amount, rub: up to 700 000
Term: from 24 to 60 months.
Rate, per annum: from 10.9%
The age of the borrower: from 25 to 70 years

Amount, rub: from 100,000 to 1 million
Term: up to 7 years
Rate, per annum: from 10.5%
The age of the borrower: 21-65 years old

Amount, rub: up to 2 million
Term: from 1 to 5 years
Rate, per annum: from 19.9%
The age of the borrower: 23-70 years

Why check the credit history?

Wanting to get a consumer loan, a car loan, a mortgage, a person turns to the bank and there without checking a credit history is practically nothing. When the bank approves loans to everyone in a row, he strongly risks losing his money, because not all borrowers are conscientious of debt obligations.

To verify the responsibility of a particular person and a system of verification of Ki, which is engaged in working bureaus of credit stories.

Even the most loyal bank will not give a loan to a person who has not previously checked his credit history, and therefore it is impossible to meet banks to meet banks.

There are banks that are important to the credit history of the borrower, but they do not fit into tricks and close their eyes into small delay, and even to poor credit stories are condescendingly - issuing loans on fierce conditions.

On credit history, banks look at how much the borrower responsibly approached the repayment of loans in the past. And if they see that there were only a small delay in a couple of days, and otherwise all the debts were repaid completely and on time, then it is most likely that the delay was formed due to bank errors and long-term translations.

To obtain a loan, such trifles may not play roles, but if a person shied out of payment, he was constantly late with payments, except for rejected applications and fails to expect anything.

Will the loan out of bad ki?

Absolutely all banks and microfinance organizations cooperate with BKA. In which bank, a person wants to take a loan depends on the preferences and desire of everyone, but with Sberbank, VTB and other large banks of the country, it is better not to contact if there are even minor delay or debts.

In history, absolutely all are displayed. credit programs (credit cards, debts in MFIs), but even with bad history There is a chance to re-arrange a loan.

To do this, the borrower should documented information about his financial stability and responsibility at the moment.

Such measures will help to help prove reliability, responsibility and solvicivity:

  1. Provide mortgaged property (Apartment, car, private house).
  2. Create a loan guarantor, preferably a person who has decent earnings.
  3. Invite the coacher, officially employed and with great income.
  4. Provide a certificate of income (the higher the experience and the level of salary, the greater the likelihood that the borrower will be issued a loan without checking KI, or in the presence of errors).

You should not hide your ki from banks, they still recognize the necessary information, and if you do not give consent to view history, then the loan will refuse immediately. Banks more often approve of loans to customers who work according to official employment, have in ki for last years Fully redeemed loans without overdue, honestly indicate all the data and responsibly approach the issue of obtaining a loan.

The bank always looks, whether the borrower is corrected or continues to be irresponsible to debt responsibilities, so before you go for a loan, you need to fix your ki and remove all the shortcomings.

Are banks really check?

Banks checking credit history is not a myth, this fiction is rather an organization that provides loans without any customer checks. Immediately it is worth saying with what banks cannot be associated with people from bad ki - it is Sberbank, Bank of Moscow, VTB 24, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank, Alfa-Bank, because here the borrower's history pay close attention and even a single delay in payment will be a reason for Failure.

Other banks have less stringent requirements and bad past debts for them not reason to refuse a loan. Especially on consumer loans the requirements of banks with a loyal attitude to the borrower.

There are banks that almost completely close their eyes to the human credit history. These are mainly new, only open banks, whose name is an empty sound in the lending market. Such young organizations that give loans to all in a row are simply trying to fill the clientele, and insure themselves with high percentages and fines. But the borrowers are often not interested in the question, why credit without checking ki, and then fall on a large amount.

But if B. large banksChecking the history (in Sberbank, VTB, Raiffeisenbank), to take a loan does not go out, you will have to come to terms with such requirements, since the borrower is usually more interested in the nuances, just to give money.

Credit conditions for customers with bad ki?

Knowing what banks check the credit history and, guessing their chance to receive a loan, you can shorten the list of banks and learn the conditions for loans directly in them. Almost always the client with a bad story await not the most loyal conditions for loans:

  • The interest rate will be significantly increased, from 20 to 30%, in exceptional cases it can reach 40%.
  • The credit period will not be the largest, maximally issued a loan for 10 years, but in most banks, the lending period does not exceed 3-5 years.
  • Banks, issuing loans to the borrower from a bad ki, offer only small amounts of 100 - 500 thousand, well, a maximum of 1 million rubles, not worth it.
  • Regarding documents, then organizations have very different requirements, one bank checking, will request all certificates of income and other papers, and another organization will require only a passport and a signature in the contract.

Banks that do not inspect the credit history of the borrower often offer urgent consideration of applications and rapid decision making regardless of the complexity of the loan. In such organizations to issue credit contract You can quickly, but you will have to pay for it.

List of banks not checking credit history

It was noted earlier that all banks pay attention to the client's credit history, but some relate to it seriously, while others practically do not take into account when issuing a loan. But on the terms of the loan, the status of history can significantly affect.

