
Sberbank refused a loan: how to find out the reasons, what to do and how to reapply. For what reasons Sberbank may refuse to issue a loan

Getting a loan from Sberbank is not an instant operation. First, the client applies for it, collects the documents. Then Sberbank checks the data, gives them an objective assessment. It takes time for him to make a decision. Sberbank may reject a loan request under the law, despite the positive characteristics presented by the client. This does not mean that the bank is bad, and the potential client is suspected in advance of being unreliable. Other factors are at work here.

Why is Sberbank so strict in issuing loans?

  1. First, Sberbank is the flagship banking system countries, it sets the rules and is equal to other financial institutions.
  2. Secondly, the largest financial transactions of the state are not carried out without its participation.
  3. Thirdly, Sberbank protects the interests of depositors, protects their savings, and strict control in this area is indispensable. It is also in the interests of Sberbank to expose the criminals "trading" profitable credit funds.

Why is the loan not approved?

The client is requesting a loan for the first time, all the requirements are met, the documents have been collected, the amount is small and he hopes for a positive outcome of the request. And suddenly a negative decision on the request. Finding out the reason for the refusal is not easy, as in any financial institution, such information is not disclosed anywhere. However, it is necessary to ask. If the reason is easily corrected by mutual desire of the parties, it will be named, otherwise the request will remain without comment.

What should be considered when applying to Sberbank for a loan?

Before applying for a loan, you must decide on the terms of its provision.

The reasons for refusing a loan with a positive credit history are complex.

1 . The "visiting card" of the client. Modernity is such that credit institutions different "weight" categories have to be common base... It contains data on the financial transactions of a citizen, and reflects any little thing - payment schedules, delays, underpayments, fines, early repayment and other data. A one-time delay (even for a good reason) can put a client on the “black list”.

If the client has disgraced himself in another banking institution, then a "tick" about this incident will appear in the personal file. Sberbank will definitely find out about it by studying the client's request. Spoiled credit history can not be corrected. It can only be improved, but for this you have to take new loan and pay off in set time(preferably ahead of schedule).

Credit history is provided free of charge (once a year) by the Bureau of Credit Histories (BCH).

2. Client's salary. The client must report to Sberbank with certificates of income from all sources of income. So the bank determines its "solvency" and assesses the "strength" for compliance with the payment schedule. At the slightest hint of deterioration financial stability the borrower, it is precisely the low income that is the main reason why Sberbank refuses a loan to a client who is consistently receiving a salary.

3. "Private bussiness". Sberbank has the right to request customer data related to violations of the law or fraud from the relevant authorities. Particularly thoroughly familiarize themselves with the "personal file" of the new borrower, who had no previous business with Sberbank. This also includes minor offenses related to debts to the state: traffic police fines, utility debts, non-payment and tax evasion. These are also "ticks" in the client's personal dossier - if they exist, Sberbank will take them into account when considering an application for a loan.

4 . The total amount of debts. Income level is not a reason for rejection. The client is entitled to repay two (or more) current loans. However, there are nuances. Sberbank categorically provides a loan in cases where total amount payments on other loans of the client will be one third of the salary, or the client spends more than 45% of his monthly income on the mortgage.

What are the requirements of Sberbank to the client?

The reasons for refusing a loan are always the sum of reasons, and they often do not differ from the requirements of other banking organizations.

  • Age. "Risk group" - clients 21 years old and younger, and over 65 years old. Young people will be rejected (the most high percent), who have just turned 21, so you should not go for a loan on the day of your civil majority, it is better to contact Sberbank two or three months after it.
  • The term of the loan is up to five years.
  • Constant employment. This includes general experience(more than a year over the past five years) and short-term (at the current workplace - at least six months).

In the piggy bank of a positive decision to issue a loan, the client's guarantors or collateral will also affect.

Why does Sberbank refuse a loan if the credit history is good?

Refusal is received not only by clients with a positive credit history, but also with a low level of income. The limit is not officially established anywhere, so it is difficult for the client to navigate the issue. Online calculators will provide some help. If the income level is much lower than the requested amount, then the calculator will give a decision on a small loan under similar conditions.

How to find out the reason for refusing a loan?