Take a loan without checking a person can in such banks:

Each bank in its own way refers to the state of the credit history of the borrower. It is better to further find out about their requirements and conditions for granting a loan on the website by the Bank when submitting online applicationsor in the department with personal handling.

It is worth remembering that if bank organizations did not check the stories of borrowers at all, they would have broken and could not exist. They look in Ki and select credit conditions according to the information about the borrower. Therefore, it is better to independently provide all the information about previous loans And if there were delay in good reason, immediately notify the Bank about it and explain the reason for what happened. It still has the opportunity to make a loan on relatively comfortable conditions.

Basic terms of banks

The main lending conditions include the loan amount, interest rate, the term for which the borrower must fully pay off the body of the loan and all accrued interest, penny and penalties.

By choosing a banking organization to take a loan, you need to view all offers and choose the option with the most acceptable conditions. Someone is important for the amount - now and more, another person will agree to smaller money, but with a low interest rate, and the third it is important that the credit period is as long as possible, because now he does not have the opportunity to pay major monthly contributions.

The table shows the main banks that do not pay attention to credit history and still issue a loan to a person who has small errors in the execution of debt obligations.

Name of banking organizationLoan amount (rubles)Interest rateCredit term (months)
50 000 – 3 000 000 22-42% 6-60
10 000 – 850 000 17,9%- 36,9% 12-84
GE MONEY BANK (Sovcombank)From 20,000From 15%Up to 60.
30 000 – 1 000 000 From 24.9%Up to 60.
Eastern ExpressUp to 200,00029,9%-59,9% 1-36
Renaissance Bank Bank30 000 – 500 000 From 19.9%24-60
Up to 1 000 000From 28%Up to 60.
Up to 500,00029,9%-39,9% Up to 36.
Up to 300,00016%-30% 3-24
Up to 300,000From 35%Up to 60.
Up to 250,00034,9%-59,9% 3-6
Up to 750,000From 24.9%Up to 60.

All lending conditions in these banks will be individually selected for each borrower. If the credit history is only slightly poured, the bank loyally reaches a person, and if there are serious violations or even judicial recoveryThe conditions will be the most rigid.

If the banking organization does not at all check and the decision issues at the time of filing documents, then accurate interest will be high, and the loan period is low, the same conditions are also offered by microfinance organizations, but they are still unfavorable with them.

Credits in MFI

Microfinance organizations issue a loan within an hour from the moment of submission of the application, sometimes send a credit card by mail when applying for an online application and even give a loan on a photocopy of a passport without providing other documents. In all parameters, it can be seen how negligently such organizations relate to security, client reliability. But they compensate for the risks of unsaturated high interest rates and short lending time.

People who add to microfinance organizations, almost always have a bad credit history and such enterprises for them the only chance to receive the necessary amount.

MFIs will not check KI, will not and mess with each borrower separately. For all customers, strict, tough and far from the most loyal lending conditions.

Microloans in MFIs make out only completely desperate people, when already in all banks of the city in a normal loan refused. Agreeing on a loan in the MFI, the borrower should be remembered that the interest rate can reach 200%, the loan period does not exceed three years, and sometimes it is 6 months, but also to receive a rather bad amount is allowed - from 10,000 to 500,000 rubles.

How to increase chances with bad credit history?

Since most reliable or relatively loyal banks always checks the credit history of the potential borrower, then people with bad ki can only be hoped for a loan. Improve your status in the eyes of the bank to help:

  • Repayment of all existing debts.
  • The provision of information about the valid reason for the formation of the overdue and drawing up a new loan agreement on more loyal conditions for repayment of current debt.
  • Taking small loans (and better credit cards from preferential period) And their timely repayment.
  • Employment with good wages (Before you go to the bank, you need to change the work for the best if the current does not allow you to take a loan to the desired amount).
  • To pre-open a deposit in a bank where a person wants to take a loan, it is desirable that this banking organization charges a salary to the client to obtain loyal conditions.

Knowing what bank checks the credit history, which he puts out the requirements for it and the borrower itself can be prepared in advance before entering into a serious struggle with the bank.

Even if the chances are small, you should not despair - it is necessary to apply for several banks, pass through the story and raise your eyes in the eyes banking organizations. After all, even in the most difficult situations there is always an acceptable way out, which will be able to arrange both sides - a bank and a borrower. The bank is beneficial to make a profit from the client, and man remains only small - to convince the organization in the timely provision of this profits.

Many people before taking a loan, seek an answer to the question of which banks do not check the credit history, as their previous experience in obtaining and repayment of the loan turned out to be negative. A person who misses monthly payments for a loan or pays them in size, less minimal, automatically acquires a bad reputation in the bank management. Moreover, no fully repaid loans, the period of which has already been released, do not improve the provisions. In the case of no return of funds, the bank is borrowed, it is necessary to understand that at best your credit history will be completely corrupted, and at worst - the bank will give your debts to private utilities. However, there may be a bank error. It rarely happens, but still takes place.