  • Inquire about the reasons for the refusal. Sometimes they become clear when clarifying the clauses of the contract.
  • Check the documents again, including for errors or typos. Re-request the credit history to the BKI. Find out about your debts, if any, and reconcile the received salary certificates with the originals by contacting the accounting department.
  • After a while, repeat the request. If you refuse again for no reason, you should choose another banking organization.

2017 has recently come into its own, but some residents of Russia have already tried to get a loan from Sberbank, having been refused. The financial situation in the world is unstable, therefore, the percentage of loan refusals in recent times became much higher.

In order to successfully get a loan from the bank in the future, you should understand the reasons why it refused during the last attempt.

There may be several reasons. This article will discuss the most common in practice:

Most often, a loan refusal can be obtained due to a negative credit history. If any of the clauses of the agreement were violated during the loan period, then further cooperation with the bank will be spoiled.

Modern banks try to cooperate with each other, they even maintain a common database of "bad" clients. Remember that in order to spoil your credit history, it is enough to be late for the next payment just once.

When deciding on a loan, the bank tries to fully verify its client. He has the right to apply to the competent authorities and if he detects cases of fraud or other violations of the law, the loan will be refused.

A similar decision will be made in the event that the borrower has several more incompletely repaid loans. It is best not to withhold such information from bank employees, as it will still be verified.

Vendor verification scheme.

The size of the salary is extremely rarely the reason for refusal - most often a different loan amount or a different repayment period will be offered.

Why Sberbank refuses salary clients

It is quite understandable why Sberbank may refuse a loan to the “first comer” person with whom it has not previously cooperated. Why, then, can he refuse even clients who receive salaries from the same bank? There can be many reasons.

For example, a person who works for a loan applies to a bank director general any company. In fact, he is not yet 20 years old, and education is, at best, secondary specialized.

This rarely becomes a reason for refusal, especially if the credit history is good. But you have to answer a few awkward questions. The client is checked not only by the bank employees, but also by the security personnel, and their opinion is often decisive.

How to reduce the risk of loan refusal, see this video:

The most common reason for refusal is data inaccuracy. At the same time, it is enough to make only a minor and unintentional mistake, for example, by indicating the wrong number in the work phone number.

When can I apply for a new loan after a cancellation

On the Sberbank website it is indicated that if the response to the application did not come within the day the application was submitted, then you should wait some more time. At any time, the status of the application can be found at any branch of Sberbank or by calling the hotline.

Currently, the result of the decision is communicated via SMS notification. But if for a long time no decision was made, then there is a high probability of a negative decision by the bank.

In this case, it is advisable to find out the reason for the refusal, if possible, correct your mistakes and try to apply again.

Borrowers often wonder how many days it will take to reapply for a loan. In 2017, the legislation did not make any restrictions - you can apply even an hour after the first refusal.

Is it realistic to challenge the negative decision of Sberbank

If the client is dissatisfied with the decision of Sberbank to issue a loan, then for a positive decision it is required that the following changes take place in the credit history:

  • increase in wages;
  • attraction of guarantors;
  • payment of current loans;
  • additional income.

What are loans without interest, you will learn from the article.

You will not be able to challenge the negative decision of Sberbank, all that remains is to improve your credit history. Before applying for a loan, you should first resolve the following issues:

  1. whether there are overdue payments on past loans;
  2. whether all types of income can be confirmed by documents;
  3. whether credit card debts have been paid off;
  4. whether income is commensurate with the size of the loan and the monthly payment.

The main reasons for refusing a loan.

How to change your credit history

Bad credit history is a big inconvenience and almost always a guaranteed refusal to issue a loan. But the situation can be corrected, and in several ways:


It is difficult to imagine our life without loans, so we often have to turn to the services of Sberbank. Often a client is denied a loan, but do not despair.

No person decides to take out a loan without a good reason. Each submission of a questionnaire to the bank is accompanied by the hope for approval, and most often - by an urgent need for it. Naturally, the rejection of the application causes indignation in the potential borrower, especially in conditions when he does not see any reason for this. Bank employees never comment on a decision credit commission... And yet, after analyzing the statistics, one can identify several answers to the question of why Sberbank refuses a loan with a good credit history.

Common reasons for Sberbank's refusal to lend

The most common reason for refusal is unsatisfactory scoring data (preliminary examination of the questionnaire). The most common situations are:

  • the client has submitted applications to several banks at once;
  • requested too large sum a loan that does not correspond to the income of a citizen.
The main reasons for the bank's refusal to loan

This stage is usually carried out using automated systems... Applications don't even get to the credit fee. The answer comes quickly, but, alas, it is negative. The next stage of consideration of the client's questionnaire is the assessment of the credit history of a potential borrower. Here the refusal can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • excessive debt load - a person has too many loans from other banks and MFOs, there may not be enough income to service another one;
  • availability of a guarantee - if a citizen acts as a guarantor for a loan from someone, from the point of view of the bank, this will be considered as a valid loan;
  • exceeding the limits on a loan at Sberbank - Sberbank has established certain amounts of arrears on loans issued to them for each client, they cannot be exceeded.

Also, you should not write off trivial mistakes in your credit history. Banks do not always send data to the BCH on time that the loan taken from them has been repaid and the payment has been made on time. Therefore, in critical situations, you should first check your credit reputation and only then fill out application forms for new loans.

Also, a refusal can be received for some other reasons. Namely:

  • the presence of a criminal record of the borrower or one of his close relatives;
  • complete absence of credit history (bank loans have never been issued before);
  • detection of inconsistency of documents with the requirements of the bank (or forgery of papers);
  • lack of permanent registration.

These are the most common answers to the question why Sberbank does not give a loan. Nuances are also possible, depending on the type of loan product or the category of the borrower.

How to find out the reasons for refusal to receive a loan

Bank employees usually do not comment on the decision of the credit commission. And Sberbank is no exception in this regard. When submitting an application, employees of the credit department can immediately correct some points that could lead to a refusal:

  • to draw the attention of the borrower to the fact that the requested amount is too large;
  • check the expiration dates of documents and ask them to update;
  • clarify the credit limits in your bank and the degree of the client's debt load.

If any of the above can be corrected, this will be done at the stage of submitting the questionnaire. The loan manager is no less interested in the client's approval of the application, since his salary depends on this. But after receiving a refusal, it is no longer possible to find out its reasons.

Why Sberbank refused salary clients

Salary clients are usually in a privileged position with Sberbank. They can apply for loans with only one passport without proof of income. And their credit limits are almost twice as high as those of other categories of people. But salary workers may have loan refusals.

Before you find out the reasons for the rejection of the application, you should figure out who the salary client is. Today, any employee can submit an application to the accounting department of his organization with a request to transfer his salary to the card in the bank of his choice. But at the same time, he will not be considered a salary client. This category includes only persons who have received bank cards from an enterprise, as part of its participation in salary project Sberbank. If a citizen voluntarily transferred the salary to a Sberbank card or quit the company where he received the card, he does not belong to the category of salaries.

If Sberbank has refused a loan to a salary client corresponding to necessary requirements(who received a card from an enterprise and continues to work at it), there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Exceeding the credit limit. Perhaps the borrower already has loans in Sberbank, and their total volume does not allow receiving the requested amount.
  2. Borrower's age. If a citizen is too close to the upper age threshold, his loan should be calculated in such a way that he has time to repay it on time. If it is impossible to establish the term of the loan and the amount of payment in accordance with this criterion, the bank may refuse the loan.
  3. Expiration of documents. Most often, banks refuse to borrowers who have 1–2 months before the date of passport replacement.

Refusal with good credit history

Why are applications from people with a good credit reputation not approved? Three options are possible here:

  • the applicant has too many outstanding loans;
  • the applicant has never taken out a loan before;
  • error in the BKI data.

A person may consider his credit history to be good, but from the point of view of the bank, it is not always so. Therefore, it is worth periodically submitting inquiries to the BKI, as well as assessing your credit rating using special services.

What to do if the bank refused to issue a loan

Refusal to issue a small consumer credit it is quite possible to survive. But if a person needs a large amount or a mortgage loan, you need to think over your actions in case the application is rejected.