In any case, the appropriate marks are entered into the personal history of a person, and he can or refuse to re-issuing a loan, or, on the contrary, with joy to go to the meeting. Therefore, to look for which banks do not check the credit history, you do not need, it is better to try to fix it.

How to get money with a bad credit history?

To begin with, it should be understood that if you do not make efforts, your situation will not be resolved by itself. Therefore, if you know that at one time I missed payments or had penalties, you need to be prepared for the fact that the bank in which you refer to, at best, will give you a loan at elevated interest and strict payment conditions, or refuse at all. In order to correct a bad impression, you should carefully read the contract, remember the dates of monthly payments and in time to enter them.

Then the bank will change the anger to mercy, and after the final payment of the loan, the corresponding entry will appear in your history. Moreover, if this situation is repeated several times, then we can assume that your reputation is fixed and all of the following loans will be issued on softer conditions.

Correction of credit history

A longer version of the correction of its history is to count scoring points. That is, a complete check of all your data into the credit bureau. To do this, use the services of companies carrying out stories. Each bank makes any changes to you, but this procedure is very long and tedious, so when making edits there may be some errors or shortcomings. In this case, the company in which you contact your help will contact the bank's management, and it will have to withdraw its claims to you as a borrower.

This service is paid and wait for a long time, moreover, it does not always give positive results.
Therefore, before taking a loan, it is worth thinking well, but does he need you? Fix the credit history is still complicated.

What banks do not check the credit history?

And yet we will list banks that do not check the credit history: "Russian Standard", "RenaissantCredit", "Probusified Bank", "Get Money Bank", "BIN Bank", "Home Credit Bank". As you already understood, these banks will give you a loan anyway. True, get a loan in these banks is easy, but it will be difficult to give away. High percentages and a small loan amount, most likely not pay off. Therefore, ask the question of which banks do not check the credit history, do not. You overpare three times, if not more. Although, of course, you decide.

Each bank institution has an individual set of verification criteria for a potential borrower. As a rule, the level of earnings of the client is checked, the compliance of the personal data passport, the availability of registration of registration, the presence or absence of personal property and other. Verification of customer credit history is carried out in obligatory. So how the credit reputation is conducted and how can it affect the credit?

Phased procedure for checking customer credit reputation

Today in the territory of the Russian Federation there are 4 large and 20 minor bureaus of credit stories (hereinafter BKI). Each banking institution independently selects BKI for further cooperation and transfer information about its customers.

The procedure for checking a credit reputation takes place in several stages:

  1. After the Client submitted an application for a loan application, the Finagement is formed and sent to the central catalog of credit stories. In this way, you can find out in which of the BKA is the applicant's credit history.
  2. Having obtained the necessary information, the Bank submits an application to one of the proposed BKIs and requests the applicant's credit history.
  3. Further, the BKI records the information provided in the application, with information that is directly in the database (client passport data, full name, etc.). Based on the analysis of information, the BKA forms a report and sends it to the bank.
  4. The banking institution receives a report from BKA, checks and evaluates the information received and makes an appropriate decision regarding customer lending.

The decision to issue a loan to the client is made based on analyzed information, as well as taking into account the following factors:

  • scoring ball;
  • information that was obtained as a result of the security service check;
  • risk manager's results;
  • compliance with established requirements: Required level wages, work experience, borrower age, etc.

The time of granting a report on the Customer's payment reputation depends on the activities of a specific BKA. One organization forms a report after 1-2 days, and the other as quickly as possible within a few minutes.

The credit history report includes 4 components:

  1. The title page that contains all the information required to identify the client.
  2. Main - information about the obligations of open and closed credit products (size credit funds, execution period, lending type, term and number of overdue payments, etc.).
  3. Additional - contains data regarding sources of formation of credit history.
  4. Information - information about issuing loans or refusal is made, while registering the reason for refusal.

What bank institutions perform a credit history check?

Only the banking facilities that have concluded agreements with BKA can fulfill the official request for the status of the client history of the client. Moreover, to send a request for the provision of the required information, the bank must obtain the direct consent of the client.

To date, the bulk of banking institutions use a mandatory check of credit history, especially if it comes to the design of large credit products or mortgage programs. Nevertheless, there are banks that do not always request the Customer Credit history. Note that even large financial institutionswhich work on the market long enough and have an impeccable reputation, issue loans without checking customers in BKA. As a rule, the existing potential risks are completely leveled high percent lending.

What can credit history affect?

Credit history is one of the main factors that has a direct impact on the decision on the granting of a loan. Customers who have a positive credit reputation may be provided with loans with reduced rate. As a rule, such proposals are available to extremely permanent and trustworthy customers. However, in any situation, a good credit history is able to significantly reduce the period of consideration by the Bank for a loan application. At the time of making a decision on the issuance of a loan, banking institutions are guided by the Customer's information over the past few years (1-3 years). Note that the old delay is not taken into account and are not taken into account. Another positive feature of a good credit history is a loan restructuring, but provided that all credit commitments are fully fulfilled.

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