Submitting a reapplication

The borrower can submit a repeated application to Sberbank no earlier than 60 days after receiving the decision on the first application. This applies to all credit products: consumer loans, mortgages, credit cards... In case of earlier contact, the manager in the department simply will not accept the documents offered to him. You will also not be able to submit an application through the web account, the system will block it automatically. Before re-applying, you should try to reduce the factors of failure to a minimum:

  • check the expiration dates of personal documents;
  • get a permanent residence permit instead of temporary registration;
  • check your credit history and eliminate deficiencies;
  • repay part of existing loans or refinance them.

With the right preparation, the chances of getting approval on reapplication will increase in order.

How to change your credit history

Anyone can fix their credit history. But first, you need to check it by requesting the data in the appropriate bureau. This procedure is available to citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge.

Further - in the complete absence of loans, it is worth contacting a couple of MFOs for a start. By taking small loans and returning them on time, and maybe even ahead of schedule, a citizen will create a precedent. After that, it will be much easier to get a small loan or credit card with minimum limit in a small bank. Received credit product you should also take some time and return ahead of time... After that, you can already contact more large banks.

The procedure will be approximately the same for those whose credit history is damaged by late payments. Here, too, to begin with, you should act through MFOs - they are the most loyal to clients. But all borrowed loans will need to be repaid strictly on time.

If, however, records of a long-repaid loan were found in the data of the CRI, you must contact the bank that issued it. It is good if the citizen has a certificate of full repayment... If not, you will have to check the data with bank employee, and then write an application for re-sending information to the BCI. It can take a couple of weeks to update your credit history.

What affects a Personal Credit Rating?

Is it possible to challenge the unsatisfactory decision of Sberbank

Unfortunately, Sberbank does not accept any objections to the decisions he made. To challenge the decision of the credit commission, even in the bank itself, even in court, is a futile matter. It will be much more beneficial to turn to another lender or work on your credit reputation while waiting for the re-application deadline.


There are many reasons why Sberbank may reject a loan application. The client will not be able to find out exactly which of them was refused - the bank does not comment on its decisions and does not allow them to be challenged. But the information from this article will help future borrowers to properly prepare for a visit to Sberbank and minimize the risk of refusal.

What are the reasons for this to happen? What should be done in this situation? Sorting out all this is not so difficult. It is enough to know the conditions imposed on the borrower. They are often the reason for refusal. So how to behave if you came to Sberbank for a loan, but you were not given it, and even refuse to name the true reason for their behavior?

First conversation

When you come to the bank for a loan, you need to go through the so-called interview. This is an obligatory process that will show you from one side or the other. If you seem suspicious to a bank employee, you will not be able to get a loan. You were denied a loan at Sberbank without even looking at your documents? Then the reason really lies in the conversation. Most likely, either you seem to be a very wealthy person, and this fact raises suspicion, or you are insolvent. Do not be surprised at rejections. It only remains to try again after a while.


In order to take a loan from a bank, you need to prove your income. More precisely, solvency. Any citizen applying for a loan should be able to repay the debt. NO EXCEPTIONS! This is the most important point that only can be. Have you been denied a loan at Sberbank? Why did it happen? There are several options:

  • you have no income;
  • your earnings are too low;
  • suspiciously high profit.

Remember, banks do not give loans to insolvent citizens, people with low salaries, too. If you have a high level of income, the refusal also takes place. After all, self-sufficient people do not need loans. It is very likely that you are a scammer. This is an extra reinsurance on the part of the bank.

Another bank

Have you been denied a loan at Sberbank? For what reasons could the refusal follow? There are a lot of them. They can find fault with everything. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to another interesting point. Remember, have you applied the other day to some other banking organization for a loan? If your application for this moment is under consideration, or you received a refusal for some reason, Sberbank is unlikely to contact you. Appealing to competitors is one of the reasons for the sad outcome. Sberbank does not chase after clients, they come themselves. Therefore, the organization has the right to put forward strict requirements for borrowers. This is completely normal.

Open credit

These are not all options for the development of events. there are a lot of such behavior. For example, if you already have an outstanding loan, you will not be given a new one. And not only Sberbank, but none at all banking company... Before applying for a new loan, do not forget to pay off the previous one. Otherwise, you are guaranteed refusals. Only unscrupulous firms contact debtors. Sberbank is not one of them. So either you will have to close the debts, or you will need to look for some kind of microfinance organization. It is they who often issue loans without any problems. Albeit in small amounts.

Credit history

"They refused a loan at Sberbank. I never took a loan from them. Why did this happen?" - it is of this kind that questions from citizens are more and more often encountered. Especially for those who have not previously applied to this company for a loan. What are the reasons for the refusal? Several options have been listed previously. But more important role your credit history plays. Perhaps it is as important as the level of income.

Sberbank will never give a loan to a person with a tarnished credit history. To receive money from this organization, you should not have had any problems earlier. Only the best and solvent citizens in Sberbank can get a loan. There are no exceptions. Therefore, it is advisable not to apply here with a bad credit history. Find yourself some other company to get a loan.


Denied a loan at Sberbank? Why did it happen? Sometimes the age of the borrower can play a cruel joke with him. Sberbank has established its own rules for citizens who want to get money on credit. One of the selection criteria is the borrower's age.

At the moment, only a person who has reached the age of 21 is eligible to receive a loan. At the same time, loans are not issued to pensioners under any pretext. Citizens have the right to apply to Sberbank for a loan only before they turn 60. After that, the likelihood of getting a rejection increases.


Another reason could be your appearance... It is often a visiting card of a citizen. This means that he points to the solvency and conscientiousness of a person. Nobody gives a loan to someone who looks sloppy. Just like those who look very wealthy. It has already been said that the excessive gloss and gloss of a citizen suggests the idea of ​​fraud. Therefore, you should not be surprised that you were not given a loan. This is a very common practice.

Have you been denied a loan at Sberbank? When can I apply again? It is advisable to do this when you meet all the requirements of the organization. Otherwise, it will not work to bring the idea to life.

No clarification

Many people complain that the bank refuses to explain the true reason for the refusal. This is a common practice for such organizations. The thing is that non-disclosure of this information serves as a kind of insurance. From whom? From scammers.

It is enough to simply inform the real reason for the refusal to issue a loan so that an unscrupulous client can work through all his mistakes and then try his luck again. Nobody wants to get involved with scammers. Therefore, you will not wait for an explanation of why they refused a loan at Sberbank. How to find out the reason for this? Only by an independent analysis of the documents you have, as well as your personality. All this will help to find the true cause of the problems.

Action plan

Often, even after several appeals to the bank, citizens are denied loans. How then to behave? Many people think about this. Have you been denied a loan at Sberbank? Where to get a loan? In order to receive the required amount Money in this case, it is recommended not to contact Sberbank again. Don't waste precious time. Instead, find a more loyal loan organization. Sberbank is very responsible when it comes to choosing borrowers. He makes no concessions.

No more alternatives are offered. Remember: a solvent citizen who has been working in one organization for a long time will not be refused. It is rare for someone without a reason not to issue a loan at Sberbank. Everything has its own rationale. It is recommended to apply again, but you should not constantly go to Sberbank. It is much easier to contact a microfinance organization or another bank that is more loyal to clients.

What to do if money is needed urgently, but Sberbank refused a loan? The reason for the refusal of a loan at Sberbank may be that he doubts the client's solvency and his responsibility, which will be associated with regular payments. By the way, a refusal can be made even if the credit history is good.

Despite the fact that large banks have the right not to issue a money loan without explaining the reasons, many want to understand on what grounds this could happen and whether it is possible to somehow influence the unpleasant situation.

Why does Sberbank refuse its customers - employees most often do not have the right to disclose the reasons, so that on occasion the information does not fall into the hands of unreliable people or simply fraudsters. It is important to understand that when a person is being screened (after they have applied for a loan), banking structure a significant number of criteria are considered. Moreover, each of them may not always have a positive impact on the final decision.

Why the client is denied a loan:

  • due to the total debt burden in other institutions, when he spends most of his salary to pay off existing debts. Of course, in this case the risk increases that if a person takes another loan, he simply will not be able to cope with the obligations assumed, which will turn out to be simply unbearable;
  • serious errors in the existing credit history. For example, the previous debt has been paid, but with serious and regular delays - this can also affect the final decision in a negative way;
  • age qualification - if the client is too young (from 18 to 21 years old) and at the same time does not have serious guarantors, the organization has full right consider him unreliable;
  • appearance - it happens that a potential borrower looks too untidy or his alcohol abuse is evident. In this case, as a rule, a refusal is received quickly without explanation;
  • bank employees may be alerted by the fact that the client refuses to take out insurance. Thus, current risks increase and the bank's profit decreases, which contributes to making a decision not in favor of the client.

Why Sberbank refuses a loan to salary clients

Why does Sberbank refuse to loan to salary clients? It would seem that this category of potential borrowers should enjoy certain advantages. Salary clients (that is, those who receive salaries for plastic cards Sberbank) are much more likely to get the necessary loan, however, their privileges, too, cannot be endless.

Moreover, all their income and expenses are constantly in the field of view of the bank, since most of the purchases are now paid with the help of cards. In the event of a final refusal, Sberbank employees have every right not to disclose its true motives, however, there are a number of so-called unofficial reasons why banks refuse to certain categories of citizens:

  • too little work experience: the bank is unlikely to issue a loan to a person who has just got a new job, is on a trial period, or simply has not yet had time to establish itself;
  • income level that does not meet the requirements for potential borrowers. In other words, if wage too small (even if the person is officially employed) in the issuance of money may be refused;
  • the presence of delinquencies on other debts. Whether the client has debts in other institutions is easy to check by making an appropriate request to the BCH (credit bureau). In the event of serious delays and long non-payments, such a client will not receive a new loan;
  • incorrect filling of personal data: many errors, false information, etc. Before submitting an application, it must be properly checked. Such an annoying misunderstanding also often causes a negative response;
  • even if the income level of a potential borrower is high, but upon inquiry to the BCH it turns out that he has a large number of outstanding debts to other financial organizations, Sberbank has every right to refuse to issue another loan, having good reason for this.

Reasons for rejection with good credit history

If you have a good credit history, a person may be perplexed as to why Sberbank refused a loan. The reason, most often, is associated with the same CRI, in which all delinquencies on other debts, their size and regularity are carefully recorded. At the same time, the amounts of delinquencies, as such, are not a decisive factor for Sberbank: the very fact of their presence plays a role here, which can once again become a confirmation of unreliability. Inquiries to the CHB show how much a potential borrower is "credited" with other institutions, as well as the amount of his debts in relation to the amount of current income.

According to the generally accepted banking formula, the amount of monthly payments on loans should not be higher than thirty-five percent of basic income. In the event that payments are significantly higher, this often becomes a motivation for refusing a loan, even if the client's credit history does not have significant complaints.

How to find out the reason for the refusal

If such a reputable institution as Sberbank refused a loan, the reason for the refusal of the loan can be clarified by clarifying the information with the employees of the relevant department. Sometimes it is possible to find out the reason for the refusal: most often it consists in non-compliance with the requirements of the bank, which in a mild form can be explained to the failed borrower.

If the loan was denied without explaining the reasons, there is an opportunity to try to analyze your personal situation on your own, by ordering your own history of loans. Considering the current requirements financial institution, it is easy to take an objective look at yourself, at the level of your income and existing debts, realizing that the negative decision, in fact, was fair.

If the client believes that the decision, nevertheless, was biased, it is allowed to submit a claim to the bank by submitting an application to the official portal. It should clearly state the requirements for the explanation of the reasons. The response time is one month.

Re-applying for a loan

If the loan is not approved by Sberbank, reapplication after refusal is possible only after two months. After how long you can try to take a loan again - not earlier than the specified period, with a repeated appeal either online or to the office.

Of course, after an unsuccessful attempt to get a loan from Sberbank, a person is often at a loss and does not know what to do. There is always a way out of the situation, the main thing is to try to change your life on your own so as to best meet the conditions that a serious financial organization justly presents.

First of all, it will not hurt to get a higher-paying job, and if it comes to borrowing large sum money, it is recommended to attract serious and responsible guarantors. You should also pay off those debts that you already have as soon as possible, and when opportunities allow - think about additional earnings.

Taking a bank loan is a serious business and anyone can get a negative answer. The main thing is to understand that it is necessary not only to meet certain requirements, but also not to abuse the bank's trust and official position, since too much debt load also often becomes a reason for mistrust.

How to get a loan from Sberbank:

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state